#please be nice im not much of a poet
princessofpatras · 3 months
It’s Been Eighteen Years Since My Last Confession
Forgive me, Father,
I couldn’t swallow the god
you shoved down my throat.
The flesh and the wine
were too much for my stomach,
the prayer too hard
on my knees.
The holiest part
of your book is the plot—it’s
been feeding the moths,
like you feed your own
greed with the lies that you sell.
You satisfy your appetites
using your proximity to a savior
who’d hate you if he could see
how you look from my point of view—
searching for heaven
on my knees.
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virgoscringe · 1 year
seeing not only the roach vs attic debate but also the soldier poet king song in mainstream places in 2023 is so jarring actually
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nesquiiksstuff · 7 months
✎ ❝general relationship headcanons!❞
syzoth (feat. ashrah), baraka, raiden
love languages
thouple (syzoth + ashrah + reader)
thank you guys for so much support! im just going this hc thingy while I think up this for the raiden story (which hopefully won’t take too long). please enjoy!! ᰔ
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ᰔ syzoth :: quality time and gift giving
he is not uncomfortable to talk about his passed family, honestly syzoth would enjoy if his partner was interested in that part of his life. whether it’s recommending visiting their grave site, or sharing his grief—is something that he greatly appreciates.
the reason ashrah and syzoth work so well is because they’re both trying to right their sins, having you be there and being supportive means the absolute world. he shows you that through small thoughtful gifts (mostly trinkets that he finds at markets or on his walks).
idk if anyone is actually interested in a thouple with them…but hear me out 🤲. I genuinely think ashrah and syzoth would be so well rounded and loving. date nights either in Shaolin’s gardens or mileena’s palace (probably in the library), always romantic with stereotypical candle light and a nice dinner. syzoth thinks it’s important to make it special as possible since there’s only a few times when you’re all together.
. . .
ᰔ baraka: acts of service, words of affirmation, physical touch
what baraka truly needs is another leader. there is so much responsibility placed on his shoulders with the colony—but of course he would never truly ask you to help, he’s stubborn and well…has a guilty conscience. you would need to insert yourself without needing to be prompted. assertiveness and responsibility is something he finds extremely attractive, as well as being compassionate, gods knows that it’s also something he needs.
physical contact is foreign to him, after years of being alone once his family passed and being ill. he adores it when you bring some type of normalcy to touching him, though he’s the first to pull away. baraka knows the risk he puts you in everyday, if he can limit the chances of tarkat spreading to you—while still indulging this relationship, he will.
like asking for extra leadership—he wouldn’t pursue you. baraka wouldn’t ever expect another chance of love, in all honesty he would think that his pining is one sided. Though once you’ve established a relationship with him, he’s open with you. private moments with you are filled with him thanking you for the work you put in the colony, and how you treat not only him but others. even though he’s no poet, he makes sure you know he cherishes you.
. . .
ᰔ raiden: words of affirmation and quality time
usually he pursues people that he highly respects. you don’t have to do something exceptional, but having passion for your own beliefs is what he values in a person and especially in a partner. also it would be admirable if you were interested in his own goals and aspirations, after all raiden’s prospective has changed much once the events in outworld has passed.
raiden is humble…but he likes showing off to you—not exactly out of place of smugness but he enjoys when you are impressed at his talents. he smiles so brightly whenever you compliment him on his achievements or on his hard work in general. it’s probably one of his top motivation besides him genuinely enjoy what he’s doing.
if you two ever got the chance to go back to fengjian his first goal would to introduce you to his family, he has to be a mama’s boy. he cares deeply for his family and he wants you to feel included in that circle. besides visiting them, he’s taking you to see the sites and old hang out spots. leading you along by holding your hand keeping you close (I love him he’s so sweet ugh). it means everything that you’re willing to listen to his childhood stories and just with him in general to visit his hometown.
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sadly i’m trying to keep his to minimum since my own little headcanons for him should show up in the story i’m writing for him :]
thank you for reading!
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silverliningspidey · 6 days
dead poets?? cooking?? headcanons? (is this anything)
charlie can make a solid few meals and hes not bad at cooking but hes a fiend for not washing up after himself and the mountain of dirty dishes he leaves behind annoys everyone so much that they just let him off cooking duties indefinitely (was it his plan all along? whose to say)
todd can cook but he lacks any confidence in his ability so the whole process is a big headache. he follows the recipe and measurements to a t, and he HATES the “pinch of” “good amount” measurements like PLEASE GIVE IT TO HIM IN NUMBERS PLEASE
knox can cook pretty well and he wears those dumb kiss the chef aprons all the time. he definitely spent time when he was smaller cooking with his mom in the kitchen and when he whips out those family recipes?! OMNOMNOM SO GOOD!!
neil can cook and he generally really likes it! he just enjoys caring for people, hes up for trying to make any new dish and hes the exact cook that stresses todd out so bad he measures ingredients with what feels right and just goes from there. he feels the quantities in his soul. needs someone in the kitchen with him so they can have a yap, (usually todd) but sometimes he’ll get so caught up in a conversation that he’ll forget about something that he has on and burn it (oops)
pittsie is great at cooking but he has NOBODY IN THE KITCHEN W HIM! chef at WORK!! i feel he gets up p early aswell so if ur in the kitchen in the morning and he’s there you might luck into some divine scrambled eggs. hes a humble chef everyone loves when he cooks and hes always like “yeah yeah no problem” but hes secretly so delighted. hes also so anti store bought things that are really easy to make like guacamole. he goes on RANTS because seriously it takes three minutes to make a decent guac and ur buying this?!? for like double the price and half the goodness? are u INSANE? (charlie is a repeat offender)
meeks can cook alright! he has like three dishes that he throws on and theyre nothing special but hey its easy and nice. fiend for a one pot dish he despises dishwashing like god forbid he has to wash one extra pot. he buys those precut onions and stuff because he’s usually like oh shit i have to make dinner! and then throws it on within ten minutes (plus having to wash another knife and CHOPPING BOARD?!?)
cam is a little horrendous at cooking bless him. he just makes like smeh food. nothing wrong about it. but theres nothing RIGHT about it either. he makes up for it in his crazily fantastic baking skills. BUT HE NEVER BAKES bc its effort and everyone is always begging him to put on cookies or something bc theyre always heavenly he just KNOWS how to do it right. hes always a little like FINE HERE TAKE THEM GEEZ but you know hes chuffed with his skills, won several baking competitions when he was smaller.
