#partner back) and then i watched randomly my best friend's wedding one night and this was born <3 ITS EARLY STAGES BUT IT CAN SLAP
harkaer · 2 years
me: studying
my brain: so anyway let's focus on a super specific scenario u wanna write for the my best friend's wedding au fic
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erwinsvow · 3 years
𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐬 | 𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧
author's note: sorry i just cannot stop writing headcanons! it's my favorite thing to write. i really hope everyone enjoys these, they include things from these two works of mine as well :) -shea
𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐤𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐢𝐧
very much the involved boyfriend
once you guys finally start dating, he just immediately wants you guys to merge lives and share friends, even though that’s not a simple process
but it’s really because he cares about you so deeply he doesn’t want there to be a part of his life that you’re just not involved in
therefore; very involved
you guys manage your schedules together and plan out dinners and dates in advance
he mostly really likes having something to look forward too, like time with you
the kind of boyfriend that remembers little stuff you say here and there
like if you mention your mom’s birthday is coming up, he’ll ask later what you’re getting her and suggest some ideas. probably would send your mom flowers too to earn brownie points
or if you have a stressful week with exams and papers, he’ll stop by randomly with coffee and a snack and a hug
i honestly don’t see jean as the kind of boyfriend to start/carry on a fight, because he would hate knowing that you two are upset with each other. so i think any fights would be resolved pretty quickly
if one did happen to go over night or last a few days, he would definitely apologize first and bring you flowers, even if you were the one who started it
honestly though, with a guy like jean, what is there to fight about
overall, just a super caring boyfriend that makes the little stuff the memorable stuff
𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐭
the! best! boyfriend! ever!
i see armin as the ideal caring boyfriend
he just really likes to have someone to take care of, and he is also really touched that someone trusts him enough to ensure their heart to him
so he takes every measure to make sure he’s being the best partner he can be
a lot of emotional sharing, and i feel like would happen pretty early on as well
only because he is so trustworthy and you know you can tell him everything on your mind, even stuff that you maybe haven’t told anyone else
this just makes your relationship progress even further. you two are the couple that has been dating for a month but knows they are going to be together for a long time
speaking of, you are the mom and the dad of the friend group, which is so adorable but calls for a lot of teasing from your friends
but armin knows he’s going to marry you one day, so he just laughs when eren cracks another joke about it
𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐧
i’ll be real, this relationship is definitely not the easiest
reiner definitely loves you, don’t get me wrong, but a big part of him probably thinks he doesn’t deserve someone like you to care about him
which isn’t easy in a relationship because i feel like he would try and distance himself from getting too attached in the beginning
maybe he just thinks you’re going to see through him and realize you don’t want this anymore (which is not true at all, but just his intrusive thoughts)
i think you would try to reassure him about your feelings and how much you want this relationship, but then he feels like you shouldn’t have to reassure him, and that you shouldn’t be in the kind of relationship where you have to reassure the person. basically he thinks you deserve someone better, and you know that there is no one better for you
eventually i think this reaches a breaking point. through a lot of angst and honesty and tears, you two finally work it out
i think after clearing things up, things take a huge turn for the better
he definitely learns that there’s nothing wrong with being a relationship where you have to take care of each other, and he’s definitely thankful that you continued to stand by him
so sorry about this angst, but on the bright side, this man would be such a devoted boyfriend
his friends definitely make fun of him for looking at you like you hung the stars and moon in the sky
i also think all this angst would lead to you two being really open and vulnerable with each other, which is really important to him
also definitely a mama’s boy and can’t wait to introduce you to her
just like armin, he knows you’re gonna be his wife someday
𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫
even though i think it would take eren a long time to settle down and commit to a healthy, long-term relationship, once he does, he would be a great boyfriend
he is a really caring guy, and i feel like part of his hesitance is about opening up to someone if they’re just gonna leave
but i think he can tell early on that this would be different
i have a feeling his love language is quality time, and so you two are always planning little things together
he especially loves last-minute, impromptu dates that arise from a random thought
like he’ll grab two sandwiches and take you to the beach at sunset, even if you just got home or had something to get done
or knock on your door at midnight and take you to the nearest roof to stargaze together
i feel like eren is the boyfriend who becomes your closest friend over time
you guys go to each other first when you need to rant or talk or babble endlessly
it’s an interesting dynamic but it works well for you guys
the kind of bf that people assume he’s a single bachelor and will stay that way forever, or people don’t believe that he’s settled down, and then when they see you two together they’re shocked
𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐨 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐭
you and marco have the most wholesome relationship
if i had to picture anyone whose relationship feels like the honeymoon phase even after a whole year, it is marco
he has a habit of making every small date, every meeting or interaction just feel so special, like every day is a special occasion
the kind of boyfriend who gets you a promise ring early on with every intention of replacing it with an engagement ring and wedding band one day
a big moment for him is introducing you to his friends! he knows they’ll love you, and he just wants you to meet the other most important people in his life
especially you and jean, this boy would be on cloud nine seeing you two get along so well. makes him super happy and teary-eyed
the responsible bf who takes care of everything for you, even little, everyday things so you don’t have to worry about it
like making sure there’s a cup of water on the nightstand when you go to bed, or setting an extra alarm to make sure you don’t oversleep, or reminding you about a deadline
overall just <3 boyfriend marco
𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧
the nonchalant, cool boyfriend who has to hide how sappy he actually is
pretends like he’s not nervous as all hell on your first date. acts like you leaning into him on the walk back home, or kissing his cheek at your doorstep before you say good night isn’t giving him heart palpitations.
also majorly touch-starved. after you two really open up to each other, which happens way sooner than he expected, it’s hard for him to keep his hands away from you.
he’s reserved in public, a simple arm around you waist or hands interlaced while you guys are out
but when you’re in the privacy of your home, it’s almost instinctual for him to pull you close
he loves when you lay your head on his chest, but nothing compares to when you let him lay his head on yours.
you stroke his hair and sit in silence, appreciating the quiet mumble of the television and the sound of each other breathing
always falls asleep like this, and he’s never been much of a nap guy, but ever since he met you, he’s reformed
not to mention your skin is always so warm and soft, and his is always on the colder side, so he’s just drawn to you
also i see him as the kind of guy who proposes out of nowhere, like you aren’t expecting it at all after a quiet dinner together at home, you’re getting up to grab dessert and he pulls out a ring
“how about dessert and naps for as long as we both shall live?”
𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐨 𝐠𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐝
once again, pock tries to put on a tough facade but we all know he’s just a softie on the inside
in fact, it’s a little while into your relationship that you notice him softening up with you, trying less hard to seem like someone else and getting more comfortable around you
you definitely don’t mention it, because you don’t want him to realize how you’ve been noticing it lately, but it definitely makes your chest feel warm and fuzzy at the thought of him being more himself
it’s not long at all before you can’t even see any semblance of that tough guy you met for the first time
the kind of whipped boyfriend that carries your bags when you go shopping, grabs your coffee order on the way to visit you, and likes to have quiet nights in more than going out
your favorite memories with him include watching rom-coms and munching on popcorn in his apartment, everyone else out and about on a saturday night
the leftover pizza is sitting on the counter, and you turn to go put it away when you notice pock teary-eyed at the movie!
yes, this boy cries at sappy romantic movies and you regret ever putting on the notebook that one night because you wanted to get laid after and that just did not happen because he was crying too much
but also just treats you so right and has every intention of being the best boyfriend he can, doesn’t ever want to do anything to hurt you and is highkey very glad he met you and has someone to be so open and comfortable with!
𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫
can you spell boyfriend material.
the most comforting, wholesome boyfriend in the world. you actually can’t believe he’s single when you guys meet for the first time, because there’s just no way.
this is the take him home to meet your parents guy, introduce him to your friends right away guy because you know it’s serious
i talked about how bertholdt is the bf who just listens to your talks and rambles for as long as you need to, and always offers advice and sweet words, but he really does take it to the next level
lets you cry it out when you need to, rubbing your back and hair softly and not minding when his shirt is covered in tears
or alternatively lets you rant about your annoying professor or a terribly rude stranger or whatever else is plaguing your mind today
texts you every day asking how you’re doing, always calls you before bed if you guys aren’t together
he just has the ability to make you feel so heard and seen
and of course you never forget to take care of him, as well. it makes for a really comfortable dynamic.
very easy to imagine spending the rest of your life with him despite the fact that he has kicked you off the bed multiple times in his sleep
𝐞𝐫𝐰𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐡
alternatively, husband material
takes all of five minutes into having a conversation with him to realize this is a responsible, mature guy
which are usually far and few between
i’d like to think he’s similar to marco in the way that he likes to make sure things are taken care for you, he likes to get things off of your shoulders even though you feel like you should be doing it for him instead
this translates to a lot of checking in phone calls, making sure you’ve eaten dinner and haven’t skipped meals because of your busy schedule
always makes time for you and especially loves having date nights every saturday, it’s wonderful when you haven’t been able to see him all week
anyways, you get engaged and married so fast bc you just had to snatch him up
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vibesandwonders · 3 years
“The what?”
“The Lord of the Rings,” Sam stops dead, and jogs back to him, “You serious? You said you read the Hobbit?”
“JRR Tolkien?”
“Yes.” Bucky runs a hand through his hair and sighs.
“But you don’t know The Lord of the Rings?”
“If you keep repeating it, maybe it’ll catch this time.”
Sam’s mouth falls open, “Mother of— they froze you before Lord of the friggin Rings?”
Bucky blows out a blast of annoyed air and moves to run, Sam grabs his forearm, “Stop that, we’re talkin—“
“—We are running.”
“Not anymore,” Sam leans his weight on Bucky and laughs, “Shit. I always forget that they popsicled you,” He shakes his head, “Tolkien, he wrote the Hobbit yeah, but like… ten years later he wrote a Trilogy, the Trilogy, like, the one to rule them all.”
“Are they any good?”
Sam practically squeals with laughter, his arm still looped inside Bucky’s, “Yes.” He says, emphatically, grinning so much that Bucky is tempted to smile back, almost, “The movies are good too.”
“Moving pictures?” Sam grins wider, “Talkies?”
Bucky tilts his head, rolls his eyes, already ready to run again, Sam’s having none of it, he starts pulling Buck back the way they came,
“What about the run?”
“This,” Sam insists, “Is more important, we gotta head back,”
“It’s 7am.”
“Exactly, which means we’ve got time to hit the store on the way home,”
“Provisions, we’re gonna be busy all day, we need to have snacks and keep hydrated.”
“Extended editions baby, this is a 12-hour Lord of the Rings lockdown,” He grins at Bucky, “Consider yourself absolutely blessed that I was nerdy as hell in high school. I gotta text Torres, tell him we are taking the day off.”
“You’re taking a day off, from being Captain America?”
“He’ll understand.”
~ Hours later~
“Bucky,” He sighs, and plants his palms on the kitchen countertop, “James Buchanan Barnes,” Nothing.
He takes his phone out and pauses the damn TV,
The man in question rotates very slightly, his eyes wide, red, in shock, also as pissed as Sam had quite possibly ever seen him, including the time he was kicked off a domestic flight home because of his ‘metal arm’.
“You good?” Sam asks,
“So they just left him? After he sacrificed himself to get them out and across the bridge of Khazad-dûm and away from the Balrog?”
Oh Jesus,
“The bridge of Khaza—" He stops himself, chuckles, can't help it, he shouldn't surprised by this and yet, "Yeah man, they couldn’t—“
“What? Walk out there and grab his hands? There were eight men,” He shakes his head incredulously, “Bilbo’s nephew, wouldn’t walk twenty feet to save Gandalf?”
“Wait wait, Are you crying man?” He smirks, teasing, “There are two and a half more movies to go Buck, and you’re already out here cryin’ your ass off, you gotta chill—“
Bucky regards him sourly, “Have you even read the Hobbit?”
“Not even gonna dignify that kinda hostility with an answer James.”
He unpauses the tv and digs through the fridge, a moment later, the TV pauses again,
“Sorry.” Bucky mutters, “I uh, I’m enjoying them.”
“I can tell.” Sam says, and again, a grown-ass man getting way too sucked in to a High Fantasy trilogy 60 years late shouldn’t be damn adorable, but it is, “You hungry, oh member of the fellowship?”
Bucky rolls his eyes, turns back around,
“Is there coffee?”
Sam grins, and starts filling the water kettle.
“We, are gonna take a break.”
Bucky spins, finger already on the remote to jump to the next movie, Sam shakes his head.
“You haven’t eaten yet, and this is our…shit, third pot of coffee.”
“But they’re taking the hobbits to Isengard.”
Sam cackles, “Yeah, you are indeed correct, that is happening, but, we got 8 more hours of cinematic masterpiece, and you— are gonna eat somethin’”
“I’m not hungry.”
“Would Aragorn not sustain himself while trying to rescue Merry and Pippin?” He asks dramatically,
Another eyeroll, but he stands and stretches, folding one of the new blankets that had somehow started appearing randomly inside his apartment.
“How do you feel about cookies?”
He watches the top of his head twist, but Bucky’s eyes don’t leave the screen, “Thought we were eating lunch?”
Sam laughs, “Thai?”
He texts Sarah, attaches a picture of Bucky swathed in a blanket, staring in fascination at the TV.
“He’s never seen Lord of the Rings.” And then a bunch of laughing emojis.
“So where’s Rohan in relation to Mordor?” Bucky asks over the top of the couch, “They keep talking about the Gap of Rohan, but then…”
“Google it.”
“You’ve got your phone.” Bucky argues, “Do library books still have the maps in the back nowadays?”
Sam’s already got his app open, Complete Works of JRR Tolkien, Hardback
He swipes and makes sure they have maps— New York freakin City, it’ll be delivered before they finish the second one.
“Sam needs to kill Gollum.”
He looks up at the mention of his name, grinning at the screen, then back at the microwave: he lost rock, paper, scissors, so popcorn’s on him.
Bucky purses his lips, unimpressed, “He is clearly untrustworthy, “
“Sam’s also a little jealous of Frodo’s attention, they’ve been one-on-one for a while now,”
“I guess,”
“Frodo also sees a lot of himself in Smeagol, what he could have become…”
Bucky pauses the movie, “they’ve still got those elf-blades.” He mutters, “He’s talking to himself, and creeping off in the night, Sam should kill him, and tell Frodo he found him that way.”
“He was Aragorn’s best friend,” Bucky murmurs, his voice is a little choked up, “He came to defend the men of Rohan.”
Sarah’s texted him back:
“Oh god, you found another geek.” She says, “Are ya’ll gonna like have a Star Trek themed wedding?”
Bucky’s got the second book open across his knees, his fingers holding it open so he can occasionally frown down at the maps.
“He died protecting him.”
“They had a bond.” Sam agrees, “Read the appendices, there’s loads more about the elves. Just wait until you get deep in the Silmarillion.”
“Yeah.” Bucky says, only half-listening, “Starting to think his ‘heir of Gondor’ schtick is getting old, man can’t even protect his friends— and where is Gandalf?”
“Are you shitting on Aragorn? Son of Arathorn?”
Bucky shrugs, “Just seems like he’s avoiding his calling, what he’s good at, born to do… running from it, cause he’s scared.”
“It’s a lot of responsibility he didn’t ask for.” Sam replies mildly,
“Tough shit. Sometimes you just gotta use the cards you’re dealt.” Bucky stands, “I gotta pee.”
“You think I should grow my hair out?”
Sam hides his grin, making an effort not to stare at Aragorn on screen, who is currently smoldering with the best of them,
“I think you should do whatever makes you happy, Buck.” He takes a sip of his coffee (decaf this time) and stares fondly (not really) at the side of Bucky’s face. Sure, he’s distracted, but at least this time it’s not damn mission files.
Buck grunts, they’re sprawled next to each other on the couch, knees touching, blankets shared and spread between them. Between bathroom breaks and Sam occasionally poking Bucky to make sure he was still breathing, personal space had become even less of an issue than usual. Not that Sam was terribly bothered by it. They’re roommates, sorta? Partners?
A couple of guys.
“So, Arwen or Eowyn?” Bucky asks, still unblinking, Sam is pretty sure he unleashed a monster, cause this boy is a nerd. He’s already googled other trilogies, on Sam’s phone. Sam is pretty sure movie night might become a thing.
Buck’s still waiting on his answer, it’s a timeless question to be sure, Sam pretends to ponder it.
“Eomer actually.” He says, keeping his eyes on the screen, “Loyal, strong, and the man knows how to ride.”
actual fic here plus others, leave some love, say hi,
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mazuwii · 3 years
Eren Jaeger SFW Alphabet
Authors note: I hope this is feeding you guys because I am dragging this motivation by its hair😤
I was going to do Bertholdt next but I got a request for Miche so either of them will come out next😄
If you guys can’t comment (I’ve no idea how to turn replies on) Then I’m Lunology on wattpad, just comment on my aot scenarios book and I’ll post here! <3
—A (Affection, how affectionate is he?)
•Not the most lovey-dovey person in the entire cast, Eren is really shy when it comes to conveying his feelings for you. But when you both are alone, and he's comfortable with you he can hug you, or pinch your cheeks as a way of saying "You're so cute I could squish you into nothing."
•He has a very aggressive way of showing affection, like biting your cheek, kissing places with his hands clamping shut on them, it's difficult to get him to let go.
—B (Bestfriend, what would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
•Being best friends with Eren is a wild ride. You'd think he adopted you as a best friend being the loud, boisterous extrovert that he is yet you're the one always getting him out of trouble.
•He's loud, fun, spontaneous but incredibly annoying. My guy will SPAM you with useless TikTok videos, his entire fyp on your messages.
•But he's very funny too, he crops your faces on animated videos and it lowkey looks so shit that it's funny.
•As your best friend, Eren will fight anyone who even thinks about threatening you (lmao he can't fight) so you're just stuck with scolding him and disinfecting his bleeding lip💀
—C (Cuddling. Does he like to cuddle? How would he cuddle?)
•If he gets a random wave of gratitude he'd just randomly burst into your room and hug you, it would be sooo random. You're just playing a game and this guy hugs you but as a joke, he walks around the room while hugging you so the chair you're on walts around everywhere with him. Once you understand what this weirdo is doing you just burst out laughing with him because you both look dumb.
•Like the dude is just staring into space when he remembers that one time you slapped a teacher for him, or almost got yourself in trouble to give him something and he just goes: ƈ ͡ (ुŏ̥̥̥̥ ‸ ŏ̥̥̥̥) ु COME HERE Y/NNNNNN!!
•Eren is a pretty fun boyfriend, wouldn't just stick to a cuddle session, it would be more like... playing a game on the console with you sprawled out on his lap.
—D (Domestic. Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
•While Eren wants to tie a knot when it comes to you and him, having children never ever crosses his mind. It's just fun fun fun until you're twenty-eight and you're asking when he wants to have a mini Jaegar. He just looks a bit taken back because it isn't an easy job...
•And when it comes to cooking and cleaning, he's actually somewhat good at cleaning, never missing a spot with his aggressive wiping. However... I don't see him as a cooker if you get me💀 probably burnt his finger while boiling water and never tries again.
•If we're talking about domestic then yeah maybe, maybe he does have a nice husband in him. Not one that pretends there's a spider on you when you wake up... or nOt one that hogs the pillows.
—E (Ending, If he had to break up with his partner, how would he do it?)
•He felt as if he wasn't giving you enough and that other men could satisfy you. Eren would be too scared to face you when he breaks the news so he would leave a note and completely disappear from your life.
