#please ignore the state of my back yard
espressobean · 6 months
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A few moments ago, I heard a loud bang against my back window, followed by the sounds of birds losing their shit.
Check outside and see a hawk sitting by my back porch with a sparrow it just took out.
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aprilcolours · 3 months
blackheart: part two
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part one - part three - part four
Two days after the Battle at Lydden, the campground was abuzz with news. ‘The Northmen are here.’ ‘The Stark has arrived.’ ‘Did you hear? The greybeards have joined camp.’ The whispers were unavoidable as Visenya broke her morning fast. She thought it rather funny that men at war gossiped all the same as their wives at home. 
As she began to braid her hair (a wartime style like her mother’s), she thought of a certain young lord who had taken up a pressing residence in her mind. 
She worried that the kiss had been rash, impulsive, and ill-conceived. Perhaps I have let the fire in my blood get the better of me, she fretted.
Visenya carried a great weight on her shoulders. Her mother was relying on her to be successful on campaign, while her father was off gallivanting heedlessly. It was of the utmost importance that these Riverlanders respect her authority as commander and be brought to heel. Not an easy feat as a woman. I cannot afford to give even a single reason for doubt in my capability. 
It was these worries that had caused her to rebuff all attempts Benjicot Blackwood had made at flirtation since the kiss. He had tried to tease her, or goad her, or even on one fateful attempt last night: find her alone again. Like the day at Lydden, he had approached as she landed after scouting on Vermithor. She had said immediately, before she could change her mind, ‘After one does battle, they can retain a sort of thrill-seeking madness to expend the remainder of their blood-letting energy. It is common enough, but regrettable. My sole focus at this time is on securing my mother’s throne. I can consider nothing else.’ She did not meet his eyes as she spoke, looking instead over his shoulder before forcing herself to walk steadfastly away, and ignoring the flash of hurt writ across his face. 
It pained her, as she recalled the morning after, her braid now finished. She could still feel the ghost of him on her lips. Warm and yearning. 
We must all make sacrifices in war, she assured herself. Visenya II took a deep breath, steeled her shoulders, and stepped out of her tent to find her place among the war council. 
As the morning’s gossip foretold, a new broad figure stood at the table. Cregan Stark was a large man, an impression made only larger by the cloak of furs clasped round his shoulders. The familiar lords bowed, but surprisingly, the Northerner chose instead to drop to a knee before her. Lord Stark took her hand and kissed the back of it, declaring in a low voice “It is an honor, your highness.”
Visenya did her best to mask her amusement, though her eyes did widen at the display. 
“Lord Stark, so glad you could join us,” she responded, to some chuckles from the other council members. She looked around the table and caught Ben’s eye. His expression was dark, his usual grin now morphed into something more like a sneer. She looked away quickly and began the day’s deliberations. 
Near midday, the council adjourned momentarily to see to matters within their banners. Visenya used the time to discern the state of the troops, observing carefully to ensure standards were being met. 
Since the victory, certain soldiers had taken it upon themselves to establish a training field. Knights from differing regions clashed steel against steel, trying their skills against one another. She observed the sparring, face impassive. It seemed silly to waste such energy, the war is only beginning, she thought. 
“Does the fighting not please you my lady?” Ben’s taunting voice rang out nearby. 
His face held the promise of mischief. She was immediately wary, raising her signature unimpressed brow. He took a moment, almost seeming to check that all the gathered were listening, before he stook a step out into the yard and said,
“Well of course, a princess is not trained in such matters, not when you have a dragon to fight in your stead.” He gestured jauntily about like he had made a great joke. 
The whole camp stuttered to a standstill. Utter silence across the plain.
How. Dare. You. 
Visenya’s blood turned to ice in her veins, cold hard rage bottoming out her senses. Her face must’ve done something terrifying because every man in the near vicinity took a few steps back. 
And the scoundrel still just grinned his lopsided grin. 
You’ll pay for that Blackwood, she swore in her mind. 
“Is that so?” she asked, voice sharp and quiet like a shard of glass. She stalked slowly to the other edge of the training yard across from him, her steps measured and predatory. The knights gathered there scrambled back, dragging their equipment hastily. 
Back still turned to him, Visenya looked out upon the troops but did not see them. Only red. With nought a thought for the propriety of the situation, he seems to have that effect quite often doesn’t he, she reached to her back and unsheathed the two blades holstered there. 
Then finally, with a Valyrian shortsword in each hand, she turned and looked the Blackwood in the eye.
“To first blood then?” she asked, tone as mild as if she was asking about the weather. 
“To first blood,” he confirmed, eyes gleaming. And he attacked.
He was an explosion given form. A savage whirl of motion and violence, seemingly without end and tireless. It was a hacking, slashing, sort of style— unpredictable, but not so crass as to be reckless. The movements had a deceptive sort of tightness to them: where it appeared at a glance that such rabid fervor might leave his flanks open; he was guarded and compact. 
All this, Visenya gleaned as she danced circles round his brutal strikes. She parried and sidestepped, studying his every movement like a cat might watch a bird. He was a force, made for chaos and to mow down men in great swathes. But she was finely tuned, a crafted blade made for precision. 
He was good, that much was sure. But Father is better. 
She waited until his left foot turned out slightly, as she had noticed it did when he lunged two handedly, and with a swift precise kick she knocked him flat on his back. Between one blink and the next, she had a boot on his chest and her two blades crossed at his throat. 
There was a moment of utter silence again. Before the camp began their raucous applause. The men were shouting her name, her house words, roaring their approval, but she had eyes only for one. 
Ben, his head in the dirt, smiled. A real, genuine, one, not a sneer or smirk. She did her best to remain stoic even as she felt her own smugness tug at her lips. She picked her boot off his chest and pulled her swords from their position, transferring them into one hand so she might offer the other to him. 
He took it, and did not let go as he stood up. Instead, he raised it to his lips and bowed, his dark searing gaze never leaving hers as he, slowly, imploringly, kissed the back of her hand. 
Seven hells. Visenya suppressed a shiver. She could not tell whether she was still angry or wanted to laugh. She forced herself to recover quickly.
“You have a boot-print on your shirt, my lord,” she teased. Then she promptly turned around and looked at the gathered spectators to call,
“Since the situation has arisen, is there any other who would challenge a duel?” She turned in a circle, watching some soldiers jostle each other forward and others shy away. 
“Good Ser Tully,” she addressed, “perhaps a knight can make a better showing on behalf of the Riverlands.” 
The knight laughed humbly and stepped forward, “I can certainly try my lady.”
Visenya sparred with four men, challengers each from different houses. She remained for the better part of the day, offering advice, comparing strategy, and watching other matches. As the sun fell low in the sky, the group finally dispersed. As she made her way back to her tent, she felt a familiar presence step into stride with her. She did not look at Ben as she asked,
“Are you so troubled that you must resort to insulting me the moment another man dares to exist in my presence?”
“No, my lady” he protested, trying to make light of the situation, though he did appear slightly chastened. “Twas simply a ruse so that I might kiss you. I thought you might find it amusing.”
“Amusing? Amusing that you have so loudly begun a pissing contest with the Warden of the North?” she questioned incredulously, temper rising again. She stopped walking and turned to face him. 
Men, she thought angrily, never consider the consequences of their impulses. She felt all her worries about being respected arise within her like a great wave.
“I—” he began, but was swiftly cut off. 
“I will remind you Lord Blackwood, that my mother the Queen has final jurisdiction in the matter of my hand. And she has not yet even heard word of your proposal let alone deigned to consider it,” Visenya bit out, anger giving way to something more like distress. 
She heaved a shaky breath and took a moment to collect herself. He looked thoroughly chastened now. Squaring her shoulders, she pulled her stoicism about her again, declaring,
“Should you presume to mock me publicly again, Raventree Hall will find it has urgent need for its liege Lord to return from his time abroad.”
With that, she turned to stomp away but was halted by a firm hand at her wrist. Turning viciously, she began, “You dare—” 
“Did you speak truly?” Ben asked, voice uncharacteristically timid. “That you regret it?”
She was stricken into silence. He has a habit of surprising me, doesn’t he? Emotions warred within her, crashing against one another like the Narrow Sea. But thinking about his smile today, with her blade to his throat, she could not find it within herself to lie. So she simply shook her head no. 
The Blackwood let a breath out through his nose, like he had been holding it, and pressed a quick hand to her face. His thumb flitted over her cheek once, an echo of his roaming pulling hands. For the briefest of moments, Visenya allowed herself to close her eyes and press her face into his palm. 
“My mother is depending on me,” she whispered, a confession she did not intend to let escape. “I cannot fail her.” 
“I understand,” he replied simply, voice also hushed. 
He pressed a kiss to her forehead. A long tender beat. Two. 
When he pulled away, the look in Benjicot Blackwood’s eyes was something close to grim determination. He backed away and strode into the night, cloaked in purpose.
A/N: okay so turns out that was just some random blackwood but we are going to ignore that and continue in the delusion bc its fun
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gingiesworld · 1 year
Call Me When You're Sober
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Natasha Romanoff x GN! Maximoff Reader
Warnings: Angst. Nothing but angst.
Thank you @ginnsbaker for helping me re-live my emo stage that I haven't really left behind. <3
Ever since the accident, Nat has done nothing but drown her sorrows. Even ignoring the help of her partner Y/N Maximoff. Every night was the same for Nat, she would be sat on the sofa, a bottle in her hand as she drowned her sorrows. Every morning was Y/N picking up the empty bottles and throwing them in the recycle.
As the weeks went on and nothing changed, Y/N then went to their sister. Hoping to find some comfort they never had in their apartment.
"She's still drunk?" Wanda questioned as she made two coffees. The twins were out in the yard playing with Vision.
"Yeah. I understand the accident was hard on all of us." Y/N started as Wanda placed the cups in front of them.
"It was hardest on you Y/N. You're the one who has to live with a prosthetic." Wanda stated as Y/N shook their head.
"I feel like I am drowning Wanda." They whispered with sadness in their eyes. "I wish I had died in that accident."
"Don't say that." Wanda told them sternly. "If you want, I can talk to Vis and maybe you can stay here?" Wanda told them as they gave her a small smile.
"I'll be fine Wanda. Thank you." They supped their coffee before they hugged her goodbye, walking to their apartment only to find Nat sat there with yet another bottle in her hand. Y/N sighed before they snatched the bottle from her hand.
"Hey!" Nat slurred as Y/N poured it down the drain. "I was drinking that."
"And now you're not." Y/N stated plainly as they turned to face her. "I am getting sick of this Natasha. I wake up every damn day to the same thing! You passed out and a bottle in your hand. Empty beer bottles littering the counter. Hell, even my own sister who has a family of her own had to help me with my recovery while you drowned your sorrows in a bottle."
"Y/N." She tried as she suddenly remembered the accident.
The two were just coming home from Tony's party, Nat was drunk in the passenger seat as Y/N remained the designated driver.
"Come on Y/N. Let me drive." Nat slurred as Y/N shook their head no. "I promise I'm sober enub."
"If you said enough properly then I may have half believed you." Y/N chuckled at their girlfriend. Not really expecting Nat to try and take the wheel, causing the two to drive off down into the bank and into a tree. Her eyes widened as she noticed that Y/N was out cold as she reached for her phone in her pocket, dialing 911. Not anticipating the consequences of her actions. The life changing injuries that Y/N will have to live with.
"I almost killed you!" Nat yelled as Y/N sighed. "I almost killed you. I was the reason you lost your leg."
"Nat." Y/N started. "You were drunk that night and I was tired. Too fucking tired but right now, I'm exhausted or carrying us, our relationship on my shoulders." Nat shook her head as Y/N couldn't hold in their anger anymore. "YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE FOR ME!! I NEEDED YOU!! I lost my leg and had to learn how to walk again while you were here. Getting drunk and feeling guilty while Wanda helped me through it all."
Y/N looked around and grabbed a bag, ready to leave as Nat followed them unsteadily on her feet.
"Where are you going?" She slurred as she watched Y/N pack some clothes.
"Away from here." Y/N stated as they zipped the bag up. "I can't be here while you don't want to help yourself. I understand you're suffering but so am I and I can't focus on me while you are here getting drunk." Nat watched as Y/N walked passed her. Only stopping them when she grabbed the back of their jacket and knocking them down.
"Please don't leave me." She pleaded as Y/N groaned, looking at their prosthetic which lay on the floor.
"Fuck Natasha!" Y/N yelled as they noticed the the crack in the ankle. "You've fucked it."
"I'm so sorry Y/N. Please." She whispered as she watched them reach their crutches. Putting their bag over their shoulder.
"Call me when your sober Natasha." With those words, they left the apartment, leaving Nat with her tears and self hatred.
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juniperskye · 4 months
Why are you in my head? Pt. 5
Sneak Peek: Eddie and you are soulmates. The legend of soulmates is that you start to hear one another’s thoughts around age 16 – not all the time, but when you’re feeling a strong emotion. It simply flows out of you and into the other, the legend also states that the closer you are, the more you can hear them. **The events of season 4 did NOT happen** I did also use some of the dialogue
Bold are Eddie’s thoughts; Italics are reader’s thoughts. (mind you, they are essentially hearing both sets of thoughts)
Eddie Munson x Fem Sunshine! Reader (Soulmate AU)
Fluff - Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4**
Word count: 1893
REQUESTS ARE OPEN - not edited - please be kind. Feedback is welcome if it's constructive!
Warnings: READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! My blog is 18+, minors DNI, explicit language, mention of hospitals, mention and brief description of childbirth, mention of birth defects (CHD), mention of surgery/aftermath, no use of y/n, fem reader, let me know if I missed any!
That being said I do not own the characters portrayed in this story.
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“Ughhh, why isn’t he answering?” You shouted into the living room.
Now is not the time for you to be this busy Eddie!!!
You thought about it a little while longer, debating calling Eddie again or calling someone else. That was when you decided to call Wayne.
“Hello?” Wayne answered gruffly.
“Hey Wayne, are you uh, are you busy right now?” You asked.
“Hey darlin’ is everything okay?” He questioned.
“Yeah, well not actually, Eddie isn’t answering his phone and I ugh…I need to go to the hospital.” You rambled.
“Okay, you hang tight, I will be there soon! Keep calling Eddie okay?”
With that, Wayne hung up the phone and made his way to the truck, ignoring most traffic laws in hopes to get to you as soon as he, legally, can.
Eddie Munson if you do not pick up your phone I SWEAR TO ALL THINGS HOLY!!!
Shit, shit, shit!!! Is it time? I’m on my way!!!
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The last seven years had been a whirlwind. Eddie had proposed to you six months after you heard him tell Wayne he was going to, that was 1986.
It was now 1993, and things were completely different than when you met Eddie. Since then, your parents had retired and started going on cruises, which is where they happened to be now. Wayne still worked at the factory but had cut back on his hours to help you and Eddie out.
Eddie got a job at a local body shop, he had stopped dealing drugs because it wasn’t safe anymore, given the expansion of your family. You had gone to school and were now working as a nurse, taking after your mom.
Your parents had surprised you and Eddie after you got married by buying you a house, they had sold theirs and bought a trailer, close to Wayne’s seeing as they were travelling so much. The house they bought you was modest, a one story, three-bedroom, two bathroom. It had a nice grassy yard that allowed you to host your friends should you choose. It also had a basement which was perfect for Eddie to transform into the ultimate DND room.
You had been pregnant at the wedding, not that either of you had been aware of that fact. You had found out about a month later and in the fall of 1987 your first child was born.
Eddie and you had two beautiful children, a son, Ronnie 6, and a daughter, Vivian 3. Both are named after members of Dio. You were hesitant at first, but after Eddie really got you into metal music (especially Dio) you caved.
Which leads you to now, spring 1993, you were currently in labor with your twins. Naturally Eddie wasn’t answering his phone, he hadn’t even wanted to get a mobile phone, but you had convinced him when you found out the potential risks of a multiples pregnancy. With your parents on a ship somewhere in the Mexican Riviera, you had no other choice but to call Wayne.
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A knock on the door shook you out of your thoughts. You waddled your way over to the door, just as Wayne let himself in.
“Thank you for coming Wayne!” You huffed.
Eddie you had better be at the hospital for this birth!
“Of course, kiddo. Where are the rugrats?” Wayne asked.
“They’re with Steve and Nancy today.” You explained as you gathered your things.
I’m on my way! Please be okay!
“You got everything you need?” Wayne asked.
“Uh yeah…” looking around one last time, “I think that’s everything.” You nodded.
Wayne reached for your bag and led you out to his truck. He opened your door for you and helped you up into the truck, refusing to leave your side until you were settled and buckled in. He finally made his way around to the driver’s side and started your journey to the hospital.
“Any word from the boy yet?” Wayne questioned.
“Not via phone if that’s what you’re asking” you took a sharp breath in “I can hear him internally panicking though.” You huffed out a laugh, trying to control your breathing.
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As Wayne wheeled you into the hospital, a horde of your coworkers made their way to you. They were congratulating you, helping you get checked in, ensuring you were okay and honestly it was becoming a bit overwhelming. All you wanted was for Eddie to be by your side and for these babies to exit your womb.
Where are you?
I’m here, I’m here. Please don’t have the babies without me!
An OB nurse and Wayne walked with you to your room, Wayne began setting your things up around the room while the nurse got your vitals and those of the babies. While she did this, you could hear shoes scuffing along the linoleum floors.
“I’m here!” Eddie hollered, out of breath.
“Glad you could make it.” You bit. “Sorry, it’s the contractions talking.”
“It’s okay baby!” Eddie leaned over and kissed your forehead.
He walked over to assist Wayne in setting up the rest of your things. The two of you had made a list and were sure to pack all the things you wished you had during the last two births.
“I um, I got everything I need here. I’m just going to go get your doctor and I will be right back.” The nurse expressed wearily before making her exit.
She clearly didn’t read the chart and is concerned about Toni’s CHD.
Eddie let out a slight chuckle which caused Wayne to shoot him a questioning glance. Wayne let Eddie know he was going to go get a coffee and that he’d be in the waiting room. He also informed you guys that he would call your parents and your friends to inform them you were in labor.
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“Hey you two! You ready to have these babies?” Your doctor asked as she entered your room.
“Hey Dr. Evans, and yes I am so ready for these two to be out of me!” You sighed.
“Well good, because by the looks of it, you shouldn’t have to wait too much longer.” Dr. Evans explained. “Also, I am sorry about the nurse earlier, she’s new, she doesn’t know you work here, or that you guys are more than aware of Toni’s congenital heart disease.”
“It’s okay!” You released a shaky breath as another contraction rolled through you.
“Can you explain it all to me again? I know we’ve gone over it, I just, I want to hear it again.” Eddie pleaded.
