#planetary correspondeces
greeny-witchling · 4 years
Moon / Luna Masterpost
! DISCLAIMER: The following informationc are may wrong. If you see any misinformations, let me know, but not in the harsh way please! The links where the infromations (mainly) are from, are at the bottom. There are everything assosiated with the sun, use, what is helpful !
Note: i’m starting to post things like this. Mainly about astronomy, green witchery, kitchen witchcraft, zodiacs and more. If you are intrested or it was helpful please let me know!
The moon has been captivating people since the beginning of time. It’s guided our way on the darkest of nights and pulls at the tides as well as our emotions. There are myths and stories about the moon from every ancient culture, and it is still a central part of many pagan religions and spiritual paths. Here we break down the basics of lunar magick into easy-to-digest chunks including the moon’s phases, magical properties, correspondences, and more. Lunar energy is great for divination and dream work and to counteract Mars and Sun influences. Stones that correspond to the energy of the moon tend to be white and/or luminescent. Luna reflects the light of the Sun and is the closest sphere to Earth: the abode of physical form. It does not generate its own light as the Sun does, but serves as a filter for it, refracting and reflecting it in a coarser, more obfuscated manner.
The Female Body & The Moon
Just as the moon is reborn, grows, reaches its fullest potential, then wanes again, so do our bodies. For thousands of years, women have noticed their moon cycles (menstruation – the syllable men meaning moon/month) syncing up with the moon’s phases. This is lunar magick at its core. Just as the moon waxes and wanes, so too does the womb. This is why the moon is often associated with the Goddess in forms of neopaganism and Wicca.
The Triple Goddess & Our Lives
Wiccans associate the Triple Goddess with the moon’s phases: the maiden (waxing moon), the mother (full moon), and the crone (waning moon). We all go through these phases in our lives (both men and women) corresponding to our youth, adult child-rearing years, and our elder years. So we are all attuned to the moon phases and lunar magick, it’s just that most people don’t realize it.
The Moon in Mythology: Most Lunar deities in Western Tradition are female, though male lunar deities are found throughout the world as well. Lunar deities are often associated with Motherhood or the Sea.
The Moon in Astrology: As the moon moves across the sky, it passes through the various zodiac signs, primarily affecting our moods and reactions. Those who have a sun sign align to the water element will feel this effect most strongly. The moon travels through each sign every month, staying in each sign for up to three days before moving on. At the New Moon, she will be in the same sign as the Sun and at the Full Moon, she will be in the opposite sign.
zodiac: cancer metal: silver day: Monday other names: Luna, The Moon, The treause house of images tarot: The High Priestess (II) associations: 3, G, Gimel(Camel) mantric sound: „A” colour/s: white, blue, silver, rayed sky blue, cold pale blue, indigo numbers: 9, 81, 369, 3321 stone/s: moonstone, selenite, obsidian, silver, mother-of-pearl, aquamarine, gold beryl, topaz, emerald, clear quartz, coral, pearls planetary qualities: Cyclicity of manifestation. Waxing and waning. Liminal states. Potentiality of manifestation. Healing. Psychicism. Dreaming and sleep. Lunar Herbs: Lunar herbs tend to be juicy and lightly sweet and with a sweet (sometimes cloying) fragrance. Either they produce watery fruits, or they have succulent leaves or both. Many moon herbs relieve mild pain and/or gently induce sleep. Many moon plants open at night and close during the day or release their scent at night to attract nocturnal pollinators. Moon plants often grow near water. White or silvery plants tend to correspond to lunar energy and sometimes these plants bear the mark of the moon even more strongly. Sedative, hormone-balancing, tonic to the brain or stomach, narcotic or painkilling plants. Cooling and moisturizing plants. Plants with moon-shaped parts. Plants with high water content. Medicinal plants affecting the emotions, sleep, or the female reproductive system. Often have a rotten or sickly sweet smell . Herbal/Plant Moon Correspondences: vervain, moonflower, jasmine, lemon