#peoples trust company
xillestlife · 11 months
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putting my prediction on record now that the coming decade is going to see the rise of viral-marketed fancy at-home water filtration systems, driving and driven by a drastic reduction in the quality of U.S. tap water (given that we are in a 'replacement era' where our current infrastructure is reaching the end of its lifespan--but isn't being replaced). also guessing that by the 2030s access to drinkable tap water will be a mainstream class issue, with low-income & unstably housed people increasingly forced to rely on expensive bottled water when they can't afford the up-front cost of at-home filtration--and with this being portrayed in media as a "moral failing" and short-sighted "choice," rather than a basic failure of our political & economic systems. really hope i'm just being alarmist, but plenty of this already happens in other countries, and the U.S. is in a state of decline, so. here's praying this post ages into irrelevance. timestamped April 2023
#apollo don't fucking touch this one#serious post#not a shitpost#hope i forget about this post and have no reason to ever look back on it one day#fyi i'm aware that access to potable water is already a major issue in parts of the U.S. yes i know flint michigan exists#i'm saying that this issue is going to GROW unless local & federal governments work together to fix it.#so it's a matter of if we trust them to fix it. And well--do you?#what are the chances the government just denies there's a problem until the water actually turns brown#at which point it's already been common knowledge for years and people have just become resigned and that's our new normal#i'm mean come on. how many of us already believe that we're being exposed to dangerous pollutants we don't know about and can't avoid#like that's pretty much just part of being a modern consumer. accepting that companies will happily endanger your life for a few pennies#and the most you'll get is like a $50 gift card as part of a class action rebate 20 years down the line#probably the history books will look back on Flint as a warning and a harbinger that went ignored#luxury condos will advertise their built-in top-of-the-line filtration systems--live here and you can drink water straight from your tap!#watch the elite professional class putting $700 dyson water filtration systems on their wedding registry#while the rest of us figure out how to fit water delivery into our grocery budget while putting 90% of our paycheck towards rent#also eggs are $15
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valtsv · 1 year
my feelings on romance really aren't complex tbh. i enjoy making meaningful and long lasting connections with people and i've definitely loved some of them in ways that wouldn't be considered platonic by an outside observer, but when it comes to the concept of "romance" and romantic relationships i'm just like
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lunarhobbits · 5 months
i do think the fact that shane is dressed like a supervillain in the announcement is really funny. when he betrays his audience he goes all out at least.
(credit to reddit user Icy_Arrival4510 on r/WatcherSnark for pointing this out)
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glitter-alienz · 8 months
here's something I originally planned to make a comic for, but ended up on my empty ao3 account. it's uhh it's about 12 year old mikey's fear of bathrooms and 14 year old donnie trying to be when it's not in his nature.
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i tried to make it as lighthearted and silly as possible, tho maybe at some point im gonna write about how evil donnie was as a kid (he was badd)
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these two fight a lot but at the end of the day you are stuck with your brother so you have to love and forgive him and be nice and im totally not projecting my own issues with family on them what are you talking about?
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weirdmageddon · 1 year
sorry for liking davejade in 2023 btw its in a cool way though
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#hs#davejade#like that one person said bi4bi cool silly girl and her lame ass court jester bf who enjoy each others company a lot#“its boring” well not everything has to be conflict sometimes it can be two people really vibing#and being good foils to each other and just sort of being like a lock and key#i dont dislike davekat but i felt like they bickered too much which is Funny dont get me wrong#but i like davejade for different reasons#in that i feel like dave is at his most heartfelt with her#bc jade doesnt do anything to warrant snarkiness. she doesnt make him uncomfortable and that earns his trust like a lot#ppl say its boring cause its a mf ship and they dont get them like i do#and my answer to that as an agender person is who the fuck cares#i hate ppl dismissing mf ships out of hand like…hey bi ppl exist. and even if they were straight they still got a good dynamic#of care and interest towards each other#hes not her knight in shining armor bffr. she has uhhh fucking GUN#they are Equals#jade slaps the shit outta people on more than one occasion lol#they infodump to EACH OTHER and they both listen#remember when jade wanted to infodump to john about physics remember that#dave would eat that up like oh damn that so dope and tie it back to time or whatever. special relativity#since space and time are fundamentally related#sorry im running on fumes rn i didnt sleep last night#ALSO THEY HAVE MATCHING ALCHEMIZED OUTFITS#jade’s dead shuffle dress and dave’s four aces suited both use a midnight crew poster as ingredients#i should draw them together in that mspa style#maybe theyre not even romantic. who said ships had to be. its short for relationship#well theres multiple kinds of relationships. what if they were queerplatonic
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skulldetergent · 3 days
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The way some people on here talk about the ian and anthony break is so fucking weird like I dont know about you guys but typically if i take 2 months of paid time off i dont go to work. But maybe thats just me
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ellsieee · 2 months
I said Blue Canvas of Youthful Days was going to be good and I was right! As usual, I'm in love with the side cp already.
