#personal astrology tips
5 Must-Have Vastu-Approved Paintings for Office Success
Vastu Shastra experts reveal 5 Vastu-approved paintings to enhance success and positivity in your office. Learn simple Vastu tips from Astroseva Talk to energize your workspace.
For more information, you can directly chat with online astrologers
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thesirencult · 10 months
"You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion."
L. Ron Hubbard (Founder of Scientology)
I won't lie to you. What got me into tarot was a very raw and real dream about a man I've never met in my life. I had this dream when I was 15 and it felt like I was floating in a parallel universe.
Dreams with this "stranger" kept coming and going and during a search I stumbled upon the concept of "twin flames".
As with anything NeW AgE it is nothing new. All New Age bullshit are concepts familiar to human civilizations for thousands of years. In all ancient cultures these concepts show up again and again.
Astrology, cartomancy and other forms of divination and guidance have been used by Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Greeks and Hindu people for centuries. They were villainized after the come up of Christianity.
I always have believed there is a higher power. Some name it Allah, others Moses, other Dias etc. Doesn't matter, it's one God above us. Actually contrary to what many want you to believe the Ancient Greeks didn't have "12 Gods" but 12 (and much much more) expressions of DIVINITY. Metaphors and symbolisms.
Hermes Trismegistus has written everything about "manifestation". Others just repackaged it. Some help us understand the concept and others just want to make a quick buck.
All people have some primal needs. Connection and love. Money and wealth. Wanting to be beautiful and powerful. Some people prey on that and, in my opinion, the self-improvement industry will only keep on growing.
The concept of twin flames can be found being expressed by Socrates in the dialogue "Symposium" by Plato :
“Now, since their natural form had been cut in two, each one longed for its own other half, and so they would throw their arms about each other, weaving themselves together, wanting to grow together...
This, then, is the source of our desire to love each other. Love is born into eve­ry human being: it calls back the halves of our original nature together; it tries to make one out of two and heal the wound of human nature.
Each of us, then, is a ‘matching half’ of a human whole, because each was sliced like a flatfish, two out of one, and each of us is always seeking the half that matches him."
Sidenote: Obviously I used only two snippets of the dialogue. Socrates' stance on homosexuality and other matters of love can be found in there and it is a good read. It will definitely show you that some concepts have been around since humans walked on this earth.
Moving on, I want to give you some tips on how to best use astrology and tarot/oracle cards as TOOLS to better yourself.
1. First try them yourself.
Don't let others dictate how you see astrology and tarot. Go online and search up your birth chart on astroseek or visit the Light Seer's Tarot/Muse Tarot website which has an incredible pick a card feature.
Don't contact an astrologer or tarot reader before familiarising yourself with the tools and "taking the magic out" of them.
2. No one and mean NO ONE can predict the future 100%.
In our lives there are moments who seem synchronized. They make you believe in fate. I do believe that God intended for us to live through some things but I also absolutely believe in FREE WILL. I always say that to clients especially those who have tarot readings.
Tarot and astrology can help you see the paths laid in front of you. They help you dive in your unconscious mind. Don't let anyone fool you that they are magical and whatever the cards say can not change.
3. If you purchase a reading don't purchase a love/romance one at first.
Don't get me wrong. I love love and romance. I love doing love readings. They are sweet and sexy.
BUT. Even in my love readings I incorporate a "general energy of you" for the person. I do that cause I want to show to my client, who trusted me and chose me that a tarot reader can be vetted.
Sadly even with PAC readings I can see that the romance ones are read and reposted way more than ones that assist with personal development. I try to keep a balance and do both.
The thing is a good tarot reader, astrologer even a therapist or a fitness trainer want to help you become INDEPENDENT. I don't want you to keep coming back and purchase love readings about your ex.
It's toxic. I won't accept that.
4. You are perfect the way you are.
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Telling you that "yeah, you have an issue right here and it can be fixed by doing so and so" is okay.
