#please howie just wanted to be loved :(((( AND HE IS :)))))
mintedwitcher · 2 months
talk to me about the bucktommy invisible string theory, if you please 🎤
Okay hear me out. Without Tommy? Buck would not be where he is now, and so much of the 118 falls apart without him:
Tommy starts at the 118 closeted and desperate to hide it so he follows along with the boys club
Howie arrives and starts chipping away at that by trying to become actual friends with his team mates
Tommy only decides to open up after Howie stuck his neck out to save Tommy's life from that retail explosion. This is the start of his separation from the boys club mentality
Hen joins the 118 and Tommy sees how quickly Gerrard shits on her (his look when Gerrard calls Hen the "latest diversity hire" is almost sheer disgust, hidden fairly quickly) despite Hen proving that she is just as smart and capable as anyone else on the job
Hen's "I see you" speech is his catalyst; he files complaints against Captain Gerrard, contributing to Gerrard being fired and Bobby being instated as captain
The boys club is almost done with anyway, but Tommy's done playing with that mindset. He befriends Hen and Howie.
He is personally present to witness the shift in dynamic happening once again when Bobby instates family dinners as a 118 tradition
When he eventually leaves to join Harbour, he leaves a gap in the 118 A-shift to be filled by none other than Evan Buckley, probie.
If Chim hadn't saved Tommy's life: Tommy wouldn't have started to pull back from the boys club, or really understood the issues with Gerrard's captaincy.
If Tommy hadn't reported Gerrard: Bobby wouldn't have become captain.
If Tommy had stayed at the 118: there'd be no room for Buck.
If Tommy hadn't befriended Hen and Chim: Buck never would've met Tommy.
Tommy Kinard is the linchpin holding it all in place. If just one single decision had been changed, everything would be different. Buck is where he is, with the family he's found, because of Tommy Kinard. And he can't see it. Tommy can't see the bigger picture, the opportunities he created with his seemingly small actions. And Buck is exactly the same way.
Their paths were always meant to cross. They were always meant to know each other, to fall in love. Because without even knowing it, Tommy has always been making a space for Evan. And just like with their first date, it turns out that Tommy stepping away is exactly what Buck needed in order to step forward.
I guess if you really want to go in on the metaphor: Buck's been following the pull of this invisible string for a long time, following Tommy from such a distance that he can't see the other end of the string yet, can't see who he's following. He just knows he's searching for something. For someone. And then the pull slacked once Buck got to the 118. The tether relaxed when they both stood still, when they both found the right places to wait. And one act of loyalty and courage from a friend years ago echoed along the string to pull them closer together, until they were standing in the same place.
By a helicopter on an airfield, preparing to fly out into literally unknown waters, the string pulled them in tight and said: "There he is. He's what you've been looking for, what youve been waiting for. Go get him."
Or something like that.
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peppermintquartz · 21 days
General, bucktommy
Bad News
"You're not gonna believe this."
Tommy is still distracted with taking off his shoes, so he doesn't see Evan's expression when he replies, "What, you're pregnant?"
The pause that follows is very pregnant. Tommy glances up from his laces which have tangled together, his eyebrows shooting up.
Evan is frowning at him. "I'm being serious."
Whoops. Tommy pulls off his shoes and goes to kiss his boyfriend on the cheek in apology. "Sorry," he says. "I shouldn't have been facetious."
"No, you shouldn't have," says Evan, hugging Tommy briefly. "Because it's bad news."
Tommy's heart sinks. Evan is moving away because of an emergency. Evan has discovered that he really is just an ally. Evan is going to apply to NASA and go to the international space station and never returning.
Evan is talking. "...he looked so smug in the station, like he has any right to be there after all the shit he put Hen and Chimney through, and I swear if I'm left alone with him I might just punch him in the nose, insubordination be damned."
"I know, right? Fucking Gerrard is captain of the 118 again. Hell, if Bobby doesn't get to come back I'll transfer out or, or I'll quit. Be a personal trainer."
Tommy's mind is in a whirl. Gerrard is back in the 118? Tommy was one of those who sent in the complaints - he'd finally grown the balls to want to defend Hen and Howie from that asshole, but he had not dared to speak up openly. He's now at Harbor so he's safe from retaliation, but Gerrard saw him and Evan at the medal ceremony and he made that gross "fairy" insinuation...
"...Tommy? Babe, you've gone white as a sheet. You okay?"
Tommy exhales. "Yeah. I, uh. That's really lousy news. But you don't have to quit, no matter what, okay? And don't assault him. He's not worth it."
Evan smiles but the light isn't in his eyes like usual. "Yeah I know. But I can fantasize about it, can't I?"
If Tommy hasn't been thrown off kilter about Gerrard's return, he would be joking about how the only man allowed in Evan's fantasies is himself (and Keanu Reeves), but he just smiles and pats his boyfriend's arm. "I'm gonna go take a shower. If you're hungry, start dinner without me."
The water is hot enough to scald. Tommy shuts his eyes and lets his head fall forward. How much does Gerrard know about Tommy? Is he looking for petty revenge? Will Evan be targeted?
He wants to scream. It's like having to deal with his dad's bullshit again, except this time, it's not Tommy who is going to get to deal with it, it's someone he loves, and there will be very little he can do. He punches the wall, just hard enough to feel the impact on his knuckles but not to crack the tile.
You're not worth the time or money I spent on you. You're a shame and a failure. I shoulda seen that you're useless from the time you were born. You're supposed to be better than this. You're supposed to be like me, like the men in our family. All you do is cry. It's all your mom's fault. Don't come running to me when you don't even know how to punch back. Don't you dare take that tone with me. Don't you dare call that boy. Don't you dare walk out of here. If you do, don't ever come back.
He turns off the shower, his father's words still stinging in his ears. Gerrard is going to hurt Evan somehow, Tommy knows it, because Gerrard will want to hurt Tommy. Because that old man thought Tommy was just like him, that Tommy would turn out just like him, the way Tommy's asshole of a father used to think.
It's sickening. He could have turned out like them, if he hadn't had Hen and Howie to show him better, if Bobby hadn't shown up to teach him better.
God, please protect him, Tommy thinks. He begs. I'll even go to church. Just keep him safe.
After another deep sigh, he towels off and gets dressed. The less Evan knows how much he's freaking out over this, the better.
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epithet-beloved · 4 months
Could we get some parental Percy and Ramsey? If not that’s fine
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synopsis… Percy and Ramsey as your parents
ft. Percival “Percy” King, Ramsey Murdoch, Howie Honeyglow (mentioned), Meryl Lockhart (mentioned), Sergeant Eros (mentioned)
tags… parental imagine, Percy and Ramsey’s relationship is unspecified, goofy family shenanigans, some anime campaign references but no spoilers, relationship study
word count… 702
a/n… I FINALLY GOT MY WRITING SPOONS BACK BAYBEYYYYYY. Apologies for the long hiatus, but I hope you all enjoy these imagines! ✧ 🦄
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Even if Ramsey is your actual father, he still gets treated at least a little bit like a weird uncle that the rest of the family doesn’t want you associating with.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Despite some general banter, Percy trusts Ramsey with your care quite a lot after he helped her in Redwood Run, and is always fair and never presumptuous. She has quite a few ground rules, some of them a bit odd, but never unfair.
“Uhhh….Percy?” Ramsey’s confusion was met by the policewoman’s polite smile.
“Yes? Is there something you’d like to ask me about the rules?”
A nod. “Just one thing.” Despite the fact that she couldn’t see what he was pointing to, the Australian pointed to one of the lines with his index finger. “I think ‘no crayons of debauchery’ is a bit unnecessary.”
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Your time between the two is divvied up almost perfectly evenly, as expected of Percy’s scheduling. Sometimes, Ramsey can even go somewhere with you as long as an officer (typically Percy) accompanies you.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 On occasion, you’ll also get ‘babysat’ by Meryl or Sergeant Eros when both your parents are unavailable. Meryl can be a bit…jumpy, but typically well meaning. And Eros will let you ride shotgun if he takes you to work with him (given that the work is appropriate and something you can tag along for).
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Ramsey makes drawings of your OCs and Percy hangs them on her fridge. It’s kind of comical to see your fursona or the like hung up in her otherwise rather plain kitchen, but it’s also a sweet reminder of how she’s invested in your interests.
“I must admit, I am curious.” You perked your head up at the sound of your mother’s voice, watching as she admired one of the papers hung up with a magnet on her fridge. When she was done examining the drawing like it was some sort of specimen, she’d stand up to her full height and look your way. “Why am I drawn as a beaver in this picture?”
