#peache rambles
goldensunset · 5 months
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foldingfittedsheets · 5 months
Costco has these artisanal peaches. My betrothed and I first had them while staying with some friends. They’re the platonic ideal of what an amazing peach should be. They’re peeled and preserved in juice whole, and somehow they taste slightly like vanilla.
When we got home from our visit we picked up a jar for ourselves. They lasted a good long while. We finally went to get more- and they were gone. I was devastated. That was two years ago.
Every Costco trip since then has included a hopeful look for the amazing peaches. I never stopped dreaming they’d come back.
My health has gotten better and with my improved energy I’ve finally been able to take over some of the chores. So when my betrothed lamented not having time for a Costco trip last week I volunteered to go alone.
I was meandering down the aisle and then I saw them. The peaches. The promised fruit I had been denied for two years, perfect and golden in that Costco aisle. Orchestral music swelled in my mind and everything around me faded away as I beelined toward them.
I was stricken with peach madness. I got four jars. Sitting in the car afterward I tallied the expense. The peaches were fully a quarter of the Costco bill. I texted my betrothed to apologize for absolutely losing my head. They reassured me over and over that it was a luxury I deserved to indulge and that it was okay.
Tonight while holding a dripping perfect peach in my hands, eating it while standing over the counter, each bite the exact ripeness to have a little give but not too much, and my mouth full of vanilla and peaches I contemplated going to buy more.
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elitadream · 11 months
Hey, I love your art! Anyways, do you headcanon any time where Peach or Mario have been sick and what the other partner does to make them feel better?
Thanks! :)
Even though I've never drawn a Mareach piece directly related to it, I must say the "sick" concept is one that I've always been very fond of (in any fandom!), and I did gather a few notes about it for this pairing in particular.^^
What's especially interesting here is that Mario and Peach are from two very different worlds, with different foods and climates and medications, so to me it seems rather inevitable that either one of the two (or both) would eventually become slightly ill after being exposed to the other's homeland for a time; their immune system having not yet built proper resistence to its germs and bacteria.
In my AU, the bros never see Brooklyn again, so the most likely avenue would be for Mario to fall sick (developping a fever due to an infected injury, for example, or reacting badly to a certain substance however deemed benign for the Mushroom Kingdom citizens...) and Peach to be the one to look after him. 🤒❤️‍🩹
Depending on how severe the symptoms would be, the treatments would range from a simple spoon of health syrup to full medical assistance with lots of rest, and the Princess would scarcely leave his side until he's fully healed. She would use her magic to soothe the pain and help him relax, and Mario would later claim that it did more good for him than any medicine ever could have. 💗
I had also imagined a short scene where, while laying in bed in his groggiest state, Mario would smile at her tiredly and mumble half-coherently that she would have made a wonderful nurse, to which Peach would respond by reaching forward and boldly touching his face in a gentle caress. Though it wouldn't quite register, he would close his eyes with bliss regardless, sighing as sleep would finally overtake him. He wouldn't be sure whether he dreamed it or not upon waking up later, but he would feel incredibly invigorated regardless. 😊✨️
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peaches2217 · 2 months
Have you ever thought about how Mario probably grew up in a loving but financially unstable home, and how he and Luigi likely struggled to eek out a decent life for themselves prior to whatever strange magic brought them to the Mushroom Kingdom? Have you thought about the months where they had to decide which they wanted more: food, or a roof over their heads?
And then have you stopped to think about Peach, a literal monarch with an endless supply of wealth, suddenly giving them a cottage big enough to house a whole family and free access to her castle and inviting them to share meals with her, for no other reason than 1.) she's quite fond of them and 2.) she just can? How she probably views these gestures as meager, the absolute least she can do for her friends, and how she likely has no idea that she's casually giving them a sense of security and belonging they've never had before? How much peace she brings into Mario's life, never having to wonder where his next paycheck or his next meal is coming from, seeing his beloved brother finally having the means to pursue his own hobbies and pastimes, and not even realizing it? Have you ever thought about that?
And have you ever thought about how lonely Peach's life must have been? Even if there were other children her age to play with (never mind that none of them were human like her), she couldn't have played anyway, because every aspect of her upbringing was tailored around making her an effective politician? And how even in adulthood, there's very few people who seek her company just for the sake of it; how she goes into most interactions knowing that she's wanted for her beauty, her power, her influence, and nothing else?
