#pikachu i choose you choose life choose a job
purpurkatart · 3 months
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Hello! After having some time to get over my loss for the Pokemon TCG Illustration contest, I decided to write up a small blog entry about the process and include some WIP pictures. Feel free to look below if you want to read my ramblings on the process.
Idea Generarion-
So coming into this contest, I knew I wanted to make a mixed media piece. In terms of theming I chose something that not only reflected a “magical moment” for a Pokemon (in this case meeting a legendary Pokemon), but also a moment when playing the games myself. In fact this piece was inspired by my awe when I first encountered a box legendary in game, as before I thought my teacher was lying to me when he said you can catch the legendary on the box!
This is the concept sketch that started it all! At the time my main concern was getting ideas down and seeing how they looked. Thinking about things like how would the composition would look, how would the colours look. So on and so forth.
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I didn’t want to focus too much on the sketch and wanted to start making the physical object, so out of some cheap paper I started making a set up testing out size, scale, composition. I didn’t want to get too attached to the original sketches only to realise I couldn’t make it in real life… I went though a few drafts trying to get things right, slowly adding in aspects such as background objects and higher quality drawings.
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After completing the draft I bought the images back into procreate to experiment with colours. This is the point where I made the mistake of thinking I had plenty of colours to choose from, not realising I would be limited by what I could buy from various yarn shops. That or hope I could find the right colour online, but that was always a gamble. If I don’t stop talking about this now I’ll get sidetracked talking about how much I miss yarn shops…
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Anyways, I cut out the individual pieces that I would make within the background and used them as a guide for crochet assets. For this part I wanted to use different stitches to create textures such as the ripple stitch, bobble stich and some cable stitches, I feel bad as I never took any work in progress photo so of them. Let’s pretend you’re looking at a photo of a half finished crochet abstract shape.
Finally onto the main event, the Pikachu (and Suicune). The decision to make Pikachu a plush was based on what I would have liked to make for the 2022 illustration contest (if I wasn’t geographically challenged!!) Despite being British I decided it would be fun to make anyways, so I could experiment. I never got around to that but decided it would be fun to try for this edition.
Making the pattern was HARD! As I wanted Pikachu to have a unique pose, I had to work out different methods to plush i’ve made in the past which have been somewhat relaxed in their posing. I ultimately ended up making each part individually, pinning it together and then making adjustments as needed. It didn’t start out great however I ended up with this weird Pikachu shaped thing that did the job. Throughout this process I would regularly photograph it in the background to try and catch any issues early on. For example if the ground needed to be a different shape.
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Photographing the final price was interesting. I felt bad for my partner as I essentially turned my dining table into a mini photography studio! I spent several days waiting for different lighting opportunities and experimenting with different light. Marking down different camera angles to ensure I have all of my bases covered. I easily took over 100 photos to get the perfect shot! In the below photo you can see washi tape being used to rest out different positions for the sculptures.
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And that leads me to the peice! Even though i’m sad I didn’t make the top 300, I am pleased with the work I did for this piece (and my flygon entry too!). I’m glad I decided to experiment with ts peice and look forward to refining my methods in the near future!
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Hey girl are you Hyakugojyuuichi 2003? 'Cause Hey you, sit down and listen
Don't be flippant and don't be dismissin'
Think you're a Flash encyclopedia?
Eating, breathing Macromedia?
Think you're cool sayin' "All Your Base"?
Get that Xiao Xiao outta my face
You gotta be kidding me with that crap
Animutation's where it's at
Nine outta ten sociopaths agree
You gotta see Hyakugojyuuichi
From the Moch to the Rie to the Pee to the Wee
Just take it from me, MC NC
You won't believe your eyes, you'll go insane
I mean, what's up with that plastic plane?
You're an idiot if you disagree
You gotta see Hyakugojyuuichi
If you got the time, go grab a pen
And watch that thing again and again
Try to figure it out, what does it mean?
What's the significance of Mr. Bean?
Does anybody know? Are there any takers?
What's up with all the broken pacemakers?
The world is full of speculation
But nobody cracks this Animutation
Nine outta ten sociopaths agree
You gotta see Hyakugojyuuichi
You're an idiot if you disagree
Just take it from MC (Ah!) NC
You won't believe your eyes, you'll go insane (Aaah!)
I mean, what's up with that plastic plane? (Aaah!)
From the Moch to the Rie to the Pee to the Wee (Aaah!)
You gotta see Hyakugojyuuichi (Aaah!)
(1... 2... 3... Hit it!)
Wakeman is biased, like a household appliance
Hello Kitty and McGruff have an unholy alliance
Science is brutal and it cuts like a knife
Not even Obi-Wan can save the yodel of life
Your name is Bob, you're my heart-throb
I lost my job when I got fired
By a guy named Farchie, he was full of starch
He smelled like an orangutan's old apartment
Found a hobo in my room, what do I do?
He looks dead, he's full of lead
Bleeding red onto my bedspread
And he also seems to be missing his head
Why am I holding this gun and axe?
Do exploding pacemakers cause heart attacks?
Will Mr. Bean ever get his fill
Or will he just keep on telling me to kill?
Hey, don't you gimme that look!
You never had what it took
I took the beef and I beefed it up
You sat and whined while I took the cup
Of gold. You are getting old
When you see my face you better fold
Take this mop and shove it, boy
'Cause it's the only way you'll be employed
I am known as the Beef Bastard
(Everyone knows I'm the ultimate master)
I am known as the Beef Bastard
(Everyone else is a walking disaster)
I am known as the Beef Bastard
(Think you're fast? Well I know I'm faster!) (Ye-ye-ye-ye)
I am known as the Beef Bastard
(Everyone knows I'm the ultimate master) (Ye-ye-ye-ye)
Ma-ma-ma [*laughing*]
Beef Bastard!
Weeeell I'm Shmorky! Eatin' PORKY!
Whitey rap sure sounds dorky!
Got a girl... she's a DOUBLE D!
I slap her on the butt dressed as a bumble bee!
I eat paste all damn day
I was in a Shakespeare play
I sit down on a Lazy Susan
Spin around like TOMMY CRUISIN!
Bong bong bing bing
I get payed to play with my thing!
I zip out zip in zip up BEGIN!
Ambulance, Enron, Pee Wee, Pokémon
Bulbasaur, Pikachu, Jigglypuff, THEY CHOOSE YOU!
And I can't think of anymore to say
TV says doughnuts are high in fat, kazoo (キミたちとの であいはぜんぶ)
Found a hobo in my room (ちゃんと おぼえてる)
It's Princess Leia, the yodel of life (きずつけあった こともあったけど)
Give me my sweater back or I'll play the guitar! (それは(え~と)わすれた)
It's Steve's Adventure!
(Go, go, go, go)
(Go, go, go, go)
(Go, go, go, go)
(Go, go, go, go)
One-fifty-one Pokémon on the run
Suzuki-san is a formation of a bun
And a veggie burger with tsukemono
Jay-Jay has flown away with Sonny Bono
To the afterlife to visit Barney Fife
And to see Pero's screenshots of his wife
Named Chris Benoit, wearing a pretty dress
Saying "Watashi wa animutation ga suki desu."
Do the Mario! Isty-bitsy hockey
Lipsnot is not magic like a monkey
Captain Lou body-slams a rubber duckie
Just like in the match of Earth vs. Funky
Lucky Lucky nice to Mew-two
I need tea for two, how about you
Mr. Coldheart, or should I say Professor?
It looks like Lesko got revenge on my dresser
Props to Neil, he's the real deal
His friends all call him Mr. Popiel
He's the computer geek who doesn't shower for a week
His looks are hot, his clothes are CHIC!
He singlehandedly changed the face of the net
He's an online semi-celebrity you won't forget
He stormed onto the scene like a raging thunder
His seizure inducing flag says "Mr. Gahbunga."
Hey kids! Komiyona?
Omiyo mokemon halibudo
Halimatashinta, Pokinumushimi da
Watago get ready to rumble! (1... 2... 3... Hit it!)
Hana-buto-halo-gini (Ye-ye-ye-ye-ma-ma)
Ala-pone-koala-bedi (Ye-ye-ye-ye-ma-ma)
Anamu-dada, ona-dote
Puyawa-dirbu-kowa-fuji (Ye-ye-ye-ye-ma-ma)
Waruma-ina-hada-bidi! (Ye-ye-ye-ye-ma-ma)
Teyo-mata, elino-wen
Fola-coola Colin Mochrie!
TV says doughnuts are high in fat, kazoo (キミたちとの であいはぜんぶ)
Found a hobo in my room (ちゃんと おぼえてる)
It's Princess Leia, the yodel of life (きずつけあった こともあったけど)
Give me my sweater back or I'll play the guitar! (それは(え~と)わすれた)
There you have it, that's the game
One-fifty-one, we can all be the same
I'm sure that it's been appetizing
With all the subliminal advertising
This has been a celebration, Animutation fans across the nation
In formation raise their hands in dedication
To the crazy-flashing-psychopathic-happy-dancing-super-magic-
Power-mega-ultra-kitschy (Hyakugojyuuichi)
Nine outta ten sociopaths agree
You gotta see Hyakugojyuuichi
From the Moch to the Rie to the Pee to the Wee
Just take it from me, MC NC
You won't believe your eyes, you'll go insane
I mean, what's up with that plastic plane?
You're an idiot if you disagree
You gotta see Hyakugojyuuichi
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reversemoon255 · 11 months
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So, on October 19th 2021, exactly two years ago as of posting this, GinjaNinjaOWO over on the YT did a very fun video discussing swapping the concepts of Pokémon's two mascots, Pikachu and Eevee. That was also when I was really getting into the swing of character/creature designing, so I wanted to try my hand at it myself. I did the original pass in about a month, but recently looked over them and went "I can do this better," so here we are.
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Here's the first pass from 2 years ago (before I got my tablet). I kept the first few designs I worked on, adding new concepts and motifs while scrapping the final 3 designs I did. When I did them originally, I think I was feeling a bit of burnout by the end, and was just going with the first things that came to mind, rather than coming up with something really creative.
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Pichu was the first one I went back over. Originally, I just tweaked June's Pichu concept designs as I was more interested in designing its evolutions. The one thing I did keep from that first draft was the cheek placement under the eyes. All baby Pokémon reference something babies do, and having these faux-tear marks that then further evolve into other things as it itself evolves was something I liked and wanted to keep. As for the patterns, I wanted to go with something very generic, or template since it was going to evolve into 8 different rodents. I also drew it in multiple poses (something I did with every design), as movement is very important to modern Pokémon.
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Zazachu was the third design I worked on (we'll get the the second later). With aspects like the surfboard tail and life vest fluff, it very much informed aspects I would add to all the other evolutions. I also tried to keep the colors in mind. I imagined this being one of the three Gen 1 evolutions, and Gen 1's color palette was very influenced by being sprites first, so I tried to choose colors that would be distinct when grayscale.
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The second new Gen 1 design is Hirachu, a Flying-Type. One of the things I was trying to keep in mind was to not limit myself to the Types Eevee uses, and instead use ones that fit either Pikachu or the gimmicks I wanted to use. Since Pikachu was well known for learning Surf and Fly in Gen 1, I thought I'd incorporate that not only into its Types, but into its evolution method, having Pichu evolve into Pikachu, Zazachu, or Hirachu based on whether you teach it Flash, Surf, or Fly (all of which are HMs and have infinite uses). In Gen 1, I imagine it would evolve immediately after learning the move, but this would change in Gen 2 for reasons we'll discuss soon.
As for design elements, its spots and fluff are meant to invoke an aviator scarf and goggles, and I think I did a good job of illustrating how it uses its tail. I imagine the balloons are created by it secreting a sticky substance from the spots on its back to mimic how Pikachu would summon balloons when it used Fly in games like Pokémon Stadium.
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We now move onto the Gen 2 designs with Orachu (which is a Jojo reference). Most Pikachu-like, and all Eevee designs are used to demonstrate a gimmick introduced in its introductory game. Pichu is breeding, Plusle and Minun are double battles, Pachirisu is the physical-special split, Dedenne and Sylveon are Fairy-Type, Pawmi is movement-based evolutions, Espeon and Umbreon are the day-night cycle, and Glaceon and Leafeon are location evolutions.
I wanted to keep with the breeding theme Pichu used in Gen 2, as well as the evolution method I started using in Gen 1, so Orachu evolves by leveling up while knowing Counter, which Pichu could only learn through breeding in Gold and Silver.
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But then, if Pichu evolves by leveling up while knowing one of four different moves, what would happen if it knew two or more? That's where our second Gen 2 design, Nanichu, comes in. This was a design I had a lot of fun with. It's a Ghost-Type, and I thought it'd be cool to make its eyes and cheeks match and glow in the dark (similar to Umbreon) so that it looks scary if you came across it in a dark alley (or your pantry). As I evolved the design in the second pass, I added the scruff and changed up the tail to add even more to that theme.
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As we move onto Gen 4, I wanted the two designs to be based on the physical-special split. Originally I had a physical Psychic-Type and a special Steel-Type, but I wasn't happy with either of them, so I scrapped them both and started fresh. The first new Gen 4 design I made was this special Dragon-Type, Ukichu. I liked the idea of a rabbit coming out of a hat, but to tie it more into the magical elements of Dragon-Types I incorporated a lot of elements from the Jackalope and Wolpertinger. I moved the cheek spots to below the collar to mimic a bow tie, but also made the horns on its head red to keep that visual element present in the face. This one feels a little busier than all the others thanks to the fluff, but it still feels like it fits.
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And as Ukichu is special, its partner in Gen 4 had to be physical, hence the Ice-Type Sharichu. I feel like there isn't a ton to say about this one. I made it very snowman-y, and had it so it could freeze over the brown parts of its fur for attacking or defending. I think I did a good job of illustrating how it works.
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And as both Dedenne and Sylveon were Fairy-Type, it stands to reason my Gen 6 counterpart should be as well. My first take on Fuwachu was very just-Sylveon, so I really wanted to break away from that on this take. As Fairy-Types are heavily associated with both being tricksters and gemstones, I tried incorporating both those elements into this design, with the necklace motif, crystalline tail claw, and its tail resembling itself from the back to trick others.
