#philip being Philip 🤣
jarofalicesgrunge · 2 years
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Phil, Jerry & Mike in the Iconic Moment at the concrete Foundation Forum Awards, Oct 5.1991, I love it so much!!! 😍❤
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6ebe · 9 months
Charles should plagiarise Saint-Saëns organ concerto for his next piano piece 💯
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youremyheaven · 1 year
Vedic Astrology Observations
in my previous post, i had mentioned how Uttarashada natives love grandness and glamour. the more i look into it, the more i see these natives indulge in that old world, royaltycore aesthetic. its always go big or go home for them
Sanjay Leela Bhansali, who is known for his splashy period dramas with elaborate costumes and grand set designs has Ketu in Uttarashada
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Fan Bingbing who is known for her glamorous and eclectic style has Ketu in Uttarashada (she also has her moon in Revati, another nakshatra that really loves glamour)
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Kim Taehyung, who is also known for his preference for vintage glamour has Mercury & Mars in Uttarashada (he also has his moon and ketu in Revati)
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Dilraba Dilmurat is another celebrity who is known for her extravagant style (chinese actresses in general have a very regal, extravagant style) and she has Revati Mars as her atmakaraka (her moon is in Punarvasu, a nak known for its girly style)
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2. someone previously made a post about how mrigashira natives often play the "bimbo" in movies and ive observed that this also corresponds to real life, where a lot of mrig natives are perceived to be ditzy airheads or for saying crazy insane stuff. i believe its the mars influence that makes these natives speak hastily without much thought.
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(Mrigashira moon Rachel McAdams playing Regina George in Mean Girls)
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Sonam Kapoor, the bollywood actress is known in the Indian media for being a ditzy airhead 🤣and she has a Mrigashira stellium
Jordan Peterson and Kanye West are both Mrigashira moon natives and they're known for saying the most batshit crazy stuff.
3. ive noticed that many filmmakers who have prominent Uttarashada placements often explore loneliness and isolation or a lack of belonging in their movies. UA being the only nakshatra to possess a mongoose yoni which means its the only nakshatra without a yoni consort could be why these natives are so desperate for connection yet lacking it.
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Shunji Iwai, has UA sun, mercury and ketu (a still from his movie Love Letter)
Jim Jarmusch has UA sun and mercury. All his movies are about loneliness and being an "outsider" in one way or another.
Philip Kaufman has Uttarashada moon. Intensely sexual but unbearably lonely.
Murakami who is known for how melancholic and lonely his books are (albeit strange and wonderfully weird) has Uttarashada sun
Another very common theme is how many Uttarashada natives have strange sexual desires, weird kinks and a perverse or odd sexual life/appetite. If you're familiar with Murakami, I need not explain further xD
4. Venusian natives often allude to Venusian imagery, specifically the Birth of Venus by Botticelli in their works.
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Cardi B has Revati moon (venus is exalted in pisces) and here she is wearing Thierry Mugler's Birth of Venus dress to the Grammys.
Uma Thurman (from "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen") has Bharani Sun & Saturn and Purvaphalguni Ketu and here she is playing the Goddess herself!
Aishwarya Rai has Purvaashada moon and she is wearing a dress by Gaurav Gupta that references Venus.
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Lady Gaga (from her Applause mv) she has Revati Venus Atmakaraka, as we know Venus is exalted in Pisces and Venus in Revati is considered it's best position. I suggest watching the MV since its rife with pisces imagery :-)
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Beyonce has Purvaphalguni sun and the deity of Purvaphalguni is Bhaga, the god of marital bliss. Beyonce's interpretation of the Birth of Venus features her with her twin babies and babies signify the consummation of a marriage, thereby making this a uniquely Purvaphalgunian take on the original.
5. This is a no-brainer but mermaids in cinema are often played by Pisces rashi natives.
Halle Bailey is a UBP sun. Lin Yun is UBP moon and saturn with Revati Ketu. Esther Williams who did a string of aquamusicals in the 1950s has Ketu in Revati.
