#permanent brain damage !!!!!
chikoritomais · 1 year
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violent138 · 4 months
Dick got extremely frustrated with Tim when Red Robin didn't take any time off after repeated concussions, and wound up changing all the passwords and messing with the spelling on Tim's reports and files, which freaked Tim out enough that he did go for a head CT and a decent nap.
Bruce, much later: "Why is my password not working?"
Dick, seeing a golden opportunity: "Password's the same as always. How many concussions are we up to now?"
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bird-inacage · 3 months
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Love Sea Episode 2 | Rakmut Steamy Kisses
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la-pheacienne · 3 months
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how are we feeling
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original  |  volume 4/5  |  volume 6  |  volume 7
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silusvesuius · 5 months
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fly high
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fjalchions · 1 year
if you think the crows are being stupid just remember they are:
probably concussed
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lovelynakahara · 3 months
nemesis is just so so big and melinoe is soooo small teeny tiny and and-
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“I’m a survivor, black lung!”
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lucksea · 7 months
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also yes i will draw narilamb . once
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starryalpacasstuff · 9 months
Last Twilight Ep 9; The conclusion of Mee's story
Mee's story was such an amazing addition to Last Twilight. I've explored the parallels in the stories before here, and this episode marked the conclusion of Mee's story. I absolutely loved that the book was actually written by a father who's daughter was going blind. Much like we enjoy and find comfort in queer allegories made by queer creators, Day found comfort in David's writing.
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I forgot to get a screenshot of the exact dialogue, but in the last leg of the story, Mee seeks out the Last Twilight mountaintop in hopes that it will break the curse. Day seeks out the mountaintop too. to see the place that brought this story to life, to know what the author saw, and to have one more memory for himself for when he loses his sight.
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We see them enact Mee's journey within the book, also mirroring the journey David would have gone on when bringing his daughter to the mountaintop. Mhok reads the story that David wrote, travelling with Day as David would have travelled with his daughter, the inspiration for Mee.
Side note, Day's happiness when realizing that Mee was based off of someone very similar to him is understandable. There's nothing better than finding others who are like you, especially when they're behind works you see yourself in. It functions both at face value, and as a queer allegory.
Then, of course, they reach the mountaintop. and Mhok reads the ending of the book, in which Mee is bathed by the sunlight and turns to stone, never to fade away again. Mhok doesn't like the ending, it's too abrupt, too sad. He doesn't understand why Mee's life has to end there, why the author would choose to end the story of a girl inspired by his daughter in this way. But Day gets it. As he's sitting with Mhok at the mountaintop, he understands what it's like to want to be trapped in a moment forever. (This also says a lot about their characters, and how they view the world differently)
In the end, Last Twilight didn't come. And sure, there's some 'the journey was more important than the destination' stuff here, but it's also about Day finally accepting that his sight is gone for good. I've talked before about how Mee no longer chasing after the sun paralleled the end of Mhok and Day's relationship as caretaker and caretakee(?), and I think that Mee turning to stone parallels this point of Day's life somewhat similarly. Mee would never fade again, but she would remain a statue forever, a fate viewed to be just as bad, if not worse by many. Day has become fully blind, a fate viewed as far worse than his vision before. But maybe, this could lead to a new chapter in his life, where he could be free of the small, torturous part of his brain that refused to believe that his sight wasn't coming back.
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So yes, maybe it was better to end the story this way. Day may be fully blind, but he has Mhok to ensure that Day never fades away again.
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And it's ok that Last Twilight never came, because he saw it anyway, and the last thing he ever saw was the face of someone he loved, the face he wanted to be the last thing that he ever saw.
Mee's story could be seen as tragic, yes. But to her, turning to stone, trapped in a wonderful moment for her to treasure forever, this was a fate far better than chasing after the sun forever, forever afraid of fading away.
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psn-stalling · 8 months
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quigzahhutt · 3 months
I dearly miss natural strawberry blonde Liam
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it actually negatively affects my mental wellbeing each time he bleaches it like please Liam,,, ur natural color was so cunty,,,
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doveywovy · 24 days
10. “blow to the head” pretty please
slurred words/passing out from the pain/"i can't think straight"
Tobirama was always on a path to disaster.
Izuna had argued that for years. They were deeply competitive, but where Izuna pushed himself to the extreme in their sport, Tobirama pushed himself to invention. and that had worked out for him for years, his innovative new moves and his tricky little spins. Izuna could do the most consecutive flips in a row for anyone on the ice in their bracket- but nobody else was doing half of what Tobirama brought to the table.
It was always going to turn out this way, as far as Izuna was concerned- new was also risky. Izuna had expected Tobirama's blood to stain the ice eventually.
Instead, their shared time on the ice at their home rink is marred by a wobbling Tobirama. His stance is unsteady, his eyes unfocused. There's a dent in the ice from where his head cracked against it.
Izuna skates over mostly to gloat, but Tobirama reaches out and misses, twice, before taking Izuna's outstretched arm.
This is...bad. Tobirama's behavior, the fact neither of them are supposed to be here so there's no medical assistance on the way- just the two of them, alone on the ice.
Tobirama clings tighter as Izuna pulls him forward. Izuna rests his free hand on top of Tobirama's grip to his bicep, and Tobirama doesn't try to shake it off. Instead of pulling Tobirama off the ice, he takes him to the center of it. It's smoother there, slippery still, and Tobirama's legs are wobbling indecently. His back is somewhat bent try to stay upright, his knees certainly are, and for once he's not towering over Izuna because of it. They're practically at eye level.
"Feelssick." Tobirama says. he's green around the edges. He turns his head and vomits on the ice, and then nearly falls over from the force of it. Izuna stablizes him, and Tobirama stares up. He can't quiet reach Izuna's eyeline. "'zu." Tobirama says. "'Zuuna. ZunaCanya....the ice. offah ice..."
He will.
In a minute.
His rival, always snipping at him, always bitter, always lording over him, can't even form a full sentence. That's-
Tobirama is maybe dying. He's almost certainly never going to skate again. Madara used to rant about how dangerous the sport was all the time, all the ways it could go wrong. Izuna forces Tobirama's hands off him at the wrist and glides back. Not far, just enough-
Tobirama tips backwards. his legs flail, his arms swing, his whole face is green instead of just the edges. There's vomit at the corner of his mouth. his arms are outstretched.
Towards Izuna. Because he needs him. Because he can't do this alone.
Izuna slides back into range, takes him by the hands. "Let's get you to a doctor, Senju."
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If you ever wonder what happened to Napoleon and Illya's braincells, I'll just gesture in the direction of how many times they get hit over the head and knocked out.
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How did you fall in love with the lil' rattos?
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