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And the last design we'll talk about is Pikachu. Of course. This is actually my third pass on Pikachu, as I wasn't happy with my second. It stuck too much to the original and didn't incorporate some of the elements I used in the other designs. I still didn't change a lot, adding the tail cloud on the second pass so it would have the brown element and functionality all the other evolutions I made have. And on the third pass I gave it an adventuring bandana, which felt on-brand for Pikachu in any universe.
Overall, this was a fun experiment, and I can imagine how easily you could expand upon it. If Pikachu and Eevee are swapped, then is that true of the show? Since Meowth is a cat chasing a mouse, would it be swapped out to match Eevee? What Eevee evolutions would replace the Pikachu clones? How would all these things domino to affect the series? etc. I drew 43 Pokémon for this in total (not all pictured here), so it was a lot of work, and I hope you enjoyed this little design doc, or at least the pretty pictures if you didn't bother reading. And here's the crappy shiny edit, if you're curious.
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bagofpikachus · 1 year
bootleg markings: a guide
aka i find this stuff fascinating and wanted to share my findings, but if you'd like to use it as a "what to definitely NOT buy for your personal collection" guide while browsing ebay listings then by all means go for it
i tried to choose the same molds for each category to show differences
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by far the most populous of the lot; these lil figures are the textbook garbo boots. they can be anywhere from "passable" to "jesus christ what the hell is that" with no rhyme or reason. clearly made to churn out in mass-produced bags of 24. from what i can tell, you can get anything from gen 1 - 6
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the second largest amount i've found. generally they're higher quality than pretty much all the other figures in terms of the mold alone, but the painting job is (usually) still terrible. sometimes they're passable tho. also up to gen 6
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there's nothing written on it anywhere. their origins (china) are a mystery. who even knows where they came from (it's china). could be legit for all we know (no they're from china). quality control is non-existent but they're roughly the same as the PK batches
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NOW we're getting into the interesting ones. i don't come across the PW bunch much, but when i do it's pretty much the same 10 or so molds in exclusively red, orange, and brown. idk what's going on with these ones but i find it so weird that there's a factory out there just churning out trapinch, hitmonchan, slowking, and darumaka. no pikachu even
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ah yes, the ones that look like they're made out of fruit roll-ups. they're generally squishy and malformed and feel about the same as they look. haven't found a single one that doesn't look like someone made it out of candle wax
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the rarest ones, surprisingly. i've got maybe 10 in total that fall into this category and they're all different from each other. no dupes. the quality is the same as PK branded figures; usually they fall into the "alright i guess" category
R/L W 2005 (?), 2006, 2007
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last but certainly not least: the figures that ACTUALLY could fool someone
good molds with lots of detail, acceptable paint jobs, and honestly? they smell like a regular-ass pokemon figure. an unsuspecting small child could easily believe these are legit and go their whole life not knowing they got sleezed
i've only ever found them in the gen 1 - 4 varieties (with gen 4 being the most rare, i've only found mantyke, buizel, and manaphy so far) which makes sense if the timestamp is to be believed. the dawn of the dppt era....truly a bygone time of "we actually tried to make something good"
i'm curious if there's an entire set that got made during gen 3 that was used as their base but finding info on old-ass pokemon figures isn't easy (please let me know if you know anything!!)
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evansbby · 1 year
i think people are siding with stevie because theyre still recovering from having their puzzy ( and hearts ) being decamated by the POYT king. you put us thru it babe and we loved it 😭😭 smash ari and stevie in a room tgt with your recovering poyt addicts and our knees are bound to buckle babes.
BUT WG!STEVE SCARED THE LIFE OUT OF ME. like Ari atleast is like in your face- we got a good thing going kinda guy.
but Steve? Did he really not know that baby was aris side chick? Was he going to be soft with her at first but then realised shes ari's commision on a job well done playing basketball and then flipped? WG!Steve is scary now but what if he flips like poyt steve 😭😭 we're gonna get double of stevie and who can reject that?!? BUT ALSO ARI JUST SAY U LIKE US TOO PLEASE. I'LL CHOOSE U PIKACHU! JUST GIVE ME A SCRAP HERE 😭😭 and not your canon discharge! I meant scrap of affection!
I’m sorry but “Ari’s commission on a job well done playing basketball” KILLED MEEE 😭😭😭😂😂
Well, I think the recovering poyt addicts are all Steve girls at heart bc the MOMENT he was introduced in wicked games, 85% of y’all jumped ship 😭😭😭 I THOUGHT WE WERE ALL ARI GIRLIES BUT I RUINED IT BY MAKING ARI UNLIKABLE IN A FIC BAHAHAHA but idec y’all more for meeee!!!
Thank you sm bestieeee🩷🩷
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cynical-mystic · 1 year
Hiya Mystic! I hope you're doing well.
Weirder Asks: #1, 9, 27, 35, & 43 please?
Ronin I am giving you forehead kisses right now (if that is okay with you)! I am doing wonderfully; I hope you are well! Thank you for the ask. ^.^
who is/are your comfort character(s)?
I have A LOT.
From ATLA, my comfort characters are Katara and Zuko, which is why I'm zutara all the way. They both have a lot of insecurities and struggles that I vibe with, and I love their overall vibe.
From FE3H, my comfort characters are Claude and Sylvain. Claude because he's cool as fuck and I love him, and Sylvain because I identify with him an insane amount.
From Fruits Basket it's 100% Kyo. I really feel the pain of blaming yourself for horrible things that have happened in your life, and his character development is *chef's kiss*
From LOZ it's definitely BoTW Zelda. Her struggle is so damn relatable and I can't get enough of her.
I'll stop there because those are my main fandoms and I could keep going forever. 😅 Bones on FOX, Elementary, Gravity Falls, Detective Pikachu, Matilda, a million little things...
9. which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee?
It depends? At work I like hot coffee for reasons unknown, probably because I can't make cold coffee at work, but if I'm out and about it's definitely cold coffee.
27. about how many hours of sleep did you get?
Last night? *checks phone* Approximately 9 hours. I've been really tired from my job lately.
35. what’s your timezone?
43. what’s your take on spicy foods?
I am absolutely that bitch who bought the ghost pepper cheeto puffs on sight and ate the whole damn bag (not at once). I've also had the sweet carolina reaper cheetos and those are dope as hell. I will consume anything spicy at least once, and am not afraid of super spicy. LOVE spicy. I will choose spicy over sweet.
Again, thanks for the ask! I love doing these. ^.^
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whiteclericmaris · 2 years
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Greetings and welcome to thy pick a card. Now how this works is you choose one of the three options from above. If you can't choose by the plushes then choose by the pins.
Ready? Here we go.
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Pile number one. Welcome! There appears to be some hesitation pile number one as I fickle with what I am gathering through the spirits. The first card that appeared from the deck I picked up reads "Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD." Psalms 31:24. It sounds like there is an expextation you are holding on to. The Popplio plush had their ears going in a circular fashion with a bit of bubbles. Almost as if this Popplio is calling on you to help you move forward.
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For your pile number 1 we have "I entrust you to GOD and the message of His grace that is able to build you up and give you an inheritance." Acts 20:32
Behind it the bible verse John 14:27 " i am leaving you with a gift - peace of mind and heart. So don't be troubled or afraid."
We also have from a Pocket Angel deck "Ask someone for help."
If you've been stalling on asking someone for help the time is now pile number 1. I get the image of a BEING that is sorrowful and weeping as the place their hand close to their heart. If you need to tell someone something you are called to ask them about the thing. There will be consequences for refusing to take action. Go seek a therapist or rather get in touch with the community. You'll start to feel better when engaging with BEINGs.
That's all for now pile number 1. Thank you for your reading!
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Pile number 2
Woah you are shining pile number 2. There is "that special grace that special spirit" within you. Some of you are hiding but no don't let that light dissuade. It's the early season of fall and much learning to go by. Also quit it with horoscopes pile number 2. Listen to the signs around and there is so much more to life than them.
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We have "Submit to GOD and be at peace with Him; in this way prosperity will come to you." Job 22:21
"Focus on what is most impotant" From the Pocket Angel deck. The bees are coming and going looking for nectar everywhere.
You don't have to look to the outside but rather inward pile number 2. Meditate on all the messages you have received so far and take some moments of silence whether it be going out for a walk or listening to relaxing music. You've got this pile number 2. That is all pile number 2. Bye!
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Pile number 3
Welcome! We've been waiting! It's soon going to be Halloween and as the Pikachu wears the mega audino as a poncho remember the tradition of placing white apparel for Halloween as it was said that the spirits would come that day.
Speaking of spirits some have been calling out to you to listen. Some have deep regrets while you are still alive pile number 3. And don't forget that you can dress up as a saint if you have to as it is not all about costumes this Halloween.
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We have the bible verse from Matthew 21:22 "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." Behind it a quote from Thomas Brooks "Prayer crowns GOD with the honor and glory due to His name, and GOD crowns prayer with assurance and comfort. The most praying souls are the most assured souls."
You also have "Patience. The problems you are facing are temporary."
All saint's day falls a bit after Halloween. Don't get caught up with the decorum and decoration outside the fall ones. It is the season of fall in the north and soon the nights will be longer. It's gonna be a bright season of reflection.
Some of you are deep into spirituality and are BEING called to light up thyself so you can help others too. Don't hold your heart and be closed but light it up, even what ails and troubles you. Know that it is temporary and change is inevitable.
That is all pile number 3!
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Pokemon Teams for Fictional Characters pt. 2
Damian Wayne
(Also, I'm not including move sets because in my headcannon Pokemon do remember all their old moves. But humans choose to only use four)
For this AU I'm having the Wayne's own the Gotham City Gym, which specializes in Dark types. Most of the cannon events still happened. Just with a few tweaks here and there. (Dick's 20, Jason's 16, Cass is 15 Tim's 15 but younger than Cass and Damian's 13 because I love AUs where there closer in age).
Anyway here we go!
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First things first in the Pokemon Universe his alias wouldn't be Robin since they don't exist. Instead I think it would be Rookidee, since thats the closest Pokemon to a Robin.
His Partner Pokemon and ace would be a Gligar
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Name: Goliath
Gender: Male
Why: Gligar screams Goliath (his Batdragon) plus the coloring of his evolutions matches with Dami's Robin and Batman outfits
Story: He found Goliath while climbing a mountain for his training. At the time he was four and Goliath was a hatching. Damian ended up giving him some food, seeing that the hatching was hungry.
Grateful, the Gligar followed him hoping to return the favor.
When Damian's hand got broken on that same trip, Goliath was the one to help him finish his mission and get home safely.
Talia was impressed that Damian could tame a wild Pokemon without catching it, so she allowed him to keep him as his first Pokemon.
Next he would have a Meowth
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Name: Alfred
Gender: Female
Why: This one has to do with its evolution. Persian are said to only be loyal to trainers it likes and that it takes a lot to get them to like you. Their also said to be prissy and uptight. This reminded me of Damian. How it took forever for him to trust his brothers and his own snobby attitude. Thus I think it fits.
Story: After coming to live with his father Damian didn't know how to act. He saw his "brothers" and father treating their Pokemon so different than how the League did. They all trained hard. But, there was something eles: warm praise for a job well done, asking for insight on a case (they had taught their bipedal pokemon sighn language) and comfort on a bad day. His father and brothers treated their Pokemon like... people
In the League Pokemon where the lowest soldier, lower than the slaves or concubines. They trained, ate then they had to and got in their ball.
He had been a little more lenient in his training with Goliath. When asked he said that he was still a baby and he had to take things slow in this stage or he might develop too much muscle mass and be unable to fly.
He had kept him out of his ball with the excuse of developing muscle mass at a proper pace.
He liked Goliath's company. The Gligar was a good companion. But on the same level as another person?
He had expressed these thoughts to Pennyworth, the only person in the house to give him a straight answer when he needed it.
Pennyworth had explained to him that some people love to hold power over others and that Pokemon where an easy target, since they couldn't communicate their emotions as clearly as people could.
"Think of Mistress Cain. She sometimes cannot communicate with words, but we know that she's intelligent. But some people see her as less than intelligent and treat her as such because of the power it gives them."
Two weeks later Damian would come across a group of teenagers attempting to shave a Meowth. The Pokemon was little more than skin and bone and crying out on pain. So, Damian broke their fingers and shaved part of their heads for good measure.
He kept the Meowth and named her after the man who taught him about the abuse of power.
Next, a Poochyena
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Name: Titus
Gender: Male
Why: These Pokemon and their evolution are ruthless with their pray, and only obey trainers with external skill.
Story: Raven gave Damian Titus as a gift. She said that she rescued him from an underground fighting ring (where the battles are to the death). He was still to young to battle so he didn't need much rehabilitation. The other Pokemon there though...
Now we have a Type Null
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Name: Heretic
Gender: ???
Why: This Pokemon was created in lab, and artificial designed for the purpose of fighting, just like Damian. True I could have given him Mewtwo, but that cat seems to fit Kon more.
Story: Damian's mother had spent years creating Type: Null with the purpose of being able to kill any target. As a last test she wanted to see which of her creations was suppirrior. So she sent the Type Null out to (try and) kill her son.
Damian, with the rest of his team, beat the Pokemon but couldn't kill it. He had long since vowed to wash the blood from his hands. Instead he offered his hand to it and asked it to join him.
Here we have the hardest to explain... Mimikyu
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Name: Habibi (I hope I spelled that right)
Gender: Female
Why: Damian is complex, he wants to be accepted and loved just like Mimikyu but dosent know how. Both try to mimic others in order to get that love, Damian his father and Mimikyu Pikachu. So I see this as Damian's spirit Pokemon in a way.
Story: He didn't know why it was so hard to fit in. Gods know he tried. But... little things confused him. Like how eveyone could understand each other without words or singhing. He had no problems with that on a battlefield, but in day to day life; it felt like he was on a separate server.
