#peachy movie review
wannabe-eurydice · 6 months
need yall to know I saw thanksgiving (The Movie) when it came out with my dad and I started like. dry heaving during That One Scene From The Trailer but whatever i enjoyed it. so i'm sitting here. enjoying the movie. not touching my icee. wondering who the hell directed this movie.
and then as soon as we get to the credits, who's the director?
Eli Roth.
soon as i saw that name everything just Clicked. i don't even hate Roth but like it just Made Sense. of course it was him. of course. it all Made Sense because who else would have The Human Turkey. who else.
tldr Eli Roth is in my brain he is lingering in my nightmares and idk. he's there. he needs to get evicted. and he owes me another icee.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Gale Reviews: ML Season 5 episode 22 Collusion
Spoilers below
-Gabriel doing his usual bit of talking to a corpse
-Dude really showing he's desperate
-Emilie knows her husband is batshit crazy
-The Adrinette is so f***ing cheesy I love it. THEY CALL EACHOTHER WHILE BRUSHING THEIR TEETH. UGHHHHH. Its dopamine
-And Gabriel just f***ing ruins the mood. The shift in adrien's expression, Just distraught.
-Plagg be spitting facts. Too bad neither of them know Adrien really has no choice in the matter
-They are trying to kiss but they both cant. Its cute but also... FUCKING KISS ALREADY! JUST KISS! YOUVE KISSED ALREADY. YOU CAN DO IT!
-Rose representing all of us right now
-" YOU TWO KISS OR I WILL KISS BOTH OF YOU?" Rose I dont think thats the threat you think it is
-Oh kwami they ARE INSUFFERABLE and I love it. If this was real I would HATE THEM SO MUCH. I feel Rose so much.
-Chloé and Sabrina are no longer friends after last episode, and Chloé just now a mean girl alone. Its just sad now.
-Lila (if that is her real name) still be out here plotting.
-So mendeleiev is the new principal, and just like before Chloé has the principal wrapped around her finger. This is getting really boring
-And cue Lila's plan
-Oh my gosh is this going to make Ms.Bustier go into Labor?!
-Ms.Bustier still trying to appeal to whatever organ is pumping the blood in Chloé's body. But this is season 5 Chloé, not season 2 or 3 Chloé.
-So Ms.Bustier got fired and I think Marinette is expelled. Sure feels like a recycled season 3 episode.
-WAIT... IS MS.bustier going to get akumatized and then they have to fight a PREGNANT WOMAN?!
-Ms.Sans-Culotte? Interesting reference
-Oh damn, she broke free. Impressive. She said no thanks and just broke the akumatization
-Monarch got akuma blocked
-So Ms.Bustier is leaving with a moderately attractive woman on a Motorcycle... Guess everyone is a Lesbian this season.
-Has no one seen robocop before? I know they have since there is an akuma parody of him. Its a bad idea
-OH NO ITS EVIL MARINO (lila as a waiter)
-Chloé now is just a mindless mean puppet. This is sad, At least before Chloé was mean and it was her choice and she did her own stuff, now its more like she is just a muppet to be used. Its sad really
-Lila manipulating Gabriel here, I respect the play, but im still annoyed by how dumb this is. Is chloé actually going to become the mayor?
-Tomoe out here just reminding Gabriel every chance she gets he's dying
-Rose, I love where your head is at, but not right now
-Andre talking to Gabriel about the good old days. Oh if only I cared about Gabriel in the slightest.
-Andre has a point, but he really should put a stop to the BS.
-And Gabriel creates Edited out of context videos using Alliance rings. Next time, deep fake images
-Gabriel selling out his homies like the bitch he is
-Yep, lesbians. Not surprising
-And now Bustier is going to get akumatized
-And just like that she gets akumatized
-Oh man that... that is just tacky. I dont like this at all
-And using the pig power
-Did... did she just advocate for state propaganda?
-Adrien was probably going to tell her... BUT interruption
-Lila really acting like Chloé's braincell. Is Gabriel really going to make Chloé mayor? They pulled this whole Villain is the Mayor s*** in Danny Phantom and it was stupid then
-Well Gabriel and Tomoe were right about one thing, the cops are useless here
-I feel like this message is hitting a bit too close to the French revolution
-Ladybug and Chat noir really just clowning on these akuma these days
-Ah some Zoebug, interesting
-So the mayor just quit, did not see that coming
-That was anticlimactic... something is not right here
-That was an onscreen kiss. Oh that is getting censored in the other areas
-And Chloe becomes mayor/dictator
This dumb, this is really dumb.
I love the lovesquare stuff, but this show really jumped the shark. Chloé became Mayor with Robots, Lila/Cerise or whatever has multiple identities and puppeteers things is just already too much. This has just started going off the rails WAY too fast.
The show just feels so... off.
The episode was 5/10
I cant say I hated it, but i just cant find any enjoyment from this arc aside from the Lovesquare.
I cant say I feel as enthusiastic about this season as I was during Elation.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 2 years
Problem with Jason Todd
It's been a while since my last Batman opinion piece and I still have more to say about Jason Todd. Disclaimer: I mainly know Jason Todd through the Red Hood movie and the alternate scenarios that were released that I watched on Youtube, and glimpses of comics and the fanfic/review reactions to them (eg RHATO #25).
I love Jason-centric fanfic. I am an angst addict. From the fanfiction and/or comics I have seen there are certain handling of Jason's relationship with his family:
The problems are swept under the rug. Jason reconciles with his family and everything is peachy after some talking and apologies.
Jason cuts the toxic batfam from his life. He may get married (eg to Artemis), adopt a bunch of stray kids and/or just build a new family away from the Waynes. Very cathartic to read.
Jason and the batfam reconcile properly. They hash things out sincerely and Jason is brought back into the family. Or they hash things out and Jason moves on with his life.
Jason and the batfam do not reconcile properly. The family still does not fully trust him and treats him as the black sheep. Basically, they are civil but Jason is just backup, not a true family member.
All of these can be satisfying stories. It just depends on how you view the batfamily. The comics seem to be the culprit. You have ones where Bruce is a loving father and others where he is severely abusing his robins. Like in RHATO where he nearly beat Jason to death! How do you conciliate these 2 views??
Some actions can be explained. For example, I read a nice headcanon in a fanfic for the "good soldier" inscription on his display case. Basically, Bruce used it as a reminder about how he failed Jason as a son, instead treating him as a soldier. However, no amount of headcanons can reason away Bruce slicing Jason's throat to save the Joker. How can Jason smile and laugh again with the man who did something horrendous like that to him??
As for Jason himself as the character, I hate saying it but he has nowhere to go. He became popular as the anti-hero Red Hood, with all the baggage of his trauma. But all the comics and shows do is just keeping beating him down. What's the end of his character arc?? Let me know because I do not see it from any analyses I have read. He just loses more people and continues to get treated like trash. He's just there for angst, nothing more.
Another problem is Jason has nothing for himself really. He's stuck between Dick and Tim's robin generation. Red Arrow and Starfire were Dick's friends - he has none really of his own (until Bizarro and Artemis). None of his codenames are his. Robin was Dick's and Red Hood was the Joker's I believe (so messed up).
Red Hood is a stagnant character. People (including myself) love him for his trauma but there's little beyond that. The best thing for Jason IMO is for him to leave Gotham, or the batfam at least, and forge his own path. Did the comics do that for a while? Maybe, but not sure. Or Jason stays to help Crime Alley but has rock solid boundaries with them.
I love Jason Todd. He has suffered so much and he deserves a happy life far away from the batfam. My man deserves some peace and quiet so he can heal from all he's been through.
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the1975attheirverybest · 11 months
We love matty just as he us he's very hug and friend shaped and his peachy ass is testament to his leg routine.
Ben swolo doesn't hold a candle to our boy.
(Lego movie superiority)
HAHAHA. THE LEGO MOVIE IS TRASH 😤 (I’m genuinely worried Matty is actually going to to do a Barbie review in contrast to the Lego movie now)
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kaodimation · 2 years
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                  Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan Review
I loved the show. There were many things Uramichi said that struck a nerve for me— in both a good and bad way. For starter during a taping of Together with Maman, Tobikichi pointed out Uramichi doesn’t have any hobbies outside of working out. Uramichi asked Tobikichi what his hobbies were. Uramichi then said, “ you cant say reading or watching movies or listening to music. You see, when a grown-up’s hobbies amount to consuming mass-market entertainment, those aren’t really hobbies, they’re just distractions from their mediocre lives.”.... I felt that. Then later in the show Uramichi is talking to the kids about mistakes and dwelling on the things that could have been. And he says, “We have to look forward and try to find happiness because that is our proof that we made the right choice.”.... I felt that too. There are a few parallels between my life and Uramichi’s life. The biggest one being that we both have to wear a mask for our jobs. I work at Target and our team leader and ETL’s want us to be chipper for the guest. Very similar to Chick-fil-a. And there’s a lot of times I don’t feel the best but I have to act like everything’s peachy kine. I’m very personable, so a lot of my co-workers want to talk to me. And many times I just want to be alone but I’m too nice to say that. So I make small talk and act like everything’s okay.... Anyways!! Iketeru has my heart. He’s so pure but he’s not. Or let me put it like this—He has a pure heart but a dirty mind. He’s such a sweetheart. Mitsuo was the funniest to me. I really like dry humor—which is probably why I like the show so much. The kids were golden too. I kinda wish the show was longer, which is rare for me to say. I  could definitely see this being one of my comfort shows. Thanks for reading!!! <3
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johncopywriting · 1 year
Older Movie Reviews: The Man Who Would Be King (1975)
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The Man Who Would Be King (1975)
"The Man Who Would Be King" is a classic 1975 adventure film that has stood the test of time. Directed by John Huston and starring Sean Connery and Michael Caine, this movie tells the story of two British soldiers who journey to a remote kingdom in the Himalayas to conquer it and become rulers.
I recently watched this film with my adult son, and we both thoroughly enjoyed it. What struck us the most was how well the movie balances adventure and action with deeper themes like imperialism, ambition, and the corrupting influence of power.