And then have you stopped to think about Mario, a guy with plenty of friends and lots of better things to do, just... seeking her out for no other reason than to talk? How he could have so much more from Peach if only he asked, she would happily gift him any treasure that money could buy, but for some reason she can't decipher, all he wants is her friendship? How he doesn't view her as untouchable or some great means to an end, nor does he just turn a blind eye to their differing social statuses; he acknowledges her position and her power yet expects nothing of her in spite of it, and is happiest simply when he can sit and chat with her about nothing for hours on end? Have you ever thought about that?
Because I think about that, like. A lot.
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localtelephonebooth · 5 months
Thoughts on Kieran’s relationship with Ogerpon as a previously obsessive teenager:
(I did not proof read this. I just woke up, had the urge, and now it’s here.)
Kieran, to me, is a very relatable character. He is a shy, and quiet teenager in a small town. He lacks friendships and possibly meaningful connections with those who do spend time with him. He’s probably isolated due to the fact that he lacks a phone. Any friends he does make are likely school based only. So, Kieran latches on to anything he can to feel less alone in life. And of course he latches onto Ogerpon. Ogerpon is just like him. A sad “monster” all isolated and alone in the mountains. I’m certain that Kieran has fantasized about meeting Ogerpon and getting into wild adventures with her. I did the same thing with characters I enjoyed.
Princess Luna, for example (sorry to whiplash anyone with that), was a character I heavily related to. She was alone and isolated due to her previous actions. She struggled with fitting in and having a healthy relationship with her sister for awhile. To say I didn’t form an obsession with a character who understood my feelings would be a lie. I think Kieran is the same.
He became obsessed with Ogerpon. He become obsessed with the ideas he crafted of him and Ogerpon. In a way, that fantasy was VERY real to him. So when we come around and lie about meeting Ogerpon, and inevitably become friends with her behind his back, of course he freaks out! We stole his fantasy of him and Ogerpon! And that’s the key point here that people tend to not realize. We didn’t steal Ogerpon from Kieran, we just stole his fantasy and made it our reality.
With my obsession with princess Luna (again, whiplash), if anyone said they loved princess Luna it was a fucking attack on me. Princess Luna was my best friend, and she could only love me! Everyone else was just a jealous thief.
As an adult looking back on this mindset, it’s horribly embarrassing. It’s a mindset I carried into my real life, when I actually started making friends, that ruined so much for me. I lost friends because I was so angry that my fantasies were not reciprocated. I really do think Kieran does the same. He grows sad and frustrated over what happened with Ogerpon. His fantasy is just a fantasy, and that’s fucking with him. So naturally, he finds a new fantasy to, hopefully in his mind, make a reality. And so he chose battling and winning against you. The thing we used to “steal” Ogerpon away from him (Even though Kieran technically suggested battling for Ogerpon, I don’t doubt he used it to rationalize why she didn’t want to come with him). To him, being the best battler will solve everything. Kieran will get his revenge, he’ll finally be recognized, everyone can’t lie to him because they fear or admire him, and he’ll prove to Ogerpon he was the right choice.
Now, I want to say something about Kieran. A detail that, for whatever reason, people don’t like to acknowledge: He’s just a kid.
I’m not saying “He’s a widdle baby. He can do no harm!” No, Kieran’s an asshole. He became a bully. I can have empathy for his emotions, but not excuse his actions. He’s a dumb and entitled teenager with issues. And, quite obviously, he doesn’t really have a way to deal with his issues in a healthy manner (seriously, his school is based solely on battling. Anyone who’s going or gone to a specialized school can understand how toxic people can get in that type of environment. And don’t even get me started on the incompetence of the adults in Kieran’s school).
Kieran is a teenage boy growing up right now. He’s got a lot to work through, and a lot of people he’s gotta confront about his behavior. He was an asshole, a bully, and genuinely a bad person for minute. But that doesn’t mean he isn’t growing past that. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve recognition for his growth. You can recognize someone has changed and not forgive them.
Kieran is a really intriguing character and holds a valuable lesson in obsession. And I really wish people would recognize that he’s not just an irredeemable prick or an innocent little guy. He’s a kid learning. He’s going to make really stupid and bad mistakes. Just like how I, and probably you reading this, did.
Anyways, hopefully we see him interact with the Area Zero buddies. I think those three have amazing lessons that Kieran can learn from. Maybe Kieran can teach them a few things too!
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pianokantzart · 1 year
Bowser’s Portrayal as a Hopeless Romantic
After my initial viewing of The Mario Movie, I couldn’t help but wonder what on earth was up with Bowser’s attempted wedding massacre?
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At first glance it seems to be a highly miscalculated attempt to impress the princess; a social blunder, ridiculous even by Bowser’s standards. It’s an easy interpretation to make when he had the sweet puppy-love look on his face while explaining what he was about to do.
