#physically disabled and neurodivergent pride flag
rjalker · 1 year
For fun I combined my neurodivergent and physically disabled flags by overlaying them at 50%. Only change I made is to make the center stripe black because it came out a medium grey that blended in way too much with the blue and purple.
So here's a flag for people who are both neurodivergent as well as physically disabled, if anyone wants it. Lol.
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[ID: A pride flag with stripes of: pale, desaturated yellow, orange, royal blue, black, dark purple, orange, and pale, desaturated yellow. End ID.]
This flag is public domain because I say so. You are encouraged to save this and use it for anything you want. Here is a link to where you can download the HD version from the web archive!
And here's a link for the HD physically disabled, and HD neurodivergent.
Please consider donating to the web archive if you're able to!
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blurred-pride · 1 year
Functional Neurological Disorder Pride Flag
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[ID: A dark grey rectangle with diagonal stripes going down the middle from the top left corner to the bottom right corner. The stripes go in the color order of blue, light blue, white, light orange, and orange, from right to left. End ID.]
we have functional neurological disorder, and i wanted a flag for it, so i made one
anyone with FND is allowed to use this, professionally diagnosed or not
EDIT: removed lightning bolt version of the flag because i didnt realize it was inaccessible
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Happy Disability Pride Month!🖤❤️💛🤍🩵💚🖤
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a-little-revolution · 3 months
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Image Description: @surehandslift's post "The Disability Pride Flag" with the pastel disability pride flag under text that reads "Ann Magill, the flag's creator, worked with the photosensitive community to make the flag more accessible".
Over each stripe of the flag it reads: "Sensory Disabilities" over the green, "Psychiatric Disabilities" over the blue, "Invisible Disabilities" over the white, "Neurodivergence" over the yellow, and "Physical Disabilities" over the red. Over the grey background it reads "Mourns victims of violence and abuse against people with disabilities".
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ghostcaterwaul · 1 year
Happy Disability Pride Month!
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For those of you who don't know, July is Disability Pride Month.
July marks the anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. The picture included here is the visually safe and inclusive version of the Disability Pride Flag, designed by Ann Magill, as the original wasn't safe for those that suffer from migraines and visually triggered seizures. The color changes made from the original design also makes it more accessible to those with color blindness.
From the Disability Pride Flag section of the Disability Pride Month Wikipedia Page:
All six "standard" flag colors: Disability spans borders between states and nations
Black Field: Mourning for victims of ableist violence and abuse
Diagonal Band: "Cutting across" the walls and barriers that separate disabled people from society
Red Stripe: Physical disabilities
Gold Stripe: Neurodivergence
White Stripe: Invisible and undiagnosed disabilities
Blue Stripe: Psychiatric disabilities
Green Stripe: Sensory disabilities
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ipso-faculty · 2 months
Proposing new meanings for the Disability Pride Flag stripes
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I love the design of the disability pride flag made by @capricorn-0mnikorn (in consultation with many disabled people!). It’s beautiful, elegant, and distinct. I love the symbolism of the diagonal stripes.
But the more I think about the meanings of the five diagonal stripes, the more uncomfortable I am with them. So I'll explain my discomfort and then give proposed alternative meanings.
For those unfamiliar, these are the meanings that capricorn-0mnikorn gives:
The White Stripe: Invisible and Undiagnosed Disabilities
The Red Stripe: Physical Disabilities
The Gold Stripe: Neurodivergence
The Blue Stripe: Psychiatric Disabilities
The Green Stripe: Sensory Disabilities
With additional and helpful context here! 💙 Like a lot of disabled people my disabilities don't all fit neatly into these boxes, but I recognize some disabled people see themselves in these categories. I do appreciate the symbolism of it being the most common flag colours / internationalism plus the intent of representing diversity amongst the disability community.
Here’s what doesn’t sit well with me:
The yellow was chosen for the neurodiversity stripe because gold = Au = autism (and also as a fuck you to autism speaks, a sentiment I agree with 💯). 
So autism is used to represent all of neurodiversity. Even though the 2018 AutisticsUK campaign to associate gold with autism was explicitly motivated by the idea that neurodiversity is larger than just autism and autistic people should have our own colour/symbol distinct from the rainbow infinity used for general neurodiversity.
