#percy crumbs
percyluvr · 2 months
hiiii love! can u do percy x child of psyche headcannons! like since psyche is the goddess of the soul maybe her daughter is like really emotional and can feel other peoples emotions! ty bb!
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percy jackson x daughter of psyche!reader summary: hcs for percy with a daughter of psyche reader
okay, yk how people on tiktok r always like "what's my aura color" or wtv the fuck
i think you would actually be able to see the aura
and percy would think thats so cool
and if the aura color changes a lot, percy would constantly be asking what the color is
if anything happens and his emotions change slightly, he'll be like "what color is it now???"
and ur like
"the same color it was about 2 seconds ago babe"
its annoying at first but u get used to it LMFAO
i think you'd also be able to feel people's emotions
but like
the people you love the most are the ones you feel the emotions most strongly of
yk what im saying?
and so if percy is sad, ur like immediately running around trynna find him w chocolate and shit
he loves u frl
i also feel like you would have like EXTREME emotions yk?
so u feel way more strongly abt like everything than anyone else
so percy is always careful bc even if he says an offhand comment, it might upset u
and he CANNOT have that.
ur his baby
i think he feels bad sometimes when asking what his aura color is
like hes so interested in it
but u get asked that all the time n he feels bad
he cant feel ur emotions like you can feel his
but you taught him sorta how to read people
if that makes sense
and so he learned about the little things you do when your emotions switch
and so when even a tiny thing happens
he knows exactly what ur feeling all the time
hes very emotionally intelligent like idk
if ur sad, hes immediately on it
cuddling u
licking ur face (he's trynna make u laugh ok..)
kissing u
and just generally loving u up
bc u deserve it girl
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thekricks0krickass · 5 months
no because if I was Annabeth and had been made to think love was conditional and this guy who I started crushing on after he killed a monster when she offered to help him if he betrayed us and then kill another monster with the previous monster's head admitted that he thought we could never be friends but then tricked me into sacrificing himself and told me it wasn't weird that I hugged him after he came back alive and asked me to go watch a movie with him and then again proceeded to sacrifice his life for me, I would just simply pass away.
Like props to her, no wonder Percy called her the strongest demigod of their generation.
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livingfandomly · 5 months
“I seldom cahoot”
Hades is actually King shit. I don’t care what anyone else says. The fact that he immediately offered sanctuary to Percy, Sally and Grover? Yes, he had ulterior motives but they weren’t at the cost of anyone and he made them clear AND he really doesn’t give a shit about his family drama. He really is just an introvert who doesn’t want to be disturbed. He just wants to be bisexual and spend time with his wife. Love it for him.
Side note: the fact that readers know that he put his kids in the casino to protect them just makes it that much better!
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the way that in the books the tunnel of love is a silly goofy side adventure that vaguely touches on the messed up relationships on the gods and kinda percy and annabeths dynamic and grover is a little useless comedic relief side kick
and in the SHOW its a dark creepy in depth exploration of the series's themes and an incredibly emotional never been done before dialogue and scenes of percabeth bonding because of their respective relationships to the institutional systems of the gods and their belief systems and fate and CHOOSING YOUR OWN FATE AND CHOOSING NOT TO PERPETUATE THE TOXIC TRADITIONS OF THE GODS AND CHOOSING EACH OTHER (i sobbed through the whole episode) plus!!!!!!! grover is NOT USELESS AND ACTUALLY GETS INFO??????? OUT OF ARES?????? THROUGH THERAPY POWERS??????????????? and ARES got a character study??????? and said some hypocritical and deeply relevant things about the systems of family and power and war and violence interpersonally and institutionally
literally the show is so good oh my GODSJ it has to be more serious because they are leaning way more into the themes of the series which takes rick a little longer to do in the books and these themes are deep and serious!!! and require careful attention and discussion !! like you cant constantly roast medusa and echidna if we are supposed to be questioning their monstrosity and taking them seriously as victims and mothers and survivors and maybe just as human and monstrous as we are and you have to update the tunnel of love from a goofy side adventure to a serious dark and creepy examination of the gods' messed up family abuse and abandonment and choosing NOT to go with that like. damn
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slaybestieslay946 · 3 months
Oh me gosh can you please do a Luke Castellan x reader fic where he’s just so head over heels for her but she’s so clueless and everyone keeps trying to get her to notice but she won’t and like they’re bests friends🤗🤗
tysm for ur request! if you don't mind I tweaked it a bit so its annabeth and percy trying to set up Luke and reader! hope you enjoy!
