#please don't call me transmasc
saint-vagrant · 6 months
heyyy, somehow gained many new followers recently. thank you very much for enjoying my work! in light of that, let's do a small introduction.
i'm Seosamh Dáire, or you can call me joe. he/him • sé/é only. transsexual butch man and leatherdyke ✦ fear tras/aiteach agus gearrán 🐗
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i'm a painter, comic author-illustrator, web/html artist, petty designer, smalltime archivist, passionate marxist. i like anime and virtual pets both from ~1990. as someone working primarily with past decades, i'm interested in broadening our ideas of time/place and who was in it. pro-palestine, native rights and strong proponent/student of irish-native solidarity, blm, roma, the works (uninterested in debating these topics!)
i make trans gay art for perverts and i was recently an artist in residence in the Burren, focusing on traditional paintings and reflecting/writing on being Queer In The Land.
SUPERPOSE: the tremendous dark trans sci-fi comic i make with my life+work partner Anka @kingfisher-cove . take a look! this project is my whole LIFE, and almost every piece i make pertains to it, so if you're unsure of who or what my images are of, that's a safe bet. the comic is recommended for mature readers. here's a brief synopsis,
An ongoing queer sci-fi horror comic about physics.
On the Atlantic coast, in a town called PORT CITY— “a place out of time”
While a tourist destination boasting a popular beach and boardwalk, Port City is also home to ROMAN LABS, an aerospace-turned-tech company now floundering in the tech boom.
Rafael and Royal are each listless in their own lives as longtime locals with little mobility, whose orbits have only occasionally overlapped, until now. Turning a job at the lab into a last-ditch effort for a glimpse of a more equitable future brings Royal and Rafael together, and beaches Kas, a young physicist, on Port City’s shores.
Together they seize the opportunity to alter their future and carve out a place in time for themselves, finally shaking the town and their lives from standstill. Changing history begins with the machine.
(also a supplementary web art/ARG aspect, using flat digital spaces to create a sense of 3d depth and narrative.)
SUPERPOSEBLOG @superposeblog is the repository for all updates and news about the comic.
198X.LOVE our homepage & portfolio
PATREON is where i share most of my work first, early comic pages, WIP, process and thoughts and other resources. it's a direct way to support mine & my partner's work. we are an independent team of two and i'm sure you can appreciate the effort and dedication to managing our practise as well as life obligations. for one-time support, there's also ko-fi. thank you!
i've also begun a new, as of yet unnamed 18+ comic about trans disposability/sapped as a resource + weird blood + nuclear war. so look out for that next year 😘
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queeraliensposts · 1 month
If y'all don't believe that transmascs experience misogyny let me tell you something that happened recently.
There was a post that was essentially making fun of "pick me gays", where they were saying that "I don't watch rupal's drag race, I don't like being called "gurl" and I don't do *insert stereotypical gay activity"". And in that post I commented that some people don't like being called "gurl" or "girl" because it makes them dysphoric and you shouldn't label them a "pick me" because of it. The responses I got for that comment were SO hostile for the sake of my mental health I had to delete the comment. Some people even tried to PURPOSELY trigger my dysphoria.
In that same post a cis man said that he prefers men who are masculine and he shouldn't be shamed for his preferences, and EVERYONE agreed with that.
If you don't see the hypocrisy IDK what to tell you.
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My life would have been soooo much easier as a cis guy I'm actually so mad
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thelonelynindroid · 2 years
I think boys should have a little being called Princess. As a treat
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brokenfoxproductions · 2 months
Sometimes when I get my period, I just kinda randomly hemorrhage.
It's been happening since I was pretty young but got noticably worse after I had my last C-section in 2022.
Some months are fine, some I have my usual(ly horrible) endometriosis flare ups, but others I just bleed until I pass out.
I went through 5 super plus tampons and two regular tampons between 1 pm and 8:15 pm. I was at work during that time, and I had to keep running to the bathroom so I wouldn't suddenly bleed through my clothes.
I keep getting pale(r than usual) in my face and my feet keep going numb. I keep getting lightheaded and dizzy. I feel freezing.
I know that none of this is normal but I also know that nobody is going to take me seriously because it's "just a bad period" even though the chart on the box of tampons I have leads me to estimate I lost 2.5-3 ounces of blood in the span of 7 hours which is... well, Google says that the average person loses that much blood during their entire period, which seems like a low estimate on Google's part, but like....
This is not normal.