—F (Fiancé. How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
•Eren doesn't really put labels on things, at least, he says that... the guy calls you wifey even though you aren't married. Sure he may think about it for a few minutes but quickly shuts himself down since he's extremely shy when it comes to chatting about the two of you
•Eventually when he goes to all his friends' weddings, he gets jealous and decides he should put a ring on it LMAO, you can expect him to be incredibly flustered and even play it off with a 'cool' when you say yes. It's best you hug him so that you don't see how red his face turns.
•I'm just sayin' he's going all out for your wedding, it's so funny, he's so extra... why are their ten limousines? Men shooting guns upwards the moment you both kiss?! A fucking food fight-
—G  (Gentle. How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
•If we're talking about physically, he is not gentle and he doesn't even try to be. He sometimes accidentally hurts you but never misses a second to kiss the spot and over-apologise. But Eren would never think about hurting you on purpose unless it was a life or death situation.
•Emotionally, he's fragile and would love reassurance. Emotionally, towards you, he doesn't be careful, always giving you jump scares, purposely pranking you
—H (Hugs, do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
•For you, he loves aggressive hugs where it's breaking your bones and he just lifts you off the floor and violently shakes you around like he can't get enough of you.
•He loves loves loves loves LOVES hugs when you two are alone and treating you like your a happy huge dog, ruffling every single part of your body for no reason at all and rubbing you with a relaxing force...?
•Again, Eren is very shy so you'd have to start hugging him first for him to get used to it and eventually, he'll be the one knocking into your body for a bear hug
—I (I love you. How fast do they say the L-word?)
•Eren says I love you through the number of shits he gives (Not literally)... If he cares about you he worries a lot and checks up on you almost all the time so
•It would probably be at a time where he did something so risky and you got so scared that the moment you caught onto him you cried it out, he'd apologetically say it back and hug you, with meaning of course.
—J (How Jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
•Coming from someone who tries her hardest to make this accurate, I can say Eren gets jealous to the  m a x
•At first he thinks to himself that you'd tell whoever it is flirting with you to fuck off but his pride shatters when he realises you didn't say anything and it doesn't sound like you will
•My guy either walks out in dismay and gets petty with you afterwards or he walks up to you and tells you the both of you have to go home before shooting a dirty look at the flirty dude or straight up telling him to piss off
•That may result in a physical fight 💀 that guy needs anger management classes...
—K (Kisses, what are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
•For Eren, I can say that he doesn't make out often but when he does he'll probably leave your lips bruised, he has an obsession with biting your lip at the wrong time💀 he's too rough on most occasions, it isn't fun... calm down Jaegar.
•Eren loves kissing your cheek, except he bites it and leaves a slobber of saliva on it. He thinks it's cute as fuck, he won't stop.
•As for where he likes being kissed... he likes feeling delicate and loved so he really enjoys it when you sweep his rapunzel ass hair aside and kiss the temple of his forehead
—M (Mornings, how are mornings spent with him)
•The blanket is probably completely off of him and his leg is resting on your hip. He's an animal so the guy wakes up at like...6am without an alarm- it isn't even a training day! It's a day off! And he still wakes up at that early time.
•A few morning exercises for an hour before he attempts to wake you up... violently.
•Listen! Eren likes making breakfast with you, it doesn't feel the same without you- it's defintely not because he has no idea how to work the gas and oven🌚
•He's very funny and social when he isn't hungry so mornings are pretty fun with him, cracking a few jokes while getting you dirty with pancake mix (he said he can't control where flour goes, this is why you don't get him to cook)
•And then after that, it's time to shower... idk you decide if you'll go in with him¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (Just sayin' his skin is very red afterwards, my guy uses cold water but scrubs so hard with the lufa-)
—N (Night, how are nights spent with him?)
•Like I said, Eren is like a dog, he spends his days using his full energy and he makes sure to use it all up so by 22:00 he should be knocked out.
•Eren isn't too bothered on cooking so you both probably just watch something before bed while eating take out
•afterwards it's a... really boiling hot shower, brush your teeth, have a conversation in bed for a while until you're both falling asleep at the sound of your voices.
•"Hah... loser... I can...- I can see you falling asleep *Jaegar yawn* first..." even though he's the one with the heavy, falling eyelids.
—O (Open, when would he start revealing things about himself? Did he say everything all at once? Or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
•Eren is very hesitant when it comes to being emotional, he thinks it isn't very masculine so you have to remove the toxic part away and reassure him millions of times that just because he cried, it doesn't make him girly.
•It would be an accident, he'd be trying to go stargazinh with you, you were resting on his arm and he was rambling and the subject suddenly got onto him. Without realising, he spilled everything right then and there... somehow without crying.
•The least you could do was hold on his hand and squeeze it gently... I doubt he's paying attention, he's probably scowling in memory.
•It's best you reassure him that nothing is his fault, nothing could have prevented what happened
—P (Patience, how easily angered are they?)
•He is very impatient to say the least, a control freak.
•When things don't go his way, he shouts, punches walls, scrunches up his hair but the moment there are tears in his eyes, everyone needs to leave the room
•oh ho ho HOOO you don't want to Eren to cry from anger, he turns into the silent kid with a glock in his bag... leave him for an hour and you'll come back to a fully destroyed room👁👄👁
—Q (Quizzes, how much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
•He remembers dumb small details, your favourite flowers, why you don't like public bathrooms, the reason you won't stop annoying his half brother 💀 (You wanna know Zeke's wiping technique... who doesn't?!)
•However he can't for the life of him, remember your doctors appointment or to pick up your medicine... he's halfway home and goes "Fuck-"
—R (Remember, what is his favourite moment in your relationship?)
•He and you go out on a lot of dates, but they're always wacky and messy. One of his favourites was when you both attacked Armin at the beach with water guns and then both Armin and Mikasa were both searching for you to get revenge
•You two hid behind a palm tree, giggling lowly with each other, aiming to attack your two oblivious friends but little did you both know, they heard your low confident remarks and lunged from behind the tree with two full buckets of freezing sea water dumped on you.
•He always remembers that day when he drifts off into a daydream and it always makes him smile
—S (Security, how protective are they? How would they protect you?)
•Trust me when I say... Eren would kill for you...
•So in conclusion, he is very protective and would not hesitate to take far measures to protect you. He's pretty much your ride or die
•While he doesn't show his protectiveness, he acts on it... if that makes sense? Listen, he's very protective but he's sneaky about it! I don't know how to describe it
—T (Try. How much effort would he put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
•Despite how immature he seems, Eren completes all tasks in his day. And he makes sure of it
•When it comes to dates, it's very random... more spontanous but it's always something like. "Oh by the way, we're going to a waterpark this Sunday." Orrr "Babe! Get ready, we're going to eat out with Armin and his girlfriend!"
•You have an hour and a half to get ready so I would call your relationship active 😭 not even sexually active just active.
•Eren can be thoughtful but you have to shove your interests in his face for him to know what you want. Cartoon posters? He catches you watching a lot of gravity falls, steven universe, AWOG, etc... and then anytime he sees stuff to do with that in shops, he gets it for you on the way.
—U (Ugly, what are some bad habits of his?)
•Like I said earlier, Eren has some... mild anger issues🌚
•Nothing can calm him down, unless you have Ackerman strength I doubt you can stop him. He has no idea how to deal with his emotions so it just bubbles up and then he sees an object and thinks 💡 this can take my shit load of anger
•The walls probably have a lot dents yk and calming him down is very difficult but to be thoughtful, you tried getting him a few things to help him deal with his stress properly
—V (Vanity, how concerned is he with his looks)
•Couldn't really give two shits about his appearance, my guy grew rapunzel ass hair and just tied it up because I doubt he's bothered to take care of it
•Sure he wouldn't mind you washing it for him and applying conditioner, in fact, he loves it.
•Eren doesn't care about his appearance and just throws on a hoodie and sweatpants most of the time. You have to choose the shit he wears when you go out on fancy occassions 💀
—W (Whole, would they feel incomplete without you?)
•Again, to Eren, you're his world and he'd do anything to make sure that world is safe and healthy so without you, who would he feel the need to protect?
•Okay MAYBE he doesn't like worrying but he just does so I guess that would be a good thing if you broke up but it isn't as worth it💀
•But ever since you've been his sunshine cheerleader, he can't imagine a morning without your whining ass voice, or fighting with you to the bathroom in the morning, jumping on your back out of nowhere
•You're everywhere in his head, of course he couldn't feel whole without you
—X (Xtra, a random headcannon for him)
•Anytime Eren loses at something(it could be a hobby or a game) he'd stop doing it. Just dropping the entire thing.
•Unless he feels competitive, that always fires him up to do better... so in a way, Jean motivates him to do things. Those two actually care for each other but they hate each other (not literally) they're like siblings!
•Sorry, am I making sense?💀
—Y (Yuck, what are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in person?)
•First of all, my mans fucking hates chocolate, put it near him and he'll kick it or throw it against the nearest wall.
•Like Eren was such a good boi when he was little, eating everything his momma put on his plate, even the brussel sprouts he fucking despised.
•But chocolate is his last straw. Chocolate and peanut butter. It gets stuck to the roof of his mouth and he panics like a drama queen, fanning his face like a princess and washing his mouth with his heart POUNDING against his chest
—Zzz (What are some sleeping habits of his?)
•He sleeps pretty normally, when he turns he lets out a soft satisfied groan, which I'd say is ordinary
•As for his sleeping weight, I'd say he's a heavy sleeper, you'd need to shake him to wake him up, slap his face or something because when that sleep is BUSSIN he won't be WAKIN (bad joke sorry)
•And he's gaping. Shut his mouth please.
•His hands may accidentily fall on some places on your body, he places them everywhere. Like on your nose, on your belly
Authors note:
Have you guys noticed that I don't add the letter L🌚? *shocked noises*
Jaaaa that's because I don't wanna write about kids so forgive me lmao
Deadass my brain just went bye bye when it came to writing and I recharge by reading actual original work by published authors, it helps me get back on track
Bertholdt/Miche is next!
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bored-mumma · 3 years
Tom Holland Fluff Alphabet
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A = Attractive. What do they find attractive about the other?
Personality wise, Tom loves your ability to laugh in most situations. No matter how stressed he is, you easily bring a smile to his face.
Physically, he finds your looks breath taking. Your  a priceless work of art to him.
B = Baby. Do they want a family? Why/Why not?
Yes, Tom is almost obsessed with the idea of having a family with you. He’s doing it all right. Got a house with a few spare bedrooms, proposed, got married, and now is waiting for the day you finally show him the positive test. It’s the life he’s always dreamt of. 
C = Cuddle. How do they cuddle?
Wrapped around you. Usually his arms are held around your waist, head resting on your chest and his legs tangled with yours too. He wants to feel your warmth and to just relax after a hard day.
D = Dates. What are dates with them like?
Not usually traditional ones. Instead of fancy restaurants, you can’t beat a late night drive to the beach, sitting in the car with a take away and singing very loudly and very badly to some love songs. Having fun is the most important part of your date nights.
E = Everything. You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…)
You are my best friend.
F = Feelings. When did they know they were falling in love?
You couldn’t see the floor from the amount of the snacks laid on it , you and Tom both wearing your comfiest pyjamas and snuggled up beneath some duvets. There was a raging storm outside so instead of a nice meal out, Tom ordered so much stuff to eat and some movies. He rested his head on your lap, your finger nails gently dragging along his skin. He wasn’t watching the movie though. Instead his eyes kept drifting up to you, realising just how much he has fallen in love with you. 
G = Gentle. Are they gentle? If so, how?
Very. In every way. He’ll hold you gently, he’ll comfort you gently. Even if you argue, he’ll still talk in a calm voice. You’ve never even heard him raise his voice let alone yell properly - especially at you. He’s definitely your gentle giant.
H = Holding Hands. How do they like to hold hands?
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I = Impression. First impression/s?
Tom thought you were hilarious. In you walked, a large smile on your face and making everyone happy. You loved to make others happy and Tom was no exception. He introduced himself and the two of you hit it off almost immediately. It didn’t take long for him to ask you out - in fact he did so just three days later.
J- Joker. Are they into pulling pranks?
you tend to pull pranks on other people as a pair. He’ll randomly text you throughout the day saying he’s bored and the two of you will discuss how to pull a couple pranks on his co-workers. 
K = Kiss. How do they kiss?
Pretty gently. He puts his forehead on yours, holding your hands. He slowly leans in and presses his lips against yours, moving in sync. Although, of course, there are other times when its more feral. He’ll pull you towards him, claiming your lips as his own as his hands tangle in your hair. 
L = Love. Who says ‘I love you’ first?
Tom does. He was so excited to say it, he was acting like an over-energetic puppy! He made you your favourite breakfast one morning, along with a bouquet of your favourite flowers. Taking it up to you, you sat in the bed together and before you even had a chance to say thank you, Tom blurted “A beautiful breakfast for the beautiful woman i love.”
M = Memory. What’s their favourite memory together?
When you went to meet his family. He is really close with them all, and when you came in and just instantly clicked with everyone, Tom couldn’t help but sit back with a smile on his face. When everyone sat for dinner, Tom barely got a word in edge ways since his family was just adoring you and wanted to keep the conversation going. 
N = Nickel. Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?
You. Get. Everything. And I mean everything. When looking at buying your first house together, you had to get one with an extra bedroom just to store all the stuff he got you. Usually some random stuff he sees in shops that reminds him of you but it also includes stunning accessories, clothes, vintage books, literally everything
P = Petnames. What petnames do they use?
“babe” or “love”.
Q = Quaint. What is their favourite non-modern thing?
Tom loves to sow! It takes his mind of his hectic life just for a little while. A wall in the spare bedroom is just covered in his designs. Ones he’s most proud of but doesn’t want them hanging in the lounge. It’s also great for you. Rip in your favourite top? No problem, Tom can fix it.
R = Rainy Day
Board games! All and any! Except for monopoly, as experience taught you, that game brings out both your extreme competitive side. 
S = Sad. How do they cheer themselves/others up?
Tom is very good at talking about his feelings with you. If he’s down, he knows your the best shoulder to cry on and vice versa. He’ll always be there for you too. You may not be able to give him advice or to really help him out but just to have someone to hold, to cry to and talk to makes him feel safe. 
T = Talking. What do they like to talk about?
He loves a good gossip. Want to tell him a story about your co-workers having an affair? He’s all ears, throwing in a few gasps and questions too. He’s just nosy but so are you! So a perfect match. 
U = Unencumbered. What helps them relax?
A warm, deep bubble bath with some music playing softly, a good book and some snacks. It’s so relaxing there’s been a few times you’ve had to walk in the bathroom and wake him up from a nap.
V = Vaunt. What do they like to show off? 
He dances. All. The. Time. Either with you or just around you, he loves to dance. And you can’t deny, he’s got the moves! 
W = Wedding. When, how, where do they propose?
Coming home from a lunch date with some friends, you were looking forward to just relaxing at home since it was Toms night to cook. However, when you opened the front door, your eyes landed on the most beautiful sight. Your home was covered in flowers, some candles and a red carpet rolled down the middle. Except there was no sight of your partner. Calling out to him, you walked farther into the room when Tessa, your guys dog, ran out and down the red carpet, a little note wrapped around her collar. As you gave her a quick scratch behind the ears, you read the words “Will you marry me?” 
“What do you say?” You spin as you hear Tom speak from behind you, down on one knee and holding a stunning ring. 
X = Xylophone. What’s their song?
Lady in red
Y = You. You are the ___ to my ___ (e.g. the cookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese)
You are the straw to my berry
Z = Zebra. If they wanted a pet, what would they get?
Tom is very content with Tessa. Both of you love the staffy to pieces! But he’s very open at the idea of more dogs in the future. 
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mrs-nara-shikamaru · 4 years
ABC Fluff- Shikamaru Nara
A/N- I’m late, I know his birthday was yesterday. However, this took me longer than I expected. Thank you to @sparkleswritings and Laura for helping! @briar-alexandra for helping beta read for me!
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A = Affection (how affectionate are they in day to day life? Do they show affection publicly or keep that more in private?)
In public, Shikamaru keeps his display of affection on the subtle side. At the beginning of the relationship, he is hesitant to even hold your hand. Sometimes when he is feeling possessive he will keep a steady hand on your back or loosely hanging around your waist. In private, it's a whole different story. Man lives to cuddle and nap with his S/o. A big thing that becomes tradition is 'hello' and 'goodbye' smooches. Its something he looks forward too when going to see you. 
B – Best (What would they say is the other’s best trait?)
One of the things he loves most about his S/o is the way their eyes light up. Whether it's eating a cake from the new shop down the street or when they're receiving flowers from him. Their eyes ever so slightly widen and begin to change into a lighter iris while a smile grows of their face. A simple smile that causes his heart to flutter. 
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
It just depends on the situation and where you guys were at. Some nights your back can be against his chest with his arms secured tightly around your waist. Other times, you'll be at his favorite napping spot, curled against his side as the soft breeze sweep across the grass. Shikamaru doesn't have a favorite way to cuddle. As long as he can hold his S/o while their snuggling against him. 
D = Dream (What do they dream of with their S/o?)
Shikamaru wants to grow old with his S/o. He wants to live lazily with them, waking up late in the morning. It's a simple dream of his. Shikamaru wants to share intimate moments with them, show them a side of him that no one else will know. Which will be their little secret. He wants to be able to let down his guard while let go of his duties without worries. Shikamaru sometimes dreams of their future with little ones. Waking up to their children peaking in the room wondering if their parents were awake or coming home to see his S/o and kids making dinner together. 
E – Early (What was the first month of dating like?)
The first month of dating was a little awkward more so for him than you. Shika hadn't been in a relationship prior, he was still learning. He didn't have a positive outlook at relationships always thinking they were a drag. This man would watch his words, not wanting to upset his S/o. He would observe them seeing what they disliked and liked. Lowkey would ask Ino for help when deciding on flowers or other gifts. Any concerns he had, Shikamaru would express them to Choji or Asuma rather than you. Early on it's difficult to see how soft Shikamaru is for his S/o but his friends know how devoted he is. This man would skip a nap or two for his S/o. 
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
Everyone close to him knew he was in love before he did. It would show in the way his eyes soften seeing his S/o out in the streets. He figured it out for himself when he realized how addicting it was to be in their presence. How every time they spoke, he gives them his undivided attention or how his napping spot was more lonesome without them. 
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
He is so soft for his S/o. The tone of his voice is gentler when addressing them. Shikamaru doesn't use 'what a drag' as often when they ask something of him or when they're around. It often shows when Shikamaru interrupts you to brush your hair behind your ears before leaning forward grazing your lips with his. 
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
Holding hands depends on his mood. Sometime he will have his hands in his pockets while his S/o is loosely hanging off his arm. Other times, Shikamaru takes your hand, and firming interlocks your hands together. Almost like he's scared to lose you. Palms pressed tightly together. There are times where you can be walking down the street with him, swing your hand while fingertips are loosely intertwined. 
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
Honestly, the first impression was a mix of 'troublesome women' and 'what a drag'. Shikamaru didn't expect much from someone he just bumped into as you were apologizing for not watching where you were going. He wasn't going to see you again most likely and went on his way to his napping spot. Little did he know.  
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Honestly, this is a tough one. Shikamaru trusts his S/o so much that getting jealous is just too much of a drag. He doesn't expect you to get jealous and he has no reason to be. Of course, if someone isn't backing off after you've told them too, he will step in. But it would take a lot to make Shikamaru jealous. 
