#percy wealey
grabowskibeepboop · 1 year
I think I've seen multiple people mention how Percy and Oliver were the only gryffindors in their year, and I'm confused, is that a shared headcanon of some sort, or is that really canon?
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stanathanxoox · 2 months
Snuggle Time
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prompt by @me-writes-prompts
The way their eyes light up when their partner comes to them. - Percy Wealey x reader
He had just finished his patrol of the castle when he entered the Gryffindor common room to find you still awake, sitting in the same armchair that he had left you in studying just hours before. You look up and give him a warm smile, eyes lighting up as he makes his way towards you. He leans down and captures your face between his hands and you look up into his dark brown eyes
“There’s my gorgeous girl, what are you still doing up?” he asks and you place a kiss on his lips
“Was waiting for you my dear” you whisper against his lips and he groans before you pull him down beside you, somehow this seat is big enough for the two of you if you scrunch up enough and so you settle in close to him to maximise the snuggle time before going to bed. 
Tag List: @tiva-jenry-caskett-rizzles-densi​, @jimmybpride​, @dressed-up-just-like-z1ggy​, @nikkiwierden​, @samchelforever007​, @kirkspockbones​, @xoncisxncislaxncisnolaox​, @lasalle-pride-sebastian-love​, @haliannej​, @brooklyn-99-amyxjake​​, @mizzezm​, @genius2050​, @twilight-twihard​, @cullencoven2019​, @wxlfgirlx​, @luciferxchloeislove​, @drethanramsey-ismybabe​, @sawyer-oakley-is-mighty-fine​, @loverofoneshots​, @aelin-thefirebreathingbitchqueen​​
Tag List for Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them: @harryxhermioneisharmony, @myslytherinboiis, @xneville4lunax
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fangirlies · 2 years
Never apologise for your Elliot brain rot (you know I'm all in for it...)!! Oh, geez, what a loaded question... I've had so many such crushes and still have. I think my most prominent, the longest and active is Percy Jackson - what a guy! It's been decades and it's still going strong.
Stiles Stilinski! The Wealey twins, Eren from AOT (i'm not gonna elaborate...), Steve Harrington, Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield's, it's been a love since the first movie), Robbie (the secret if Moonacre) and many more, these are just the ones on top of my head. Love me my sarcastic boys that try to act tough, but they all really need the tightest hug and a cookie. Well, and Xavier and Elliot of course!! My favourite troubled, brooding boys :З
I would also love to mention Zendaya, all my adoration and admiration go to her! What a wonderful person, she has my heart.
What about you, bestie??
Hii bestie!
Man I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted to get into the Percy Jackson series. I used to be a nerd for Greek mythology. I remember taking a class in high school where they taught us different religions and when we got into the Greek gods, I was hoooked!
Im grateful for xavier/elliot bringing us together because I don’t think I’ve ever been into all the other people you’ve listed. Mine would be 1D, Austin Mahone, 5sos, Carl grimes, and then now thorpe boy 🫶🏻
Zendaya is literally a goddess walking on this earth. Her euphoria character ripped me to pieces. And I can’t think of any other woman her age on her level 🤐
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imagitory · 6 years
Update time! This chapter features a lot of our favorites, both canon and new to this story -- Cho Chang, and her American cohorts Tokala Kyon Mulligan and Mia Romero, Marieta Edgecombe, Percy Weasley, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Daphne Greengrass, Pansy Parkinson, Draco Malfoy, Millicent Bulstrode, Hannah Abbott, Neville Longbottom, Kevin Whitby and the Creevey brothers, Noel Harwich, Rose Zeller, Beau Plumpton, Lucius Malfoy, and Trudy Bonham!
The time is now! The day is here!
Hope you enjoy!
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In Love in Luxor | B.W.
Pairing: Bill Weasley x reader
Summary: Y/N and Bill are working together in Egypt when his family comes to visit. Will they still only be working together when the family leaves?
Word count: 4,1k
Warnings: swearing, a bit angsty, mentions of a bad relationship with family, bit of fluff
Author’s note: reader can be from any house!
Disclaimer: GIF is not mine!
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“Oi! Y/L/N, you up?” Y/N heard someone yell outside of her cabin door. She had just showered and gotten dressed and was enjoying a nice cup of coffee when her coworker decided to rudely disturb her peace. She marched towards the door, still clutching her coffee, and opened it abruptly. She was met with the long ginger hair of Bill Weasley, her colleague. 
“Yeah, yeah. Now shut the fuck up, will you?” she snapped back before taking another sip of coffee.
“All you do is drink coffee and say bad words,” he joked. 
“All you do is drink coffee and say bad words,” she mocked in a childish tone. “Now let me drink my coffee in peace, I’ll be out in five,” she added, before closing the door in his face. After working with her for nearly four years, he knew how grumpy she could be in the morning.
Y/N and Bill were both curse-breakers, working primarily in the Valley of the Kings in Luxor, Egypt. They had developed a rather interesting friendship. Y/N was known to be fierce, sarcastic and impulsive, while Bill was more friendly and patient. However, they understood their differences and most importantly - although Y/N would never admit it - they respected each other. Because of that, they worked quite well together, with the occasional snappy remark of Y/N of course.
When Y/N had finished her cup of coffee and grabbed a little bite to eat, she exited her cabin. Outside of said cabin, there was a clearing with four other cabins. In three of those cabins lived her coworkers. The fourth one usually stayed empty, as it was meant for visitors or when some Gringotts representatives came. In the middle of the clearing was a gigantic tent with all the stuff they would need in their day to day work, as well as a table, where they would sometimes all sit and eat together.
Besides her and Bill, there was Daniel Buchanan and Flynn Atkin. Dan was the healer on hand. It was quite necessary, curse-breaking was dangerous and the wounds you could end up getting had to be treated at once. And Flynn was a historian, specialized in the Egyptian eras. He could be quite handy in deciphering hieroglyphs or estimating what kind of objects they came across. 
Y/N made her way to the tent in the middle of the clearing where she found Flynn, Dan and Bill sitting at the table, conversing.
“What are y’all sissies sitting there for! Let’s go, we got some curses to break,” she called out. Bill raised his eyebrow at this, while Flynn was getting up.
“Well, lovely of you to finally join us, princess,” Bill said.
“Don’t call me princess, Weasley,” she warned him menacingly.
When you saw Y/N, you wouldn’t exactly call her princess. On colder days in the Luxor desert, she wore black skinny jeans, a t-shirt or a top and was almost never seen without her black dragonhide jacket. However, Luxor could get quite hot, like today, so she then wore a simple black top with black shorts and perhaps a light, loose cotton blouse overtop, to protect her arms from the sun. And a pair of sunglasses of course. 
Flynn, Bill and Y/N then made their way to the tomb of Ramesses I, where they were currently trying to break a rather stubborn curse. Dan usually stayed behind. He would be notified if someone was wounded and then he would apparate immediately, but most days would pass without any incidents. On those days, Dan would take care of all the correspondence with Gringotts and the more administrative aspect of the job. 
When the three of them arrived at the tomb, they all just stared at it. They had managed to finally break the entrance of curses the day before, but now the trickiest part came. You never knew what kind of boobytraps or curses you could find inside of those tombs.
“So, what do you suggest, Y/L/N?” Bill asked her, still gazing into the tomb.
“Set it on fire,” she said without missing a beat. Bill and her kind of had this inside joke - could you even call it a joke? - where she would always suggest to set things on fire.
“Why is arson always your first answer?” Bill sighed.
“‘Cus I like fire. But no, I think we should maybe investigate the hieroglyphs around the inside of the entrance first. But we shouldn’t get too close,” she finally suggested.
“Yes, let’s do that,” Bill agreed. “Flynn, amaze us with your knowledge, mate,” he said, turning to Flynn, who was already grabbing a quill and some parchment to take notes on the hieroglyphs.
When they finally finished their work day, Bill and Y/N could always be found around the table in the tent, playing some kind of wizard - or sometimes even a muggle - game. Today’s pick was wizard’s chess. And Y/N was losing badly, as always.
“Checkmate,” Bill said triumphantly. Y/N glared at him.
“I wanna punch you, but that’d ruin that pretty little face of yours,” she grumbled.
“Hey! My face is not pretty! It’s handsome,” Bill protested.
“Aw, did your mum tell you that?” Y/N mocked.
“She did, actually. Speaking of my mum, she’s coming to visit soon. Well, the whole family is actually,” he said, gleaming. Anyone could tell that he was really excited for the arrival of his parents and his many siblings. 
Bill had told Y/N all about his six siblings. Charlie, the dragonologist with his head in the clouds. Percy, the studious soon to be Head Boy with his nose always in a book. Fred and George, the genius, mischievous twins who had a love for terror. Ron, the sweet, sometimes overlooked boy, who was - together with Percy - the usual object of said terror. And lastly, Ginny. She was fierce and could take any one of her brothers without a blink of an eye. In the way Bill spoke of Ginny, Y/N could tell she was secretly his favourite. 
Y/N loved hearing the stories of Bill and his siblings, although it came with a pang of jealousy and hurt. She never showed it though, she wasn’t one to openly show her feelings. But she never had the family experience Bill had. Far from it actually. She came from a pureblood family that - opposite to the Weasleys - wasn’t close at all. Her parents were not opposed to Voldemort’s visions when he gained power when she was younger. She never understood it. She had an older brother who shared the same beliefs. So, at Hogwarts, she spent the Christmas holidays there and during the summer vacation she usually avoided her family. Their house - well, more like castle - was big enough to only see each other during meal times. The minute she graduated, she looked for a job that would get her out of her house as soon as she could. And so, being a curse-breaker in Egypt seemed like one hell of a good offer. However, she could never bring herself to tell Bill about her dysfunctional family. It’s not like she didn’t trust him - being curse-breakers together meant you had to literally trust each other with your lives - she just never really felt like opening up about it.
Bill and Y/N played for another while, making light conversation - and sarcastic comments - as they did so and then parted ways to their respective cabins. 
When Y/N was lying in bed that night, she let her mind wander about what she thought the Weasley family would be like. Sure, they would all have the same deep red hair and freckled skin Bill had, but she wondered about the dynamics in the family. She wondered what it would be like to chat about sweet little nothings while having a cosy dinner. Or just hang out together for no reason. Tell each other secrets your parents couldn’t know. 