Like how Todd knew at breakfast with just a look that Drake was in a bad mood and how to help. Or how Grayson could audomadicly tell what kind of day at school the rest of them had withen a few minutes. Hell even Drake could tell what grunts ment what from father! Which ment good job, Which ment I'm glade your okay, or frustration either at them or at a case (Cass didn't surprise him, she had to learn how to communicate without words and watch body language and micro expressions).
School was no better; sometimes it was to load or bright othertimes, when everyone was doing a test, it felt to quiet. But, to much or to little, Damian was always aware of every movement, every sound. It was like the very instincts that saved his life every night where turned against him.
He turned to his nearly forgotten childhood habits to distract himself from everything around him. That only led to more whisper shouting and what even he could tell where displeased glares with a grunt of "fucking tapping" or a snap of "stop!" He knew it was disrupting but it was all be could do to drown out the noise or silence.
On one particularly bad day at school; apparently during one of their tests one of his classmates had had enough of Damian's tapping and decided to make a scene.
There was some yelling from the kid. A few cries in agreement. Before the teacher had gotten hem to settle down. He had demanded that Damian look him in the eye and when he finally did told him to stop with the tapping or else he would be sent to the office, Gym Leaders son or not.
He was the last to finish that test where he normally finished first. The silence had been to load!!
After that clusterfuck Damian finally headed home. He had texted Grayson saying that he was meeting a friend somewhere to work on a project and to not pick him up. In truth he didn't want his brother reading what kind of day he had had. He needed some time to himself.
That was how he found himself in a nearby park. It was filled with plenty of sounds that didn't suffocate him and the fall leaves where soothing to his eyes. Damian had Titus out of his ball as company, knowing that the pup loved park walks.
They had been walking for an hour when they came across a box set off just on the edge of the trail. "Free to Good Homes" was written on the side in black sharpie.
No sound was coming from inside, so he assumed that the had all been taken. Until Titus went closer sniffing at the seemingly empty box.
"Pooch Pooch"
"Hmmm... what is is it boy?" He asked as he walked closer to his Pokemon and the Box. Damian hoped he was wrong. It was cruel to leave a baby Pokemon all alone, especially since the weather was getting colder by the day.
Inside the box was in fact a lone Pokemon. At first glance it looked like a Pikachu. But something was off. It looked more like a doll than a living creature. If it wasn't for the small chirps it let out and slight way that it was shivering from the cold Damian would have written it off as a toy. No wonder it got left behind...
Damian reached down and picked up the mystery Pokemon as gently as he could.
"Come on beloved, lets go home."
He tucked the Pokemon in his jacket to warm it up before reaching for his phone to call Grayson for a ride home.
That night Damian locked himself away, even skipped patrol, and spent a sleepless night learning everything he could about his newest Pokemon.
That was inspired by this comic
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Finaly, for his last spot Eevee!!
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Name: Omni
Gender: Female
Why: I'm going to have all the Batfam members have an Eeveelution. This branch and the Batfam are both growing consistently. We all have our favorites but we love them all the same. So I think it fits.
Story: Everyone in the family had an Eevee or one of its evolutions. Damian's Father said that Eevee was the Wayne family symbol, it was potential, the ability to become whatever you wanted.
Though it surprised Damian that the Wayne symbol wasn't a Noibat or Noivern (Batman's ace) at first he eventually understood the logic in choosing such a Pokemon to represent the family name. That only made things harder for him being the only one not having one. Did they not truly see him as family?
On the one year anniversary of Damian arriving at The Mannor, his family through a small party. Pennyworth made his favorite foods, The Mannor was decorated in tacky streamers (Graysons' idea) and they watched some of Damian's favorite fims, their Pokemon curled up with them. His father had offered to take the day off from the gym. Until Todd suggested that Damian take on the challengers.
The Gotham gym was part of his heritage. Damian had been training for the day that he could finally help weed out the weak challengers just like his siblings sometimes did (think the battles you do before challenging a gym leader in the games).
On that day, if the challengers agreed to it, their final battle wasn't with Bruce Wayne the Dark Knight but instead his son. Most accepted thinking that it would be an easy win, that they had lucked out in not having to battle one of the stongest Gym Leaders in the League and could still get the Shadow Badge.
Those poor fools.
Damian was only allowed to use Alfred, Titus and Habibi since he used Goliath and Heretic primarily as Rookidee.
Damian fought seven trainers that day in 3v3 fights. Only two of them got the badge.
With the day overwith and the night rising, so did Gothams' protecters.
The night ended with exhausted body's and adrenaline crashes. Damian was ready to slip into a mini coma from the day he had but before he could head upstairs to The Mannor...
"Not so fast baby bat." Graysons' voice called out to him. "We got one more surprise for you."
Damian raised his eyebrow at that. What else could they do? His father came back from the locker rooms where he had been desuiting, it always took him the longest because of his "old man bones" as Todd said.
"Son," his father said "its Wayne tradition to get your first Pokemon when you turn ten years old. I missed that with you." He paused, eyes briefly shifting to the floor before they snapped back on Damian's face. "Luckily there's one tradition we didn't miss. When you've lived at The Mannor for a year or the adoption papers get finalized, I give my children this..."
He pulled a Poke'ball out of his poket and handed to Damian. "Go on son, let them out."
He did
Staring at him was his own Eevee.
AN: All of Damian's Pokemon (sans maybe Omni, I'm thinking of leaving her as an Eevee) will eventually evolve. Eventually.
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attemptinghaikyuu · 4 years
Fake Dating: Sakusa
A/n: Listen! This guy!! Is literally the perfect person to be with right now, he’s gonna wear a mask and always carry extra hand sanitizer 💖😭
G/n reader
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Sakusa Kiyoomi
Sakusa and you sit next to each other in math
You’ve worked on projects together, and you always choose to do them with the other
Sakusa picked the seat next to you the first day of school cause he figured, out of everyone, you were the cleanest
Komori, Sakusa’s cousin, walked into a wall when he saw him talking to someone new without a look of disgust on his face *surprised Pikachu face*
The volleyball team was also pretty shocked when they saw him starting to hang out with someone
It’s not that Sakusa didn’t ever hang out with friends or talk to new people
He just never let people into his life before he knew their cleaning habits...
So he really liked you as a friend!!
When some dude at school started following you around he was a bit concerned
Especially when the guy started to ask you out, he wasn’t jealous or even worried you would except his date suggestions, Sakusa just didn’t like how the guy wouldn’t leave you alone when you seemed uncomfortable
He’s familiar with situations and people that make him feel that way, people who can’t respect his boundaries and do what they think is best for him
Sakusa didn’t want you to feel that way(he cares for his friends🥺)
That’s why he doesn’t immediately leave your friendship when you tell him what you did
Apparently, according to Sakusa, lying and saying you were dating someone, was a bad idea
“Did you seriously make someone up just to get him to leave you alone?” He deadpanned
Oof, now that you thought about it....
“I didn’t make anyone up, I just said I was seeing someone, and kinda ran away.”
Sakusa was just about to tell you that it wasn’t going to get the guy to actually leave you alone, when the dude pops up and asks who this mystery person is
You are sweating, like dammit, you thought it was the perfect excuse, even without a real explanation😔
You’re also panicking and shout the first thing that comes to mind (which isn’t great)
“They’re right here! You know Sakusa right???!?”
Great job, the guy is looking at Sakusa like he wants to punch him
And Sakusa is staring at you like he can’t believe he’s your friend
You focus on talking about Sakusa’s upcoming volleyball game and how excited you are to see your boyfriend win😃
Sakusa figures he should help out a little and doesn’t deny that he’s dating you
The guy has a pissed off look on his face, yet still forces a smile as he says “Y/n, I guess I’ll see you at the game then.”
This guy’s putting y’all both on edge now and Sakusa’s worried, so he does agree to pretend dating
He ends up lending you a spare jersey to wear for the game
Sakusa’s matches are always a lotta of fun, and after awhile of being immersed in the game, the reason as to why you were stressed about today slips away
You run up to him when it’s over and nearly give him a hug as congratulations, but stop yourself before you can
You’ve always tried your hardest to respect Sakusa’s boundaries, it’s part of why you get along with him
Funnily enough, Sakusa would’ve let you hug him, the guy that’s been bothering you is coming over and he can tell the space you keep with him, is making the dude suspicious
So Sakusa opens his arms
He’s glad he does when he sees the shocked delight on your face, as he gives you the first hug he’s had in about a year
The rest of the team have a heart attack as this plays out
Dude can’t even reach you as the volleyball team demands to know what is happening with Sakusa
He just tells the team that he’d like to officially introduce them to his partner
He has a smile on his face as he says it! And you are feeling some feelings😳
Who knew Sakusa was such a good actor? (Or is he?)
He explains to the team, once the dudes gone, that he’s actually just trying to help you
The team is now keeping an eye on you, making sure the guy doesn’t try anything
Your friends are also keeping an eye out to make sure your safe
No one:
Everyone who knows Y/n: PROTECT😤
Sakusa spends the most time with you during this
Going to all his games is normal after awhile, and washing the jersey he lends to you, always makes a small blush color his cheeks
If only his cheeks were visible more, you only saw it once during a practice and you thought he was just hot from working out😭
Komori knows his cousin has a crush
He can tell Sakusa’s crush, also has a crush right back
He points out Sakusa’s feelings after the next game they have
It was a win for their team and Sakusa opened his arms to let you hug him
Hugging had become a regular for both of you
Sakusa usually has you put on hand sanitizer before letting you, but they make you feel better, especially after bad days or hard tests
So he makes exceptions to giving hugs
Plus, he’d never admit it, but the hugs made him feel good too
Komori points this all out, and Sakusa does not want to listen
It takes him seeing the dude, who he thought might finally be gone, bothering you, to know that Komori is right
He likes getting hugs from you, and joking around about stupid things that you both do
He really likes you
He wants to tell you how he feels, he wants to do it in a way that catches you off guard and gets you smiling
He goes out and buys a bunch of flowers
After the next volleyball game he hugs you and pulls them out asking if you would like to be his partner
Then he notices the flowers that you’re already holding and he sees a card in the flowers with his name on it
Y’all were both trying to officially ask the other out at the same time
The team is crying, the team Sakusa went up against is crying, the crowd is crying
The dude who was bothering you is crying
It was too cute to handle😔✌️💖
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kerosene-insomniac · 3 years
To Be So Lonely
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Midoriya Izuku
Warnings: Strong language, sexually explicit smut, violence, alpha/beta/omega dynamics, cancer sub-plot, major character death {not bakudeku}
Word Count for Chapter: 2,791
Summary: Midoriya Izuku has always wanted to be a musician. Something about the lyric working with a melody to convey his feeling just made his heart race. After his father died when he was three, Izuku has always relied on his mother. She worked two jobs to care for him and always supported his dreams. But when his mother is diagnosed with breast cancer just after he graduated high school, Izuku has to shift his focus. Now he’s working two jobs and takes care of his mother with the help of his gay neighbors. 
In an attempt to learn self-defense, Izuku takes a few classes at a local gym. It’s there that he meets Toshinori Yagi, an older beta who used to be a professional heavyweight boxer. Yagi notices Izuku’s potential and encourages the small omega to eventually go pro. So, in order to make more money, Izuku eventually agrees.
Bakugou Katsuki has only ever wanted to fight. Orphaned as the young age of four, Katsuki has been fighting to live for his entire life. Fighting is all he’s ever known. After fighting underground for a couple years, Katsuki is noticed by Todoroki Enji. The older alpha takes him in at 19 and names him the official successor of his legacy (especially since all of his actual kids hate him). 
Now, Katsuki is 25-years-old and the professional heavyweight champion.In a whirlwind of events, Katsuki meets Izuku in the unlikeliest of places. He watches the small omega perform and can’t help it feel extremely protective and absolutely enamored with him. The older alpha gets to meet him and say goodbye without even learning the omega’s name. Katsuki isn’t sure that they’ll ever meet again.
 That is, until Katsuki officially meets Izuku at a professional lunch with his manager’s rival.
The one where Katsuki is a professional alpha boxer with arrogance issues and Izuku is a stubborn omega that’s way little too reckless with his well-being. With a wacky cast of characters (including three idiots, a manly best friend, a traumatized bastard with daddy-issues, and many more) absolutely hell-bent on getting them together, neither men can seem to catch a break
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———- Continue Reading ————-
{0.1} Sweet Like Honey
“There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton
“C’mon, Bakubro! Smile a little!”
Katsuki scowled even more as Kirishima dragged him towards the run-down bar. On some level, he wants to be here and have fun with his friends. On another, however, he knows that he’ll have to deal with a hangover tomorrow.
And fuck that.
The shitty bar smells vaguely of coffee and beer, as well as a mix of pheromones. It has a decent amount of people inside, but not enough to feel overwhelming.
“How did Pikachu find this shitty place?”
Kirishima gave him a look, as if he was a scolding parent. “His boyfriend actually did. It has live music and decent alcohol.”
Katsuki huffed, pulling his hood over his hair. “Who the fuck would want to court Pikachu? He’s annoyingly dumb.”
“Well, not everyone thinks that.”
Before Katsuki can argue, sweet-smelling arms wrapped around his neck.
“Blasty!! You made it!” Mina screeched, already smelling of red wine.
Katsuki growled, immediately pushing the omega off of him and towards her alpha. Kirishima caught her easily. “Don’t touch me, Raccoon Eyes! Ever hear of personal space?!”
Mina giggled, whispering loudly into Kirishima’s ear. “He’s so grumpy already.”
“I know. It’s pretty funny.”
Katsuki bristled, baring his teeth. “Fuck off, Shitty Hair!”
Kirishima chuckled, ignoring Katsuki directing them further inside. Closer to the bar was Kaminari and a purple-haired beta who obviously didn’t get enough sleep the night before.
The audacity.
Kaminari glanced their way, his face lighting up. “Bakugou! It’s nice to see that Kirishima-“
“Shut it, Dunce Face.” Katsuki grumbled lowly. “I’m just here to babysit you idiots.”
Denki shrugged, taking a shot of something that smelled suspiciously like Fireball. “Whatever you say, Bakugou. Hitoshi is already our babysitter for the night.”