Sean Connery and Michael Caine are both outstanding in their roles as Daniel Dravot and Peachy Carnehan, respectively. Dravot and Carnehan are both charming and flawed, and their ambition draws the attention of the people of the remote kingdom. However, things soon take a turn for the worse as they struggle to maintain their grip on power.
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What makes this film so memorable is how it explores themes that are still relevant today, such as the dangers of unchecked ambition and the corrupting influence of power. As the story unfolds, we see the characters wrestle with their own desires and the consequences of their actions.
The film is based on a story written in 1888 by Rudyard Kipling, which adds an extra layer of depth and meaning to the movie. Kipling was known for his writing about imperialism and the human cost of conquest, and "The Man Who Would Be King" is no exception. The film is a commentary on the dangers of colonialism and the hubris of those who seek to impose their will on others.
Visually, the film is stunning, with epic shots of the Himalayan landscape that will make you feel like you're right there with the characters. The cinematography is masterful, and the locations in Morocco and Spain add to the authenticity of the film's setting. The costumes and set design are also top-notch, adding to the immersive experience of watching the movie.
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I should note that "The Man Who Would Be King" is a well-known classic, which means there is plenty of existing content online about the film. However, if you're looking for a unique perspective on this movie, then I highly recommend giving it a watch with someone special. It's a timeless adventure that you won't want to miss.
Overall, "The Man Who Would Be King" is a movie that I remember fondly, and one that I was thrilled to share with my son. It's a classic adventure story that is still relevant today, and its themes will resonate with viewers of all ages. If you're looking for an exciting and thought-provoking film, then this one is definitely worth your time.
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peachy-rambles · 3 years
When Phil first arrived, the land had been completely barren and empty. There was no sign of greenery or life for miles, with only a few dead trees scattered here and there. The only thing truly noticeable about the land were the steep red cliffs nearby that provided a bit of shade. Other than that, it truly was just a desert.
There was a tiny settlement nearby with only a population of about a hundred or so people - those who had stubbornly stayed behind while everyone had left when the water in the area had mysteriously dried up.
The townspeople were intrigued by Phil when he first arrived, after all, new faces and wandering travelers weren't all that common around there. When asked what he was doing there, he smiled and said he'd bought some farmland close by.
They laughed at him, said that farming here was impossible without water and that he'd made a horrible investment.
But Phil paid no heed to their words and continued on his way to the little bit of land and farm he had purchased.
It was a simple farm, with a broken down wooden gate, a barn that had seen better days, a small abandoned house and lots of open empty field. There was even a well nearby, that Phil hoped contained water in it. But when he examined it, he discovered that it was dried up and empty, only dust at the bottom.
No matter. Phil would just have to find another water source.
He did not, in fact find another water source. He searched for days, but found nothing. On his trip to the town for supplies, he found out that the land between his farm and the town, actually used to be home to a lake, but it had long since dried up due to lack of rain.
Phil still tried to solve his water problem, but in the meantime, he fixed up the old barn and began living in the house. He cleaned out the house, made it seem almost brand new and made a very cozy little place to live, but even so, it still felt incredibly empty to him (although he didn't think he could solve that problem anytime soon).
About a month into Phil's stay, he decided to examine the well once again.
It was made of stone bricks and had a old rusted bell attached to the roof of it. The well was clearly very old - he suspected maybe even older than the farm itself, based on how weathered the stone was. He traced his hand over the now smooth brick and let out a gasp when his hand pricked something sharp. He pulled his hand back to see his palm was bleeding, and looked at the well to see some old vines with thorns on the side of it. He let out a sigh, and went back to the house to clean and bandage his hand.
He failed to notice that when he cut his hand, some of his blood dripped down into the well, falling onto the dirt at the bottom.
That night, Phil couldn't help but feel like he was being watched the entire time. He tried to pass it off as him not getting enough sleep lately and being stressed about the farm, since he'd made no progress on it.
He had just decided to turn in early for the night when he heard a knock at his door. Immediately he was set on edge. No one visited him, not even the townspeople, much less at night.
The knock came again and Phil walked to the door, an old hunting knife held in his hand.
He opened the door to reveal a truly massive man standing there, looking down at Phil in which could only be relief.....before he fainted and fell forward onto Phil.
Phil somehow managed to catch the man and not fall over, gently bringing him into the house and setting him into the living room.
Like this, Phil could get a good look at him, since he couldn't really on the dark porch.
His hair was a strange pink color and there were large visible tusks potruding from his mouth (a hybrid perhaps?). But what was strange about him were his clothes - they looked like old white robes, like something someone from ancient greece would wear. What was even more worrisome was the splotches of blood on them and on the stranger.
Where had this person come from and what exactly had happened to him?
Unbeknownst to Phil, the man was in fact not a man at all, but an ancient diety. One who had once reigned over and protected this land, and had helped it florish. But he had been asleep for over hundreds of years due to his name and practices being long forgotten. When Phil's blood had dripped into the well - where the god had been sleeping - he had inadvertently woken the deity up from his deep sleep and now the ancient Blood God was awake once more.
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prismarts · 3 years
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Oh fuzzbuckests, how the frick did I manage to get 100 followers!?
Seriously, I love all of you guys and I am so amazingly incredibly grateful for all of you guys following me, for whatever reason xD
So to celebrate this milestone and have some fun with you guys, I decided to make a sleepover celebration!!!
To join in on the fun, just send these to my ask!
Art Requests! : Send 🎨 for an art request! I'll only be giving away 4 requests cause they take a while to finish so first come, first serve! (I won't do NSFW art pieces, gore or anything potentially triggering. Ocs are welcomed, just send in references for said oc!)
Cast My Mutuals! : Send in 🌸 and a category (food, movies, songs, etc.) I'll cast my mutuals as types of things in that category!
Ramblings! : Send 🍰 and tell me about your day! Vent to me, ramble about your favourite stuff, whatever! Let's talk about anything you want or need to talk about!
Ships! : Send 💌 and a little something about yourself, it can be anything! A random fact, favourite foods, stuff about your personality and I'll try my best to ship you with a character! (Specify gender of the character if you have a preference! Accepting for the ToA and Harry Potter fandom!)
Friendships! : Send 💛! This is exactly like the Ships! Only I will pair you with a character that I think you'd be best friends with or in a platonic ship with! Just send me a little bit of info about yourself! (You can still send in specific gender preferences if you'd like! And this is also only for the ToA and Harry Potter fandoms!)
Fic Reviews! : Send ✏ and a link to your fic and I'll try my best review it! Honestly, I'd most likely just....absolutely ramble on and on about how amazing it is but still! :3
I'll be accepting these until the end of April!
Sending all my love and tagging some mutuals!: @yagirlcheesely @tales-of-hisirdoux @angeliatheturkishdelight @alovesongshewrote @accioweaslcy @darthwheezely @george-fabian-weasley @blixeon @furblrwurblr @roninreverie @soni-dragon @pinkflash4627 @peachy-bubbles-123 @legendling @prezzole @bernie-the-nugget @thebadgerfoxdraws
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kar-krashew · 3 years
(Rated T for language).
There are a lot of things that Alec misses about life outside this shitty little town, even though he’s only been here for a few days: his family, his friends, his cell phone— he could go on for a while. Hell, he even misses Aldertree’s incessant bragging at this point, which is a little concerning, because the man is a menace and just generally unpleasant to be around. The fact that Alec has not had a very public fistfight with him yet is a goddamn miracle.
But— he’s getting distracted. The point is, there are a lot of things on that list.
So, it’s genuinely impressive when Simon shows up and rambles for long enough that all Alec really misses now is some peace and quiet, because Simon does not know when to shut up, oh my god—
“What happens if you get pulled over on the road and you don’t have your license on you? Do the cops just let you go? I mean, you are a world famous racer, so it would be assumed that you know how to drive, right?” he pesters, “Or do you still get in trouble?”
Alec groans. He’s been dealing with this for the better part of an hour now, and throwing himself into a nearby cactus plant has never seemed more appealing. Simon, ruiner of lives and seemingly oblivious to Alec’s current temperament, barrels on steadily in his rant about cops and racers until they approach the main part of the plaza, where he suddenly pauses and grins.
Dread claws its way up Alec’s shoulders. Simon grinning like that can only bring bad things.
“So,” the kid drawls, “Where are you staying tonight? Anywhere special? In the spare bedroom of a local attorney, by the name of Magnus Bane, perhaps?”
Scratch that: Alec’s going to throw Simon into a nearby cactus plant, and he won’t even feel a little bit guilty. He could make it look like an accident and everything.
“Fuck off, Simon,” he scowls. He tries increasing his pace to ditch the kid, but Simon is nothing if not persistent. “Don’t you have anything else to be doing right now?”
“Nope.” Simon pops the word in his mouth, grin growing even wider. “You like him. Like, like-like him!” he declares, leaning in closer. “If it helps, I think he likes you, too.”
“Are we fifth graders now? Is that what’s happening?” Alec pointedly ignores the blush threatening to take over his face, and glowers down at the brunette. “Besides, he’s just being nice. It doesn’t have to mean something.” He’d meant to sound firm and sure when he said it, but his voice tapers off and gets soft instead, and now Alec is considering committing multiple misdemeanors if it means he’ll get out of this conversation. Simon shoots him a knowing look.
“But you want it to mean something,” he observes. Alec rolls his eyes, not bothering to grace the statement with a response. Simon takes it as an open invitation to start singing a very loud and terrible rendition of a song about Alec and Magnus sitting in a tree, and it’s enough for Alec to give in and violently shove the other.
Unfortunately, Simon does not hit any of the cacti nearby.
God, Alec hates this town.
The thing about Magnus Bane is that, well—
The man is fucking beautiful. Like, holy-shit-Alec-can't-breathe-around-him beautiful, with golden skin and kohl-lined eyes and dark hair and a jawline that Alec would love to get up close and personal with.
The first time they’d met, Alec made a complete ass out of himself by stumbling all over his words in court and then had gotten himself stuck doing community service, largely because of Magnus, for the god-forsaken town he’d managed to land himself in.
(Look, it’s not his fault that he somehow managed to destroy the town’s main road after veering wildly off course and out of control on his way to Brooklyn, okay? These things happen.)