Y/N wasn’t one who fell in love easily, but she thought that if she was to ever fall in love and start a family - big emphasis on the if here - she would make sure the family was as close as she could get it. She had no clue how she would do it, of course. But if she ever committed to a family, she would commit fully. However it was unlikely she would ever get that far. The closest she had ever come to loving someone was Bill, but of course she didn’t have any romantic feelings towards him, whatsoever. He was just her best friend. Nothing more. At all. 
Sure she thought he was handsome. And she liked hanging out with him. No, she loved it. She was convinced there was no one else she could spend so much time with. They were together every day of the week, including the weekends. Of course they didn’t have to work on those weekends, but two days was too little to travel home and back. So they usually hung out in the clearing or sometimes they visited other parts of Egypt together, or just went to the city of Luxor. But it was always the two of them. He had become her constant companion and she loved that. 
However she didn’t have any romantic feelings for him. Correction: she wouldn’t allow herself to feel them. She was too scared of it. She wasn’t used to feeling things like that, all giddy and sparks in her stomach, so she told herself she would ignore it until it would eventually go away. Because, above all, Y/N treasured her independence. If she wanted, she could just give up her job of Gringotts and move to the other end of the world. Sure she had to tell Bill, but she could still do what she wanted without having to take others into account. And if she admitted to herself that she liked - maybe even loved - Bill, it would be like a piece of that independence would go away. And she couldn’t bear that thought. It was that same independence that had gotten her through the rough relationship she had with her family. She wasn’t ready to give it up.
And with that, she fell into a deep slumber.
When Bill’s family finally arrived, he was ecstatic. Y/N could tell by the way he couldn’t sit still, always glancing at the ‘entrance’ of the clearing, where his family would meet up with him. Bill had asked Gringotts for a vacation of two weeks and they had obliged.This meant Y/N - and therefore Dan and Flynn as well - also received said vacation, because curse-breaking on your own was too dangerous.  
Y/N and Bill were sitting at the table in the tent and playing - or attempting to play - a muggle cards game they both didn’t understand the rules of. Dan - who was muggleborn - had taught them a thousand times, but they kept forgetting how it went and were currently making up their own rules. Speaking of Dan, he and Flynn had gone home to their families for the two weeks worth of holidays. 
A crackling sound made both of their heads snap up and Y/N saw a bunch of gingers walking excitedly towards them. They all hurried to Bill, who had gotten up from the table. A small girl, around 11 years old, was the first to jump into Bill’s arms and Y/N figured that was Ginny. She looked at Y/N curiously when she noticed her, but stayed behind Bill for a bit. The next to hug Bill were Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. After they hugged their eldest son they made their way over to Y/N.
She extended her hand politely. “Hi, I’m Y/N,” she smiled. She couldn’t exactly pinpoint why she wanted to make a good impression on Bill’s parents, but she wanted to nevertheless. However, instead of shaking her hand, Mrs. Weasley pulled her in for a hug. Y/N was a bit taken aback, but soon hugged back a bit awkwardly. She wasn’t used to receiving hugs, let alone motherly hugs. 
“Oh so you are the famous Y/N Bill writes so much about!,” Mrs. Weasley gushed, making not only Y/N flustered, but even Bill was starting to sport a redder shade than usual. He quickly turned back to the rest of his family, pretending that he hadn’t heard what his mother had said. “My name is Molly and this is Arthur,” she introduced her and her husband.
“Nice to meet you both,” Y/N said, still a bit flustered. 
“The pleasure is all ours, dear!” Molly responded. 
Arthur had noticed the game on the table and looked back at you, a gigantic grin on his face. “Is that a muggle game?” he asked you.
“Um, yeah, but Bill and I forgot the rules so we just made it up,” Y/N laughed. Arthur nodded, the grin still plastered on his face, mumbling: “Interesting, interesting.”
Bill’s siblings had all hugged him by now, so they joined Y/N and their parents.
Y/N saw two identical looking boys and assumed those were Fred and George, although she had no idea who was who. She figured that the tallest redhead, aside from Bill, was Charlie. An awkward looking boy next to Charlie seemed too old to be Ron, so she assumed that was Percy, which left one boy who she assumed was Ron.
After all chatting for a little while, it was time to make the sleeping arrangements. The guest cabin had two rooms with a king size bed each. In Bill’s cabin, there was a guest room with a king size bed and Bill’s own room that also had a king size bed.
“So, Mum and Dad can sleep in the guest cabin, together with Ron and Percy. Fred and George can share the bed in my guest room and Charlie and Ginny can share my bed,” Bill suggested.
“And where will you sleep?” Y/N questioned.
“I can sleep on the couch,” Bill shrugged. Y/N looked at him shocked.
“No. I have a guest room as well, someone can sleep there!” Y/N was too stubborn to say no to and Bill knew that. He sighed in defeat. 
Before he could ask who of his siblings wanted to sleep in Y/N’s guest room - or before he could suggest that he would sleep there -, Ginny piped up: “Me!”
“That’s settled then! Come on, let’s go,” Y/N said to Ginny, who was already excitedly grabbing her bags and following Y/N to her cabin. 
The rest of the family soon grabbed their bags and went to the cabins they were assigned to sleep in. 
The month that the Weasley family stayed with her and Bill in Egypt was among one of the best of Y/N’s life. Being born in a cold, distant family, she had now for the first time in her life gotten a taste of what it was like having a family that cared for you no matter what. She wasn’t officially part of the family of course, but even so she had felt more at home than at any other moment in her life.
She had spent time talking to Arthur about muggle magic he called electricity. Molly had taught - or at least tried to teach - her how to knit, but it turned out she wasn’t a natural, at all. She had also spent ages talking about dragons to Charlie. She had recommended Percy a few of her favourite Arithmancy books, as she knew the boy was interested in the subject. She had also spent quite a lot of time with the twins and they reminded her of herself when she was still in Hogwarts. She had been a quidditch beater as well and didn’t scare away from a prank or two, though she was never near as extreme as the twins. However, she still gave them some tips on how to get into Snape’s supply closet, though they had to promise her first not to tell a soul. Next, she spent endless evenings playing wizards’ chess with the youngest Weasley boy. For being so young, he sure was a genius in wizards’ chess. She lost every time, but as time went on it was harder and harder for him to beat her - though he still managed to every time. He even gave her tips on how to play better and explained which moves would’ve been better. And lastly, she spent the most time with the youngest Weasley, Ginny. 
Sharing her cabin with Ginny resulted in Y/N having a really close bond with the girl. She could still remember the first night Ginny spent with her at the cabin. They had drunk a cup of tea together and Ginny just asked bluntly: “Are you dating my brother?” Y/N almost choked on her tea and had to ask where she got that idea. “Well, he always talks about you in his letters, so I thought that maybe you were his girlfriend,” the red haired girl had answered, before going back to sipping her tea.
Their nightly tea time then became a tradition of sorts. They drank a cup of tea - which usually ended up in multiple cups - together every night and spilled all kinds of secrets to each other. Ginny had told her all about her crush on Harry Potter and Y/N in turn had told about some mischievous things she had done at Hogwarts, giving the small girl tips on how to not get on teachers’ bad sides.
Bill had noticed how close Y/N and Ginny had gotten and it made him even more absolutely smitten for the girl. Yes, he had denied it for a long time at first, but seeing how well she was with his sister, he couldn’t run away from his feelings any longer. He was absolutely in love with Y/N. He loved all her sarcastic remarks and the witty comments she could throw at his head with no effort, but in the last month he had gotten to know another side of her that made him fall even deeper than he deemed possible. She was kind around his family, a trait he never really saw in her before. And she seemed happier. Not to mention that she wasn’t as grumbly as she used to be in the mornings. Of course he had loved her before, but it seemed like she was now more authentically herself now and that only made him fall deeper.
During the first two weeks of the month that the Weasleys spent in Egypt, Bill - and Y/N - didn’t have to work. Y/N had mentally prepared herself to barely see Bill for the next few weeks, when he would show his family around the tombs they had rid of curses and other magnificent parts of Egypt. However, Bill, Molly and Ginny insisted on Y/N tagging along, as she would be all alone in her cabin otherwise. So she joined the family on their little trips, adding a bit more information when Bill seemed to have forgotten.
However, when the last two weeks of their visit rolled around, Bill and Y/N were expected to work, so they could only hang out with the family after work and on the weekends. Molly and Arthur took that time to visit the more tourist-y spots with six of their children, like they enjoyed a boat trip on the Nile and visited all the pyramids they could find. 
And when it was finally time for them to leave Egypt, Y/N had to try her absolute best to hide the tears that were forming in her eyes. She really wasn’t one to openly show emotions like that, so it was quite a new feeling of having to hide watery eyes. Molly had given her about the thousandth motherly hug and she hugged Molly back a little more tightly than before. As if Molly knew what that meant, she made Y/N promise that she would write often and even visit the Burrow sometime.
When they were gone at last, there was an empty feeling in both Bill and Y/N. This resulted in Y/N inviting him to drink another cup of tea in her cabin, which he happily agreed to.
“This was a little tradition of Ginny and me. We would drink tea every night like this. She truly is an amazing kid,” Y/N started.
“She is. She’s going to do wonderful things, I just know it,” Bill smiled.
“You know, you’re really lucky with a family like that,” Y/N mumbled after a while.
“I know. Growing up with them wasn’t always easy, but Godric I wouldn’t change any of it for the world,” he smiled nostalgically. 
“You know, growing up, I never had that kind of relationship with my family. They were all so… cold,” Y/N began and Bill gazed at her. He suspected her home situation wasn’t all that. She had never once received a letter of a family member, nor had they ever visited. He felt happy that she finally felt comfortable enough to tell him about it. 
“They all believed in pureblood supremacy and money and I was so glad to get out of there the minute I got the chance,” she continued. “And don’t get me started on my older brother. He was the worst of all. But it’s fine. They’re out of my life,” she concluded finally. Bill didn’t really know what to say, but Y/N understood what his silence meant and she appreciated it.
“Now, let’s play a game, shall we!” she exclaimed, abruptly changing her mood. She was already going outside to the tent, where all their games and board games were. Bill followed her soon after.