“Of course, so Toni has a tiny hole in her heart wall, so once she is out, our pediatric surgeon will take her to the operating room and repair it! Once it is all fixed up, she will be in the NICU for a little while, just while she heals and then she will be all set to go home and grow up! She will have to have regular checkups, but she’ll lead a relatively normal life.” Dr. Evans explained.
A hole in her heart, Jesus. She’s not even born and already her life is hard.
“Eds, honey she’s going to be okay. This is sadly more common than you’d think.”
Eddie placed his hand on your shoulder, appreciating your support. You looked up at him as another contraction ripped through you. You took a few more deep breaths, glancing over to Dr. Evans. She checked you once more and informed you that it was time.
Everything happened seemingly all at once. First out was Ozzy, he was taken over to be cleaned up and measured, next was Toni who was almost immediately taken to her surgery. Dr. Evans stitched you up (birthing twins was no joke…neither was the tearing that occurred) and congratulated you both. She also let you know that someone would be by to keep you updated on Toni’s status.
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Eddie was sitting in the recliner holding Ozzy while you rested. Steve and Nancy were on their way with your kids, excited to meet the new additions to your family. Robin and Dustin called to let you know they’d be by soon and they were bringing you some real food.
A nurse stopped in to let you know that Toni was still in surgery, but it was going well, when you heard tiny feet slapping against the floor, growing in volume.
“Mommy!” Ronnie yelled, running to your bedside.
“Hey bug.” You reached your hand down to brush his curls back out of his face.
“Sorry! He’s so fast!” Steve apologized.
Steve lifted Ronnie and placed him at the foot of your bed, all the while Nancy was walking in with Vivian, who was fast asleep in her arms. She smiled at you and wished you congratulations and when her gaze landed on Eddie, she couldn’t help but coo at the sleeping baby resting on his chest.
Robin and Dustin entered moments later with a pizza, some soda, and a few gift bags in hand.
“Hey! Any word on Toni yet?” Robin asked as she wrapped you in a hug then made her way to poke at Ronnie, who burst into a fit of giggles.
“Uh not yet, the nurse just let us know that her surgery was going well.” Eddie explained.
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The night seemed to drag, the food and good company was a nice distraction from the fact that your daughter’s tiny heart was being worked on. You were thankful for your friends, especially that they’d all been so willing to hang around until you heard more.
“Hey there” Dr, Evans popped her head in your room “I just wanted to let you know that Toni is out of surgery, she did great and is on her way to the NICU now! I can take you both over there if you’d like to see her?”
You glanced at your friends who all nodded in unison, their way of silently telling you to go and that they could watch Ronnie and Vivian. You smiled at them and allowed Eddie to help you into a wheelchair. Dustin gently handed Ozzy back to you and then Dr. Evans escorted you to the NICU.
“So don’t be alarmed, she’s hooked up to a few machines, but it is just to monitor her heart function and her vitals.” Dr. Evans stated, more so for Eddie than you.
Eddie pushed your chair over to the incubator that currently housed your daughter. You looked in at her, she was so tiny, there was a small bandage placed on her chest. Looking over at Dr. Evans, she nodded signaling it was okay for you to open the side panel and hold your baby.
You reached your left hand in while cradling Ozzy in your right. Eddie made his way around to the other side and reached in to hold Toni’s other hand.
She’s so beautiful, they both are.
You’re so beautiful. Thank you for making me a dad, again.
A tear slipped down your cheek. You were so incredibly happy to have Eddie by your side and four beautiful children. You couldn’t wait to be by their sides as they found love the same way you had with Eddie.
This life was such a gift, and you were so grateful for all of it.
Thank you for bringing light into my life. Thank you for loving me.
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Tag List: @sashaphantomhive @silky-luxe
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milkweedman · 11 months
As you may have seen I'm selling some of my handspun yarn, along with some fleece, batts, rolags, and other odds and ends. I'm really short on rent this month, largely due to having so many flare up days that working was almost impossible. So, I'm selling some of my work in the hopes that I can still make rent somehow. I need over $500.
Im also linking to my kofi. If you don't wish to buy anything but still want to help me make rent--which I would appreciate so much <3
I'll be updating this post as I sell things so please make sure to click back to my original post to check if it's still available. First come first serve. Unless otherwise stated, all shipping is $5 USD to within the USA. If you're outside of the USA please let me know--shipping will likely be between $30-50 USD depending on to where, but I am happy to work with you if you're interested.
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YARNS (please ignore the slips of paper, ive given everything a nice label now)
A: 572 yards/ 480 meters. 5.75 oz/ 165 grams. 2 ply, approximately DK weight. Silk and merino blend assembled by myself. There are stripes of different greens which are arranged to be bigger at one end than the other, so a triangle shawl (working from the correct end of yarn) will have stripes that are more or less even instead of getting thicker near the narrow end of the shawl. I don't know how noticeable the effect will be, though. Silky soft and shines beautifully in the sun. $100 USD or best offer.
B: 175 yards/160 meters. 2 oz/ 57 grams. 2 ply, light fingering weight to sport weight. Luxury blend of alpaca, cormo, debouillet, silk, silk noil, angora, and cashmere. Very textured due to how I plied it and some noils, but also extremely soft and with lovely drape. Next to skin soft. $60 USD or best offer. SOLD
C: 176 yards/160 meters. 2.25 oz/64 grams. 2 ply, light worsted. Merino, silk, silk noil, angora, and mystery wool blend. Next to skin soft, lots of different colors, and good drape. $50 USD or best offer. SOLD
D: 152 yards/130 meters. 2 oz/57 grams. 3 ply, light worsted. Cormo, alpaca, and merino blend. This yarn was arranged into a stripey gradient--white stripes separating a light purple to dark purple gradient. 3 ply. Incredibly soft--would be perfect for a hat or cowl. $55 USD or best offer.
E: 100 yards/91 meters. 2.5 oz/71 grams. Traditional 3 ply, aran/bulky weight. Romney 3 ply. Durable, squishy, and warm, but not particularly soft. Would make a great hat or gloves. $35 USD or best offer SOLD
F: 140 yards/128 meters. 1.75 oz/50 grams. Traditional 3 ply, fingering weight. Beautiful BFL yarn in autumn colors. Due to the traditional 3 ply the colors constantly shift and change. Very soft and with good drape. $45 USD or best offer. SOLD
G: 325 yards/300 meters. 4 oz/115 grams. 2 ply, fingering weight. Wool, silk, silk noil, alpaca, and Angelina blend. Very textured but soft and drapey. $80 USD or best offer.
H: 166 yards/145 meters. 2 oz/57 grams. 2 ply worsted weight. Targhee, BFL, Angelina blend. Incredibly soft and drapey. Fuzzy and lightly underplied for maximum softness (so a little delicate). Next to skin quality. $45 USD or best offer.
(I'll accept the highest offer I get in a timely manner, so if you really want something and think other people also want to buy it, you can offer more to potentially guarantee you get it. Or offer less, and get it for cheaper if nobody else wants it. Although I wont accept very low offers, sorry.)
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BATTS AND ROLAGS. These all contain several large handfuls of milkweed floss, because why not. Very fun and soft to spin.
A. 0.75 oz/21 grams. Romney, BFL, silk, bamboo, Targhee, milkweed floss. Somewhat soft, would be very soft if plied with a fine fiber. Lots of purples and blues, with small amounts of rainbow. Should yield a heathered, smooth yarn except for bumps of milkweed floss. $15 USD or best offer. SOLD
B. 0.75 ounces/21 grams. Naturally dyed Shetland combing waste (yellow), BFL, silk merino, milkweed floss. Many different colors arranged in stripes--yellow and blue primarily. Should yield a textured yarn due to the combing waste, but also lofty and colorful. Fairly soft and very squishy. $15 USD or best offer.
C: 0.5 oz/14 grams. Tussah silk, BFL, merino, merino combing waste, milkweed floss. Very soft. Majority tussah silk which is charcoal black. The other colors are dark purple, a few streaks of red, and the shining white from the milkweed floss. Should spin up to a fine and soft yarn. I am also able to make more of these, which would be the same weight and price and matching the original as closely as possible. Let me know if you want several. $12 USD or best offer. SOLD -- but i can make more, if youre interested !
D: 0.5 oz/14 grams. Merino combing waste, merino, BFL, silk, milkweed floss. Buttery soft. Mostly dark brown with purple, blue, and white streaks. I can make several identical ones if desired, for the same price each. $12 USD or best offer. SOLD -- but i can more, if you're interested !
E: 0.5 oz/14 grams. BFL merino, mystery wool and milkweed floss blend. This has stripes of purple and blue, suspended a squishy mystery combing waste. Should yield a fine but squishy yarn. $10 USD or best offer. SOLD
If I sell all or most of these I will make some more !
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FLEECE. I am selling by the ounce (28 grams). I'm also willing to process these into fluffy hand carded rolags or fine hand combed top as desired, which will cost extra depending on how difficult the fiber is to process.
A. Jacob lambswool. Very soft but lots of large vm (so, easy to pick out) and nepps/noils. Those will stay in the fiber unless combed, so this tends to produce a very soft, bumpy yarn. I love this fleece but I just can't seem to use it up. Primarily dark brown, but I also have some white and mixed as well. I have about 8 ounces. Washed but still a tiny bit greasy (just to my preference). $3 an ounce.
B: Rambouillet. I have almost a pound of this stuff. Incredibly buttery soft. Like touching seafoam. But it has a ton of fine VM, so it can only be cleaned either lock by lock on hand cards or combed. I am willing to clean it for you. Takes a long time to get into a spinnable state but it is SO worth it. $2 an ounce. SOLD
C: Breed unknown. Some sections are salmon pink, others closer to hot pink. Not much vm, can be combed open lock by lock on hand cards or combed into top. Yields a silky, strong, hairy yarn. Willing to process for you (this would be one of the cheaper ones to do, it's very easy). I have 5 ounces. $2 an ounce. SOLD
D & E: These are both rya lambswool, naturally dyed with yellow onion skin (the bright yellow one with alum, the copper one with copper). Very soft and silky, spins up to a surprisingly robust yarn. Absolute treat to work with. Some vm but the nature of this fleece causes the vm to fall out pretty easily. I have about a pound total. Will process for you. Washed and dyed by myself. $5 an ounce. D IS SOLD, E IS STILL AVAILABLE
F: Sunshine Shetland. Very soft and fine. Naturally dyed, again with onion skins. The tips are somewhat felted and need to be pulled off, which is quick and easy. If combed lock by lock and then spun that way you can get a subtle gradient of orange to yellow with each lock... absolutely gorgeous. Will process for you. I have about 10 ounces. Washed and dyed by myself. $5 per ounce. SOLD
G: Red Hampshire. Not neon red like in the picture, more of a brick red. Very soft and foamy. Some vm. Easy to process on hand cards by combing lock by lock or turning into a rolag. Washed and dyed (using food coloring) by myself. I only have an ounce and a quarter--which is $6 for all of it. SOLD
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These are 1 ounce bags of primarily combing waste (so, short fibers and likely some vm) along with other interesting scrap such as mohair locks, colorful merino, and sometimes the occasional single rolag. Lots of the colors are naturally dyed by myself. Great for turning into rolags or using for batt fodder. These are $5 USD if you're buying more than one item (that could be yarn, another grab bag, some fleece, etc) or $10 USD each if you are only buying a single grab bag.
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Lastly, I'm also selling some spindles. A-C are whittled and decorated by myself. D is a beautiful Dealgan which I never could figure out how to use.
A. Supported spindle carved from a fruit tree. I gave it a steeple shape, which does make it slow to spin with. Really enjoyable for special spins that you want to do slowly and thoughtfully. Small spindle, about the length of my hand. $55 USD or best offer.
B. Onion dome supported spindle. Very light for its size, so it can hold a decent cop on it. Small spindle--about the length of my hand. $50 USD or best offer. SOLD ! thank you 🩵🩵🩵
C: Larch spindle. This one has lots of beautiful spalting, as well as being woodburned. Also the length of my hand. Has a very distinct feel to it, sort of in an alive way. $90 USD or best offer.
D: Lightning Dealgan. I got it for $50 and it's basically unused, so reselling for $50 USD. Very heavy and smooth.
And thats it ! If you don't want to buy anything but still wish to help me make rent, you can also donate to my kofi, which would mean the world to me <3
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seungsuki · 4 months
surprise detective - boarding a train and solving a case with your professor? (f!reader)
warning: murder of a person (if that counts)
note: part three coming soon <33
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“holmes, who are these people?”, the man questioned
“the moriarty family’s second son, william, and his adoptive younger brother louis. you can just ignore the lady over there- ow!”, you kicked sherlock under the table when he said that
“fine, fine! she’s [name]. a student of william” sherlock rolled his eyes, almost making you kick him again had your professor not been beside you 
“please excuse my interruption. lestrade of scotland yard, at your service”, the man introduced 
“you are? i have heard so much about you-”
your professor was cut off by an ugly scream of a woman. alerted, you quickly looked back and got up on your feet and sprinted towards the sound. as you reached, a brown haired woman look like she had seen a ghost 
“what’s wrong?’, you asked examining her pale face 
the pale woman explained about hearing a loud sound from the neighbouring compartment ago. she came to see what the matter was before she cut herself off and pointed to the door window. you took it upon yourself and peeked through the window. a dead man with blood splattered everywhere making you want to gag in disgust. 
“oh god you guys do not wanna see the drama behind this door”, you were grossed out, stepping back for sherlock to have a look too 
“it’s locked”, the man from before exclaimed 
“no shit sherlock- no wait that sounded bad”, you realised, choosing to keep quiet 
 “yeah, he’s dead. have a look”, sherlock gestured to your professor who confirmed it to be a murder 
“so, liam, you have nothing to do before we reach london, do you? shall we have a contest to see who can find the culprit first?”, sherlock challenged the blonde man 
“very well. this might be interesting”, william cut off lestrade 
as your professor continued by talking about how complicated the case was, a man appeared behind sherlock with a face of pure shock. his coat was stained with blood and he clenched his right hand to the spot. before any questioning, the transport police arrive at the scene and you soon learnt that he was dr john h. watson. 
you felt a tug on your sleeve that took you a few steps backwards to stand behind louis despite being so invested in the drama. you looked over to see that your professor had pulled you back. of course he did, he always did care about his students wellbeing and this was something that flared your heart even more. you could hear louis whisper to his brother to not interfere with the incident to which william reassured as an innocent life was being tainted with a murder title. 
“i will give it my all to ensure that the moriarty name is not put to shame”, william said 
“then it’s a contest to see who can deliver the culprit first!”, sherlock cheered 
‘this isn’t a game’ the sane people in the room shared the same thought 
“wow this sounds fun! well professor moriarty, i shall not ruin your fun. it was lovely talking to you and i can’t wait to see you again in class!”, you bid trying to leave the stuffy environment 
“woah woah not so fast. you’re in this game too! you think i don't know you? your brother and i are old buddies so i gotta see if his smartness also applies to you. not that it actually did- owh again?!”, sherlock groaned as you elbowed his stomach 
“no thank you! i am not a detective!”, you stated almost taking your leave 
“i think it would be a great learning experience miss [name]. outside of classroom learning can benefit a lot”, william spoke 
“right… like i’m gonna find the theta of the dead body”, you muttered to which louis let out a small chuckle 
“let’s get to work”, sherlock said as he picked the lock to enter the cabin 
“is this the moment where we have to look smart?”, you whispered to no one as you watched the two men stare without moving 
sherlock began his investigation. he concluded that the dead man was a jeweller from london. you didn’t quite give a lot of attention to what he was saying as you were too busy staring at the whisky bottle discarded. where have you seen that?
“a drugged-robbery? then this is not just an ordinary murder??”, lestrade exclaimed 
“unmistakably”, william resting his left hand on his chin 
“isn’t that obvious?”, sherlock added 
“clearer that my future if you ask me”, you commented to the man 
sherlock went on to explain about the shoe prints. to which lestrade raised the question as to how he knew which print belonged to who? sherlock swiftly replied and pointed at william and your shoes 
“look at the shoes of the maths professor and student from durham university”, sherlock pointed out 
“yes. it was raining in durham”, william referred to the mud on both pairs of shoes 
your professor continued talking about how the weather cleared at their stop in yolk. he then picked up the same whisky bottle you were staring at. he continued explaining things you simply tuned out and got up from the scene. quietly you walked out and louis looked at you in confusion 
“figured it out miss [name]?”, louis asked 
“something like that”, you lied and flashed a small smile before leaving 
but you didn’t leave the scene. you stood not too far from the cabin talking to one of the crew members. simple conversations and handshakes now and then taught you many things. you were standing because of your professor. 
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© seungsuki 2024-25 -- do not repost, translate, alter, etc on any platform without permission. Any characters used in my work do not belong to me, they are created by their original creator
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in-my-loki-feels · 3 months
🤓 spontaneous hug / unexpected + dealer's choice for the pairing!
I'm so glad you gave me dealer's choice because as soon as I saw this prompt on the list, I had an idea for a platonic hug and you gave me the chance to write it!
Under 1k this time! Another little scene from Bad Things 'verse. (Candy Corn is the pet snake.)
Don pushed the mower across the lawn, trying to ignore Loki, who lurked in the shade of the open garage. Don recognized the look on his face all too well. The only thing keeping Loki from pouncing was Sean and Kevin’s imminent return. It was pizza night—which Loki detested but had stopped complaining about once Don started offering him a separate dish—so as soon as the boys got home from their friend’s house, Don would order the pizzas. 
He’d hoped to be done and able to clean up before then, but he knew the minute he stepped inside the house, all bets were off. He swiped an arm across his forehead to clear the sweat and turned the mower to begin the next pass. Farther down the street, two small figures were sprinting towards them. He let go of the mower’s handle and the engine cut off. 
“Dad, dad!” 
The excitement in Sean's voice kept Don from panicking, even though the volume of his yell and the speed with which they were approaching had his Dad senses on alert. 
“Daaad!” Kevin also yelled. They were running down the sidewalk, backpacks nearly falling off because they refused to wear both shoulder straps. It wasn’t cool, apparently. They crossed the yard at an angle, rather than take the driveway, and dropped their bags on the grass. Don winced on behalf of the textbooks inside. 
“Did you know?” Sean asked, once he'd caught his breath. “Did you know he was coming to the school today?” 
“Who?” Don asked. He shot a confused look over his shoulder. Loki had gotten up from his chair and was strolling closer with a suspiciously pleased look on his face. 
“Loki!” the boys yelled together. Sean continued, “He came to school today and everybody got pulled out of class to go to an assembly! And he gave a speech and then he asked for a tour and he came to my classroom!”
