#i may have made it too peppy
9haharharley1 · 9 months
I'mma keep it coming with I wanna see your head canons for Danny tbh I wonder if we're similar about the boy. So I guess 002
How I feel about this character:
I love him, I really do! I had such a crush on Danny when I was a teen, made worse (or better, idk) by the fact that when the show aired, I was also just entering high school. So it was one of those, "oh look! A socially awkward teen also has to deal with the stress of living! He's just like me fr (minus the ghost powers on my part)!"
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Romantically? Vlad, Valerie, Clockwork, and Dan, but mostly Vlad.
Want to see him get railed and ruined and crying? Dan, Nocturne, Skulker, Wulf, Walker.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Tucker and Sam (provided Sam can get over some of her holier-than-thou attitude)
My unpopular opinion about this character:
This boy doesn't have a dominant bone in his entire body. I don't like reading top Danny fics, my boy deserves a break, and I'm also not a fan when he's taller and beefier than Vlad either. I stan a short king and I will take no criticism.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
It's a kids' show, so I know this was never gonna happen, but I would have loved to see him have a full psychological break. I'm talking an entire episode dedicated to Danny having a complete and total panic attack, Batman the Animated Series style. Parents want to catch and study him, one of his best friends keeps pushing him to do the superhero thing, parents and peers are pressuring him to date said pushy friend, he's failing in school, he can't retaliate against his primary bully, his future is screwed if he doesn't watch himself, the ghosts keep coming and they won't fucking stop, his sister keeps giving him these worrying looks like she's worried, why should she be worried? He's fine, everything's fine, he's only half-dead, what's the big deal?
Danny eventually has that panic attack the closer he gets to graduating, unsure of his future, scared he's gonna fail and never be able to leave Amity Park, terrified that all he has to look forward to is fighting ghosts and running/hiding from his parents. His future is forever uncertain because the alternate time line, and his friends can't understand, even if they're trying, but they just can't know what's going on with him, and he sees the fear in their eyes every time he brings up that dark future. He could go to Clockwork, but Clockwork will only give so much advice. He doesn't share more than is necessary to keep time in tact, so he eventually breaks and goes to Vlad. Who else could possibly understand if not the only other halfa in existence?
Basically, I would have loved to see him become increasingly overwhelmed until he had no choice but to run away and go to Vlad's. They make a temporary truce long enough for them to bond over their shared plight.
my OTP:
Pompous Pep, of course (you will pry this ship from my cold, dead hands)
my cross over ship:
a headcanon fact:
Danny totally had a crush on Vlad the first time they met. He thought he was handsome and charming and all that gross first crush stuff, and he actually enjoyed talking with him, even if him hitting on his mom was super fucking weird. Danny could look past that because he knew his mom wasn't interested, was happily married, and when Vlad wasn't focused on her, he could be pretty cool. Too bad he had to go and ruin it by revealing his evil intentions.
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hihi! hope you’re doing well :)
i was wondering if you could write headcannons for phoenix drop high Gene, Garroth & Blaze with a popular reader? like reader is well known in phoenix drop high, super energetic, kind and captain/leader of a big sports team/club? maybe just general headcannons (including how the two get together?)
tysm <33
A/N: i had a lot of fun writing this!! im sorry it took a while, i was sick when the request was sent and got sick again in the middle of writing im good now - for the most part at least
i hope you enjoy read this! :3
!! WARNINGS !! i feel like PDH!gene needs a warning of his own, gn!reader, you/your pronouns used
You were the volleyball club president, the cheery type who had a knack for making friends.
Gene is in no way fond of the popular types; so then why did you catch his attention? 
Why does his heartbeat pick up when he sees you smile, when he hears your laugh?
Gene is a selfish person, he takes what he wants - and in this case he wants you.
He considered trying to find something to blackmail you with, and get you to join the shadowknights.
But you always had people around you, and everyone knew what he was like, so there was no way they'd let him pull you away for a private conversation. 
But he found himself with the perfect opportunity one day after school. 
Your teammates had other obligations they needed to attend to; this left you to put away the equipment. 
He dismissed Sasha and Zenix (mainly Zenix as he had a tendency to speak without thinking). 
He approached you, and offered to help clean up. 
It was almost unnerving how nice he was being - you may have been a friendly person but you weren't stupid. you knew he was planning something.
You chose to be nice to him, but you kept your guard up. 
Time passes and you guys finish cleaning up, you say goodbye to Gene, and leave. 
Only after you leave does he realize he didn't even bring up you joining the shadow-knights. 
He just spent time with you, talking and hanging out like you were old friends. 
This is the first thing that made him question his plan.
PDH gene is by no means a good person - but even he has some morals. 
After this you would say hello to him in passing and make small talk - again acting like you two had been friends for years. 
You were just too sweet, and it chipped away at him. 
Eventually he completely forgot about forcing you to join the shadowknights. 
Although you weren't a shadowknight, you were friends. 
And not just with him, you were nice to Sasha and Zenix too. 
Sasha had gotten rather attached to you, and although Zenix would rather die than admit it - he quite liked having you around. 
Of course other people questioned why someone as sweet as you would be friends with them. Were you being forced?
you would always respond with “they're actually really nice” - Which no one believed of course.
But Gene quickly shut down all the questions, and no one really wanted to get on his bad side; so they stopped asking you about it.
Your relationship with Gene slowly changed, you two never acknowledged it.
but you both knew you weren't just “friends” anymore. 
Gene isn't the type to be explicitly romantic or loud with his affections - he's more subtle about it. 
He asked you out in a very casual way - you two were hanging out at his house. 
You were scrolling on your phone absentmindedly while he was playing a game, when he suddenly asked:
“Do you wanna go to the coffee shop this weekend?” “Sure!” “It's a date then.” 
No beating around the bush with this man. 
It's an interesting dynamic between you two - but he wouldn't have it any other way. 
Garroth is a naturally charismatic and sociable person.
This, along with him being the baseball team captain, meant it was only natural for Garroth to be well acquainted with other sports captains. 
You were the track and field team captain. 
Much like Garroth you were charming and peppy, and had a tendency to naturally draw people to you. 
On the first day of the new school year, you were tending to the track and field club’s stand. 
Some other club leaders asked for your help; because of this a handful of nearby freshmen got the impression that you were helping with everything, and not just your own stand. 
You were happy to help, but you didn't anticipate being suddenly surrounded by a large group of over-excited freshmen who kept talking over each other.
You tried to help them all, but it was getting overwhelming.
As if he could hear your thoughts, Garroth redirected the freshmen to the mentors - he also offered to help out with the track and field stand. 
He wasn't very busy with the other members tending to the baseball stand.
You gladly accepted his help - although you and Garroth were friendly before this, you weren't very close.
After this day your friendship blossomed; the two of you would often spend free time together and even help each other with team captain responsibilities.
If either of you had a match, the other would be sure to come and cheer. 
With the two of you being as popular as you were, it was only inevitable for rumors to start about you two dating.
Garroth brushed it off and acted as though he wasn't affected by the silly rumors - but that wasn't really the case.
Truthfully he had been harboring feelings for you for some time, and these rumors gave him a chance to see how you'd react to the idea of you two dating. 
He did sometimes flirt with you, but played it off as a joke causing you to respond with joking flirtation of your own (was it really a joke tho). 
When you didn't seem opposed to the idea, his heart jumped out of his chest.
He took the first chance he got and asked you out. 
He's so cute guys I love him.
You had been the tennis team captain for over a year - your popularity grew along with the tennis club as you led the team to win many matches.
had been receiving complaints by team members about a group of werewolves that kept stealing tennis balls in the middle of matches.
A few lost balls wouldn't be much of a problem, but they kept doing this until the players had none left.
You knew if you went to the werewolves responsible yourself the chances of them listening to you were little.
So you opted to go directly to the principal - so far she seemed a lot more competent than the previous principal, so you had hoped she'd be able to help you.
But these hopes were quickly diminished when she said she couldn't intervene as it was a “werewolf issue”.
You argued it was affecting the tennis club members who were human and meif'wa as well.
But she made some vague excuse about having a meeting and told you to talk to the werewolf studies teacher about it. 
After having any and all hope in the new principal destroyed, you went off to find the werewolf studies teacher.
When you explained the situation to him he informed you that this was the responsibility of the “alpha” and he couldn't do much.
By this point you were getting very frustrated - you had to run all over the school to find someone to help, only for them to tell you that they couldn't do anything. 
To your relief you were informed that the werewolf alpha was Aphmau (you decided to not ask why a human was the werewolf alpha). 
You weren't super close with Aphmau, but you met her once when you and Katelyn were playing tennis - you’d had some friendly interactions since and you had hoped that she wouldn't dismiss you like the last two people.
You managed to find her as she was talking to a red haired werewolf - you had seen him around a few times. His name was Blaze if you remembered correctly.
She was friendly as usual when you approached her, but you noticed she seemed more tired and even a bit frazzled.
You explained the situation to her and she was very understanding, but you could see that just thinking about handling this made her look even more tired.
That's when Blaze interrupted and said he was happy to help, as aphmau had to focus on choosing an alpha male - whatever that means.
You were ecstatic, after all that running around you finally found someone who could help.
Blaze was very sweet- and although he was a tad clueless when it came to certain things, he certainly had the spirit.
You helped Blaze find the responsible werewolves and at first he was explaining to them that they shouldn't steal things that don't belong to them. 
However after they were not very receptive to this, he took a more,, “hands on” approach.
You knew after going to this school for some time that werewolves would often solve conflict by fighting.
But you didn't expect blaze to throw the werewolves out the nearest window and then jump out after them??? 
You just wanted your team members to be able to practice in peace.. How did this happen-?
By the time that you reached downstairs where they were, the group of werewolves were standing in front of Blaze, looking down silently.
Blaze was grinning and looked very proud of himself - he seemed to be waiting for you to tell him he did a good job.
You didn't expect a 6’3 werewolf to be so.. Cute? 
You thanked him for his help and told him he was welcome to play with the tennis team whenever he pleased.
In the following weeks your friendship grew - he would join your practice in his free time. 
Although when he did it was mostly him chasing after the ball and forgetting he's supposed to hit it with the racket. 
As you grew closer, Blaze started noticing that his feelings towards you were changing. 
He always thought you were rather cute but he didnt think too deeply about it. 
But his desire to be around you grew.
subtlety isn't Blaze’s strong suit - the second he realizes he has a crush on someone, he starts following them around everywhere and his affection grows tenfold. 
He's a naturally affectionate person towards his loved ones, but you noticed that it's different with you. 
One day you decide to ask him about it and he just looks at you and just flat out confesses.
He was under the impression that he was being quite obvious. 
He's so <3333
I love him 
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storiesfromafan · 2 months
Benny x Reader Pt 2
A/N: here is part 2 of my Benny series. I like how this turned out. I hope you all like it too. I am about half way through part 3 haha.
Also, The Bikeriders was released yesterday on Prime Video here. So I had to buy it. Night 2 of watching it lol.
Part 1
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“When was the next time you saw Benny?” Asked Danny.
You smiled at the memory. “Believe it or not, outside the bar”.
“What were you doing there? Did you go in?”
It was Saturday night, and you were dressed up in one of your going out dresses, hair and make-up done. All at the request of not only Lilly but your mutual friend Anne, aka Miss Prim and Proper. How did this happen you may ask? It began earlier in the week, Anne had popped into the diner you had gotten a job at, thanks to Lilly’s help. Both you and Lilly had been casually working when Anne had come in.
She was all smiles and bubbly, which kind of irked you. How could one person be so peppy? But I guess if you weren’t currently working, you’d be happy too. The girl was all about gushing over this young man from her church, talking about him and his prospects. Even dropping that she had a movie date with him on Saturday night. Lilly listened more then you had been, as you weren’t that interested in anyone’s love life, let alone having one yourself.
“I came in because you see, Ricky has these two friends” Anne began looking between you both. “And they are looking for dates for Saturday night. So, I was wondering…”
“I’m in!” Lilly said without hesitation.
Both women turned to you. “Hmm?” You asked wiping your hands on your apron.
“Saturday night, dates?” relayed Lilly leaning against the counter. “You’re in, right?”
Recalling the memory, you had wished you had put up more of a fight in not going. But somehow Lilly had twisted your arm, getting you to agree to a triple date. As I said, both Lilly and Anne had been the ones to pick out your dress and instruct you on hair and make-up. You wont lie, you did look good. But you felt so uncomfortable, not being used to this. Yet you did it nonetheless for Lilly.
Another thing you had wished was that you had taken your dad’s pick-up truck, that way you could have taken off whenever you wanted. But sadly, Lilly was also driver for the night. Which is what you were currently doing, driving around town, yet not to the movie theater. The three of you were currently on a detour to see Uncle Johnny, as Lilly had to see her Uncle for her parents. Thankfully you were already driving when Lilly dropped the news, or else you think Anne would have refused to travel with you both.
“Can’t it wait till tomorrow!?” Protested Anne in the backseat.
“I wish, but unfortunately it can’t” Lilly replied apologetically. “I promise to be only five minutes!”
With that Anne took to sulking in the back seat, arms crossed over her chest while fear and distaste evident on her face. You shared a look with Lilly as the bar came into view. She pulled up and parked the car across from the bar, once more saying she’d be five minutes before getting out of the driver’s seat. Anne made an annoying noise, which lead to you opening your door to get out.
“Don’t leave me too!” Called Anne leaning forward and grasping the seat you’d just been in.
You softly sighed before turning back to her, “I’m not leaving you. I’m just going to stand outside. Think of it as guarding you”. With that you closed the door before she could reply. Maybe you were a little rude, but she was acting like a child.
Lilly came around to you, both of you taking a few steps from the car. “I won’t be long; I honestly didn’t think this would be her reaction” she muttered to you.
“It’s alright, just get in there and get out before she flips out more” you smiled nodding to the bar. “See you when you get out”.
Lilly smiled before bouncing off to the bar, which a few men were entering, so they held the door open. Once she and the bikers disappeared inside, you stepped back to the car and took to leaning against the cool metal of the passenger door. You could hear Anne but paid her no mind.
Instead, you ran your hands down the front of the sleeveless shift dress, in a baby blue color with four buttons down the front for embellishment, you were wearing. Crossing your arms over your chest you looked down at the simple flat mod shoes, in a light brown and white, with a small, tied ribbon fastening them on your feet.
Lost in thought over your clothes, you were brought back to reality when you heard the incoming roar of a motorcycle. You turned your gaze to the direction that it was coming from, and that was when you saw a figure emerge from the darkness. You couldn’t see them properly but could make out their strong build. The small bursts of light washing over him, allowing small, better glimpses.
Before you knew it, he had arrived, pulling up before moving his bike back to rest the back tire to the curb a meter from where you stood. You noted his dirty blonde hair and matching stubble, the dirty white jeans and black boots, paired with his Vandal’s jacket. Straightening up you watched him closely. He had turned off his bike by now but remained seated before pulling out a pack of cigarettes from the inside pocket of his jacket. Pulling one from said packet, he placed it between his lips before returning the packet to its home in his jacket. Next, he pulled out his lighter, which he sparked up as he lent his head down to light the cigarette. Satisfied with it lit, he pocketed the lighter.
