#people don’t get mad at me for posting about it multiple times a day here :)
Me when I don’t have an active hyperfixation: *sleeps too much* *barely any motivation to do anything* *feels empty and unfulfilled because there’s nothing to fill The Void*
Me when I do have an active hyperfixation: *loses sleep to research* *grades slip because I’m so focused on the hyperfixation* *has no motivation or energy for anything else* *ignores the growing mess in my room because that doesn’t matter to me anymore* *I only ever think about the fixation* *forgets to eat, drink water, and go to the bathroom regularly* *friends continuously call me annoying and ask me to talk about anything else*
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avocad1s · 1 year
Bring Back What Once Was Mine
Chapter Summary: Lumine tells the False Creator some fabricated news. You are confronted by the Prince.
Characters Mentioned: Multiple Characters Mentioned
Content Warning: Cult and Religious themes ahead! You've been warned. I would also say this deals with slight Yandere themes as well!
Reader is the true creator of Teyvat. GN! Reader
Part Three Part Four (You are here!) Part Five
I’ve re-read this multiple times but I think if I read it again I’ll grow to hate it and delete so I’m just gonna post it
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Even with the moonlight spilling through the campsite, you could hardly make out the features of his face. His grip on your hands was firm but not tight enough to cause you any discomfort, it didn’t seem that he was going to let go any time soon.
“Oh how I’ve waited for this…. Waited for you.” He breaths out.
You simply stare at him, not saying a word. Had he been following you this whole time? If so, how come you weren’t alerted to his presence?
His smile drops at your silence, “don’t be alarmed Your Grace. I have no intention of hurting you! I just want to talk for now.”
He looks behind him for a moment, as if he were looking out for someone, perhaps Yelan. Once he looks back, his smile and soft gaze return.
His tone is unbelievably sweet. You could feel his hands shaking, and based of his demeanor, you assume it was due to excitement. Even if he was trying his best not to show it.
“I’m Aether.” He introduces, smile never fading.
“What did you want to talk about?”
“Your Grace” He replies, “I need your help. Khaenri'ah needs you.”
You raise your brow, “Khaenri'ah?”
He nods eagerly, “I am going to restore your nation back to its former glory, and now that you’re here, I have no doubts that we can bring it back.”
“Wait a minute,” you say, “you’re not of this world, why do you care about some ancient nation from five hundred years ago?”
His closes his eyes for a moment, “you’re right. I’m not from this world, but I’ve been here since that nation stood tall and I got to experience everything it had to offer. Everything you had made.”
He caresses the back of your hands with his thumbs, “Your Grace… when you returned to Teyvat few days ago, we in the Abyss we’re immediately aware of your presence. I tried so hard to find you, and I’m mad that I didn’t find you first. I should be the only one allowed to help you, only I know the truth of this world.”
“The truth of this world?”
Aether pulls you to stand up with him, “I know this may be hard to hear, but please listen to me.”
You could feel the anxiety crawl up your back as you wait for him to continue talking. You’ve been so blindsided by the False Creator that anything else that happened in Teyvat wasn’t a concern for you at the moment.
“The archons are taking advantage of your kindness,” he begins, “your world is becoming corrupted because of them. Teyvat never had this many monsters on it before, and it’s all their doing.”
You pull your hands away from his grip, his eyes widen but he lets go. “I know how it may sound but I would never lie to you Your Grace.”
You cross your arms looking away from him, “this is a lot to take in. Are you trying to tell me that I cannot trust my own Archons?”
He shakes his head, “I would never tell you what you can and can’t do, I’m just telling you do not be blinded because you know them from the past. It’s been centuries, they can change.”
Aether reaches out to grab your hands again, you put up no fight as he laces his fingers with yours and he smiles gently. “Come with me Your Grace. Together, we can get rid of the fake you on the throne and make Teyvat whole again. The Abyss will welcome you with open arms.”
“I’m not letting them go anywhere with you.”
Behind Aether, Yelan was holding a few sticks in her hand, but you could tell she would drop them at any moment if she had to go on the defense.
“You know for someone who doesn’t want anyone to know they’re on Teyvat, a lot of people keep finding you, Your Grace.” She teases.
Aether gives Yelan a death glare but makes no attempt to unlace your hands, “you cannot protect Their Grace like I can and how dare you talk to them like that?
She scoffs at his words, “I’m letting them go anywhere with someone from- what did you say?- oh right, the Abyss. You hate humanity. Their Grace will stay here where they belong.”
He scowls but brings his attention back to you, “it seems that we are already out of time.” He lets go of your hands reaching into his pocket to hand you a particular flower. “The next time we meet, I will not allow anyone to interrupt us… and I hope that you join me in the future.”
He turns around shoving his way past the girl walking off into the darkness.
“If we have to collect fire wood later I’ll take you with me, it’s too dangerous for you to be alone.” Yelan states taking a few steps toward you before dropping the sticks on the ground. “You Grace, just like with the Fatui, the Abyss cannot be trusted. I would even say they are more dangerous, whoever that man was, you should stay far away from him.”
You say nothing staring at the flower in your hand, you recognized it’s origins the second you saw it, the flower was from Khaenri'ah. Was this his way of telling you that everything he said was the truth, that he actually was around before and during the destruction of the nation. You bring the flower close to your chest closing your eyes.
“Erm, Your Grace?”
You jump at the sound of her voice, “sorry I’m just a little distracted.”
She gives you a reassuring smile, “don’t pay any mind to whatever he said. He was probably just trying to trick you and use your powers to destroy humanity.
Yelan kneels down fixing the sticks to build a fire. Even though you nod at her explanation you couldn’t help but feel relieved that she didn’t hear everything he had told you. Trying to explain the fall of a nation that no one should know existed anymore would be impossible, especially since you still had questions about it yourself.
“Here let me do it.” You kneel down using the Pyro element to light a small fire on the wood.
Both of you sit in front of the fire in a comfortable silence, but your mind kept going back to everything Aether had told you, was he telling you the truth? Or should you believe Yelan who said that he just wanted your power for the destruction of humanity.
“You should try getting some sleep Your Grace.” Yelan whispers, “I’ll keep watch over you.”
The overwhelming sense of fatigue washes over you, “are you sure?” You ask. She nods, “Of course, I would never forgive myself if something were to happen while you’re with me and I don’t think anyone else would forgive me either. The last thing I need is two Adepti mad at me. Please sleep.”
With that final reassurance you let yourself relax in the soft grass, the ancient flower Aether gave you laid by your side as you stare up at the stars. You couldn’t help but wonder how many more people were after you. The Fatui, the Abyss, and probably the Archons as well since the Gnosis alerted your presence to them.
You let out a breath closing your eyes. Wondering who you could possibly run into next.
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A few days ago, Sumeru City
“Lumine you’ve returned, but you don’t have who I asked for…”
A few hours after Lumine and Nahida split away from the true Creator, they returned to Sumeru City. Nahida entered Irminsul like she said she would and now Lumine stood in front of the False One like before. Yet it felt different this time, if she were to mess up it wouldn’t just be her life at risk, many others were counting on her as well. The real Creator was counting on her.
The Traveler bows stiffly at them, “I have some… news regarding the task you gave me.”
They told their head at her statement sitting up straight in their throne. “Well, what is it? Don’t tell me they got away.”
“No Your Grace, it isn’t that. I managed to locate the individual I told you about. When I told them to come with me I guess they got suspicious that I was going to bring them back here and they took off running. While I was pursuing them, they fell off a ledge and…”
“Are you telling me that they are dead?”
Lumine, who was still bowing, nods a bit. “Yes, I checked myself.”
The False Creator lifts themselves of the throne walking slowly down the staircase until they stood right in front of the girl. They grip her chin lightly bringing her gaze to meet theirs.
“And where is their body now?”
“I pushed it into the river… I assumed since they look like you, no one else should see them.”
They smile, “how smart of you, but I’m still disappointed. All of amazing stories I’ve heard about you and you couldn’t do one thing I asked of you. I’m disappointed…”
Lumine swallows trying to keep her composure, she hadn’t felt this terrified since she had seen the defiled Statue of the Seven.
They let go of her chin crossing their arms behind their back, “now what should I do with you, Traveler? Can I trust you?”
“Yes your Grace! I will never tell anyone about this…”
They nod at her declaration, “don’t worry I trust you, but I can’t help but get a bit paranoid at times. So I hope you understand why I have to do this.”
“Do what?” She asks.
“Guards!” They call out and almost immediately a dozen Sumeru guards enter the room bowing as they await their orders.
“Take her and the fairy away. They’ll be staying in Sumeru for a little longer.”
The guards waste no time surrounding the Traveler pulling them away from the False Creator, Lumine tries to fight them off but there was too many of them.
“Don’t worry.” They say a smirk on their face, “I have no intention of hurting you or your companion, but I cannot risk this information getting out to any else in Teyvat.”
The Traveler is pulled out the room without another word the last thing she heard is the False Creator asking one of the guards to find Nahida immediately.
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In Liyue, present day
“Wake up sleepyhead…” a voice sings.
A groan leaves your mouth as you turn over.
“Do I have to throw water on you? C’mon time to wake up!”
