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insextras · 3 days
So I'm sure this is just a cameo/where's waldo page but is jean actually pulling people from across space-time? Because we see characters wearing random costumes and some that aren't even from 616
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Classic namor, X-Men forever rogue (in the middle), 80s Callisto (bottom right, could also be early krakoa with the white coat), sins of sinister jon ironfire (behind namor)
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Uncanny x-men storm, classic firestar, what looks to be Nate grey next to her, alpha flight Northstar (at the bottom), possibly 90s gambit (to the right, above nate)
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Maystorm (top left), nightcrawler-wolverine chimera (middle), what looks like academy x hellion (above chimera) classic havok (bottom left), fantomex (right of chimera, weird he hasn't shown up at all in this era)
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What looks like phoenix five emma frost
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Ultimate universe cyclops, what looks like robo-moira next to him, og new mutants dani and that one alt timeline illyana from dead x-men (bottom left)
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Excalibur Rachel, x-force cannonball, cardinal chimera, house of m toad (under cardinal), raze darkholme (right of cardinal), 70s dazzler (under raze), age of apocalypse banshee (under Jean's arm), new x-men xorn (bottom right), 90s siryn (also bottom right) and 90s bishop (left of dazzler)
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and a smattering of arrakoan mutants and other recognizable characters throughout the whole thing
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ffverr · 21 hours
I promise I'm not making Jean Warren Scott challengers au, I am not doing that, that's definitely not something I'm doing. Like really not, like totally not, like like like-
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crowned-aeris · 2 days
More of my little phoenix!tim au, much thanks to @king-chimaera for the ideas and help wrangling the plot line :3
(I really need a name for this thing, and ideas would be much appreciated 😔)
Part 1 can be found here
When Tim wakes up, he’s somewhere dark. Dim… Empty…
An odd feeling tugs at the back of his brain but he doesn’t know why. When he tries to move, he can hear something rusting and clinking. He frowns and tries to see where the sound was coming from, but it seemed to only come when he moves?
Tim huffs in irritation, pulling his wings coser to himself to try and see what was happening. The light from his feathers was faint, but it was good enough. There was something that attached his wrists, and following the rope, Tim’s eyes were drawn to the wall. He was on a bed of some sort, but it was small, soft, and piled on with blankets?
This wasn’t- this wasn’t his bed! and these- these weren’t his clothes either. In fact, this wasn’t his room, his house, his- his anything! Was- did- did he get kidnapped?!
A panicked sound escapes his throat as Tim pulls at the rope, his breathing quickening as blood rushes to his ears.
God, he knew this was going to happen! Mom had even reminded him before she and dad left for Ecuador! He was- why did he have to be so STUPID?
Plus, why would his kidnappers dress him in something so light, put him on a bed, and chain him down? They- they must want to keep a pretty little birdy they found as a pet, or- or- or even- or even worse, they want to- god, what if that wanted to-
Tim gags, feeling bile burn at the back of his throat as he yanked harder on the rope.
He was hyperventilating- no, he needed to stop. He needs to slow. Down!
But his thoughts jump to the worst-possible scenarios, of hands touching and touching and touching-
He’s heard the stories from the working girl near where Robin- oh god, Jason. If Tim’s here, that means he wasn’t able to bring Robin back, and he failed- of how absolutely vile some men were. Tim- Tim doesn’t want to go through that. He does not. Tim was young, be he wasn’t naive.
He needs to leave. Now. Or else he’ll never get to go home… He’s heard the statistics, and he knows that the instant his kidnappers grow bored of him, then they’ll try and kill him but realize that he can’t die, and Tim knows three people off the top of his head who would love to live forever, and that’s- that’s not a life he wants.
Now, he has to think.
He sucks in a deep breath, forcing himself to relax and properly assess the situation.
Okay. He was in a dark room, roughly 8 by 9 feet with a ceiling 7 feet tall. The door was on the wall opposite of the bed, which was centered and pushed flush against the wall. The bed itself was almost bowl-like? Which was extremely weird, but it was almost the size of a queen size bed. The ceiling had one of those boob lights he forgets the name of, meaning wherever his kidnappers were keeping him had electricity.
His clothes were loose, looking middle-eastern of origin. His shirt had two slits in the back that allowed for his wings to stick through. There was some wiggle room, so that may come in handy… Tim lifts his wings and flares them open to try and get more light in the room. To his right was what seemed like a window covered with curtains. The curtains didn’t look particularly thick, wich meant that the darkness was likely because it was nighttime.
In the dark, Tim’s wings would put him at an extreme disadvantage, what with the glowing and whatnot, but maybe…
He gnawed thoughtfully on his lip, narrowing his eyes in concentration as he tried to pull his wings into his shirt. It might be thin, but it would greatly help decrease the light he’s giving off.
