#physical toll
beebundt · 2 months
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this is the first time back at my computer since my back injury 3 months ago and i had a hankering for some isabela 💙🗡
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iamarealsoulandbody · 2 years
This turmoil inside me lately is so deranging, always giving me ambiguous thoughts that cloud my mind. Eroding some foundations of hope and restraining my will power. Maybe life indeed is a mystery and not destiny. Nothing can be preordained, rather it gives surprises good or bad at any given moment... Sometimes life is cruel!
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marshmallord · 9 months
The show really hits you with the fact that Annabeth is the head counselor for the Athena cabin. Like, obviously she’s been there for a long time, but none of her older siblings are more fit for the job? How many others who are more experienced and older have already ventured off on deadly quests, never to return? Just how much death and tragedy has this girl witnessed at camp?
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epicfroggz · 3 months
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On the subject of Messmer’s eyes!
I think his original eye color was green, like the winged serpents, while his other eye was that of the base serpent, bloody red. O mother “plucked out his eye” and replaced it with the seal, which sealed the red eye shut too. But the base serpent was a major part of him, and sealing it was not without its consequences—physically, he became blind; mentally, well…
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writeitinsharpie · 6 months
ever think about the great sect madams of the generation before?
about madam yu, the violet spider, one of few in her generation to earn a title (even her husband was only ever sect leader. even wen ruohan was never regarded by a title other than sect leader wen). about yu ziyuan, about what she was like before years of jealousy and envy twisted her to only her most bitter parts? about the girl who was the third daughter of a sect leader, and then the wife of another, and yet all of her immense martial power meant nothing to the society around her.
about madam jin, known only by her title and never given a name or a natal sect, who was still somehow the closest friend to yu ziyuan. the mother of the sect heir and yet a wife who can do nothing but stand by as her husband dishonors their marriage over and over again.
about madam lan, the murderess locked up for her crimes, never seeing a trial and dying alone, only allowed to see her children once a month. who was she before she was the wife of the lan sect leader? was there a reason she killed the lan elder? did she want that marriage to qingheng-jun? did she even want the children she was kept from?
about the madams nie and wen, who only exist by implication, by the knowledge that their children exist and therefore so must they. about how so little is even implied about them?
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When jennifer asked ben what made his past few years difficult, i fully expected him to say that all six of his siblings died and not that he was in jail because of money crimes
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thedorfmirrin · 5 months
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Last week I made a physical painting for my moms bday - its of my Aether dragon from FR: Ropa 💙🌌✨🌌💙
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slutdge · 8 months
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day 9,047 of the dont kill yourself challenge
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galadrielspeaks · 1 year
god DAMN. legolas has seen some shit
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thejudeduarte · 10 days
Me when my teacher mentions Marie Curie in physics:
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khaire-traveler · 1 month
My third day of work was, in fact, so wild that I left with a migraine and threw up four times when I got home. My back hurt so much that I could barely bend over by the time I left. 💀 Someone's stalker came in so we had to call the police, someone stole something, a manager yelled at someone through the radio that we all have while I was working with a customer on that guy's last day, a lady kept asking me whether or not she should buy a brand new red jeep Cherokee then proceeded to advertise her old black Lexus to me (I was just her cashier, like, why), some guy told me about how he can't give anyone his email because he's part of the FBI senior program (?), I saw two dogs, I didn't get to take either of my 15 minute breaks so just my 30 minute lunch break, my trainer was talking so much in my ear that I straight up disassociated during the middle of a customer interaction, I helped a super angry customer fax something and he told me that his partner had died and how he needed to get stuff to the state or else, and many, many, MANY other things. This job is low-key awful for me, personally. TvT
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beebundt · 4 months
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fo4 fixation back. mostly nick
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fg083nrt · 2 years
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I like to try and untwist Hidan's "sharing pain" belief system from "get off of torturing someone for hours on end" to like "ways you can empathize with somone's suffering" only Hidan would do it in a weird poorly though through way. Like he's confused but still, it's a sweet gesture from someone as selfish as he is. Either way Kakuzu is left trying to figure out if he is mad at him for doing something so stupid, or touched because he would do something so stupid for him.
It's interesting to me, because Hidan's technique functions so much like ninshu. The principle of ninshu being a spiritual connection between people, to communicate and understand each other without words. Strangely enough his curse technique let's him do that on a physical level, he can connect to physical energy, which is most commonly pain. I think the origin of technique just like ninshu started out as something peaceful and then became weaponized.
oh and shoutout to akatsuki fraternity: missed memories chapter 4 because I was like there it is, my motivation to finally draw this because I am not alone with this brainworm!
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woodsdyke · 4 months
it's pretty easy to understand every house md character's insane behavior when you remember they are in new jersey. it's just like that there
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phatcatphergus · 9 months
If sunny ever loses a life tubbo will immediately warp back the 2 minutes in time to before she dies and try everything to save her but never arrives in time and has to watch her die over and over again as he jumps back over and over again until he’s able to accept it
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captainkirkk · 5 months
Okay, I have both The Goblin Emperor and The Hands of the Emperor on my TBR pile, and I remember you had some revelation about TGE after reading HOTE that made TGE better--do you recommend that as a reading order, or do you think they both amplify the other and it doesn't matter which order you go?
They both amplify each other!! It really doesn't matter what order you read them in.
Buuuut personally? I found TGE far more enjoyable after I read HOTE. They're both wonderful, but HOTE is set towards the end of the emperor's rule so our characters have had decades to grow close and enact change and re-shape the world. TGE has very similar themes, but it starts at the very beginning of our young emperor's rule. He's young and less experienced and so so sweet, but because of his youthfulness, he can't tackle social and personal issues in the same direct way HOTE did, largely because that kind of change can take years to come about. But yeah ultimately it doesn't really matter, pick whichever one interests you the most
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