It's like saying give me more money. Ask me how I can make you LOVABLE.
Your other half won't cheat, manipulate or make you feel awful. Your ex who was an asshole is not your Twin Flame.
Light up the flame within and love out your dreams. You will attract people who will adore and love you by being AUTHENTIC.
Anyone that abuses you and puts your flame out should GO.
5. All big corporations prey on your weaknesses & Do not trust anyone who tells you they are the only ones that can set you free or solve your issues.
Be disciplined. Control yourself and your mind. Read "The 48 Laws Of Power" and other books on influence and manipulation. Learn how narcissists and cult leaders operate.
All big companies do not sell you products (I will probably post this part by itself too).
They sell you emotions, feelings, status. BMW doesn't sell cars, it is selling power and prestige and confidence.
Nike doesn't sell shoes and shirts, it is selling dreams of being powerful and different, of making it in the jungle, of WINNING.
But there are some companies which I'M NOT GOING TO MENTION by name who influence you by breaking you down. Astrology apps that send you negative predictions about your day to make you anxious so you will check back every single hour. Cult like influencers who sell "How to get rich quickly" courses that cost thousands of $ and offer no value.
Be careful. Be prepared. Be strong and firm.
I hope everyone who was taken in this cult (wait ! myy username is the siren cult, lol) can find peace and the power within them.
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brinnanza · 12 days
most gays and reasonable people: you can't judge people for immutable aspects of their being like their sexuality or race or county of origin; bisexuals are not a monolith they don't all like iced coffee
some of those same bitches without a shred of awareness: except for your birthday which can determine your entire personality my girlfriend the moon told me so
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servantofthefates · 6 months
How to Make the Zodiac Signs Hate You
Insult something they are passionate about. Tell them Vikings is just a Game of Thrones copycat. And that parties are lame gatherings for people who hate themselves so much they cannot stand being alone for one moment.
Call them a victim of consumerism. Tell them advertising is the only difference between a MacBook Pro and a PC. And that eating gourmet food is classist because they are spitting on people who can only afford McDonald’s.
React negatively to whatever they say. Keep a straight face after they tell a joke, or call it corny. Tell them there is something politically incorrect about what they said and accuse them of racism for being kind enough to try and cheer you up.
Invalidate their emotions after they have revealed their feelings to you so vulnerably. Tell them they are being too dramatic. Say that all their problems would instantly go away if they just stop being so damn sensitive.
Attack them personally instead of responding to their political or societal statement with an intelligent counter argument. Take the idiotic and cowardly path of just correcting their grammar or insulting their fashion sense instead.
Be dirty and stupid. Avoid taking a shower before going with them to the movies. Wear a shirt with ketchup stains on it. Send them fake news regularly and never proofread your messages to them before hitting send.
Show micro-aggressions consistently. When you see them looking at Kim Kardashian’s Instagram, tell them that that talentless whore is cheap and disgusting. Always be negative, critical, envious, jealous and sarcastic.
Ask them to be nicer. Tell them to smile more. Beg them to forgive their cheating ex. Berate them for getting back at some bully. Remind them that violence is never the answer. Ask them, “What would Jesus do?”
Be bitter and pessimistic. Tell them you are glad COVID put a stop to traveling, because the whole thing is pointless and people only did it to show off on social media. Declare how much you hate humanity because people are stupid.
Be impractical. Tell them you never save money because you could die tomorrow, and all that cash would only go to waste. Say college is dumb. That you could get rich just by winning the lottery while chilling in your parents’ basement.
Show them your ignorance. Be a subtle anarchist. Ask them not to vote. Tell them it does not matter who the world leaders are because everyone is corrupt one way or another anyway and we are all going to die someday.
Call them childish. Shame them for liking Pixar movies well into their 20s. Ask them to stop listening to Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez or Taylor Swift. Tell them that anything other than classical music is 100% stupid.
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botanicalsword · 1 year
Meditation • how to control thoughts
No, you don’t control thoughts, let it be.
