#player two (teru)
milaisreading · 9 months
🌱🩷: Smn requested a pt2 of the U-20 team meeting crossdresser!Yn. So here it is!
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. In the story the boys will be using he/him when addressing Yn. Requests for this series are open.
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
"Hmmm?" Sendou squinted his eyes as he observed the Blue Lock team.... well, the starters more than anybody else. They were all somewhat interesting, but also boring to some regards, yet he couldn't stop looking at them. Or, better yet, a certain person in the team. The (h/c) haired striker of the team certainly stood out, as he looked way more... softer(?) than the rest of his team. Even his movements weren't like those from the other guys.
"Hey, Sendou. Stop staring into space and listen to what Aiku is saying." Hayate said lazily as Teru and Teppei nodded their heads.
"Yeah, we need to win this game."
"Sae is already being annoying with how 'lukewarm' we are." Cho rolled his eyes as Niou sent the older Itoshi and Shidou death glares.
"Sorry... it's just... that Blue Lock striker over there is very odd." Sendou said as he discreetly pointed at (Y/n), who was busy talking with Hiori and Kurona about something.
"Odd? He is just standing." Niou pointed out.
"Also, you being distracted resulted in him scoring the 2nd goal." Itsuki added in.
Sendou blushed in embarrassment and glared at his teammates.
"Shut it! And he is odd. Even the way he is standing is odd. It's as if I am seeing one of those idol girls."
"You have completely lost it." Teppei said calmly.
"Maybe we should limit your TV and internet access." Teru suggested.
"What are you all talking about now?" Oliver raised an eyebrow as he and Miroku approached them.
"Sendou think that (L/n) guy is a girl." Hayate simply stated.
"I never said he was a girl! I just said he reminds me of those idol girls!" The boy flushed a bright red.
"Oookkay..." Oliver said as he looked over at the said player.
"Regardless, let's just play now. Sae is already being an ass to me."
"Deserved." Miroku and Niou added in.
As the 3 bickered, Sendou turned to look at the striker again. Sadly, this time, he wasn't as secretive, and Hiori noticed his staring, drawing (Y/n)'s attention to it. The two made brief eye contact, and Sendou swore he could feel his heart doing a flip or two as he stared into the player's eyes.
'Just what is it about you?'
Sendou thought that his encounter with the striker would end when the match ended, but no! They actually met up again at that karaoke bar, and again, Sendou had this weird feeling about the striker.
'He is just too perfect with girls... as if he knows first hand what they want to hear.' Sendou thought as he watched the boy's interaction with the two older girls. Meanwhile, Hayate, Teru, and Miroku were making fun of a pouting Oliver. Sendou watched as the striker's friends pulled him away from the girls.
"Stop being weird, Sendou." Cho warned the redhead.
"You are staring at the dude like he killed someone." Teppei noted.
"Please, whatever sort of weird feelings you have for him, sort it out. It's getting stressful to watch." Niou added in as Sendou flushed a deep red as he tried to deny that statement. Itsuki snickered a little.
"You do have a weird fixation." Miroku said, walking over to the group.
"Bachira, please don't make a scene!" (Y/n) yelled as he pulled him away from an argument with Oliver.
"He does remind me of a idol tho... I have to give it to Sendou for noticing it first." Hayate added in.
"Please don't tell me you have been staring too." Niou groaned.
"In my defense, he is cute." Sendou grumbled at the statement Hayate made, and got even more agitated as Miroku and Teru agreed.
"So, a bowling match it is!" Oliver exclaimed, getting the attention of the rest of the team.
"What?" Niou wondered.
"We agreed to a bowling match with you guys." (Y/n) spoke up as she tried to get Bachira off of her arm.
"Losers buy the winners food." The (h/c) haired striker finished.
"Well, in our case Reo is buying the food." Chigiri and Isagi snickered.
"Aiyah... I guess. Bachira, can you let go of my arm now?"
"No." The bicolored boy said, which caused Chigiri and Isagi to grab onto Bachira to pull him off of (Y/n).
"There goes my hoodie." She sighed as the U-20 team watched in amusement... well, except for Oliver.
"And you! Blue Lock's number 12!"
"Ha?" The four looked at him in confusion, as the U-20 team sighed in defeat.
"Here we go." Cho and Teru said quietly.
"When the bowling game ends... how about you be a good brother to me and tell me your tricks on how you swooned those two girls soe easily." Oliver grinned, putting a  arm around (Y/n)'s shoulder.
"What?" The girl asked, dumbfounded by the statement.
"Why is he touching (Y/n)?"
"I don't know... doesn't he have a disease or something?"
"His breath probably smells, too." Isagi, Chigiri, and Bachira commented among themselves, trying to hold themselves back from ripping Oliver away from their striker.
"Eh... I don't know." (Y/n) raised an eyebrow as Oliver pulled her out of the room.
"Hey!" The three Blue Lock players protested.
"Hold it right there! Where are you going with (Y/n)?!" Otoya's voice was heard from down the hallway.
"That's not how you hold a bowling ball, Hayate-san." (Y/n) noted as she watched the white-haired boy struggle holding the ball.
"What?" The taller raised an eyebrow.
"You need to grab tightly onto it with all 3 fingers... that's way too loose." (Y/n) showed the shaky hand that was holding the ball. Although she didn't play or like this sport much, she knew some rules.
"You might injure your hand like that." She said simply finished as Hayate observed her hand for a moment and then repeated the same hold.
"Welcome, let's have a fair game then." (Y/n) said as Hayate was about to say something, but the girl got pulled away by Nagi. The U-20 player watched with some new found interest the striker.
'Odd... but Sendou was right... there is something about the number 12 that isn't like the rest...' The white haired boy thought.
"You think that something is weird about him too, don't you?" Sendou suddenly spoke up from behind Hayate, who slowly nodded his head.
"There really is."
"Hey, you two! Focus! I need those tips from (Y/n)." Oliver warned the duo, who looked at him in confusion.
"I made (Y/n) promise to give me tips about girls, if we win." Oliver simply stated.
"You... are getting dating tips from your junior?" Cho asked in disbelief.
"This is gold. I wish I had my camera with me." Miroku chuckled as Niou held in a laughter. Teppei tried to calm everyone down, but he did find this whole ordeal funny.
"Shut it!" Oliver yelled with an embarrassed blush as Teru and Itsuki patted their captain's back, silently laughing as well.
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lacedupforyou · 1 year
Part two of the yandere u-20 team please :DD
" 𝕆𝕦𝕣𝕤" Yandere Japan U-20 Pt.2
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~ This is a part 2! Check out part 1 here! ~
After a weeks of total chaos, Filled with surprises. You were exhausted, mentally and physically. Spending the days being dragged to do things and spend time with the team members. You spent hours with Miroku analyzing Buddhist texts, He loved how you listened and praised his spiritual abilities and sometimes his physical abilities. Just to be dragged away by Teru, asking you to watch him play and his tricks. Sendo butting in and bragging how he was the ace and that you should watch him play. To always keep your eyes on him when he plays. Because he plays for you.
They adored when you would help them with their hair, Hayate and Itsuki were blushing messes when you parted their hair or combed it. When you ran your fingers through it... God they wanted to grab you there and kiss you until you begged for breath.
Of course you have a life outside all of this, Friends...Family..Loved ones. One day you had came into work with what looked like..Some ring? Perhaps just jewelry..But you looked so happy..? Had one of the players beat the other to slipping a ring on your finger..? Teppei wasted not time asking you about it in front of everyone. You explained that it was a promise ring! How you had been in love and that you were promising yourself to some guy.
Their faces were all neutral with slight boredom, Like square one. You just smiled and walked off to fill out more due papers. Oliver turned around walked to the nearest wall and drove his fist into it. Leaving cracks and a hole. Everyone in the team knew they had to do something about it. Nio was fuming the whole time, Some guy comes in and slips a ring on your finger? Hell no. Hell no. Through some cyber stalking Mostly done by Cho and Hayate due to their calm and collected nature and narrowing it down, They found the guy.
They were famous athletes, If they wanted something they were going to get it. And in a blink of an eye, Your beloved had to leave the country for..Unknown reasons. You were devastated, Just a small note with a lousy goodbye. You didn't come into work that day, You stayed in bed between sobs and small naps. Your hair was messy and you were only half dressed. With some small shorts and a small top hung over your shoulder. You didn't care, You had no motivation to do anything.
You heard a loud knock at the door and you slowly walked tot he door. Just to be greeted by teppei! Your eyes lit up in a special kind of way. His smile dropped a little to see your condition. The way you looked so drained because of some nobody.. You enjoyed the moment to see him just to notice Teru in your peripheral vision bolting towards you again suffocating you in a hug. For more and more members to grab you and inhale that smell of yours. While some stood back and admired you.
You noticed some of them glancing at your clothing and you hurried away to change into something more fitting. They were all in their U-20 jackets and pants. You fit yourself into some casual's quickly and rushed into your bathroom mirror to get your hair together, You noticed Hayate walking towards you and standing behind you so close. His large figure towering over you behind him. "Do you need any help..With your hair?" You nodded and he did his best to fix it up. To feel your hair between his fingers was incredible. The others watching with a slight glare.