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mergaliscious · 3 months
there are some transfems who see the transmisogyny of a few transmascs and turn this into a hatred of all of us. I don't think that's fair, because most transmascs are nice and don't deserve for transfems to be mean to us. This is why I don't trust transfems as a whole and will yell at any transmasc who's nice to them. Because it's mean to be mean to transmascs and some transfems are mean to transmascs so I'm gonna be mean to all transfems and most other transmascs about it
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imagine leaving a server over two whole words, throwing a tantrum in some unrelated group chat, lying about taking a break, and then begging for an invite back only to sit in call in complete silence, say "mexican," laugh, and then apologize and leave call right after
(((and then a few hours later pass out like nothing happened))))
it's like actual child behaviour, and now i know why someone we know is blocked! :D i feel insane because today was really really fucking weird and i honestly do not plan on unblocking them again anywhere after that shit because it's just running in circles every fuckin day it sucks
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AITA for making a joke about my sex life to a student? 😏🐓 Nsfw text obv i know the title sounds bad but please read everything
I (Transmasc, 25) work on a school, very open as being gay, pride pins and it all, not as a teacher but I take care of computers, textbooks and the library. The younger folk seem to like me, but it's in high school folks things get ugly. Most just don't care about me, which I can't judge, being a teen sucks. Some hate me for telling them to go back to class. The ones that like me (mostly queer/autistic folk) like me for real.
There's this one boy (he's either 16 or 17 so he's NOT a kid) that always makes fun of me, is always skipping classes, is mean to everyone, implied a old teacher she should be better off dead, bothers everyone, talk loudly and complains about everything on his sight.
And he is. Very bigoted. I saw him more than once hurting the girls he studies with (slapping/punching) and caling the whores and more, telling them to suck him off, ride his dick, gag on his cock, etc, saying very hurtful things on gay men/anyone he deemed gay, and principal can only call his parents so many times before the parents stop showing and taking the concerns seriously. This is an ongoing issue since 6th grade, as far as I know. He hates my guts since I've called the principal on him more than once for going off on me telling me to fuck myself for asking him to go back to class.
My main strategy with him is ignoring him and the second one is answering as I don't understand him. Perks of being autistic I guess, being able to do this with a straight face. So: he calls me a chicken, I tell him they're my favorite farm animal, how did he guess? They're so amazing and cute. He tells me the lunch is gross, I say they can buy their lunch to bring if they want to, school food isn't that good (not true, the school food is amazing. Most students eat more than one plate). The computers are too slow, I ask him to please be patient cause they're old men that don't like to work, be nice to them :(. Guy says that the classes sucks, I tell him that the complaint box is at (governor's address) but yea they suck but at least he has only one year left.
This is where I might be the asshole, because I hurt myself going up and down a chair to organize some textbooks and I already have severe hip/knee pain so this only made me hurt worse so I am already pretty grumpy. A teacher asks for a banner of a periodic table and I have to find the table and go up a chair to hang it, and in the process, I let out a moan of pain becaude my knees dream of my downfall, and the teacher asks me if I am okay, so I tell yea, my hips and knees just hurt like a bitch. And this one student tells me "why, are you beaten up from taking cock in your ass?" And I breath deeply and answer "If it was from fucking I would be damn happy, but it's only from working. Anyways teacher here you go (with the periodic table)" and the teacher looks me with a surprised expression and all the class is silent and uncomfortable so I just left. Now the student can't look in my eyes but at least they're not talking to me anymore and the teacher hasn't said anything. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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selfmedblves · 5 months
Anti-transmasc posts all are basically like "this policy created by radfems is transmisogynistic and the trans guys are responsible". Like no? I don't support afab only housing nor does any transmasc I know.
Transmisogyny is definitely a problem. No one should denies that. Transmascs aren't responsible for transmisogyny. Transmascs and transfems face different problems. There is no one trans experience. No one transmasc, transfem, or enby experience. Brianna Wu is more privileged than pretty much every trans person I know. Her privilege isn't universal.
I'm transmasc but I'm queer and disabled. My experience isn't universal. Some transmacs might have it worse than me. Some have it easier. I can't definitively say all transmascs are privileged when I know it isn't true. There are shitty transmascs, but please don't group me in with someone like Buck Angel who would call me a transtrender for having long hair.