While you had been observing him, the young Vandal had seen you standing by Lilly’s car. Only when he got closer did he finally recognize you as the Angel from Fred’s farm. Once pulling up and parking his bike, Benny had decided he wasn’t in a rush. Taking you in, looking from under his lashes as he lit his smoke. He liked the dress you wore, liked the look of your legs, but to be honest he was more into the woman he’d seen on the farm. Light sweater, dirty jeans and tennis shoes. She looked wild. While now you looked like most of the girls that ran around town.
You noted the way he had lent down to spark his cigarette was captivating. The flame from the lighter illuminating his face for a moment. You couldn’t lie, he was gorgeous in a devil-may-care kind of way. The way he lifted his hand and took the cigarette between his fingers, removing it from his sinful lips, he released the smoke he had drawn in. How could this guy make smoking a cigarette look so sensual. His facial expression remaining impassive and uncaring, like you weren’t even there in this moment.
Benny moved to lower his bikes kickstand, once making sure it was standing on its own without a chance of it falling over, did he finally swing his leg over and stand by his bike. Purposely he had chosen to stand with his back to you, making it less obvious that he had been watching you, watching him. He could feel your eyes on him still, which brought a small smile to his face. Eventually he turned from his bike and began to cross the street, sights on the bar before him. And with every step, your eyes continued to watch him. And he was enjoying every moment of it.
You admired his back when he was standing next to his bike, you even liked what you saw as he walked away from you. Yet, you preferred looking at his gorgeous face. Your cheeks warmed up at your thoughts, noting this had never happened before. Turning your gaze from the man before you, you took a moment to take a deep breath before releasing it. Then you returned your gaze back to the bar, only now you saw the man at its door. He stood there, looking back at you with an unreadable look on his face as he stood with the door open.
You wanted to believe he was silently inviting you into the bar. The passive expression on his handsome face continuing to ensnare you. And when he tilted his head toward the open door did you note that he was indeed sending out an invitation. But to what exactly? What lay behind those doors? You had heard stories from Lilly, but what would you be witness too.
Just as you were about to take a step away from the car, the gaze with the Vandal was broken when Lilly came out of the open door. She said a few words to the man holding said door, which prompted him to turn to her. You felt the air come back to your lungs, when you had held your breath, you were unsure. Watching them, you saw Lilly pat him on the shoulder before he reluctantly entered the bar. But not without one more look your way, a look of disappointment on his face.
Lilly came bouncing over to the car, rounding it before getting into the driver seat while you somehow moved to get into the passenger seat. Starting up the car she sighed, running her hands over the steering wheel.
“See, I told you I wouldn’t be long” she mused.
You nodded your head. Still trying to wrap your head around what just happened.
“You alright?” Lilly asked with concern before pulling away from the curb.
“Ah, yeah” you managed to get out smoothly.
“Thank God we’re finally getting away from there” Anne said relaxing. “But what was with you and that guy, (Y/N)?”
Lilly looked to you before back to the road before her, her mind putting the pieces together slowly. “Benny?” Lilly asked confused.
“Is that his name?” You asked airily.
“If you’re talking about the one that was holding open the bar door when I left, yeah that’s Benny” replied Lilly turning down a street, now only two blocks from the movie theater. “Why? What happened?”
Before you could speak, Anne beat you to the punch. “He pulled up beside us, she was watching him like a hawk! And then when he was holding open that door, he was staring at her, while she stared at him! It was like he wanted her to go into the bar!”
You scoffed. “I wasn’t watching him like a hawk. I was trying to work out where I’d seen him before, which was at the farm the other day” you defended yourself. You only now clicked on that he had been at the farm when you had embarrassed yourself. “And like I’d have gone into the bar. God knows what goes on in there”.
Lilly gave you a pointed look. “You just worked out he was at the farm, huh? And you wouldn’t have gone into the bar, hmm?”
“Yeah, I just worked it out” you muttered, knowing she was reading you right now. She knew, she could tell you fancied the biker. But didn’t say anything. Not yet.
Anne continued to prattle on about the bar and the biker, thankfully it didn’t take long to arrive at the parking lot by the theater. Once out of the car all talk of Benny and the bar died down. Replaced with Ricky and his friends. Anne led you both, Lilly linking arms with you and whispering that you had to have a chat later, to which you rolled your eyes. Though you both did laugh after. There was no escaping your friend when she wanted details.
Upon arriving at the movie theater, Anne spotted her date and his friends. She bounced over with a big smile, running her hand over her hair. You and Lilly shared a look before moving over to the four people. Anne didn’t take long to introduce you to Ricky, who in turn introduced you both to Edward and James. Lilly instantly took a liking to Edward, taking to calling him Eddy, which the man didn’t mind. So, you were paired up with James, who seemed nice, but kind of shy.
The six of you stood around out the front of the theater, looking at the different posters and trying to pick from the three movies that screenings were coming up. You stood back with James, while Lilly voiced her opinion on some rom-com, while the other two males tried to steer clear of that movie. James commented on the other four, which you awkwardly replied to. This was not how you thought this would go. But to be fair you had no idea what to be in for really. Finally, once a decision was made, the three men went to the booth and purchased the tickets.
Just as they returned to you three, did you hear numerous roars coming down the street. You looked in the direction of the sound, soon seeing bikes and their riders riding past the theater. It was when James was handing you your ticket did you see Benny again. He was a few bikes behind Johnny, who was the lead. Benny sat comfortably upon his bike, one hand on a handlebar while the other resting on his upper thigh.
Before he had even seen you, you were already looking in their direction. And when your gaze landed on him, Benny wanted to smile. For you weren’t even paying attention to the guy beside you, your date. He was your focus, and he liked that, a lot. He licked his lips, hiding the smile that wanted to take form. Next chance he got; Benny told himself he would speak to you.
Lilly waved to her Uncle and his boys, some waved back at her, to the disdain of Anne. Grabbing onto the arm of her date, Anne pulled Ricky into the movie theater, done with bikies. Both you and Lilly, along with your dates, waited for the Vandal’s to pass before heading into the theater to catch up with Anne and Ricky. Lilly gushed over her Uncle and his Vandals, she was so spirited about the motorcycle club, which made you chuckle. Though you don’t think her date shared the same enthusiasm.
Your date remained quiet, having you think he might have been intimidated by the passing club. And with every word Lilly spoke of them, he seemed to shrink back. That was all you needed to know that this man didn’t like them, but rather he feared them. Most people in the town did, for the club had this air about them, and tended to not entirely follow the law. You did get through the movie with James next to you, being respectful of not moving a muscle or laying a finger on you. Which was fine with you. Secretly you think he might have been observing you when The Vandal’s rode past. And he probably noticed you staring at Benny.
“How did the date go?”
You sat back with your arms crossed, smile on your face. “It wasn’t too bad. James was nice, but not for me. Lilly’s date unfortunately was discouraged to see her further, when Johnny found out how much of a pig he was”.
“That bad, huh?” Danny questioned with a chuckle.
“Oh yeah” you laughed. “He was found out to be married and trying to have his cake and eat it too”.
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aspartame-parent · 4 months
Random X-Men Headcanons!
Me and my friend have compiled a lot of headcanons for the X-Men (mainly formulated from jokes) so I wanted to put some here! A few of these are headcanons, most are jokes lol
Kurt listens to really peppy music when he's upset, the main one being the Beach Boys. Just imagine him, poor little German boy, singing Surfin' USA tiredly, trying to turn his mood around.
Erik listens to girly pop music, mainly Katy Perry and Ke$ha. Why? Because it's funny. Let him be girly pop.
Scott tells a lot of jokes but he's deadpan so people can never really tell. Like sometimes he'll just say some insane shit, plain faced, and see how the others react.
Dancing headcanons! Remy is a very good dancer, being particularly prolific in swing dancing. Logan somewhat refuses to dance, but he can line dance. Morph doesn't know how to dance, but they act like they can, dancing like a drunk white girl. Scott and Jean like to dance in private, but Scott gets nervous to dance in front of others. Ororo can bust that shit down.
Scott tries not to laugh when he, or someone else, is doing a bit. Like he tries not to break as he jokes along, to the point where he has to stop talking to not smile, biting inside of his mouth.
Furthermore! He also has a loud laugh, and people get a little caught off guard when they hear it. Me and my friend have described his laugh as a goose honk sound.
Kurt gaslights for fun, and he can get everybody pretty good, except Scott and Jean. You may think "oh because Jean's a telepath, right?" No, because--
Scott and Jean gaslight each other for fun, and they formulate these fake, big arguments, just as a bit. So, they're very familiar with gaslighting tactics, being they lie to each other as a joke, so when Kurt tries to, they immediately meet him-- A little too well, because Kurt is used to just messing with people.
Scott will occasionally freak people out by lowering his glasses (keeping his eyes closed of course). Like someone says "Hey, take a look at that." and he'll lower his glasses and go "Where?!" as a joke.
Everyone loves Kurt. Like, everyone. If Kurt doesn't like someone, everyone has a distaste for them as well.
Jean refers to her own psychic abilities as her "Jedi Mind Tricks"
This one isn't really a headcanon, just a running gag me and my friend do, but something bad will happen, or something inconvenient, and Remy will go "Don't worry.", insistently. Like a loud explosion can go off, and Remy will just say "Don't Worry." Occasionally this will be lengthened to "Don't what? Worry!"
We don't call Leech by his name. We call him Gneep Gnorp. That's it.
Kurt and Remy are super close (as pseudo brother in laws) and they hang out a lot, also doing that guy thing where they flirt with each other as a joke.
No one likes Emma. That's it.
Scott is autistic.
Warren is well manicured. He always has his hair just as he likes it, his wings always preened, his clothes always ironed. He'll a snazzy lookin' fella.
Rogue is a great singer. This barely a headcanon, her voice actress literally put out a song "Mojo Man (Ode to Remy LeBeau)", go listen to it.
Kurt's very coy and playful. Like, "Staaahhppp, hehe!" He also laughs at his own jokes all the time, like he cracks himself up.
Music headcanons! Here's just a few of the ones we made-- Scott likes dad rock obviously, mainly soft rock and folk rock (The Beatles, Hall & Oates, The Beach Boys, CSNY), Logan likes harder rock (Metallica, Alice Cooper, Motley Crue, Iron Maiden), Morph likes new wave and glam rock (Oingo Boingo, David Bowie, Talking Heads, Tears For Fears), Remy likes a fun mix of jazz, country, and soul, with a little rock sprinkled in (Johnny Cash, Ray Charles, Billie Holiday, Queen), Jubilee likes a lot of pop, pop-rock, that sorta thing (Cyndi Lauper, Madonna, ABBA, Wham!)
Kurt has a lil hyperfixation on pirates and ships-- this is kinda canon in the comics. But he loves talking about pirate history and ships and misconceptions.
I'm sure there's a bunch of ones I can't remember but there ya go lol
thanks to @the-death-defying-night-crawler for being funny and making these with me lol
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wooziswonderfulworld · 9 months
But what if Bro Zone had successfully hit the perfect family harmony all those years ago?
Here’s my take on it:
Bro Zone: A band of 5 brothers ranging from the ages 18 to 5 years old, They where already the biggest music act in their village only having been together for about 2 years
At a time when the trolls biggest threat was Troll eating creatures called Bergens, which made them live in constant fear, Bro Zone brought a sense of relief and happiness, with their music and dynamic. In a way, Bro Zone was what kept most of their village from going grey
“When you’re people main source of happiness, there’s no room for mistakes” Their manager said to John Dory as the discussed future plans
“No room for mistakes” He would quietly mutter to himself throughout the days
“We would all be grey without you guys!”
“Listening to your music distracts me from thinking about Trollstice!”
“You guys are perfect!”
While the other brothers just took the comments as light compliments, John Dory took them more seriously
“Spruce! 100 more sit ups”
“Clay! Tell us a joke!”
“Floyd! Why do you look mad? You’re not the “mad one”
If he pushed them hard enough, then they would be Perfect.
Trollstice was only a couple months away, the brothers may have been “celebrities” but that didn’t mean the Bergens would spare them, in fact they might’ve been more eager to capture them, and eating the pop trolls most loved members, aside from their royalty
Which is why John Dory had an…idea
“TOUR?” Spruce asked baffled “Now??”
John Dory nodded “it couldn’t hurt, I mean, spreading our music further out in the world! Exploring new places like Um-mount rageous!” He said pointing to the map he had
“John-Performing at mount rageous would be IMPOSSIBLE” Soruce stressed “they’re like, giants that would easily crush us!”
“It was just a suggestion! If anything we’ll just go to other pop villages”
“Oh like, Timbre?” Floyd asked looking up fr his spot “my friend lives over there”
John Dory nodded “why is this one marked?” Branch asked pointing to the village named “Fugue”
The brothers glanced at each other, how does one explain to their 5 year old brother that the village no longer exists as the trolls that once lived there had either completely left or all been eaten “it a Um…”
“Old village! Yeah John’s map is a little out dated, silly John Dory!” Clay jumped in with a grin, Branch seemed to except that answer
“Why all of a sudden? You’ve always been content with performing in our village” Clay asked as Branch went to play “Well, with Trollstice coming”
Floyd covered his ears, he hated talking about Trollstice, they all did, but Floyd could never bare the hear that dreaded word
“I couldn’t help but think, what if one of us is next”
“JOHN!” Spruce snapped as Floyd looked like he would cry “IM SORRY! But it’s true okay?? and if it’s-god forbid-any one of us, then I at least want our names to be known by more trolls outside of our own village! This might be the only chance we get to go on a tour!”
His brothers where silent for a moment thinking
The past couple of days leading up to the tour had been hectic, the brothers where already stressed, John had been pushing them even harder
Then he made a promise
He promised they would do something no one could ever achieve
The perfect family harmony
Right there, in their home village, the very first show they would achieve the impossible
“ARE YOU CRAZY!?” Spruce shouted “The perfect family harmony?? That’s impossible!”
“It’s not and we can prove it!” John Dory argued back “we just need to practice!”
“And how will anyone know we even hit it? We could use special effects” Clay asked, John Dory pulled something from his hair
A Diamond
“King Peppy gave it to me” John Dory said, Clay rolled his eyes “that’s fake” He concluded, grabbing it and smashing it on the ground
Or attempted too
Because it didn’t shatter, or crack, or anything
Clay picked it up and chucked it at the wall, nothing, accept a dent in their wall
“Huh-I guess it is real”
John Dory rolled his eyes snatching it back with a mutter of “give me that” before tucking it back in his hair.
The days after John Dory made that promise to their fans, he’d become more and more strict when it came to their practices, everything had to be PERFECT
Unfortunately that just made the others (save for Branch) less eager to try
“John Dory, honey” Grandma Rosie Puff said motioning for him to sit with her at the table
“I know you’re eager to want to hit the perfect family harmony, but you’ll never succeed if you keep pushing your brothers away”
John Dory frowned, pushing his brothers away? He wasn’t pushing them away??