They had taken you out to dinner and karaoke and it was lovely. Most of you didn't have any liquor but the room was spinning and everyone started to get blurry. You stopped for a moment. You were sweating and you felt exhausted. Everyone just seemed to stare at you worry written on their faces. You collapsed from exhaustion and Sendo caught you in his arms. "It's fine, Just tired we should get 'em home." They took you home and laid you down softly. Watching you sleep. Itsuki tucked you in sweetly but they didn't leave. Seeing your chest rise up and down.. You were hypnotizing to them..They weren't going to let you give up. You belong to them. They're going to be taking very, very, very good care of you no matter what you say or do.
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mari-lair · 2 years
i saw a tumblr user talking about beta versions of terukane so i was wondering if u have ur own ideas about them? and what would've happened if beta terukane meets the terukane we have now?
This is such a fun ask! I ended up rambling, so I’ll focus on beta terukane here and talk about their meeting with canon in another post.
Let’s start with Beta Akane! Unlike canon Akane, he does not seem to have a wristwatch, so he either isn’t a clock keeper at all, or he rejects his supernatural side even more than canon Akane. It would be super funny if he was still a half supernatural, so i’ll stick to that.
He would not give a shit about the clock keepers, like, have you seen this pathetic boy?? He is a two-faced jerk that does not strike me as someone with nearly as much honor and pride as canon Akane.
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If he was fooled into a contract by the clock keepers he would immediately try to woo Aoi in his clock keeper form and cry that she can't see his 'pretty and fancy' looks, which would have "made her fall in love for sure!"
He'll show up for his duty but he'll switch between bluntly voicing all his murder wishes and sulking in a corner, too busy crying about wanting to be near Aoi chan instead of doing any cleaning or keeping an eye on Mirai. Give him a single evening and a sprinkle of attention, and he’ll have a mental breakdown, going over his life story, and how cruel the keepers are for adding this to his problems. This boy completely forgot he was supposed to be on duty, turning the boundary into a therapy session Kako did not sign up for, Akane's presence actually makes it easier for Mirai to escape.
Kako is so drained by him, he doesn’t even complain when Akane stops showing up to do his 'duties'. It’s good enough that the boy occasionally spreads their rumors, far away from the clock keepers boundary.
Another appearance change is that Akane doesn’t have his vice-president armband here, but he does have his glasses. Usually, I would say this means he either met Teru outside the student council, in a place where he interacts with the exorcist enough to get his enchanted glasses, or that the glasses are normal glasses and he is blind, but this is beta Akane that we are talking about and I am convinced his glasses are useless, just for aesthetic, cause beta Akane genuinely believes “It’s all about looks”
He judges people based on their appearances, convinced everyone also thinks like this.
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When Akane talks about his failed attempts to get Aoi’s attention, he only starts wearing glasses in his flashbacks after Aoi fell in love with a genius type of guy. Glasses have the stereotype of making people ‘look smart’, so he definitively only wanted to look smart, just like he went all out and wore wrist warmers to look ‘sporty’ when Aoi started liking a basketball player despite the background characters she (presumably) has a crush on not wearing it.
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He feels like an arrogant jerk (he is) but he is also very naive?? Desperate to get attention?? He is two faces, smiling always, while also being even more open and honest about his feelings than canon Akane. He reallly really want to talk about his problems, he feel like they aren’t fair and he gets very bothered by them instead of sucking up and ‘moving on’.
He stopped his attempt to murder Lemon to answer his questions, even when he was sure Lemon was a good for nothing, and the slight hint of pity and sympathy he is shown by Lemon make him so happy, he admit they could have a friendship, he get sparkles in his eyes!!
He also has a one track mind, getting ready to murder Yamabuki again the second he finishes his vent/ "we could have been friends" admission.
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The ‘Maidens, money, love and innocence' spin-off must take place after he became friends with Lemon, cause beta Aoi is seen chilling near Lemon and she clearly got a crush on the student council president. So now Akane is in the student council as well, he is the vice president.
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Akane seems to be friends with Hatori Kyou in this one-shot? So becoming friends with ‘romantic rivals’ must be a beta Akane thing. Good for him.
He does not break down crying in this one shot, but he still has no brain-to-mouth filter, which includes his attraction to people. Kittytheartist said on their take on beta terukane that Akane feels far gayer and I agree! He has an interest in others' love life, no matter if the focus is on a dude, and he think Shigaraki is better than chii-chan, the muscles left him in shock and awe (he likes muscles)
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Now let’s talk about Beta Teru! We just have this to work with. A mention from the pilot.
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Teru is still an exorcist that Kou respects, so he must have his exorcist job at night, and during the day, he seems to focus on his studies. He seems to have more trouble in school than canon Teru, who barely had to study to ace every test, he also isn't in the ‘Maidens, Money, Love, and Innocence’ one-shot, so he is not part of the student council, his school duties really are only studying for classes.
Beta Teru isn't a genius, but he is still hard-working and takes his job/duties seriously. Probably not as cold and eficient when exorcising supernaturals but still hating them.
He wasn’t mentioned as one of Aoi's crushes despite beta Aoi falling in love all the time, so Beta Teru doesn’t seem to be particularly popular or notably handsome. We learn only that he is an exorcist and that he is studious, those are his most noticeable traits, unlike canon Teru, whose very introduction was of a king of popularity like no other, the peak of beauty.
So he likely doesn't get that much attention, and does not get encouraged to show his more sparkly princelly side as canon Teru. I think he'll be a more relaxed version of Teru, smiling with his siblings but mostly neutral at school, paying attention to classes and doing his best there.
Since Teru isn’t in the student council, he and Akane must have met each other in another way. They have basically nothing in common, and Teru doesn’t stand out, so I think he would catch Akane using his clock-keeper powers to stop Aoi’s time.
Now, beta Akane is not evil or a full-on creep, but he is far more desperate for attention and selfish than canon Akane, so I believe he would hold Aoi’s hand and cry about it after pausing her time instead of just staring at her. Maybe he'll even brush her hair or poke her lips with a shaky finger, which is something Teru cannot overlook.
So beta Akane, mister “looks are everything”, will see Teru as a crazy otaku (cause of his sword), someone dumb (cause he is blond and if Akane believes in the ‘glasses are for smart people’ stereotype, he definitively believe in the ‘blonds are dumb’ stereotype too) and a serial killer. He’ll say all his thoughts out loud too, much to Teru’s annoyance.
Beta Teru may not be as violent and strategic as canon Teru but he will have no mercy for this ‘rude supernatural’, Akane will go down so fast, heart skipping a beat from the mix of “wow, blondie knows how to use the gigant sword, he looks kind of good when surrounded by lightnings” and “I don’t want to die, I’m young and full of dreams! Please, at least let me do a bucket list!!!”
When Teru realizes he is half human, so he technically can’t kill him, he let Akane go. Akane's standard is very low, so he gets the "doki doki’s" at his mercy.
Akane will do just a tiny bit of research on Teru (aka, check his file on the student council and curse the ‘murderous asshole’, but still stare at his photo for too long) and complain so much about him Kyou has learned to completely ignore his vice president.
Akane sticks by Aoi’s side, but if he spots Teru in the corner of his eyes, he’ll immediately switch focus and stalk him. He isn’t very subtle, you don’t have to be a perception genius to notice him.
Beta Teru also don’t have any friends so when he calls Akane out they end up talking (mostly Akane venting and Teru listening). Whenever Akane is too rude or crude, Teru will zap him. He loves to hurt Akane, and he is always torn between flattered and confused whenever Akane randomly compliments him in the middle of a tirade of insults, flip-flopping between angry and happy to talk with Teru. He'll be laughing with Teru about something only to abruptly notice how cute Teru's laugh is and become so flustered angry he'll hit him "Stop!!"
Eventually, they get closer and Teru is offering to enchant his glasses while Akane is helping Teru with his studies.
When Akane sees Teru in his summer uniform he’ll freak out, cause sure, beta Teru isn’t the ‘peak of beauty’ like canon Teru but he still got solid muscles and scars that Akane thing is pretty hot and wow maybe he has a new kink?? Just wow. (Yes he says everything out loud, in front of Teru. The exorcist snorts loudly and mocks him to cover his embarrassment.)
Teru gets over his dislike for Akane's supernatural side relatively quickly, thinking Akane is amusing, and kind of cute, in a pathetic and awful way, so he loves playing with him. Whenever Akane ogles his arms, Teru hugs Akane to 'tease him', even though he just likes hugging the unhinged boy. It's nice for Teru and very nice for Akane, who I am pretty sure is at least a bit touch starved. 
They start hugging and leaning on each other a lot more with time, Akane is very clingy. They exchange compliments (Akane always melts when he get any crumb of love) and inplied love declarations.
Akane randomly goes "Hold on a second! For how long have we been dating?!!" on one of their routine cuddling, to which Teru laughs, cause he loves his stupid boyfriend.
(canon terukane and beta terukane meeting: Here )
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parkingdumpy · 2 years
Angelica's Pathetic Blunt
Guys I am not a writer 😭😭 im sorry if this isn't the best but this scenario just needed to be written. Angie and KT are @allay2021 's OCs!!!