You open your eyes and your met with a kneeling Yelan who smiles at you.
“Ah, there’s those beautiful eyes.” She coos, “it’s time get moving if you want to make it to Liyue Harbor before sunset.”
You sit up rubbing your eyes, “you let me sleep through the whole night? Aren’t you tired?”
“You looked exhausted. Don’t worry about me Your Grace, I’ll be fine.”
Yelan holds her hand out to help you stand and you accept rising to your feet. Not without grabbing your flower first.
“Are you going to keep that?” She asks.
You look down at it, “well it is beautiful.”
“Alright,” she hums stomping out the campfire, “you ready to leave?”
You nod, “let’s go.”
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Somewhere else in Liyue
The eleventh Fatui Harbinger was looking for someone.
It was supposed to be a close kept secret between him, the Tsaritsa, and the other Harbingers but he had accidentally slipped and told some of the soldiers under his command due to his anxiousness.
That slip up might’ve cost him what he was looking for.
He stares coldly at the few soldiers that kneeled at his feet, they were the ones he had sent to the Chasm.
“Lord Harbinger! Please forgive us!” One of them cry.
“We had no idea someone was listening to what we were saying.”
He scoffs at their excuses, “you’ve heard the saying about Liyue, there are ears everywhere. If you were under the command of any of my comrades they would waste no time in killing you.”
They tense up, even thought their eyes wasn’t visible due to their masks, they made no effort to meet his gaze.
“You’re lucky that I am in a good mood but that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook. Find that woman.” He waves his hand and they take off.
When he and the other Harbingers witnessed the glowing of the gnosis, it had cleared many doubts he had about what the Tsaritsa was thinking.
To clarify, his doubts were about the Creator. Or rather, the False One.
The Fake Creator had been on Teyvat way before Childe was born so as he grew up with his parents had told him all the amazing things they had done.
Then he fell into the Abyss and that’s when he first encountered the idea that the one on the throne wasn’t who they claimed to be. He pushed the thought to the back of his mind putting his focus on his family until he joined the Fatui.
In the Fatui is when he was reintroduced to The Creator not being, well, The Creator. Now it wasn’t something he could just push away, he actually wanted to know if it was the truth or not. The Tsaritsa explained to him that if they collect all seven Gnosis they can summon the real Creator back to Teyvat.
So when the Jester sent him to Liyue to collect Rex Lapis Gnosis, he jumped at the opportunity.
“Lord Harbinger…” a timid voice says, “we had located the woman.”
“You were right, they are with her.”
“Lead me there.”
They were right. His soldiers were right.
A few meters up ahead he could see them and the woman he instantly recognized to be Yelan. She had popped up on the Fatui’s radar years ago due to her… persuasive methods of learning Fatui secrets from the lower ranks.
It felt as if he was frozen to the ground, he never expected to find you in Liyue. He believed someone else would’ve been the one to find you, but no, it was him.
He felt so lucky, he was going to be the first Harbinger you’d talk to.
“…and that’s how I got this jacket.”
You laugh a bit, “well aren’t you a sneaky one?”
“You’re right, she’s always sticking her nose in business that doesn’t involve her.” Childe smiles directly at you as Yelan puts her arm up in front of you defensively.
“I knew we’d run into you, but I didn’t expect it to be this soon.”
Childe laughs, “well I hope you don’t mind me taking Their Grace off your hands then?”
Yelan’s eyes narrow, “Their Grace isn’t something you Fatui can just take as your own. They are going with me.”
He rolls his eyes at her directing his attention to you, “Her Majesty the Tsaritsa has been waiting for you for a long time Your Grace. Come with me to Snezhnaya.”
Yelan looks back at you, “Don’t listen to him. This is the Fatui Harbinger Childe that I told you about. His motives are unknown.”
You look at the Yelan then at Childe.
“We in the Fatui would never hurt our Creator.” He states.
“What does Snezhnaya even have to offer Their Grace?”
“I don’t think that’s any of your business.” He argues.
“Both of you stop fighting!” You say suddenly causing both of them to look over at you. “What does the Tsaritsa want from me?”
His dull eyes light up at your question, “Her Majesty believes she knows where the False Creator comes from. So as soon as you made your presence known, we began searching for you.”
You step closer to him despite Yelans warnings.
“She found out where the False Creator came from?”
Childe nods, “please come to Snezhnaya with me Your Grace. The False Creator is the reason you returned, right?”
“You’re right.”
“Then we shouldn’t waste anymore time.” He clasps his hands together.
You turn giving Yelan reassuring smile, “Yelan. Thank you so much for your help up until this point, and I will never forget everything you’ve told me but I have to go with him. If whatever the Tsaritsa knows is right, that could change everything.”
She nods bitterly, “if you must go, allow me to come with you. I’ll protect you with my life.”
You reach out grabbing her hand, “That’s sweet of you but I can’t. Even if I needed protection I can tell that he is way too powerful for you to defeat on your own. I promise that I will return to Liyue.”
She hold your hand tightly, “alright then. I’ll wait for your return.”
And with that, You leave Yelan alone as you walk off with Childe.
“How are we getting to Snezhnaya?” You ask.
“By boat, it’s waiting for us right outside Liyue Harbor.”
“Right outside?” You raise a brow.
He laugh a bit, “Well people from Snezhnaya aren’t welcome in other nations anymore. It would’ve drawn unnecessary attention us if we anchored at the dock, and I doubt the Liyue Qixing would let us be there anyway.”
You suppose his explanation made sense, he wasn’t the only person to tell you how unwelcomed Snezhnaya was in other nations.
“Your Grace,” Childe says after a moment of silence. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Sure, it’s not like there’s anything else to do.”
He keep walking but stares at you, “what did Yelan tell you? About the Fatui I mean.”
“She told me that you all have done terrible things and how a few years ago you all had an unprecedented amount of power in every nation.”
He hums, “I see…”
It falls silent once more, as you both continue walking towards the nation of Geo.
A few hours after you had split with Yelan and decided to join the Fatui Harbinger Childe, you two (and the rested of his crew that trailed behind you) arrived at Liyue. All you had to do was walk across the bridge and you’d be in the Harbor.
However Liyue Harbor wasn’t your destination anymore.
Right off to the side of the bridge was a fairly large sized boat, Childe leads you to the hatch allowing you to step on first then he follows.
“The trip to the Zapolyarny Palace is only a few hours,” He explains, “but you’re going to need this when we get there.”
Childe digs through a chest pulling out a luxurious coat, it was made out of the finest materials Teyvat had to offer.
“One of my comrades had this custom made just for you. Well actually he had way more than one made so no matter who had encountered you first, you would have something to keep you warm once we enter Snezhnaya.”
You take the coat from him, the second the material touches your fingers you could tell how expensive it was. There was an insane amount of care and respect put into making this.
“That is very sweet of him,” you mutter, “I should thank him once we arrive.”
He lets out a sigh resting his head in his palm muttering to himself, “it will only go to his head…”
You want to laugh at his comment but decide you should pretend you didn’t hear him. Looking out to sea, your mind finally fills with everything that had happened in the past twenty-four hours.
Even though Childe told you that the Cryo archon figured out where the False Creator came from, you kept thinking about what Aether told you the night before.
Should you trust the Archons? Was the Tsaritsa leading you to Snezhnaya with a Trojan Horse? Or was it Aether that was lying to you.
You try to shake the thoughts out of your head, it would only be a few hours before you know for sure.
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An unknown location in Sumeru City
It had been days since Lumine had been thrown into this dungeon. It wasn’t the same place the Sages had put her a year ago, it was probably a precaution so that none of her Akademiya friends found her.
“Traveler” Paimon whines, “what are we gonna do?”
Lumine brings her knees to her chest, “I don’t know Paimon. No one knows we are here, we have no way to reach out to the Creator or Nahida.
The fairy flys around sadly for a moment before her eyes widen, “wait a second! Why don’t you try reaching out to Nahida in your dreams.”
Lumine picks her head up, “you’re so smart Paimon! Maybe not using you as emergency food was a good idea.”
Paimon scoffs, “this is not the time for joking around! And for the last time, Paimon is not emergency food!”
The Traveler moves to lays down on her back steadying her breathing as she closes her eyes. Soon enough, she falls into a light slumber trying to the best of her ability to reach out to the Dendro Archon.
“Lumine…?” A familiar voice says, “I can hear you, where are you?”
“The False Creator. They locked me in some dungeon.”
“That’s horrible, did they not believe you?”
“No, I think they believed me… did you find anything in Irminsul?”
“Yes… it’s horrible… I’ve been searching for you everywhere to tell you.”
“Well, what is it?”
“The False Creator… they were created by Celestia.”
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Note: this part took way longer to put out than the others, but I just want to say thank you so much for all the love on this series and for all the follows and reblogs you all have given me. I never expected this story to do so well!! :’)
And I know, I know, many people have maybe Celestia the enemy in SAGAU (be cuz they are) but I just trust me :>
© avocad1s please do not plagiarize or post to any other website
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If you want to be tagged just ask below or inbox me, I will keep tagging people until Tumblr tells me to stop 💀
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chloeangelic · 9 months
I’ve spent the past week getting slandered in this community with not a shred of evidence, proof, or receipts of me being a mean girl, “Wish Regina George”, a bully, an asshole, someone who spends more time answering anons than I do writing, or any of the other things I’ve seen people say about me out of absolutely fucking nowhere, seemingly because people have grievances towards Gracie that I know nothing about. I appreciate everyone who has checked in on me and asked how I’m doing. 
