#particularly opm
q-theeccentric · 9 months
when will the day come when there is a surge of posts about filipino art and media on tumblr please
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gofancyninjaworld · 7 months
OPM Volume 30 manga inner covers and illustrations
Courtesy of u/Ferdz0
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badjohnspeakeasy · 2 years
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Here's some Psykos content for y'all. In an alternate universe, where Psykos escaped and tried to get another job after the Monster Association.
There's no escaping justice, Psykos.
Credit to this guy for the bottom panel.
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scary-senpai · 2 years
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Oh, neat! Thanks for the serotonin, everyone
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coolshadowtwins · 7 months
I really like “Truth Serum” trope in fanficion, particularly in Svsss fanfic because I think it’s can be a number of things- funny, angst, sweet.
HOWEVER, I feel like there isn’t enough where SY gets Truth Serum-ed, and his romantic partner, martial siblings and/or disciples get to see his absolutely unhinged thoughts.
Like, sure, you get a system reveal out of this, but I also think this is funnier if the bit where SY isn’t SJ isn’t revealed makes this so much funnier.
It’s the trial and SY is made to tell the truth, except it’s his whole thought process tumbling out and he just can’t help ‘Peerless Cucumber’ ranting and tearing apart OPM in front of everyone like the internet troll he still is deep down. Yue Qingyuan is just letting this happen.
It’s post canon and Luo Binghe is subjected to his husband’s feral thought process about him, and how great he is, and how he is definitely not gay for marrying him because come on. Look at Binghe.
It’s during the years after the conference and Liu Qingge is having to hold a ranting SY back from making the demons who got them in this mess cry, because SY isn’t going just a little too hard in his rant. Also he keeps saying how pretty LQQ is but how everyone must think that jeez, which is not helping the situation.
It’s at any point and Mu Qingfang is pretending to have a normal conversation with SY, under the cover of getting this truth serum nonsense fixed. Except SY just keeps saying the wildest shit about his health and what he does to manage it and Mu Qingfang just wants him to keep going at this point to learn the medical things that SY would never admit on a normal day.
I know this might sound like a normal fanfic with this trope, but I just feel like I have never seen one where the people who care about SY are forced to witness him being a bastard internet troll that we all know he is.
Anyway if anyone had some fanfic recs, I would love some lol
EDIT: I made a post with the fics that have been rec’ed that can be found here!
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theomnicode · 23 days
Saitama and depression; how OPM explores mental health
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(TW: Depression, Suicide)
Many readers have more than likely noticed that Saitama seems like a pretty depressed individual, however it is never directly stated besides the above Saitama introspection where he acknowledges it and promptly puts it out of his mind.
This topic came to my mind after seeing this particular video about 8 oddly specific symptoms of depression by Dr. Scott Eilers that are not often talked about. We're going to talk about them and then some. Take note that I'm not a doctor or mental health specialist, I'm just writing meta so that's my disclaimer. :p
We'll start from the beginning and with the heaviest topic of em all related to depression and see how One Punch Man explores this particular mental health issue and move on from there.
Warning, long post ahead.
The most obvious sign of major depression is well, suicidal thoughts and suicidal ideation that Saitama exhibits as early as chapter 2. He never denies wanting to die by Crablante's hand.
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Saitama also heavily relates to the guy who wanted to jump from rooftop while he was eating sushi and bluntly talks to him to pull himself up his bootstraps essentially as he did on his own, interpreting that sounding fake and sweetalking would not get through to the guy. (Salmon, Vol 7 extra)
Other signs pointing towards depression would be low energy, lack of motivation, self-isolation, hobbies that are low-energy consuming but stimulating like gaming, manga, watching tv and such, all of which Saitama exhibits... but another common depression symptom is Anhedonia.
"A diverse array of deficits in hedonic function, including reduced motivation or ability to experience pleasure, particularly from previously enjoyable activities."
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The doctor in the video describes Achievement anesthesia by the inability to feel positive emotions from achievements. Despite Saitama saving plenty people, he only feels a lack of accomplishment and probably frustration from feelings of uselessness. He used to take joy and satisfaction from helping people out in the past (Brushing up, vol2 extra), but the same and even vastly stronger merits now only serve to highlight how little he feels about them now.
A great contrast.
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What was once a great victory, is now just yet another tuesday for Saitama. (One of my fave panels)
Even worse, he does not get brownie points for being a good, upstanding citizen. He gets no money and rarely appreciation for the good he does and that just accumulates his depression when his neighborhood emptied. And with his power, he also gets to clean up the mess because he has the power and it's the right thing to do, be it from picking up litter to saving little kids from getting kidnapped (What can't Be Bought, Vol 5 Extra). But such also breeds jealousy when everyone else reap the rewards, reap the fame and the fans and the good reputation.
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The stress of trying to be a good person with moral integrity in a bad world is a heavy load, which can lead to depression, lack of motivation and things like compassion fatigue. The more he tries to find something worthy of doing, the more he invests in it, the more he keeps getting disappointed by the lackluster feeling and reception he gets.
Saitama beats himself up for moral failures, which is a contributing factor for his depression, such as when he was in the tournament and monsters were running amok, despite not having no prior knowledge of monsters around the area. The complete lack of explicit improvement on things he wants to do however, is the most sore point. He didn't learn a thing in the tournament and just felt like he was wasting time, conditioning him to think that self-improvement is just a waste of time on itself because he won't learn anything anyway.
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Being good at something naturally makes one feel better about themselves and Saitama's low self-esteem and for instance, lack of skill in gaming, creates friction and Angry perfectionism. One especially doesn't want their few fun hobbies to feel like hollow endeavours. Being competitive, one would want to git gud and accomplish growth and getting constantly trashed by one finger keeps driving it home that Saitama is not actually good at this thing either, something that he wants to enjoy doing. Saitama also constantly projects his bad mood and this insecurity by trying to trash talk King, without much success. King is such a good friend though that fortunately the does not seem to mind Saitama getting pissed at being a sore loser. True pro gamer bro.
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Lets pray Saitama never finds that mmorpg's have hardcore raids, he would never be able to leave the house again. 😂
Which brings us to the last point in the video, Addiction to emotion-creating activities.
If Saitama was any less strong willed and less restrained and if he actually had money to spare, he would 100% develop a gambling addiction. Keep this man far, far away from social media too.
However, as soon as something...or someone...breaks through that fugue and creates actual emotion, one can develop an addiction to the thing because our brains want/need that dopamine fix.
Genos just so happened to barge into his very lonely life life and became that someone to create that emotional connection with and Genos provides too when he's taken over cleaning and majority of the cooking and even finances, something that people with depression struggle to accomplish. When Saitama cooks, it's usually not very difficult dish to prepare either, chop ingredients and toss them into the pan. Saitama also loves food and needs money to feel like he's financially secure, being unemployed, and has little social contacts, so it's like triple-dipping in the dopamine sauce. Nomnom, feelsgoodman.
It's all well and good until shit gets real and your main source of feel-good emotional connection just dies. Oh and it's your fault too cuz you played around. Good job Saitama. That's a deadly amount of guilt and a PTSD as a cherry on top.
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Genos' continued existence is essentially applying bandaid to a bleeding head wound that's Saitama's mental health issues.