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Meditation involves cultivating awareness to remain in the present moment for an extended period of time, allowing one to achieve a meditative state.
Rather than trying to avoid or suppress negative thoughts, the practice of meditation involves embracing all thoughts and emotions, and cultivating a positive mindset.
While many people practice meditation in silent environments, it is not necessary for all types of meditation.
With approximately 60,000 daily thoughts, it is impossible to focus only on positive thoughts during meditation.
Consistent and repeated practice is key to improving meditation skills.
Be the observer
Abhyasa, or the practice of detachment (Vairagya), involves letting go of attachment to the outside world and its desires, which can be a source of suffering.
Attachment to desire is the root cause of suffering.
To establish a successful meditation practice, it is recommended to set aside a dedicated time for practice and eliminate distractions such as social media and other sources of stimulation.
How to let go
When you focus on something during meditation, it can feel like a game where distractions are constantly vying for your attention and causing you to lose focus. This is why setting an intention is important for your meditation practice.
Setting an intention can be compared to catching a flight at the airport. You travel a long way to reach your destination, but at some point, you will need to return home.
Similarly, during meditation, you may find yourself caught up in your thoughts and feelings. However, the difference is that as an observer, you can see through your thoughts rather than letting them control you. By acknowledging and detaching from your thoughts, they can dissolve and you can return to a state of inner stillness and peace.
Masterlist @botanicalsword
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raining-tulips · 11 months
Yes eclipses suck and feel awful, terrifying, emotionally exhausting...but less people talk about how eye opening and empowering they can be. How something just shifts and suddenly you can see clearly, you can make a choice confidently, and you can rest knowing that it's truly your choice.
That's how this one felt for me.
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daportalpractitioner · 6 months
aries season tip:
when planning for the nu astrological year ahead, create a plan for yourself in alignment with your numerological personal year for 2024. you can find out your personal year # here
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ophelyia · 1 year
Uranus in Capricorn
You are fortunate in that you have the capacity to have inspirations or ideas and be able to translate them into practice. You can take your unconventional ideas or inventions and through being prudent and reserved, and by being persevering translate the ideas into something practical. Freedom and independence are very important to you, and you are not deterred by others in going your own way, so you can persist and succeed.
Uranus in 7th House
Your partnerships are unique or unusual, usually possessing a wonderful rapport or a total lack of understanding. You and/or your partner are generally unconventional and you do things for their shock appeal. Plenty of freedom is desired in the relationship and there may be a lack of desire for commitment. In fact, maybe you search out special situations in your relationships that ensure little commitment. Perhaps you are most attracted to those who are already in relationships or who are otherwise unavailable. Because of the uniqueness that exists within your partnerships, it is likely that others will not understand them. You may not understand them yourself. You meet the most interesting and unconventional people in your life. Any need to control the other person in your relationships will probably lead to disaster. Partner and you will have to find your own comfort level regarding time and attention spent on the other. A lot of elbow room may be required. A relationship in which you feel you are free to grow is one that makes it possible for you to do so. Any limits or constraints placed on the relationship are likely to be met with a certain hit the road attitude. Sudden and unexpected turns are likely. Perhaps one person is required to be away from the other for long periods of time. This position may give many long distance, casual types of relationships. You probably seek a partner who provides the thrills and spills for you in your life. A partner who challenges you mentally and emotionally is desired. Your relationships may be lab experiments where you hope to learn who-knows-what. Someone who is inventive, individualistic, creative, original, out-going, eccentric or radical appeals to you. Your partner may possess considerable personal magnetism and occasionally a degree of genius, but eccentricities, erratic tendencies and even fanaticism may be present. Your approach to marriage may be highly idealistic or utopian and there may be an inclination to favor platonic unions. You want and need your partner to be your friend. Most of your relationships probably started as friendships. On the other hand, there may be a tendency to seek excitement in partnerships and a marked interest in romantic adventures may result in passing infatuations that can cause a rift with the marriage partner. The greatest threat to marriage may occur when one partner's capacity for self-development expands at a rate greatly in excess of the other's, so that one spouse may no longer be recognizable as the person they were when the marriage took place. For a successful partnership, you and your partner will need to develop the qualities of tolerance, cooperation, detachment and freedom.
