#people can pry her from my cold dead hands she’s cool because she’s fucked up but people seem to not deeply understand WHY she’s fucked up
crystal-cliffs · 4 months
Sometimes when I read about how people feel about Ruan Mei it just feels like people going
Low empathy=evil
Which is all sorts of fucked up but whatever floats your boat I guess
(I say feels like, no I literally saw someone say she’s evil because she has low empathy… people who have low empathy aren’t evil.)
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9haharharley1 · 9 months
I'mma keep it coming with I wanna see your head canons for Danny tbh I wonder if we're similar about the boy. So I guess 002
How I feel about this character:
I love him, I really do! I had such a crush on Danny when I was a teen, made worse (or better, idk) by the fact that when the show aired, I was also just entering high school. So it was one of those, "oh look! A socially awkward teen also has to deal with the stress of living! He's just like me fr (minus the ghost powers on my part)!"
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Romantically? Vlad, Valerie, Clockwork, and Dan, but mostly Vlad.
Want to see him get railed and ruined and crying? Dan, Nocturne, Skulker, Wulf, Walker.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Tucker and Sam (provided Sam can get over some of her holier-than-thou attitude)
My unpopular opinion about this character:
This boy doesn't have a dominant bone in his entire body. I don't like reading top Danny fics, my boy deserves a break, and I'm also not a fan when he's taller and beefier than Vlad either. I stan a short king and I will take no criticism.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
It's a kids' show, so I know this was never gonna happen, but I would have loved to see him have a full psychological break. I'm talking an entire episode dedicated to Danny having a complete and total panic attack, Batman the Animated Series style. Parents want to catch and study him, one of his best friends keeps pushing him to do the superhero thing, parents and peers are pressuring him to date said pushy friend, he's failing in school, he can't retaliate against his primary bully, his future is screwed if he doesn't watch himself, the ghosts keep coming and they won't fucking stop, his sister keeps giving him these worrying looks like she's worried, why should she be worried? He's fine, everything's fine, he's only half-dead, what's the big deal?
Danny eventually has that panic attack the closer he gets to graduating, unsure of his future, scared he's gonna fail and never be able to leave Amity Park, terrified that all he has to look forward to is fighting ghosts and running/hiding from his parents. His future is forever uncertain because the alternate time line, and his friends can't understand, even if they're trying, but they just can't know what's going on with him, and he sees the fear in their eyes every time he brings up that dark future. He could go to Clockwork, but Clockwork will only give so much advice. He doesn't share more than is necessary to keep time in tact, so he eventually breaks and goes to Vlad. Who else could possibly understand if not the only other halfa in existence?
Basically, I would have loved to see him become increasingly overwhelmed until he had no choice but to run away and go to Vlad's. They make a temporary truce long enough for them to bond over their shared plight.
my OTP:
Pompous Pep, of course (you will pry this ship from my cold, dead hands)
my cross over ship:
a headcanon fact:
Danny totally had a crush on Vlad the first time they met. He thought he was handsome and charming and all that gross first crush stuff, and he actually enjoyed talking with him, even if him hitting on his mom was super fucking weird. Danny could look past that because he knew his mom wasn't interested, was happily married, and when Vlad wasn't focused on her, he could be pretty cool. Too bad he had to go and ruin it by revealing his evil intentions.
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watanabes-cum-dump · 1 year
Random HCs abt command but specifically Hassen and Nikola
Note: “Command” just sort of refers to the people who hand out missions. So Celica, Asimov, Nikola and Hassen
Okay okay so Nikola very obviously Slavic coded, I think Russian bc he’s immune to the cold lol like in Luna’s interlude he’s watching Lucia train in the snow in nothing but a SUIT. That out of the way
A friend suggested that Hassen is Pakistani American and honestly? I can get behind that. I do think he’s only half tho bc this guy is a white man 💀 I’m sorry but being raised in an orphanage did not help him.
Nobody in command can cook. Absolutely nobody. Except for Celica. Bc that girl can do everything
I also think that Celica can speak like five different languages. She’s just built like that
I think it’d be funny if Celica is trying to explain something and she just blanks and forgets how to explain it in all five languages.
Nikola gains an accent when he’s really angry. It’s like a scale the angrier he gets the more Russian he gets. (idk but personally I gain a weird Filipino accent when I’m frustrated does this happen to anyone else?) If anyone hears him yelling in Russian they better hide because Nikola does not yell
Oh yeah and on that, I don’t think Nikola yells. Yes he’s very menacing and scary and you know when he’s mad, but he never yells. And it’s because he has a nice, tight lid and control over his emotions. Basically you REALLY have to screw up in order for him to yell at you.
Hassen is scary for a different reason and that is that he’s super patient. When he’s mad he’s twice as a scary because once again, you have to really fuck up. He can tolerate A LOT but the scariest thing in the world is an angry Hassen because it’s probably very justifiable
I think this is somewhat in part to him actually being rather cunning. I think he can be quite manipulative as well and that’s where he gets the patience from
Asimov canonically having an attitude is kinda funny to me. Everyone else is stepping on eggshells around the president and commander but Asimov’s unhinged ass is out here like “Uh yeah, so here’s the thing; you’re fucking wrong”
I think the little nerd is feisty and he’s a a little smug about it because he knows that he’s usually right
I genuinely think Hassen and Nikola are friends. You can pry this from my cold dead hands but they’ve known each other forever and they are both the leaders of the Kurono hate club. They trust each other so much I just know it
Nikola has siblings and they’re all high ranking Kurono members
Nikola strikes me as a rich boy that was funnelled into politics and shady business by his parents. Idk he gives that vibe
Asimov has a sweet tooth. Maybe because it helps him stay awake idk.
Hassen keeps alcohol in his office. It’s not even like a nice wine or anything it’s just cheap beer
Asimov has a dark sense of humour. I just feel like he cracks some very out of pocket jokes sometimes
I know Hassen is good with kids it is written all over him
I like to think that surprisingly, Asimov is too. Hey, kids LOVE cool science he would be a neat baby sitter and they’d make one of those little baking sofa volcanoes or smth
Celica is not. She has no idea how to deal with the little suckers but they all like her anyways bc funny lady say funny words
I’m sorry but Nikola is last place here I don’t think he can deal with kids at all 💀 I feel like it could mostly be rooted in his guilt from helping Kurono get actual children to experiment on. Yeah he just cannot with children. He doesn’t hate them though
Anyways that was it for today’s episode of Kou’s Delusions hope you enjoyed it!
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ALSO after careful consideration (some light googling) I've come up with middle names for the hexsquad
Luz's middle name is Manuela. It's a feminine form of Manuel which I figured could very well be her dad's full name. Luz's connection and similarities to her dad are very important to her and to the story overall, so an homage to him feels sweet and fitting!
I was torn between Amity's middle name being either Regan or Cordelia. Regan because I thought "little ruler" sounded EXACTLY like something odalia would've chosen for one of her kids, but I think overall I prefer the verbal flow and meaning of Cordelia (which means "heart" btw). I just think it'd be nice if Amity had this imposing last name with a threatening legacy and then a first and middle name that represent the things actually important to her
Back when the toh "next time on..."/"pilot" was released and we all found out that Willows pilot name was Paulina/Polleena (I prefer the latter spelling since it's plant themed! Pollen and whatnot), I saw some people suggest Polleena as her middle name, and the hcs just stuck ever since! It fits since (going off the spelling I decided) pollen helps things to grow, and Willow not only has a very fleshed out arc, she's also the catalyst/important to many others! Also again, it just rolls off the tongue well. Can very clearly picture Harvey or Gilbert saying "Willow Polleena Park >:(" in their Dad Voice.
Since Gus' full name is Augustus, I immediately thought of the Roman emperor and started looking at other Roman names for him, before settling on Antony. The most obvious reason for this is alliteration and the fact it sounds really nice to say "Augustus Antony Porter". His first name means "venerable" or "sacred", and Antony means "priceless". Hence, I think it'd be cute if (consciously or unconsciously) when Perry named him he was just hammering home how much he fucking loves his boy. Alternate ideas with the same scheme though is Julian (comes from Julia which means "youthful", Gus' age is relevant to his character in many ways.)
Hunter...doesn't even have a confirmed last name. In demon realm paperwork? It's probably Deamonne. But as much as I love dadrius, I am also a fan of the "it takes a village" approach and you can pry Hunter Noceda from my cold, dead hands. So no matter who he lives full time with, I hc hunter sees a lot of different people as "family". He'd be excited about it! He went from no parents to, like, 4! That's counting Darius, Camila, Eda and Raine (though tbh I hc the latter as more "cool aunt and her cool partner" in hunters eyes but Dells like a cool grampa to him. He's not gonna turndown the clawthorne name!) All this to say, I think Hunter is an elusive tripple-barreler for last names. So I hc he takes part of his alias from ASIAS and uses that to complete his silly, dramatic name, officially crowning himself "Hunter Jasper Bloodwilliams Noceda-Clawthorne-Deamonne". What a guy. I love him
In conclusion I love giving characters middle names so FUCKING much. Get birth certificate-ed idiot!!!
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bonefall · 2 years
so im curious, is ashfur in the dark forest (pre-the broken code)? does he still have the weird little control-possession powers over df cats? is he still possessing bramble, doing wacky shit in thunderclan?
also mildly unrelated. but what does mapleshade think of ashfur
Ashfur is no longer in the Dark Forest! But... I had to get rid of something that I love a lot to justify it; he no longer plots with Hawkfrost to kill Firestar. As a Hawkash lover it pained me but, it was for the best.
Ashfur is still a jealous, possessive ball of spite like in canon, but significantly more honorable. Enough to legitimately trick StarClan. Gooood-BYE "He Only Loved Too Much," you are NOT missed.
Bonefall Po3 (Specifically Cruel Season)
At the end of Bonefall Po3, he attacks the Three half out of jealousy, and half out of fear. He catches wind of the two prophecies; Fire and Tiger from TNP, and Kin of your Kin revealed near the end of Po3. He attacks Squirrelflight, telling her that if they had been his, they wouldn't have to die now.
She reveals the secret to throw him off guard; That her kittens with Brambleclaw are already dead (miscarriage) and the three are not his.
Also then she kicks him into the tree and knocks it over so the Three can escape the fire because it's my rewrite and I get to decide the anime battle choreography bullshit
Hollyleaf then kills him later, having already lost her mentor Brackenfur to the Eclipse battle and abandoning peace as an option. If she had not killed him, he would have been exiled for his attempted murder. Or, he may even still end up being exiled, and Hollyleaf does not think it's punishment enough. Still undecided.
Either way, this marks the beginning of the end of Bonefall Po3, which was relaxed and slice-of-life before this point. In my head I'm calling this "Plot Thickening" period 'Cruel Season', the name for the last book of canon Po3 that was cut by the publisher.
Bonefall TBC
Yep, he is still the Impostor... and he is brutal. Worse than canon. He actually cares about both possessing Squirrelflight AND legitimately enforcing the code.
Bristlefrost dies twice in this redux. Once during a horrific public execution to kick the arc off in earnest, and again to kill him for good. I initially planned for her to drown in a similar way to canon, but then I had a really cool idea that instead of drowning, this time she body checks him out of heaven.
So she burns up with him like a shooting star. Idk wouldn't it be fucking awesome if like once a year you could see Bristlefrost's Comet, or there was actually an impact crater somewhere on the map from this point on?
But anyway. Ashfur will have some control over ghosts, but I'm hoping to make it less than canon. I don't like how he was able to conjure up nameless rogues so you don't feel bad about the Warriors murdering random people :/
He won't be able to manipulate feelings that aren't already there. Hidden resentment, anger, despair, so on. Love being the antidote in ALITM was excellent you will pry Love and Friendship from my cold dead hands
Though I am also unironically considering giving Ashfur a Boss Form. I know it is silly. But multi-eyed, winged angel Ashfur would be cool man idk i like it when i get to smash my action figures against big monster
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westofessos · 1 year
Now watching Collision! Here we go (under the cut cause it got really long):
Tony’s on commentary for Collision? Okay, I’m cool with that
Metalingus is a fantastic fucking song
Oh wow does Christian look good in that shirt. Goddamn.
The ‘Christian will you be my father?’ sign 😂
“Hit the bricks” “get to steppin” loving these coming from Christian
If not Luchasaurus or Jack Perry or whatever, I’m gonna need Adam to be the one to take that TNT belt off of Christian
Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne banned from ringside. Fantastic
Ricky and Bill?? What the fuck do you two have to do with any of this
Oh right his whole thing with Bryan
“It’s your stupid silk slacks dumbass” “and you took it from the Rock” oh shit Adam
“That really sent me over the edge” I will never get tired of the dumb Edge jokes
I would absolutely love a Bryan/Adam team up. LOVE.
FTR? Really?
Oh cry me a fucking river you idiots
Oooh it’s brawl time
Well this inevitable eight man tag match is gonna be interesting
Oh I love that they played MJF’s Stand Up to Jewish Hate video package
CJ Perry is so gorgeous, my god
I do not like the ROH ring announcer at all
Oh my god he said it’s almost time, I’m so excited
That son of a bitch needs to give Max his belt back
Wow, all of the tape on Cardblade. Poor Cock Strong
Oh my god the ring
Down on one knee and everything
“Nigel you don’t think-” 😂
The MJF chant 🥹
I swear to god if he takes the ring from Max I will lose my shit
And if Jay fucking White takes the belt from him I might actually have a breakdown
That motherfucker saying he has no friends, I swear to god I hope Max kicks his ass so hard
Dustin’s back!! It would be so fucking fantastic if he (or honestly anybody else) beat Juice in the battle royale
Don’t really like adding him to the long list of people trying to kill Max though
The “we’ve been trios champions for ___ days” thing is so good
“If it’s a thing to you, it’s a thing for all of us” awww
BILLY AND ANTHONY TRYING TO HELP CASTER 🥹 “just be a gentleman” I’m dying this is so sweet
Renee losing her shit was so funny
I adore Daddy Magic and Cool Hand Ang but Daniel Garcia can fuck off
. . . I do not care about Skye Blue at all
But never mind about that because IT’S STAT TIME!!!!