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Sade has Revati Moon & Ketu and plays a mermaid in her most popular song's mv.
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Samantha Morton has UBP moon, Venus/Mars/Ketu in Revati and she plays a mermaid in U2's Electrical Storm MV.
7. (TW: sexual assault, incest)
The nakshatra most often associated with incest is Rohini and Mrigashira but I would say Ashlesha also features these themes. Growing up in a very controlling household with a cold/controlling mother figure is a huge theme in the lives of Ashlesha natives.
in Donkey Skin (1970) Catherine Deneuve plays a princess who takes the form of a donkey in order to escape from her father, the king who wishes to marry her because she looks just like her mother. This is quite literally the story of Rohini, who was Lord Brahma's favourite daughter, and he was attracted to her. Rohini sensed this and took the form of a deer and ran away. Lord Brahma subsequently assumed the form of a stag and chased her across the heavens. When Rudra found out what was happening he cut off the head of the stag. The stag’s head became the symbol of the nakshatra of Mrigashira. As we can see Rohini & Mrigashira's mythology is deeply intertwined.
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Catherine Deneuve has Ashlesha moon and Mars in Mrigashira as her atmakaraka (her Saturn is also placed in Mrigashira and is her darakaraka).
If you watch the movie, you can see how its overloaded with astrological symbolism (its based on a fairytale, so thats not surprising)
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the color blue is used throughout the first half of the film when the princess is in her own kingdom, traditionally blue is associated with Saturn. Shani/saturn is our karma, which teaches us things the hard way. The princess (unwillingly) has to leave the comfort of her palace and kingdom, assume the form of a donkey and go work as a pig-keeper. She loses everything she has ever known and has to work her way up from scratch, this is a typical Saturnian journey and most people experience this during their Saturn return (Saturnian folks experience this all their lives).
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the color red is used throughout the second half of the movie, in association with the Prince's kingdom. Red is typically associated with Sun and Mars in vedic astrology. as the princess works out her karma and integrates her shadow, she blossoms into a fully integrated individual, this means she has cultivated her identity and the strength to act upon it. from a passive, weak willed princess in her father's castle, who was willing to marry her father due to her fear of hurting him by refusing to do so, she transforms into someone who moulds her own fate through her own actions. (Sun + Mars)
The fact that she assumes the form of a Donkey, itself is very symbolic. Donkeys, in vedic astrology is often the vehicle of Gods. Therefore, it serves as the door that governs her transition from passivity to individuation.
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the Prince saw her for her true nature, although everyone around was convinced that she's just a filthy, hideous Donkey Skin clad servant. When the Prince slips her ring back on to her finger, she transforms back into her original self (true love is a mirror that reminds us of who we really are and gives us the courage to shed our worldly personas). The dress she wears then, is a golden one, originally given to her by her father when she said she wanted a dress "like the sun". Yellow is associated with Jupiter. After enduring the trials of Saturn, the Princess who became Donkey Skin, once again becomes a Princess, except now she has freedom. Saturn's teachings guide us to Jupiter's blessings. The movie's ending showing us that once the Princess had successfully overcome her trials and now embraced her true nature.
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bluesylveon2 · 7 months
TWST Book 7 pt 1 Thoughts (spoilers ahead):
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Lilia censoring himself lol. He probably stared doing that after adopting Silver because babies often repeat adults
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I forgot we got a picture of Mickey in game 😂 everyone’s reactions were hilarious
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Yuu’s options here 🤣
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The cut from this idea and needing a variety of people to Sebek…..the first year group is assembling soon! We need to add Sebek to this chaotic group
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I think this confirms Silver is a mix of Aurora and Prince Philip. He has the auroral eyes and is based on Philip’s sword. I also theorize Silver is actually royalty (probably from the human side during the fae-human war). The ring is from his parents but maybe the acorn bracelet is from Lilia?
