#please give him therapy
the-triggered-lizard · 8 months
Abandoned, as always.
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A reference to @caitlynnrosespn post about Jack crying during the events of tainted love. That shit broke me, so naturally, I break him even more.
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asherraccoon · 25 days
More Vox HCs bc I love him <3
*Slaps Vox on the head* You can fit SO MUCH ANGST into this bad boy!
1. Vox used to be a lot more happy and cheerful and upbeat back when he and Alastor where friends. Alastor made him feel genuinely happy. So after their falling out, Vox kinda just... stopped feeling real happiness for a while. He still struggles with feeling genuine emotion to this day so he kinda just masks himself.
2.(I can't remember if I said this in my last Vox HC post so I'm saying it again) Vox has a tail! He's just embarrassed about it so he keeps it hidden.
3.Vox can't handle being alone. He needs to have someone with him at all times. Whether it's in the same room, or even just in the same building. He needs to know he isn't alone. (He once had a panic attack because Val and Vel went out without telling him once because he was still asleep)
4.Vox talks to himself a lot. He usually does it when he's overthinking (along with hand flapping and pacing) so that's usually how the other Vees know that Vox is overwhelmed and needs a break.
5. Vox has a playlist dedicated to his past with Alastor and he listens to it for comfort.
6. Vox is a cuddler and hugs things in his sleep. Usually his Alastor body pillow (Where the fuck did bro even get that from anyway?) especially when having nightmares.
7. Speaking of nightmares, Vox has them frequently. They're usually about Alastor. When he wakes up from these nightmares he immediately goes to turn on his Alastor playlist.
8. More on that playlist! He actually has a couple recordings of Alastor himself singing on there! Vox used to love listening to Alastor sing back when they were friends, and I guess he still does love listening to him now.
9. Vox talks to Velvette the most. He talks to her more than he does Val. He trusts her the most, she's like a sister to him whereas Val is just a sexual partner basically.
10. More on Vox and Vel's relationship! Vox talks to Velvette about almost everything. His latest hyperfixation(s), his sharks, updates on Voxtek, what dumb shit Val said last week, and even how much he misses Alastor.
11. Adding onto the Alastor thing above, when Vox talks about his past with Alastor he usually ends up in tears. Velvette comforts him with hugs, shopping dates, and letting him ramble about his other interests and ideas for the future.
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betashift · 11 months
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STAR TREK: STRANGE NEW WORLDS — 2.08 "Under the Cloak of War"
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voiddaisy · 2 months
the tragedy that is dick grayson is making me sad again
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cairavende · 6 months
Worm Arc 14 thoughts from 14.8 through the end:
Gonna get a little bit gay up in here pretty soon. But first, some other stuff.
Pretty much jump right into "Oh shit everything is fucked" with the bio-weapon just spreading everywhere right away.
Skitter's focus on Tattletale specifically when trying to get them to higher ground was top level Chatterbug/Smugbug content. Like sure Sundancer and Trickster too, she wanted to save them. But when Bentley wasn't climbing fast enough what she said to herself in worry was "Tattletale."
Fucking god. Tattletale telling Skitter to fly to the higher building and use bugs so Trickster could teleport them and they'd follow? But fully knowing it wouldn't work and just trying to get Skitter to safety?
"It doesn’t look like her plan will work out. Tell her I’m sorry." - I WAS FUCKING BAWLING
I had figured that Bonesaw's contingency wasn't just a "everyone dies right now" virus or whatever. It would need to be artistic. And it would need to be a punishment to the local capes, both hero and villain. And the way to punish them would be to "take the city from them". "Make them watch it destroy itself." "Make them help".
I feel like what she did covered that general outline with a heavier focus on taking everything away from the capes. But still, god damn Bonesaw. Absolutely fucking terrifying. Super powered face blindness. At the base at least. Don't know who anyone is. Damn.
If Jack put's his slimy fucking hands on my daughter again I will personally remove them.
The "Don't swear!" from Bonesaw while pretending to be Tattletale was fun. I managed to hit on it before that, but it was a good confirmation.
Fucking Jack and his "You’re versatile" after seeing Skitter make decoys while prepping to tie someone up with spiders. FUCK OFF WITH YOUR DREAMS YOU DICK. YOU CAN'T HAVE HER.
Instantly confirmed when Skitter flat refused to shoot someone despite Jack and Bonesaw telling her to. My daughter might not be perfect but she's not going to be one of you!