“What do you wanna play?” he asked her.
“Wizards’ chess!” He chuckled at her response and grabbed the familiar game.
He sat it down on the table and his eyes began to gleam with the Gryffindor courage. “What if we make this game a little more interesting,” he suggested.
“What did you have in mind, Weasley?” Y/N asked, not opposed to a challenge.
“If I win, you have to go on a date with me,” he said confidently, courage still soaring through his veins. Her telling him about her family made him see that he was even more in love with her than he ever could’ve dreamed and he had to make it known to her. Y/N stiffened at his request ever so slightly. She still treasured her independence, but after spending a month with the Weasley family, she learned that independence wasn’t everything. So she agreed.
“Okay, but what if I win?” she asked, a small smirk playing on her lips.
“Like you’re going to win,” he joked and shot her a wink. Yet deep down he was all giddy that she hadn’t exactly rejected him. Had she not wanted to go on a date with him, Bill knew she would’ve rejected his offer immediately.
They started the game and Y/N tried harder than ever before. Not because she didn’t want to go on a date with him, but because he thought she couldn’t do it and Y/N wouldn’t be Y/N if she didn’t try everything in her power to prove him wrong.
And so, when she could finally say the word she had been longing to say ever since Bill and her first game of wizards’ chess, she was gleaming with pride. “Checkmate!”
Bill looked at her incredulously. He hadn’t expected her to win the game. “Okay, so you won, you can choose something I have to do now,” he sighed, looking down.
“Kiss me, Weasley,” she said confidently. His eyes snapped up to meet hers. They were full of determination and passion.
“What?” he all but gasped.
Y/N shoved the board onto the side and climbed onto the table until their faces were mere inches away from each other. “I said: kiss me,” she repeated, sitting down on the table in front of him. Bill didn’t have to be told twice - or well thrice - as he cupped her face gently and crashed his lips onto hers. As their lips began moving hungrily in sync, his hands moved to her waist and he pulled her off the table and into his lap so that she was straddling him. Y/N took this as an opportunity to deepen the kiss. Their tongues began combatting for dominance, both too stubborn to give up. Meanwhile they were pouring their feelings into the kiss. It wasn’t just a kiss. It was the kiss they used to tell each other that they loved each other.
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pappydaddy · 3 years
tolerate it (p.w.)
A/N: I got tolerate it done! I have been wanting to write this one since I started this collection and I am so happy to have finished it this is one of my favourite songs from Evermore! I also somehow had this take another course while I was writing this and I accidentally connected it to another fic I am writing for this collection (evermore) so I have altered evermore's description to fit it. I just felt this chemistry as I was writing these characters and it just kinda happened. I also thew in a little easter egg relating to ivy in there - I just couldn't help myself because the opportunity was right there.
I want to let it be known that this is not Percy slander, it is just how this fic ended up. Percy is very career driven and he also cares about how he looks and his image and that is shown in this fic.
Anywho, I know there are a lot of people out there waiting on requests and they are coming, just very slowly. I have not had much time to work on writing because of school, but I will get your requests out eventually! However, I hope you lovelies can enjoy this in the meantime💛!
Paring: Percy Weasley x Fem!Reader, a bit of Charlie Weasley x fem!Reader (too much chemistry to deny honestly)
Show/Movie: Harry Potter
Not Requested
Taglist: @sarcasticallywitty15​
No Voldemort AU, no corrupt Ministry (other than everyday corruption. NOT PERCY SLANDER, JUST CHARACTERIZATION (EXPLAINED ABOVE)
Warnings: Loneliness, breaking up, sadness, angst.
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The sound of silence swirled in the room with the dust that floated in the golden rays of sunlight. For something so present in her life these days, Y/N was still not used to the painful silence. She sat on the cushioned couch in Percy’s study, a book laid open on her lap, her hands folded, her back straight. She never used to sit like that, she always thought people who did look like they were always trying to hide something. But, then again, she never used to think she’d be sitting in the same room as her fiancé while feeling like she was millions of kilometres away from him. She lifted her eyes slowly, trailing over the beautifully crafted hardwood floor, over the red and gold rug (that matched the decor of the room), they danced along the dark wood of Percy’s desk. They finally stopped when they landed on his flaming red hair as it shined in the afternoon sunlight. Her head lifted as she studied him. Hunched over his papers, he scribbled furiously. “Percy, dear,” She cleared her throat when her voice came out more mousey than she expected. Percy hummed, not lifting his head from his work. “I was thinking we could go to town today, shop around for some more things for your brother’s visit?”
“Why? Charlie will be fine with everything we have in the guest room.” Percy grunted, dipping his quill in the ink-pot. Y/N pursed her lips, setting the book on the cushion beside her.
“Well, maybe we could get different soap for the ensuite? Maybe some relaxing candles, stuff so he can draw himself a bath,” She suggested, folding her hands back in her lap. “I’m sure he will be tired from coming all the way here from Romania. He’s not used to England time anymore.”
“Charlie doesn’t need all that, besides, it’s not like he’ll have time to relax. Once he’s here, we’ve got to get right to work,” He shook his head as he read over the new paper in his hands. “We’ve got lots of work to do,” He paused, his eyes finally looking at her, but only to flick over her seated form. “You would understand if you were still working.” He jabbed.
Y/N nodded, rolling her lips as she let the comment slide off her back, not thinking too much about his quip, just like she did with the others. “Well, we should still get him something nice, welcome him into our house.”
“I can’t go to town, Y/N, I have to get this done. You can go if you think it to be so important.”
“But I thought it would be nice to go together. It is a beautiful Saturday and those aren’t due for another week-“ She tried to explain, but the sound of Percy angrily throwing his quill against the table cut her off, startling her.
“I can’t just run off to town on a whim. Now if you can’t sit in here quietly then you can go read in another room or something, I don’t care what you do as long as I can get some peace and quiet.” He exploded, gesturing his hand aggressively towards the closed door to his study. She silently looked at the door.
“Sorry, I’ll leave you alone.” She whispered, grabbing the book and raising from the vision, remembering the lecture Percy had given her last time she didn’t put her book back before leaving a room. On her way to the door, she gently laid the book on one of the built-in bookshelves, not even looking at it. Instead, she kept her eyes forward, not wanting to look at Percy as he bowed his head back down to scribble on the paper. The door opened with a creak as Y/N slid out into the large and empty hall. Softly, she rested her weight on the door till it shut. Heaving out a sigh, she let her head fall back against the beautifully crafted white door, the identical one beside her jiggling when the other locked into it with a click.
Living with Percy was not what she thought it would be. When she was just a naive schoolgirl, they talked of having a decent house with a cozy feel, the rooms filled with laughter and the warmth of family, nights spent by the crackling fire with hushed voices and tender touches. The memories of the daydreams she had looked like a fairytale, conjured up from the mind of a foolish girl who thought happy endings were real. Now, she was alone in this grand house, the rooms and halls feeling cold with the only sound being the echoes of her footsteps. Heaving a sigh, she pushed herself off the door and made her way to get ready to go to town.
The melody of classical music filled the room as it was bathed in the orange and pink hues of the setting sun. Y/N sat in the armchair by the fire, watching the flames licking the stone, the black smoke swirling up into the chimney. Percy sat in the chair across from her, a book open in his hands, his head bowed low. Many nights in the Common Room were spent like these, Percy’s nose in a book as they sat by the warm fire. It looked almost the exact same as those nights to anyone else who had witnessed them, but Y/N could tell the difference. Now, the fire felt just as cold at the space between them, gone were the soft touches, the stroke of Percy’s thumb against Y/N’s hand, the feeling of his side pressed against her side, the comfortable silence. Y/N missed it all, but the thing she missed the most were the glances that left her smiling and blushing while a storm of butterflies raged in her stomach. Now, she just sat watching him read with his head low, noticing every little thing he does and doesn’t do.
“Percy,” Charlie’s gruff voice spoke, speaking over the cracks of the fire and breaking the verbal silence. Percy looked up from his book, his eyes not even glancing at Y/N in their path to look at Charlie entering the sitting room. Y/N softly turned her head to look at Charlie who took a seat on the empty couch. “I just thought of something that we should talk about in tomorrow's meeting.” He informed him.
“Just one second, Charlie,” Percy interrupted him before he could continue, his finger in the air as he turned his eyes to Y/N sitting across from him. She already knew what he was going to say before the words tumbled out of his mouth. “Y/N, would you excuse us, we have to discuss business and you have no need to be here while we do that.” He finally spoke to her for the first time since dinner. She nodded, standing from the chair and smoothing the back of her dress.
“She doesn’t need to go, the house is far too cold for her not to be near a fire and there isn’t one made anywhere else but my room.” Charlie insisted, catching Y/N’s forearm as she went to walk by the couch, heading for the grand archway leading to the dark hall.
“Nonsense, she can make one with her wand in the bedroom,” Percy waved him off. Y/N bit her bottom lip, looking back at Percy. “What are you looking at me for? You know how to start a fire, I know you’re two years younger than me, but they still taught you the same things as they taught me in Hogwarts.”
“I know how to do it, but I can’t. My wand broke when I slipped on ice in town a couple of days ago, I haven’t been able to run to Diagon Alley to get it fixed yet, remember?” She reminded him meekly, not wanting the same reprimanding she had received when she had told him the first time. Percy tutted, rolling his eyes as he remembered, gently closing the book still in his hands and setting it beside his leg, sticking into the gap between the cushion and the armrest of the chair.
“Ah, yes, I remember now. It’s laying on your dresser snapped practically in half. How many times do I have to tell you not to take your wand when it is icy out? How many wands do you need to break before you realize that,” He lectured as if she was a child. “Very well, wait outside the doorway and I’ll come to start a fire for you.” He heaved out a sigh, beckoning her away with a flick of his hand. Nodding, she went to walk away, but Charlie had not let go of her, instead, he tightened his hold, keeping her in place.
She looked down at him, her lips parted slightly in shock as he glared at his younger brother before looking up at her. “You can just go in my room while Percy and I talk then I will come get you and we can go and start a fire for you in your room.” Charlie informed her in such a way that told her she was not going to argue with him. Nodding silently, she pulled her arm free from his now loose grip and exited the room as it fell silent with tense air between the brothers, her heels clicking on the hardwood and the cracks of the fire being the only sound.