"...Why is it so THIN?!" KT asked, exasperated and pondering Angelica's freshly rolled blunt. It was close to the thickness of a toothpick. It was dark out, around 11:00 pm, and the three of them stood on the porch outside the Caprae residence, gazing at the roll in wonder. Or rather, Terunosuke was trying his best to muffle his giggles, KT was laughing so hard she was crying, and Angelica looked as if she was about to murder the both of them.
"Uh, well... should we light it?"
"No, you idiot, we eat it. Of course you light it." Terunosuke remarked.
"Hey, leave me alone man, I've never done this before!" KT huffed as she pulled out a lighter from her pocket.
"...Why do you have that handy?" Angelica said as she glared at her.
"Emergencies." With a few clacks the flame burned bright, illuminating the three. KT hesitantly lighted it. A few beats pass of her just staring at the toothpick-like blunt.
Terunosuke gives her a look, eyebrows furrowed. "...Well don't just stand there. Hit it." She raises it to her lips and breathes in. She starts coughing immediately, passing it to Teru. I don't know how weed works but I'm assuming that they hit it until it runs out 💀. It's a pathetic blunt rotation.
KT takes a seat on a lawn chair. She doesn't feel so good, her head hurts and her vision is busy. It's almost as if the saturation on the world has been increased. Everything is bright and complicated and overwhelming.
She passes out for a grand total of a minute and wakes up to see a very abstract terunosuke shaking her by the shoulders, almost resembling his appearance on the cover while he was a book.
"KT, please, it was almost a negative amount of weed it was so thin. You can't already be hallucinating, right?" She stares at him in response, answering his question.
Great, he thinks, it's already gone to shit. Maybe it's the placebo effect...am I the only one not being affected by this miniscule amount of weed? Wait. Where's Angelica...?
He glances back at the house thinking that she went back inside when a light on the roof catches his eye.
Angelica was on the roof. Holding a lighter. Swaying it back and forth as one would with a phone with the flash on at a concert.
His heart dropped into his metaphorical balls. What the fuck was going on.
"Angelica... how did you get up there... what are you doing??" She glared at him in response. Reluctantly, Terunosuke uses his stand to pull himself onto the roof.
He takes a seat next to her. She doesn't acknowledge his presence, eyes focused on the lighter. He stares, worried.
Angelica suddenly stood up with her eyebrows furrowed. "Oh my god shut the fuck up. Shut up. Everyone shut up. SHUT UP. SHUT THE FUCK UP."
"...No one said anything??" Terunosuke points out, exasperated.
"Listen, Angie, I get it, you're frustrated. You wanna play splatoon with me?" KT asks from her lawn chair on the ground. Angelica nods and uses Mea Culpa to get down.
Terunosuke joins them on the lawn and watches as they play. Angelica has convinced herself that she's actually in the game, and KT is terrified of every other player, playing so much more cautiously than normal. Every few minutes she'll ask Terunosuke something about the game she definitely knows the answer to, and every time she replies "Damn, that's crazy."
"...sleepy." Angie says, finally breaking her silence after 30 minutes. She gets up and heads towards the door immediately. KT and Terunosuke look at eachother, shug, and follow her. When they reach her, she's covered in blankets and clutching onto KT's enormous Miku plush for dear life. The other two wordlessly agree to join her. Terunosuke wonders why such little weed set them off like this.
"I wish I was a squid."
What the hell did she put in that blunt.
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estellamiraiauthor · 1 year
The Stars May Rise and Fall: The Annotated Re-read (Chapter 11)
Welcome back to the silly project where I re-read my own book and comment on various things, like what was based on real life, what was totally made up, what I’d do differently if I could do it over again, and more! Spoilers abound, including spoilers for chapters beyond this one, so only click if you’re OK with that, thanks!
It’s starting to feel like these early chapters are following a pattern… Teru sees Rei, something happens to make him feel like shit, so he goes back to the band, and something happens to make him need or want to see Rei again? Maybe it just feels repetitive because I’m reading each chapter two or three times in a row now to annotate them?
Anyway, Chapter 11 picks up right where 10 leaves off, with Teru heading back home after the disastrous kiss and trying to distract himself again. There’s a sumo tournament on TV—this would be the Heisei 12 (2000) Nagoya Basho, I did make sure to get a sport that would actually be being aired on that particular day. (I like researching stupid details that no one is ever going to notice WAY too much.) And a soap opera about “a mother estranged from her gay son”—this almost certainly did NOT exist on Japanese TV 23 years ago. Even now, if there are ANY canon queer characters at all it’s like, a side character who has a crush on the MC but never gets a happy ending of their own. (Yet anime has queer characters, and has for a long time... it’s OK if it’s a cartoon or something? I have no ides.) But that was a creative liberty I wanted to take, just to remind Teru of what he was trying not to think about.
Unable to find anything in his apartment to distract him, Teru heads to the studio early and rents the room for an hour to pound out his frustration on the drums. I really like this scene because it’s one of the very few times we actually get to see Teru play the drums, and even though “having fun” isn’t really the word I’d use here, it shows that music isn’t just a career move for him, it really is something he enjoys and uses as a release.
Like Rei often isn’t really mad at Teru, I don’t think Teru is necessarily mad at Rei here… he’s really angry at himself for spending so much mental and emotional energy on something that won’t go anywhere, that CAN’T go anywhere (as far as he has convinced himself at the time). But it’s easier to direct that anger at someone else, or just pound it into the drums?
Then Minori shows up for rehearsal, and says they have a lead on a new drummer, if that’s OK with Teru. Teru is again sort of wishy-washy in his response—sorry? And I think that’s partly BECAUSE things didn’t go so well with Rei. He knows that Rei wants him to keep singing, but isn’t sure whether or not he wants to give Rei what he wants at this point. 
He DOES, however, actually give the band the minidisc with the new song Rei gave him the night before of his own accord, thereby perhaps becoming more of a Proactive Protagonist? Just a little?
MINIDISCS. Can I go on an aside about minidiscs? They were fabulous. You could put about 3 average-length CDs on one, and the portable players didn’t skip as badly as a Discman would. They weren’t usually used for selling commercial music, but a lot of people would put their favorite CDs (or demo tapes) on MDs for portability, use them to make mixtapes, or, in the case of musicians, to record their own songs. Definitely a nostalgia thing for me, but historically accurate!
Seika comes in, joking as always about the “wonderful boy” he spent the night with—this is definitely a defense mechanism. I think all of my characters have defense mechanisms of one kind or other. Rei acts like an asshole and pushes people away so they won’t have a chance to reject HIM. Teru replies to every question with “I don’t know, whatever you want,” because he can’t be disappointed with the way things turn out if literally anything is OK with him. Yasu acts like everything’s a joke, including himself. And Seika can’t really “pass” as straight, so he turns the camp factor up to 1,000, and that’s totally a shield. But this time, the “joke” kind of hits too close to home for Teru.
After rehearsal, they listen to the MD. This is the second time Teru has heard the song, and he internally comments that the first time, he was really only listening to the melody and the contrast between the operatic vocals and the really heavy backing track (nod to X Japan, anyone?), but the second time around he can enjoy the details. One of my very, very first readers left a comment on that line and said something to the effect of “I feel the same way reading back through this to leave comments!” and that was one of the nicest things any of my readers have ever said!
So, in terms of details to notice when we go back through this scene… Teru notices that all of the instruments are real, not synthesized—someone played this live, and it couldn’t have been Rei. While it IS possible to play the guitar with one hand (see this dude, he’s amazing!), I think that A) Teru simply doesn’t know that and B) I’m not really sure if it’s possible to play in a more metal style just by using the tapping techniques I was able to find... but mostly A. This is Teru’s point of view, and he doesn’t think there’s any chance that Rei could play what’s on the MD. Yasu comments on it too, saying Rei is a pretty good guitarist, but it’s clearly framed as a question, and Teru doesn’t really have an answer to this—he doesn’t know who’s playing on the recording either.
Now, you are absolutely free to headcanon this however you like. No one ever answers the question on the page, and I’m a fanfic writer, too—I absolutely left some things intentionally open to interpretation so people could have fun with it. But in my mind, at least, this recording is old. I don’t think Rei is going out and paying studio musicians to record demos NOW; either it’s his old band playing, or maybe he played everything himself before the accident. Personally, I think this is Rei’s old band, including Saki, on a song that they never got to officially record that Rei now wants Teru to perform, instead. Although, again, you are free to interpret it as you like!
Anyway, the band goes out to dinner after the show and decides to let the prospective drummer audition, with Yasu joking about Rei’s incredibly difficult songs with “Drummer wanted. Must be willing to dislocate own neck on demand.” (Very obviously a nod to Yoshiki, who I think actually BROKE his own neck playing the drums?) And they also decide to submit a demo to an “omnibus” CD.
So an omnibus CD is basically a “various artists” thing, and there were quite a few of those back in the day. It would be a good way for a lesser-known artist to get some exposure, because you’re going to sell copies to fans of ALL the bands in the track list, and maybe get some of them to become your fans as well. So, a pretty good career move if they get selected.