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I cannot wait for the General Lilia card! I remember seeing it and thought it was so cool! I didn’t know what the green thing was until now tho. I’m not surprised Lilia used it to chop wood 😂
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Malleus quit being precious! 🥹😭 That’s adorable he’s using the player’s name (either Yuu or whatever the player puts) but it shows how much Malleus considers the MC as his friend. I felt bad for him when he said that he is used to people coming and going. Poor boy just wants his friends around 😭
Off topic but I’m still surprised the EN server got Book 7 now and not later. I thought we would get it in 2024 but I know JP is in pt 5 rn. Maybe the developers are tryin pg to catch the EN server up (except for events) by having the translations out in a shorter time?
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asgoodeasgold · 13 days
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Breakfast and murder
13 years apart, Matthew was in an Agatha Christie whodunnit / crime mystery A Murder is Announced and Ordeal by Innocence.
Both his characters, Patrick Simmons and Philip Durrant, were being hilariously mischievous over breakfast, although in Philip's case it went waaaay beyond good humour into being utterly horrid and ghastly (a breathtaking performance and acting tour de force 💥).
I really liked Patrick's character too ("Especially the old fogies, they love a good murder." 🤣). Matthew's comedic talent (and personality) shone through.
📷 A Murder is Announced (2005) and Ordeal by Innocence (2018) my edits
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kanmom51 · 1 year
JM FACE playlist
Go watch!!
The album is the bomb and he's so friggin cute.
Did I mention yet today what a bloody genius this man is?
Nope? Not yet?
Well here it comes.
This man is a bloody genius.
There is so much folded into these 16 minutes more or less of listening to his amazing album and watching the video, all without one word spoken (I'm REALLY trying hard here not to use profanities here, really hard).
Let's start with Philip Johnson shall we?
Who is Philip Johnson you ask...
Only one of the most prominent architects of the last century, a closeted gay man, the creator of the glass House.
Did I hear somebody say glass closet? Yes?
Well, I want to tell you where JMs genius comes into play here.
The first room he's in, while playing the first track - Face Off is a bedroom.
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Well, obviously a piece of art on the wall of a beach.
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Mirror placed by the bed, reflection in the mirror:
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A little hard to tell from that angle, clearly a piece of art, obscure at this point, but mirrored in his bedroom.
Then in track 5 - Set me free, he moves into the final room, where said piece of art is proudly hung on the wall, and visible for all to see.
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The transformation from something that is seen in the mirror, obscure, hard to notice, also mirrored, so in a way being the opposite of the actual picture (his true self?), which is finally shown in Set me free.
He's a fucking genius.
Sorry. I said I won't be swearing, but shit, the more I think about this, this is so clever.
Other things I noticed:
A lot of black and white motif going on throughout the video:
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Do we notice something there peeps?
Hint: A certain object in black and white...
Then we have him in the room for Like crazy
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First album is Please please me - Beatles (wasn't that the album we thought we saw on his shelf at home in the Hobi clip? The one that was gone in the Yoongi one?).
Includes Love love me do, you know I love you, I'll always be true, so pleeeeeeeease, love me do....oh love me do. 🤣 
I'm not 100% but I think I also noticed the MJ record that was also on the shelf above the TV in the hobi clip...could be wrong.
Also we have this album, this was the one that is separated from the others:
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The album that also contains this song, these lyrics:
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The lyrics that are tattooed onto one Mr. Jeon Jungkook's arm:
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Oh, and there's this too:
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Every little detail is thought out with him.
I'm sure there is more that I haven't noticed. Stuff that may require the help of some eagle eyed fans.
If more comes up, I will share it here.
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hanafubukki · 8 months
am gonna cry about this fanart of Baul, Meleanor, Lilia, and Knight of Dawn together waaaahh 😭😭😭😭
The faes side eyeing Knight of Dawn... LMAO😂 Lilia looked particularly aggressive while Knight of Dawn is just nervous XD
I just knew that if Knight of Dawn was adopted by the dark faes instead of the human king, he'll have a better life without the constant pressure from Henrik using his love for the human king and Leia to "repay their kindness by going to war"😭😭✨✨
Hello Lian🌺🌻💚
AHHHH thank you for sharing this Fan Art with me, it's so so cute and seeing them all together makes me so emotional and happy.