They must have waited until they couldn’t hear her heel clicks anymore before starting to talk since she didn’t hear a single sound coming from the room as she walked down the dark hall, the only light coming from the flicking flames of the candles lining the hallway. She sighed, pushing Charlie’s door open and slipping to the room. She didn’t even notice how cold she was until she stepped into the warm room, she relaxed into the warmth, closing the door behind her to trap the heat in. Making her way over to the armchair stationed in front of the roaring fire, she watched the flames just like she had done in the other room, thinking. All she did was sit in silence, try to live alongside Percy without messing up and making him lecture her. She didn’t understand it. She couldn’t understand how this Percy was the same Percy who stayed up late in the Common Room to talk to her about the scars of her past and soothed each and every one of them, laying soft blankets over the barbed wire of her heart so she could escape and finally love.
She jumped slightly when the door creaked open. Startled, she looked up to see Charlie walking into the room, closing the door behind him again. “Sorry to startle you, I didn’t know you were so deep in thought.” Charlie apologized, sitting in the other armchair across from her.
“It is okay, Charlie,” She told him, moving to stand but he held a hand out to signal her to stop. Obeying him immediately as if he was Percy, she settled back in her chair, sitting posed with her hands folded delicately in her lap, nervous as to why he seemed so stern, assuming she was going to have to listen to another lecture. “Are we not going to start a fire in the master bedroom?” She asked quietly when he didn’t answer, only dropping his hand back to his thigh with a slap, shaking his head.
“No, not yet. I want to talk to you first.” He told her.
“Oh-” She trailed off, her eyes casting down to the rug under their feet before back up at him, confused. “About what? If it is about getting Percy to mention something in the meeting for you, he doesn’t let me talk about work with him-”
“It’s not about Percy, not entirely,” He cut her off, leaning towards her with narrowed eyes as he studied her. She gulped, leaning away, unsure of what he was doing. “You’ve changed,” He mused, leaning back in the chair after concluding his study of her, his eyes still burning into her as she shifted. She knew she changed, it was not hard to tell that she has changed. “You used to stand up for yourself, make yourself known. You were never the doting housewife type of person, but yet here you are, being treated like a child by your fiancé. Why?”
She shrugged, dropping her eyes to the floor. “People change. Percy is so mature and wise, he must be right so that means I should listen to him, he knows best.” She whispered, not believing a word she said. Percy was mature and wise, much older than her, but she knew that he was not right about how he treated her.
“I don’t believe that, but it’s late and you should get some sleep,” He stood, prompting her to stand as well, hurriedly as if she would be scolded for not being prompt enough. “I excused myself from the meeting tomorrow and I am taking you to Diagon Alley. So you have to be up, we are spending the day there and eating supper there as well, which gives you a break from the house chores and Percy commenting on how dirty the plates are or how you set the table wrong, or your cooking. Might even swing by and visit Fred and George’s shop, must have lots to talk to you about, those two.” He told her as he walked to the door, her following behind him silently.
“What about Percy, is he still holding the meeting? He must be mad about you cancelling on him.” She asked nervously as he led her through the darkened halls, the candles having been extinguished, the only light coming from the winter moonlight streaming in through the grand windows.
“He got an urgent letter from the Ministry, he had to leave immediately for an emergency, probably be gone tonight and most of tomorrow.” Charlie told her, opening her bedroom that she shared with Percy.
“I hope everything is okay, it must be very important for him to be called away at a time like this.” She commented, shivering as she stepped into the room that seemed to be even colder than the frozen hall.
“Nothing to worry too much about, I am sure it is just a vermin issue and he has to try to contact someone to tend to it. I think he muttered something about Flesh-eating slugs actually,” He didn’t even look at her as he flicked his wand at the fireplace, igniting the wood that laid stacked in it. Something about how he spoke told her that he wasn’t telling the truth and Percy hadn’t been called away, instead, having stormed off to the office. He pocketed his wand, turning to look at her as she stood in the middle of the room, the glow of the fire lightning it. “I will leave you this to sleep on,” He paused, walking to the door while still looking at her. “The sanctuary is looking for a new magizoologist with an extensive knowledge in herbology.”
Y/N walked out of Ollivander’s with her new wand encased safely in the box which was in a bag dangling from the crook of her elbow. Charlie walked out behind her, letting the door fall shut after they said bye to Ollivander. “Okay, now that you’ve got your wand, let’s pop into the Twin’s shop.” Charlie suggested, pointing to the brightly pained shop with the giant, animated man. She looked up as she slipped her knotted coin bag back into her pocket, taking in the shop.
“Sure I haven’t seen the shop in a while. I just never have time to come here. Not with all the chores I have to do around the house.” She shrugged, stuffing her gloved hands into the pockets of her travelling cloak.
“What on earth does my brother have you doing that takes up all your time?” Charlie questioned as they started to slowly make their way down the crowded street, taking their time and enjoying the feeling of walking through the snowy alley. Y/N shrugged again, her eyes looking down at the snow-covered cobblestone, the white fluff packed into the cracks of the cobblestone.
“I mostly clean around the house, but I have to do it a certain way, if I do not, I end up having to listen to Percy’s comments about how much he tolerates.” She told him as they neared the front door of the joke shop, Charlie pulling the door open, letting her go in first as he scoffed at her comment, but he didn’t say anything. Y/N ignored Charlie, looking around the busy story, watching as fireworks whizzed around, ducking as one came right at her head.
“Let’s see what Fred and George think of how he’s treating you,” Charlie hummed, gently leading her farther into the shop so that he could close the door, cutting the cold winter wind off. “There’s one of them now.” He pointed to the tall ginger who was talking to a young customer, nabbing a product from the top of the tall shelf. Before she could protest, Charlie was walking around her and approaching the twin with long strides.
Scurrying after him, she caught up just in time for the twin to turn around, the child scampering off elsewhere to browse. “Ah, Charlie, my dear brother. To what do we owe the pleasure of you gracing our shop too,” The twin exclaimed, a feeling of joy and fun surrounding them as they spent more time in the store. “And Y/N, the future Mrs. Percy Weasley. Good to see you, Madam.” He bowed to her extravagantly, making Y/N looked around the shop with reddened cheeks, hoping nobody saw his little show.
“Hi, George,” Y/N greeted, recognizing the voice. Appearance-wise, she had a hard time telling them apart, but as soon as they talked, she was able to pinpoint just which twin was in front of her without fail. George nodded at the greeting, standing right as Fred wandered over to the group leisurely. “Fred.” Y/N greeted him first, his hands in his pockets, making his suit jacket flare out, being a picture of laid-back.
“Good morning, Y/N,” He nodded to her before nodding to his older brother. “Charlie. What can we do for you today?” He posed the same question his twin had, looking between the pair he never thought he would see grace his shop together. Charlie shrugged, looking at the shelf next to him, poking a box.
“Just popped in to take a peek and get your opinions on a topic we were just discussing,” Charlie told them, jamming his hands into his jacket pockets, looking back to his tall brothers. “Percy.”
“And what about our dear brother?” Fred asked, rolling onto the balls of his feet then rocking back onto his heels. Y/N shook her head at Charlie, fairly annoyed with his mission. She knew everything he was saying, they were all thoughts she already held in her head, but how could she leave Percy after all the love that they held for one another. That love had to still be there, it couldn’t just disappear suddenly.
“Has Y/N changed in the past two years?” Charlie blurted out, confusing the two pranksters in front of him, making them share puzzled looks before looking at Charlie again.
“Yeah, but what does that have to do with Percy?” George wondered.
“Look, yes, I have changed, but Percy has to still love me,” She directed the comment to Charlie, leaving Fred and George to look at each other, questioning what was going on. “All that love couldn’t have just disappeared. We love each other and while life is not how I pictured it, I do not see why I have to do anything to change it. If Percy thinks life should be like that, then he must be right.” She expressed.
“Tell us, Y/N, what life had you pictured?” Charlie asked, crossing his arms over his chest as he instantly knew this would win the argument for him. Y/N shrugged, thinking, her eyes drifting around the store as she thought back to the visions she fell asleep to. The stories she thought would be a reality, but now know that they were just fairytales of a naive girl.
“I guess I always pictured Percy and I sitting on a couch in front of a warm fire, him reading a book out loud. We would share soft touches as we both relaxed after a long day at work. The house would be warm and lively, heated by our love for each other as we did daily activities together like cooking,” She paused, her eyes dancing along the ceiling as fireworks fizzled out overhead. She watched the once bright colours flicker and sputter before going out, leaving a trail of grey smoke swirling into the air. “He would do great things in the Ministry, building up the Wizarding World and I would be making strides in the Magizoologist field,” She sighed, looking back at the three men. “But I guess, somewhere along the way, now he’s building his career and I am just sitting at home, trying to make sure everything is perfect for him all the time.” She trailed off, hanging her head as she thought it through.
“Personally, I don’t see how your life now can compare to the life you pictured.” George spoke up.
“Of course it is incomparable, but life never goes as planned. What I wanted and what I am supposed to have are two very different things,” She agreed. “Besides, it’s not how the world works, I am just naive and childish, Percy tells me that all the time.” Fred shook his head, pointing between himself and his twin.
“No, no. We are childish, you were never naive and childish. You had dreams and an idea of how you wanted your life.” Fred told her, oddly wise and serious for him. George nodded along, silently agreeing. Huffing, Y/N’s tongue flicked out, swiping along her drying lips. Glancing at Charlie, she saw him looking at her, a look in his eye telling her to believe them. She found herself trusting his eyes, staying locked in his gaze until she came to her senses and darted her eyes back to the ceiling.
“It isn’t too late to have your dream life, Y/N,” Charlie spoke softly. Y/N could feel his eyes on her still, but she ignored it and continued to look at the ceiling where fireworks once were zooming around, darting towards the shelves, fizzing and sparking with beautiful colours. “You just have to talk to Percy if you always pictured him in your life. You can have the life you pictured, what you want and what you are supposed to have are not two different things.” He told her.” She listened to his words. She could do it. She could remove the painful dagger he had jabbed into her dreams and pull it out if she had to.