ETA: I have spoken to one of the people who posted statements and anons about me and we have squashed the beef. The statements made about me have been debunked and they have deleted their posts. Please leave me and my friends alone - I've gotten harassed directly and indirectly by anons and posts for two months and I'm tired. I'm not gonna prostrate myself and try to convince the internet that I'm a good person when I know I've done my best to always be kind and respectful in this community. My words will inevitably be twisted and I feel paralyzed. The damage to my reputation has already been done.
This is the only time I’ll address this, and my anons will not be turned back on because this is literally slander and a waste of everyone’s time. I’ve seen multiple vague posts about me as well and I’ve chosen to ignore it all, but it gets to a point where it feels like bullying and I’m done with it. When someone goes on tumblr live to rehash the same shallow shit talking post about me (i.e. talking shit about people they’re accusing of talking shit), that’s when I feel like my limit has been crossed, and since that same live devolved into an advertisement for the host’s own writing… This no longer reads like vigilante justice. 
Let me get one thing straight: I am here to write about dick, cock and that old man. I am extremely grateful for the friends I’ve made along the way, and I am beyond appreciative for my readers who support me and who like what I come up with. I am 27 years old, I have a fulltime job, and this is one of my hobbies. If you think I’m going to spend my time in a fandom spamming group chats and being catty, I literally don’t know what to tell you. The few uncomfortable situations I’ve had on here have been addressed and squashed very quickly, whether that’s misunderstandings, accusations or anything else. In a creative space, you are bound to butt heads with people occasionally, or have people who dislike you, and that is fine. I know I have an aloof persona on here, I don’t expect everyone to like me. 
I didn’t block anyone up until two days ago when this tumblr live host posted three anon asks in a row about me, and I decided to block the people who seemingly agreed with anons insisting I’m a mean girl, asshole etc. cause why the fuck wouldn’t I? Wouldn’t anyone? I don’t understand why on earth they’re so mad about me blocking them if they dislike me so much already. My shit is still on ao3 if they want to read it. 
I don’t know what my mutuals do in their own DM’s, or group chats they’re in that I don’t participate in, because I stay in my lane and I spend my time writing. Of course I don’t condone bad behavior but how am I supposed to know what happens in GCs and servers I’m literally not in? Or conversations in servers where I’m not active? I have not witnessed any of my mutuals talking shit in any GCs, period. That’s all I can say. Additionally, this whole big/elite writers discord people were talking about a while ago - if that exists, I wasn’t even invited lmfao how’s that for being a big writer? 
One anon said I was an asshole when they tried to have a conversation with me months back, and I assume this was my Rendezvous anon who I was snarky to cause they were snarky to me. I make it very clear that I have limited patience for anons, and when people in my comments respond back to them, they are responding to a statement that is separate from the person who sent it. 
I am not entertaining this insanity any further than this. I will continue to post my old man porn and interact with my mutuals and reblog gif sets of that same old man cause that’s what I’m on here for. If you don’t like me, you are well within your rights, I assume you have your reasons, and that is ultimately none of my business. Everyone has the right to curate their own experience on a website like this. 
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total-funger-island · 8 months
“Whiteness of the day.”
“Numbness of mind.”
“Darkness of depths.”
“Dance La Mad.”
“Termina is upon us..”
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24 people traveling to the Wawanakwa island where Festival of Termina hosts by invitation from mysterious jester-man in their dream. All contestants have to manage surviving on through the island in 1 week and there must only one winner. Non of them are aware of the island’s threat that faces to their life.
* You finally arrived.
* As you step down from the train, you can feel the horror.
* Your body begins to tremble with fear and hunger.
IM BACK BABY I FINISHED ALL OF THEM WOHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Finally everyone is here after I spent time to find their fits, don’t get me to mentioning about my sense of fashion is horrible but I’m glad all of them looking good. Thank you for all supports from my lovely followers make me here at this point, love you all <33
Update note infos about this au
The setting were take place in 1940s during ww2
This au will contain stuffs like g@re, d@ugs and ant dark themes. I will make sure tag them everytime as warnings
All characters are young adult (around 18-20) (I just don’t want to see teens being tortured :(
As I mentioned from those past posts this au will have multiple endings kinda like games (I think it cool to see my followers make their death choic— *gunshots*)
I just decided change 6 day to 1 week, I feel like it still too small for large casts
Btw stories will based on funger itself 90% might change some details or lore to fit tdi
Here all contestants designs I hope you like them, their moonscorched form and enemies will be next (also tagged me anytime if you fanart of them au I would love to see them *wink wink*)
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Real footage of me after this post if you care /pos :
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linnorabeifong · 10 months
Just Thinking
With everything Lin’s been through I’m surprised she never had an Azula-esque mental breakdown.
This woman had an absent father, a neglectful mother, basically had to raise her sister because Toph wouldn’t then got her face sliced open by said sister. Her sister leaves after that and then her mom leaves about (guessing here) a year or so afterwords and just hangs out in a swamp. She joins the police to impress her mother and goes on to become the chief and her mom still doesn’t care.
Her job is immensely stressful, her friends are across the world ( Izumi is in the fire nation, Kya is traveling, Bumi is in the UF) and she gets left by Tenzin (who she’s probably known and been friends with since infancy) for a younger woman.
Presumably there would also be the pressure of the Beifong name and title and the maintenance of the estate after her grandparents die because I don’t see Toph handling that. Additionally all of her mentors either die or move away from the city (Aang dies, Sokka dies, Zuko is in the fire nation, Katara moves to the south) . Obviously we know from the show she handles her emotions poorly and bottles them up. We also know that she’s kind of socially-awkward at times like Azula.
Then we get into the issues of each season. RC already has organized crime that she has to fight to take down then the avatar lands on her door step and destroys public property and agitates the equalist situation. Then Lin looses her job which she has dedicated her entire life to. Outside of her job she doesn’t have a lot going for her. Then she sacrifices herself to save the family of the guy that cheated on her and looses her bending in the process. That must be soul crushing and no one shows up to save her or support her in her time of need.
Season two she has to deal with the attacks in RC and deal with her detective being falsely accused and then with the spirit vines overtaking her city.
Season Three she has to protect the avatar from a terrorist group and is forced to see her sister after thirty years. This experience is obviously super overwhelming for her and then she’s pressured into meeting all these new people (our girl is an introvert). Additionally the stress of her job is physically taking a toll on her as seen throughout the episode. She goes to get acupuncture which resurfaces all of her old painful memories and then when she has an outburst ( understandable she’s going through a lot) everyone is mad at her. ( I have so much more to say about this but I don’t want this post to be a novel) . The battle with the Red Lotus: she was nearly killed and she watched P’Li die. that had to be gory. Even if Lin has seen a lot of death that’s a VERY gruesome way to go.
Season four is obviously stressful for her but there’s particular instances that stick out here: Toph hiding who her dad was just to go and tell Bolin ( this must’ve been so immensely hurtful for Lin: think about it she didn’t even know her dad was from the fire nation until her mom casually told Bolin, that means Lin went fifty four years not even knowing her ethnicity ) . But also the way that after everything Toph’s done she’s just expected to forgive her ? And Lin is so incredibly self-sacrificing that she just swallows her own feelings and does.
Here are the things that really irk me the most
Circling back to season three: “Bitter loner who only cares about herself. No wonder Tenzin ended things with you years ago”
Wow, just wow this is so genuinely awful. But also untrue. Lin has made so many sacrifices, she’s put her life on the line multiple times for Korra and had her bending ripped away from her while protecting Korra.
Bringing up Tenzin was a low blow and so immature of Su.
Lin is so forgiving and no one appreciates her or acknowledges the tremendous amount of pain they put her in.
Also Lin has massive scars on her face. She has to see those every day. That has to take a toll on her self esteem. Not only that they look painful and deep. For all we know she could have sensitivity or be completely numb in that area.
This pisses me off the most: Toph could feel everything through the vines apparently so that means she knew when Lin lost her bending but she didn’t show up for her. Realizing this broke my heart for Lin.
In conclusion Lin has been through a lot. She is traumatized. Yeah she’s grumpy and she has outbursts and she cries in the Zafou episodes but none of this feels like a proportional response to everything she’s been through . I don’t think she as a character can heal until she really processes things and lets it all out but all we see is her continuing to work and heap more pressure on herself. That isn’t sustainable and eventually will create consequences much worse than what we’ve already seen.
I see parallels between her and Azula ( I won’t get into it) and with the strained relationship Lin has with Toph I could see her having an Azula-moment.
Thanks for listening to my disorganized thoughts .