It had kind of been all downhill from there.
But now, somehow, he’s lying in Magnus’s spare bedroom and watching the sunlight as it touches everything in the room with its golden glow, illuminating the walls, the potted plants, the shelves, the man leaning against the doorway—
“Holy shit!”
Alec scrambles to sit up in bed, frantically pulling up the sheets to his bare chest, as Magnus laughs. “Magnus!” Alec squeaks. “I, um, what’re you doing here?”
Magnus grins, rounding the corner of the bed to place a tray in front of Alec. “I thought I’d bring you breakfast,” he says, “before I asked you if you wanted to go for a drive.”
Alec frowns. “A drive?”
“A drive,” Magnus repeats, shrugging a shoulder. “I wanted to show you something, and took the liberty of filling your car up with gas again.”
“Wha— Why? You don’t think I’ll try leaving town again?” The only reason Alec hadn’t been able to leave when he first tried had been the lack of fuel in his tank, so he’s genuinely confused as to why Magnus decided to change that.
“I don’t know, will you?” the other asks. He tilts his head, looking gentle and blurred in his robe and smiling softly, something warm cradled in his eyes, and Alec knows with sudden certainty that he won’t. He might’ve said yes a few days ago, but now?
“No,” he replies. “I won’t.”
“That’s that, then,” Magnus beams, and Alec can’t help beaming back a little stupidly. “I trust you. Now, finish up, Alexander. We’ve got daylight to catch.”
“Where do you want me to go?”
They’re both sitting in Alec’s car, windows rolled down, on an old road leading away from the interstate. It’s beautiful out here— green trees circling a little lake tucked in between the rocks and dirt— but Alec has a feeling it’s not what Magnus wanted to show him.
“Just follow the path,” Magnus instructs, unbuckling his seatbelt. He turns to Alec and winks, before hoisting himself so that he’s sitting halfway out of the window, laughing at Alec’s surprised yelp and swerve of the car. “Careful there, hotshot!” he giggles, then leans further out like he’s got a fucking death wish, closing his eyes against the wind.
“Are you insane?” Alec yells out, and Magnus laughs harder.
“All the best people are, darling!” he responds. “I’ll be just peachy. Just keep going, we’re about to get to my favorite part!”
Alec’s about to yell out again, probably something like you have a favorite part of almost dying? or I think I’m halfway in love with you as they pass through a rocky tunnel, but before he can say either, his breath catches at the sight in front of him.
A huge, sparkling waterfall cascades down from the mountains, overlooking the rocky canyon and trees below it, framing the bridge that hangs in between. It almost doesn’t look real, more like something out of a corny road trip movie or a documentary, and Alec slows down as they approach it, taking it in. Magnus grins as they pass by, leaning out to catch errant drops of water on his fingertips, and God, it’s such a cliché and cheesy thing to do, and Alec wants to kiss him straight on his stupid mouth.
“I bet you don’t see that out in the city,” Magnus says smugly, tucking himself back into the car. He glances back at Alec with a smirk on his lips, running a hand through his wind-mussed hair. “Isn’t it gorgeous?”
“Yeah,” Alec breathes, staring at Magnus’s flushed cheeks and bright eyes. “It really is.”
(Fuck, now he’s the one being cliché. Izzy’s going to find out about this somehow and laugh at him forever.)
“Right.” Magnus clears his throat, looking away, jarring Alec back to reality. “We’re almost there, just pull up at the sign there,” he continues, pointing to a clearing ahead.
Alec coughs, nodding. “Right. Yes. The sign.”
The sign in question is a small landmark that points to a dilapidated, out-of-place building hidden between the rock of the mountain. “The Hotel Dumont,” the front reads, paint chipped away at the edges of the letters. The building looks Victorian in design, with intricate arches decorating the front, though many of them are cracked and gray now, and there’s a large open courtyard area in the front that appears abandoned now. It must’ve been beautiful, once. Now, it carries only echoes of a world passed.
“What is this place?” Alec asks. Magnus shakes his head and exits the car, then stands and stares at the sign for a while when Alec joins him.
“This used to be their livelihood,” he finally says, “The Hotel Dumont. Raphael used to run it, and everyone else would pitch in. You wouldn’t believe what it looked like earlier: parties in the main hall, music playing in the foyer, people laughing. It kept them going.”
“What happened?”
Magnus smiles wistfully. “A famous racer by the name of Valentine dropped a particularly scathing review of the hotel after Raphael caught him harassing customers and kicked him out. Had enough influence and lawyers to destroy all of this place’s credibility. These days, everyone’s barely getting by. It’s why they took so long to warm up to you; you essentially represent everything that ruined them.”
That’s horrible, Alec wants to say, but instead he looks over at Magnus and notes his glittering makeup and golden rings and silk tunic and blurts out, “Then how did you end up here?” and immediately winces.
It’s a valid question, technically— Magnus obviously wasn’t one of the town’s original residents, if his extravagant nature and the way he discusses the hotel are any indication— but still. Alec could’ve been gentler about it.
“I was an attorney in L.A, actually,” Magnus sighs. “It was good, I suppose, and money was never an issue, but I don’t think I was happy.” He shuffles closer to Alec as they idle in front of the building, brushing their shoulders together. “Got myself horribly drunk one night and made a whole plan to run away and leave the city behind. I woke up the next day, saw the plans, decided I might as well, and just started driving until my car finally broke down here.”
They’re silent for a moment, and Alec reaches out to touch his fingertips to Magnus’s comfortingly. “I’m sorry,” he whispers, “I can’t imagine what that must’ve felt like.”
Magnus turns to face him completely then, looking up at him knowingly. “Can’t you?” he asks. He takes Alec’s palms in his own and holds their hands between them. “Are you happy out there, Alexander?”
Alec blinks, startled. “Of course I am,” he protests automatically, because why wouldn’t he be? He’s rich, he’s famous, he’s doing what he loves; it’s all perfect. And yet—
He thinks about the constant pressure from his family and fans to be perfect and flashy and smiling all the time. He thinks back to his mother’s desperate attempts to hide his sexuality from the media, setting him up for meeting after meeting with beautiful women. He thinks about the façade he’s made for himself against the person he is right now, standing here with Magnus, and realizes that they’ve never been the same.
“I don’t know,” he finally admits. “I— I’m not sure.”
Magnus hums. He looks back at the hotel, Alec’s hands still clutched in his own. “You don’t have to leave, you know. You could stay here,” he says.
Alec surveys the landscape, then the man in front of him. “Yeah,” he agrees, “I think I could.”
He never gets to find out, because the next day it all goes to hell: Maryse Lightwood descends on the town, armed with a fleet of reporters and a truck waiting to take Alec away.
“We’re going now, Alec,” she demands. “Say goodbye to your ‘friends’ if you need to, and then we’re leaving.” She glances warily over at Magnus, who’s holding Alec’s hand, and frowns before she turns on her heel and walks away.
“So,” Magnus says flatly, “It appears you’re finally getting to that race.”
Alec wants to scream. He hates this, hates that this is how it’s going to end, before it’s even truly begun. If he just had more time—
“Magnus, I wanted to—” he starts, “I wish we—” He exhales, running a hand through his hair exasperatedly, and Magnus smiles.
“It’s alright, Alexander. Just stay in touch, okay?” He pats Alec’s shoulder. “Go on, darling. I don’t think your mother would appreciate me keeping you any longer than I already have.”
Alec hesitates a moment more, wanting to do something, anything, to make this different, but then he swallows and steps away.
“Okay,” he murmurs. “I’ll, I’ll call you.”
(It won’t change anything: his life will be exactly the same as it was before. Just one phone call added onto the routine. They both know this is goodbye to whatever they could be.)
Still, Magnus squeezes his fingers and keeps smiling. “I’ll be waiting, Alexander,” he says.
“Sure,” Alec replies uselessly.
So he’s here now, weeks later, sitting on the stands and supposedly getting ready for a race that he doesn’t have heart in anymore.
Honestly, fuck this race. They all go the same way: he’ll race, he’ll win or lose, he’ll pose with some model for a newspaper, and that’ll be it. It used to be enough for him, once.
“Alec?” a voice interrupts, “You okay?”
It’s Izzy, crackling through the comms piece in his ear. Alec clears his throat. “Yeah,” he replies, hoping his voice doesn’t sound as brittle over the mic as it feels, “I’m fine.”
He’ll swallow his emotions and make it enough, again.
“Alright,” Izzy concedes, but she sounds disbelieving, “If you say so. It’s almost time, you might want to head to the car soon, okay?”
Alec hums in the affirmative, heading down to the track, paparazzi trying their best to bombard him. He takes a deep breath, avoiding the cameras, and opens the driver's side door of the car.
He’ll call Magnus after this. It’ll be enough.
Alec ducks under the roof of the vehicle. “Hey, Izzy?” he calls, seating himself behind the wheel. “If I win, remind me to call Magnus, okay?”
“I’m afraid that would be a little redundant, darling,” a new voice replies, and Alec’s heart skips a beat. “Given that you’ll be talking to me already.”
“Magnus?” Alec fucking leaps out of his car, searching frantically around the pit for the man in his ear. A warm laugh floods the comms, and Alec feverishly pushes past cameramen and well-meaning assistants (who are trying to remind him that he really should be in his car right now) in his desperation, only to turn around and:
It’s him. It’s really him, smiling warmly at Alec with his gorgeous brown eyes, wearing black eyeliner to match the Lightwood tracksuit he’s wearing, and Alec missed him so much, oh god, he’s really here—
“Magnus,” he breathes, then he’s throwing his helmet down and closing the distance between them and pulling at Magnus’s lapels, up, up, up, and straight to his own mouth.
He’s kissing him.
Magnus is gripping onto his face too tightly and Alec is clacking their teeth together too harshly, but it’s Magnus, and it’s perfect, and Alec is kissing him, and he could lose every race from this moment on and still feel like he’s on top of the world if it means he’ll get to have this.
“You came,” he whispers when they finally pull apart. Magnus cups his face, stealing another kiss, before he responds.
“Of course I did. Honestly, I’m offended you didn’t ask for me to show up here, yourself,” he teases, and Alec grins bashfully.