Ultimately, I do wonder if ripping off the bandaid is why Saitama wants to get back his private space away from Genos, because he subconsciously understands it's not very healthy to be so emotionally dependant and Genos is just as obsessed about him. The allure of social contact and benefits are great, but so too are the detrimental effects, among them complete lack of privacy which is a nightmare for a private introvert like Saitama.
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(Yes yes, it's still pretty dang funny, but it's still invasion of privacy)
Last example of Saitama's depression I want to touch, thanks to @gofancyninjaworld for the input, is Saitama's forgetfulness, a memory disruption if you will.
"Depressed individuals typically show poor memory for positive events, potentiated memory for negative events, and impaired recollection."
It is a running joke that Saitama has difficulty recalling names, which may be entirely normal because he does not really care to remember names for people he's improbable to meet later and emotional connection and repetition helps us memorize things better (such as Genos having to repeat his name upon introduction), however Saitama has also showcased potentially impaired recollection for events that happened just moments prior.
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(Again, a great contrast. Show, don't tell, where one shows obvious signs of depression and another...not so obvious, in the same panel, in a humorous way to boot. Masterful way of tackling heavy topics, in my humble opinion.)
Genos worries for his memory in the Majin drama cd 1 and often tries to accomodate for his lapses of memory too, be it long ultimate attack name phrase, marking special sales or whatnot. Saitama forgetting to take out trash and forgetting names is normal, but it may be exacerbated by his depression.
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The more telling part is probably the fact that even when his memory is jogged, he still does not remember Flash's name. It's like he never registered the name in the first place, maybe he did not bother because he thought it wasn't important but it does not appear he's trolling here and legitimately does not remember. Though he does remember the nickname he gave for Flash instead, which is funny. He made it up on the spot and it's hilarious, so it stuck.
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The less emotional connection one has to things, the less likely we are to remember those things, such as the monsters Saitama kills are blurred together because he feels no self-satisfaction from killing said monsters and protecting people.
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In the sense that memory block can also be a trauma response, ONE makes Saitama's complete lack of recall of the ominous future a running joke in classic ONE fashion. It's either that or time shenanigans. Or both, both is good.
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Last but not least, Saitama also shows that he recalls little to no appreciation from helping people, despite the rare occasion where he receives gratitude from directly intervening and he definitely remembers the more negative events better, such as when he complained about going unnoticed and not having fans. (Hobby and work, cpt 15). He can recite the story to Genos when asked but there does not seem to be instance where he mentions such without prompted.
All is not lost in the memory department however, since Saitama shows a potential memory recall improvement in the recent retconnect chapter Tenninto where he recognises the martial art dudes from the tournament he was in. It might be nothing, as it was retconned too but ONE is definitely keeping it in mind.
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It is quite fitting thought that the video talks about how "normal people look like superheroes" because they have the energy and motivation to do daily tasks and OPM is a superhero manga about a person who's the strongest hero but he barely considers himself a hero. ONE has also said in an interview that just living a "normal life" is hard and OPM definitely reflects that sentiment.
Saitama is slowly getting there though. He seems happier, more confident, more outgoing and a larger array of emotional displays, to the point that some people in the fandom have voiced their complaints about the apathetic hero apparently smiling too often. To that I say, character progression is a thing and a good thing at that.
Saitama even has better gait when he used to slouch and drag his feet that bespeaks of his increasing self-confidence. Less self-doubts + more confidence = more gains.
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He was also able to calm down despite losing heavily to King in a fighting game and still feeling very irritated after the fact, but offered his blunt advice to lift weights anyway, which would indicate better emotional regulation. His attention span has also seemingly improved, despite the Knight yapping away for an entire panel. (Worlds I know nothing about, cpt 193). Then even when the entire thing of releasing an epic monster was just as boring monster encounter as the rest of them, he seemingly took it as a learning experience of expanding his world-view instead of complaining his utter boredom. He also recalls the tiny tidbit about Flash's utter lack of finding his way in the underground maze and remembers Blast, his name and thanks him for getting them out of the underground hole.
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(Mathing is hard though but this may also be a 4th wall breaking meme because we've never seen Saitama defeat sonic 14 times on screen. Are we being gaslit? lmao)
Closing thoughts, we've not seen the last of Saitama's mental health journey, far from it. Nor have we adressed that legitimate concern of PTSD in the background and I'm sure it will pop up at some point or another...too much of an opportunity for ONE to just ignore in this master thesis of a manga about issues he feels are important.
Anyways, thank you all for reading this far, it's been a while. :D
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dinodaweeb · 2 months
thoughts on saitama with an airhead lover?
um fucking awesome 🗣️🗣️🚨 omg I need more opm content!! Forgive me if this was not what u wanted 🗣️☝️ but I love comedy
PERMANENT IMPRESSIONS | Saitama x Gn!Airhead!Reader
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Saitama stretched lazily on the couch, flipping through channels with a disinterested expression. His usual routine of hero work and mundane errands had left him feeling particularly bored today. Just as he was about to settle on a nature documentary, the front door swung open, and his lover, You bounded in with an exuberant grin.
“Saitama! Guess what I did today!” You exclaimed, bouncing on your toes.
Saitama raised an eyebrow, already bracing himself for whatever unpredictable adventure you had embarked on this time. “What did you do?”
You rolled up your sleeve to reveal a fresh tattoo of a mosquito on your forearm. Saitama’s eyes widened slightly as he took in the detailed design.
“A mosquito?” he asked, puzzled.
“Yeah! I got it to spite you,” You said proudly. “Remember that one mosquito you couldn’t kill? Well, now you have to look at it every day!”
Saitama sighed deeply, shaking his head. “You really went and got a tattoo of a mosquito just for that?”
“Absolutely,” they replied, beaming. “Isn’t it hilarious?”
Saitama rubbed his temples. “You do realize tattoos are permanent, right?”
You shrugged, unfazed. “Yeah, but it’s funny. Plus, it’s just one little tattoo.”
The next day, Saitama came home to find you with yet another new tattoo. This time, it was an intricate design of a robot on their upper arm.
“Let me guess,” Saitama said, dropping his grocery bags on the counter. “You got that because you think Genos is cool?”
“Exactly!” You said, eyes sparkling with excitement. “He’s so awesome with all his gadgets and stuff. I wanted to honor that.”
Saitama sighed, feeling a mix of amusement and exasperation. “You know you don’t need to get tattoos to show admiration, right?”
“But it looks so cool!” you protested, flexing your arm to show off the robot.
Days later, Saitama was unsurprised but still slightly dismayed when you revealed yet another new addition. This time, it was a large cross on your back.
“Why a cross?” Saitama asked, genuinely curious.
“It looks badass, doesn’t it?” you said, twirling to give him a full view. “I saw this design in a magazine and thought it would make me look tough.”
Saitama nodded slowly. “I guess it does look pretty cool. But are you sure you’re not going overboard with these tattoos?”
“No way!” You replied confidently. “I’m just getting started.”
A week later, Saitama walked into the living room to find you looking unusually sheepish.
“Saitama,” they began hesitantly, “I… might have made a mistake this time.”
Saitama raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. “What happened?”
With a deep breath, you rolled up their sleeve to reveal a small, crude tattoo of a penis on your arm.
Saitama stared at it for a moment before bursting into laughter. “What in the world were you thinking?”