balm, cabbage, camellia, camphor, chickweed, moonwort, grape, lemon, turnip, potato, pea, cucumber, pear, peach, mountain ash, mango, wallflower, rowan, cactus, eucalyptus, coconut, lotus, myrrh, gardenia, sandalwood, orris, ginseng, Evening Primrose, Night Jasmine, melon, bitter, almond, agave, milkweed, passionflower(sedative), mallow, Willow(pain), poppy (sedative, pain relief), Gooseberry, Goat’s beard, Mugwort, Wild Yam(hormones), Iris, acanthus, adder’s tounge, alum root, arrowleaf, astible, banana, bear’s breeches,  blue hibiscus, blue nepal poppy, blue water lily, califronia poppy,  chamomile, clary sage, coral bells, cuckoo flower, devil’s trumpet, dog rose, flowering currant, flowering rush, fluellen, fungi, fuschia, gooseberry, green calla, hazel, heart leaf, heuchera, high malow, himalaayan blue hybrid blue, hydrangea, iris, italian aurm, japanese poppy, juniper, leafy vegetables, lettuce, loosestrife, madonna lily, moly, mouse-eared, hawkweed, mushroom, nigth blooming plants, norfolk-island hibiscus, oyster plant, peacenlily, wild pear, pickerel weed, pumpkin, purslane, ranunculus, round cardaom, St. John’s flower, saxifrage, sea holly, seaweed, soma, star anise, stonecrop, strawberry, geranium, sweet pea, tibetan blue, tomato fruit, tree anemone, watercress, water lily, water gladiolus, waterhyacint, white anthurium, white rose, wintergeen, yucca Lunar Fragrances- Incense, Oils and Fumigation Herbs: Almond, clary sage,  Banana, Calamus (herb, essential oil), Camphor, Chamomile, Clary Sage, Dark of the Moon Oil, Dreamworld, Incense, Full Moon Oil, Leaves of Moon Incense, Melon, Menstrual Blood, Orris, Poppy seeds, Rose, Sandarac Storax, Sweet Virginal odors, Waning Moon Oil, Wintergreen, Yesod Oil Incense: Star Anise, Mugwort, Wormwood, Lavender, Mullein, Dittany of Crete, Jasmine, Camphor symbols: the high priestess (tarot card), the chariot (tarot card), bow and arrow, crab, cat, turtle, sphinx, owl body parts and disaeses: Lymphatic system; SAD, PMS, structural brain problems, like tumors drugs: Sedative, hormone-blanacing, tonic to the brain or stomach, narcotic or painkilling, juniper, pennyroyal, emmenogogues, valerian Animal Moon Correspondences: owls, rabbits, wolves, deer, cats, moths, bats, spiders, raccoons, opossum, cows, frogs, dogs, crabs Deities Moon Correspondences (of clairvoyance, divination, maidenhood, cycles, fertility): Sophia, Thoth, Blodeuwedd, Man in the Moon, Rabbit in the Moon, Khonsu, Sina, Gabriel, Aine of Knockaine, Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, Alcyone, Alphito, Anahita, Anat, Andraste, Anu, Aradia, Arianrhod, Artemis, Asherah, Atargatis, Callisto, Cerridwen, Ch'ang O, Chons, Circe, Coatlicue, Coyolxuahqi, Diana, Don, El, Hathor, Hekate, Hera, Inanna, Ixchup, Jana, Juno, Kali, Khensu, Kuu, Luna, Rhiannon, Selene, Siva Somantha, Tlazolteotl moon beings: lemures, ghosts influences: gratitude, friendliness, safe travel, physical health, wealth, protection from enemies, deception, illusion, women, emotions, healing, dreams, prophecy Moon Signs:  The moon sign in your natal chart reveals your feminine side. It governs your deepest fears, your emotional needs and your intuition. Magick: Cycles, emotions, secrets, divination, divine feminine, your feminine side, the subconscious, dreams, and dream work, finding a path, hidden intentions, White tincture, Clairvoyance, Divination by dreams, Bow & Arrow, Controlling or working with cyclical events, Watery, cold, or static states, Good against Sun or Mars influences, Works targeting the emotions, astral travel, subconscious 
Moon altar:
Moon altars are sacred, magical spaces that you create to honor and harness the different energies of the lunar cycle. Like all altars, a moon altar is a place where you can focus and direct energy through your witchcraft. You can perform spells or meditations at your moon altar or simply send your gratitude up to the moon for shining down on you night after night. I want to start by saying there’s no wrong way to make a moon altar. You can set it up inside or outside, elaborate or simple, and everything in between. Though there are certain magical tools that you can include on your altar to add power and focus, there’s no specific set of directions to set up a moon altar. That means you can get as creative as you like when setting up your moon altar. As long as your altar feels sacred, special, and powerful, you’re good to go!