extra bits:
todd anxiously stares at everyone when theyre eating any food hes made to make sure they actually like it and arent just being nice because they dont HAVE to eat it he doesnt mind seriously oh god its horrible isnt it why didn’t anyone just tell me im so sor-
charlie is obsessed w camerons baking and it KILLS HIM to ask cam to bake something but sometimes u have to set aside ur pride
meeks and pitts early risers real. i feel todd and cam are also up early sometimes
knox loves the idea of having fresh herbs but hes bad at keeping plants so its mostly charlie tending them, he has experience from being around his familys gardener when he was small
neil is go to for what something needs more of. he has a good sense of what a dish is missing and pitts will tolerate him helping with his cooking, plus neil is a great sous chef he’s so eager let him help please
they all try to eat together as often as possible, like a mini society meeting every time. and if they cant all eat together its rare that anyone will eat alone, usually one of em will pop their heads round a door and ask if anyone else is hungry and together they all keep eachother well :)
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newts-frogs-toads · 6 months
Things I hate about my fandoms
(I will probably make posts about each of them later going more in depth)
⚠️These DO NOT apply to ALL members of these fandoms⚠️
Miraculous: mischaracterisation of Kagami as a bad person who just want to ruin the love square. But at the same time they love luka because he's just a sweet little baby boy 🥺👉👈
The owl house: Hunter and Ed interacted once and people started shipping them while they complain about Hunter and Willow for having a 1 year age gap. Also people acting like everyone is siblings
Amphibia: they care about the main trio too much to care about any other character at all
Gravity falls: where do i even start
Steven universe: The Su!c!de incident (dont worry she survived)
The ghost and molly mcgee: they hate Ollie for no reason even after his redemption arc for getting in the way of Molly x Libby or Andrea. They say he and molly look like siblings but their eye colors, skin colors and hair colors are different. (Tbh they cant take it when both characters in a pairing are Asian).
Dwampyverse: Too many NSFW art of children
Ducktales: I like them. Nothing bad about them other than they just ignore canon sometimes but hey, so do I.
Hilda: same as the Dwampyverse
Tangled: pretty chill but please dont ship Varian who's 16 with Cass who's 25.
Infinity train: Saying Lake, Ryan and Min aren't queer coded. Like are you blind? Its fine if you don't ship Rymin or use She/her for Lake but remember cartoon network Stopped the creator from putting those in.
Lego monkie kid: pretty ok fandom. Nothing bad to say about them.
She ra: im pretty late to this fandom so I haven't seen anything bad but as a DT megafan the fandom doesn't give them enough attention to them lol
Dead end: too small
Kipo: WAY too small
Live action movies:
Heathers: (see Musicals)
Undertale: the needle cookie incident (they're ok now don't worry. Dont take food from strangers kids)
Stardew Valley: Toxic arguing over the Bachelors and Bachelorettes. Acting like Haley and Alex are some irredeemable monsters. like, have you tried befriending them?
Heathers: Acting like Heather McNamara is some sweet little angel. Like no. She is sad and deserves better but that doesn't mean shes nice. (In other words: she is damaged, far to damaged, but that does not make her wise)
Hamilton: the HIV incident (just search Hamilton HIV to know the context). Also harassing anyone who isn't the OG cast.
Ride the cyclone: Acting like the characters are so pure and innocent. Like, im against NSFW of the kids too, but the whole point of Ricky is that hes not so sweet and innocent as a disabled person. Or the whole point of Noel is that he wants to be "fucked up". The tiktok fandom is also super biased to the original cast (meanwhile tumblr loves it)
Six: Saying Jane isn't a powerful woman because she wants to get married and have kids
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wildernezz · 3 months
dead poets society scene that cannot be slept on any longer (im just rambling and analyzing the sillies and pretending to be smart. also spoilers loll)
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every single actor in this scene does such an amazing job. they genuinely all feel like such real and complex characters it's insane.
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i don't care if you hate cameron's character but you cannot deny that his scene was amazingly pathetic. his actor did such a perfect job at portraying him almost like a rat backed into a corner. he's doing everything he can to save himself, telling himself he's the one in the right, the one with common sense, when he knows he's faking it. all his dominance is such a pathetic lie and it's genuinely impressive to watch it be portrayed so accurately. it is exactly what it's like to watch someone desperately claw for an ounce of respect. cameron was always a desperate character, and the moment he got the chance to drop his friends and come out "higher" than them, it just made him even sadder to watch.
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and meanwhile charlie's the perfect example of failed justice and passion being outpoured all at once. he has so much determination and desire to stand up for what he believes, but it's all pouring out at once. he doesn't know how to handle all of it. he knows he's done for but he can't give up for the life of him, and it all comes out in a solid swing to cameron's face. that single punch probably sums up everything about charlie, and honestly everything i love about him as a character. he seems like a menace-y little bastard, but at the end of the day he just genuinely wants to do what he thinks is right. he's fiercely protective of the people he looks up to but he'll never admit it. that little shit has ZERO clue how to handle his emotions rationally and it's honestly respectable. he doesn't know exactly who he is, but his values are so strong that he's unknowingly guided by them. basically he's just a silly little guy and i hope he punches people more often :3
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AND TODD THE BELOVED <33 he is so underrated in this scene it's insane. every word feels like it's falling out of him. he's lost his best friend and he's lost all control over himself. it's powerful seeing such quiet and reserved character unwillingly transform into everything they've been trying to keep down. i will forever be in love with how his character completely breaks down after neil's death. this is kinda just me projecting but he fr feels like a representation of all of my own thoughts when breaking down, except he's actually voicing them. todd supremacy for-fucking-ever.
i absolutely adore how knox acts in this scene. especially his lines of "don't touch him charlie, you do and you're out," and then for that to be followed by "you don't know that" after charlie's little "i'm out anyway"?????? knox's entire personality in this movie might be about trying to rizz up girls (and it's a little concerning now but it was a different time guys please he's silly guys i swear), but he's honestly SOO sweet when he's not focused on that. he's just as protective of his friends and it's so nice seeing him be the voice of reason. like did u guys not see how quickly he reached for charlie when he was about to kick cameron's ass????? he genuinely wants the best for his friends and he knows them well enough to try and stop them from doing any irrational shit (even tho it failed later but shshsh). love knox for that.
meeks and pitts don't say anything in this scene, but their looks alone give off so much. you can just SEE how much meeks feels betrayed by cameron, and then pitts looks like he's still trying to process the fact that cameron would even do something like that. it's honestly so sad but god it's so amazing to watch.
anyways thank u for coming to my ted talk plspls ask me about films or drop ur random analyzations to me im so desperate to analyze my favorite little guys :33
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The Girl In The Woods pt.2 - V.Z
Summary: It's been some time since y/n and Victor first met, nearing around 3 months. During that time, the two of them had seen each other again 12 times. It wasn't much, but they still enjoyed their time together. One morning, Victor stops by again.