One specific disability is effectively being given a whole stripe (autism) while the other four stripes are based on abstract ideas: red is associated with body -> physical disability, blue is associated with the mind (and is “opposite” to red) so -> mental disability. This is reasonable but it’s inconsistent. (And I am very much the kind of autistic who gets bothered by internal inconsistency 😅)
The Deaf community has been using cyan blue for ages (since at least 1999, probably older) and they have been so vital in disability rights history. I feel if any single disability deserves to get an entire stripe to themselves it should be them.
I appreciate the honestly that assigning green to sensory disabilities was because “that was the color that was left over” but it still feels wrong given how vital blind & deaf people have been to disability history. 
Blue for mental/emotional disabilities also misses that the Mad Pride movement has been using purple as their colour since at least 2013. 
If all five stripes were disconnected from actual disability-specific pride flags I think I’d be okay with it. What sets me off is the inconsistency: autism gets the privilege of its own chosen colour but not other disabilities? (Also: autism isn’t the only disability that uses yellow!)
My proposal for new meanings
I propose each stripe represent a different cause of disability, and the associated model(s) of disability that go with that cause:
Red: disability due to injury / the debility model of disability - e.g. injury due to armed conflicts caused by colonialism, injury due to gun violence in a country which fails to regulate gun safety, preventable illness due to sociopolitical neglect 😡🩸
Yellow: disability due to natural differences / affirmative models of disability - e.g. autistic people who lead lives that take advantage of their autistic traits, DSPS folks who are able to work night shifts and take pride in doing so 😄🌟
Blue: situational disabilities / critical models like the social model, social construction model, political/relational model, and radical model - e.g. a Deaf person who feels their only disability is that people don’t speak their signed language and don’t provide captions/etc 🗣️♿️
Green: disability due to illness / biomedical models of disability - e.g. people with conditions like ME/CFS and Long Covid who actually do want to be treated/cured 🤢🦠
White: disability caused by unknown or other factors / other models such as the human rights model - e.g. somebody with a poorly-understood and/or undiagnosed illness who is fighting for access for accommodations and medical care 👀🤍
People may relate to multiple stripes! Whether it’s for the same disability or for having multiple disabilities. Like the old meanings, the intent is to showcase our internal diversity. 🌈
It’s been my experience of disability community that attitudes about disability tend (in general) to be linked more to when/how we were disabled rather than mental/physical/sensory/etc. For example, people like me who were disabled from a young age tend to understand our disabilities differently than people who acquire disability later in life.
Colour choice justifications:
Red as disabilities caused by injury: keeping with capricorn-0mnikorn’s association of red with the body plus the common associations of red with blood, violence, and anger. I want to explicitly include the debility model of disability because a lot of white disabled people tend to forget or gloss over how disability is used as a weapon against racialized & Global South folks.
Yellow is associated with optimism and pleasure as well as enlightenment (such as in the Deaf flag) and so I connect it to the affirmation model of disability (which is the opposite of the charity/tragedy model). From there I associated it to disability due to natural differences, such as congenital neurodivergence. I want yellow to still be something that fellow autistics could still see themselves in the flag for! 💛 And I want intersex people who see their intersex variation as a disability to be able to see themselves here too because being intersex is natural 💛 
Blue as disabilities that are social/situational in nature, like Deafness being a disability in situations where signed languages are unavailable. I wanted Deafness to actually be under blue this time. 💙 
Blue has also been used for disability writ large for a long time now and so this one being the one associated with the Social Model feels most historically connected to me. I’m also including newer critical/postmodern models like the social construction model and radical model which also posit that disability is a social category rather than a deficiency of individuals’ bodyminds.
The social model is generally contrasted with the medical model - viewing disability as a medical problem. A lot of disability activism is focused on de-medicalizing our bodyminds and challenging the idea that we want to be cured. 
But there are chronic illnesses like ME/CFS, long covid, and cancer where the people who are disabled by them do actively (and vocally) want to be cured! And they belong to the disability community too.  Green was picked for illness because green has been used to symbolize sickness (e.g. the 🤮 emoji). And biomedical models like the traditional medical model and the more recent biopsychosocal model are thematically connected to disability being due to illness.
For white, I want people who are undiagnosed and/or who feel the invisibility of their disability as important to again be able to see themselves in this stripe. 🩶White is also the catch-all “other models” because of white being the sum of all colours in an additive colour model. Models like the human rights model I see as being appealing to disabled people who are feeling invisibilized by society.