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trans-androgyne · 5 days
discrimination against trans men is literally just misdirected transmisogyny, and i don't see how it could be anything else- when transphobes go after trans men, it's just to further demonize trans women and treat them like predators who are going after young girls; if trans men didn't exist, transmisogyny would still exist, but if trans women didn't exist, there would be no systemic discrimination against trans men
Alright, this is a tad long but it’s for the benefit of anyone who isn’t sure about this position and would like my thoughts on it. (adding a TL;DR in the notes for anyone that doesn’t want a couple paragraphs worth of text)
Sorry, but this is a terrible take and not reflective of reality at all. I understand why you might feel that way considering a lot of transphobia directed at transmasculine people ties into transmisogyny against transfeminine people, like in the example you gave. Additionally, trans men do at times experience transmisogyny. However, that is not the majority of it. Even when it comes to the infantilization and characterization of transmascs as mentally ill, delusional young girls mutilating themselves, the cause is not always attributed to trans women. I encourage you to look into the idea of Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD) as it applies to transmascs and the idea of them spreading a “social contagion” within groups of “young girls.” Transmascs’ bodies are treated as ruined and diseased, more and more the further we transition into masculinity. There is a full transphobic book on the subject focusing on transmascs, called Irreversable Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters.
It is thoroughly untrue that transphobia against transmascs (transandrophobia) would cease to exist without transmisogyny. This stance leads me to believe you are relatively unfamiliar with some of the unique ways transmasculine people experience transphobia. I can absolutely promise you it is frequently directed at them. Your hypothetical is unrealistic to me, but I want to note: gender non-conformity is still punished outside transmisogyny. Misogyny still occurs outside just transmisogyny.
Fear and disgust at pregnant trans men is not transmisogyny. The idea of “lost lesbians”/“butch flight” is not transmisogyny. The corrective rape of transmascs by cis people as a means of detransition is not transmisogyny. Being called privileged gender traitors trying to climb up a rung in the patriarchy is not transmisogyny. At the least, not nearly as much as it is classic transandrophobia. All transphobia is connected, that much is true. But other types are just as serious and oppressive of systems as transmisogyny. Please seek out a more diverse selection of transmasculine people’s experiences before you try to theorize about their oppression; I think you may find them enlightening.
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ftmtftm · 4 months
I've been scrolling through your blog, and I saw your post about discussing the racialized nature of gender. As someone who has several transmasc POC friends, and someone who's a nonbinary POC themself, I wanted to give my 2 cents.
It's important to understand that "woman" in the "man vs woman" gender binary is a colonialist, white supremacist construct, especially in Western countries where you are the numerical minority. My trans friends aren't on T, they haven't gotten top surgery, we are all quite young. But they all have numerous stories about being addressed as "sir" which brings them euphoria but as one person said, while we were making fun of the amount of white people in our club, "Due to my race and skin color, I get masculinized."
And again I'd like to emphasize, that since we're young, none of us really have medically transitioned due to financial and familial barriers. Their hair is long, our binders we definitely have notable chests, and even if they dress masculine, it's notable that no one in our communities would ever gender us properly. It's often white people calling them "sir." Again, I think this reflects how gender performances in mainstream queer communities are deeply White. Like, trans boys talk about having haircuts, but only one of my friends has that wavier, more manageable hair that will help them pass. When you've got curly/kinky hair, the standards are different. For a white person, what's the difference between a "girl" Afro and a boy "Afro"? White cis people have a harder time identifying us, and literally talk to any black girl, and they'll tell you about being mocked, dehumanized, and called "manly".
I don't have much else to say. These are just my personal experiences. But if you want to be an ally to POC in the queer community, this is why it's so fucking important to bring in colonialism/imperialism/white supremacy into discussions of queer liberation. My biggest gripe with ignorant white queers is when they ignore their white privilege, and act like "cishets" (AKA the patriarchal system regulating sexuality and gender) is the only enemy. Because cishet POC deal with plenty of shit with being infantilized, masculinized, feminized, seen as brutish & dangerous, the list goes on. Doberbutts had a post saying, "Believe me, your family's going to care more about me being black than my queerness." towards his white partners. Acknowledging and creating a framework that centers these intersections of queerness and race into your beliefs is true allyship. This is why if you're not anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist, ACAB...I do not think you care for queer liberation. None of us are free until all of us are free.
Please don't view this post as an attack. But this is my perspective, and I thought you'd be receptive to me sharing my lived experiences.
Oh I absolutely don't view this ask as an attack, and I really appreciate you bringing these things up because you're right! Like, just very plainly: You are right and your and your friends lived experiences are extremely important to the conversation on the racialized aspects of gender.
It gets me thinking about where Misogynoir and the social White Fear of Black manhood intersect for Black trans men in particular. Because Black women and Women of Color in general are masculinized by White gender standards and the ways in which Black trans masculine people are gendered in alignment with their identity is absolutely not always done with gender affirming intent. In fact, it's often actually done with racist intent or is fueled by racist bias when it's coming from White people or even from non-Black POC.