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word count: 2000
pairing: Luke Castellan x poseidon!reader
warnings: none!
a/n: Even though this is a daughter of poseidon fic, its not part of my future au! for Luke.
Percy and Annabeth were standing at the edge of the amphitheatre, talking about something mindless when they spotted you and Luke walking towards the entrance, seeming deeping engaged in conversation. 
Annabeth watched as you laughed at something Luke said and a light blush tinged his cheeks, and she couldn’t help but roll her eyes. Could he get any more obvious?
“Oi, Perce,” She whispered, “Are you seeing what I’m seeing?” She asked, nudging him to look in the direction of the pair of you. 
“Yeah, I see my sister with Luke, what about it-” It appeared the realisation finally struck him, “Oh my god, are they-?” 
“I don’t know. He’s definitely into her, I know that.” Annabeth mused, inspecting the pair as they grabbed two wooden swords and began sparring together, laughing as they repeatedly dodged and side-stepped the other. 
“He told you that?” Percy asked, his eyes practically bulging out of his head. 
“Well, no. But it’s pretty obvious, don’t you think?” 
Annabeth then gasped in realisation, startling Percy slightly before he realised it was just another one of her epiphanies. 
“We should get them together!” 
“Are you sure that’s a good idea? Isn’t that something you leave up to Aphrodite kids?” Percy asked hesitantly. 
“Battle strategy and romantic strategy aren’t all that different.” She shrugged, before dragging him off to draw up new ‘romantic’ battle plans with her. 
Annabeth’s strategy wasn’t all that complicated, and she was pretty certain the most difficult part would be getting Luke to admit his feelings. But, as it turns out, he cracked pretty quickly. 
“Alright, you got me.” He sighed, holding his hands up in surrender, “I do like her, but can you blame me? I mean, she’s so smart, and beautiful, and kind, and-”
“That’s enough lover boy. Cool it.” Percy said, cutting him off with a groan. As much as he had given Annabeth his blessing to go along with this crazy plan, he still didn’t want to hear Luke gushing about how hot his sister is. 
“Sorry man.” Luke chuckled awkwardly, before the pair of boys turned back to Annabeth to lead the conversation. 
“So, now that you’ve admitted it, we need to start brainstorming how we’re gonna get you guys together.” She said, clapping her hands together and producing a roll of paper, with a long list of ideas that she promptly began to read out. 
The list ranged from pretty normal things like ‘take her out on a picnic’ to insane stuff like ‘bring her a monster's head as a gift’. Luke wasn’t so sure you would be a fan of that one, but he had to admit all the other items were pretty good ideas. 
“So what do you suggest, Annie? Work our way down the list?” Luke asked, and his little sister nodded, before outlining which ones she thought would be best. 
“We should start small, you don’t wanna freak her out,” She consulted the list again, thinking to herself, “Ah, here we go, ‘Give her a compliment’.” 
“Ok, I think I can do that.” Luke grinned, his head immediately flooded with things that he loved about you. 
“Just don’t make it weird, or I’ll revoke my blessing.” Percy grumbled, his arms crossed as Luke laughed sheepishly again. 
“Will do.”
The next week mostly consisted of Annabeth and Percy spying on you and Luke at any possible moment. 
The first of his tasks, to give you a compliment seemed to go well. The pair of preteens watched on from their spot behind a tree as the pair of you separated to go to dinner, and Luke complimented your hair. You blushed slightly, and smiled widely, before rushing off to your own table in the dining pavilion. 
Luke quickly whipped around to look at Percy and Annabeth who gave him enthusiastic thumbs ups. 
His next task was to give you a small gift, and he decided that it should take the form of the matching charm bracelets he made with the younger kids. Annabeth and Percy sat with him as he deliberated over specific colours and shapes of bead, until they were nearly sick of his equivocation. 
But, as much as watching him make it was downright annoying, Percy had to admit the way you both wore your charm bracelets everyday afterwards was pretty cute. 
The final task of the week was to bring you flowers, and that whole day Luke could be seen wading through fields of wildflowers looking for the perfect ones to add to his bouquet. This was then snuck onto your nightstand later that night by Percy, who over the course of the week had become very invested in your blossoming relationship, a fact he would deny to the ends of the earth. 
“Alright Luke, time to bring out the big guns.” Annabeth announced, before clearing her throat and reading the list of tasks for the week. 