I’m pretty sure she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen
“What’re you doing? This isn’t you” oh Stat 😢
I love that Stat is out here just giving literally everyone she wrestles the best matches of their careers
Okay they can turn Skye Blue heel all they want but they cannot turn Willow heel, that’s ridiculous. Her joy is stronger than that black shit
And you’ll have to pry Staturday Nightingale out of my cold dead hands
Oh Kenny vs Kyle is gonna be good
Yeah I’m really not in any hurry for Rush and his buddies to come back
Turbo Floyd is definitely on the list of worst wrestling names of all time
I really like that they have storylines from ROH progress (or even just reference them) on AEW TV
Sting on Wednesday?? Fuck yeah
Oh my god the render for Nick Wayne’s mom
Ooh that Mistico video package was fantastic
Time for Bryan vs Christian, this is going to be awesome
‘Christian did nothing wrong’ 😂
Oh shit, no time limit? Is that the first time they’ve ever actually said that? I feel like it might be. Like sure, they always ‘go as long as it takes’ but I don’t remember ever hearing them say that
“Necks by Christian Cage” “Who’s gonna sun this match, and why is it Christian Cage?” “Doesn’t need to mat wrestle a clam digger” Nigel is the best
I really need Excalibur on this show because I have no idea what so much of the stuff Bryan is doing is called and I would really like to
Love seeing Nigel on his feet in the background just losing his shit
That was a great match
Oh brawl #2
That was a really great show! Can’t wait for Wednesday
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thatshadowgastwhore · 2 years
the mighty nein as college majors
i’m back on my bullshit. :)
Fjord My man went in undecided, and stayed that way as long as possible. He just gives me that vibe. He originally thought that he’d go through with marine biology, and i think he actually got a fair way into that major before finding a better fit as a conservation biology major
Beau Imo, beauregard is doing the most over here. she’s a double major in law and library and archives with a minor in gender and women’s studies. like, she really said, of course i’m going to be a high powered, shoulder pad wearing lawyer, who specializes in representing women and queer people, but i also fucking love libraries, and you can pry them out of my cold, dead hands. i know that’s kinda a weird take, but i feel like a college au where beau is actually super into school as a way of fucking with her dad could be a cool take
Caleb If wizard is what happens when you make stem kids magic, then transmutation is definitely the chemistry of this AU. as such, my darling blorbo Caleb is biochemistry major. chemistry also has fire, ta-da!
Veth She’s definitely giving me chemistry vibes, and i finally decide don specifically, inorganic chemistry. I feel like her, caleb, yeza, and essek are all chemistry nerds with slightly different focuses, so they all sort of understand each other when they’re talking about their shit, but they’re all slightly confused by wtf they mean specifically, and that could make for some very funny conversations. yeza, btw, i think is in organic chemistry
Jester She’s got art/art Studies with a focus in painting. she originally went into uni undecided and actually took a few theology classes before saying, screw it, and fully committing to the arts like she kinda knew she would in the beginning 
Molly Our other art kid! While he entered into uni as a Musical Theatre major, I think he actually changed majors pretty early on to focus specifically on Costume Design instead
Caduceus Okay, so he entered college as a mortuary sciences major, but added a double major in botany. he’s actually way more into the botany stuff, but his family owns a funeral home, and he doesn’t not enjoy the mortuary sciences, so he just added it instead of switching entirely Yasha She’s a botany major! Her family definitely pressured her to do literally anything else, and she reluctantly added a minor in ecology in general so that she’d have broader options just to appease them. But flowers are her favorite, and she and caduceus have some very long conversations about them together
Essek Our final chemist! Essek is actually a theoretical chemist and, because he can’t leave well enough alone, has a double major in theoretical physics, just because he’s to fucking smart for his own good. his friends often have to drag him away from his notes, lest he get carried away It’s really weird that i put most of these guys as science majors, because i’m notorious horrible as science, and even weirder that a solid third are chemistry, because chemistry makes no sense to me but eh. They’ve got jester and molly to balance them out when they’re too caught up in their own heads, i suppose. Yasha, Fjord, and Caduceus are over there like, nature! and beau alone is shouldering the responsibility of representing all of the liberal arts and sciences and she’s doing it like a boss 
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stevethehairington · 2 years
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon for eddie!
ty for sending this in!! this is a fun one!!
his favorite movie genre is horror, the gorier the better too (and he says he hates romance movies, BUT that's a lie and his guilty pleasure movies that you can pry from his cold dead hands (too soon? dfjksd jk jk he is ALWAYS alive and well in my mind <3) are when harry met sally and you've got mail (he's got a soft spot for meg ryan okay? she just GETS to him.) (also YES ik these movies come out way later but whO CARES HE'S ALIVE TO SEE THEM SO.)
his favorite food is lasagna, specifically the lasagna that wayne made for him the very first night eddie came to live with him. wayne isn't the best cook and he doesn't like to do it much, but if there's one thing he KNOWS in the kitchen it's how to make a damn good lasagna.
eddie also GREATLY enjoys breakfast for dinner, it is one of life's simple joys and he indulges in it whenever he can.
he also likes chaotic food combinations (e.g. syrup AND hot sauce on his scrambled eggs, bananas on his pizza, if he liked pickles (he doesn't) he'd be into pickles and peanut butter), also not a weird combination but he is definitely that bitch that dips his french fries in his ice cream/milkshakes.
he likes spicy food even though he cannot handle very much of it, but he refuses to let that stop him and he WILL suffer through it (and make it everyone's problem)
he likes tomatoes and steve hates tomatoes, so steve always asks for tomatoes on the side instead of no tomatoes completely so he can give them to eddie.
he loves to sleep in, the morning sun is a CURSE and waking him up before double digits on a weekend is something EVERYONE quickly learns NOT to do. the ONLY person that can get away with it (and even then, it's still rocky) is steve, and there are loooots of bribes involved.
eddie likes the color green most, but yellow is a close second (that only jumps to the top so quickly because of steve), and he also likes red a lot too. (he, of course, loves black too, but he IS a colorful bitch when he wants to be!! and he is full of surprises!)
halloween is his favorite holiday!! he loves to go all out and decorate and dress up and go through his queue of halloween movies and he enjoys handing out candy and seeing all of the cool costumes the kids are wearing too.
he loves metal music, obviously, but his music tastes vary greatly outside of metal too. contrary to popular belief he does genuinely like some of the kitschy bubblegum pop that steve likes to play, and he also has a soft spot for the more bluesy, folksy stuff that he grew up on. he ALSO is a not so secret dolly parton fan (thank you wayne, for that)
he likes it when people touch his hair, but only people he is comfortable with (i.e. steve, the girls, the party). he lets el and max braid his hair, likes it when robin scratches at his scalp when she can't keep her fingers still, and he always lets steve get his hands up in his mane — running his fingers through it when it's smooth, gently detangling after a show, curling his finger around a strand, tucking it behind his ear, gripping onto it and tugging when they're getting hot and heavy.
and, of course, his more obvious likes: metal music (duh), dnd (duh), lotr (duh), fantasy genre in general (duh).
waking up early (of course) lol. he'll do it if he absolutely has to but he WILL complain about it and he will NOT be a ray of sunshine.
he doesn't like organized sports of any kind — of the amateur or professional kind. phys ed fucking SUCKED and he refused to participate, and there is no WAY he would take any of that shit up by choice either. he does NOT follow or watch any professional teams either, and the superbowl/world series/nba championships/WHATEVER are his least favorite times of the year lol. THOUGH, he does end up making an exception to all of this for steve, because as much as he hates sports, he loves steve, and steve loves sports. so whenever steve wants to hit the court, eddie will go with him and he's absolutely shit at basketball, but it's actually not so bad when he's doing it with steve, or with the kids too. and same with watching sports, he doesn't understand the rules or really care too, but he loves how enthusiastic steve gets about it, and he'll jump up and cheer with steve when his team scores a touchdown or whatever (especially because steve's team winning means eddie's gets looots of excited, happy celebratory kisses lol)
in a similar vein, eddie hates running. he does NOT understand people who choose to do it for fun, he thinks they're masochists (and not the fun kind) and also have something wired wrong in their brains to make them actually enjoy that kind of physical activity. it's just so boring. BUT. he is whipped enough that every time steve (who IS one of those weirdos that enjoys running — and seriously, eddie haaad to go and fall in love with a jock what is wrong with him??) wakes him up with the sun, somehow already so awake and far too peppy for this hour, and asks him sooo sweetly to join him on his morning jog, eddie just does not know how to say no, no matter how much he wants to.
eddie also does not like houseplants. not because he dislikes plants, but because he is SHIT at taking care of plants. like, no matter what he does, no matter how hard he tries, every single plant he has ever owned has died on him. he's even managed to kill a succulent. so yeah, he has the opposite of a green thumb and he and houseplants just Do Not mesh, so he Does Not like them.
he dislikes pickles GREATLY. thinks they're fucking disgusting (and he's RIGHT). he also hates raisins because "why the FUCK would i eat a raisin if i could eat a grape?? why would someone suck the juice out of a grape and leave the skin?? that's nasty! no one likes that!!"
he also haaaates it when people try to gatekeep music. he thinks people should be allowed to listen to and enjoy whatever music they want, and they can be as big or as little of a fan as they want too. people don't need to dedicate their whole entire lives to the metal scene in order to like black sabbath or metallica or judas priest. if someone likes a couple of their songs that's fucking cool and that's it. if it's something they're passionate about then that's fucking rad or if it's something they aren't ridiculously into but can appreciate that's cool too. it doesn't make anyone more or less of a fan. he also hates it when people criticize other people's music tastes. like, there's nothing wrong with some gentle ribbing about someone's music taste, but the second it turns from lighthearted teasing to GENUINELY trashing someone for the music they listen to he gets reeeeeal mad about that. because who the fuck cares what kind of music a person listens to and loves?? the fact that they found something they're passionate about is all that matters. and there's no need to be dicks about that.
eventually (not for a while, but it Does happen later in life), he too has to get glasses and he Does Not like them, but every time he starts to complain about them and call them stupid and ugly steve tells him he's not allowed to like them on him and hate them on himself, especially since they drive steve just as crazy as steve's glasses drive eddie. that helps, that definitely helps.
Headcanon meme
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80sgaytrashgoblin · 2 years
A Proper explanation for my ADA!Chuuya (+ others) AU
The base premise is that when Dazai left the Port Mafia, Chuuya left with him, but I did some shuffling of the order of events (mainly cause I love found family and drama), so that + other details are under the cut.
Right after the Dragon’s Head Conflict (lets ignore Stormbringer for now, I’ll fit Verlaine and the other nerds in a different way), Dazai drags Chuuya out drinking with Ango and Oda, cause otherwise he was wasting away in his room out of grief.
Oda quickly became the older brother figure to Dazai and Chuuya, with Ango being like the one braincell of the group (Oda is relegated to Chuuya and Dazai wrangling duty, and those two are teenagers, no other explanation needed)
He even introduced his kids to Chuuya and Dazai, and they became cool older brothers.
Chuuya is on a mission out of town for multiple days while the Mimic thing goes on. Mori sacrifices Oda, not just because it was convenient but also because he noticed that Dazai was getting too close to Oda and was worried that he would lose control of Dazai. He’s hoping that by killing Oda off, Dazai will learn the lesson that getting too close to people is a weakness.
Chuuya gets back from the mission and is going to report to Mori right as Dazai is leaving HQ. Dazai is panicking and Nakahara “Ride or Fucking Die” Chuuya is on board finding Oda.
They do not get there in time to save Oda, but they do get there in time for Oda to have one last monologue about how they should go to the light side.
Chuuya is still supposed to be away, so he goes to scout out a new place to live (in Suribachi City, his old home with the Sheep and familiar territory) while Dazai takes the last two weeks to tie up loose ends.
The day they finally, properly leave they grab some important documents, blow up Mori’s car and skeddadle. (they are 17 here)
Now, their new home is two shipping containers and a shed that were cobbled together with Chuuya’s bare hands, a knife, and a mission. Chuuya managed to make some friends already (you can pry extrovert Chuuya from my cold dead hands) who managed to hook them up with electricity, water, all that jazz. It’s definitely a downgrade from mafia luxury, but it’s barable.
They also don’t get help from Ango or Taneda. They’re on their own, Soukoku against the world.
They make it three months shut in before Chuuya snaps and gets a couple of jobs: Walmart janitor on the shitty end of town at the night shift, and a barista at Cafe Uzumaki. (Yes, this does mean Chuuya meets the ADA early)
Dazai also makes some friends with a coalition of thief hookers, who basically wander around the rich sections of Yokohama and pretend to be prostitutes to rob rich assholes. Oda said to be on the side that helps people, not to not break laws, so...
Over the next year, Dazai takes Akutagawa under his wing as a pseudo apprentice, and Chuuya meets Gin and subsequently starts plying her with food and stuff stolen from the Walmart he’s working at.
After an incident involving Akutagawa getting sick, a panicked call to Yosano from Chuuya, and Dazai punching a dude in the throat (not in that order), the Akutagawa siblings move in with them.
At some point, Dazai interferes on an Agency case, along with Ryuu, and are promptly given job opportunities. Dazai’s not one to pass on a good deal, so he takes the job, and Ryuu agrees only on the condition that Gin be allowed an internship as well. (Gin doesn’t have an ability and is not committing fraud like Ranpo, so legally she’s just a secretary, but off the books she’s a detective too)
Chuuya is reluctant to join another organization (his track record is not the best, both the Sheep and the Port Mafia have stabbed him in the back), but after an incident involving some assholes with guns attacking the cafe, he takes the job.
When they both signed up, Chuuya and Dazai informed Fukuzawa of the fact that they were former Port Mafia (not that they were Soukoku specifically or their rank). They struck a deal: anything that needed to be done that can’t be done by the other detectives, they would do (basically less legal activities and murders). They’re former Port Mafia, they already have blood on their hands. They couldn’t do that to the kids.
And three/four years after the family of four join the agency is when BSD canon starts. (I have alterations after this point but they will remain a mystery for now)
Other stuff that didn’t fit into the Plotline TM:
Suribachi City world building! I also have some OCs, but I’m in the middle of fleshing them out so they’ll be coming later.
A large portion of the town worship Arahabaki, for forming the crater and thus Suribachi City in the first place, so he���s become sort of a patron god of the place. There’s a shrine in the Shipyard section of the city, where Arahabaki is depicted in a statue as a wolf/ram hybrid. (This will have effects later down the line)
The Shipyard section of Suribachi City is just a neighborhood where all the dwellings are made of reused shipping containers, it’s where Dazai and Chuuya set up
At first the staff at Cafe Uzumaki are afraid of the crazy detectives, so when Chuuya is hired and immediately calls out the other baristas for being wusses and bringing their orders over, sassing Ranpo, Yosano and Kunikida the whole time, an immediate friendship is borne.
Because of Chuuya’s aforementioned extrovertedness, a lot of people in Suribachi City know him and are friendly to him. By accident he gained a lot of power. Dazai is known to multiple people exclusively as “Chuuya’s friend” or “Chuuya’s boyfriend” or “Chuuya’s armcandy” and he loves it. The Akutagawa’s are similarly known as Chuuya’s kids or younger siblings, so they get along well enough with people.
Suribachi City itself is self governed (mainly because law enforcement doesn’t want to touch the place) and exists on a barter system, most people living there don’t use yen at all.
For a while the Sheep functioned as as a sort of law enforcement within the town, but when they disbanded (as a result of many of them perishing in the Dragon’s Head Conflict), a new group emerged called the Wolves (with the help of Chuuya and Dazai). This group functions a lot better than the Sheep because their survival is not dependant on one person (Chuuya), but they have multiple ability users. The main leadership is a council of ten, with five ability users and five non-ability users, to make sure everyone is equally represented. Chuuya and Dazai are honorary members.