That's kind of restating things you've said but differently, it's just such a topic worth highlighting explicitly since it's extremely relevant to the conversation that's been happening about Male Privilege here the last few days.
I do think I know exactly what @doberbutts post you're talking about and yeah. It's just truth. It's something Black queer people have been talking about for ages in both theory and in pop culture (my mind immediately goes to Kevin Abstract and "American Boyfriend") where Black queer/trans identity is both materially different from (neutral) and is treated differently from (negative) White queer/trans identity in multitudes of ways and those differences are worth sharing and exploring and talking about.
Genuinely, thank you for sharing! I try really hard not to lead these kinds of conversations outside of explicitly referencing back to non-White theorists because I don't particularly feel like it's my place to do so, but I will always provide a platform for them because they're extremely important conversations to be had.
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tangibletechnomancy · 6 months
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The (Personal) Is (Political)
~7 hours, Dall-E 3 via Bing Image Creator, generated under the Code of Ethics of Are We Art Yet?
Or, Dear Microsoft and OpenAI: Your Filters Can't Stop Me From Saying Things: An interactive exercise in why all art is political and game of Spot The Symbols
A rare piece I consider Fully Finished simply as a jpeg, though I may do something physical with it regardless. "Director commentary" below, but I strongly encourage you to go over this and analyze it yourself before clicking through, then see how much your reading aligns with my intent.
Elements I told the model to add and a brief (...or at least inexhaustive) overview of why:
Anime style and character figures - Frequently associated with commercial "low" art and consumer culture, in East Asia and the English-speaking world alike, albeit in different ways - justly or otherwise. There is frequently an element of racism to the denigration of anime styles in the west; nearly any American artist who has taken formal illustration classes can tell you a story of being told that anime style will only hinder them, that no one will hire them if they see anime, or even being graded more harshly and scrutinized for potential anime-esque elements if they like anime or imply that they may like anime - including just by being Asian and young. On the other hand, it is true that there is a commercial strategy of "slap an anime girl on it and it will sell". The passion fans feel for these characters is genuine - and it is very, very exploitable. In fact, this commercialization puts anime styles in particular in a very contentious position when it comes to AI discussions!
Dark-skinned boy with platinum and pink [and blue] hair - Racism and colorism! They're a thing, no matter how much the worst people in the world want you to think they're long over and "critical race theory" is the work of evil anti-American terrorists! I chose his appearance because I knew that unless I was incredibly lucky, I would have to fight with this model for multiple hours to get satisfactory results on this point in particular - and indeed I did. It was an interesting experience - what didn't surprise me was how much work it took me to get a skin color darker than medium-dark tan; what did surprise me was that the hair color was very difficult to get right. In anime art, for dark skin to be matched with light hair and eyes is common enough to be...pretty problematic. Bing Image Creator/Dall-E, on the other hand, swings completely in the opposite direction and struggles with the concept of giving dark-skinned characters any hair color OTHER than black, demanding pretty specific phrasing to get it right even 70% of the time. (I might cynically call this yet another illustration against the pervasive copy-paste myth...) There is also much to say about the hair texture and facial features - while I was pleased to see that more results than I expected gave me textured hair and/or box braids without me asking for it, those were still very much in the minority, and I never saw any deviation from the typical anime facial structures meant to illustrate Asian and white characters. Not even once!
Pink and blue color palette - Our subject is transgender. Bias self-check time: did you make that association as quickly as you would with a light-skinned character, or even Sylveon?
Long hair, cute clothes, lots of accessories - Styling while transmasc is a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't situation, doubly so if you're not white. In many locations, the medical establishment and mainstream attitude demands total conformity to the dominant culture's standard conventional masculinity, or else "revoking your man card" isn't just a joke meant to uphold the idea that men are "better" than women, but a very real threat. In many queer communities, especially online, transmascs are expected to always be cute femboys who love pink (while transfems are frequently degraded and seen as threats for being butch), and being Just Some Guy is viewed as inherently a sign of assimilationism at best and abusiveness at worst. It is an eternal tug-of-war where "cuteness" and ornamentation are both demanded and banned at the same time. Black and brown people are often hypermasculinized and denied the opportunity to even be "cute" in the first place, regardless of gender. Long hair and how gender is read into it is extremely culture-dependent; no matter what it means to you, if anything, the dominant culture wherever you are will read it as it likes.