For each stripe I've included both a cause of disability and a model of disability. The causes are concrete, and easy to understand. The models of disability are more abstract and not everybody will know them (especially ableds). But a flag gives us an opportunity to teach others about us and I think it's a great opportunity to increase awareness of the different views/models of disability. 🖤
Overall, I tried to keep as much of capricorn-0mnikorn’s reasoning/associations alive in my new proposed meanings as I could. 💜 I hope people who see themselves in a given stripe of the original flag will see themselves in this scheme as well. I hope people who didn’t see themselves in the original scheme find these options more inclusive. ☮️
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rectangular-astronaut · 2 months
Happy disability pride month!
I made some icons of the idols for it
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One thing I think is really cool is that the disability pride flags colors represent different kinds of disabilities
Red = physical disabilities
Yellow = neurodivergence
White = invisible & undiagnosed disabilities
Blue = emotional & psychiatric disabilities
Green = sensory disabilities
I hope everyone has a great disability pride month! 🩶♥️💛🤍💙💚🩶 (*^▽^*)
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hermitmoss · 1 year
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Disability Pride flag + Star Wars
Image description: 7 panels toned in the colours of the disability pride flag, with text indicating their meanings, with backdrops of Disabled characters in Star Wars.
1: A black-toned panel that says "BLACK" and "commemoration + mourning". The pictures are of a community carrying out a funeral march for Maarva Andor, a Disabled leader and organiser, Hera Syndulla mourning Kanan Jarrus, her Blind spouse, and Poe Dameron mourning Leia Organa, a Disabled woman and leader.
2: A green-toned panel that says "GREEN" and "sensory disabilities". The pictures are of Kanan Jarrus and Chirrut Îmwe, both Blind people.
3: A blue-toned panel that says "BLUE" and "emotional + psychiatric disabilities". The pictures are of Obi-wan Kenobi and Reva Sevander, who both have mental health disabilities that include flashbacks, and of Leia Organa, whose actress was bipolar, and who described herself and Leia as being so similar it was hard to tell where one ended and the other began.
4: A gold-toned panel that says "GOLD" and "neurodiversity". The pictures are of Theron Shan, who has a different neurotype to the one he was expected to at birth, Hardcase, who has hyperactivity, and Yoda (who is also a mobility aid user) and Jedi younglings, who all have a different neurotype (Force-sensitivity) from the norm. In the picture of Yoda and the younglings, he is talking about how he values how their minds work differently from other peoples'.
5: A red-toned panel that says "RED" and "physical disabilities". The pictures are of Saw Gerrera, an amputee who uses supplementary oxygen and a staff as a mobility aid, Weazel, who has dwarfism, Luke Skywalker, an amputee, and Lando Calrissian, a cane user.
6: A white-toned panel that says "WHITE" and "invisible + undiagnosed [disabilities]". The pictures are of Finn, who was unaware of his neurodivergence for the first decades of his life, Cere Junda, who has trauma, and Greez Dritus, who has an addiction.
7: A black-toned panel that says "BLACK" and "rage, protest + rebellion". The pictures are of Chirrut Îmwe and Kanan Jarrus fighting in the Rebellion against the Galactic Empire, Reva Sevandar fighting against one of its enforcers, screaming in rage at somebody who traumatised her, Maarva Andor giving a posthumous speech encouraging rebellion, and Leia Organa giving orders to Rebellion fighters who are about to engage the Empire. /End.
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the-delta-quadrant · 3 months
i love and use the disabled pride flag but the meaning of the stripes is low key weird like... it just perpetuates this idea that some disabilities aren't "physical" which is literally impossible because all disabilities exist somewhere in the body... the brain is indeed a body part, all neurodivergent people are physically disabled. it's even weirder though because even under this bonkers worldview of brain disabilities and rest of the body disabilities somehow being completely different things, most people would consider blindness, deafness and other sensory disabilities to be "physical disabilities", yet they get a separate stripe on the flag implying they somehow aren't. the term "physically disabled" is entirely redundant because there's no such thing as a "non physical disability". whatever that is sounds more like a spiritual problem than disability.
the mind isn't some special entity that exists outside of the body, and neither are sensory organs or senses in general. all of it is physical because all of it exists in the body. the concept of the bodymind is an important pillar of disability justice so it's very strange that the creator of the disability flag felt confident enough to create a flag for this community while still perpetuating harmful myths about neurodivergent people especially. neurodivergence exists as much in the body as my knee pain does. they're just different parts of my body.
it's also not really fair to lump in all rest of the body disabilities together like a) they all have some secret thing in common that brain disabilities don't have and b) a certain subgroup of disabled people doesn't really get more specific representation in a flag besides "physical disability" which is synonymous with "disability" anyway. like i'm blind, have knee pain and flat feet, it's not like i have that much in common with someone who has ME/CFS, yet the community lumps us together like we share something that separates us from brain disabled people.
in this effort to separate yourself from neurodivergent people and frame your disability as more real because it affects another body part, you're also sacrificing the more specific representation that we all deserve
Disabled Unity people we should really redefine the disability pride flag to make it less... ableist
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intervex · 8 days
Poll: what model of disability would you associate with the colour green?