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Tan Yin is going to have a rough time because Mingyang literally sees him as his dead younger brother. He's going to have to suffer for his love.
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When Tan Yin is scared, he immediately calls Mingyang. Mingyang is there for him, comforting, and calming him down. ❤️
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UwU! Who can blame Tan Yin for falling for Mingyang? This kind of "friendly" affection would have driven me nuts. Tan Yin is strong.
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Tan Yin is such a cutie patootie. Mingyang agrees. He looks at Tan Yin with such fondness.
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AHHHHH! The help put on your seatbelt trope! Tan Yin was about to faint having Mingyang so close. He wanted to kiss him so bad.
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This looks like a proposal, except with a hearing aid instead of a ring. I have to think that this scene was intentionally shot this way. For Tan Yin, a hearing aid from Mingyang is more precious than any ring.
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So sensual and heartbreaking at the same time. Tan Yin is mesmerized by Mingyang's voice and his hand on Mingyan's adam's apple, while Mingyang wants to hear Tan Yin call him gege because he sees him as his dead brother.
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He's so cute hugging his gift box, wishing it was Mingyang hehehe.
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OUCH. Tan Yin drawing up the courage to confess, only to be indirectly rejected hurts. It's going to take a lot of work to get over the brother hurdle. Sigh.
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After side stepping Tan Yin's confession, Mingyang takes Tan Yin on a date... ??? He needs to stop being so nice to Tan Yin. This is too many mixed signals for our cutie. The gif doesn't do this scene justice. It's so playful and cute. I love the last part where Mingyang tells Tan Yin to blow bubbles like a fish, and Tan Yin brushes him off, but then does the blub blub blub sound and Mingyang finds it so adorable.
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It's heartbreaking that both Tan Yin and Mingyang share a similar past with being rejected by their family for being gay. I like that this scene explicitly establishes that Tan Yin and Mingyang are gay. They've liked other men. No gay for you here.
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These two are going to be the death of me. I love them so much.
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I feel like it says a lot about the relationships between the major institutions of the Trust and the Consectorship's place in it that Spahr's role, the role of any Prime Consector, can be summarized as: show pony, attack dog, scapegoat.
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hyunpic · 5 months
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cracksh0t · 8 months
ik im lethal company nutcracker brained rn but my heart will always lie with fortnite crackshot. number 1 freak forever.
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see-arcane · 11 hours
I was reminiscing on some anime vampires, and now that I think about it Alucard Hellsing gets so much funnier, and pathetic when I realized that this mighty as Fuck all powerful bullet hell back to back vampire will ALWAYS be salty that neither Mina nor Jonathan wanted to be in his little polycule.
He can wave the guns, and monologue all he wants but we know the truth, and the fact (at least considering the novel) that if Mina came back to life as a plot point she would have killed him point blank.
Also the bar is in the fucking ground for adaptations when this ever loving edgy trash thing managed to respect both Mina, and Jonathan's romance in a single fucking flashback panel in the manga than the majority of them.
Right on every count (longest sigh)
It says something that a manga absolutely drowning in aggro blood and guts, overpowered Dracula antics, another ~Van Helsing (sorry, Hellsing) is the extra special magic-cool archenemy~ rewrite, mountains of hetero cheesecake and just plain looney tunes treatment of demonic/divine supernatural shoot-em-up madness…
…also features one of the few renditions of a Dracula with something like believable sympathetic character development. Not into an antihero or even an antivillain, but just a tired monster who looks back in bloody tears on a past where he did battle with worthy enemies—heroes—and neither stole them to his side or got to be allowed euthanasia by them.
He’s fun as hell and I love to see him eat some Nazis, but he’s also up there with one of the most depressing versions of Dracula who I can actually buy as being a (developed!) Dracula
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shaylarain · 8 months
Sign of being terminally online is letting randos ruin your day because you ship something they don't like
Sign of being terminally online is caring very hard about what others ship that you make content for it, ya know? y'all just do you, you know?
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ineed-to-sleep · 2 years
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Couple of little references I made for my prophet's design bc I love him a little too much
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nahalism · 26 days
Hey 💌💌
I come to you with a question, in a bit of a desperate state. I have big problems with being jealous, paranoid. Especially in romantic relationships but it doesn’t always stop there. What do you think causes a person to be like this? Did you ever struggle with being like this? How can one even begin to unravel it, i wonder if it’s possible to be a human and just…not feel jealousy or is it part of the experience we can’t fully avoid?