@killingboredom (i started writing this almost immediately after they commented they'd wanna be tagged in part 2! so, enjoy!)
Content Warning: Explicit language, mentions of death, fluff, knife, gun, Victor being a scary hitman and y/n being a sweet girl who can make him comfortable, think about the tiny fish that attach to sharks. They both help each other out :3 that's how these two are.
Songs For Inspo:
Soldier, Poet, King - The Oh Hellos
Call It Fate, Call It Karma - The Strokes
Heaven - I Monster
Good Looking - Suki Waterhouse (I know this song is about loss and realizing you weren't meant for each other, but the upbeat tempo fits the fanfic, so that's why I used it.)
Swan Lake - Tchaikovsky (im not writing out the whole thing u guys know what song it is stfu <3 also this song is SO Victor Zsasz coded...)
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(bro I saw this gif while listening to end part of Swan Lake and I got chills...this gif doesn't rlly play a role in this fanfic im just using it cuz it made me get goosebumps...)
Read Below Cut
Y/n stood in the garden behind their cottage, a low cobblestone wall surrounding it. Moss covered the stones, the dark green patches soaked in the dew from the early morning rain. The clouds had parted just a little while ago, sun shining down and illuminating the woods. Mourning doves were cooing, their melancholy chirps echoing in the woods. Y/n sighed softly, closing her eyes as she took in the comforting warmth of the sun. They got down on their knees, the overall shorts they wore caused her exposed legs to get slightly covered with dirt. Pulling up the sleeves of her light brown shirt, she reached down and pulled up a carrot from the ground. Smiling, y/n placed it in the basket beside her.
"Need some help with that?" A voice asked.
Y/n turned around, a wide smile spreading on their face. She stood up, brushing dirt off their knees. She walked over to him, wrapping their arms around him. He chuckled lightly, hugging her back and using his gloved hand to pat y/n on the shoulder softly. The girl pulled away, giving him a simple nod.
"That would be very nice, Victor." She responded.
The two of them walked over toward the basket, getting back down on the ground. Victor pulled up his sleeves as well, his muscles flexing as he started to pull carrots out. Y/n giggled, touching him on the shoulder to get his attention. He looked over towards her.
"Pull them out more gently, we don't want the tops to rip off. It'll make them harder to get out of the ground." She said.
Victor nodded, smiling awkwardly. He looked back towards the vegetables, seeing that there was only one left. Digging a little under, he grabbed the top and pulled softly. When it yanked out, he smiled. The whole carrot was intact, which he was proud of. Placing it in the basket y/n had, he stood back up. Y/n did the same, dusting her legs off once again before grabbing the basket of various vegetables.
"I didn't expect to see you again so soon." She said, walking out of the garden.
He followed her, cracking his neck as he rolled it around. His eyes squinted as the sun peered out from behind a tree and shone on him. Using his hand, he covered over his eyes at an angle so he could block the sun. The two of them stepped inside the cottage.
"Well, it's hard to keep away. The scenery is just absolutely breathtaking. What can I say?" He smirked, removing his shoes as he began to close the door behind him.
"Oh yeah, I'm sure that's why you came. Would you mind keeping the door open? It's pretty warm today, I'd like a nice breeze to blow in here." She asked.
"Okie doke. You want the windows open too?" He asked.
"Oh, yes please. Thank you, Victor."
He pushed open the front door gently, getting blinded by the sun once again. Squinting, he moved to the windows around the cottage. Opening every one of them, he took a look at the scenery around him when he poked his head out. There was a pond not too far from y/n cottage that he would sometimes see duck in. Sadly, there were none today. When he finished opening the windows he sat down at the kitchen table.
"Hey, y/n."
"Yes, Victor?" She asked, placing the basket of carrots down as she sat at the table.
He looked at her, face void of emotion. His eyes were heavy, thoughts racing behind them. Y/n tilted her head, unsure of what was going on. Victor sighed, pulling out a packet from the pocket of his pants. He slid it across the table.
"What's thi-"
Y/n looked down at the table, covering her mouth. She giggled, grabbing the packet quickly. Victor tried to hide the smile that was spreading on his face. He cleared his throat, tapping his fingers on the table nonchalantly.
"Sunflower seeds? Victor..." Y/n trailed.
"Yeah well, I know you wanted some. And, I was doing a hit on this guy who had a garden. I saw he had those so I figured I'd take some." He said, looking out the window.
"Oh, well, that's slightly disturbing. But, I still appreciate it nonetheless!" She cheered.
"It was no big deal." He stated.
Y/n smiled, standing up from her seat. She walked over to him, bending over slightly. Victor looked towards her, confused as to what she was doing. However, his eyes widened when she pressed her lips against his forehead. A blush spread over his cheeks which he quickly fought away.
"You're cute, for a hitman..." She joked.
"I'm not cute, but thanks." He said monotone.
"Hm, what about handsome?" She asked.
Victor chuckled, tracing circles onto the wooden table. Y/n watched him through batting eyelashes. She crouched down, knees on the floor as she rested her arms on the table. Y/n rested her chin on her hands, tilting her head sideways to look at him. He looked at her.
"What about charming, hm? Attractive? Devilishly ensnaring?" She suggested.
"Why don't you keep complimenting me, maybe you'll find the right word soon enough." He grinned.
"I think I'm out of words. I don't have a thesaurus on me." She teased.