Coil fucked up a bit on the phone. He wasn't dealing with the pathogen so he should have done better. Even just asking everyone there to say something so he could listen to the voices. He would have known right away it wasn't Tattletale and Grue. Patching them through to Cherish that easily was a mistake. He really doesn't do as much as he could be. Like ya he's evil but that doesn't mean I'm not disappointed when he isn't using his full potential.
Cherish very fucked up when she thought letting Jack and Bonesaw know where she was would be good for her. Hope she likes her eternal torment at the bottom of the ocean. (Ok there's a chance she'll get pulled out in the future I guess.)
I'll admit, when Amy left with Victoria earlier I wasn't expecting to see them again so soon.
"Panacea is the healer, top floor, Jack is the slasher, the blond girl is the chemist-tinker." I don't know why, since it doesn't rhyme or anything, but I got very "The pellet with the poison's in the flagon with the dragon; the vessel with the pestle has the brew that is true" vibes from this.
Jack trying to convince Amy by talking about how many of her ancestors were successful by being cruel and Taylor just internally going "How many were successful because they cooperated?" Love my daughter.
Victoria is still very much . . . not dead.
Seriously. Personalized. It has her face on the outside made out of bone. What the actual fuck Amy?
Proud of my daughter for shooting Jack, even if it didn't work.
It's probably fine that Skitter got Amy to break her brain rule again. I mean like it's good. It was the only way to fix the pathogen. It saved herself and the city. That is all good. Just . . . there might also be some long term negative outcomes. Probably fine though.
Getting gets cured and goes off to cure the city be gay.
"'You couldn’t have waited until after you’d cured me before you put the bugs on your face?' Tattletale asked. She was smiling as she asked it." - ALSO EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!
Also the level of effort the girls went through after that trying to figure out how to cure Grue and Regent without kissing? Fucking amazing. Kissing was only ok for these three. Obviously.
Gay (bug)horse girl gay (bug)horse girl gay (bug)horse girl
And the remainder of the Nine got away. Which is pretty fucking bad I guess. What with the whole "end of the world" and all that. I get that story point is the *actual* big end of the arc. But it's been overshadowed. By the gays.
Did I mention things being gay? I just want to make sure. Cause they were. Gay that is.
Interlude 1 - Sierra is amazing. She is exactly who Skitter needs to be running things while she's away. Charlotte is also amazing and I think worships the ground Skitter walks on. My daughter is, as always, absolutely terrifying when described from anyone else's PoV. She only gets more so every time. She just uses bug speak without even realizing now. Amazing. I love her. Atlas is helping and I'm so proud of him. He even got to take the gun. I hope he gets to keep it.
Interlude 2 (thought about making this it's own post but I'll just keep it really simple) - God dammit all three of the big 3 are Cauldron created? Ugh. Legend you appear to be trying to do the right thing but you sure as shit aren't paying much attention are you? Holy shit like, you believed so much of what the Doctor has been saying for years? God damn bud. How could you look at Cauldron and assume they *aren't* doing human experimentation? Especially since you know they have done it in the past! Like god damn man! At least you do kind of acknowledge that maybe you were purposefully ignoring the signs cause you wanted to be ignorant. Maybe there is a little bit of hope for you. Hell of a lore dump interlude though. Gives me lots to think about. Also I'd absolutely listen to The Number Man talk about spreadsheets all day long.
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msnihilist · 15 days
"...which means it's kind of my fault, like pretty much everything else lately." "So, I'm the bad guy now?" "Do you really think it's a good idea to trust me?" "I never wanted to hurt anyone! I am not a monster!" "What are they so scared of?" "They called you a monster, too!" "Look at all of this, look at my own family... Then tell me again how I'm not the bad guy." "I knew Argost was going to try to use the flute, but I didn't expect to survive it." "Call in the Secret Scientists. Someone needs to fix this — all of it." "I guess they know something big and bad is coming." "Do I look like I'm allowed to be normal?"
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tecnestheim962 · 1 month
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Okay guys, I’m no artist, nor will I ever claim to be, but I was given a pouch to paint and my mind screamed Rosegarden, so I looked up both Oscar and Ruby’s emblems together and this was what I came up with (unfortunately, when I looked it up, Oscar’s emblem is the same as Ozpin’s but just to be clear, I do NOT ship Ozpin and Ruby cause that’s just yikes).
If there’s a new emblem for Oscar (I think I saw a fan made one with a pine cone which I think is cool!) that’s official, I will gladly flip this over and do a new one on the back!
Anywho, I tried to make it more obviously Oscar by doing the golden vines along with the silver roses across the whole thing.