“I didn’t think you’d want to,” he replies. Magnus rolls his eyes before pressing their foreheads together.
“Well, darling, we better change that soon, hm?” He twirls his fingers at the nape of Alec’s neck, and time feels like it's perfect and frozen forever in this moment, until Magnus clears his throat.
“I hate to interrupt this, Alexander, but there’s a race and a very excited group of reporters waiting for you, and you should probably get back to both. Unless, of course, you’re not planning to participate?”
Alec snorts and pulls away, loosening his grip around Magnus’s waist. “I plan on participating, Magnus,” he says. “I have a very special someone I’d like to dedicate the trophy to, if they’re open to the idea.”
Magnus grins. “Mmm, you’d have to win, first, wouldn’t you?” he winks, and Alec smirks back.
“For you?” he replies. “I’d do nothing less.”
Alec knows that he’s going to have an absolute media shitstorm waiting for him after he ends this race. But, looking back at a beaming Magnus as he picks his helmet up, he thinks it just might be worth it.
God, Alec loves that town. He's not sure why he ever thought otherwise.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
Gale Reviews: ML Season 4 Episode 8 Queen Banana
(Spoilers below)
-Marinette is costume designer for this independent movie the class is helping put on.
-So from what I got Shameless Self-insert, I MEAN Respected former student now famous director Thomas Astruc. is helping make this movie. And it gets to be in theaters... for some reason.
-The Mayor really went from hiding himself to being blatant about it
-Also Bob Roth and Gabriel are involved? Okay but WHY?
-Chloé is salty she isn't the star, and also Sabrina is feeding her bananas (so this is why the bananas were related)
-And Chloé ruins another scene the class performs. Chloé believes the city's money is her money. Thomas Really going for Chloé being an irredeemable brat to the point that it makes it REALLY funny instead of awful
-OH! I just realized it. Thomas Astruc being there is the biggest and most blatant way to say. "CHLOE YOU HAVE BEEN REPLACED."
-The art teacher has a name, and actually makes a point. HE QUOTED HER! Thats hilarious.
-And then points out she was actually WORSE! I CANT
-And Andre is scared of his daughter. BECAUSE of course she is
-Bob Roth... truly a beacon of integrity
-Well they shooting and Marinette is snarky to Chloé. Who deserves it.
-Sabrina's sole purpose in this episode is... Banana
-Marinette is so Sassy in this. Like I am all for Sassynette, but something seems off. Not that its bad, but I am trying to figure out why this feels so... personal.
-OMG I just got this. This episode is Thomas COMPLAINING ABOUT JEREMY'S EXECUTIVE MEDDLING! I knew this felt Like Animaestro for some reason.
-Thomas aint being subtle. Chloé is Zag in this. Like just wow.
-Queen Banana was her attempt to hide a blatant Queen bee reference.
-Second script rewrite and now EVERYONE feels done with it. So my question is... How do they escape this UN-APEELING situation?
-I Like the design of Chloé's Queen banana.
-Adrien is now in a cage.... Okay... I wasn't expecting that. adrinette is cute tho.
-A CAGE BEING CARRIED BY A HELICOPTER?! Is it wrong that I would totally watch Chloé's movie.
-Honestly Chloé's demands sound dumb but also like the movie would be REALLY popular in America.
-Nino my son, I feel your pain.
-I love that Kim tries to make it work.
-Okay so my bet is they try to film the movie without her there.
-I was right.
-And predictably she goes to the theater to see that the movie was filmed without her, cue outrage, cue blah blah blah
-Im watching the movie they filmed... I am disappointed by the lack of Dynamite throwing gorillas. (some of the special effects were cool.) It was meh, Id probably skip this movie.
-Gabriel... ACTUALLY DOING SOMETHING GOOD?! IN MY SHOW? Oh wait, he is going to akumatize Chloé so meh. I will say it cancels out.
-I was caught in the euphoria of Gabriel sounding reasonable that I forgot for a moment he is a piece of s***
-Shadowmoth's transformation looks stupid
-Shadowmoth saying Queen banana made me giggle.
-Chloé knows the drill. Just give her the monkey and she is ready
-She just turned that man into a banana... I can't.
-Ladybug and Chat noir enter stage left.
-You know they didn't show Chat noir transform. (Gale will remember that.)
-Ladybug just spun and Caught chat noir. Ladynoir points
-Zoé stood up to Queen banana, and thats why Ladybug found out what she needed. Horray.
-Cue Iconic Akira pose on motorbike.
-Look Ladybug you can't blame chat noir on that one. Queen banana's care just up and moved. Not his fault he made the ape go... BANANAS
-ZOÉ LEE name confirmed.
-Zoé's transformation is ADORABLE! I LOVE IT
-Welp, Thats gonna leave a mark.
-Vesperia poses. I kind of see the chat noir parallels.
-Mistranslation. Plagg said Queen bee not Ladybug.
-Side note. Doesn't it seem kind of dumb that Cataclysm makes the sentimonsters go haywire instead of destroying them? There is already a Kwami that makes things go haywire. Its Xuupa.
-Chat noir got the car this time. Good. If he missed again, I would assume they really were giving him the shaft.
-Vesperia REALLY taunting Chloé. I love it.
-Ladybug and Chat noir really bullied Queen banana after that. LOL
-OOOH Ladybug made her a charm
-Chloé rejected it and Shadowmoth be like (oh it aint over yet.) What he doing.
Okay this episode was funny.
I would say this was Animaestro done... better.
I found it a bit on the nose with its criticism but at least didn't rub one's nose in it too much. But Once I saw what it was doing, I couldn't unsee it.
Well It isn't a bad episode at all. It has a lot of good moments.
Zoé is a a good character and I did enjoy Vesperia.
I like how we got to see how the charm works, thats cool.
Objectively I would put it.
Though personally I put it more 6.5/10
There is an art to being subtle and this was a subtle as a gorrilla throwing banana explosives. Also there was no Banana noir and that in itself is a crime. No Mr. Banana. No stay peachy. Its a crime!
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pumpumdemsugah · 2 years
Nah but this Midsummor review was going on about Christian being on drugs when he made the choices he did and sort of angry at the main character for sacrificing him and then makes some dumb comment about omg girlboss
The main character was high out her entire mind and her entire family was dead because of a murder suicide while being indoctrinated into a cult but where's the mention of that ? She wasn't operating with a full deck of cards and had been deeply alone and distressed for probably years
I swear some of you make criticisms because you want to take an unpopular stance or a stance where can be peachy and nothing else. Cause her arguements was basically her preaching and not actually a review. It was entirely about how people reacted
And then the annoying omg how didn't you see the white supremacist symbols from people purely reacting from seeing content pointing it out after the fact lol aren't you smart. White people are insane but I don't think most people assume you're going to sacrificed in a cult ritual. There's other shit I'd assume might happen to me but not that. You people want movies where characters make no choices and the plot doesn't progress
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soul-cake-duck · 3 years
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My Top Posts in 2021
people are upset about the lack of genderfluid loki in the tv show and I feel the same but i'd like to take a moment to point ou that it was never vocally stated. The file said his SEX was fluid- no mention of gender and ofc i'm disappointed too but i'm in no way suprised. the 'fluid sex' thing was probably just a reference to norse mythology. yeah it sucks that disney would lead us on like that but I never expected it to go anywhere
10 notes • Posted 2021-07-19 09:56:19 GMT
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10 notes • Posted 2021-06-23 15:44:13 GMT
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tumblr stop putting these weird ads on my dash
11 notes • Posted 2021-10-01 06:07:49 GMT
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Finally done! I gave up on the rest of the faces because they were giving me hell but I really love it. It's nowhere near as good as some other stuff out there but it's my first fanart and I wanted to share it with you.
21 notes • Posted 2021-02-09 16:47:53 GMT
A Stony ficlet I wrote based on a post from @omg-just-peachy: https://omg-just-peachy.tumblr.com/post/647825725173432320/post-endgame-stony-they-retire-and-although-they
Please note that I : a; use english grammar and b; wrote this in a couple minutes so don't expect anything too good lol
Tony sits on the couch in the dim light, concentrating intently on the needles and red wool in his hands. A tray of food lies untouched in front of him, and his husband snores gently, lying across the whole couch so that Tony is squashed into one corner. After Thanos, after he snapped, it took him a while to adjust. He and Peter created a new arm for him, and while it works like magic, it's not the same. So to help him get used to it, Steve taught him how to knit, just like his Ma had taught him. He drops half the stitches and the wool is hopelessly tangled in front of him, but, slowly, he improves. A movie plays on the screen in front of them- one of Steve's from his pop culture notebook- but his soldier fell asleep halfway through so Tony has taken the opportunity to work on this project. And in the dim evening glow, the love of his life asleep next to him, he wants this moment to last forever. ------2 months later------ It's Christmas morning and they're curled up in bed together, Tony's head under Steve's chin. Steve woke up early, still plagued by nightmares that Thanos brought, and now he listens to his husband's breathing as he sleeps to stave off terror and panic. They're broken, but they're healing. Tony shifts against him, cracks open an eyelid and smiles. "Good morning, soldier," he mumbles. "Good morning, beautiful." Tony turns around, pulls a crudely wrapped package from under the bed and lays it between them. "For you," he says against Steve's lips. He picks it up- it is light and soft. Pulling off the paper, he reveals a woolly bundle which he unfolds to see a knitted scarf in the colours red, white and blue. He grins and wraps it around his neck, stifling a laugh. "Do you like it?" Tony asks, smiling too. "I love it." He lies a little, because who is he kidding- the scarf is horrendously ugly. The hues Tony has picked clash and it's riddled with holes. Steve thinks a five-year-old would have done a better job. But his husband has made it for him with love in his heart and hands, so he will cherish it for the rest of his life. He scoops Tony into his arms, goosebumps forming on their skin in the brisk winter air, and kisses him softly.
24 notes • Posted 2021-04-09 20:40:34 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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evolmaze · 3 years
paint and brushes
summary -  seungmin comes over to grab some art supplies and a dramatic turn of events conspires.
paring - seungmin x reader
genre - fluff, angst, | f2l!au, college!au
word count - 3.6k words
warnings - reader gets a little too lost in their own thoughts at one point, but other than that nothing too big to worry about!