"Well, that's a shame. I was enjoying those compliments from your pretty mouth."
Y/n blushed, her face slowly turning bright red. Victor chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest. She giggled softly, looking up at him through he hair that hung in her face. He watched as she slowly stood up in front of him. Straightening his posture, turned the chair slightly so he was facing her straight on.
"What are you looking at?" She teased, running a hand through her hair.
"You." He answered simply.
Y/n, already blushing, smiling shyly and looked towards the ground. Victor grinned, leaning forwards and grabbing her hand. Gently, he pulled her closer to him. With his other hand, he brought it up and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.
"I can't help but look at you, y/n."
"Victor..." She sighed.
"Can you move your guns?" She asked, pointing at his holster.
Smiling, he removed his holster and placed it on the table. The guns clunked against the wood. Y/n watched as he pulled out a knife too, placing it on the table as well. He gave y/n a soft smile, teeth slightly showing.
"Do they scare you?" He asked.
"No. They were just in my way..." She said.
Victor's eyes widened slightly as y/n crawled onto his lap. Her legs straddled both sides of him. He had a grin on his face, y/n blushing above him. Pulling his gloves off, he placed them on the table. He reached up, cupping y/n's face with his hands. He sighed softly, looking into her eyes.
"You're so warm." He commented.
"You're so cold." She replied.
Victor looked down at her lips, glancing back up into her eyes. Y/n shifted in his lap, causing him to grunt quietly. He rubbed her cheek with his thumb.
"You do realize I'm a criminal, right? A notorious hitman? A sadist?" He asked, pulling down her bottom lip with his thumb.
"Yes, I do."
"Then why aren't you scared of me?" He asked.
"Because I know you won't hurt me. You love me too much to do that to me. And I love you too." She stated simply.
"What makes you think I love you?"
Y/n placed a hand on his chest, looking him in the eyes. She smiled softly, playing with the buttons of his shirt. Victor watched her as she did this, his heart rate accelerating.
"Well, if I'm wrong, then tell me I'm wrong."
Victor looked her in the eyes, one of his hands trailing to the small of her back. The other hand cupped her face gently. He mumbled under his breath, pulling her in slowly. Victor placed his lips against hers, eyes closing. Y/n placed her hands on his shoulders, giving her stability as she kissed him. Pulling away, hummed, an extremely subtle smile on his face.
"You're right. I do love you..." He sighed.
"Look at that, Mr. Zsasz has fallen for a girl..." Y/n teased.
Victor sat up quickly, grabbing y/n by their thighs. He placed them on the kitchen table, making sure to move the basket of carrots out of the way. Y/n blushed as he stood in between her legs, wrapping them around his waist.
"And look at this, y/n has fallen for a sadistic hitman..." He mocked.
"And I couldn't be happier." She said.
Victor leaned in, gently kissing her once again. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug. Y/n hid her face into the crook of his neck, kissing it lightly. Victor chuckled, holding the back of her head with his hand. He kissed the side of her head as he mumbled something into her ear.
"Me neither..."
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(No original idea, (like the idea of the characters having control over your phone)
What if the people (playable characters) had acces to our phone?
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U got games on ya phone? Those are not yours anymore the kids and itto have claimed them as theirs
-klee is probably playing angry birds or sum-
Oh wait HOLD TF UP YOU DONT WANNA GET OUT OF BED?? ye paimon is turning on the alarm sound (wich not suprisingly is her voice. But you had different lines no? Did someone change it?)
Ehm traveler do you think i can call them a nickname?
-aether shakes his head-
A presentation is suddenly done without you doing it? How strange. Must be ganyu? Ye
"oh their grace has an economy presentation? Well maybe it would take some stress off their back, im sure they still have plenty of other work to do"
Most of the smart people (albedo tighnari etc) use it for their research. I mean they can learn so many things (if you spoke another language i think a lot of them would try to learn it)
"oh so these are flowers from their world? Hm interesting i wonder what these plants can do, maybe when their grace is here i could ask them"
Suddenly new playlists have been popping up. Wondering who did it? Well the culprits are probably venti and xinyan taking the oppertunity to listen to your worlds music.
Suddenly venti is playing soldier poet king on his lyre
Also random pictures? Of the MOST random things in tevyat.
"Oh wait why tf do i have a picture of an anemo slime? Wait i did not take this? Eh whatever i probably just forgot"
Ah what is this, the things you liked on Tumblr? Yae Miko now is in charge of that (Poor you) +bonus if you write yourself)
Oh? So this is what their grace likes to read huh?
Would probably also make light novels inspired by the things you read
Would keep the things you read a secret tho for teasing inspiration ofcourse
When you finaly fall asleep (lets say the phone lays next to you) some will just go up to the screen and say goodnight (like their in the screen)
(favorite character) goodnight your grace..
Or when someone in your class is making fun of you and you speak up THEY WILL FCKING CHEER FOR YOU (ofcourse you dont hear this bc of the class being loud asf (i have childe in mind haha)
-all the yelling between you and this person-
Oh you should see the pride on his face
On the other hand when they hear you cry they will fcking panic. I mean they really wanna help you but they cant because of the barrier in between
"as far as we understand your concerns but we will have to wait until the time is right"
Ye there is utter chaos between the people
When you have to make school work online its randomly made for you? Huh i guess dottore wanted to see what you always have to do
"oh wait i think i still had some chemistry homework"
-sees the work all done-
"Wtf, i didn't make it before? Eh maybe someone else made mine on accident. Well too bad for them"
Also lets not talk about the random number that randomly texts you haha (PLEASE YOU DONT GET IT WHY DO THEY KEEP SAYING "your grace")
They have all sort of agreed to not tell you that they have access to this... Weird Artifact, until your finaly in tevyat.
Please dont be mad at them once they do, they put in so much effort.
I dont understand yall anymore so here, have this. The things i expect to do wel do absolutely not and just random drabbles get so much likes, like what?