“Oh,” you explained between bites of food, “I always thought if you were an animal, that’s what you’d be, because you make all kinds of buildings when you’re working.”
This answer seemed to leave her pleased, almost glowing in response to your perception of her. With a hand over her heart, she spoke in a calm voice. “Ah, the beaver. Truly an industrious creature. Nature’s architect, presiding over the flowing waters, arbiting their path….”
….Well, that probably meant she was happy about the fursona you came up for her.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 I wouldn’t call Percy overprotective per se, but she is very cautious. Like if you want to ride a bike, she’ll make sure you have a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, shoulder pads….overall, just makes sure to take all possible safety measures in a situation. She’ll never stop you from doing something you want to do within reason, she’ll just make sure she’s there to keep an eye on you.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 You’ve also likely met Howie once or twice because he’s a good friend (slash business rival) of Percy’s. He gave you a honeyed snack once. It tasted good, but the texture is…..questionable.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Despite Percy being classic lawful good, Ramsey can actually be the more reasonable one, aka having more common sense in a situation. Sometimes, parent-child bonding is just being surrounded by wackiness while both expressing complete and utter exasperation.
“Hey dad, do you know what is happening right now at all?” You loved your mother to death, but her idea of a ‘fun activity’ could often be rather strange. Like now, where she was currently trying to enforce road safety laws to the Mario Kart CPUs. While losing.
All the man could do was shake his head and crack a grin. “Eh, just roll with it, kiddo. You get used to it after a while.”
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 They both give headpats, but Percy’s are a sort of stiff “pat pat” while Ramsey’s is more of a noogie that messes up your hair. You don’t have the heart to say either one is better than the other, though.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 They’re both wonderful, really. Both a little weird, but that’s part of what makes your family so great.
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warmaidensrevenge · 4 months
It's not a never.
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Pairings: Eddie x best!friend fem plus size reader
A/N: Hey there. Sorry this upload was late. I had to work an unscheduled shift. But anyway, here it is. I hope you all enjoy this. Please feel free to share or comment. I'm always a sucker for comments. As always, thanks for reading. Kay love ya byyyeeee.
I do not give permission for my work to be posted anywhere else. Please respect all creators. All pictures and songs were from a Google search and found on Spotify. A credit to the original posters and artists.
Word count: 4,135
Warnings: 18+ No minors. Language, angst, slow burn, sexual situation and not proof read. All a
Part 3: Hope
Summary: Rejection, friendship, love and heart ache. What's next?
The next day Eddie was hoping to have that long conversation. But you were nowhere to be found. He waited in the quad in the usual spot in the morning. But you didn't show. He kept looking at the cafeteria door every time someone walked in during lunch, hoping you would come. Still nothing though.
The last chance he would see you was in Mrs O'Donnells class. He knew you had to work after school so he wouldn't be able to see you for the rest of the day. 
When he sat at his desk he noticed your backpack in the seat next to him. So you were there. You were just ignoring him.
The worst thing that could happen, did. He confessed how he felt and you were avoiding him. Now he wished he hadn't said anything.
The classroom door opened and you came in with some guy. You looked like you didn't sleep at all. You were pale and looked like you were gonna pass out. 
Did he do that to you? 
You then caught his eye and smiled a little. He lifted his hand to wave but you turned around to talk to Mrs O'Donnell.
“ Hey, teach. Umm this is Glenn. He's interested in taking over my column in the school paper. I already showed him around the workspace and how to lay out the stories.”
Mrs O'Donnell grinned. “ Perfect and did you teach him-”
“ Yes. He knows how to use the computer and how to search for information.”
As soon as the conversation was over, you went to sit down.
He leaned in. “ You feeling okay?”
You raised your hand and rocked it from side to side. 
Now he was worried. “ Want me to get you some medicine or something to drink?”
You shook your head. “ I'm okay.”
His brows pinched together. Even your voice sounded different. “ Are you-”
“ Mr Munson. Is there something you would like to share with the rest of us?”
He looked towards the front of the class at Mrs O'Donnell. “ Umm what?”
She looked over her glasses at him. “ Mr Munson, as happy as I am to see you finally graduate, there are still some students that are here to learn.”
He gave her a thin lip smile and looked back at you. “ Sorry Mrs O'Donnell.”
She started the class and you ripped out a page from your notebook and handed it to him.
“ I feel like death but I'll be okay. Can I come by after work? We can talk.”
He looked at you and nodded. He then folded the note and stuffed it into his pocket.
It was almost 8 pm. Eddie kept looking at his watch for the past hour. Preparing for the talk. 
But once his uncle left for work, he started getting ancy.
That's when he needed a smoke.
He went outside and sat on the steps. After the first cigarette was burned out, he lit another. Then headlights blinded him for a second. He quickly tossed the smoke after he heard you coughing.
You got out and made your way to him. Somehow you looked worse than before.
“ Hey dude. Sorry I'm late. I'm feeling like dog poop.”
He stood up. “ Anything I can do? I can make you some tea.”
You coughed again. “ Tea would be nice. But I don't want you to get sick. Besides, I can't stay too long. My parents want me home before 10.
He looked down at his watch and frowned. You guys only had 40 minutes. “ Well, do you want to come inside?”
You shook your head. “ No. That's okay. I would totally fall asleep in there. It's best if we stay out here. The fresh air will do me good.”
So far this conversation wasn't going well. Which started to make him feel insecure.
He then watched as you walked towards him and sat on the steps. Pulling him down to sit with you.
He swallowed thickly. Trying to figure out what to say. “ How did you get so sick so fast?”
You sniffled and shrugged. “ I guess my body isn't used to getting sneezed on the back of the neck in the subway.”
He chuckled lightly. “ Gross.”
“ Yeah. But it's just the flu I think, so I'm not dying.”
He grinned. “ Good.”
The tension started to build after that. The silence that ensued was almost unbearable.
“ So... why do you think you've fallen for me?” You asked all nonchalantly. 
He sucked in a sharp breath and rubbed his hands on his knees. “ Ermmm I- honestly I don't know why this happened. All I know it's that no matter how hard I try, I can't stop thinking about you.”
You sighed and nodded slightly. “ Since prom right?”
He licked his lips and leaned his elbows on his knees. “ Yup.”
You went quiet for a second. Then you coughed. He looked at you and offered up some water and a cough drop.
“ Eddie, I'm fine. Really…let's continue…So you find me attractive because of how I dressed at prom?”
He hung his head. “ It started that way.”
“ And now you don't?”
“ N-no. I do. It's just more. You know.”
You nodded. “ Why?”
He looked at you. “ What do you mean?”
You met his gaze. “ Why is it more now?”
He shrugged and looked away. “ I guess I just see that you're amazing.”
Your laugh was a little raspie. “ And I wasn't amazing before?”
His eyes found yours again and he smiled. “ Guess not.”
You shoulder bumped him. “ Shut up.”
You guys chuckled for a second before it got serious again.
“ What about you?” He asked. “ When did it happen for you?”
You leaned back a bit. Resting on your hands behind you. Looking up at the stars. “ I want to say it was after I got over the crush I had on Jason.”
His eyes went wide. “ That-that was 2 years ago.”
You turned your head towards him. “ Yeah…it was. I guess you can say my type changed.”
He leaned back too and mimicked your actions. “ Why didn't you say anything?”
You faced the sky again and closed your eyes. “ You were seeing Marci. Then after her, there was that girl from the bar.”
He watched you as you sat up straight and looked at the ground. 
“ I came to the conclusion that it was stupid to like, like one of your friends…then it got harder. Being who we were around each other. Close, comfortable. And I tried to not let it affect me…but then nana died.”
He sat up too and turned his body towards you. 
You sniffled again. “ It's not the fact that you were there for me. But how you were there for my mom. How you were there for my dad…I remember when you and my dad were playing pool in the garage. It was the first time I heard him laugh in weeks. And with my mom…that's when you started hitting on her, just to get her to smile. Well that and you knew it annoyed me…I fell in love with you then. But I also knew that I couldn't do anything about it because you were family. And I didn't want to lose you too.”
When you started to cry he put his arm around your waist and pulled you closer. 
You wiped your tears on your sleeve. “ You have been different since prom. And I thought it was because we're graduating soon. I thought it was because you were gonna miss me.”
“ I am gonna miss you.”
You turned to face him. He bore deep into your eyes. 
“ Not as much as I'm gonna miss you.”
His heart was racing. You were so close. Your lips were merely inches apart. 