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
This is no surprise but his kisses are lazy. Soft, maybe, chaste kisses. Though there are moments where Shikamaru will kiss them like he'll lose them or they might disappear from his life. Coming back from a mission, he will give his S/o a passionate kiss saying 'I'm home' or a goodbye kiss promising 'I'll come back.' The first kiss was all him. You were chatting away while he rests in your lap. It was a subconscious decision while he gazing up at you. The breeze making your hair float in the wind. His hand gently placed on your face, bringing you down till your lips descended upon his. His lips brushed yours, softly and delicately like you were going to fade away. It was long enough that he could feel the warmth of your skin, confirming you were here to stay. 
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
It was you. You two would be cuddling on the couch, just lovely staring at him as he was napping. Shikamaru opens one eye to give you a questioning look. "Is something the matter?"
"Hm?" You gave him a simple smile. "No." He closes his eye. "I just thinking about how much I love you." It took him a moment before he jolts with reddened cheeks. 
M = Memory (What’s their favorite memory together?)
Teaching you how to play shogi might be one of his favorites. He can't help but laugh as you were stressing about your next move, looking at him for confirmation that you moved a knight the right way. The way you pout every time he wins as you declare that you'll win the next round. 
N – Nicknames (Things they call each other) 
Yours: Princess, Troublesome, Brat
His: Handsome, Shika, My love, Sir (if we're getting spicy)
O – One (Tell us about the moment they realized they were with the one.)
When it hit him that his S/o was the one is after coming home from a mission. He had walked through the door, the air was a familiar smell of his mother's cooking. All Shikamaru wanted to do was go to sleep until he heard the familiar chime of his S/o laugh only to find his father teaching them how to out strategize him in shogi and his mother nagging them to finishes up since he was home. You look up from the board, smiling brightly. "Welcome home, Shika!" 
P = Planning (How are dates planned out? What do they do? Where do they go?)
Dates with Shikamaru go two ways. Meaningful and romantic or casual and lazy. The first one is something that is planned, more an anniversary dinner or trip. It usually is an occasion in which he puts a lot of effort into it. The second one is how dates normally happen. Shika will take you down for a walk around the Nara forest or you talk him into going to a festival with you. This could also mean going out to eat only to have Ino and Choji joining you guys not realizing it was a date. Ino is mortified when she finds out.
Q = Quirks (Little things they do in the relationship)
Shikamaru will bring you flowers randomly when stopping by the Yamanaka's flower shop. He could be talking to Ino about a mission and stare at roses while thinking about you. Ino notices and gives them to him, insisting he doesn't have to pay. He checks up on his S/o once a day, if you guys haven't had time to spend together. 
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Sleep. He likes listening to the rain while drifting off. Once in awhile, he might read a book. 
S – Soft (Something one of them did that turned the other into absolute mush)
One of the quickest ways to turn him to mush is letting him sleep on your lap while you comb through his hair, singing/humming to yourself subconsciously. He lives for the quiet moment with his S/o. 
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Shikamaru is more of a listener than a talker. He loves to hear about your day when settling for the night. Hearing his S/o softly chatter about the adventures they had is soothing to him. Some nights, he talks about the future with you. Talking about where you wanted to travel too, when you want to marry, how many kids you would have or what kind of house would you wanna grow old with him in. 
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
When he can be an old man in peace without anyone nagging at him. Watching his clouds and napping the day away. However, he isn't opposed to having a relaxing meal with his S/o and best friend. 
V – Vanity (Something they’re proud of in themselves and their partner)
The ability to settle an argument calmly. Shikamaru isn't a fan of being yelled at or yelling. It's all just a drag and exhausting. He also likes to keep it between the two of you. What the disagreement is about isn't anyone else business. He's proud of the fact that you two can sit down and talk it out. If the argument gets too heated, you guys stop and separate to calm down before resuming. 
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
He did it casually. Shikamaru talks about it with you beforehand. Asking if you wanted to get married or wait another year. You knew he was going to propose, there wasn't a point in hiding it much to his mother and Ino's demise. He didn't tell them about it beforehand, not wanting to get nagged over it. Hearing you laugh about it while getting fitted for a ring was enough unless you wanted something different. The wedding on the other hand wouldn't be a courthouse wedding like everyone thought.  
X = Xperience? (Experience in romance?)
Shikamaru has no experience previous to his relationship with his S/o. The man has only seen how Asuma and his dad act. He occasionally asks Ino for help. 
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Absolutely. You both don't want to rush into the marriage but it's a topic that is often discussed before bed. 
Z = Zoo (Are animals apart of the present/future)
Shikamaru is indifferent about having a pet. If his S/o wants one and understands how much work it will be, they can go ahead. If you do get one, he has a soft spot for it. The deers in the forest are also something that will become a responsibility after marrying him. 
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lassieposting · 3 years
otp questions for skugwife plz 🥺
1. Who said I love you first?
He did, about three seconds after laying eyes on her for the first time. He was Not Subtle. In his defence, he was in a field hospital at the time, covered in his own blood, and was high off his ass on pain relief, so.
2. Who laughs and kisses their partner on the cheek while their partner isn’t happy about something trivial to try and make them feel better?
Wifey. She's kind of handicapped here because Skug does his best to shield her from the worst parts of himself and the grim truth about war. He doesn't outright lie to her, but he'll censor what he tells her, leaving out the death and the blood and the gore, because he's grown up terrified of becoming his father and he's desperate to be the man she thinks he is, to be someone who's worthy of her love. He doesn't want her to ever look at him and see a killer. If she has to think of him at war, he wants her to think of her gallant hero who always saves the day. So a lot of the time, when he gets into a black mood, she doesn't actually know what's really distressing him. She knows he has nightmares, but he always claims he doesn't remember what they're about. She knows that sometimes he'll nick himself with a knife while he's helping her with dinner, and when she turns around he's just standing there watching his hand bleed like he's suddenly somewhere very far away, but she doesn't know why he gets like that. She knows he has days where she'll say his name four or five times before he even seems to hear her, and an unexpected gunshot from one of the neighbouring smallholdings will have him trembling and running to check on her. But she tries, when he's quiet and distant and sad. She'll hold him and stroke his hair or sing to him or take him out walking in the sunshine, and eventually he'll take her hand and kiss her knuckles and apologise for being an arse, and she never really knows how to tell him that she doesn't mind him having those days at all, she just wishes she knew how to make him stop hurting.
3. Who cuddles up to the other after a long day at work, and this soon escalates to a playful pillow fight?
Skug. They're a cuddly, affectionate couple anyway, but his favourite thing in the world is laying his head in her lap and having his hair stroked. The man melts. They'll cuddle up in the evenings and he'll keel over for her as soon as she pats her leg like come on then and they'll just. Catch each other up on what they've missed since the last time he was home, while she pets him. She'll tell him the latest drama in her friend circle and how her father's been dodging the advances of an elderly patient, and he'll give her a censored, family-friendly version of what he got up to at the front - so, all the funny stories, but with all the gore and death and hard choices edited out. If he says something sufficiently ridiculous, she'll swat him in the face with a cushion. Sometimes he'll fall asleep there and she'll keep playing with his curls until she thinks he's well and truly out of it, and then pick up her needlework to do over his head while he sleeps.
4. What is something that they gave one another that has a lot of meaning?
When they're courting, she makes him a scarf and sends it with the courier with one of her letters, because she didn't like to think of him being cold on night watches. It's red and has zero magical properties whatsoever, it's no Bespoke creation, but he wears it on every mission.
She has a locket with his portrait in it. He's ADHD as fuck and hates sitting still for hours, but she playfully tells him one time that he's "been away so long I almost forgot what you looked like," and he takes it seriously and makes sure that never happens again.
5. How would one another describe their partner?
Very similarly. They both think the other one is their better half and that they don't deserve them. She loves him because he's brave and clever and funny and not afraid to stand up for what he believes in. He loves her because she's good and kind and loving and makes him want to be a better man. They're that couple that are so caught up in each other's virtues that they completely miss each other's flaws.
6. Who wraps their arms around their partner as they look them in the eyes and compliments them with a goofy smile?
Skug, every time they go somewhere they'll be surrounded by His Kind Of People.
Wifey is a salt of the earth working/lower-middle-class sort of girl. She has a job. She's grown up doing all the cooking and cleaning for her father, and she continues to do a lot of it even after she gets married and Skug hires servants because she can't stand to be idle. She has a very limited education; she didn't spend her childhood being fussed over by governesses or taught to simper and dance and paint. So she feels very out of place at fancy Sanctuary parties, surrounded by Skug's superior officers and their sophisticated upper-class wives. She's worried about embarrassing him, she's worried about making him look bad, she's worried about being laughed at or insulted behind her back for being too common or too forthright or too lacking in pretty manners.
He'll pull her to one side before they're announced and remind her that she outshines every other woman in the room, that most of these people are boorish and ignorant anyway so who cares what they think, and that she's got nothing to worry about: she's far more charming than he is and the laws of probability suggest that if anyone is gonna put their foot in it and embarrass the other one, it'll be him.
7. Who loves saying ‘my wife’ or ‘my husband’ or ‘my spouse’?
Wifey, especially when they're newlyweds. She has absolutely no idea how she managed to land him. He's hers now, forever. She has to keep saying it to convince herself it's true. Skug is a bit baffled, but having someone so happy to lay claim to him gives him major heart eyes. He's not used to having someone be proud of him and want to show him off like he's something worth bragging about.
8. Who always talks about how amazing their partner is when their partner isn’t there and they just light up with genuine love and happiness?
God, both of them.
In Prussia, a few months after they get married, Morwenna Crow takes one for the team and spends three solid weeks indulging Skug while he talks about his wife just, constantly.
On Wifey's side, she has a gaggle of girlfriends who appear at the door of her lovely new home to take tea at the first opportunity after her honeymoon wanting all the salacious details. And? She has so much to tell them. Like a lot of young women at the time, the most she was given in the way of sex education was a vague lecture from an older married friend about Marital Duties that didn't really serve a purpose beyond making her really, really nervous about her wedding night.
(She tells Skug about this lecture while she's sprawled all over him somewhere between round two and round three on said wedding night. She's confused. She was told it would be distasteful and unpleasant and painful. Why would her friends lie to her? He laughs, and strokes her hair, and tells her her friends' husbands are clearly doing something wrong.)
So. She returns from her honeymoon with a lot of new information to share with her poor, deprived friends. She's not the only married woman in the group, but she's the only one who married for love, so the unmarried girls are looking at what they want for themselves, and the ones who married for wealth or status are lowkey living vicariously through her.
These gatherings are deeply unnerving for poor Skug. He'll pop into the parlour to kiss Wifey goodbye before he goes out riding with Ghastly, and like eight smirking women politely sipping tea will chorus good morning, Skulduggery like they know something he doesn't know, and something about the way they look at him makes him feel like they're starving and he's a juicy steak. And then he'll close the door behind him when he leaves the room and hear them all immediately explode into giggles. What the fuck do they talk about in there??? At least once he's asked Wifey if she's plotting to sacrifice him, or something.
9. Who loves it when their partner kisses them good morning?
Skug. When you've spent the last 6+ months snatching at sleep on a hard bed with itchy blankets in between night watches and enemy attacks and commando raids of your own, it becomes a real treat to get a full nights sleep and wake up in fresh sheets in your own bed with your wife pressed up against your back, kissing your neck and touching you under the blanket. He knows he's safe when he wakes up with her, and he misses feeling her burrow into his arms when they're apart.
10. Who shows the other how to balance a spoon on their nose?
11. Who loves to pull pranks on the other? What type of pranks do they pull and do they pull their pranks off?
Wifey's favourite is to tell Skug she invited her father to stay for a week and watch him frantically try to arrange his face into any other expression than "horrified". This is doubly funny if he just came home and he's raring to get her into bed - "Oh, darling, we can't, Papa will be here shortly, and he's due to stay until Thursday next, you'll simply have to wait," - but she never lets him believe it for long. She's not, like, cruel.
12. What is something small that they would randomly pick up for one another?
Spending money is Skug's love language. He's always buying her "just a little something"s. Hair ribbons, jewellery, new dresses, books, paints...anything he sees and thinks she'd enjoy.
She bakes for him, when he's home. She doesn't think the army feeds him properly, and she knows he eats like a horse. Coming back from Ghastly's to the smell of homemade bread is one of his favourite things about being married.
13. Who is the one who can’t stop laughing when trying to tell a joke?
Wifey. She'll be doubled over wheezing, red in the face, and Skug will still have no idea what the joke is. She didn't get that far. She's the kind of person where, many hours later, he'll ask, "So what was that joke you wanted to tell me?" and it'll just. Set her off again.
14. Who would plan the other a surprise birthday party?
Skug. He's often away for Wifey's birthday, but he'll always try to wheedle some leave out of Corrival so he can come home and spend it with her. It doesn't always work - a lot of the time they simply can't spare him - but he does his best.
15. Who picks the other person up when hugging their partner?
Skug is a 6'4 beanpole of a man who likes small, petite women. Wifey is like 5'3 tops and he picks her up all the time. She weighs, like, nothing to him and she's really into how strong he is, so getting swept off her feet all the time doesn't bother her.
What does bother her is when his lanky ass forgets to bring things down from the top shelf before going away for a few months. She can't reach up there.
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karajaynetoday · 4 years
ours, for the rest of forever | ashton irwin
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Hello friends! Here is a godparent!Ash one shot, based on this blurb about being godparents with Ashton and also inspired in part by that scene in Season 5 of One Tree Hill when Brooke is randomly looking after a baby but has to also finish fashion sketches so Lucas comes to her rescue with babysitting and it is overall very soft and cute. You know the one! Lol. 
A very big thank you to Jex @sadistmichael​ , Anna @cheekysos​ , Jae @jae-writes-fanfiction​ and Hailey @talkfastromance4​ for proof-reading and providing feedback on this when it was in its draft stages. You’re all absolute gems! 
Anyway, enjoy the softness and as always, please let me know what you think! I’ve got some thoughts for a potential part 2, so we’ll wait and see how part 1 goes :)
(This is a fem reader insert)
Word count: 3.3k words
Warnings: none
More writing here | send feedback/thoughts/suggestions here
When your best friend Alice told you she was having a baby, you were over the moon. She was honestly one of the most kind-hearted people you knew, and the amount of love in her heart for others would only bloom more for a little baby to hold and cherish. Her partner James had been by Alice’s side since your university days, and their relationship was one that was literally #goals. They’d moved over to Los Angeles because James had an opportunity to work at an indie creative agency working with music artists, and when you followed a year or so later to pursue a consulting job, they’d welcomed you with open arms into the little community they’d formed of Australian ex-pats, LA creatives and generally good quality, salt of the earth people. 
In the early days, there were lots of late nights (that became early mornings) running amok in West Hollywood, going from one house party to the next, but as you grew older, it became more likely to be a quiet Sunday sesh in someone’s backyard, with a barbeque cooking and someone playing their favourite tunes on a portable speaker while you floated in the swimming pool or lounged about on the grass with everyone’s various pets in attendance. When you met Ashton, he was drumming shirtless at his own house party, and then doing shots with James and their friend Calum. You were more than a little intimidated, although he had a kind face and welcoming nature, Ashton was forthcoming his opinions. On the other hand, you were always more reserved, and it took you  time to feel like you belonged with their crazy crew of friends. One night, you and Ashton ended up alone in the kitchen sharing some chicken nuggets and potato gems tater tots after a wild night on the house part dancefloor, and from there you could feel a solid friendship starting to take hold. 
A few months after Alice and James told you they were expecting, they’d invited you and Ashton out to brunch at one of your favourite spots. It was a little hole-in-the-wall café in Studio City that you’d first come to after Ashton wouldn’t stop raving about how good their iced coffees were. You all ordered your favourites (avocado smash with a side of smoked salmon and a hash brown for you, raspberry hotcakes for Alice, a breakfast burger for James, and pulled pork eggs benedict with a side of halloumi for Ashton) and were chatting away about your weeks at work when Alice reached down and pulled two envelopes out of her tote bag and handed on to you and one to Ashton. You took them, looking confusedly at Alice and James, who had big goofy smiles on their faces.
“Well, go on! Open them!” Alice half-shouted excitedly, squeezing James’ hand on top of the table. You and Ashton glanced at each other, perplexed, before tearing open the envelopes and finding a card inside. Yours read, “Will you be my godmother?” in gold writing on the front, and inside was an ultrasound photo with a handwritten note from Alice that made you tear up when you started reading it. You could see in your peripheral vision that Ash had a corresponding card in his envelope too, and he was standing up to give James and Alice a hug with an enthusiastic “Fuck YES! Of course I will!” that garnered some disapproving looks from the middle-aged women sitting near you. You held it together just enough to stand up and exchange hugs and choke out a “Y-y-yes” to Alice and James, before basically bursting into full blown tears of happiness and apologising profusely as your brunch was delivered to the table. As you wiped away your tears and managed to begin eating your avocado smash, you felt Ashton squeeze your hand reassuringly under the table, and when you glanced towards him he was grinning at you with a smile that was as bright as a thousand suns. 
It was a normal June day at the office a few months later when your phone pinged with a text from Alice in your group chat with her, James and Ashton that 
 read “It’s go-time. We’ll keep you updated!”. You replied with lots of exclamation points and crying emojis, and for Alice and James to let you know if they needed anything, and a few minutes later Ashton had penned a full paragraph about the beauty of the creation of life, how he knew that Alice and James would be incredible parents, and that he couldn’t wait to meet the little one once they made their way into the world. Ashton was frustratingly eloquent sometimes. Later that night, you received a photo message of a small, pink baby snuggled up on Alice’s chest, with James’ arm thrown around her shoulders, and the caption “Charlie Rose, ten fingers, ten toes. Come visit tomorrow, she can’t wait to meet you x” and you could barely sleep from the anticipation of meeting your darling goddaughter for the first time.
Ashton insisted on meeting you at the hospital so you could visit Alice, James and Charlie together (“Dude, we’re a godparent team here! A package deal! A dynamic duo! Can’t have you getting in there as the favourite from day one!”) and you’d never seen him more gentle or smitten than when the small, wriggly bundle of blankets that was Charlie Rose was placed in his arms. Ashton rocked her gently, kissing her head, and whispering to her about how incredible she was and how excited he was to see her grow. James was snapping away with his camera, and he asked you and Ash to stand together for a photo holding Charlie, which would later be stuck on your fridge for years to come (and possibly be your phone lockscreen, but no need to mention that to Ashton). 
Charlie was a tricky baby at first, resisting sleep and struggling with colic, but Alice and James were incredible and persistent and by the time she was 6 months old, they basically had the hang of this parenting thing. They didn’t want to christen Charlie in a church, but instead decided to hold one of your cherished backyard barbeques as a naming celebration for her. All of your nearest and dearest were there, and Alice’s mum had even flown in from Australia to meet her newest granddaughter. Despite it being an incredibly informal affair, Ashton insisted on making a speech about how he felt to be in Charlie’s life, to love and support her through every milestone and challenge she might encounter along the way. Charlie was happily gurgling in Ashton’s arms as he spoke, and she reached up to grab at his cheeks when he told her he loved her. Alice’s mum insisted on getting photos of everyone, including you and Ashton holding Charlie, and you tried to ignore the butterflies you felt when Ash slid his arm around your waist and pulled you into his side for a cosy photo pose. Were you actually starting to fall for him, or was it just the baby fever talking? Because damn, that man looked good with a baby in his arms.