‘Sit at her table during dinner’
‘At least one compliment a day’
‘One instance of arm-around-the-waist contact’
This was the point at which the Hermes boy began to get slightly nervous. The other stuff before could be pretty easily written off as friendly, but sitting at someone's table at dinner? Only couples did that. 
“Are you sure that’s not moving too fast, I mean-”
“Luke Castellan, don’t be so damn pathetic! Grow some balls, before someone else steals your girl!” Annabeth exclaimed, whacking him over the head with the list. 
He nodded, “Yes Ma’am.”
From then on, he was pretty much unwavering in his determination. He sat at your table every mealtime, slinging an arm around your shoulder, or your waist. Anytime you came up with a capture the flag strategy, he’d praise you intelligence, anytime he saw you, he greeted you with a ‘Morning beautiful’ or a ‘Hey sweetheart’. 
Annabeth and Percy were shocked with his sudden progress, but pretty impressed with the way it was going. At this point, the pair of you were practically dating. 
The only minor setback came in the form of your complete and utter cluelessness. 
Percy had decided to test the waters with you, and gently float the idea of you getting together with Luke. 
“You’ve been spending loads of time with Luke at the moment.” He remarked casually as you both walked back to cabin 3. 
“You’ve just noticed I spend time with my best friend? Well done kid.” You laughed, ruffling his curly blonde hair. 
“That’s not what I meant.” He rolled his eyes, ducking out of your grasp. 
“Then what did you mean?” You asked, hands on your hips, a confused expression on your face. 
“I meant like, you guys being ‘involved’.” He shrugged, trying to make it sound as nonchalant as possible while looking out for your every reaction. He was unreasonably invested at this point, but oh well. 
“What?!” You exclaimed, your voice suddenly going higher pitched, “Nah, no chance! Luke would never.” 
Percy had to stop his jaw from dropping to the floor. It would’ve made sense if you denied having feelings for him, but to be so oblivious of how whipped that boy was for you? He thought you were smart. 
“Yeah, sure. I guess so.” He shrugged once again, before swiftly changing the subject. 
“Guys, we have a problem.” Percy said, bursting in on Luke and Annabeth’s conversation the next morning. 
“What?” The pair asked in sync, concerned expressions on their faces. 
“Y/N is an idiot.” 
“Woah, don’t say that about her-” Luke began, desperate to defend your honour, but was cut off by Annabeth’s harsh glare. 
“What do you mean, Perce?” She asked, her tone level. 
“Luke, man, she has no clue you like her. Like she is convinced it’s impossible.” Percy explained, and Annabeth’s expression also grew confused. 
“Gods, she really is dumb.” She sighed, ignoring Luke’s chiding at insulting you, “We’re gonna have to really turn it up a notch. Luke, it’s time to really bring out the big guns.”
For the next few days, Luke, Annabeth and Percy spent most of their time rushing around preparing for Annabeth’s so-called ‘masterstroke’. 
And then, after much hard work from the trio, it was ready, and Luke was whisking you away from the campfire to the surprise he had prepared for you. 
“Luke, where are we going?!” You laughed as he dragged you along by the wrist, a piece of cloth tied around your head to block your vision. 
“You’ll see.” He chuckled, gently directing you around a tree root as he led you deeper into the forest. 
“I swear, if you’re kidnapping me I am not going to be happy.” You teased that infectious smile he loved so much covering your face. 
“No, no kidnapping tonight.”
You continued to joke around together as he led you towards his destination, until eventually you came to a halt, and he was untying the cloth around your face. 
You gasped in delight as you saw you were by the pier, and in front of you was a picnic blanket set up with all of your favourite food and drink. 
Immediately you grabbed him by the arm and led him to the blanket, thanking him all the way and gushing about how sweet and amazing he was. Meanwhile, Luke was trying not to pass out from the barrage of affection you were giving him. 
The pair of you quickly tucked into the meal, laughing and joking. But all the while, Luke was preparing his confession, and trying not to let his palms get too sweaty. 
Eventually, he decided it was time, and he made his move. 
“Yeah?” You looked up at him with shining eyes, and he had to remind himself to breathe. 
“I’m in-” His love confession was cut off by the sudden boom of fireworks above you both, and he silently cursed himself for forgetting to organise a signal with Annabeth to start them. She really did have bad timing sometimes. 
“Oh my gods! Fireworks!” You exclaimed, nudging Luke to take a closer look, pointing out which ones were your favourites, and clearly any speculation about what Luke was going to say had escaped your mind. 