One night, while drunk, Dazai and Chuuya decided that their legal names on their brand new totally clean profiles would just be their last names switched, so Dazai is legally Nakahara Osamu and Chuuya is Dazai Chuuya. They committed to the bit, and now they constantly joke that they’re husbands. Ango is constantly stressed by this decision.
The Sheep have a pseudo shrine next to the statue of Arahabaki. It’s an apple tree, with Sheep bracelets hung on the branches. The shrine maiden who tends Arahabaki’s shrine also tends the apple tree.
It’s not super important to the narrative but it’s important to me that you all know that Dazai loves to cross dress, and probably does it casually enough that neither Ryuu nor Gin blink an eye at Dazai wearing a skirt.
Dazai and Chuuya also have a cat named Mickey. She was their compromise, because Dazai didn’t want any pets while Chuuya really wanted a dog. Her name is Mickey because it’s short for McDonald’s, because Dazai found her in a McDonald’s container.
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emerald-chaos · 3 years
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*gif not made by me, credit goes to the owner*
Hi Everyone! So it's been probably like...10 years since I wrote my last fic lol. Watching TFATWS has rekindled my undying love for Bucky Barnes and I just couldn't help but start writing again. I had to get my feelings out! I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it. I've been considering writing some more parts...so tell me if that's something you'd be interested in! I appreciate any and all constructive feedback or just feedback in general! Much love.
Pairing: Reader x Bucky Barnes
Word Count: 2533 (lowkey popped off...oops)
Warnings: Just in case...vague allusions to a dark past, struggles with mental illness, explicit language, and some suggestive conversation. Oh and some really bad jokes lol. Fluffy and angsty.
No matter how much you tossed and turned, how many sheep you counted, or how much you prayed and pleaded to any higher power that would listen – the release of sleep just wasn’t going to happen. You’re not sure why you were surprised, it’s not like this was the first time. You let out a heavy sigh and toss off the covers. This has been a nightly occurrence for as long as you can remember. When you were trying to rest, when there was no noise to block out the images in your head, it was a battle. A battle which you have always lost.
You flip on the bright florescent lights of the bathroom as you trudge in, dragging your feet in exhaustion. It takes a minute for your eyes to adjust to the harshness of the light as you place your hands onto the countertop. The cool marble feels good against your palms as you close your eyes and lean your head back, another sigh leaving your lips. You twist your neck from side to side, trying to release some tension and maybe get a satisfying pop. No such luck. As you open your eyes and gaze upon the person staring back at you a small laugh tumbles from your chest.
Jesus, she looks awful.
The dark circles that permanently reside below your eyes appear more pronounced than usual. The corners of your mouth hang low and you just look…tired. Like you were rode hard and put away wet.
The bottle of melatonin tucked away on your counter catches your eye. You pick it up and twirl it as you inspect the writing. “Sleep Support” you read, “may help promote restful sleep”. What a load of shit. You place the bottle back down and inspect the orange one next to it. The pills inside were about as useful as the melatonin. Nothing seemed to quiet the voices or stop the scenarios that plagued your mind. You splash some cold water on your face and grab for a towel to pat it dry. Your eyes drift to the mirror again, as if though the water was going to wash away the dead look in your eyes.
Yeah, fat chance.
Before you know it, your legs are carrying you through the compound. The only sounds present are the whirring of various appliances and the soft patter of your feet against the tile floors. The moonlight casts shadows over the various pieces of furniture and lights your path. Your fingers curl around the handle as you pull the sliding glass door open. The crisp outside air kisses your skin as you step out and close the door behind you. You find yourself settling down in your usual spot on the balcony and you sink into the comfort of the chair.
Many a sleepless night has been spent out here, admiring the way the moonlight gleams off of a nearby pond. Before the compound and the balcony, it was a fire escape and a bottle of bourbon. You kind of missed that coping mechanism a little bit. You were thankful, of course, to call this place your home. Thankful to feel safe for once. Thankful to be a part of a team that felt like more of a family than any sorry piece of shit who had been in your life before. Not that you were bitter about that or anything. A little baggage builds character. However, life hasn’t always been kind to you and your stupid brain had a cruel way of constantly reminding you of that fact.
In all honesty, Tony rescued you. You absolutely hated to allow him to relish in that fact, but it was true. He took a chance on a royally fucked up kid out of college who managed to skate by and earn a mechanical engineering degree. If you were to ask him, he would say it was because the first words you said to him were fuck off. Apparently, something about that translated to, “hey, I would be a great addition to your tech and development team”. Although, you were pretty sure you just really meant that he should fuck off. I mean, the guy’s reputation does have a bit of moral gray area to it. Somehow, some way, your tenacity made an impression on the billionaire. Now here you were - living at the Avenger’s compound, sitting on a balcony at 3:30 in the morning because you couldn’t turn your brain off long enough to find some peace and sleep. What a life.
Even as you were sitting here in your special spot, reminiscing about some actual good memories – your brain still tried to drift into the darkness. Glass breaking; voices, thick with hate, engaged in a screaming match, and the cold nights spent trying to find a safe space to eat and lay your head. Your fingers gripped into the arms of the chair as you felt the heaviness in your chest increase.
“God damn it,” you cursed through gritted teeth.
The panic attacks were a second nature at this point, but you still really hated when you lost control. Your eyes closed tight as you tried to rack your brain to remember the bullshit your therapist had told you earlier in the week. Something about 5 things you can see?
“We gotta stop meeting like this, Doll”
The voice ripped you from inside your mind and back to reality. Your eyes opened and were met with a beautiful pair of cerulean ones. You blamed the skip in your heartbeat on your fading panic attack - although, you knew better than that.
“Well, it seems to me that the only logical conclusion is that you’re stalking me, Barnes” you quipped as a grin spread across your face.
“Could say the same about you,” Bucky retorted as he sank into the chair beside you, “besides, been doin’ this a lot longer than you’ve been around”.
You rolled your eyes, but the super soldier had a point. Almost each and every time, aside from the ones that happened when the team was away, you two would meet like this – here on the balcony, both searching for something to replace the sleep that neither of you could find.
“Yeah, we get it, you’re old” a laugh fell from your lips as Bucky snorted at your remark, a grin remaining ever present on his lips.
The familiar silence took over as he leaned his head back against the chair, closing his eyes. Meanwhile, yours were hungrily taking him in - tracing over the stubble on his chin, the soft pinkness of his parted lips. Recently he’d gotten his hair cut and even though you much preferred the long hair, you would rather die than actually admit that to him. Your crush on the 106 year old grumpy ass was one of your best kept secrets. At least, you thought you’d kept it from being painfully obvious.
The man sitting before you, he had a tough exterior and a horrific history, but you knew him better than that. You knew about the way his nose scrunched up when you made him laugh and the way his eyes looked as he listened intently to every story you ever told him. You knew the sweet melody of his laugh and the far off stare that meant he was also held captive by his own thoughts. This late-night rendezvous had become somewhat of a routine for the two of you and you would be lying if you said it wasn’t your favorite part of the day.
The first time it was a short nod and typical white person, thin-lipped smile as you left to find a different spot to suffer alone. Shortly after, it developed into cohabiting the balcony – staying on your own separate sides of course, only occasionally sharing words. Then, before you knew it, the two of you would be sitting beside each other, shooting the shit like you’d known each other for years. Just two, incredibly fucked up individuals, trying to make each other feel a little more human.
Bucky had always given off the quiet, brooding energy. Typically he kept to himself, other than with close friends like Steve, choosing to stand in the corner and listen to the conversation rather than be a part of it. Occasionally he would give a quip during a meeting that would catch people off guard, but mostly he just sat there and stared. The Bucky you had come to know was nothing like the person that others wanted to make him out to be. Sure, at one point he was a masterful assassin who killed like he got pleasure from it – but that wasn’t him. The Winter Soldier and Bucky Barnes were not synonymous.
If only the world could meet Bucky at 3am.
“What’s going on in that empty head of yours over there?” Bucky’s voice once again brought you back to reality as you laid your eyes on the familiar grin plastered across his face.
“Please,” you huffed, cheeks tinted a light shade of pink at the thought of him catching you staring, “which one of us has a college degree again?”
His laugh was a symphony to your ears. Your smile mirrored his when he opened his eyes and turned his head to look at you.
“So, what is it tonight? That nightmare again?” he asked, voice dropping an octave as his facial features softened in a way you really hoped only you got to see.
“Mm, not quite” you responded, your voice a broken whisper.
Bucky wasn’t the type to pry, but with you he wouldn’t even have to. Talking to him, sharing your deepest secrets and fears, telling him about the nightmares that kept you awake at night – it all came easily. Too easily.
“This week it’s...it’s that image of my stupid mother. Standing there with her black eyes and busted lip, telling me that it was me that was the problem. That it was me who...” you swallowed hard, the heaviness creeping back into your chest and tears fighting to wet your eyes. God you hated that you let this get the best of you.
Just as your mind started to bring you back to that dark place it was interrupted by the feeling of warmth spreading over your body. You looked down to see Bucky’s large hand resting right above your knee. When your eyes met again, he gave you a soft look that made your heart scream.
“I’m sorry,” you could tell he meant it as he gave your knee a soft squeeze.
A small smile flashed over your face and you had to resist the urge to reach out and cup his soft, stubbled cheek in your hand.
“Hey, we’re all a little fucked up, right?” you joked.
“Some more than others,” he replied, those beautiful wrinkles appearing around his nose as he scrunched it up with another laugh.
“Thanks, Buck... I’m sure you’d rather be doing anything other than listening to my sob story,” you reluctantly broke eye contact and looked down at the hem of your shirt as you fiddled with it in your fingers.
You were all too aware at the loss of contact as Bucky drew his hand back and leaned back into his chair.
“Doll,” he started as he leaned his head back and closed his eyes again - you could swear you almost saw a grin on his lips, “there are very few things I’d rather do than sit with you on the balcony at 3am”.
At that moment it felt as though time stood still. Sure, you had flirtatious banter back and forth occasionally and made a habit out of spilling your deepest regrets to each other during the wee hours of the morning, but this felt different. This felt like a confession.
You’d be lying to yourself if you tried to convince yourself, or anyone else for that matter, that you didn’t have a thing for him. I mean - who wouldn’t? The guy was a gentleman; he was soft spoken and caring, he was a dork who loved to crack jokes at the most inappropriate times, the type of person who would give you the shirt off of his own back if it meant you were taken care of.
He....well, he was Bucky.
And god damn it if you didn’t love him.
You’re unsure of how much time has passed, but one minute you’re sitting on your chair, chewing your lip and droning on about the man in front of you in your head. The next minute you found yourself on his lap, knees seated on either side of his waist as your legs straddle him and your hands connect with the skin they so desperately craved to feel. Bucky’s eyes opened slowly and met yours as you let the pad of your thumb gently run along the curve of his bottom lip. The uneven breaths leaving your chest hitched as you felt his hands grip your hips softly. Refusing to break eye contact, Bucky gently pressed a kiss to the pad of your thumb. You dragged his lower lip down briefly.
“Well,” he began. His voice was barely above a whisper but it’s thick, lustful tone made you shiver from head to...well, you know, “are you gonna kiss me, Doll? Or do I have to do all the work myself?”
He barely finished his sentence before your lips captured his. It was messy, almost all teeth and tongue. It was needy, as if it was the last time either of you would ever kiss anyone again. It was fucking incredible.
Bucky’s metal arm snaked up your back and found its way into your hair, curling his fingers gently around the strands at the back of your head, as his other arm wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer to his form. He was intoxicating. This whole situation was something you had briefly imagined months ago, but ultimately pushed out of your mind. There was no way that he would ever be interested in someone like you. Yet, here he was, tongue fighting for entrance into your mouth.
You aren’t quite sure who pulled away first. Both of you were gasping for air, chests heaving up and down as you both stared into each other's lust-blown pupils.
“You kiss pretty well for someone who hasn’t had a girlfriend since 1940,” you teased, laughing as he rolls his eyes at the comment.
“You just don’t know when to shut that mouth of yours, do ya?” he practically growled, ever so slightly tightening his grip on your waist, and you almost lost it from just the sound of his voice alone.
“Why don’t you make me, Barnes?” you leaned in close, warm breath fanning over the shell of his ear.
A yelp escaped your throat as you were suddenly jerked up to a standing position, locking your ankles behind his back as he effortlessly held you up by your thighs.
“Oh Doll,” he chuckled darkly into your neck, almost making you pass out from the sensation, “I thought you’d never ask”.
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rhysismydaddy · 3 years
Prisoner's Game Pt. 1 (Rowaelin)
Synopsis: Aelin Galathynius never thought of herself as a vengeful woman. Until her boyfriend not only testifies, but leads a case against her that lands her in prison for the rest of her life. Post I-Love-You's. He didn't believe her, and she's about to show him that not only is she innocent, he made the worst mistake of his life betting against her. To a woman with nothing but time, life's just a game, after all.
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The cinderblock wall dug into her back uncomfortably as she reclined against it, the air in the room was stale, and she hadn't showered in two days. By any measurement, Aelin Galathynius was far from her best.
And yet she somehow managed to look perfectly at ease--happy even--as she lounged in her cell, toying with the ends of her too-long hair.
It was a ruse, of course, just a little trick to piss off the man currently stomping into her space. By the flare of Rowan Whitehorn's eyes, it worked.
"Hello, Rowan," she greeted pleasantly, giving him a little smile and acting like it wasn't taking everything in her not to use the makeshift knife under her pillow to gut him like the spineless coward he was.
She could tell, even across her 8x12 cell, that he was gritting his teeth and fighting a similar action.
The heel of his expensive Italian loafers clicked as he walked across the space to the small table and took a seat at the steel chair in front of it. He tried to push it out further, but stopped when he realized it was bolted to the floor.
"Aelin," he said back, none of the so-obvious anger he was feeling present in his voice. "Been a long time."
Eight years, six months, three weeks, two days, and thirteen hours.
Not that she was counting or anything.
She nodded her agreement, reclining further on the bed and crossing her legs as if she was in the finest dress she owned, not a faded orange jumpsuit.
"What brings you to my side of town, Rowan? Here to finally switch sides and represent me?"
Dressed in a two-thousand dollar suit and tie, hair perfectly gelled back, he looked like he was successful a lawyer meeting with a wealthy client, but they both knew the last thing he'd ever do was work for her.
"You know why I'm here."
She did indeed, but she still said, "I must be exceptionally smart to know why you've come all the way here-"
"Cut the shit," he snapped, finally losing a bit of his cool. He regained it quickly, though, and continued, "I want to know how you did it."
She frowned at her split ends. "Did what?"
Rowan waited until she looked at him to respond. "You know what."
Sighing so deeply it should've rattled the walls, she said, "I can't believe I've spent the last eight years thinking you underestimated my intelligence. You clearly think I'm some sort of oracle genius."
Rowan mimicked her sigh, and she bit her lip to stifle a laugh.
Probably trying to stall, he spent a moment looking at her cell, at the completely bare walls and lack of photographs. All she had was the tally marks drawn in pencil on one wall and a dusty chess set sitting on the table.