He looked at his grandma “what do you mean?”
Rosie Puff smiled “you keep pushing them and criticizing them ever since you made that promise but the more you push the further they’ll go, and soon you all won’t be in harmony”
John Dory sat silently thinking about his grandma’s words.
After that conversation, John Dory was better, his brothers began enjoying practicing, they had fun together.
The day of the concert came, the trolls had all been talking about the perfect family harmony, some even doubted they could do it, actually most doubted they could do it
Bro Zone where on stage, this was it
“ And it’s so perfect perfect perfect “
Colors surrounded the brothers as they sang and dance together, it was working! They couldn’t mess this up
“You’ll never ever wanna let it go”
The brothers harmonized together, in front of them, the Diamond placed in the stage had began to crack more and more
“Perfect Perfect Perfect”
The Diamond shattered, sending a wave throughout the crowd
They’d done it
They actually did it
The crowd cheered and went crazy
The news spread quickly and Bro Zone went from being a local band to be known world wide
Everyone knew about the brother band that successfully shattered Diamond
The brothers held concerts for crowds bigger then they ever dreamed, they where world famous
They where also heavily protected, by order of the king, they could risk their biggest source of happiness being eaten, so they where moved from their pod somewhere safer
Body guards accompanied them everywhere
During Trollstice they where conveniently sent away
Everytime they came back after Trollstice, they noticed more empty pods. Some trolls didn’t understand why they got extra protection, but when the brothers returned, the trolls seemed happier.
This was the common routine, Make trolls happy and stop them from going grey.
This was their purpose, no matter how far the ventured, them being a band kept their village alive and happy
This would be their lives, they couldn’t disband, not now.
Not with all the trolls that relied on them
Not with the king implementing special protection amongst them
Not with their promise to never leave forever.
Shattering that Diamond was only the beginning,
But it led them becoming so much more then just some boy band
They where Bro Zone, and no matter how tired they become of the boy band look, they couldn’t walk away.
Sometimes, just sometimes, They wished that perfect family harmony hadn’t worked all those years ago
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yuri-is-online · 6 months
hi, thank you for answering! i really love the fyuuture kid au!! could i ask for cater!yutu? 👀 i wonder if yutu knows there is more to him, and if yuu remembered that too in the og timeline to tell their son
👀 you may. I have a separate fic I am supposed to be writing for him but I had thoughts...
notes: they/them used for Yuu, cw for discussions of mental health and suicide, but no one self harms and nothing is described. General fyuuture kid au info can be found here and the first post can be found here. More of it can be found under the series section of my masterlist.
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Yuu's memories of Twisted Wonderland are less concrete thoughts and more feelings. They know how Cater made them feel, and bits and pieces of his personality but they lack memory of the context, so their memory tries to patch up the holes. In other words, they don't remember Cater's act was an act, and they explain him to Yutu as a creative, friendly person, who likely struggled with a form of depression.
"Your father would sometimes find himself feeling despondent, lacking energy, and motivation. There is a chance as you get older that you might feel that way sometimes too, but that's not because you are a failure or because you did something wrong. I won't hate you if you feel that way and I will never judge you for it. I will always be there for you."
It's a good call, Yutu does find himself having some periods of depression as he gets older from time to time, and the early conversation Yuu had with him allowed him to feel comfortable with discussing that with his parent. The idea that his father had similar struggles comforts him, doubly so if Yuu does as well. He thinks about his dad a lot actually, Yuu's lack of memory means Yutu's over active imagination tries to fill in the blanks.
There is a part of him that thinks his father might have lost his battle with depression and that Yuu's memory loss was due to grief. He respects his father a lot, and is determined to take care of his own and Yuu's physical and mental well being to honor him. Yutu likes to think that is what his dad would want.
He loves music, he finds playing guitar and singing to be very soothing, but he's not super interested in being in a band; he is much more interested in maybe jamming a bit and just talking with his friends. Pretty much exactly like his dad now that I think about it.
I like the thought of Cater! Yutu wanting to be a psychologist when he grows up... and knowing that Yuu isn't the wealthiest person starts working part time to save up for college. He's a very driven person, and deeply interested in what makes people tick.
Cater! Yutu is one of the Yutu's who is A) in a different dorm than his dad (Octavinelle, not Heartslabyul) and B) who sort of prefers your world to Twisted Wonderland. He warms up to Twisted Wonderland after traveling into the past and actually gets to see what it's like, but he really didn't like fighting monsters or seeing what had happened to his father, speaking of which-
He tried asking about what his father was like before he was transformed into a monster, but he didn't get a lot of clear answers. Crewel tells him that he was very outgoing and peppy, a good enough student who was really into an app called magicam that isn't around anymore due to the *gestures vaguely at the apocalypse* and Sam told him a neat story about his New Year's sale and how well his dad could work a crowd. "Good with people." That's something he hears a lot, but nothing to suggest he wasn't always happy. They do have some recordings the pop music club made they pass along to him that Yutu treasures and keeps close.
Yutu had to fight his dad's monster form multiple times to try and rescue people from the Queendom of Roses. It was painful to see a monster who is actively trying to kill him and people he has come to care about and then have him pointed out to him as his dad. There isn't any life left in Cater's eyes to recognize him, but Yutu still wants it to be there. He has so many questions and no one left to answer them.
When he travels back in time, Yutu doesn't interact with Cater immediately. His mind still associates him with blot and grueling fights, so he hangs back around Yuu and Adeuce. It was a bit difficult to get used to being around them, but it helped that Deuce is very polite and his focus on being an honor student is kind of cute. Ace though...
Ace is suspicious. He tries telling those suspicions to Cater, "Hey don't you like Yuu haven't you asked them out a whole bunch you should be worried about this-" blah blah blah, look Cater wasn't there to see Yutu arrive, and he knows the froshes like to exaggerate. There is no way Yutu fell out of the sky and it isn't a big deal that he knows so much about Yuu. They're probably just childhood friends, and those never win even if it would be kind of cute- hey maybe they're related??? It doesn't matter, Cater is determined not to think about it. Which leads to a series of miscommunications where Cater tries teasing Yutu but it just makes him look like an ass for assuming things.
Yutu actually finds this sort of interesting. Now that he actually is talking to his dad, well no. Now that he has actually heard his dad open his mouth and speak it is sort of difficult to think of him as a blot monster or to be afraid. Overblot Cater never said something like "yikes a tron 3000." He thinks he gets what Yuu was remembering about him, Cater can come off as very fake sure, but there are traces of the real him in what he does and says. His dad likes the color yellow, catchy music, being praised when he does something cool, and he wants to be taken care of by someone. Someone Yutu suspects is his parent~
It also helps that he has been stealing Yuu's phone while they're asleep (he tried their password from the future it still worked rip bozo) and scrolls through Cater's magicam feed to try and get a sense for what he liked in between all the trends. He noticed the skateboard stuff and made sure to ask about it by saying something about how "oh I heard about it from Yuu, they thought it was really cool."
Cater isn't really ready to be a dad, but he is surprisingly chill when he learns just who Yutu is.
"Oh please you're here aren't you? You wouldn't be unless I wanted you." Cater sounds so ridiculously sure of himself that Yutu half wonders if he is talking to someone else. But no, it's his dad. His very creative, very good with people, sometimes a bit depressed dad who respects him enough to be honest with him. "You have to know that Yuu wants you to be here, right? I didn't screw that up for you, did I?"
"It wasn't you." He needed to say that out loud for himself, because it wasn't. Yutu's Cater was dead a long time before he ever got to see him. "It looked like you, but it wasn't you."
They like to play music together sometimes, but in typical pop music club fashion they usually just eat snacks and talk. Yutu wants to play some of the music on the recordings Crewel gave him with Cater and Cater wants to make new tracks. He is a bit disappointed that there was no magicam in the future for Yutu to tell him about, but he is just as happy to hear weird trends from Yuu's world.
Cater likes to bring Yuu in to these jam sessions sometimes. He does like to do couple stuff with Yuu on magicam sometimes, but he prefers to keep his more genuine emotions and moments to himself. He will get very embarrassed if he finds out that Yutu has been taking pictures with the ghost camera behind his back.
The future that Yutu came from scares him, he would prefer someone else take the lead on figuring out how to fix it, but if monsters begin attacking in this time? Well he has no problem taking point on that, hey he's heard kids find things less scary if they see their dad's there to protect them.
And Cater is pretty scary when he's mad about missing out on something ♡
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lemoncrushh · 3 months
Fratboy Harry - Part 9
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Summary: Harry Styles was a boy with a reputation, one that you couldn’t care less about. Yet one night at a frat party changed everything.
Warnings: Smut, drinking, angst, a very cocky Harry. 18+ ONLY!!
Part 9 Word Count: 2516
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After having basically a week from hell, Saturday had finally rolled around again. Despite having met with your professor, you didn't do as well on your English exam as you'd hoped. On Wednesday you'd had a job interview that had seemed way too short, and you doubted you'd be offered the position. And then on Thursday as you were headed toward your Ethics class, you passed a student body election going on. A guy you recognized from some of the frat parties was giving his speech, his supporters gathered around him on the lawn. That was when you spotted Harry, his arm thrown casually around the shoulders of a blonde girl. Jamie.
Your blood boiling, you began walking faster, nearly bumping into a short peppy girl who was trying to hand you a flyer.
"Please vote for Alex Webster!" she exclaimed, shoving the piece of paper in your face.
You scowled at her, practically ripping it from her hand before storming off.
"Jesus, what's wrong with you?" Jimmy asked when you dropped your backpack on your desk.
"Boys!" you yelled. "You're all so fucking pathetic."
"Hey!" he held his hands up, "Don't lump me in there, please. I'm doing my best."
Your face softened as you sat down. "Sorry, Jimmy. You just may be the exception."
He gave you a grin and patted your hand. "Whoever it is, he's an idiot if he doesn't see how great you are."
You smiled back. "Thanks."
"You going to the party this weekend? I heard it's supposed to be the biggest one this year."
You slumped in your seat and crossed your arms. "Seriously doubt it. I can't deal with fraternity boys and sorority girls anymore."
"I'll be there," Jimmy shrugged. "You can hang out with me. Get drunk and talk smack about everybody."
You threw your head back laughing. "Actually, that does sound pretty sweet."
"So you'll go?"
"I'll think about it."
So now it was Saturday and you were on your way to this stupid frat party with Mandy and a couple other friends. You'd told yourself that you didn't give a shit if you saw Harry or not. He was not your reason for going.
You weren't in the house two seconds before you spotted Jimmy.
"Hey, alright you came!" he greeted you with a hug.
As soon as he released you, your friends had already scattered in different directions. With a shrug, you followed Jimmy into the kitchen where he quickly reached for two cups.
"Nah," you shook your head. "Let's do shots."
"Really?" he raised his eyebrows.
With a wink, Jimmy grabbed the bottle of tequila and two shot glasses, pouring the gold liquid into each and handing you one. You quickly licked the side of your hand, shaking salt onto it.
"Bottoms up," you said before licking the salt and taking the shot.
The warm liquor warmed your throat instantly as you reached for a lime wedge to suck on.
"Another," you announced when you tossed the lime in the trash.
"You sure?" chuckled Jimmy.
"Let's get this party rolling!" you danced, making Jimmy laugh harder.
He poured you another shot, and this time you downed it without bothering with the salt or lime. You shook your head after swallowing, the sting making you cringe slightly. You slammed the shot glass down on the counter and blinked at Jimmy.
"Okay," you lifted a finger, "now this is a officially a party."
You stayed in the kitchen a while with Jimmy, chatting and watching other people come in and out. Mandy made an appearance, her arm looped through Keg Boy's while they shared some kind of spiked punch that somebody made. You were apprehensive to try it yourself, though it resembled the concoction that you'd been drinking the night you met Harry.
Almost like he knew you were thinking about him, he just happened to show up at that moment. In fact, you heard his laughter before he even entered the kitchen. He wore a cocky smirk as he leaned against the counter, with none other than Jamie tagging along. It was like deja vu.
With a scowl on your face, you swiftly filled a red Solo cup with the punch and grabbed Jimmy's arm.
"C'mon, let's get out of here," you said.
"What the-"
Jimmy glared at you in question as you pulled him into the living room. When you reached the sofa, he stopped and released his arm from your grip.
"Is he why you didn't wanna come tonight?" he turned to you. "The reason you were so pissed off the other day?"
"Who?" you asked as though you had no idea what he was talking about.
He pursed and lips and narrowed his eyes. "Styles."
You chewed your bottom lip. "Maybe."
Jimmy sighed and shook his head. "Y/N."
"I should have known. That guy's a prick."
"Tell me about it," you scoffed.
"I wanted to warn you that night when he was talking to you, but I didn't wanna start anything. Now I guess I should have. What did he do to you?"
"He..." you started. "You know what? It doesn't matter anymore. I came to have a good time, didn't you?"
"Yeah," Jimmy gave a lazy smile.
"C'mon then," you raised your cup.
Jimmy slowly raised his beer and you tapped them together.
"Cheers!" you exclaimed before taking several large gulps of your drink, realizing it was more spiked than you thought. And it tasted good.
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"Give me the microphone!" you shouted, doing your best to try to stand up.
About an hour ago, somebody had turned on the karaoke machine. You, Jimmy, and several other people had gathered around the floor of the living room to watch people sing off key. If you weren't feeling the effects of the alcohol so much, you would have thought it cringe-worthy. But as it was, you found it completely hilarious. After your Grammy-winning performance of a Britney Spears cover, Jimmy had rolled his eyes at you and kissed your cheek, announcing he was taking a breather and going outside. You'd wanted to stay and listen until it was your turn again.
While a girl you knew from somewhere but you couldn't place was up singing some Mariah Carey, and not too badly you might add, a cute guy came and sat next to you. You'd already forgotten his name by the time the song was over, but you didn't care. He was flirting with you, and you liked it. Especially since you'd already had...how many drinks had you had? You'd lost count.
This time you sang an 80s power ballad, encouraging everybody to sway and sing along. Cute Guy was staring at you the entire time, not so much a smile on his face, but like he was drinking you in. It made you feel sexy.
Just as you were singing the last chorus, however, Harry walked into the room and leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. You gave him a go to hell look as you returned the microphone to its stand. Then you smiled at Cute Guy before sitting down beside him again. You noticed then that your cup was empty, so you stood up to return to the kitchen to refill it. You stumbled a bit and Cute Guy helped you find your balance.
"You okay?" he asked.
"'m fine," you mumbled.
When you crossed the living room toward the kitchen, you passed Harry.
"Hi," you heard him say.
You glared at him incredulously. Then you rolled your eyes and kept walking, completely dismissing him. You entered the kitchen just as a group of people were cheering about shots. You beamed at them as you stepped closer.
"I want in!" you exclaimed.
"Hell yeah, baby!" one boy yelled, grabbing an extra shot glass.