Trophies and medals - For one, the trans sports Disk Horse has set feminism back by nearly 50 years; I'm barely a Real History-Remembering Adult and yet I clearly remember a time when the feminist claim about gender in sports was predominantly "hey, it's pretty fucked up that sports are segregated by sex rather than weight class or similar measures, especially when women's sports are usually paid much less and given weirdly oversexualized uniforms," but then a few loud living embodiments of turds in the punch bowl realized that might mean treating trans people fairly and now it's super common for self-proclaimed feminists - mostly white ones - to claim that the strongest woman will still never measure up to the weakest man and this is totally a feminist statement because they totally want to PROTECT women (with invasive medical screenings on girls as young as 12 to prove they're Really Women if they perform too well, of course). For two, Black and brown people are stereotyped as being innately more sporty, physically strong, and, again, Masculine(TM) than others, which frequently intersects with item 1...and if you think it only affects trans women, I am sorry my friend but it is so much worse and more extensive than you think.
Hearts - They mean many things. Love. Happiness. Cuteness. Social media engagement?
TikTok - A platform widely known and hated around these parts for its arcane and deeply regressive algorithm; I felt it deserved to be name/layout/logodropped for reasons that, if they're not clear already, should become so in the final paragraph.
Computers, cameras and cell phones - My initial specification was that one of the phones should be on Instagram and another on TikTok, which the model instead chose to interpret as putting a TikTok sticker on the laptop, but sure, okay. They're ubiquitous in the modern day, for better and for worse. For all the debate over whether phones and social media are Good For Us or Bad For Us, the fact of the matter is, they seem to be a net positive-to-neutral, whose impacts depend on the person - but they do still have major drawbacks. The internet is a platform for conspiracy theories and pseudoscience and dangerous hoaxes to spread farther than ever before. Social media culture leaves many people feeling like we're always being watched and every waking moment of our lives must be Perfect - and in some senses, we are always being watched these days. Digital privacy is eroding by the day, already being used to enforce all the most unjust laws on the books, which leads to-
Pigs - I wrote the prompt with the intention that it would just be a sticker on the laptop, but instead it chose to put them everywhere, and given that I wanted to make a somewhat stealthy statement about surveillance, especially of the marginalized...thanks for that, Dall-E! ;)
Alligators - A counter to the pigs; a short-lived antifascist symbol after...this.
Details I did not intend but love anyway:
The blue in the hair - I only prompted for platinum and pink in the hair, but the overall color palette description "bled" over here anyway, completing the trans flag, making it even more blatant, and thus even more effective as a bias self-check.
The Macbook - I only specified a laptop. Hilariously ironic, to me, that a service provided through Bing interpreted "laptop" as "Macbook" nearly every time. In my recent history, 22 out of 24 attempts show, specifically, a Macbook. Microsoft v. OpenAI divorce arc when? ;) But also, let us not forget Apple's role in the ever-worsening sanitization of the internet. A Macbook with a TikTok sticker (or, well, a Tiikok sticker - recognizable enough) - I can think of little more emblematic of one of the main things I was complaining about, and it was a happy accident. Or perhaps an unhappy one, considering what it may imply about Apple's grip on culture and communications.
Which brings me to my process:
Generated over ~7 hours with Dall-E 3 through Bing Image Creator - The most powerful free tool out there for txt2img these days, as well as a nightmare of filters and what may be the most disgustingly, cloyingly impersonal toxic positivity I've ever witnessed from a tool. It wants to be Art(TM), yet it wants to ban Politics(TM); two things which are very much incompatible - and so, I wanted to make A Controversial Statement using only the most unflaggable, innocuous elements imaginable, no matter how long it took.
All art is political. All life is political. All our "defaults" are cultural, and therefore political. Anything whatsoever can be a symbol.
If you want all art to be a substance-free "look at the pretty picture :)" - it doesn't matter how much you filter, buddy, you've got a big storm coming.
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poniesart · 1 year
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It's been a while... my new job has been a lot to get used to, so I haven't really been able to finish any pieces recently, but here is this. I've been meaning to catalogue my gratitude for my low-dose T. Before I went on hormones, I had been fighting my body in the background for so long without noticing, and T made me realize it only after it stopped really being a problem.
And while I am not transmasc, of course people who are transmasc can (and likely will) relate to this! I added that second panel because I want people to stop calling me or my experiences transmasc in my notes when it is incorrect and makes me uncomfortable. Thank you.
ID below thanks to @/rjalker!
[ID: A comic done in mostly black and white, titled, "A Love Letter To What Testosterone Has Given Me" with four hears in the colors of the nonbinary flag, yellow, white, purple, and black, lined up vertically next to it.
The panel next to the title reads, "A note: I am nonbinary, genderqueer, & maverique. I do not identify as transmasc or relate to transmasc experinces. Please don't refer to me as such!"