Minori also reveals that they’ve sold 19 tickets to their upcoming show, a pretty good number for an indie band of this caliber, and MUCH more than they’ve sold before, and… the REAL good news, that a magazine called Shokker (obviously a stand-in for the real-life visual kei magazine Shoxx) wants to do an interview with them. They talk about the cover for the album, and then Yasu asks about Teru’s date with Kiyomi.
At this point, the date with Kiyomi always seems really far away at this point, but in-universe, it was literally THE NIGHT BEFORE. Teru also comments that it feels like a long time ago, and gives kind of a noncommital response when Yasu asks if they’re going out again… and then Yasu accuses him of “never knowing what he wants” which is honestly pretty fair. Teru has not really thrown himself totally into the band, and he hasn’t really thrown himself fully into either of his prospective relationships at this point—Yasu tells him to decide what he wants and go for it, not knowing what he’s REALLY advising Teru to do.
And then at the end of the chapter there’s a little scene where, after Minori and Yasu (who live in the opposite direction, away from Shinjuku) leave in Minori’s van, Teru asks Seika to join him for a coffee, and asks Seika how he knew he was gay. Seika says it wasn’t so much about realizing it but admitting it to himself, after he tried to date girls, and Teru admits that he kissed a man (but doesn’t say that it was Rei). Seika was always supposed to be the “gay friend,” but I’m glad he turned into such a well-rounded character. One little thing that gets slipped in here is that Seika lives in Koreatown… supposedly because the rent is cheap and he can walk to work (which we can assume is in Shinjuku 2-chome, where most of the gay clubs are concentrated). Of course, it’s not unheard of for someone who isn’t Korean to live in Koreatown, and for all Teru knows Seika COULD be Korean (a lot of the Koreans in Japan at this point are the children and grandchildren of people who were abducted during World War II, so Japanese is their first language and if they go by an alias, you’d never know they were Korean unless they told you). But we’ll find out later that he actually has a long-term Korean boyfriend. That isn’t revealed until MUCH later, and was actually something I added in a later draft—Seika acts like a playboy, but it really is all an act. He’s committed to and very much in love with Sung-min, and I think that dating someone who is a part of a discriminated-against minority, he would’ve had a bit of a learning curve when they first got together as well, and is therefore in a position to give Teru advice and sympathise with some of the hurdles he faces in the beginning of his relationship with Rei. Of course, neither of them knows who the other is dating yet, but Seika is still kind of helping Teru discover himself, <3
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*Oh shit. Here we go again.*
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Who'd like to go first??
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I will. Kaede, Truth or Dare?
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A dare on the first round. Nice.
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I dare you to give a cute nickname to all the players and everyone has to keep them until the end of the game.
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For you. Avocado. Ibuki, Ibu-profen, get it! Teruteru, We already call him it but its cool so Teruyaki! Fuyuhiko is now hmhm. Baby Gangsta. Everyone has to say it including you Teru!
*Kaede gave everyone a cute new Nickname. Just ask meh for their Nickname if the person you wanna ask isnt on da list Homie.*
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Really Kaede?
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Do I seriously have to?
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Oh don't get your panties in a twist you two. Hey Toko! Truth or dare?
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fiddlerinthewoods · 2 years
New story
Rating: general audiance
Fandom: Pokemon: Legends Arceus, Pokemon BDSP, Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platnium
Relationships: Kouki | Lucas & Laven-hakase | Professor Laventon, Laven-hakase | Professor Laventon & Teru | Rei, Hikari | Dawn & Kouki | Lucas, Kouki | Lucas & Nanakamado-hakase | Professor Rowan
Characters: Kouki | Lucasm Teru | Rei, Laven-hakase | Professor Laventon, Hikari | Dawn, Nanakamado-hakase | Professor Rowan, Shimaboshi | Cyllene, Seki | Adaman, Denboku | Commander Kamado, Jun | Barry, Akagi | Cyrus, Dialga (Pokemon), Pikachu (Pokemon), Goukazaru | Infernape, Foodin | Alakazam, Mukuhawk | Staraptor, Manene | Mime Jr., Pixy | Clefable, Dokurog | Toxicroak, Gureggru | Croagunk, Saturn (Pokemon), Kine | Pesselle, Emrit | Mesprit
Additional tags: Kouki | Lucas and Teru | Rei are the Same Person, Lucas is Professor Rowan's assistant, Time Travel, Poisoning, Dawn is the Player Character, Attempted Suffocation/Asphyxia, the people of the past speak in a mixture of modern and middle english, thy and thou, Ghost types, Poison Types, Pokemon Evolution, Long, please take drinking and rest breaks while reading this, Rei is Professor Laventon's assistant, i gave pokemon items and plants scientific names and other made-up science, Two Shot, name subject to change, Will add more tags with the next chapter, lucas is as competent as someone in his situation would be although not BAMF, given his knowledge, sinnoh is my 2nd fav region although the one i would likely live in
Words: 28,068
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apieceofsushi · 2 years
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PRSK x TBHK Role #5
Asahina Mafuyu as Minamoto Teru
The eldest sibling of the Asahina clan took on the responsibility of becoming an exorcist, and became overwhelmingly powerful at that, leaving nothing to chance in battle against supernaturals. She is a top student at the academy, with full marks on every test — no exceptions, sometimes even higher. Mafuyu is also the head of the student government, as has established her role as an important player in the academy’s society, and has been told by more than she can count that she will be “going places”.
However, Mafuyu is what could only be described as being “two-faced”. While at school and around fellow peers as well as her family, she is the daughter that any family wishes that they had. She is cheerful, optimistic, and friendly. But as her younger sister Emu witnessed, she does not wear her normal smile when facing supernaturals. Mafuyu is cold and at a loss for any emotion, feeling no remorse for the beings that she was about to dispose of. She takes the role of being an exorcist down to the book; “all supernaturals must cease to exist, for they only bring misfortunes to the human world”.
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kouaesthetic · 2 years
More TBHK x WoW facts
Kou is playing as human retri paladin. Sucks at dps, but always keeps his friends properly buffed. Has maxed cooking. Brings feasts. Killed himself with Seal of Blood more than once.
Nene is playing as resto druid. She has a script that automatically shifts her into Aquatic form whenever under water. Her profession is herbalism.
Hanako used to play a lot as Amane, who was a warrior. Now he almost exclusively plays Hanankokun, a PvP rogue. He is the guild leader of <Seven Mysteries>.
Tsukasa has made enough donations on this private server to gain admin priviledges. He plays unholy death knight. Wears a transmog set matching Hanakokun’s.
After being banned by Tsukasa, Mitsuba created a new account and rerolled death knight. Tsukasa gifted him a legendary two-hander.
Natsuhiko plays male blood elf. Class is not relevant, because he does not use his class abilities. Loves to RP on a normal server.
Sakura obsessively tracks mmo-champion, and always knows the upcoming stuff before other players. Playtests things on PTR server. Analyzes logs. Guild leader of <Nemesis>.
Teru is hardcore raiding five days a week. His guild is server first on everything. He also plays arena.
Aoi is playing a holy priest. Everyone wants to group with her because she’s a girl. Her profession is herbalism.
Akane plays frost mage. He also follows Aoi around when she gathers herbs.
Satou is playing arcane mage. He conjures more mana biscuits than necessary.
Yokoo plays a windwalker monk.
Lemon likes to do selfies everywhere.
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milaisreading · 1 year
can u do its our girlfriend (ryusei shidou version)?? 🙏🏽🙏🏽 w/ sub20 time? 👀
Author: Here it is! I hope u like this one and thank u for the request🩷
Warnings ⚠️: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to: Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
The U-20 team felt a pretty huge shift in the dynamic when 2 certain players joined the team. One of them being Shidou Ryusei and the other one being Itoshi Sae. Now, Oliver as the captain did try and was somewhat successful with getting along with Sae, meanwhile Shidou... well he is a great player but really hard to get along with. But one thing Oliver noticed was that there was a rift and tension between Sae and Shidou, who were by all accounts always the closest to each other. The issue started a month ago when Oliver, and later on the team would notice how much bossier Sae was with Shidou, and the boy was in return a lot snappier with him. It was really getting out of hand and Oliver was ready to rip his hair out. Japan's U-20 team had an image to uphold and the last thing Oliver needed was their manager yelling at him to get them in line.
"You dumbass antena man, focus on the goal!"
"Under eyelashes senior is now the boss around here, huh?"
"Can someone shut them up?" Sendou pointed, tired from all the yelling.
"Why are they even arguing?" Teru questioned.
"God knows." Hayate shrugged his shoulders, watching as Oliver and Niou walked over to the bickering duo and pulled them away from each other.
"Alright! Enough!" The team flinched at Oliver's yell, but kept quiet.
"What's the issue you two? You have been acting like you killed each other's families!" Oliver started as Niou sighed and continued after the captain.
"We are just worried. Not only is this giving an issue to us as a team, but also to you two as a duo on the field." The long-haired boy explained as Sae and Shidou sent each other a side glare. The rest of the team kept quiet and watched the two as the huffed and looked away from each other. Oliver was pretty much speechless, he expected this from Shidou... but never from Sae of all people.