When Charlie was almost 12 months old, Alice decided that she wanted to go back to work a few days a week. Charlie would be in childcare for most of the days, but you’d recently adopted a flexible working arrangement with your own office, and you insisted that you would love to look after Charlie for one day a week. The older Charlie got, the more adventurous she became, so what you’d originally envisioned as nice, quiet days of baking and craft activities and napping soon became full of visits to the playground and the beach and the zoo. Once Ashton heard about your regular babysitting day, he insisted on clearing his schedule as best he could, and joined the outings you and Charlie went on. It’s so much easier to cope with her boundless energy (and occasional temper tantrums) when you and Ash are together, and you have to admit it’s just as nice on the quieter days as well, when you snuggle in on your couch to watch a Disney movie, or do some puzzles with Charlie on the lounge room floor. 
When Ashton was back out on tour, he’d insist on FaceTiming with you and Charlie on your babysitting day so he didn’t miss out on all the fun. Sometimes he’d read her a story or sing her a lullaby before naptime, and sometimes the timezones wouldn’t work out and he’d end up calling during naptime, so the two of you just spent a little time catching up on each other’s lives from your opposite sides of the country or the planet. Ashton also loved collecting little souvenirs for Charlie on his touring travels, and your group chat with Alice and James was regularly filled with photos of snow globes or little soft mascot toys he’d found in one city or the next. It was so cute how excited Ashton got when he found a new souvenir for Charlie, and you couldn’t help but imagine how adorable he’d be when he had his own children and carried on little traditions like this for them too. 
One particular weekend, Alice and James were going away overnight to attend a friend’s wedding nearby, and despite their anxiety and nerves (and admittedly, your own), they decided to leave Charlie with you for the night as your house is the main one besides their own that she spends time in. They dropped Charlie off just after lunchtime, and after a teary goodbye, she’s soon happily playing with her toy cars and trains on the lounge room carpet (including making broom-broom noises, what a cutie) when you get an unexpected call from your boss. They’re rambling about a client needing an urgent rewrite on something that you’d submitted the previous day, a pretty sizeable project, and you could feel yourself starting to fill with dread at the idea of having to rework the entire thing while also keeping Charlie happy and entertained. After managing to jot down the gist of the rewrite on the back of a colouring in page you found on your coffee table and ending the call with your boss, you took a deep, calming breath before looking over to where Charlie was still playing on the floor. Sure, she looked content and adorable now, but nap time was fast approaching, and then dinner, and then eventually bedtime, and there was nothing Charlie liked more than stomping her feet and putting up a fight where sleep was involved. It was time to call for help, and your fingers found Ashton’s contact in your phone and hit “call” before you realised what you were doing.
“Hey, how’s it going with my favourite girl?” Ashton answered cheerily, and your heart stopped beating for a moment before you mentally face-palmed when you realised that he was talking about Charlie, not you, being his favourite girl.
“Hey Ash! All good so far, but um… I think I’m going to need some help. My boss is having a crisis, so I need to smash out some edits and new content in the next three hours, but Charlie’s due to go for a nap and you know that she -” You could feel yourself starting to sound more panicked with each word that you spoke, but Ashton quickly cut you off with his soothing voice.
“That she likes to pick a fight at nap time, yes. A truly assertive future world leader on our hands, I reckon. I’m just finishing up a demo, but I’ll be there in 20 minutes. I’ll sort dinner as well, spaghetti sound okay?” He mused, sounding as calm as ever.
“That… would be amazing. Thank you. You’re actually the best human to exist, you know that?” You gushed, feeling some of your anxiety immediately begin to disappear. 
Within half an hour, Ash was in your lounge room handling Charlie’s nap time negotiations while you were furiously typing away at your laptop at the kitchen counter and fielding more frantic phone calls from your boss. Another 20 minutes passed before Ash proclaimed victory as Charlie lost her battle against sleep, and he came to see you in the kitchen and make a start on dinner. You were so lost in your task that you didn’t hear him come in, and you jumped a mile out of your seat in fright when he gently touched your shoulder in greeting.
“Jesus christ, Ash! Don’t sneak up on me like that!” You huffed, taking your glasses off and rubbing your eyes in exhaustion. 
Ashton leaned on the counter opposite you and raised his eyebrows in concern. “Sorry love, didn’t realise you didn’t hear me come in. You good?” 
Damn it, why was he always so nice to you these days? Remember the days when you were scared of him because he used to argue with you about politics and the state of the world? Why did those seem somehow easier because fear was more natural to you than whatever this other feeling was that you were starting to have whenever Ashton was around you. 
You sighed and put your glasses back on, frowning briefly at the screen before hitting save one more time (just in case your bad luck took a turn and fucked you over with lost documents). 
“Yep. Sorry. It’s just been a bit of a day. Did Charlie go down okay?” You forced a smile as you glanced up at Ashton over the top of your laptop screen. 
“Yeah, she gave in once I offered another bedtime singalong. And maybe, juuuust maybe, I might have mentioned something about some sweets after dinner…” Ash looked at you guiltily, licking his lips nervously. You rolled your eyes and shook your head at him, but you couldn’t keep the small smile off your face.
Ashton got started on making spaghetti while you tapped away at your computer, and soon enough you heard Charlie calling out for Ashton in her little sing-song voice on the baby monitor you had set up on the kitchen counter (“Asht-aaaaa! Where are youuuuu! Asht-aaaaa!”). The spaghetti smelled incredible, and when Ashton brought Charlie into the kitchen from her nap and she’d had a little while to play a bit more, you settled at the kitchen table to tuck into some dinner. Well, Charlie was more interested in playing with her food than actually eating it, but yours was delicious and for the third or fourth time that day, you thanked Ash profusely for being such a gem (to which he just gave you one of those dazzling smiles in response).  
After dinner, Ashton took Charlie for a bath and read her a bedtime story while you powered through the final part of the project edits you needed to finish before your boss burst a blood vessel. You could hear Ashton reading to Charlie on the baby monitor, doing all of the different character voices, and her little giggles in response were both breaking and warming your heart. Warming it with the cuteness and how much you loved that little girl and her cheeky soul, and breaking it with the guilt about how it was supposed to be you snuggled up reading to her, but instead you were frantically typing about key messages, marketing strategies and budget lines. You were doing your last section of re-writes when Ash came back into the kitchen, and this time you didn’t jump when he gently placed his hands on your shoulders. In fact, you leaned into his touch, and moaned quietly in relief as his thumbs began to work into the tension in your muscles.
“How’s it going?” Ashton asked quietly, continuing to press his hands into your back and shoulders.
“Almost there. Mostly just proof-reading now, and then I can send it and not fucking think about it for another second until at least Monday. Ash, I’m so sorry again, I know this isn’t what you had in mind for your Friday night and I should’ve been more organised but I just didn’t think that -” You began to ramble, feeling the guilt wash over you.
“Hey, hey. Stop. It’s fine. We’re a team, remember? The dynamic duo? Gotta stick together. We’ve got a whole lifetime of dealing with Charlie meltdowns and milestones ahead of us, love. It’s our job and our blessing, for the rest of forever. Don’t feel guilty over one night.” Ashton said softly, squeezing your shoulders and pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. There were those butterflies again, and your skin was almost burning from where his hands had touched you. You simply nodded at his words, before returning to your laptop and the task at hand. Ashton stepped away and quietly began washing the dishes (honestly, is there anything this man didn’t do?) as you began typing again. 
Finally, about twenty minutes later, you hit send on the email to your boss with the completed rewrites, and shut your laptop with a deep sense satisfaction, letting out a triumphant whisper-yell, mindful of the sleeping child down the hallway from you. Ash looked up from where he was sat on the couch, scrolling on his phone, and rushed over to high-five you when he realised that you’d shut your laptop.
“Right. You go shower and I’ll put the kettle on, then it’s one episode of Sons of Anarchy and then off to bed with you.” Ash began, tugging you out of your seat and pushing you towards your bedroom before you could protest.
“Wait… how did you know I was watching Sons of Anarchy?!” You turned and asked, with one hand on the door to your bedroom.
“I was stalking through your Netflix earlier when you were lost in editing land. Plus, I know you can’t resist a charming male lead who has a killer smile and looks damn good in a leather jacket.” Ash chuckled, shooting you a wink and one of those goddamn smiles. 
You hated to admit it, but you felt so much better after your shower, and having Ash pull your feet up over his lap and absentmindedly run his hands softly across your legs from time to time wasn’t exactly bad either. You stuck to your promise of only one episode of Sons of Anarchy, and after pulling your groaning self up off the couch and jokingly half-carrying you to your bedroom door, Ashton bid you goodnight with a hug and a kiss to the forehead before disappearing into your guest room. 
As you settled into your own bed, alone, and pulled the blankets up over you, you couldn’t help but think how nice it was to have Ash so present with you and with Charlie, and how sweet it would be in the morning to wake up together in the same house and go for breakfast at your favourite little brunch spot down the street, before waiting for James and Alice to return in the early afternoon. It was all your own little family unit, and as you felt yourself being lulled into sleep, you also felt a deep sense of content in your heart about the loved ones in your life. And then also there were those butterflies, just slowly but surely making their presence known, and getting a little bigger every time you thought of Ashton, and how much he loved Charlie, and how much she loved him and you, and how much you loved them both.
Shit. Did you actually love him? Were you falling in love with Ashton Irwin? Before you could panic too much, the need for sleep won out, and you slept peacefully knowing two of your favourite people were also sleeping calmly in the rooms either side of you. 
More writing here | send feedback/thoughts/suggestions here
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shihozaki · 3 years
Omg hi, I feel so exposed bc there’s no anon 😭. But oh well. I just stumbled across your account as saw that you did matchups! I was wondering if I could request a match up for BNHA? My name is Hannah (she/her), I’m 21 (almost 22 on the 13th of April 😔) (you can either age the character up or age me down if you match me with someone younger HSHDNKD they’re just fictional so I don’t mind as long as you don’t mind). I’m 5’6, ravenclaw, INFP, aries.
Personality-wise I’m honestly really shy at first but I could hold a lowkey awkward conversation and you’d probably never know that I’m shy BDJKD, but once I’m comfortable with someone I’m a complete crackhead. You’ll never get me to shut up. I think I’m pretty caring, I have a bad habit of not being able to say no though. I really need to stop doing that. My fav color is sage green or light blue! I’m honestly just scared of being alone and not accomplishing my future goal of becoming a writer/editor. Thinking about my future just really terrifies me 😭. I love to listen to music (BTS are my babies pls). I love making myself cry by watching sad k-dramas. I’m really new to anime, so if you have an sad one LMK PLS. I get attached to fictional characters very quickly. Catch me in my room fangirling to the walls bc I’m a loner ✋🏼😩. I also just have a hard time making eye contact with men, but like I do want a man for myself one day😔 just how the heck do I do that???? I’m very insecure about my looks and my body. I’m a little chubby, so someone who would not judge me bc of that would be PERFECT. I have dark brown hair and dark brown eyes (bleh) I wear glasses (I’m so blind :/) idk what else to say about my appearance LOL.
My ideal man 🤩 let me try and not make it obvious over who I simp over gosh. Uhhh I’m not picky about looks, like nothing in particular comes to mind. I’ve had a crush on real/fictional ppl that look very different from each other HDNDKSS. Call me crazy, but I would die for a protective s/o 😩 like yes protect meeeee pls. I can only see myself in a relationship with a man, so he should be male lol. But throw in a female bestie in there if you’d like 😩. As long as he loves me it really doesn’t matter how he acts. I just need me a loyal man who I can talk to comfortably. Someone who will understand my emotions and struggles? Idk. Dates—amusement park, concert, movie theatre. Somewhere where we wouldn’t have to do a lot of talking (dinner dates could be for later on when I’m more comfortable around him LOL)
Quirk o.o hm. I don’t think I’d want a major quirk that could overthrow him. Maybe I could have a quirk that helps people? If I’m matched with a student, then I’d probably be in a lower class. But if you end up aging them up or matching me with a pro hero or something then I’d probably work on the sidelines with helping rescue civilians. A quirk that allows me to see through any smoke or debris (if a building fell and someone was trapped I’d be able to see and locate them quickly) IDK honestly I haven’t thought about it much, but if you can think of anything better, then go for it 😭.
I really love Italian food, and any East Asian food (Chinese, Korean, Japanese) I love it all. Uhhh I have a dog she’s 5 years old and I recently got another puppy, she’s only 2 months old 🥺. I love reading and writing. I mentioned it a little before, but I’d love to become a writer and editor in the future. I still have a long way before I’m completely confident in my writing though :”). I love to dream. I try and think about a specific person to try and dream about them at night (it worked a few times with BTS and Bakugou 😭 I was so happy) Uhhhhhhhhhh, I think that’s all. Thank you so much for doing this! Take your time and I hope you have fun writing these. I really appreciate it! This is honestly how I comfort myself, by inserting myself into these scenarios that people write about my favorite characters, so my heart always leaps whether writers like you offer matchups! So thank you x 9827389292. I hope this was enough info to write something with 😂. OH and for the scenario maybe something like how we first met compared to how it is when we’ve been together for awhile? I suffer with frequent anxiety attacks, so that might play a role in the relationship somewhere? Idk. Just throwing ideas and info to you at this point 😭 thank you again! 💜
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I pair you up with Kirishima Eijiro!
Your quirk is “Lucid dreams”, where you can visit people in their dreams! You also have full consciousness in your dreams, so you can practically do anything when you are sleeping!
- You guys first met in middle school, when you had first transferred there. You guys became friends when he volunteered to show you around the school
- You wanted to be a writer/editor and he wanted to be a hero. You guys fully supported each other, and still kept in contact even after departing ways to high school.
- He asked you out eventually, and when you said yes, the Bakusquad came out running to you, congratulating both of you. Turns out Kirishima told his friends all about you and they followed him when he decided to ask you out.
- He drinks respect women juice every single morning- he literally praises the ground you walk on?? He hypes you up whenever you’re feeling insecure, and makes sures that you’re feeling comfortable at all times
- You made him watch a bunch of K-dramas to cry together, and at first he refused to cry (“It’s not manly to cry!”) and then gave up and ended up sobbing with you.
- And he’s SO loyal! Whenever a girl comes up to him, he immediately turns them down, saying that he already has someone. When someone comes up to you, he gets very defensive of you, and shows the guy that you already have someone by PDA.
- He helps you calm down whenever you’re having anxiety attacks, and he actually researched about it when you told him. He!s very patient and helpful
- Adores your dogs (“I don’t know who’s cuter. You, or your dogs!”)
- Don’t tell anyone, but he’s already planning the wedding with Bakugou as his best man ;)
- Overall you guys have a very trusting relationship, where two kind but also crazy souls live in harmony :)
Scenario: When you first met VS Now
“Do you remember when we first met?” You asked randomly. You were watching a K-drama with him, and the flashbacks the lead was getting in the drama made you think past your own memories. “When we first met? Hmm, it was in middle school, right?” Replied Kirishima. You nodded. “We were so awkward back then!” You said as you cringed at the thought of middle school. “You were so shy back then- you would barely say anything to me.” Said Kirishima. “You were scared to make eye contact with me!” You laughed. “I’m shy whenever I meet new people!” Kirishima laughed along with you. “I think we got really close after being partnered for a project.. it was about our future career plans?” Kirishima wondered. “Oh, I remember! You said you wanted to be a hero, and I wanted to be a writer… we were high in hopes but had so many insecurities as a child.” You thought out loud. “We’re still children.” Replied Kirishima. “At least, you act like it.” You shoved him as he smirked. “Yeah, and you were so scared to hold my hand when we first started dating.” Said Kirishima as he hugged you from the back. “Now we do so much other stuff.” You replied. “We could be doing more.” Kirishima whispered into your ear, earning a whack in the head from you. “I miss middle school kirishima...” You joked. “Black haired Kirishima was so cute..” “Hey, hey, I’m still cute. I might even be cuter than your K-pop boys.” Said Kirishima while grinning. You smiled back. “Let’s not go that far.”
Song: Dreams by Fleetwood Mac
I hope you enjoyed it! I’m actually Korean so I love K-dramas! I hope the scenario was somewhat satisfactory. Please tell me how you felt about it, and I hope to see you again soon!