Knight of Dawn doesn't know how to react. Lilia’s being protective of his sister, while Meleanor and Baul is nonchalant. 😂🤣
Ahhhhhh I love to think about how Dawn would have been so, so much happier if he was adopted by the Dark Faes. The shenanigans of these faes trying to raise a human baby.
Meleanor has to learn that human babies are softer compared to fae. She would sing him lullabies to sleep. Dress baby Dawn in the finest, be the protective sister to anyone who tries to mess with him or court him.
Lilia would be a tsun older brother figure. He would initially act like he doesn't care about the baby (kind of like Malleus when he first met Silver), but warm up to him. Take him out to walks, teach him how to fight, sneak him out of the castle to have fun, and so much more.
Baul would be the calm headed one, well calmer than everyone else. Be another one to watch over him, makes sure Dawn doesn't suffer Lilia's cooking, and pat him on the head.
It would be funny that despite these faes influence, Dawn would still be straight laced like we know in canon/Silver.
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Lilia: Why are you like this? We didn't raise you like this.
Meleanor: I need to teach you how to be greedy, just like the Draconias. You must take what you want without hesitation.
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I also headcanon that Dawn would make Meleanor flower crowns. Dawn would make Lilia little bracelets that he can hang on his uniform or sword. Baul would get a necklace (this kind of reminded me of the Lilo and Stitch scene where Lilo calmed Stitch with a flower necklace). 🤣💞💞
The faes would dispose of Henrik real quick, and just like how Aurora married Philip in the live action. Dawn could get engaged to Leia, (and like how Maleficent reacted) the faes in his life would reluctantly accept.
Thank you for sending this in Lian, I loved seeing them all together. 🥹💚💞
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starnightlover · 1 month
I’d just like to share some of my DR’s and a bit about them lol.
Merlin - I’m a very powerful sorceress in this DR and i’m in an AMAZING relationship with Merlin (we’re like Morticia and Gomez, also sorry Merthur fans LMAO). Arthur, Lancelot, Gwaine, Percival, Elyan etc do NOT die! Fuck that shit lmao 😭 And a lot more.
Once Upon a Time - I’m a villain in this one because I thought it’d be really fun lol 🤣 My bsf is Henry (he is so underrated wtf) I’m not finished scripting this one yet but i’m considering making myself a pirate lol. And I might have a s/o in it, haven’t decided yet. If I do, I want it to be princess Jasmine because I love her sm
Harry Potter - I’m a muggleborn who starts Hogwarts late for reasons I haven’t decided yet. I will eventually be in an amazing relationship with Harry. And I will also grow to be even more powerful that Dumbledore and Voldemort cuz I love being overpowered 😭 Tbh I haven’t figured out everything I want in this reality yet but I will soon.
Sleeping Beauty (I have two realities for this) - In one of them I want to be one of the fairies because they’re just iconic 👑 And in the other I want to be in Aurora’s place, only I will change Philip’s appearance and personality cos he’s not my type at all LMAOO. If you know what my s/o’s in my other DR’s look like, you may notice I have a type 😭
Chronicles of Narnia - I am purely going there for Edmund, but I want to have my own storyline and stuff too, which I have not decided yet.
Glee - Do not judge me 💀 I love singing and dancing and despite the cringey-ness of Glee, it’s an absolute bop. I want to sound like a mix between Ariana Grande and Annapantsu
Encanto - I don’t want a s/o in this one, I just want to have a cool power and chill honestly. Probably gonna go with water powers. And i’m gonna be best friends with Mirabel cuz she deserved better imo.