When he'd taken inventory of those two things, he sat and just looked at her.
It was clear she wouldn't admit to knowing exactly why he sat in front of her, and he was simply putting off being the one to fold.
Predictable, proud little man.
Eventually, he took his loss and said, "I want to know how you managed to rob me from inside the most secure prison in Rifthold."
She smiled, a full, undulated smile she hadn't used in a long time.
She'd been planning this moment since the day the bars had locked behind her, and it felt damn good to finally see it come to fruition.
According to what she'd heard, definitely not what she knew from personal experience, the private vault in Rowan's apartment had been broken into. Apparently, only one thing was missing: an antique dagger that had been handed down in the family and was now worth over a million bucks.
"Why do you think it was me?" she asked, still smiling.
He gritted his teeth some more, and she internally snickered at the idea he'd have permanent tooth damage because of her. Something else to remember her by.
Green eyes spitting flames at her, he growled, "You left a goddamn business card."
Aelin forced her eyes up to the empty bed above her head, trying her hardest not to laugh. "Maybe I'm being framed?"
"Your fingerprints were on it."
She did laugh then, then laughed some more when his eyes narrowed. He looked like he was about to strangle her. "Rowan, in case you haven't noticed, I'm incarcerated."
She gestured around them to her cell to prove her point.
The bastard just smiled.
Of course he knows that, she thought bitterly, forcing her hand back to her lap and away from where it'd started to creep toward the pillow.
"So how would I rob you?" she asked, getting her mind back on track.
"That's what you're going to tell me," he demanded angrily. "I want to know how you got out of here, got all the way across Rifthold, broke into my apartment, and stole from me without any surveillance camera picking it up."
Aelin ran a hand through her hair, fluffing it just right. When she caught sight of the impatience on his face, she fluffed it some more and readjusted the thin jacket on her shoulders.
It was always too damn cold in this place. She hadn't been warm in almost nine years.
Because of him.
Just for that, she fluffed her hair some more.
Then she said simply, "I didn't."
"Stop lying!" he shouted at her, eyes flashing.
She wasn't, but that was besides the point.
"Fine." She rolled her eyes like he'd won. "I got my cousin to-"
"Aedion spent the night in Wendlyn. His travel is verified, and there are at least a hundred eye witnesses that witnessed him singing karaoke all night. Stop. Fucking. Lying."
Once again, she wasn't lying.
Aedion sure as hell hadn't been in Wendlyn last night. She'd just wanted to make sure his alibi was air-tight as planned.
Sighing again, she asked, "Rowan, even if I did do it, why the hell would I tell you about it?"
His jaw worked for a moment, and she could tell whatever he was about to say was difficult for him. "I'll get time off your sentence if you tell me what you've done with it."
She tried not to laugh, but she couldn't help it.
It burst out of her, full and uncontrollable, and she flopped over on the dirty mattress and howled for a good few minutes.
He glared at her, looking for all the world like he was experiencing a portion of the rage she was made of, but regardless of the threat in his eyes, she took her time composing herself.
"I'm serving ten consecutive life sentences, you idiot."
One for each and every one of her "victims."
"I'll make it nine," he offered generously.
"Even if I was a cat, that'd still leave me dying in a prison cell. Offer me something else."
He just glared at her, unwilling to give her anything she could actually use or want. Just like she'd expected.
"That's what I thought. So no, Rowan Whitehorn, I'm not accepting your little deal. You can think I robbed you all you want; hell, you can even know, in your famous gut, that I did it." She tilted her head, a cruel smile filling her lips. "But it isn't about what you believe, it's about what you can prove. Isn't that right?"
His eyes shuttered at the words, and just like that, they were sucked into the memory of all those years ago.
~Eight years ago~
Rowan rolled over, edging away from the woman next to him carefully as to not wake her.
Her hair was spread out on his chest, her soft hand was on his stomach, and her leg was draped over his. By all accounts, she was all over him.
And it felt so fucking good.
He'd never met anyone like Aelin before. Anyone so full of life, so hilariously open.
It was like she was constantly on fire, flitting from one place to the next with endless energy and jabs about him being too old and slow.
"What are you going?" she murmured, nails digging in slightly to keep him where he was.
"To get some water. Go back to sleep."
He leaned down and kissed her brow, and she sighed happily and rolled over. Like a total cliché, he watched her sleep for a moment, trying to get his feelings under control.
They'd been seeing each other for less than a year, but he couldn't imagine his life without her. He was in love with her, and if the way she acted and smiled around him was any indication, she loved him, too.
He ran a thumb over her cheekbone, smiling when she tilted her face into his touch.
He was whipped, and he didn't even care.
Rowan shook his head at himself, pulled on a pair of boxers, padded to the kitchen, and held a glass under the faucet.
Then frowned as it sputtered.
He figured he'd at least make himself useful, knowing damn well she would never agree to call the plumber when she could "figure out how to fix it herself on Youtube."
So he knelt down in her kitchen and opened the cabinet door, trying to see what the problem with the pipe was.
Except he never got that far.
His eyes got stuck on the piece of paper sticking out under a false piece of wood covering the back panel.
Knowing it was wrong to pry but somehow unable to stop himself, he tugged the paper loose.
Then fell backwards to his ass, heart hammering and brain spinning as he read it over and over again.
The list of names wasn't long, but all ten of the people on it were highly distinguished members of society.
And they were all dead.
He wouldn't know that, since the death of the last person on the list wasn't even public record yet, but he was the attorney working with the police to find the killer.
Why did she have this list?
And what did the numbers next to the names mean?
One way or another, he knew he had to find out. He also knew he couldn't ask her. He was in too deep, too unbiased to know whether or not she was lying.
He didn't trust himself with her, so he'd have to go the traditional route.
He took a picture of the paper quickly, tucking it back where he'd found it. He snuck back in the room to get dressed, leaving her a note he had to go to work.
He thought he was going to be sick as he left her apartment, a feeling suspiciously similar to dread coiling in his stomach.
There was only one way she could know that last name, only one explanation that made sense.
But he had to know for sure. Had to know if he'd been an idiot this past year; an idiot who'd spent almost every night sleeping next to the killer he'd been searching for.
So he started investigating his girlfriend.
Six days later, he found the security deposit boxes and the murder weapons inside, still covered in dried blood that would be matched to the victims. All with Aelin's prints on them.
Two days after that, the woman he'd thought was the love of his life was arrested on ten counts of murder.
Despite the tears she shed, despite the promises she made to him, despite the love she claimed to have for him, Rowan told the cops everything.
Even though he couldn't imagine her killing anyone.
"It doesn't matter what I believe, it matters what I can prove."
That was the last thing he'd said to her, right as she was being dragged out of the court room and yelling at him to believe her.
The truth of the matter was that when it came down to it, he didn't trust her enough. The facts were against her, everyone on the jury had been against her, and in the end, Rowan was too.
Rowan shook his head, almost like he needed to clear it from the memory they'd obviously both been immersed in, and she smiled.
She hoped what happened all those years ago still haunted him, hoped he went to sleep at night thinking about her and the betrayal he'd served to her on a silver platter.
The first year of her sentence, she was so lost in emotion--in the rage and confusion and deep, deep hurt--that she couldn't bring herself to do anything.
He hadn't even bothered to ask her first. That's what had hurt the worst.
He'd seen that stupid, stupid list and had jumped to the first conclusion possible.
She knew it had looked bad, had looked like she was guilty, but she'd thought that if the worst happened, he'd at least ask her to explain before slapping the cuffs on her.
But he hadn't. She'd gone to prison, and his career had exploded into stardom from the success of the case.
"See, Rowan, when you refused to accept any other explanation other than the easy one, you made a mistake. Because I didn't kill those people."
He rolled his eyes. "Aelin-"
"And I'm not only going to prove it," she continued as if he hadn't spoken, "I'm going to ruin your precious little life while I do it. Just like you did mine."
She stood, put a hand on the steel table, and leaned over him.
"If you want it to stop, all you have to do is drop these bullshit murder charges and issue a public apology for locking me up in the first place."
He stood too, so close his loafers brushed the toe of her dusty, prison issued sneakers.
"That's never going to happen," he promised, voice uncompromising and angry.
Aelin smiled, having predicted his reaction down to the facial expression.
His pride, she'd decided, would be the first thing to go.
She reached around him to slide the pawn on the chess board forward, leaned in even further, and whispered, "Let the game begin, then."
Part 2
@perseusannabeth @cursebreaker29 @a-bit-of-a-cactus @elriel4life @girl-who-reads-the-books @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln @live-the-fangirl-life @ireallyshouldsleeprn @highqueenofelfhame @gracie-rosee @rowaelinismyotp @nahthanks @ghostlyrose2 @lovemollywho @inardour @tillyrubes10 @claralady @tswaney17 @rowanisahunk @superspiritfestival @thegoddessofyou @awesomelena555 @booksofthemoon @greerlunna @jlinez @studyliketate @over300books @justgiu12 @maastrash @aesthetics-11 @bamchickawowow @b00kworm @sleeping-and-books @musicmaam @hizqueen4life @maybekindasortaace
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boognish-worshipper · 3 years
ok so like i had this idea for a while n it took me MONTHS to finish bc i was nvr content w/ my writing n whatnot yadda yadda yadda anyway,, this is basically a what if thing about the triads shooting trevor in ludendorff n michael realizing how dumb he is
(my apologies that it’s so fuckin looooooong but I didn’t wanna leave it on a short note that felt incomplete. hope y’all like it !!!!! sorry for any grammatical errors or if the formatting’s funky)
Why didn’t he realize it sooner? Was he stupid? No, no. He was just blind. Blind for the past 10 years. Who knows. Maybe even longer than that. Fucking Michael. It always came back to that venomous shithead, constantly ruining everything for him. Did he just... forget? Was he so focused on that bloodsucker when he was “dying” in front of him he completely forgot Brad got shot first? That Brad died first? He didn’t even really think about him when shit went down. Or care much about Brad in general for that matter. The guy was a dick who just worked with other dicks back in the day, eventually joining their motley crew. A fading memory more than anything. His primary focus had always been Michael, who he thought was his right hand man. Trevor always knew that there was something different about him. As frustrating as Michael could be, it still didn’t change how he felt deep down. Michael wasn’t like the others. Or at least, that’s what he had thought. The night he found out that Michael’s lie ran deeper than he led on was one he wouldn’t forget.
He arrived at Michael’s house in a short amount of time. Hopping up the steps he made his presence known, standing in the entrance of the living room. He plopped down next to Michael, who scooted away from him slightly, still not ready for close contact from Trevor.
“Family ain’t back yet, huh?”
“She’s a Goddamn fool, man.”
Trevor was never one to hide his jealousy towards Amanda. The two had been going at it for years, and it was always regarding Michael. Catty behavior between two people who had complicated relationships with the man, in their own unique ways. Amanda was scared of Trevor, but was never afraid of talking shit to his face. It was never any serious threats whenever they shot petty quips at one another anyway. She knew Trevor would never kill or harm her, all thanks to Michael, who spoke up again.
“Despite all the chaos of these last few weeks, I think I finally figured it out… I know, it sounds ridiculous-“
To Trevor, the thought wasn’t ridiculous. He knew Michael would never change. He would always be a killer, a man of action through and through. He was wasting away on a couch, rewatching classic Vinewood every night. To him, it only seemed right for Michael to keep taking scores.
“You’re back man!” He proclaimed, emphasizing his next line, “We are back!”
With excitement in his eyes, Trevor went on to boast about the little clique they had formed, and how they only needed to bust Brad out to fully reunite. Michael looked solemn, shaking his head slightly.
“That’s not it. I got money, it just makes you miserable-“ Now it was his turn to have excitement shine in his eyes.
“I wanna make movies.”
“Great. That’s great… and uh, so where exactly does this leave me in the second act of your life?”
He felt his stomach sink somewhat, regretting having asked that question. Michael would always tiptoe around it, avoiding the inevitable. But he couldn’t run from the past anymore. It would always catch up to him.
“This is not a game to me! Alright? This is a fuckin’ way of life.”
“I got a fuckin’ family!”
“Yeah, well, I got nothin’! No one gives a fuck about me!”
There was a pause. A hesitation. Amber eyes looked sorrowfully yet savagely into pale blue ones.
“I do.”
Something in Trevor snapped hearing those words. He couldn’t stand the audacity of Michael saying that to him. Because to him, Michael didn’t seem to give a fuck about what happened to Trevor. No matter how many times he lamented to him about everything he went through.
“Oh… Fuck you.”
Trevor rose from his seat, beginning to pace around the room, stabbing a finger in Michael’s direction. He did nothing but stare between his feet, not bothering to look up at Trevor.
“I saw your grave. I mourned you. And then it turns out that everything I fucking thought about you was wrong. Everything! You’re not dead, and you’re not a man.”
Michael shot up from his seat, cool demeanor abandoned in a fit of anger.
“Well, what the fuck are you?”
“I’m your fucking nightmare!”
“Yeah, enough with your Goddamn threats!”
Trevor did nothing but scoff at him, backing away like he was about to leave the room. Instead, some kind of alarm went off in his head, urging him to stay and ask the question he pushed far into the back of his mind. The inevitable was happening, and he couldn’t ignore the need to ask anymore. If Michael himself stood before him alive as ever, then who the fuck was in Michael Townley’s grave? Then suddenly, and ultimately, it clicked for him. Fucking Brad.
“You treacherous piece of shit! You’re fuckin’ dead! You’re fucking dead!”
As it clicked for Trevor, it clicked for Michael.
“Oh, fuck! Trevor! Hey, T!”
He peeled out of the driveway in Michael’s car. God, it smelled just like that fucking prick. It made him want to cry.
“Fuck!” He screamed out to no one in particular.
He slammed on the gas and wiped away any forming tears. His phone began to ring and he saw an all too familiar photo appear. Michael. What the fuck could he possibly say or want right now?
“Fuck you.” He spat out.
“Hey, come on. Where you going?”
“You know where I’m going, fuck you!”
The fucking nerve of him to ask that. What was wrong with him? The rest of the conversation wasn’t any better. It sounded like some stupid break up between two teens, as if Michael had cheated on him with some hooker instead of lying about the past decade or so.
“Trevor, come on!”
“Fuck you Michael! Soon enough, I will.”
He was on his way to the air field, and dialed up Ron as soon as he could. He needed to get out of here before Michael could stop him.
“Trevor? It’s great to uh..”
“Is there a plane I can use? Get me across country?”
“Sure! Sure. We got one fueled up for a trip south of the border.”
“I’m taking it.”
“Is everything okay, man?”
“Everything is not okay. Nothing has ever been okay but I’m going up there to see it for myself. I’m going to see an old friend alright? If you’re where I think you are buddy...”
Trevor gripped the steering wheel harder until his knuckles turned white. Tears stung his eyes, but he couldn’t bring himself to let it out.
“I don’t know why I didn’t see it. I guess.. I guess I didn’t want to. Fuck!”
He clutched his phone tightly as he spoke, cracking the already shattered screen more. His voice was faltering, and it became harder to speak clearly.