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Survey #411
“everybody’s got loaded stories, and i know for a fact everybody sees a bullseye on my back”
Have you ever been to jail? No. Opinion on snow? I absolutely love it! Not big on the slush it leaves behind, though. It gets ugly. What are you best at drawing? Meerkats. Are you scared of going over bridges? Nah. If you had endless energy and stamina, how would you spend your days? Plenty of exercise, lots of exploration with my camera, doing chores much more regularly... stuff like that. What mental or physical space do you go when you want to recharge or relax? I go to my room and watch YouTube. Did you have/use a comfort object as a child (do you continue to have one)? I actually don't remember. Now as an adult, if I go somewhere, my purse is actually like my comfort item in that I like to sit and sort of hug it to feel more secure. When was the last time you said something you regret? What did you say? I'm unsure. What do you tend to get carried away with? New hobbies/interests. It will be like all I care about for a long while, ha ha. Do you believe we have souls; do you believe in a life after death? Yes to both. Do you still talk to the person you last made out with? No. Have you ever seen your best friend cry? Ugh, yes, and it's the absolute worst. What kind of vitamins did you take as a kid? We had those Flintstones ones for a while, but for most of my childhood, we had gummy vitamins. Have you ever gone to court? Well, yes, but not for like your ordinary court hearing. While hospitalized on one occasion, a lawyer visited to speak to the patients informing us that we could argue against our discharge dates if we believed we were going to be committed for too long, which I thought I was, so I signed up to bring my case in front of a judge. So yeah, I've been to court, but not for ordinary reasons. Are you friends with your neighbors? "Friends," no. The people to our left like just moved out, and I don't even know if we've ever been outside at the same time as the family on our right. Favorite color? I like baby pink. How long has it been since you’ve seen The Lion King? I saw the CGI remake when it came out, if that counts? I don't know about the original. When did you last hold hands with someone? Sometime when I was at my sister's house, my niece grabbed my hand to drag me somewhere, ha ha. Have you ever had a crush on your sibling's friend? No. Have you ever gone to a beach? Multiple times. How good is your eyesight? It is very, VERY bad. I need new glasses severely. What’s the best wedding you’ve been to? My former dance teacher's. Have you ever had a negative encounter with the police? What happened? No. What’s your favourite thing to cook/bake? Do you eat it often? I don't do either. How do you flush the toilet in public? I generally use my elbow. I don't like standing on one leg, so I don't really use my foot like I'd prefer. Favorite horror movie? Silent Hill is dearest to me overall just because of what it is, but as a horror film, I think the original Blair Witch Project is best. Do you have your wisdom teeth? X-rays have only ever shown two are present, but I have enough space for those. What would you name your pet snake if you had one? It would depend on their appearance. The snake I have currently is named Venus because her coloration is similar to the planet. Do you like peanuts? Only when covered in chocolate. Where do you typically shop for bras and underwear? Do you tend to keep it simple, or have a variety of different items? Have you ever gotten a professional bra fitting? I don't get new undergarments (or clothes in general) frequently, but historically, my bras are bought online and underwear just from Wal-Mart. I don't really get the second question? I mean I don't have a style when it comes to those types of clothes, if that's what you mean. I've never had an actual bra-fitting, but I absolutely need to but keep putting it off. It seems like NO bra fits me properly all-around, and it's ridiculously annoying. What (if any) types of xrays/scans/other diagnostic tests have you had done? Was anything found? Idk man, a lot. I've had xrays on my wrist (found a fracture), teeth, legs... maybe more? I've also had an ultrasound on my liver for reasons I don't recall. I either had an MRI or CT scan (I can't remember which) when I got a concussion, and uhhhh... I can't think of anything else. Were you breast or bottle fed as a child? If you plan to have children, which do you think you’ll choose? Do you think one is really better than the other? I was nursed, and if I hypothetically had children, I'd definitely try to do the same. It was so incredible to me that I've never forgotten this: when I was at the hospital while my sister had her first baby, there was a chart on the wall of how many more nutrients were in breast milk versus formula milk, and the list was GARGANTUAN. Like, unbelievable. Now, do I think it's BETTER? That's a complicated question for which, in short, my answer is no. More nutritious, well, given what I just said, obviously. But breastfeeding just doesn't work for all mothers for a plethora of reasons, like the time demand, they can be self-conscious, it's painful... and all those things are okay. A mother should do what works best for her. Neither one is "wrong" or makes someone less of a mother because they feed their child less traditionally. Do you find that you have become more selective in terms of friendships as you’ve gotten older? Did the friendships you thought would last over time end up that way? Absolutely. There are just some kinds of people I absolutely do not tolerate anymore. And no, not most. We just drifted apart with time, or given most of my closest friendships are/were online, they just fell off the face of the earth. What are you doing right now? This and re-watching John Wolfe play Bloodborne. Bloodborne is such a comfort series to me... somehow, ha ha. Yet another game I've never played but desperately want to. Where are you? In my bedroom, as always. When you get yelled at, do you yell back or let it go? Depending on who it is, I might yell back, but most likely cry, ha ha. I hate being yelled at, like a lot. Is the person you last texted single? That would be my mom, so yeah. I've hoped she'd find a partner forever... She, probably more than anyone I know, deserves love from the *right* guy. I worry a lot how lonely she may become whenever I move out. Are you easily scared by horror movies? Not at all. Are you friends with any of your ex boyfriend/girlfriends? Girt and Sara, yes. Are you lonely? Be honest. Very. What has made you happy today? It's too early for this. What has made you sad today? Nothing, really. Last thing eaten? I had leftover pancakes from yesterday. Are you wearing anything that’s not yours? No. Do you like to wear makeup? I mean it makes me feel prettier, sure, but the actual time investment doesn't feel worth it for me personally. Especially when you're not even that good with applying it. Have you ever attempted to write a story or novel? Many times when I was younger. Would you rather have perfect hair or perfect skin? Perfect skin. I hate my skin, it has so many blemishes. What’s your middle name? Marie. How big is your bed? Queen. Do you drink? Only a bit for special occasions, really. I'll have a daiquiri on your average day every once and a blue moon. Would you fall apart if that last person you kissed walked out of your life? That's an understatement. Do you prefer pasta, salad, or coleslaw? Pasta. I hate coleslaw. Do you find smoking unattractive? Yes. Where’s the last place you went besides your house? The TMS office. Do you eat breakfast daily? Yes. Who were you with the last time you went to the movie theater? My dad. Do you like your cell phone? No, but it gets the job done. I just wish I had a phone with a good camera. Has anyone ever sang to you? Yes. So, what if you married the last person you kissed? That's the dream, but I acknowledge and accept it just might not work out like that. Do you usually answer your texts? Almost always. Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle? Yes. Who has seen you cry the most? My mom, for sure. Have you ever just laid down outside and stared at the stars? Yeah, Jason and I did that one night on the trampoline. Have your friends ever randomly stopped by your house? In the past, yes. Think to the last person you kissed; have you ever kissed them on the ground? No. Do you have a condom in your room? No, got no use for one. Do your siblings ever pay for stuff for you? Yes. What brand is your digital camera? Canon. Do you own expensive perfume/cologne? No; I really don't get the point. When was the last time you went tanning? Ew, never. I find NO appeal in just lying in the boiling sun. Do you like the smell of fresh cut grass? No, I hate it. Do you get embarrassed easily? Like you would not fucking believe. It's one of the things I hate most about myself, because I'm embarrassed about everything I like and what makes me me. Has anyone ever thrown you a surprise party? No. Do you always wear your seatbelt? Absolutely. You couldn't pay me not to. Do you sing in the shower? No. Have you ever been called a slut/whore/something along those lines? Only playfully among friends. Have you ever stood up for someone you hardly/didn't even know? Yes. Have you ever fallen in love with a really good friend of yours? Yes. Do you own a blacklight? No. Do you like fruit better than vegetables? Definitely. Have your friends met the last person you kissed? Of my current friends, only Girt has. If you’re straight, have you ever thought about kissing the same sex? If you’re gay, have you ever thought about kissing the opposite sex? I'm bisexual, soooo. What does your laugh sound like? Do you have a loud laugh or a quiet laugh? Bro my laugh is so fucking loud and obnoxious. Is there a reality TV show you would consider taking part in? No.
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xmalereader · 5 years
The Mandalorian X Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Requested: hi hi!! i saw that requests were open so,, how about the mandalorian x a handsome and chaotic male reader where the reader is a (really freaking good) pilot? i don't really have any ideas plot wise but i absolutely adore baby yoda so perhaps something involving the adorable space baby UwU. and maybe some nsfw if you're cool with that? thank you in advance!!
Warnings: Slight NSFW, flirting, baby yoda, chaos, arguing, space dads, husbands, language, jealousy.
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“For the love of kriff y/n, calm down!!”
The razor crest was in full speed as they were trying to escape the small fleet of guild hunters. The pilot was gripping the controllers and pressing random buttons at a quick speed. The Mandalorian was gripping his chair as his partner controlled the razor crest, the child that sat next to him was suddenly giggling and holding his small arms up, enjoying the sudden “ride”.
“Hold on!!” The pilot shouts, pulling the controllers back as the razor crest does a sharp 360, he quickly adjusts the weapons and target the three at the same time. “Bye bye.” He says as he shot down all three ships. “Yes!!” He fist bumps the air in victory. “Did you see that?! I saved us!”
Din had a hand over his heart as he breaths in panic. “You are never allowed to pilot the crest again.” His pilot only pouts with crossed arms before turning to see the small green bean kicking his legs around with joy and happiness. “At least the little one enjoyed it.” He removed himself from the pilots seat and allowed Din to take control now as y/n cooed at the child.
“Another day another credit.”
Here in the razor crest stood the legendary bounty hunter, accompanied by his one and only husband; y/n. The child was also with them since they have been raising him together as a proper family.
Din met y/n during a bounty hunt, he was a chaotic little bastard but that didn’t stop Din from liking him. He was one of the best pilots since he used to work for the resistance and had shot down many people before, at first Din didn’t like the fact of Y/n being an ex-resistant but somehow the other was able to seduce Din into liking him. The two would flirt with each other everyday, tossing lines back and forth or bad puns that y/n would randomly create.
They’ve been working together for years and during those years they started dating. The two really enjoyed each other’s companies and sometimes Din needed the chaotic male around to cheer him up. It was four years ago when the two got married, y/n had to learn the Mandalorian culture and how they worked things out when it came to marriage. So, in the end y/n received a baskar ring that fit him perfectly but instead of wearing it on his finger he decided to wear it as a necklace, keeping it safer.
It was also the day that Din revealed his face to y/n, the Mandalorian culture allowed him to reveal their face to their future spouse and only to them, no one else unless they decide to quit the bounty hunting life and settle down without any trouble. But that didn’t stop Din from continuing his bounty hunts which y/n gladly joined.
Now with the with married they became stronger and with the child in their care they became a family.
“How’s my little green bean doing, eh?” Y/n carried the child around the razor crest. He was organizing the kids bed, getting him ready for his nap. It usually took Din ten minutes to put the kid to sleep but with y/n the child would fall asleep instantly ( which Din was jealous of ).
The child cooed, his ears lowering down slowly as he watched his guardian hum, fixing up the small bed with some extra blankets.
“There we go, it’s all done and made let’s just hope that your comfortable enough to sleep.” The other bends down to pick up the kid, who clings onto him in an instant. This causes y/n to giggle, “Time for your nap, you need your energy.” He whispered, gently stroking his large ears which caused the child to coo in delight as he slowly began to doze off, it only took a few seconds before the kid was out cold.
Y/n smiles and closed the door. “So that’s your secret?” He gasps in surprise, turning around to see Din leaning against the wall with crossed arms. “It’s easy, stroking his ears is kind of like having someone play with your hair until you fall asleep.” He grins, walking over to his own husband he placed both hands on either side of the baskar helmet and slowly lifts it up. Back then Din would stop him from removing his helmet but since they are married it wasn’t much of a problem anymore.
Once the helmet was removed and placed down. The other couldn’t stop himself from smiling at Din, “See? Handsome as ever.” He moved his hand to brush back Din’s semi long hair, leaning in to place a kiss on the corner of his lips. “Aren’t you the better looking one?” Din flirts out with a smirk. Y/n chuckled, “Nah, your the better looking one.” He bites his lip, his fingers tapping against the beskar chest plate. “I’m gonna wash up, don’t wake up the kid.” He warns out before pecking him on the lips and pulling away from the Mandalorian.
Din frowns. “Your just gonna leave me like this?” He reaches out to grab his husbands wrist and pulls him back, the other squeaks in surprise as he’s pushed against the razor crest wall, Din presses up against him. The two were chest to chest as y/n whines, “let me wash up first.” He suddenly has his arms wrapped around Dins neck. “In order to wash up you have to be dirty and from the looks of it, you aren’t dirty at all.” He whispered to him as the two press their foreheads together. Y/n bites his lip and smirks evilly, grinding his hips up against him as his arms tighten around his shoulders. “You gonna get me dirty?” He says in a teasing tone which only riled up the Mandalorian. “Kriff.” He pulls y/n towards their own bed, causing the other to giggle in delight as he’s forced down in the bed.
Y/n bites his lip seductively and spreads his legs open, wrapping them around Din’s waist as he watched the mandalorian remove his own baskar armor. “Any day now.”
“Shut up.” Din says through gritted teeth as he works fast. The two laugh together, y/n lies his head back and kicks off his shoes. “I remember when we first had sex, it was right after our ceremony you were pretty impatient.”
“Well when your husband looks that good on your wedding night than you wouldn’t done the same thing.” He was bare in front of Y/n, smirking at him he leans down to capture his lips into a deep kiss, causing the other to moan deeply. “to many layers.” He finally says, getting the other to sit up and undress as well. The two spent the night in each other’s embrace, the razor crest was filled with moans and groans. They were glad that they had sound proof walls inside the kids room or else they would get busted and probably scar the kid to death.
Din was enjoying the sounds that his husband was making, leaning close to his ear as he lets out breathy moans, feelin the other thrust down against him. His hips moving up and down. Gripping his arms and tightening his legs around Din’s waist. “Din—“ he leans his head back only to feel a pair of lips against his neck, giggling softly he leads his hand down to cup his husbands cheek. “Your stubble is tickling me.”
“Would you rather it have it tickling your neck or between your legs?”
Y/n blushes at the comment before biting his lip. “Either works for me.” He gasps out as he felt him hit his sentisve spot. “Found it.” Din grins down at him, he fixes his postion and sat up with Y/n’s legs on either side of his hips. “Relax...” he reaches out to stroke his husbands member, Y/n gasps between whines and whimpered as his legs shook. “Just move—!”
It didnt take Din long enough for him to thrust his hips forward, hitting his partners senstive spot over and over again. Only to get loud moans in return, he gripped the bed sheets with his hands and would bite into the pillow as the two fucked like animals. “I’m close—!” Y/n shouts out as Din slowly nods and grips his hips, pulling him in deeper before giving one last hard thrust and releasing his load.
The two were a dirty mess and panting heavily, the room was warm for them and it smelled of sex. “that was better than this morning.” Said Y/n, earning a scoff and an eye roll from Din. “Shut up you enjoy it all the time.” He replied back and lied down next ot his lover, pulling him close by the waist and planting a kiss on his neck and shoulder. The two remained in bed together for the rest of the flight to their new destination.
“Sorgan? Seriously?”
“Got any better places to go?”
The razor crest had landed in the deep Forest of Sorgan, it was a nice and peaceful planet and pretty big than any other planet. “You two stay here while I go get some lodging and I mean it Y/n, stay.” He hands the child ot his partner. The child and pilot watched the mandalorian leave the cockpit with them behind. “You hear that? Did he say to follow him?” Said Y/n, smirking down at the child. Din should know y/n well enough to know that he was going out follow him either way.
Y/n and the kid stood next to Din as the ramp opens. He glanced at the two and sighs deeply. “What the hell, lets go.” This earns Y/n a victory high five from the small child. The three of them made their way around the planet, finding a place to stop by and eat and meet a so-called new friend that Din had suddenly made, he watched the two wrestle themselves to the ground. Y/n could only lean against one of the huts as he cleans his goggles, he watched as the two point their blasters at each other only to have the kid interrupt them with his own slurping. “You done?”
Din sighs and lets his head drop and says, “You want to some soup?” Y/n rolls his eyes and picks up the child and heads back inside to properly eat his own food this time without anyone running away.
“I don’t like her.”
“Who? Cara?”
“No, her.”
Din sees him gestured towards the door way, where Omera had walked out. “She’s just being nice, no need to be jealous.” He moves to sit down by the window, pulling the tray of food towards himself as he removes his helmet. “I’m not jealous.” He mumbled out in a childish way which only the mandalorian found adorable in some odd weird way. “Just eat, we came to help and then after that will leave to a different planet.”
“You planned to stay longer.” Y/n sits acrosss from him and grabs his loaf of bread and stuffs it into his mouth, holding back his pouts. “It’ll go by fast, you won’t even notice.” He addds, Eating his own food as he watched his own husband. “I know what you are thinking.” The pilot continued to stuff his face with food, avoiding himself from speaking to Din. “You think she’s going to do something that’ll tick you off.” He leans back in his seat and looks out the window to see their own kid playing with the other children. He noticed how Omera was easily bonding with the kid, “She’s good with kids and is kind too.”
Y/n closed his eyes, his nostrils flare in anger but he tries his best to hide it from Din, grabbing his cup of water and swallowing it all down in one go. “But she’s nothing like you.” The pilot nearly chokes on his water, clearing his throat as he swallows down everything. “W-what?’ He chokes out.
Din chuckled at his reaction. “I married you because I love you not because of your looks or anything, your personality is a big chaotic but I sometimes enjoy it and your very good with the kid, he seems to like you more than me when I saved him in the end.” He sets down his own cup. “We made an oath to always stick together and to love each other forever, I mean you stil wear your ring right?”
Y/n looks down at his lap shyly as he slips his fingers under his collar shirt, pulling out a silver band that held his ring. Din only smiles, leaning close he uses his thumb and index finger to lift up his head by the chin. Y/n avoids his his brown eyes, “Look at me.” He hears Din say, sighing in defeat he makes eye contact only to see Din smile and learn forward to kiss him passionalty. “I love you.” He breaths out.
Y/n slowly smiles, “I love you too.” He says back as the two chuckle happily.
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Shelter (Part One)
I promised that I had something in the works for Jay White and I thought I’d share some of it since it’s gotten away from me a little. Thus far, I’ve written nearly 11,000 words and I have a fair chunk to go yet. (I expect that there’s another third of the story to be written. The good news is that I’ve figured out what is going to happen, whereas for a while, I was sort of waiting on the characters to tell me what was up.) 
This is only the second historical piece I’ve written (the first being The Escape Route, which was also the first piece of fiction I posted here) and I know that there are inaccuracies in it. The setting is northern England in the high MIddle Ages (13th-14th century) but I’ve assigned the place names and titles sort of randomly. 
Up front, I’ll confess that a number of people may find this section dull. It’s more of a “setting everything in place” part. This information will come in handy in subsequent sections, I promise. 
As to when those sections will be posted, my answer is that I’m typing as fast as I can and am actually making good progress. That means that there is definitely a lot more coming in the short term. (Of course, there may also be some other things forthcoming in the short term, but that’s a whole other thing.)
I still don’t know that I’ve posted enough stories here to warrant a master list but if you’re curious, all the fiction I write is tagged “wayward wrestle writing”. 
Pairing: Jay White x OFC (first person)
Word count: 3,933
Content advisory: Literally nothing in this part. Don’t worry, I’ll make it up to you. Seriously.
Married life was not what I had envisioned. My sister Elizabeth and I were taught to read as children and among the texts we’d devoured were the increasingly popular French romances. I understood that marriages were not like those stories. My older cousins, male and female, had had their marriages arranged by their families and usually didn’t meet their wife or husband until the day of the marriage. Nevertheless, Elizabeth and I both dreamed of being wooed and won, perhaps by a knight returning home from the wars abroad, or by a handsome noble traveling in disguise across the countryside. As our time came closer and our parents sought to finalize arrangements for us to marry, we hoped that we would at least find ourselves with a husband who would treat us as a friend and partner. But we secretly still held out hope for the dashing hero. 
As the elder, Elizabeth was married first, to the Earl of Louth, a vastly wealthy and powerful man whose connections saw him well received even by the King. Rumor had it that he had personally funded several of His Majesty’s military campaigns. Their wedding was a more sombre affair than others I had seen, with few minstrels and a longer mass, for her new husband was very devout and preferred something that honored the solemnity of their union. Nevertheless, her letters to me indicated that he did not impose his conservatism on her, and saw to it that she had ladies to keep her company, musicians to entertain her, and whatever books, clothes and jewels she could wish for. His avuncular indulgence became even greater when she bore him a son in the spring following their marriage. 
I knew I could not expect my own husband to hold such a high position since Elizabeth was the heir to our family’s estates and fortune. However, our stature was such that even a connection with us was desirable, especially for newly created gentry who sought to legitimize their positions. My father had found such a man but he died from fever before the marriage contract could be made. Eventually, I was given to Symon, the fifth and youngest son of the Duke of Cumbria. While he, like I, had no expectation of inheritance, he was more able to take care of me and his father was eager to reinforce his flagging influence by forging an alliance with a family in another part of the north. 
I tried not to be disappointed with Symon when I met him but he was immediately a hard man to love. Still young, his body showed the signs I had come to recognize as the result of heavy drinking and little sleep. His pale skin had crimson blooms over the cheeks and nose and his body was unevenly distributed, with thin limbs and a bloated belly. When I touched him, I was reminded of the texture of cloth left in the rain: limp and saturated. 
When I was moved to his estate in the eastern reaches of his father’s sphere, I soon found that he was indeed saturated most of the time. Our home was a constant stream of guests seeking nothing but a place for a good time and to indulge their vices. It became clear that our marriage had been a project of the Duke’s and that Symon had no interest in having a wife or being a husband. Nor did he have any skill at running a household and so it fell to me to manage as best I could, ensuring that we had all we needed, that our lands were tended to and that we maintained good relations with the other nobles and landowners. It was difficult, especially at first, since many of the servants spoke with an accent I could barely understand. After a few weeks of forced sociability, I barely saw my husband. 
I asked him on numerous occasions to allow me to invite Elizabeth and her family to visit, however he disliked the idea that he might have to play the host and refused. Nor would he allow me to accept one of her many invitations to visit her. I knew that what he really feared was their judgment, which would be harsh. Elizabeth would despise him for the way in which he treated me and her husband would be appalled by his louche lifestyle. 