The five remaining panels are the comic itself:
The first panel shows a drawing of a person mostly offscreen, black shirt, dark hair, sideburns, and glasses just visible, and reads, "To the sideburns I knew I wanted since I was 14."
The second panel continues, "To the arm hair I never knew I needed", showing a light arm with dark hairs on it.
The third panel continues, "To the broader shoulders", showing a bare-chested person from behind with arms partly lifted.
The fourth panel continues, "& thin mustache", showing a smiling person's lower jaw and neck, covered with sparse hairs.
The fifth panel concludes, "& to the realization that people don't have to spend their lives fighting their body for peace.", and shows a person wearing boxers and a bra, with hair legs, arms, and belly, one hand on hip and looking with a small smile towards the camera. At the bottom are two small trans and nonbinary flags.
End ID.]
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shipmanisms · 4 months
meddle about ⋆🪽
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҂ summary: you just found out that your boyfriend, nat, has been insecure about his t-cock, so you make sure to reassure him <3
҂ warnings: sub!transmasc!nat x soft switch!fem!reader ?, oral ( m receiving ) , nat calling reader 'mama' and reader calling nat nattie, fingering?fingerjob? ( m receiving )
҂ a/n: im actually so worried ppl aren't gonna like this but uhm...hope u do!!! also not proofread :0
nat's pretty whimpers could be heard throughout the whole apartment as you sucked on his neck, littering it with hickeys.
"sound so adorable baby" you muttered against his skin, licking the bites you left on his neck before noticing him grinding against your knee.
smirking, you jerked your knee up, causing him to clutch on your shoulders and moan. "need my help nattie?" you asked quietly, keeping your hands on his hips while giving a sweet smile.
"i-i don't know..what if..what if you think it's ugly or- dunno mama, what if you don't wanna be with me after" nat said with a small pout on his lips, looking down to play with his fingers nervously.
you immediately shook your head and caressed his cheek with a concerned look. "you know i'd never think or do something like that,right? i think every inch of you is beautiful nattie, you're beautiful" you peppered some kisses on his cheeks and shoulders before looking up at him. "gonna let mama prove that?" waiting for him to think of his answer, and as soon as he said yes, you got down on your knees.
hooking your fingers in his pants and boxers, you pulled them down together and spread open his legs, kissing his thighs. "so pretty" you caressed his skin before placing a kiss on his throbbing cock.
his fingers instantly found it's way into your hair, thrusting his hips up into your touch, feeling your warm tongue on him. "f-feels so good" nat moaned, arching his back.
as you saw how his body reacted to your touch, you decided to take more of him in your mouth and started sucking harder, causing his body to shudder and your name to fall from his lips multiple times.
"pleasepleaseplease m so close please it hurts" nat begged and begged again, tugging on your hair and grinding on your face, chasing his high as you looked up at him with doe eyes, your mouth still working on his cock. "s gonna be okay angel" you said before putting your mouth to work again, your fingers circling his entrance for a bit before entering him.
whines and moans leaving his pretty lips that were swollen from how hard he was trying to contain his moans by biting them, his hips twitching as you pumped your fingers in and out of him. "you're fucking soaked" groans leaving your mouth as you felt how wet he is.
"be a good boy and cum for me, hm?s okay, im here" you said while still thrusting your fingers, finding his g-spot and hitting it repeatedly as your tongue went back to giving his cock kitten licks.
at your words and the way your fingers felt in him, he came with a loud scream of your name, holding onto the couch's arm for stability as he reached his climax.
still keeping your fingers inside of him to help him ride out his high, you gave him a sweet smile and a kiss on his thigh. "you did so good for me baby" you said as you pulled out, leaving him whimpering and feeling empty, but nonetheless grateful for you. "thank you mama" he said with a pout again that soon turned into a small smile as he bent down and pecked your lips.
"now how about we take a nice warm shower and after im gonna cook us something to eat, hm? would you like that?" you smiled at him and got up from being on your knees, stretching your hand out for him to take as he nodded.
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snowsinterlude · 5 months
sweet cis teen.