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annaberunoyume · 1 year
It's a Gemini Moon thing ♊🌝:
Will read a psychology book just for fun.
Needs a partner that can keep up with its 1000 mph brain.
Will have varied interests that ranges anywhere from cooking to Alastor Crowley.
Have the hardest time falling asleep.
Will buy tons of books, but not always read them.
Their room could be described as a happy rummage of lots of trinkets picked here and there.
Most likely sapio-sexual.
May find speaking ASMR videos (like whispering and reading) soothing. Or just listen to podcasts until drowsy.
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alice-the-arcane · 1 year
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Notice: This is one of my two side blogs, I follow/comment from @possibly-in-wonderland
2024 Witch's Calendar
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Hey, it's me, Alice from my main blog. I've been meaning to make a side blog specifically for my witchy shenanigans (and anything referencing nature & fantasy aesthetics) for a while now.
Without further ado, here's a bit about yours truly:
She/They/It | Biromantic Bisexual | Nonbinary
A Melting Pot of Italian/Native American/Scandinavian Blood
Birth Totem: Otter
Zodiac: Aquarius☼|???☾|???↑
MBTI: ENFP-T | Campaigner
Odin Devotee
Ordained :)
(Yes, I'm aware of what the zodiac section says, I'm working on it.)
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Tags | Constantly Being Updated:
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xoxo, Alice
Alice's DigiGrimoire - Masterlist
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luminarai · 2 years
my sister being like ‘omg I’m such an infp it fits me perfectly’ and me just
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starjellyastro · 1 year
contains: about me, warnings, navigation
this looks ugly on the dash so you should come see it on my site :))
your official North Star
Age 19 ('03 Uterus Uni Grad)
literally any pronouns idek anymore
this is a blog for astro theories, silly games, and generalizably horny content
keep your bigotry elsewhere pls
The Specifics:
cornbread tube-ass queer black leftist
4H Virgo Stellium
Gemini Rising
My soulmate is the version of me that actually gets shit done
Main Masterlist~
☂️umbrella masterlist☂️
Sidebar Links~
Hungry? #astro theories
Horny?? #naughty astrology
Needy??? #you asked
Also check out #blind astro and #astro aesthetic tags for more astro fun!!
Fav Blog~
Currently esoteric-nico
See #upvotes tag for my reblogs
And the journey begins!
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thesirencult · 10 months
by @thesirencult
Purpose. A heavy word. Some argue we have a purpose and others that we come here as visitors and our path is not predestined.
I'm one of those that believe we have multiple paths ahead of us and with each choice we make they narrow down. I also would argue that our purpose is more of an inner compass and how we approach things, not what we do.
If someone's purpose is to heal then they can heal others through writing music, by teaching martial arts to abused individuals or by being a doctor.
Through that prism I will be exploring purpose through our chart. This is a general guide and if you want a personal reading just contact me. But I believe this essay can help you connect the dots by yourself !
1. The Big 3
Whatever I analyze as an astrologer I first look at the Sun, Moon and ASC. They are out foundation.
A fiery Moon in Aries, along with A Scorpio Sun and Sagittarius ASC would still gravitate to martian themes and have a fighter/survivor/champion's spirit.
2. Mars
Mars can show what drives us. What we are willing to fight for. We can look at Mars and its location in the chart to see what/who gets us going and how/where.
Mars in Sagittarius in the 2nd house can make you great at multiplying money. You are a great value investor in general and have ethical awareness. A Mars in Scorpio in the 6th will channel that spirit mostly towards physical activities. That person would make a great military figure or a rough trainer pushing people to their limits consistently and teaching others self perseverance.