“ I really want to kiss you.” He confessed in a soft tone.
You didn't look away or try to get out of his embrace. And he took that a go ahead. He closed his eyes and leaned in. 
He could feel your hot breath against his lips and it sent shivers down his spine. 
Just before your lips touched, he felt your hand on his chest. Then you moved your head down. Making him pull back slightly. 
“ Eddie.” You whispered. “ We can't.”
He held you a little tighter. “ If it's cuz you're sick, I don't care.”
The look you had in your eyes he knew that wasn't it. So he let you go and felt broken. This wasn't what he wanted.
“ Eddie, I'm sorry. As much as I wanted this I-” you cut off and stood up.
He couldn't look at you. If he did he would end up crying.
“ I get that you're hurting right now. And I'm sorry that I'm the reason for it… it's just…Eddie please look at me.”
He flexed his jaw and did his best to not break down. When he finally looked at you, all he saw was his very sad sick friend. He knew you didn't want or mean to hurt him. And he felt like he would have never seen you so upset if he just kept his mouth closed.
“ I need you to hear me okay? We graduated in less than 2 weeks. After that, everything changes. And it's gonna be harder than we think to say goodbye to each other…if we do this now, it's gonna be that and so much more.” You shook your head. “ And I can't do that. I can't just be all in with you, just to have to say goodbye in 2 weeks…all I want is for things to be normal. I want to hang out with you and the guys like always. I want us to watch movies and play video games. I want to spend as much time together as possible. Because in a few days you're not gonna be an 8 minute drive anymore. I won't be able to hug you or laugh with you. I won't be at your band practices or show up to gigs…I just want the little time we have to be friends….just friends. Cuz I don't think I can handle anything more than that.”
He sat there and understood everything you just said. And though you rejected him, you were right. 
He wanted you. All of you. But risking these last few days for something that was gonna end before it could even start. It wasn't ideal. Still, a few days with you would be better than not having you at all. Right?
He could argue and tell you that he would give anything to call you his. Even if it was just for a moment. But he wasn't going to. 
Instead he got up and wrapped his arms around you. “ You're right. You're always right kid…I'm just sorry that I was late to the party.”
You hugged him back and apologized too.
“ Let me take you home.”
You pulled away and shook your head. “ No. How will you get back?”
He gave you a little smile. “ I'll walk.”
You coughed then refused.
“ It's okay.” He assured you. “I need time to lick my wounds.”
Your eyebrows knitted together and you gave him another sad look.
He gave you a little smile. “ Really. This was actually the nicest rejection I've ever got. Now common. Before your mom calls the cops.”
He gave you one last hug before turning to leave you on your doorstep. 
“ Eddie.”
He looked over his shoulder. “ Yeah?” 
“ You know with us, it's not a never… it's more like not right now.”
He pressed his lips into a thin smile. “ Gareth was right.”
You raised a brow. Silently asking what?
He sighed and put his hands in his pockets. “ He said that talking to you about this might make me feel better. “
“ Did it?”
He grinned. “ Yeah.”
You waved him goodbye and went inside. He spent the next 30 minutes wishing things ended differently.
Graduation day
Everyone was so excited to finally receive their diplomas. Eddie kept his promises. He gave his classmates the bird and ran off the stage. 
He didn't go far though. He waited in the parking lot for everyone. Secretly, he wanted to run out before everyone so he could grab the graduation gift he got for you. 
There was a second there where he felt like maybe the bouquet for roses and balloons were too much, but he didn't care. 
And seeing your face light up when you saw them was everything. 
You gave him a big hug and thanked him. “ I still have to pick yours up.”
He still kept you within arms reach but took a half a step back. “ You didn't have to get me anything.”
You just smiled and turned to give everyone else a congratulatory hug. 
“ What the hell boy?!” Wayne said, hitting him upside the head.
“ Geez! I'm sorry man. I had too.” he said, rubbing the back of his head.
Wayne gave him a death stare but then smiled. “ Congratulations son.”
He grinned and gave him a hug. “ Thanks man.”
Soon after the pictures were taken, everyone got dinner together. 
The whole night Eddie watched you. He saw your smiles and heard your laughter. But in your eyes there was a hint of tears. 
He wished he could kiss that away. He wished he could hug that sadness out of existence. But he promised to just be your friend until you gave him the go ahead. 
Little did he know he would get his wish.
As the night went on, all of his friends ended up at Gareth's after the parents and parental figures went home. 
First was playing a few songs in the garage, while you sat listening. Then it was talking and playing video games. 
Sometime in the middle of it all, you disappeared. Which of course prompted Eddie to look for you. 
When he found you, you were outside on the porch swing.
“ Hey! Whatcha doing out here? It's almost our turn.” He said, taking a seat next to you.
You gave him a sweet little smile. “ Nothing much. Just going through the year book.”
You scooted closer to him and showed him the pictures of clubs and prom. 
“ Do you remember when I went through a phase where I thought records were the best way to listen to music?”
He nodded. “ Yeah and we stole a bunch of milk crates to store your giant collection.”
You let your head fall back. “ And none of them fit in the damn things.”
You both laughed at the funny memory. And once it died down he shook his head.
“ I cut my shin climbing that barbed fence….when you saw the blood you nearly passed out.”
You giggled. “ But I didn't. I patched you up and kissed your wound.”
He shoulder bumped you.“ Then you passed out.”
You both chucked. But soon after, it was quiet. He moved closer to you and put his arm on your shoulders. His thumb subconsciously caressed your arm.
“ Oh! Almost forgot.” You said leaning forward and pulling out a black leather box from your backpack. 
You handed it to him after.
He grinned and opened it up. There laid on a little silk pillow was a gold watch with leather bands.
“ Uhh wow! This…looks…expensive.”
“ It's from my parents and me…it's engraved on the back.”
He glanced at you before looking back at the Hublot. He slid it off the tiny pillow and turned it over. Silently reading the inscription.
‘ To E.M,
Follow your dreams.’
“ I love it.” he whispered. “ Help me put it on yeah?”
You turned slightly towards him and removed his old watch. Then replaced it with the gifted one. 
He stared at it for a second. Really appreciating the beauty of it. Then he noticed you still had your hand in his. When he looked at you, you were biting your lip and looking down.
You must have sensed him staring and you met his eyes. 
He swallowed out of nervousness, when he saw a glimmer of something in your eyes. 
“ Ummm…here. You can have this one.” He said turning towards you. He reached for your right hand and put on his old watch. “ Now you have something to remind you of me.”
He made eye contact again. This time though he swore he saw you gulp too.
“ Like I could ever forget you, Eddie.”
He smirked a little and kept staring deeply into your eyes. What were the chances that you might want to kiss him now? Should he try again?
“ Kiss me.”
His mouth parted a touch as he sucked in a breath. “ W-what?”
You leaned in a bit and whispered it again.
This was it. The moment he had been dreaming about since his feelings changed. 
He lifted his hand to cup your cheek. Gently dragging his thumb across your bottom lip. All the while moving closer.
His heart was racing and he held his breath. Your lips just barely grazed one another right before the front door opened. Causing you and him to pull away from each other.
Gareth came out. “ Guys! It's your turn. What are you doing?” 
Eddie looked the opposite way of you and cursed under his breath. Yet another moment gone.
“ Emm n-nothing. Just reliving some memories.” You answered.
Gareth looked at both of you with suspicion. “ Okayyy… So you guys coming or what?”
Eddie stood quiet. Trying to hold back his frustration.
“ Ummm actually… I think I want to sleep in my own bed tonight.” You said, making him look at you. “ Do you think you can give me a ride?” 
During the drive to your house you asked him to take you somewhere quiet. So Eddie drove out to a spot near skull rock. 
When he turned the van off you sat there fidgeting. 
“ So uhh why did you want to come here?” He asked.
He heard you sigh a little before watching you get up and climb to the back. He followed right after.
You guys sat across from each other. With the tension getting thicker by the second, you took off your shirt.
He sat there in utter amazement. Your chest was so full and looked so soft, his mouth nearly watered. 
“ Eddie?”
He looked up to find your very curious eyes on him. 
“ Are…are you sure?” He nervously asked. 
You smiled softly at him before unclasping your bra. 
He groaned lightly at seeing your buds harden as the air hit them. 
He watched as you took off your shoes and your bottoms. Until all that was left was your panties.
You looked back at him and cleared your throat. Breaking him from his trance.
He quickly took off everything but his boxers and pulled you to lay next to him. 
As you both stared deeply into each other's eyes, he caressed your arm. 
“ Can I kiss you now?”