Most worrisome was that Symon showed no interest in fathering children, despite his father’s obvious desire for him to do so. A child would truly bind our families. Nevertheless, while my sister was delivered of a second son by a man with grey hairs in his beard, my young husband refused to touch me. I overheard gossip among the servants that he said I was barren. I knew enough to understand that this could not be the case, or at least that he had no way of knowing, but it was troubling because I was of no use to the family if I could not bear children. If I could not fulfill that one obligation, the Duke would order his son to set me aside so that he could forge another alliance. 
Thus were many of my days spent in anxiousness, unsure of what I was doing to drive my husband away while at the same time praying that I might be able to accept him despite his failings. My letters to my sister were my sole outlet, although my lady-in-waiting Hannah was some comfort. 
It was late autumn when the spare routine of my life was interrupted in the dead of night. Hannah and Branwen, one of the house maids, arrived in my chambers, waking me none too gently to tell me that a travelling party had arrived unexpectedly. 
“If there are guests, you need to bring them to his lordship,” I grumbled, wiping sleep from my eyes. “His companions have nothing to do with me.”
“His lordship is indisposed,” Hannah responded, pinching her features to indicate her distaste. “And I do not believe these are kin or companions of his.”
“His lordship is always indisposed. And I am expecting no one, certainly not at this time of the night.”
“”Begging your pardon, ma’am,” Branwen interjected, “but the watchman says that the woman says she’s your sister. And the carriage bears the crest of the Earl of Louth.”
This roused me immediately, of course. I directed Hannah to fetch some robes so that I could appear at least somewhat decent and told Branwen to send word to the watch that the party was to be admitted. My heart pounded fast in my chest because I knew already that there must be bad news. Elizabeth would never arrive unannounced like this under normal circumstances. Nevertheless, I also felt excited at the prospect of seeing her again. 
When I was finally ready, I descended the stairs to the great hall where Elizabeth stood at the center of a small party, less than a dozen. Neither her husband nor her children were with her, only servants and guards. 
“Have you been unwell?” she asked sharply. 
“No, not at all. I’m perhaps a little tired.”
She extended an arm and pinched my chin, turning my face for her inspection. 
“Your complexion looks like you haven’t seen the light in weeks.”
“Elizabeth,” I insisted, pulling back from her grip, “I am fine. And while I am thrilled to receive you, I am a little confused as to what brings you here.”
“Should I stable the lady’s horses, ma’am?” the watchman asked nervously. 
“No,” Elizabeth contradicted. “We’ll not be staying long enough to warrant it.”
For the first time, she pulled me close and I felt her hands tremble on my shoulders. 
“Ella,” she whispered, using my pet name as she always did, “mother and father are both taken ill. It struck him first and then her. No one seems to know what it is but they’re both sick. The Steward sends word that his life is in the balance. I’m on my way to them and I knew you would want to come.”
It would have been simple enough to send word to me that I should return home, however by now Elizabeth knew that going anywhere for me was going to present a problem. She had gone significantly out of her way to collect me herself, knowing that my husband would be unwilling to sanction my travel. 
“You mean to continue soon, then?” I asked her, feeling a little weak at the thought of my parents suffering. 
“Within the hour. And I mean to take you with me.”
The proper thing to do would be for me to summon my husband, no matter what state he happened to be in, and request his permission. I knew full well, though, that it was pointless. He would never consent to me leaving for any reason. I glanced around the room, noticing that a few of my servants had arrived to see what the commotion was. They’d be quick to tell on me if I left. But could I really risk never seeing my parents again simply to placate a man who refused to honor even the most basic tenets of our marriage?
“You’ll need some warmer clothes, my lady,” Hannah muttered, moving close to Elizabeth and I. “I shall have them brought down while the two of you are talking.
She turned a stern face to a couple of the younger girls and began issuing commands. The others stood in place, not daring to act while I was still in the room. 
Hannah returned and wrapped a thick cloak around me. 
“The girls will give some more to the carriagemen, if that is acceptable to her ladyship.”
“More than acceptable,” Elizabeth replied, her grey eyes sparkling. “You must be Hannah. My sister has written to me often about your kindness to her here.”
“It’s no more than she deserves, your ladyship.”
“And will you be accompanying us.”
“If my mistress will have me then yes I shall,” Hannah declared.
“Are you sure?” It was one thing for me to go running off in defiance of my husband but I never expected that Hannah would accompany me.
“I go where you go,” she said gently. “Besides, I should like to see the coast you’ve spoken of.”
Along with extra clothing and blankets for the journey, I bid the servants gather some food from the pantry for us to take with us. Elizabeth had brought what she believed she needed but I knew that the country between here and our parents’ home could be rough. Parts of it were lawless and the roads ill-tended. The going would be slower than it had been for her coming to collect me. 
She was quite surprised at the condition of the roads and the land as we rode. In many places, the roads were so decrepit and narrow that the guards flanking us were forced to ride single file, slowing us down so much that we could have walked faster. I had never seen this part of the country, having taken a longer but pleasanter route after my wedding, but Hannah and some of the others had prepared me for what to expect. Forbidding and desolate as it was, there was a kind of excitement to knowing we were crossing territory that was outside the command of any lord. We felt like we were a very brave group indeed. 
After two days ride, however, our party came to an unexpected halt. We heard men’s voices and then James, the senior guard assigned to Elizabeth, opened the carriage door, his face full of concern. 
“I’m sorry for the delay, but it seems that there is a problem.” He nodded in the direction that we were headed and continued, “A small company of soldiers just passed us on the road. They’ve told us that the road ahead is impassable and that there have been incursions all week by the Scots. Even if we could get through, there’s a great risk you could be taken hostage or worse.”
“How long will it take us to go around?” Elizabeth cried. 
I couldn’t help but give a mirthless laugh as I saw James’s face tense. “There’s no way around, Elizabeth. This is the only road through these parts. If we want to take another route, we’d have to go back six hours’ ride and then circle around well to the south, which adds another three days to the journey.”
All of us exchanged depressed looks until I thought of a possibility. “James, did the soldiers say how far ahead the road was blocked?”
“About five miles or so by their reckoning although they could not say for certain.”
“If I’m judging our position correctly, we’re not so far from Marlborough Castle, is that right?” I continued. 
James smiled a little and nodded, seeing where I was headed with my inquiries. “Not so far at all, ma’am. And the road should be open as far as the spur that leads to the castle.”
“Marlborough is the seat of John White, the Earl of Barr, who is a cousin of ours,” I explained. 
“A distant cousin. And I thought the Earl was dead?”
“The old Earl, yes, but you’re forgetting his son. Remember how they visited our home when we were young? There were two or three summers we passed together.”
“Oh yes, of course. I’d forgotten that was them. They were a kindly family.” Elizabeth’s face picked up immediately as she realized that things were better than they had seemed. 
“There’s a small problem, thought,” James added hesitantly. “That road is narrow and steep. There’s no way the carriage is going to manage it.”
“Well, I have an idea,” I responded. “I’m a good rider and so is Hannah. Let us go with a couple of the guards on horseback. Once we’ve spoken to the Earl, we can ask him to send some men to help move everything else to the castle. And hopefully he can help us come up with a plan to get past the danger.”
“I’m not going to just sit here and wait hours for your return, Ella. I should be the one to go.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” I rebuked her. “You only gave birth a few months ago. It’s dangerous enough for you to be travelling at all, let alone going on horseback through the moors. Besides, I’m the better rider.”
Elizabeth seemed to argue but then a smile spread across her lips. “Oh yes, I just remembered their son Jay. He must be the Earl now. I’m sure you’re eager to see him.”
I felt my cheeks turn hot. “I’m simply thinking of the fastest way to get us to safety.”
“And not at all of the boy you were so enchanted by the last time you saw him?”
“We were children, Elizabeth. There was nothing romantic about it.”
Hannah could not resist a quiet laugh and James looked desperately uncomfortable. 
“Tell me, James,” Elizabeth asked slyly, “what do you know of the young Earl? Is he said to be very handsome?”
“Quite handsome,” Hannah piped up. “And very much sought after, as he’s never taken a wife.”
I shot her a dark look but at the same time, I felt a slight tremor in my heart. I did remember Jay White very well, despite the fact that it had been years since I’d seen him. He was a quiet boy for the most part but we had spent much of the time his family had stayed with us conversing about books and about history. It had been some time before I realized that such conversations were not common between men and women and it made me value their memory all the more. 
“Myself and Henry can accompany the ladies to the castle,” James offered. “I shall leave word that if we are not back by moonrise that the driver should return to the last town and see that you are sheltered there for the night.”
“Yes,” I agreed, “because if the Earl cannot or will not help us, it would be safer to meet there to determine what is to be done.”
The narrowness and steepness of the road were bad enough but there was also a high wind that made it even more difficult. It took us well longer than I had anticipated to make the castle gate and the reception we received from the guards there did little to inspire hope. They were surly and at first unwilling to send word that we had arrived and that we were seeking shelter. 
“You try my patience with this behavior,” I upbraided the head of the guard. “I will ask you a final time to tell the Earl that his cousin, the Lady Estella Fannon of Northumbria and Cumbria, seeks shelter with him for the night.”
The mention of my full title seemed to grease the locks, as a messenger was dispatched and quickly returned to say that we were to be let in. At the same time, as we passed, I was chilled by the look on the messenger’s face, as if we were game headed for a trap. 
There was a lot of activity in the castle, servants scurrying about and laughter reverberating through the halls and while it made for a warm atmosphere, I also knew too well what was likely happening. At least, I told myself, I had some experience negotiating with drunken young men, even if I hadn't always been very successful at it. 
Hannah cut a dubious look at me as we were ushered from the entrance hall into a large salon filled with people. As soon as our eyes adjusted to the blazing lights from the sconces and the fire, I felt James place a heavy hand on my shoulder and push himself in front of me.
Many of the guests were in various stages of undress, including at least two who appeared to be agents of the church. Mixed in with the wealthy were a number of low types including several women whose profession seemed obvious enough from their attire and demeanor. The addition of commoners to a party was something I wasnt used to but the rest felt familiar.
"My lady, you and your companion need to go back to the hall and wait while I speak to the Earl," James muttered.
"There's no point to that. I'm the one claiming kinship and the one he's met. Besides, I'm not fragile."
He still insisted on staying a step ahead of me as the curious crowd parted before us and we approached the lord of the manor.
Jay White was much changed since I had last seen him. He now wore a beard, trimmed in what I believed to be a french style, which on its own made him look more a man than the boy I remembered. However, he seemed to have changed in almost every way. His previously slender frame had filled out, which was all the more evident because he lay stretched over a sofa, his shirt undone and his muscular chest bared. I could see the bulk of his shoulders barely covered by his tunic. What was most striking, though, was the change in his expression; boyish enthusiasm and gentility had been transformed into something hard and cold, a downy chick grown into a falcon. I recognized the intelligent blue green eyes I had known but there was something unsettling about them now, something dangerous.
I tried to avert my eyes from his body in the name of modesty and to avoid looking at the woman next to him, whose clothes were in a state of disarray.
"My noble cousin, I am sorry to arrive so unexpectedly and to come to you in need. My sister and I were making our way to Northumbria but we have been advised that the road is impassable. So although it has been many years since we have met in person, I find myself forced to ask for your lordship's hospitality and assistance."
He took a long swallow from the bottle of claret in his hand, his eyes moving over me with an intensity I found difficult to bear. His gaze flitted briefly to the other members of my party but quickly returned to me before I spoke."
"My lady," he drawled in a mocking tone, "how pleasant it is to see you again, even if it is in difficult circumstances. I notice that your sister isn't with you. How is it that you came to be separated?"
"Our carriage could not manage the road down the hill and I thought it best that I go ahead with this small party while she and the others waited with the carriage on the high road."
"Goodness. I hope that she won't encounter any misadventure. The Scots have been making attacks in these parts since midsummer and the anarchy they bring creates a haven for criminals."
"All the more reason, sir, why we are forced to place ourselves at your mercy." 
At the word "mercy", a sneer spread over his features and I felt like the young man who had passed the summer with us had been devoured by this vicious creature. He paused before addressing himself to his guards, who had entered behind us.
"Geoffrey, convey the two gentlemen to the visitors' quarters and the Lady Estella to the chambers in the west tower. Her handmaiden can take the room adjacent."
A look passed between master and servant that made me want to tell him that we would find our own way, as madas that seemed. But Geoffrey and his men quickly herded James and Henry away, while another guard instructed Hannah and I to follow him.
"Will you be able to send your servants to find my sister and the others?"
"I shall make sure that they are brought here before you wake in the morning."
The chambers where I was brought were considerably rougher than I would have expected. The room was small with a tiny antechamber only large enough for a bench that allowed one to sit and look out the window. The bedding was thin and the mattress made of straw that smelled damp and old. It was some time before a maid even arrived to light the fire.
"I would like to see my companion," I told the woman as she furiously worked to get the fire to take. 
She said nothing but gave me a suspicious look. 
"If you can just direct me to her room, I shall go speak to her myself."
I rose to leave and immediately the woman gave a loud cry. Two guards rushed in to investigate and I repeated my request to them.
"The Master decides those things. It's up to him when you all see each other."
"Well then please tell the Master to come and speak to me right away."
The guards glanced at each other with a dry laugh. 
"We shall do what we can, mistress."
Whether they even conveyed my request, I did not know. I know that I sat for hours on the bench in the window, watching the moon rise in the dark sky and wondering if White's men had reached Elizabeth and the others before they headed back to the town to seek shelter for the night. When everything seemed at its quietest, I thought to try to find Hannah’s room myself, only to discover that the door to my chamber was locked.
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propertyofwicked · 5 years
Could you do an a-z of dating Tom Blake pls??
ty for the request, i hope this is ok x :)
a-z of dating tom blake
obviously, we’re going to pretend THAT scene doesn’t happen and he just ends up with a tiny surgery nd some stitches :)
warnings: slight sexual references but only like twice lol
a - argue
tom is STUBBORN. that boy will be so wrong yet will be adamant he is correct till physically proven otherwise. this was usually the start of arguments. you too are stubborn, but not to the extent of tom. any argument results in tom going for a walk around the town, to let out all of his pent up anger as he couldn’t bare to shout at you for something so petty. you’d sit in the living room silently, waiting for him to return, which gave you time to think about what to say. once he did come back, he’d sit on the sofa next to you, and take your hands in his, and you’d talk through the problem rationally. since the war, he would get angrier much quicker, the smallest things being able to send him over the edge, so he’d take the time to apologise, as would you, and he’d show you how much he loves you ;)
b - body (his favourite body part of yours)
thomas blake is an ass man. any time he can have his hands on your lower back, resting on your arse - he would. he loves to walk behind you, just to show his appreciation for your curves and whenever he’d stand next to you, his hand would be on your arse squeezing it playfully when nobody is looking. 
c - care (caring for each other when you’re sick)
tom likes to pretend he is tough and no illness can beat him, and because of this, he will work himself to the bone instead of resting. he’d wake up in the morning, his voice deeper than ever as a cough tickled his throat. as much as he tries to hide it, the moment you notice, he’s back in bed with a cup of tea on the bedside table. when you’re ill, however, tom takes the day off work and just lays in bed with you day, not caring if he got ill as well - as long as you were content. 
d - dates (what do you guys do?)
you and tom would have really basic dates, enjoying each other more than an expensive meal. often, in the summer months, you’d walk down to the river and have a picnic, or sometimes you’d lay down in his mother’s orchid, watching the petals fall around you. it doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you’re together. 
e - engagements (how he proposed) 
it would be just dropped into a conversation, nothing fancy and very unprepared in true thomas fashion. like you could just be laying in bed, or cooking dinner and he’d look at you and go “hey, should we get married” and very casually you’d just reply “yeah sure” before realising he was serious and falling into his arms to give him the biggest hug you could. it just so happened he had his grandmother’s ring in his possession so he just used that.
f - friends and family (do they like you/him?)
his family ADORE you. his brother likes you, as you were raised intelligent and could have a good conversation with him - you were also a prime babysitter for him and his wife. his mum loves to finally have a girl tom’s age around, as she had spent 30 years being in an all-male household other than herself. your dad was wary around him towards the start of your relationship, but he soon welcomed him into the family after tom had helped him fix a bookcase. your mum was glad to finally see you happy, glad you’d managed to be comfortably settled down from a young age. since you lived a while away from each other's families, your friends from home never really knew your partner.
g - gifts
you guys are not terribly poor but you’re also not the richest, so surprise presents were fairly rare. whenever tom went home to visit his family, he’d return with a cake baked specially from his mother. sometimes he’d return from work, hiding something behind his back, a shit-eating grin plastered across his face and after asking him what he was hiding, he’d produce flowers that he got on the cheap from the market on his way home. 
h - how you met
you worked as a nurse in the war, so when tom was carried in, blood pouring from his abdomen, it was your job to take care of him. something in you nagged at you to accompany him the furthest you could, which is how you ended up in a base hospital tending to this soldier. over the months he was in your care, you got to know each other well, and promised to keep in contact when you returned home. 
i - intimacy (how often are yall getting down)
thomas blake has the stamina of a KING. he is ready to go to town every night and every morning for as long as you can manage - and the look he gave you before was enough to give in almost every night. 
j - jealousy
tom gets jealous of the relationship between you and his brother. he felt as if he had also been in his shadow, the younger, less handsome brother. it was obvious when he got like this because he’d go quiet, unlike his usual joking self. you didn’t tend to get overly jealous, as you could tell tom was whipped for you and barely batted an eye at anyone else. 
k - kinks
tom has a lowkey breeding kink i reckon, not like 40 kids kinda kink, but he loves the idea of getting you pregnant and seeing you carry his children and raise them. having grown up in a loving family, he wants nothing more than to have one for himself. 
l - long distance
whilst you were both away at war, you tended to be in various areas of france. the only contact you had was letters, where he’d tell you about his day or some funny story he witnessed or overheard. you told him of the wounds you saw, as it was the only way you could really pass them through your mind so they didn’t haunt you forever. it was the best part of the week, receiving letters from tom and he felt the exact same when the post came by and a letter with his name in your handwriting was handed to him. 
m - moving in
you moved in together at the end of the war, in your correspondence, when the days got long and boring, the only thing you could talk about was the future - where you’d live, how the living room would be arranged. it was more optimistic that truthful but when the war ended and you met again, you both knew it was something you had to do. tom was so glad he could live with someone who had witnessed the same pain and distraught he had and you were so glad that you both had each other in the hard nights. 
n - nights out 
you’re not much of a party go-er yourself, much rather preferring to listen to the music on the record player. sometimes, you and tom would go out dancing with scho and his wife but it was fairly rare. 
o - open with each other
the mutual experiences of the war allowed you two to be so open with each other. if there was anything on your mind, something you couldn’t get off your chest, you knew that you could tell tom and even if he couldn’t get rid of it, he’d make it so much better. tom often had nightmares of the day he got injured and every time he woke up in fits of sweats, you would be there to listen to him and tell him how everything was going to be better. 
p - pda
you two aren’t over the top in public but often are reminded with a sly cough from will that you were in fact, in full view of everyone. tom can’t keep his hands of you most of the time, grabbing your arse at any possible chance he got. you prefer to be more cute with your affection, taking his hand when walking down the street or pecking his cheek randomly. 
q - questions (what you talk about late at night?)
as mentioned before, you guys normally talk about the war. it makes it so much easier to cope with the horrors that loom over you like a shadow. sharing the experience allowed you both to cope with your own thoughts a lot better.
r - reproduction (do you want kids?)