“I didn’t notice it when the artist was showing me the design,” you admitted, cheeks burning with embarrassment. “I thought it was just a random doodle.”
Saitama wiped tears of laughter from his eyes. “You really need to start paying more attention before getting these done.”
“I know, I know,” they groaned. “I’m going to get it covered up as soon as possible.”
Saitama’s laughter died down, and he placed a reassuring hand on their shoulder. “You know, despite all the crazy things you do, I still love you.”
You looked up at him, their embarrassment fading. “Really?”
“Really,” Saitama confirmed with a smile. “But seriously, no more impulse tattoos.”
They nodded earnestly. “Okay, okay, lesson learned. No more impulse tattoos.”
“But, what about an egg on my butt for a tattoo?”
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lo-fi-charming · 9 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
got tagged by @milkteamoon! ^^
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? // 176!
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? // 866,977
3. What fandoms do you write for? // Mainly TMA the last few years; previously, I wrote a lot of OPM fic. I'd say those are easily my two 'biggest' fandoms in terms of being actively involved and writing fic for them. I'll also write fic of other things I enjoy though, so I have a lot of one-shots and short series for other things too!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? // Sticking with TMA fic for this one, so:
What Lies Beyond the Frame (rated G, jmart) — A minor AU where I give Jon a new Beholding power, letting him see through his glasses when he's not wearing them. One of my earliest works for the fandom! I'm actually surprised to find it at the top of this list.
off-the-clock assistance (rated E, jmart) — An AOB fic taking place during the iconic Martin Living In The Archives era. I wrote this after realizing that other TMA smut fics had taught me I actually DO enjoy fisting as a concept, lol.
The Kissing Game (rated T, jmart) — A lighthearted, Christmas-y fic where Jon, Tim, and Sasha get into a competitive little holiday game of trying to catch Martin under the mistletoe. This one was very fun to write and I quite like how I ultimately wrapped it up.
A Friendly Favor (rated E, martim) — An AU where Tim and Martin are friends with benefits! I used to be very into martim when I first got into the fandom... I do still enjoy them, but we all know where my main focus/energy ultimately started going hehe. This one ended up developing into a tiny series of fics in the same setting.
Sizing Up (rated E, jmart) — Wherein Jon discovers that Martin is a size queen. This one was based off a stupid little comic I drew and is probably the closes I've gotten to writing a 'crack fic', though I wouldn't call it that - it's more in terms of the Energy I brought to writing it? Just doing something with a very silly base concept but taking it (mostly) seriously.
5. Do you respond to comments? // I do sometimes, if I feel like I have anything worth saying! Sometimes I'll respond with a simple 'thank you' or variation thereof if someone says something particularly nice though ;w;
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? // Kind of a difficult question honestly... I don't really write 'angsty' endings to my fic, even if they do have a darker tone or a lot of angst in the middle somewhere; I'm not really a hurt-no-comfort guy. I also think it's hard to say whether an ending is angsty because it can kinda depend on the perspective of the character(s) and I'd say generally, when I'm doing things as I intended, even if the ending is a bit dark, that doesn't ring as angsty to me?
If I HAD to choose one... maybe when the dream ends, a very old, Sans-centric Undertale fic I wrote where he experiences disorienting dissociation and deja vu of other timelines post-pacifist ending. It has a hopeful conclusion, but still leans heavily on his feelings of detachment, vague depression, and anxiety from feeling like everything around him is impermanent and repetitive.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? // Hm, approaching this in terms of fic where the happiness of the end feels earned, that'd probably go to The Taste of Midnight, my witch!Jon AU fic where he has to save his town from a disastrous force (with Martin's help). The final chapter, once the plot is resolved, is very idyllic and fluffy - a nice, pleasant conclusion for all the dramatic stuff that happened!
8. Do you get hate on fics? // I've gotten hate on a fic ONCE, as far as I can remember! It was for Deep V (rated E), a fic where Jon is trans and has dysphoric feelings about his chest, but decides he wants to try improving his relationship to it via kink. I made the mistake of openly asking for feedback on it when I posted it, and one of the more well-known assholes in the fandom (which I would learn after the fact), left a very nasty comment on it basically scolding me for even having written/shared it in the first place. Luckily I got a lot of useful advice and more friendly feedback/encouragement from much cooler people in the fandom, which was very nice and helped keep my feelings towards the fic largely positive! A harrowing but imo good learning experience in the end.
9. Do you write smut? // Yup! I have for a long time. It's generally my favorite kind of fic to read as well as write, though my tastes have been refining the last couple of years. I could write a whole big thing on my feelings about smut fic but I'll refrain this time!
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? // I don't think I've ever written a crossover fic! Right now, the closest I've gotten is vaguely contributing too (and loudly supporting the creation of) a Murderbot/Among Us fic my roomie started a year or two ago. Which I need to continue yelling at them to publish... hehe.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? // Boy I sure hope not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? // Yes, actually! Someone asked for permission to translate my OPM fic The Apron (rated E) into Russian! This is wild to me.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? // Yes, I'm actually co-writing one now with my friend V! It's an edited version of a long-going Jondaisy RP called Open Door (rated E). It's been a fun (if slow-going) project; it's an interesting challenge to go through an RP where we're each playing one character's part and try to edit it into a state that makes it more natural to read for others.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? // Jon/Daisy!!!! You might want to call recency bias, but they are simply Everything To Me that I've ever needed in a ship, actually, it's kind of insane how much of a hold they've taken over me. I look back on my older ships and I enjoy them all very much, but nothing hits the way jaisy does. I fear nothing else ever will... they're my true OTP...
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? // I have quite a few... A lot that I really want to go back to... Probably my most ambitious and least likely would be And Only Space Stood Between Them, which is an unfinished Oban Star Racers fic that would've involved interplanetary space travel, worldbuilding for a planet and alien species that was only VERY lightly explored in the anime, two protagonists/alternating POVs, a huge cast of supporting characters, an overarching plot amidst a star-racing competition, and a developing friendship/romance(?) between Eva and Aikka. I had SUPER big aspirations for it, and only got to the 4th chapter, when Eva first leaves Earth to head for his home planet. In a perfect world I would write this space epic..... It is my dear wish that... maybe someday...................
16. What are your writing strengths? // I've been told I'm good at writing in-character, which I greatly appreciate as feedback and dearly hope is true. I personally think I'm actually pretty decent at naturalistic dialogue, which I often hear is a difficult aspect of writing for folks. I think I'm generally good at pacing too, and I'd like to say that descriptive imagery is a solid strength of mine, though that's an element of writing often subject to taste...
17. What are your writing weaknesses? // I have no idea if it's a real weakness but I often get self-conscious about my writing being boring or repetitive or trite or something, despite people telling me this isn't the case when I've asked. I think it's just a case of, despite how long I've been writing, I'm still relatively young and have a lot to learn; I'm still finding my confidence in my unique voice and what I'm good at.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? // At the moment I only feel comfortable dabbling with the inclusion of Spanish, and only because I've been actively trying to learn it for a year. Even then, I basically only use it if I'm writing something with canonically Spanish-speaking characters. As a reader, it's something I really like to encounter when done well! Especially as a way to explore a diverse headcanon for a character.
19. First fandom you wrote for? // Pokemon!
20. Favorite First fic you’ve written? // (I actually misread this question, then decided to keep my first answer, because I'm so bad at picking a favorite fic! Honestly!)