You scoffed a small laugh and nodded.
He raised to lean on his elbow and cupped your face. This time, his thumb traced the apple of your cheek. 
It was a kiss that carried the weight of desire and love. All things unspoken and built up emotion was poured into that one perfect kiss. It was passionate and all consuming. But at the same time it was terrifying. 
You had awoken something in him with your lips. It was chaotic and peaceful.
It was magic.
That's all he could describe it as. 
The kissing could have gone like that all night and he wouldn't have cared. But as fingers traced the contours of one another's bodies, things became more intimate. 
The warm air of the van was charged with fevery intensity. With every kiss and touch being a silent invitation to explore more.
Heavy breaths and soft moans bounced off the walls. Creating a warm loving bubble of passion neither one of you wants to leave.
Eddie's lips travel down your neck and across your chest
Your raised skin gave him the indication that you liked what he was doing. He moved lower to kiss your plush belly.
Your hands get lost in his hair as he reaches for your underwear. 
He looks up at you, silently asking for permission.
You bite your lip and give him one small nod.
He peels them off slowly. Getting them past your bottom and over your knees. Finally down your calves and around your ankles. 
Next, his blue plaid boxers join your garment somewhere in the van.
Once protection is in place, he settles between your legs. Crashing his lips into yours in a wet needy kiss.
This wasn't just sex. Not just some hook up. This was you. This was love making.
His lips hovered over yours as you two became one. A hushed gasp left your lips as he pushed himself in. His mouth fell open and his eyes squeezed shut at the feeling of you hugging him ever so tight.
He went slow at first. Conquering your pulsating warmth inch by inch. Claiming it as his and only his. Because it was. At least for tonight.
Then when you got used to his length, he picked up his pace a bit. With your hips pushing against his to get him to go even deeper. 
He opened his eyes to see you had yours closed. With your mouth slightly agape and your brows furrowed. 
You were stunning. The sounds you were making and the face you made out of pleasure, made him want to record it and take a picture. Just so that he could have evidence of the best night of his life.
Moans and grunts grew louder the closer you both got to a release. And all he could think about was making sure you came first.
Then a few more delicious thrusts and he felt it. He felt your warm wet velvet walls flutter then began to tighten.
You were almost there.
That's when his hip thrusts became short. He hit a small spot deep within you. Causing you to mewl out his name. It was like ramming into a pillowy wall. Making him experience a different type of pleasure he's never had.
And just like that, his and yours orgasm took over your bodies. Making his toes curl.
His body jerked as yours trembled after the fact. 
And once he toppled off to the side he shook his head in disbelief. 
He laid there for a second, trying to catch his breath. Afterwards, he pulled you into his arms. 
He was exhausted. And from your slow and steady breaths, you were too.
“ How do I let you go to California after that?”
You snuggled up closer and rested a hand on his chest before answering in a sleepy voice. “ I guess... the same way I have to let you go to New York.”
His heart cried out in a shaky sigh as he felt the prickle of tears. 
You were right. It was going to be impossible to say goodbye tomorrow. 
Rather than letting the reality of the outside penetrate the small bubble of heaven you guys created. You held each other. 
Following heartfelt words and promises to keep in touch, he felt himself drifting to sleep. 
Then he felt you tracing something on his chest. He tried to focus on it before falling asleep. And when he figured it out, he smiled and kissed your forehead.“ I love you too.”
Wrapped up in the warmth of your love, you both fell into a peaceful slumber.
The morning came too fast for his liking. Though you both were happy, you both got dressed in silence. 
Even the drive to your house was quiet. When he pulled up in your driveway you sat for a while. Staring at your house. 
“ I had a really great time last night.”
You looked down and grinned. “ Me too.”
He reached for your hand and laced his fingers with yours. “ What happens now?”
You shrugged. “ I…I think we should leave things how they are. We had an amazing last night together. And I wouldn't change it for anything…But the truth is, it's better if we just take it for what it was. A really great goodbye.”
His heart sank but he had to agree. There was no way you guys could be together right now. Not with all the plans that were in place.
You gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek before hopping out of the van. 
His heart felt like it was breaking seeing you walk up the driveway. But then you stopped and turned around. You gave him that sweet little smile he loved so much and came to the driver side window. 
“ Hey ummm mom promised to make pancakes today. If you want to join us.”
Then there was hope. Hope for something more. Hope that last night wasn't just a goodbye. But the start of something truly worthwhile.
He smirked. “Definitely. I love your mom's pancakes.”
@salenorona23 @browneyes528 @ohmeg @eddiesguitarskills @trashywormeateroffics @crookedcrone
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morallyinept · 6 months
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A full transcribe of DIETER BRAVO'S dialogue/lines from the film THE BUBBLE.
Includes full dialogue, and dialogue from any deleted/additional scenes available.
I've created this as a point of reference when writing for Pedro's characters, and I hope you find it useful. Even if you just want to read the dialogue. 🖤
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☝🏻Dialogue has been fully transcribed by myself using reference to original scripts (if available), audio subtitles and using my own two ears. Therefore, mistakes can be made, however I have tried to be as fully accurate as I can. If you spot an obvious mistake, please kindly let me know. Where audio is not clear, I have marked with *inaudible* Scenes are separated for ease of reference.
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Hi… right.
I don’t watch my own shit. You should never watch your own shit. You just wipe, you flush and you move on. 
Yeah. Where’s your husband? 
Course. Sorry… 
Listen, I’m sorry. I’m trying to care, but it’s hard. 
Yeah. Please. Thanks… wow. 
We’re fucked. 
Anika. I was wondering if you could help me with something. 
Do you want to have sex with me? 
Yes, but, uh, it is not news to me that Modelcorp is lucky to have hired all of you to make sure all the creatures of this land are respected and honoured. 
Five times is what I have heard. 
How does he fly? He has no feathers! 
These cliff beasts are so large, how do they fly? How? ‘Ow? ‘Ow do they fly? 
These cliff beasts are so large! 
I just want a safe place for the dinosaurs to live! 
Where’s Ronjon? 
I said send Ronjon. 
Hold on. 
You don’t know me. 
Send help! 
Goodbye, Howie! Goodbye! 
I'm not wearing one of those, man. It’s radiation. It's EMF. Messes with my fucking brain waves. I don’t even wear wireless earbuds. 
What the fuck?! 
The corporation will not be happy. 
What is this? 
I am not so optimistic. What is that? 
Is that Jarrar? 
But that is his belt. 
It is so large. How does it fly? 
Pippa? Do you wanna have sex with me?
Sorry. Sorry. Gunther? 
Make me smile. Hmm… 
Change me. Change me. Change me. 
That’s a lot of sex. 
Kate? Are you me? 
This is creepy. But I like it. 
Yes ma’am. 
I’m sorry. I’m sorry. 
Bola, hold my hair. 
Hold my haaaaair. 
Bola. Bola… 
Every day, I eat the Kitkat in the mini bar. And then I come back and there’s a new Kitkat. I’m not giving this up! 
Hey, little girl over there. Why are you always here? 
Well then you should have said out! 
Yeah. Yeaaah. 
Now I know. I must kill them all. 
Anika. You're working the night shift? 
That’s amazing. 
Oh, it takes so long to shoot action. 
Got any good notes for that, Mr Sundance?
I’m posing with my Oscar! 
But there are drugs. 
Ah, jeez. 
Yeah, but it’s worth trying. 
Everyone! Do you think that I’m worthy of Anika’s love? 
She’s twenty-seven and she loves me. And I… love her. 
You saved me. 
You are an angel. 
You do love me. 
I know a better way we can care for them. Let’s put them to sleep. Permanently! 
If we get them in the reproductive organs, their hormones are toxic and flammable. 
Well, you silly little girl, looks like Gio lied. 
The cliff beasts must burn. And if all of you stand beside them, then you will burn with them! 
Cliff beasts! 
Save me! Aah!
Probably not, no-one’s getting hurt. 
Anika, you made it okay. 
I live in Sherman Oaks. 
Monkey in the bath! I don’t think he likes it! 
We’re a beast! 
This is our friend Kate. 
Come on, Kate. Come on. 
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You don’t know me. Okay? Nobody knows me. 
How do I know you're not going to sell it to the sperm bank? 
Ah no! No! No! No! Ah-what? Nooo! Cliff beaaaaasts!
I have no idea what it's about, but there are cliffs, and there are beasts. For the sixth time.
I'm so excited.
He's such an almighty fuck up. And I love him.
