#people with horns maybe
draconxs · 7 months
Kaido's skin is leathery to the touch in a way one could tell it was thicker than the normal dermis of any average man. Beasts have a tough time clawing into him and men have an even harder time getting a good shot or stab in that would actually make him bleed.
The thoughts I have lead me to believe Kaido is definitely a part of an unknown race in the OP world and it's not just his horns (unless they are a freakish defect of nature such as his overwhelming strength) that can indicate such a thing.
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aka-indulgence · 1 year
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ninjautistic · 4 months
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I found out some stuff about Oni's and I have a whole bunch of new headcanons for Lloyd and Garmadon..
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ruushes · 2 days
really charmed by the previous dragon age pcs and companions now mostly being in their forties and fifties, the problem for me now though trying to draw them is that looking at reference photos of people in their forties and fifties nets you everything from 'could be late twenties' to 'ancient wizard'
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 3 months
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ganondoodle · 10 months
is it too much of a reach to say that zelda being reduced to basically an object to farm items from in totk just kinda adds more salt to the wound of how badly shes treated?
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dovalore · 4 months
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redesigns of the leisure loaf and danger decor
and design notes under cut!
why the redesign? it's fun and uh... there was a monologue here, but basically i don't like the originals! let's keep it at that
i wanted them to be more fantastical, yes the point of a mimic is supposed to be unassuming objects that suddenly spring to life and attack, but you know me, i'm more of a little creature guy so i made them more like that. it's also the reason why i changed their legs to look more like they're ready to spring at a moment's notice
my inspiration came mostly from bulldogs and pugs, their short and squat stature makes them a perfect fit for being translated into ottoman mimics. the main appeal of these dogs are their faces being all grumpy looking are and it just works really well for something that will immediately turn around and snap at you if you dare to try and rest your feet on them
these ones still have fangs, they're just better hidden! i prioritised their expression being the focus of their design so i had to drop them in favour of that being more readable. the patterns on their blankies too
i did consider giving the decor (pink one) white/cream venom so it can look more like neapolitan ice cream, sort of what i think they might've been going for in the original, but... you know. anyway, i settled on something that suggests that it's poisonous, like how the loaf's venom is this bright green. being bitten by a mimic is already something you don't want happening to you, so poison on top of that would make it something you super don't want happening to you
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everyshadeofwrong · 2 months
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taskmaster rusty lake AU wasn't on my 2024 bingo
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ruthytwoshakes · 3 months
holy freakshow I tototally forgot to show off my new epic fursona deisgng
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bask in her glory whyis this image so large
her name is Ruth becuausde my name is awesome and it stands for ruthless unstoppable terrorizing hellspawn . She’s 16 and wants to kill you but she can’t because she has braces and it hurts to bite. She glows in da dark because she’s really cool and her favorite food is caramel apple lollipops.
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pillowenvelopchair · 4 months
Something cool i noticed but they look like the lion dance costumes!!
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I really like how in the intro of the boss theres a hand that pushes the jaw up! And upon looking into it a bit further you can almost see a whole body there!
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Perhaps it has something to do with the bear incantation we saw in the trailer too? Theyre both similar with how two ferocious beasts have thorns protruding out of them (at first i thought the bear incantation had dragon horns with the whole runebear-dragon relation but it definitely makes more sense if these incantations specifically are both related to omens! Especially with there being even more crucible thing being shown in the trailer!)
So perhaps only one persons casting up an incantation for it? (Also appreciate the animation for it too!! From what i can see it just looks so so good!!! I love how the legs really really look like they’re carrying another person
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Also i did notice the crown of horns protruding from its head! Almost looks like a crown of thorns lol but yeah!!! Thats my two cents for this trailer
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ciderjacks · 7 months
ok but holy shit the snake imagery in deadloch was so fucking GOOD IT WAS SO GOOD
(Spoilers for Deadloch ahead be warned if ur gonna watch it, I encourage you to scroll bc it’s really really good watching it unfold without spoilers)
Margaret Carruthers being represented as a snake (and as the devil at certain points but that’s less of the focus here) throughout the series was so SO good
Like we hear her say early on that the snakes have “taken over” the island (which is why she claims she won’t let anyone on it), then of course Fay and the kids refer to her and her family as Snakes
then as the story is building, the snakes stay a central theme within that storyline. No one can see the graveyard because it’s “been overrun with snakes”, which are an obvious parallel to her and her family colonizing the town. (It’s impossible to get rid of them, they make breeding with their cousins work, etc)
when Abbey is on the island too far up, she appears behind her and tells her not to go there “or else she’ll get bit”, in a really ominous threatening way, which makes sense because *spoiler warning* she fully killed her brother because he wanted to open up the island to the aboriginal people. It sounds like a threat because it is a threat. She is the snake. AND OF COURSE she then dies while trying to dig up her brothers body, because she (a white colonist) didn’t understand the land of wildlife enough to properly deal with the snakes, and so got bitten.
it’s so poetic and terrifying like there’s other stuff too I couldn’t describe all of it
She was also imo the scariest part of the show by far
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am just drawing stuff at this point
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old-thymey-magpie · 4 months
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Ever have an AU so complicated it's almost not worth it to explain it, yet have an idea in it grip you so strongly that not only MUST you draw it and share it, but that the idea(/mental video) itself is enough to put a song #1 on your Spotify Wrapped two years running because you constantly listen to it?