“Mine too! And the Secret Service was there too! They had these really cool sunglasses and guns.” Kevin’s eyes gleamed. Don wished he would find something less violent to be fascinated with.
“And then we got to go outside and see the armored cars!” Sean said. “But he said there wasn’t time for everyone so he was only picking a couple of classes—”
“—so he picked both of ours!” Kevin screeched. “It was so cool! I got to sit in the driver’s seat!”
Another glance at Loki showed he was basking in their praises. Don tried to picture it: Loki rolling up with the full presidential motorcade—how did they even organize that outside of the capital?—and swanning into the school, issuing orders. It wasn’t hard to imagine the panic it must have sent the school administration into. 
“That sounds pretty cool,” he said, once it was clear his sons were waiting for a reaction. 
“Duh,” Kevin said. “Loki told Mrs. Sanderson that he was only visiting one school per state and ours was the one he picked. And then he made her stay in the classroom because Bobby got sick, which meant he missed the whole tour!” His grin stretched ear to ear. 
Bobby wasn’t enough of a bully for the teachers to do something about, but he wasn’t exactly making friends in Kevin’s class. After making fun of Candy Corn’s name, he and Kevin had almost gotten into a fight, which resulted in another note brought home from Mrs. Sanderson. 
The fact that Bobby mysteriously became ill and couldn’t join in the fun wasn’t escaping Don’s notice. Loki’s grin matched Kevin’s. 
“Thank you, Loki!” Sean suddenly shouted and darted towards Loki before Don could stop him. Kevin was right behind him, echoing, “Thank you!” 
Both boys collided with Loki in the kind of tackling hug that usually knocked Don back a step. He watched Loki freeze in place as their arms went around his hips, his own hands hovering just above their shoulders. It was over before Don had a chance to call them off. Sean and Kevin beamed up at Loki before running for the house. 
“Your backpacks—” 
The front door slammed shut behind them. Don sighed and turned to Loki, who radiated discomfort. 
“Sorry, they get so excited sometimes, they don’t think.” 
“It’s…fine.” Loki lowered his hands, but his eyes were hidden behind sunglasses so Don wasn’t exactly sure what he was thinking. 
“That was pretty nice of you to visit their school. Too bad Bobby missed it.” 
Loki’s lips twitched, a hint of his previous humor returning. “Yes, such a shame.” 
Don knew another hug was out of the question, so he settled for walking over and pressing a kiss to Loki’s cheek. 
“Thanks for making their week special.” Loki’s attention snapped to him in a way that sent a frisson of excitement down Don’s spine. He quickly backed out of grabbing range. 
“Pizza night,” he reminded them both. “But if you wanna skip the recounting of everything at max volume, you don’t have to stay.” Don thought it only fair to offer an out, after the hugs forced onto him. 
“It’s fine,” Loki said again, sounding more like his usual self. He went back to his chair in the garage but only seemed half-focused on Don as he finished up the lawn. 
Later, as Don alternated admonishing the boys for talking with their mouths full and talking too loudly, he kept glancing at Loki, wondering at what point it’d be too much. But Loki didn’t leave, he simply watched Sean and Kevin ramble with a mixture of curiosity and amusement in his expression. Don hid a smile by looking down at his plate and decided the boys could carry on a little longer before he cut them off.
From this game. Other fills here.
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mochiimadness · 9 months
Please let me finish this food prep training
You stare at the staff bot laying on the ground. It stares back. Somehow, despite lacking a proper expression, pure spite oozed from it's thousand-yard stare.
You sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose, willing yourself to ignore the loud chomping and clanging beside you until it finally goes silent.
"Chica." You start, free hand on your hip. The animatronic chicken giggles- high pitched and nervous. It sounds like clucking almost- cute (or at least it would be if it weren’t for the loud problem at hand). "How am I suppose to finish this training course if you keep bullying my customers?"
You can hear her start fidgeting, metal tapping against metal in short bursts.
"Don't worry about the training, you're doing great!" She says, dodging the question in favor of praising your hard work, and you finally bring your head away from your hand to squint at her.
She smiles and twitches; head jerking to the side slightly- pointedly ignoring the poor staff bot she had just so brutally shoved to the floor.
"That's not the point and you know it." You glare at her, finger jabbing in her direction.
She lifts her hands up in surrender, eyes darting around in hopes of avoiding your frustrated glare.
"Well- I'm just," She's stammering, "I'm just providing you with an accurate customer experience! It's not like the staff bots can eat- they were just going to toss it out anyway."
“At least I can tell you how good it tastes!”
You bury your face back into the palms of your hands and groan. A deep breath in, a pause, and a long breath out. You repeat this a few more times until you’re able to drag your face up enough over your fingertips to look at the chicken again.
“Chica,” She hugs herself, arms clinking as they wrap around her midsection. “I’ve been here for almost two hours now. It was only supposed to take 45 minutes max.” You rasp, staring her dead in the eyes as an audible ‘gulp’ sounds from her voice box.
“You keep eating all the food.”
She whines at your words, shutting her eyes as her beak juts up ever so slightly- her way of pouting. “I know! And I’m so sorry- it’s just, I haven’t had pizza in so long… and yours smell so so good- they taste even better!”
You know for a fact she had pizza just yesterday- some kids birthday event. Your hands come down to grip the counter, the cool metal doing little to help settle you. At least you had something to grip now.
“Chica I will literally make you the biggest pizza-rito with everything on it if you let me finish this training.” You state, watching as her gaze snaps to yours. She leans forwards, deadly serious
“Everything?” She questions, eyes boring into yours and surely scanning your facial features down to the smallest twitch- to make sure you were telling the truth. Funny, you wish she would get this serious about cleaning up after herself.
“Everything.” You confirm, keeping steady, un-breaking eye contact.
“Deal!” Chica squeals, lunging forwards and nearly giving you a heart attack as does so. She’s animated again, arms wrapping around you and squeezing as she starts thanking you. You squirm a bit before relaxing in her hold and hugging her back.
“You’re welcome, you Pizza Addict.”
She squawks loudly in protest, though soon joins in with your laughter.
Updated and edited as of July 17th, 2024
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myfandomprompts · 11 months
To Risk It All | Chapter 3
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Summary: The aftershock of her House humiliation leave Daera in an agitated state. But her wits come back as soon as she lays eyes on him.
Warnings: None. Previous part - Masterlist
"Targaryens are restless and chaotic."
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Decency was at least given to her, her mother, and brother.
They were allowed to remain in King’s Landing for the sole purpose of seeing back Vaemond’s body to Driftmark whilst Gaemon and Malentine were sent back to their ship without delay, tongues freshly cut by hot steel, their pride so wounded that Daera knew it not to be the end. She wondered if this circle of madness would ever be over.
Even though the King still breathed and passed judgement as he pleased, one could not deny the Green’s influence over his shoulder, a growing shadow over the Crown.
It was the Queen that had come to them once they were brought back to their quarters in Maegor’s Holdfast, granting them words of comfort while she promised a new ship to be prepared in order to send them back to Driftmark. She remained suspiciously vague about it before letting them visit their father and husband’s body below the royal Sept. For what seemed like an eternity, all three of them stood there, close to each other in grief and shock whilst they tried to ignore the smell of the decaying body of Vaemond Velaryon. It was suffocating, the way the candles played shadows on the shroud that covered him as well as the humidity of the place. Daera promptly decided that she had enough and excused herself, feigning the need for air, but truly desiring to be alone.
She quickly found out that it would be difficult to achieve loneliness as she drew the gaze of most of the nobles she crossed paths with, and as she walked the middle bailey she found the very place people would not dare bother her. The royal library. 
It was a large hall, maybe as big as the Small Hall several yards from there, with high shelves filled with bright looking book covers and parchments stacked in triangulars wooden racks reaching the ceiling. It smelled like dust and ink, tables and benches put below the large windows that displayed the Five Pointed stars and Daera felt all the tension she had accumulated on this day slowly fade away. But when she advanced further into the room, it all came back as swiftly as it had left.
He was there, leaned over a wooden bench near a window, his blind side turned towards her and a book in hand. She stilled, looking around to notice two scholars busying themselves behind a nearby shelf, not acknowledging her in the slightest. She decided safe enough to dare take a few careful steps towards the high window, curiosity gnawing at her. She was only observing really, the way the tip of his hair touched the paper as he leaned closer, his fingers grazing the side of the pages absentmindedly, completely focused on his reading. But upon hearing her approach, steps he did not recognise or welcomed, Aemond Targaryen raised his head from his book with a slightly annoyed expression, his single eye locking on her. 
“My Prince.”
She waited for him to greet her back, to show her the respect that befitted her station; anything, she thought, just a sound, a word to her. But to her disappointment he only but sighed closed his book abruptly before he came to stand without a word and passed by her, heading towards the door, leaving a smokey smell in his wake.
But Daera would have none of it. She would have him talk to her, she would make it personal if she had to. “I never had the chance to thank you. For the help you provided me the other night.” 
As she turned, she saw him stop in his tracks feets away from the door, his back to her where his muscles tensed in reaction. He barely turned, tongue clicking. “I beg you pardon my Lady, but you must have mistaken me for someone else. I have no recollection of helping you.”
Finally. A whole sentence from him, sending something course over her skin. She would have recognised the voice anywhere, sounding exactly like she remembered, like she had felt, reviving the same sensation at the back of her neck as well as the same soft timber of his voice that was so sweetly invading her ears.
She took a firm breath, spurred by her new confidence and ignoring his blatant denial. “It seems that you have gotten rid of the dragon smell, at least.” 
His body turned completely at that, a dangerous glint lightening in his eye, making her pause as he started to slowly prowl towards her, his steps slow and mindful.
“As opposed to you, it would seem,” he snapped at her, almost vicious as he levelled with her, “Maybe you should refrain from throwing insults as soon as you feel like it, my Lady. It does not bode well around here lately, as I am sure you are aware.”
She raised her chin, determined to show that she would not be daunted by his insinuation while the same words she had heard in the dark alley rang into her ears, their meaning too familiar. It was as good as an admission from him.
“Why not introduce yourself? You recognised me, I'm certain. Your brother at least made that courtesy when-”
“What are you doing here, Lady Velaryon?”
He had spoken in such an accusatory tone, his eyes flashing with something she could not determine that she had to take a moment to find her next words, his eye watching her lips part in her search not helping in the least.
“I came to read of course, isn't that what people do in a library?” she lied, noticing the way his scar almost reached his dimple. “What you were yourself doing?"
“Are there no books in Driftmark?” he replied snappily, his stance straight but somehow his face closer to hers. “Must you come here of all places?”
“There are, but none I have not yet read through. Here, there is novelty, news lands to discover,” she answered before considering him, hesitant, the heat of his body not quite matching his icy behaviour. "What were you reading, if I may ask?”
She knew she was venturing into unknown territory, but he was in front of her, talking to her, and since the Prince was seemingly only inclined to answer with audacity, she would use it unabashedly.
It seemed to take great effort for him to answer her, his jaw clenching as he did so. “The Iron Chronicle.”
“Oh. Tales of war, of course,” she said, almost disappointed. “The ironborns did employ cruel tactics.”
“Have you read it?” he inquired, his head almost imperceptibly tilting to the side.
“I fear that I did, for Driftmark is filled with seafaring related books. The ironborns were and still are great sailors, but I am not entirely sure about the rest.”
“Mh,” he pondered, the sound inexplicably drawing her gaze to his pale throat under his collar. “One would say that ruling is a matter of knowing when to employ such tactics.”
“Others would say that ruling is about keeping order and taking care of their subjects, not pitting them against each other,” she retorted, holding his gaze. “The Targaryen dynasty has ruled for a hundred years without seeing a single rebellion succeed.”
“But we have dragons.”
It was uncanny, the power with which he said those words, the pride that reverberated through them as sharp as a weapon. Daera could feel the legacy that weighed on their shoulders, something they both shared as her voice died in her throat.
“Yes,” she breathed, not daring to blink as he triumphantly stared at her. “Yes they do…You do.” 
He hummed again softly, content to have had the last word and considered her, his eye travelling swiftly over her features, like he wanted to learn all of her secrets, her weaknesses, and use it against her. It made Daera repress a shiver along her spine.
“You are leaving tomorrow, are you not?” he asked casually, his hands coming to lace behind his back again.
“Yes, unless one of my family manages to lose another limb by then, that is.”
She gasped internally at her bold words, the memory of this morning still carved in her brain, throat still sore as she had screamed. While humour might have been her anxious way of coping, she wasn’t sure about the Prince’s reaction to it.
But the man before her scoffed, the sound coming from lips whose corners were slightly twitched upwards, a half smile that made his eye glitter with soft violet shade. “That would be unfortunate, but very unlikely I’d wager.”
A scholar racked a chair in order to take a scroll back to its shelf and both Aemond and Daera snapped from each other's gaze. In this brief moment, she allowed herself to watch the scholar trying to reach a high shelf with great difficulty, a tickling sensation came over her right cheek, and when she turned, she was met with silver hair inches from her nose, the side of her face almost merging into his.
“I was in my chambers last night, not away from the Keep, and certainly nowhere near you.”
It was a warning, one softly whispered in her ear, his breath fanning over her skin before he withdrew so slowly she could hear each of his breaths.
And before she had the chance to reply, he had turned and disappeared through the wooden doors in a light walk, leaving her to wonder about what he could be hiding.
It had been so different from all of these years, he was so different.
Wasn’t he?
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The afternoon was nearing its end, and Aemond had just returned from his walk in the gardens. It was something he did not particularly enjoy, for he found his time could be better used training with his sword or delving into the books that lined the shelves of the library, where he was able to hide away from the ladies of the court undoubtedly sent by their fathers to snare a prince. 
Still, he accompanied Lady Penrose on their weekly walk.
It had not been originally his choice to begin courting a Lady, not entirely. His mother had expressed her concerns about the loss of his eye and how it might have dissuaded him from seeking any sort of courtship or relation, and his brother had mocked him for it. So Aemond, infuriated, had decided to prove them wrong and had begun courting a Lady of the court, one who would not cower at the sight of his scar.
To his great surprise, it had not been difficult to find. He did not know if it was his accomplishments, his status as second son or Vhagar herself, but Aemond had managed to befriend some of the less irritating females of the court, and chose one that did not bore him to death.
If others could achieve it, he would certainly be able to, he had thought in his overconfidence. He would be better than his brother in everything - except debauchery - and make his mother proud. Deep down, he knew that whoever he would choose, his grandfather the Hand, would have him secure a better match for when the necessity would arise, the decision out of his control. So for the time being, Aemond only saw courtship as a way to prove himself that he could succeed in everything.
And Lady Penrose was not the worst of them.
“Were you there my Prince? When they mutilated their tongues?”
“I’m afraid I wasn’t. This was done down in the dungeons, I had no business going there.”
“A good thing. This must have been awful and quite repugnant."
Cyrenna Penrose was a woman of fine attributes, versed in literature and religious devotion, quite like his mother and shared Aemond’s passion for reading. But he had rapidly discovered that their subjects of interests diverged, her likings more inclined toward poetry while he delved into philosophy. In the end, Aemond had settled to appreciate her brown eyes and long black hair that she had the habit to put feathers in while he obliged her for a walk around the gardens when decorum imposed him to.
“I have heard what is said about Lady Velaryon. Daera I believe her name is,” she kept on, her hand wrapped around his arm. “She rides the dragon of her late grand cousin. You knew him, did you not?”
Aemond sighed. She already knew all of that. “Only briefly.”
“I’ve heard from the maids that she had gone out with the Prince the first night she arrived.”
Aemond was now listening with interest. “With Aegon?”
“Yes. They left together by the main gate. I wonder what they did.”
The fool. Aegon had never cared about propriety, never bothered to take passageways like he carefully did. Aemond knew Lady Penrose was implying that some ill affairs had undergone while they were out of the castle grounds considering his brother's reputation, but she had the tact to not utter it in front of him clearly.
And now, his brother was dragging Daera’s reputation in the mud by simply existing.
“I would not believe anything the maids gossip regarding my brother, my Lady. I’m certain the Velaryon girl only kept to riding that night,” he lied, remembering the way she had looked under his hood so eagerly in that alley, searching for his eye on her way to the Dragonpit.
“You seem to know a great deal, my Prince. Did you see her fly? I heard she has been riding with Princess Rhaenys since she has been able to take to the skies. She must be a sight to see, to learn from an experienced rider.”
Occasionally, Aemond wondered if he had let Cyrenna in too much information, for he believed she sometimes could decipher his lies. “She must be decent, I suppose.”
They fell into strained silence, Aemond never the one to be talkative, and Cyrenna had taken the habit of filling the gaps he left. If truth was to be told, he would not have minded if she ever had expressed her dissatisfaction at his silence.
But she never had done so, and he did not bother to make any attempts at being better. He had proven himself that he could court a woman, he would not be the one to cast her away. “Would you show me one day? How it is to ride a dragon?” she asked, hopeful.
Aemond felt something stir in his heart, the connection to his dragon vivid. “Certainly, my Lady," he lied once more. “One day.”
Cyrenna smiled at his arm as they reached the Godswood, unknowing that Aemond had no intention to share Vhagar. As they came into the grassy courtyard, a familiar pain began to settle beneath his skull, the returning reminder of the loss of his eye.
“I’m afraid that I must leave you already," he kept on as he stopped on the steps, detaching his arm from hers in order to take her hand.
“Oh,” she said, disappointed as he bowed in order to kiss it lightly.
“Thank you for your company, it was very agreeable.”
“An honour as always, my Prince,” she said shyly as he turned away.
And as always, Aemond did not bother to look back as he put distance between him and Cyrenna Penrose.
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He made his way to Maegor’s holdfast in order to eat with his mother, deciding to take the back stairwell and as he arrived near the open terrace that granted a stunning view over the city, he stumbled upon what seemed to be a heated discussion.
Upon approaching the sources of voices, clearly intending to just walk through it and express his displeasure at such disturbance, he had stopped in his tracks when he recognised the voice of Daera Velaryon. He cursed under his breath. Why had they put them so fucking close to the Queen’s quarters?
“Surely this cannot be true. Father would not have wanted this and I will not have you deny it!”
“Our situation is dire and we must make sacrifices, or we will not be able to protect Daemion from-”
“Do you not think we have made enough sacrifices already? The Stranger is standing watch at our door and our honour diminished. This won’t solve any of  it!”
“This is exactly why we must act now. While our relations with the Hightowers are still good.”
Aemond deciphered from afar the two forms of Daera and her mother standing near the arched doorway over the courtyard, drapes flowing into the breeze, thinking that they would be safe from uninvited ears. But they did not know the castle like he did, and it was easy enough to find a dark corner over a railing that would allow him to watch them without being spotted, for he was now unable to not listen in.