Anyways have a nice day/night :D
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werewolfenthusiast · 4 months
My January Reads
White Oleander by Janet Fitch
Told from the POV of Astrid Magnussen, daughter of a manipulative poet who is imprisoned early in the story for the murder of an ex-lover. The story follows Astrid through her various foster homes for the next 6 years as she grows and tries to escape her mother’s grip. This book was written in such a beautiful way, there were so many quotes I underlined. There wasn’t really anything that I could personally relate to but it almost felt like I understood at times. There were moments where it was kind of boring but that’s almost always how it is when a book follows someone’s life. It does have a lot of very heavy content, definitely something that you should check warnings for. The N-slur is used a couple times and while every time it is used it’s clear that it’s not a good thing to call someone (it’s used by a terrible, racist character) it’s obviously still not great for a white women to be writing it. Overall though it was really a fascinating meditation on a very complex mother-daughter relationship. 4/5 stars
Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Feinberg
The novel follows Jess Goldberg, a stone butch lesbian and her life in the U.S. through the 1940s-1970s. I didn’t like this as much as I thought I would but I do still like it quite a bit. I wasn’t a big fan of the writing style and I found that the timeline tended to jump forward months or years without warning. It is very clearly a labour of love however, and it is a very interesting and important read. If you are interested in queer history and like historical fiction you would probably enjoy it. It does have a lot of heavy content but I didn’t find it to be gratuitous, it was real and unfortunately necessary to tell an accurate story, (though of course you should check warnings if needed). 3.75/5 stars
Misc Lit:
Many histories converged at Stonewall by Leslie Feinberg
A very interesting short article on the coming together of different histories at the Stonewall riots, with a particular focus on the black and brown people leading the riots being the descendants of people torn away from or pushed out of their home countries with their own ideas of sexuality and sex/gender.
The Picture of Sirius Black by @lynxindisguise
A WIP that was finished this month. Exactly what it says on the tin, a Picture of Dorian Grey AU and I really do love it so much
A Potter’s Field by MsAlexWP
Sirius is dealing with the death of James and Lily and meets Remus through the death of an unhoused man they were friends with. This was absolutely beautiful truly just so sweet and lovely despite how sad it sounds.
One Shots:
Well, We’re Mates
An anonymously written Wolfstar getting together fic. This was funny and all the conversations just flowed so nicely they all really felt like proper friends and it was just so fun.
An Incomplete List by @neongreenllama
Sirius snores and Remus is trying really hard to remember he’s in love with him. The vibes are just perfect here it’s so them, adorable, I love it.
tueur d’âmes by @divinerapturee
Another lovely little lesbian horror story :)
WIPs Started:
everywhere, everything by @lynxindisguise
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seaglass-and-string · 1 month
☆ i was also thinking, i rly want to make friends as well as having a positive space so if you come across this blog would you possibly just drop pretty much anything in my asks? it could just say hi, or you could ramble for 16 pages about some niche interest/piece of media/your day. send me a picture of your pet, tell me about your latest accomplishments (whether that’s a good score in a test, or you just managed to get out of bed this morning), pls just come and ramble to me bc i wanna learn more abt ppl and potentially make some friends " actual poetry oh my fucking -
Also hi fellow poet here
Don't mind me as I scroll through all your posts :)
I might take you up on ranting or showing random shit
U seem nice
vqsuvdduhreg hellooooo
please and welcome to my trinket cabinet
(also not me literally doing the same im in awe your (im assuming you’re @sweetwarmcookies16 and if you’re not this’ll be embarrassing) poetry is genuinely stunning im gonna have such a good time going further)
please please do id love to hear abt anything
that’s so sweet <3 thank you 😭 literally you too
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skydoesthings · 3 months
Grian's POV:
Grian got chills down his neck, as if someone was watching him. He had folded his wings against his back and spun around to face this person. There stood a tall man, a good 6'4 if you asked Grian. His face was sharp and his nose was cut by a scar. He'd mistake this man for an intruder if Aurora hadn't cleared her throat and introduced him.
"Grian, this is my brother, Scar." Aurora stated before turning to her brother and speaking, "Scar, this is my instructor Grian.”
As if regaining his composure, The ‘Scar’ man grinned widely -Were his cheeks kinda pink? Probably just Grian’s imagination- and stuck out his hand
“Nice to meet you, Grian!”
“Nice to meet you too, Scar.”
Aurora smirked. She ran over to Ariana and whispered something in her ear, causing her to glance over and then both of them collapsing into a fit of giggles. Huh? What’s that about? Eh, he’ll figure it out later.
Scar seemed to stare at Grian, kinda in a trance. If Grian was any smarter he'd know that he seemed out of it. Maybe the man just had a big head and thought a lot. Grian hadn't cared right now either way. He had to get the rest of the kids to their parents or guardians.
“Well, uh, Scar- I have to get back to my job. Cub has my phone number if you have any questions.” Grian stated, not knowing that Scar would take that a different way.
If Grian had to explain his day, he'd explain it as a fish dying in the sand. Why? He had no idea. It just wasn't normal. He went to work, the first thing he hears is that Ariana got in trouble– which was normal. The part that wasn't normal was this scarred man, coincidentally named Scar. He was the typical “oh save me” prince type almost. His words fit right in his mouth, like a poet. God did he hate those types of people.
Although…Scar is somehow different? Grian didn't feel hatred towards Scar.. Maybe because his sister was such a good student. Bias and all. Which is what Grian was trying to convince himself.
Grian was currently sitting on his couch, drinking his favorite tea. Herbal tea was most definitely the best tea. Tastes like a sweet morning with a bit of dew. It was nice and warm compared to the harsh snowy world outside. London was an amazing place, it was close to home and similar. Everyone was nice, although he didn't like people too much.
Oh, nevermind that, he's run out of tea. He'd get up and put his phone on the table before getting up and heading to the kitchen. It was cozy and livable, not too big-the apartment and the kitchen. Grian headed to the sink to clean his mug before his phone started to ring. 
There were only three things this could be.. his mom, his siblings or a parent calling and informing him that their kid wouldn't be in class. And if he really wanted to be wrong, maybe even X. Actually, there was only one real way to figure it out, since all those phone numbers weren't in his contacts. 
“Oh! Uh- this is awkward.. Is this Grian?” the person on the other side asked.
“Maybe.. who is this?” Grian asked through the phone.
“This is Scar! You know.. Aurora’s bigger brother?” Scar said.
Grian realized that he was talking to Scar.. the guy with a scar slashed through his nose. The guy the Grian really can't stop thinking about because he's.. unique.. uniquely weird.