The purple-haired beta blinked in Katsuki’s direction, taking a sip of his water bottle. He looked like he was silently analyzing and judging Katsuki, which immediately made the older alpha bristle.
“Calm down, Blasty.” Mina snickered, leaning against Kirishima. “You scowl too much.”
Katsuki scowled even more, watching as everyone ordered drinks.
Kirishima glanced at him, offering a sympathetic smile. “Just chill, Bakubro. Shinsou says the live music is really good!”
That’s unlikely.
“I know the performer.” Shinsou murmured, still studying Katsuki. “He’s a childhood friend.”
Katsuki ignored the insomniac troll doll and took a seat next to Kirishima. “This better be good, Shitty Hair. You know how I feel about music.”
Kirishima nodded, accepting his drink from the bartender. “Well, Jiro also speaks highly of the dude. She’s as serious about music as you are, so I’m sure he’s pretty great.”
That’s a little reassuring.
Before Katsuki could speak again, a small voice came from the stage.
And god, Katsuki’s interest immediately heightened.
A small man climbed onto a stool with a guitar in his hands. He had dazzling green eyes and a head of green curls that made him look soft. He was wearing a grey hoodie with ripped skinny jeans, making him look even cuter.
And the freckles.
Katsuki took a deep breath, immediately freezing as omegan pheromones washed over the small bar.
Chocolate and cherries.
He’s so screwed.
“Our first request of the night is called ‘Save Yourself’.” The omega murmured, his voice sweet as honey.
The small omega started strumming a dingy guitar, making it look effortless. But Katsuki knew better than to assume.
It weighs heavier on one's heart
I could tell right from the start that sweet ones are hard to come across
Well there is more than meets the eye
A heart like yours is rare to find
Someone else's gain will be my loss
“Holy shit…”
For once, Katsuki could agree with Pikachu.
Shinsou chuckled lowly, earning glances from everyone else. “I’m glad that you think he’s good. I’ve tried telling him that, but he never wants to hear it.”
“He’s adorable!” Mina squealed, almost a little too loudly.
Katsuki gave her glare, which didn’t go unnoticed by Kirishima. In fact, the red-haired alpha grinned and followed Katsuki’s gaze.
Woah, woah, oh oh
Oh woah, woah
Woah woah oh
Hey hey
Well little things that make you smile
Dancing barefoot in the dark
If only I had strength to change your mind
Oh for what you need
You will not see
Choose your words before you speak
Can you see that all you've got is time?
Katsuki couldn’t fucking breathe.
The small omega sounded soft and sure, obviously confident and lost in the song. A stray curl rested on his forehead, moving as he strummed the guitar.
Whatever it was about him, Katsuki couldn’t look away.
Woah now
Save yourself
Oh you save yourself
Oh darling save yourself for someone else
Yeah, save yourself
Oh darling save yourself
Oh won't you save yourself from someone else
Don't give in to their feelings
Don't give in darkness and faith
You should be safe, yeah, with someone else
Tell your secrets to the night
You do yours and I do mine
So we won't have to keep them all inside
Oh, for one so pure
Count these off
Let your feelings take control
Hold on to the world that he's begging for
“What’s his name?”
Shinsou looked at Kirishima, almost as if he was bored. “He’s not comfortable with me telling people. He’s a very private person.”
Mina pouted, whining slightly. “But he’s so good! Wouldn’t he want people to know his name?”
“He’s going through a lot right now.”
Katsuki glanced at Shinsou, immediately meeting the beta’s gaze. “For once, I agree with Raccoon Eyes. Private or not, he’s obviously good enough to go somewhere with a voice like that.”
The beta raised an eyebrow. “I wasn’t aware that you complimented people, Bakugou. Not everyone is a cocky boxer with arrogance issues.”
Ex-fucking-cuse me?
“At least I know how to fight, you knock-off troll doll!”
Shinsou blinked, obviously unaffected by Katsuki’s words. “Just because you’re a professional boxer doesn’t mean shit, Bakugou. If I remember correctly, you were underground once.”
Katsuki glared, scowling harshly. “Underground?”
“He’s an underground boxer, Bakubro,” Kirishima murmured, looking amused with the whole interaction. “He’s pretty good.”
Katsuki focused on the musician again, obviously pouting.
Woah now
Save yourself
Oh won't you save yourself
Go on and save yourself for someone else
Yes darling save yourself
Oh won't you save yourself
Go on and save yourself for someone else
Woah are you going to break?
Are you going to break?
Woah aren't you going to take me?
Yeah are you going to break?
Are you going to break?
Are you going to break?
Woah what's it going to take?
Yeah, are you going to break?
Are you going to break?
Are you going to break?
Are you going to break?
The small omega strummed the last few notes, his voice cracking slightly as the last lyrics finished. He shyly smiled at the crowd, using his bandaged hand to brush his curls out of his face.
Katsuki watched with narrowed eyes as the small omega talked with the crowd, obviously trying to take more requests. Something about him was off and it made the alpha slightly suspicious.
Why does he look like that?
“-and thank you for coming out! Goodnight!”
Izuku waved at the crowd as he exited the stage, his heart in his throat at the small amount of applause. His guitar felt heavy in his small hands, matching his equally heavy shoulders.
Music doesn’t have the same relief it used to.
The small omega chewed on his bottom lip anxiously as he placed his ratty guitar in it’s case. Izuku had saved up two summers worth of money to buy it, so he definitely felt more attached to it than most.
“Here’s your tips, Midoriya.”
Izuku snapped out of his daze as the female omega handed him the money, his pretty green eyes looking a bit grey. “Thanks, Jiro. I really appreciate this.”
Jiro smiled warmly, her dark eyes completely gentle as she watched him place the cash in his case. “It’s no problem, Midoriya. Tell your mom and the dads that I said hi!”
“I will!”
Izuku waved goodbye and made his way towards the exit. Hitoshi normally waited backstage to take him home, but he’s currently on a date with someone. It wasn’t like Izuku was afraid, but walking alone at night did give him some anxiety.
After all, Izuku is an omega.
In their current society, it was extremely easy for omegas to be victimized. They were completely at the mercy of outside forces, which caused a lot of weaknesses. Dominant pheromones from an alpha could completely shut them down and make them vulnerable to orders.
Alphas didn’t lack in strength like many omegas did, so they could easily overpower anyone slightly weaker than them.
While alphas experienced ruts or periods of extreme arousal, that was nothing on omegas. Omegas experience heats every month, which was a mess of fevers and the need to be knotted.
Ruts could easily be controlled and ignored.
Heats were the opposite.
If an omega was to go into heat while in public, that left them at the mercy of any alpha nearby. An alpha could take what they want, regardless of consent, and not be held liable.
So, yes.
Walking alone made Izuku slightly nervous.
As Izuku walked down the dimly-lit street, he was aware of the different smells. He could smell cigarettes and cheap perfume, all containing a mix of omega pheromones. It was slightly fruity and stale, making his stomach churn.
Don’t focus on -
“Well, well, well. What do we have here?”
Fucking fuck.
Izuku’s blood ran cold as someone yanked him backward, grabbing at the soft skin of his cheeks. “I’m just walking home. I-I have people waiting on me, so-“
Bright blue eyes locked with his.
“I almost don’t recognize you without the mask, bunny.”
Izuku’s soft green eyes immediately hardened as he shoved the drunk alpha off of him. “Don’t touch me, Dabi. We both know that I can kick your ass in or out of the ring.”
Dabi growled, grabbing Izuku by the hoodie again. “It’s a shame you got such a smart mouth, bunny. I might’ve considered marking you.”
So fucking gross…
“Get fucked, Dabi.” Izuku snapped, pushing him back again.
The blue-eyed alpha huffed, causing the intense smell of alcohol to waft over the omega. “Why are you being such a frigid bitch, bunny? Sounds like someone needs a nice kn-“
Izuku pulled his arm back and punched the alpha square in the jaw.
Dabi released him and shot back, muffling a bunch of curses as he rubbed his jaw. Judging from his pheromones, he was obviously pissed off.
But then again, so was Izuku.
“You little bitch.” Dabi growled, standing at his full height.
Izuku scoffed, widening his stance and shifting into an all too familiar position. In the street light, the bandages on the omega’s fingers were much more visible than before.
The small omega clenched his jaw. “I’d stop it with the insults, Dabi. I’d hate to kick your ass again.”
Dabi lunged, but Izuku quickly ducked.
In a quick move, the small omega landed a harsh kick to the alpha’s stomach. It was a cheap move, but Izuku didn’t care.
He’s always hated pigs, anyway.
Before the small omega could move, though, Dabi growled and grabbed him by the hair. He yanked Izuku upright and shoved him towards the wall of the alley.
Dabi chuckled lowly, placing his knee between Izuku’s legs and wrapping his hands around his throat. “You look pretty with my hands around your throat. Maybe I should-“
“What the fuck are you doing?”
The scarred alpha froze, his blue eyes flickering to the entrance. After a few seconds, Dabi immediately scowled. “Mind your business, golden boy.”
Golden boy?
Izuku struggled under Dabi’s grip, feeling slightly light-headed as the seconds continued to pass. “Le-let me-“
“Fuck off, staple-face.”
And just like that, the pressure on Izuku’s throat was gone.
Izuku coughed and gasped as his world adjusted, his green eyes landing on the mess of fighting alpha’s in front of him. The smell of cigarette ash was now accompanied by caramel and cinnamon, which shouldn’t have made his heart race.
Izuku inwardly scoffed, rubbing his throat as he slowly made his way towards the exit. The sooner he got home, the better.
He really doesn’t want to be yelled at by Aizawa.
“I’m sure your dad would hate to watch me kick your ass, stitches. He probably wants to do it himself!”
Izuku snickered softly, glancing back to look at the fighting match.
Dabi was completely unconscious on the ground, nearly overshadowed by the mysterious alpha. This same alpha was dressed in a black hoodie and baseball cap, which hid his face pretty well.
The small omega made a mental note to remember this when he fights Dabi next week. These nicknames were top-notch.
The alpha fixed his jacket, spinning to face Izuku.
Shit. Shit. Abort.
Izuku squeaked and turned to bolt. At this point, plenty of people were exiting the club. Plenty of people would probably help him if he screamed.
“Not so fast, freckles.”
The small omega was pulled back yet again.
Izuku spun around, his green eyes sharp as he bared his teeth in an obvious snarl. “Don’t touch me! I’m not sucking your dick just because you felt the need to play hero.”
Red eyes locked with his.
And for a second, that split second, Izuku felt like the world stood still. Instead of some ugly alpha with questionable intentions, this alpha simply looked annoyed and frustrated.
Not the usual type to defend Izuku in an alleyway.
“What the fuck are you doing out so late by yourself?”
Izuku blinked, pulling himself out of his daze as sweet caramel greeted his nose. “Does it matter?”
The alpha’s eyes twitched. “I think it does. Any omega with a bit of common sense would know not to be by themselves at this time of night.”
“I’m not most omegas.”
Izuku’s words caused the tiniest smirk to dawn on the alpha’s face.
This mysterious alpha was much taller than Izuku and definitely stronger. The hood of his jacket covered ash-blond hair, but no amount of darkness could hide those eyes. And even more so, it was obvious that he had a resting bitch face.
“Hah?! A resting what?”
Ah, fuck.
Izuku blushed bright red, chewing on his bottom lip in an attempt to keep his mouth shut. “I-ignore that. I tend to mumble a lot.”
The alpha narrowed his eyes. “I can see that, freckles. But what the fuck were you doing out here by yourself?”
I’m not helpless…
“I can handle myself. I don’t need your help.”
The alpha scoffed loudly, his scowl becoming more prominent on his face. “Don’t be fucking reckless. If I wasn’t here, Stitches would’ve done worse than choke you.”
Izuku rolled his eyes. “I had it handled.”
“Stop lying to yourself, freckles.”
The small omega clenched his jaw and pulled himself free of the alpha’s grip. His skin felt hot with fury and annoyance, especially since this alpha seemed so arrogant.
Izuku walked out of the alley, adjusting the strap of his guitar case and glancing around. The sidewalk was still full of people, so he was probably safe to finish walking home.
Before he could do so, however, a warm hand grasped his arm.
“Hold on, freckles. Let me walk you home.”
Izuku froze, glaring suspiciously at the alpha next to him. “I’m not helpless, you know. I don’t need a big, strong alpha to walk me home.”
Thank god for sarcasm.
The alpha shrugged, releasing Izuku’s arm and waited to follow him. “I’d feel much better knowing that you got home okay. I don’t want to see your fucking face on the news, freckles.”
Freckles? That’s the best you got?
The small omega looked away from the alpha and started walking home, his heart fluttering in his chest as the smell of caramel enveloped him. Izuku’s never been good with attractive people, though.
Especially alphas with red eyes, which is his favorite color.
“What’s your name, nerd?”
Izuku blinkled, adjusting his hoodie. “I have enough survival instincts not to tell you. Stick to the shitty nicknames.”
The alpha huffed. “They’re not shitty!”
“I’m not convinced.”
Blondie {which Izuku decided to call him} growled in obvious annoyance, easily keeping up with the short omega. “Don’t you want to know my name? I’m sure you’re curious, shitty nerd.”
Izuku shrugged, glancing both ways before crossing a dimly-lit street. “Not really. It’s not like I’ll ever see you again.”
“How can you be so sure of that?”
“Because it’s obvious that you’ve never been here before.”
Blondie gave him a sideways glance, his red eyes glinting in the street light. “I’m that obvious? What gave it away, freckles?”
Izuku chewed on his bottom lip, slowing down as his apartment complex came into view. “If you were, then you would’ve known that I can handle Dabi. This won’t be the last time he tries to kick my ass.”
“So he does that often?”
Izuku stopped in front of his complex, turning to glance at the red-eyed alpha. “More than you’d think.”
The alpha nodded, looking up at the apartment complex. “Well, I’m glad that you let me walk you home. Should I follow you inside?”
“I’m not too comfortable with that, Blondie.’
Blondie froze, shooting Izuku a scowl. “Don’t call me that, shitty nerd.”