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irrealisms · 1 year
my dsmp fic recs masterpost
this one's long so i'm putting it under a cut! includes a lot of fandom favorites/ones you probably already know, but i tried to include some more niche ones as well. check the reblogs for more, i couldn't fit them all in one post without tumblr getting mad at me
Author recommendations (not my friends; go read everything they wrote):
Author recommendations (me and people I know):
sesquidpedalian @erstwhilesparrow
WheelCoveredInEyes @blocksgame
consumptive_sphinx @regicidal-optimism
monsterloot @aliveburs
cryptofhoney (korethekiller) @honeyblockm
nocturne_csharpm @qwilbur
75hearts (ME! YOU ARE HERE!)
Fangame recommendations:
Good Luck, Minutes Man! by @andhyssops : visual novel about NLM-era c!ranboo. has multiple endings, great art, soundtrack, characterization, etc.
Good Morning, Gogy by @andhyssops : visual novel about c!george. again, gorgeous art, great characterization. i almost don't want to say too much about this one because so much of it is a spoiler!
Doomsday Sim by @bwobgames : doomsday platformer, tommy is the player character, buggy but pretty.
Virtual Ghostbur by @bwobgames : ghostbur tamagotchi!
Character Pattern by @bwobgames : bullet hell with various mcyts (c and cc), tommy is the player character, stupid hard but very pretty
Tommygotchi by @bwobgames : tommy tamagotchi!
Silver Dollar by @honeyblockm : president schlatt is dead. murder mystery twine game
Fic recs (people I don't know well):
devil town by hoorayy : haven’t read this one but i’ve had it recommended too many times to not include. small town horror au. 100k
aftermath by sparxwrites : dream is recovering from the prison. tommy visits him. they have a conversation. neither torture apologist nor abuse apologist! 2k
what i love and what i've lost by Treis : dream & sapnap, dream recovery/redemption/post-prison. 20k
in memoriam by hoorayy : wilbur and sapnap have a conversation. 2k
little women by chrysalizzm : women on the dsmp character study. 1k
dissonance by shrugofgod : tubbo character study!!!!! one of the best tubbo fics imo. snowchester-era. 16k
six foot deep bottom line by shrugofgod : tubbo & q conversation, cookie outpost era. 2k
How to Sex Vol. 4-58 by Goldenrayofsunshine : epistolary fic, tommy pov, canon divergent from the disc finale (punz doesn’t arrive). probably my favorite fic in the fandom. 1k
Chicken Strategy by Goldenrayofsunshine : sam-centric, lots of q also, au where q set off the prison TNT. 20k
The Roman Archives by Goldenrayofsunshine : “Tubbo dies during the disc war finale and uses his time in purgatory to unlock all the secrets of the universe.” 4.5k
Make It Right by Goldenrayofsunshine : Captain Sparklez is tubbo’s dad, crashes the disc finale. my #1 clingyduo fluffy h/c Comfort Food. 2k
Raccooniverse (zombie crossover) series by Goldenrayofsunshine : crossover with the walking dead; doesn’t require any knowledge of the walking dead. tommy-centric, follows canon very approximately for the first two seasons and a bit beyond. 162k and still going, although you can just read the completed parts.
Neon Sunrise by Goldenrayofsunshine : wilbur & quackity, LN-era. 14k
draw up your sword (leave your days ashore) by Odaigahara : puffy joins the server by coming ashore at logstedshire, defends tommy. another comfort food fluffy h/c. 11k
snapshots by sparxwrites : schlatt/q relationship study. very good but mind the content warnings. 6k
the dead don’t dream by penink : what if dream killed tommy and then revived him again and then killed him and then revived him again— (crimeboys whump w a happy ending) 226k
Mafia AU by penink : mafia AU; based on Vibes rather than a specific time period but has Lots Content and Good Characterization. 219k and still going, although you can just read the completed parts.
Fairweather and Foxhole Friends by penink : manburg q & tubbo. 2k
Jubilee Line Satisfaction Survey by penink : wilbur centric, some crimeboys. wilbur in the afterlife! very very good. does fun things with the format--it's a uquiz, not an ao3 fic. another competitor for my favorite fanwork from this fandom.
call this world home by Sixteenthdays, stygiomedusa (grainjew) : another dream post-prison recovery/redemption; in this one, he’s metaphysically trapped in the arctic commune. 43k
l’esprit de l’escalier by eldritchIdeologist : revivebur oneshot. 3k
cause most of us are bitter over someone by honeyblock : niki & wilbur confrontation and reconciliation. (tommy’s there too.) 19k
orphan’s path (series) by aenor_llelo, Alderous, Anarchy-Schmanarchy (Murder_Schmurder), BattleBlaze, ConcoctionsFromHell, Falrisesi, fluxphage, izziel_galaxy, Otakuforlife19, Rocket999 : starts out as a phil&techno backstory. becomes a retelling of the entire server. massively multi-pov, very good characterization, very long. has many Takes i disagree with but also a lot of good stuff. get a text replacer “Lagos” -> “Dream”. 700K and still going, although you can just read the completed parts.
tune by small_lizard : karlnapity relationships study. 4k
applaud, my friends, the comedy is over! by small_lizard : oneshot focused on niki’s birthday party. <1k
it only gets much worse by hoorayy : another q & wilbur, LN-era. 2k
good reasons to freeze to death by hoorayy : tubbo-centric, post-s3 finale (mourning ranboo). 3k
pay it forward by comradeboyhalo : the l’sandburg fic. foolish centric; badlands post-egg healing arc in which they all move onto his house. very canon-typical tone; silly and crack-y but with genuine feeling. 5k
treatise on sin and vice by the_g_m : quackity and tommy and their relationship w religion (scriptfic). 7k
plate of primes by chrysalizzm : poem about tommy. <1k
hunger by Anonymous : probably the only E-rated fic i’m including. wilbur/quackity, LN-era, wilbur provokes quackity into hurting him by pretending to be dream, it’s . fic of all time. 11k
i'm not calling you a liar by Anonymous : jk i lied. also E-rated, wilbur/quackity, LN-era. by the same author as the previous rec, similarly dead dove. lives in my brain forever. 13k
the ckarl mpreg fic by the_g_m : karl doesn’t actually get pregnant in this one. they just want him to. karlnapity, script format, crack treated seriously. 2k
sink secluded by angeloncewas : niki and wilbur, pogtopia. <1k
best laid plans by zannolin : some gentle h/c for revivebur with ranboo and tommy. a bit of a comfort food but in a good way, at least for me. 5k
said the rabbit to the badger by zannolin : crimeboys talk about exile. inconsolable differences fixit. 3k
i can’t stand your taste in my mouth by orphan_account : a really intense but also very good pogtopia-era wilbur character/relationship study. 5k
where to find a silver lining (as the mercury keeps rising) by angelsdemonsducks : cwilbur eggpocalypse fic! 10k
the sea is rising by chrysalizzm : desolation avatar purpled. <1k but the series is longer
Blood Games by ghostdrinkssoda : q centric hurt-no-comfort that has some karlnapity but also engages with q as a bad person. 7k
where lies the strangling fruit by katsidhe : prison arc angst/whump. pretty heavy; mind the tags. sam & q & dream. 34k, unfinished
agatha by headlikeahole : wilbur's suicide note. collage/digital art. <1k
Tier X̅ by Pegasister60 : purpled's limbo is an empty bedwars map. 2k
one last lie for old times' sake by curseworm, VenetaPsi : wilbur tries to apologize to quackity before killing himself. quackity isn't having it. 18k
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h0nology · 1 year
For The Cameras (Part 3)
The wait is over, part three is here! Enjoy!
part one | part two
warnings: slight angst, fluff
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You shut the door in his face, your heart breaking at the sight that was now behind the door. You stood there for a moment, staring at the handle, if only you could open that door and welcome him into your arms. It’s all you wanted, was to get in his arms, to be his. But that’s not how things were going for your currently.
You let out a loud sigh, walking away from the door and kicking off your shoes. You sat on the edge of the bed, mind racing with the events that had happened tonight. You just knew that this had already hit the media, and that had a lot of explaining to do. You grabbed your phone, there was no point in ignoring it, you would see it eventually. You opened Instagram, your notifications going crazy as soon as you opened the app. There was so many tags and comments, you finally got to the post that everybody had been reposting, multiple paparazzi pictures of you, Veronica and Pedro. The first few were just you and Veronica, her in your face as you were visibly confused and annoyed and the other few were Pedro standing in between the two of you and going off on Veronica, then of course you and him making your way towards the car. But you knew the pictures weren’t as bad as the comments were about to be.
New photos of Pedro, Veronica and his assistant at event. Witnesses report that the two girls had gotten into it and Pedro left mid interview to handle it. Thoughts?
fan1: “Yikes”
fan2: “I wonder what that was about.”
fan3: “Pedro’s new assistant is messyyyy 😬”
fan4: “It’s obvious the assistant is coming in between their relationship and V isn’t standing for it!”
fan5: “the way y’all are assuming you know the situation just by a few photos is mind boggling. you don’t know these people or what they have going on.”
And that’s enough internet for tonight. You couldn’t even bring yourself to be mad though, this is the career you chose, you knew exactly what came with it. Messy blogs and clueless fans. You put your phone aside, figuring you’d just make a statement post tomorrow clearing up the situation. And by clearing up you mean sugar coating the truth since the two have an ‘image to protect’.