He filled it with tequila and handed it to you. You got your salt ready and lifted your glass with everyone else. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw two other boys standing in the doorway. One was Cute Guy (damn, you wished you could remember his name), and the other was Harry. Deciding to have some fun, you seductively licked your lips before meeting the salt on your hand with your tongue. Then you threw back the shot and grabbed a piece of lime, bringing it to your mouth. You sucked on it gingerly and allowed your tongue to roll around it.
Cute Guy was grinning from ear to ear. Your little game had worked. Harry, however, didn't seem as pleased. He shook his head and crossed his arms again, looking down at the floor. As you threw away the lime, Cute Guy walked up to you.
"Can I have one of those?" he inquired.
"A shot? Sure."
Grabbing the same glass you'd used, you filled it for him. With his eyes on you, he grabbed your hand and licked it, shaking salt on it. You watched him as he licked it again, taking all the salt before tossing back the tequila shot. Your bottom lip trapped between your teeth, you grinned at him.
Without warning, he pulled you to him, his hands on your hips. When his mouth covered yours, a tiny sound escaped your throat.
"C'mon," he whispered, grabbing your hand and guiding you out of the kitchen.
You didn't miss the look on Harry's face as you passed him in the doorway, though you couldn't quite make out its meaning.
You and Cute Guy were almost to the stairs when you heard your name called.
"Y/N! Wait!"
"What?" you whined as you swung around, not bothering to hide your disgust.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Harry asked.
"What do you care?" you slurred.
"You're drunk."
"Indeed I am," you nodded. "It's a party."
You turned back around, giving Cute Guy a wink, and you continued to follow him up the stairs. When you made it to the landing, though, your knees seemed to give out and you fell down laughing.
"Shit," you muttered. "I'm so drunk."
Cute Guy didn't seem affected by it. He reached down to pull you to your feet. You tried to assure him you could make it, but your giggles erupted, and you couldn't stand straight for very long.
"Y/N," you heard Harry call again, only this time he sounded closer. Your vision had blurred suddenly, making it hard to see past two feet. "Please don't do this."
"Fuck off, pal!" you heard another voice say. You thought it was Cute Guy.
"Yeah, leave me alone, Harry!" you managed to shout.
Or at least you thought you did. You weren't sure if your mouth and your brain were cooperating. You started to feel dizzy.
"C'mon, baby," Cute Guy said. "Let's go in here."
"I think I need to lie down," you mumbled.
"Yeah, you can lie down in here."
When you heard a door close, you blinked, your vision coming back to you for a bit. You realized you were in another room, and there was definitely a bed. Hurrying toward it, you collapsed on it, closing your eyes. You felt the bed shift as someone joined you. You felt like you were under water until you felt a pair of lips touch yours. You opened your mouth, almost like a reflex, and before you knew it, a body was pressed against yours, someone else's tongue inside your mouth.
He tasted like tequila and smelled like cologne. You still felt disoriented and very confused, but too tired to fight him. Besides, he wasn't a bad kisser. When you felt his hand reach between your legs, however, you tried to push him off.
"No," you whispered against his lips. "Too tired."
"It's okay," he remarked. "I'm not."
You half chuckled at his words, though you weren't quite sure why you found them funny. You really just wanted to sleep.
Suddenly, you heard a loud knock at the door and the doorknob jiggle. Cute Guy cursed and yelled something like "go away".
"Not a chance, mate!" a familiar voice boomed. "Open the fucking door, now!"
You weren't sure exactly what made Cute Guy decide to abide by Harry's wishes, but you felt him climb off of you. Your eyes mere slits and your vision still blurry, you saw three things happen almost simultaneously. Cute Guy unlocked the door, Jimmy and another guy you didn't know rushed in and pinned him against the wall, and Harry picked you up off the bed.
"What are you doing?" you whined. "I told you to leave me alone!"
"Not gonna happen," he argued.
"You okay to drive man?" Jimmy asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Harry replied.
"Harry!" you cried, pushing on his chest as he carried you out of the room.
Ignoring your protests, he continued down the stairs and out the front door. You felt the brisk air hit you, instantly cooling the heat on your face. Harry stopped at a car, cursing under his breath.
"I have to put you down for a second," he muttered.
Throwing daggers with your eyes, you allowed him to put you down, where you leaned against the car. Harry shoved his hand in his pocket and retrieved a key fob, pressing the button to unlock the car door. Then pulling you away from the car, he opened the door.
"Get in," he insisted.
"No," you argued.
"Get in!" he repeated.
"Fuck you, Harry!" you yelled. "I'm not going anywhere with you!"
"Yes, you are."
When you didn't move, Harry picked you up like before, placing you in the passenger seat. You pouted, though your limbs felt like jelly. There was no way you could have resisted.
Slamming your door shut, Harry walked around to the driver's side and put the key in the ignition. You heard loud music as soon as he did, and you covered your ears and groaned. Harry turned down the volume and drove away.
The ride to his apartment was silent except for the low radio. He didn't say a word to you, and you were fine with that. You still felt dizzy and disoriented, though you were more aware of your surroundings than you were earlier.
You were able to get out of the car yourself when you arrived, but Harry still put his arm around you to help you walk to the front door. The apartment was dark except for a dim light coming from the bedroom. You heard Harry toss his keys on the table before setting you on the bed. You watched him through heavy eyelids as he removed your shoes.
"I'm drunk," you heard yourself declare.
Harry chuckled softly. "That you are."
"And you're still with Jamie," you added.
Glaring at you, Harry didn't say a word. Instead, he pulled the covers down and laid you back on the bed. You sighed when your head hit the pillow.
You didn't remember much after that except for the lamp being turned off and the bed shifting when Harry must have crawled in. All else was darkness.
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saltydkdan · 1 year
Hello Salt man! You seem like an unhinged enough weeb for this question:
I’m going to be the president of the anime club in my highschool this year and have no fucking idea what I should do for activities and shit.
Any ideas? If not, that’s perfectly fine too!
(Also thank you for reblogging my Peppy drawing it made my day ^^)
No problem! I loved the art
I think it’s pretty obvious for an Anime club to watch Anime, however that shit is basic, and I have some unhinged ideas.
Trivia (the least unhinged)
—Make a trivia game on PowerPoint, or on Kahoot that feature questions based on various popular anime. Get specific and weird for the harder questions.
Anime Debate Club
—(be careful with this one because depending on the group it may get heated lol)
—At the end of a meeting, choose to random anime characters
—Tell members that they can pick sides on which of the two would win in a fight, then between meetings, bring together their arguments for why, they have to have actual citation and examples of the character’s powers, or reference specific canon material
—Bonus points if one of the debate teams puts together a PowerPoint slideshow on a character’s power set, or the other characters weaknesses
—Have a judge award points for valid arguments, but have them be cracked out of their minds about it (For example, awarding points to “Comedy” characters, like if an Osumatsu-San character surviving a Ki blast could be funny? That’s a point towards them. LMAO)
NOTES: Obviously the characters chosen cannot be Goku, Vegeta, Saitama, or in general overpowered characacters. Also, having completely fucking insane match ups, or wildly specific match ups is recommended. Like Bobobo VS Dio Brando from Jojo. Or General Tao from Dragon Ball VS Gojo.
If the fight is extremely one sided, just make a list of all the ways that one side would fucking dominate because that shit is fucking funny LOL.
Weekly Book Club but for anime
—This isn’t really “unhinged” but I recently did a manga book club with friends weekly and it was super cool to meet up and discuss the chapters of a particular series and such
—You can do this for anime and assign a set number of episodes, OR do manga and provide a way to read it online
—Rotate out series every so often so people don’t feel like they’re focusing all their attention to a single series the entirety of the year
—This could be a fun thing to do casually between meetings and to talk about a little at the start
Pitch your favorite
—Have people make a short presentation on PowerPoint to pitch their favorite series that’s 3-5 minutes each, or whatever depending on how many people you have
—If you wanna make it funny make it so they HAVE to include both Pros, AND Cons about it. (Like for One Piece: PRO would be the amazing worldbuilding, and a CON would be that Oda cannot draw women)
Make an Epic OC
—Force people to design OCs for a specific series for that week. If they can draw and want to, they can draw them. If they can’t draw? Make it a stick figure, or a shitty drawing a child would make. And have them make a small write up about the character and their powers.
—This can easily be taken seriously, or just have them make an overpowered self insert, all of it is fine
Anyway that’s all my ideas! Hope this helps or inspires some of your own unhinged ideas
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ohemgeeejay · 8 months
I watched Lisa Frankenstein today with some of my friends and OH MY GOURD.
When I saw a promotional poster in my local theatre two weeks ago, I was intrigued. When I saw the trailer during the pre-show for Night Swim that same day, I was persuaded. But when I saw Diablo Cody and Zelda Williams on a poster while leaving the theatre, I knew I had to watch it.
And it did not disappoint.
That movie was so good! It was so much fun. The dialogue was fantastic, the humour was well timed and well written, the set design was beautiful, and the general aesthetics of the film were downright gorgeous. I also loved the character dynamics, especially between Lisa and Taff.
I was truly shocked to find that it’s kind of a flop. The critic reviews are so low, which doesn’t surprise me, although it does disappoint me. Especially seeing people call these characters one dimensional and stereotypical. I completely disagree; and I think the way that Taff loved, supported, and stuck up for Lisa right from the beginning was proof of that. She was more than her peppy, popular cheerleader archetype, she was a person and a character of her own.
The lack of love for this movie is crazy! I genuinely enjoyed that movie so much, and I feel an oncoming fixation.
My friend described it as slasher meets romcom and that feels like a decently accurate representation of the vibes. It’s lighter on the horror and heavier on the humour, but it’s absolutely charming.
It’s a great watch, one of the best times I’ve had seeing something in theatres in a while.
And I mean, the poster art is just the cherry on top! It’s gorgeous, and it captures the vibes of the movie perfectly. Huge props to whoever made these posters, I love them and would love to have one for my room.
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I’ve seen many call the film “uneven,” or “disjointed,” criticizing its pacing. I understand why some people may dislike it, as it’s an uncommon path of plot progression, but I found it to be very enjoyable. I think that the unusual pacing of the film only made it stand out more.
All around, I really loved this movie. If you liked Heathers, Jennifer’s Body, Beetlejuice, or any other campy cult classics, I highly recommend it. I can definitely see Lisa Frankenstein becoming a cult classic itself in a few years.
I apologize if this post is a bit all over the place, I have a lot of thoughts about this film. And a lot of love for it too. I just had to talk about it, because I cannot get this movie out of my head! I think it’s quickly becoming a favourite, and I know I’m going to have to watch it again.
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ofstarsandflames · 2 months
Hello all! Congratulations to all participating in RobStar week, both creator and audience!
Also, remember yesterday when I said I'd participate in every prompt this week? Guess which idiot decided to get covid!
This gal!
Luckily, it's not too bad! I have my Vaccines and was told I'd get better in a few days. Unluckily, I feel like I've been hit by a truck.
Thankfully, I already have drafts written up for this week! Unfortunately, a couple of them were unfinished and so I had to complete them in a hurry to meet the schedule.
This is one of two fics that were incomplete. If it is not up to par, I sincerely apologize!
Anyway, I decided to go for a more angst-y approach to today's prompt, heh-heh. Some of the content below may differ from what we are familiar with in the show, but fret not! I will expand on my ideas more once RobStar week is concluded!
With that, please go right ahead and jump right in! I hope you enjoy!
RobStar Week 2024, Day 2
Power Swap
Robin might have to kill Cyborg once he got a hold of him. 
While a majority of the cybernetic teen’s inventions had delivered positive results, there were often some that proved more difficult than what they were worth. 
The ‘Ability Monitor’ and ‘Flash Teleporter’ proved to be the latter. 
A series of hijinks occurred, resulting in both Robin and Starfire getting caught together by both inventions. 
And now here he and Starfire were, powers and clothing swapped with the other’s with broken communicators (and by definition GPS’s), as they tried to navigate the endless labyrinth that was Jump City’s National Park. 
They must have been out there for hours, seeing as the sky went from beautiful day to stark night. 
It did help that he was able to fly over the trees, gaining a better view of their endless landscape. Unfortunately, having trouble staying afloat mixed with being unable to find a definitive landmark certainly made things more difficult than they needed to be. 
Yeah, it was no longer a maybe. He was DEFINITELY going to kill Cyborg once they made their way back to the tower. 
“Everything okay?” Star asked from below. 
Robin lowered himself from the air, hoping the action looked natural despite his trouble doing so. 
“Everything’s great!” Robin landed next to her, internally cringed at how overly-peppy his voice sounded. “Perfect, even! Why, I’d go so far to say I've finally perfected your powers!” 
Suddenly, as if fate itself decided to call out his bluff, Robin’s left hand glowed an intense bright blue. That hand, leaning against a nearby tree, caused the poor timber to instantly light up in blue flames. 
Nothing, at least for the first couple of seconds.
“Huh, look at that.” Starfire said in a strangely calm tone. 
“AHHHH!” Her partner was the opposite, his features displaying pure panic. “WE HAVE TO PUT IT OUT!” 
Robin ran around in a panic. He needed to find something that could keep the fire from spreading throughout the forest! 
What to do, what to do, what to d- 
A loud hissing sound pulled him back to the present. The poor tree was now covered with a white foam, the last of the blue flames flickering out of existence. 
There stood Starfire, a mini fire extinguisher in her hands. 
Ah, right. One of the many useful tools stashed inside that signature utility belt. 
“Oh, uh…” Robin let out a light cough, cheeks warming up in embarrassment. “Nice work.” 
Starfire’s mouth curved into a small smile, her eyes obviously filled with mirth despite being covered by one of the Boy Wonder’s signature masks.
“Well!” Star said in an impressed voice, putting the fire extinguisher back in ‘her’ belt. “Looks like you weren’t lying about perfecting my powers.” 
Though his eyes were also masked, Starfire knew he was throwing her an embarrassed glare. 
“Not funny.” 
Though his hand no longer glowed blue, Robin still shook his hand in an attempt to “chase away” any lingering Starbolts. Star giggled at the sight (resulting in another glare) before she continued leading the way to their intended destination. 
“Oh, do not be so hard on yourself.” The now human girl called out to him. “I know firsthand how difficult my powers can be to manage. You are actually doing quite well, despite what you may think.” 
Even though he knew she was just trying to cheer him up, it wasn’t like Starfire was necessarily lying. 
Robin remembered the Titans’ first month as a team, having to learn about each other and how to work together in-tune with their abilities. Starfire in particular had more than a few moments where her powers flared up out of nowhere, most likely a response to how she was feeling according to her. 
On the bright side, thanks to her they managed to find better ways to fire-proof the whole tower. 
Her powers, being somewhat fire-based, often had the unavoidable side effect of rising heat.
Rising heat… 
Robin blinked in confusion. It was the middle of August and a relatively cold night, why was he so hot all of a sudden? 
And why did his stomach start hurting out of nowhere?
Suddenly, Robin felt his throat closing up. He tried to take a deep breath but found himself unable to. If anything, his breaths were coming out in short, heavy pants. 