(For some background:I have always been a jealous person but my life experience probably blew it to a larger proportion. The thing is i know most things rely on communication but the problem is ive spent a few years in a relationship that i thought had good communication, it turned out i was living in pretty much a constant lie for a few years. It made me realize pretty brutally that no matter how much you are made to feel and think one thing, if the other person is smart enough they can really hide anything from you for an extended period of time all the while giving you the illusion of being heard, seen, loved, cared for. How can i know the communication isnt falling on a rotten bed of lies over and over? How can i trust blindly, when i hear we have to come with an open heart and give each person the benefit of the doubt and full plate of trust from the get go for a relationship to work it feels like a death sentence, its just a matter of when and how. Sometimes i wonder if there is even a way out of it at all.)
hello angelll <3. sooo i actually dont think it has to do with communication in this instance. you can only communicate with clarity when you have clarity on a situation. someone triggered is communicating, but often communicates irrationally or in a way that inflames the issue. lets say a person is avoidant and their partner is co-dependant. the more the co-dependant person communicates, the more they push the avoidant person into silence and exacerbate the issue. im not saying its right, but that intentional communication requires skill, being emotionally regulated, and is deeper than being honest and speaking with good intentions. to communicate well, you have to know who your speaking to, and how to deliver what you wish to communicate. of course this is important, but i think its secondary in comparison to the main issue –> i really do believe whenever anything external has power over a person and their emotions it is rooted in the individuals feelings of self esteem and self worth. ultimately we tend to be attracted toward the familiar or what is comfortable. its why people who are perpetually in toxic relationships find 'good' guys or women to be unattractive or describe 'not having a spark' with them. its also why also why people tend to gravitate toward or find that spark with people who trigger or enhance their pre existing disposition toward things they don't no longer want to experience. for example, someone who doesn't want to be cheated on isn't looking for a cheat, but something in them is drawn toward the type of character who will do this and reinforce their habits or beliefs about relationship. so the answer to how to end that cycle is two fold.
1) you have a habit of acting out jealousy and paranoia in relationships. look at your relationship with your primary care givers and your first experience that blew those feelings of jealousy and paranoia out of proportion, then study them. understand the root of those emotions (usually insecurity, feelings of inadequacy, and comparison of yourself to others, particularly people who are important or close to the person whose affection you want).
2) once you understand the root of the emotion, look at what you can do to solve it. how can you meet your own needs? how can you build a sense of self that leads you to feel comfortable and confident in what you have to offer and bring to the table? once you find the answer to this, begin to practice it. meet that need on your own. by doing this you evolve, and begin to expect more and better from both yourself and others. this changes who and what you find attractive, thus reducing the chance that your next partner is someone with the traits of a person who will trigger your jealousy and paranoia. – if you do the work properly, and develop (or work toward developing) a secure attachment style, it will help ensure that the person you are next drawn and attracted to also practices a secure attachment style. them being securely attached is invaluable, because it's inevitable that you will still experience moments of insecurity, jealousy, comparison, and distrust. someone with a secure attachment style will allow you to have those moments without inflating the issue, or giving you reason to be disproportionately triggered. however, they won't accept maltreatment which is good because their healthy boundaries will also hold you accountable. the more you engage in healthy relationships the more you rewire your pre-existing blueprint and feel safe enough to release those harmful traits.
its really important to get the root issue handled before trying to solve things with communication or whatever other solution. because those are the things that will ensure you find yourself in situations with trustworthy people that allow you to feel safe enough to be yourself. there is always the possibility that our own vices can begin to break people down and devolve into a form of self fulfilling prophecy. for example, someone suspects their partner of infidelity. the partner is faithful, however after years of defending themselves from their person 1's suspicions may begin to resent their partners accusations, and find themselves looking else where or experiencing attraction to other people. even though they never act on these feelings (never cheat), the lack of trust and persistent insecurity is what creates the room for the partner to grow distant. when the partner now tells them 'hey i dont want to do this any more' and two weeks later is in a new relationship, the person with those insecurities now projects this onto them and says 'see, i always knew you would cheat/move on/i wasn't enough', when that was never the case, just a consequence of the way they treated the person who has now moved on.
there will always be someone more beautiful, more attractive, more *insert desirable quality*. you have to love you, see you, and know why you are worth sticking around for. if you dont have this inner stability, you will always find external chaos, and be looking around you for who else can take your spot. the truth is any and everyone can take your spot, but no one can fill it the way you do. so focus on filling it, and loving yours. whoever is for you is for you. you won't have to fight for them, and it may not always be easy, but will it will always feel safe and feel peaceful. – sending you much love, courage, and discernment to work through this <3
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