Daera had turned towards Lady Elinda with a pained face. “You are to make me believe that the Queen came with this proposition? With the King’s acquiescence?”
“It is… their way to atone for what happened to our family,” her mother answered, hesitant. “This marriage will be as beneficial to them as it is for us. You must see it, Daera, as it is for your own protection as well.”
“I don’t need protection,” she spat, pacing restlessly around the room. “And if it is so important to you, you can marry him yourself!” she continued, tone poisonous, “You are now a widow, are you not? From House Celtigar. I am but the daughter of a perjurer, I am a walking disgrace.”
“This is not what they see Daera. When they look at me they see the persecuted sister and the wife of a fallen man. When they look at you they see beauty, prestance, power.”
“Precisely,” answered Daera with a disgusted glare, turning on herself to look back at her mother. “They only want me because I claimed a dragon, because they are preparing for whatever they think is coming, but I never asked to take any part in it, and neither did Seasmoke.”
Her mother took a determined step toward her. “You must think about what the enemy sees when they look at you now Daera, when they look at your brother," she pressed, and Aemond could see the urgency in her eyes. “Gaemon and Malentine are childless, and that makes Daemion next in line for the Driftwood throne. What they now call the silent two won’t settle for Lucerys Velaryon, and neither will the people, nor the Greens. We must ensure our protection now that we are on the right side."
“Careful mother,” interrupted Daera, raising a single finger to her, making Aemond take one step on the side so he could still see her. “Heedless ambition has always been a Velaryon weakness, one father paid for with his life,” she stated heatedly, but he could hear the light tremor in her voice. “Don’t let it get to you as well. Daemion isn’t interested in Driftmark, he is ten!”
“It is not about ambition, Daera! When the King dies, and he will, very soon daughter, we will be forced under the liege of the very people who killed your father, my House- my brother will make sure of it. I won’t have this again, I must act before they do.”
“So you would have me sell off to an easy marriage and tear our House further apart? What of my cousins, Baela and Rhaena? What of Rhaenys? She would have protected us, protected her family. She sees people for what they are, and yet you would have us betray them? Betray her?”
“This isn’t betrayal Daera, only a marriage pact made to ensure that no one will touch you and your brother. I cannot have him on Driftmark while Lord Corlys remains between life and death, and I cannot be certain of what his reaction will be when he learns of your father’s deeds. Rhaenys has been good to us, yes, but she is also loyal to her lord husband. She will follow him, you know this."  
“You cannot know that, Lord Corlys is our liege and Driftmark has always been my home, our home. And you would forsaken it for a place like this? A place father loathed? Where he was murdered?”
“I assure you it is not by pleasure that I inflict this upon you, Daera, but he is gone, and I am left as a widow without protection. My future is in peril and I will do whatever is necessary to put as much distance between us and Crackclaw Point.”
“I’ll protect you!”
“This is not your role Daera! I am the mother and you are the child, I am the one supposed to protect you.”
Daera stilled, staring back at her mother with disarray. But her moment of apparent doubt was quickly replaced by spite as her voice grew more trembling. “A child you want to marry to someone I barely know.”
“I am sorry Daera, but this is the best match I could have ever provided for you, and there will be no more saying in the matter. Your brother comes first.”
A long silence passed in which Aemond could only hear himself breathe. From his position he could see Daera's eyes, their violet so much brighter than he had seen them earlier in the library, when he had whispered his warning to her, wilder.
She did not move, however, and he felt like he could hear her thoughts. Betrayal, loss.
Then she reached for something in her cleavage, lifting the chain that hangs low inside of her gown without a word before unclasping it. There she took the ring that was wrapped around it, its shade glinting into the light as she brought it before her eyes briefly, a longing in them that Aemond took as sadness before setting it softly on the table next to her. Her mother had followed her movements and was now staring at the ring in shock.
“Then I guess you will have more use for this than I, the symbol of a fallen House I won’t be a part of anymore.”
And she turned away, storming off through one of the archways with firm steps, Lady Elinda wasting no time calling after her.
Aemond waited for the steps to fade away before walking out of the shadows and advancing towards the table. There laid a beautiful carved signet ring with the Velaryon blazon, blue and silver surrounded by gold. When he touched it, he felt the warmth of the metal from where Daera had worn it, right against her skin. It sent electricity through his fingers as he examined it, thinking.
Aemond turned it in his hands one more time before putting it in his pocket.
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Chapter 4
Taglist: @knightprincess@baconturtle@witheredoffherwitch@lexwolfhale @toodlesxcuddles @watercolorskyy
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dantakeyoman · 1 year
𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑 | 𝐫. 𝐳𝐨𝐫𝐨
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♡ 𝐫𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐚 𝐳𝐨𝐫𝐨 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦! 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
♡ * "𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒂 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒚 𝒂𝒔𝒔, 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕? 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒆𝒏. 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒆𝒂𝒏, 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒅, 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒖𝒏𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒔 𝒉𝒖𝒓𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒍, 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒎𝒚 𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒘𝒊𝒔𝒕, 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒎𝒚 𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒆, 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒎𝒚 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒉𝒐𝒕. …𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝒊 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒊𝒕." *
♡ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬, 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐠𝐨𝐫𝐞, 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, 𝐬𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐰𝐰𝐰𝐰 𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐧, 𝐞𝐭𝐜.
♡ * 𝒔𝒑𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒇𝒚 - 𝒑𝒐𝒗: 𝒖𝒓 𝒛𝒐𝒓𝒐'𝒔 𝒈𝒇 *
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"How much sake can this get me?" you asked in a low voice, slamming down a fistful of berries on the bar.
The entire place went silent at the sight of your wings, the white feathers making you look almost angel-like.
You tucked them away as the bartender cocked an eyebrow, taking the money, quickly counting it.
"Eh, a cup or two," he stated, a clear smirk on his face as he chuckled under his breath.
You sighed, furrowing your brow.
You unsheathed your mace and placed it on the bar, the dried blood from your last encounter speaking your message clearly.
The man was trembling as his hands went straight in the air, his annoyingly loud whimpering calling the attention of the entire bar.
"I'll ask you again. How much sake can this get me?" you asked darkly, your voice low as your eyes cut him where he stood.
"A bottle, alright! It'll get you a bottle! I'm sorry I tried to scam you! Please don't hurt me!" The man grovelled, tears streaming down his cheeks.
You scoffed, taking the mace off the counter and sheathing it.
"Just get me the damn drink so I can get out of here," you rolled your eyes.
He frantically nodded his head before turning around and searching the wall full of booze.
"While you're at it, I got a question for you," you started, taking a seat.
The man visibly shivered at my tone.
"I heard this used to be a town where a lot of pirates used to stop. That true?"
"Y-yeah. It's true. But that was before Captain Morgan made base here. Now, no pirate is daring enough to come anywhere near this village," the bartender nodded, his back turned as he searched the wall for some good sake.
You sighed. "Shame. I've been looking for a certain pirate. Was hoping you could point me in the right direction."
"If you don't mind, might I suggest you ask Roronoa Zoro," the man replied with a smile as he found the bottle, grabbing it and turning around.
'Roronoa Zoro?'
"The pirate hunter?" you asked, cocking an eyebrow.
"He's bound to have heard of the pirate you're looking for. They're keeping him in the marines' prison yard. Usually I wouldn't suggest my clients go breaking into marine property, but you seem strong," the man answered, sliding the bottles.
You grinned, grabbing it and biting off the cork, taking a swig. "Thanks, old man."
"No problem. Sorry for trying to pull a fast one on you," He sheepishly chuckled, waving goodbye.
With that, you got up from your seat, walking out the bar and onto the street.
"Excuse me, ma'am?" you asked a woman that was walking past. "Do you know how to get to the marine base?"
"Just keep walking that way and you should reach it," she smiled, pointing west.
"Thank you," you bowed, allowing your wings to sprout and taking off, the entire marketplace gasping at the sight.
You landed on the ledge of a stone wall that surrounded the prison yard, and saw Zoro bound to a wooden pole
"They really gave you the royal treatment," You chuckled, taking another swig of sake as u tucked away your wings.
He ignored you.
Just then, a boy in a straw hat and a pink-haired boy popped up on both your sides.
"WHO ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO BE?! AND WHY DO YOU HAVE WINGS!?!?!" the pink one shouted.
"You don't have to shout, kid," you grumbled, rolling your eyes as you rubbed the ear he shouted into.
"I'm sorry, but why are you here?" he apologized, scratching his wrist.
"Yeah! You wanna talk to him or somethin'?" Straw Hat asked, turning to me.
"Something like that," you replied, looking away from the two.
"Hey, you three," a deep voice growled from inside the yard.
The three of you looked over to the man of the hour, only to see he had his gaze locked on you three.
"You're an eyesore. Get lost."
"You're not exactly a glorious sight either," you scoffed, taking another swig.
Pink Hair started freaking out but this girl climbed up a ladder and shushed him, looking left and right before lowering a rope, climbing down.
She ran up to Zoro and they began to talk, her holding out something in her hands.
Just then, three guys started to walk over, two being marines and one blonde in a purple suit.
They started talking for a little bit, Blondie eating whatever was in the girl's hands and then spitting it out on the floor, stomping on it.
She started crying.
Blondie looked like he was telling one of his men to do something before a man grabbed her and threw her over the wall.
You quickly jumped in the air and caught her, landing back on the wall.
"Are you okay?" you asked.
She nodded her head and you sighed as you carefully put her down, Strawhat making his way over to Zoro.
When you got over there, he was feeding Zoro a muddy rice ball.
"What are you two doing?" you asked, cocking a brow at the weird sight.
"He was hungry," Straw Hat shrugged.
"Shut up," Zoro spat.
"Whatever. I gotta have a word with you," you started, looking straight at Zoro
"Huh? Talk to me?" Zoro asked in confusion as he narrowed his eyes at you.
"Being out here so long must be making you deaf, too," you rolled your eyes.
"SHUT UP!" He angrily shouted.
"Here's the deal. I'll untie you if you promise to join my crew," Straw Hat chimed, completely interrupting our conversation.
"What?" Zoro cocked a brow.
"I run a pirate crew, and I'm looking for people to join up," Straw Hat explained.
"No way! I'd never stoop to joining up with a criminal. Screw that business," Zoro scoffed.
"Says the man in marine custody," you smirked.
"Will you shut it!" Zoro growled, a vein popping in his neck
"And what's wrong with being a pirate?" Straw Hat asked.
"They're despicable. Like I'd ever want to join up with one," Zoro answered.
"Oh, come on! Gimme a break. Everyone already knows you as some vicious bounty hunter always out for blood," Straw Hat smiled.
"People can say whatever they want about me, but I've never done a single thing in my life that I regret. I will make it through this challenge. And after that, I'll accomplish what I want," Zoro smirked, looking us both in the eye.
"Wait, so you were challenged to stay here?" you asked, cocking an eyebrow.
"Yeah. So what?" Zoro glared.
"They're gonna execute you," you shrugged.
"Huh?" Zoro cocked his eyebrow now.
"You're the Roronoa Zoro, and challenge or no the marines can't let you go. They'd be a laughing stock," you explained.
"That's great. But I've already decided that you're going to be on my crew," Straw Hat smiled, crossing his arms and still interrupting our conversation.
"What?! You can't do that!" Zoro barked.
"I hear you're one of the best swordsmen around," Straw Hat started.
"I am one of the best swordsmen around. But that idiot captain's son took mine away," Zoro stated.
"Guess I'll just have to go get it back for you. So if you want your sword, you're just gonna have to join my crew," Straw Hat smiled again.
"Now you're really pissing me off!" Zoro shouted.
Straw Hat laughed as he ran off.
"Wait...he's actually gonna bust in there alone?" He asked.
"Looks like it. Straw Hat! Pretty sure the base is the other way," you called to the boy, pointing your thumb behind you.
"Gum Gum Rocket!" Straw Hat shouted, stretching his arm and shooting past you.
Zoro's eyes went wide.
"What the hell is this guy?" He asked himself.
"Another devil fruit user," you chimed.
"Another?" Zoro asked, cocking a brow.
"I ate the Angel-Angel Fruit. It's what gave me these angel wings," you clarified, sprouting your wings as proof.
He looked like he was thinking for a moment.
"You said you wanted to talk to me earlier. Why?"
"I need to know if you've seen a pirate. Doflamingo," you started, drawing your mace and looking at the spikes longingly.
You would give your right arm to drive them through Doflamingo's skull.
"He killed someone very close to me and I need to bring him to justice. I figured since you are a pirate hunter, you would've seen something," you answered, brushing your fingertips against the sleek, wooden handle.
He paused for a moment, looking like he was taking in all of the information.
"What's your name?" he asked.
"(y/n)," you answered, lifting your gaze from your weapon and onto the swordsman.
His eyes were a deep onyx, full of ambition and drive, and easily able to slice your spirit with a single glare.
You felt a stirring awake in your stomach but suppressed it.
You I looked left and right an saw no marines in sight.
'Just do it.'
I sighed and tucked my mace back into my holster before standing up and untying him from the pole.
"What are you doing? That maniac is going to kill you for what you're doin' right now," Zoro stated, slightly surprised by your sudden decision.
"I'd like to see 'im try," you stated, still fiddling with the knot.
It was tied really tight.
"But you said you wanted to talk?" He asked.
"Can't talk to a dead man. I'll break you out, then we can talk afterwards," you answered, narrowing your eyes at the knot as you continued to fuss with it.
"How do you know I won't just leave you?" He asked again.
"I don't," you said simply, quickly glancing up him before turning your attention back to the ropes.
"End of the line," A raspy voice growled.
You both turned to see this guy with an ax for a hand and a metal jaw approach you with a whole squad of men.
"For the crime of treason against me, I sentence you both to die where you stand."
You and Zoro narrowed your eyes him and you quickly stepped away from Zoro, drawing your mace.
They all drew their weapons and aimed for you.
"You've been pulling some interesting moves around here. What is this? Some kind of poorly executed coup you two planned with the straw hat?" Ax Hand asked.
"I've always fought alone like a real man does. Not like a coward who hides behind his wall of expendable cronies," Zoro spat.
"Roronoa Zoro. Don't you dare underestimate me. You may be a strong fighter, but under my authority, you're just the rat we throw out with the trash," Ax Hand spat back.
"That must make you the garbage man," you glared, getting into a fighting stance.
Ax Hand furrowed his eyebrows and growled.
"Take aim!" He ordered.
They cocked their guns but you kept a stone-cold face.
"(y/n), get out of here," Zoro demanded, his tone unfaltering.
"Not a chance," you shrugged him off, keeping your eyes on the marines.
Just then, you heard glass shatter.
"Fire!" Ax Hand shouted.
The men fired their guns and you quickly outstretched your arms, getting ready to do your bullet-dodging technique when Straw Hat landed in front of you and Zoro.
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update on asks, submissions, rules, state of the blog, etc
first of all, thank you everyone for the interest in the blog! it’s become significantly more than i expected, and since i’m just one person who works full time and is the process of moving i haven’t had the time to keep up with the influx of attention. i’ve spent the last few days figuring out how to run the blog moving forward to best manage a good balance between it and my actual life
submissions: submissions will re-open wednesday july 26th at 8pm EST. this is where you can send me images or videos you take irl or see outside of tumblr to identify. this includes submitting your own car for me to guess. i won’t give my thoughts or anything in submissions, it’ll be just like the other identification posts. please keep any sort of identification request like this to submissions. asks exclusively requesting identifications, dms, and original posts made for the purpose of tagging me will be ignored and/or deleted after submissions are re-opened. submissions will remain open indefinitely just to see how it goes, but will close if/when they become overwhelming, just to keep up with them all
asks: asks will also re-open wednesday july 26th at 8pm EST, and stay open until thursday july 27th 5pm EST. going forward it’ll essentially open on the evenings before my days off and close the evening of the day off so i have time to give my actual attention to asks instead of rushing responses in between customers at work. i work retail so this won’t be consistent from week to week, but i will announce when asks are opening at least a day or two before they do. asks will be for asking me for opinions, recommendations, questions or suggestions for the blog, etc. identification requests without also adding something should go into submissions
tags: i have been going back through old asks to retroactively tag requests for recommendations as #car recs. going forward any recommendations given will go under that tag as well. i’m working on a permanent pinned post that will have more information on the tagging system going forward
pinned: i’m working on a kind of landing page post. this will have an FAQ, information about the tagging system and links for navigating it, rules for asks and submissions, and most of the information in this update. i may also put the date and time for when asks will be re-opened in that post and keep it updated. if you have any requests for things to put in the FAQ, or any other questions, feel free to reply to this post. it will stay pinned until the big boy pinned post goes up
tagging me in posts: i will continue to try to get to every pre-existing post i’m tagged in, but make no promises about getting to all of them, especially if they have a bunch of cars in them. this goes for submissions and asks as well - as fun as it is to play i spy and try to get them all, i only have so much time. if i can i’ll give it a shot, but the multiple posts and asks i’ve gotten of full yards or highways full of cars will definitely take longer to get to, if i get to them at all. as much as i’d like to do them for the sake of the bit lol
thanks for bearing with me over the last few days!
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abbygrabska · 5 months
Family Blood
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“Make your decision, Mr. Smith.”
“Perhaps if that human heart breaks, the Time Lord will emerge.”
There is a faint whisper, and Baines turns away.
I give Martha a look, we both use the distraction to turn the tables on our captors.
“One more move and we shoot.” I state firmly.
“Oh, she’s full of fire!” Martha fires at the ceiling, “And you can shut up!”
“Careful, Son of Mine. this is all for you so that you can live forever.” “I’ll shoot you down!” Baines says.
“You shoot Martha, I shoot you.” “Would you really pull the trigger? You look too scared.” He taunts.
I steel my gaze, pressing the now-cocked gun into Mr. Clarkes' skin.
Baines looks at John, who seems completely out of his depth, before lowering his gun.
“Doctor, get everyone out. There’s a door at the side. It’s over there. Go on!” Martha shouts.
He stands indecisive.
“John! That means you!”
The Matron stands, “Do what she said. Everybody out now.” She begins to usher everyone out, “Don’t argue, Mr. Jackson. They’re all mad. That’s all we need to know. Susan, Miss Cooper, outside, all of you!”
Everyone exits the hall, screaming.
“What about you?” John asks me. “John, I need you to get to the school, and warn them.” I say, not turning my head, “Please.” His footsteps echo through the village hall as he exits. I push Mr. Clarke away, and Martha does the same with Jenny.
“Don’t try anything. We’re warning you.” I say.
“They’re almost brave, these ones.” Baines smirks.
