xaropinhoicons · 2 years
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chaotic-fo-imagines · 2 years
Imagine ur f/o hanging upside down from the rafters like a bat
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ginwhitlock · 1 year
I love how every reaction to any remake of a once popular media thing is Hatred. Make something new Hollywood <3
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boku-no-anime-phase · 3 months
So Ghibli dubs are pretty good across the board right? Most people watch Ghibli dubbed bc the dubs are good.
But I, a weeb, am working on watching Ghibli movies subbed for the first time in my life and y'all.... It's a different experience.
Howl's moving castle?? Almost a completely different movie. Feels more quiet and chill. Has more clear themes of courage and cowardice. I felt like the characters' personalities came through with greater clarity and consistency. Not to mention that I wasn't constantly distracted by the clashing accents or Christian Bale's wildly incongruous voice (I know he's a crowd favorite, but I'm a heretic and I refuse to apologize).
Totoro is the same way. Some of the script changes and inflection changes just completely alter the mood of certain interactions and it's weird! Why would you do that!
I should stop being floored by how much better these are subbed than dubbed but I'm going to do it every time
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phoebeebies · 1 year
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Off-duty batman doodles
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anyataylors-joy · 1 year
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mom and dad go public 😭😭😭😭😭
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formem · 2 years
Robert Pattinson at THE BATMAN premiere
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blackhxartink · 2 years
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Robert Pattinson. Prints available at the link in my bio!
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xaropinhoicons · 2 years
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hellwasthejourney · 10 months
Since I’ve stopped looking for tickets, my Twitter feed is showing me less taylor and a lot more Robert Pattinson
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revengemode · 10 months
If Zendaya wasn't constantly shoved in our faces on social media every single day, it would be so much easier to stop talking about her, you know. It's as if she's addicted to the attention and just craves it all the time. She's always trending, and it's pretty obvious that she loves it. Like, today, when people finally stopped talking about that big PR stunt at the Beyoncé concert, what does she do. She goes and posts a selfie to get people talking about her again. It's so obvious, and yet everyone here refuses to admit it. I mean, seriously, why couldn't she and the others just stay in the lodge at the Beyoncé concert. She had to drag Tom downstairs and go next to Beyoncé husband, just so people could see her. Talk about attention-seeking behavior, right? And what's even more ridiculous is when people say she loves her privacy. I mean, come on! She was acting all crazy in front of Beyoncé, even though she's been around her before. Isn't that just weird to you?And if that wasn't enough, she c ouldn't even let Tom have one thing with his brothers and dad on the golf course. You don't see Nicki there, do you? But Zendaya? She's bringing an untrained dog to some upscale golf course, and of course, she has to take a picture about it for attention. She could have posted a photo of noon anywhere but she had to do it at the golf course so her fans would pick up that she is on pr duty. It shows how much of a parasite she is. I swear, all you blogs will have to find something else to talk about when they break up, just like all those other celebrity couples blogs. You know, like R Pattz and Kristen, Andrew and Emma, Brad and Angelina. The pr will end as soon as they finish the new Spider-Men movies, mark my words. Then we'll see a joint press release statement about how they remain friends, but the distance was just too difficult. You will never see them together again. Honestly, Zendaya is just not the right girl for Tom. He's such a sweet and simple bloke who wants to live as normal a life as possible. This is why Dom never interacts with Zendaya because he hates their pr angle. Nicki wants what her son wants which for now is the exposure Zendaya brings but the interactions with Nicki seem even forced. She has been in London for a long time since you guys keep repeating but they only hung out once for a paparazzi walk. Not her virgo friend. Zendaya she's all about the limelight because she knows that's where the money is for her, it is not because of her talent or anything.
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Bye goofy.
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gmaybe666 · 7 months
my hyper fixation for the batman 2022 is intense and stupid- did you know that ben affleck was originally going to be batman but dropped out before they finally settled on r-pattz.....!?!??! thank FUCK
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 3 months
Ewan is lowkey giving Rob Pattz.
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iinterludia · 3 months
Fanfic do Dia#5: Emotional Warfare por completerandomness12 e tradução de Leili Pattz, VampiresLoves e Julia Hadad.
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Sinopse: O nerd Edward Cullen é abandonado pela sua namorada da escola... sozinho... em um estacionamento... com um anel de noivado em seu bolso. Para evitar parecer patético na celebração de Ano Novo dos seus pais, ele pede a ajuda de sua linda e misteriosa amiga, Bella, para que se passe por sua namorada.