“I’ll talk to him.” She nodded, looking back over at Charlie who smiled at her, proud that she had finally listened. She found the corners of her lips turning up into a smile as she gazed into his eyes, feeling a weight lifting off her shoulders and chest. Just then, pops and fizzes were heard overhead, making her look up, seeing the bright colours swirling around the ceiling before each of them whizzed off elsewhere in the shop.
“Well, that means it is a new hour-” Fred started, looking up at the new fireworks speeding through the store, dodging one that almost hit him.
“Lunchtime.” George finished, also gazing at the fireworks.
“Well, we best be heading to lunch, we’ve got lots to discuss and do today,” Charlie nodded to his brothers who started a game of rock, paper, scissors to see who would take their lunch first. “I’ll see you at Y/N’s and Percy’s tomorrow night for the family dinner before I leave?” He asked them, earning nods and a frustrated grunt from Fred when George beat him in the first game.
“See you guys.” Y/N waved as they started a new round. Charlie and her turning around to make their way out of the shop, walking back out into the bitter cold. Y/N couldn’t help but let her destined conversation with Percy weigh on her mind.
Y/N collected the dirty plates as Percy talked to Bill about Ministry business, the others having migrated to the living room after Y/N had denied help, the only one who insisted passed her stubbornness and actually forced her to let him help was Charlie who took it upon himself to clean and put the dishes back. “Here, dear, let me take those into the kitchen for you.” Molly marched back into the dining room, hands out ready to grab the stack of dishes from Y/N.
“You do not need to help, Molly, you are our guest, I am more than capable.” She insisted politely, adding another plate to the stack. It was one of their fancier sets, not that any of their sets weren’t fancy, but these ones were the more expensive set that they used for family gatherings.
“Nonsense dear, you can’t take all of these dishes without your wand. I’ll clear the table and you can go search for it.” Molly waved her hand at the young woman, forcefully grabbing the stacks of plates from her hands.
“Did you lose your brand new wand already?” Percy asked her, cutting off his conversation once his mother was in the kitchen. Y/N looked to him, shrinking back under his judgemental gaze, folding into herself as if she was a child being scolded.
“I had it in the bedroom while I was getting ready, I left it on the bed to go into the bathroom, but it was gone when I got back,” She explained, but he just huffed, rolling his eyes at her, muttering under his breath, clearly embarrassed she had been so foolish in front of his family. “I honestly think it got wrapped up in the sheets, I am sure I will find it when it is time to go to bed.” She spoke up.
“I am very sorry for her immaturity, Bill,” Percy apologized. “Y/N, could you go wait in the kitchen while I finish up with Bill then I’ll call you back in.” He told her. Nodding, she bowed her head, walking through the doorway leading to the kitchen. Molly and Charlie looked at her, but she simply waited outside of the doorway, trying not to listen to Percy and Bill talking.
“What are you doing,” She jumped when Charlie appeared beside her, his present startling her. “Sorry,” He apologized, drying his hands on one of the dishtowels as the dishes continued to watch themselves in the sink, Molly leaving the room to get more dishes from the table. “But what are you doing?”
“Waiting for Percy to be done, he wants to talk about me losing my wand,” She told him. Charlie groaned, tossing the towel to the counter messily, giving her a look. “I know, I know,” She muttered, knowing what he was thinking. “I need to talk to him, but I am not talking to him right before a huge family dinner nor am I talking to him while you’re here.” She told him, turning around as he walked farther into the kitchen, starting to put the dishes away as they placed themselves into the rack after drying themselves.
“That means you’re going to talk to him tomorrow after I leave, right?” He asked, not noticing Fred and George walking into the kitchen in search of more food, the pair stopping to listen to the conversation.
“Yes, at some point tomorrow I will talk to him. For now, I can survive this treatment for another night, besides, I want to put the conversation off because what if it’s the end of Percy and I? Am I really ready for that possibility? What if there is still love buried under this mess?” She worried, watching as he moved through the kitchen to place the dishes back, having already figured out the layout in the short time he was there. She was amazed at how quick he was to adapt to change.
“I guess then that is the difference between the life you picture and the life you are meant to have, there are things that just do not work out because they are holding you back from your dream. If this conversation is the end of you and Percy then it is the end.” Charlie shrugged, stopping what he was doing as the dishes started to lag behind. She hummed nervously, twisting her fingers as she shifted.
“Y/N, could you come in here for a moment?” Percy called to her. With one last look shared between her and Charlie, she turned, nearly bumping into George in the process, not realizing he was in the room. He smiled down at her, moving out of her way as Fred wandered up to Charlie, patting him on his back.
“You and I aren’t that different, are we Charlie-boy? Both trying to break up engagements.” He spoke, but something told Y/N she was not meant to hear that.
“I’m not trying to break up with engagement, Fred, that’s ridiculous-” She couldn’t hear what else Charlie was saying as she walked into the dining room again, spotting Percy sitting in the same spot, his hands folded on the clean table in front of him, Molly walking into the kitchen, smiling as she passed her, clearly unaware she was going to be lectured by her son.
“Really, Percy, I know where my wand is, I just didn’t have enough time to actually look for it in the sheets.” She told him, taking a seat at the table, a few spots down the head he sat at, his cold eyes on her. She gulped, shifting in her seat as she folded her hands in her lap, angling her body to look at him better.
“You couldn’t have told me you lost your wand? I could have found it and spared us being embarrassed in front of my family,” He questioned, exasperated. “You know, I know I saw this a lot, but I really do tolerate so much from you. Please, for the love of Merlin, next time think about how we appear to others before you tell people that you lost your brand new wand. I mean, how clumsy are you? First, you break one and now you lost one.” He shook his head, standing up, his chair scraping against the hardwood floor.
“I really am sorry, Molly was asking and I couldn’t lie to her,” She insisted, standing up herself. “Where are you going, is this the end of the conversation, I don’t even get to defend myself?” She asked as he walked towards the archway leading to the hall. He paused, looking over his shoulder at her.
“I have to go do damage control so that we are not the laughing stock of the family. Why don’t you go and work on the dishes with Charlie?” He suggested in a way that told her to just listen to him. Not wanting to put him into a worse mood than he already was, she obeyed, making her way back into the kitchen where Charlie worked at putting the dishes away again, the twins had left, obviously taking the hallway back to the sitting room.
“Hey, I know this might not be the time, but I just realized that I might not be able to return for Christmas again this year so I wanted to take this opportunity to say Happy Christmas to you.” Charlie said when he heard her walking in, looking over his shoulder as he placed a glass back into its spot.
“Happy Christmas, Charlie.” She returned the festive greeting solemnly, making Charlie give her a concerned look before deciding not to ask any questions, clearly seeing that she was too wrapped up in her head to listen to him pester her. Instead, he went back to putting the dishes back, glancing at her every few minutes.
The house had returned to its normal silence once again, leaving Y/N sitting alone in the sitting room, waiting for Percy to get home from the Ministry. She twisted her fingers together, staring at the flames in the fireplace, heating the room. Looking up as she heard the door to their house opening, she stood, rushing through the sitting room to look out into the hall, seeing Percy shrugging off his cloak and setting his briefcase down. “Percy,” She spoke softly, gaining his attention. He hummed, looking up at her as he untied his shoes. “Could you come in here a moment, I have to talk to you about something.” She asked him rather nervously.
“Of course, just a moment while I change my shoes, I don’t want to track snow into the house,” He told her, grabbing another pair of shoes to slip on. She nodded, ducking back into the sitting room and making her way back over to the sofa, taking her spot back. The thought of this conversation being the end of her relationship with him weighed in her mind, but after spending the day all by herself for the first time in a week, she realized how it already felt that it was over between them for the longest time. She wasn’t able to think too much about it anymore as Percy walked into the room, rubbing his hands together and blowing into them, trying to warm himself up. “What do you need to talk about?” He asked her, standing in front of the fireplace, holding his hands out to it.
“I want my dream life,” She blurted out, not giving herself a chance to chicken out. Gulping, she watched as he glanced over his shoulder at her in confusion. “I want to go back to work and I want to know if you still love me.” She continued, throwing the plan she had rehearsed for this conversation out the window.
“Of course I still love you-”
“Really? Because it seems to me that I am just a burden that you tolerate and I should not just be tolerated, I should be celebrated and shown love, but all you do is make comments and roll your eyes as if I am a child,” She ranted, the words just pouring out, easing the pressure she didn’t know she had weighing down on her chest. “I want to be loved and appreciated, not banished to doorways and shooed out of rooms. I want to be able to live, I want to be relevant in someone else's life, I want to make a name for myself, not just making it into the footnotes of your success story,” She paused, looking lifting her eyes from the floor, looking at him to see him fully turned towards her, his mouth hanging open as he blinked at her. “And I so desperately want to know that there is still love between us because you were who I imagined in my perfect life. Please,” She choked on unshed tears, feeling the tell-tale lump in her throat, blocking the words from leaving her mouth. “Please tell me that this is all in my head and that there is a flame still burning in the depths of this darkness.” She pleaded, a few tears slipping down her cold cheeks.
She was silent, the only noise coming from her were the sniffles as she tried to not let out the sobs and cries she was holding back. He stayed silent as well, his eyes stuck to the floor under his feet, not wanting to meet her eyes. A sob slipped past her lips as she realized what the silence meant, but part of her didn’t want to believe it. “If you don’t tell me it is possible for us to love each other still, then I will have no problem taking this dagger you jabbed through my heart out, leaving the idea of us bleeding out on this coffee table if that meant I could have my dream life,” She was fully prepared now to leave him, to dump the weight of him off her shoulders. “Believe me, Percy Weasley, I can do it if you do not tell me that I somehow got this all wrong,” She gave him another opportunity to speak up, to fight for her, but he remained silent, still not lifting his eyes to meet her. Just then, she knew that she could not deny it anymore and her heart shattered with the force compared to the killing curse, breaking into millions of little, tiny pieces as she realized that there was no more love and he was just tolerating her to save face. “Well, I guess this belongs to you again,” She whispered, pulling the engagement ring off her finger, gently laying it on the clean coffee table, standing up. “I already had my things ready in case this happened so this is goodbye, Percy.” She kept her eyes on him, hoping that he would lift his eyes from the floor finally and tell her to stay, that he did love her still, but he didn’t. He remained just as silent and cold as the house they were in. He gave her no other choice but to walk out of the room and walk out of this life, now free from the dagger in her heart and the weight of him crushing down on her, free from him only tolerating her.