The Family slowly advances. “I should’ve taken one of them as my form. Much more fun. So much spirit.”
Martha and I slowly back away.
“What happened to Jenny? Is she gone?” “She is consumed. Her body’s mine.” “You mean you murdered her.” I snarl. “Yes. And she went with precious little dignity. All that… ahh… screaming.” A scarecrow grabs each of us from behind.
We duck under the scarecrow’s arms and run outside.
John is still there.
“What are you doing here still?” I ask.
“I couldn’t leave you.” He says. “Don’t just stand there, move! God, you’re rubbish as a human! Come on!” Martha runs off.
John offers me a hand. I take it and we follow Martha.
We arrive at the school breathless.
John closes the heavy wooden main door behind us. Once inside the school’s front hall, he immediately begins ringing a bell.
“What’re you doing?” Martha asks. “Maybe one man can’t fight them, but this school teaches us to stand together. Take arms! Take arms!”
“You can’t do that!”
“You want me to fight, don’t you? Take arms! Take arms!”
Boys begin rushing downstairs.
“I say, sir, what’s the matter?” “Enemy at the door, Hutchinson. Enemy at the door. Take arms!”
“You can’t do this, John!” I plead. He ignores me, “Maintain position over the stable yard.”
“They’re just kids! You can’t ask them to fight!” I urge, “They don’t stand a chance!”
“They’re cadets, Miss Grabska. They are trained to defend the King and all his properties.” The Headmaster enters the room, “What in thunder’s name is this? Before I devise an excellent and endless series of punishments for each and every one of you, could someone explain very simply and immediately exactly what is going on?”
“Headmaster, I have to report the school is under attack.” “Really? Is that so? Perhaps you and I should have a word in private.” “I promise you, sir. I was in the village with Matron. It’s Baines, sir. Jeremy Baines and Mr. Clark from Oakham Farm. they’ve gone mad, sir. They’ve got guns. They’ve already murdered people in the village. I saw it happen.” “Matron, is that so?” “I’m afraid it’s true, sir.”
“Murder on our own soil?” “I saw it, yes.”
“Perhaps you did well then, Mr. Smith. What makes you think the danger’s coming here?” “Baines threatened Mr. Smith. Um, said he’d follow him. We don’t know why.” Matron interrupts John’s stuttering.
“Very well. You boys, remain on guard. Mr. Snell, telephone the police. Mr. Phillips, with me. We shall investigate.”
Martha stands in front of the Headmaster to try and stop him, “No, it’s not safe out there.” “Mr. Smith, it seems your favorite servant is giving me advice. You will control her, sir.” He leaves.
Martha sighs, “I’ve gotta find that watch.”
Martha leaves the room, followed by the Matron and myself.
We search his office.
“I know it sounds mad, but when the Doctor became human, he took the alien part of himself and stored it inside the watch. It’s not really a watch, it just looks like one.” Martha explains. “And alien means… not from abroad, I take it.” The Matron says.
“The man you call John Smith… He was born on another world.”
“A different species.” “Yeah.” I nod. “Then tell me, in this fairy tale… who are you?” The Matron asks.
“I’m just a friend. Abby is… more to him. That’s why he chose her over you. They can’t stay away from each other. It’s like a magnet to metal, them two.” Martha tells her. “You’re human, I take it.” “Human, don’t worry, and more than that, I don’t just follow him around. I’m training to be a doctor… not an alien doctor, a proper doctor, a doctor of medicine.” Marth says.
“Well, that certainly is nonsense. Women might train to be doctors, but hardly a skivvy and hardly one of your color.” The Matron scoffs.
I frown, “Just because you don’t believe it, doesn’t make it true. When we first met, Martha was working in residency, in a great big hospital out in London.” Martha smiles, holding up her hand, “Bones of the hand.” She points to each and labels them one by one.
“You read that in a book.” Martha laughs, “Yes, to pass my exams.” “I must go.” The Matron heads for the door.
“If we find that watch, we can stop them.” “Those boys are going to fight. I might not be a doctor, but I’m still their nurse. They need me.” She walks out.
I look at Martha, “Keep looking.” “Where are you going?” “Testing a theory.” I speak vaguely before exiting the room.
I take a deep breath and close my eyes.
I hear his voice, whispering, “Abby… keep her safe, keep her safe!”
I follow the sounds and come across a young boy sitting in the hallway.
I hide behind the wall.
“What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?”
“Beware…” “Beware of what?” “Her.”
I hear the boy stand up, and a loud sniff.
“Keep away.” “Who are you?” A young girl’s voice echoes through the hall.
“I saw you at the dance. You were with that family. You’re one of them.” “What are you hiding?” “Nothing.” “What have you got there?” “Nothing.” “Show me, little boy.” “I reckon, whatever you are, you’re still in the shape of a girl. How strong is she, do you think? Does she really want to see this?” I hear the watch open and voices whisper.
Footsteps run off in the opposite direction.
There is silence for a few moments.
Then the screams start. I peek around the corner to see the boy run upstairs.
I follow him upstairs.
He turns, “Abby?” “Yes, that’s me.” I speak softly.
“What’s happening to me?” He whimpers.
“I’m not sure. But I promise, you’re not gonna die tonight.” I say firmly, “What’s your name?”
“Tim. Tim Latimer. What do we do?” “We have to draw them away from the others.” I tell him, “Open the watch, they’ll be able to sense it. Once we hear them coming we go through the window. Got it Tim?” I begin to tie the bed sheets together.
He nods.
I finish with the sheets and look out the window, “It’s clear now.” I open the window and throw the rope made out of sheets out, securing the other end to the bed. 
I push a dresser in front of the door, “Do it.”
He opens the watch.
There are loud pounding footsteps.
“Close it.” He does, and runs to the window.
He climbs down, I do the same.
We start to run.
“Where now?” “That little girl, where does she live?”
“Down the road. Why?”
“If I’m right, her parents are probably dead now. That means the house is empty. That’s where the Doctor and Martha are.”
We knock on the door.
It opens slowly, revealing Martha.
“Abby!” She nearly shouts, throwing her arms around me, “I was scared they got you.”
I hug her briefly, before pulling away.
She lets us in.
“What took you so long?” John jumps out of his seat and comes to me. He holds my face in his hands, “Are you all right?” I nod, “Yes.” I turn to look at Tim, “May I?”
He gives me the watch.
I turn to John, “Hold it.” “I won’t.” “It told me to find you. It wants to be held.” Tim says.
“You’ve had this watch all this time? Why didn’t you return it?”
“Because it was waiting. And because I was scared of the Doctor.” He admits. “Why?”
“Because… I’ve seen him. He’s… like fire and ice and rage. He’s like the night and the storm in the heart of the sun.” “Stop it.” “He’s ancient and forever. He burns at the center of time and he can see the turn of the universe.” “Stop! I said stop it.” “And he’s wonderful.”
There’s an explosion outside.
“What the hell?” We all look out the window and see what could pass for meteorites falling to the ground.
“They’re destroying the village.”
“Watch.” John picks it up.
“John, don’t.” The Matron says. “Come closer.” “Can you hear it?” “Closer. Closer.” “I think he’s asleep. Waiting to awaken.” “Why did he speak to me?” Tim asks.
“Oh, low-level telepathic field. You were born with it. Just an extra synaptic engram causing…” John stops and inhales deeply, “Is that how he talks?” “That’s him!” Martha speaks excitedly, “All you have to do is open it and he’s back.”
“So your job was to execute me.”
“I should have thought of it before… I can give them this. Just the watch. Then they can leave and I can stay as I am!” “You can’t do that!” “If they want the Doctor, they can have him.”
“He’ll never let you do it.”
“If they get what they want, then… then…” John is on the verge of tears.
“Martha, Tim, Matron, would you give us a moment?” I ask.
John sobs as the three leave.
He breaks down and I hold him.
We sit side by side, John holding the watch in one hand and staring at it.
“If I could do this instead of you, then I would.” I whisper.
He turns to look at me, “Does he love you?” I nod, “He’d tear apart this planet just for a goodbye.”
“Can you hear him?” He asks.
“In the watch? Yes.” I take the watch from his hand.
He reaches out and holds my hand.
I see a wedding, me giving birth, us walking in the park with three children and him dying.
“Did you see that?” “I did.” I nod solemnly, “And it was lovely. But I’m sorry John. I can’t do that with you.”
“Why not?” He tears up, “I thought you loved me.”
I sigh, “I do, but it’s not the same. You’re not him.”
“But I am. I am physically him.” He argues.
“I fell in love with his mind, not his body.” I laugh lightly, “You will always be a part of him, that’s why you loved me from the moment you saw me.”
He returns to the Cartwright house, “It’s done.”
I leap out of my seat and into his arms, “I missed you.”
He holds me tightly, “I missed you too.”
We enter the field near the barn where the Tardis resides. Martha and Timothy are waiting there for us.
“Tim-Timothy-Timber.” “I just wanted to say goodbye. And thank you, because I’ve seen the future and I now know what must be done. It’s coming, isn’t it? The biggest war ever.” “You don’t have to fight.” I say.
“I think we do.” “But you could get hurt.” Martha points out. “Well, so could you two, traveling around with him, but it’s not going to stop you.”
“Tim, I’d be honored if you’d take this.” The Doctor hands Tim the watch.
“I can’t hear anything.”
“No, it’s just a watch now. But keep it with you. For good luck.”
I hug Tim, “Look after yourself.” I peck him on the cheek before going into the Tardis.
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The Adventure Begins
The Island of Sodor and the north western railway, the sun was shining on a mid-spring day, the rivers were running and the birds were singing. Through a tunnel of track ran a thundering galop before emerging from the end pulling a passenger train was horse-human chimera cheering “Express coming through!” He ran fast along the track with the pounding of hooves rhythming against the ground, he bellowed a mighty horse neigh signalling he was coming through, then again when he saw a work colleague passing him by on the opposite track. He ran past stations and up a steep hill and then down the other side cheering as he raced down.
The smallest odd looking human chimera working on the railway was Edward, an old mustang stallion centaur that was working the shunting yard at Knapford station. He was busy shunting and pulling coaches and cargo, he was just putting a flatbed away when he heard Gordon the large centaur exiting the yard. “A goods train, a goods train! Oh the shame of it, oh the shame of it…” He sulked as he passed the elder with the number 2 on his flank. “Oh come now Gordon, it can’t be that bad.” Edward said. “To be fair Edward I can’t imagen him griping at anything else.” A transparent pale man said from beside the tracks the number 2 was standing on, holding a rope that was attached to the horse chimera. Gordon ignored the man’s comment and continued trotting along. “Yes Edward, it is. I am a very important stallion. Thankfully I won’t be pulling goods trains for long, not after the new person gets here.” Gordon responded. Edward though was surprised. “New person?! What new person?” Edward asked attempting to follow after Gordon but his hitch hadn’t yet been undone, so he was jolted to a stop before the pale man undid them and then Edward quickly cantered forward to follow the bigger centaur.
“Haven’t you heard? Sir Bertrum said they were getting someone new. The last one they got was much too small with the fragile stone body.” “But I’m not small!” A centaur with his lower half made of solid black onyx and a horn sticking out of his head said as he came into the yard along a track that was covering Edward and Gordon’s paths. Both blue stallions planted their hooves hard into the dirt while pulling the brakes on their carriages and managed to not crash into the number 5 or his train. Gordon groaned as he glared at the new-comer. “James…” he hissed with his ears flat. “I might not be as big as you Gordon, but I’m bigger than Edward, and there’s nothing wrong with being made of onyx ither. And I am also the only unicorn here.” James said. “Unless you crack and break of course. Now do please move, you’re in my way…” James moved for Gordon and watched as he left. “I don’t break, I’m just as strong as you!” but the big blue stallion was already out of earshot.
After a while Gordon was on the mainline track as he approached the big hill and had trouble pulling his train over it. His hooves slipped on the sleepers as he tried to get his footing again. He groaned and strained but eventually got stuck and applied the brakes, giving up in a tiered groan as he stood on the track. His jockey looked confusingly from his carriage and locked its breaks on before hopping off and walking up to his work college. “Gordon? What is it?” the jockey asked. “I can’t do it, those noisy trucks hold a stallion back. If they were coaches, now that would be different.” The centaur stated.
The jockey sighed and pinched his nose in frustration, it was clear this didn’t faze the jockey but that didn’t make it all the more annoying. “Well to bad for you, they’re not coaches and their not just going to disappear into thin air for you just because you can’t be bothered. You need to muster some strength and keep trying, the fat controllers aren’t going to let you drop this job because we’re too far in now.” “Hmph! I’d need a banker then.” Gordon said crossing his arms. “Ugh… fine, I’ll get in touch with Sir Stephen. I’ll let the breaks off and you start heading to the bottom.” The jockey patted the centaurs hip and walked back to the van. “Are you going to do anything to make this up to me Harper?” Gordon asked his jockey. “I was thinking of inviting you to a lazy night tonight since we’ve both had a busy day, no need to moan.” Harper called back.
Back at Knapford station, the controllers of the railway endearingly called “The Fat Controllers” had a glass sphere glow and vibrate on one of the desks. A man tsked in annoyance from being distracted from his paperwork before answering it by tapping the crystal ball. “Hello?” he asked. “Hello Sir Stephen, it’s Harper. Gordon has come to a stop on the hill, we may need some help.” “I see… have you exhausted your options yet?” “Kind of hard to have options sir. He stopped half way up the hill, we’d need to head back to Knapford in order to gain enough speed, and knowing Gordon, he only reserves his speed for the express.” “Oh dear… well, I’ll get Edward onto it soon, hang tight.” Sir Stephon ended the connection and was about to stand up when another man at a desk peeked up to see what was happening. “Stephen? What’s happened?” the man who looked nearly exactly like Sir Stephon asked. “Nothing grandfather. Gordon has just stopped on the hill.” “Stopped on the hill? He’s an express stallion, he should have no problem getting over the hill.” Another man at a desk said. “Unless he wasn’t going fast enough.” The prior said. “Yes, that’s exactly what happened. Apparently he ‘only reserves his speed for the express.’ Harpers words not mine.” Sir Stephen said. The three stout men groaned. “Honestly Charles this is what I was worried about when you said you got a stallion like Gordon.” One man said. “I know father but we’ve all been somewhere dark in our lives before, Gordon is a proud stallion, so it will just take longer for him to… mature, in the right sense.” “Ironic you telling me that son.” The man who was apparently Sir Stephen’s grandfather said. “You haven’t reached there yourself grandfather.” Two of the three men laughed at the comment.
Bertrum checked his watch and realised they had been standing chatting long enough. “Well we need to go inform Edward he has to bank Gordon up the hill, I shall be back in a second.” “No, I could honestly use a break. Why not pay a visit to the old friend?” Charles said as he also stood up to follow. “Wait for me you two.” Stephen commented. “Okay I believe we’re all going then…” Bertrum said shaking his head fondly at his immortal family. “Alright Hatt’s, let’s move.” Sir Charles said following everyone out the door. When the Hatt family walked out onto the yard they greeted Edward with warm sets of hellos. “Hello Edward, I’m afraid Gordon needs your help.” Sir Bertrum said. “My help sir? Are you sure?” Edward questioned. “Do you expect me to pitch in as well sir? Because I can only assume it’s something to do with the goods train he was pulling.” The pale man quizzed. “Hopefully not Zorran, if Gordon pulls his weight as well.” The eldest Hatt told. “Okay sirs, I’ll do my best. Jockey?” Edward asked as he looked to Zorran. “Yeah, yeah, I gott’cha Eddie.” The ghost grinned petting the centaurs hip before mounting him and the two set off for the mainline. When they arrived at the hill Zorran hopped off Edward and floated over to Harper who was at the bottom signalling Gordon backwards. “‘Elo, Top Hat. Found yourself in a mess?” the pale spirit asked the other fellow jockey. Harper sighed tiredly at the old name and stopped Gordon backing down the hill. “Unfortunately Zorran. And here I was thinking when I was younger and naiver that Frank and Eddie were the most stuck up people I would ever meet.” “I’d say look in the mirror, but… you know.” “Glad to see your humour hasn’t changed over the last fifteen years. Now, onto real issues. We going for the standard approach?” Harper asked. Zorran clicked his tongue and checked the size of the train. “Yep, three stamps on the rails and then we go.” “Wonderful, see you at the yard later.” Harper waved and then floated up the slope to Gordon to tell him the plan. Zorran doing the same back over to Edward. “Alright ol’ boy, standard approach.” “Brilliant.” Edward said as Zorran mounted him again.
Harper climbed back onto the carriage and held the reins tightly then giving them a flick. “High hoe Gordon!” Harper shouted and the stallion proceeded to stamp his hove twice on the rail making a harsh clang as horse shoe meet with rail. Edward copied the action with three stamps then a high horse cry as he began to push with Gordon calling out from up front and trying to pull up the hill.
Gordon slipped a few times on the sleepers causing him to fall back and a sudden weight being shoved onto Edward, but the old stallion kept pushing. “Oh please Gordon, try!” Edward pleaded. “Come on Gordon this is a cake walk for you!” Harper encouraged. “I can’t do it!” Gordon shouted as the continued to climb. “I will do it!” Edward cheered as he continued to push. “I can’t do it!” Gordon shouted again as he continued to slip. “I will do it!” Edward cheered as he stomped his hooves hard into the ground for traction. “I can’t-” Gordon was stopped half sentence when he realised he was at the top of the hill and just beginning to get over the other side. Zorran and Harper using their levitation abilities to make the train less heavy for the centaurs. “I’ve done it! I’ve done it! Haha! I knew I could to it!” Gordon cheered in hara when he thundered down the other side. “Seriously?” Zorran questioned in annoyment when he watched the train move on. “Not even so much as a thank you? Hmph!” Edward nickered.
When Edward got back to the yard to sort the trucks and coaches he was confused when he heard a voice he had never heard before, he listened in as James talked to them when the new voice mentioned they were from the mainland to which it clicked to Edward. “The fat controllers new worker!” He gasped then backed up to where James was on a siding, when the blue stallion stood next to his work colleague he was surprised by what he saw.
It was a boy centaur standing there. He was covered in a teal full piece set of clothes down to his hooves leaving only his long tail with a fur tip to be seen, he had a heavy blanket over his back and a large head piece over his forehead that was buckled down like a complicated bike helmet. He had black hair and bright blue eyes, and if his tail was to go by, he presumably had blue fur under the suit.