“Maybe I knew all along. I’m gonna find out for sure and I’m gonna... do something about it! God there was always something wrong with that job, what went down after I guess I-“
The tears made their way down his face. His voice trembled and threatened to crack.
“I guess I wanted to believe- Fucking.. Fucking flea circus!”
He couldn’t hold it in any longer. Too many things began to resurface. Seeing red, he just cried out to Ron, still on the phone patiently listening to him rant.
“Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!”
“I’m sorry Trevor...”
He slammed on the gas as he approached the airfield. Running over to the plane, he hopped in and began his journey to Ludendorff. As he left, storm clouds poured in and darkened the sky. A thick rain accompanied by the thunder and lighting combo shook the small plane he was in. He braced himself for the rest of the trip there and kept going.
Ludendorff was just like he remembered. Cold, empty, and super fucking depressing. Why was the midwest like this all the time? Sure, living it up in Sandy Shores wasn’t the most ideal but for fucks sake, at least it was warm. He pulled up to the cemetery shortly after landing, and hurried off to find that God forsaken grave. After glancing at each passing gravestone, there it was. The late great Michael Townley’s place of burial.
“Who you got in here..?”
He scoffed, knowing his answer.
“As if I need to ask...”
It took forever to reach the coffin. The wood was brittle, which meant it would be easy enough to pry open and see who was actually in Michael’s place. He had been so caught up in his digging he didn’t notice a set of steps coming at him.
“You’re wasting your time.”
Trevor was wasting his time? No, he was making perfectly good use of it. Michael was wasting his if anything. Flying all the way out here for what? No, don’t say it... Was it finally gonna happen? Was Michael waiting for the opportunity to finally take a pop at him and leave his carcass for good? To toss him right into the grave with Brad? He didn’t want to believe so but hey, it’s Michael. Who knows what he’ll do. He couldn’t bear to listen to another word that came out of his mouth, and knew he needed to get the jump on him.
“You reptilian motherfucker!”
How did it end up here? Why was he pointing a gun at Michael? What the fuck was he doing? He didn’t want to kill him. He never did, even if he had a million justifiable reasons to.
“I didn’t want it to have to come to this.”
There it was again. The fucking lying. That same exact fucking lying that got them here to begin with.
“Yes you did! You just don’t have the fucking balls to do it! But I do!”
But Trevor was also a hypocrite. He didn’t have it in him to ever go through with killing Michael. No matter what the son of a bitch did to him, he meant too much to Trevor for him to ever consider killing the man himself. He didn’t want to think about being the cause of him dying for good.
“I’ve got more to lose than you!”
“Never a truer word has been spoken, brother.”
He said that with as much malice as he could muster. Michael was the farthest fucking thing from being a brother. This was a man he had loved. Hell, still loved, despite it feeling more and more like a stranger before him with each encounter they had.
“Now.. pull the fucking trigger.”
The air was too still. It was choking him, making him feel frozen. Sure, weather played a part in the feeling but this... was different. His blood felt like ice. He couldn’t do it.
“You ain’t got the guts.”
Neither of them could do it. Even if he fired he knew he’d miss. Michael had the upper hand here.
“Take the fucking shot!”
Wait. Was Michael... crying? No. No way the great Michael fucking Townley was actually crying over this. That motherfucker. He’s such a fucking fraud. A coward. Always running. Running from Trevor, his past, his problems, his family and his fucking emotions.
His train of thought had been interrupted when he heard snow faintly crunching not too far from them.
“What was that?-“
A noise shot through the tense air that surrounded them. Woosh. Fuck. No. It couldn’t be- Ow. No. No fucking way. He looked down in awe and there it was, a distinct bullet hole, pierced through his torso. It nearly missed his heart, but was most certainly in a spot to do enough damage to him. He looked back up at Michael, mouth slightly agape leaking with the blood that began to pool in his mouth. Peaking behind him, he saw two figures lingering far behind. The fucking Triads. Of course, how could he forget? It’s not everyday you slam the head of a Chinese mobster’s son into a post. Fucking shit. If only he hadn’t messed with Tao…
He was fucked, and he didn’t know what to do. All he knew was that he felt himself wanting to collapse on the ground. Michael looked at him in pure disbelief, eyes wide enough to pop from his head. Normally Trevor would giggle at the sight, but any noise from him would be a gurgle of blood in place of it.
That was enough to knock him to the ground.
“Mr. Phillips! Mr. Cheng wants a word with you!”
Michael whipped his head back, and began dragging the two of them to cover. Was that supposed to be a fucking warning shot?? The one who shot Trevor spoke in Chinese to the other gunman, then spoke in English to the duo.
“Phillips! You and your boyfriend cannot hide from us!”
Michael grabbed his gun and started firing back, clipping the two in the front instantly.
“Trevor… what the fuck did you get into?! What are they on about? I… I’m not…”
Trevor couldn’t speak. He could only murmur at the man beside him.
“Trevor, seriously, you better answer me because I’m pretty fucking lost here-“
He angrily turned his head back to find Trevor on the verge of slipping out of consciousness, his face dropping at what was before him.
“Ah, Trevor! Shit!”
Before Michael could help him out, a van burst through the gate to the left, and more yelling ensued.
“Get out the van! Go find them!”
Michael panicked, pushing his gun into Trevor’s limp hands so he could grab the dead Triad henchman’s sturdier gun. He fired and clipped a few more men, trying his best to keep an eye on Trevor. His breathing was shallow, and he attempted to prop himself up so he could fire at them too.
“Trevor, what the fuck is going on? Who are these guys?”
“It’s the fucking,” He winced, pushing himself onto his knees so he could grab the side of the grave they hid behind. He spit out some blood that leaked from his mouth, staining the snow beneath them.
“The God damn Chinese, sugar tits.”
“Why are they-“
“Ask questions later, I’m fucking bleeding out here.”
Trevor forced himself to fully stand, his legs wobbling slightly. He fired a few more rounds, face contorted in pain. Another bullet flew by him, grazing his side.
“Fuck! Ow!” He growled.
“T, what in the hell are you doing?! Get down!”
“Fuck off you fucking leech! I can-“ He spit out more blood.
“I can handle this myself!”
He groaned, keeping his aim as still as he possibly could, which wasn’t very still at all. Stubborn as ever, Trevor went in guns blazing. He used not only the gun Michael had forced into his hands, but also the one he had brought with him. Several more shots fired at him until he felt a hand yank him back to the ground. He fell with a slight thump, and pain jolted through him again.
“You crazy bastard! We’re getting the fuck out of here, but that can’t exactly be accomplished if you’re dead!”
“Oh please! You already want me dead you fat fucking snake!” He wheezed out.
“Jesus Christ- Trevor. I already told you-“
“Shit, Mikey-”
Before either one could do anything about it, a Triad that had snuck up on them pistol whipped Michael in the back of the head. Trevor scrambled backwards and attempted to get on his feet, but to no avail. In a last minute effort, he lifted Michael’s gun and fired. For someone who was labeled a lousy shot by his partner, he felt that Michael would’ve been proud of his aim at that moment in time. A clean shot, right between the fucker’s eyes. He grinned slightly, adrenaline still coursing through him. He barked out a laugh, forgetting how much of a chore it was to allow any noise to escape him. It caused him to break into a coughing fit, spitting up more blood onto the snow. He looked from the small circle of blood that formed in front of him, back to Michael’s limp body. He shoved him slightly, trying to nudge him back into consciousness.
“Mikey. Michael. Get up. We gotta go like you said-“
He heard another van pull up. Then another. Fuck.
“You gotta be shitting me..”
Trevor, disregarding his wounds weakening him to the point his vision grew spotty, swapped his handgun for the gun Michael grabbed. He tried his best to prop the other man up against a grave, well out of the Triad’s line of sight. He pushed through any pain he felt, still riding his adrenaline high, wiping the rest of them out one by one. He rushed back over to Michael, who was stirring awake.
“Michael, for fucks sake get up already! Jesus I’m still fucking bleeding and I have to save your ass right now? Come on!”
He was finally able to stand, and Trevor slung Michael’s arm around his shoulder, helping him regain his balance. They helped one another walk through the mess of snow, blood, and bodies to get to the rental car, which surprisingly was still in alright shape. Across the train tracks, one more van started to pull up, right before the nightly train passed through town.
“Haha! Thank you train for being useful this time!”
He forgot how much it hurt to laugh, clutching his side and muttering curses under his breath as the two raced over to the car. Michael hopped in the driver’s seat after placing Trevor in the passenger’s side. Trevor’s adrenaline rush began to die down along with the rest of him. Michael raced out of the cemetery, narrowly escaping the left over henchmen. Glancing over at Trevor, he realized how shit of a shape he was in. Despite not living in North Yankton in close to 10 years, he still remembered where all the nearby hospitals were. It wasn’t ideal, considering what they were doing up there and who they were and what not, but it was better than having Trevor die on the spot.
“Hey, don’t you fucking die on me right now buddy. There’s no way you ain’t surviving the shit show we just went through, which only happened thanks to you.”
Trevor asked himself why Michael was still giving him snide remarks about his unruliness. He figured now wasn’t the time to really argue, but still tried nonetheless.
“You… fuckin’ snake.. you think you’re so..”
“I’m so what Trevor? No you know what- Don’t speak right now, but try to stay awake, please?”
The ride out of Ludendorff was quiet. The radio was off, and neither one chose to speak. Michael of course was driven mad by the silence.
“…Look. Trevor I- I fucked up. There’s nothing I can do now to fix it, no matter how many times I apologize. But you do- You do know that I cared about you then, and I care about you now…”
Trevor did nothing but grunt in response, eyelids heavy. Michael sighed.
“We’re almost to a hospital. They’ll fix you up good, and- and you’re gonna be fine. You ain’t dying on me yet. I mean- you’ve survived worse? You.. I…”
He huffed out a breath, gripping the steering wheel tight. The rest of the ride was silent, save for Michael making sure Trevor was still alive and conscious. They made it to the hospital, with Michael carrying him fireman style, seeing as Trevor was very lanky compared to him. He called out for someone to help, using his gift of lying to say that Trevor was just shot by a random mugger, so the report back wouldn’t seem too suspicious. He patiently waited for word back from a doctor, eventually seeing someone come to him with a clip board.
“Are you… Franklin?”
Michael had been smart enough to give them both fake names, but he just blurted out the first two names that came to mind. Right now, he went by Franklin, and for all they knew Trevor was Lamar.
“Yes, that’s me.”
“Your friend is in critical condition, but you got him here just in time. Any later and he wouldn’t have made it.”
The last sentence caused Michael’s ears to ring.
“He’s going to be out of surgery soon, the bullet wound was pretty deep.” The doctor narrowed their eyes slightly, getting ready to write the report down.
“You said that he was mugged?”
“Yeah. The guy fired at him and ran off. Didn’t get a good look at his face.”
“Hmm… well alright. I’ll let you know when your friend is ready for visitors.”
The rest of the night was painfully slow. By the time Trevor was out of surgery, he was still hopped up on morphine, allowing him to rest properly for the first time in forever. Michael sheepishly walked in, careful not to be too loud. He made his way over to Trevor’s side, sitting in the seat next to his bed. He hadn’t seen Trevor look so content like that in so long. Not since... those days. He spoke to himself, seeing as Trevor was fast asleep.
“You worry me so much you dumbfuck… why do you pull the shit you pull? I mean.. shit. I… I love you, man. I do. But what if you died without ever hearing that from me again? Is that the reason why you get like this? Shit. Right. I’m such a fucking idiot.”
Besides everything about Ludendorff, it angered Trevor to his core that Michael could never admit he loved Trevor unless he was drunk or alone. In this instance, he technically was. Trevor was peacefully dreaming, while Michael felt restless. He proceeded to fumble around for his cellphone to reach out to Franklin, who had been wondering what happened to them. He knew Franklin would probably be up anyway.
Yo Mike, where u at? Trevor too, Lamar n I gotta do one last job wit him.
Currently in North Yankton kid. Trev found out about Brad. Some Chinese gangsters rolled on us, T got shot. Be home soon hopefully.
Oh shit. Stay safe out there homie. See u soon ig.
Michael let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, looking back up at Trevor. He tried to think about what he would do next. Knowing that visiting hours were limited, he felt a twinge of guilt knowing he’d have to leave Trevor alone for a night after what happened. But it was late, and he couldn’t stay there overnight. He figured he’d have to bunk in some cheap motel for the time being. Just until Trevor and him were ready to leave North Yankton. He spoke to the doctor from before to let them know he would come back the next morning. When he arrived at the nearest shit motel, he still couldn’t find it in him to sleep. He was tired, sure, but his mind wouldn’t allow him to drift off. Even if he did, he would find himself jolting awake, the scene of Trevor getting shot playing over and over in his head. He’d almost been responsible for Trevor’s death once, he couldn’t let it happen for real. What would he do anyway if he did die? He quickly brushed the thought off, not wanting to consider the possibilities.
He returned to the hospital the next morning, half awake from the lack of sleep. Visiting hours were early, and he wanted to get them both out of here as fast as he could. Walking to Trevor’s room, he saw the man sitting upright looking out the window. North Yankton may have been cold as a bitch, but from time to time it had real pretty sunrises. He knocked lightly on the door, and Trevor turned to face him.
“Hey, T…”
He couldn’t read the expression on his face.
“I thought you left.”
“Visiting hours are limited, T. You should know that by now.”
He didn’t say anything in response, facing back towards the window instead. Michael sat down in one of the chairs across from him.
“You.. you worried me. I thought-“
“You thought what, cupcake? That I’d just die on the spot, and you could just leave my dead body there-“
“Trevor! For the last time that wasn’t my fucking plan!”
Their voices steadily increased above the normal level it should’ve been for a hospital setting.
“Then why did you have a fucking gun, huh Mikey?”
“I could ask the same for you!”
“Oh of course, turn the situation onto me again-“
“You brought a gun for what, Trevor?!”
“That’s not the issue at hand here!”
“Yes it is!”
A voice chimed into their argument.
“Excuse me. You,” A nurse who walked in pointed at Trevor.
“You need to rest. And sir, I’m not sure who you are, but if you want to stay as a visitor I suggest you lower your voice and behave.”
The two men looked at each other angrily before sitting back down. The nurse exited, most likely wanting to return later so Michael could discuss discharging him. Silence filled the room briefly.
“T… I meant what I said.” His voice had dropped to a whisper.
Trevor didn’t look him in the eye. His arms were crossed, and he just looked out the window.
“I could’ve lost you.”
The other man still said nothing.
“I could’ve lost you and you would’ve died not knowing I..” He trailed off.
Trevor turned back to look at Michael while speaking.
“Knowing what? You hiding something else from me, porkchop?”
“Spit it the fuck out Mikey or I swear to God-“
“I love you.”
His felt his stomach twist uncomfortably, and his hands became clammy. He finally forced the words out, sober.
“I love you.” He repeated, shutting his eyes so he wouldn’t have to look at Trevor while saying it. He chose to look at his feet instead.