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herohallpotter1233 · 4 years
Random imagines of how Mr. And Mrs. Weasley took care of the child in their charge.
A night of terror -
With 7 children the Weasleys were used to noise.
They would fling and throw each other about the house, chasing and running. Playing quidditch and practical jokes. These happy and sometimes frustrated screams we’re all memories to be made. The heart of the Borrow.
But the scream of terror and heartbreak was Something new.
Sure each Red headed child had a nightmare here and there. There was almost always someone sick, with nights staying up cleaning vomit and coaxing a feverish child back to sleep.
But this cold fear that ran through Mrs. Weasley’s the first time she heard the call for help was deafening. Her heart stopped beating and she clutched her chest.
Waking Mr. Weasley was no easy task by daylight but he also sat rigid in fear as he too heared the dispair clanging from the attic. But this time it wasn’t the ghost but a young boy they had taken in as their charge for the summer.
The pair jumped from bed and raced to the bedroom. As they travelled through the rickety house doors flung open and beady eyed children stood paralysed in fear and unknowing.
‘ All of your downstairs now. Percy put the kettle on will you? I’ll make some coco in a minute.” Mrs. Weasley said kissing the top of Ginny’s small head.
The 5 red heads and one very bushy headed child slowly stalked their way to the kitchen, banging things as they went. As the children’s footsteps quietened, the Weasley carried on to the attic.
Opening in the door they found Ronald, their youngest boy tangled within his sheets, snoring loudly and talking calmly in his sleep. He seemed completely unaware that another boy in the room was in complete distress.
The other boy had dark shaggy hair that stood in all direction making him look somewhat homeless in daylight but down in the glow of the midnight moon it made him look almost deranged.
The boy’s flailing and shouting didn’t help this either. The boy with dazzling green eyes suddenly launched himself straight and screamed for his mother. He cried and begged. He did want her to leave. He didn’t like the green light.
Molly Weasley’s heart broke. She gently walked forward and stroked the boys hair from his forehead. “ Shush. You’re okay. You’re going to be okay.” As she did this he stiffened and she cried. The boy sat Alert but not awake. He still look terrorised by his waking dream. So like any mother she continued.
As he began to relax she held him in her arms as she had with Ron when he first started having night terrors of spiders. She’d hug him and tell him that his mummy was here. That no one or no thing could hurt him when she was there. So she held Harry and rocked him until he’d broken from the dream.
Then when his exhausted body gave out and dragged him back to sleep. She kissed his mane of dark hair and tucked him in saying “Goodnight Harry. Your always safe here.”
And for the first time since their boys were young Arthur Weasley conjured a nightlight made from stars. He looked down at this boy and said “now then my boy your gonna sleep fine now.��
Quietly they detangled Ron to ensure he could breathe in the nest of blankets he’d made himself and they closed the door. Breathing a sigh of relief. They look at each other in only a way a parent could look at a parent.
As they made their way to the kitchen, they held each other. Knowing they’d never understand what the boy had gone through but knowing they’d do their damnest to try and comfort him when they could.
All the beady eyed children sat alert and wide eyed now, waiting for any news.
As the Weasley enetered they were bombarded with questions.
“ why does he scream like that?”
“ what’s wrong with him mum?”
“ Can we have coco now?”
“ Alright all of you. Sit down. I’ll make coco and Daddy will explain. Tea Percy?” Mrs. Weasley asked.
“ Thanks mum.”
“ Harry has what we call Night terrors. There like nightmares but worse. It’s not just a dream you see. Night terrors are like reliving trauma. He isn’t just seeing something. he’s living it. Completely emersed in this panic. Ron used it get them. You’ve all had spouts with them.” Mr. Weasley explained and sighed. “ You generally grow out of them by now. But with what Harry has been through. Night terrors allow a person to deal with emotions their not aware of in their waking hours.”
“ So he’s okay then?” Hermione asked quietly.
“ Oh yeah. I doubt he’ll even remember it in the morning.”
“ and you’ll say nothing about it to him or Ron. You here me?” She surveyed her children.
“ So he’s not hurt or anything?” Ginny asked.
“ No not at all. He’s fine. We’ve tucked him up and calmed him down.” Mr. Weasley assures his youngest.
“ Right here’s the coco. Be carefully it’s hot. Marshmallows and chocolate flakes are on the table. Dig in.” Mrs. Weasley said as she placed the a round of mugs in the table.
“ Biscuits, Percy are on table too.” Mr. Weasley pointed.
“ Thank you dad.”
The couple sat at the end of the table watching as the group of youngsters devoured the treats in front of them. They laughed and joked then it was time for bed.
“ Right then you lot. Let’s get you back to bed. There’s a big day tomorrow.” Mr. Weasley stated as he rounded the kids up and led them up the stairs.
“ Night mum, night dad.” Was a chorus heard in that moment.
“ Thank you Mr. And Mrs. Weasley. See you in the morning.” Hermione popped in at the end.
“ Goodnight dear.”
In that night the Weasley’s knew that Harry Potter needed a family and they were more than happy to oblige.
Super weird. Random thought. Turned out differently then I imagined. Hope you enjoyed.
Love, Hero.
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pixiesandroseslove · 4 years
Louis Weasley is gay hufflepuff with a Slytherin boyfriend and is best friends with his gothic queen Slytherin cosin Lucy Weasley don't convince me otherwise.
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wilsonthemoose · 3 years
Grin and Bear it
Bill Wealey Character Study (post canon)
Teen and Up
~2200 words
Angst, nightmares, healing
Link to Ao3
Bill Weasley had a wife called Fleur, a house called Shell Cottage on the sea shore, a grave in view of his bedroom window. Bill Weasley had nightmares. Castle walls crumbling, men turning into werewolves, goblins reaching out to strangle him.
He had a knitted sweater with his initials on the front, a mother who had cared enough to make it. A mother who sometimes found it in herself to chastise him for his long hair, a mother who put up a front of being alright.
The battle had been won. Hogwarts castle was cleaned up, cleared of the bodies first and then the rubble. Soon, owls would be sent with book lists for another term. Students would arrive in September to a castle that would still bear the marks of the battle.
A monument would be built to the witches and wizards who had fought in the war and Fred's name would be on it. Right now, there was a grave in a cemetery without a headstone and a chipped wand on a desk in one of the crooked rooms of the Burrow.
Bill Weasley had a brother he was very careful never to call the wrong name, very careful to always look in the eye. Very careful to not look away from— no matter how much he wanted to.
He had a father who no longer tinkered with torches and plugs, who smiled when he talked but never genuinely.
Bill picked a question to ask at every sip his father took of firewhiskey, he surfed the radio searching for Celestina Warbeck until his mother jabbed her wand and the radio fell silent.
He followed Ginny into the sky on the old brooms they kept in their shed, calling her back when she wandered too close to the muggle dwellings. She turned around to look at him, windswept hair worn like a red cloak and he wondered if she was looking for trouble in the few moments she stared before following him back to the Burrow.
He dragged Charlie out into the yard, cabin-fever and boredom provoking their duel to an almost rowdy scuffle until Percy threw a shield charm between them, shouting "stop fighting!"
Bill Weasley had a famous brother trying to fill someone else's shoes, too big in some places and too small in others.
He had a thrill-seeking sister who sometimes seemed like she hadn't really gone through all the things he knew she had, and sometimes seemed much older than he felt she ought to be.
He had a brother who lunged into a dragon's enclosure too rashly, who always smelled of the dittany he had treated his burns with. A brother who had never been particularly careful but was now reckless and almost deliberately rash.
Bill still had a chunk of his bereavement leave left when he was offered his first assignment after the war. He was to work with the Ministry in purging Azkaban of the horrors the old tower prison held— Kingsley Shaklebolt had envisioned a more humane prison as Minister for Magic and he'd asked for Bill personally.
Azkaban may not be the best way to ease himself back into work but Bill was not going to say no, he wasn't one to run from danger.
Some nights he dreamt that he was running through the prison, his pounding footsteps sending echoing howls through the tower. Some nights he dreamt he threw a cell door closed in Fenrir Greyback's snarling face.
Bill Weasley had scars along his arms, on his face. Fleur traced them with love in her hands and he did his best not to recoil. When he scrambled awake in the middle of the night, she stirred next to him and he told himself it had been nearly three years now and he wasn't going to turn spontaneously into a werewolf and kill her in her sleep.
They had a home where outcasts had a standing invitation. During the war he had told them to come at need, now, they came at their will. Old Order members and school friends, Fleur's family and his own.
Bill had a bit of the werewolf in him: he liked his steaks on the raw side, anger often rose unbidden in him, (he learnt to remind himself it was not his own) he felt uneasy on the full moons, and when he dueled, he found a viciousness in himself that hadn't been there before. He reminded himself that Remus Lupin had had the same to deal with, only more, and that he had remained kind through it all. Bill could do the same.
Fleur had spunk, when he'd got past the overwhelming allure of her looks, that's what he had thought, she had spunk and panache. She was also fiercely loyal and never took kindness for granted. She had a soft spot for Harry for pulling her sister from the lake, she had a fondness for Luna for the simple fact that Luna had looked after Olivander.
She kept a seagull with a broken wing until he healed and flew away.
Sometimes, when she knew he was having a hard time of it, she greeted him with his mother's pot-roast and butterscotch ice cream. Later, with the sound of the evening tide to accompany it, she set a record on the gramophone and he took her hand, revolving slowly on the scuffed floor of their cottage to the crooning refrain of: Bill, I love you so, I always will.
Heads turned to stare at them as they walked, the half-veela and the man with unmistakable werewolf scars on his face. Fleur threw her chin in the air, the staring hadn't bothered her in many years, Bill angled his head down and let his long hair obscure his face.
He worked at Gringotts as curse breaker and when someone assumed that he had got his scars from a cursed object, he didn't correct them. He was kept busy, sent to Egypt one week and Wales the next. Most days, he could venture into the tombs with his usual devil-may-care bravado wrapped around him like a cloak. Most nights, he found himself trapped in the airless dark, chasing after a 20 year old boy who sometimes looked like Fred and sometimes turned into Greyback as Bill closed in.