The new centaur was confused when he saw Edward staring at him in shock. “Um… hello? What’s the matter? Do I have soot on my face?” Thomas asked as he whipped his face. “No, no… it’s just, well… you’re not a big colt, or even a stallion.” The boy seemed to grow upset at this as he scratched his front hooves on the ground and wiggled his ears in frustration while crossing his arms. “Yes I am!” the foal defended. James chuckled. “Hehe, no you’re not.” “Well I was big enough to pass my tests on the mainland.” The small blue colt said slowly trotted off, not really wanting these older centaurs company.
Edward tried to back track as he didn’t mean for that to come across as an insult. “Wait! Wait! All I meant was, you’re not as big as I am, and I can assume you’re a unicorn if your muffler is anything to go by.” Edward said while looking to all the mufflers around the young lads hidden horn.
“I may not be as big as you, but I’m very hard working.” A deep horse cry along with a thundering of hooves cut the young colt off as a cloud of dust from rubble Gordon kicked up entered the yard. “Hahaha! And who are you?” The big burly stallion asked in a judgmental tone down to the little colt. “I’m Thomas.” The young foal said. “The new centaur!” Edward said as he watched Gordon’s expression turn into one of finding this a joke. “Oh dear, I believe the fat controllers made a terrible mistake. I think they were expecting someone really useful.” Gordon said smugly. “I am really useful.” Thomas said while flicking his tail in annoyance. “For fetching coaches, perhaps. If you stick around long enough you might see me pulling the express, that will be a fine sight for you- Ow!” Harper flicked the reins from the carriage so they smacked Gordon in the face. He hopped off the carriage and came up to Gordon to pull him by the lead.
“If I hear one more remark like that Gordon you will find yourself pulling nothing at all for the next week.” The man gritted before sighing and looking to Thomas. “Terribly sorry about him young man, sometimes his ego is too big for his shoes. This is Gordon, and I’m his jockey Topham Harper, but everyone calls me Harper.” “I’m Edward, and this is my jockey Zorran.” The old stallion said looking up to his partner. “Nice ta meet ya squirt.” Zorran waved in a two fingered salute. “And I’m James.” The onyx stallion said with a bow and illumination of his horn. Thomas mimicked his stance awkwardly when they all heard a voice enter the yard.
“Hello! Hello! Hello!” “And here comes the fat-” “Ah, sir Topham Hatt’s.” Edward said cutting James off as the controllers of the railway walked into the yard. “Ah, you must be Thomas, our new colt! welcome to Sodor! I am sir Bertrum Topham Hatt. These men beside me are my descendants. My grandson- Stephen and my son- Charles.” “Pleased to meet you.” Thomas said with a smile and wag of his tail. The yard grew quiet with an awkward tension as the men expected for Thomas to continue when Edward whispered to the young colt. “‘Sir’, you’re supposed to call them ‘sir’…” “Oh, ah, pleased to meet you sirs.” Thomas corrected. “We’re very pleased to meet you to. Now, as you can see, we are very busy men, and this is a very busy railway, so we expect you to make yourself really useful right away. Edward will show you what to do, and Harper? I want you to fill in for Thomas’s jockey for the day, his boat here has been delayed until tomorrow.” Sir Bertrum said.
“Of course sir. Go have a small rest Gordon, you’ll have to take the express without me.” Harper said giving the big stallion a pet then letting go of Gordon’s lead and heading over to Thomas’s as he assumed Edward would be showing him how to buck. “Um? Sir? May I ask why we have another unicorn here? Let alone one so young?” James asked before the Hatt’s left the yard. “Ah… Thomas here is actually a very special request, I unfortunately can’t disclose why until tomorrow. For now I want Edward to show Thomas the ropes of bucking.” Sir Bertrum said. “Bucking? But I thought he was a unicorn sir, he should be able to use magic at his age.” Zorran said looking extremely puzzled. “He has all these mufflers on for a reason, he’s not allowed to use magic for the time being.” Sir Stephen said. “How odd.” Harper remarked as he took a hold of Thomas’s lead and guided him to follow Edward. “Come on Eddie, lets show the squirt how it’s done.” Zorran said taking Edward by the lead as well and walking him back to the rails. Edward showed Thomas the basics of bucking. He kicked with his back legs on a big block of wood that was around the coupling but in between the buffers of a truck. The truck went rolling a little ways and closed in on the truck behind it, when it gently tapped the other trucks buffers Zorran used his telekinesis and coupled them together. “Now you try Thomas.” Edward encouraged. “I’ll lead you to the trucks.” Harper said with a clipboard in one hand and Thomas’s lead in the other. They stopped in front of a line of trucks that needed to be pushed closer together to be coupled up. “Alright, just buck.” Harper said watching Thomas turn around and then kick hard against the truck making it crash into the others behind it with a few bits of cargo coming out. “Ohh… opps…” Thomas grimaced as he realised he bucked to hard. Harper sighed and clicked his fingers, the boxes that had fallen out being put back and the trucks being fixed up on the tracks while being coupled up.
Edward then showed Thomas how to push and pull, for this one Harper just floated beside Thomas as he was too big to actually ride on the small colt. Edward was linked up to the coupling on the coaches and slowly walked back, using his hands to hold the coaches from backing into him to quick. Once he had all the coaches together he pushed them onto the same track as Gordon. Gordon was harnessed and hitched up to a carriage that was coupled to the coaches, normally Harper would be on the carriage with the reins to drive Gordon but the stallion could break the train himself if he didn’t have a jockey with him. Thomas had untied himself from the lead that Harper was holding and actually trotted up to the front of the platform standing next to Gordon to admire the outside of the yard. When James came onto the same line he neighed loudly to tell Thomas to get off the track, the small blue colt did just that and tried to gallop out the way but was confused when he came to the signals, not knowing if he could go or not. He ended up flopping over himself before the lines crossed and narrowly missing a train that passed in front of him. Harper was quick to get him back on a lead and pulled him away from the signals. Thomas was put back in the yard and tried to get back to bucking and pulling. He crashed into a train this time face first into the wood causing the boxes to fly out of the trucks again. After Harper made sure he was okay and didn’t have a broken nose he fixed the trucks again and their cargo. When Thomas was pushing a train he accidentally went onto the wrong track and was put towards the station again. He stopped once he realized the mistake but was seen by the passengers on the platform, he was curious about a girl that seemed to fawn over him by being a- ‘pony’ but he was quickly snapped out of it when James cried out again for him to get out of the way, making the colt bolt backwards to get out of the station.
In the afternoon Thomas and Edward had taken a small break when the young colt noticed Gordon taking a rest in the yard. He as quietly as he could tiptoed up to the large stallion and when he was right next to him he cried out in a high pitched whinny as hard as he could. Gordon was startled awake, but when he heard Thomas laughing he instantly grew cross.
“Wake up lazy bones! Why don’t you work hard like me?” the young colt then cantered away, leaving Gordon to grumble as the sun set and rain clouds started to roll in. That night, Thomas was the smallest centaur in the stables. Harper guided him into the spare stall that had a big tank engine behind it and began to untie the harnesses for him. Thomas sighed as he began to unwind and relax. “I like being on Sodor Edward, I just can’t wait to pull trains.” Gordon groaned in Thomas’s direction from mere mention because of the disaster Thomas had caused everyone today. The large stallion undid his own harness in a grump since his own jockey was busy with the new comer, once it was off he tossed it into his tall fenced stall with a large tendered locomotive behind it.
“You have a long way to go Thomas if you think your even close to being able to pull trains yet.” Harper near scolded with the same expression as his centaur co-worker. “I actually have to agree with Harper Thomas, you best learn how to buck trucks and coaches before you pull any trains.” Edward cautioned as Zorran undid his harness in his own stall. “Learn how the trains are put together before you pull ‘em Thomas, the last thing you want to do is become a one trick pony that only knows how to pull trains.” Zorran quipped. “I resent that!” Gordon hissed as he knew that jab was directed at him.
“Oh do hush up Gordon, you have no room to speak after what happened today.” Harper shot down his centaur fast. “And even then, he’s too young to be pulling any big trains. And what’s the use of a unicorn if they can’t use their magic?” James asked from his stall as he clicked his crystalized fingers, teleporting his work harness off his body and onto a mannequin. “I do have to wonder that to. Why do you have so many mufflers on your horn? And… hold on.” Harper said as he took the straps and straddles off of Thomas and placed his harness on the floor, when he noticed something out of place. “This isn’t a normal blanket, this is a wing girdle.” Harper quickly undid the now discovered wing girdle. Thomas suddenly turned sheepish and looked to be upset as he began to undo the mufflers on his horn as Harper took off the girdle. “Why on earth do you have one of these on Thomas? These can cause some serious issues especially in your line of work, it restricts-” Harper was cut short when the girdle fell off Thomas’s back.
What flushed out spread wide open were a set of big blue purple tipped feathered wings, Thomas ruffled them a bit and made them flitter before folding them back down to his sides as he also took off the last muffler around his horn. Thomas wasn’t a unicorn colt, he was an alicorn colt.
All the mythic in the stables stared and gawked for what felt like hours to the young colt. He sat down and used his wings to partially hide himself in as he now looked really worried and embarrassed. “I was sent here because it’s the safest place for mythic… I was told I would be really needed here, so, here I am...” Thomas mumbled out.
Gordon was the first one to do anything as he walked over to Thomas and began to circle him. When the bigger stallion had done a lap, he stopped by Thomas’s wing and gently ran his hands down the feathers. “Hmm… your wings are like magpie ones, down to the rainbow gloss in the feathers. That gloss often means a pegasus can do magic, so I believe it makes sense that an alicorn’s feathers would be the same. And you have all your flight feathers but none of them look disturbed…  have you ever actually flown before Thomas?” Gordon asked turning his attention back to the young colt.
“Um, no. I haven’t ever flown before… the people who owned me were to scared that any teacher they gave me would snitch and I would be hunted.” Thomas meekly said as he twitched his wings away from Gordon’s hand. James was the next to come over as he took a good look at Thomas’s horn. “A curved blade and blue tinting… your horn is definitely built for strong and fast attacks like an enchanted katana, but the blue tinting that’s strong at the tip then dulls down to the base means you have a lot of magic building up, and you don’t use it regularly. I can assume you’ve used magic before at least since you wouldn’t have a horn at all if you didn’t.” James observed. “I have used magic before, but I have a huge knockback whenever I use it that often causes trouble, so they keep a lot of mufflers on me.” Thomas said gently tracing his finger up the bone on his head.
“So you haven’t had a teacher for magic ether I assume.” Harper said gently petting the colts hair. “No, apparently mage unicorns are hard to find nowadays. And even then, the same reason I said before, they were scared that a teacher would snitch.” Thomas answered with his ears drooping. “Huh… say, Toppy? What do you think Magister Star could do to teach him?” Zorran questioned to his fellow jockey. Harper’s eyes lit up. “Oh! You have a good point Zorran.” Harper said with a little glee at the mention of his former employer.
“Hold on, isn’t magister a title used for a person who lead a gathering of mythic? Like how we could call the sir Topham Hatt’s magisters?” Thomas asked. “You’re correct in that assumption Thomas, magisters are titles given to well respected leaders of businesses or mythic of authority. You could call the fat controllers magisters but because their immortals they wouldn’t respond to well to you calling them that. I actually did that for a while when I first arrived.” Harper chuckled sheepishly. “Ugh, that was a weird culture shock to get over.” Zorran agreed but in a grimace as he recalled the awkwardness of his experience. “Culture shock?” Thomas asked.
“Me and Harper used to work in America for rivalling businesses, when the second war came about my magister sold us to Magister Star and after the war was over we relocated here to Sodor.” Zorran explained looking over to his work colleague. “We worked at the docks and harbours around the island for a bit before a few of us wanted to explore different careers. Sodor was known for being big on its railway so a few of us got qualified to become jockeys and now we work here.” Harper said smiling back up to the spectre as the ghoul flouted above them.
“Wow, how many of you work on the railway now?” Thomas asked as he wagged his tail and wiggled his ears in excitement. “Settle down kiddo, we’ve got plenty of time to tell you.” Just as Zorran finished that sentence a deep deer cry came from outside and what quickly bolted in and into a stall next to Gordon was a deer centaur with a jockey riding on its back. They were both soaking wet from the pouring rain and the second the jockey got off the deer shook himself dry. “Ah! Henry! How many times do I have to tell you to wait so I can dry you?” the jockey scolded his steed. “I hate being wet though…” the deer, Henry, said as he was given a towel to dry off.
Thomas had skittishly dashed into Edward’s stall and hid behind him when he heard Henry cry before he charged in. The young colt looked to Edward in a hope of an explanation. “Who are they?” “Those two are Henry and Zak, Henry is a very kind soul, but he’s a bit of a worrier. And he doesn’t like rain. Zak is both Henry’s jockey and his adopted father, he’s firm and strong, but his heart is in the right place.” Edward answered when said mythic looked to their direction.
“Hey guys, sorry about the floor. I’ll get to moping that up.” Zak said but did a double take when he saw Thomas. “Oh? Is he the new guy the fat controllers were talking about?” “He is indeed Zak, this is Thomas.” Zorran said to his co-worker. Thomas smiled nervously, he slowly walked out from behind Edward and approached the two, revealing his wings. Henry and Zak gawked when they saw that Thomas was an alicorn. “Woah! He’s an alicorn?!” Henry gasped as he walked up to the small colt and circled him a few times to get a better look, James and Gordon backed up to let him study Thomas. “How on earth did the Hatt’s afford an alicorn? Let alone find one.” Zak asked as he studied Thomas from afar.
“Apparently he’s here for protection. Sodor’s code word is Sanctuary after all.” James commented while stretching and waltzing off back to his own stall. “Wow…” Henry awed with a smile, he did a light skip on his front legs to Thomas as an instigation of play when a loud crash of thunder sounded overhead. Henry screamed and bolted into his own stall next to Gordon. Zak sighed then looked to the others. “See you all in the morning, ‘night.” He said then walking into Henry’s stall for the night. “Goodnight Zak.” Zorran said then looked to Thomas. “Are you going to be okay tonight Thomas? Maybe Edward can stay with you.” “I don’t want to bother him, plus, I don’t want to be seen as a scaredy-foal. I’m 14 after all.” Thomas smiled with his chest puffed up a bit before Edward placed a hand on his shoulder. “Believe it or not Thomas when Henry first came to the railway he stayed in my stall for a bit until he was comfortable in his own, same with Gordon, and the both of them were 13 and 14 as well. I don’t mind if you’d like a bit of company and comfort.” Edward said with a kind smile. Thomas looked decisive for a second before he nuzzled his head on Edward’s arm. The old stallion petted Thomas’s hair before he began to put his pyjama’s on.
“I can safely assume people don’t see you often without a muffler on or a wing girdle?” Harper asked as he handed Gordon his own set of pj’s. “No… the only person who’s seen me like this up until now has been my jockey.” Thomas answered. “What’s your jockey like? Since we’ve been told we’ll see them tomorrow.” Zorran asked. “My jockey mainly acts as my handler for now since he’s way too big for me to carry him, he’s a lot like my dad and he’s really caring and compassionate.” Thomas said as Edward helped him to take off his shirt since he didn’t have any pyjamas to change into. “Is he a mythic or is he human?” Harper asked. “He’s mythic.” “What kind?” James asked the colt. “He’s a fallen.” “A fallen what?” Zorran asked. “I don’t know, he’s always referred to himself as a fallen. I’ve never been able to get much more out of him.” Thomas sighed as he laid down on a mattress on the floor, Edward joining him by his side and handing him a pillow. Thomas took the pillow but rested himself under Edward’s arms so the stallion would have to rest on Thomas’s back, Edward chuckled and petted the young colt as he relaxed to ease into sleep.
“Well I guess we’ll have to see for ourselves tomorrow. Gordon? Are you ready in there?” Harper asked while knocking on the door to Gordon’s stall. “I’m ready.” The big stallion said from behind the door. Harper in a puff of red smoke disappeared and a big bat took his place, it flew over the stall walls and just like that it was out of sight.
Thomas gripped Edward’s arm in a fright, hugging him close to his body. “I didn’t know Harper was a vampire this whole time…” he shivered out. “He’s not a hundred percent a vampire Thomas, he’s half sea wizard as well.” Edward soothed the young colt. “Well if you wanna get things out the way then I guess knowledge about his new co-workers is in order. I’m a ghost, that’s obvious. Zak is a witch doctor, or shaman. Edward is a plain mustang centaur. Gordon… I think, is a shire mix breed of some kind. Henry is a forest spirit. And James is a crystal unicorn.” Zorran answered as he gradually floated higher above them to the support beams in the roof, kicking back as if he just set himself up in a hammock. “I’ll see you lads in the morning, ‘night.” “Good night Zorran. ‘Night Thomas…” Edward said before easing Thomas down to head to sleep. The young colt trilled in a soft purr, lifting one of his wings over Edward as a blanket. Edward chuckled softly before the two fell asleep.
In the morning as all the centaurs got up for the day the fat controllers came to talk to Thomas. The horse hybrids and their jockeys were eating breakfast when they heard a knock on the stable doors, Zak stomped his heel into the floor and the door magically swung open to reveal the stout men.
“Good morning everyone!” Bertrum said as they walked in. “Good morning sirs, what brings you all here?” Edward asked. “We’ve come to tell Thomas some news, oh! I see you’ve been informed about what he really is.” Stephen said when he noticed Thomas didn’t have his mufflers or wing girdle on. “Oh! Ah… I hope it’s okay sir.” Thomas said when he realised he was still only wearing his pants. “That’s okay Thomas, you’re going to be given a new uniform today anyhow.” Charles said making the alicorn smile and wag his tail. “Really?” “Hah-hah! Yes! We want you to head straight to the forge works to receive it, they will also be giving you your harness and reins and other work necessities.” Bertrum said. “You’ll also be meeting your jockey there, his ship finally arrived last night.” Stephen said.
Thomas bounced on his front hooves in a skip, he wanted to run straight out the door and get going. “Hoho! calm down Thomas, you need to still get dressed, and James will be escorting you to the forge works.” Charles said. James groaned when he heard that, and judging by the excitement on Thomas’s face the young colt wanted to get going as soon as possible. The crystal centaur sighed in defeat and got up from the table to fully get ready. “Could someone throw that out for me?” James asked as he walked back to his stall and got his clothes on, Thomas speed getting fully dressed as well.
When the two were done they were out onto the mainline and travelling down it at moderate speeds, Thomas having trouble keeping up with the stone mythic. James had noticed this but assumed Thomas would ease out by the time they got halfway, when he didn’t and the colt was still fumbling awkwardly James ran alongside him to talk.