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loserdiaz · 11 months
kiss me, (try to fix it)
i'm in a soft madney mood and also i 100% think that chimney is a pain in the ass (affectionate) when he's sick, so... here.
"this is the worst. i think i might be dying," chim says dramatically from the couch. he thinks he'll never leave the couch. he'll die on this couch and then maddie will have to get his body out of there before he traumatizes his daughter. "the end is coming for me soon, i can feel it. tell jee i love her."
"you're a paramedic." maddie says, rolling her eyes affectionately. "you know you're not dying, howie. please." she chuckles slightly and chimney can't help but to smile at the sound.
"what if i am?"
"you're not." she fixes him with a stare. "why did you even leave the bed anyway? i told you to stay there and i'd be with you in a second."
"i didn't know how bad i felt until i got up, maddie!"
maddie shakes her head as she places a steaming mug of tea in his hands.
"you're so dumb, howard han." she says and it should sound like an insult or at least it should sound annoyed— but the softness in her eyes and the way they crinkle in the corners in the tiniest way makes it lose its effects.
"and you're the best nurse, maddie buckley-han," he says because she is.
maddie is gentle and caring and everything chimney always wanted but never thought he'd have, not really.
she's... she's everything if he's being honest. and even in days like there, where he can't go to work and he's bored out of his mind and he feels like he will die even if he has just a stupid cold... even in days like these, maddie makes him feel indestructible. makes him feel safe.
makes him feel at home.
a hand comes to rest on his forehead and maddie's forehead wrinkles with worry.
"you're hot."
and even if his whole body aches and the headache is killing him, chimney manages enough strength to smirk at his fiancé and say— "am i just looks to you? can't you see i'm dying over here, woman?"
"drink your tea," maddie chuckles and rolls her eyes.
chimney takes the tea. It’s hot and sweet, heavy with honey, and he closes his eyes in pleasure. “you’re my favorite, did you know that?" then, "okay, you're my second favorite. jee comes first, of course."
"of course." maddie grins, still kneeling in front of him. and then—
she leans in and chimney feels her lips press against his forehead, her fingers run through his hair carefully and delicately and oh so comforting.
yeah, he's definitely at home and maddie buckley is the (second) best thing that has ever happened to him.
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auxwired · 13 days
- giovanni potage.... oh my GOD I LOVE YOU SO BAD ITS INSANE - actually he is . hes way too similar to a pre existing oc. both chaotic good, italian, twinks, ginger(???? or red headed), flashy (and rightfully so), born in february, similar-ish personality. my oc is just him with a few tweaks and depressed - potage boy has PROVED that i have an extremely discernable type in which characters im drawn to - the art is ABSOLUTELY wonderful and i love the character designs so much - i dont like you dexter. (ive been calling sylvie that....shhhh) (hes funny but im still mad at him for doing that to molly) - zora i want you to kill me . kill me please - i think his epithet is barrier, - im not sure though - mera salamin i know you are sick but you are filipino WHERE DID YOUR MELANIN GO - dont get it when people say giovanni is a father figure, he is 19 if anything hes a kuya - ramsey is soooo silly. just a guy who committed fraud let him be - i have a friend who really likes percy and I CAN SEE WHY - we love you soft butch - molly im going to get you out of there I SWEARRR - mollys dad should consider doing a FUCKING night shift for ONCE - howie. howie please save me - HOWIE AROACE KING LETS FUCKINGGOOOOOO - oh and ramsey, zora, percy and indus are all under the trans umbrella because i said so thats all
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flygonaltaria · 2 months
Doing another poll to see which fic I should finish next because they motivate the hell out of me for some reason
Clivesdale AU - Basically modern day AU where Curt’s tasked with finding the DMA in Clivesdale, but every agent keeps getting killed so his survival odds aren’t good (and Owen’s not happy about it)
Fluffy smut - Just some smut I wrote that ended up being pretty fluffy, I want to do kinkier stuff but can never think of anything (please send me asks for specific kinks and stuff I will gladly write them!)
Vampire Owen smut - Speaking of kinkier but also somehow fluffy smut, the first pass of this is done. I wanna tweak it a bit before releasing it though and I’m procrastinating
Werewolf Curt Part 2 - Some witches help turn “Scruffy” into a human again and Owen has to come to terms with that (I mean he’s been telling “Scruffy” terrible shit about Curt for years, saying how much he hates Curt….)
Chimera Story - Working on Owen’s pov of joining Chimera and going after Curt. This is a big one, multi chaptered and would also continue past the end of the musical to explain how/why Curt wasn’t ever able to take down Chimera. This idea’s been floating around in my head for years, I really should finish writing it but idk if anyone would want that since it doesn’t have too much interaction between Curt and Owen, mostly just Owen struggling with constantly thinking about Curt
PEIP AU - Wilbur Cross has such Owen vibes that I love the idea that he actually is Owen somehow (currently headcanoning that he actually would have died that day he slipped but he can survive in the Black and White, and very few humans can do that, so Wiggly saved him by opening a tiny portal and got Tinky to make him immortal the same way Holloway is) anyway ignore that headcanon because it doesn’t apply to this fic I wrote a while back. I guess it’s sort of reincarnation AU but Owen/Wilbur remembered his life as Owen when he went into the Black and White, Curt/Howie remembers during the events of Black Friday when he goes into the Black and White, so it’s Owen gloating over tricking Curt into starting WWIII (but with a happy ending because idk why)
Something else! Send me an ask or reply in the tags with suggestions
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depressopax · 2 months
Hii I hope you dont mind me requesting Howie again, but could I request a hurt/comfort scenario of him taking care of a sick fem!reader (she’s having a cold) I hope you have a great day and thank you againn :]
HIIII thank you for requesting again!! <3 And dw about it! I'm just glad you like my stories and want to request again :)) So if you have ideas lmk! :D Hope you like it!! Sorry for the wait! But here it issssss (The plan was to make all the characters on my BrBa/BCS masterlist but my brain is fried atm 😭 But I also added Nacho - because Ignacio Varga brainrot <3)
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Taking care of sick reader | Scenarios
Fandom - Better call Saul
Pairing: 1. Howard Hamlin x gender-neutral reader 2. Nacho Varga x gender neutral reader Genre: Fluff, headcanons Warning(s): - Words: 0.7k Summary: How would they take care of their sick partner? English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3 » Masterlist || Request «
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“Morning, sweetheart! Ready to start the day?”
You grunt in reply and puld the blanket over your cold body. Howard is already up, enthusiastic as always. But today you’re too tired for that. 
“Come on now… You’ve been snoozing for 20 minutes!”
“I don’t want to…”
His smile fades and he sits down on bed next to you.
“You alright?” He reaches out to stroke your cheek and notices how cold-sweaty you are. “Hmm… That’s not good.” 
“I don’t feel well.”
“I know, sweetie, I know…” 
I feel like he’d be like: YOU’RE SICK??? 😰 at first
But then be like: You’re sick… 💔 If that makes sense LOL
Probably scared of catching a cold etc
But he loves you - so it’s worth the risk 😌✨
Howard is the guy that helps you with everything once sick
He fixes food, makes sure you keep warmth and makes warm tea etc
He basically acts like a maid for you until you feel better lol
But he doesn’t mind, at all <3
He likes taking care of and spoiling you 
“Are you cold, darlin’?” he asks, proceeding to wrap a blanket over your shoulders.
“No, I actually feel quite warm” He looks concerned and feels your forehead “Your fever is not going down… Do you want something cold instead? Water, ice cream… Are you laughing?” “Sorry… You’re just so cute when you’re worried!”
Also… You being sick gives him an excuse to just sit back down and cuddle you
He allows himself to be “lazy” (aka taking a break and not overworking) when you’re around
He loves to set you down in the couch and put on some movie to watch together
If he can’t be at home with you - he texts or calls you at least once throughout the day to check on you 
It doesn’t matter if you only have a simple cold, he’ll take care of you until you feel ok again 
He probably would end up sick too 😭 “But at least we can stay home together now!” he says after waking up with the same cold you had. “...But Howard, I need to go back to work today” “...Oh ☹” But you’re of course there for him too until he feels better <3
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Also - I found these two Howard out of context screenshots on my PC LOL, thought you might like them!! 😭
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“You’re burning up” Nacho mutters, still having his palm pressed against your sweaty forehead. “I’m fine, Nacho”
But the fever thermometer says otherwise.
“Yea… Fine, huh?” He scoffs and strokes the hair that's glued to your forehead, tucking it behind your ear. “Rest.” 
“Rest.” His voice gets softer “Let me take care of you, ok?”