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But then I noticed that when Peach turns to him with a look of horror, Bower’s expression and attitude shifts.
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He knows exactly what he’s doing.  This is backed up by this exchange earlier in the movie, when he first announced his intention to marry Peach:
Koopa Trooper: Doesn’t she hate you? Bowser: Of course she hates me! but that makes me love her all the more.
At surface level, Bowser’s lovesick behavior seems to indicated a misunderstood softie... the proposal rehearsals with Kamek, the flowers, the stupid hat, the power ballad love song, etcetera. There is no doubt that somewhere at Bowser’s core, there is a desire to be loved back.
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But at the end of the day, being loved does not take priority. Bowser’s priority is to be in control, hence the power star being at the center of his proposal. He doesn’t want a partnership so much as he wants to be the undisputed victor in the war for Princess Peach, whether his opponent is Mario or Peach herself.
He has no interest in meeting her halfway. His entire courting process is thus:
“Marry me or I’ll destroy everything that you love.”
“I’m going to prove my absolute power over this situation by ordering a mass slaughter on our wedding day.”
“I would never marry a monster.”
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kerrtesy · 1 year
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The shirt reads “I prevented the chaos heart and all I got for it was this lousy t shirt”
This was a super rough comic I did when I was initially thinking of this idea and I never got around to posting it. For when I was watching the movie I kept thinking to myself if Peach said yes would the chaos heart appear? Which was one of the main sources of inspiration for this au setup.
I was hoping to finally post the power-up designs/outfits I’ve been working on for this au, but it turns out my lasso tool decided it would be cool to grab other layers without my knowledge. So lo and behold I go to check some of the finished pieces and oops all screwed up! Totally not bitter about that at all : )
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goldensunset · 9 months
advice i think we should tell children is that when adults say stuff like ‘now that i’m an adult i get really excited about stuff like coffee tables and bathrooms and rugs etc’ they don’t mean ‘and now i don’t care about blorbo and squimbus from my childhood tv shows anymore’ bc your average adult still loves all the same pop culture stuff they always did; they just have a greater appreciation for the mundane as well. growing up just means you can enjoy life twice as much now. you can get really excited about a new stuffed animal AND about a new kitchen sponge. peace and love
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palskippah · 4 months
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Based over the fact that my lil bro when like he just turned five cut a bunch of his hair off and my mom and I were like :000
Also, Mario connected the dots very quickly bc just that morning he told Nettarina they looked alike and then by afternoon she had many inches less of hair🧍but he didn't say anything.
BUT! Of course Nettarina did, and when Peach said "why,,?" like not really expecting an answer, she said "because mamma said I look just like him, but I didn't bc he doesn't have long hair so I cut mine!"
And Peach sent an unfairly killing stare to Mario who was like hehe sori :D
Then Mariella saw her sister and wanted to be just like her, so then they took both girls to a stylist to cut their hair properly and later after that they get ice-cream and go to a park and is very nice but Peach laments that they don't have their pretty long hair anymore, the whole afternoon alskdadf too big of a change maybe bc she wouldn't be able to braid their hair or do nice hairstyles anymore waa (she now can do the little palm tree pigtails tho and she's like aww like when they were babies! :'D)
(When Nettarina's older, she starts liking longer hair again so she returns to how she had it before the cutting from when she was five ajsdka)
BTW Mario and Peach have two more babies and they're both girls and one's called Carolina and the youngest is Giovanna and WA Carolina's design looks too much like Mario therefore too much like the twins aksjdajd but she got Peach's nose and also her big ol' eyes from the moment she was born (in Mario's eye color tho).
And Giovanna got Mario and Luigi's dad's hair (aka also Luigi's hair) so it's dark and more like Peach's rather than Mario's. She also got his nose and his eyes and his eyebrows and basically everything sjdsh
Anyways what I'm trying to get at, is that none of their four daughters look that much like Peach at simple view, but if you look closely, you notice that they got her eyebrows, or her smile or her eye color mixed in with Mario's or her eyelashes or the shape of her face whwhw
ALSO, Peach's height yippie!! They're all taller than Mario🧍and he's like psh the disrespect >:c because he gotta look up to any of their daughters, even Carolina, who is the shortest of them (by nature's laws Giovanna, being the youngest, is the tallest).
Sorry I love when children look much more like a parent than the other, especially if it's the parent that gave birth to them SJDK (it's only fair, since they carried the babies >:v)
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lamemummy59 · 5 months
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Does thsi make sense………..