Izuku snickered, punching a code into the door and opening it. “Thanks for the entertainment, Blondie. I’m sure that you’ll get better with the nicknames.”
He went inside, leaving alpha outside.
Thank god that’s over.
I’ve caved and decided to cross-post here! I’m loving the community on here and definitely enjoy the responses I’ve received!
All the love love love,
Ash <3
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prof-peach · 4 years
Ya'know. I've always had a lingering thought... How do people actually manager to abuse the more powerful species of Pokémon? I can see how you would abuse a smaller Pokémon like a Rattata or a Buneary, but how would anyone even SURVIVE abusing something like a Magmar or an Alakazam? Pokémon that can, given the right kind of motivation, literally UNMAKE you. Or at the very least cause grievous or potentially lethal harm.
Abuse is a tricky one, sometimes those affected by it don’t even realise it’s happening. It can be physical of course but that usually does indeed spark a reaction. Legally speaking if you’re found out to be abusive towards your partners the police will remove them from your custody and you’ll be banned from carrying Pokemon. This can span for many years or be corrected with training.
There are many cases of people being crushed, roasted or otherwise severely hurt if not killed, because they pushed too hard. As a whole we find the bigger species get more emotional neglect, people aren’t usually stupid enough to try to smack about a full sized nidoking for example. The methods vary, but we find trainers can be very harsh, never giving out praise, alwasy berating their partners verbally, not feeding them enough because they believe they’re too big is an issue. People think if you feed a young Pokemon less they’ll stay small, that’s stupid and ridiculous. Feeding them a vegan diet instead of their actual correct food has also now been introduced to the abuse section of the law, a new and quite frankly idiotic fad.
For the big species, even they can be timid, so you get larger Pokemon being beaten and mistreated. Just because they are powerful, and large, does not mean they want to harm anyone, and it’s purely down to personality types on wether or not they’ll retaliate. Those who do prey on their own Pokemon in such a way are known to choose individuals that are naturally timid in their personality type. The humans who do this pick their battles, they don’t confront secure and strong willed Pokemon, they target the timid, the ones they can manipulate, and just wear them down. Often they will seem lovely at the start, act kindly, but they slip. First it’s emotional. Manipulation, guilt, pity, they prey on the gentle nature of their chosen Pokemon. This can last for sadly quite a while. Last this some trainers will slip into physical abuse. Doesn’t have to be deathly harmful to them. We got called recently to a rock trainer who would use a high pressured hose constantly on his team, they hated it, it was damaging their health and made them feel small and helpless, despite a couple of the Pokemon being very large. It had a very adverse effect on some of them, causing a water phobia entirely, one cubone is still with us from that trainer (he had his Pokemon taken away from him in the end), she can now be beside a body of water and not get too nervous if it’s calm weather. Still jittery in the rain but we’re working on it!
It’s predatorial targeting of Pokemon with gentle natures that leads to this. Trainers know what type they can manipulate, hurt and otherwise cause a lot of damage to both physically and mentally. Areas rely on anonymous tips about potential problems, local police, professors, rangers and even nurses are called in when staff numbers are low, to carry out a check on the suspected individuals. They usually pose as a travelling trainer of some kind and try to disguise themselves, asking the trainer under investigation for a battle, to see how they behave. Some camp out, some send in surveillance Pokemon. We have to do the best we can for the Pokemon, so we use whatever tricks our morals allow. Some disagree with the sneaking around, some don’t. I personally will do whatever it takes to get Pokemon away from abusive trainers, and so I end up being called in for very wary trainers who are usually far more cunning and secretive about their abusive ways. Opposingly professor Elm of johto is known for doing regulation health and safety work, he goes into businesses to make sure they’re treating Pokemon with respect, and that they’re providing adequate care and opportunity to their poke-employees. Everyone’s got their areas of expertise, to help collectively save Pokemon from bad situations and get them back to living as good a life as possible.
Those who do cross a Pokemon, and misjudge their personality and nature, will end up hurt. Even the little ones can kill. You want to get a heart-failing electrical shock? Mess with an Elektrike, cross that pikachu, go on, dare you. It’ll be the worst decision you ever make haha. I’m not a psych-expert, but there’s definetly a pattern of profiling, and predatory behaviour in the humans who do this, they choose gentle targets, usually from a younger age, and raise them to fear, to be nervous, to rely on them entierly, and thus, creating a terribly imbalanced hierarchy, with no respect or love for the team of Pokemon. There’s jail time for this if it’s severe, and fines on top for the collective cost of the Pokemon’s care and rehabilitation. You do not get off lightly if caught, and there are always ways to catch them, if you know what to look for, and how to go about it. This is not a job I ever suggest youngsters or pedestrians do, confronting trainers who do this can be dangerous, they could become very hostile, we fear the big Pokemon of course, but forget to fear the humans. If they have a weapon, or use something like one, even a rock, you could get hurt, your Pokemon could get hurt, don’t risk it, your life isn’t worth putting in danger trying to catch these people. Get help, call the police, try to provide as much detail as possible, and let them do their job, they’re very well trained to handle both Pokemon and human confrontation.
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jungshookz · 4 years
ok anyway build-a-bear employee!jin who meets y/n bc she comes in to make a new friend after a breakup and he teases her for being an adult by herself in the store and after she starts tEARING UP he’s like okok no!!!! and helps her make the cutest lil guy and records a cute message to put inside
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➺ pairing; kim seokjin x reader
➺ genre; employee!jin, i brought you to build-a-bear so obviously this is going to be very floofy (sfw!!) 
➺ wordcount: 4k
➺ what to expect; “…turning twenty-two soon and you’re buying yourself a teddy bear?”
➺ note; when i told u guys that jin always gets the cutest drabble requests i wasn’t LYING!!! i have my own bear from build-a-bear named blu (he’s dark blue with white stars!! at the age of eight i was not very good at coming up with creative names) so obviously i had to write something for him and his homies
                                         »»————- 🧸————-««
jin has a love-hate relationship with his job
you would think that working at build-a-bear would be pretty fun - and it can be, sometimes! - but jin can confirm right here right now that it’s not aLL that great
on one hand, he loves the dramatics of build-a-bear because he’s given the chance to act like the whole store is whimsical and that the tiny little heart that he stuffs inside of the bear is full of magic and hope and happiness (he majored in acting in university so his degree is surprisingly very useful here)
but on the other hand… he works at build-a-bear.
this isn’t where he thought he’d be!!! not at all!!! 
he’s basically almost thirty and he works at a frickin build-a-bear
this wasn’t part of his plan!!!
his plan was to graduate from university, get famous from acting in a small commercial because of his devilishly handsome face, and then immediately get signed onto some fancy hollywood acting deal and become internationally known
but, no!
he graduated from university, didn’t get any roles in any small commercials, and had to find a way to make money so had no choice but to find work at his local mall
and to make things worse, his boss is literally five years younger than him
he has this bratty little twenty-two year old constantly up his ass and he haTES it
“you forgot the whipped cream on my frappuccino.” jungkook looks up at jin from where he’s sitting behind the counter before raising his drink, “am i blind or are you just bad at listening to instructions? where is the whipped cream, seokjin? WHERE?”
jin clenches his jaw before leaning forward, “they were busy, i guess they just forgot. and i’m not your slave. i only got you that drink so you’d give me a day off tomorrow.”
“well, since there’s no whipped cream on it, you don’t get a day off.” jungkook kisses his teeth before shrugging
“wha-“ jin resists the urge to reach down and wrap his hands around jungkook’s neck, “are you kidding me right now?? i spent forty-five minutes out of my fifty minute lunch break lining up at starbucks to get that for you! forty-five minutes!!!”
“i don’t know what to tell you,” jungkook hums as he kicks his legs up onto the counter and leans back against his chair, “now get back to work. and remember to smile! after all, build-a-bear is where best friends are made-“
“the new slogan is ‘the most fun you’ll ever make’.” jin raises a brow, “you don’t even know our slogan! how did you become the manager?”
jungkook takes a slow sip of his drink while maintaining direct eye contact with jin
jesus christ
his life sucks
jin rolls his eyes before turning on his heel and heading back to the main area of the shop
today’s saturday, so the store is a little busier than it usually is - which is great, because jin works off commission and he thinks he’s pretty good at selling teddy bears
on his best day he managed to sell thirty-eight bears in one day
he also convinced most of the kids that their brand new furry friends needed new clothes and a personalised recorded message in place of the usual little red cloth heart
he doesn’t like looking at the parents whenever he’s egging their kids on to buy even more things because they always look at him like they’re going to kill him
he could’ve ordered like forty frappuccino’s from the money he made on that day
before he left for lunch today he sold eight which really isn’t that impressive
but, to be fair, the mall usually gets busy after lunch, so now is the prime time to make some sales
jin lets out a breath as he scans the store for any newcomers or anyone who’s noT already being bombarded by his co-workers
he can’t help but snicker to himself when he notices yoongi at the stuffing station conducting a heart ceremony
“-and now you can go ahead and give your heart a little kiss-“
he looks up for a split second and jin takes the chance to blows a sweet little kiss at him
he snorts to himself when yoongi’s eye twitches
yoongi hates giving heart ceremonies but he’s actually pretty good at it!
he’s good with children whether he wants to admit it or not
alright, enough making fun of yoongi >:-)
time to hunt down a new customer…
jin sucks his bottom lip into his mouth as he walks around the store slowly
ooh, a little boy and his family just walked i- aaand they’ve been swept up by jimin
okay, no problem!
how about those twin gir- nope, too late, taehyung’s approaching them
that would’ve been a good sale, too
it’s fine
he’ll get someone!
oh, wow
build-a-bear has really upped their game since the last time you were here
to be fair, the last time you were here was like more than ten years ago, so you’d hope that they make some changes to the store
…are those star wars themed teddy bears??
that is most definitely a princess leia teddy bear
and she even gets her own little light sabre!
this is a whole new world
“excuse me, sorry…” you manoeuvre your way through the crowd as you continue looking through your options
is it weird that you’re in here by yourself?
the thought of trailing behind a random child in order to blend in with everyone else crosses your mind for a split second
although… a grown woman creeping behind a child they don’t know probably isn’t going to sound good to the judge when you’re standing in court, so maybe you shouldn’t do that
you know what
it’s fine
it’s totally fine that you’re in here by yourself!
stuffed plushies are for people of all ages!!
it’s not just a kiddie thing
you’re FINE
and you have a perfectly legitimate reason to be in here
the only reason why you’re even in here is because…
well, the short and sweet version is that you got dumped two weeks ago.
which means that you’ve been cooped up in your apartment for the last fourteen days
which means your bedroom was starting to smell a little ripe so you thought it’d be good to air out the place and give your poor bed a break  
(also, please, for the love of god, remember to wash your sheets when you get back home later today.)
you thought that a trip to the mall for some retail therapy would make you feel better!
so far you’ve only been the food court but you helped yourself to a cheeseburger, some onion rings, and a vanilla milkshake
food always makes you feel better
you could honestly go for another round of onion rings right now
there’s nothing quite like the pain of having your heart broken nudge you towards the direction of binge-eating the pain away, is there?
you were about to head into a victoria’s secret to splurge on pretty panties (that no one but yourself will be seeing for a long time) but this build-a-bear caught your eye
a cuddle buddy you could ugly-cry into for the simple price of $35?
obviOUSLY you had to come in
the only issue now is that there are way too many options to choose from
who do you want to take home??
pawlette the bunny?
toothless from how to train your dragon?
you could even take pikachu home if you wanted to
“timeless teddy…” you mutter to yourself as you dig out a teddy bear skin (also, it’s very unsettling that they’re called ‘skins’. like, you know that’s what they technically are, but the phrase ‘i’ve picked out my skin!’ just makes your skin crawl.)
you lean forward a little to read the label on the wall
teddy bears are a timeless way to share love with every hug! timeless teddy is a classic teddy bear with shaggy brown fur and an adorable smile. personalize this classic teddy bear with outfits, sounds and accessories for a huggable gift they'll cherish forever!
a classic teddy bear sounds perfect
there’s nothing wrong with going back to basics
also, you’re assuming the ‘they’ll’ they’re referring to here is a child
you are doing this
you will buy this teddy bear!
your other option was to go and adopt a cat from the shelter but you can barely take care of yourself right now so that wouldn’t be a good idea
“hello!” you jump three feet into the air when you’re suddenly being greeted by one of the bright-eyed workers, “can i help you find anything?”
you turn around quickly while clutching your teddy’s skin (gag) to your chest with wide eyes, “h-hello!”
hello indeed
you feel your heart drop a little when you realise that you probably look disgusting right now
you weren’t expecting to bump into a veRY attractive super handsome boy today!!!
very attractive super handsome boy with sweet brown eyes and soft-looking hair and the poutiest lips you think you’ve ever seen in your entire life-
thank god you decided to wear the sweatshirt that doesn’t have any stains on it, right?
the one thing you remember from your previous build a bear experience (once again, 10+ years ago) is that the workers here are usually overly perky sixteen year old girls
this guy is not an overly perky sixteen year old girl
maybe he’s the perky part
but everything else??
he smiles brightly at you before tilting his head, “hello. i’m jin!” he points at his name tag, “i’d love to help you out today. were you looking for anything in particular?”
“hi! hello, jin. i’m, um, i’m y/n. i was, uh-“ you clear your throat, “i was actually just browsing, so…”
“oh, perfect!” jin claps his hands together, “let me tell you all about our collections. there’s the summer fun collection, the rainbow friends, the promise pets, the heartables, the classic build-a-bear collection-“
yeah okay
he’s definitely nailed the perky part of the job
“-DC comics, dr. suess, marvel, my little pony, how to train your drag-“
“you know, i-“ you smile sheepishly after interrupting jin, “thank you so much, but i’ve actually already made my decision, if that’s alright.” you hold your teddy’s limp, hollow carcass up before pressing your lips together
“of course that’s alright!” jin takes the skin from you before shrugging lightly, “i figured i’d just let you know of all the other options in case your younger sibling wanted something more extravagant than just our timeless teddy. follow me to the sound station!”
you don’t get a chance to say anything before jin spins around swiftly to head to the back of the store
he thinks this bear is for your younger sibling
okay, you can work with that!
you can pretend like you’re in here for your non-existent younger sibling and certainly not for yourself
“you can choose a pre-made sound from here,” jin gestures to the bins of plastic hearts (there’s a sound option for an ‘into the unknown’ snippet from frozen 2 which is insane), “or we can go ahead and record a personalised message. what’s your sibling’s name?”
you look up at him immediately
“wha- um, why… why do you need to know my sibling’s name?”