“I’m sorry I didn’t say it sooner. And I just.. kept thinking that you could’ve died not hearing that from me ever again.”
He didn’t notice it at first, but tears brimmed his eyes. Trevor’s scowl fell and his face softened.
“What?” Was all he could choke out.
“Don’t.. don’t make me say it again.” He said, face flushing red.
“You..” Trevor didn’t finish his sentence. He shuddered in his seat, ready to cry himself. He buried his face in his hands, muffling something incoherent.
He lifted his head up, tears streaking his cheeks.
“I’m so sorry, Michael.”
“Sorry for what?”
“For.. being like this.”
Trevor was a lot of things. You couldn’t just describe him in only one word. Michael tried sifting through the options of what he meant.
“I pushed you so hard back then I.. I thought I was losing you. I didn’t want to. All it did was make you want to leave even more.” Trevor kept sniffling.
“Why Michael? Why do you do this to me?”
He wanted to ask him “Do what?”, but they both knew the answer. Michael never let his feelings be more than surface level. He was repressed and Trevor hated it. Trevor continued to cry, and the tears that Michael held in spilled.
“Hey.. don’t… don’t apologize, T. Please.”
“I..” He hiccuped.
“I’ve loved you for so long. Why couldn’t you have done the same?”
Michael kept his head down. He didn’t want to see the heartbroken expression on Trevor’s face. It only made him feel worse.
“You left me.”
“I didn’t want to.”
“But you still did. Telling me that doesn’t change anything. You became another person in my life that I loved and then you left. Same as always for me.”
Everything Trevor loved was always out of his reach. Flying, his mother, Michael, Patricia… He could go on. Nothing was ever gonna be permanent for him.
“But I’m here for you now, T. I’m not going anywhere.”
He finally looked up to see Trevor’s sad eyes burning a hole right through him. His silence told him it’d be a long while before he could believe his words.
“Now.. uh. Let’s get the fuck outta this place.”
It didn’t take long for Trevor to be discharged. The doctors had told him he should stay for another day or so, but only got an irritated response from Trevor. Figuring the duo wouldn’t budge on wanting to leave, he was signed off for clearance. They eventually found the plane Trevor flew in on, and made their way out of the state. Neither one knew if this would change anything between them, but Trevor felt more at ease around him. It would still take time and effort for any left over wounds to heal, but for right now, Trevor was content.
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empty-dream · 3 years
First and foremost, THANK YOU OOKUBO-SENSEI FOR THE FANTASTIC JOURNEY!! I really went to this thinking it's a popcorn action with actual firefighters series, but it turns out to be a religious horror dimension-bending one. Madness indeed. Tbh, I watched the anime first because I saw a clip of David Production's work where Shinra fire-skiing to save Iris. And for me, ep8 with Shinra and Tamaki is the best shit ever. And I started making edits from its S2 too. So ngl, the anime plays a significant part of my Fire Force love. But I went on to read the manga before S2 was made. And I love it. Wild, stupid, running on Rule of Cool, but also creepy, horrifying, uncanny, mysterious, mindboggling, and then warm, gentle, exhilarating, satisfying. It's all those in one package. The ideas that Ookubo-sensei apply to the story are pretty creative and sometimes never even seen before (*cough* 255 *cough*)
So let’s do this one more time
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Somewhere a god belongs? And the answer to that is Nevada, USA? Ok sure man whatever 🤣
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Ma’am the pink haired one set her own friend on fire
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How about 2 girlfriends and 2 boyfriends huh? He totally deserves it.
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M Y  F R I E N D
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Pry this scene out of my cold dead hands
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THE HUGE HEIGHT DIFFERENCE. Also FUCKING FINALLY Juggernaut gets his date with Tamaki. Dude's been at this since forever. It's also a nice closure since at the beginning, Juggernaut asked Shinra to get Tamaki's number and now it ends with he himself asking Tamaki out. And their relationship progress is built slowly but consistent, from Tamaki not seeing him being head over heels for her, to them trying their best to save each other, to him basically finally confessing and she saying yes. And it's telling something that Tamaki's lucky lecher curse never activates on Juggernaut, despite him being around her age and often being around her.
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Look, some days before the finale dropped, Ookubo-sensei uploaded many drawings of his characters wearing the signature Shinsengumi haori. And I thought well he was just having fun with his profitable OCs. AND LO AND BEHOLD THE COAT DESIGN :'D
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OBI AKITARU, GENERAL COMMANDER OF WORLD HEROES FORCE!! Is this related to My Hero Academia's World Heroes Mission?
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Of course Beni and Konro would be the top of Combat Commander. And it's so nice to see him working under/with Obi. The Shinmon Benimaru really holds Obi that high.
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The boys (sans Rekka) also in the Force! I'm still holding a grudge towards Rekka for everything he did to Tamaki and Nataku and the other experiments. But if it means Karim finally get peace, ok.
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Kurono you really have to say it so soon lolol. Also Nataku with hairband is so cute!!! (Whatever the fuck is the Rekka in him tho why are the stars positioned like that lmao)
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Hibana is really the harcode stan type huh. 
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Aah it's really Shinra and Iris endgame. I admit the direction has always been obvious. First girl he met and saved. They highly respect each other. And there is this level of understanding between them that goes so far that she wholeheartedly confides in him even when his doppleganger acts so horribly. I love the Holy Woman Suffering mini arc when they spend a day together in the Holy Sol Church, it is the start of their deeper relationship as people and not simply as comrades. And “chasing after her“ sounds somewhat tinged with jealousy but also understanding way to phrase it... Idk i just have that feel.
Oh and I'm actually a Shinra x Tamaki main (cuz the double tsundere vibes, looking like hair-dyed Soul and Maka, and whole long speech and tags of why) but as I said, Shinra x Iris and Juggernaut x Tamaki are teased and developed consistently since the beginning. So it makes sense for the two pairings to end up canon. Meanwhile after the aftermath of Obi rescue arc, Shinra x Tamaki moments practically vanish. So I perfectly understand that (And c’mon, those pairings are cute!)
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Shinra's hair is longer!! Cute!!! 
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Dragon is a dragon..
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Can you two stop looking at each other like that hnghggnh
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The progenitor of the I-Have-Met-Excalibur face
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AAAAAAAAHH I love it when Ogun hugs Shinra like that. He has been always physically affectionate like that... :')
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By Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest do you think she means Ogun, Shinra and Arthur lmao
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Ooh la la. I stan one (1) loyal man.
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She really doesn't waste time lol.
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I once said that I hated Inca on personal level. It's because I do get the part where danger makes her feel alive, but I hate that she intentionally and gleefully makes problems for others in the form of having to chase her around while she kills and creates havoc for her own pleasure. Narcissistic. And it still stays true even now. But while ever since her introduction arc I get the idea that she is somewhat twisted-ly into Shinra, I am just surprised it comes to this state. Something about her is kinda more humane now. Like the classic "I, your enemy, am worried" for example. And despite how twisted her baby wish and phrasing are, the fact remains that deep down, she is fond of Shinra as a hero. And this exchange is just so casual yet so warm, like two normal people. It's still the same troublemaker, selfish Inca, but even such person can feel gratitude and awe towards someone who saves her. Bravo, Ookubo, for creating a character like her that make me feel such things.
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Everyone having fun and living peacefully... Charon and Haumea too.. Sho becomes friends with Nataku!! Being normal students!! And excuse me who employs Kurono as a teacher????
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Daammn Shinra becomes a DILF.
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OBI AKITARU FOR PRESIDENT HELL YEAH!!! I'm confused is this Arthur('s son?) or Karim('s son?)? He sounds too calm and clever to be Arthur but too straightforward to be Karim lol. But I also do think he looks too young to be one of them though hence the son...
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Isn't that Mikey from Tokyo Revengers? I'll be honest, I don’t know it that is Arthur or his son or Shinra’s son. I don’t even know whose kid is the front one.
If they are both from the children generation, I know one of them must be Iris and Shinra’s. The other, I suspect Arthur with... whoever in the world he bangs.. (I’m laughing if it’s Inca) I was thinking the long-haired one is Arthur’s cuz he has sword, but the other one has different hair color from Iris and Shinra.. I’m not gonna think anymore lol.
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*Inferno by Mrs Green Apple playing in the background*
I love that he has such a laid-back ‘just live to the fullest’ view about living, and it’s not because he’s lazy but because he understands the meaning of life after facing a literal embodiment of despair and the end of everything. This is the guy that defeated god and created another one. he becomes a hero for that, but he treats the deeds so casually as another job he is supposed to do anyway. In 302 he reports back like he just extinguished a building fire and not the entire goddamn planet. A hero through and through.
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Maka’s mother’s finally make an appearance!!! How long has it been again..
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What if Soul is actually a Kusakabe descendant? And Black Star is Rekka's? I want to think Maka is Kotatsu's lol. Anyway, NEXT IS SOUL WORLD!!
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ecto-american · 3 years
The Other Side
Phic Phight Oneshot for Kiinotasha and KC: (AU) Born a halfa and raised in the Ghost Zone by his mother, Danny struggles with his human identity when a permanent man made portal appears in the Ghost Zone.
On AO3 and FFN
Danny never questioned his life until that man made portal spawned. He never forgot when he first saw it six years ago while playing with Youngblood.
Naturally, they were playing aliens and spacemen, Danny's favorite. Earlier in the play session, they had found it, and it was deemed part of their spaceship. It was just a metal outline, an octagon. Thick enough that they could sit, and they pretended that the limited space was the entrance. Obviously on the left side was space, and the right side was their ship. Eventually their moms called them home, and during dinner when asked about his day, he told his mom about it.
She frowned, and she asked him for more details. Having played on it all day, he described it perfectly. His mom paled, and she forbid him from going there again, but she didn't expand on why.
He saw no reason to be afraid. It was just a metal shape. There were far more dangerous places in the Ghost Zone. So the next day, he told Youngblood about his mom's weird reaction. His mom had reacted the same, but didn't say why. His dad explained that it was dangerous, but not what about it was dangerous. Danny didn't have a dad, but he was sure that if he did, he probably would have said the same thing. But neither child could get it. What was dangerous about a shape?
So they just played with it again the next day, and they lied to their moms about what they did.
Two years later, another ghost had join to make them a trio. Her name was Box Lunch, and she was honestly a lot of fun. But she was still a girl, and they didn't tell her about their secret fun location until they were sure she didn't have cooties. When they showed her, she instantly knew what it was.
"That's a ghost portal!" she exclaimed. Youngblood and Danny thought she was stupid. Ghost portals didn't stay anywhere permanently. They opened and closed at random, when the human world and Ghost Zone would temporarily merge and allow for a rip to tear. But it always mended back together quickly.
"No it's not," Youngblood scowled. Box Lunch made a face at him.
"Yeah-huh!" she insisted. "My mommy and daddy get into the human world all the time! She said some people there have been trying to make a permanent portal to here!"
"Nu-uh!" Youngblood argued. "My dad said that humans wouldn't do that, they're more afraid of us than we are of them!"
"Yeah-huh!" Box Lunch said more forcefully. "My parents were human once, they said that people constantly wanna hunt us in the human world! And that they're coming here!"
"If they're afraid of us, then why come here?" Youngblood challenged.
"What else would it be?" Box Lunch asked, crossing her arms.
"It's a weirdo ghost's lair!"
And as they bickered back and forth, Danny had remained quiet. He didn't know how to feel about any of this. His friends often forgot that Danny wasn't just a ghost. He was also human.
Not that he was a ghost who was once human, that died. He was both, and he always had been. Born that way, according to his mom, because his dad was human. Danny didn't know too much about him, and he never really thought to ask.
He knew that his name was Jack, and how he looked like. His mom had hung a photo of him in his room so that he'd know; blue eyes, black hair, with a square jaw and in a distinctive orange jumpsuit. The orange suit always reminded him of the blue one his mom wore underneath a lab coat. She said he looked just like his dad when he was in his human form, and he could absolutely see it. Though as a ghost he had white hair that he seemingly inherited from nobody, with his mom's light blue skin and yellow-green eyes. As a ghost, he matched with a black jumpsuit, though as a human, he preferred regular clothes.
Most ghosts had learned of Danny's true nature early on as the news slowly spread when he was born. They loved him and accepted him as one of them. He could go out into the Zone as a human, but it always felt weird. So he was always a ghost.
That night, as he got tucked in for bed, he decided to bring the metallic object up again.
"Box Lunch said that the big metal shape is a permanent ghost portal," he blurted out. His mom stared at him with wide yellow eyes, and so he knew that Box Lunch was actually right. "Is it?"
She sighed, sitting on the edge of his bed.
"I believe so," she confirmed. Danny sat up.
"Is that why you don't want me going near it?" he asked.
"Yes," she replied. Danny cocked his head curiously.
"But if I'm also human, wouldn't they be okay with me?" he wondered. His mom paused for a long, long time. "I'm also one of them."
"I don't know, honey," she admitted. He could tell that she did know. She kissed his forehead. "I'll talk to you about it when you're a little bit older, okay?"
"I promise. Now good night, sweetie."
It was four more years before it really became relevant again. He had essentially forgotten about the unoperational portal as homeschooling, other friends, and general undead life had continued on for him and his mom.
Youngblood didn't age, since he was once human and died, and so as Danny got older, they hung out less. While Box Lunch, a born ghost, grew, he became distant from her too for unrelated reasons. Danny wasn't alone, however. For a while, he hung out with other ghosts who had died young before he met his best friend. He was a bit older than him when he had died, sixteen to his fourteen, but Johnny 13 (and his shadow) and him had almost instantly become friends and hung out nearly every day. Often his girlfriend joined them too. His mom also allowed him to keep a newly dead dog that had followed him home, that alternated from a puppy to a large hulking beast of a monster dog. Danny named him Cujo.
Ghost Writer provided lessons in the arts on Tuesdays and Thursdays for him and a few other younger ghosts, which did include Johnny and Kitty. On the other days, his mom homeschooled him in her passion: the sciences. His favorite memories were of him and his mother in her lab, doing home experiments and building a wide variety of things.
She indulged in whatever nonsense he wanted to build, which included but wasn't limited to: rock cannon, small spaceships, figuring out how they could grow potatoes on the moon like the man in the martian book did, using ecto energy to cook poptarts.
Often her friend, Technus, but better known to Danny as Uncle Nico, came by to do more of the tech-based stuff. Danny believed that Uncle Nico could do anything with technology. He was one of the ghosts that often went through the natural portals, and whenever he came back, he had something for Danny. Typically game consoles and games, but sometimes fun little useless knick knacks that Danny treasured deeply. He fixed those game consoles many times, and also showed him how to download and install cheats and mods to make them more fun.
And after a morning full of science or the arts, Danny would eat lunch then rush off to play with his friends, Cujo always on his heels.
Looking back, he never did much as a human. He had to resort to his human side to rest, or would default to it if he fell asleep. It felt weird being in human form amongst ghosts, and so he was just always a ghost. He never thought much about it, and nobody ever asked him to be a human around them. It was just how things were.