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elitadream · 1 year
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Just two friends gushing about their favorite person. ☺️✨
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plague-karm · 2 years
I just saw the new Mario movie trailer and I have got a LOT to say. Forgive me for the crusty ass screenshots but I have to get this out of my system NOW
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First off, the Luigi X Bowser shippers are eating GOOD tonight I’m happy for ya’ll (also Charlie Day sounds great and Jack Black Bowser continues to have me in a chokehold sorry not sorry-)
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In summary, the autism didn’t just win the battle, it won the fucking war. (Also yes, that colosseum scene was cathartic for me as well)
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trainerbob23 · 1 year
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agentc0rn · 5 months
What Pecharunt Teaches Us about Love
Ok the title sounds funny but, I just find something about Pecharunt so interesting and a bit tragic.
Pecharunt's expression of "love" is gift-giving; it showers the old couple with materials. To it, love is conditional and takes form in objects, or gifts to simply put. In order to be loved, it needs to grant the wishes of the couple. Love in a way can be transactional (gift-giving), but usually we understand that when you love someone, you don't really expect to have anything in return when giving them something.
It’s one thing to gift someone. Humans have done that all the time. But does love not always have to mean about the objects. Love is about the thoughts, the words, the time spent together, the memories, going through rough moments together, the actions other than gift-giving (hugging, singing, playing, talking, etc.). And the story mentions that the couple took care of Pecharunt, so there must have been moments where the couple genuinely cared for it without its influence.
Pecharunt's action distorts the goodness of love, which parallels the professor - their obsessions diverted them away from taking care of Arven. Their own selfishness conflated with their works of expressing love. Ironic, isn't it. (Disclaimer: love has different forms, but in this analysis, I am focusing on familial love and love in general).
We have a child who may have been spoiled rotten, but nevertheless loved and taken well by the parents, who wishes for their love and does fulfill their wishes, but in questionable ways that caused it to be separated from the couple by its own actions. We have a parent who works hard to make their dreams (their own childish dream with their dream of living with their son) come true, but at the cost of spending time with their son. Both depart from their loved ones to achieve a goal that would become reality for some time, but their efforts still end up in vain and would never make up the lost time that could have been spent with their loved ones.
Is it still really genuine love if you use questionable means to achieve so? Yes and no. The motivations behind the actions or methods can be truly love and well-intentioned, but can be still be morally wrong. Love is an interesting thing; it is a good thing that can be used for the wrong things.
Pecharunt's use of power (be it unknowingly or not is a different story) to influence in fulfilling both the couple's and its own desire - seems paradoxical - Pecharunt wants to be loved, so it gives more and more- it seems innocent/harmless yet selfish because it wants more despite being already loved.
It would be neat if we could go to the crystal pool, have Terapagos out again, summon the mist, and meet both or either one: the couple and the old man. On one side, the couple meets Pecharunt again, and tells it (this couple is from the timeline where Pecharunt has been gone for a long time), that they realized they never needed the mask, all they ever wanted was Pecharunt and for it to be happy.
On the other hand, Ogerpon meets the man again (obv before he got presumably killed), and we get to talk to him for some time. He thanks us for taking care of Ogerpon what not.
Treasure the moments, not just the materials. Because the materials can only mean so much if you forget about the memories you've created with others.
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forestshadow-wolf · 10 months
The olive theory
Simon loves peaches, price actually won't buy more than one or two at a time though. There may have been an incident where price bought some in bulk for him, and he may or may not have eaten so many that he threw up. It was in the middle of the night, and price was awakened at 2am to ghost at the foot of his bed saying he "frew up".
BUT he absolutely hates the feel of the peach skin, it makes him feel "itchy" under his skin. So before soap he'd either have to use a pair of gloves to skin the fruit, which is messy and wasteful and impractical. Or he'd have to ask someone to do it for him, which is also impractical, plus he's not exactly keen on telling a random recruit that the big bad ghost can't handle touching a fruit. This of course meant that his choices were down to Price and Gaz, but even gaz didn't know about his dilemma, so really it was just price. And having to go find than man and bother him to peal his fruit seemed both annoying and like a lot of work so he could have a snack.
And then soap comes along and well, he wouldn't exactly say peaches are his favorite fruit, but he has no problems with its texture. For a while he wasn't aware of Ghost's touch aversion to the fruit, probably because they hadn't had peaches on base for a few months. But you could only be attached at the hip for so long before learning something new about the other person. Eventually it became habitual for soap to peal ghost's fruit for him.
Soap also may or may not sneak ghost some extra peaches when price cuts him off.
I have more olive theory thoughts for them if y'all want
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goldensunset · 8 months
a real blorbo is someone you can both write a lengthy and serious/sad analysis on yet also constantly and i mean constantly make stupid jokes about
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