Y E S. tom wants a house full of miniature versions of him, and it is something he discusses with you often. you want whatever tom wants pretty much, and having a product of the love you shared was a dream of yours. 
s - surprising (what surprised you about him)
he’s very affectionate when he’s sad. rather than bottling up, tom knows how to talk about his problems really openly with you and he’s not afraid to show emotion. 
t - together (what you do together)
towards the start of your relationship, after the war, you two would go on cute dates in the forest or on the river bank almost weekly, but you now you guys prefer to stay home and make use of that bedroom ;)
u - under the influence (drunk vibes)
tom is even funnier when he’s drunk. he comes home from a night out with will and some other friends and just sits, staring at you. every 5 minutes or so he’d mumble something along the lines of “you’re gorgeous - do you have a boyfriend?”. it was cute to start with but by t eh fifth time, you're laying him down on the bed and trying to lul him to sleep.
v - vacations
tom likes to go to cornwall with you. it’s where he frequently went on holidays as a child, and he loves to take you to the places he visited in his youth. 
w - wedding
you guys have a small wedding, just in the church near your house. you couldn’t afford a massive wedding and you didn’t really want one. so you held the ceremony with your families and your closest friends and chose to spend the reception at your house, listening to music on the record player and having a roast dinner. 
x - xray (when he’s hurt)
obviously, you had cared from him in the war, but sometimes the scar on his stomach would cause him pain if he moved it in the wrong way. there wasn’t much you could do, but you would lay with him and comfort him, or bring him medicine with his food. 
y - you (a random headcanon) 
“tom have you seen my glasses anywhere?” you called out to the house, hoping and an extra set of eyes could help.
“no, sorry! where did you last see them?” he called back.
“i can’t remember. they were here one moment then the next they weren’t” you trailed off as tom made his way into the kitchen. he took one glance at you, then burst into laughter, leaving you standing there in confusion.
“what? what are you laughing at?”
“baby, have you checked the top of your head?”
“oh my god!” you said, realising they had been there the whole time, your face going a new shade of red in embarrassment.
“awh bless, you really do need glasses,” tom smiled coming over to you, taking you in his arms.  his lips pressed to your head in a quick peck before he walked back to where he had been sat before. 
z - zzzzzzzzzzzz’s (sleeping routine)
you’re usually in bed first, choosing to read a book before packing in for the night. tom would stay downstairs longer, reading the paper or going for a shower. but when he did come upstairs, he’d just stand in the door frame and gaze upon you, like he had never seen something so angelic. once he got into bed, you’d mark the page and close the book, leaning into his side and his arm moving to wrap around you. 
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blazingpheonixo · 4 years
okay, so were getting personal here,
This March will be coming up to my Dad's 3 year deathaversary. It wasnt expected, he was only 38. He drowned, and his death is acually still under investigation. That's probably the first close death i had. Anyway, it caused a lot of problems in my family. Including my mum moving her and my sister an hour and a half away from me. That and i dont hear from dads side of the family anymore. so thats super shit. When this happened i Also lost my best friend at the time Georgia. She went off at my boyfriend Kenedy because he didnt want to come to the funeral and caused some issues. anyways I forgot to mention when he died i was in rockhampton. which was even more shit. but anyway, when i came back. I didnt hear from my best friend at all, i went to the funeral. still hadnt heard from her. She full went off at my partner cause he didnt wanna come to the funeral but yeah a week had past since coming back and she knew i was back. Sent her a message and said hey whats going on, you went off at him made a big deal but i havent heard from you. and pretty much she responded with telling me that i was a shit friend and It was mean to message her like that and then she blocked me on everything. So yeah I lost my father and my best friend in the same week. I still dont know wtf happened which just comes up in my brain a lot.
And then theres my ex, Kenedy. I think i said already that we were together for nearly 6 years. We broke up over a stupid photo at the end of July so its been 4 months. For starters we were engaged and we were about to start trying for a kid. But it was such a toxic and unhealthy relationship dude. Like fuck.. We used to get into fights and ill just be straight up, it got physical. Id end up covered in bruised and cuts and it was pretty bad tbh. Holes in walls. Broken bits. I never ended up in hospital because of it but like it was still pretty bad. This probably only happened the last two years of the relationship. I grew up watching my mum be abused, i know that it isn't the norm and what ever but i guess i was kind of use to it in a way? so i think thats why i put up with it? idk. That or my mental issues lol. But yeah so, I'm still kind of getting past that bit, I have photos that come up in my memories which trigger me and sometimes I get panic attacks randomly. Its shit. It wasn's always physical.
Then we come to my ex best friend, Rhianne. I literally grew up with her, but we never used to be friends, we just went all through school together. She also used to be my bully in kinder and prep LOL.
Anyway, we started being friends when i first moved into this place so maybe a year and a half? shes toxic to haha. We had a good friendship at the start but the more i hung out with her the more i began to feel like shit about myself. I don't have friends. She was pretty much all i had. So i kind of let a lot of stuff slide and i never really stood up for myself. and i mean a lot of things i let slide. She got really obsessive towards me. I honestly think she is infatuated with me. She would rock up here pretty much daily and use me for my stuff and makeup and clothes and then wed go for drives and stuff. idk we used to do everything together. Not because i wanted to either. Pretty much what she said was the go. She would talk down to me as if i was a child. Im the kind of person as well that i like my alone time, i dont like going out all the time i like to sit in and enjoy my own company, I dont like hanging out EVERYDAY with someone. She use to talk shit about me behind my back as well. just cause so much drama and eh. But she was so fkn obsessive. Then when kenedy and i broke up, her friend was having there birthday at the clubhouse, so thats house i was introduced to the club. She took me a long and told me to take someone home to help myself feel better about the breakup. SO anyway, Shaun was there and we were getting to know each other.
She caused a big scene and didnt want me to take him home. I think it was jealousy. Got to the point were she had me in tears.
I then for some weird reason logged into my exes account, I found messages telling people how much he hates me and wants me to kill myself and wants to fuck Rhianne. Then i showed her all of this. She was grossed out and deleted him. We then had a small fight because i stood up for myself one night. Why we wernt talking she went out clubbing and Kenedy was out. So she party'd with my ex as well as invited him and had him come back to her dads place. Nothing happened to my knowledge but I mean, Im sure they fucked.
Anyway, (I have depression and anxiety. When kenedy and i broke up, i didnt handle it well, I started self harming and it was getting pretty bad) I took shaun home from the clubhouse that night and pretty much his been here ever since, so 3 months we've been together now. I’m not sure if I love him or not. I don’t know because my brain is scattered at the moment. Because of everything hoing on. His a lovely guy, but his not for me. But the way my brain works and how im coping with all these things, i just can't be alone dude. I literally get so depressed and its scary because i don't want to give myself the chance because when im alone like i am tonight. All of this just goes through my brain and i get so fucked up, i don't even know if you wanna hear about self harm and abuse. but it happens. TBH im probably going to end up hurting myself tonight. I wasnt joking to you when i said i wanted to drive my car into a truck. i literally feel like that.
So what actually made Rhianne and i stop being friends. Her, Shaun and myself were drinking at her friends. Shaun has epilepsy and actually had a seizure in front of me the previous day, Rhianne got into him and told him it was his fault and that i should never have had to of seen that. I didnt go off at her, HER friend kicked her out and told her sleep in her car. Since then she has tried to constantly break us up.
On top of that, im in a lot of debt. and it got to the point were i actually made a Onlyfans account and it actually helped. I feel gross about it but it was private no one i knew in real life had access. OR SO I THOUGHT. i used tumblr to get my subscribers, didnt realise my ex Kenedy had access. He sent screenshots to Rhianne and she sent them to pretty much everyone i know. Ive lost a few friends becuase of it. and well yeah it was degrading. She then apologised and i forgave her for like a whole 6 hours. Until i really thought about it. Just cause we were in a small argument i wouldnt do that to her you know or anyone. so i told her that. and shes been super nasty since.
She is also still talking with my ex.
So yeah, I also might have breast cancer 😣
These are most the reasons I want to die.
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myownpersonaldemons · 5 years
Self-Tober Prompt 4
You woke suddenly in the middle of the night to the soft glow of your husband and the soft pitter-patter of rain on the roof. It was so soft at first that you didn’t notice it over the ambient noise that Grillby made, but it was there. The sound grew and then faded with the wind shifts, and you felt the chill seeping into the room from the window. Grillby shifted, his flames dimming a bit more like a particularly cold gust of air entered the room.
Maybe you should close the window?
Nah. Your sleep-addled mind didn’t want to move, simply enjoy the warmth emanating beside you, and the soft seep of chill on your foot that had found its way out of the bed covers in the middle of the night. What your mind did allow, however, was for you to shift your head towards Grillby. Your husband.
A sleepy grin stretched over your face.
Your bondmate.
You couldn’t believe that he was yours...and you were his.
Even almost at your one-year anniversary.
It had rained on your wedding day as well much to both of your dismay. The two of you shared very opposite opinions on weather and water. He loved hot, dry days while you preferred cool, rainy nights like this one. However, as small as your wedding with Grillby had been, the two of you had planned for an outside wedding...and every time you checked the weather report it had said that the day would be clear skies but a cool wind, perfect. Then...you woke up to a thunderstorm that lasted halfway through the day and then pittered off into a simple rainstorm for the next two days.
When he had apologized to you, upset that the two of you couldn’t have the perfect day that the two of you had been envisioning for months, you had told him that you would’ve been okay with getting married at town hall with only one witness in your pyjamas if it meant marrying him. You honestly didn’t mind that everything had to be packed up and the two of you ended up getting married to each other in his bar.
You rolled onto your side, slowly waking up the longer you watched his flames dance about his head and thought about your life since you met him. God. It had been purely by chance that you had met him...and funnily enough, it had been raining that day as well. Your friend had roped you into a cooking class because she hadn’t wanted to go alone.
Grillby had been there with Sans, both dragged into it by Papyrus who insisted that Grillby learn how to make something other than greasy bar food. (Which, you knew he knew how to make more than what was on the menu because you had dated him for five years before you got married.)
He’d walked in, grumpy about the rain with Sans making rain puns, and you’d been stunned to see him and two walking skeletons. You had been well aware of monsters before then, but the three of them together were a sight to behold. Of course, you actively made sure you didn’t stare at people and they were no exception, so besides a little glance at them when they entered, you didn’t really spare them another look. Even if you couldn’t help but notice the firey monster every time he came into your peripherals.
If it hadn’t been for you and Papyrus literally bumping into each other at the end of the class, you wouldn’t have ever spoken to Grillby. You wouldn’t have stuttered your way through a confession. You wouldn’t have fallen so quickly in love with him that it had hurt to breathe. You wouldn’t have moved into his apartment above the bar. You wouldn’t have slowed danced with him in the living room after watching a romantic movie and you pointing out that you knew no couples who just randomly slow danced together to no music.
You wouldn’t have learned that he was a cheesy romantic who could make you feel so comfortable and yet so breathless at the same time.
Ah yes. It was four am, it was raining, and you were getting mushy and affectionate.
It was okay, however, because he was asleep and you didn’t have to explain anything to anyone. There was no one to judge you and nothing needed to be hidden away.
You could think all night about your husband and no one could stop you!
“...why’re you awake?”
His voice actually startled you into jumping slightly, and he sat up slightly but then sent the window a weak glare. He didn’t like the cold, but you honestly needed to have a window cracked or the a/c going when lying next to him or you’d overheat and you hated being too hot.
You shrugged lightly, “woke up.”
A hum left his mouth and he glared again at the window before lying back down, this time on his side facing you. You smiled softly at him as he picked up your hand and gently kissed the knuckles. You could still see the sleep in his eyes. He was barely holding onto his consciousness as the two of you laid together, listening to the rain. Another gentle kiss to your knuckles before he laid your hand back down. You immediately missed the warmth. The cold was becoming a bit too much. Damn autumn rainstorms.
You didn’t have to miss the warmth for long, as he rested his hand on your hip and gently messaged the exposed skin above your sleep shorts. You sighed happily and curled closer to him. If you weren’t being lulled into the limbo between sleep and wake you would’ve wriggled closer to him for an early morning cuddle. Grillby’s hand stroked from your hip up your side and then slipped around to rest on the middle of your back before drawing you closer to him.
Another content hum left you, and he pressed a kiss into your hair as his fingers began to knead the forever tense muscles that made up your back. You lazily slid your leg in between his, and sneakily slipped your hands under his shirt to rest against his warm chest. He jumped slightly, making you tilt your head back to look up at him.
“...your hands are freezing,” he complained quietly, blowing some harmless sparks against your face causing you to giggle. You almost missed the affectionate smile he gave you, but you didn’t miss the half-hearted glare as you pulled your hands away and stuck them out of the blankets. “...don’t you dare.”
“Don’t what?” you giggled, “You’re just too hot that I overheat.”
He rolled his eyes, “That’s why the window’s open.”
“Exactly,” you said before withdrawing your hands beneath the blanket once again.
“Don’t stick them up my shirt,” he warned, so you did the mature thing.
You stuck one of them down the back of his pants causing him to jerk towards you. You gave his butt a squeeze for good measure too. He sighed, but you saw him struggling to keep a ‘scolding’ look. His flames gave away his amusement and affection. “That’s not what I meant.”
He pulled your hand out from his boxers and pinned it to the bed. You saw the half-hearted glare turn mischievous and you smiled up at him, warily. So, you did what any sensible person would do, remind them that you were their loving partner. 
“I love you?”
“I love you too,” he huffed, kissing your temple. “But I do need to get my revenge.”
Without warning, he yanked the bedsheets off of you and the rush of cold air against you had you immediately diving towards him. He laughed and quickly replaced the sheets over you.
God. You loved this flaming man.
But it was on!
You twisted around so you could be the little spoon, snuggling back against his chest. However, as he went to wrap his arm around you, you tucked the blanket closer to yourself and then rolled away from him. Successfully burritoing yourself and facing him again. You stuck your tongue out and buried yourself a bit deeper into the very toasty blankets. It was always like snuggling into sheets fresh out of the oven, and each morning you thoroughly took advantage of slipping onto his side of the bed when he got out.
“That’s not fair,” he huffed, but amusement danced in his eyes as he sat up. “You’re too cute.”
“M’burrito,” you mumbled into the fabric, and gave him a pleased look.
A roll of his eyes but then he grabbed the end and yanked.
Neither of you expected that you’d be unwound straight off the bed and onto the cold hardwood floor.
For a moment you sat there, completely still, staring up at the ceiling until Grillby’s head popped into view and you saw the extremely concerned look on his face, mouth opened in an apology.
You burst out laughing.
You were so glad you married this man.
He got off the bed and crouched beside you. “Are you okay? Did you hit your head?”
You shook your head, wheezing slightly. “I just...that was- and your face!”
Grillby’s head tilted to the side slightly before he sighed, sparks flying again but you just burst into more laughter. You made an attempt to give him a smooch but you ended up just pressing your forehead against his cheek and giggling, unable to sober up for even a moment to kiss your husband.
“You’re a dork,” he said, tucking his arm beneath your legs and another behind your back before hoisting you back onto the bed. “You are okay though, right?”
“Y-Yeah,” you giggled out, “Takes more than falling out of bed to hurt me.”
“Thank goodness,” he hummed, tucking the blanket back around both of you and pulling you against his chest. “As much as I love playing around in bed, I think you need to actually sleep. You’re becoming giggle happy.”
That made you giggle even more and you shook your head, “I’m a giggly bitch what can I say.”
He kissed your forehead, “I love you.”
“Love you too.”
You fell asleep listening to the rain...in the arms of your best friend and husband.
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blankdblank · 5 years
Anaticula Pt 33
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Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 - Pt 7 - Pt 8 - Pt 9 - Pt 10 - Pt 11 - Pt 12 - Pt 13 - Pt 14 - Pt 15 - Pt 16 - Pt 17 - Pt 18 - Pt 19 - Pt 20 - Pt 21 - Pt 21b - Pt 22 - Pt 23 - Pt 24 - Pt 25 - Pt 26 -  Pt 27 - Pt 28 - Pt 29 - Pt 30 - Pt 31 -
- Ok, naming this one 33 because i accidentally named two chapters 22, and to fix it all would be too exhausting for me, so continuing the Triwizard Year, hope you enjoy it. :D -
You barely had six hours until breakfast and with your lovely nap you dressed in the sweater on the top of your pile tugging it to rest over your worn jeans covering your boots and tall socks coated in Nifflers. Bag slung over your shoulder shifting in each step as you drew your hair back out of your face into a tall ponytail only to pause for a moment at the Gryffindor first years whispering about your being asked to the Ball.
Fred, “That didn’t take long.”
“How the hell-,”
Cedric glanced at you, “You got asked already?”
“Bryt asked me but I didn’t say yes.”
George, “School seems to think otherwise.”
Rolling your eyes you sighed and turned to head to the Great Hall catching a trio of Beauxbaton girls scowling at you in their hurried walk into the hall to choose the table farthest from yours. Sighing deeply you moved to your table catching the smirk on Alastor’s face contrasting Snape’s puzzled expression hearing the whispers while Barty Jr stared at you with chin planted in his palm trying to work it all out himself.
Whispers rippled quickly and on their own way to sit by their chosen partners the Krum brothers froze and asked those in their year speaking the most English for a translation of the gossip seeming so interesting to your classmates. “They’re saying Miss Black got asked to the Ball already.”
Sebastian’s grin dropped and Krum asked, “It was barely announced last night. Surely it must be a mistake. They can’t possibly be pairing up this early when it isn’t until Christmas.”
Sebastian shook his head, “Asked or not, I have months to change her mind. Find out who it was. Show that I am the better match.”
Viktor nodded patting his hand on his brother’s back alongside their friends who all continued onto the Great Hall. Straight to Hermione however he hurried, finding her thankfully by Angelina and Alicia instead of the guys, a grin eased onto his face and over the morning juice he managed to ask her right then, not willing to risk losing the chance.
Taking the spot by you, Sebastian held his grin and asked you, “Sleep well?”
Your head tilted, “Other than the gap for Ghoul Studies ya. You?”
He nodded watching as your finger trailed around the rim of your glass filling it with juice, “Yes. It is a good dorm. Nice beds, good view. You should come and see it sometime. We have all our best posters up and our brooms on display in the common room” after a pause he asked, “Even with our games being canceled this year would your pitch be off limits for training still?”
Lowering your glass from a sip you swallowed and said, “That was something I wanted to ask you about.” Making his brow inch up in your plotting smirk as you reached into your bag on your lap to pull out the folded quidditch chart, “How would you like to build some bridges?”
The guys all leaned in peering on at the schedule you had made with growing grins, giving them a wave after assigning their ranked house teams to fill in their spaces before you moved over to let Fleur take the spot beside you curious of your note as well. A grin eased across her lips and in a quick huddle all the Beaxs had eyed the copy you had made them and agreed to the two game a weekend schedule. Leaving your bag in your seat you walked over to the Professor’s table drawing their gaze from their plates with the Krums and Fleur behind you. A quick grin flashed across your face and Dumbledore inched up in his seat dapping his mouth with his napkin, “Miss Black, something wrong?”
“Not really. In fact we have a proposition.”
“Hmm, do tell.”
You passed him a copy of the chart and said, “We would like to play this year. All the teams, for all three schools. The games are set up and we all agree. Why leave the other students to just cheering on three of us when we could all benefit from a Tournament of our own.”