“oh! i was just asking so i could give you an example.” jin hums as he tosses the skin over his shoulder and places his hands on his hips, “like, you could say, hey there… sibling’s name, it’s me, your big sister! i love you! or something like that.”
“ah, right!” you nod to yourself, “that makes sense! my sibling’s name is totally normal information that i have no problem giving to you.”
jin raises a brow when he notices you continuing to ramble about how your sibling’s name is something that you will be telling him soon because you definitely know the name of your younger sibling whomst’ve this bear is for
you’re cute but you’re a little odd
“-my younger sibling’s name is… paulette!” you catch a glimpse of a pink pawlette bunny being stuffed before looking back over at jin, “yep. that’s her name. sweet, sweet paulette. sweet little angel.”
“hey, our iconic bunny is named pawlette!” jin beams, “wouldn’t you want to get paulette her own pawlette? instead of a bear?”
the smile immediately drops from your face
oh god
you’ve never been very good at lying
one time in middle school when you wanted to get out of PE you told the teacher that you were in pain and that’s why you couldn’t do anything on that day
and when he asked you what hurt, all you said was ‘…bleeding out of my butt?’
you don’t even know why you said that!!
you could’ve told him you had a headache or something but nO
you told your teacher your asshole was BLEEDING and that’s why you couldn’t participate in baseball
so yeah
lying has never been your forte
but you don’t want pawlette!!
you want this bear!!!
although, it would make sense to get paulette her own pawlette because that’d be an adorable coincidence…
what are you-
what are you even sAYING
“okay, you got me!” you raise your hands in defence and jin’s eyes widen in surprise, “paulette isn’t a real person. i don’t have a younger sibling. i’m in here for me. the bear is for me. the timeless teddy is mine.”
“oh…!” jin purses his lips before nodding slowly, “alright! totally get it. the bear is for you.”
why has everyone he’s ever been attracted to turned out to be a little cuckoo?
the expected demographic of build-a-bear are children aged 3-10 (a child aged below three isn’t interested in stuffed teddies because they don’t really do anything but sit there and a child aged over ten isn’t interested in stuffed teddies because… they don’t really do anything but sit there.)
and you… well, unless you’ve experienced some kind of insane growth spurt, you certainly don’t look like someone aged 3-10 years old
“phew! it feels good getting that off my chest.” you breathe out as you lean over and place your hands on your knees, “there was a lot of pressure there to keep lying to you but-“
“how, um, how old are you, by the way?”
jin doesn’t mean to sound like a judgy bitch
he’s just genuinely curious as to why a 21-23 year old would willingly go into a physical build-a-bear store to buy themselves a stuffed plushie
you could’ve purchased one off the online website
also, aren’t there better things to spend your money on?
like… literally anything besides a stuffed plushie??
“turning twenty-two soon!” you get back up onto your feet, “why do you ask?”
“…turning twenty-two soon and you’re buying yourself a teddy bear?” jin snorts before raising a brow, “i mean, really? didn’t you graduate this year?”
“ah, well…” you reach up to scratch the back of your neck as you feel the tips of your ears beginning to heat up, “i mean, yeah, but like…”
“i’m not judging! some people go on grad trips to party and get wasted after they graduate, and other people go to the mall to build themselves a $35 teddy bear-“ jin laughs to himself before turning around to plop the skin down on little counter attached to the stuffing machine, “anyways, were you thinking about choosing a sound or recording something?”
he spins back around and his eyes widen when he notices that your eyes have gotten red and are starting to water
uh oh
what’s going on?
what’s happening??
are you…
are you crying??
why are you crying??
he was totally kidding!!!
that wasn’t supposed to be mean!!
that was supposed to be playful banter!!!
“oh- oh, god no- wait-“ jin immediately walks over so that he’s standing in front of you and jungkook won’T be able to see that he just upset a customer, “don’t cry!! i was kidding!! i have, like, ten plushies on my bed! i’m twenty-seven and i work at a build-a-bear, if anything, i should be the one crying-”
“i just-“ you reach up to wipe at your eyes as you begin to blubber, “my boyfriend of one year b-broke up with me two weeks ago and i- i just th-thought that a teddy bear would make good company because god knows i’m not in the right mental state to be taking care of a real animal-!”
jin winces when you let out a particularly loud sob and he quickly drags you over so that the two of you are behind the stuffing machine and out of sighT from everyone
he doesn’t even have any tissues on him!!!!
maybe he can pull some fluff out from the machine and you can dab at your tears with that
actually, the cotton might stick to your cheeks if you try wiping your tears away with a fistful of stuffing, so maybe not
“i-i know it’s stupid and humiliating for a grown-up to be in here buying a stupid teddy bear for herself but there’s so much in my life that’s just out of my control right now a-and making this teddy bear seemed like the only thing i could control and i just-“
“y-yes, of course!” jin pulls you into a tight hug (your sobbing is getting a little loud and people are starting to notice so this is the only way he can think to muffle your crying) and strokes the back of your head comfortingly, “i’m so sorry, i had no idea! that makes total sense, of course you can get this teddy bear for yourself…”
he continues to hold you until your sobs reduce to little hiccups and gives a warning look when yoongi mouths whether or not they should call mall security on your ass
when you pull away your eyes are a little puffy and the tip of your nose is red
if jungkook asks, maybe jin can get away with saying that your allergies acted up in the middle of the store
you don’t look like that because he made you burst into tears
not at all!!
“how about we… record a special message for your new friend?” jin digs through the tub to pull out an electronic heart
“i-“ you hiccup, “i don’t really h-have anything i want to say…”
jin purses his lips in thought
stuffing the bear with a heartbeat heart seems way too basic
this is an important bear!
“why don’t you let me take care of it, okay?” he reaches over and rubs your shoulder gently, “you wait here and i’ll take care of everything. for his stuffing, would you like a soft cuddle bear or a plump one?”
your bottom lip starts to quiver again and you let out a light laugh, “a soft cuddle bear sounds really sweet.”
“then a soft cuddle bear it is.”
“and this is for you.” jin hands you the box over the counter and you take it from him with a grin, “thank you for your purchase! and… sorry about making you cry-“
“oh, god no-“ you snort, “i’m sorry for bursting into tears and loading all of that on you-“
“it’s totally fine!” jin shakes his head, “you’re definitely not the first person to start crying in a build-a-bear, so there’s absolutely nothing to feel bad about.”
“right! right, of course.” you nod and press your lips together, “anyways, thanks for helping me out today, jin.”
“of course! it was a pleasure.” jin clears his throat
it’s pretty clear that the two of you want to continue talking to each other, but…
jin doesn’t usually practice his flirting skills when he’s at build-a-bear, so pardon him for being a little rusty
“so… see you around!” you chirp, “i’m just gonna-“
“wait, uh-“ jin wipes his hands down on the back of his pants, “i… i don’t know if maybe this is a little too soon for you or… and it’s totally fine if you don’t want to, but… maybe i can treat you to an apology corndog or something sometime? i don’t know. this mall doesn’t really offer fine dining, so a corndog is really all i can-“
“yeah, i would love that!” you nod enthusiastically, “an apology corndog with you sounds great. i mean, a regular corndog would be fine too, but- d-do you… want my number?”
this isn’t you rebounding or anything
this is the first time in two weeks where your mind hasn’t been clouded with thoughts of your ex-boyfriend
this is the first time in two weeks that you’re actually happy
jin seems genuinely sweet and you wouldn’t mind getting to know him :-))
also you’re glad that hE was the one who asked
because if you were the one who asked, it’d probably make you look that much more pathetic
and you’ve already made a fool of yourself once today!!  
you sigh happily as you slam the car door shut
you’re about to shove the key into the ignition when suddenly you remember that your bear has a personalised message inside of him
“oh, right!” you reach over to open up the cardboard house that he’s been shoVed into
you wonder what soundbyte jin picked out for you!!!
you pull him out and smile fondly at the sight of his chubby arms dangling over your hands
cute :-))
this was money well spent for sure
okay, now how do you activate the sound…
there’s a bit of squeezing and poking but you manage to find the little heart inside of him
you perk up when you hear a muffled crackle
“hi, y/n! it’s me, your furry friend… uh… jin bear! if you’re listening to this, it probably means you’re super sad… cry into my stomach to muffle the sound of your violent sobs! …oh, god, probably shouldn’t have said that- anyways, um, i hope you feel better soon! and remember to give me plenty of cuddles - i promise it’ll make you feel better!”
that was actually a pretty good message
(you hope jin texts u soon)
“okay, jin bear.” you murmur quietly as you buckle him into the passenger seat, “time to take you home.”
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
requested drabbles masterlist
356 notes · View notes
nightswithkookmin · 4 years
In my previous post, I shared my thoughts on what I think is Jikook's love language, specifically Jungkook's; and how in my estimation Jimin is the only member within BTS that speaks it, comes close to speaking it and most importantly makes the effort to speak it.
In this post, I attempt to outline what I think is Jimin's love language and show the various ways I feel JK speaks it or comes close to speaking it more so than the others in BTS.
Now I have to state for the record that I do not know or purport to know Jimin or Jungkook or any of these members herein mentioned in any way special and personal other than through the content we all consume on them.
Nor do I intend to be malicious or disrespectful towards them with this post, to intend to strip away their individuality for the sake of shipping symmetry.
Thus, I reiterate, everything I express in here is my thoughts, my observations and my opinion and I pray you treat it as such.
Let the records show, also that, I will bug spray any fake woke wannabe edgy shipper with a Tuktukker complex that takes my words out of context, misconstrue it to suit their own agenda and then turn around to call me out for it. In the name of Jesus, I will avada kedabra your ass. Seriously.
I've always been fascinated by Jimin. By the person he is. And although I do not have a comprehensive understanding of this man's inner workings, he's got to be the most complex and frankly interesting character I've come across in all my shipping years.
His duality is confusing and coupled with his Libra energy, his character and personality can be and is quite often misconstrued and misinterpreted within the shipping community.
He is friendly, cute, funny, beautiful and ship compatible with anyone.
Very often, I find, most people cannot tell his personality from his idol self slash persona or even his love language from his affectionate nature; thus resulting in these bizzare fallacies and ridiculous assumptions about him such as: he is a flirt, hoe, clingy, homewrecker, attention seeker and a plethora of slurs and sobriquet that's defamatory and slanderous at best- its ridiculous.
I get that not everyone likes him and as such wouldn't hesitate to filter his words and actions through arbitrary metrics to arrive at conclusions that profits them and does nothing but help them make sense of their hate- Y'all don't love yourselves enough.
Not to say he is my bias therefore he is perfect. That would be a blunder. He has his shortcomings, he is human after all. What I'm saying is most people don't get him and as such read him wrong?
What's more discombobulating, is the stan who swears up and down they know Jimin well enough but don't see him treating JK any different from the rest of the boys in BTS therefore Jikook isn't real- insert shook pikachu face.
Then there are those stans with genuine shipping concerns about the love dynamics between the two:
Those that feel JM gives more to JK than he receives back. That he is more supportive of JK than JK is of him. Very often, these people would bring up the issue of JK not promoting Promise when it first came out as evidence of this- it's been years let it go.
JK not being as vocal and open about his feelings and interest in JM the way Jimin is and has been about JK is also another area of concern for these stans. If you try to explain to them its because JK is/was shy they will kick- your- ass. Hell, I will kick your ass too. I'll explain later.
Some people also- I know I have at one point- have described JK's interest in and descriptions of JM as a bit shallow and vain compared to how the other members speak of Jimin.
To them, the other members usually talk about how smart and intelligent JM is, how kind and nurturing he is. How much of himself he gives to them. That the way the members talk about Jimin often helps give us a glimpse into the real Park Jimin as distinct from the persona we see on the screens.
But then there is JK: JM hyung is sexy. He has pretty eyes. 'I want you.' Then he proceeds to drool over the Jibooty, squeeze them legs shut tight while struggling to sit through a Jimin solo dance without popping boners left right left around Jimin- Bless him.
I mean, dude nearly snapped his neck trying to catch a glimpse of the Ji-abs in the middle of a performance? Damn.
To be fair, the other members don't talk like this about Jimin and sexualise Jimin as often as JK does because, they don't want to screw Jimin's brains out? Cough, cough. Hashtag save Jimin from JK. Lol
If JK is sexually attracted to Jimin, how else do you expect him to express that? Never mind that he's done some of these things subconsciously at times. You know what...
Y'all need to give this man a break!
He was a hormonal teen- he is still relatively pretty young. It's ridiculous to expect and demand such high level of maturity from a 16/17 year old experiencing a nonplatonic love for the first time in his life and more so in an unforgiving and invasive environment such as that in which he found himself.
Jk and Jimin found each other before they found themselves and it's unreasonable to think that that didn't have a toll on their relationship dynamics. They are human.
They are each growing and maturing at different paces. Their relationship has suffered through its growing pains; Certainly, one person is going to appear lacking in one or two areas in one way shape or form and at any given point in their love journey. That doesn't make them less real.
Again, their careers and the pursuit of it haven't exactly given them the space, time or normalcy to explore what they are and who they are in a functional way, in my opinion.
Everything is moving fast in their world, everything is highly exaggerated and highly scrutinized. Kpop is not exactly a healthy space to foster a healthy relationship and it would be a miracle if any of them should come out unscathed.
Neither one of them went searching for this love thingy nor were they even experienced enough to look at their relationship beyond the convenience of it and the excitement of it- The orgasms were enough reason for them, I think.