You got up from the bed, walking into the bathroom, the cold tile floor cooling off your feet as you cranked the shower on to the hottest setting. You stripped out of your dress and quickly hopped in, washing the hell of a day you had away. After washing up, you grabbed a towel and wrapped it around your body, walking out of the steamy bathroom. You grabbed the red wine off the cart and popped it open, plopping down onto the bed with the bottle in your hand. It’s been a long day.
The next morning you woke up sprawled across the bed, towel still draping over your body and the now empty wine bottle was laying next to you.
“Oh god.” You groan, moving your messy hair out of your face.
You sit up in the bed, squinting your eyes at the sun that was peeking into the room. You blink a few times, trying to get your eyes to focus on the sight in front of you. Flowers. Your favorite flowers. A bunch of them, sitting in a huge vase on the little table in the room. How’d they even get in here? Who put them in here and was that even allowed? You shrugged off your thoughts, getting out the bed to take a closer look. There had to be at least two dozen of them, and at the bottom there was a card with a note.
Apologies in advance, I know you’re about to be mad at me.
- Pedro
“What?” You furrowed your eyebrows.
What does that even mean? You pondered on the thought as you let your towel fall to the ground, getting yourself together and dressed for the day. Once you were finally presentable you sat back down on the bed, grabbing your phone off the nightstand where it had been charging all night. You figured now would be a good time to clear up the situation from last night and make a statement post, once you opened the app and it refreshes you were caught off guard by a picture of yourself looking back at you.
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pascalispunk: You are truly one of the greatest women I’ve ever met. I adore everything about you. How hardworking you are, how you keep me in check, how caring you are and your humbleness. I’ve always admired that about you, it’s one of the things that made me fall for you. I would always love when we were caught in front of the camera together, because you’d never agree to walking out with me anywhere, trying to protect an image that was never true. You’re so caring of others, even when you don’t need to be. Ever since I’ve met you, it has always been you. Unfortunately, due to circumstances of living in this Hollywood dream I could never publicly share my love and admiration for you, and you didn’t deserve that. So, now, here I am, taking charge and hopefully getting that I want, my happily ever after with the one girl I’ve wanted since I met her. @.yourinstagram
fan1: oh my god.
fan2: To dumb it down for a few…his relationship with Veronica was fake and he’s in love with his assistant
fan4: noooo 😢😢 my whole life is a lie
fan5: This is so cute
Your heart felt like it was about to explode, it was pounding out your chest as you put your phone down. What is he doing? You ran around your room, looking for some shoes to slide on before running out your room and to Pedro’s, knocking on the door repeatedly until it swung open.
“Did you like the f—” He started.
“What’d you do, you idiot?” You yell, tackling him with a hug, wrapping your arms tightly around him.
He laughs, “What I’ve always wanted to do.” He says before hugging you back, “I ended that stupid contract last night.”
“But my-my reputation.” You pull out the hug, looking up at him.
You know that should be the last thing on your mind right now, but your career was everything to you.
“I’ll do everything in my power to make sure it remains good.” He reassured you.
“Pedro, I-I don’t even know what to say.” This all just felt like a dream, the euphoric feeling was taking over your body.
“Come in, first of all.” He chuckled, guiding you in the room, “How about we go to dinner? Tonight. You and me.”
“Are you asking me out on a date, Mr.Pascal?”
“I am.” He pulls you by your waist, your faces just inches apart from each other’s, “An official date, and this time I’ll be showing you off for the cameras.”
tags: @still-wanna-be-corrupted @kittenlittle24 @marchai @aestheticangel612 @southernbe @quinnsgrapejuice @writerrinthedarksblog @oberynslady @ghostofjoharvelle @callthedarknessdown @goldenhxurs @chiogarza
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500 Follower = 500 Words Masterlist.
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Requests are open.
Blurbs will be posted in order that I have received the requests, not in the order listed below. I will add dates that they will be posted soon.
Red is the dates the blurbs will be posted.
If you want to know in which order these will be posted, you can go here: Request WIP List
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🧡 First Time - Wooyoung x gf!Reader - Prompt 18: Saying 'I love you' for the first time.
🧡 Moving in Together - Mingi x fiancee!Reader - Prompt 20: Moving in together
🧡 Close to You - Yunho x gf!Reader - Prompt 02: “I like being close to you.” 
🧡 Let Them Look - Hongjoong x photographer!Reader - Prompt 19: “People are looking at us.” “Let them look.” 
🧡 Cravings - Seonghwa x Pregnant Wife!Reader - Prompt 17: Pregnancy Cravings 
🧡 Hongjoong x Reader - requested by Anon - Prompt 06: “I don’t like the thought of you with someone else.” 
🧡 Jongho x Reader - requested by Anon - Prompt 23: Idol leaves multiple voicemails after an arguement with his partner.
🧡 Yeosang x Reader - requested by @rainydayteacups - Prompt 14: “You were talking about me this whole time?” “Who else would I have been talking about?” “I thought you were talking about (name)!”
🧡 San x Reader - requested by @rainydayteacups - Prompt 22: Finding out you’re having a baby, but it’s not his.
🧡 Wooyoung x Reader - requested by Anon - Prompt 29: “Wherever you are, is where I want to be. You’re my home.”
🧡 Hongjoong x Reader - requested by Anon - Prompt 26: Your parents disapprove of him
🧡 Seonghwa x Reader - requested by Anon - Prompt 28: “Please, let me in.” “Go away.” “I’m not going anywhere, not until we’ve talked this through. I’ll wait all night if I have to.” 
🧡 Hongjoong x Reader - requested by Anon - Prompt 07: "What’s going on inside that head of yours?” 
-> No One Else - S. Coups x ex-gf!reader - Prompt 38: When Y/N has no one else to call, she calls her ex-boyfriend who still has her back no matter what. 
-> Dinner Can Wait - Jeonghan x gf!reader - Prompt 31: He's had a hard day at practice and all he wants is Y/N.  
-> Seungkwan - requested by @staytiny2000 - Prompt 41: “tell me what I did wrong so I can fix it!” “There’s nothing to fix.” “Then why are you mad at me? What did I do wrong?” 
-> Woozi - requested by anon - Prompt 33: First date goes horribly wrong but reader surprises him by suggesting a second date.
-> Seungkwan - requested by anon - Prompt 45: Video calling with idol!boyfriend while he’s away. 
-> Minghao - requested by anon - Prompt 34: Y/N accidentally finds an engagement ring in idol!boyfriend’s closet. 
-> Comfort - Lee Know x gf!reader - Prompt 04: "Are you okay?” “No. Everything is a mess right now.” “What can I do to help?” “You’re already doing it.”
-> Forgetful - Changbin x wife!reader - Prompt 09: Idol husband forgets his and readers anniversary.
-> Hellevator - Hyunjin x staff!reader - Prompt 11: Stuck in an elevator together. 
-> Just a Few More Days - Bang Chan x gf!reader - Prompt 08: “Just a few more days, I promise.” 
-> No More Games - Jisung x Reader - requested by Anon - Prompt 10: “I think we should end things here. It’s for the best.” 
-> Drunk Confessions - Felix x bff!reader - requested by @staytiny2000 - Prompt 24: “I think we should get married. Should we get married? We should totally get married.” 
-> Birthday Fail - Seungmin x reader - requested by @hamburgers101 (22/09) - Prompt 15: “This is not how it went in my head.”
-> Bang Chan - requested by Anon (03/10) - Prompt 03: Single!dad x Single Mum!Reader 
-> I.N - requested by Anon - Prompt 16: “I just wanted to hear your voice.”  
-> Felix - requested by @treehouse-mouse - Prompt 21: Best friend’s brother. 
-> I.N - requested by @qwonyoung23 - Prompt 13: Fake proposal to get free desert but turns into a confession
-> Changbin - requested by Anon - Prompt 05: Ex-boyfriend's best friend 
-> Lets Make It Real - Huening Kai x reader - Prompt 30: Fake dating turns into real feelings
-> Forbidden - Soobin x staff-gf!reader - Prompt 25: forbidden romance - staff member!reader
-> Summer Love - Yeonjun x reader - requested by Anon - Prompt 01: Summer Fling
-> Soobin - requested by Anon (05/12) - Prompt 27: He accidentally admits his crush to his crush.
-> Yeonjun - requested by Anon - Prompt 12: He realizes he actually does love his best friend after rejecting her.
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sundewhasaudhd · 3 months
Y’all need to do SundewhasAuDHD summer reading (part one)
This is just bunch of my most important/longest posts that I want my new moots to see
(Sorry I couldn’t do the thing on here where the links are words, I don’t know how to do that)
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tqmies · 1 year
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FIRST OFF, thank you so much for 1k followers! I know I said it a few days ago but I wanted to put in a proper thanks! I love all of you <3 te quiero mucho :D
!! So I'll be running this drabble event for a week and a half! I know it's a short span but I have so many long wip I want to get out too! So in order to get everything out, this will have to be a bit smaller, though my thanks for you is huge!
☆☆ ☆ Below are a list of Au's and Dialogue prompts! Send in an ask with a member of your choice, an AU, and a Dialogue prompt! Please note if you'd like it SFW or NSFW! - And yes, you may send multiple!