Eventually the display was over, and you turned to him yet again, gushing about how lucky they were that fireworks were out tonight. He couldn’t help but wonder how someone usually so smart could be so clueless?
“I organised the fireworks, Y/N.” He said, softly, placing his calloused hand over yours. 
“What, really?!” You blinked owlishly at him for a moment before furrowing your brows and asking, “Wait, how come?” 
Luke couldn’t contain his chuckle. 
“Isn’t it obvious by now? I’m in love with you. I’ve been trying to hint at it for weeks, but clearly I wasn’t being obvious enough.”
“What? Why?” You stammered, shock coating your face entirely. 
“Why am I in love with you?” He asked as if it was a stupid question, which to him it was, because he could list a million things that he loved about you. 
“Because you’re beautiful, and smart, and kind, and generous, and every time I see you I can’t help but smile because you're my best friend and I love you more than anything.” He rambled, wiping his slightly clammy palms on his cargos. 
“Now I’d really appreciate it if you’d put me out of my misery and reject me.” He said sheepishly, itching the back of his neck. 
But, of course, the rejection never came. Instead you were rushing forwards to hold his face in your hands and kiss him, slowly and deeply. 
And, about ten metres away, Annabeth and Percy could be seen high-fiving behind a tree, before skipping back to the campfire in glee.
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arli-ezra · 7 months
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surftrips · 5 months
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y’all…. i am personally not ready for the angst we’re about to get in the last few episodes. luke just casually teasing annabeth and percy just to ruin it all later on GODS HELP ME.
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Ok but can we acknowledge how well written the last olympian is???
Rachel and percy just liking each other for an escape from their realities and how real that was. Beckendorf dying. The plot twist of silena being the traitor later on which no one could guess. Percy learning the prophecy. Percy pushing annabeth away and annabeth yelling at him for running away from his feelings. The absolute angst that’s building up in percy’s mind from the thought of him dying and leading a WAR. NICO DI ANGELO. Annabeth as percy’s mortal anchor. The fact that to kill him, you need to STAB HIM IN THE BACK. The building tension. LUKE’S BACKSTORY. “WHAT DID THEY DO TO MY CITY??” Percy finally standing up and leading the army (we love zero to hero character development) The way dark percy is slowly being hinted with percy having a maniacal laugh while fighting and imagining himself with red eyes. THE AMAZING FIGHT SCENES. Annabeth getting stabbed. “DON’T TOUCH HER!!” Percy collapsing a brige and screaming when he couldn’t find any bodies. THE ANGST OF SILENA’s DEATH.The way he was just pushed past some camper like “where’s annabeth?” THE WHOLE BALCONY SCENE. Rachel coming back and suddenly the tension comes back again. NICO DI ANGELO. Annabeth being so angsty. THE FINAL FIGHT SCENE. Annabeth being the architect of olympus <3 Percy looking at annabeth while being offered immortality and remembers all the people who died since achilles told him to “never lose sight of what makes him mortal” “THINGS CAN ALWAYS GET BETTER” THE MOST SATISFYING ENDING TO BOOK SERIES EVER
No one does it like Rick Riordan
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burr-ell · 1 year
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softestaries · 5 months
Grover: you're so badass 🙂
Grover: I'm a big fan actually 🙂
Grover: I mean, war, am I right? 🙂
Grover: and Athena? wack 🙄
Grover: she sounds so annoying 🙄 you're way cooler 🙂 and smarter 🙂 and I know you found the real lightning thief, you little bitch 🙂 haha 🙂
Ares: what?
Grover: what? 🙂
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Y'all know what day it is?!
"Excuse me, miss? How long have YOU been at this hotel?"
"Why my brother and I arrived just yesterday, May 1st.
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onomonopetabread · 5 months
Giving Hades the temperament of a middle school guidance counselor is probably the greatest use of characterization I have ever seen in my life
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Rick and Suzanne rlly both went: 'ok if people didn't care about the point in the first place imma make it REALLY obvious' and they popped off
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canalettova · 5 months
i need season three NOW, dc about som i need percy to see aphrodite as annabeth RIGHT NOW
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Y’all we getting fed this week 🥹🥹🥹
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lieutenantbiscute · 4 months
I need the PJO to get its full 5 seasons just so someone can make an edit of the Battle of Manhattan to Hamiltons ‘The World Turned Upside Down’
Cause that’s all I hear once the trip defeats Kronos- it’s the chorus the ground troops sing as Manhattan comes alive with the noise of its people and just ahhhhh
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