Bill kept an owl, a gentle creature with copper feathers that Fleur had pointed out in the owl emporium, saying it would fit right in with the Weasleys.
He took the owl with him when he went and wrote often but he also had a telephone installed in their cottage. He made a point to call his siblings, he listened to their latest triumphs and settled his worries, even as he recognized false cheeriness in their voices. They were living, working and trying and building their lives, that was enough for now— the rest could come later.
Shell Cottage was the sanctuary Bill and Fleur needed, but it was sometimes lonely to the boy who'd grown up in the Burrow. They went to see his parents most weekends, her family in the summer when her sister was on holiday. Andromeda and Teddy visited sometimes, Charlie once hid a dragon in the chicken coop.
Bill Weasley had scars on his face and arms. Harry had a lightening bolt on his forehead and I must not tell lies traced in his own writing on his hand to match the words he'd written in his own blood. Hermione had mudblood carved in her arm. Ron had scars from the brains in the Department of Mysteries, Neville Longbottom had gashes on his face for all the times he'd stood up to the Carrows. Mad-Eye Moody had had a missing eye and an amputated leg in addition to the many scars he'd accumulated over the years. Albus Dumbledore had had a withered hand.
These were things that had happened, proving only that they had fought. These were not testaments to the cruelty of Voldemort, nor were they badges to be worn with pride. This was only scar tissue.
Bill often called Fleur a healer and Luna once suggested that Fleur should help her find the Narglepuffs whose whiskers were a necessary ingredient in the potion that could heal any scar. But Fleur was many things, a healer was just one of them.
Bill Weasley had a brother who still stood apart from the family.
Percy kept his eyes averted and Bill could never catch them. "If you want to blame someone," Bill said one evening as Percy stood ankle deep in the sea, watching the waves, "blame Voldemort."
Percy seemed to search for his answer, or perhaps he was deciding whether he was going to say anything at all.
A moment later, eyes on the horizon, voice a passable imitation of his old matter-of-fact tone, Percy said "it should have been me."
Bill stopped himself ranting at Percy about how he was only hurting himself and his family by thinking this, stopped himself pouring his own guilt and anger at Percy. Instead he sighed and turned to look at whatever Percy had his eyes fixed on. "Could have been." he half-shrugged. "Could also have been me or Charlie. George." Percy shifted beside him, half angry and half defeated but Bill ignored him. "Ginny a hundred times and Ron—" he cut himself off, and looked away, steeling himself. Then, breathing in through gritted teeth, he continued, "do you know— he came to me, left Harry and Hermione and—" Bill looked down at his feet, toes buried in the sand, water soaking his jeans. "Percy, I told him he should have stayed with them, that it wasn't right to come back. When he left, I kept thinking—"
He lapsed into silence for a moment, listened to the waves crash, pushed his foot through the sand.
"Ron did the right thing. Harry needed him." Beside him, Percy nodded. Bill forged on, "so did you. If you hadn't been there, a lot of other people would have died." Bill pulled Percy's arm and turned him towards himself, "if you're going to feel responsible for something, then feel responsible for that."
They looked at each other for a moment, Percy's eyes somber behind the glasses and Bill knew he wasn't going to fight back. He also knew that letting go of guilt wasn't easy and that Percy wouldn't manage it any time soon. Guilt molded itself into your palms and you couldn't scrub it off, you had to let it go slowly.
Bill pushed his hand against Percy's arm, shoving him, "prat." he said and Percy smiled before turning towards the sea again.
Maybe someday they'd both be okay.
He took an interest in Teddy Lupin and tried not to flinch when scars appeared unconsciously on Teddy's face as he looked at Bill, brazen and earnest. He recognized Tonks' spirit, Remus' sobriety, Harry's grief, all in one kid with hair as red as a Wealsey's and as messy as a Potter's.
In payment for the solace Lupin provided him even dead, Bill gave his son what his own father had given Harry: an avuncular figure, friend and confidant more than a father.
Years later, when Teddy asked about his own father, voice tentative and measured, Bill told him with all the pride he could muster that he was the kindest man Bill had ever known. When he dropped Teddy off at Andromeda's house it was with a plush wolf under his arm and hair a familiar light brown.
Bill had paint stains on his hands from painting the nursery, Fleur had the sun in her hair as she hung stars over a crib.
His mother made a quilt for his daughter, his father bought muggle toys. Life was funny that way, everything changed all the time and you didn't notice it; then something changed all at once and you though change was something new.
Bill startled awake early in the mornings, thinking he'd heard howling, but it was only the sound of gulls on the air. He walked along the beach as the sun warmed up, watching the early morning tide.
Bill Weasley had a wife called Fleur, a daughter called Victoire who imitated her mother's lilt of french, a newborn daughter who traced his scars with her little hands.
Bill Weasley had a mother who knitted sweaters for her family. She left his meat raw for him the way he liked, closed the shutters when he stared too long at the moon. She looked after his children on the weekends, spoiling them the way she hadn't with her own children.
At Shell Cottage by the sea, with the grave of a free elf just on the side, Bill taught Victoire how to fly, holding her in front of him on the broom at first, then letting her fly solo, wand held ready to slow her down if she fell.
Bill had scars that made people stare. When Victoire's preschool friends asked him, he spun tales of pirates or mummies. When they went home scared and told their parents, Bill laughed and confessed to being attacked by a wolf. When Fleur threw her nose in the air, he smiled and put an arm around her. People still stared but his daughters were never frightened of his scars and Fleur never went in search of Narglepuff whiskers to make a healing potion.
This is not a story about forgetting or about letting grief slip through your fingers like sand; this is a story about building a life around the grief, around the empty chair at your parent's dinner table. This is a story about things worth living for, people worth living with.
Lyrics are from Wedding Bell Blues
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mavkasilas · 3 years
Just The Two of Us
Percy's favourite moment is always the dust, not the dawn. It's because he and Oliver will always have a little dance in the living room and watching the sunset in their little garden.
That's how they spend their free time in the weekend.
He likes the way how Oliver gently pull him up from the sofa and then place his hand on his waist. Their background music is always Grover Washington's "Just The Two of Us".
Not gonna lie, that saxophone part is always the reason that makes him keep falling in love with Oliver.
“Why is always this song?”
Percy once asks Oliver.
“The vibe, Perce. Come on, don’t you think it’s romantic?”
Oliver places the vinyl on the recorder and smirks. When the intro starts playing, he then walks to Percy, puts his left hand in front of Percy and slightly bows forward.
“Shall we? my love.”
Oliver looks at Percy’s face. He never got tired of seeing him blushing like a squirrel, even though they had been together so long. Somehow, Percy still makes his stomach butterflies.
“Next time I’m going to choose the song.”
Percy groaned but still put his hand on Oliver’s.
Oliver didn’t give time for Percy to fight back. He places a kiss on his thin lips when the first line comes in.
I see the crystal raindrops fall
and the beauty of it all
is when the sun comes shining through.
Percy feels the passion on his lip, he guesses at this moment his face is definitely as red as his hair. He reaches out to Oliver’s neck and circles them, both of their bodies groove with the music and the lyrics.
To make those rainbows in my mind
when I think of you some time
and I wanna spend some time with you.
Percy always wonders what’s Oliver thinks when they are kissing. He only knows he can’t see anything but feels incredibly great. It’s like the kiss is the potion that can take away all the burden and exhaustion from his heart.
Maybe he shall name the kiss as “Oliver’s rainbow kiss”. Sounds a bit too gay, but fit them right?
We look for love, no time for tears,
wasted water’s all that is and it don’t make no flower grows.
Good things might come to those who wait,
not for those who wait too late, we gotta go for all we know.
Oliver lets Percy lay his head on his shoulder, both of them just dancing slowly with the music. No one talking,  just let the music fills the air between them. He still remembers that time when found out Percy had married.
He always slows at the relationship thing, and Percy always sucks at handling his feelings. He lost Percy once when he dated Penelope. Then he lost him twice again when he becomes someone else’s husband.
That time he saw Percy in that black suit standing miserably in the church, it’s the time for Oliver to realise he was still madly in love with Percy. He doesn’t know why Percy desperately wants to form his own family, but he didn’t ask.
Oliver waits, he waits for the timing. Maybe you will think it’s jealousy, but Oliver is very sure they will divorce because he can see there is no love between Percy and Audrey’s eyes.
Just like the song’s lyrics, he waits. Then the next thing he knew is they both took each other’s last name.
Percy Ignatius Weasley Wood, Oliver Weasley Wood. Sounds very lovely, isn’t it? Oliver likes to hear people call Percy “ Mr Wealey Wood” because now everyone will know that the department head of Magic Law Enforcement is Oliver Wood’s man.
Oliver is glad that he catches him in time before everything is too late.
He could never imagine his life without Percy since they have lived together when they were 11. Almost half of his memories are about Percy:
The first time he got to be the Gryffindor’s keeper, there is Percy;
The first time he got his flying broom from his parents, there is Percy;
The first time he got chose to be the Gryffindor’s captain, there is Percy;
The first time he finally won the house cup, there is Percy.
His every important moment, Percy will always be the first one hug him and congrats him, tell him how he’s so happy for him. Percy really spoils him very much.
Just the two of us, we can make it if we try,
just the two of us,  just the two of us,
Just the two of us, building castle in the sky,
just the two of us, you and I.
They are like the golden pixies, bathing in the sunlight, dancing in the woods.
Percy always wishes the time can freeze for a moment or decades. He wishes he could always replay this moment, and he swears he will never get bored.
Well maybe he will get sick of that song but never mind, Oliver’s kiss will always make it a little bit better.
“Dada, you say this time you will let me and Molly dance with Papa!”
All of a sudden, Molly and Thomas appear from nowhere. Percy and Oliver get startled by their kids, but then they burst out a laugh. Seems like their sweet private moment has been invaded by two little mischievous pixies.
The music has always made them forget, there will always not be just two of them.
Now it’s four of them.
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shipforshippers · 3 years
The Mirror of Erised, Find me something that is destructive than this, I will wait!!!!