Home Alone - Gonna be so chaotic, I’ll be besties with Kevin and we’ll bring havoc, it’ll be so fun 🤩
This isn’t all of them, but they’re my fav ones. I’m also gonna shift to DR’s the same as some of these, except i’m the opposite gender in them lmao cuz why not?
STOPPP I LOVE THIS!!!!! You have such fun drs!!!!!! And your OUAT one, Henry is sooo fucking underrated, he deserves some love fr
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kiwiana-writes · 5 months
for the AU fun facts game, an accidental marriage AU
I mean. As I do in fact already have one of these in my WIP folder I'm going to cheat, just a little 🤣 I hope you don't mind!
ONE: When Alex sees it on the Fake Friendship Agreement, he assumes the Vegas visit is a joke. Zahra points out how many opportunities there are in Vegas for bros-being-bros photo ops, including candids. Alex asks if he's going to be allocated a gambling budget and she throws a pillow at him.
TWO: The idea of a weekend in Las Vegas with Henry is like... marginally less terrible after the trip to London and the cupboard and the clearing the air, but... still. He's still Prince Henry: stuffy and boring and the antithesis of a fun Vegas time.
THREE: In retrospect, the vodka shots were where it all went downhill. It's all a bit of a blur after that.
FOUR: When Alex wakes up, more hungover than he's ever been in his life and naked as the day he was born, Henry's arm slung over Alex's stomach, Alex thinks nice and then what the fuck and then okay, it could definitely be worse. (That jinxes it.)
FIVE: Philip, at least, is so angry about the 'getting married without permission' part he almost forgets to be angry about the 'married a man' part.
[Send me a potential AU and I’ll tell you five fun facts that would happen in a story.]
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That’s very random, but why is it “The Super Mario Brothers ??” Like - what about Luigi ? 🤣 It’s like if we said “These are the two Philip brothers - oh and yeah there’s that blonde one too” 🤣🤣🤣
I watched the Mario movie with @edgelordfucker last night and had that sudden realization and now I can’t unsee it :”)))
Is Mario’s name canonically “Mario Mario” ? So is Luigi called “Luigi Mario ?” Is he forever doomed to live in his brother’s shadow ? Is it the same for all the characters ? Is Bowser called “Bowser Bowser” ? Or “Bowser Koopa” ? If so is it that the creatures are referred to with their first name + specie and humans just have their first name twice ? If Peach wanted to marry Mario and they attached their name to each other, would it be “Mario Mario Peach” and “Peach Peach Mario” ??? And so if Daisy married Luigi would she take the name “Daisy Mario” despite being married to Luigi ???
Also are all the side character just called by their specie ? Like Yoshi or Koopa. How do they know who’s who ??
-my random thought from tired me last night-
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I’m gonna start manifesting for when To Sir Philip with Love, begins filming that we get:
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because Colin being a newlywed and pissed he’s away from Penelope yeah I’m gonna need that to exist someday 🤣🤣🤣
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walker33961 · 10 months
- Yn was cooking in the base kitchen at 3 am , sudden craves since she only had water during today's mission..
Suddenly she got a small cut while chopping a tomato...
Yn :
- Philip was passing through after being done with the papers... He heard yn's voice and went to the kitchen... Finding her seeing she was searching for something..
Phillip :
The hell you're doing at 3?
Yn :
Cooking a bowl of simple meal but my hand decided to act...
It's okay I got it..
- Phillip handing over a bandaid from his pocket and signaled towards a chair , to take a sit..
Yn :
But I was cooki-..
Phillip :
You know I can't take it even if u have a small cut you know?
Yn :
Phillip.. I can do it... It'll take few minutes.. Let me do -
Phillip :
" You have me"
I waited so long for this moment...
Yn :
What? Waited for me to get a slice?
Phillip :
Nuh -uh
Yn :
Phillip :
Close your eyes...
& don't try to look
- He pulled out a ring box , got down in one knee and signaled his shadow to bring the cake and place it on the side & leave without a single sound..
