#peter danger
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Do people still make powerpoint memes?
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caleohateclub · 5 months
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Peter Spankoffski in another universe
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Ted Spankoffski in another universe
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Oh, I can tell you exactly how he became one
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demigods-posts · 4 months
being a pjo fan means consuming every piece of media you can get your grimy little hands on. and scrounging around at the bottom of the barrel like a raccoon. and trying to find two characters that mirror the percabeth dynamic. it's in the contract.
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marvel-lous-guy · 6 months
Tony: what the hell happened to you!?
Peter: Well this guy tried to steal a bike so I stopped him but he stabbed me with some scissors
Tony: I thought you had spidery senses and could sense danger?
Peter: well I stopped the guy then there was a dog so I was busy petting the dog and then he stabbed me with the scissors.
Tony: ...
Peter: thats not the worst part
Tony: theres more!?
Peter: There was still some paper on them so I have a papercut too
Tony: THAT'S the worst part to you!?
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avocadoraisin · 5 months
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I am not immune to mermay
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theshadowrealmitself · 7 months
Ideal Peter Parker getting to full on mentor Miles Morales for me is Peter, who has been keeping his identity a secret from everyone for years, giving Miles absolutely wild advice on how to hide his identity and sounding like he’s super overthinking everything
And then Miles meets like,, Nick Fury, or someone else who really wants to know Spidey’s identity, and it turns out to all be really rational advice because there are people out there going to great lengths to find out his identity
(So yeah, sorry Miles, but you are gonna have to figure out how to manufacture your own spray paint if you wanna use any as Spidey because they will try to use that to figure out who you are)
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cosmic-chelonian · 2 months
Never understood people who say Five is 'too soft' because... have we been watching the same show? Were they asleep during the first season, which he spends being dismissive and cold with Adric, an issue that was never resolved when Adric was brutally killed? Do they, like many of the show's adversaries, mistake his outward appearance of 'harmless, affable English fellow' for weakness, even though he could switch from that to being your worst enemy on a dime? His continued dry humour, now bitter and sarcastic, in the face of danger or evil is one of the character's most compelling aspects. He hardly changes his outward demeanour, and his continued affected politeness makes him seem all the more dangerous as you see the fury and outrage boiling underneath, and you see a plan form behind his steely eyes.
And if he is sentimental sometimes, why do they see it as being 'too soft', instead of what it truly is: a need to atone, after the universe punished him for his harshness towards Adric in the worst possible way? Adric's death haunts Five for the rest of his life, and you can actually see it in Davison's portrayal, even if no mention of Adric occurs in the script. You can see Adric's ghost in the wild desperation in Five's eyes during his final serial, while he rushes to give his life to save his companion. Because he cannot let this happen again because of him. And the last word out of his mouth as he dies is 'Adric', as we come to the heart-wrenching realisation that his mind is not filled with his own imminent doom but with thoughts of that poor boy, of how he killed him, of how he never got to show how much he cared for him. Of how much it hurt that he could almost be forgiven by trading his life for Peri's, but still he could never go back and save Adric.
And that's why my blood boils when people say he's 'too soft'. He's one of the few classic doctors with a character arc, for god's sake, and it's all about him being too harsh.
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trueangel420 · 2 months
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"I love you! You may as well take my heart it's already full of you!"
"Please go."
"What is it? What's wrong my dear?"
"You know nothing about me, you've known me only three weeks!"
"Three weeks? I've known you all my life."
"All your life?"
"It's true, when I heard beautiful music I thought 'she'd like that'. I looked at flowers knowing that one day I'd give them to you."
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diioonysus · 11 months
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baroque art + women
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whumpneto · 1 year
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Whumptober 2023 - No. 4: “I see the danger, It’s written there in your eyes.” Cattle Prod | Shock | “You in there?”
Milo Ventimiglia as Peter Petrelli in Heroes (S03E14)
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Tennants as troubled birds
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columboscreens · 10 months
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Something I love about Spider-Man as a character: even if there's no big villain to fight, he's still a hero.
On days when there's no crime at all, he's out helping someone carry their groceries or giving directions to someone who's lost. He doesn't need anything negative to fight; he's just actively trying to make the world a safer, kinder, better place. That's what makes him a hero.
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aliterarywitch · 22 days
I’ve been thinking about the Doctor and Clara a lot a month after watching season 7b,8,9 for the first time. To myself, I define their relationship as not platonic, not romantic but a third thing™️ (not not romantic and not not platonic?). Basically, whatever they have between them is much like whatever Heathcliff and Cathy had in Wuthering Heights (which is not a love story at all. But it is…. sublime, in the gothic sense. Powerful, beautiful, horrific).
Cathy on Heathcliff:
“He's more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”
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“If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger.”
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Heathcliff on Cathy after her death:
“Why, she’s a liar to the end! Where is she? Not there—not in heaven—not perished—where? Oh! you said you cared nothing for my sufferings! And I pray one prayer—I repeat it till my tongue stiffens—Catherine Earnshaw, may you not rest as long as I am living; you said I killed you—haunt me, then!
The murdered do haunt their murderers, I believe. I know that ghosts have wandered on earth. Be with me always—take any form—drive me mad! only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you! Oh, God! it is unutterable! I cannot live without my life! I cannot live without my soul!”
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starker-sorbet · 5 months
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Knight Tony travelling into the demon realms to rescue his lover who has been kidnapped into their depths
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“sunflower” this and “what’s up danger” that y’all have been sleeping in elevate for 5 years and i am SICK OF IT
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