He smiles at this.
This man… (God, I love him, I need him <33)
He’ll be all 😐 towards everyone, all the time
But not with you.
Whenever you’re doing poorly, he’s right there. Whether it’s mentally or like in this case - when you’re sick.
He’s the guy that will grimace and be really judgy if someone sneezes or coughs in public, but he tries his best to not be a baby about it for you.
And he’s good at it
Truth is, he somehow likes it when you’re sick
Just because he’ll get to take care of you 
And have you all dependent on him
It takes his mind off all his troubles, and he can focus on you only.
He brings you tea, soup, painkillers… Whatever you need - whenever.
He also appreciates cuddling up next to you and watch TV, letting you pick out whatever
It’s just comforting to him - somehow - to feel your fever warmth against him.
Basically - he’s already a sweetheart, but becomes the most caring (and worried) boyfriend ever when you’re sick. <3 “Nacho, don’t be so close, I don’t want you to be sick too…” “I don't care.” he murmurs
…And eventually he ends up sick too lol
He’s really overdramatic about it 😭
Before meeting you - he’d overwork himself and not give a damn about resting
But since he takes well care of you - you of course do the same for him.
So when he eventually catches a cold, you’re there for him “Well look at that… Told you that you’d get sick.” “...Shut up.” “Will you let me take care of you?”
And of course… He lets you
Homeboy gets overdramatic af when sick 😭
He likes seeing you all worried for him - it’s cute lol
Nacho makes sure you’re cuddled up next to him all day 
And now it’s his turn to choose movies/series for you to watch with him
“Hey?” Nacho whispers after you’ve both shut the lights off for the night. “Hmm?” “...Thanks for taking care of me.” “Of course, Nacho. I love you” “Love you too”
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If you guys liked the concept of this I can make a part 2 with the other BrBa/BCS characters! Lmk and thanks for reading <3 Been feeling down lately but I have plans on some stuff I wanna post this weekend :)) Looking forward <3
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mcalhenwrites · 2 months
Seasons - excerpts of current WIPs and abandoned side stories
Some of these I’ve shared before, others I have not. There are spoilers for Seasons ahead, so if you haven’t read it, it might be best not to proceed.
Vivian’s house is too large, too quiet. It once represented a perfectly oiled machine, the cogs of his magic always spinning to keep his family sheltered.
Now that it has broken down, Vivian sees the signs of wear and tear, of severe neglect.
[“Little Autumn’s Ninth Birthday”] [El’s POV] (Note: The conversation takes place between El and Howie.)
“Jacy’s been restless and keeps looking for you.”
He nods, smiling. “I wouldn’t miss her birthday! How many times does someone turn nine?”
I narrow my eyes, which only makes him laugh, though it seems short. Forced. The bitterness has faded with time, but it hasn’t completely left him.
“When she turns twelve, you can make the same joke.”
“Don’t start, Howard.”
“I’m not starting anything.”
We’re interrupted by a shriek and the running of feet across the floorboards, muffled only by the entryway carpet when Jacy reaches it.
[Untitled, but “Bee” as a placeholder]
The little spring child is sitting among flowers and watching the pollinators. Not just the many bees, but the variety of wasps and other insects that never get associated with their role in spreading plant seeds across the landscape.
Beau—or Bee, as most refer to him—is fond of wasps in a way others aren’t. He appreciates them where others only feel fear.
Some are bright red. (Bee likes that color. He was born from a red tulip, after all.)
[“Opposite of a Mistake”]
What’s the opposite of calling someone a mistake?
“I’m glad you exist.”
“I’m so happy you were born.”
“I love you.”
Shannon says them all in his head or out loud, even as the four-year-old wakes him up at too-early hour, a wide toothy grin lifting his chubby cheeks. Curls halo Jasper’s pleased face.
Jasper doesn’t want his hair cut—cries if anyone suggests it—so Shannon watches as it grows more and more with each passing day.
Shannon brushes some off his son’s forehead as he remains in bed, too willfully tired to get up sooner than five minutes from now. Dawn spills between the curtains, reminding him that he could sleep in for a bit if he didn’t have a child. Wouldn’t need to sleep in if not for that same child.
And that’s fine.
[Untitled, placeholder is “You have a brother”]
“Did you know,” Sophronia begins in a whisper, lips almost pressed to El’s ear, “that we have an older brother? His name is Shannon, and this is his season.”
Summer reminds her of him. It doesn’t matter how much time passes. The memories fade but never disappear. The strong scent of rain-soaked earth or the sweet smell of the rosebuds on the bushes in the garden always bring back her fondest times with him.
Then he did something bad—so bad, her parents couldn’t tell her the details—and she couldn’t even be left alone with him.
“He’s dangerous, Sophie,” Papa would tell her.
“He did something horrible that hurt a lot of people, and I don’t want him to hurt you.”
Her parents never let her ask more questions after that.
She still doesn’t understand why Shannon is a taboo subject and she’s not even allowed to mention he exists. She is the oldest child, and summer is no more.
But summer is now, the cicadas loud in her ears, the sun strong enough to require a parasol. It’s unmistakable that she once knew a skinny young boy with features similar to Papa’s whose hair was as golden as the wheat swaying in the field down the road. He was always warm enough to snuggle in winter beneath the wools and furs.
[Untitled, placeholder “Shannon stuff”]
“Papa, please! Please, don’t leave me in here—”
The sound cuts as Vivian waves his hand impatiently. One snap of the wrist, and the noise—filtered through the cellar and laundry room doors—mutes behind the barrier he has cast.
Vivian sighs and leans back in his chair. It’s a temporary and inauthentic peace, but it provides him with enough time to calm down. If he’s lucky, the boy will as well.
Graham should be home soon. They’ll have to move again, and it needs to happen quickly, before the townspeople arrive to knock down their doors.
It’s all that child’s fault.
Bailey peers up at Vivian as she huddles against the back door. When there’s yelling, she always avoids him. Her tail sits between her legs, ears back, snout down.
Graham returns within the hour, carrying in a freshly snared rabbit for supper. He scares Bailey from her spot, and she slinks off to Shannon’s bedroom—presumably to hide beneath his bed.
The mood of the home is palpable enough that Graham pauses. Vivian sits stiffly at the table, eyes rimmed with red and mouth set in a grim line. His hair is disheveled, like someone tried to pull it from his scalp.
“What happened?” Graham glances around as he sets the rabbit on the bench where he skins and prepares meat. “Where is he?”
Vivian rubs at his face. “Cellar.”
Graham lifts the rabbit back up to slam it down again. “Vivian, we’ve talked about this!” He makes a beeline for the laundry room.
“We have to move. Tonight.”
Graham turns, uneasy eyes falling on Vivian. “What happened?”
“That insolent little fool blurted out something while we were in town. Made a comment that I could just cool myself off with my magic if I was hot. People overheard him.”
“He’s only eleven. He forgot.”
“Don’t make excuses for him. He knew better—he’s always known better! I might never take him into town again. He can stay in the cellar until he’s an adult. Let’s see how well he fares when it’s his magic they’re after! If he gets any magic. I hope not.”
“You don’t mean that—any of that.” When Vivian doesn’t answer, Graham grimaces. “Please tell me you didn’t mean that.”
“I don’t know what I mean, except that it can’t go on like this.”
“How long has he been down there?”
“Two hours, maybe?”
“Vivian!” Graham glances at the laundry room door before turning back to his husband. “He’s so quiet.”
They both are aware of how hard Shannon screams when he’s put down there. How he bangs on the door until his knuckles are bruised. How he scratches at the wood with his nails until they chip to bloody stubs at the quick.
Graham turns to Vivian, eyes narrowed. “I can’t hear anything at all.”
“I used a sound barrier.”
Graham closes his eyes, nostrils flaring with every angry breath.
“I liked living here,” snaps Vivian. “We could’ve eked out a living here for another year or two—maybe even longer, if we were careful. He ruined everything.”
[“Avoiding Guilt”]
Shannon stomped through the tall grass and sniffed at flowers. He chased grasshoppers, marveled at cicada shells, and caught a frog in his little hands.
Vivian followed behind him. Emitted cool air and sighed when it did nothing. Offered smiles he did not feel in his heart when Shannon showed off captures.
“Put them back, don’t hurt them,” Vivian told him.
Shannon listened. Dashed off on his too-quick feet.
[“Summer in Distress” chapter 10]
Shannon drifts on like a breathing specter, living through days he doesn’t want to live, dreaming through nights he doesn’t want to dream.