Traveling Moon Altars: You can take your witchcraft with you wherever you go! A popular way to do this is to use a small drawstring bag, an altar cloth tied up to make a pouch, or an empty mint tin to store the magical tools for your moon altar. Put travel-friendly magical tools in your altar containers such as small crystals, tarot cards, birthday candles, colored ribbon (for knot spells or color magic), or any other objects that you feel belong in your moon altar. These altars are great if you love to go hiking and want to set up an altar outside under the moon.  Stationary Moon Altars: This is what people typically think of when it comes to altars. These are the altars that are set up on a dedicated space in your home or outdoor area. Some witches will keep these altars up all the time; other witches will keep their tools in a box or drawer when not in use. These altars are great because you can deck them out with all kinds of trinkets and tools and not have to worry about losing or damaging these items during travel. Mental Altars: This is a more unconventional altar option that might appeal to you if you love visualizing. You can actually make a moon altar using only your mind. In your mind’s eye, visualize a sacred space in any location in the world and include any magical tools you’d like to use on your moon altar. Visualizing an altar is a great meditation on its own or combined with other moon rituals like taking a moon bath (in lunar light) or performing divination magic under the moon. If you don’t have the time or energy to set up an altar, you can sit outside under the moon or by a window and simply visualize your moon altar.
representing the moon on the altar: chrystals (Some witches believe that moonstone is best used during the waxing moon phase because all the other phases of the moon deplete or dilute its energy.), with plants, herbs, flower Candles to Represent the Moon: Any kind of candle can represent the moon because candles are tools that provide light. White tea lights are ideal for moon altars because they’re inexpensive, and they’re round like the moon. They also make black tea lights which are nice to use during the new moon. Use your moon candle for spells or divination methods like scrying and candle gazing. You can burn intentions with your moon candle if you like. You can also try lighting your candle for the waxing moon and full moon phases and keeping your candle unlit for the waning moon and new moon phases. Unusual Tools to Represent the Moon: egg, marshmallow, sugar or salt, ribbon, a mirror
Water of moon
associations: the chariot VII, Het, Homakhu, Apollo hte Charioteer zodiac: cancer stones: emerald, cat’s eye, pearl, moonstone, amber plants: lotus, moonwort, papaver somniferum, passionflower, water lily, white poppy, white rose colors: pale blue, viler, pearl, white, amber, dark greenish, brown, rich bright russet, maroon animals: crab, turtle, sphinx body parts: stomach beings: vampire scents: onycha, rose, lotus drugs: watercress magick: Power of casting enchantments; weapon is the furnace; figures are Populus and Via 
Where my informations are from(for credit):
!Please look up the links, because some thins I already writed down before, that things have been left out. https://otherworldlyoracle.com/lunar-magick-beginners/ https://witchipedia.com/astrology/moon/ https://www.alchemy-works.com/planets_moon.html https://luxsaturni.com/planetary-magic/luna/ https://thetravelingwitch.com/blog/how-to-create-an-effective-moon-altar-for-your-magic
More articles and informations:
Luna I - Lunar Consciousness and Identity – Contemplation in the Sphere of the Moon Luna II - Correspondences in Luna – Altar and Physical Foundations Luna III - Symbolism in Luna – Meditational and Initiatory Foundations Luna IV - Lunar Magic – The Cyclicity of Manifestation Luna V - Continuance of Lunar Work - Eclipsing the Ego Luna VI - Lunar Astrophysics – Advancing the Art
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yogitarot · 5 years
Deck Review:
The Iluminated Tarot by Caitlin Keegan is becoming a favorite tarot deck for me and other tarot practitioners. As a yogi, someone approaching tarot from a Vedic arts, science and philosophy perspective, this deck is amazing.
This deck has everything: beautiful colors, cartomancy, and references to the "deeper meanings" ( for me, deeper meanings include Vedfic references in regards to natural, healthy living as per the Vedas and Puranas including but not limited to Vedic astrology, Tantra/ Mantra/ Tantra meditations/ practices, ayurveda and what westerners describe as the physical yoga postures of western yoga studios).