Starfire turned, uneasy at how quiet the other suddenly was. 
She gasped at the sight before her. Robin was doubled over, one hand clawing at his throat while the other clutched his head. 
Starfire immediately ran to his side. She tried to place a hand on his back in an effort to calm him, maybe help him up to examine his condition. However, and much to her shock, the second she made contact with his skin she had to pull away. 
He was hot. Burning hot. So much hotter than was supposed to be physically possible. 
Starfire’s eyes widened in disbelief. 
She shook her head, utter distraught and confusion filling her head. 
‘Why is this happening to him as well!?’
A loud, strained gasp filled her ears and brought her out of her stupor. Robin was now kneeling, purple and silver clothing sticking to his skin as he continued to burn from the inside. 
‘No!’ Starfire internally yelled to herself. ‘This is no time to panic!’ 
She may not have known why this was happening to him, but she did know how to relieve it. 
Starfire placed herself in front of Robin, kneeling to meet his level. She held his face in her hands, ignoring the intense pain as his skin burned her hands. 
“Robin, listen to me!” Starfire commanded in a voice fit for a leader. “You need to manifest some Starbolts. Right now.”
Robin was more than confused. Why did he feel like his insides were on fire? Why was Starfire commanding him to produce a pair of Starbolts? Why was she so calm? 
But regardless, what else could he do except listen? 
He closed his eyes, trying hard not to think about the pain enveloping his whole body. His mind worked to recall as many rage-inducing thoughts he could muster. 
‘Nothing but a sidekick.’
A different, more controlled heat began forming in Robin’s palms.
‘My last night in Gotham City.’
A small blue flame, bursting with energy, slowly manifested in each of his hands. 
That did the trick. 
A fully formed blue Starbolt, bursting with immense power, appeared in each hand. 
“Nicely done!” Starfire’s voice was filled with relief. “Now, keep them in place for as long as you must. In just a moment, you will feel the burning sensation fade.”
Robin’s eyes widened, his masked eyes displaying a fair amount of uncertainty. 
“Star, what-” 
“Please Robin!” Starfire pleaded, never once releasing him from her hold. “Trust me!” 
Robin trusted her. Though he was still unsure of the situation, that much he knew to be true. 
Suddenly, Robin felt a wave of cool relief washing over him. The intense burning sensation slowly went down, his insides going from a painful boil to a subtle simmer. 
They were both still for a moment. Not a sound could be heard, other than Robin’s labored breathing. 
His breathing followed that pattern. His breaths went from difficult, painful huffs to the simple, mindless action it had always been before that moment. 
Almost as quickly as it began, Robin was back to his not-so-normal current self. 
“Thank goodness!” Starfire let out a sigh of relief as she helped the other to his feet. “I was so worried it would not work!” 
Robin watched the Starbolts in his hand slowly fade away, trying his best to process what just transpired. 
“Star?” Robin asked, his eyes never leaving the flame in his palm. 
Starfire’s body froze. His voice, it’s tone… why did it suddenly hold so much weight? 
“Y-yes, Robin?” 
The dancing blue flame, once brighter than the moon shining in the black sky above, flickered when the hand it stood on closed. 
Even if it was dark, Starfire could not miss the heavy stare directed her way. 
Ears perked up, Starfire quickly snapped her head in the direction of where the sound came from. 
The others! They must have been locating them with Cyborg’s heat sensing technology! 
Starfire was relieved, thankful for their perfect timing. 
“R-Robin.” Star pointed up ahead. “Did you hear that? The others, they must be nearby!” 
Grabbing his hand, Starfire tried to listen for the direction of where the voices were coming from. 
“They must be over th-”
She tried to walk to where the voices were, but was halted in the process. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Robin planted firmly in place.
Another tug of his hand. Like before, he wouldn’t budge. 
“Why are you…?” Starfire tried pulling him with her, but without her super strength it was no use. “What are you doing? We have to go find the others-” 
 “What was that, Starfire.” 
Starfire stopped pulling. Her eyes widened behind the mask. 
“Wh-what do you me-” 
“You know what I’m talking about.” Robin was now the one to hold her hand, keeping her from running away. “What happened earlier?” 
Starfire held her breath, more nervous than she had been when she discovered her powers had been transferred to the team leader. 
She needed to be careful how she worded this, lest she makes things worse. 
“O-oh! You mean that.” Starfire giggled, attempting to diffuse the situation. “You needn’t worry about that! It simply happens whenever I go for long periods of time without releasing my Starbolts!” 
“Wait!” This revelation shocked Robin. “Are you saying you’ve felt this on multiple occasions!?” 
“Well… yes.” Starfire admitted. “I hadn’t used my Starbolts since we defended the city last week. However, I did not think my condition would pass to you.” 
“Forget about that.”
Robin grasped her shoulders, forcing each other’s masked eyes to meet. 
“How long have you dealt with this?” 
Starfire grimaced, unsure of how he would take her answer.
“How long, Starfire.” 
She considered lying for a moment. The last thing Starfire ever wanted to do was make things difficult for her friends, as it was her personal duty to aid and make things easier for them. 
Unfortunately, Robin knew her. He would know if what she said was untrue, especially since he was refusing to let this one go. 
“Since I first landed on Earth.” Star answered truthfully. “I noticed it after I first flew away from you all, and I also discovered how to relieve it soon after.” 
Robin’s eyes widened, the revelation striking him more painfully than the sensation ever felt. Seeing his reaction, Star knew she needed to resolve this problem as quickly as she could. .  
“Robin, please do not worry about me.” 
Starfire squeezed his hand in reassurance. She removed the domino mask she wore, wanting him to see the sincerity behind her words. 
“I promise you, I can handle it. It is not so bad once you are used to it, and it helps that I do not recall a life where I do not experience the feeling.” 
Robin could not believe what she was saying. 
How was he not supposed to worry, when she had just revealed that she had been experiencing that awful burning sensation since she first arrived on Earth?! 
Even if she’d had it for as long as she remembered, which was proven to be short due to the loss of her past, Starfire shouldn’t have to experience such a painful feeling on a constant basis! 
Robin wanted to say this. He knew the alien was hiding more than she let on and he wanted to know why. 
But, even if that was what he desired, it would not matter. Starfire’s eyes, while showcasing her sincerity, also displayed her resolve. 
She was not going to reveal more than she wanted. 
Robin finally released her. There was a tension in the air, so thick and heavy it needed to be hacked with a knife. 
He nodded his head to where the voices continued to shout out. 
“We shouldn’t keep them waiting. Cyborg’ll restore us back to normal once we reach the tower.” 
Starfire nodded, not wanting to risk him questioning her any further. She was not sure if she would be able to resist had he continued to be persistent. 
Star just hoped Robin would no longer look into the setbacks of her powers, for both of her sakes. Even if she did not know why, or maybe on the chance she could not remember why, she knew the answer would only lead to trouble. 
Unfortunately for her, Robin was not finished. If anything, he was just getting started.
He was going to get answers, for both their sakes.
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demonicbaby666 · 1 year
Drabble idea - JJ talking care of reader while she is sick 🤒 just all the fluff and feelings 🥰
One shot | Criminal Minds Masterlist | Masterlists
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Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: JJ x fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Words: 1.3k+
A/N: Thanks for the req nonny, hope I provided you with the fluff you wanted. It's written more comically and is a little too long to count as Drabble, but what can I say, I got a little carried away with the banter. Hope you enjoy! 💜
Hell. That was the only way to describe what your body was putting you through. Head pounding, nose stuffed with tissue and a throat that fell victim to a brutal attack of never-ending coughs, trying hopelessly to get whatever felt like it was stuck in there out. 
You’d taken refuge on the sofa that morning, knowing if you went back to bed, there was a high possibility you may never make it out again. Though the idea of withering away and meeting your final demise sounded tempting, someone would probably miss you. 
At what point you fell asleep to the tv playing reruns of god knows how many shows, you had no idea. All you knew was there was a muffled ringing coming not just from inside your ears, but from somewhere in the apartment. The door. 
Heavily considering, far longer than appropriate, army crawling to the door, you settled on unceremoniously flinging your frail body upright, trying, albeit unsuccessfully, to ignore the black spots that painted your vision. As you trudged over to the door you made a silent promise to yourself, if the disturber of your peace fell short of a good enough reason for ringing your doorbell when you were on death's door, you’d subject them to the very same torment you were going through. One cough, maybe a little sneeze would do the trick, it was only fair. 
“I swear, if you’ve lost your cat again Phil, I’ll-” you croaked out, latching onto the door handle - which would require sanitizing now, great - and pulled it open. 
“No missing cats,” JJ chuckled, continuing in a hushed tone, “though I am curious, what exactly were you planning on doing?” 
Nope. Not happening. 
Mirrors, unfortunately, very much existed, which was why you sure as hell knew you were one sight to behold. A neighbour seeing you in a heavily stained dressing gown, hair thrown into a messy bun, and not the cute kind, that'd be fine, normal even. Well, you’d like to think normally you didn’t look like someone who’d contracted some type of bug, but JJ seeing you like this. Very much not the same. So, you did the only thing you could. 
You shut the door in her face. 
“You’ll get sick.” You shouted, your voice sounding far too similar to that of a dying pelican, or any dying creature for that matter.
“Number one. You’re letting me in because I’m your girlfriend and it’s my legal obligation to look after you. Number two. I know how to break down a door. Number three. If you don’t let me in, I will break down your door.” 
“You gave me three points that were not relevant to what I said. You’ll. Get. Sick.” 
“Sorry, let me try again. Number one, you have ten seconds to open the door before I kick it down. How was that babe?” For someone stuck on the other side of a door, waiting to take care of a walking germ factory, it was quite astonishing to hear how peppy JJ was. 
Well; it was decided. It seemed there wasn’t ample room for negotiation, your front door’s life hanging in the balance and all. Knowing she wasn’t going to give up anytime soon, you hesitantly re-opened the door, peeking your head into the small open space. “If you could avoid looking at my face, that would be amazing.” 
“Oh shush, I’ve been face to face with a rotting corpse, more than once.” She stepped forward, foot pressing the door more and more ajar until there was enough space for her to slip in, during which you slugged back to the sofa and threw a blanket over your head.
“I’m not sure that was as comforting or reassuring as you wanted it to be.” It was true, comparing one’s likeness to a dead body wasn’t exactly flattering, in fairness, it may have been accurate; nevertheless, it remained a deflating thought.
JJ took her shoes and coat off, knowing where to put them, then walked over to join you, “Show me that face of yours.” She teased, pulling at the blanket. There she sat, next to you - looking stunning as ever - trying to rip away the one shred of dignity you had left. In your books, it seemed a direct declaration of war. 
“Would you stop that!” You pleaded. Too disoriented from the journey to the door and back, there was little fight left in you, making it too easy for the blonde to yank your fortress out of your weak grip, taking the single morsel of pride you had left with it to the floor. 
“There she is!” She beamed.
“I don’t think I like you anymore.” It was the fact your sulking face reached only her chest, warming it with pure adoration, that JJ remained impartial to the comment. Finding it more amusing than hurtful. 
“Well, that’s a shame, because I still like you and I’m not going anywhere. Guess you’ll just have to suffer in silence. Though, knowing you, you always have something to say.” She poked.
Disregarding the bantering jab, a traitorous smile crept onto your lips. The sight of your dishevelled face led you to believe JJ would run for the hills. She didn’t. In fact, she’d taken it upon herself, in her own way, to reassure you she felt the opposite. The declaration stunning you into silence, involuntarily gawking. 
“Are you going to let me look after you now?” She asked, trying not to laugh at the expression written all over your face. “If I get sick, you’ll just have to repay the favour and look after me.” 
“Then I’ll get sick again.” 
“We’ll be in an endless loop of domestic bliss then, won’t we?”
“Sounds heavenly.” You sardonically quibbed, earning yourself a swift elbow to the ribs. For dramatic effect, you let out a loud groan, which by no means did JJ buy, “There’s got to be a rule against that.” rubbing your ‘injured’ side. 
“I didn’t read the new edition of the ‘How to Look After Your Sick Girlfriend’ handbook, I go by the old rules.” She humoured, thinking it was quite a good comeback. Which it was, but she couldn’t know that. “It did mention something about snuggling up on the sofa though.”
Now that was a comeback that warranted appraisal. Unfortunately, in this case, appraisal came in the form of two flushed cheeks and a timid smile, both of which JJ, kindly, chose not to mention. Out-stretched arms guided you down, welcoming you into an embrace you swore had magical healing abilities. 
There was a slim chance of smelling anything – what with having a blocked nasal cavity - yet the sweet aroma of JJ’s hair made it through, whether it was a phantom smell, you didn’t care. Not when slender fingers worked on unbinding your tousled hair, running gentle strokes through stubborn knots that unfurled under her touch, much like you did. 
“You know you didn’t have to come?” The question came from a place of doubt, had the roles been reversed, you knew with certainty, you’d be doing the exact same. Regrettably, logic did nothing to cease your insecurities. 
“In sickness and in health, right?” she softly said, smiling down with so much devolution in her eyes you found yourself battling tears. 
“If you so much as think about proposing to me when I’m in this state, so help me JJ. I will sneeze so hard on you; you won’t see the light of day for weeks.” 
Putting her hands up in mock surrender, “I’ll save the love declaration for another day as well then.” 
But she didn’t. As she diligently re-convened her girlfriend duties, lulling you into a state of tranquillity Buddha would be envious of, rendering your headache near gone, three joyous words didn’t escape your grasps. 
Your eyes fluttered shut; safe in JJ’s arms, a declaration of your own filled the comfortable silence. “I love you too.” 
Tags: @criminallyobsessedcm @aws-l @babygirlscout | click here to be added to my taglist
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quillandink333 · 5 months
The Dove and the Swan Take Flight • pt. 1
Credit to @winterxisxcomingx for the beautiful banner ♡︎
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SPOILERS FOR HAZBIN HOTEL ~ Read ahead at your own risk!
After centuries spent distancing himself from his people and letting affairs of state fall into neglect, Lucifer decides it’s high time to get reacquainted with his would-be fair kingdom and brings Emily along for a grand tour of the Pride Ring.
WARNINGS: Abrahamic imagery (obviously), cannibalism, depression, PTSD, classism
Part I • Part II • Part III
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“Miss Rosie, wasn’t it? Good to finally make your acquaintance!” Lucifer greeted the cannibal overlord with performative grandiosity as he and Emily entered her parlour.
“Ah! Lucifer, Your Majesty! Oh my stars.” Rosie perked up and greeted him back with a curtsy and a razor-sharp toothy grin. “I thought I recognised you from when I saw you on the news the other day. Good to meet ya’!” His stomach did a somersault as she came out from behind her counter and shook him by the hand. “So, to what do I owe such an unexpected honour?”