On the day he'd never forget, it was just him and Johnny. His girlfriend had opted not to come. Danny couldn't remember the original topic, but it made him remember the portal. As soon as he told Johnny about it, the two idly scratching Cujo as the dog slept in between them in puppy form, the ghost's eyes lit up excitedly.
"Dude! We have to check it out!" Johnny insisted.
"I dunno," Danny hesitated. "My mom said that I should stay away."
"Come on, it'll be sick! I've always wanted to go back to the human world," Johnny begged. "And you've never even been there, despite being half-human!"
Danny paused. Well, when you put it like that...
"Okay!" he agreed. He floated up from his seat a bit so he could untangle his legs to stand. Cujo immediately got up from his spot laying near them, tail wagging excitedly. "Let's go! I think I still know where it is!"
It had changed since he last saw it. It now had huge yellow and black doors in place of the previous blank space, and it seemed somehow bigger than he remembered it years ago. But it was unmistakably the man made portal.
Even now, he didn't get what would be too scary about it that his mom would encourage him to stay far away. It was just a door.
"This is so fucking cool," Johnny whispered as he touched the door. "Imagine...no more trying to hunt down a portal. We can just come and go as we please...seeing our lost loved ones...seeing my mom again…It's been so long...I dunno if she'd even remember me..."
Danny didn't say anything, but he did begin to think and truly wonder for the first time what his dad was like. His mom never talked about him, and he never really asked. He and his mom were happy, and he also had Uncle Nico. Was his dad kind? Did he also like science? Why wasn't he here? Did his dad even know about him?
"Do you think we can open it?" Danny asked. Cujo licked his fingers, and Danny scratched his head. Johnny glanced over his shoulder at him.
"I dunno," he admitted. His hand turned into a fist and he knocked on the door. "It seems really solid. I don't think we can just break it or something."
"Hm. Lemme see," Danny mused. He came closer, and he put his hand on the door. It was cold, and Johnny was right; it was metallic, just like the outer edge he used to play on, and it would not break easily. His finger traced the middle line of the two doors. "Hm. Maybe we can pry the door open."
"The humans made this," Johnny spoke. Danny stared at him. No shit. "No, no, I mean. Maybe you should do something to it as a human." Danny thought on this, and he shrugged. Couldn't hurt.
His transformation rings came and went, leaving him in his human state. He was just in a t-shirt and jeans today, and he stayed floating near the portal.
His hand had barely touched the portal when it opened for him.
Danny gasped in shock, jerking his hand back as it opened. Johnny had also jumped, going backwards a bit, and Cujo's fur went up as he barked. It fully opened, and he couldn't see anything but the green ooze. This wasn't anything like Uncle Nico had mentioned natural portals being like. They normally acted like a window you could see through. But it was an unnatural portal made by man.
"Maybe this isn't such a-" Johnny began, but Danny had already stepped through.
There was a weird in between area that shined bright blue that he never heard Uncle Nico describe. But in this in between, he could see exactly what the ghost had mentioned. He knew he was still in the Zone, but he could look out the portal into the human world like a window.
A man in an orange jumpsuit, with black hair that was graying, was sitting in a room that reminded him very much of his mom's lab. He was staring at the portal in confusion, likely because it had randomly opened, and Danny instantly knew who it was. He had no idea if his dad could see him, but he found himself rushing backwards, and back into the Zone.
The second he returned, he became a ghost again, and he silently began to fly away as he tried to process. Johnny asked no questions, only following, Cujo following them both.
That night, at dinner, he finally asked.
"What was dad like?"
His mom stared at him for a moment.
"Well, he was very sweet," she said slowly. "Very bubbly personality. Always went out of his way to help his friends." She smiled softly as she talked about him. "Adored fudge."
"Did he like science?" Danny wondered. His mom gave a short laugh.
"Oh boy he adored it. Not the best at it, but he had a lot of enthusiasm," he replied. "We used to do experiments together all the time."
Danny stared down at his food as he thought. He looked up to her, and he could tell that she already knew what he was going to ask.
"How come I never met him?" he wondered. She sighed.
"...He doesn't like ghosts," she replied. "Aspiring ghost hunter when I met him, actually. I was alive then. Had the same ambitions." At his shocked look, she laughed again. "I know, ironic. We had dated for about two years officially. But then...I died. It was winter, and I was driving late at night during a snowstorm. My car slid off the road, and into a river. And I died from my injuries. I found that I could disguise myself as human, and I was in denial. So I just...continued on."
"...Why?" he asked. His mom shrugged in defeat.
"I guess I just didn't want to admit that it was over. I hadn't done everything I wanted to do yet. I was still in college, and I felt like my life had been forcibly finished before it had even truly started," she admitted. "Jack had proposed, but I had declined. I was too afraid to tell him. He began pursuing ghost hunting more seriously as a profession and building weapons and portals. I found out I was having you, and he was so excited to be a dad. I began getting scared. I didn't know how long I could continue the lie. I didn't know how it all would affect you. Then the police found my car and body, and I knew I couldn't avoid the inevitable any longer. So I left. I had no clue how to face him, or even how safe you might be if we talked. Especially after you were born, and I realized that you were half ghost."
The more she talked, she more somber she became. By the end, she was sniffling a little. Guilt began to wash over him.
"Have you ever talked to him again? Like after I was born?" he wondered. She shook her head no. "How come you've never taken me to the human world?"
"I had considered it. But it's too dangerous," she explained. "Humans aren't like ghosts. If they knew that you were also ghost...you wouldn't wanna find out what happens."
"...Do you regret any of it?" Do you regret me?
She smiled softly despite the conversation.
"You were the best thing to ever happen to me," she told him. "I may have been very anxious about being alone, and how you may turn out despite it all. But you were born healthy and perfect in every way. You're absolutely the light of my afterlife."
Danny smiled back, feeling some reassurance. His mom stood up, leaning over to peck his forehead before picking up her plate. He heard Cujo scramble out from under the table, ears up in excitement.
"I think I'll finish this later," she told him. "I'm not too hungry tonight." She glanced down at the dog. "This isn't for you."
Cujo whined, following her as she put her plate in the microwave. Danny nodded, sparing a small smile to Cujo and ushering for him to come over. He slipped him a piece of chicken as his mom left.
Later that night, Danny couldn't sleep. He was too busy sorting out his rushing thoughts. He was of course still him. Nothing really changed, but there was this new growing emptiness. Danny was still Danny, but there was a whole other side to him that knew nothing about. It began to eat at him more and more. Who was this human side besides just human Danny who lived in the Ghost Zone? He didn't know.
He now wished that his mom had taken him to the human world before so that he could know. She did say that there was a risk in the humans knowing he was also a ghost, which he didn't get. The ghosts accepted him as one of their own, so why wouldn't the humans? He didn't get humans at all. And he needed to know more about them. He was one of them.
By breakfast, his mind was made up.
After an unusually boring lesson with Ghost Writer together, Danny immediately went to Johnny once their small class of sorts were dismissed.
"I have to go back." Danny couldn't breath for a moment. "I have to see what it's like. Like you said, I'm also human, and I've never been there. All my unlife, I've been a ghost, here, in the Ghost Zone. My dad's in the human world. And I need to know what it's like to be human. What it means. So I can maybe meet him one day."
Johnny nodded.
"I think I get it," he said slowly. "I'll come with you. Keep you company. I think I could pass for human pretty well, even if I have to say that I have some kind of sickly disease that keeps me pale."
Danny grinned.
"Thanks," he replied. "Come on."
It took no time at all to find the portal. Danny stared up at it, his breath once more stolen as he tried to think of a reason why he shouldn't go through it.
Nothing came to mind.
"It's okay if you don't wanna," Johnny said. Danny shook his head no.
"I have to do this," he replied. "I need to do this."
Johnny patted his back, and that was all the subconscious encouragement Danny needed to turn human and press his hand to the door. Once more, it opened. The fact that he's even able to open it made him know that this was something he was meant to do. He once again stepped through with Johnny right behind him.
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quirklessidiot · 4 years
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Title: coward :: choco pies Pairing: Y/N x Miya Atsumu  Genre: major angst train ahead, romance, and very slow burn [ex to lovers au] Synopsis: its been eight years since you first met Miya Atsumu, six years since you broke it off.  Warnings: Cursing, alchohol, mentions of unprotected sex, unplanned pregnancy, and mentions of abortion. Notes: I am super happy by the positive response sIKE thank u so much, i hope yall stay safe in this pandemic!
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“...L/N-san, why aren’t you going to the banquet tonight?”
“I’m busy.” you simply replied to your co-worker, not even looking up from the sheets of finance papers in your hands, your brows furrowing in deep thought as you encircled some mistakes on the paper.
“It's the weekend tomorrow!” Aiko exclaims, shaking you lightly, “You can take your work home and finish it there! This is only held once a year and it's your first year in the company! You can’t miss it!”
You finally turned to your over-enthusiastic office mate and narrowed your eyes, “I can’t miss the grocery sale tonight.” You deadpan. Aiko blinks once then twice and suddenly she bursts out into a boisterous laugh, “Y-You got me there, Y/N.” she says, clutching her stomach.
Your expression remains the same though and it slowly dawned upon your raven-haired office mate that you weren’t joking at all, “Oh, you were serious.” Aiko stops laughing, realizing how stupid she must’ve looked. You return to your work but she continues to stare at you, ever since you entered the company six months ago, you refused to attend any work-related parties or do a lot of overtimes (this wasn’t a surprise, you always managed to finish your work before deadline)
No one really knew you at the office, you had a mysterious air around you and a rather intimidating aura that scared about half of the people in the finance department, oddly enough, Aiko was one of the few who approached you and made conversation. It was more one-sided in Aiko’s part though since your replies were usually curt and to the point.
The only thing scary about you was how blank your expression was ninety percent of the time.
“Can’t you go to the grocery tomorrow?”
“Can’t.” Your voice seemed a bit assertive now, “Those limited choco pie editions are coming out and they sold out pretty quick.”
“Choco pie?” Aiko blinked, “Aren’t you diabetic?”
“It’s for my kids.”
“What the fuck, Y/N?” she cursed, her eyes as wide as an owl, “My kids? You have kids?”
You hummed a reply, continuing your work, clearly not surprised by her reaction since you were used to these types of things, “Twins actually, they’re in the first grade.” you corrected, remaining indifferent.
“You.” she paused, “You, the Y/N L/N, have kids. Like blood-related kids? With a husband and all that?”
“Yes, although the dad moved on.” You stopped encircling the file, a brief memory of the blonde slowly crossed your mind, “He’s in a better place now.”
It wasn’t exactly a lie, per say, your ex was technically in a better place now. He’s a famous pro-volleyball player who represented Japan two years ago in the Olympics and was currently part of the top national teams in the country. 
You just didn’t bother correcting them when they thought he’s dead.
“Oh, oh, I’m so sorry.” 
“Hm.” You simply hummed a response, “I don’t like leaving them alone a lot.”
“I-I understand,” Aiko sighs, comforting you but it's deaf on your ears as usual, “Have you never considered dating again?”
“Waste of time.”
“Like ever?”
“I’ve got two growing boys, they’re enough for me already.”
Aiko shuts her mouth when she notices that your tone is sharp as if you’re telling her to drop the topic because it’s not in your best interest as of the moment, “May I see what they look like, L/N-san?” she asks in pure curiosity, changing the subject instead.
You simply open your phone next to you and there sits the lockscreen of two wide-grinning and identical-looking boys with raven-colored hair, “They don’t look like you.” she loudly observes but you’re not at all hurt by it.
“They got the best parts from their otosan, I guess.” 
The only thing the boys got from you was your eye color, it seemed like they were their father through and through in terms of looks, over-enthusiastic attitude, and love for the sport. In fact, only recently, the youngest twin had expressed his excitement to learn volleyball, the oldest, being the competitive one too, decided to join in and expressed that he had started to truly like it after a class.
Thankfully, your officemate doesn’t pry more about your life. You ended up resuming your work without much disturbance. You try to finish quickly, you have a sale to catch after all.
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People often found it odd when you pointed out that you were the mother of Youta and Yuuto, for one, they looked and acted nothing like you. If you had to describe them, it would be balls of sunshine while you were just the gloomy rain clouds looming over them. It was definitely an amusing sight for many when they got to know your dynamic and many wondered how you made it work.
You watched the pair rush down the grocery lane in a hurry as you push the cart filled with essentials needed for this month, Youta was annoying his twin once again as they paced down the snack lane and tried to find the choco pie they’ve been raving about these past two weeks, “Slow down, you’ll fall.” You scolded lightly.
“Hai!” They called out in unison as they went behind one of the shelves, you stopped to take a biscuit off the shelf and read the nutritional facts, keeping an eye out on your boys from time to time. You suddenly felt a presence on your side, were they done taking the choco pie already? Sighing under your breath, you’re getting ready to be fake scared because they loved sneaking up on you but when you feel no tug on your leg, you’re immediately surprised for real by the familiar face in front of you.
You regain your composure almost immediately, not wanting him to notice how tense and scared you were, amongst everyone you had to run into, it had to be the twin brother of your ex, “ Well this is a surprise.” he greets, you could feel the distant tone on his voice and you weren’t phased by it the slightest, after what you did to his other half, you’re surprised he even approached you, “Me and ‘tsumu wondered where the hell you ended up after disappearing on him randomly and breaking up over the phone after a week.”
It wasn’t exactly the best plan but it was the fastest way out.
“I apologize.” You bowed down, you were sincerely sorry about what happened but if you could’ve done it again, you’d do it for the sake of your kids and his career, “Whenever I look back, I knew I could’ve done something better than treat him like that.”
Osamu’s brow quirks up, you were still as calm, cool, and collected as you were six years ago. It was scary how Atsumu fell for you when you were this unphased and cold. What the hell was he on when he fell in love with you?
“Well, thanks to you, he worked himself to the bone.” He shrugs, “He’s got a better life now.”
“I know.”
It may not look like it but from time to time, you’d check up and see how he was doing. Even more so during these days since your boys were getting into volleyball. Youta’s favorite was Hinata since he was one of the small guys in the league and he played very, very well. Ironically, Yuuto’s favorite setter was not his own father but a guy named Kageyama Tobio from the adlers who could set the ball at any place and had the greatest timing ever.
“He’s got a girl too.”
“That’s goo-”
“ ‘Kaasan!” A loud yell bursts out, cutting out the younger Miya twin. Osamu looks around, wondering who the boy was calling but when he realizes it was you, he’s in shock and he doesn’t even hide it. The cold facade he was waving in front of you immediately diminished when two identical looking boys ran to you at a fast speed, one clung onto your leg while the other was tattle-taling.
“Oh, is that Miya Atsumu, ‘kaasan? You didn’t tell me you knew him!” Yuuto points out, staring at the large man in complete awe. Youta who seems to finally notice who the guy was, immediately lets go of your leg and joins in with his twin, completely forgetting about the little spat they have.
“I’m his twin.” he corrects, Osamu wasn’t very good with talking to kids yet they didn’t seem to mind at all, they were still as excited when they realized that he used to play too and was the one who spiked his brothers sets back then.