(jerk coriolanus x transmasc reader)
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summary: based on this ask. coriolanus is your stupid jerk roommate who's always throwing the most hateful comments on you. thus being said, you didn't expect him to be so eager when sucking you off.
c.w: dumb jerk coriolanus x transmasc reader, stress fucking, submissive coryo, competition, coryo trying to be better than reader on anything, reader is implied to be on a nursery course at the college (y'all stay safe please don't inject nothing if you're not nurses), bottom growth (thus being clit growth due to testosterone), dacryphilia and dirty talk
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at first sight, you thought to yourself about how pretty coriolanus was. soft blonde curls that were cut to give place to a buzzcut, that you still thought was pretty hot.
but, fuck, how can he be so idiot sometimes?
he was the roommate you got. it seemed like a joke, actually. a sick and horribly funny joke. with you being on testosterone, no one could actually tell you were trans except you decided to tell them.
binder caging your chest, big clothes covering your body and your voice being as deep as any boy your age.
however, the moment you took out the trans pride flag out of your suitcase and pinned it to the wall, he seemed to change, constantly trying to prove he was better than you.
"what's that?" he asked, his head indicating the flag on your wall.
"hm? ah. that's my pride flag." you said, smiling at him.
"pride flag?" he arched his brow, but you could feel a sense of... rudeness, on his voice.
"...yeah. my trans pride flag." you said, arching your brow to him.
"you're trans? he said, laughing. and then your world shaked a bit on your feet, your breath hitching as you listened to his laughs. "okay, then."
"okay...?" you arched your brow. he was kinda strange, looking at you as if trying to read through you.
then one morning he saw you with a syringe on your hand and he almost panicked, pointing at it desperately.
"what- what is that?? are you a drug addict or something?? man, do your shit on the other room! not on the kitchen!! definitely not on the kitchen!!" he said, voice clear with despair.
you arched your brow, looking at him.
"you're afraid of needles, snow?" you teased, smirking.
"what- no! of course not! that's not the subject- the thing is- this thing is not supposed to be on the kitchen! what if that needle falls on the ground and someone step on it?? it wouldn't be a pretty sight, i assure you."
you laughed loudly at his words. fuck, he seemed scared for his dear live.
"that's..." you panted between chuckles, shaking. "fuck, that's testosterone, man."
"yeah, call your drug whatever you want. but i'm not gonna take you to the hospital if you get an infection." he said, trembling as he looked at the needle on your hand.
"boy i'm a nurse." you said "i'm dr. ghaul's intern."
"and did i ask??? no. so please turn that needle away."
you shrugged, finishing what you had to do.
and god, you swear that was the first time he started to compete with you.
grades, gym classes, mathematics, better answers in class, everything turned into a competition. an unilateral one, at least.
every girl that approached you was immediatly swayed away by him and fuck you if you were in pain at some point, he was always excluding the fact you were trans, treating you as a cis man and god forbid you talked otherwise.
he always competed with you on everything, truly. drinking, cooking, flirting with girls or something like that, everything was a reason to compete.
"hey, dude." he called you, voice deeper than usual as he entered your room and closed the door behind you.
"hello, snow."
"you can call me coryo, dude." he said, looking at you. he seemed strange.
"okay, coryo. what is it?" "wanna see who's dick is bigger?" "what- no, what the fuck, coryo??" "c'mon, why not? you're afraid of losing?"
you sighed, holding the wish to facepalm yourself once your bottom hurt, result of the testosterone you were taking.
"coryo you know i don't have a cock. stop fucking with me." you said, looking at him as he frowned "what do you mean? you're a man." he said.
you wanted to laugh at him. he was getting in your nerves already.
"coriolanus, you know i'm transgender." "yeah, i had a question about it too."
"shut up." you said, not giving him any chance to speak. you were tired of him, of his behaviour
you were the one frowning now. you felt like you'd regret it. specially since your clit was throbbing painfully from how excited you were, not from this situation though, but the testosterone seemed to make you really hypersexual and sensitive and this dumb blonde entered your room at the worst moment possible.
"you can't keep one second of your life without pissing me off," you ranted, standing up from your bed as your finger hit his chest, pushing him away "ever since you've become my roommate my life has been rolling around entertaining you with those dumb fucking competitions. i am tired of you." you spat, pushing him more and more to any direction he was, till he sat on your bed.
"this being said, coriolanus, what's your fucking question?"
"how do you not have a dick if you take testosterone?" he asked, blushing hardly as he looked at you, his cheeks felt horribly hot as he looked at you, and you didn't notice how his pants were terribly tight when you exploded your anger on him.
"coryo, i-" you groaned in frustration.
"tell me, c'mon. i'll leave you alone. only thing i know 'bout that shit is that you feel.. uh... more excited? yeah, that was it."
"fuck coryo if you wanna suck my dick then say it!" you exploded, looking at him with anger. the entire room seemed to get silent after that, and you thought everything was done.
it wasn't.
"i.. i want to." he said, almost a whisper as he scratched his buzzcut.