“Hello..?” Scar said from the other side.
Oh.. he must've blanked out.
“Hey! Sorry- Yeah this is Grian. Why ‘d you call?” Grian said as he put the phone on speaker and headed to the kitchen. There was complete silence after Grian questioned Scar. Did this man not have a reason to call?
“Can't a man call his sister's teacher to make sure he's doing okay? I mean, teacher's work hard and you could be stressed out-” Scar rambled before Grian started to cut him off with..
“Scar, we barely know each other for you to be checking up on me and worrying.” Grian simply stated.
“We've known each other for a few hours-”
“We introduced ourselves for a couple of seconds before I had to get back to work.” Grian was thinking logically instead of optimistically, compared to Scar.
“I'm also picking up my sister from now on.” Scar said, joy underlined in every word he used in that sentence.
Grian didn't feel opposed to seeing Scar everyday or so. I mean he hated the other parents with all their stupid gossip and politics, with everything all about them. He sat and listened to the other parents, while with Scar he didn't know what to expect. To Grian, Scar seemed like the type of guy that WILL sit you down and talk with you for hours about Disney and Star Wars, and Grian’s fine with that. Might enjoy it, even.
Grian chuckled. “Sure, big guy. Good for you. Well, to answer your questions, I’m doing well, not really feelin’ the stress too much right now. And you, I speak from experience when I say big brothers work hard too. Are you doing well? Any stress on your end?”
Scar's POV:
As soon as Grian asked how he was doing, Scar felt a hot flush creep across his cheeks.
“Yeah, you. Are you okay?” Grian’s smooth, beautiful voice rang out from the other end.
Looking up from cutting the vegetables, Cub smirked and mouthed ‘Lovesick’ to Aurora, and Aurora, who was helping him, also smirked and vocalized “Oooooo!”
Scar moved the phone a little away from himself and hissed at both of the others to shut up. They were making nothing better as he got embarrassed by both of them. He took a deep breath before putting that mask of confidence back up and swindling a few words. Although it had barely calmed his heart.
“I-I'm doing fine, thank you.”
“Hmm, you sure? You don’t sound too good…”
“O-oh, you don’t have to worry about silly old me! I’m great!”
“Well, whatever you say. Anyway, it’s now time for me to go on my own big brother duties to prevent my siblings from exploding…”
Scar found himself bursting into laughter. To his delight, he heard Grian join him from the other side.
“O-oh man. Are they chaotic?”
“Extremely. Pearl and Jimmy might have set the world on fire with Ariana by now if I wasn’t there. But, to be honest, I would have joined them if our older cousins Martyn and Lizzie weren’t there to reel me in too!”
And they both cracked up again. God, Scar loved hearing Grian laugh. It was beautiful, and a nice change from the stoic man he’d met earlier.
“Isn’t Pearl also a teacher at the academy?”
“Yeah, she’s quite the teacher in fact, however still chaotic, she doesn’t teach ballet like the rest of us, instead teaching weapons dancing.”
“Weapons dancing? That’s so cool! But isn’t that also a bit dangerous?”
“Oh, it is. You should have seen how much she used to get hurt when she started out. But she’s a professional now, and an amazing one, at that.”
“That’s amazing.”
“Well, I really do have to go now. Lovely talking to you, Scar.”
“You too! Goodbye!”
Scar put the phone down, positively glowing. Aurora and Cub walked over, dinner must be ready!
“So,” Aurora began, “How did you manage to make a boyfriend out of my instructor so quickly?”
All thoughts of dinner flew out the window, as Scar became extremely flustered.
“AURORA! H-he’s not my boyfriend!”
“But you want him to be, don’t you?”
“N-no! We’re just friends, and that’s what it’s gonna be! Yep, juuust friends!”
“Oh, stop being in denial Scar, you totally have a crush on Grian” Cub joined in, with a knowing grin plastered on his face.
And both Cub and Aurora pointedly stared at him.
“O-okay, maybe a little…”
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liamtheshark7 · 3 months
BBC Ghosts as sharks part 1
In time line order of course
Robin: now the obvious awnser is Greenland shark so Greenland shark because they are the oldest living shark and also they are close relatives of dogfish and he sometimes acts like a dog
Humphrey: I am thinking angle sharks because they kind of hide away ehich he unintentionally dose with him being a head qnd a body separate (sometimes intentional) and also he js really nice so the name fits but
Mary: I had like 50 different opinions for her but I learnt there’s a shark called the nervous shark so I’m so sorry Mary but she’s getting that
Kitty: obviously !! A lemon shark they are always looking like they are smiling which she is and also they choose there favourite diver and they go to it every time and get jealous if other sharks go over which is kitty with Alison
Thomas: I'm trying to think of a dramatic shark goblin sharks certainly look dramatic they are described as mysterious and unique which he is sort of but was also thinking dusky shark because they travelled so so far to have there baby's qnd that that now metophore he dose so much love letters and poems for people he is In love with so yk that's a bit of a stretch but sharks just armt poets I love both the options so I’ll do both or either
Fanny/lady button: I'm thinking great white I know they are called great white but they have gray and she was the grey lady so yeah also the great white shark is one of them kind of misunderstood guys like I think she is she seems like she's just being horrible for no reason but she's not she's also a person with feelings and all that (im mot saying great white sharks can't be dangerous they can be careful but they are not visous beasts who want to hurt people just cause either)
The Caption: Hammerhead shark.. major spoilers for season 5 make sure you have seen all sesone 5 before you read please! hammerhead sharks can't handle any stress they may die neither can he he get stress alot and is not good with it he died from a stress induced heart attack so hammer head (Sorry)
Pat: Nurse shark: nurse sharks are one of the more friendly sharks and he’s very very friendly they are just cool little guys floating around having a good time, the also usually in groups and he loves his family and his ghosts family also for being a scout leader you do need some nurse like skills like first aid CPR so I think the name fits
Julian: so I wasn't sure for him and I asked someone and they said a carpet shark because they are ugly and bottem feeders which I don’t think they are ugly but yeah the bottem feeder thing is a different thing in sharks the it is in politics obviously but the words the same so I’m going to give him a ornate wobbegong.