Anyways, in terms of my first fic: it was a Pokemon fic with no main title. It's about a girl named Kim with a Charmander starter. She visits a pokemon center after adopting an abandoned and injured Growlithe, only to realize the center has been infiltrated by Team Rocket, who attempt to steal the Pokemon being healed there. I have an original, printed version of this fic in my stuff somewhere! I've daydreamed about making a comic out of it while keeping all the original narration/dialogue.
Okay, now I tag my dear friends. Obvs only do this if you want to~
@temporalreplicsimile , @callmearcturus, @zykaben, @ostentenacity
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taki79 · 1 year
(Genos, Drive Knight, Metal Knight, Mad Cyborg related)
I had a theory awhile ago about Metal Knight and Drive Knight working together secretly, but now something tells me that is not the case whatsoever.
I think it’s strange on how Drive Knight tells Genos to not trust Bofoi off the bat in the beginning from the end of season 1.
Like he’s trying to turn on the possibility of a traitor in the HA in the mind of Genos (so he becomes worked up about it, which works and favors DK later on). Like he needs someone else to do his dirty work for him, due to DK already being seen as suspicious by MK.
(ik ik im stretching here and there but, let me cook)
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But I feel like it’s strange on how Drive Knight tries to pin point it all at Metal Knight particularly because of his absence throughout the Hero Association. Like he’s trying to make it out as HE is the one Genos needs to target particularly. Especially because he’s the only other robot besides the 2 of them being part cyborg.
Does Drive Knight tell this information to anyone else, BESIDES GENOS?
No, not at all (at least that’s just from what I know and see, as he’s a very secretive person).
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And I think it’s really strange when Drive Knight starts to mention about ‘knowing’ something evil about MK. It’s like he’s inserting himself, or with the people he might work with in secret. Like a new hidden organization yet to be announced in the storyline.
Especially on the first panel below this, when he tells Genos why he’s telling him this. It all seems so manipulative, stalker kind of vibe, trying to share common ground/change his persona to be likable/trust worthy. He’s suspiciously trying a little to hard to gain his trust, he’s trying to be a victim like him, I guess gain sympathy in a way?
It’s like Metal Knight KNOWS he’s in a mentally unstable condition, that Genos seems desperate enough to find out about his ‘mad cyborg’ killer sooner or later.
If someone very important to him happened to die, Genos would whole heartily (maybe with a grain of salt) follow Drive Knights information. (Wanna know what happened? KUSENO DIED, HIS FATHER FIGURE, SOMEONE WHO WAS THERE FOR HIM IN THE BEGINNING. And wanna know what he did after? He used that information from Drive Knight to go after Metal Knight.)
(It’s like out of the blue.)
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This only furthers my suspicions on Drive Knight.
Especially on the after math of Kuseno’s death and when robots invade nearby cities. In which Genos automatically assumes it’s the work of Metal Knight.
And now with new evidence from the newest webcomic chapter shows Metal Knights base, with no robots forming out of the base itself.
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As all of his robots are by the HA HQ fighting the new other robots.
(Although the chapter isn’t fully translated yet, you can see DK, which proves my previous point up above in the third section.)
I actually think Drive Knight might be working with the association that destroyed Genos’es village. It would explain on why he’s trying to pin the blame on Metal Knight and to not become suspicious from Genos POV, giving him a good alibi for the most part.
And if anything that ‘mad cyborg’ killer could be Drive Knight himself, but that’s a bit of stretch if anything.
A little bit more evidence mentions: (from the top of my head)
-Metal Knight tells Child Emperor to not trust anyone as his final message to him. We are shown a text of both of them used to being friends.
It’s like Metal Knight had to cut his connection towards CE for his safety as he MK already felt he was being watched himself. (But that might change due to the recent chapter that has yet to be translated, can’t fully confirm until then but just putting it out there.)
-Saitama tells Genos to just talk to Metal Knight and ask. But Genos pays no head to that, which might become his biggest mistake.
I feel like this is foreshadowing that once Genos gets close to Bofoi, and Bofoi tells him that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about/tells him straight up he had no relation to the event he speaks of. I feel like Genos might lose it completely even if Saitama is next to him and tries to calm him down.
Like I feel like Genos might almost kill Bofoi but Saitama stops Genos in time. And both start to argue and it’s starts to become sad from there.
-It’s strange how after Genos talked to DK for a bit, then Kuseno dies.
Coincidence? I think not.
It’s like Kuseno was on DK’s hit list for him and the people that he works with/the association that killed Genos’es village. And they had to get rid of him one way or another, it would explain why there was random strong robots there. They were being tracked and targeted, mainly Dr.Kuseno (as if he was getting close to the truth).
Like they to manipulate Genos just so DK could earn his trust and lose a lot of suspicion in his eyes. Even after Kusenos death.
They appeared after taking back the suit of the big strong bald head guy.
It’s like very early foreshadowing of members for another association, yet to still appear out of thin air. (IMO)
That’s all I wanted to share for now, I’ll edit this if I happen to remember more and study the chapters closely.
If you guys wanna add on or put in you own input, on this theory, please do! I would be happy to hear your opinion!
(And correct me if I’m wrong!!)
Until then, thank you for reading my theory! (If it makes sense 😭)
Have a nice day/night!! :D
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What’s your main art style inspiration, I love how you draw Xpp..
IM SO SORRY I DIDNT REPLY TO THIS SOONER, i didn't even see it come in i hope u get to see my reply... but thank u so much that's rly sweet of you to sayyy :'P mwah
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uhhahhhh my artsyle changes A LOT these days but id say some big ones would be maybe like Jamie Hewletts old Gorillaz stuff, OneNG and Philip Bond, ive been really loving Ennuikals art recently (although idk if they have an account on here), im also really into how stylised FLCL is as an anime and ONE's stuff is too (the Mob Psycho and OPM mangas).
honesty.. now I think about it my artsyle is really pretty vague. like, I don't think it looks particularly one way or another (which i find a little frustrating lol), and i could list off so many other artists that have gone into the melting pot of my artsyle but the post would just be WAY too long. thanks for the ask :3
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gofancyninjaworld · 1 year
OPM webcomic chapter 142 review: Unforgivable.
So after nearly two years of absence, ONE once again drops a ninja update of the webcomic on us. This is a normal-sized (15-16 pages) webcomic chapter, but we've no idea whether there are any follow-ups to come soon. Combined with the fact that this is an action-packed release with very little in the way of conversation, it's a chapter that just whizzes by in a kinetic stream of beautifully-composed action shots.
We open with the city under attack. A bird (looks like a crow) is perched on a telegraph pole. As it is startled into the air by the laser beams cutting through the building in the background, we see the building explode. The next scenes are confused voices emanating from the surrounding buildings, with people asking what is going on so early, what alarms there are, urging loved ones to get up and get out… and these voices become less coherent as the horror of the reality overtakes them.
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The robots march through the city, systematically and thoroughly destroying every building, car, person, and object in sight. They miss no one and overlook nothing and they keep formation to ensure that no one gets a chance to double back and slip through their ranks. This is not an attack. It is an extermination.