The clock had just struck 6pm, and you felt as though you had been living in this day for years. Time had moved at the speed of molasses, and all you wanted was to sleep, but you couldn’t. Your mind was working at 100mph, helplessly replaying every single interaction you and Seungmin had ever had in hopes of finding something to prove that there was any indication you two were more than roommates, more than friends. But it’s difficult to differentiate when Seungmin was just being nice versus when he was flirting, since the boy had always been sweet, always been kind, always been a fan of light skin-ship; you were at a loss. 
You had never told anybody this, but over the past two years of being friends with him, and eventually becoming closer this fall, you had developed a somewhat compromising crush on Seungmin. It was unfair, really, how much you liked him. You two bonded as roommates over shared favorite shows, bands, and an equal hatred for the couple that lived above you, it was inevitable that you’d ever not fall for someone like him. Someone who was considerate, kind, and funny? How could you not feel a certain way about him? Plus, he was an amazing roommate and friend, always willing to go along with your 2am crackhead excursions in the city, willing to listen to your stories about the latest crazy person who came into your work, but most of all, he was always there for you. He had helped you through some of the toughest times in your life, whether he knew it or not, and he never made fun of the things you were passionate about, no matter how stupid he may have secretly thought they were. 
So here you sat, by yourself on the porch, the air still slightly warm from the passing summer’s day, wondering how the hell you were gonna get over this. You had told yourself a year ago that you HAD to get over this crush otherwise your friendship would be at risk, you didn’t want to lose him, especially over something so simply as a crush. Sometimes you briefly wondered if there was a chance he could feel the same, but most times you put it to bed instantly because things like this never worked out for you, so why was now any exception?
Lost in your thoughts, you barely heard the door to your apartment open and shut, confused, you looked at your phone, and saw some missed calls and texts from the devil himself; you had completely forgotten he was stopping by to grab some art supplies for a project he was starting. 
“y/n/?” he called
“Hey!” you called back, getting up, and walking into your living room. “Sorry I missed your calls, I didn’t hear my phone at all,” you laughed awkwardly, hoping he wouldn’t ask too many questions. “You just needed the paintbrushes and paints right?” you asked quickly, brushing past him to go to your room. You did your best to ignore how nice his cologne smelled, how even in a simple sweatshirt and sweatpants, he still looked amazing. How fluffy and soft his hair looked, and with the addition of his circular wireframe glasses, he literally could not have looked better.
“Yeah,” he said, following you. “Just the paints and brushes, I should have them back by the end of the week, thanks again.”
“Of course,” you said, opening your door, making a beeline for your chest filled with supplies, you kneeled down to open it, and grabbed a bag full of supplies. “This should be everything, if you need anything else just let me know, yeah?” You asked, turning around to face him again, he had followed you in, but seemed to be distracted by something on your desk. You looked down at your desk, and felt your heart drop. 
On your desk was your laptop, and open on the screen was a memo entitled “HELP ME OMFG” you had written in frustration the night before, full of confusion, heartbreak, and sadness; you poured your soul into that memo, confessing everything you were too afraid to say out loud, and that included your feelings for Seungmin. Part of you wondered if he had read that far into the piece or not, but decided it would be best to interrupt his obvious reading before he got too far in, maybe it wasn’t too late.
“Seungmin,” you called a little panicked, and he looked up, “the paint?” you asked nervously, holding out the bag.
“Oh, uh, right, sorry,” he said, reaching out to grab it, a slight redness overtaking his cheeks, from the embarrassment of being caught, you assumed. Your fingers brushed each other briefly, intensifying the hue on his cheeks, and emerging new ones on yours. You two stood there for a second too long, even as his arm dropped to his side, your eyes stayed trained on the space in which you had touched. You looked up to find him already staring at you. He looked like he had something he wanted to say, but was afraid to break the peaceful air that had settled between you both. 
“Right,” you muttered, clearing your throat, you blinked, trying to rid yourself of the comatose state you were in. “Um, if you don’t have anything else going on tonight, wanna hang out and watch a movie or something? Unless you just want to go home and go to-”
“I’d love to,” he said, grinning at you. “Wanna watch that new thriller they just put on Netflix?”
“Oooh yeah, I’ve been wanting to watch that, let’s do it!” you agreed, grabbing a couple of blankets from your bed, and following him out of your room. You both prepared for the movie, making popcorn, turning off the lights, before settling down on your couch, an extremely comfy couch considering you got it second hand at a thrift shop. You sat next to Seungmin, decently close enough that if you tried, you could touch shoulders just by leaning a little to your right, but far enough away that it didn’t feel too weird. 
The movie played on the screen in front of you, and it was good, just as good as the reviews made it sound, so good that even with Seungmin beside you, you felt slightly freaked out. When a sudden jump scare appeared on the screen, you jumped, unconsciously curling into a ball, and hiding your face in Seungmin’s chest. You felt his chest shake as he laughed, amused at your response. 
“Scared?” he teased. “Just a little,” you laughed weakly, still willing your heart to stop racing, but with you suddenly being in close proximity to Seungmin, you had a feeling it would take more than a few deep breaths for your heart to slow down. Just as you were about to move back to your original position next to Seungmin, you felt his arm come down and pull you tighter against him. “I’ll protect you,” he mused, and as if it was even humanely possible, you felt your heart hammering even faster in your chest. You wondered if he could feel it beating, you hoped he couldn’t.
A few minutes passed by, no words were exchanged between you both, and yet the initial adrenaline had not worn off yet. You were afraid to move, afraid that any sudden movement would cause him to loosen his grip on you. You would be lying if you said you didn’t thoroughly enjoy sitting with him like this. You two had sat somewhat close before, but never for this long, and thus your heart had still not recovered, and it was almost if as more time passed, it continued to speed up. You tried to relax, really you did, but when you’re that close to someone like him, and all you can smell is him, and all you can feel is his chest rising and falling with each breath he takes, is it anyone’s surprise that you’re not entirely okay?
“Are you okay y/n? Your heart is practically beating out of your chest right now.” Seungmin asked, a hint of amusement in his voice. 
“I’m fine,” you croaked out, trying your best to laugh it off. “Just peachy.” You must not have done a good job at convincing him though, because suddenly the movie paused, and you felt him shift beneath you.
“You don’t sound fine,” he questioned, damn him and his perceptiveness, you thought. “Did I do something?”
“No!” you said, biting your tongue as you responded way too quickly. “No, uh, no, you’re fine, you did nothing wrong, you’re perfectly fine, you’re perfect-” you shut your mouth, quickly realizing you were rambling, realizing if you kept talking you’d say something you’d regret. He didn’t say anything at first, and the longer time went on, the more anxious you got, you tried to calm yourself, you really did, but you could feel it in your throat, your eyes, your chest, you felt yourself falling into a pit of despair. It felt like an eternity before he said anything.
“I don’t believe you,” he mused, slightly moving his hand up your arm, goosebumps appearing along the trail his fingers went. You went rigid at the movement of his hand, he sounded like he knew something you didn’t. Maybe he had read far enough into your memo, you mentally cursed yourself for leaving your computer open at all, you prepared for the letdown of the century. “y/n?”
“Did you mean what you wrote?” fuck. He did read that far. “Did you mean what you wrote in that memo, about me?”
“Which part?” you croaked, slightly shaking from nervousness. 
“All of it.” he asked, his hand still moving up and down your arm. “I just need to know if you meant it or not.” he sounded calm, but his voice wavered a little at the end, how odd. You should be the one who’s nervous not him.
You pondered on if you should lie or not, on one hand, you tell the truth and it’s out there for the world to know, but if not then you have to figure out how to cover up for the memo. It was simple really, you could never hide from him, not about something like this, especially not about this. “I-I meant it, all of it,” you said, holding your breath. Your face could not have been redder than it was at this very moment. You thought back to what you had written last night, what you had written about him specifically. 
I literally can’t do it anymore, the love I feel for him is so immense and intense that I can’t hardly take it anymore. I love him with all my heart and there isn’t anything I can do about it. He’s so kind, so generous, so sweet, so thoughtful, so fucking funny, he’s everything I had hoped for and more and I love that we’re friends, I really do, I wouldn’t trade our friendship for anything in the world, except maybe for one thing; I’d do anything to be with him, be with him as more than just friends. Nobody gets me quite like he does, nobody has as much in common, no one understands my weirdness quite like he does. He never complains, he never raises his voice, always agrees to work things out, try new things with me, and never makes fun of the things I enjoy, and I love that about him. You know what else I love about him? His eyes, they’re beautiful, and I especially love when he wears his glasses and his hair is all crazy and fluffy, he’s literally never looked better in his life than he does in those moments, he’s so cute and hot and attractive and handsome, and he can’t ever know I feel this way or I’d literally die right then and there...
And here you were, dying, in his arms, wishing the world would swallow you whole. “I-um” you clear your throat, suddenly needing to be as far away from him as possible. You stood up, missing the warmth from his embrace, but desperately needing to get some air. “I’ll let you sit with that, and I’m gonna go out onto the porch for like two seconds, sorry, oh god I’m so sorry.” you said, tears forming in your eyes as you practically ran outside. You slammed the door shut behind you, doing your best to ignore his calls from the living room. Gripping the railing, you let the tears fall freely from your face. You couldn’t catch your breath, the embarrassment and defeat you felt too much to handle in this moment. It was all too much at once, too many things had happened for it to end up this way, you had worked so hard to become his friend, and it was all over now. You’re not sure how long you had been out there it felt like hours and seconds had passed, you tried to steady your breathing, but you couldn’t, you couldn’t go back in there, face him, face the truth that you had just ruined the one good thing in your life. 
You sat down in the nearest chair, facing the street, using the rail to steady yourself as you didn’t trust your legs, they felt like jelly, and with  how much you were shaking, you doubted walking would do you any justice. It sucked, it sucked so much that you couldn’t get this feeling to go away long enough to find someone else to fill the void, all you wanted was to have him in your life, and now? Who knows what’s going to happen now.