"i want to." he said, looking at your eyes. "i want to suck whatever it is that is between your legs."
you groaned huskily, almost crying from the pain present on your trousers.
give the people what they want.
you both would be winning, anyway.
"do you know... what bottom growth is?" you asked.
"...no." he said, breathing heavily.
"it is one of the side effects of taking testosterone. the clit starts getting bigger, in width and lenght." you said, and you could see him gulping down, eyes shining. what you didn't know was that his mouth felt insanely dry, like he needed to taste you to be hydratated again. "it gets super sensitive and as you said before, the testosterone makes most ftm more excited than usual."
"okay." he said, nodding while trying to keep his calm. "is that a yes?"
"yes." you answered.
and he pushed you to the bed, throwing you on the bed and taking your pants off your body. your leg was on his broad shoulders while his tongue licked you through your trousers, making your body jolt from the sensitivity. this only fueled his hunger more and more, his hand pushing your underwear aside.
he spent a whole minute looking at it, looking at you, eyes shining from fascination.
"stop staring and just suck it you fucking bitch" you growled, pulling his head into your pussy, and he did as you said, moaning a bit against it before his tongue started working on you, focusing on your bottom growth more than on anything else.
his hips thrusted into your matters, he freed his hand just a bit only to free his hard cock from his own pants, but never stopped sucking you.
"fuck! are you starved, dude?! you look as hungry as a bitch in heat!" you moaned out, grinding your hips on his eager tongue. he was making you so wet, and yet the one crying from pleasure was him, tears appearing up on his pretty cerulean eyes as he tasted you, and he swore he had never tasted anything better than you in his entire life. he needed your approval, and your degrading words only seemed to fuel his hunger for your pussy more and more.
he could spend an entire hour sucking you, it still wouldn't be enough. that's why he desperately tried to bury himself deep between your legs again, once you pushed him away.
"stop that," you said, slapping his face and earning a cry out of his pretty mouth, the sight making your cunt ache "listen to me, you have to be less eager unless you want me to be the first person on earth to die from overstimulation, okay?" he nodded. "good boy, keep going."
he groaned, feeling his balls tightening to the praise before he buried himself in between your legs again, ignoring the fact he just came silently on your mattress. he followed your instructions, eating you out eagerly, but not too much for you not to be too overstimulated.
didn't work anyway, you ended up squirting on his mouth and he didn’t even care, pushing your buttons and keeping his tongue inside you, thrusting inside you while his nose touched your clit.
you came more than three times and less than five, probably, that was your only certainty as you pushed him away from your pussy, he crawled up to be face to face with you, cleaning his mouth messily after you kissed his tears away.
"you should be like that more times, coryo." you said, breathing heavily.
"i'll try." he said, panting heavily. "i'll try."
and he did. every oportunity you gave for him to give you head was very well used and he'd only stop when you cussed him, after at least 3 times squirting. and he'd be so proud, even if you didn't praise him.
he turned out to be the sweetest cis boy you've ever met. and the hungriest, too.
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storyinmypocket · 5 months
The title should've read transmasc, but now it won't let me change it. Bother.
Anyway, pretty much what it says on the tin. I haven't felt safe living where I do for Some Time Now, and I have a great opportunity to move somewhere better, but I don't currently have the money for a cross-country move.
As things stand, I'd rather not pay rent on a room I'm not occupying while I save up moving money, but if that's the only option, that's what I'll do, because it's more or less impossible to find rent this good in the Bay Area. It just won't make me any safer in the short term, and not getting medical treatment because I feel unsafe around the medical transportation folks isn't a great long-term strategy.
While I can't offer incentives to donate on the GoFundMe site, I'm happy to offer 3-card tarot readings for every donation of $10 or more, 5-card readings for $15 or more, and bigger and more complicated readings for anything $30 and above, so long as you're not asking for a relationship spread for your 7-person polycule. (If you really want polycule readings, donate over $100 and we'll talk, but for anything more than a triad, readings get exponentially more complicated.) I have multiple queer/BIPOC-friendly decks, and one that is aggressively body-positive. If you're looking for a specific vibe, let me know, because I can probably at least get close to what you're looking for, deck-wise. (I also have a couple of decks that differ from the standard tarot template, like the Normal Tarot and the Alleyman's Tarot.)
I would really love to live somewhere with IRL community and public transportation and not feeling like the only trans person for miles. That said, if you stumble across a fundraiser for someone who needs food or rent Right The Fuck Now, please donate to them instead... but also please consider giving this a reblog if you can't toss any money my way.
Thanks, everybody.
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