[Poll at bottom of post]
A a few months back, I proposed new meanings for the Disability Pride Flag that was designed by @capricorn-0mnikorn in consultation with a bunch of disabled folks. For those unfamiliar, it's this rockin' flag:
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I proposed instead of having the coloured stripes being associated with categories of impairment (red for physical disability, yellow for neurodivergence, etc), we could instead have the different colours refer to different models of disability. I proposed:
Red: disability due to injury / the debility model of disability - e.g. injury due to armed conflicts caused by colonialism, injury due to gun violence in a country which fails to regulate gun safety, preventable illness due to sociopolitical neglect 😡🩸
Yellow: disability due to natural (beneficial) differences / affirmative models of disability - e.g. autistic people who lead lives that take advantage of their autistic traits, DSPS folks who are able to work night shifts and take pride in doing so 😄🌟
Blue: situational disabilities / critical models like the social model, e.g. a Deaf person who feels their only disability is that people don’t speak their signed language and don’t provide captions/etc 🗣️♿️
Green: disability due to illness / biomedical models of disability - e.g. people with conditions like ME/CFS and Long Covid who actually do want to be treated/cured 🤢🦠
White: disability caused by unknown or other factors / other models
I'm pretty happy with all of the colour-model associations except green, and would like input on if there's a more suitable colour to use instead.
👍️ Advantages of green for medical model: - green is associated with disease, sickness, poison, etc - it is a major model of disability, even if it is one that disability organizing tends to be organizing against
👎️ Disadvantages of green for medical model: - the original meanings had green down as meaning sensory disability, and a lot of folks with sensory disabilities like the Deaf community reject the medical model quite strongly - from what I've since seen of other disability-specific flags, green is the most common colour used for neurodiversity (e.g. this autigender flag), another group that strongly rejects the medical model - there are almost no flags that embrace the medical model, and the only two I'm familiar with - the Crohn's flag and the transmedicalist flag - both use *white* as the colour of medicine. Lab coats etc. - rolling the medical model into the white stripe ("other models") would fit both the medicine-as-white association and how invisibly disabled people are often those fighting for care
Some weeks back I posted asking for alternative ideas for a model of disability for green. These are the options sent my way:
Option 1: human rights model. Disability is viewed as a natural part of being human, and humans should have basic civil rights. This is a legalistic framework. It's used for advancing legal protections, gaining workplace accomodations, etc. Unlike the social model it can be kind of (but not entirely) individualistic: a given individual has their rights infringed, so laws need to be created and enforced to protect them.
Green is a colour used sometimes to represent humanity (though teal/cyan I think is a bit more common.) It's a model compatible with the neurodiversity movement and Deaf pride. People who are sick and want to be treated are also compatible in that they deserve a right to medical care.
Option 2: biodiversity model. Disability is beneficial for the gene pool because genetic variety makes for more resilient populations. Unlike the affirmation model, this doesn't see every disability as actually good to have - for example, sickle cell disease sucks for those who have it, but the heterozygosity advantage it provides for the population makes it a net asset.
Green is a colour associated with nature. I'd say this is also compatible with neurodiversity & Deaf pride + sick people.
Option 3: radical model. Disability is entirely a social construct. There is nothing wrong with any of us (Withersaj, 2012). The social construction of disability was created in order to marginalize segments of society - such as how IQ testing and the idea of "intelligence" was created by eugenics to rationalize slavery. This model is strongly connected with mad pride (Ralph, 2018)
This one probably isn't compatible with sick people who want care. Many neurodivergent & Deaf people would resonate with it, but I suspect some folks who feel their neurodivergence can be at times legitimately disabling may push back on this.
Option 4: political/relational model. Any discussion of disability is inherently political. Rather than disability being an individual problem or a macro-societal problem, this is a hybrid: "disablement as something that occurs because of ideological systems that disenfranchise disabled people, not individual needs or choices." (Price, 2021). This model pushes back on the disability/impairment dichotomy from the social model: "This model recognizes that it is not the environment that disables us, but our own bodies and minds (e.g. chronic fatigue or pain)." (Accessible Academia)
Green is a colour often used for symbolizing relationships. I think this is compatible with neurodiversity & Deaf pride, while also being open to sick people who want treatment.