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Their progress is halted by a figure landing in front of them. It's Genos and the footprint he stamps into the road is apparently a challenge, a wordless declaration that none shall pass this point. He doesn't spend time posturing, but charges straight into the ranks of the robots and…
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…robots start to disintegrate, some punched so hard they fly to pieces, some slashed in two, some apparently shocked. Genos mows them down so fast they appear suspended in the air, their slowly falling bodies the only indication he had ever been there. As the entirety of the division is destroyed, we finally see Genos again, walking through them in the same manner that Saitama had walked through the attacking robots the night before.
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A figure appears before Genos in the dust and smoke, and he punches it, realising too late that it's Saitama. Fortunately, Saitama had adroitly dodged around him, and no harm was done. Saitama smiles slightly as he declares that Genos has become strong: the doctor's final upgrade was a success.
Genos does not acknowledge the praise, thinking briefly before suggesting that he and Saitama split up, Saitama to tackle the remaining forces in the city while he Genos goes ahead to Metal Knight's hideout. For a few moments, Saitama is silent. He slowly turns around and then waves to Genos as he starts walking off, telling Genos that he understood and the latter was to be careful.
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Genos doesn't spend time looking wistfully after Saitama. If anything, the inner rage stoking him seems to flare up even hotter. He takes off (the very first time we've seen him fly in the webcomic -- anyone wishing to dispute that is confusing it with the manga) and flies off. En route, he encounters a monster nonchalantly perched on a building, playing with a truck like it's an overgrown Lego piece. Thinking that it stands to reason that Metal Knight would use monsters as biological weapons in conjunction with robots, Genos slashes at the air with his fingers, and the monster is cleaved in several places as if with a sword. Genos isn't to know it but it is Meat Dumpling and with the monster's destruction, Zaedat's murder is avenged.
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Unforgiveable, Genos says to himself, as he flies off.
That's where the chapter leaves off. Shall we meta?
A: It's Needs O'Clock
I'm going to try to make this the only place I compare this with the manga. Manga readers will notice a similarity between the slashes that Genos used to dispatch Meat Dumpling and Bomb's Whirlwind Cutting Iron Fist. It can't be because of the former having observed the latter in the webcomic as Bomb never used such a move in the webcomic. It's something he (well, Kuseno) has come up with independently.
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One of the things you have to accept as a webcomic reader is that characters are capable of doing things when the narrative requires that they are: there isn't time or space to go into development unless it's super-critical to the plot. If you want to see characters grind, you need to read the manga. It doesn't bother me, but it's something to note and respect.
B: A whodunit resolved
With the appearance of Meat Dumpling, an important set of troublesome coincidences ties itself up into an incriminating body of fact beyond a reasonable doubt. The fact that Meat Dumpling was out there in the middle of a robot uprising clinches it: it was sent out precisely to target Zaedats. This ties in perfectly with how Destro and Erimin were able to recover both Zaedats and Infelsinave: the monsters are under their control and of course the monsters relinquished them without a fuss (or without harming those precious heads of theirs).
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this looked like such bad luck, including the suit's failure to allow him to escape, but no longer
Those two Neo Leaders weren't unlucky, they were the subject of hit jobs so that their resources could fall under The Organization's control.
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A's total lack of surprise was also suspicious but then again, it's A: a guy without a shred of morality
Hoo, so now we know that the robot uprising and the cyborg conspiracy (and whatever fuckery is going on at the Neo Heroes) are all linked. We suspected it was because the body suits they'd been handing out to Neo Heroes looked suspiciously like modified versions of the suits Hammerhead and crew the Organization allowed them to steal. Sonic recognising those suits strengthened our suspicion.
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The appearance of cybernetically modified, remotely-controlled monsters whose actions happened to benefit the Neo Heroes but not pro-heroes strengthened our suspicions still further.
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With the Machine Gods (an Organization special) declaring to Genos that the day of reckoning was about to begin, we knew that The Organization was up to something big.
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However, there was still a tiny bit of room for there to be another bad actor to take advantage of the situation to carry out their evil plans. With the monster appearing, there is doubt no longer: Destro, Erimin, the rampaging robots, the Machine Gods, and the Neo Heroes are all of a piece.
If someone had tried putting these pieces together, they'd have been shouted down as a swivel-eyed conspiracy theorist. But there you go: occasionally, what seems to be a shadowy, well-resourced, well-organized conspiracy to subvert justice and subjugate society IS JUST THAT.
Only just about nobody believes it…
C: Half the Reason
…except Genos and Kuseno. Genos seemed mad to a lot of readers when he first came to Saitama talking about rampaging cyborgs and the total extermination of everyone in his home town, and of shadowy enemies that were all but impossible to track down. We'd seen monsters, sure, but what was this about cyborgs? Was he making it all up? Even though we saw at least one cyborg associated with The Organization early on in the series, we had no real leads as to what was really happening, how extensive it was, and how it all fit together (well, we still don't have the last) until now.
Why would anyone in their right mind give up their human body and become a living weapon? Well, One-Punch Man has been clear that there are many reasons that people become cyborgs for, but in Genos's case we now have half the reason: because nobody wanted to believe that what had seemed a random series of attacks was part of a much greater war, and thus nobody was prepared to challenge it. This was the only way available to him to take that stand.
Something that is both observable to readers within their own lives and observable to readers within the confines of the story is that it is really difficult to kill everyone in a place. Kill at least one person? Not too bad. A few? Tougher. Many? Tougher still. Most people? That's quite the ask, even with heavy artillery. Everybody? That takes some serious planning and execution. We've noticed that monsters, for all their strength and size, are remarkably bad at killing lots of people: they can nab some people randomly and knock some buildings down, but the sort of kill numbers are far lower than one would initially expect -- if one forgets about the propensity of people to save themselves. We're not chickens stuck in a chicken coop, painfully shivering as we're grabbed one by one. The heroes are useful, yes, but damn do the monsters help by being more interested in intimidating people than killing and eating them for the most part.
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Chillingly, the most economical explanation is that once the method of achieving total kills was validated, it no longer needed the human input of a cyborg and could be automated.
The difference between what monsters do and what the robots were doing is chillingly clear. Not a single person woken up early that morning survived. That's the sort of thoroughness it takes to kill everyone in a town and I praise ONE for showing this to us in such an economic manner. This scene must have been a horrible flashback to Genos's fateful day. It really takes a certain kind of mind to execute this. One thing often misunderstood in the story is the word 'bosu' -- it does not so much mean mad as it means rampaging, out of control. The mad cyborg is less mad than it does go on systematic rampages, rampages that have resulted in the total destruction of multiple towns. The only thing special about Genos's former town is that it's the last known place struck.
And his literally taking a stand to stop repeats of these exterminations is incredibly admirable.
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D: Prelude to a Tragedy
However, happy as everyone is to see Genos wrecking the bots like wrecking is going out of fashion, I don't think there are many who are optimistic about what is unfolding. For it's the first act in a tragedy. A tragedy whose full impact we are surely going to see unfold over the rest of the arc, and quite possibly in many arcs to follow. Genos is going to attack Metal Knight, the latter having successfully been framed by Drive Knight. The chances that the Metal Knight who has been watching Organization operatives with such suspicion is himself the culprit is slim. However, Drive Knight gloating about how Metal Knight was blindsided by the rise of the Neo Heroes very strongly suggests that the doctor, for all his crabby, misanthropic presentation, is indeed innocent.