I get uncomfortable when some Jikookers, out of good intentions, claim Jikook knew what they were doing, should have known therefore could have known the consequences of them coupling up in a group like BTS before entering into their relationship- let me stop you right there!
While this assumption may seem like a compliment to them it also perpetuates the adultification of early days Jikook which I find disturbing.
They were teens not grown adults when they fell in love. We can't expect and demand such level of maturity from them at that age as cool as that would have made them.
They don't need to be cool to be real. They don't need to be mature to be real.
Jikook is real regardless of whether they were thoughtful or not thoughtful about the consequences of them choosing to date in a group setting, or a homophobic society at the onset of their relationship.
It's ridiculous to dismiss what they are now on the grounds that S.K is a homophobic society or that dating a coworker is not inconsequential.
People date their coworkers all the time and there are gay couples in S.K.
Jikook were too young to comprehend the consequences of dating because which teen worries about all of that before popping one off for the lord? On which planet, sir/ma'am??Were they thinking with their 'ducks?' I believe so. But again, that doesn't make them any less real.
From what I can tell anyway, 2018 was the year Jikook had anything resembling a serious thoughtful contemplation of the status of their relationship- Well, 2018 and this later half of 2020 as some of you might have already noticed. More on this later.
But yes, this adultification of early days Jikook is absurd and needs to stop. And what's equally disturbing is the infantilization of the adult day Jikook- you can't expect Jikook dynamics to remain the same throughout the years. That's bizzare.
Don't expect them to be their same jeonlous, Jimlous, possessive selves. They are growing. They are evolving as individuals and as a pair.
I side eye the fuck out of these fake woke shippers and 'grown ups' who filter Jikook interactions through adult lens and tag moments like Jimlous and Jeonlous as toxic and unhealthy without taking into context where they were at in their love journey or even their age. What y'all think this is? Fiction? Get the fuck outta here.
Jikook have had to learn and grow on the Job and around their job and learn to love eachother under the scrutiny of severe cameras and weird Ahjummas. Leave them the fuck alone or I swear I will petrify your ass for an entire comeback season. Lol
[Rant over]
All that being said, I get it. The way JK talks about Jimin isn't exactly special or unique from the way the other's speak about Jimin. But it isn't exactly superficial either...
And yes, it's quite unsettling that he doesn't describe Jimin in a way that gives meaningful insight into Jimin's personality as distinct from the others', given as he has exclusive access to Jimin more so than any of the members- we have a lot to unpack today, don't we?
Then on the other hand, there are those who think the exact opposite and see JK as the one who gives more to their relationship. That JK takes their relationship more seriously than Jimin does. They see Jimin as a bit wishy-washy when it comes to his commitment to their relationship- this breaks my heart.
Often, such people will cite Jimin's flirty nature, his lack of boundaries with others amongst other things, to prove their point...
Grab a seat, this discussion is going to be a long one. Smiley face.
Jimin first got on my alt-ship radar in Rookie King when he was given an opportunity to air any and all of his grievances accumulated over the years against any member or staff of BigHit but instead chose to use that opportunity to talk about JK and how JK's actions had been hurting him.
Prior to this, he was just my bias and I would casually ship him with Suga, V, RM and basically all the members- except JK. I just couldn't ship JK with anyone.
Back then, I had a vague sense of JM's personality but felt I knew enough about him to theorize on his love language and JK was the last person I thought of as capable of meeting those emotional needs of Jimin's.
Rookie King changed my mind.
Jimin wasn't just trying to squash his differences with JK, he was trying to get closer to him. To get emotionally intimate with him- this is one of the things that sparked my interest in their dynamics.
Because it wasn't as if they weren't close. They were. They had a skinship between them. Skinship, or lack of physical boundaries as I like to call it, is one of the means through which BTS achieve intimacy amongst them.
Jikook had that between them at the time, they went everywhere together, woke each other up- they were close.
Yet Jimin felt they weren't close enough. That there was a wall between them. Now, I see a lot of people misinterpret this period in the Jikook timeline as that Jimin was crushing hard on JK. He wasn't. In my opinion.
You see, Jimin was the last person to Join the band. This was bound to have an effect on his relationship dynamics with the rest of the members as he had missed out on two years worth of emotional connection and camaraderie with them.
He had had only one year to bond and get to know the others away from the cameras and in a way that could help him develop a sense of belongingness within the group.
Within this one year, he had school, voice training, and other activities that possibly got in the way of him truly building an intimate connection with the others.
He is the only member out of the seven whose intimacy journey got captured on camera. He had to foster a connection with the others with the cameras around.
But building a connection with people even in a platonic sense is quite an intimate and private process. It takes vulnerability, honesty, a willingness to submit and subject oneself to varying degrees of humiliation, a sacrifice of the self, ego and pride in a way that just strips you naked- metaphorically speaking.
And in Jimin's case, he had to go through this stage and process openly and with the cameras around- the second hand embarrassment I get from watching early days Park Jimin!
He literally had to be the clown of the group, the hufflepuff, the clingy one, the flirty one, the one with the abs, the loud and chatty one as well as all the tasteless epithets people now weaponize against him.
I believe, all he was trying to do at this stage was breach the barriers he felt existed between him and the others as the newcomer of the group so he didn't feel like an outsider.
That is his first love language- the need to belong. He has a strong desire to feel connected with people. He cares about people and connection. He's reiterated this throughout the years and even more loudly in the recent Japan interviews.
He wanted to be part of BTS both physically and emotionally. He wanted to fit in, to belong with them, to be accepted and viewed as one of the boys- BTS.
You could see this in the way he had adopted the mannerisms of the group- the skinship, the love language of the group if you will.
It is why when Suga complained about him not liking him as much, Jimin immediately drew closer to him and wrapped his hands around him, initiating skinship between them to show he liked him.
Jimin tried to speak the groups love language so he could bond with them but he also began to infuse his own love language.
If you've seen his relationship with his father you'd understand that Jimin expresses his love through giving, nurturing etc. It is how his primary care givers showed him love and so how he also shows and conveys his love.
The members have talked about how he would encourage them to talk, to open up, how he would listen to them, be there for them and give them gifts- the birthday gift exchange culture in BTS didn't exist until Jimin arrived in BTS.
What I'm trying to say is, Jimin has a distinct way of showing love that is unique from how everyone else in the group expresses their love. That, there is also an established love parlance within BTS that everyone speaks and that is skinship.
So when Jimin does skinship with any member he is not acting 'clingy' he is just speaking the love language that the group understands. But when Jimin nurtures and acts supportive and what not, he is speaking his own unique love language.
Now I have talked extensively about how Jimin expresses his in my last post so I will be focusing mainly on how he receives loves or what gestures he interprets as love.
And since there is a general consensus that VMin have an emotional connection, I will be referencing their relationship a lot for comparisons sake.
Tae is the only member Jimin got to spend the most time with around predebut without the intrusion of the cameras. This i feel allowed Tae room to strip back and be fully vulnerable with Jimin without reservation as is required of intimacy- which was not the case for Jikook hence JK shying away from interacting with JM in front of the cameras.
Jikook wasn't accorded the luxury of privacy VMin had to build their bond. Jikook had to build their bond with the camera's trailing them. How many times have we seen JK give death stares to the camera people for invading his me time with Jimin?
Not to be psychoanalytic but I feel, this is what induced the exhibitionist tendencies we see in them- or perhaps I'm wrong and this is just them being extra. Bless them.
Within the one year JM was trying to connect with JK through skinship, JK was also only coming around to understanding what skinship meant to him. They were evolving at different paces.
JK has the most walls in BTS. He wasn't just physically closed off to skinship in the early days forcing Tae to strip him naked in the bathroom, he was emotionally closed off too.
He is still pretty much emotionally closed off- he likes to put up walls. He had his own room at the dorm, does his own laundry, barely keeps in touch with the others or pick up the damn phone when they call etc.
Jk barely partakes in the group's established way of life except for perhaps the skinship. In my opinion.
It took JK a while to understand this culture of skinship though. And the members, all of them, had to push his boundaries further back in order to connect with him.
For instance, Jin pinching his nipples to wake him up, Tae doing- well, all of it. Go watch Taekook sexual tension edits, I dare you. You'll understand.
These members had three years off camera with JK to build a connection with him and even they were met with some resistance from JK.
All Jimin had was a year with JK. I feel Jimin lowkey coveted what the others had with JK and perhaps wanted to have that with him too. Why? Because of his need to belong and connect with people. Watching JK's dynamics with the others probably made him feel left out.
I also understand how this could have been overwhelming for young JK who was having both his physical boundaries and emotional boundaries breached at the same time by this person whom he he'd known for only a year.
That's just one of the major differences between Jikook and Taekook: while Tae was busy breaching the physical walls between him and JK, Jimin was attempting emotional heist on him. Bravo Jimin, Bravo.
So do I think at this point in 2013 that Jikook were falling in love or had fallen in love? NO. But what I took from that moment was that Jimin wanted and needed to feel a sense of belongingness with JK.
Mind you I said he wanted to belong, not owned. Freedom is a component of Jimin's love language. In as much as he wants to be kept he wants to be set free- To be be given the room and freedom to explore options and take risks without judgement and without sanctions.
This need is often misconstrued as him being noncommittal.
His need for freedom, I believe, stems from his being raised in a conservative home with parents that directed and dictated every facet of his life and wouldn't even allow him to pursue his passions until later. It took a while for his father to give him the go ahead to pursue his dream- which is performing on stage.
This is why I said in my last post that Jimin has a need to be in control of the decision making in a relationship. Being able to do as he pleases is important to him. Being able to control his own narrative is important to him. And the only person in BTS that permits him to have such authority over him is JK.
Now, I know you are going to say 'but JK is a bit possessive yadda yadda yadda'.
Listen, Jimin's need for freedom is inextricably linked with his fear of judgment and repercussion. What this means is, although he wants his freedom he is often afraid of what will happen if he should go for it.
As such, very often he wouldn't do anything without permission. Especially if he feels it's going to land him in trouble.
I fist noticed this in the 2014 Jikook bangtan bomb when he said he was starting to take a liking to JK but then right after he asked if JK was ok with that. Suga have also said, Jimin doesn't go out of his way to do things that makes people hate him- See this is why he needs JK. He could use some rebellion in his life.
However, this fear of sanctions often makes him complacent to and an accomplice in toxic behavioural patterns.
For instance, until recently, he would enable JK and encourage his acts of jealousy and possessiveness and even incite them at times. He would hold on to the thorns if it means keeping the rose.
But I see him asserting himself and demanding space within their relationship at times but when he does and JK withdraws he would act clingy around JK.
It is what Manila was about, what August 2019 was about and what April/May 2020 was about. I know some of y'all don't agree with my analysis on these moments, but I'm gonna have to stand by it.
Jimin is all about the balance of scales. The balance of needs and wants. The balance of fears and desires. It's just the Libra in him. Give him too much freedom and he will feel unwanted, hold on too tight and he would feel suffocated.
'I value my relationship. Spending time with my friends is gold' remember this shade?
Jimin's fear of Judgment comes from being a perfectionist and also being raised in a conservative home with a lot of expectations of him to be the model son as the elder male.
Thus, he instinctively gravitates towards people who are less judgy or have too much expectations of him.
Also, because he believes he has to work hard to achieve the things he wwants he wants to be loved, it would mean a lot to him if he didn't have to work hard to have someone love him.
It makes sense then that he would gravitate towards JK.
Jk embodies all of Jimin's wildest desires. I call this the allure of the Golden Maknae. Jk doesn't conform. He doesn't care about people's opinions of him and lives his life on his own terms- something Jimin is striving for.
No member in BTS is as free spirited, or as rebellious as JK is. When Suga told him not to get a tattoo because the fans would hate it- he's gotten it anyway hasn't he?
The best part, JK fell all on his own. And you damn right. he fell hard.
Still on the subject of fears, another fear I feel Jimin has that speaks to his love language is the fear of being a burden.
It is why he gives and gives and keeps giving. He'd rather give than receive. Which by the way, JK is the only member I have seen Jimin demand back what he gives him. Emotionally speaking.
Because he gives a lot of himself, he burns out quickly and feels emotionally drained quite often.
He has admitted himself that he used to drink by himself in his room whenever he felt drained. I assume he drank by himself because he didn't want to be a burden to others. Aka JK.
You see, JK is an empath. He feels people's pain as if they were his own. You just have to see him tear up while watching JM cry to understand what I mean by this. Jimin is a nurturer, he knows what it feels like to listen to someone's pain.
And if Tae is the one he goes to when it becomes overbearing then what does he need JK for? Glad you asked!
What JK offers Jimin is nourishment. A safe space for him to heal and reboot. JK replenishes Jimin. It is why he constantly wants to be around him.
Jk has been a canvas in their love dynamics from day one. They've both had to negotiate their needs and wants to make their relationship work. Which is something I find unique about their dynamics and why I believe they are real.
JK's lack of experience in dating, meant he had gone into their relationship without any preconceived notions of love. He's had to learn to love Jimin the way Jimin wants to be loved.
Coming from the background he's coming from, and having been denied his ambitions for such a long time, I see why Jimin would be drawn to people that are quite ambitious.
And even though, JK wasn't this person at first, Jimin has had to hype him up to the task. He pushes JK to be more ambitious.
When it comes to JK, I feel it's more about his potential to be everything Jimin wants in a partner and JK seems more than happy to comply with this.
Because of Jimin's duality and as a natural nurturer, I feel Jimin would also be attracted to someone emotionally open to recieving his love but not too emotionally dependent on him- the balance of scales I mentioned earlier.
It is why VMin wouldn't work, in my opinion. Tae is too emotionally dependent on Jimin. He ends up taking too much than he gives. On the other hand, Suga isn't emotionally dependent enough.
Again, for a man who's battled insecurity for years, it's safe to assume security, certainty and stability are an intricate part of his love language.
He seeks validation of these needs through the most random of things. In my opinion. He wants to be the one that knows JK the best. It matters to him if their clothes match, if their hair colors match, if JK meets his eyes in the middle of a serious comeback interview, if he checks all of JK's answers- hell, dude be whispering sweet empty nothings in JK's ears most times, talking about they are destined to be together and shit. You are me, I am you. Shit.