The thing about Wealeys' is that they are there for comic relief not always but most of the time. Since we haven't met Charlie and Bill they are out of the question. And Ginny just doesn't have enough scenes for me to dissect. Percy is an exception, though! Moving on, Twins, their humor is a bit like Prank and vlogger Youtuber from 2012. If you know then you know. Whereas Ron, he is more like Philip Defranco, he is not funny but when is tries I laugh. Am I showing my age?
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I would love to spend one Christmas in Hogwarts just in the Great Hall. Just for the decoration, we got! The Great Hall sounds(? Am I using the right word?) spectacular.
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I am reading the digital version of Sorcerer's stone, not Philosopher's stone. So, I just realized that they (Publishing house) made not only name change in it but they also changed some inner context. Since I have a physical copy of Philosopher's stone where Ron wishes Harry as 'Harry Christmas' now reading the American digital version has Ron wishing Harry as 'Merry Christmas'. I don't know why but that just doesn't sound right to me. Now I am just nit-picking!
Weasley family is family to Harry, not because Harry ended up becoming brother-in-law but because he is Ron's best friend. Mrs. Weasley sending Harry Weasley sweater is indicative of it. You can't change my mind.
We know what Hermione got Ron and Harry for Christmas but what did they get for her?
I have a question, How does James Potter have an invisibility cloak?
And one other question, Harry saw the whole Potter family in Mirror of Erised but where are they now? Are they all dead?
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Dumbledore! Why do you have something as dangerous as 'Mirror of Erised' just lying around in school without any protection? Again, Dumbledore, it seems like you want students to find out what you hiding. Dumbledore definitely saw Grindelwald in the Mirror, didn't he? That is why he lied to Harry!
on a side note, Ron was a good and wise friend to point out there was something wrong about 'The Mirror of Erised'.
Anybody, who is reading this thank you! This was supposed to go yesterday. Sorry and welcome to my new two more followers. Now, I have a total number of 7 followers, officially now I have more followers than friends! Yay!!!
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Hey there! I 've loved your Wealey Headcanons about the twins? Can u write somthi g si ilar, about Christmas, focused on Fred?
A/N: (I SURE CAN!! I hope you’re ready for some fluffy Fred) 
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Fred gets extra cuddly in the Christmas season, he blames it on the cold.
He’ll share his jumpers with you without asking, he’ll just throw a jumper onto the bed before you’ve gotten out with a grin on his face. 
Of course, he’ll shower you in compliments on how good you look, loving the way you blush. 
Snowball fights. Don’t go outside if you aren’t prepared for an enchanted snowball flying directly towards you within five seconds. 
After each snowball fight, he’ll make hot chocolate as a truce and let you use the shower first, even though you (and Molly) insist he’s going to catch a cold. 
“You’re right, maybe I should just join you then,” he says with a smirk. Molly slaps him on the arm, causing him to let out a laugh. 
He makes the best hot chocolate though, he has a knack for cooking in general, but with hot chocolate he truly lets his wild imagination show. 
Fred goes all out on presents, he’s really sweet about it too, often getting you things you’ve mentioned wanting in passing, take for example: If you’re walking past a jewellery shop and see a piece of jewellery you like and mention it to him, he’ll 100% go back and get it for you. Doesn’t have to be jewellery, but whatever it may be, Fred Weasley will get it for you. 
At night, when it gets cold, Fred’ll snuggle up to you and he’s not moving away from you ‘till morning comes. 
There’s a tradition in the Weasley household, that every year on Christmas eve, someone from the family reads out a Christmas story. As the kids all grow up and have kids of their own, Fred takes over the duty of reading the story out loud, having been deemed the best choice by his siblings and in-laws, and he is really the best: He makes voices and acts things out (with involuntary help from Percy and George, which makes the kids laugh). 
You didn’t think it was possible to fall harder for him, yet the sight of him, passionately reading out a story, gesturing with his hand to a group of children, including our own, all of whom are completely enchanted by their uncle Fred’s tale makes your heart soar. 
You’re definitely his New Years’ kiss. 
You love seeing him get all giddy when it’s time for fireworks, it’s his favourite part of the evening. Secretly, it’s also yours, because every year, he yells out “And this one’s for Y/n!” and sets off the biggest, prettiest, most spectacular y/f/c firework
Afterwards, he runs up to you and gives you a kiss so deep, it makes your head spin, he tastes like champagne and gunpowder and he places his silly hat from the crackers on your head with a gleam in his eyes. 
Fred during the holidays is the best Fred. 
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keeptheotherone · 4 years
Are you writing the third part of Eighth Year? And if so, will it follow the school year/feature more Harry/Ginny? I’ve just finished faintest/slimmest/wildest and it was wonderful ❤️
Yes and yes! Thanks for your interest :) You can read more about my current writing plans here and--well, I’m having problems linking so I’ll cut and paste:
Not sure I can say any more about it than I already have (although I do lose track of what I say where, so you may not have seen all this info): in addition to what you said, it will be a combination Hinny/Romione with Bill, Charlie, and Percy as the Wealey POV characters and run from September 1, 1998 to the day the girls leave Hogwarts (sometime in June or July 1999). Couple-y stuff with Hinny, couple-y stuff with Romione, Ginny & Hermione friendship (and Luna), more of George’s struggle with grief, Weasley boys stuff with the oldest three and various combinations of them with George and/or Ron, and continue some of the conflicts set up in FSWC and ILW, like Harry telling Ginny about being a Horcrux and Hermione rebuilding her relationship with her parents. I may even get ambitious and add in some Auror cases.
Hope that helps!
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A Normal Day For The Wealeys:
Ron, mumbling a song : "Is this just real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality"
Author Weasley walking by Ron, : " Open your eyes, Look up to the skies and see.."
Molly rolls her eyes, :"I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy"
Fred joins, : "Because I'm easy come, easy go"
George joins Fred, both of them sing : "Litte high, little low. Anyway the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me.."
Back to Author, : "Mama, just killed a man.."
Molly takes the next part, : "Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger, now he's dead"
Ron sighed, what did he do? : "Mama, life had just begun.."
Fred and George, : "But now I've gone and thrown it all away.."
It all suddenly goes quiet. But they all hear Some ones singing in the far distance.
Percy from afar, : "Mama, ooh--"
Ron, Molly, Author, George and Fred bursts out laughing because they didn't expect that and his voice sounded really high pitched.
Percy yelling because they stopped right as he was singing, : "OH COME ON--"
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ao3feed-snape · 6 years
Harry Potter and the Sorting Gone Wrong
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zsp7Ed
by YouVeBeensnuBBed
It's the small things that change the big picture. Harry never met Ron to warn him against Slytherin house, and so, history is turned on its head. Join Harry as he struggles through hardship and the sea of cultural and political difficulties of pureblood society. Slytherin isn't about to welcome their Lord's vanquisher with open arms, but The-Boy-Who-Lived-to-be-Anathema won't go down without a fight. Harry Potter was meant to soar, never to drown. Least of all in Slytherin's treacherous waters. Alas, things only get more complicated with Dumbledore's unwelcome suspicions and the very persistent black jornal of one T. M. Riddle.
Words: 4069, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - Fandom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Harry Potter, Voldemort, Tom Riddle, Dumbledore, Severus Snape, Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom, Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Gregory Goile, Vincent Crabbe, Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Wealey, Percy Weasley, Theodore Nott, Michael Corner, Anthony Goldstein, Terry Boot, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Original Animal Character(s), Original Characters, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Quirinus Quirrell, Astoria Greengrass, Daphne Greengrass, Pansy Parkinson, Sane!Voldemort - Character, Grey!Harry - Character, Slytherin!Harry - Character, AU - Character, Diary Tom Riddle, Tom Riddle and Voldemort differ, Sarcastic!Riddle, Alternate Univrrse
Additional Tags: AU, Slytheirin!Harry, Sane!Voldemort, grey!Harry
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zsp7Ed
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awellboiledicicle · 7 years
I feel my meeting draco in the Boy Who Ran au will go like he starts to talk shit and i just
“no” “wha” “those words you are saying. stop. stop saying them before you offend me. because you’re like 2 inches from offending me.” “I was just” “One inch. You’re calling me stuuuupiiiiid. And insulting my friends. Not great for an introduction. One more try and we won’t get mad.”
see what he does. because prick as he is first year and on, he’s that way because of how he’s raised and he’s echoing his father and mother. He’s also been raised in the Pureblood political game of amassing allies/friends that will back you up and do you favors when you need them, and trying hard not to make enemies. Or at least, if you make enemies, you’ve made the right ones-- ie, the same ones as your friends have. 
Harry pulling the “Ron Weasley is my friend and you’re insulting me and my decisions by saying you know my loyalties better” is basically pulling status rank on him. Which, given Harry’s fame is.. something. It doesn’t mean anything blood wise-- Ron and Draco both outrank him there, but it shows just enough of Harry’s hand that Harry knows the game. That Draco wouldn’t be having the upper hand in showing him around and have that advantage of being the main ally to him. Also meaning he wouldn’t auto defer to Draco in matters of loyalty in like a fight-- not to say it wouldn’t go the other way too, it’s a slytherin thing-- but played right it could pull Draco into a “ok you won’t be head of my friend group but you’ll still be in the first line of people i’ve met.” Which is still a good line of power considering. 
Draco principally-- depending on if he was told to make friends with Harry or just kinda wanted to-- was making a power play whether he knew it or not. In canon, Harry doesn’t know this, and turns him aside for insulting Ron. Which, A+ move because he was being a jerk about it. Ron likely didn’t know about the play, because the Wealey’s don’t seem into that sort of politics much past passingly, though I imagine Percy would have seen it. Like he knows the blood status things and so on but i don’t think Arthur and Molly are telling their kids to go make friends with powerful people. As Harry, though, setting up a rebuke to that insult and then moving on immediately, so Draco is then forced to apologize either in house or in passing, means that I could set myself up in his group of associates as someone he then owes-- because he slighted me. Then, I can try to befriend him while working against that slight-- say borrowing something from him, copying his notes, so on-- and bring him around to the point he has to treat my friends as equal, if only in dealing with them because of association. Then I can help him unlearn some shit. Maybe then I could help.. try to avoid some shit that happens later.
Or turn it into something we can work with because it never felt right how that shook out.
His dad’s dying though, ok. That’s just going to happen.
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