As his angelic protégé followed him inside, he was gripped by a growing feeling of unease—a suffocating sense of being the centre of attention that he hadn’t subjected himself to in centuries. Nevertheless, he did his best to plaster on the peppy face he made a habit of presenting to strange sinners, for Emily’s sake if no one else’s. “Well, I wanted to thank you for the aid from your townsfolk in the battle against the exorcists! My daughter, Charlie, and I very much appreciate your support.”
“Come now, Sir, no need to be so formal with us lesser souls,” she dismissed with a wave of her hand. “I see you’ve brought company. Who’s this then?” She leaned down to Emily’s height, and the empty sockets she had for eyes made both their throats go dry.
Word Count: 3.3k
“This is Emily, a former seraph like myself,” he haughtily introduced whilst anchoring an arm around her waist. “She’s been staying with me at the castle since her fall the day after the battle. Emily, this is Rosie, the mayor of Cannibal Town.” He did his best to maintain a casual atmosphere, despite how worried he was by the wary look about her. “She’s a…an ally, you could say. She and her people fought with us at the ‘Battle of Hazbin,’ as it were,” he chuckled, “but they’re not as dangerous as they might seem. Right, Rosie?” He made sure to shoot the woman a look that conveyed all the grave protective intent he’d left unsaid, and judging by the subtle twitch in the corners of her smile, he seemed to have gotten the message across.
“Oh, no, not at all. We’re only dangerous to our victims!” Rosie laughed off his attempt to intimidate her with a rather distasteful joke, but to his surprise, he noticed Emily’s shoulders bobbing up and down in tandem with hers as she shifted her attention back to the little one. “Welcome to Hell, darling! You have my word, we’ll do our part to keep you feeling safe and welcome as long as you’re in town.”
”Oh—thank you, Miss Rosie! That’s so nice of you.” Emily allowed a glowing smile to grace her features, pleasantly surprised by the towering sinner’s air of warmth and hospitality. “I gotta say, this does seem like one of the more welcoming corners of the city from what little I’ve seen so far.”
“Well, that’s high praise indeed coming from you,” Rosie said. “Colour me flattered. For an angel, you’re quite the charmer, aren’t you?” Emily tried not to read too deeply into her well-intended comparison. “If I may ask, what was it that got you kicked out of Heaven?”
“Oh, I wasn’t kicked out. I left Heaven on my own terms a day or two after Adam’s attack—which was completely unnecessary and wrong and just revolting, might I add.”
It was all Lucifer could do to ignore the feeling of his old sins crawling on his back. Meanwhile the sinner’s eyebrows rose as she raised a lanky finger to her chin. “Well, I’ll be blessed…”
“I actually got to meet Charlie myself before then!” Emily continued. “It was when she came to Heaven for a meeting about whether redemption of sinners’ souls is possible.” She was so excited, she almost forgot to restrain herself from dropping the bomb in public. “But that’s when I learned about…the exterminations.” Her chipper exterior faltered as she recalled that moment when her delusion of a perfect world had been shattered. Lucifer pulled her back to the present with a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Anyway, that’s why I chose to leave.” She let out a cleansing exhale. “I just want to help you all however I can for as long as you need me here.”
“Hey, don’t be so hard on yourself.” Lucifer comforted her with a squeeze of her shoulder. “There’s no need to go around airing your reasons for falling to folks out here. We’re just getting to know each other.” A consolatory smile formed on his face, giving her the need to avert her eyes lest her heart skip right out of her chest. He looked back up at Rosie. “If it’s not too much trouble, would you mind showing us around town later today?”
“Oh, my pleasure, Your Majesty!” she cheerfully accepted. “Just let me take care of my last couple clients for the morning and we’ll be off, okay? There’s a little booth in the window over there, so feel free to grab something to nibble on while ya’ wait!”
“Uh, that’s alright, we’ll pass. Thank you for offering, though!” Emily chuckled awkwardly when she saw the selection of severed body parts behind the glass. “And take your time.” Keeping a firm grip on his hand, she shuffled over to the booth Rosie had pointed out and hastily took a seat.
Once they each had a nice cup of tea to sip while they waited, he took out his phone to pull up the map of Pentagram City. “I wanted to fill you in on a few unique places in Hell, starting with Cannibal Town for today, so you can get a feel for the kind of world you’re now a part of. It’s a bit different from Heaven, isn't it?” he smirked half-heartedly.
“A bit?” She laughed out loud at his gross understatement. “It’s like nothing I ever could’ve imagined… I got a taste of what Hell was like when Charlie came to Heaven, but it’s so different in person. So much more…diverse? I think that’s the right word.” She clinked her pointy nails against her teacup, deep in thought.
Glancing back at Rosie as she tended to her clients, “Would you like to hear more of what I know about the other spots I’ve planned for us to visit?” he offered.
“Ooh, yes, please!” She leaned in eagerly over the table.
He chuckled, leaning over and meeting her in the middle to show her the map. “Alright, well, next on the list is Sinsoplex. It’s a commercial district with shopping malls, clubs, and entertainment complexes galore. It’s the type of place where people can really indulge themselves and live like there’s no tomorrow, but it does require a combination of fame and wealth to really make the most of one’s time there.” He leaned back, cradling his chin as he pondered what they might get up to there. “After that, I’ll take you to Carmine headquarters in the southwest where all the industrial stuff happens. There’s someone there that I’ve been meaning to talk to and, actually, you might benefit from meeting her too.”
As he focused on giving her the rundown of their itinerary, she’d turned an infectious Heavenly smile his way despite the Hellishly sharp fangs in her mouth. “This is so sweet of you, y’know,” she interjected, begetting a raised brow from him. “Not that you’re doing this for me. Charlie was just telling me about how you’ve been trying to come out of your shell a bit more lately, since the two of you started talking again.” His expression softened and his eyes went out of focus. “I think you’re one of the bravest people I’ve ever met, in Heaven or Hell.”
Snapped out of his daze, he blushed and looked away, the tips of his ears glowing the bright tint of daffodil petals. “I... Well, you might be giving me a bit too much credit there, don’t you think?” he chuffed. “I had a talk with her about this the other day… She told me how grateful and happy she was for me that I was starting to…y’know, like you said. Starting to let more people in. Except I don’t think she realises that she and you, and maybe, arguably Maggie, are the only ones I’ve really been spending any time with.”
His gaze met hers again, and he offered a shy smile, which she returned in full. “Still, though! That’s huge progress compared to before, right? You should be proud!” But in her heart of hearts, she could see he was still trapped by the countless years’ buildup of all-consuming shame. At least for the time being, it seemed so.
“Thank you,” he sighed nonetheless. “Honestly, I’ve never been good at hearing those kinds of words, especially coming from someone like you.” He would’ve said ‘a true angel like you’ if he were less of a coward. “It’s just…” He paused, glancing down at their entwined fingers and wondering how in the world to express his next thought. “I mean, obviously I can take care of myself, but it’s nice to feel like…there are people that…want…a better life for me. People who believe that a life beyond endless suffering is really possible…for me.”
He hadn’t noticed, but she’d been tearing up, trying her hardest not to start weeping since the subject of Charlie had first come up. “I’m so happy for you,” she choked out through a beaming smile, squeezing his fingers tightly between hers until her knuckles turned white. “Really. I…I can’t imagine what the millennia have been like for you.” Finally she could feel the rise in hope out of him that she’d been longing for as he looked at her with wide, aback-taken eyes. “I’m just so glad you’re finally starting to feel more at home.”
There were mountains more of the unconditional acceptance and genuine faith in him that she was dying to express, but their heart-to-heart was cut short. “Alright, you lovebirds,” came the teasing voice of Rosie as she strode over to their side of the room, shooting them a wink and making him tear his hand away from Emily’s, his blush redoubling. “The two of you are in for a real treat today, let me tell ya.’ Shall we?”
“Oh, certainly, yes!” Lucifer snapped to his feet, then nearly missed the step down from the booth. “Ready to get going, Emily?” he said, brushing it off and extending a hand to help her up. “And stay close to me,” he added discreetly.
They followed Rosie out of the parlour and into the bustling streets, where the nauseatingly enticing smell of cooking flesh filled the air. As they walked, he could feel the empty eyes of passersby from every angle. He put his arm around her waist again, pulling her close, offering his body as a shield. He could tell how abjectly terrified she was behind the glimmer in her eyes and the jaunt in her step and the way she swung his hand back and forth in hers. On the inside, he was kicking himself. It had been so long since he’d last shown his face anywhere, it hadn’t even occurred to him that he’d need a disguise. As for Emily, she wouldn’t have attracted so much attention if she’d already gotten the hang of concealing her wings; he was still working with her on that one.
Glancing behind her and immediately picking up on the king’s hyper-awareness, “This is one of the most harmless districts this side of the Pentagram,” Rosie assured, gesturing towards the rows of quaint, weathered shops all around. She offered Emily a smile, who was happily following, confused as to why Lucifer seemed so on edge. “You should be perfectly safe here today, Your Highness.”
This made her burst out in a contagious laughing fit at the wildly inappropriate way Rosie had just addressed her. “Oh, please, don’t call me that,” she snorted. “I’m a runaway; I don’t have any authority over anyone at the moment. Just call me Emily. Or Em, or Emmy—please just anything but Your Highness.”
“Well then, little miss sparkly eyes,” Rosie began, making her giggle, “I gotta say that dress looks gorgeous on you. Did ya’ make it yourself?”
“Yes! I did! How did you know?!” Emily had received a tip from Alastor the day before, despite Lucifer’s warnings to stay away from him. What the radio demon had told her pertained to a certain standard of dress supposedly upheld in Cannibal Town. With what little time she’d had, she’d whipped up her own take on a stylish ankle-length dress inspired by Earth’s nineteen-tens to -twenties period, complete with long velvet gloves and a playful feather boa. This was all in hopes of making as open-minded and enthusiastic an impression as she could on the old-timey cannibals while she was there.
“Isn’t she stunning?” gushed Lucifer as he chivalrously tucked her bangs back into place. “She’s quite the little seamstress, you know. You should see what other masterpieces she’s designed just since her fall.”
“I’ve just had the perfect idea for our first stop!” Rosie cut him off with a gasp and a grin, earning her a royal scowl. “There’s a dandy little barbershop just up the road from here. How would ya’ like a refreshing new hairstyle to complete the look you’re sporting?”
Emily’s ears lit up. “Oh, i-is there something wrong with my hair?”
“No! No, not at all,” her guardian stepped in. “Your hair’s lovely the way it is. I think she just meant you could do with something a little more on-theme with the rest of your outfit, you know? If that’s what you’d like.”
“Ohhh.” She nodded, instantly restored to her bright-eyed and bushy-tailed self. “That sounds like fun! Let’s go!”
They were greeted by the tinkling of a little silver bell over the door and the warm harmonies of an a cappella quartet, before she was whisked away to one of the vanities. Left alone with their tour guide, Lucifer cleared his throat to fill the silence. “So, uhm…Charlie tells me you give some pretty alright relationship counselling?”
Her eyebrows shot up. “Oh? Don’t tell me the head honcho of Hell himself is asking little old me for romantic advice.”
“That’s not it! Well, not… That is, it’s complicated. I don’t think it’s romantic, but it could be…?” His thumb twirled his expired wedding band around his ring finger.
“What’s on your mind, Your Majesty? Whatever it is, I’ll do all I can to help.”
Her offer, despite all odds, put a smile on his face. “How to explain… I’d have thought it would be upsetting for me to see her embracing culture and community down here so quickly and openly. I’m not one to associate with…my subjects very often,” he put simply, “as I’m sure you know, but my w—uh, my ex-wife was. And it was always a bit of a sore spot between us.”
“You’re saying it doesn’t upset you to see little Emily thriving down here, even though it reminds you of how Lilith used to be?”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
“Why do you think that could be?”
“I don’t know!” he quietly exclaimed. “That’s what’s bothering me. I…” He sighed into his hands. “She seems closer to Charlie’s age, but she reminds me of her in so many ways.”
“What kinds of ways?”
“Well, her smile, for one. And the way she just lights up any room she enters. She’s like a beacon of hope. Like the one I’ve been needing in my life since longer ago than I can recall.”
“Since before the divorce, even?”
Lucifer’s face froze. “Well…” Just the fact that the question took him any time to consider was jarringly telling. He’d always clung to Lilith as the last spark of hope in an otherwise hopeless world, but Emily made him feel more hopeful and happy on a daily basis than she ever had. Could it really be true? No, that was just his broken, bleeding heart talking, surely.
And there he went again, overthinking every little thing. Why didn’t he simply follow the fallen seraph’s advice about just being present in the moment instead of missing out on the joy right in front of him? He could do better. He had to.
“Lucifer! Rosie!”
And here she came, the woman of the hour, bounding over from her corner of the salon. Her hair was all done up in big, wavy curls which bounced with her every step, making her look like nothing short of a doll come to life. Its length seemed to have been reduced to the middle of her back as well.
“What do you think?” She gave a little twirl while Rosie clapped politely but sincerely.
“Emily, you look lovely!” he applauded along. “This style really does suit you.”
“You say that about every style I try,” she giggled in retort. “How can I be sure you mean it?”
“Oh, but I do! I really do, I mean it every time,” he insisted with a crease in his brow. “Honestly, I can’t imagine a look that you wouldn’t be able to pull off. Your hair is—”
“Alright, alright, I believe you!” she cut him off, making him laugh as he realised he’d been had. It was nice to see she was getting better at taking compliments at least.
The trio stayed to listen to the delightful performance of the barbershop quartet for a few minutes longer before taking their leave. From there, Rosie took them right along to restaurant row for some lunch. Emily ordered off the vegan menu since she wasn’t quite feeling up for dining on human flesh today. Neither was Lucifer, but he decided to bite the bullet for the both of them, not wanting to leave the stain of a king’s disapproval on this place just because it wasn’t to his personal taste. It was fine as long as he hadn’t been the one to slaughter or butcher the meat himself, right?
The afternoon wore on, and they ended up visiting a charming main street, complete with cozy shops and an ice cream parlour that was much more to their liking. She seemed to enjoy the sweet treats just as much as he did as they took a moment to rest on a bench in a quaint, secluded park and savour their cones. He linked their pinkies together. “I get the sense you’re feeling a little off, Em. Should we make our way back home soon, or do you want to check out more of the sights here first?”
She looked up at him, in the middle of licking her fingers clean, with a smudge of chocolate fudge at the corner of her lips. “You can? Oh.” Her cheeks flushed ever so slightly; she’d been trying her best to hide how tired she was for both their sakes, since they’d been having such a wonderful day out together and she truly didn’t want it to end. “Sorry… Would you be disappointed if I wanted to go back home?” she asked sheepishly.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he laughed, brushing the chocolate from her lips. “Of course I wouldn’t be disappointed. I just want to make sure you’re comfortable and taken care of.”
“Okay… Thank you,” she mumbled. “I dunno why I’m so worn out. I don’t get like this very easily. At least, I didn’t use to.” This confession of hers pulled hard at the weight on his soul, the reminder of how much his own fall had changed him like a stab to his uncharacteristically good mood.
Standing up, he offered her a hand to help her to her feet. “May I carry you back to the castle, my dear?”
