#part 71
histoireettralala · 1 year
Incorrect Quotes
Lannes: I do two things and two things only, I devastate sorry motherfuckers, and get shit done as an awesome leader.
Murat: I just had a thought. Napoleon: I'll buy you a card to commemorate the moment.
Masséna: Do you believe in conspiracy theories ? Augereau: No. Masséna: Would you like to start one ? Augereau: Absolutely.
Napoleon: Do you ever think before you do something ? Lannes: nope! I like being just as surprised as everyone else. Ney: Lannes, WTF Lannes: The enemies can't know my next move if I don't know my next move either.
Napoleon: So, did everyone learn their lesson ? Augereau: No. Lannes: I did not. Berthier: I may have actually forgotten one. Ney: Also no. Poniatowski: Oh good, it's not just me. Davout: exhausted sigh Murat: There was a lesson ?
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mooniace · 1 year
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Part 71
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demonlordcosnime · 2 months
lets play persona 3 reload part 71
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mushroom-punk · 4 days
every day i wake up and think about the fucked up dog subtext in jingo. what the hell even. happy pride month
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enfrigginfuego · 1 year
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Zenigata breaking the fourth wall is my new favorite thing ever.
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You mentioned Linda and that actually reminds me of John allegedly saying Linda’s legs were too skinny? I think I read about it in the jhp days but honestly it’s too amusingly petty that it has to be fake. Just wondering it you or anyone heard about that. There’s so much bizarre tidbits in the PaulvsYoko history that John’s dislike/indifference of Linda gets understandably brushed over but I think it’s funny. Especially since she liked him lol
He says in the St. Regis interview: "I didn't think she was particularly attractive. A bit too tweedy, you know." which is fucking rude already lol. Like Nobody Asked John!!!
I feel like I've heard the skinny legs thing mentioned, but I don't know whether it was a real quote or just the same rumours you came across. It does seem like A Bit Too Much to be real, but with John you never know.
Linda being so excessively generous to John for no reason is endlessly fascinating, you're right. It makes me wonder how much Paul explained about John to her when they first met. Or perhaps she was just that emotionally intelligent and could see through his rudeness towards her in a way it didn't affect her much and she just ended up feeling bad. Much To Think About.
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theheadlessgroom · 5 months
Why is she so cold? Randall half-wondered to himself, as he listened to her with a tender smile: He couldn't help but notice this as he held her hand, wishing for nothing more than to warm her with everything he had. He hated to think this poor woman was cold, even in the summer, and so he found himself taking her hands the way a lover might, hoping he could chase away the chill.
"I...I'm glad you came in last night," he smiled, giving her hand a little squeeze. "I...I know how you feel, in a way; my life, it's...been pretty lonely too lately, it's been very, uh...monotonous, I guess is the word. I get up, I go to work, I go to bed...rinse and repeat. And so for you to come along and just...shake up my whole world, it feels like? It's wonderful."
He didn't know what compelled her to come into the shop last night. He didn't know what drew her in put them on one another's path, nor did he knew what about himself it was that so attracted her, but he wasn't about to question it, as he finished shyly, and yet completely earnestly, "I'm...I'm very excited for tomorrow night too-there's no one I'd rather spend an evening out with than you."
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miss-may-i · 1 year
Miss May I: Season 3 Part 71
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Vivian: You know that high pitched squeal? That’s the bell.
Julian: This is the bathroom since you haven’t noticed. Don’t think you’re supposed to be in here.
Vivian: And you’re not supposed to be smoking in here. You’re lucky I don’t suspend you.
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Julian: Then do it. I’m sick of it here. 
Vivian: You might think that would be doing you a favor, but that would be on your permanent record forever. Come on, Isabella is already in class and waiting for you. You know what she’ll be like if you don’t show up. Just like a lost little puppy. 
Julian: *Sighs*
Julian: Fine. 
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this morning when I went downstairs my mom immediately started questioning me about a notification she’d gotten while she’d had my phone about health and I was so scared like oh no is she mad about the mood trackers I have or was it from simply plural since that’s a health app or what-
it was a spam text about health insurance 💀
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heartvisor · 11 months
it comes from a very tangential train of thought, but i got the idea of "what would a theoretical shin kr style tachibana racing club girl look like?" and now i really want to try drawing the idea
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machinavocis · 3 months
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plz blame my low quality sleepdeprived shitposting on the fact that i've been project-managing a production department of me through the two most extensive & challenging projects of my career for more or less the past 6 months
which have involved stuff like designing the above homepage in an overnight 10 hour blitz that ended 8 minutes before the meeting where i had to present it to the client (which actually went super well despite my being too sleepdeprived at that point to really be able to tell.) but i do kinda like this. idk. it's got some vibes.
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vintageurovision · 1 year
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Un Banc, Un Abre, Une Rue, Séverine | Monaco, Eurovision Song Contest 1971
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demonlordcosnime · 7 months
lets play genshim impact part 71
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Oh no no no no noooooooo
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so like why did the dude in the sun temple (pollo) say that Jay looked familar. what was that about
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anisaanisa · 2 years
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Chainsaw Man, Chapter 71 Special Illustration, Tatsuki Fujimoto ☆
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