You heard the door creak open, you held your breath, briskly wiping the tears from your face, a useless thing to do as more continued to stream down your face. You felt his presence approach you, he was hesitant to say anything, you could tell. “y/n..” he said quietly, “are you okay?”
You sighed, taking a deep breath. “Yeah, um, yeah I’ll be fine.” you wrapped your arms around yourself, suddenly freezing despite the warm summer arm. “You don’t have to be here, you know? I know this isn’t what you wanted to hear tonight, and it’s fine, really, just go home, leave me here to deal with it, I’ll be fine, I’ll-”
“y/n.” Seungmin interrupted you, a little sterner this time. You paused, feeling your throat constrict, your eyes continued to water up, pouring down your face. You stared hard at the ground, determined to look anywhere but at him. “y/n, oh please don’t cry, I’m sorry.” he said, sitting down next to you, and pulling you near him. 
“Why are you sorry?” you asked, voice weak and small. “You did nothing wrong, I’m the one at fault here, I shouldn’t have ever written anything like that about you, I know it’s weird.”
“I didn’t think it was weird, I thought it was very sweet.” he said, rubbing your arm like he had done earlier, but this time you didn’t feel so awful. “No one has ever said such nice things about me before, I-I should have been straightforward with you, it was never my intention to make you feel so upset, I just thought it’d be funny to mess with you a little. I’m sorry for reading your personal stuff, but if I’m honest I’m glad I did. Otherwise I would have never known how you felt about me.”
“Oh.” you said, not sure what else to say. “Uh, it’s okay, it’s probably better you know anyway. One less thing for me to stress out about,” you said, forcing a laugh at the end.
“You were stressed out about telling me?” he asked, sounding quite concerned. He shifted, so you were forced to look at him. “Why on earth would you ever been stressed to tell me something like that?”
It pained you to look him in the eyes, see how distressed and sad he looked, you had caused that, if only you hadn’t left you computer open, none of this would even be happening. “Why do you think?” you laughed awkwardly. “You’re my best friend, and on any given day, I’d much rather keep stuff like that to myself in order to keep our friendship, then ruin it over one silly crush-”
“It’s not silly!” he said quickly, you scoffed. “Of course it is, look, don’t pity me, I know you don't feel the same way, and I understand that this is probably going to make things really awkward for a while, but try not to forget about me, yeah? Cause I swear I’ll get over it, I’ll move on, cause like I said, it’s a silly crush and yes, I care about you immensely, and I’d be lost without in my life, but if you need space, that’s totally fine, cause if I’m honest I probably need space to-”
“No, no, no.” he said, interrupting you. “y/n, please listen to me. I don’t want space from you, I don’t need it. Your crush is not silly, none of your feelings are ever silly, your feelings are valid and important.” You were looking down at your hands, at some point he had grabbed them, and had yet to let them go, it was a bittersweet feeling to see you hands together, knowing what you knew. “Please look at me.” he said quietly, and you slowly looked up at him, he looked just about as emotionally distraught as you had earlier, it was a weird feeling, why would he be feeling so desperate in this moment?
“Seungmin, are you okay?” you asked, any ounce of your own despair disintegrating the minute you saw him hurting.
“I wish you knew how much you meant to me,” you gasped, what did he mean? What was he saying? “y/n, you are one of the best people I know, you’re kind, you’re caring, you always laugh at all my jokes, even the ones that aren’t funny, and you support me in everything I do, and I just hope that you feel I do the same on some miniscule level, cause no one compares to you, the amount of love I hold in my heart for you is astronomical, and it hurts me to see you doubt us for even a second. I want you to know that your crush is not silly, I need you to know that the instant I read that memo on your computer my heart stopped because never in a million years did I think you would feel the same way I felt about you.”
He paused to take a breath, his recently ramble causing him to blush a deep shade of red, and sudden it was him who couldn’t look you in the eye. “You-you like me?” you said carefully, not sure you could trust your eyes as this was too good to be true. “You like me, Seungmin likes me--holy shit you like me?” you said talking to yourself more than him at this point, getting progressively louder asmore things connected in your head. He laughed, and it was music to your ears.
“y/n yes, I like you, I have for years now, but I didn’t want to say anything in fear of making things awkward, but I suppose we both were thinking the same thing,” he chuckled, and so did you, how crazy was this? Never in a million years did you think him coming to pick up paint would result in this.
“Holy shit, we’re both so stupid,” You two laughed, and you looked back down at your hands again. “I have no idea what to say,” you said, looking back up at him, his eyes bored back into yours and you swore on your life that you’d never seen anything more kind and inviting than his eyes. “I-if 16-year-old me knew she was going to be living out her biggest hopeless romantic dreams in a couple years, she probably would pass away; hell I might pass away if you keep looking at me like that.”
“Like what?” he mused playfully, lightly tracing your knuckles with his thumbs. “Like I can’t believe I ever got this lucky because the prettiest girl on campus feels the same way about me, and I no longer feel like a dumb idiot for thinking about her every day? Because she likes me too, and I literally could not be happier right now. If you told 16 year-old Seungmin that he’d be holding hands with the most amazing girl he had ever had the pleasure of meeting, I think he’d die too; hell I’m gonna die if you keep looking at me like that.”
You laughed, your heart racing once again but this time for much better reasons, “Like what? Like I’ve won the lottery or something, cause let me tell you, I’ve never been so damn lucky in my life,” you grinned. “Holy shit, I can’t believe this is happening.” you whispered in disbelief. “You really like me?”
“Feel my heart right now,” he laughed, grabbing your hand and holding it against his heart, you laughed as you felt his own heart racing just as fast as yours.
“Guess that makes two of us,” you giggled, unable to keep the smile off your face, you dropped your hands back down to your lap, instantly he grabbed yours to hold. “Well, what do you wanna do now?” you asked.
“Well, it’s what? Almost seven o’clock now,” he said checked his phone. “Wanna grab a late dinner?”
You grinned, “Like a date?”
“If you’re cool with that, I’d love to take you on a date.” he said warmly.
“I’d love to go on a date with you Seungmin.”
a/n: this is my first post ever aha please let me know if there’s anything you’d like to read about, or any improvements you think I could make!
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occult-castiel · 4 years
A thread with no end
Cool metal lighter in hand, he finally takes a glance at the reason for all of this. 
It's small, swallowed whole by the thick yellow clothes Sam has it in. It yawns, puppy-like, and fixes his wide eyes on Dean.
Blue. Big and impossibly blue. Its shades too light, closer to ice than ocean, but it pulls something loose in him. It's — it's almost like —
When Jack is born, he doesn't come out fully grown.
[Part One]
Chapter 2
When the sharp edges of adrenaline settle, the last couple of days are a blur to think about. The absence of it is always its own kind of tired — aches become apparent again. His temples sting. All thoughts are filtered through sludge. His stomach gurgles out loud groans. The reminder is a desperate attempt to make bodily functions matter again, but the desire for food is numb. If anything it makes him sick.
He shakes his head, uses his free hand to blanket his face, pinch the bridge. Trapped under the rough pressure, his tear ducts throb. But it’s all right. It’s fine.
Fucking peachy. 
Sloppy and mechanical, as Dean pulls the two of them off the ground. He doesn't look at the embers. The ash. His joins cry against all movement, each jagged step a chore. What should be solid ground slips loose under his boots. He has to catch himself with each half-stumble towards the house. Little snivels turn to full body whines, and Dean doesn't blame the kid. It can't be fun to get jerked around by some idiot that forgot how to walk right. 
The door juts open with a creak, and whatever course of action he might've tried to take vanishes. 
Unfiltered sunlight glimmers in through the curtainless window. Dust particles dance in yellow above the table where it's — it’s just empty now. His last pitstop. The last place Dean would ever get to look. To touch. Legs on autopilot, he trudges over. 
Light glistens off the table's glossy finish. Glints against the discarded keyring Sam somehow remembered to salvage. Carefully, he skims the tips of his fingers over the cool surface, and dread sits like a rock in his stomach. It was warm, right after. But the air has long since leeched any heat Cas left behind. 
Throat tense, he cups the keyring under his palm. Tightens his fist around it until the metal digs in and his arm trembles. 
It's not fair. None of this is fair. They used to have more allies. Friends. Something they could fall back on after so long of having nothing, but none of it even lasts. Like the universe has decided The Sam and Dean Adventure just ain't multiplayer. 
He shoves the keys in his pocket. "Yeah. Down here." 
Sam clunks down the steps and gives Dean a tight smile. Grey bags under his eyes highlight the bloodshot tendrils. His whole body slumped in on itself, the exhaustion of the last however-the-fuck long hitting him like a brick. Maybe he looks that bad too. 
Over one shoulder Sam has the world's largest baby bag — lime green and burgeoning with diapers. The zippers stuck halfway around. It thunks when it hits the floor, and Sam shakes a bottle. "Made some formula. There's an extra in the side pocket." 
"Thanks." Dean takes it. "Gonna have to toss the other one. Stuff can only sit out an hour." 
Sam doesn't say anything to that, just scrapes a chair to the table, plops down, and buries his face in his hands. That's okay. Silence suits Dean just fine. 
He repositions the baby in his arms, cradles the head against his shoulder so he's more upright. The kid latches on to the plastic nipple with ease. 
The last time he fee a baby was a lifetime ago in some stranger’s home, babysitting with an ex-angel post attempted-murder. He and Cas had straightened out his not-dates house, and the baby started fussing. The bottle was already made. He didn’t think about it when he started feeding the kid. When Cas saw him, he gave Dean a pleased smile and said you're good at this. 
It jolted his pulse. Compliments had a way of hitting him funny, but right then? In the low light of a picture-perfect suburban home? Right from the very human Cas who has sex and goes on dates and looks at Dean like he’s worth something? 
Neck warm and mind blank, he offered to help Cas do it right without thinking. 
And it was good, the light touches, soft adjustments that weren't necessary. But Cas never dressed down that much, so it was better than good. Dean spent the whole time thinking about how thin his cotton shirt was. Cas was smaller without the layers, and the warmth of him unfiltered. He tried to peel his hands away, but it was like he couldn't stop. Angel or mud-monkey, Cas felt strong and whole. 