"This must be quite serious, Sae would act more mature otherwise." Teppei whispered to his friends and Miroku told them to be quiet.
"Spit it out." Oliver demanded and it seemed like Shidou finally broke.
"Under eyelashes senior here is butthurt his crush likes me more."
"I am not! All I said was that (Y/n) picking you as her boyfriend will come to bite her." Sae said back, shocking the team even more now.
'Shidou...Shidou has a girlfriend?!'
"Did I just hear correctly?" Hayate questioned with wide eyes and looked at his friends. Miroku and Teru slowly nodded their heads as Teppei and Sendou kept quiet, but were equally wondering how truthful that statement was.
'No way... he got a girlfriend before me?' Sendou thought with a huff.
'Ehh? I can't imagine Shidou with anyone.'
"What?" Niou raised an eyebrow as he closed Oliver's open mouth.
"Shidou basically got a girlfriend, way above his league if I may add." Sae repeated.
"Shut the hell up!"
"You know I am right. She literally could have had anyone, why you?" Sae said as his anger raised again, causing Shidou to smirk.
"Turns out my personality is more appear to her."
"Wait... Shidou has a girlfriend?" Oliver blurted out, causing the two to look at him.
"Yeah, they have been going out for a month." Sae rolled his eyes.
"Something you will never experience, might I add." Shidou chimed in.
"You two...are joking with us? Right?" Sendou suddenly spoke up as they raised their eyebrows.
"You sure? Sae that was a good joke." Miroku let out a laugh as Hayate and Teppei held back their laughters too. Niou tried to calm them down while Oliver tried to stop Shidou from yelling.
"What's that supposed to mean?!" The blonde asked, taking offense at their reactions.
"It's just...you don't seem dateable..." Teppei answered, earning a nod from Hayate.
"You are too loud."
"And you say weird stuff at times."
"Sorry, but there is no way someone is dating you." The statements caused Shidou's anger to rise even more, but along with that also came the insecurities. He could handle Sae saying those things, since he is pretty jealous of his relationship, but hearing people who are pretty much strangers to him say those things... it really stung.
"I think you are capping."
"Yeah... Sae and Shidou stop joking around-"
"Wait Sendou... who is your girlfriend?" Oliver asked, trying to wrap his head around this whole concept. Shidou wanted to answer the question, he did. He wanted to show off his cute, beautiful and funny girlfriend to everyone. But one part of him wanted to keep that part quiet, private. Sae knowing about her was enough as it is, he didn't need them to know it too.
'Especially when they don't seem to believe it anyways.' Shidou said nothing as he walked off towards the locker room, sending a warning glare as Niou and Teppei tried to get the name out of him.
"Enough joking... let's just get changed. Our training session is over." Hayate said as he pointed at the clock.
"Sae, can you please tell us who the girlfriend is?" Teru wondered.
"Yeah, otherwise we will think this is a joke." Oliver added in but the redhead just shrugged his shoulders.
"Believe whatever you want. I am not saying anything out of my respect for her. When she feels like meeting you guys, you will know."
While everything was going on outside, Shidou was in the locker room enjoying how quiet it was. He somewhat cooled down from the fight and his mind kept wandering off to (Y/n).
'Ahh~ just her cute face could make any of my bad days good. She is so kind and sweet, the World really doesn't deserve her. I wonder what she is up to.' Shidou thought, growing a little agitated.
'I didn't see her at all in the past 3 weeks, stupid Blue Lock and Ego... keeping her away from me like that.' Shidou pouted. He really missed her and hoped to get the chance to see her before that match with her team.
'Seems like it's just wishful thinking.'
Teru yawned as he walked down the hallway from the bathroom. After such an eventful day he just wanted to get dressed and go home to sleep.
'Maybe a good dinner and some movies would be a good idea.'
"Excuse me, do you know if Shidou Ryusei is still here?" The boy jumped up at the sound of a unfamiliar feminine voice from behind him. Turning around, Teru was surprised to find none other than Blue Lock's manager, (L/n) (Y/n). The boy's face turned beet red and slowly nodded his head.
"Y-yeah... why do you need him?" Teru asked shyly as the girl grinned at his answer.
'She is even prettier than on TV!'
"I need to see him, can you please call him or bring me to him?" She asked and Teru quickly nodded his head, laughing nervously.
"Of course! Follow me, sorry if I am jumpy a little."
'She will think I am weird now...' Teru thought nervously, internally facepalming at his own behavior.
"It's fine, my team is the same right now. Probably excited for the match coming up?" (Y/n) asked in a reassuring manner as Teru slowly nodded his head.
'Her voice is so soft...'
"Shidou!" The group turned to look at Teru as he ran into the changing room.
"What?" The blonde asked in annoyance, still mad at the way they spoke to him earlier. Teru took a few deep breaths as he tried to calm the redness on his face down.
"The...the manager fo Blhe Lock wants to see you..." Teru panted out. The blonde's frown turned into a grin as he quickly packed his things.
"What?! (Y/n) is outside?" Teppei and Miroku asked with wide eyes as Oliver grinned at the news. Niou and Hayate kept quiet along with Sae. The older Itoshi became restless at the mention of (Y/n)'s name while the other 2 grew a lot more nervous.
"Later, losers." Shidou chuckled and ran out with his bag.
"Hold it- Why is she even here?" Niou wondered as Teru spoke up again.
"It turns out the girlfriend Sae and Shidou talked about was (Y/n)."
The room grew quiet as Sae quietly left the room, hoping to catch up to the duo before they left.
'Is dating...'
'(Y/n)...' Sendou, Hayate and Miroku thought as Oliver's eye twitched.
"What do you mean?! No way did that guy get to her first!" Oliver yelled as Niou nodded his head.
"She was probably blackmailed into dating him."
"True. (Y/n) seems so sweet and kind..." Teppei started.
"And beautiful, she puts all the idols I know to shame." Sendou sighed dreamily.
"I also heard she is so considerate. I heard she always makes snacks for her team." Hayate chimed in.
"Forget that! Did you see the way she holds herself when talking to the reporters?!" Oliver added in with a blush.
"Yeah...she has to be blackmailed." Miroku concluded as silence fell among the group.
They looked between each other and at the door as Niou cleared his throat.
"I need to go to the toilet."
"Hold it! Why did you take your bag-" Before Hayate could finish his sentence, Niou was already outside the locker room.
"Hey!" Oliver yelled, running after his teammate and the rest joining in.
"I hope you like it! It's like a good luck charm for the upcoming matches!" (Y/n) grinned as Shidou held the necklace she bought him a few days back. It was a simple, 4 leaf clover pendant on a gold chain, but it did make Shidou's heart race a little and his face turned red from the attention.
"Thanks, th-this means a lot. I didn't get anything for you." Shidou said, getting a little shy from the sudden gift and (Y/n) shook her head.
"I am happy and fulfilled as long as you are, Ryu."
'So adorable! And all mine!'Shidou thought as his cheeks started heating up and he coughed.
"Want to eat something? There is a good restaurant-"
"Are we eating somewhere?" Shidou felt like all the rage he previously felt came rushing back as Sae appeared put of nowhere, putting his arms around (Y/n)'s shoulders.
"Sae-san?! Where did you come from?" The girl wondered, a little startled by his appearance. Shidou watched with a snarl as Sae turned his stone cold look to a much softer one as he glanced at (Y/n).
"Good to see you, (Y/n). You look just as pretty as the last time I saw you." The girl blushed a little at the comment as Shidou pulled her our of his grip and glared even harder at Sae.
"We, as in (Y/n) and I will go and eat now. You can go somewhere else." Shidou said as he started pushing (Y/n) in front of himself.
"Ryu, you don't have to push me.... but I feel a little bad..." (Y/n) admitted in embarrassment as the two stopped and looked back at Sae. Shidou raised his eyebrow, wondering what she actually meant.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, Sae is your friend, maybe we could invite him along. He probably wants to eat with us too." (Y/n) smiled softly as Shidou felt his heart crack a little.
'She is so considerate! That Itoshi doesn't deserve this level of kindness! My cute, little girl.' Shidou thought as he poked her cheeks.
"Ryu~" She pouted as the boy chuckled.
"You are so adorable... Fine, we could invite Sae along." Shidou sighed, as he really couldn't say 'no' to (Y/n).
"Ahh~ Shidou? Is that your lovely girlfriend?" The blonde boy flinched as he heard Niou's voice and the two turned to look at the group. The blonde tightly grabbed onto (Y/n)'s hand as they observed the group. Shidou watched in horror and anger as he noted all their expressions as (Y/n) waved at them.
"Hello!" She exclaimed.
Niou, Hayate and Miroku had the most normal expression, just a small blush on their cheeks. Teppei hid behind a blushing Miroku as he sent (Y/n) a few glances here and there.
'So cute~ she is even more adorable in real life.' Teru, Oliver and Sendou where meanwhile blushing messes as they stared at (Y/n) and waved at her.
"It's so lovely to see you, (Y/n)-san. We weren't aware you and Shidou were dating." Niou spoke up as he walked closer to them.
"Yeah! Congratulations." Miroku added in as Teppei followed them.