He survives through decades. His mental health rises and falls like a winding road through hills, and there are times he’s grateful to Phineas, who holds all the credit for getting him through his lowest days.
[“Cosmos” chapter 1] (Note: this is a backstory about Vivian, and he doesn’t have a name at first.)
The boy is four—unbeknownst to him—with grubby hands that clench the hem of his over-sized tunic. His fierce stare is full of a level of hatred no child his age should know. The bruises wrap around his ribcage, the coloration a time-line of different beatings.
Some of his scars and bruises are from his parents’ children, some from his parents.
[“Seasons”, new chapter to insert (the new chapter 20)] [Vivian’s POV]
My children have begun to make a habit of disappearing from my household. First Howie left with the intention of following me to work, then El went into town to track his sister, and now Howie has decided to run away.
I should have anticipated this from him. He has pushed at the seams of my magic and my patience, wandering into territory I warned him not to go. The other boys back off, but Howard refuses to heed my warnings.
This second time leaving the property appears to be an attempt at running away.
Graham is angry at me and can barely conceal it. This, he claims, is all my doing. Now he fears for Howie’s safety, as if my own concerns aren’t equal to his.
[“Seasons”, possibly the new chapter 22] [Vivian’s POV]
No summer. No foul summers, hot and humid and screaming…
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callmemana · 1 year
Tony Stark & OC Stark Fanfic: 1
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Key: smut -🍓/ fluff -🌼/ angst -🐂/ personal favorite - 👓/
*every Howie story is just the first chapter*
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Tony Stark:
A Second Chance @ghostofskywalker 🌼🐂
A Secret Love @just-dreaming-marvel 🌼🐂
And That Was A Promise @plumsandpotatoes 🍓🌼🐂 (mafia)
Anything Else Mr. Stark? @ironstrange1991 🍓🌼
Bad Flare Up @just-dreaming-marvel 🌼🐂
Battle Scars @thatfanficstuff 🌼🐂 (soulmates au)
Be A Good Girl @starrknessblog 🍓🐂 (dark!au)
Bits Of Yourself @velvetcloxds 🌼
Break Up @plumsandpotatoes 🍓🌼🐂 (mob au)
Coming Home @just-dreaming-marvel 🌼
Couldn’t Ever Deny It @plumsandpotatoes 🍓🌼🐂 (pirate & barmaid au)
Dancing Queen @velvetcloxds (dilf!tony & plus sized reader) 🌼🐂
Fake Diamond @holylulusworld 🌼🐂 (plus sized reader)
Felt Like Everything He Could’ve Hoped For @plumsandpotatoes 🍓🌼🐂 (college & Mob au)
Forbidden Series @ironstrange1991 🍓🌼🐂
Forbidden Desires @tonysslut 🍓 (dbf au)
Forced To Play Nice @ghostofskywalker 🌼🐂
Iron Family Series @just-dreaming-marvel 🌼🐂
I Want Her @plumsandpotatoes (mafia) 🍓🌼🐂
Led To @plumsandpotatoes 🍓🌼🐂 (mafia)
Little Ivory @plumsandpotatoes 🌼🐂👓 (mafia)
Make Up 2 @plumsandpotatoes 🍓🌼🐂 (mob au)
Meant To Be Series @just-dreaming-marvel 🌼🐂
Mistaken Identity @plumsandpotatoes 🌼 (military reader)
My Child Is Viral @youre-amazing-say-it 🌼👓
My Devotion To You @plumsandpotatoes 🌼🐂 (mafia)
One Night Stand @plumsandpotatoes 🌼🐂 (mafia)
Our Lives, Together @ghostofskywalker 🌼
Out Of Time Series @just-dreaming-marvel 🍓🌼🐂👓
Rudely In Love @just-dreaming-marvel 🌼🐂
Stay @plumsandpotatoes 🌼 (young Tony)
Should’ve Known, But Didn’t Want To @plumsandpotatoes 🌼🐂 (mafia)
Shy Away @velvetcloxds 🌼
Sweetheart 2 @plumsandpotatoes 🍓🌼🐂 (mafia)
The Assistant @thatfanficstuff 🌼
The Lady & The Tramp @plumsandpotatoes 🍓🌼🐂 (mafia)
The Starks @tonysslut 🍓🌼🐂
The Teacher Series @just-dreaming-marvel 🌼🐂
Undying Loyalty @plumsandpotatoes 🌼🐂 (mafia au)
Warm Me Up @springdandelixn 🐂 (dark au)
With Flying Colors @springdandelixn 🍓🐂 (dark au)
Your So Warm @fluffyprettykitty 🍓🌼🐂 (college au)
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Dad Tony @velvetcloxds (coming out as Pan) 🌼
Grades Don’t Define You @p-taryn-dactyl 🌼🐂
Please Don’t Leave Me! @fromasgardandback 🌼🐂
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Howard ‘Howie’ Stark (OC):
A Really Bad Idea @itsanerdlife 🌼🐂👓 (fighter au)
Bad At Love @itsanerdlife 🌼🐂👓 (Barton R)
Bad For You @itsanerdlife 🌼🐂👓 (college au)
Cruel Boy @itsanerdlife 🌼🐂👓 (MC)
Fated @itsanerdlife 🌼🐂👓 (hades & persephone)
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911angstinautumn · 9 months
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If you leave, I'll be broken inside
By: @giddyupbuck
Rating: Mature
Relationships: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz, Evan "Buck" Buckley & Christopher Diaz, Christopher Diaz & Eddie Diaz, Evan "Buck" Buckley & Josephina "Pepa" Diaz
Characters: Evan "Buck" Buckley, Eddie Diaz, Christopher Diaz, Josephina "Pepa" Diaz, Bobby Nash, Maddie Buckley, Henrietta "Hen" Wilson, Howie "Chimney" Han, Athena Grant
Additional Tags: Major Illness, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Feels, Future Fic, firefam is supportive, buck is trying to cope and not doing great with it, Sick Eddie Diaz, Pre-Relationship Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz, Getting Together, First Kiss, Hospitals, Talk of Death/Dying, discussion of the will, chris dealing with his feelings too, Christopher Diaz is a National Treasure, Christopher Diaz Has Two Dads, Evan "Buck" Buckley is Christopher Diaz's Parent, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Literal Sleeping Together, Love Confessions, Crying, I Made Myself Cry, those tags are related but the first one is about the characters, Feels, Idiots in Love, Sharing a Bed
Summary: Fine. Eddie is obviously intent on having this conversation. That doesn’t mean Buck has to be compliant with it. “I don’t want that.”
“Yes, you do.” Eddie pauses so he can shift up in the bed just the tiniest bit more. “Buck, you need a partner. You need someone who’s there for you as much as you are for them. And being a single dad is so different from co-parenting. Don’t try to say that isn’t what we’ve been doing, because it is. You’ve been co-parenting Chris for years. And I’m sorry I might not be there to do it with you anymore.”
“STOP.” Buck doesn’t yell very often, but he can’t contain his knee-jerk reaction to hearing Eddie admit defeat. He takes a deep breath and looks at Eddie’s face, full of understanding and sorrow. “Please, stop. I can’t. Eddie, I can’t listen to you talk like that.”
OR: Eddie comes down with an unknown illness. Buck tries his best to cope and take care of Chris, while also wondering if he might lose Eddie before he's told him how he feels.
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itsanerdlife · 2 years
Broken Knight 6
Pairing: Bodyguard!Bucky Barnes x Castle!Reader
Warnings: violence. Language. Stalking. Smut (later on). Pettiness. Lies. Secrets.
Working for my father and uncles, has never been an easy task. When I get attacked one night, it sets them off. My father hires a security team he knows. I’m unwilling, till he steps off the plane.
Now it’s complicated and blurry. James Barnes is more than I bargained for. And far more is happening then my father bargained for. I can’t help myself, only I know nothing is easy, and my father isn’t one to be disobeyed.
Hell’s going to rain down, I’m not sure who is going to survive this time.
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It’s just getting awkward at this point. Her client refused to even make eye contact with her. He sat scrolling through his phone, refusing to speak to her.
“Mr. Rhomade.” She clears her throat. It’s visible on her face as she gets more and more annoyed with him. “I need you to speak to me, if you want this contract.” She pats her hands on the contract in front of her.
“Woman, are not made for places of power.” Her client mutters. “Though it is nice to see your father has you presented with a man, now.” His eyes cut to Bucky. “Perhaps he and I can talk.”
“He doesn’t work for Stark Inc. He works for, me, or my fathers, I’m not really fucking sure how that works, but he is not an employee of Stark Inc.” She stammers and growls.