The artwork is beautiful. This deck is in my humble opinion the ultimate card deck for meditation/ tarot reading/ mindfulness/ sacred spaces and is a MUST have for every tarot / cartomancy collector/ reader. This card deck will not disappoint. I have included a link to purchase the deck. I am not affiliated with Ms. Keegan. This is an independent, unbiased review of "the Illuminated Tarot."
Here are just some of my personal favorites:
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A ♣️/ Stregnth
A 🔥
Just wow. Immediately, I see Magha themes pertaining to the first house as well as the many themes of the Strength card. I feel this is a fantastic combination of so many thoughts pertaining to "as above so below" themes of Vedic culture and Vedic philosophies. Also, Tree of Life themes. Just an amazing card.
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Q♥️ / Q 🏺
I for one. always love the Queen of Hearts/ Queen of Cups depicted as the Empress ( I recently described how perfect it is to combine the themes/ archetypes of the Queen of Hearts/ Empress in a post about Dame Darcy's amazing "Queen Alice" Tarot Deck).
Bharani Nakshatra. The clergy. Water. Emotions. Venus, the moon. Aries. Family. The Brahmins. Feminine energy. "The Bearer".
I see this as a beautiful representation of the Empress and the Queen of Hearts and how both archetypes are described by the Vedas and the Puranas. I love this as a yogi and as a tarot card reader.
9 of ♥️
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9 of ♥️ 9 of Cups
LOVE This!!!
9th house/ 9th Bhava. Signifies many, many things in Vedic Culture and philosophy including ( but not limited to) higher learning, higher wisdom, higher education, higher self, higher religion, distant travels, long distance travel, foreign lands, Jupiter, Jupiter related nakshatras ( Purnavasu, Vishakha, PurvaBadhrapada). The 9th House is also the natural karaka ( Significator) of the Rasi sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius includes the nakshatra/ moon mansions Mula, Purvashada, and Uttarashada according to the Sidereal zodiac. Western sidereal nakshatras include Jyeshta, Mula and Purvashada. Also, planetary correspondece can be and often is interpreted Ketu/ or the South node of the moon . Ketu is the natural karaka of "what is on the inside", passive energy, feminie energ, past lives, what we already know, where we find our peace amlmgts many, many other things signified by Ketu as per Vedic culture/ Vedic philosophy. All of this can be seen simply because of the 9. Of course, the number nine can mean so much more to anyone using this deck and of course the card reading/ tarot reading community supports and recommends interpretations to be personal and up to each card reader.
Hearts/ Cups are traditionalky equated to the water elements or Jala in accordance to Vedic customs and Vedic traditions. Jala, one of five of the elements is important in understanding the natural health systems found in Vedic culture and traditions including traditions such as Ayurveyda, for instance. Keegan herself acknowledges the tradition of tarot readings/ card readings having many, many meanings other than the key words that she provides in the guidebook accompanying this amazing deck, which if course card readers everywhere are also in agreement.
Many interpret the 9 of hearts% 9 of Cups as a Wish fulfilment/ celebration card. That interpretation/ traditional meaning works here as well. Obviously, the green liquid seemingly poured into the cups is likely poisonous and harmful to those who may be consuming the liquid. Even as poison, this can be seen as a Wish fulfilment according to Vedic culture and tradition. Medicine and poison often go hand in hand according to the natural health care found in Vedic culture. Often, it is described that "poison is inflicted to bring out the illness," as found in inflicting venom for snake bites, for instance. Also, the purpose of the Ugra ( sharp, dreadful, fierce) nakshatras is to inflict pain or to destroy and is seen as necessary to good health according to the Vedas and the Puranas. According to the Vedas and the Puranas, alcohol was/ is considered medicine and not necessarily prohibited for consumption. Of course alcohol historically has been seen as medicinal and as destructive in all ultures and philosophy.
Vedic nakshatras/ moon mansions along with other "moon mansions" such as the Chinese and Arabic moon mansions all describe "muhurtas" or auspices times for destruction, attacks, and even poisoning on one's enemies. Ancient kings utilized Ugra nakshatras for all kinds of things including warfare, and the destruction of enemies, even murdur. Of course modern tarot readers/ yoga practitioners take into consideration what is appropriate to meditation/ card reading and adjust appropriately.