"Can I get a picture with you?"
"Me?!" (Y/n) asked the boy in confusion as Sendou and Oliver chirped in.
"Yes, it would be lovely."
"You look even lovelier than a kpop or jpop idol."
"A-ah... Thank you, Sendou-san." The girl blushed a little as Teru and Hayate chimed in.
"Move a little, Shidou- Can I get a picture with you too?"
"Can you please be our manager? The old man is annoying." Hayate groaned, earning a hit on the head from Oliver.
Shidou watched in disbelief as his teammates tried to chat up his girlfriend, his jealousy close to reach its limit.
"Told you that (Y/n) is a real eye catcher." Sae snorted, equally annoyed at the scene.
"Shut it! I know...it's my (Y/n)... my girl we are talking about."
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asknatsuteru · 1 year
Ok- Natsuhiko- your a player- at least you were before you started dating Teru (I would hope you wouldn't cheat on him-) but-
How many dates have you been on? Have you kissed any of those dates? I'm just curious ig about whether you have "experience" and how Teru feels about it-
Lol Teru do you get jealous?
hmmm well I didn't really consider myself a player buuut, I have kissed a lady or two. but nothing serious! just a peck☆ but it's not like we really worked out besides I was younger then... but other then that I'd say I was born with 'experience'!! I'm just.... naturally romantic...☆
note: this is not a necessary question..
awe Teru baby don't worry I love you most!!
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@mangher said: ❝ i’m not looking for a relationship, i’m looking for a bottle of vodka~! ❞ Teru chirps happy opening cupboards. //bonus points they be engaged lmao
Ah, Kenma should have seen this coming. Vodka is so clean, so pure. A liquid truly clearer than water. Kenma, who doesn't even drink water, how could he ever compete?
"The vodka's with the laundry detergent. I couldn't fit it in the drinks cupboard." The space may have been taken up by tiny cartons of apple juice, it's fine.
"I hope you'll be very happy together."
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👑Being Seijoh's Manager 👑
Manager Dating Terushima
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Terushima Yuji featuring Seijoh x GN manager
Warnings: Swearing
AN: This is an Anon request!
🌠 Please Like, Reblog and/or Share to help support my writing 🌠
Terushima, aka the missing Miya Triplet
And our only chance of seeing an interation between an Atsumu like character and Oikawa 🙃
I wrote this before the panel with Oiks and Atsumu came out so there's hope 😫
Now Terushima gets kind of a bad rap I feel
I mean, he is a Miya after all but still
We can't fault him for Atsumus mistakes 😅
Ok ok I'm done I promise 🤞🏻
But for real, you deal with Oikawa every single day..
So dealing with Terushima wouldn't be much of a stretch
Honestly one could argue it would be easier 😉
That's me, I'm the one who will argue that 🙋‍♀️
You first notice Terushima at the interhighs
Or rather he notices you
Because I mean, Seijohs manager is pure perfection
Please who doesn't know our amazing YN
Everyone does don't kid yourselves
Terushima is automatically stunned by your beauty and decides instantly that you will be his 👏🏻
Unfortunately you are all too aware of guys like Oikawa Jr Terushima
So all his chances at you are utter failures
"Hey there gorgeous"- Terushima
"😐 hello"- you
Yes give us NOTHING YN 👏🏻
"Did it hurt?"- Terushima
You 👉🏻🙄 and here we go
"*sigh* DiD wHaT hUrT?"- you
"When you fell from heaven"- Terushima 😏
Please he really thinks he did something ✋🏻
You 👉🏻😐
Still giving us NOTHING 👏🏻
"So can I get your number?"- Terushima
"Sure"- you
"Really?"- Terushima 😳
"No"- You
😭😭😭 giving him hope and then just snatching it away!
However, it's quite interesting how things can change so quickly
Because as soon as you walk away from Terushima, you are bombarded by two giant guys from an opposition team
"Hey there gorgeous"- one creeper says
"Hey you're seijoh's manager aren't you. Man you sure are a petty little thing"- another one says
Gag 🤢
"Excuse me I have to get back to my team"- you trying to scoot by
"Hey what's the rush- why not stay and talk for a bit"- creepy man #1
"Hey, can't you take a hint? They don't want anything to do with you. So GET LOST!"- Terushima coming from behind
"Whoa man chill, we were just talking"- creeper #2
"Yeah and clearly YN isn't interested so back off!"- Teru now stepping in front of you, arms crossed
You 👉🏻👀👀👀
"Ok dude, we're leaving"- the guys, hands up backing away
"Hey thanks for that"- you, realizing maybe you were too quick to judge
"Hey when someone says no, it means no. That wasn't cool"- Terushima, our consent king
You decide to take a chance on him
I mean, it seems like a sign right?
"Hey what's your number?"- you taking out your phone
Terushima 👉🏻😃 whet-
"I'm sorry I misjudged you earlier. Maybe we could hang out sometime"- you 🤗
Terushima 👉🏻👁👄👁
Please YN he's not use to this
"Yeah sure"- Terushima still staring 👁👄👁
You exchange numbers and wave goodbye
And that's how we begin the TeruYN ship
Now I know what your thinking
"But mother, Oikawa isn't going to like this?"
And you know what I say to that 👀
🖕🏻 Oikawa 🤗
Seriously, tho YN 💅🏼 we live our lives by our rules
But yeah Oikawa is going to be annoying because we'll, it's Oikawa
You somehow manage to keep your relationship with Terushima a secret
Bitch I don't know how, Seijoh is nosey a Hell!
And honestly, you get maybe 3 weeks tops before someone finds out
And it's going to be A) makki B) Mattsun or c) Kunimi
But lucky for you, it's D) all of the above 🙃
Because you just happen to be out with Terushima and a few Johzenji players when Mattsun, Makki and Kunimi stroll by 🚶‍♂️ 🚶‍♂️ 🚶‍♂️
They stop ✋🏻 turn and make direct eye contact with you
Exactly when you break apart from kissing Terushima
Makki is all 👇🏻
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Mattsun is just staring 😳
And kunimi is slowly reaching for his phone 📱
Wait 👀
You literally RUN 🏃‍♂️ out the door and try to steal it from him before he sends the pic he probably took of you and Teru sucking face to the group chat
Too late 🙃
Kunimi 👉🏻👁👅👁
You instantly regret everything
Terushima comes out to see what's wrong
"What the hell YN are you ok?"- Terushima
"I'm fine but I might need bail money soon"- you, about to Iwaizumi a volleyball at Kunimi
✨️meanwhile✨️ in the group chat 👀
Kunimi: *Sends pic*
Oikawa: is that- 😳
Mattsun: yes
Oikawa: and are they- 😳
Makki: kissing? Yes
Watari: 🙄 here we go-.
YN: it seems I've been summoned
Iwaizumi: just say the word YN-
Oikawa: Is that you in that picture?
Kunimi: I thought we already established that 🤨
Oikawa: and is that Terushima, the captain of Johzenji?
Yahaba: Again, facts we already know-
Mattsun: you know what, I regret this
Makki: me too
Kunimi: yeah sorry YN 😞
YN: *sigh* it's ok guys! I was going to tell you but I wanted to make sure it was all good ya know?
Iwaizumi: shut it shittykawa
Iwaizumi: YN if he hurts you, ill break his skull
YN: noted
Oikawa: 🥲
When you go to practice, Oikawa all but ignores you
It's actually quite peaceful 🥰
And when Teru comes to pick you up, oh boy 😬
It's like Oikawa just ✨️forgot✨️ he was ignoring you
He will sling his arm around you
"Please stop that"- you 😐 removing his arm
"Hey that's my YN"- Terushima, glaring 😑
"I'm my own YN but ok"- you walking to Teru
"Lets get out of here babe"- Terushima says, glaring at Oikawa
Everyone else is just standing in the back 🧍‍♂️ 🧍‍♂️ 🧍‍♂️
"Well I really showed him"- Oikawa, Dustin g his hands off
"Shut it Shittykawa"- Iwaizumi, cannoning a ball
Because Torū, it's fun 🙃
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sneezefiction · 4 years
manager reader getting hit on
Tsukishima, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, and Ushijima x Reader - Manager Reader Headcanons
@belli-jelly‘s request: “May I req hcs for tsukki, oikawa, iwaizumi, & ushi wherein their manager!s/o during qualifiers, instead of kiyoko on s2, got hit on by terushima when their s/o went back the gym to get smth that the team left behind/forgot. What would be their reactions?? You can change things up if this is too specific hehe.”
a/n: okay so i used Terushima (our lovable f-boy) in Tsukki’s hc, but changed it up for the rest of them. i also made it so that you weren’t their s/o yet, but there are def feelings involved! hope this is ok!!
warnings: harassment, slight language
total wc: 1300
the Karasuno boys were getting restless waiting outside for their beloved manager by the bus
and it’s not that Tsukki was super worried… but you’d been missing for a little while now
you weren’t answering his phone calls and Tsukki had a sneaking suspicion that something was wrong
“What’d you do this time, y/n…” he sighs under his breath, making his way back to the gym
he starts his search where he last spotted you, but there’s nobody there
Tsukishima is slightly concerned now, listening out for any voices or noises in case it had anything to do with you
when he reaches the hallway, he recognizes the echo of your voice
“-not interested and I need to find my team, sorry!” your nervous response directed at a bleach-blonde volleyball player… with piercings?