Tim takes a deep breath and feels around his wrists. His hands were individually bound by rope, which still allowed him a great range of movement. He pushes a finger against the base of the knot, working his way upward to feel out roughly how the thing was tied. Light would be great right now, but Tim couldn’t be bothered to maneuver his wings back out. Instead, he leans forward, using his teeth to hold the rope in place while his other hand slowly but surely loosens the rope until he’s able to free his left hand. His right hand was significantly harder on account of his left being his nondominant hand, but Tim manages.
He suffles out of the strangely shaped bed, slowly and deliberately making his way toward the door. There was a singular, smooth, round knob that lacked a distinctive key hole. The rest of the door was smooth too, not a single latch or locking mechanism in sight. That means, either the locks were on the outside- trapping him in like a prisoner, or worse, a pet- or whoever was keeping him didn’t bother to place him in a locked room at all, whoch would be stupid.
Turns out, his kidnapper was not stupid. Tim had tried to twist the knob open quietly, but it refused to budge.
Okay, what else can he try? Robin has gotten out of plenty situations before- so surely Tim can too! (he ignores that Robin ad Batman, while he was painfully, painfully, alone.)
Okay, so what else could he try?
Well, he couldn’t hear any sound from the otherside of the door, which probably meant that there were no guards posted. There was a small gap between the door and the wall, but if only he had a card or something on hand, then that would be amazing.
He trails around the perimeter of the room before reaching the windows. Pushing aside the curtains, he carefully examines the glass. Outside was dark, but he can still see shapes moving below. If he was to smash the glass and escape, then he’d be spotted and that would be no good. So, without anything new, Tim returns to the door.
Now, as he moves his hand to the other side of the door, he feels… hinges.
Gears begin to twist in his head as time experimentally knocks on the door… No response.
Okay, now he can set to work. Hinges mean hinge pins, and hinge pins can be removed. This was going to be painful, but Tim won’t die from it.
So, he grits his teeth, and wedges his thumb nail under the first hinge pin.
It hurts. God, it hurt so fucking much. Warm blood trips down his hand as his nail was being torn away from the nailbed, but the constant warm tingling continued to heal all damage done.
He flinches as the first hinge pin pops out eventually, sucking in deep, laboured breaths as sweat beaded his forehead. Regardless, Tim licked his lips anxiously and decides to use his other hand for the remaining hinge.
The last pin was removed after almost thirty seconds of slow, and painful, pushing. Tim wheezes as the last pin popped out, blinking away the tears in his eyes and swallowing back the sob that built in his throat. It hurts, even with the healing, but he needed to press forward.
He needs to find Jason.
Tim gradually wiggles the door bit by bit until he slips it out of the doorframe, his arms protesting and aching at the strain. Despite this, he can’t help the rush of euphoria at the promise of freedom!
The phoenix snares his bottom lip in between his teeth. Finally- FINALLY!
He can taste freedom and hope dance across his tongue, soaring through his chest as hs gently and soundlessly sets the door down on the ground. Tim sucks in a breath, giddy with glee, and as he ducks out of the open doorframe-
He’s bathed in light.
“GAH!” he yelps, jerking back at the sudden change in light, his feet catching on something before sending him down-down-down.
The wind was knocked from his chest, the hope rising in his chest was swiftly quashed as he blinked open tear-filled eyes, Above him loomed a man with searingly green irises and an intrigued and amused expression. Behind him stood rows upon rows of dark-clad people, and Tim felt dread pool in his gut.
“Well done, Timothy,” the man says slowly, the words creeping like insect legs inching along his back, “You are truly something to behold.”
And as he was hoisted to his feet, Tim couldn’t help but feel as if his fate was being sealed.
…How was he going to find Jason now?
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lieutenantfloyd · 22 hours
Bob: So anyways have y'all seen Rooster? Phoenix: I think they went in Hangman's room to 'study'. Fanboy: Doubt that. I heard groans there. Meanwhile in Hangman's room Rooster & Hangman, fighting:
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fashioninpaper · 2 days
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Jean Gray and Emma Frost evening Gown designs for the Hellfire Gala
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wwprice1 · 2 days
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Gorgeous Phoenix cover by Joe Quesada.
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simu-ladora · 2 days
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it's been a good week for me
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glavilio · 25 days
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Phoenix: Sun by Osamu Tezuka
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fakedimebag · 18 days
I am UGLY CRYING in the club right now. Inconsolable after this week's X-Men '97 finale.
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kelogsloops · 9 months
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The final piece from my recent show, ‘In Harmony.’ The Eastern Phoenix is often associated with harmony and new beginnings. In trying to portray those associations, the body is decorated with floral motifs; little sprouts blooming from its back, and tail feathers resembling a blossoming flower #brbchasingdreams
prints | tutorials
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distanttraceofbeauty · 11 months
number one use I've found for the new Phoenix and Edgeworth figures so far
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marsoid · 2 months
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seizethegay420 · 3 months
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sigmacatdilemma · 1 year
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babygirlies in court
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iingezo · 1 year
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Willow for @lyexsah !
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