In looking at the chart Minerva said, “It certainly is a possible source of mutual entertainment.”
Dumbledore looked up at you, “Quidditch could very well be the thing to lace us all together. It is an admirable schedule and I accept the notion.” You all grinned and he said, “I will inform their Headmasters and leave the workout schedules to your captains.” You nodded and turned to take your seats seeing him stand and move further down the table to pass around it greeting the entering headmasters and share the news stirring smirks of their own.
Returning to his seat in seeing that you were all in the Hall now he stood clearing his throat, “Good morning students. If I might trouble you for a moment.” The hall fell silent in looking at him, “It has come to my attention that in the aftermath of our canceling Quidditch for this year just how dividing that could possibly be, a new timetable has been made and no doubt will be added to the afternoon papers, including the teams from our visiting schools. That is all.” When he sat again you shook your copy that multiplied and flew off in airplanes that unfolded for the other house teams with a copy for each Beax and Durm team as well.
Ron, “Two games a week!”
Hermione leaned over the table to steal a glance impressed at the time chart while Oliver beamed knowing his last year would be the best as he could play against the best, already mentally working out the training schedule in his head to check with the other teams later.
In all this however your eyes kept wandering to the same trio of Beauxbaton teens scowling at you through the elated chattering from the Slytherin table drawing more than a few glances your way.
In focusing on your classes and helping the teams to mesh their workouts on the one pitch before the first set of games the next weekend after this one you would be met randomly by Sebastian and Fleur. The older teens marveling at your workload, while theirs left them ample time to explore and relax at their leisure.
Friday had come and nearly gone into a third lunch with your ever changing table of friends all skating around the lingering topic of why you were asked so early to the Ball when it seemed that no one else known to be single had been snapped up so quickly. Once Double Charms was through you took your break and paused on your way from RoR passing the same scowling trio making you turn and head for Barty’s classroom to see if he could help you figure it out.
Out of nowhere Bryt walks up to you in Barty’s doorway making his head tilt slightly in his inching closer with Snape and Alastor not far behind from their conference, “Jaqi.” He wet his lips anxiously, “Well, Mum says I should just be honest, so here’s the dill.” He said with a sigh making your brow inch up through the far from subtle lean of a group of Durmstrangs through an opening of a courtyard to listen in, “Now my Gran is friends with Evangelinne’s Gran. And we’ve been friends since infants, and her Mum and mine both heard about the Ball and hoped for another picture of us. But see, when she heard about the Ball she’d already expected she’d go with me, knowing I’d pick a silver tux so she could wear cucumber green. But now she’s heard that I asked you and that really hurt her feelings and it took me a good day and a half for her to even talk to me again so, will you?”
Holding back from shaking your head you asked, “Will I what?”
“Will you not go with me to the Ball?” In his pleading grin at you a nod came from you and he darted off, “Thank you! I’ll invite you to our wedding!”
Shaking your head you walked into the classroom through the open mouthed Professors glancing from Bryt’s path to the group of Durmstrangs darting away. Following you inside Alastor teased, “I don’t think I’ve seen that boy draw breath once since I got here.”
Snape, “I think he’s mutated above the need for it.” He rubbed your back seeing your head on the desk as you groaned into your bag you’d set on it, “Are you alright?”
You raised your head and shrugged, “Well, seeing as when he asked me to go my answer was ‘um’ and somehow in that the whole school knew overnight, and then I had Sebastian giving me crying puppy eyes over the fact he’d missed asking me, when I hadn’t actually accepted the offer in the first place-!”
You groaned and set your hands on the desk looking to Barty who said, “You are a catch Love. Besides, I bet-,” his eyes rose to the doorway seeing Sebastian slide into a stop making him pat your hand and say in a forced seemingly teacher voice, “And if you have any more questions about that extra credit, just let us know.” Passing you a blank slip of paper now reading ‘Turn Around.’
Turning around you were subtly motioned out of the room to approach Sebastian who asked offering his elbow, asking in thickly accented English, “Would you like an escort to lunch?”
You folded your hand around it in shouldering your bag, “Thank you.”
Not two steps later Sebastian asked seeing a group of male teenagers approaching from further down the hall, “I was wondering if you would allow me to escort you to the Ball.”
His brows furrowed for a moment, “Oh? Someone asked you? Already?!” a look of panic flashed in his eyes when he turned to you missing the teachers leaning out the doorway watching you.
He nodded, “No, no one asked you, or no you will not go?”
“No, I,” raising your hands you covered your face for a moment for a deep inhale and exhale before you lowered and settled them on his biceps making him smirk through a spreading blush, “No, I have not agreed to go with anyone, though Bryt did ask and then un-ask me. Anyways, I would love to go with you.”
He nodded then motioned you forward, “We should eat.” You nodded and walked with him and he asked, “How did this Bryt ask you so quickly? Do you share a common room?”
“Oh, no he caught me on our way to Ghouls Studies that night after dinner.”
“How did he ask to make you say yes?”
“I didn’t,” he looked at you, “Say yes. My exact answer was ‘um.”
You nodded, “Yup.”
“Then why did he-,”
You shook your head and shrugged, “Your guess is as good as mine. But he’s going with a girl from Beauxbatons now so no worries there.”
“Let us all hope she did not just say um.” Making you giggle widening his smile.
Finishing your courses out you found your way back to your dorm to head off to sleep. Though it was Gryffindor’s time for practicing in the pitch in the morning you were still, once breakfast and your Arithmacy course was through, would be off to do some laps both around and across Black Lake.
A quick change from your usual clothes had you in shorts and a sleeveless Puff jersey over your converse joining the full team in their own workout gear and jerseys for the easy start to your year of training to hopefully keep you up to standard against the visiting teams. Curiously the crowd of varied languages swirled around you with news rippling of your group headed out for a stroll to the Lake. Through the courtyards and exits the curious visitors all watched your stop under the tree for a quick few moments of stretching followed by your lining up to jolt off parting lips at the pace you began in.
Lap after lap past the random appearance of a few fire crabs in your paths you held your pace and positions for the twelve laps, ending back at the tree where you all removed your shoes and socks then turned back to the frigid lake stirring grumbles and groans that died the deeper you got to start your laps across the lake. Two full laps across and back again had the other students leaving while you and the twins pulled lists from your sneakers of plants and supplies in the lake you had been asked to fetch for the other Professors and Madame Pomfrey you clarified. Pulling a jar out the twins both drew out a swirl of gillyweed only to look up at Sebastian in his approach with a spreading grin.
You shook your head, “No. Cushion start for the practices this year, just to warm us back up to the usual.”
His eyes lowered to the jar, “What is that?”
“Gillyweed.” Fred and George answered.
He looked to you, “We were asked to fetch some things for the Professors.”
George offered him the jar, “Care to join us?”
Sebastian quickly removed his boots and socks he left with his jacket waving his wand he drew over his clothes swapping them for a tank top and shorts. In a subtle flex of his arms he reached in and drew out a swirl he eased into his mouth and chewed it following you all into the water wondering if he had missed you eating your swirl of the disgusting plant he just swallowed after the terrible task of chewing the slimy swirl.
Under the surface he joined you trying to rein in his struggle to breathe that eased greatly when he sunk deeper at the forming of his gills. A turn of his head brought you into his sights with lips parting as a silvery blue tail sprouted under your shorts now turned into a mini skirt. Smirking in following after you he swam deeper into the water taking in all he could on the path listening to your description of each plant you passed and their uses explaining why you had to gather them. Lastly a huge supply of pearls were gathered and through his distant inspection of your curious Giant Squid he continued to swim after you towards the surface feeling himself shifting back. On the surface again you watched their coughing stroll up to the shore while you wiggled your legs completing your shift back along with the mending of your shorts from their skirt form.
Up to lunch after you had dried off with your wands you strolled through the castle passing off the collected items then you turned to head down to your dorm with Sebastian grinning in his stream of questions at all you were passing. The maze of halls in the dungeons especially interesting to him while you passed so easily through the maze complete with shifting walls and traps you had left one another in the continued battle with Slytherin at the opposite end. A wall of barrels puzzled him completely until he saw Fred knocking on one that opened revealing the door you passed through. Open mouthed he took in the homey common room packed with odd plants and random small creatures including a napping mooncalf curled up in a basket along the wall. Down the hall he followed you and inspected your portion of the shared dorm while you took your clothes from earlier into the bath to change.
Inching closer however he eyed the tail dangling from the hammock above your bed that pulled back out of his sight at the opening of the bath door. Pointing at the hammock he asked, “What-?” Looking up at it again his brows furrowed and he stepped to the side peering up at it only to look back at you when you moved past him to add your jersey and shorts to the basket of dirty clothes.
“The hammock is from a Nundu cub I was asked to take care of.”
“There was a tail.”
You nodded, “That would be Opal. She’s a bit skittish around new people.”
He nodded and glanced up at it again only for Fred to pat his back, “No worries, you’re bound to see her eventually.”
Realizing the time Sebastian held his place by your side for an escort out stealing brushes of his fingers across the sleeve of your grey sweater trying to build up the nerve to just grab your hand only to leave your side to join his brother for their own set of classes. In a trot you three went to join Cedric and the team for a session with Oliver and his team who had managed to gather up as much info on their teams as possible to strategize. Even on opposing teams it was a matter of school rivalry as well, and even in a less strenuous in structure compared to theirs, for which they were required to be in strict uniforms and follow daily stops for house meetings as well, you were determined to show you were no less skilled than they were.
Around the fireplace of the common room in a nightly smore party one of your first years peered at you curiously then asked you, “Is there a hex on the Southern Study Hall?”
With lips parted for a moment you shook your head, “No.��
He nodded then added, “Well I heard as a Morpher you can see things we can’t, and I’ve seen you avoiding it, even when everyone else goes in to look at the Goblet of Fire. And I just got curious.”
All eyes looked to you realizing they had noticed the same and had dismissed it, inhaling sharply you shifted your fingers around your still too hot to eat smore, “I, um, had a dream about it.”
“The hall?”
You shook your head, “No, the Goblet, it was an odd dream, more of a feeling really, just that it’s going to be hexed. And usually if things have been hexed I tend to be around them when it happens.”
Another girl asked, “So you’re hoping to avoid it?”
You nodded, “I doubt it would work like that, but still doesn’t hurt to try I suppose.”
The first year asked, “So you aren’t entering?”
“I won’t be seventeen till April.”
He nodded then looked around the room asking, “Who is entering?”
A few scattered sixth years and seventh years including Cedric raised their hands and you all nodded knowing each of them were extremely talented and in a great spot to represent the school if chosen.
By weeks end all of Beauxbatons old enough to compete entered along with most of Durmstrang between their courses. From Hogwarts as your dream rippled around through the houses only a few had entered publicly. Angelina from Gryffindor had done so already along with Cassius Warrington from Slytherin. The Age Line however was deemed a challenge possibly bested by a small brave few. S. Fawcett from Ravenclaw and Summers out of Puff had tried both being shot out of the line with full beards and white long hair sending them for those they knew to be the best in reversing jinxes to right the blunder quickly.
Alongside Hermione at her own request you sat chatting over a textbook she was using as cover to ask you for possible tips on topics to use with Viktor, who had agreed to help her practice her limited vocabulary in Bulgarian.
The open doors filled with chatter while you saw Cedric fresh from a meeting with the Puff paper, all of whom had joined him in approaching the Goblet. In an assuring nod from you he chuckled and stepped through the line drawing cheers, through which he stepped closer to add his slip of paper with his name and school on it into the flames that pulsed a brighter blue then dimmed again in his path out of the circle again.
Through the doors the twins hurry in cheering and waving the vials in their hands.
“Cooked it up this morning.” Under your breath you chuckled and rested your bent arms on your knees with your feet rocking on the edge of the bench in front of you in the tiered bleachers.
Hermione, “It’s not going to work.” With grins they climbed over the first bench and crouched behind her both sending you subtle winks.
Twins, “Really, and why is that Granger?”
Hermione, “You see that? That is an Age line. Dumbledore cast it himself, it’s hard to believe that it could be fooled by something as pathetically dimwitted as an Aging Potion.”
Fred, “That’s why it’s so clever.” Climbing down they approached the Goblet.
George, “Because it’s so pathetically dimwitted.” They both stand outside the line shaking the vials, “Ready Fred?”
Fred, “Ready George.”
They link arms shaking the vials they uncorked, both saying, “Bottoms up,” downing the potions before hopping through the line. Cheers sound through the hall, “Ready?” toss their slips of paper into the goblet that lit on fire in a burst of light knocking them out of the line before they began to wrestle over their now white hair, mustache and beard.
Giggling to yourself you caught their narrowed gazes at the Goblet, hoping that one of them could have been able to enter so that if you were right and you would get sucked into this somehow they could have been there with you. Propping your chin in your palm your eyes turned to the doorway, through which the Krums and their group of friends strolled through passed the Twins, who stood and tapped their wands to their chins reversing the jinx silently. In stolen smirks sent your way the Krum brothers both looked you and Hermione over in dropping their names into the fire before turning to head back to their next courses down the hall.
In his turn however your eyes locked with Karkaroff’s and your free hand subtly clenched around your thigh out of his sight remembering the warning you had gotten from your father, uncle and Remus to steer clear of being alone with him fully supported by Barty and Alastor. The latter pair alongside Snape made it their mission to keep him off your trail ensuring he couldn’t do anything to harm you.
Daily each Quidditch team had agreed to the training schedule for as far as the pitch went, outside of that your paths blended in your stolen training sessions that brought more and more attention each time with all of you trying to rank the other as far as who would win in the first set of matches coming up.
Finally in your own first training on the pitch the stands were full as in the buildup of tension had risen once the visiting schools had traced back your team’s progress through the copies of the papers in the library you clearly were the best with near straight House Cup wins since your first year. Having meant to have won on points alone until Ravenclaw stole it away two years in a row just barely when penalty points were factored in. In a firm dominating practice up against high soaring dummies you broke off your summer month dust falling back into your groove as a team showing that even in the simple maneuvers and basic try for a practice match to forty points in your secured time you were a team to be reckoned with.
Clearly up against you it would be a hard won victory yet the cocky brothers both on D1 team met up with you in your stroll back to the castle, with Sebastian and the other Durmstrang boys all still near to drooling since you strolled into breakfast in your Quidditch uniform. Just the image alone was appealing and after your practice with skill to match the position you had claimed made you all the more appealing.
Looking you over Sebastian said, “Our team is up first this Saturday.”
You nodded and grinned up at him, “Yes, I heard B1 is missing their usual Thief so you should have a great shot for the goals.”
Smirking at you he all but purred at you, “You will be cheering for us then?”
“I suppose so. Unless you’d rather I cheer for powder blue?” Teasingly you asked making his arm reach out to drape across your shoulders under your braided ponytail.
“No. Cheer for gold and green.” Making you smirk up at him settling against his side, “We share gold,” leaning in he said, “It is destiny why cheer for blue? Plus, out of all the teams we will go easiest on you. No need in dominating all four of your houses.”
Giggling under his arm your smirk mirrored those of your team as you reached over patting your hand on his chest, “That is a very kind offer, we will see just how long you are offering it but still, thank you all the same.” In a quick peck on his cheek you caught his face light up in a deep blush and you pulled out of his hold to turn to your dorm to change while he was joining his classmates up to one of their classes, “Enjoy your class, see you at lunch.”
In your glance back at him he nodded and you giggled at the closing of your team around you with sleeveless team robes billowing behind you in your path down the hall leaving him staring after you for a moment before turning to their class.
In the hushed halls of the school while all were in class in the early morning hours a stolen moment in the Southern Study Hall brought on the beginnings of a sinister plan that went unnoticed. Lunch stirred an unsettling clench in your stomach shared by Professor Trelawney floors above you who started to consult her crystal ball in hopes of understanding what or who was coming the school’s way.
But answers were far from helpful and in your place with your Bulgarian shadow sliding into your right side again opposite Fleur on your left you were far from able to try and meditate opening yourself up to any vision that might help to uncover what was coming. Especially when the papers arrived and Sebastian grinned widely seeing your peck on his cheek having been captured by one of the school photographers. In a glance over your shoulder Draco subtly motioned it was being added to the family scrapbooks making you giggle to yourself and turn back to your meal as Sebastian folded and pocketed his copy of the paper in a grin at you.
Saturday brought with it a divided school with breakfast dividing alliances to separate tables sporting the colors of which team they represented. Across the room you eyed your supposed rival for Bryt’s arm to the Ball, Evangelinne who was a Beater for B1’s team. Reluctantly Fleur sat in support of her own school, her worry was short lived as in the path to the pitch for the game you snuck a moment at her side comforting her in saying there was no hard feelings in the school rivalry, and alliances would shift the next day either way.
A stolen kiss on your knuckles later and the Krums were off leaving you to have your arm coiled up with Hermione’s in your shared path to your seats. Anxiously you sat running your fingers through your loose curls laying over your back to hide Opal, who was climbing out the neck of George’s sweater and strolled across his shoulder to yours curling up there excited to hear the match commentated by Lee Jordan, who like the other boys seemed torn between their admiration of the Krums and the Beauxbaton team, of which Evangelinne played professionally for France as well.
The chilly air blew right through you until you settled into your seats, all of you together working as living heaters making it more tolerable. A flash of red whizzed by and on their red Nimbuses D1 raced around the pitch and took their place relaxing at the cheers sounding around them. A flash of blue brought cheers from the opposing side of the pitch with B1 entering on blue Nimbuses. Hermione beside you asked, “How do they get colored brooms?”
You shrugged and replied, “Not sure. Might be special issued from their shops in their countries, special order probably.”
Back and forth in an explosion of cheers the game was neck and neck until Viktor soared off towards the ground and captured the snitch inches from crashing bringing a wave of cheers back again. Filing out again when you hoped you had time to take Opal back to your dorm. Right outside the pitch however an arm draped around your back and in a bubbly chuckle Sebastian asked, “There you are!”
At your side however in a familiar tail coiling up to the neck of your sweater his eyes dropped and when your hand covered his mouth they snapped up to yours catching your quick grin, “Shh.”
Your hand lowered and he whispered, “Is that a dragon?”
“Opal.” His eyes met yours again and his lips parted, “She was blinded as a hatchling.”
“The school knows you have her?”
“Unofficially, yes. She’s supposed to stay in my dorm this year to keep out of sight but she does love listening to the matches.”
He smirked easing his arm around your back to continue on again towards the victory cocoa and snacks in the Great Hall, “Your secret is safe with me.” His eyes dipped seeing her nestling under your hair widening his smirk.
All day you spent with the guys between your few classes sharing more about the creatures they had heard you encountered here. Most especially they wished to know more about Tulip only to be disappointed that this year the course on observing Tulip would not be available due to the Ministry being so involved with the school this year.
Dinner again split you up again and once your choir was over you took your usual patrolling spot and then went off to bed anxious to see how Gryffindor vs D4 would go the next day.
Harry, Katie, Dean, Ron, Angelina and Alicia joined Oliver in their stroll out to the pitch after a tense breakfast. Even with your budding relationship with Sebastian he still felt the need to support his fellow schoolmates and anxiously joined them into the stands opposite yours. Even younger and less experienced as a team with Katie and Angelina leading in the scores with Oliver’s flawless protection of the goal posts it was an easy win for them leaving the other teams stunned and curious as to how your other school teams would match up against theirs.
Pt 34
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