Once more, he refuses to reply.
She sucks in a deep breathe, licking her lips.
“Please follow me Mr. Rhomade.” She smiles sweetly, standing up with the contract in hand. “I’ll take you to someone in charge.”
It’s a whole 180. Plastering on a customer service face and voice. She stalks out of the office, Bucky hurries after her. The client and Clint follow.
Her steps echo with anger as she moves down the hall to a small meeting room. Tony, Frank, Howie, Peter and Billy are sitting, talking. She stops next to the table.
“Mr. Rhomade, believes because I have a vagina. I am incapable of handling his contract. Since apparently having a dick is some God send, when we all know I take a better pounding than he would.” She shrugs.
“Oh god.” Peter drops his head.
“No.” Howie whines, trying to slither under the table from his chair.
Tony beams with pride, Billy covers his mouth with a hand, Clint is beat red with stifled laughter, even Bucky chokes down a snort. Frank is the only one remained unbothered, with the same murderous look on his face.
“What? I’m just saying I got jumped.” She smirks. “Someone with a dick take over.” She holds up the contract.
“I’ll do it.” Peter sighs.
“And tell him to go fuck himself.” She tosses the contract into the air. Unbound, held together with paper clips, the papers fly, flutter and drift across the table and floor. “You know, cause I’m a woman and he won’t acknowledge me.” She sasses, turning on her heels she leaves.
“I love her.” Tony grins.
Bucky and Clint hurry out after her.
They sat in her office silently, as she flicked through a finalized contract that needed signing still. Slowly she sets it down, glancing over at him. He closes his book, watching her.
“Bucky?” She spoke softly. “Is it okay I call you that?” There is hesitation in her voice.
“It is.” He nods.
May I ask you something?” She wonders with a sigh.
“You may.”
“How do you know my dad?” She asks with such curiosity on her face.
He sighs, leaning forward. Supporting his forearms on his thighs.
“What was said to you during your attack?” His brow lifts.
“I told you.” She cuts her eyes away quickly.
“A lie.” He points out.
“You could have just said you wouldn’t tell me.” She huffs, rolling her eyes.
“Is there a reason you don’t trust me?” He wonders. His head tips slightly to the side.
“Who said I don’t?” She shrugs.
“You’re lying to me.” He settles her with a direct look.
“Maybe it’s not about you.” She tucks a strand of hair back.
“Who is it about?” His brow pulls in.
“Maybe I’m protecting someone like you’re protecting me.” She spoke softly.
“I could protect the two of you, if you tell me.” He reminds her.
“This is on me.” She lifts her chin, picking up her contract again.
“You’re very infuriating, Princess.” He mutters, sighing as he leans back in his seat. Snatching up his book again. Her eyes snap up to him for a moment, before dropping them to her work.
Frank sent her home early, after her stunt in the meeting room. She’d fallen asleep on the couch, he covered her with a blanket before setting about checking the locks and apartment. He had a feeling she didn’t do well sleeping alone now, that was expected after all she’d gone through.
He’d barely pulled off his T-shirt and turned down the bed. It sounded like a breathless yell, cut off before it became a scream. He’s hauling ass out of the room, and down the little hall when it comes again.
Her face pushed into the couch pillow, stifling the sound. Fucking nightmares. His hand closes on her shoulder, shaking her enough to wake her.
“Y/N?” His voice just loud enough not yet a yell.
She jerks up, slapping his hands away as she lets out a startled yelp. Panic, fear, confusion washing across her face as she scrambles away from him. Blinking wild eyes, she’s trying to focus, gather her surroundings again. He holds his hands up in defense, slowly sitting next to her.
“It’s just a dream. You’re okay.” He spoke soft and slow.
Her chest rises and falls fast, panicked, scared.
“It’s okay.” He nods, watching her. She stares back at him wondering if she believed his words. “You’re safe, Princess.” He reminds her.
He’s surprised when she moves, throwing her arms around his neck. He stiffens for a moment, slowly relaxing he wraps one arm around her, hauling her in closer. When she sniffles, he can’t explain why it’s such a gutting feeling for him.
“Shit, don’t cry.” His other hand comes up, brushing back her hair.
“Fuck, sorry.” She sniffs, looking guilty. “I’m crying on you.” She attempts to pull away.
He doesn’t know why, can’t explain it, but his arm locks, keeping her in place.
“It’s ah, it’s fine.” His brow pulls in. Confused by his own words.
“Thanks.” She spoke in a broken whisper.
“Anytime.” His own voice practically a whisper. He settles back against the couch, pulling the blanket over her, letting her settle in next to him.
Was this possibly crossing some line? It was a blurry line.
Was this going against the one thing Frank Castle told him to not do?
Yet it wasn’t enough to stop him.
Bucky called to let Frank know they’d be boarding a flight and departing in the hour. Frank only had one things to ask before they were airborne.
“I ask one thing of you, James.”
“Don’t get involved with my daughter.”
“Promise me. You will keep this one hundred percent professional, Barnes.”
“Promise, Castle. You have my word.”
“See you when you land.”
“You have nothing to worry about, we’ll be there in two days’ time.”
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nickcartersgirl · 2 years
Let me love you
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Pushing through the big crowd of people outside of the studio the boys were in was difficult.
Tears were threatening to spill out of my eyes like a river that won't ever stop flowing, paparazzi taking photos of me as I ran to the car in the pouring rain.
Before i could open my car door I was stopped by nicks pleading voice.
"Yn please".
I didn't answer, I couldn't answer so I just stood there hand on the car door handle staring at my reflection through the winddow and nicks defeated stance.
"Please talk to me yn, why are you so scared of committing to a relationship that could be great, I just told you I loved you and you ran off like you were stabbed".
"Please nick not now". I closed my eyes breathing heavily as he continued.
"Why yn, I need an answer I don't care if you dont like me I just want an answer".
That was it, the dam broke and tears flew down my cheeks hearing him say I didn't like him.
"because Nick, I do like you, Fuck I love you so damn much but every time someone loves me or something good happens it turns to total shit and i can't take that shit anymore". I turned to face him as he inched closer.
He cupped my face and soft places his lips on mine in a loving kiss.
"Well for know let me love you, and show you that we aren't gonna fail this relationship".
He continued holding your face looking at you with a slight smile as you nodded slighting also smiling as he brought you into a hug.
"ABOUT FUCKING TIME, BOYS PAY UP". we heard Brian and howie yelled together.
We looked at each other shaking out heads with a laugh as Kevin and aj groan and hand them money.
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911experience · 2 months
Episode 2x12 thoughts
Are you telling me that Chimney came up with snuggies? lol
I bet his friend is gonna die in the line of work
They’re making Howie eat at a different table!?? I hate this.
I knew it was a panic attack that man was experiencing, I recognize the tingly hands feeling.
Chimney is so alone and I hate it.
Please Howie stand up for yourself.
Damn, fuck you, Tommy.
This paramedic is saying they’re ignoring him because they don’t want to be invested but it feels like they’re just racist.
I think this is the first time I’ve seen an actual fire in this show.
I knew it. His friend died.
This editing sequence in the hospital waiting room is great. Love it. Creative.
Love the hug from Tommy. It wasn’t simply thank you or handshake, he gave a beautiful, snug hug. I obviously still don’t like how he treated Howie or Hen, but I’m assuming he becomes a better person through what I’ve heard and seen and you have to allow people to grow and change.
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sinhal · 2 months
*grabby hands* But It Was All Just A Dream please
Hal drinks another sip of his lemonade. He wanted a beer, but he can’t drink one these days without someone going on and on about how “alcohol is a bad coping mechanism” and “you were just tortured, you shouldn’t be using alcohol to not remember it”. Assholes, but he doesn’t want to deal with it today. He drinks another sip of the lemonade, and the sugar tries to assault his taste buds. Lovely.
the snippet doesn't have much to do with the plot (I only started this on friday and I've been busy since then) but it does show hal's mental state at this point <3. It's set post Green Lantern (2005) #7-8 aka the black mercy issues aka hal hallucinates sinestro still being his mentor and being proud of him. This is also right after Hal was fucking tortured for 3 months straight and like this is never fucking mentioned again outside of ollie blaming him in the black mercy arc :). But anyway this is Hal at Howie's birthday party and him talking to jim about what happened because he's the only one who want judge him for still wanting Sinestro's approval or pity him because of it because he doesn't know who Sinestro is. It's just a reflection on visions because the use of visions in the sinhal relationship development in gl 2005 is just so much fun.
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