“Uh, thanks for the offer, but wouldn’t that get us some weird looks?” she laughed, despite her blush. “Why don’t you just open a portal for us like you did when we left home this morning?”
“Oh. Of course.” He cleared his throat and promptly did as she suggested, struggling to swallow his embarrassment. “After you, then.”
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wisteria-cherry · 1 year
forty days and forty nights (day twenty-nine!)
you felt weird.
weird is a difficult term to describe, because there are so many different kinds of weird. however, your kind of weird was arguably one of the worst: awkward weird. you’d spent the entire night tossing and turning in your too-hot blankets, trying to figure out what you liked about katsuki, why you liked katsuki. you’d made plenty of good conclusions, of course, but you still couldn’t sleep that night, very possibly due to some unwarranted fantasies about the two of you.
suffice to say, it was kind of weird when the actual katsuki came in and you had a brutal awakening from your daydreams.
“katsuki!” you were startled out of your trance when katsuki tapped his knuckles impatiently against the counter. “i’m sorry, i spaced out.”
“no shit.” katsuki scowled.
“anyway, i’ll, um, get your coffee.”
“make it quick.”
“right!” you quickly turn to make his coffee, fumbling to grab the coffee pot.
“oi, i gotta pay, y’know.” katsuki called annoyedly. you returned to the counter.
“sorry, sorry.” you apologize. his perfectly arched brow furrowed, and you stared at the computer, laser focused, determined not to meet his gaze. you knew he knew something was wrong with you, but you figured that maybe if you didn’t acknowledge it, he wouldn’t either. it seemed to be working so far.
once he paid, you return to coffee-making, half trying to prolong the process and half trying to do it as quickly as possible, which, of course, cancelled out the former, so you made it in the same amount of time you usually did.
why were you overthinking everything?
was it really just because katsuki was there?
“so, um… how was work?” you ask, trying to sound peppy.
“‘s fine.” he replied bluntly. was he always this anti-talkative? you fidgeted with your hands.
“how about eijiro? is he doing ok?” you ask.
“he’s the same as ever.” katsuki grunted.
“that’s good.” you exhale. you stand there for a few moments before deciding you simply can’t take the tension. instead, you go to offer mrs. hatsugawa a refill. this was a mistake.
“you’ve realized you’re in love.” mrs. hatsugawa observed.
“oh, mrs. hatsugawa, it’s just a crush,” you wave dismissively before pouring her tea.
“mm, that’s what you think.” she chuckled. you don’t reply. it was usually pointless to argue with her; either she was right, or she’d realize she was wrong and just pretend she couldn’t hear you before making a joke about how she’s getting old. “thanks for the tea, dear.” she patted the seat next to her.
“anytime, mrs. hatsugawa.” you reply, sitting down.
“you’ve never had a boyfriend before, have you, dear?” mrs. hatsugawa studied you closely. you blinked. you were used to mrs. hatsugawa asking personal questions, but she’d never made such an uncomfortably accurate one. was it really that obvious?
“no,” you admitted. “i guess i’ve always had greater priorities.”
“well, of course you did.” mrs. hatsugawa chuckled. “having a lover should never be your priority. if it is, you’ll never find the right one.” you cast a glance to katsuki, who was already glaring suspiciously at you. the both of you quickly looked away.
“but i haven’t known him very long.” you replied finally.
“how long have you known him?” mrs. hatsugawa countered. you pause, and actually think about it. four weeks. it’d been four weeks since he first came in. you had no idea so much time had passed.
“…what do i do?” you ask. mrs. hatsugawa only shrugged.
“that’s up to you, dear.” she said simply. you frown.
“i may know many things, dear, but oftentimes i find myself learning from young people. the things that i had done to win over my kazuo, they wouldn’t work in this day and age.” mrs. hatsugawa gazed at her tea. “love is simple. it is easy. it’s the people. the people are complicated. people change.” you listen quietly, and realize just how true it is.
“i understand.” you nod. “thank you.”
“you’re very welcome.” mrs. hatsugawa winked at you, smiling. “go get ‘em.” you smile.
standing up, you turn to go back to go to the counter, and nearly run face-first into katsuki. his hands immediately hold your waist, moving you to the side, not once stopping. his shoulder brushed against you as he keeps walking, leaving you dumbstruck at the feeling of his big, warm hands on your waist.
“gotta run. later, dumbass.” katsuki called as he exited. you stared. it felt almost as though his touch lingered. you swear you could still feel the pads of his fingers pressing into your skin gently but firmly.
it was incredibly sexy.
“bye.” you whispered at least a minute after he’d left, unable to voice anything louder than that.
for the remainder of the day, you wondered what his hands would feel like on the rest of you.
“love is simple. it is easy. it’s the people. the people are complicated. people change.”
(hey cherry blossoms :) it’s short today, but i’ll make it up to you!)
(feel free to comment + leave your thoughts :)
tags: @k0z3me @cherryblossomclarity @jazzafayesworld @stevenknightmarc @failingstudents-blog
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
Remaster of my post saying Margo should be the one to turn Miles/Gwen/Hobie into an ot4 instead of Pavitr because i want to get into detail:Miles liking both Gwen and Margo is canon,yes?And Hobie flirting with Gwen and her enjoying it is also canon,no?So we got almost all the m/f basis covered here but as we've all discussed,Hobie's interactions with Miles also almost textually read as flirting in addition to his already present queer-coding(Being designed after irl black trans punks + 'I hate labels')and it should be common sense that if two girls are pitted eachother against a boy despite having reasons to get along,then they should be spiteshipped too and for Margo and Hobie,their interactions may not have had romantic subtext but-And y'all are gonna get pissy at me for this-His and Miles' interactions with Pavitr didn't either
Pavitr has zero queer subtext to him other than being easy to read as a trans boy.He has a girlfriend he's obsessed with(positively and non-creepily),no genderconforming traits because being peppy and goofy is not inherently feminine and saying it is is gender essentialism and neither Chaiflower nor Chaipunk are NEARLY on the same level of gayness as Punkflower-Like OBJECTIVELY.Hobie dosen't have official girlfriend like Pavitr does,Pavitr wasn't as touchy or feely with Miles as Hobie was and Miles didn't admire Pavitr as much as he did Hobie and frankly,he's just not as close to him as he is to him.You can ship whatever you want but if it weren't for the fact that the crew has never given any indecation they tried to make Punkflower look canon,Miles and Hobie's relathionship would literally be queerbaiting
And back to Margo,her being black is already enough of a reason for Hobie to be into her and i don't wanna hear 'tokenism' accusations seeing as PAVITR put an extra emphasis on Ghostflower's respective genders being why they like eachother in his shipping them scenes so if you got a problem with that,you should have as much of a problem when it's a white girl too.Margo deserves to be aknowledged as one of Miles' canon love interests as much as Gwen and Hobie do.She deserves it more than Pavitr does.Gayatri deserves better than to be ignored.Gwen deserves to be included IN HER OWN FUCKING FRIEND GROUP instead of being made into a fourth wheel in fan content because of y'all's obsession with the 'chaos boys trio' trope.Hobie deserves to date a black girl and so does Miles and Gwen and Margo and PENI,don't you DARE think i'd forget about her,deserve to have female friends instead of being just 'one of the boys' seeing as they're two woc and one literal trans girl.Include Margo or don't fucking bother-And while you're at it,stop making your 'black' Gwen designs blonde haired and blue eyed,they look nothing like me or any other black biracial person i know and i bet y'all don't even know causes albinism or it's effects on people with it other than making them light so stop using it as an excuse instead of for representation
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lolsonic-idk-man · 9 months
Bad sansuary - Romantic
It was almost time for the romantic evening you’ve planned for Horror! The reason for such a decision being your massive teddy bear has done nothing but been the most caring being to ever exist and you need to make up for it!
The list for set up consisted of; 
freshly made Peanut Butter Popcorn,
Figure out where Dust put the ice cream and soda,
Scrounge up as many blankets as possible,
Make sure the movie room is free.
One thing was already checked off. You made sure to tell Dust and Killer your plans for tonight. Now you just have to hope Killer is actually going to leave you and Horror alone… It’ll be fiiiine.
So the next step would be to make sure Horror didn’t lose any trust in you after you begged for the kitchen. Part one of that was done, you're not Killer. The next step is making sure you clean up after you’ve made the popcorn, and the final and most important step is not wasting too much of any ingredient.
You were going to call yourself lucky, there’s only 5 ingredients; Peanut butter, popcorn, sugar, corn syrup, and vanilla. Less room to mess up!
A quick rummage through the pantry yelled everything you needed so you got to work.
Having made sure the recipe was three times the normal size you measured 1 and a ½  cups of unpopped popcorn and put it in the shockingly nice popcorn maker you found. Turning the stove to the medium setting you poured 3 cups of sugar and corn syrup into a saucepan and brought it to a boil for a few minutes as you grabbed 2 large bowls for the popcorn.
After letting the sugar boil for 2 or so minutes you slapped 3 cups of peanut butter and however much vanilla you deemed good, mixed, poured it over the popcorn, and did your best to cover every popped kernel.
Proud of the fact that you didn’t make much of a mess, you clean up what little mess there is, and take your creation to the theater.
Your peppy skip comes to a halt when you hear a movie playing as you opened the door to the theater. Who in the castle would be watching a movie right now? You thought you told Dust and Killer it was your’s tonight.
Taking a peek into the room you immediately lock eyes with Nightmare. Of course. You told everyone but Nightmare. And now you have to tell him. This was a moment where you wished you’d actually talked to him more.
“ Is there something you need Y/N? “ Nightmare started for your awkward ass.
Shuffling into the room you do your best to explain, “ Well, I had planned a date for me and Horror and, um. “ You swallow a lump. “ I was sort of planning to have it here, BUT! We can use a different room since you’re watching something already! And it’s not like I’ve set anything up yet! “
Before you can make your escape, Nightmare continues the conversation, “ My movie is almost over Y/N, and by the sound of it, it seems you have a lot to do. You may work as I watch. “
“ Oh, t-thanks. “ You really needed to give Nightmare a chance.
The seating of the theater had everything anyone could ask for, heated, reclining, soft chairs, a table for every seat, even multiple love seats! Which were the planned seating considering Horror’s size, also if they wanted to cuddle.
Placing the bowls on the tables by the chosen loveseat you run off to find as many blankets as you could. Couch blankets, gone. Your blankets, gone, a few of the guest room’s blankets, gone. All of them in the theater.
Next was the ice cream and sodas. Glad the coolers are kept in the walk-in freezer. You chose one that you think will be big enough for 2, 6-packs of soda and however much Ice cream Dust stole.
It took a few minutes of moving vegetables and meat to find the hidden goods, which happened to be 5 different gallon ice cream flavors. You would need a bigger cooler.
It took a little but you did find one and now you had to find the soda in the fridge. And lucky for you they were in the normal fridge, not the walk-in!
Pulling your final load into the movie room, you give a little celebration. All you need to do now is grab some of the movies you’ve seen around and put them on display for Horror, and Nightmare’s movie had come to an end and he made his leave, giving you and Horror the room.
Unable to contain yourself you dash to the roof garden to find Horror.
Once located you run up to him, “ Horror! Horror!  I wanna show you something! “
Taking a second to register your excited hopping he chuckled, “ Is it what you were making in the kitchen? “
“ Well, yes, but there’s more to it than that! “ You give a slight tug telling him to follow you.
“ We goin’ to the kitchen? “
“ Nope! “
Hoisting you up to one of his shoulders he continues to question as he walks back in side, “ Where we goin’ then “
“ can’t tell you, that would ruin the surprise! “
“ Then give me directions. “ his declaration that he was not going to put you down.
“ Very well, next right. “ You continued to direct him to the theater.
The night didn’t consist of much. You and your teddy bear watch a few movies, laughed at the dumb situations the characters got into, pause the movie so that Horror can go into an in depth critique of the only cooking scene and get completely sidetracked so that you don’t finish the last movie but still finish all of your treats. Minus the ice cream there was still quite a bit of ice cream.
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penny00dreadful · 11 months
Part 1 Part 3 AO3
1st July 2015
Big brown eyes and soft plush lips were still plaguing his mind and it had been months.
He’d met Eddie once, exactly once, shoving him into an alleyway and he hadn’t seen him since.
Why the fuck was he still thinking about him?
Steve didn’t go out looking for him, he didn’t.
He may have taken some lower end work dealing with some small-time drug ‘lords’ who owned a particular apartment building or a stretch of street and maybe he was hoping he’d come across Eddie during one of these missions, sweep him away and get him out of whatever mess he was in.
Couldn’t be that hard, right?
But Eddie seemed to have dropped off the face of the earth.
Granted he’d never seen the guy around before so it wasn’t exactly unusual that he hadn’t seen him since.
Maybe it had been just a ‘two ships passing in the night’ thing. 
Maybe they’d find each other again when they were ninety and just about to drop dead from old age. 
And maybe it was just supremely creepy that Steve couldn’t stop thinking of one guy he’d met one time, going so far as to try and seek him out, hoping they’d see each other again just so he could pull him into the super dangerous world of spycraft and probably get him killed along the way. 
What on earth was going on in his head?
“Dingus? Earth to dingus?”
That’s what was going on in his head.
“Yes, Birdie?” Steve flipped the cold compress over, pressing it back down to his eye and sinking deeper into his couch, sighing into the empty apartment.
“Just checking you’re alive is all.”
“Well my vitals are right there in front of your screen so that should answer your question. It’s just a black eye, not a concussion. I’m not going to die from a black eye.”
“If anyone would, it would be you.”
“I’ve survived much worse than a black eye-”
“Yeah, I know-”
“I’ve been tortured, Birdie.” Steve squeaked, trying to sound as pathetically upset as possible.
“I know. I was there. In your head the whole time.”
“Well now you’re just making me sound crazy.”
“And back then, like today, your fucking mic was on and you wouldn’t stop snarking-”
Steve dropped his mouth open in outrage. “I wasn’t snarking, I was quipping-”
“They were some pretty weak fucking quips, babe.”
“Okay, well why don’t you try being smart while you’re facing down three goons with sharp objects. I doubt you’d be able to come up with something good that quick.”
“Is that really what you want Steven? You really want me out there? In the field? With a gun?”
Oh god, wouldn’t that just be a sight to behold. Robin was as smooth as a newborn giraffe, she’d be more of a danger to herself than any target she was given.
And Steve would sooner die than see her in danger like that.
“You’re right. You’d probably shoot your own nose off by accident.”
“Yeah.” He could hear Robin’s pout. “I like my nose.”
“I like your nose too.”
She laughed. “You’re such a weirdo.”
“Your weirdo.” He nodded.
“Yeah, my weirdo.” He heard her take a breath before asking, “Do you think you’ll be in tomorrow? Hopper wants a meeting.”
“Hooray.” Steve said with a sarcastic smile, even though no one could see him. “What does he want?”