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There's still room for reasonable doubt when it comes to Bofoi's intentions and actions, but Genos is not in the mood to listen. He's entirely fixated on killing. Whether he kills Bofoi, is killed by him, or they take each other out, the only beneficiaries are the enemies of mankind currently trying to break civilization with machines and modified biological weapons.
Perhaps Saitama should not have let Genos go alone with only the exhortation to be careful. Genos will need all his wits and all the luck he has never had to thread this particular needle without tragedy.
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Good luck: the ease with which the unforgiving can become the unforgiven is truly terrifying.
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jaijaitbinks · 2 years
I just realized fanart is a thing in the OPM universe, and usually when there's fanart, there's the questionable kind. Same shit with fanfics and questionable fanfics.
So i am now of the firm belief that Saitama sends Amai Mask questionable fanart he finds whenever Amai is being particularly annoying and obsessive
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scary-senpai · 2 years
Fun with Symbolism: Saitama as a "Wise Fool" Character
Saitama is a unique character for many reasons, least of all because of his explicit (if unusual) goal: he’s a hero not for fame or glory, but for fun. Because of the turbulent way that the Monster Association arc unraveled, this aspect of Sai’s personality has become a topic for debate—is he chasing glory, or merely fumbling towards some much-needed dopamine? Sometimes I feel like the subtext of OPM is really “people will really do 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats and 10 K running before (or become the world’s strongest monster) before they will go to therapy.”
I would argue that while “being a hero for fun” doesn’t traditionally constitute Good Samaritan-ism, it does inoculate Saitama from the pitfalls of egotism and entitlement that plague his pro-hero colleagues. If Saitama was granted these unique powers by design, it likely has to do with his unconventional approach to heroism (or rather, his non-attachment to all the subsequent glamor and glitz). While he might seem a bit foolish, even juvenile at points, I've always considered him a wise fool: in literature, a character that is initially seen as silly or senseless, but eventually comes to demonstrate wisdom in their own unique (and usually humble) way.
When I think of Saitama and his ultimate power, I think back to the Ruler of the Universe (AKA “The Man in the Shack”) from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series. How does one qualify for a position of far-reaching, inexhaustible power?
Simple: wish for literally anything else in the world.
Here’s an excerpt from The Restaurant at the End of the Universe that explains in more detail:
It is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President (of the Universe) should on no account be allowed to do the job. To summarize the summary: people are a problem.
** In Adams' series, the President of the Universe holds no real power; the Presidency is a stooge role that exists solely to mollify and distract the ruthless, power-hungry people that desire to control everything, at the expense of anything (which often goes poorly, as we know from life on earth).
I have (half-jokingly) hypothesized that OPM happens inside a “Philadelphia”—a humorous concept proposed by playwright David Ives. In a Philadelphia, the Universe actively identifies what you most desire and then deliberately moves it away from you. For Ives, this is a running gag, but I think that in the OPM-verse, this same concept could be read as a statement on non-attachment.
Non-attachment is an a stepping stone towards Enlightenment in many major religions / belief systems, and there are plenty of references to Enlightened entities within OPM. Saitama is literally parting the sea and walking on water, and that’s not even getting into the various references to Hinduism/Buddhism, particularly with Garou but also Blast and Psykos.
But it’s very easy to lose track of what’s important, and to be distracted by all the wrong things, as Adams explains:
And so this is the situation we find: a succession of Galatic Presidents who so much enjoy the fun and palaver of being in power that they very rarely notice that they are not.
Being a hero isn’t fun for Saitama; that’s probably how we know he’s doing it right.
Saitama is a simple man with a relatively straightforward goal ("to have fun"), and I think there's something refreshing about his brutal honesty.
Much like Adams’ Ruler of the Universe, Saitama’s not one for lofty concepts ("twenty words or less!"). Similarly, despite commanding the entirety of the known cosmos, the Ruler of the Universe only focuses on what’s in front of him (this is from the Hitchhiker's fandom wiki):
[The Ruler of the Universe] has an odd, solipsistic view of reality...He has a very dim view of the past, and he only believes in what he senses with his eyes and ears (and doesn't seem too certain of that, either): anything else is hearsay, so when executive-types visit to ask him what he thinks about certain matters, such as wars and the like, he tells them how he feels without considering consequences.
And I think that while this is a frustrating position to take, it’s also an honest one: sometimes the answer is, “there is no (good) answer” or “I know that I know nothing” (also known as the Socratic Paradox, not actually said by Socrates) but people tend to hate it when you point that out.
Because at the end of the day, what is justice and what is evil? Pfft. Who knows, man. The only reality is sale day and sweet, misguided kids in weird costumes.
Tackling macro-problems (like world peace) requires us to zoom out, which may cause us to lose touch with reality—often in ironic and unfortunate ways. In this way, Garou serves as a foil for Saitama. Think of their interaction with Tareo: when Tareo begins to shed tears of concern for the rapidly-monsterizing Garou, Garou assures the boy that his actions are ultimately for the best—by becoming Ultimate Evil, he can create a world where no children cry. And if Garou took a good, hard look around him, he would realize that Tareo is sobbing not because of hypothetical bullies in Garou's imagined example, but because of what Garou is doing right now. This is a prime example of the “finding a good reason” fallacy that plagues pretty much everyone in the OPM-verse (but Garou in particular).
But. despite his lofty concepts, Garou is still looking at the world upside-down and backwards. In contrast, Saitama immediately identifies what’s important now: praising the little kid standing up to defend the monster (Tareo, but Garou by extension), foreshadowing the importance of anchors for impossibly stubborn strong people like them. Much like the Ruler of the Universe will redirect high-level conversations to the things he can see and touch, this approach solidifies (for me) Saitama's standing as a Wise Fool. More context from Wikipedia:
The wisdom of the fool often captures what Intellectualism (logic and reasoning) fails to illuminate of a thing's meaning or significance; thus, the wise fool is often associated with the wisdom found through blind faith, reckless desire, hopeless romance, and wild abandon, but also tradition without understanding, and folk wisdom.
There are pros and cons to Sai’s approach, and you could even argue that he botched this interaction with Garou, but put a pin in that thought, we’ll come back to it.
Desire is insidious, and heroes in the OPM-verse desire not just power but recognition. Think of common synonyms for hero: star, legend, celebrity, idol, favorite, VIP, darling… there’s a reason you’re not supposed to meet yours.
Practicing non-attachment is the key to living a good life according to many religious beliefs / spiritual practices. This includes non-attachment to non-tangible things like recognition, as well as tangible things like wealth and food.
Thinking about non-attachment brings me back to a lecture I attended at the Integral Yoga Institute, which focused on the 3 granthis (the knots of the heart that prevent us from reaching enlightenment), and the speaker specifically emphasized that being selfless included non-attachment to outcomes. Simply put, are you prepared to be a good person even if your efforts fail? Even if you never receive recognition--or worse? Even if you're punished for doing the right thing?
Overcoming the need for recognition is necessary to maintain one’s moral compass, because doing the right thing is damned hard. The Good Place, where characters grapple with the idea of "Moral Dessert": the idea that if you act with virtue, you deserve a reward (and the source of many, many stomach aches for poor Chidi—who argues that good deeds don’t “count” if they are not freely given.)