As annoying as some of these behaviors may be, JK is very considerate and tolerant of them and consideration is another one of Jimin's love language. This goes back to having been denied his dreams by his father. That denial flowed from a lack of consideration of his needs.
And as much as emotionally connected he is with Tae, Tae barely takes his feelings into consideration. And you see this in the letter Tae's written to Jimin. Or even in the dumpling incident where Tae put his want above Jimin's.
Not to mention the moments, JM have had to walk out of rooms because- Tae won't stop playing with JK's dam hair! Lol. They are cute.
People take from Jimin without reservation. But Jk is considerate as Jimin is of JK's needs.
Jk wasn't the 'exhibitionist' in that pair. He's a very private individual from what I can tell.
That PDA, that exhibitionism we see in them, that's all Park Jimin. He kinky. Dude freaky as fuck- we ain't mad at that. Bless him.
He enjoys public displays of affection. It's how he receives love. But PDA is not JK's love language, in my opinion. Yet he goes out of his way to show his affections for JM openly.
The best example I can give of this is Rosebowl.
JK understands that in order to be intimate with JM he has to allow himself to be influenced by him.
And Jimin understands that, as much as he wants to be close to JK that he doesn't have to rush him or force him into giving him the things he need from their relationship.
They are both very considerate of each other's needs, as random and ridiculous as those needs may be and cater to them in a way that is uniquely them.
Take the New Jersey live 2019 for example. Jimin seemed exhausted. Didn't want to be on another Live that night but JK clearly wanted to be seen on a Live together with him so he was there.
Another instance is the rock bison incident, where JM exchanged his toy for JK's just to make JK happy.
Listen, Jimin is in love with Jk no matter how imperfect you think he is.
No matter how much you think JK sucks at expressing his feelings for JM, Jimin loves him. No matter how close JM is with the other members, aka VMin, Yoonmin, Minimoni and the others; no matter the lack of emotional and physical boundaries between him and the others he will always fall back on Jk because none of those relationships fulfill him as much as JK does.
Jimin's constant need to be around JK could only mean there is some he gets from JK, a sense of fulfillment he gets that he doesn't get from any other member.
Keep supporting Jikook.
170 notes · View notes
nightwingshero · 3 years
Tag Game
I was tagged by @simonxriley thank you!!
1: Why did you choose your url?
Because I love Nightwing and I figured he deserved someone to sweep him off his feet for once. And considering what DC had done to him...he needs a hero, let’s be honest.
2: Any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.  
I don’t have the organization capabilities to do that, to be honest. I’m organized but in my own, chaotic way. Ideally, I would have set blogs for specific fandoms I have OCs for, to try and spread it out a bit (putting SOA and PB together, making a specific one just for Dragon Age, etc), but that would take time and energy that I don’t honestly have. 
3: How long have you been on tumblr?  
Uhhhhh...I’ve been on and off over the years, but I guess I’ve been active since the summer of 2019.
4: Do you have a queue tag?  
Yes! It’s “i queue you pikachu”, because I wanted to do something clever and I thought it was cute. Plus, I love Pokemon. It’s easier for me to have a queue because I’m just not as active as I used to be. My lack of being able to message back shows that. But I do my best to somehow navigate the dumpster fire of my blog and dash. 
5: Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I was bored, needed something to focus on, and such. I hate Facebook, don’t really use Snapchat or Instagram, and I steer clear of Twitter, so I said “ehhh, why not?”
6: Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Honestly, it’s one of my most cherished commissions I’ve gotten, and it’s Wren and John...and Wren is like, one of my favorite OCs I have. And just seeing her in her Nemesis glory with John is just...peak her and it makes me so damn happy. @witchesconstellation did such an amazing job with her, I may or may not have cried a bit when I got it. So much symbolism and such gorgeous colors. I don’t know if I ever really wanna change it, to be honest. That might be my icon for the unforeseeable future. 
7: Why did you choose your header?  
Also a cherished commission I received from @savbakk for Wren’s dark baptism! A favorite scene of Wren’s canon that was brought to life beautifully and I still can’t stop staring at it, so it stays as my header. I smile every time I go to my page.
8: What’s your post with the most notes?  
I think it’s my Judgement post with the Nemesis commission? I haven’t really checked, but I wanna say that it’s that one. 
9: How many mutuals do you have?  
I genuinely have no idea.
10: How many followers do you have?  
I haven’t really checked, probably more than I deserve lol. 
11: How many people do you follow?  
Uhhhhh....too many....
12: Have you ever made a shitpost?
Sure have! And it probably won’t be my last. 
13: How often do you use tumblr each day?
Mostly every day. Sometimes I’ll go a few days without it though.
14: Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
With a blog? Eh, no, not really. But I’ve been caught in discourse and have ran into my fair share of fandom bullies, that I just learned to block and focus on me and my own content. Because it makes me happy and that’s all that should really matter, right?
15: How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
That’s like someone driving behind me and riding my ass to make me go faster. It’s not going to happen, in fact, I will absolutely drive slower because of it. It’s unfortunate, most of the time, I would normally reblog them until that little comment pops up and I’m just....sigh.
16: Do you like tag games?  
Sure! They can be fun and I love being tagged!
17: Do you like ask games?  
Absolutely, I do. I welcome asks regardless. 
18: Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I feel really bad for saying it, but I don’t really pay that much attention? Like, I genuinely support y’all, and you guys have killer content. You’re legendary to me, but I don’t really know the popularity level they have. I know I have a few close friends that have very well-known ocs though. I don’t know if that counts. 
19: Do you have a crush on a mutual?  
No, not really. 
20: Tags
@strafethesesinners @water-writings @playstationmademe @witchofinterest @chyrstis @iamnotyourmusebitch @minilev @smithandrogers @jackiesarch @glowwormsmith @geronimo-11 @johnsrevelation @adelaidedrubman @clairercdfields @athenalillystar @foxyb0xes @shellibisshe @skitzo-kero and anyone else who wants to share!
16 notes · View notes
ptgigi · 3 years
Ramble about PBFP
So my Pokemon Bracket Fusion Project is nearing the end of the first generation of fusions! That will officially mark the halfway point for this project, as each next generation of fusions will shrink by half as they get combined. I’m super excited and looking forward to it!
Since it’s a pretty big moment I’ve been mulling things over and wanted to ramble a bit. I’ve put in a table of contents not because I expect my rambles to be too long (edit: oops?), but if you aren’t too interested in reading all the ramblings you can just look at what interests you.
1. Alola Dex data mistakes strike again (third or fourth time now??) 2. What I would have changed about this project in hindsight 3. Other fusion challenge ideas (please steal)
1. Alola Dex data mistakes strike again (third or fourth time now??)
So people who have been following this project from when Alola dropped might remember I had to reassign a few fusions to add the Alolan PokeDex. This was near the start of the project, so only about 10 fusions needed to be redone. But rushing to get that data in as it was being dropped proved... problematic. I mean, who could have predicted Pokemon would add evolving Legendaries!?
So part of that was me adding color data. I used whatever artwork was available at release rather than the Dream World artset I used for the rest of the project. Recently (last week or so) I rediscovered this decision and corrected all the colors, thinking it wouldn’t cause any problems.
I was wrong.
A Pokemon may have been previously entered as off-white [RGB(250,253,252)] but was corrected to pure white [RGB(255,255,255)]. A few small changes like this over ~127 Pokemon broke about 25-30% of the existing fusions. I decided I’d like to finish this project sometime before I die so I opted not to throw out a fourth of my progress and just keep moving forward.
I’m also not going to correct the stats like Score or Best Match to account for this change either, I’m just going to leave the pairings are they were last generated (else things might look a bit off).
2. What I would have changed about this project in hindsight
Stopped at Kalos, no Alola. All the data errors I’ve endured from that rush job O_O
But more, as I’ve been doing thing project for a few years now (May 2016 wow) I’ve had time to think of things I might do different if I could hop in a time machine and warn myself what journey I was about to embark on:
Individuals rather than families While I like the crazy results of fusing families, doing a bracket of individual Pokemon vs a whole family would allow me to include more data for the formula and presentation (base stats, movesets, etc) and remove wonky data due to evolution:
Color data, think of a family like Eevee, where each individual is a wildly different color. Their “average” color is a weird light brown, but that causes Espeon’s purple, Vaporeon/Glaceon’s blue, and Umbreon’s black to be “ignored”.
Same with body shape data: Cosmog’s line in my formula has 0.5 wings...because only Lunala has wings (average of 0,0,0, and 2).
Forms/stages not getting the spotlight: Sandshrew (2 stages + 2 forms each) was fused with Trapinch (3 stages). Mathmatically, this worked out to be a 2 stage line where the final stage has 2 forms. That made the resulting fusions:
Trapinch + Kantonian Sandshrew + Alolan Sandshrew
Vibrava + Flygon + Kantonian Sandslash
Vibrava + Flygon + Alolan Sandslash
This is an extreme example, but individual fusions would have let each of these evolutions/forms shine in it’s own fusion and not have to also deal with another member from it’s own line.
Region by Region instead of “all” Pokemon
Yeah, big oops here. TPC makes new Pokemon regions faster than I can complete this project, so I had to stop adding new Pokemon. If I had instead done this by region, I could have continued this project into new regions seamlessly.
It would also have the cool end result of comparing what each region’s final fusion looks like! Especially with how Pokemon has changed their design formula over the years, it would be neat to see how these regional final fusions differ.
3. Other fusion challenge ideas (please steal)
So when I eventually complete this project I’ll have drawn 420 (yes, lol) Pokemon fusion families. The final individual fusion count is unknown until the end, but it will likely be over 1000 fusions. I’ll likely not want to draw another Pokemon fusion for a long time, lol, but I’ve come up with some other fun fusion challenge ideas. If any strike your fancy (not even necessarily as a full project, but just to try for a handful of Pokemon) please go ahead and share!
As mentioned above:
Fuse individuals based on similarity rather than whole families. It would let individual Pokemon’s attributes shine through better
Fuse each region’s Pokemon and see the results. Easy to extend for new regions added and lets you see a comparison of different regions at the end.
More ideas:
Base the brackets on dex number, not similarity. Easy to extend for new regions (just add the new Pokemon at the end of your bracket).
Choose subsets based on other criteria. Region was one idea, but what the ultimate Fire Pokemon fusion? Legendary fusion? Eeveelution fusion??
Always fuse the best match. Instead of choosing all pairings at once, see who’s the most similar (ex. Plusle and Minun), fuse those two. Throw that fusion back into the pool. See who’s the next best fusion. The next best fusion could be something like Pikachu+Minusle. This would more match up with my Tree of Life/Evolutionary Tree inspiration for this project.
But yeah, feel free to steal those ideas and share with me if you end up doing any!
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bleachbleachbleach · 3 years
For the ask meme: E, K and R!
Ask game here!
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
Lots of crack, for sure! Hilarious—that’s not for us to decide. If we find it hilarious to ourselves, we will post it.
One of our favorite topics of conversation between ourselves is Byakuya’s vibrant inner life. Detective Byakuya, Director Byakuya, Rock Superstar Byakuya (TBA)… The man is brilliant, a trailblazer, and I don’t think he cares if anyone fully comprehends or follows. He saves those expectations for his employees.
Some of our other crack post favorites:
Sasakibe + Zaraki bathhouse bros
Hisagi’s Impeccable Fashion Choices
Pikachu Face 10th Division, AKA our favorite screencap in all of Bleach
Seireitei Communications: Special Birthday Edition, which is not all hilarity/crack (but please make sure to check out the Komedy Korner). We are super proud of this creation and will shamelessly self-promote it any chance we get.
Here’s a link to our original content posts, many of which are some flavor of crack!
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
ippoddity: This is going to sound incredibly cliche and sort of a cop out, but I’m just gonna have to say Ichigo. I know he is our main character, and literally the entire series is about his development! But I feel like I can’t even pick just one development arc for him, because they’re all good ones in terms of his growth. Look at these faces and tell me this boy did not go through Hell (literally) and come back changed and evolving and growing and UGH I LOVE HIM SO MUCH.
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(inspired by this post and this post, which I think about a lot)
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
whipplefilter: Hoo boy I could throw a dart and hit a friendship that I adore in Bleach, and my hand-eye coordination is not it! I like…all of them… Yamamoto and Sasakibe, live your best lives my friends (er, poor choice of phrase—RIP). Byakuya and Rukia, amazing. Byakuya and Renji. Renji and Rukia. Ichigo and Rukia. Ichigo and Orihime. Orihime and Rukia. Orihime and Tatsuki. Ichigo and Tatsuki. Byakuya and Zaraki and Hitsugaya running around together in the reigai arc. THE NERD SQUAD (all configurations of Renji, Kira, Hisagi, Ikkaku, Yumichika, Akon, Matsumoto, Hinamori). The SWA. Ukitake and Kyouraku. Ukitake and Kyouraku and Byakuya. Urahara and the shop fam and the fact that they’ve all been to Hawai’i together. Akon and Mayuri (not because it’s a fulfilling relationship, Akon is just the one man for the job). Anyone and their zanpakutou. SASAKIBE AND ZARAKI, BATHHOUSE BROS. Byakuya and Yachiru. Matsumoto and Orihime. Matsumoto and Hitsugaya. Hinamori and Hitsugaya. Hinamori and Shinji. Hitsugaya and Jidanbou! (What’s their origin story? What do they do/talk about? How often do they hang out?)
I was going to choose one to talk about in more depth here, but then I ended up with SCREENCAPS and ASIDES and I’m just going to… put that in a separate post because I'm already taking too much space here!
ippoddity: ^^ x1000. I'd also just like to add Hanatarou into the mix, because he's low-key one of my favorites and even though he's actually there in a bunch of crucial scenes, I think he often gets overlooked. Hanatarou and Byakuya? Hanatarou and Renji? Hanatarou and Ichigo? But really, one of the greatest things about Bleach is that there are hundreds of characters for you to choose from and imagine any flavor of relationships between them.
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