#pickle fish
distantlonersdreams · 6 months
I had a dream where I was eating in a fancy restaurant that had private areas with curtains. I was tasked to catch fish from a fish tank, but I couldn't find a fish tank. I thought I was supposed to buy one and place it there, but eventually I realized that there was one right there and it just blended in because it looked like a decoration. I had a fishing rod that attracted a pickle fish (it was literally a vertically sliced pickle) like a magnet, but I couldn't figure out how to attach it to the rod because it was apparently already dead. Someone was cheering me on while I tried to find a way to hook onto the fish. I eventually noticed that it had herbivore teeth to hook onto so everything was fine.
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fatty-food · 3 months
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fried fish sandwich (via instagram)
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ryllen · 1 year
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Elliott thought it would be a good idea to bring variation to single men’s food life. So he established this club, where they would all trade food they cook. Maybe once a week.
How nice it is if it brings positive things to their life. Like encouraging them to cook new dishes, enhance their recipe with tips & tricks from each other, having something to look forward to, & having reason to do a lot more socialization.
It might start as a club for older single men, which includes Clint, yes Elliot would encourage him to join -- even the older folks if they want to.
But who knows Kent might be interested to join to, to distracts him from the thoughts as this club seems like a good therapy for those who are a bit sad.
And maybe! Other married men too, even if they are happy! xD
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fattributes · 1 year
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Lobster Rolls with Pickles and Tarragon Butter
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marksandrec · 1 year
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Marks and Rec: Misc #2518
No fish! (Dialogue from tumblr.)
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pickles4nickles · 8 months
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5oz-mud · 11 months
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misc metalocalypse doodle dump
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antirepurp · 9 months
actually i feel like frontiers has The Horrors in it in a way no other sonic game really has before it. maybe sa2 and shth come close to it but the vibe in both is very drastically different.
im talking about an ancient civilization that got wiped out by a force so powerful it's difficult to grasp. we get to witness the little that remains and assume that must be it, that all there is anymore are stones piled into towers and architecture ravaged by nature, before discovering it's all still here. and alive. and growing and leaking out of its containment to show everyone The Horrors they lived through. and it's not presented through different POVs like in sa1, and they don't hold back on any of it. four children get to witness the destruction of the people who came here before them right in front of their eyes, with the souls they spend time bonding with and treating like their equals.
and im talking about the destruction of the body and the way everyone but sonic is ripped out of their physical existences and into cyberspace where the relentless corruption of faulty code can begin to consume them alive. they lose their abilities to interact with the world in the ways they were used to and effectively become ghosts, echoes of themselves, and the only way to bring them back requires one kid to destroy his own body in exchange. and he has to slowly experience The Horrors of burning his own self alive, because what else is he supposed to do? he's supposed to be the hero and do the right thing, and this is the only thing he knows to do. and he will throw himself against enemies rivaling the power of the gods he's fought before, and he will take as many hits as it takes, and he will face his own mortality and fragility over and over again while his own self is dying
and even more so im talking about the very concept of death that haunts the islands and that sonic has to fight in the end, because he will not accept the end of the world. because he is not the kind of hero he wants to be, the personification of morals and accepting that things are going to end one day, when it's about whether his friends get to experience another tomorrow or not. whichever ending you play he will face off against a calculating force that has decided that this world needs to be destroyed, that it's about time it did. and sonic fights back because for fucking once he doesn't want to let go. he has let go so many times before, when he first visited ARK and in a timeline that no longer exists and after defeating the very concept of darkness and negativity. and should you go for the original ending, he let go of his friends, here and now. he has been through The Horrors and he's had enough and will not let himself be consumed by them, because he will make sure there is another sunrise and another tomorrow and that his brother and childhood friend and rival can all go and live the lives they want to have, and have been dreaming of this whole time
i know it's a pegi 7 baby game with poor execution and rushed things in many places. but i love the subtle terror under the hood i am obsessed with it
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morethansalad · 6 days
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Vegan Fish Sticks
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secondbeatsongs · 11 months
my lungs are full of lake, and most of my meals today have been sandwich
this is what summer is all about
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Mmm fnc fic idea forming
Mmmm modern day au
Mmmmmm chip yeeting himself outta windows bc he embarrassed himself in front of Gil when they met
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cloaksandcapes · 10 months
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Sometimes the magic items you create inspire your artist to just draw some...things. Even when you didn't request it. :P So, thank you @butturdapple here are your pickled puckering fish of fortuity!
Jar of Pickled Fish of Fortuity
Wondrous Item, uncommon
“These pickled fish aren’t for the faint of heart. Eating ‘em separates the warriors from the wimps. Some walk away stronger for it, some…they never get the chance to walk away. -Mysterious Old Fisherman.”
This jar of pickled fish has 2d10 + 5 small pickled fish in it. If consumed, make a Constitution saving throw DC 10. On failure, you have disadvantage on Strength, Constitution and Dexterity saving throws until you finish a long rest. On success, you have advantage on Strength, Constitution and Dexterity saving throws until you finish a long rest and you gain 2d10 temporary hit points.
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fatty-food · 5 months
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Fried fish sandwich (via Instagram)
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fattributes · 3 months
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Crab Louie Salad
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milkweedman · 11 months
really understanding my very old recipe books where theres one weird ingredient thrown into everything, for no clear reason... like i get it now. my mom sent me home with a jar of lemons she pickled and im putting those guys in salads. im putting them in polenta. im putting them in rice pilaf. why ? cause i have it. and its good. if i had few spices but one specialty thing i could reliably get ahold of id go apeshit with that one thing too
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sea-lanterns · 6 months
Since I was just remind how much I fucking hate meatballs i decided to ask
Is there any foods that the empress absolutely despises?
Also merry (early) Christmas
Merry (early) Christmas/Holidays to you too! Also, the Empress’ least favorite food is whatever your least favorite food is, but if you’re looking for a definite answer…
For my Empress specifically, her least favorite food is anything that has been preserved in a jar (pickles, kimchi, ginger, etc.) Like me, she doesn’t like the sour taste, and the way food looks while soaked in liquids just does not look appetizing to her at all. The same applies to foods that aren’t sour, but are still preserved in some kind of syrup (like preserved peaches, cherries, pineapple, etc.)
In conclusion, my Empress will not eat anything out of a jar or a can. 😅
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