Option 5: eco-crip model. This is in some ways the opposite of the political/relational: the environment is disabling. For example, many environmental toxins are known to cause disabilities. Many disabled people are particularly vulnerable to changes in the physical environment, especially climate change: smoggy air, power outages, evacuations from disasters, are all things that hurt disabled people much harder.
Unlike the radical model, this model views disability as not (only) a social phenomenon: even in a world with universal design everywhere and accommodations in place, a paraplegic still can't hike most trails.
This brings us to six options for models of disability for green. Tumblr lets you only vote for one, but if you like multiple (or you're AGAINST one or more) let me know in the replies/reblogs. 💚
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tri4ge · 3 months
Happy July! Did you know that it's Disability Pride Month? Originally celebrated on a single day to commemorate the passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act in July of 1990, it has since been extended to a month-long event!
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[Image ID: The 2021 redesign of the Disability Pride flag /end ID]
This is the Disability Pride flag, (re)designed by Ann Magill in 2021. Each colour of the flag represents a different aspect of the disability experience, which are described as such:
All six "standard" flag colors: Disability spans borders between states and nations.
Black field: mourning for victims of ableist violence and abuse.
Diagonal band: "Cutting across" the walls and barriers that separate disabled people from society.
Red stripe: Physical disabilities.
Gold stripe: Neurodivergence.
White stripe: Invisibile and undiagnosed disabilities.
Blue stripe: Psychiatric and mental disabilities.
Green stripe: Sensory disabilities
The concept of Disability Pride is based on reworking the negative narratives and biases that surrounds the concept of disability, being a direct response against ableism and social stigma, as well as a celebration of the Disability Rights movement!
The concept of Disability Pride also sees it's roots in the same social theory that backs LGBT Pride and Black Pride! It marks a break from the traditional concepts of disabilities as being shameful conditions that must be hidden from public spaces and mainstream awareness.
Even abled people are welcome to celebrate Disability Pride alongside us! You can do so by learning about the Disability Rights movement, meeting with and talking to disabled people, attending local Disability Pride Month events, donating to disabled people, and much more!
Disability Pride Month is a celebration of what makes being disabled a unique experience, and serves as a reminder that we're far from being on the same playing field as our abled peers. So please, take some time out of this month to learn more about Disabled Pride!
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rjalker · 1 year
Breaking news! Ableism exists and is a systemic problem in society!!! In other news, water is wet, and the sun is hot!
Feel free to download this and share it to other sites where people are being jackasses, as long as you include the image description.
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[ID: Three images, each forming a panel in a three panel comic.
The comic shows two simple figures with round heads and angry eyebrows, with their bodies made up of pride flags.
On the Left is the neurodivergent pride flag, with stripes of pale yellow, dark orange, black, dark green, black, dark orange, and pale yellow.
On the right are two flags: A physically disabled flag with stripes of: Dark brown, light brown, medium blue, dark violet, purple, light brown, and dark brown, next to the physically disabled and neurodivergent flag, with stripes of pale yellow, orange, royal blue, black, dark purple, orange, and yellow.
In the first panel, the neurodivergent person is saying angrily:
"If you tried telling ablebodied people that physically disabled people face specific forms of ableism they don't in the ~real world~ everyone would laugh at you!"
While the physically disabled and neurodivergent person glares in silence.
In the second panel, the physically disabled and neurodivergent person is shouting even louder, covering up the first speech bubble:
"That's because the physically disabled people who disagree with you literally can't access the space!"
In the third panel, the speech bubble is now spiky and covers both characters, showing it is being shouted extremely loudly, reading:
"You are literally proving that physically disabled people face forms of ableism ablebodied disabled people don't!"
End ID.]
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seizurepunk · 5 months
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I designed a Seizure Punk flag.
The darker purple represents Epilepsy.
The lighter purple and cyan represents Non-Epileptic Seizures.
The dark purple and blue can double as suicide awareness colors.
The yellow represents neurological disorders and neurodivergence.
The white represents invisible disorders.
The black represents dehumanization.
This flag is based on a combination of the voidpunk flag, the two seizure awareness ribbons, and the disability pride flag. It represents the difficulty and invisibility of the lives of people with any kind of seizure disorder, as well as a recognition and unification of the two disorders despite their differences.