“Come onnn, babe. I just want your number!” Terushima’s hand his now by your head, your back pushed up against the wall
“Oye, back off, asshole.” Tsukki’s voice rings out, still walking his way over to you
Teru only briefly glances at him then immediately turns his attention back to you, stepping closer
you have a panicked look on your face and for the first time in a while, Tsukishima’s chest tightens in empathy which morphs into a muted fury
“I said get off of her.” Tsukki’s hand is on Terushima’s shoulder now, pushing him away from you
“Jeez, okay bro.” Teru responds with a smirk, throwing his hands up, “I was leaving now, anyway.” 
as soon as he’s gone you can finally breathe again
Tsukki turns to ask if you’re okay, but before he gets a word out, your arms are around his back
“Thank you, Tsukki. I’m so sorry you had to see that.”
the shock of your touch fades a little and he slowly wraps his arms around you, a barely noticeable flush on his face
“Stop going off on your own, stupid… and don’t be sorry. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
it was 30 minutes into practice at the Seijoh school gym and you were a no show
which is incredibly unusual considering you usually arrived before the rest of the team (besides maybe Oikawa, who’s already warmed up)
Oikawa checks with the entire team, asking them if they’d noticed you on their way inside or if you’d said anything about missing practice, but no one has seen or heard from you
luckily, Oikawa keeps tabs on his team, which includes you since you’re their manager (and he kinda-sorta likes you a lot)
so he takes a short break, quickly making his way to your usual hangout spots and checking around corners
it takes him a moment to soak it in, but there are two guys cornering you near your locker
he knows, in most cases, you can handle things by yourself… but this feels so wrong
you’re clearly uncomfortable, uninterested… and once he catches you eye, he can tell you’re scared
before he knows it, Oikawa has already grabbed one of them by the shirt and shoved them away from you
“What the hell is your problem??” he shouts, “Get away from her.”
Oikawa is literally seething at this point, hand gripping even tighter on the boys shirt, threatening to tear the fabric
his friend recognizes Oikawa and knows that the whole school would find out about this if they didn’t leave soon
so they both take off down the halls
he turns around, grasping your hands firmly
“Are you okay, y/n? Are you hurt?”
“I... I’ll be okay.” but he feels you shaking
“Let’s just get out of here then. I’m gonna take you out for a few to get some fresh air if you’re okay with that?” he gently tugs you toward him
“...Yeah. Please.”
this will be the first time he’s missed a practice in years (but he’ll make up for it later in the week)
and right now, his main priority is you. making sure you’re okay and that you can recover peacefully... preferably with an ice cream cone or a cold drink in hand
you and Iwa have shared several classes together over the years and happened to sit next to each other for most of them
so it really isn’t a surprise that y’all have gotten pretty close
he’s actually the reason you became the Seijoh manager in the first place since he’d been complaining to you about how unorganized things were getting on the team without one
unfortunately, being the manager doesn’t just revolve around caring for individual teammates… it also means you have to keep up with their dirty laundry sorry hun
Iwa, since he did drag you into this mess, normally offers to help take the jerseys and clothing  to the laundromat with you
you usually refuse his offer, but for some reason, you let him join you this time around
you and Iwa bring in the first batch of clothing, greeting the laundromat owner, and get everything started
“I’ll head out to the car for the next basket, Iwa!” you tap his shoulder, letting him know where you’re going
“Okay, I’ll be here. Lemme know if you need help.”
he waits a while, but when you don’t return Iwaizumi lets a slight panic set in, hurrying outside to check on you
“Y/n are y-” he stops talking when he notices an absolute sleezebag hitting on you in the parking lot
the stranger is reaching out to grab your arm, but not before a fist collides with the man’s face
Iwaizumi knocks the man to the ground. his fist curl back, fingers digging into his palms, ready to swing at him again
“Get your filthy hands away from her.” he growls out
this sends the creep running, shock setting into your body
and you look over to notice just how tense Iwaizumi’s body is
you gently grasp his wrist with your shaking hands
“You shouldn’t have to come out here by yourself, y/n. I’m coming with you next time.” he says, and you notice a flash of guilt in his eyes as he turns toward you
you just pull him into a hug, releasing your own fear and calming the both of you down
all of Shiratorizawa’s volleyball team is indebted to you
you’ve traveled with them to every single game, you’ve dealt with so many strange players, and above all, you’ve brought them together, completing their team
so it’s no wonder they hang out with you outside of their volleyball obligations, bc fr they all love you so much and you bring them some much needed normalcy
when you suggest heading to the beach for a day trip, they’re all on board. even Ushijima
you and Ushi usually end up sitting together on the way to any practice games or tournaments so you can plan and prepare together
so you both naturally sit next to each other… but it’s super casual and the conversation is actually fun and chill. relaxed Ushijima is such a nice change of pace
when you all arrive, everyone splits separate ways to get changed
but as you leave the changing room, all cute and beach ready, there’s a guy leaning near the door, outside
“Hey sweetheart, you need some help with that?” he smirks pointing at the sunscreen in your hand
“Uh… no thanks.” you say, starting to squirm under his stare
you attempt to walk away, but he just follows you, so you move faster
Ushijima spots you, noticing that your movements are a bit frantic, so he approaches you
as Ushi finally reaches you, the man runs into him and stumbles backward into the sand, Ushjima’s frame blocking him from you entirely
“Y/n, is he bothering you?” his eyebrows furrowing, looking at you with a tinge of concern
“Because… he really shouldn’t be.” A stone-cold glare overtaking his features
“No, I’m just leaving actually.” The man dusts the sand off his legs and walks away, annoyance (and fear) etched onto his face
you turn to the tall, incredibly attractive ace and thank him profusely, apologizing for the situation
“You’re safe with me, y/n. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
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applepi-1 · 3 years
He's afraid of hurting you
Tsukishima x Y/n
Terushima x y/n
Atsumu x y/n
Warnings: fluff
Mentions of rape on Atusma's part.... sorry :(
Also I do request…
-596 words-
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You and Tsuki have been friends for as long as you remember, it's always been you, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi. Always. But somehow you fell for the tall salty dino-loving jerk. You guys did everything together and you were the only other person he tolerated. When you met the team people asked Yamaguchi if you guys were dating, both laughing until you saw Tsukishima. You ran to him and began to bug him, much to everyone's shock (except Yama) when the tall boy smiled softly down at you.
Tsukishima also fell for you, but... he was scared, he covered his feelings with salty comments, but with you he could never, you were his soft spot. He always admired the way you smiled, laugh, or the face you make when you were concentrated or were nervous. He finds it adorable, but he won't tell you that. He'll tease you about how your face looks, but you'd laugh it off.
So, come to both of your surprises when you confess. It was a normal Tuesday, except it was just you two walking home, since Yamaguchi was sick. "Hey, Tsuki, can I be honest with you?" You asked once y'all reached your house.
"Would you rather lie?"
"No, god no... but uh, I like you..." You nervously messed with your fingers. You felt as if your heart was hitting your ribcage as hard as Oikawa serves a ball. Tsukishima felt as if he was dreaming, feeling his stomach twist and his heard dance. But... still fear ate at the boy.
"I like you too..." You smiled immediately. "But I can't be with you." And immediately faded.
"What...?" What kind of confession it that, he began to panic as he saw tears form.
"It's not that I don't want to be, Y/n, trust me, I do... but..." The words got stuck in his throat, he's not used to being this vulnerable. "I-I'm scared..." Your eyes grew at how soft his voice was, he was biting his lip so he didn't show his feelings.
"W-Why...?" You watch him tug on his jersey, the showers were down so none of the players thought of changing.
"I... I don't want to hurt you..."
"Is this about, E/n?" You asked, talking about the bitch who left Tsukishima for her best friend. He said something uncalled for, but that didn't give her the right to cheat and blame Tsukishima.
"Maybe... no, this is about how I'm not good in relationships, the last one I was in, she cheated on because of what I said to her... I.."
"I would never." You finished his sentence making him look at you. "Tsuki, you guys got into an argument, big deal. Couples argue you salty dino." Tsukishima surpassed a laugh as you continued, "It did not give her the right to cheat because you called her out for flirting with that idiot she cheated on you with. I know you loved her, but... I'm not her. If we fight, I'll sit in front of you despite your harsh words. Just like I always do. The only guy I want to flirt with or have my attention is you." He looked down at you and felt his shoulders drop.
"R-Really?" You grabbed his face and smiled.
"I'm willing to do this if you are..." He looked down at you before wrapping his arms around you, you sighed into him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
"I don't deserve you... I love you so much, Y/n..." You smiled leaning into your best friend, your now boyfriend.
"I love you too, Tsuki."
-751 words-
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You sighed into your seat, watching your best friend flirt up a storm with someone else. Kazuma Bobata knew of your feelings, and of the feelings of #1, Yūji Terushima. He sighed and sat next to you, placing a hand on your shoulder making you jump and look away from your crush. "Oh, Kazuma. Hi." He just gave you a look, you furred your brows, what crawled up his ass? "Everything good, Kaz?"