He was so shy that his cheeks were red as cherries..
Phillip :
Open your eyes Yn..
- Yn was in shock , Seeing him in one knee, holding a box of ring and forwarded his hand saying...
"Please be mine, I can't take it when I have to see you in a separate room, be far from you.. I want you to be with me, Be mine forever
Will you marry me Yn? "
- Yn was in tears, She never believed she will be loved by her crush..Yn gave her hand over his and he slid the ring on her finger..
He got up and kissed her , the sweetest and the most loved kiss ❤
Phillip :
And also...
"Happy Birthday Love!!! "
Yn :
You remembered !!
*eyes moist again*
Phillip :
Yn :
Hol' up..
You were the one who used to send me presents every birthday?!?
Phillip :
What do you think..?
Yn :
I never thought I'll be so precious to someone like you...
I thought you never loved me, All I can do is serve this country and die without a love and -...
*She started sobbing*
Phillip :
No no no no no no Please don't cry...
These eyes aren't for tears Love...
*He wipes her tears with his index finger and holds her hand*
Phillip :
You were never alone Yn... I'm here for you and will always be My Sugar..
Now let's celebrate your birthday properly..
Yn :
But Phillip the mission...
Phillip :
We will go together... And then..
We'll visit your favorite park after that..
* yn kissed him with whole love*
Phillip :
Strawberry lipbalm?!?
Yn :
Well yea...
Almost empty tho...
Phillip :
If you promise to give me lots of kisses like this everyday I would pull the whole stock of different sweet lipbalms for you my lady..
*kisses her hand*
Yn :
How sweet Phillip ❤🥰🤣
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tipsyjaehyun · 11 months
My goodness I forgot to mention that I loved Alex's speech and I really hope that it's in the movie the one he gives and he says that he chooses Henry as his partner also I loved how Alex stood up to both Philip and Queen Mary
OMG 😱 the State Dinner is another favorite like Henry was trying to ignore or avoid Alex but Alex wasn't having it so he takes him to the Red Room and makes out with him near a portrait of Alexander Hamilton 🤣 and then poor Henry has to sing God Save the Queen to get rid of his boner 🤣
I KNOW!!! I FUCKING KNOW! GOD, it's way past my bedtime yet I'm squealing here like an idiot because you're getting me in my feels!
I really really want them to have all of these scenes in the movie. Also, Ellen's presentation! That was iconic too! AAAAAAAH! The book is way too good!
Imagine we get the 'God Save The Queen' scene in the movie (it's probably gonna be 'king' now but whatever)! And I really, really want them to have the Don't Stop Me Now song too. I want to see Henry singing 'I wanna make a supersonic man out of you'.
Yes, yes! Also the Wimbledon scene (was it Wimbledon or some other tennis event?). Though Philip was being jackass through and through but I really enjoyed how domestic Alex and Henry were in those scenes.
Anon, I'm gonna be dreaming about these two tonight, just letting you know! Thank you! 🥰😘😘
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philibetexcerpts · 1 year
Didn't Philip like Beaton to be the photographer for the coronation? I wonder how he behaved during the photocall... 🤣🤣
No, he didn’t. He preferred his friend, Baron Nahum, to do the job, but the Queen Mother preferred Beaton and overrode him lmao
“The Duke began to make a great deal of fuss, being frightfully bossy again, telling us where to stand and when to smile. Cecil Beaton was very commanding behind the camera. He was well known for taking a dislike to interfering comments, and the more the Duke of Edinburgh tried to have his say, the tetchier he became.
The Duke persisted, either not realising or not caring that he was disrupting the photographer, and eventually Cecil Beaton snapped. He put down his camera, glared at the Duke of Edinburgh and said, ‘Sir, if you would like to take the photographs, please do.’ He then gestured to the camera and started to walk away. The Queen looked horrified, as did the Queen Mother, and realising he had gone too far, the Duke of Edinburgh moved off.”