☆ I write for all current members of NCT, Ateez, TXT, and TBZ!
☆ Enhypen and P1harmony legal members only!
☆ This event is over! Masterlist will be posted soon, thank you for all the requests!
Remember! Minors DNI :)
AU's ☆
Fake Dating
Enemies to Lovers
Rivals to Lovers
Exes to Lovers
Office Romance
Secret Relationship / Hiding
Frat Boy!
Rock Band
Arranged Marriage
Idol Au
Superhero / Supervillian
Airport meeting
Angsty Breakup
Friends to Lovers
Mutual Pining
Dialogue prompts ☆
“I was never a morning person, but then I started waking up to your face and you know… Maybe mornings aren’t that bad, after all.” 
“Why are you mad?” “I’m not mad, I just think you can choose better people to kiss.” 
“I fucking hate you.” “No you don’t. Take that back right now.” 
“You know I’d do anything to have you stay by my side, right? Anything.”  
“Oh, fuck. Do that again.” 
“You look stupid as all hell right now.”
“I want to believe you, but I don’t know if I can.” 
“You’ve given me so many reasons to walk away.” “Then why don’t you walk away? It’s not like I’m keeping you hostage here.” “You still don’t get it, do you? It’s because I love you.” 
“…Damn it all to hell, if I don’t get to have you tonight then I’m never going to be able to have you.” 
“Let me call you mine, just for tonight.”
“I think you and I make an amazingly stupid pair.” “I know! Our two brain cells combined together make for quality entertainment and a unique kind of stupidity.” 
“I’m going to have so much fun with you.”
“Oh God, yes, right there— oh my God, just like that, please don’t stop.” “…Can you stop that? You’re making it sound like we’re in a porno and now I’m getting kinda hard.” 
“Bet you they don’t make you sound like that, do they?” 
“Fuck, you’re such a wreck, and because of me, too.” 
“Can you stop moaning? I’m trying to help you relax but you’re making it hard for me to concentrate.” “Sorry, your hands just work a little too good.” “I’m going to pay for a masseuse next time if you keep doing this.” 
“You are driving me insane and I’m this close to losing my shit because of you.”
“Is hating me your only personality trait?”
“Never scare me like that again!” 
“Oh, don’t worry. I have every plan to make you submit to me.”
“I’m not even gonna lie, I’m just so fucking obsessed with you.” 
“That could be us.” “That is us.”
“Was it worth it?”
“Don’t worry, I’ve got you— slow down, you’ll get what you want soon enough.”
“I want you to remember every single second of this.” 
“Bet you they can’t make you feel the way I do.” “Bet’s on.” “Wait, what? That was not my intention—”
“Hm, but I think I like having you spread out like this. Such a gorgeous sight.” 
“Come and get your fix.”
“…You’re an addiction I never want to quit.” 
“I had nothing to live for, but then you came into my life. So thank you.” 
“Why’d you— why’d you do that?” “B-Because I promised you I’d do anything to keep you safe.” 
“I swear if we get caught then I’m actually going to kill you.” 
“You think I wanted this to happen?!”
“Just when I was about to give up…”
“I trusted you with my life.” “Well, I’m sorry but you’re clearly very gullible.”
“Look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t feel the same as I do, then I’ll leave you alone.” 
“You know, maybe you should bet on something else the next time instead of betting on someone’s fucking feelings.” 
“You’re such a dork.” “Yeah, no wonder you’re so in love with me.”
“Does me doing all these things not account for anything?” “I never asked you to do those things for me, though, did I?”
“You nearly foiled our plan, you idiot!”
“I… I think I’m happy.” “You think? So you’re not one hundred percent certain?”
“Who’s laughing now?” “…Clearly not you. You’re crying, dear God.” 
“I’m tired of being on the sidelines.” 
“You actually came back.”
“Christ on a fucking bike, I could kiss you right now.”
“That was a bold move.”
“We’re going to be late, all because you couldn’t stop scrolling through that damn phone of yours while taking your damn sweet time to shit!” 
"What are we?" "Probably stupid."
"You could punch me in the face and I'd still want you, not gonna lie."
"They just gave you the key to my house?" "Well no.. I asked for it!"
"You can kiss me, you know?"
"Will you just stay still?" "What, why?" "I'm trying to hold your hand, you idiot!"
"Hey, you haven't come out of your room in like two days...I'm not worried or anything but the dishes are piling up and i need you to be alive so you can take care of them, so..."
Smut Prompts ☆
54. "Can you feel how much I want you?"
55. "I can never get enough of your taste."
56. "Let's try something new tonight."
57. "We don't even have to take our clothes off."
58. "I want to ruin you."
59. "Yes, please, do it!"
60. "Your tongue is truly extraordinary."
61. "I have seen you naked before."
62. "No bed needed."
63. "Sleep is overrated. I have better ideas."
64. "You know me so well. You always find the right spot."
65. "Please, don't ever stop!"
66. "Our bodies fit so well together."
67. "I could do this all day. And definitely all night."
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lovelyrose20 · 1 year
Listen I know it’s a lot is happening and normally I don’t like making posts about giant dramas of the day because I’m gonna be real here. I don’t give a damn for the little shit and sometimes it’s just tiring But I think the biggest problem when it comes to the community is the fact that people tend to try to split things between each other or try to go to two opposite extremes even if it’s something small
Like oh Quackity is a horrible asshole who didn’t respond to Dream for a few week and totally know about the harassment including the awful threats against his family
I’m not an expert but unless I missed something and the threats were actively in the top search of QSMP or Quackity tags in the Spanish side of things talking about all those horrible things involving Dream’s family. I highly doubt that Quackity would’ve read all of them, and even if he did, it will probably just be saying bad things, not straight up, threatening and making assassination attempts over a minecraft server because I doubt he would be happy at the threats even if he didn’t say it publicly. I think there’s a better way he could’ve handle it rather than just ignoring it and hoping that if he just not feed the mob, they would calm down eventually since sometimes a Twitter mob would not calm down even if you give it time. But that doesn’t mean he deserve harassment over it or being called an awful friend or people badmouthing his server and the people in it because of stupid decision on his part.
Oh Dream secretly want people to be harassed and that’s the reason why he wrote a a 10 page Twitter post.
Whatever you feel about him now and even though that, I think there’s better ways to explain the situation, and airing out friendship beef is not a good idea on principle because that would just make the situation worse, explaining that you want your friend to tell his community not to harass people and talking about how you were threatened over the similarities of a Minecraft server that we don’t even know is copying shit, with the only thing being that they are multiple languages and because he got bad timing is not him being an asshole. The worst I will say is that he was being irresponsible and emotional ass, but I don’t think he was being evil or trying to induce a riot. Especially when it’s involved his family being in danger which would pissed anyone off
Tommy shouldn’t be making a joke about the situation and he’s being a bastard or Tommy have every right to make that joke and it’s a good sign that he hated Dream or something
Buddy, don’t you consider the fact that maybe Tommy made a joke because he thought it was funny and didn’t think it through. We’re talking about the kid who wants to make sure that his closest friends approve of some of the skits that he played. Like I remember when people are concerned Tubbo is super mad during the wedding video only for Tubbo to say yeah I wasn’t upset. It wouldn’t shock me if he ask Quackity and Dream about it. Plus, even if he did step out of line and he deserve to be someone called out for it. That don’t means that it’s a not for him to be dox and his family threatened. Some people try to say that since he hate Dream so much, he should’ve deleted his videos with him. Like he made one video making a joke that probably didn’t land well. You could be uncomfortable, You can call him out, hell you could stop watching him after. But threatening his mom to hurt her to supposedly get her to talk to her son is not gonna make things faster. In fact, that would make things worse because guess what no one likes being threat over a joke. We can say that he made a bad joke, and you shouldn’t have made it because for multiple reasons, but that’s not an excuse to threaten him. And if we go by the logic that this video means that he hates him what does that mean for people like Phil who he made joke about does that mean he hates them too? Especially since some of the people we make jokes are all his friends, so should we assume that he hates them?
But no, these people is evil because they made a bad joke or because they didn’t show attention to a situation and because they look at several things that they’re totally evil and such and they never care about their friends and they’re horrible idiot who do so much wrong, and should be grounds for harassing them
Doesn’t that sound familiar?
These creators are not gods or the devil. They’re people and We can criticize them about making posts that also give away friendship drama while I do acknowledge that maybe they have a right to be upset when they were literally being tracked in their goddamn car
We can acknowledge that that joke isn’t funny because hey, I know this seems pretty ridiculous to you and you want to make a small little jab about it, but we got harassed over it without deciding to turn around and do the same goddamn thing to that person
We can criticize people without deciding to make them hear from here like we can criticize people without telling their mom that you’re going to assault her unless she tell her son to cool it, and we can criticize them without making dramatic posts about how there’s totally evil now and how because they made one bad decision in a friendship or in a relationship. Suddenly, they are pure evil and now you’re going on a giant rant they’re actually an evil bastards who don’t deserve attention.
They deserve to be criticize and told what they did wrong, and how to improve without their families getting hurt in the process.
Edited it because my grammar was somewhat shit.