“Thomas? Why are you running like that? You look like a sausage made of rubber with a jelly centre.” Thomas was huffing as he tried to keep up with James who had a longer stride than him, he also wasn’t as fit and had a physical deformity that made running awkward for him. “It’s not my fault, my wings are to big so when I run they offset my balance.” “Ah, I’ve heard of conditions like that, I thought they were fixed with a bit of therapy and practice.” James commented. “They are, but again, I’ve never had a teacher with wings, so I’ve never gotten physical therapy for that. And I was always kept in a close quarters room, I’ve never had space to properly run like out in a field.” “Sounds like you’ve been pretty sheltered then…” James said in an almost envious tone. Thomas decided to ignore that comment as he didn’t know whether he should be sad or insulted.
When the two got to the forge works there were a few workmen already waiting for Thomas’s arrival. James bid Thomas goodbye for now and erupted a black crystal from the earth before jumping into it in a flash of light and disappearing, the young colt assuming that was James’s method of teleporting while he trotted in.
He was told to strip down to his underwear and was given a compression suit for horses, except it had gaps in it for where his wings would go. When it was on he was given a white shirt for his human torso and then came the actual uniform he was to wear. For his human torso he was given a light blue collar shirt with a deeper blue vest over it, a bolo tie with a simple clip as the clasp, and finally a silver ring over the base of his horn but hidden by his hair.
For his horse body he was given a sturdy white leather chest piece that covered his horse torse but left the back empty for his wings, it had several buttons and clips on it for what Thomas could only assume was for his harness and reins. And last was a long blue cloth that had a number 1 on it that was clipped to his flank and covered the base of his tail.
“I gotta say that number does look good on you, almost makes me jealous.” A man from behind Thomas said as he was the one that clipped on the numeral cloth. Thomas darted around when he heard the voice and instantly lit up like a lighthouse when he recognized who the man was. “Titan!” Thomas cheered as he hugged the big burly man into a tight squeeze, using his wings to wrap around him as emphasis. “Haha! Good to see you to buddy, sorry I wasn’t here yesterday to join you, the ship I was on was delayed because of a sea beast.” Titan laughed hugging the boy back. “I’m just glad you’re here!” Thomas trilled and trotted as he snuggled his father figure and jockey. “Alright lad, calm down, we’ve still got the full day ahead of us. Why don’t we head down the mainline back to Knapford?” “Sure! How about a race?” Thomas skipped. “Why not? It’ll get you some practice in while we’re at it.” Titan said as he walked out to the front of the forge with Thomas darting around him with a glee filled smile.
Titan stopped at a line in the concrete to use as their starting line, beckoning Thomas to come over and ready up. “Alright, on your marks, get set… GO!” The two darted off, Titan floating just centimetres off the ground as he kept pace with Thomas’s awkward galloping. Titan knew they had a lot of work to do, but they had all of eternity if necessary.
Once the two got back to Knapford Thomas walked around a little bit until he found the yard and had spotted Edward getting a train ready. He neighed to get the stallions attention and when Edward saw Thomas he was very surprised by the get up and who he had floating beside him. “Edward! Look! I’m blue, I’m blue! Just like you!” “Haha! That you are Thomas. Oh! Your also number one,” the old stallion observed seeing the cloth on his flank. “Does that mean I’m the best?” Thomas giggled as he trotted in place from excitement. “Alright calm down kiddo, I’m sure it means something, we can find that out later. For now though I see you’ve already made a friend, who might this be?” Titan asked looking to Edward.
“Oh! Right. Titan, this is Edward. He showed me how to buck yesterday, and Edward, this is my jockey Titan Crescent.” Thomas introduced the pair. Titan lit up at hearing that Edward was Thomas’s first teacher. “Well hello ‘ol boy nice to meet you, thank you for being Thomas’s first teacher.” Titan said offering a handshake. Edward smiled and gently shook it, feeling flattered by Titans words. “It’s nice to meet you Mr Crescent, Thomas has told us your essentially his guardian and I must say you’ve done an excellent job, he’s such a polite yet cheeky young colt.” Edward commented with a little chuckle. “Oh dear, what has he done?” Titan grinned. “He spooked our express stallion awake when he was taking a nap, oh! Speaking of whom, here he comes into the yard now.”
The trio turned and watched as James, Gordon and Harper entered the yard. But things quickly turned ecstatic when the vampire and mystery mythic locked eyes. “No way… Top Hat?” Titan asked. “Ten Cents?” Harper questioned. The second those words left Harpers mouth Titan bolted into Harper, giving him a tight tackle hug, the vampire not even being half Titans height as the mystery mythic laughed in a hearty glee. “HAHA! Hello my old friend! How have you been? I didn’t expect you to be actually working on the railway, last I saw you, you were still bickering with Frank and Eddie. How did you get from there to here?” Titan smiled while gently putting the number 4 jockey down.
“How did I get from there to here?! Ten Cents! I don’t know if you’ve realised how big you’ve gotten! You were still shorter than O.J last I saw you, how did you get from then to now? I thought you divinely mythic aged ludicrously slowly.” Harper asked as he floated in front of the large mythic. “Oh sure fire tales for later in the eve’, I’m more excited we get to be work colleagues again.” Titan smiled. “Ah I should have known a powerful centaur like Thomas would need an even stronger jockey to rein him in, and I can’t think of a better man for the job. But honestly Ten Cents, you old dog! I didn’t think you’d be the first of us stars to have a kid!” Harper smiled looking over to Thomas.
Titan floated back over to the colt and landed back beside him. “I’d have gotten it on paper by now, but you know how the laws are, it’s been a miracle we’ve gotten this far and to this point already.” The giant man said while ruffling the alicorns hair. “Oh! Zorran and Zak are going to be so surprised! And all the others to if we get the time, they’re working at Arlesbrough harbor.” Harper informed. “We’re gonna be what now?” Zorran asked as he, Zak, and Henry entered the yard when the former rivals to Harper and Titan spotted the large mythic.
“Well I’ll be dipped! Titan Crescent is that you?” Zak gawked and having Zorran following suit when he recognised the former little number 1. “Zak! Zorran! My you two have changed, I adore how your hair looks now Zak, it looks great long. And Zorran, oh how the tables have turned ay?” Titan said walking up to them and giving them firm friendly handshakes. “I know, I never expected you to give Hercules a run for his money, but here you are.” Zorran said grasping the man’s hand in a cold icy lock.
“Say, how have the others been? Top Hat just told me they’re working at Arlesbrough harbor.” Titan asked. “Yeah, some of them are. Big Mac moved up to the Skarloey railway working as their standard gauge or as their river hauler since one travels along the railway. And Zip moved to working on the Arlesdale railway, apparently that side of the island is the gateway to its most mystic part and its entrance is heavily guarded by fae folk, so Zip got a little curious.” Zorran explained when Henry’s ears flattened and he whimpered a bit until Zak gently pet his side to calm him down.
“Are you okay Henry?” Thomas asked sounding concerned. “It seems we have a few stories to tell when we get back to the stables tonight, but for now we’d better get back to work.” Edward said as he watched Zorran float up to him then mount on his saddle. “True, we still have trains to pull.” Harper said floating back up and then sitting back down on the carriage Gordon was pulling, proceeded by giving the reins a flick. “Someone can fetch me my coaches.” Gordon said as he trotted off to the platform. Edward looked to Thomas with a bit of a sad sigh. “You’d better do it Thomas, I have to get back to my branch line, I’m rather behind on my work.” “But… I thought we were going to be working together.” Thomas said with a bit of disappointment. “We will be kiddo, just not all the time.” Zorran said with a grin. “Now! My coaches!” Gordon yelled from the distance. “Is it just me or does that centaur sound like a certain someone?” Titan smirked to the ghost. “3… 2… 1…” Zorran counted smugly before a harsh ‘thwap!’ could be heard from the station followed by Gordon yelping. “How many times have I told you to use manners?!” Harper shouted causing the quartet to snicker into a fit.
Titan waved the other pair off as they trotted down the line and guided Thomas by the reins to get to work. When they stopped in front of a pair of coaches Thomas took a hold of the coupling to pull them backwards, the carriages budged with a jolt but with the sharp movement made a strange phenomenon happen.
The coach facing them groaned with a disturbing creek making Thomas stop pulling. The coaches wood then suddenly splintered and broke, cracking and breaking into a vaguely familiar shape. Titan pulled Thomas back and grit his teeth in a hiss of- ‘uh oh’, while the young colt hid behind his leg. “Whoops… I think these ones must have been due for-” “I say, where were you taking us?” a ladies voice spoke making Titan and Thomas look back up to the coach.
In a splash zone of broken and splintered wood on the coach was a face, and a female one at that. Titan then smacked his forehead. “Ah, terribly sorry m’dears it seems we’ve given you a fright.” Titan apologized and beckoned Thomas back in front of him. “Yes you have, now, can you please tell us where we are going?” another ladies voice from the other coach says. “T-to Gordon, it’s time for the express.” Thomas says as he takes the coupling again and pulls them out. “But we’re not the express coaches.” The two coaches say in unison. “I’m Annie, and she is Clarabel.” “And the express coaches are on the other sidings.” Clarabel says gesturing over to the white and green coaches beside them.
“Oh! Uh, terribly sorry your ladyships. I’m new around here so I didn’t know.” Thomas said then pushing the two back. “Say, I didn’t know haunted coaches were even still allowed, how did you two manage to survive the restrictions?” Titan asked. “Well Sodor isn’t nicknamed sanctuary for nothing, every species is welcomed here.” Annie said. “Granted they don’t cause any trouble.” Clarabel said. “Any species huh?” Titan pondered but looked to Thomas. “Hm, well for now we’d better get the express coaches. It was nice talking to you two ladies.” “It was nice meeting you to, uh… gracious we didn’t even get your names.” Clarabel commented sheepishly. “Oh! Well how rude of us, my name is Titan, and this here is Thomas.” Titan said ruffling his boys hair. “It was a treasure meeting you! Until another day?” Annie called. “Until some other time!” Titan said as he guided Thomas to where the actual express coaches were.
The whole day was pushing and bucking, pushing and bucking. Thomas felt himself rushed off his hooves very quickly. But he enjoyed it! He was finally out and about, running some short distances up and down the yard. But he never got to fast as he would trip over his wings or they would make him lose balance. By the end of the day the steeds had begun returning back to Knapford to return their coaches and get a drink of water from the fountains.
James came thundering in and came to a sharp stop with Annie and Clarabel, his hooves dragging against the wooden sleepers and gravel balise. “Here’s James!” the crystal unicorn cheered at his arrival. “Oof! James! Careful.” Annie scolded the stallion at the sudden stop. Titan rolled his eyes, his attitude almost reminded him of Harper back in their younger years, except the vampire hybrid wasn’t as brash.
Thomas sniffed the air as James uncoupled himself from his train, the air smelt like there was a chemical in it somehow. “Do you guys smell that? Like a chemical smell?” “No, nothing out of the ordinary.” James quickly said and was about to trot away when Titan stopping him in his tracks and took a long whiff of the air. “That’s the smell of freshly cut gemstone, you never forget the smell after visiting a mine. James, I’m no expert on you’re kind but I’m very sure broken pieces of your body aren’t a good thing.” Titan confronted the unicorn. “N-Nonsense! It keeps my hooves sharp! Your exactly right! What would you know about my kind?” James seemed very offended but at the same time backed into a corner. He turned his nose away from the large jockey and walked around him to get away to work on his next train. Thomas grew worried for the unicorn but Titan shook his head in disapproval. “I can’t believe I ever had that faze, the only reason I did was because mine was justified.” Titan commented. “Huh?” “Oh, story for hopefully later tonight Thomas. I promise.” Titan ruffled the colts hair and guided him over to the fountain so he could rest.
Henry and Zak were already there taking a break, Henry cupped his hands into the water to take a drink while Zak was working on a wooden tiki. The stags ears twitched at their approaching presence and he gave a kind wave, he did abruptly leave Thomas last night after he had just shown an interest in playing with him. “Hello Thomas, Mr Crescent.” Henry gave a curt bow to the mystery mythic. “Oh don’t be so formal kiddo, it’s just Titan. Ay Zak, you still have wood carving as a hobby?” Titan said as he walked off with Zak to have an adults talk, leaving Thomas and Henry alone together.
Thomas hopped up onto the ledge of the fountain and laid down to have a rest, splashing his hooves with some cold water. “Are you alright Thomas?” Henry asked. “Yeah, just a little sore. First day of hard work I’ve ever had.” Thomas said while taking off his compressor socks and horse shoes to rub his sore feet. “Would you like some help?” Henry asked. “Help? Help how?” Henry smiled at Thomas’s question and showed that his hands lit up with a dim green glow and his eyes lighted up. “I’m a forest spirit, one of the perks of that is the natural ability to heal people.” Henry hovered his hands over Thomas’s hooves and just like that in an instant his aches were gone and his pains healed.
The alicorn colt was amazed, he didn’t know Henry could do magic. “Wow! You’re really good.” Thomas said while stamping his front hove as a test. “Thanks, I’ve had a lot of time to practice… I’m also the only healer here. Well, maybe except for Stuart.” “Who’s Stuart?” “A hybrid faun that works on the Skarloey railway, I think he can cast a little bit of healing magic, but I’ve never been in his presence long enough to tell.” “Hopefully you might someday, it’d be really useful to have more than one healer on the island.” “What about you Thomas? Do you like to practice a certain type of magic?”
Henry’s words got Thomas thinking. The young colt could still count on both hands the amount of times he’s casted magic before, and every time it caused him to have a knockback. “I guess… blasts? That’s the only magic I’ve ever casted, and it always makes me fall backwards.” Henry looked surprised at Thomas, but in a thoughtful way he peered into Thomas’s eyes. “Did you know that a magic casters first attempt at subconscious magic often defines what their style is? Mine for example was creating vines upon vines of thorns, when I panicked they started to entangle me and even began to choke me.” Thomas was shocked. “That sounds horrifying! Your own magic turning against you, how did you get it under control?”
Henry chuckled slightly. “That’s the biggest misconception of magic that non-magic casters interpret. Considering you’ve never been taught anything on magic I’m not surprised you’ve interpretated that as well. No, magic is a reflection of you right down to your mental health, it is your thoughts and ambitions. If you perceive magic as a threat it will become a threat. Going back to my first time I ever cast magic, I wasn’t in a good head space. I was getting headaches from my antlers growing in, and I was having horrible nightmares every night. And also going back to how I said a magic casters first attempt as subconscious magic often defines what type of style they use, I was showing my style with those first thorns. I specialise in plant magic.” Henry showed this off by growing a blue and white flower in his palm.
“This is a rare type of flower on Sodor only growing near the top of Culdee Fell or in the deepest parts of the enchanted forests, I was very lucky to find a sample on the Skarloey railway near Shane Dooiney. It’s called a silent princess, it was an old princess’s favourite flower back before Sodor was revolutionised by the English.” “Wow…” Thomas was amazed by the beauty of the flower, the luminescent blue in the shade catching his eye.
“I guess my very long point being, I don’t think your ill-trained in magic Thomas, I think you’re just interpreting your magic wrong.” “How?” Thomas asked. He understood it from Henry’s story but he didn’t understand it from his own story.
“Think about it. You might not have ever been told point blank that you are something powerful, but you got the inclination. Along with having no teachers for the sake of keeping you safe I can only imagen you feel like your magic would be naturally powerful and huge compared to you, which is why it comes out as a blast, you don’t think you can get a grip on it because it’s out of your experience.” Thomas looked like he had just been told the meaning of the universe, his eyes were wide with amazement as the gears in his head were turning and clicking into place.
“So… my style might be something to do with light, but it comes out as a blast because I think it’s too powerful for me?” “There you go!” “Huh… that… actually really puts my mind at ease, thanks Henry!” Thomas smiled while swishing his tail. “Heh-heh, no problem Thomas, I’m glad to have helped.” Thomas hoped up and brushed against Henry’s side like a cat, he trilled like a bird and a few short yips that sounded like enchanted neighs. Henry had heard James make such funny neighs and assumed it was a unicorn thing.
The pairs jockeys soon arrived back, ready to take them back to the stables. Zak mounted Henry and Titan held Thomas’s lead to guide him. When they arrived back at the stables Edward and Harper were setting up a dinner table and food for everyone, as they walked in the doors Edward peeked around to see them. “Welcome back you four, how were your days?” the old stallion asked.
“I got some practice in on running, that’ll be helpful.” Thomas smiled as he took off his reins and Titan taking off his hitch. “Oh that’s right, James told us you have a physical deformity with your wings.” Edward stated. “I thought you’re wings looked a little big on you.” Gordon commented. “He’ll grow into them, just you watch, he’ll be the best flyer on Sodor.” Titan said as he scratched his boys ears. “If we’re talking working mythic on the railway then he’ll be our only flyer, the only ones who can fly are me, Harper, and now you Titan.” Zorran said.
“On that note, can we discuss how you four know each other?” Gordon asked looking to the quartet of jockeys. “Remember how we’ve told you we used to work in America for rivalling boat companies? Well Titan was the number 1 on Harper’s side.” Zak said as he took Henry’s saddle off. “So you two used to be work colleagues?” James asked pointing to Harper and Titan. “Yes, I worked closely with the railroads. Ferrying the trucks and cargo around. Titan despite his species was the boat equivalent of a shunter.” Harper answered.
“Hold on, you used to shunt?” Thomas asked looking up to his father figure. “I did, though it was out on the water and I actually used the boat to do it.” Titan chuckled. “And I will never for the life of me figure out why, you could control water at the time.” Harper said. “I found human crafts rather fascinating, and to be fair you all did think I was human at first. The only person who knew was Hercules.” Titan smirked at his old colleague. “That was a surprise to find out that you were a mythic that day when it spread around the harbor.” Zak commented with a look of old surprise in his expression. “Right? And when he actually showed it off for the first time? That was the warmest and coldest I’ve ever felt in my life.” Zorran said while rubbing his arms in a chill running up his spine.
“How do you think we felt? We were there when it happened for darn sake! That absolutely pissed off expression at the hunters that he had? I never knew he could give Captain Star a run for his money until that day.” Harper said in a dramatic gasp. “It was also weird to find out you were the oldest person in the harbor although you didn’t act like it.” Zak said. “It’s a divine thing.” Titan said while grabbing himself a beer bottle from the fridge and taking a swig before handing it to Zak. “That should give it a kick.” Zak took the drink and gave a gulp of it. “Oof, yeah, that’s strong.”
“So can we maybe stop with the suspense and actually find out what you are? Even Thomas doesn’t know.” James asked while plonking his gem flank down at the table. “James, I expect this from Gordon, not you.” Harper scolded. “Oh hush up Top Hat, if I’m offended I’ll let him know.” Titan said as he removed his hat and coat, then disappearing them in a wind of ash and flame.