“Gee, I don’t know Steven.” Robin answered back with the most peppy curiosity that made Steve roll his eyes. “It’s so strange that Hopper would call a meeting with you to discuss something in particular and not tell me what it was. Because then I could pass the information on to you and we could discuss it, therefore negating the meeting altogether-”
“Alright, alright, alright. I get it, Birdie. I’ll be in. Honestly I’ve been itching for something a little more hardcore lately. A little like the old days. I’m sick of fucking drug dealers and small time loan sharks. I want something a little more exciting.”
And Eddie was in the wind. 
But he didn’t say that. He’d been keeping his… minor obsession to himself, reasoning he’d bring it up whenever he found him again and brought him into the fold. 
But that hadn’t happened so, no Eddie-talk.
Robin didn’t even know his name.
“Be careful what you wish for babe. ‘A little more exciting’ could get you killed.”
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2nd July 2015
Those words were playing on repeat in Steve’s head the next morning as he stepped into Hopper’s office. 
“Have a seat, kid.” The head of The Agency was chewing on a cigar, like he almost always was. 
When Steve had started with The Agency at eighteen years of age and fresh out of high school, Hopper’s casual (albeit gruff) warmth had unnerved him. 
He’d spent the first couple of years high strung and tense, waiting for the other shoe to drop and for Hopper to finally snap after luring Steve into a false sense of security.
And Hopper had snapped, but not in the way his parents would have. He’d complain and shout and grumble but there was never a threat behind it, never any danger. And over the last nine years working with him, Steve had come to learn that not every older man in authority was his father.
Hopper always kept a dish of butterscotch candies on his desk and Steve reached for one when he sat down. 
The younger agents, Dustin, Lucas, Will, Mike, Max and even Robin all made fun of him for it. They called them grandma’s candies but Steve didn’t care. 
He liked them and if that made him a grandma then he’d be a grandma.
Hopper watched him through the cigar smoke, elbows on his expensive walnut desk.
“You’re my top agent, Steve.”
There was no use denying it. He was. He had the highest successful completion rate, his hand to hand was unparalleled and choosing Robin as his guy in the chair had been a stroke of pure fucking genius.
No amount of training with someone else would be able to replicate what they had together.
“You remember when I sent you to infiltrate Brenner’s syndicate?”
Steve scrunched up his nose. “How could I forget?”
It had been his highest profile mission. 
He’d nearly died. 
Tortured and then chewed up by Brenner’s hungry dogs when escaping from the compound after he had sent the kids ahead to escape with El.
It had been the kids first mission together since Steve had recruited them all. 
Dustin, Lucas, Will and Mike had all come from the same town and had initially been put under Steve’s protection when they had seen something they weren’t supposed to see, leading to a bounty on their heads from Walsh and Dante.
They had eventually pestered Steve into sponsoring them for positions at The Agency.
Max had come along later, spying on her brother's gang for them before she was safely extracted. Steve had never met her brother but he had been the one to bring Max in, sponsoring her as well. 
El was their newest. Not an agent and it probably would be a long time before she was mentally ready for that, but the kids clicked with her anyway.
The kids had managed to smuggle her out after she had appeared to have been killed and she was still in hiding, presumed dead.
Steve had been ushering them out when the dogs descended, running in the opposite direction to the kids in order to lead the rabid animals away.
Once he’d had a solid pound of flesh taken from him (probably) and had escaped the attack, he’d then been forced to walk for miles through dense woodland before he could contact The Agency for extraction.
He had some pretty gnarly scars to prove it. 
But the memory of personally putting a bullet through Brenner’s head a year later was just as satisfying as the rest was nauseating.
Hopper nodded. “Well, I have something similar that needs taking care of. And I need the best.”
“More human trafficking?”
“Not exactly.” Hopper leaned back in his chair, the leather fabric creaking as he moved and laced his hands over his belly. “You’ve heard of Henry Creels’s… operation?”
Steve swallowed.
Be careful what you wish for babe. ‘A little more exciting’ could get you killed.
Robin was never going to let him live this down.
Steve ran a hand through his hair. “Yeah. Global crime organisation. Practically owns the black market trade of fine and historical art and artefacts in Europe. He has a chokehold over the police forces in multiple countries, unknown how many or how far. Has an extensive underground trade in black market alcohol, drugs, firearms, blood diamonds and trades information to various governments globally. Not to mention some of the most dangerous people in the world work for him.”
That fucking made up boogeyman assassin, whatever his stupid codename was.
“That’s the one. We’re sending you in. Solo. Just observation to start.” Hopper held his hand up as Steve started to speak. 
Steve hated observation. 
He hated being camped out in dark corners or on rooftops or wherever else he could hide away. He much preferred to be in the action. 
“We can’t afford to do anything by halves here, this could be the biggest job in the history of The Agency. Observation then infiltration. Do you understand me?”
Steve scowled, not even bothering to try and hide his irritation from his boss. 
He would be able to see it anyway and besides, they knew each other too well for that. 
Hopper knew he could do this. If there was another agent out there that could do what Steve did, they’d probably be sent on observation and Steve could just deal with the infiltration, but as it was, this was the biggest job anyone had ever been assigned to go on solo so he understood. 
“Yes sir.”
Hopper nodded. "Good."
Steve got up to leave and just as he was nearly out the door, Hopper called after him, "And don't make me remind you and Buckley again to stop using the communicators when you don't need to. I will send another office wide memo if I have to."
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5th July 2015
Steve regretted agreeing to this fucking mission almost as soon as he got to the warehouse. 
Observation meant he was starting from the bottom rungs of the organisation and working his way up, which meant that today he was stuck overseeing fucking weed production like some god damned newbie cop.
What was even worse was that there were very few places to observe the activities inside, so he was stuck on the fucking roof, thirty feet up, freezing his fucking balls off, hoping something fucking interesting happened soon.
And again, the memory of Robin’s words pinged in his head.
Be careful what you wish for, babe.
Because unfortunately, something fucking interesting was exactly what happened.
The door of the warehouse below creaked open and a figure stepped through. 
A figure, even from a distance, Steve recognised through the windows he was huddled next to on the roof.
Steve had hoped to see him again, but not here. 
Not like this.
Eddie stumbled into the warehouse, bouncing down the aisles of growing cannabis plants, weaving in between other workers, nodding his head along to whatever was playing on his headphones and apparently oblivious to the energy in the room as he took his place picking and drying.
The second he had appeared, Steve could feel the atmosphere shift from all the way up on the roof.
Everyone had become almost unbearably tense, locking up at the sight of him, hunching their shoulders as he approached and doing everything in their power not to look at him.
Like these big hulking, bald and tattooed men were worried that if they were caught looking at him, they’d be killed.
What the fuck was going on?
What could make them so worried to be even caught associating with him?
Had he done something?
What the fuck could he possibly have done?
The guy was a fucking teddy bear.
Apparently Steve was getting answers tonight because the second he had the thought, a stern voice boomed from a prefab office at the top of a flight of stairs, positioned to look over the workers like some kind of overseer's office.
Everyone there flinched at the sound, except for Eddie who still had his fucking headphones on.
He continued to work, nodding his head and probably humming too and Jesus Christ, pay attention!
Steve was about two seconds away from throwing something at the back of his head to get the idiot to look up.
Luckily Eddie seemed to have caught on, glancing up and then around at everyone else when he noticed how tense it was. 
He pulled his headphones down then slowly turned towards the office, tension and apprehension visible through his shoulders.
The voice had come from a large, imposing man in a clean cut navy suit with a shock of stark white buzzed hair and a frown on his face.
Steve could tell just from the way the guy held himself that the man had past military experience, he was in good shape and he knew how to handle himself in a fight. 
Probably kept a gun on him too.
“Shit.” Steve muttered to himself as Eddie nervously wiped his hands off on his top and began to slowly weave his way through the aisles and towards the office, as though a leisurely pace could delay whatever was about to come. “Shitshitshitshit.”
Eddie could run.
Why hadn’t he run? 
The overseer had already retreated back into his office and Steve couldn’t see any guards standing around, keeping an eye on the exits.
Would one of the other workers tackle him to the ground if he did run?
Probably not considering they were still desperately avoiding his eyes. All these guys who probably enjoyed toxic masculinity as a side hobby were purposefully not looking at a long haired and skinny metalhead like if they did, some kind of monster would slink out of the walls and attack them.
So no, no one there would try to stop him if he did run. 
Maybe Eddie was scared of what might happen to him after, if he did run?
What did they have on him to make him so scared? So compliant?
For the tiny amount of time that Steve had spoken to Eddie, he got the distinct impression that Eddie wouldn’t bend for anyone.
So what could they possibly be holding over his head?
God damn it.
It was against protocol. It was inadvisable. It was plain fucking stupid to get involved but Steve couldn’t just hang back and watch, could he?
Like yeah, even if Steve didn’t think Eddie was stupid hot, he’d never been good at sitting back and letting things happen when he could do something about it.
So he wasn’t going to just hang around while Eddie got shot, or got his fingers broken or a tooth ripped out or something else as equally fucked up.
What the hell had he even done to warrant that kind of tension?
Not moving enough product? Stealing some product? Sleeping with the overseer’s daughter or his son or something else equally as stupid?
If this went downhill there would be so much paperwork involved.
He mirrored Eddie’s position from the roof, walking with him across the warehouse space, stepping over weak bits of corroded metal roof slabs and around various bits of debris until he was directly above the office, crouched down by an open skylight window with a birds eye view into the sparsely decorated room.
The carpet below was some mottled mix of worn down pink or stained black depending on where Steve looked, it had to have been red at some point before. 
There was a large desk facing the door, faux oak veneer with a cheap computer setup, casting a glow onto the standard office chair.
No trinkets, no personalisation.
Eddie closed the door behind him with wide worried eyes, twisting his rings around his fingers.
The boss, for as stern and imposing as he was, he looked unusually hesitant. 
His shoulders were as tense as a bow string and Steve could see a light sheen of sweat along his brow and the usual stress points.
The skylight Steve was crouched over was in the middle of the room, so Eddie and the boss were facing each other on either side of it. 
Steve wouldn’t be able to make an entrance without dropping down in between their staring match.
Why didn’t he bring any of his kit with him? 
Because it was only supposed to be fucking observation.
Then Eddie had to wander back into his life and now he’d probably have to choke this giant fucker out before anything went too far.
If only he had like… a fucking sleep dart on him or something. Maybe then he’d be able to drag Eddie up and away like Spider-Man, but with really good hair.
“You’re a real fuckin’ piece of work, you know that?” The boss snapped, clenching his fist.
Eddie didn’t really react beyond an eyebrow twitch, his hands dropping from his rings to cross his arms over his chest and a slight back and forth rocking motion on his heels.
The boss reached for something under his jacket, pausing for just a second before heaving in a shaky breath and pulling a gun out.
Eddie seemed to finally understand the gravity of the situation, taking a few steps back as the boss advanced, pointing the gun at him with a shaking hand.
This man had military experience, Steve was sure of it. So why was he so nervous holding a weapon he should know like the back of his own hand?
Eddie uncrossed his arms, bumping his back against the door he had come through just a moment before. “Woah, man-”
“Shut it.”
Fuck, okay. 
Whatever about the weirdness, he had to move and he had to move now before Eddie got his pretty head blown wide open.
The boss had stepped forward directly underneath the open window which gave Steve the perfect opportunity.
Without thinking twice about it, he swung down from the window ledge, landing smoothly right behind the boss before latching his arm around his neck and pulling tight. 
The boss dropped the gun in shock and Eddie surprisingly darted forward to catch it before it could hit the ground.
Steve was hanging on for dear life, the boss easily outweighing him but he’d taken down bigger targets than this. Literally and metaphorically. After all, this guy was only some small-time drug overseer, just one small cherry in one small slice that was the giant pie of Creel’s criminal enterprises. 
Eddie had scrambled backwards, out of the way of all of the flailing limbs, crowding himself into a corner and slowly sliding down, staring wide eyed and disbelieving at Steve as he hit a particular nerve in the boss’s neck, causing his body to seize up before going limp. He dropped from Steve’s grip with a loud thud, crumpling to the floor.
Steve brushed himself off, straightening out his clothes before turning his eyes back to Eddie.
Eddie who was staring at him in complete disbelief. “What the fuck is happening right now?”
“Come on.” Steve stepped forward, holding a hand out for him to take but at second glance, looking at the way he was holding the gun he had grabbed, flat in his hand like it was going to fucking explode the second he looked at it wrong, Steve decided to reach for that instead.
Eddie watched him with all seeing, staring eyes as he picked the gun up.
Steve frowned.
It was very light.
Too light.
It wasn’t even loaded.
Why would the boss be threatening Eddie with an unloaded gun?
Did he not trust himself to not pull the trigger too soon?
Was it just a scare tactic?
“You’re-” Eddie stuttered with a slightly hysterical laugh. “You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you sweetheart?”
“Didn’t I tell you to get out of the game, baby?” Steve gripped Eddie’s hand in his, pulling him to his feet, maybe a little closer than they needed to be.
Eddie squeezed once, giving a little sad shake of the head. “And didn’t I tell you it’s not that easy?”
“Not if I have any say in it.” Steve grumbled. “We don’t have much time. Someone will have definitely heard that, so we need to go. Now.”
Eddie glanced up towards the skylight and then back to Steve.
“You don’t expect me to climb through that,” he asked, pointing, “do you?”
“Would you rather stay here and face whatever’s coming?”
Eddie’s eyes flicked between the skylight, Steve, and the door just behind him before going back up to the skylight again.
“Fuck my life.” He sighed.
Steve was ready to pull, ready to drag and lift and carry Eddie away from this place if given half a chance.
But he wasn’t given half a chance. 
The door behind him was kicked open with such force it bounced off the wall.
He didn’t even have a second to turn, barely had time to blink between the door being kicked open and something hard and heavy cracking him over the back of the head.
He could feel Eddie’s hand fall from his as he slumped to the floor, he could feel the communicator on his ear begin to fizzle before it popped, singing his flesh and his hair, but safely destroyed. 
Self-destructing like it was designed to do, so no one could get their hands on the technology.
The unloaded gun that was in his hand thumped to the ground next to him.
The carpet below him was sticky.
It was probably getting in his hair.
All the colours around him were swirling. 
Above, there was some kind of scuffle happening. Shouts of anger and indignation, frantic apologies and attempts to placate someone. 
“What the fuck did you just do?!”
That sounded like Eddie’s voice.
But he didn’t sound scared.
He didn’t sound hysterical.
He sounded outraged.
Steve could still make out some figures through the shadows filling in the edges of his vision.
Eddie was standing over him, fists clenched and furious. 
He was facing another guy, who looked scared, a twist in his face like he’s just sucked on a lemon.
He was holding a baseball bat.
A fucking baseball bat.
Oh, the fucking irony of him being taken down by one of those.
The last thing Steve heard before he finally lost consciousness was a third voice grumbling in Eddie’s direction.
“Thought the boss told you to stop playing with your food.”
Divider by firefly-graphics
Part 1 Part 3 AO3
Big thanks as always to @hbyrde36 for the magnificent beta work and to the STWG for their motivation
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