The comfort of the words stuck with him for days. The feel of Cas underneath him never left. 
God, he should be here now. 
The baby’s pudgy face grimaces, and Dean moves the bottle back until it evens out again. 
"We need to figure out what we're doing." Sam's palms muffle his voice. 
"We're going home. Welcome to the joys of parenthood. Here’s to hoping it doesn't kill us during puberty." 
"It has a name." Sam drops his arms to his sides. "Jack. Kelly made videos on her laptop for him." 
Dean rolls his eyes. "Well ain't that just lovely?" 
Sam's jaw drops. "Dean."  
He's two steps away from being the spitting image of some scandalized Victorian chick, and it crawls under Dean's skin. 
"What? Jack here is the son of Satan, Sam. Fucking pardon me for not caring about mommy’s little home videos," Dean says. The baby — Jack, whatever — whimpers. Body tense, Dean slowly slides the bottle from his mouth. 
"He's a baby, not a monster. And I'm just saying we don't have to — to tuck our tails and go home." 
White spit-like liquid dribbles from Jack's mouth. Dean sighs. 
"Fan-freakin'-tastic. I forgot babies did this crap." Dean sighs, storms over to the table, and places the bottle down with a hard clank. "I'm not seeing an array of options here. We can't exactly put a Nephilim up for adoption. Or hire a babysitter." Carefully, he brushes off Jack's mouth with the color of his onesie. It’s probably the cleanest thing they have to do it with.
"There's Mom. If the portal was opened once, there's gotta be a way to do it again. Maybe the Book of the Damned, or the Demon Tablet..." Sam perks up. "We could try and get Donatello to help —” 
"Okay, I'm gonna stop you there." Dean lays Jack flat against his shoulder and pats his back. "First of all, you really want a soulless dude and Lucifer's kid bumping shoulders? Don't think they could be, I dunno, a bad influence on each other?" Jack releases a puff of air and Dean adjusts him back down. He levels a hard stare at Sam. "Second of all: Moms dead. Nothings gonna help that." 
Sam doesn't miss a beat. "You don't know that." 
Buzzing vibrates from Dean's pocket. He yanks it from his pocket for it. "Pretty sure I do. Lucifer ganked her the minute the portal closed." 
"You can't —" 
Unknown. He sends the asshole to voicemail. 
Sam shakes his head. Sighs. "Whatever. Who was that?" 
"Not Donatello." Well, it could've been. But whatever. He grabs the baby bag, then slings the lime green wrecking ball of a bag over his shoulder. "You've got Baby's keys. I'm taking the truck." 
The coach squeaks. Before Dean can make it out the door, Sam grabs the strap. The force yanks him in place. Dean swivels around and glares. Sam drops his hand and gives Dean a weary look. 
"Can we just talk about this?" 
Dean swivels around. "I don't know what you want from me. Crowley's dead. Kelly's dead. Cas is —" Pain pangs his chest, a little twinge that sends pin-pricks through his torso, down his arms. His eyes dart away and land on the table. The discarded, half-finished bottle sits just outside of the sunlight’s path. "Mom’s gone. We even lost Rowena. So I'm gonna take the kid, find a motel the next state over, and put up whatever sigils I can to let the dick brigade know they aren't welcome. Rinse and repeat until we’re back home." 
Sam scoffs, but whatever energy he had left is burned out. "Whatever. We'll talk later." 
By the time Dean walks over to the table and grabs the bottle, Sam's halfway up the stairs. 
Dean pushes past Sam and grabs the bottle. By the time he walks through the door, Sam's halfway up the stairs. 
Ash has blown around the yard, smeared it in grey. Eyes downcast, pointedly away from the remnants, he beeline for the truck. Wind whistles by and smears ash across the lawn. Dean stares at the mustard-colored wet spots on Jack's clothes instead. 
Cars are like a testament to the owner. The truck is immaculate. The burgundy shines — there’s not a spec of dirt marring the strips of pearl-white. 
Dean doesn't bat an eye at the car seat. It’s green. Of course it’s green. His breath doesn't catch at the stupid cartoon bee sticker smiling at him on the car seat’s side.  And he doesn't think about Cas. 
Not him stumbling through a Walmart visit to buy the thing. God, he bets the nerdy little guy compared brands, sifted through online reviews in the middle of the aisle. He doesn’t picture how pleased Cas must've been at finding a pack of sticks, of all things. How the rest of them are most likely sitting in the glovebox. How it was probably the last enjoyable moment he had. Dean doesn't think — he doesn't. Merely shrugs the baby bag off onto the floorboard, buckles Jack in, and clicks the door closed. 
Sweat slick forehead pressed against the doorframe, Dean squeezes his eyes shut. 
The last conversation he had with Cas is a blur. An actual conversation, not stress-filled bickering over the newest pile of shit dumped on their doorstep. 
Dean tries to swallow, but the motion stops halfway through, and there’s nothing there to force down. 
The last movie night he'd managed to drag Cas into was over a month ago. It might’ve been the last time where either of them were reasonably happy. The last time his lips would tilt up in that small way that knots Dean's stomach. It isn’t fair. It's all wrong, and there’s no way to fix it. No magic is strong enough to bring an angel back, The only witch that could’ve tried is dead too. And any power Heaven could spare wouldn’t be used to help him. There’s only one shot to take, and it's the same useless one everyone’s thought of trying at some point. 
Dean grabs the side of the truck bed and turns his head towards the sky. He sighs. Here goes nothing. "Okay, Chuck. Or God, whatever. We need your help. You said — you said the world would be fine with us. It isn't. We've lost everything." 
He takes a deep breath, rocks his head to the ground. "You left. And I've never asked you for anything. Never begged. But now you're gonna bring him back. Cas. Mom. Hell, even Crowley." His hand tightens. "You owe us, you son of a bitch." 
"Please." It's begging. He knows it is and doesn't care. He’d beg for weeks straight if it wasn’t useless. "Please help us." 
A beat passes. Nothing happens. He didn’t expect it to work. God's never really gave a shit before, has he? 
It's fine. All fine. 
Jack cries when Dean slams the door. He strangles the steering wheel between his hands, hands that itch to inflict. Hit. Destroy. Sure as fuck not to nurture, not to quell the newborn screams, because Cas was wrong. Dean isn’t good at this.
A handful of deep breaths later, he leans down and fishes out a pink pacifier from the bag. Jack latches onto it, his pudgy face relaxed. Blue eyes float up to Dean. Innocent, full. It stings, and Dean turns away before his body uses whatever scraps of water it has left to make him cry again. 
When he brings the engine to life, Zeppelin creeps through the speakers, one track after the next in an order he memorized long before Cas got the chance. 
He plays it front to back on repeat until hunger and exhaustion win out, and he finds a motel.
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Survey #474
“nothing flashed before my eyes  /  no pretty angels, no bright lights  /  all i saw was the devil’s soul, & it looked a hell a lot like my own”
Who are you most nervous about introducing potential significant others to? My dad. He can be a challenge. He says whatever comes to his mind the moment he thinks it, and it's not always nice. What is the most exciting thing about your life right now? My relationship, honestly. It feels like the one thing that's going right, but I'm concerned if I don't take care of the things that aren't going so well, that they will creep into my relationship and start breaking it down, ex. not having a job. What was the most important non-academic thing you learned in high school? To just keep pushing and not give up on life, and that it is full of phases, be them good, bad, or bland. Have you ever had a job that deeply affected your personal life? How so and do you still work there? No. Do you have a “one who got away”? I don't feel like that anymore. If you were in a supoerhero movie, would you be the hero or the villain? Because I like to help people, I'd like to be the hero, BUT villains are waaaay cooler. If you found a mouse in your house, would you be frightened? Frightened, no. I LOVE mice. I'd of course be startled and concerned about it getting into food, but I'd just calmly find a way to get it outside. Have you ever tried to perform magic tricks? I used to LOVE getting those little magic kits when the Scholastic fair came around! I had I want to say three and was pretty good at a lot of tricks in them. Can you do more with a yo-yo than just "go up and down"? No. What is one form of technology that you wouldn't be able to live without? The Internet for sure. Did you get an allowance, growing up? Why or why not? No. An allowance for three daughters was something my parents couldn't afford. Would you rather go to a water park or an amusement park? Why? An amusement park. They're more exciting to me, and somehow water parks seem dirtier with all the little kids and just alksdjlfa;wjke What is one instrument you wouldn't mind learning how to play? The violin. What's the longest amount of time you've had to wait in line for something? Probably something at Disney World as a kid, idr. What is something that you would like to learn more about? I ALWAYS want to learn more and more about meerkats. What is something that one of your family member collects? Mom collects owl stuff. Have you ever moved to a new school before? If so, how did it feel? No, except obviously when transferring from certain age ranges, like elementary to middle school. Have you ever legitimately forgotten to do homework? Yes, at least once in middle school. I felt SO awful and had to go outside of the classroom to do it while they were reviewing the work. Do you enjoy autumn leaves or spring flowers more? Why? I really, really like both. Each are just very pretty in their own right. Depending on where you live, why might a day of school get canceled? Hurricanes or like the mere chance of a centimeter of snow. At least once, we've even had such a severe heat advisory that school was called off. If you could meet any fictional character from a book, who would it be? Can dragons be real? 