"No, our friend is hurting you." You raised your brows. "Don't deny it, I'm not stupid." He said once he saw you about to open your mouth, you sighed and looked down.
"How long...?"
"Since we met." I sighed again resting my head in my hands.
"What do I do...?"
"Confess you, idiot." You looked up to him immediately, Terushima looked in your direction hearing Kazuma call you an idiot.
"What, no?!" You didn't mean to yell but you did, your best friend left the girl standing there confused as he walked over to you, seeing you laugh a little.
"Everything okay, Y/n?"
"Huh?" Your face reddens hoping he didn't hear Kazuma say something about confessing.
"I'm trying to get her to confess to her crush." You immediately whipped your head to Kazuma.
"Dude!" You slapped his arm, Terushima felt his heartbreak, wincing a little, but it went unnoticed to you both.
"How about you practice on Terushima?"
"What..... /////-/////" Both of you blushed and looked at Kazuma who knew exactly what he was doing.
"Yeah, it'll help you both, Terushima needs to confess to his crush as well." Terushima so badly wanted to hit his friend, but he was right.
"Oh... I..."
"Fine." You looked at your friend in shock, "I... I-I'll help." His heart tugged and winced at his words, as long as your happy, right...? You blinked a couple times...
"Uh... okay...? U-Um, w-when...?"
"After school..."
You sighed into your bed, looking at your best friend's eyes. Sighing this is difficult, think of him as someone else. "Okay. Okay. I like you, a lot, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but I do. I have since we were running on the playground laying at how stupid a kid looked, and... I like you despite you flirting with every girl you see..." As you continued to list why you liked him with your eyes closed, Terushima felt a smile form on his face, you like him? Once you finished and opened your eyes and saw he was smiling... it that a good sign, then you remembered. "Right... uh, your turn to... p-practice your c-confession..." It hurt you to say practice, you wish this was real.
"Oh... uh, right... Look, I like you so much, but... I don't think it'd work." What?
"Dude, horrible confession, what are you trying to do? Hurt her, make her happy, and confused?"
"Shut up and let me finish." You sighed and punched his shoulder, indicating your listening. "I like you a lot, but... I don't want to be the one hurting you in the end, Y/n... I can't do that. Not to you. I hate myself for letting my ex walk away because I chose to flirt with someone else. But with you... I... I can't do that... It pains me to flirt with other girls when the only girl I want to flirt with is you... But it won't last, I'll fuck up eventually." Congrats, Terushima, you made me happy, sad, and confused.
"I... I'm sorry... what the fuck gives you the right to have this all one-sided." His eyes widen a little, he should've known you had something to say. "So what your ex left, I'm not them, Teru. I like you, hell I fell in love with you and I trust you. If you fuck up and flirt with someone we'll talk it out, not just call it quits, or if you feel the need to flirt with someone, pretend not to know me, and flirt up a storm you dumbass." He laughed a little grabbing your face, but you weren't done. "I love you, you, I know you like me, Teru... but, I love you, and I love all your mistakes, I mean, I stuck around this far haven't I...? Doesn't that mean something... Hm." He cut your rambling off pressing his lips firmly to yours.
"You talk too much." He kissed you again, this time you shivered as the coldness of his tongue ring hit your lip. "I love you. God, I love you."
-959 words-
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Atsumu knew giving you a spare key to his house was foolish. But he wanted to make sure you knew you were welcome, when you reached his house it was 2 in the am, and you needed your best friend more than anything. You took out your spare key and opened his door, jumping when you see Osamu in the kitchen. "Ah, welcome home, Y/n." You laughed shutting the door quietly behind you.
"H-Hi... O-Osamu..." He looked over in your direction immediately noticing the way your voice went high and the way you choked on your words.
"Y-Y/n... did something happen?" You pulled your hand over your mouth, keeping your sobs quiet, Osamu immediately dashed to you, leaving what he was doing in the kitchen. "Oi... ya okay?" You shooked your head as he wrapped his arms around you, letting you sob into his chest. "Talk to me, Y/n..." Osamu was like your big brother, he knows of your feelings toward his twin.
"I... I went on a date..." He sat you down on the couch, giving you some room. "I... H-he... took me to a cafe... and after we ate and stuff... I felt... d-dizzy... and... I c-couldn't stop him..." Atsuma walked down feeling thirsty when he heard your voice, he stopped on the stairs looking at you. "H-How do I... tell A-Atsumu...?" He watched as his brother kissed your head and brought you into his chest.
"Do you want me to tell him...?" He watched as you shook your head. "Just... be honest with him." Atsumu sniffed the air and spoke.
"Is something burning...?" You turn your attention to the other twin. Osamu immediately got up and ran to the kitchen. Atsumu looked at you and noticed how you wouldn't meet his eyes. "Y/n...?" He couldn't help but think you were crying and asking for advice on how to tell him something, he thinks you're seeing his brother, and don't know how to tell him. But boy is he far off.
"I... I need to talk to you... Osamu k-knows a-already..." He looked down at you confused, taking his brother's spot next to you.
"Y/n..." He wants to tell you he knows, but something about your face is saying to wait.
"I... I... I c-can't..." You buried your face into his chest, he was taken back but immediately hugged you. "I... I don't know why I can't... tell you... the words just... won't come out..." He furred his brows, hoping his misreading things.
"It's just me, Y/n." You broke down more, that's the thing, you didn't even want to go on a date, but, you wanted to get rid of your feelings for the blonde twin. You know he'd never like you, but he does. He really does.
"T-That's the p-point..." Osamu came back in and tapped your shoulder.
"I-I don't know much, about ya s-situation, but, here..." You grabbed the water from him and smiled lightly, that confirmed it, he was misreading things.
"Y/n...?" You looked down at your cup.
"Hey, just tell him what you told me."
"Okay..." He furred his brows and sighed.
"I was raped." You blurted out cutting Atsumu off... out of all things. He never expected that, Osamu sat there rubbing your shoulder.
"You... what...?"
"She went on a date, got dizzy after..." Atsumu sat closer to you, pulling you into his chest, rubbing your back softly.
"I..." The words got stuck in his throat. "I... will y-you be able to... sleep...?" You laughed at how careful he's being.
"C-Can I stay, w-with you... tonight...?"
"Ya guys can take the guest room, so ya can talk privately, and not annoy me." You both laughed, Atsumu helped you stand before leading you to the bed.
"Ya can take the bed." You gave him a look.
"I, uh, please don't make me sleep alone." He looked at you and sighed.
"I won't," He rubbed your arms gently. He laid over the covers as you laid under, you laughed. "What?"
"I don't bite." He laughed getting under the covers. He watched as you closed your eyes, scooting a little closer. "You can close your eyes and try to sleep you know."
"Sorry, I might not be able to sleep. I usually sleep without a shirt."
"Oh. Then take your shirt off, ya goof." He froze for a second, but slowly sat up, slipping his shirt over his head. He laid back down resting on his back. "Better?"
"Yeah." You nuzzled closer sighing a little.
"Uh, Tsumu, can uh, can you hold me..." He looked at you and saw how you weren't meeting his eyes.
"Come here," you nuzzled your head into his chest letting his arm drape over your shoulder, rubbing it softly, you let out a shaky breath. "Better?"
"Hm, thank you... Tsumu." He squeezed you in response. Once he felt your body get heavier, he kissed your head.
"I'd do anything for ya, I love ya, ya idiot. But... I don't want to hurt ya..." You smiled slightly before looking up making Atsumu turn a deep red. "I thought ya were asleep."
"Eh, but for the record, I love you too... to be honest, I went on the date because... I thought you didn't like me so..."
"Hm, so it's my fault." You sat up immediately as he looked like he was about to cry.
"No, god no."
"If I would have grown a pair, and told you how I felt... none of this would have happened."
"And I wouldn't be here, laying next to you." You traced your fingers over his abs, "I wouldn't be touching you like this." You leaned down pecking his lips. "Kissing you."
"No, no, we'd still do that." You both laugh cuddling into each other. "I love ya."
"I love you too. And you could never hurt me."
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uwurakax · 3 years
♡ love letters (smau)
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♡ synopsis: after finally graduating, you start going through old junk in your attic only to find a worn old box full of love letters. wait, these are signed with the name of famous volleyball player oikawa tōru. and one unsent letter written by your deceased mother claiming he was your father?!
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♡ pairings: kageyama x f!reader | terushima x f!reader
♡ genre: smau | angst | fluff | crack
♡ warnings: swearing | alcohol consumption | toxicity/emotional abuse
♡ characters: correspodents | recipients
♡ chapters:
one: to whom it may concern
two: i’m writing to inform you
three: as soon as possible
four: with great haste
five: postponed, delayed
six: tba
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♡ notes: i rewatched ‘what a girl wants’ and ‘the parent trap’, then this idea popped into my head and i needed to do this! been debating on whether or not to actually do this one for ages! yes oikawa will always be in my stories because i love him too much and he’s perfect for my plan in this hehehe! teru needs more love too ;(( i love my 5am brain thoughts xx
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