3. Sagittarius/Jupiter + Pisces/Neptune
Another great indicator for me. Where you are a teacher and where you give without expecting anything back in return.
4. MC
Your highest sense of purpose. What you believe people should work towards. What you invest in. A Leo MC works for glory and pride. It doesn't come out of a place of superficiality, as the ASC is in Scorpio, but from a place of what they place on a pedestal.
4-10 axis can show how we are in the house and what we want to look like on the outside.
5. N.Node + S.Node
South is what you are a master of and North what you strive to master in this lifetime. Their location in the chart can show where you start off and where you are supposed to get to.
A S.Node in Capricorn in the 3rd house shows that a person is very good at mental tasks. They have mastered the Mercurial arts and can use that as their starting point to build up. A Capricorn South Node can also indicate Saturnian themes in early life, of isolation and being "more mature" than our age.
If we experience and accept the lessons we will be moving towards our purpose. Isolation will make us soft on the inside with strong boundaries like a crab. We will love those who share our values and have a philosophical spirit and a free minded attitude.
Our ability to focus on details at first will turn us into great visionaries as we evolve. Great historians, entrepreneurs and strategists exhibit these characteristics.
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servantofthefates · 2 years
How to Really Understand the Zodiac Signs
1) Observe the Elements.
FIRE: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
AIR: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini
EARTH: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo
WATER: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
One simply has to observe nature to see how this works:
Fire lights up quickly and burns out nearly just as fast. Its dance is mesmerizing and dangerous at the same time.
Air is ever-changing. One moment it blows coolly and evenly from North to South, the next, it changes in direction, temperature and strength all at once.
Unlike Fire and Air, Earth is solid and steady. Until another element attacks, and it responds with an eruption or a landslide.
Water is deep and unfathomable. It can be as still as Earth and as treacherous as Fire. It cleanses and kills alike.
This is who the Zodiac signs truly are deep inside.
2) Study the Modalities.
CARDINAL: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn
FIXED: Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus
MUTABLE: Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini, Virgo
To comprehend this, one must look to the seasons:
Cardinal means leading, so Cardinal signs lead or begin their season: Aries begins Spring, Cancer begins Summer, Libra begins Fall, and Capricorn begins Winter.
Fixed means stable, so Fixed signs are stable and sitting securely in the middle of their season: Taurus sits in the middle of Spring, Leo sits in the middle of Summer, Scorpio sits in the middle of Fall, and Aquarius sits in the middle of Winter.
Mutable means flexible, so Mutable signs flexibly straddle the end of their season and the beginning of the next: Gemini straddles Spring and Summer, Virgo straddles Summer and Fall, Sagittarius straddles Fall and Winter, and Pisces straddles Winter and Spring.
This is how the Zodiac signs behave: they are either initiating, stubborn or adaptable in their ways.
3) Learn the Dualities.
MASCULINE, POSITIVE, ACTIVE, DIURNAL: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius
FEMININE, NEGATIVE, PASSIVE, NOCTURNAL: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces
These four different categories all say the same thing – Extroverted and Introverted:
Contrary to popular belief, extroverted does not mean outgoing and introverted does not mean shy. Countless extroverts hate spending time with strangers, and introverts tend to make the best public speakers.
Extroverted simply means that a person recharges their battery by interacting with other people. They absorb external energy inwards.
Introverted means that a person recharges their battery by spending some time alone. They project internal energy outwards.
Once an extrovert’s and an introvert’s batteries are fully charged, both people – given that they are mentally and emotionally sound – can perfectly function, whether alone or in a crowd.
After being drained, this is how the Zodiac signs regenerate.
If you combine these classifications to analyze the Zodiac signs, you will be able to fully comprehend both their outward behavior, and their true, inner nature.
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mascaraandmojitos · 5 months
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Source: http://gottastim.tumblr.com
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vedic astrology = who God designed you to be
tropical astrology = what God designed you to do with the resources that He gave you to beat the matrix
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