'Cuz then I wanna meet Clay from Wings of Fire if we could talk, lol. He's so wise and I'm sure would have great knowledge to share about looking at my life from new perspectives. What are some common places that people tour when they come to your city? Um, people do NOT tour this city. It's trash. What's one food that you did not enjoy as a child, but do as an adult? I'm not sure. How would having no electricity affect your daily routine? Everything would change, given I'm always on the computer. Would you rather have a mermaid tail, a fairy's wings or a unicorn's horn? Fairy wings, for sure. What is an animal that you'd like to have as a pet but it's not allowed? I wish SO badly that opossums were domesticated animals, alsdkjfkaljwe. I say enough that I do want to rescue/foster one, though, but I would obviously need a license for that. I would absolutely never just snag one from the wild. What are some things that you do to make the world a better place? We recycle here, don't dare to litter, and I always try to be a decent person that spreads love and hope to other people. Has the last person you had sex with ever had sex with someone besides you? Yes. What’s your favorite store at your mall? rue21, I suppose. We have a small mall. Have you ever done a workout DVD? Oh my actual god, this is a THROWBACK. When we were really little, my sister had a BARBIE workout DVD that we watched sometimes. Who usually takes out the trash in your family? Usually Mom, but sometimes me. What song are you currently obsessed with? Absolutely "Bath Salts" by Highly Suspect, ahhhhh- When you go fishing, do you make someone else get the fish off the hook? When I used to go fishing, my dad would always unhook the fish. Do you take any prescription meds? A lot. What happens if you don’t take them? I very rarely forget to take my medicine, but when I do, I experience anxiety and my tremors get worse. Who was the last person you dreamt about? I don't remember. Do you prefer your tea sweetened or unsweetened? I hate tea in any way. How often do you honk your horn? I don't really drive, so. I'd be very hesitant to though because I wouldn't wanna piss someone off. Do you have any children? If so, names and ages? That's a hard pass from me, bro. Have your parents ever witnessed you doing something inappropriate? What? No. Did you get babysat a lot as a kid? I don't remember how frequently, but we did have a babysitter. Both my parents had jobs. If you were the principal of a school, what would you do differently? Actually pay fucking attention to bullying and do shit about it. Are you doing anything fun tomorrow? "Fun?" Don't know her. What is something you'd like to receive as a housewarming gift? I dunno. How old were you when you first experienced the effects of puberty? I don't remember. What is your least favorite holiday, and why? St. Patrick's Day because I worry about getting pinched, lol. Pinching even very lightly is surprisingly painful for me. What were some outdoor games you played as a child? Hide-and-seek was my favorite, then my sisters and I made games for on the trampoline and in the pool, etc. Did you accompany your parents on "Take Your Child to Work" Day? I never remember doing that, no. Are cemeteries peaceful to you, or do they freak you out? They're humbling, more than anything. A reminder of how equal we are and that we all end up the same. It's a nudge to cherish life while you have it. Which ancient civilization would you be interested in learning more about? My favorite is Ancient Egyptian. Do you have better long-term memory or short-term memory? Long-term. My short-term memory is absolutely frighteningly horrid. What was the last situation that made you cry? Describe. I was very frustrated with just life in general and how horribly I'm failing at it. Which forest animal would you be most afraid to encounter? A bear, probably. Do you believe in anything supernatural? (ie: spirits, etc) Yeah, like said spirits. Has anyone close to you ever gone to war? No. Have you ever experienced altitude sickness? No. Is there anything, any event, you wish you could remember more clearly? I don't know right now. Have you ever rubbed anyone’s feet? EW you couldn't pay me to. If you had to get advice from someone of the opposite sex, who would you go to? My boyfriend. What was the last new food/drink that you tried? I recently tried jalapeno-stuffed grilled chicken, and a couple days ago I tried this orange/strawberry V8 my mom bought. It was noooot good, which I figured it wouldn't be. That's not a good mix. Have you had a good day today or was yesterday better? Today was fucking awful, and yesterday wasn't exactly peachy either. Have you ever played Sudoku? Yeah, I enjoy it well enough. Do you ever take surveys for money? No; I once signed up for a site like that though because my mom used to do that, but I literally qualified for no surveys with how inexperienced I was and still am with grown-up stuff. Do you like Barbie or Bratz better? I don't have an opinion, and I didn't really as a kid, either. Do you prefer purple or green grapes? I go back and forth, but either way, it has to be a crisp grape or it's just gross. Who was the last person that made you laugh? I was watching a John Wolfe video. Where does your best friend live? Illinois. Who did you last confide in? Girt. Does your car have an alarm? Mom's doesn't. Where was your mom born? New York. What can always make you feel better no matter what? If I'm being completely realistic, nothing. Not every single tactic is fail-proof, especially these days. What is something you’ll never eat again? Why? Crab legs came to mind first. They are SO mushy and just gross. What is currently happening that is scaring you? My life, bro. Have you ever found a stranger’s note somewhere? If so, what did it say? I mean maybe at some point accidentally? I don't remember a specific occurrence.
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ellocentipede · 3 years
Arcana Craves Peaches Reviews!
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Peaches Crave Wild Summers
Scent description: An ode to sunshine, flip flops, and spontaneous, late summer road trips. Cold cherry popsicles, homemade peach marmalade, coconut scented sunscreen, Tahitian vanilla beans, soft, warm air, and a bit of sweetened jasmine.
I knew that I was going to love this one based on the description, and it did not disappoint! This is so, so delicious--it’s like eating homemade peach ice cream on a warm, humid beach (just like the ones here <3). The “warm air” note is truly magical. I’m one of the strange people that actually enjoys the humidity here on the Gulf Coast, and one of my favorite things about it is the smell. The jasmine is the creamy, sweet, demure type that smells more like an actual jasmine flower on the vine than a perfume note. It’s a soft one, and I think that it could win over those who typically don’t love white florals. The coconut is also soft and creamy, and I suspect that it’s responsible for what is giving me the ice cream vibe in this scent. I’m so thrilled with this beautiful new addition to the Craves line! It’s already a firm favorite of mine and will get a lot of wear. <3 
Peaches Crave the Movies
Scent description: An ode to the bygone experience of watching movies in a 1990s era megaplex: the lights go down, the sound goes up, and you are transported into another world. Torn ticket stubs, peach gummy worms, cherry licorice whips, red velvet drapes, buttery popcorn, and smashed candy on the floor.
This scent was reviewed as part of the Daydream collection, but has been added here as well! I thought this scent was going to be overwhelmingly foodie, but I am pleasantly surprised to find it to be complex on my skin--it really is like the entire experience of sitting in the movie theater, snuggled up with your assortment of snacks, waiting for the film reel to flicker on. The peach gummies are most prominent on my skin and they smell true-to-life--sweet, tart, a little gummy/waxy. The buttery popcorn wafts in the background--you’ve handed the bucket to the cinephile to your right while you munch on gummy peach rings. Surrounding all of this is the supremely comforting, lightly fresh but also somehow velvety and luxurious scent of fabric and something mildly papery. These lend some atmosphere to the blend, and the effect is gorgeous. This scent is incredibly nostalgic and comforting for me, and makes me long to go to the movies.
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Peaches Crave Dolci
Scent description: Peach gelato and pistachio gelato with 3 golden bakery cakes.
Peaches Crave Dolci is so very delicious, and makes my mouth water!  It smells like cool, sweet peach and rich pistachio ice creams are layered in a fresh, warm waffle cone. It is definitely a gourmand blend, but the freshness of the peach and nuttiness of the pistachio keep this from being toothachingly sweet. The golden bakery cakes are warm from the oven and delicately sweetened with honey. This is one of my favorite gourmand blends of all time.
Peaches Crave Vanilla
Scent description: Sugared peach, glorious vanilla, marshmallows, sweet milk, and sheer musk.
Oh wow. Peaches Crave Vanilla smells just like warm, syrupy peaches on top of rich, homemade vanilla bean ice cream. Simple, yet beautiful and comforting. 
Peaches Crave Beaches
Scent description: Green bamboo, coconut, vanilla musk, citron, lemongrass, bergamot, and dewy peach flesh.
A glorious burst of fresh, ripe, fuzzy peach + smooth coconut + a zip of zesty lemongrass. This is a beautiful, atypical tropical fragrance. The combination of the stalky, green bamboo and the lemongrass calls to mind images of beautiful Pacific beaches. This smells absolutely drinkable--a delicious peach, citrus, and coconut milk savored through a bamboo straw. warm, sunny, golden. drydown is fleshy, juicy peach with some zip and zest from the dry citrus.
Peaches Crave Forests
Scent description: Sweet woodsmoke, juniper, Douglas fir, cedar, wild peachwood, and a few drops of 10 year old patchouli.
Peaches Crave Forests is a crackling, smoking fire fueled by very fragrant woods. This would truthfully be the best smelling fire around. I get just a hint of fresh evergreen--as if there are patches of greenery left on the logs that the fire has not yet reached. There’s a bit of dampness as well, as if the wood’s a little wet and is producing billows of smoke as a result. This is by far one of the most interesting and lovely woodsmoke blends that I have come across.  
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Peaches Crave Chthon
Scent description: Smoked amber, black musk, terrestrial musk, oudh, rich spikenard, and subterranean peach.
Moody black musk and earthy spikenard dominate this blend when wet, but quickly some of the sharpness from the spikenard fades away and lets the slinky oudh peep through. Cool, juicy peach begins to shine through the other elements, and it smells almost overripe, which is likely from the oudh. This is masterfully blended. Goth peach, anyone?
Peaches Crave Mambo
Scent description: Cuban tobacco, dark vanilla, sweet rum, tonka, white musk, and sun-warmed peaches.
Ooh yum! This is a peachy vanilla-rum milkshake next to a fine, unlit cigar. Peaches on vacation! Peaches Crave Mambo is warm and sweet. If you love Julia’s lovely, rich, and sweet tobacco and rum notes, you will love this scent! 
Peaches Crave Haint
Scent description: The gossamer sweetness of delicate white peaches with Arcana Wildcraft's Haint (white musk, vanilla musk, Madagascar vanilla, sugarcane, and a faint trail of white pepper).
Haint on its own is such a beautiful and ethereal scent, and Haint + peaches is a gorgeous combination. The tart, juicy, ripe peaches are a lovely complement to Haint’s diaphanous white and vanilla musks and nip of white pepper. Neither element overpowers the other and the resulting blend is truly beautiful. This is an elegant and innocent scent--it’s perhaps something that Daisy Fay may have worn while courting young Gatsby.
Peaches Crave Pirates
Scent description: Arcana Wildcraft's Queen Crossbones (creamy Egyptian musk, wild honey, sweet coconut, exotic resins) with plenty of peach and an extra shot of Egyptian musk.
Mmmm--warm honeyed peaches and coconuts in a golden cloud of musk! This is the scent of Queen Crossbones eating ripe, juicy peaches on the bow of her ship!
Arcana Craves perfumes may be found at https://arcanacraves.com/ 
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