I will post drawing of these over the next while and part two when I get to that
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greenrow · 1 year
The song of Achilles rant by a sleep deprived person!
-----------Spoiler warning for the content of The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
Please correct if i say something incorrectly here. It's 4 am and my brain won't shut up about this and I'm saying all of this at the top of my head.
Please remember that this is just my opinion. I promise im not actually mad about this /srs
As much as i love tsoa it's not a perfect book. It has its fair share of flaws
I have a major issue about how some characters are portrayed in the book and i think out of the entire cast Patroclus gets it the worst.
I do not like the "uwu shy boy" vibes Patroclus gives throughout the book. This is not a "oh no, somone looked slightly bad at me, im going to cry over here now since it hurt my feelings" sort of guy. He is a "i could kill you if i wanted to, but you're really worthy of that much effort" sort of guy. My man was a badass.
Patroclus was a warrior and a doctor.
He killed another child when he was but a kid over a game of dice.
He killed twelve men alone (one of them being a son of ZEUS) when he was pretending to be Achilles.
He almost infiltrated troy ALONE but Apollo stopped him from doing so.
Hector was able to kill him since he was already weakened by Apollo's interference.
A actual GOD had to get directly involved to stop patroclus from getting into Troy's walls.
And he was trained by Chiron, he was a terrific medic.
When Achilles refused to fight any longer for a Agamemnon's battle that was made worse because of his pride, Patroclus took apon himself to take care of his fellow comrades. If it weren't for his help and medical knowledge it's most likely the Greeks would of had to deal with way more casualties.
I feel the need to emphasize this:
Patroclus was not a damsel in distress. He was not in need of Achilles's contant protection as Miller portrays him as.
Patroclus was Achilles's partner both in love and in battle for a reason.
I would say this is my biggest beef with tsoa to be honest. But like i said i love this book. It's one of my favourites. And i can excuse all that i mentioned before and have an actual good time reading this books because of a couple of reasons.
For starters miller's way of describing things and telling a story is really nice to me. Like i could feel Patroclus's emotions as if they were my own. I could feel, touch, taste his love for Achilles.
And besides tsoa is a retelling of an epic written by a poet who was writing about a story of a war (based on a historical event that may or may not have happen). All of this, Achilles and Patroclus's relationship, the war over helen, Odysseus, might not even have happen. So why be upset over a piece of fiction.
If you wanted an accurate depiction of the trojan war and of Achilles and Patroclus you would read the source material. The Iliad. (Which you should totally do if you haven't already, it's a classic for a reason).
At the end of the day it's still a story. A retelling of a relationship detailed in the original source.
A good tragic love story about two men who loved each other so much that they would know eachother even in death.
To the point where they were made of memories.
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concordewillfly · 4 months
20 (hehe), 26, 27 ❣️ also hiiiiii hope you’re well mwah
hiii zoe i hope youre well too sending u a big kiss!!
20. three songs that remind you of the person who sends this one
my sister in bands...
cannonball by the breeders: duh! your amazing url <3
blood by sweet pill: youre one of the few fellow sweet pill warriors i know on this site <3
the real by narrow head: love narrow head and youre the authority on them for me...
26. three favourite non-english songs
yesss omg... please excuse the fact theyre all in italian <3 not naming any screamo songs because im nice like that
luna by verdena: one of my fav bands of all time... the lyrics in this one. whew
suzanne by fabrizio de andré: yes this is a cover of thee song by leonard cohen and it makes sense because they were both poets... adore the original and adore this version which feels even more intimate because its so raw when sang in my first language. if youre into singer-songwriter stuff i recommend checking him out!! i love him so much
acida by prozac+: most fun song ever and just so fucking good what else can u say. also so real
27. three songs that you sing while drunk
love this also i am literally always singing but when im drunk i get loud so yknow... bless my friends
basket case by green day: good old dookie!! this is my go to song i start screaming and slurring all the words to when im laying on a couch after a couple of beers
dancing in the moonlight (its caught me in its spotlight) by thin lizzy: one of my friends loves this song and i do too and im a bit of a lightweight so yknow how it goes...
noccioline by carl brave x franco126: the trashiest entry so far... this is my best friend and is album <3 its been ours since we were sixteen and we know every single word so whenever we get a little tipsy one of us will start singing any of these songs... bliss
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screechingzephyrr · 1 year
today i watched the first five episodes of cbs ghosts and as an avid enjoyer of bbc ghosts i decided to share my thoughts and comparisons!
so here are my thoughts… (its kinda long so beware)
Things I Liked:
-My favourite characters are Isaac and Thorfinn, because Isaac is a silly gay soldier man (can you tell i love the captain) and thorfinn is THE icon.
-My favourite parts of the episodes are when they move away from the original bbc ghosts plot and create something of their own- it makes it more enjoyable and interesting as someone who has watched each episode of ghosts so many times ive lost count.
-The characters bounce off each other quite well, there were moments, like when pete and trevor hugged each other after pushing over the pot and i was like haha nice. 👍 they feel like a group
-the show is americanised and i like that about it, it feels very different from the rest of the shows i watch (im british) so its kind of a breath of fresh air in that way
Things i Didnt Like (sorry :(
-The run time (20 mins) means the story is very compacted and, compared to the original, the plot is the same but feels more rushed.
-They sometimes try to have emotional moments??? but i dont feel anything. in the first episode they have one just after samantha goes to hospital and i was sat there like Ok???? It didnt have an impact bc i had only known them for 15 minutes.
—Trevors character….. i think if i saw him without watching bbc ghosts i would have felt better about him. hes a combination of julian and thomas, and he feels washed out because he has both their major traits (slutty politician + liking alison/sam) but toned down.)
Instead of a poet waxing romance and almost innocently adoring her (like thomas) he is a weird politican guy who kinda hits on her sometimes (calling her hot, wondering if they were flirting). i still think hes entertaining, i like him but when he makes comments sometimes i want to scream like someone please make this man stop. hes like julian if he had 0% slut, looked like thomas, and hit on alison.
—some ghosts i dont really see??? like sasappis and that high girl (idek her name😭) i barely see, and the greaser guy with his head chopped off ive seen twice??? they probably get more screentime later but damn where these ghosts at. i want to know more
—cbs ghosts doesnt leave any suspense to what most died of. they flat out state most of them. it leaves the suspense that came with bbc ghosts completely gone. you cant make theories bc they hand it to you on a silver platter and dont make you wait.