8 ♣️
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As a playing card, the 8 ♣️is described as one of 3 fixed playing cards. Traditionally, Tarot card readers use similar interpretations as something in the trajectory, on its way, something that is imminent, and it seems Keegan utilizes traditional meanings along with a beautiful peacock illustration. Peacocks of course signify many, many things in Vedic culture as well as other cultures. I personally have my favorite peacock Significators I use in meditation/ card reading as do many other mindful/ tarot practitioners. I love having achance to utilize the Peacock when meditating/ connecting with my higher self. LOVE having the the Peacock here.
8th house/ 8th Bhava signified many, many things including being the original Significators of Scorpio. Scorpio, is fixed water sign ruled by Mars/ co-ruled by Ketu ( according to Vedic tradition) and according to the Sidereal zodiac consists of nakshatras Vishakha, Anarudha, and Jyeshta. Western sidereal astrologers describe Jyeshta, Mula and Purvashada as the nakshatras / moon mansions, as well as Jupiter/ Sagittariys as 8th house Karakas as per Vedic astrology.
Themes of the 8th house often include transformation, death, genitals, secrets, inheritance, sudden events, accidents, secrets, the "Scorpio Sting" amongst many, many other things according to Vedic astrology/ philosophy/ culture and tradition.
The above three cards found in "the Illumnitaed Tarot," are cards I found to be useful on sharing my personal enthusiasm for this card deck in regards to meditation and tarot reading. I do hope this post has been useful in reviewing "the Illuminated Tarot," and it's potential for mindfulness, meditation, astrology, tarot reading, yoga, natural healing, natural medicine, card reading, art therapy, card playing, entertainment purposes and the many, many other uses/ purposes of using a deck of cards.
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theblissfulstars · 9 years
Pluto, that cliche cynical goth kid who is actually just deep.
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
House: The eighth house, house of regeneration death and sleep.
Rules: Psychiatrist, Analysts, assassins.( yup, assassins )
physiological Link: Sex organs, and expulsion of natural bodily wastes.
Mineral: In the time of classical Alchemy, no elements corresponded with Pluto.
Colors: Blood red.
Pluto stares across the room, his penetrating blood red eyes boring into some poor innocents soul. Pluto appeared and disappeared as necessary and seemed to live in the very shadows themselves, Pluto was an elusive mystery, very few truly understood him, and he liked it that way, that air of mystery was practically a sexual magnet and he delivered. Even though he was a bit of a playboy, he was an extremely intimate and deep person, and loved to scour the darkest depths of the human psychology, and understand the power structures of society.He was known to actively aid others in transforming their lives, and taking control of what may have been thrown a loop. Due to this nature, many noticed that he was overly comfortable with death, and dying, some rumors even said he was a medium. Sometimes he simply urged to you change, sometimes he helped you change through your fears, your primal self  and magic. Though people have a strangely skewed view of him, his intensity is not creepy, simply passionate an emotion many cant handle.
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theblissfulstars · 9 years
Neptune, that stoner kid we all know and tolerate.
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
House: the twelfth house, house of illusions and hidden truths.
Rules: Artist, Magicians, priests.
physiological link: Feet
Mineral: In the time of classical Alchemy, no elements corresponded with Neptune.
Colors: Sea foam green
Neptune gazed off blankly into the deep azure sky, his red rimmed eyes gleaming with unshed tears at the beauty he witnessed. Earbuds dangling at his neck, and feet bare Neptune danced in the field alone, basking in the “all.” Honestly, no one really took Neptune seriously, everyday he came to class high, spouting the same things about universal love and truth, and about finding similarities within each other in order to find true peace, he talked about how he wanted to become one with the source, and how nothing really existed and it could all be a dream, but no one listened, no one took him seriously. Neptune wouldn’t turn in his work and the teachers would scoff when he begged them but he always managed to make himself the victim, he would always say how he was confused and didn’t have direction, he was a victim of his very existence, a lot of people would say he could barely cope with life. Little did they know that at home, Neptune had to deal with a rocky home life with a single crippled mom who provided the best that she could, and his sister Luna and her baseless emotions. Neptune knew that he could deal with the pain of reality, or paint on a happy face and spread what he knew was true, that only love could save us, and spirituality is how we get there.
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theblissfulstars · 9 years
Uranus, the annoyingly smart hipster that aggressively watches ancient aliens (ironically)
Sign: Aquarius
House: Eleventh house, house of friendships and communal living.
Rules: scientist, Astrologers, anarchists.