What truly matters, then, is how you treat others when nobody is looking—and Saitama often goes a step farther during his battle with the Sea King (by “announcing” that he was a weak, C-class hero taking credit for his colleagues’ hard work)... or even now, amazingly, even with Genos singing his praises Saitama seems entirely uninterested in the laudable deeds he did. Partly because Genos is being very Genos about it (bless my curmudgeonly-yet-emphatic toaster son), but Saitama is also the kind of guy that knows how to touch grass when he needs to. That was key yo the last arc.
It’s important to stay detached from recognition or results because taking up the Wise Fool/Holy Fool mantle might include enduring mockery/humiliation for doing the right thing, like shirking recognition in favor of the greater good, or living a simple life in the service of others.
…For the record, though, “non-attachment to recognition” is very different than demanding a fair/transparent salary system from your employer, as is the case with the Hero Association.
Anyway, other "Wise Fool" characteristics that Saitama demonstrates:
blind faith (in his exercise regime as the source of his power)
unexpectedly wise and insightful (Saitama is perceptive and canny—able to assess characters like Garou/Fubuki/King accurately and astutely, almost immediately upon their first meeting—but he is often coy about how much he knows)
unassuming and innocent seeming
These last two points (insightful but unassuming) are important—while Saitama’s character observations are usually accurate, they are often blunt and rather tactless— but gets away with it, because he seems Mostly Harmless. When the Fool Character appears in a story, this is usually their primary responsibility—to speak scary or unpleasant truths in a more palatable way. This may also be why even though Saitama is the protagonist, we spend so much time around people who are not Saitama… so we can see how his simple truths have changed them.
Playing fetch with Fire-Breathing dogs, taking a spa-day in magma… Saitama finds joy in everything, maybe too much joy. That’s the flip-side of being a fool: immaturity.
The Fool is (usually) the first card in the Tarot deck for a reason. It is number Zero (the number of infinite potential) and does not actually have a set place in the deck--as the whole deck is meant to symbolize the fool's journey. However, it is often placed first. The most common imagery probably comes from the Rider-Waite deck:
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Poor guy’s about to walk off a cliff— is he feckless or fearless? Poor (in pocket) or rich (in spirit)? The answer is both. I've included an excerpt from one of the books in my library (with some interjections). The source is Tarot by Jessica Hundley--it's part of Taschen's Library of Esoterica and it's really gorgeous (a nice coffee table piece!). Anyway, the chapter reads:
The fool marks the beginning of the journey through the Major Arcana. Often depicted as a young person, he is usually shown walking precariously close to a cliff or deep ravine, sometimes with one foot poised, as if he is about to step directly into the void, yet he remains blissfully unaware of his imminent danger (like when Saitama is challenging Garou to what seems like an lighthearted fight). His clothes and cap are vividly colored, often in blues, reds, and yellows, and at times emblazoned with symbols. With one hand, he carries his belongings, wrapped up in a kerchief tied to the end of a staff (or maybe a bucket), casually slung over his shoulder…At his feet, a small dog (ROVER) or other small animal is often shown, a protector and loyal companion on the Fool’s adventure. Beyond are the sun and the snow-capped mountains, signifying his ultimately destination ahead, a mystic path towards enlightenment.
Attributes The fool is a nascent spirit embarking on a search for experience. He emerges from the void and sets out on his journey with the innocence of a newborn. His story has yet to be told, he is infinite potential—all things and no thing, at once. He is not yet rational, but rather intuitive, acting entirely on instinct.
Obviously, Saitama's perceived lack of hero instincts have come up, but without getting into detail—I would argue that recognizing/understanding/incorporating our instincts into reasonable thought is part of our journey towards being better humans. Getting back to it, though:
…Naive, spontaneous, a blank page awaiting the first touch of ink, he has no expectations, no past. He is rash, obsessed, and unrestrained. He is energized and continually renewed by his own inception, propelled forward by impulse and cathartic creations.
So we have a through-line of Fools and Enlightenment, walking together hand-and-hand. The forward to this chapter quotes Learning Tarot Essentials (Paul Foster Case), and it’s absolutely beautiful so I’ll share that too--although it's a bit more esoteric and meta than Hundley's explanation:
The cosmic Life Breath is forever young, forever in the morning of its power, forever on the verge of the abyss of manifestation. It always faces unknown possibilities of self-expression and transcends any height it may have reached at a given time. He is the primary aspect of universal consciousness, which we term Super consciousness. Because he symbolizes the state of the Life power just prior to beginning a cycle of the self-expression, also represents inexperience. It is because of this inexperience that the noble wise men who invented the Tarot called this trump card ‘The Fool’— Finally, the title of the Zero card refers to that “foolishness of God, which is wiser than men."
That bit about "foolishness of God" is from 1 Corinthians, and I would argue that the full quote is more about hubris / inability of mortals to grasp the divine, but I'm a theology enthusiast, not an expert and most of what I know about Bible comes from Apocrypals.
Anyway, I know that was a lot, so I’ll leave with one of my favorite articles about Michelangelo’s David: the author, Sam Anderson, describes how The David—masterpiece, hero, epitome of perfection—is everywhere in Florence. Initially, Anderson is inspired by the statue—but he’s inspired to be perfect, something that he can neither achieve nor maintain (and, as the article reveals, even the David has cracks in its ankles—“a hero’s destiny is not to stand but to fall,” Anderson writes). In later life, Anderson finds the real hero of Florence to be Dostoevsky’s Prince Myshkin. Dostoevsky wrote The Idiot while living abroad in Florence. The protagonist (another Wise Fool / Holy Fool character) grapples to maintain purity of heart in an uncertain and confusing world.
I love this deliciously messy concept—a fool of a hero—because it’s relatable. Although accomplished. Saitama doesn’t speak to what could be as much as he speaks to what we are now, which is arguably more important.
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kquil · 1 year
hello hello !! it's been so much fun participating in this event, i hope you don't mind another request as it comes to an end soon. May i request a 🧁 please? There's also no rush to write this! Take all the time you need, as well as time for yourself :)
Well to start off i'm an infp, a scorpio, and a ravenclaw. I'm shy and little guarded when i first meet new people, though when i get more comfortable around them i open up more. I'm quite the curious type and i tend to be more of a listener in conversations. I value trust and building that in platonic and romantic relationships is very important to me. Quality time and physical touch are also my top two love languages.
I'm quite short (157cm) and my hair has grown out to hip length so learning new hairstyles and braiding my hair is what i've gotten into lately. I also love learning languages! I study both french and irish at school while i also brush up my tagalog at home since i grew up mostly speaking english. I'm quite ambitious when it comes to academics, which unfortunately results in overworking. I'm often very tired because of this, but when it comes to hobbies and interests i could spend hours acquiring new knowledge.
I love bookbinding, drawing, or journaling whenever i have free time and i try to sneak some time in to stargaze whenever i'm up late doing an assignment. I could also spend hours in a bookstore, library, or an art museum if i had the chance to! I also love listening to classical music, opm songs, and songs from adele, abba, birdy, luna li, and lana del rey.