It's for all the people who are sick of the lack of help, sick of the lack of information and the judgements and biases found even among medical professionals. It's for the adults who still struggle, despite all of the information being aimed at children and their parents. For people who may be struggling with even basic things others take for granted, because of their seizures. It's for people who are or were angry and done with it all. It is for solidarity among people who have seizures, or people who know someone who does.
People with seizures can face many unseen difficulties and dangers, from poor mental health including suicide, seizure phobia, and (especially in the case of non-epileptic seizures) PTSD, to physical health issues being harmed or even killed by the seizures themselves, or someone else who is ignorant to the subject.
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bimdraws · 1 year
Disability Pride & Visibility Month
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This is a very touchy subject, but I just wanted to bring awareness to some of the disabilities included in the disability pride flag (seen in the background). The colors represent as follows:
💚 Sensory disabilities like visual and hearing impairments.
💙 Mental illnesses like depression, OCD, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, schizophrenia, BPD, bipolar, etc.
🤍 Invisible illnesses like arthritis or learning disabilities as well as those that are undiagnosed.
💛 Neurodivergency! namely autism, ADHD and fetal alcohol syndrome.
❤️ Physical disabilities like wheelchair users, amputees, people with breathing problems, etc.
🖤 Those we've lost because of ableism (discrimination towards disabled people), suicide, illness or negligence.
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disabledidols · 6 months
Pinned post!
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This blog is for talking about, celebrating and enjoying different disability headcanons for fictional idols. This includes all disability headcanons, regardless of if they're physical, intellectual, neurodivergent, ect.
If you need to address us call us 'Stary Dogs', we're a physically disabled system and we also run @disabledstraydogs.
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How to request:
★ Send in your headcanon through the ask box. A simple example could be: 'I headcanon that Kanta Konoe had chronic fatigue'.
★ If you can write why you headcanon this! We love hearing stories and personal interpretations
★ We will then make a headcanon post for this, including any writing you add.
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Other things:
★ You are also more then welcome to request icons and/or headcanon posts as well! We love editing and writing :3
★ You can request specific flags, we try and use a variety of them but if you have a specific one you want using then lmk
★ If you want to request specific roles or subtypes in/of a disorder (ie an alter role or a OSDD system) then you can!
★ We welcome a mix of other headcanons as well (ie Saki is disabled and trans)
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★ All headcanons are welcome here, regardless of if they're 'canon' or even if they 'make sense'.
★ Please, while romantic requests are okay and encouraged, do not request any pedophilic or incestuous ships. Platonic and familial versions of these are fine.
★ Multiple requests are fine, but please use separate asks for us to be able to organize things
★ I will try to write image ID's for posts but please keep in mind that we have ME/CFS and are physically disabled- Writing them takes time and energy that we sometimes do not have.
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Icon ID: An image of Shiki Wakana in front of the disabled flag
Header ID: A picture of Shiitake, a large dog with yellow and white fur. On her head is a bandana with a small version of the disabled pride flag edited onto it and a pair of lightsticks by each eye. The lightsticks have been changed to be a lighter shade of blue. Next to her is some grey that reads: this dog loves all disabled idols! Keep on shining!
Post ID: An edit of Rui Kamishiro in a wheelchair with a white outline around the lower part of the picture. In the background is the disabled flag.
Divider ID: A thin line divider that is a gradient version of the disabled flag
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iamshmolphrog · 9 months
i just learned about the existence of the disability pride flag! i'm not sure whether or not this is common knowledge, but either way i'd like to show you all!
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here it is! how pretty!?
brief history and symbolism under the cut:
the flag used to look like this, designed by Ann Magill
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from 2019 until 2021, when it was changed to have straight lines and muted colors. (this change was made to accommodate people with visually triggering disabilities)
the diagonal orientation of the stripes represent cutting across barriers that separate disabled people from society. the colors all have different meanings as well:
green for sensory disabilities, like Autism Spectrum Disorder, Blindness and Low Vision, Deafness and Loss of Hearing, and Sensory Processing Disorder
blue for psychiatric disabilities, for example, anxiety, bipolar disorder, clinical depression, ADHD, OCD, and many more
White for invisible disorders, such as chronic pain, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, or chronic fatigue syndrome. White is also for undiagnosed disablilties.
Gold is for neurodivergence, which includes ADHD, autism, dyspraxia, dyscaucula, dyslexia, and a whole lot more.
Finally, Red is for physical disibilities, which includes things like amputation or loss of limbs, arthritis, epilepsy, cereberal palsy, or cystic fibrosis
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