TÍTULO:  Emotional Warfare AUTOR(ES):  completerandomess12 , Tradução: Leili Pattz, VampiresLoves e Julia Hadad. CATEGORIA: Crepúsculo COUPLE:  Bella Swan / Edward Cullen GÊNERO: romance, comédia, universo alternativo TAGS: bedward, namoro fake, nerdward, cullen banqueiros, herdeiros por toda parte ONDE LER: FF.NET
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 "Bem," Heidi arfou, olhando ao redor da mesa. Todos estavam repentinamente interessados em suas refeições. "Eu não acho que tentar conhecer a garota que pegou a atenção de Edward é pretensioso," ela gracejou. "Isso é quando você apenas faz perguntas para discernir se compartilho ou não o mesmo status social que você..." Bella continuou, comendo uma garfada de purê de batata. "Portanto, você está tentando medir se eu... valho ganhar alguma atenção real." 
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MINI REVIEW [ ⚠️Alerta de Spoiler]
Quando vocês menos esperarem, pá! Cheguei com uma fanfic de Crepúsculo. 
Oiê seus viciados em fanfics, e não é que hoje temos a estreia no FDD de uma fic bedward?
Eu considero minha jornada na leitura das fanfics em 4 grandes temporadas em que fiquei viciada em uma categoria em específica, começou com Harry Potter, depois veio Crepúsculo, então EXO e por último Seventeen. 
Emotional Warfare é como eu posso descrever o tipo ideal de plot clássico com muitas referências de outras histórias. Nosso Eduardo Cullen, é um nerd do tipo muito lindo, porém se recusa a se vestir melhor ou se ver em uma “aparência melhor”... sim se recusa, porque a Alice já tentou várias vezes. 
A história já começa na formatura (pelo que eu entendi é a formatura que nos EUA tem antes de você cursar a sua especialidade)  quando o iludido do Edward é chutado pela Tânia, eles namoravam. Tudo isso acontece justamente quando ele estava com o anel de noivado no bolso. Ficou com pena? Eu não o que ele teve foi um livramento.
Pula para a cena que ele conhece a louca e misteriosa Bella, só Bella mesmo já que quando ela fala o sobrenome dela de repente começam a tratá-la de forma diferente. É o mistério do mistério, Brasil.
Edward e Bella iniciam  uma amizade em que ambos se ajudam não só com problemas nas disciplinas da faculdade, mas também com seus próprios traumas. Ambos incentivam um ao outro a melhorar e esse é um dos fatores que faz Bella aceitar ser a namô de mentirinha do herdeiro Cullen. Ah e diferente de muitas histórias, aqui a Victoria é a melhor amiga da Bella, já diz o ditado: um remédio para um louco é outro louco.
Tem tanta coisa que eu queria comentar, mas seriam spoilers, então deixa quieto. Por hoje é só.
XOXO, Interludia.
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fourfuckinghorsemen · 6 months
R Pattz
I had to Google this and apparently you mean Robert Pattinson? Pass.
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destinyc1020 · 8 months
Oh brother the career talk has now moved to Zendaya 🙄 can y'all mute je for your piece of mind coz I feel like a lot of y'all are antsy right now because everyone is talking about him. Zendaya will be MORE THAN FINE. Just remember that she would have had 2 press tours right now if it wasn't for the strike. This thing where people want to constantly see the their faves constantly having them working is getting played out tbh. We are fans and we want them to entertain us I get it believe me but this thing where y'all start acting like it's the end of the world when there's no casting news or a project didn't go favourably somehow (tcr) is sooo played out.
Maybe I'm getting too old for this shit but I blame social media. We could go YEARS without seeing a promising young actor in anything and I barely saw these meltdowns. Maybe coz I've never been this deep into an actor's fandom idk. There was a drought for Anne Hathaway after Les Mis which got her a hate train and look at her she's still kicking! Rob Pattz didn't have his projects the get buzz like twilight until he did the batman, we were only hearing about his love life and look at him now. JLaw was touch and go there for a bit after mother! and look at all the positivity she got this year again. This happens more than you think guys. Actors go on breaks for one reason or another but they can still get back in it. I need people to not use social media as a metric for how their faves career is going because you will be melting down in Destiny's inbox everyday. I'm begging.
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THAAAANK YOU Anon. You "get it"!
Like, idek why stans get into these silly stan wars. It's so dumb. Z is MORE than fine...Tom is MORE than fine. Like, fans need to calm down and realize that all of these actors are all in the same BOAT! It's NOT a competition! They're all in this together.
And yea, Idk if it's just Film Twitter or what, but these meltdowns over careers seem to be popping up over the past couple of years or so. I never used to see this before. Fans just waited for their fave to put out whatever they were gonna put out, and in the meantime, they just enjoyed other actor's projects. Like, it's NOT a big deal guys.
Like you said, plenty of actors have had bad reviews, breaks, time off, harsh criticism, and guess what... They're still HERE folks! 😅
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