(I'm sorry if this was too much information..)
don’t worry darling, i don’t mind the last minute request, im just appalled at my extensive delay, im so sorry this took so long for me to deliver to you, nevertheless, i hope you enjoyed my ship for you (⸝⸝⸝╸w╺⸝⸝⸝)
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I ship you with … Sirius Black
i. It started off as you being best friends with remus and because of that, you’re introduced to sirius and the rest of the boys, who accept you with open arms, especially because you were so important to their moony — you were like a sister to remus so he was very overprotective with you at first, but you quickly became beloved by the rest of the boys too so he didn’t have to worry much… except for the fact that sirius took an exceptionally deep interest in you. sirius liked to stare at you for long lengths of time, even when you weren’t doing anything particularly exciting, you were either journaling or reading or bookbinding, but whenever he stared, he grew quiet and sirius was never quiet. the boys picked up on this immediately and the teasing starts
ii. sirius can’t help but stare at you because you look so elegant and… beautiful… yes he gets teased by the boys but it’s worth it, in fact, because of their teasing, he was willing to approach you himself and spend more time with you outside of obligatory gatherings if you were already hanging out with remus. over time, the two of you got closer and closer until eventually, you were both acting like lovesick fools towards each other. it was only a matter of time before the two of you made it official and it was quickly drawing near, if the closeness, lingering touches, shy smiles and flirty comments were any indication. it wasn’t hard for sirius to fall so hard and so quickly for you; sometimes, you seemed like the only person who was willing to listen to him, which he appreciated so much, more often than not, he lets slip endearing phrases in french about you, to your face, not know that you understood him ‘tu es si belle, s’il te plaît sois à moi…’
iii. the two of you balanced each other out well. being an academic who had the tendency to overwork, sirius’ clinginess and attention-seeking tendencies have become the optimal distraction and excuse for you to take a break and just cuddle with him and his touch-starved self. the two of you made a playlist that was a mix of both yours and his favourite songs to listen to so that whenever you would just cuddle in silence you had a cute playlist to put on whenever, you two know the lyrics to each song so well now that you two often sing the lyrics to each other, giggling whenever the other person failed to sing in tune with the music. 
iv. Your dates outside of hogwarts consisted of museums, libraries, spontaneous shopping sprees and adventures in national parks where you’d set up a humble little picnic together. it was all very cute and sirius would take you both there on the back of his beloved motorcycle. he looks cool and handsome in his leather jacket and laced up boots but every time you climb up to sit behind him and wrap your arms around his waist, he would be an a giddy mess inside, loving the feel of your small, soft hands on him as well as the idea that you were his girlfriend to drive around and go on cute dates with. he loved it so so much. 
v. he also loved how adorable little you were compared to him, it made him want to pick you up in his arms and cuddle you close with your feet off the ground — he’s actually done this several times and always stretched out his little impromptu cuddle session with you even though a professor has already told him off and was breathing down his neck until he finally sets you down, only to land himself a detention for taking so long to do so. he would never drag you down with him when it came to academics, however, he knew how important your grades were to you so he does his best to exclude you from their pranks and ensure that you maintain your pristine reputation throughout the school years; it was something you worked hard on and he wasn’t going to take that away from you
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the-nysh · 2 years
I got into OPM this year, and have always loved your analysis since finding it (along with the other meta makers on here)!
I'd love to know your thoughts on Genos as of right now in the manga! In other words, since he got his memories of everything Saitama did from the core. I think they're possibly setting up some really interesting stuff with it given his behavior (such as in secret intel) and this new "catalyst".
Oh, well hello there! :'3 Currently, I'm rather wary and concerned for him. Cause originally, I thought it was a neat twist for him to receive the memories of what happened, until *record scratch* the translation of how far he interpreted that information immediately set off so many warning signs for me.
Some of my thoughts about it are here, but one of the biggest concerns is how suspiciously this feels like set up paralleling Mob's Psycho Helmet Cult, but now with Genos as its most devout and impassioned spokesperson spreading the word for the almighty 'Saitama cult.' (Of which all kinds of dangers, traps, and literal brainwashing were involved in Mob's arc about it, so I expect ONE will not take this lightly here either.) Genos is also unknowingly setting a big target on his back (and of course Saitama's too) as one of the most exploitable people 'close' to Saitama, particularly towards those (like 'god') with ulterior motives. Now even more people will know of his infatuated 'faith' and not all of them will have friendly intentions on how best to use that knowledge to their advantage. Moreover, the memories inflating his Saitama bias to extreme stratosphere levels risks Genos losing sight of important perspective (bc Saitama is absolutely not a 'perfect' hero), and has the potential to even warp their relationship into something else if they're not careful - or particularly if Saitama doesn't catch on to set some healthy boundaries before things blow out of proportion. So indeed, I expect much drama to come out of this in the near future!
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tang3r1n · 6 months
are there any rules for making requests? like what you will and won't write about, how many characters we can ask about, if asking for more characters affects how much you write, characters you will and won't write for, any preferences for readers you'll write about like male or female, dom or sub, etc? stuff like that. feel free to include anything you want. sorry for all the questions, just want to be sure before sending anything and there wasn't any rules linked on your pinned post. thanks!
(fr though i have wild and sporadic writing bouts, think like once a month i MIGHT be up for organizing my blog 😞)
but YEAH. okay so going down your list;
i write for anything that isn’t scat/vomit, incest and variances, or anything involving underage/animals. hard kink limits for me are shit like cheating and the like. other than that it’s pretty much a free for all
imma go ahead and say the limit would be 5-7 if it’s a hc style post (‘who eats ass’ for example) and 2-3 if it’s like a poly thing (like law, luffy, and kidd all liking one chick ig). literally anything influences my writing style and i bounce from one idea to the next at lighting speed so the more precise a request, the better i’ll be at understanding where i need to go with it!
i feel i pretty much can find damn near any character attractive coming from someone who thinks Charlie and Alan from Smiling Friends are hot as shit. my main focal points will always be anime since…idk they’re easy to write for lmao. my biggest eye-catchers are One Piece, JJK, MHA, Haikyuu (timeskip only cause yeah), AOT, Dorohedoro (my underrated love), and One Punch Man(GOD PLEASE ASK FOR OPM 🙏) but feel free to request anyone and if they tickle my fancy i’ll write a little smth smth <3
i’m honestly more of a verse irl and i flip a LOT in my writing. one smut blurb is reader chiking the shit out of a guy and the next is them whining and crying while they get spanked, it’s all up to the audience and how i particularly feel at that moment!
i’m an afab fat reader blog, gender is more loose as i’m fine writing for both masculine and non-binary presenting readers as well, but i feel weird writing for a body type/genitalia that i don’t possess. the same goes for other specifics like black or poc readers, disabled or autistic readers, and readers with very specific niches like ‘lolita’ or smth. i try to keep all physical markers neutral as i am pasty as SHIT (never refrencing skin tone or hair texture, using ‘feeling hot in the face’ over ‘blushing’, stuff like that so anyone can read) and i stick pretty heavily to using fat/plus size descriptors. that being said, unless the request is specifically for a fat reader or i specify it as a plot point, the reader’s weight will NEVER be a focal point and anyone can imprint on them as they’d like.
also, i tend to forget very quickly and get side tracked a lot, so PLEASE LLEASE PLEASE do not feel afraid to check in and be like ‘yo girl get on my shit’ trust me i’ll understand!!
also, the more i like your request, the more ill write, i literally spent like 7 hours STRAIGHT on a sir croc smut once all from Nasty’s ear worms she gave me<3
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