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mamaestapa · 7 months
this isn’t hate so don’t take it as such but it’s really confusing seeing you have one foot in, one foot out of the fandom and then getting mad when people don’t follow or understand where you’re at
I don’t read everything you post, I’m not on tumblr often but i saw you said you’re not writing for joe rn (completely fine and valid) but you answered an ask the other day about how much of a dream it would be to have him fall in love with you (when anon said you looked like liv) AND hes still your profile pic and username. I understand the username is effort to change but he is still all over your blog and some days it seems like you’re in a good mood to talk about him and the next you’re so done and it’s just really confusing at this point. if you’re done with him, that’s fine, just pls say so bc it’s confusing when you’re like “u never know!” but also “im not in a joe mood rn” but also “I’d love him to fall in love with me and that would be a dream” and then get mad when we send asks like I genuinely just don’t understand if you love or hate him? you’ve kinda given the impression of both and it’s fine either way but pls just be clear bc it seems like we’re pissing you off but you’re not clear on where you stand and idgi cjdjdmd i thought you were done with him but then I saw the liv ask where u said it would be a dream for him to fall in love with u, so I thought ‘ok ur not writing for him, but you still like him and wanna talk ab him’, and he’s ur prof pic and stuff so I was like ok safe assumption, but then it seemed like u got mad when I sent u a tweet so im just confused fjfjffjd
i hope you understand this isn’t hate and i genuinely love your blog. i just think being clear would be helpful and if ur rlly done with him, even just for now, being straight up would be better than saying youd love him to fall in love w u and then basically telling us to shut up ab him the next day bc ur in ur hockey era rn 😭
sending this with love! once again not hate just don’t like being chastised
“this is the only ask i’ll answer regarding this. “
felt like I was being told off by a teacher in school when I just didn’t know bc u said he’s your favourite last week and some other positive things the other day😭
i don’t really know how to answer this lol. first of all, i’m not mad at anyone. i just get a little annoyed.
i want to start by saying, i don’t hate joe. i hate what the joe community on tumblr has turned into. you can’t post anything anymore without receiving hate or some sort of comment that isnt so nice. it’s frustrating to see so many good blogs and genuinely nice people receive hate because of the things they post.
we’re all on here just trying to have fun and post positive things about our favorites!
i do not expect you to read every single thing i post on here. i don’t expect that out of anyone that reads my stuff or follows me.
yes, joe absolutely is all over my blog. i’m a fan of his, i write for him, he has been my blog for a whole year now. i don’t mind receiving asks about joe, literally at all. when it comes to his personal life and what he’s doing though…it’s different.
i didn’t create my blog to talk about or speculate anything about joes personal life/life outside of football. i made this blog to write about, see pics of, and meet other people who shared a love for him and the sport too. all this community has turned into the last few months has been drama and speculation which is NOT what im here for.
i’ve moved onto hockey because football wasn’t my interest anymore and that’s okay. i didn’t say to shut up about joe, you absolutely can talk about him. i simply just said i’ve moved on.
i get a little frustrated when i get asks about when in writing fics or updating for him because i’ve said multiple times that im taking a step back and taking a break from writing about joe. am i not allowed to be a fan and say i love him without him being the focus of my blog anymore? lol.
i didn’t mean to “chastise” anyone, i just was simply saying i’m not going to answer anymore asks about what the tweet was about because it’s ALL over tumblr right now. many blogs are receiving hate, talking about the subject, etc. and i just don’t want to be apart of that. i did not create my blog to talk about his personal life or have any drama.
i’ve stopped writing about joe because of what the community has become. he has nothing to do with it.
i appreciate you being honest with me on how you feel about my blog and my approach with this! i didn’t mean to come off the way i did when i answered your ask about the tweet, i just didn’t want to contribute to the conversation anymore and make it a bigger deal than it already is.
with that being said, it’s been great on here with yall but i’m stepping away from the “joemunity”. thanks for being so amazing🤍
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director-phobos · 6 months
I don’t wanna be clocked as the “I’m better than you disabled type” for saying this, so please don’t go there. But I feel like people do have a problem with getting way too comfortable in their misery over the years here and I hope people see what I mean one day. Back when I was miserable myself and didn’t have the resources I do now, I used to get angry at those who said I’m capable of “doing more” or related but after receiving the help I’ve needed I’ve come to realize its a kind of fucked how normalized its been in these spaces to just.. use specific experiences or illnesses as a scapegoat? For a lack of better words. I used to do it but again, it’s normalized here I guess.. we’re capable of so much more and I’m growing more and more tired of the “I’m x so I can’t do x” thing..
I’m diagnosed with various things, some expected some new, I’ve been through heaps of traumatizing both irl and online situations resulting in the cptsd, chronic depression, BPD, some sort of dissociative disorder etc all being treated. What gets me though, is I see people experience way more mild things that they end up intensely identify with and blaming it or a few bad experiences on every negative trait they have, and don’t try and change anything. A lot of the time leading to misdiagnosing themselves as well with something serious, and yeah, I get mad about it. I get that people don’t all experience things the same but the same awwrghwk729191
The more I see this sort of thing taken happen between mutuals/acquaintances etc after I provide my insight the more (unreasonably?) angry I get? Because in my mind I guess people should know better but at the same time they haven’t been “enlightened” like I have so to speak. I’ve helped a couple of people, but some are so, so stuck in the “I’m this so I can’t do that or be expected to” thing and I only see this mindset in people who are very stuck on social media. I do not see this in people who are more “offline” or focus more on projects/friends/etc who have been through a lot like I have as well.
And just like. Dude.
[CW experience dump of unpleasantness];
If I can go through 13ish years of back to back domestic violence, witnessing my parent trying to kill themself multiple times, being woken up to screaming at 1am almost every day for months at one point, see people get beat, get beaten myself, have someone try to run me/family over twice, have a sibling die, endure s/a and on top of that be sent through multiple manipulators online after thinking I was through it all; I’m sure others with more “mild” problems in comparison they’ve ever went through can pull out of the “I’m so constantly drained and I can’t do xyz thing,” like I have, with work. But they have to really want it, when I get angry is when I see someone perfectly capable of using those resources and they don’t, but instead sink more into the “I can’t to blah” mindset.
I guess yeah there’s no hiding that this is a direct nod towards something that happened to me/someone recently, but nothing would change even if I dumped my feelings which I’ve done way too much of and itd always amount to nothing sooo instead I’ll just dump about what I see it all relating to in online phenomena. I’ll never be satisfied with how a friendship fell apart because of [the everything], and I could explain my pov further but I don’t want to get anymore specific than I am + I’m all around very certain it all culminates to this sort of thing. Out of all the worries I have recently reflecting on this is the only upsetting thing I’ve really been through recently besides random works issues and I think this will plague me for a long, long time. Wegh
Ty for the like attention span of idk 3 peanuts of my 50-ish followers who would read this post 🏓
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writteninthesewalls28 · 8 months
Best Friends, right?
A/N: This work is posted as a part of the "be my valentine challenge" by @bemyvalentinechallenge. it´s a little different from what I normally write (fandom and stuff), but the quote immediately remind me of it. It it not fitting to the current situation where the author of "Keeper of the lost cities" left off, but that´s how I´m imagining this situation.
Summary: Keefe Sencen is finally together with Sophie but has to explain why he feels that way about her to his (ex?) best friends Fitz Vacker.
Warnings: spoiler warnings, please do not read if you haven´t read "Stellarlune" of the kotlc series.
Wow, why did they had to get here, on his bed, in his (or better, in his father’s) house? 
This- would be a hard talk, he knew that for sure. 
Keefe Sencen, infamously the new boyfriend of Sophie Foster, silently sat next to his best friend (or ex-best friend, he wasn’t sure yet) Fitz Vacker. 
Obviously he knew, that it had been wrong of him, not to tell his best friend about the crush he had on her, since Fitz was the one who had been in a relationship with her first. But, he just couldn’t understand why Fitz had to be so mean and ignorant to him since he found out. 
It wasn’t his fault that he fell in love with her. With Sophie. 
"Listen, Fitz. I never meant to crush your relationship with her. I’m really sorry." He started. Fitz didn't even look at Keefe, as if he was an annoying insect that wouldn’t leave his side. God, how much this guy annoyed Keefe. 
It took around 5 more minutes till Fitz finally felt like saying something. "Since when did you even like her?" He asked with a really weird tone in his voice, Keefe didn’t eve knew existed. 
"Since the day I met her in the hallway and I had to bring her to the hospital wing because she collapsed in my arms." Keefe said, in a quiet tone. This was the most uncomfortable chat he ever had with him. 
Fitz gave him a confused look. "I don’t believe you." 
What. Did. He. Want. Him. To. Do. About. It.