Lady in Waiting: My Extraordinary Life in the Shadow of the Crown by Anne Glenconner
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I love that The Queen’s children and grandchildren were front row (on the opposite side of the RF) while Harry was in the 3rd row 🤣
After reading his whining in Spare that years after being married The King & Queen still act like they’re on honeymoon, I was convinced he was secretly jealous af. How much vitriol has Camilla put up with over years and still does? How much press intrusion? When the footage ran of her and The King out for the first time, they added a seizure warning to the footage because there were so many cameras.
And yet nobody has any doubt she would have married Charles even if she had no title at all. She would have stood by him even if they never married. Him whining about his father still being in love with his wife (shock horror) reeked of jealousy because he deep down knows he’s with someone who wouldn’t show him such loyalty were it not for his title.
Camilla married Charles because she loved him.
Catherine married William because she loved him.
Philip married Elizabeth because he loved her.
None of them have ever complained about their lot, and it's arguably far harder than anyone else's.
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sea-owl · 1 year
A few weeks ago, you mentioned that story about Eloise and Phillip having an unplanned pregnancy.
I found it intriguing almost a modern update of her story. Instead of Philip being a her secret pen pal, he is her baby daddy who already is a single dad.
I would love to read a story about that. Imagine the first family dinner! Poor Phillip would be scared stiff, Violet would casually ask when the wedding is and the twins would cause some amount of property damage.
I had forgotten about that post, but here is the link if anyone is interested.
Not the twins causing property damage. 🤣
I think part of the reason an unplanned pregnancy would work for modern philoise, at least the way I would frame it, is because there would already be a connection between the two of them, they were half in a relationship before, or very close to being in one and then the baby would just kind of force commitment phobe Eloise to face the reality that she is now tied to Phillip forever and she actually wants that. Wants a life with him, their hellion twins, and the new baby.
That first dinner is so awkward, and Phillip is so thankful for the Bridgerton wives. Eloise warned him ahead of time that her family is a little traditional in the sense that if you have babies, you get married. She also told him that Penelope texted her that Sophie was down for faking labor if they needed it.
The dinner ended up being at My Cottage since it was the closest Bridgerton family property, and with Sophie so far along it was easier to just keep her comfortable there.
Each brother that broke into his house is there along with the older brothers wives, and their mother. Again, Phillip is thankful for the wives. All they have to really do is just look at their husbands (and Kate throwing a look at Gregory too), and they calm down.
The twins thankfully had decided to listen tonight when Phillip and Eloise sat them down and told them they needed them to be on their best behavior. Saying please and thank you. Thanking Violet when she surprised them with treats and small toys.
Eloise had clung to Phillip's arm most of the night. She had become a lot more clingy, he noticed since becoming pregnant. Honestly, that should have been a sign.
He could feel the pointed looks at Eloise's left had and how no ring sits on it. In Phillip's honest opinion, that's a discussion for him and Eloise alone. If she did not want to get married, that's fine. They are both cable adults who can coparent their children. Uh, child, he means child. He also said as much when one of the brothers tried to make a comment.
Eloise finally let's go of Phillip when her mother and Anthony call her to speak to her alone. That's when he got swarmed by the wives.
"Oh, ignore the boys, buch of brutes," Kate said with an eye roll.
"It's not like they were perfect gentlemen during our dating years either," Sophie agreed. "Just ask, we got stories."
"Besides, I think they kinda like you," Penelope added on. "You defended Eloise to her own family. A remarkable feet in of itself."
In the study Violet smiled. "I think he's a wonderful match."
Anthony rolled his eyes. "He got your daughter pregnant yet won't take responsibility and marry her."
Something in Eloise was set off. "Phillip has been more than considerate the whole time I was staying with him. Did you know he hand picked a bouquet of flowers he grew himself when I told him I was pregnant? How he didn't even hesitate to let me stay with him while we figure out what to do."
Eloise continues her rant, but Violet smiles off to the side. Oh yes, a wonderful match indeed.
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