Physiological Link: Ankles
Mineral: Platinum
Colors: Electric blue
Uranus is Mercuries Older eclectic brother who doesn’t try in school because he is truly to smart for common education, and listens to underground music that no one knows about, always above the influence of common “sheeple”. Uranus prides himself on his uniqueness and individuality, and can’t stand following the crowd, thus Uranus is naturally drawn to things that strange or alluring. Otherworldly concepts such as Aliens, and Astrology and high sciences like chemistry, physics and metaphysics are what he rambles on about, many often feel adrift in conversation with him as he seems so far ahead of his time. Despite his strange, oblique personality. Uranus enjoys humanitarian work, and often boasts about it, with his highly accepting yet strangely judgmental nature, Uranus often has to remind himself that it isn’t supposed to feed the ego, he has to remember that being special doesn’t put you above others, but once he gets started about how he donated to thousands of animal shelters, he really won’t shut up. Despite many of his shortcomings and his unpredictability, he brightens up peoples lives, and keeps things fresh and changing in natal high.
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theblissfulstars · 9 years
Saturn, that dry caustic yet surprisingly insightful loner.
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn and Aquarius
House: The tenth house, house of social status and hierarchical standing. the eleventh house, house of friendships and communal living.
Rules: Coroners, mineralogist, engineers.
physiological link: Skeletal system. and skin.
Mineral: Lead, Marble, and diamonds.
Colors: Black, brown and grey
Saturn sat quietly in the corner of the library, his raven black hair shrouding his bony refined face, wire rimmed round glasses perched precariously on the bridge of his nose. No one really liked Saturn, he was unsociable and could be extremely caustic, keeping people out of the library till almost exactly three o’clock. Despite this, many knew he mostly had their best interest in mind, but it was hard to see, especially when you had a paper to turn in and needed to print it out but he sais you should have been prepared, learned your lesson didn't you? Many say he made everything difficult and was an utter snob, always demanding the best when others felt like they couldn’t deliver. Saturn was always prepared, and his work was always done, in fact he always did more than he was asked, as he strived to master what ever was given to him, no matter the difficulty.
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theblissfulstars · 9 years
Mars, the raging, randy weightlifter.
Zodiac sign: Aries and Scorpio
House: The first house, house of self and personal thought. The eighth house, house of regeneration death and sleep.
Rules: metallurgist, soldiers and athletes.
Physiological link: head, musculature, Adrenaline, organs, genitals.
Mineral: iron, garnet.
Colors: Red and black.
Mars sauntered cockily down the hall , his rusty bronze skin glinting harshly in the linoleum lights of Natal High. Standing at a domineering six seven and built like a brick house, he was an intimidating male specimen.to say the least. Mars was known for his intense bouts of anger and violence, but decided to tame himself he had to tame his body, he knew if he had an outlet for his massive energy he wouldn't need to break someones face for talking funny. Even though Mars stirred many derisive snorts and sneers from others for his barbary, you couldn’t deny the raw masculine,beauty and virility he exuded. Almost every day was a new lay for this frisky freight train. Despite his violent and generally frightening disposition, Mars was an excellent student and had a huge drive and competitive spirit that not only helped him be a better athlete, but a better individual because if you compete with yourself, you can only get better.
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theblissfulstars · 9 years
Luna, Neptunes emotional little sister.
Zodiac: Cancer
House: The fourth house, the house of hearth and home..
Rules: Women, house worker, care-givers.
Physiological link: Bodily fluids, lymphatic system, chest and intestines.
Mineral: Silver
Colors: Silver, white, gold.
Luna sat quietly, a look of apathy in her silvery eyes, a stray lock of white hair rebelliously curling around the shell of her ear.Luna was sad, again. In Natal High Luna was known for her changeable moods, her entire look changing from day to day. Even though she was like everyones mother she often did things without knowing, they had to be subconscious, she was a notorious hypochondriac always complaining of pain she knew wasn’t really there because earlier, someone complained of the same thing. She also had a way of just knowing things, no one except her older brother Neptune were more intuitive. But unlike Neptune she was always stuck in the past, it was hard for Luna to move forward.
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theblissfulstars · 11 years
In what way does the planets or the signs that rule certain body part influence in someone? Thank you
Thank you for asking! :D. The planets have been influencing, and augmenting the minds, and personalities of man since the very dawn of creation. In astrology, it can be seen in natal charts by what sign, and house the planet happens to fall into to.