"Fine. You wanna hear the whole story?" He got a little mad. Him and Sophie were happy together, couldn’t Fitz just accept that?! "I had a TERRIBLE childhood, first living in the shadow of my shitty parents and later in the 'Vacker-Shadow' because the famous Vacker family is the best. Don’t even try convincing me it’s different, because it isn’t. You know it. Then Sophie came and showed me that there is someone who really cares about me and who likes ME and not my last name or looks or funny humor. She was the first one to realize my humor sometimes was a coping mechanism." He noticed that Fitz wanted to butt in multiple times, so Keefe started talking louder and louder, till he was nearly screaming. Hopefully his father wouldn’t hear this rather awkward conversation. "I realized, I could change something in this stupid world." Tears started forming in his stupid blue eyes that he shares with his even more stupid dad. "I did not only fell in love with her. I fell in love with a world through her eyes. She has a different way of looking at problems and people. She’s special, Fitz." He said his name, as if he was some dirty little creature that nobody even wants to look at. "So, if this is still about your pride,and about the topic that you are a better boyfriend for Sophie, you should starts opening up your eyes and realize that YOUR perfect little elvin world is falling apart." 
With these words, he simply walked out of the room and slammed the door behind him. 
He grabbed his crystal and escaped to Havenfield. Sophie was the only person who would understand him now. And he needed to get a hug, right now. 
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madamebaggio · 1 year
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Notes: Previously...
It's short, but it's here. I'm still working on the last chapter of "Those Stark boys", but I've decided I could post something to encourage myself ;)
Chapter 3
Was it strange that Sansa’s first desire upon hearing her husband’s voice was to bash his head in?
As soon as he opened that ridiculous smirk and said ‘Hello, wife’, she wished she could just hit him with a blunt object. Multiple times.
“Husband.” She’d replied dryly, but her tone seemed to have no effect on him. He continued to grin like a simpleton. “I have some food for you.” She looked him up and down. “And a bath. You might want to start there.”
He chuckled, like she’d said something charming. “Whatever my wife wishes.” He decided. “So bath first.”
Sansa gave him a look full of suspicion. “I have clean clothes for you as well.”
“Clean clothes.” He sighed. “I have barely arrived and you are spoiling me already.”
Oh great. Her husband had gone mad during the war.
Sansa gave Arthur a wide berth after he went to have his bath. She sent other people to help him, then sent him food, then pretended she had more things to do before finally going up to their chambers.
She found him sitting on the bed, clean, with his hair cut and beard in better conditions.
Sansa hadn’t really thought about it before, but her husband was somewhat handsome, if one liked the type.
“Oh, there you are.” He grinned at her. “Thank you for the clothes and the food.”
She just nodded at him.
His grin lost a bit of its strength, but he didn’t give up. “It has been a while, Sansa.”
She held in a scoff. “You could say that.” She looked around. “Should I undress now?”
That managed to shock him, and she almost grinned at his stupid face. “I beg… What?”
“Should I undress?” She repeated. “Do you want to bed me tonight?”
Well, that was romantic.
Then again, he probably deserved that.
“No.” He said carefully. “I am quite tired.” Should he say ‘thank you for offering’?
The relief in her face was a punch to the gut. Honestly, she couldn’t have made it any clearer that the idea of sleeping with him was unappealing to her.
He had to give it to her… That was probably his fault.
He’d made a mess of their wedding night, and he felt shame just remembering about it. He could only imagine what she felt when she thought about it.
Arthur really needed to do something about that. He didn’t want his wife to dread every time he touched her.
“We do not know each other well, Sansa.” He told her simply. “I wish we could fix that. Especially because you are stuck with me, so…” He gave her what he hoped was a charming smile.
She narrowed her eyes, as if she wasn’t sure she could trust him all that much. “Of course.”
“I rode the whole day to get here, and I am tired. So why don’t we sleep early today, and tomorrow we start this again?” He suggested. “You can tell me how is Londinium, and we can figure out how things will be going forward.” He cleared his throat. “What do you think?”
Bedivere would be so proud if he could see him being diplomatic.
“That sounds agreeable.” Sansa finally nodded.
“Excellent.” He said, happy to end this conversation.
Oh Gods… This was going to be hard.
Arthur might not be the brightest man out there, but he always thought he was reasonably smart.
He was starting to reconsider that notion,
Had his wife always been that pretty?
When he woke up that morning, Sansa was still asleep next to him. It was the first time he’d taken a moment to properly look at her.
And wasn’t that a travesty?
He’d been married to this woman for three years, and never before he’d noticed what he had that morning. The curve of her lips, the lines of her face, the lovileness of her skin.
He did know she was somewhat pretty, but it’d never occurred ot him how pretty until that morning.
And she hated him.
Which brought him to the person he was looking for that morning.
“Arthur!” Kay hugged him, smiling beautifully. “I heard you arrived yesterday. I am so happy to see you.”
“Yes, me too and all…” He ignored her snort. “I really need help.”
She smirked. “Let me guess. The wife is not happy.”
“She isn’t. How fucked am I?”
“Oh darling… Very fucked indeed.”
Great. Just what he needed.
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lavenderpanic · 10 months
Deleted Scenes from Chapter 10 of I Am Ash From Your Fire
I took a few scenes out because they didn't fit cohesively, so I'm going to post them here. NOTE: These are part of a bigger fic, this is not a standalone fic and will not make sense if you aren't familiar with the rest of the fic, all warnings from Chapter 10 apply to these excerpts.
“Something’s seriously wrong,” Steve sighs exasperatedly, pausing in his pacing just long enough to look at Sam and Natasha. “Wanda said he just… quit. No explanation. She said she could tell Brock was there, instructing him on what to say.”
“What can we do?” Natasha sighs, hugging the pillow cradled to her chest even tighter. “We can’t call the police, obviously, and even if we could, Bucky doesn’t seem to want to leave.”
“He’s obviously being abused, who gives a shit what he says?”
Sam lets out a belabored groan. “Steve, if he says he wants is, that’s it. He’s already on record talking to doctors and social workers saying he consents to whatever Brock does. If they both agree that they want it, there’s not much we can do.”
“We need to get to Bucky,” Natasha says gently. “He needs to realize, without being forced, that he has to leave.”
Steve scoffs lightly, continuing his feverish pace from one side of his apartment to the other. “Yeah, real easy when he’s locked at home all day, no way to contact him. I mean, I’ve seen the shape he’s in after Brock hurts him, how much worse does it have to get before he realizes? I don’t think it can get any worse.”
“He has to leave his apartment at some point,” Sam reasons. “And Brock’s a cop, there must be times he’s out and Bucky’s alone.”
“There’s cameras,” Natasha shakes her head. “He’d recognize us if he saw us, Sam, probably you too, Steve. But you’re right, maybe Bucky does go somewhere during the day.”
Steve’s pacing slows down as he tries to think of places Bucky might go in his free time. “He told me he’s been going to the gym for the past few weeks. And I doubt Brock does his own errands, I bet he goes to the store or the dry cleaners or someplace like that.”
Natasha sighs again. “That won’t give us enough time, though. Even if we can get, what, five minutes alone with him? Nothing we can say in five minutes is gonna make him leave. We’ve been trying to convince him since we’ve known him.”
“So we have nothing. No way to help him, no– no fucking plan?”
“There isn’t just a set of code words to snap him out of it,” Sam says softly. “If he really doesn’t understand that what Brock’s doing is wrong… arguments that sound logical to us aren’t going to change his mind. Most people who leave go back, multiple times. I think the most important thing is that Bucky knows he can leave, that he has somewhere to go, someone to support him, when he does.”
“I can’t just wait around while he’s getting hurt,” Steve whispers. “I was there, in the hospital, I saw the state he was in. He almost died and he still got mad that I called an ambulance. He was literally on the verge of death and Brock was blaming him for passing out. What happens if he has another emergency and he doesn’t have someone to force him to get help?”
“It’s painful,” Natasha agrees. “I see it a lot, with the people who come to the shelter. I watch them go back and get hurt over and over again. But I promise you, the more forceful you are, the less likely they are to come back at all.”
“I know it’s hard,” Sam sighs. “But last time he needed help, he went right to you. That’s a good sign.”
Steve shouldn’t get excited when his phone buzzes anymore. It’ll never be Bucky. It hasn’t been, for weeks. He wouldn’t dare call, he doesn’t want Bucky getting in trouble on his account, but he nearly has about a hundred times. He was satiated, slightly, when Sam told him he saw Bucky at the store. He’s alive, at least, or was last week. It worried him to hear Sam’s recollection of the state he was in– exhausted, bruised up, about what he expected– but any confirmation that he’s alive is enough for Steve.
Even so, even though he knows he shouldn’t still hold onto that hope, he feels his heart pick up when his phone buzzes. The hope deflates when, of course, it isn’t Bucky, but instead an Instagram notification. He clicks on it, really just out of curiosity. He doesn’t do much on Instagram but post his drawings, and he rarely has new people follow him. As soon as he opens the app, a message pops up.
b3cca_barn3s: hey ur buckys friend, right?
rogers070420: Yeah it’s Steve! Is everything alright?
b3cca_barn3s: i was actually kinda hoping u would know. he hasn’t answered anyones calls or texts in forever. hes never ignored me like this. is he ok? :(
rogers070420: I honestly haven’t heard from him either, I’m really sorry. I wish I could help. My friend Sam saw him a couple days ago at the store, but he hasn’t called or anything.
b3cca_barn3s: oh :( ty anyway. plz lmk if he texts u
rogers070420: I will! Let me know if there’s anything else I can help with
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