Just thought I’d share! It brings me great happiness to have a physical reminder of my wholesome beans in my life.
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dirtytransmasc · 10 months
this video is so aegon coded, in my mind (I am the eldest child, I technically ruined my mom's life, but she tries so hard to love me, she DOES love me, but our relationship is so strained because of the way she's treated me due to her own pain. I think I'm a good enough reference on this)
like. him and alicent. with all their messiness. at the end of the day, that's HIS mommy, and no matter what, even when he feels like he hates her, she is beautiful and perfect and no one can say a bad thing about her because he loves her and she loves him and that makes everything ok at the end of the day.
sometimes he's mean to her, she's too rough, he feels like he hates her, she can barely look at him. but god forbid someone insult her in his presence, he will actually have a breakdown. that's his mommy and he loves her and forgives her and hopes she can forgive him and just wants her to be happy so they can all be happy.
like little kid aegon, he was always playing with her hair and her jewelry, telling her she was pretty. gently poking at her face, like toddlers do, when she was upset, trying to figure out what was wrong. he'd hug her clumsily and tell her it was alright. and he remembers that, he remembers wanting his mom to be happy and to know she was beautiful and that he was there (again, in the way a toddler does) and he stills wants that. he wants to be small and to make his mom smile and feel better. that's his job! he's supposed to protect her and make her happy!
I especially imagine this happens frequently cause of how her father and his father treat her, how the court treats her, how everyone treats her. they all so mean to her, even in ways that are quiet and seemingly mundane. he must hate it. hate the way they tear her apart with their words and their eyes. the way they subtly mock her. he must feel so angry but so helpless and conflicted.
and it all boils down to him becoming a sobbing, snotty, (in his case) drunken mess and I love that for him (I mean I feel really bad, this shit sucks, but you know what I mean)
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thestrangestperson · 10 months
Crowley: (Sobbing into the carpet)
Nina: I know it's hard but you'll be alright. Come on, chin up.
Maggie: Exactly. I think the first thing to do is get you up and cleaned up and on your feet, how's that?
Crowley: (Clearly drunk, rising to his feet) AH YES EVERYTHING IS FINE. ABSOLUTELY PEACHY. PERFECTLY TICKETY-BOO!! (Passes out, hits the ground with a THUNK)
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anotherdarkiboi · 9 months
Are you Astarion-obsessed and want to lovingly squooze him in the physical form (with his consent)??
Plush Wonderland is running a poll to see how much support there would be for them to make an Astarion plush! If you know their work, their plushies are very cute, so please consider placing a $5 deposit so the poll can succeed! There are also polls for the other companions as well :)
Also, by making a deposit, you can get $10 off of the plush during presale if there's enough support and a refund if the poll doesn't succeed, so there isn't much loss and a LOT of gain (hopefully the cutest Astarion plushie to ever exist). I am not sponsored or anything, I just haven't seen anyone talking about this!
I just need to do this to him so bad (affectionately)!
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xylophone888 · 4 months
currently in deep heavy thought about rincewind quietly watching ponder running around doing everything someone else didn't do enough or at all barely stopping himself from accidentally jumping out of his own skin carrying the entire university in one hand and the entire discworld in the other during the whole roundworld elves thing all the way up until one day as ponder fully out of both physical and metaphorical breath crashes down on a tiny wooden chair next to hexs huge metallic strangely alive side rincewind carefully inquires from his lab mouse corner: "so sorry to interrupt but since you've been writing so many different things into this registry of yours i cannot help but ask uhhh, isn't the bursar supposed to be doing this? is anything other than the usual wrong with him?" and ponder who was already getting up to start working on something again suddenly feels too weak to even sit up straight and falls down into his chair
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Everybody decided that this guy needs to go through hell like canon wasn't enough for y'all PLEASE
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mcybree · 4 months
considering my brand is bitching about FH all day, sometimes I feel bad at convincing myself wcsmp didn’t end well for scott and milo. Like damn girl leave him with SOMETHING…
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sammybii · 1 year
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infinity-tippy · 11 months
“You just assumed I’d go along with you no matter what. Did you even consider what I wanted?”
“I assumed that after everything we’ve been through, you’d see things the way I do, just like the real Tails would.”
“I AM real! Just not your real friend. What did you think would happen to me when you brought your friends back?”
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callittrueblue · 4 months
Dang, what is it rick? What are you? Sheriff, cowboy, farmer, beasts, lover? Now, soldiers? yooo, my dude officially I call you Helicopter boy!!!
wait, what kind of water did he drink?
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