For instance in some ones natal chart, mars could fall into, lets say Gemini. Mars affects are aggression, and how its assimilated into our personalities. So this person with mars in Gemini will be very talkative, and easily get bored. Gemini on the day of this random guys birth was in the third house( I explained the houses in a prior post, please check it out.), so communication will also be modified by mars, meaning this persons communication is very similar to that of a Gemini. So since the planet of strength, aggression, sex and anger fell into the sign of Gemini and The Third house. Those traits I named will be expressed in a way that relates to that house and planet. The planets are also constantly in motion, so, they also affect us on a day to day basis, it still matters what sign and house they fall in, but its not a permanent development like with a natal chart and is usually more closely related to our sun sign. hope I was of assistance, have a wonderfully divine day!
Happy Hunting! 
~ Astro-Love
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theblissfulstars · 11 years
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Planetary Correspondences 
Zodiac Sign: Leo
House: The fifth house, the house of physical pleasure.
Rules: Men Royalty and celebrities 
Physiological link: upper back, spinal column
Mineral: Gold
Colors: Gold, orange burgundy.
polarity: yang
element: Fire
Zodiac: Cancer
House: The fourth house, the house of hearth and home..
Rules: Women, house worker, care-givers.
Physiological link: Bodily fluids, lymphatic system, chest and intestines.
Mineral: Silver
Colors: Silver, white, gold.
polarity: yin
element: water
Zodiac sign: Gemini & Virgo ( I personally think Virgos ruler is Ceres, but the majority disagrees.)
House: The third house, house of communication and secular knowledge and the sixth house, house of service and labor.
Rules: Teachers, tradesmen, librarians, taxi/bus drivers, pharmacists
Physiological link: Brain, nervous system.
Mineral: Quicksilver ( mercury, go figure.)
colors: Many colors,white and pale blue.
polarity: neuter
element: air
Zodiac Sign: Taurus and Libra.
House: The second house, house of material pleasure and self worth. the seventh house, house of partnership and marriage.
Rules: Artist, Architects, farmers.
Physiological link: Throat, neck thyroid gland, kidneys, blood.
Mineral: Brass, bronze, copper.
Colors: light blue, pink. earth tones.
polarity: yin
element: one of the most elementally debated planets, but it’s earth.
Zodiac sign: Aries and Scorpio
House: The first house, house of self and personal thought. The eighth house, house of regeneration death and sleep.
Rules: metallurgist, soldiers and athletes.
Physiological link: head, musculature, Adrenaline, organs, genitals.
Mineral: iron, garnet.
Colors: Red and black.
polarity: yang
element: fire
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius and Pisces
House: ninth house, house of higher truths and divine knowledge. the twelfth house, house of illusions and hidden truths.
Rules: Lawyers, philosophers and clergyman.
Physiological link: Thighs liver
Mineral: Tin
Colors: Royal blue and purple.
polarity: yang
elements: fire
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn and Aquarius
House: The tenth house, house of social status and hierarchical standing. the eleventh house, house of friendships and communal living.
Rules: Coroners, mineralogist, engineers.
physiological link: Skeletal system. and skin.
Mineral: Lead, Marble, and diamonds.
Colors: Black, brown and grey
polarity: yin, shocking right?
element: earth
Sign: Aquarius
House: Eleventh house, house of friendships and communal living.
Rules: scientist, Astrologers, anarchists.
Physiological Link: Ankles
Mineral: Platinum
Colors: Electric blue
polarity: Neuter
element: air
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
House: the twelfth house, house of illusions and hidden truths.
Rules: Artist, Magicians, priests.
physiological link: Feet
Mineral: In the time of classical Alchemy, no elements corresponded with Neptune.
Colors: Sea foam green
polarity: yin
element: water
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
House: The eighth house, house of regeneration death and sleep.
Rules: Psychiatrist, Analysts, assassins.( yup, assassins )
physiological Link: Sex organs, and expulsion of natural bodily wastes.
Mineral: In the time of classical Alchemy, no elements corresponded with Pluto.
Colors: Blood red.
polarity: Yang ((some people think it’s neuter))
element: water
I hope this was very informative, and if not that, than at least entertaining. Have a wonderfully divine day!
Happy Hunting!
~ Astro-Love
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