“Woah,” Yuuto exclaims, “How are you not in volleyball? I betcha as good as him! Mom would comment how good he plays when we watch him on TV and mom hates sports!”
Osamu doesn’t know what to say next, he’s just surprised that you even watched and kept track of his twin brother after all those harsh words you said on the phone, what’s even more surprising was that you were a mom (and someone's wife probably)  and you seem to have a good life judging by these kids energetic upkeep. 
“...wish we could watch it live though! I heard the adlers and the jackal’s have another game soon!” Yuuto frowns, crossing his arms, “ ‘kaasan’s always busy.”
“How about yer otosan?” Osamu wanted to let that out for a while, he’s very curious to see who you settled down with, according to one of the many stories about you from his twin,  you weren’t a big fan of marriage and settling down permanently. 
“Oh,” Youta blinks, “Kaasan says otosan’s in a better place now. Do you know what that means, Mister?”
Osamu feels his throat constrict at how casual and nonchalant the boy is, he probably got that characteristic from you. These set of twins dealt with the idea of death way too casually towards a stranger.
“Baby, I think you should give him a rest now. Why don’t you both grab the wafers over there.” You try to calmly take them away in front of the grey-haired man, you didn’t want Osamu to keep interacting with them. There would be breadcrumbs left if the boys kept divulging about their lives towards him, Osamu had always been quick-witted despite his quiet nature.
The boys seemed downcasted right after but they listened quickly and wobbled towards the wafer shelf at the front.
“I thought ya didn’t want to get married.” 
“We didn’t,” you blinked, “He was gone before the boys were born, I wasn’t able to tell him.”
Osamu’s eyes narrowed, “You love him or something?” 
“I do,” you replied coolly, “Very much so until today.”
“I see,” the grey-haired man was still looking at you, trying to gouge any reaction but you remained the same, “I wish you did the same to my brother.”
“He seems happy and successful now.” was all you could reply to his bitter phrase, “As sorry as I am, I can’t take back what I did. I can only atone and keep moving forward.”
Miya Osamu wants to yell at you because you didn’t see the state his brother was in after you left but he couldn’t bring himself to, after all, it seemed like you were unappalled by him and that his words would mean absolutely nothing.
“Then I hope I don’t see you again, L/N-san.” he spat, putting as much hatred in his words as possible.
“Have a good night, Miya-san.” You simply replied, bowing down. 
“I wish you did the same to my brother.”
“Kaasan says otosan is in a better place now.”
“Kaasan, do you think otosan would be proud if I became the super best volleyball player?”
“Stupid, it should be the both of us who’re the best!”
“Yeah! If we became the super best volleyball players, maybe he’d come back from that better place when he sees us on tv!”
You suddenly dropped the plate you were holding, a loud sound resonated in the small kitchen. Shakily, as you picked up the broken shards of the plate, you felt something trickling down your cheeks, “Ah…” you breathed out, wiping out the stray tear.
When was the last time you cried?
“Kaasan?” a small voice called out, you hurriedly wipe out the tears and pick up the broken shards of the plates before turning to the two boys in transformer pajamas.
“Hey.” you tried to reply steadily but the little lump on your throat prevented you from doing so, “Have you brushed your teeth?”
The boys gave each other a quick glance and the only thing they replied with was opening their arms to you, you blink for a moment,surprised by their quietness and their open arms, “When we have a bad day, you’d always do this to us.” Youta mutters, seemingly shy by this, they were never one for big hugs and kisses, saying they were big boys now.
“Did that miya atsumu-fake make you cry, kaasan? Should we get’im?” Yuuto grumbles, their attitude seems to contrast their exciting ones a while ago.
You bend down to their level and just encompassed them in a hug, “Kaasan’s just tired,” you hummed as you buried yourself between them, seeping in the warmth of their hugs and comfort, “I’m all better now, I’ve got you two anyways.”
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You placed the small encounter you had with Miya Osamu at the back of your head, not wanting it to be a distraction or a hindrance. You couldn’t cry in front of your kids anymore than that night, you shouldn’t. You were a single parent, the only rock and permanent companion your kids would have for the rest of their lives, you couldn’t let them down.
“L/N-san have you heard?” 
Thankfully it was your day-off today and you could pick up the boys earlier than usual. The mom next to you looked more excited and elated, you were betting that this had something to do with gossip around their circles.
“I’m sure she hasn’t, she’s a rather busy mom, akiko-san.” another gushed.
“Ah yes!” she giggled, “Sorry I can’t contain my excitement but Sugawara-sensei is very good friends with a member of the black jackals, apparently he was his kohai back in high school.”
You feel your shoulders tense, it couldn’t be right? The amount of coincidences seemed to hit you like a truck, first osamu, now your kids teacher?
“Ninja Shoyou was it? Yes, well, they’ve decided to host a mini training camp this weekend! All the members would be there! Ah, I hope my boy gets noticed!” Riya grins, “Your boys would be very pumped, right? I personally heard Sensei telling them how natural they seemed to be. They even had their own jerseys made for the class!”
You could only nervously nod along and excuse yourself, you wanted to hurry home and deny your boys to go to this training camp. As much as you supported their love for the sport, you weren’t ready for them to meet him. They loved to blab and if Atsumu were to get wind of them, what would he say?
You didn’t want him to deny them right at their faces.
At the same time, somewhere at an upstate part of the city. Miya Atsumu lays on his bed with a naked woman sprawled next to him. His head’s fuzzy from the alcohol he drank last night and how early he and his partner had finished.
“What the fuck, put some clothes on, ya freak.” He hears his brother curse as soon as he goes out of his bedroom. Osamu would randomly make an appearance in Tokyo to fix up his plans for the franchising of his store.
“Thought you had your own place to crash?” Atsumu ignores his brother’s statement as he grabs a short that had been thrown to the side last night.
“I’m going back later, thought I’d swing by before I went home.”
“How nice of you.” the blonde deadpanned, “You should leave though, Riku’s still here.”
“You don’t say...you lot like to go at it like animals in heat.” he mutters, a look of disgust crossed his features, “I’m just here to drop by some food, I can’t leave you dying.”
“Could’ve left it in the ref and dashed off when you saw the panty on the couch.”
“Again,” Osamu crinkles his nose, “Disgusting. Kita-san would throw some disinfectant at you.”
The blonde rolled his eyes in reply as he grabbed some water by the refrigerator, Osamu watched his brother for a bit, wondering if he should tell him. They’ve never talked about Y/N after that phone call six years ago, he had to walk on eggshells around his brother for a year because of that, taking in a quick breather, he confessed, “I saw Y/N.” 
The room turned silent, Osamu waits for a reaction, a curse or anything similar to that yet he’s surprised by the lazy smirk adorning his brother's features, “Hn, it looks like you’re the one who she called and broke up with on the phone.” he laughs.
Osamu is wary but he doesn’t push it, “I was just surprised that’s all, you weren’t exactly in a good place after she left.”
“That was ages ago, ‘samu!” he exclaims, shaking it off, “I betcha she still doesn’t give two shits about me and what happened because that’s how she is but i don’t care because i’m living the life now! I’ve even got a nicer and prettier girl now! Who, mind you, is better than her in many emotional levels. Y/N’s history.”
Osamu didn’t want to tell him about the kids or the ‘man’ you met after Atsumu who you claim to love very dearly so he kept his mouth shut and just went with the flow of the conversation. Not pointing out how his twin just changed the topic right after as if he didn’t want to dwell on it and open anymore wounds.
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hopelesshawks · 4 years
Official Accounts Part 29- Tea Talk
Summary: (y/n) was perfectly happy remaining anonymous, even if her best friends were all pro heroes and she worked under THE Hawks. Handling the technical aspects of hero work from the background suited her just fine, thank you very much. That goes out the window when suddenly her twitter blows up thanks Denki and the famed no. 2 hero is asking her to run his own official twitter as a result
If you don’t want to see Official Accounts content blacklist #hopelessoa
Warning for recreational drug use
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You walk into your apartment somewhat exhausted. You’d spent the whole day doing hardware fixes and tinkering with some of the new equipment the commission had sent over. You greatly preferred software so days you are primarily doing hardware work are always harder. For a moment you forget you aren’t occupying your home alone, and then suddenly you hear the sound of your kettle whistling. You wander into the kitchen to find Keigo grabbing out two mugs. His wings are finally starting to grow back in earnest although they’re still too small to fly with. Seeing them reminds you of small cherub wings almost and every so often you’ll catch him fluttering them just a little bit as if to confirm they’re really there. You notice a few of his feathers rifling through your tea cabinet to find your favorite before dropping a bag in each mug. The sight makes you smile.
“Isn’t your spot typically on the counter little techie?” Keigo asks, interrupting your thoughts as he pours the hot water. You hop up on the counter and take the mug he offers you. “That it is Kei,” you smile. “You sent your friends to check on me,” he replies casually as he moves to lean against the counter just like that first time the two of you had tea together. “I did,” you confirm. “Thank you. I hated it but I needed it. So thank you.”
The two of you lapse back into silence for awhile. It’s different this time. Not uncomfortable per say, but there’s a weight to the silence. You can tell Keigo wants to say something but can’t quite get himself to. Perhaps he’s searching for the perfect wording to express his thoughts. Perhaps he isn’t sure he’s truly ready to share them at all. Regardless, you wait patiently. You wait patiently even as your tea cools. You wait patiently even as you start to drink it. You’re still waiting patiently as you finish off your tea and Keigo’s grip tightens around his still full mug in apparent frustration. You put your own mug down before carefully prying Keigo’s away from him. He waits for the moment you ask what’s wrong, a sense of failure already sinking in because even with how much he’s let his guard down around you he still can’t completely let go. He dreads the moment you ask because he just knows he won’t be able to tell you and it will break your heart again. He braces himself. And then you ask your question: “Wanna get high for the first time?”
He blinks at you, surprised, and wonders how you do it. How did you know he wouldn’t be able to handle disappointing you again? “Sure,” he finally replies. “I’ll meet you on the balcony,” you tell him with a small smile before hopping off the counter and heading to your bedroom, where Denki had left the remaining weed from the party the other night. By the time you head to the balcony, the door is open and Keigo is sitting on the floor outside, staring up at the sky. You close the door behind you as you step out to join him before taking a seat next to him. He watches as you somewhat clumsily roll a joint for the two of you. “Denki has always been better at this than I am,” you chuckle sheepishly. “I think you’re doing great,” Keigo responds. “Of course you would. You have no idea what great rolling looks like,” you tease before procuring a lighter from your pocket. “Ok, so here’s how this goes,” you start, “if you don’t want to cough here’s the trick. First bring the smoke into your mouth, hold it there for a second, and then inhale more and bring it into your lungs. Got it?” “Got it.” “Good.”
You put the joint to your lips and carefully light it. You take your time drawing it in and Keigo can’t help but think there’s something strangely beautiful about the way you do it. When you’ve finished you pass it to him and watch as he carefully follows your directions. You resist the urge to giggle at how serious he looks. “Relax Keigo, that’s kind of the point,” you tease. He rolls his eyes but does his best to not think quite so much on his second hit. After you’ve each taken a few hits, you give him a considering look and then decide to address what had made you invite him to smoke with you in the first place. “Look I’m not saying you should make weed the answer every time you’re struggling to open up. I refuse to be the reason the number two hero picks up a drug addiction. But you also looked like you were going to give yourself an aneurysm trying to say whatever it is you wanted to say. So we’re going to sit here and smoke and it will mellow you out and if you decide you can and want to say whatever it is that was on your mind in the kitchen that’s great. If not, well, that’s fine too,” you assure him. The thank you Keigo gives you is quiet but genuine, and you cherish it all the more for it.
It takes about an hour for Keigo to finally work up the courage to speak his mind.
“I owe you a talk,” he confesses.
“What do you mean?”
“About why I did what I did. I haven’t really explained. Not specifically. And you deserve that. Especially with everything you’ve done for me these past few days.”
“You don’t have to tell me anything,” you assure him. “I really, really do,” he responds.
He takes a few deep breaths, another hit, and then he slowly starts to explain: “I didn’t investigate you because I never liked you like that. I liked you so much it was frankly terrifying. Ever since that first late night at the office with you after you agreed to run my social media, you’ve shown me you understand me in ways that I didn’t even think possible. My mom didn’t love me enough to take me with her when she bolted. My dad certainly never loved me. Thank god Endeavor saved me and carted my father off to jail but I had such a clinical and tactical childhood. I... I couldn’t comprehend why you would want to be involved with me without an ulterior motive. I asked you on the date primarily to interrogate you yes. I won’t insult your intelligence by trying to lie about that. But it wasn’t because I didn’t want to be with you. It was because I wanted to be with you so bad, I desperately needed to prove you really were just crazy enough to like me back.”
“Oh Keigo... Thanks for telling me,” you say. He nods and silence falls over you both once again as you debate whether to say what’s on your mind. You take another hit, holding it in your lungs a little longer this time before releasing it into the cold night. “Now which of us is holding back?” Keigo prods as he plucks the joint from your fingers to take a hit of his own. “I just....” you sigh, “there’s something you should know about Endeavor.” “What do you mean?” “He’s not who you think he is.”
Hawks looks at you incredulously. What the fuck is that supposed to mean? “No offense but I think I know him a little better-“ “He’s a child abuser.” You’re just as shocked by your outburst as Hawks is, judging by the way he’s staring at you. “No. That’s not possible,” Hawks insists. “It’s true. The reason Dabi became a villain is because Endeavor pushed him too far in training and it literally almost burned him away entirely. Until recently Endeavor thought he was dead because of how massive the fire was. Then he trained Shoto into the ground as well to try and prevent him from turning out like Dabi. Like Touya.”
“You’re lying,” Hawks accuses desperately as he stands and begins to pace the small length of your balcony. “You know me well enough to know I’m not,” you fire back. “Who told you all this?” “Dabi.” “And you’re just going to trust him!?” “Of course not! But it makes sense doesn’t it? How the fuck else would the son of the long time number two and now number one hero end up a villain? Plus you never met Shoto in high school. He hated his father for years and even now their relationship is strained at best. It all lines up, Keigo!” you insist and it hurts. It hurts to see Hawks looking so distressed. It hurts to watch as his worldview crumbles in front of your eyes. “But I’m only here because I wanted to be like him,” Hawks finally admits, stopping in his tracks and trembling in place. “You are so much better than him,” you try to reassure the man in front of you, but as you rise and place a hand on his shoulder Hawks shakes you off. “Don’t,” he bites out before storming back into your apartment. The sound of the door slamming shut behind him feels like a gun shot in the quiet of the night.
Author’s Note: Idk if people noticed this but I’m very intentional with when I refer to our bird boy as Hawks vs when I refer to him as Keigo. Or at least I try to be. It was a bit of a last minute decision to have (y/n) reveal Endeavor as human garbage to Keigo in this chapter but I’ve been thinking about how he’d react to finding out his childhood hero is an abuser and this came out as a result.
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