So with that said this is Gobo Fraggle and my OC Daniel from an "modern urban fantasy with a high count of magical shenanigans" AU I have with my partner. They have canonically sang The Other Side from The Greatest Showman in plain conversation because living with Fraggles just be that way, so of course that's what I had to draw.
Companion piece to this other one I drew previously, which only didn't get shared because I didn't have a scanner at the time.
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perryabbott · 4 months
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is this new dialogue or have i just somehow never triggered it before? but also, what the hell, gale
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gayleafpool · 7 months
In world with very extreme body modification what would you look like. The sky is the limit get silly with it
fuck yeah alright let’s go i want ears and a tail of course. wolf ears and wolf tail. RETRACTABLE CLAWS! i wanna keep my hands cuz i want thumbs but i want really strong retractable claws so i can slice people and also climb things with them. fangs of course gotta have fangs. WINGS!!! i want to fly so bad. idk what kind of wings though tbh it doesn’t really matter as long as i can fly. maybe small ones so they don’t get in the way. literally just make me into a 2012 deviantart oc and i will be so happy that is my ideal form
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ms-all-sunday · 6 months
personal experience time for prosperity, so i've mentioned that one piece is the reason I'm okay with the fact I'm bisexual now, which i thought it was self evident why that was but I'll explain because i feel like it gives perspective on why im so pro-sexualized/the narrative seeing this character as attractive (when appropriate obviously and i think op does a good job of doing that for the most part) for nami/robin (mainly talking about my experience with nami)
so previously ive had issues with never being attracted to female fictional characters, (I've been attracted to real human women very briefly throughout my life. i just dont hang out with a lot of people and the majority of them arent girls) and that was a problem even though i knew I was able to be attracted to girls I didn't feel like i was able to identify with that part of myself, (as a trans man, I've always felt very pushed into wlw spaces which I think isn't good and even though I have alters that identify as women we've never as a whole ever thought we were wlw) the problem was, when youre asked to be attracted to fictional women 99% of that is either objectification or look this character is hot! and then her actual character is nonexistent. which is a problem for me, because in my experience strong attraction comes from both how much i relate to someone and how much I admire them, so if I'm at large completely unable to relate to female characters, it puts me in a really fucking tough spot and i end up never being able to explore attraction like that in a fictional space. you see, you could point out to me that there's wlw characters and experiences that could've helped me? which, I'll point you to the fact I'm a man and secondly, I tried that. but I'm a man and unfortunately while I can appreciate gay girls in fiction i don't connect with them like that.
where this changed for me was a year ago when I watched one piece and then immediately was blasted by girls who were very obviously seen as attractive but were some of the best written female characters i had ever fucking seen since having that crush on that original character,
and there were men in the context of the fiction that were attracted to nami for the exact same reasons I was ??? (sanji/zoro in arlong park) and these men were being defined by having a crush on or being attracted to nami, and she was the one in control (another reason I couldnt connect with m/f couples: i wanted to be held by a girl and taken care of by a girl not the other way around)
and she struggled with mental health like i did so of course i could relate to her! and i was being encouraged by nami herself to see her as attractive so i didn't feel creepy like i did all of the other times (being a man and being attracted to women and inherently feeling creepy was a huge issue for me) and she was seen as a whole person, a whole entire beautiful person. the fact she was so complicated and detailed made her more attractive, and the fact i could connect and relate to her and have loving her mean that I love aspects of myself i couldnt expect?? I just loved her and i was attracted to her and I couldn't control it so it had me let go of my fear without me even realizing it was happening.
i literally havent felt creepy expressing my attraction to women since.
i simply needed to figure out how to be attracted to women- nami- because i was attracted to her so immediately and so intensely that being attracted to her meant i immediately became more articulate about it because i loved her so much it burst out of me.
the fact people saw nami as attractive was both good for me, someone who finds her attractive and struggled with expressing my attraction to women and was only attracted to fictional women who were entire people!, but also allowed me to feel loved myself as a person with mental health issues similar to hers.
basically, TLDR, i think viewing female fictional characters as attractive is fine as long as they're entire people who aren't reduced to their relationship to men, and is really fucking good actually both on the level that people get to see themselves as attractive and that it rightfully sends the message that women are more attractive when they are understood as whole people with lives and flaws (that can exist outside of traditional heterosexuality).
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