—jay and samathas relationship makes me want to commit a crime (in a bad way!!). jay is the worst. they were arguing in teh first three episodes. Jay didnt want to move into the house. theyre not a united front at all! hes kinda fighting with sam and mentioned multiple times about her “cute butt” which personally made me want to scream again. and they just dont have couple vibes
when they try to have moments, it’s stilted. compared to alison and mike who you can see together and who you are endeared to from the first episode, they DONT compare.
Alison sometimes borrows mikes coat in the show, and i dont get that kind of comfortable loving vibe from sam and jay. its not happening for me.
anyway sam should just divorce jay and run the bnb by herself, send post
— OKAY there was this moment where trevor raises his arms and the rest of the ghosts cringe and look away bc of his crotch. Then theres a shot where trevors crotch isnt covered by a pot or another object, its blurred out in pixels. anyway i hated it so much pls make it disappear from existence im begging
-the colour palettes are kinda jarring, its not really that cohesive
I do like it and i will keep watching it for Isaac, but mostly i still think bbc ghosts is the better option so far and if you are thinking about which to watch first, you should watch the original bbc ghosts.
im gonna keep watching and I really hope this show comes into its own.
BUT saying that, im probably biased because im super attached to bbc ghosts, so go check it out for yourself! i am a simple person on the internet and you’d probably be better forming your own opinion.
i’ll probably post my complete opinion on it if i ever finish it. so. yeah.
anyway if you read this far, i love you
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eleanorfenyxwrites · 2 years
im SO curious about the Soldier, Poet, King universe you've built, specifically about what of xichen's childhood jgy and mingjue could see through a threeway drift? jgy and xichen have already connected on that deep, deep, emotional level and jgy and mingjue know each other like the backs of their own hands and the connection mingjue and xichen could have as two older brothers who never had a choice to become the men they are today, as witnessed by jgy, could be So interesting! maybe all three of them could drift and go to a nice memory somewhere in the void where they could see each other as children and like. have a therapy picnic at the top of a grassy hill healing from their childhoods a little?
Im also curious about what kinds of chronic pain mingjue and jgy must be experiencing daily, and what else xichen could do to ease their pain a little bit! also i NEED to know. do nieyao have a shared closet space and how do they navigate integrating their stuff with xichen? PLEASE tell me he gets a drawer of his own and his own pillow
Ahhhh yes I do still need to stick them in a Drift all together!! It'll happen, trust me! As far as what they'll find -
Even in LXC's drift with JGY he was still holding back a bit - one doesn't just repress repress repress for 20+ years and then open up all at once, so there's still definitely some stuff to drag up to the surface. I think he's still doing his best to avoid it during all of this mess going on with them recovering from their drift and then NMJ being all pent up and angry with their situation and everything he's like "Ah yes good, other people's pain to take care of :) :) :) I don't need to think too closely about my childhood still, look, there's no space I'll just take care of my partners" so he's like. Not doing the amount of introspection he needs 😂 Classic.
But once they all get in there together, LXC will get to experience the full force of Nieyao's dynamic, rather than just getting JGY's one side, and he'll realize that there's nowhere left for him to hide. They've done their processing and their healing with each other, as much as they can, and so when they get in the Drift with LXC they're both going to be completely focused on him. And I think you're absolutely right about NMJ bonding with him over having to be the older brother who's always in control, always knows just what to do. I think they can already feel that from each other to a certain extent but it's magnified a thousand times when all their walls are down, and JGY is just going to be like 'holy shit I'm glad I didn't have to raise A-Yu'. But then they're going to have to get to the part where LXC has to trim bits off himself constantly to make himself palatable and respectable and NMJ is going to turn that right back on JGY like 'hey at least I've been allowed to actually feel my feelings my whole life' and so Xiyao will bond like that. Loneliness, and respectability, and fighting hard to be seen as the perfect solution to every problem so that they can continue to be needed because that's the only way they feel like they can justify their presence places. I've actually already teased at that a bit with LXC's internal monologue during his failed drift experiments with JWY and QS, but it'll get magnified again when he drifts with Nieyao and digs up the root of that behavior.
And then yes, because their Drift is finally stable (as in not overpowering and dangerous to JGY like they are individually) they'll just hang out after all that mess and share softer things in the Drift. Meng Shi's hugs and love that she absolutely smothered JGY in. LXC's gentle forgiveness and understanding of all of Nieyao's sharp edges. NMJ's fond memories of Lao Nie and raising Huaisang before everything changed. They'll get to be so soft and gentle with each other because it's what they deserve T-T
For the chronic pains: NMJ has frequent and debilitating migraines from the damage done to him during his last Drift with Lao Nie and the lingering effects of it while he'd been losing himself afterwards. JGY was able to help bring him back from the edge of his sanity, but when NMJ was burned by his suit during his solo flight it included parts of his brain that'll just never recover fully. JGY has aches and pains from old wounds that weren't allowed to heal correctly when he was being abused by JGS before being essentially sold back to NMJ, and so he has to carefully watch how much he does in a day to not overtax himself and have a flare-up. He's gotten very good at riding riiiiight up to the line without actually going over it and it drives NMJ insane becasue he's a worrier. There's not too much that LXC can do, but he knows a lot of good accupressure and massage techniques that help make NMJ's headaches milder and less frequent, and he's not shy of tempting JGY away from work with promises of sex and cuddles to get him to not push himself quite so far (and he can also massage him as well to help some of the worst of his muscle aches).
The closet: Their clothes are limited considering the space limitations, but they absolutely just shoved two standalone wardrobes together and jumble all their stuff together because they can't be bothered lol. LXC cheerfully moved all his stuff in without even asking as soon as physically possible after he and JGY recovered from their Drift and Nieyao both found it very sweet and funny to see him asserting himself in their space like that. It helps that they're all color coded - JGY only wears Jin gold, NMJ wears Nie green/grey because he refuses to integrate into JGS's world any more than necessary, and all of LXC's stuff is white. Don't worry, LXC absolutely gets all his own things and their space definitely fits all three of them, especially since LXC lives somewhat ascetically from his upbringing in Cloud Recesses.
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