What revealed itself after the removal of his hat however, was the small set of horns he had just above his hair line and a gold ornament hung between them. “Oh, the crown thingy is new.” Zorran commented. “I made a plea with the higher ups and it was approved, the only condition is that I have to raise this little man.” Titan said petting Thomas’s head who was fascinated by the horns on his guardian.
“Plenty of mythic have horns though, that doesn’t exactly tell us much.” Edward said. “Alright then, this might be a little more recognisable.” Titan then had a silver rusted ring appear above his head, it floated in mid-air and followed his every twitch of his neck.
The stallions looked up and astonishment, this care giver of Thomas’s couldn’t have been implying that he was… “A halo… and Thomas called you a fallen. Of course, someone closely as powerful as him would be qualified to be his guardian.” Edward said in a realization, a slow smile spreading across his face. “Nah-ah, last I checked angels can’t have horns.” James said with a sneered frown. “Normal angels; correct. Fallen angels; no. 33 years ago when I still worked with Harper a powerful demon came to Bigg city port. I had fought him off but it left my heavenly signal very tainted, so it condemned me. My halo was shattered and my wings singed of my feathers. I sent him packing into heaven’s jail, but my divinity was lost in the process. Heaven was in a huge fuss over it because there hadn’t been a fallen angel since Satin, so I was sent to trial. I was basically given community service and a very long probation with the condition that I raise someone in the next few decades. Then I could get my divinity back.” “So your raising Thomas to get your angelic-ness back?” Zak asked. “At first I was doing just that and treating it like a job to do, but the more Thomas grew up the more I saw myself in him. So, I made it my mission to do right by him when I didn’t have that.” Titan answered. “Didn’t you act out to begin with in heaven because you wanted attention?” Harper asked. “Yeah, my older siblings were very dismissive of me and were really busy, so they didn’t have much time for me.” “You had siblings?” Thomas asked. “Yeah, Michael, Jophiel, Raphael. If you’ve heard about the bible then chances are you’ve heard of the archangels. I was the first archangel to be created in millennia.” Titan explained.
“I’ve actually read the bible, what part of god were you if you were an archangel?” Gordon asked. “Gods humanity they dubbed me, the biggest titan of titles to be had. And like humanity, I’ve struggled, I’ve messed up royally on some occasions, I’ve made progress, and more. So you can see how that mirrors my existence.” “Considering world war 2 was coming up in the next 20 years after you became burned I can see how that was a hidden message.” Harper commented. “Am I… am I really on the same level as an angel?” Thomas asked honestly looking rather worried. “Angel’s used to ride alicorns into battle, so while you’re not on the same level as an angel yet, you’ll grow and thrive into that, I’m sure of it.” Thomas didn’t look to confident at his father’s words, he hung his head low on the table with his ears drooping.
Henry trotted up and sat next to the young colt, wrapping his tail around the others back and giving him a kind smile, reminding Thomas of their talk earlier. Thomas smiled and wrapped his wing over Henry’s back, it was clear the two were growing close. Gordon peered at the alicorns outstretched wing and walked over, when he was behind the two he examined Thomas’s feathers. “Gordon, we’ve been over this. I don’t think it’d be a good idea, he needs an actual pegasus to teach him.” Harper said as he helped Edward serve the food. “What’s this now?” Titan asked. Harper sighed. “Gordon was a product of the Gresley line from Doncaster barns, he saw the pegasi being trained and flying all the time before he was bought by the Hatt’s. So naturally he thinks he can maybe teach Thomas how to fly.” “Hey! My cousins were taught by City of Truro, he was a clipped pegasus and yet he got them successfully flying up in the sky.” Gordon argued.
“He had wings at one point Gordon, he has experience, you don’t.” His jockey rebuttaled. “I’m half pegasus, that’s why I’m far lighter than a pure breed shire horse!” “But you’ve still never had wings!” “Gentlemen!” Edward cut the argument and the whole room silent, all eyes on him.
“Harper, as much as I actually agree with you in that under normal circumstances I would not trust Gordon to teach Thomas how to fly, he is the only one out of us who has knowledge in such anatomy. I’d presume Titan has more bat-like wings than feathered ones, and you also have bat wings. Zorran doesn’t need wings, and James barely has enough magic to levitate more than 2 trucks let alone himself. I think our number 4 may be Thomas’s best option for the time being to learning how to fly, at least in teaching the theory behind it or the basics.” Edward argued.
“Thomas? Would you be alright in learning how to fly?” Titan asked. Thomas practically hopped on the spot as he circled in pure excitement. “Yes!” He finally shouted and frolicked up to Gordon, giving him a big hug. The large stallion stiffened at the touch and everyone looked at them in shock as it was a known fact that Gordon didn’t do touching.
Thomas tap danced on his front hooves, his tail wagged behind him and his ears wiggled in joy, his wing fluttering with their feathers rattling together is what gave Gordon piece of mind. The big blue stallion hugged Thomas back, petting his head and holding him to his chest. The little colt began to trill and when Gordon put them apart he placed his hand on Thomas’s wing to get it to stop rattling. “First lesson then little Thomas. Don’t rattle your feathers, that is seen as an intimidation display to other pegasi, and the last thing you want to do at your stage is to pick a fight you won’t win.” “Why would a pegasus want to fight another pegasus?” Thomas asked. “You’ve heard of bar fights before right?” Gordon asked. “Ooohh…” Everyone laughed at the young colts realisation.
When the laughter died down Titan wanted to bring up what Edward mentioned about the Arlesdale forests, and why they seemed like a sore subject.
“Uh, Edward? You said that we could maybe hear more about the Arlesdale forest later. So, why does that place seem like such a sore subject?” All the local mythic to the island suddenly seemed shaken, Henry coward to Zak, hugging him close. While the others looked uncomfortable.
Edward started however. “This happened in 1915… Arlesdale forest was basically the name of the forest that covered the entire north side of the island. When the first world war started they really cracked down on the mythic business to use the mythos instead of their machines so more iron could go towards the war. That ambition lead them to the forests of Sodor, as it was a well-known fact that many mythic were living in there. So…” Edward trailed off in a sad tone. “They started raiding it, to draw the mythic out.”
Titan and Thomas were horrified, but in their shocked silence the old stallion continued. “The humans got as far as a few kilometres before the forest retaliated and pushed them back out, cursing itself with a powerful fog that no human may enter and only mythic or kin of mythic can even make an entrance. But the damage was done… even in those few kilometres there were a few houses and villages, mainly belonging to faun. Those poor souls were taken or killed, and the land the humans managed to conquer was turned into the mid Sodor railway. It’s the worst piece of history for us mythic on the island, and relationships between humans and mythic’s are still rather bad because of it. That area of the island is now called the Arlesdale railway, and is run mainly by fairy folk on miniature gauge tracks.”
Titan was saddened but also not that surprised, he was God’s humanity after all. Thomas however was horrified, he had no clue humans could be that cruel, he had only ever seen them as weird mythic that didn’t have the same energy around them. The young colt hugged into Titan’s hip, he was now nervous about being here, he could see why he was now hidden for all these years. Titan petted his head and eased him back down, and he also took notice that Henry was taking an exceptionally bad reaction to this story. Then it clicked, Henry was a forest spirit.
“Were those your grounds Henry?” Titan asked. Henry was in silent tears as he sniffled with a nod. “M-my m-m-mother was the g-guardian at the time, I w-was eight when they c-came… sh-she was k-killed when she went t-to check what was g-going on… I ran, I ran straight out as f-fast as I could… and ran into Edward…” Henry said through sobs when Zak continued, “Edward took him in from there and he was integrated into the railway, originally trying to pull the express but because of his damaged connection to the burned forest he was and still is kind of sickly. Then I was replaced after you left Titan in late 22 and came here so my abilities might be put into better use, and when I arrived I first took up what I thought would have been a temporary job as being a jockey, so I could get a house and get on my feet, but it ended up being permanent as I got to know Henry better.” Zak said as he soothed Henry down by rubbing his back and hugging him close.
Titan smiled at the albino witch doctor, knowing the feeling well of growing attached to a kid. “But why here? Why the UK? There were plenty of American soldiers.” the fallen angel asked. “The UK was always my back up plan, it was a lot smaller and obviously on another continent, so it worked great for a new start.” Zak answered. “You know, I always admired that about you. Your absolute ballsy-ness and disregard of nearly all common sense to preserve your life, you’ve always been very bold. A freak to your own species, then victim to mythos trade, that’s a hell to go through. And I’m surprised Magister Zero actually gave that away, whoever replaced you must have been a close second.” Titan stated. “He actually replaced me for a diesel, it made sense for the time. My ship and me didn’t really have the best of health, so I was the most logical one to boot.” Zak said. “Then why not just let you drive the diesel and scrap your old boat?” Titan asked. “Because the piolet of that diesel was a were-orca.” Zak answered nonchalantly. “Yeah, Oscar. Good kid and a pretty big change of pace at the time.” Zorran said. “huh… seems like a lot happened after I left…” Titan rubbed the back of his neck. “Maybe we should arrange a get together, have the whole team back together for a night out.” Harper suggested. “I’d say that’s a stellar idea, once we get Thomas more worked into the railway I’d happily see the others again for old time sakes.” Titan said.
“Hm… about Thomas, if we were on the topics of giving Thomas a teacher beforehand, why not have James teach Thomas the basics in magic?” Zorran asked. James spat out the food he was eating. “Pu! What?! Me? Hell no!” James shouted. “Oh come on James, don’t be so dramatic.” Harper scolded. “Oh nah! Don’t pull that with me Harper, I’m not Gordon and you’re not my jockey! I have better things to do than to teach a 14 year old who can’t even run straight how to do magic.” James crossed his arms. Thomas looked really embarrassed, he used his wings to hide in while the others could hear muffled sounds of sheepish whining.
Edward walked over to the crystal centaur and grabbed him by the horn and dragged him over to a support beam. “Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! OW! Edward let me go! Gah!-” The old stallion drove the unicorns horn through the wooden beam of the stables and tied a cloth around the back his head so his horn was stuck there. “If Gordon can teach the basics of learning how to fly, then you can teach him how to do basic magic.” The old stallion dusted his hands off and returned to the dinner table. “I won’t be able to teach him anything with my horn through a poll!” James struggled, trying to shimmy back and forth to get his horn lose.
“Um… why is James having such a hard time getting his horn out?” Thomas asked, watching with a little amusement. “Have you seen what happens to kittens when you grab them by the scruff?” Zorran asked. “Yeah.” “Same thing, except when a unicorn is grabbed by the base of the horn they struggle to move or cast magic.” Henry finished. “So I should watch out if someone tries to grab my horn?” Thomas asked. “Yep! That’s also why we gave you such grief when fitting your horn mufflers, can’t have ‘em to tight or you’d start walking funny.” “You mean I don’t walk funny already?” Thomas quipped to his guardian. “No, you run funny. Theres a difference.” Titan defended. “Speaking of which, before we do anything with magic or flying, we’d better get him acquainted with running first.” Edward followed up.
“I agree, but I actually have to agree with James’s attitude towards Thomas’s running. I think it’d be a waste of time for any of you to teach him how to run, the best teacher for him learning how to run is himself. He just needs to get the exercise in.” Titan said looking to the slightly confused and hurt alicorn. “I think to put it in nicer terms Thomas, basically your anatomy is something only you can get a handle on. Your horn makes you run like a unicorn, but your wings also make you run like a pegasus. Both of those two have different run cycles, so no one other than another alicorn could teach you how to run. That’s an experience you’ll have to earn yourself. Find your rhythm and work with it.” Zak said petting the young boys hair. “Look at you acting all parent like,” Titan teased his co-worker making the others snicker and laugh.
Once everyone was finished and the dishes were done, everyone went to bed. Thomas had a large thick mat set up in his stable with a few large pillows and a nice fluffy blanket, Titan tied up a hammock since the bed that was already installed was too small for him. Once the two were comfortable, everyone had lights out and dimmed the lanterns.
Thomas however couldn’t fall asleep. He just laid there on his mat, hugging a pillow to his face and chest. What had been revealed to him today was a lot to take in…
His father figure used to be an angel, he found out how horrible humans could be, and worst of all… he found out how utterly defenceless he was. He had been in this mentality that he had been hidden for so long to protect others from him, and to also protect himself. But the truth was he was woefully over exaggerated, he didn’t know how to fly, he didn’t know how to cast the simples of spells, heck, he couldn’t even run straight without wobbling in his gallop. He had been over exaggerated to his whole life, like he was some prince of mythos, and that he was a kind of demigod. Well, he was, but he was an incredibly bad example. He needed a freaking fallen angel to be his body guard for crying out loud! And the fact that Titan wouldn’t have ever met him if he wasn’t assigned to look after him really hurt. Was he really his guardian? Even if he said that he loved him, was that just a part of his job?
The young colt wanted to cry, but he knew he would alert Titan if he did. So he just bottled his tears up. He kept his horn away from the pillows and his wings tucked in tight away from his line of vision, he just wanted to pretend that they weren’t there, or at least only one of them were, he wanted to imagen he was a normal magicless centaur like Edward or Gordon. He had never felt so unsure in his whole life.
The next morning Thomas was incredibly groggy, he was asleep on his feet and almost cut Zak with his horn when he nodded off for a second, and actually walked through Zorran and into a wall. Henry caught Thomas nodding off again as they all started to leave the stables, he let out his own dear/horse cry to wake the colt up, giving Thomas a small startle. “You need to wake up Thomas, Gordon is waiting at the platform to take the express soon.” Thomas shook off his drowsiness and started to stamp off to Knapford, running as best he could while still trying to stay up.
When they got to the yard, Titan dropped Thomas’s lead and tied it to his hip. “You can take the coaches to Gordon, I’ll make a small start on the other trains.” The fallen angel petted Thomas’s back, hoping to ease some of the work off him today. “Thanks Titan, I’ll be back.” Thomas pulled and pushed the coaches up to Gordon who seemed to be less than happy at Thomas’s delay. “Hurry up you!” He snapped. This made Thomas also cross. “Hurry up yourself!” the young colt huffed in a horse heft.
Harper hadn’t sat down on the carriage behind Gordon yet as the train wasn’t to leave for another 5 minutes, so the vampire had gone out real quick to stock up on some snacks for the stallion. But that of course left the larger centaur without a conscious to ground him. So when Gordon heard Thomas’s remark he grew a mischievous grin. “Yes… I shall, ah!” Gordon smiled to himself when he felt the rough bump that knocked him forward a few steps.
The big blue stallion flicked his reins off of their peg from the carriage and tied them around his waist so they wouldn’t become an inconvenience, his ears twitched as he listened for the chain rattling’s of the coupling being moved between the hitch and the shunters poll. When he heard that his own coupling was secure and the passengers were all boarded in, he pushed forward and began to move out of the platform. But Thomas hadn’t been disconnected from the coaches yet, so when Gordon began to take off with the express he dragged Thomas behind along with it.
“Woah! Ah! Gordon? Gordon?! Stop!” Thomas cried as he was pulled behind the coaches with his hooves dragging along the sleepers and ballast, it hurt as his frogs were run along the rough material like a cheese grater. As they went along Thomas tried to initially keep up but his sloppy running proved to be doing him in yet again, his shorter stride compared to Gordon also didn’t help much. The young colt then tried to jump up on the buffers to keep off the rails but his hitch was too tightly close to the coupling to climb up properly. Thomas was soon running out of ideas as Gordon kept picking up speed and the alicorn couldn’t keep up anymore, and if Thomas let himself drag behind the train he would be left with no hooves by the end.
As a last ditch attempt, Thomas opened his wings and began to flap them as he ran, like how he saw pegasi take off. His wings caught the wind from Gordon’s speed under them and gave him lift, pretty soon the alicorn colt was being pulled along like a kite just having to flap every so often. Thomas was amazed! This was the closest he’s ever gotten to flying before! Thomas was so thrilled he let out a high pitched horse cry as he cheered with his arms in the air. “WOOHOOO!” The fun was abruptly cut short however when the train came to a sharp stop and he was slammed into the back of the coach. His hame smacked into his second chest leaving a decent bruise but Thomas was too thrilled to care about the pain right now, he just flew! He flew for the first time and it was amazing!
Thomas undid the coupling himself and weakly trotted to the side of the track on shaky painful legs, his hooves hurt from being dragged on and his sternum hurt from faceplanting into the back of the coach, his nose didn’t thank him ether and he was pretty sure it was bleeding.
“Gordon!” “Thomas!” Harper and Titan called as they had flown after them once they saw that Gordon had taken off with Thomas still behind him. The young blue colt dropped to the ground once his legs gave up on him, but he still had a big glee-proud smile on his face. “I did it! WOO! I flew! I actually flied!” He cheered.
Titan came up to assess Thomas while Harper went up to Gordon and hit the emergency brake so the train wouldn’t be going anywhere. Thomas was a little scraped up and sore in a few places that it didn’t look pretty, but Titan was just glad he wasn’t crying. Now, what was this about him flying? “Tommy, what the hell happened?” “I wasn’t uncoupled from the train in time before Gordon took off, when he picked up speed he was going fast enough where I started to fly once I opened my wings! It was like I was a kite he was just pulling along!” Titan though, did not look pleased. In fact, he looked rather furious. “Did he now?” the fallen angel asked glaring over to Gordon. “Hey… maybe that’s how he could teach me, he could run and coach me while I’m being pulled along behind him!” Thomas said until he noticed Titan’s expression directed at the big stallion. “Sure sport… Hey, why don’t you ask Harper to clean you up while I go talk to Gordon.” Titan said getting up and walking over to the front of the train. “Please don’t hurt him dad!” Thomas called as he got up and brushed himself off.
The former oh so wanted to amputate the older centaurs legs as a punishment but he really didn’t want to endure the wrath of Harper, he’d seen what the kraken-vampire king could do and the idea of fighting him was something he really didn’t like. When the young archangel reached the front of the train he could see some passengers looking cross and the station master seemingly trying to discourage the disgruntled crowd, and Harper was to the side of the station ripping into Gordon and giving him a tongue lashing with the formerly proud stallion suddenly looking very meek in front of his jockey.
When Titan walked up to them Harper sheathed his fangs and eased his temper, Gordon was surprised by his partners sudden 180 mood change until he saw the expression of the person behind him. Titan’s face was loomed in shadow with his eyes lighting up the dim air of his murderous expression in a blue hue, the shade wasn’t as passive as one might think, the haunting blue glow was reminiscent of blue flames licking at the souls of the dammed or a frozen hell.
Gordon was fearful of Harper as it was a rare sight to see him so mad, but he was petrified at the sight of Titan. How could eyes burning so hot feel so cold? He could now realise why Harper stopped on his rampage of tearing him a new flank, Titan looked like he would do it literally with his thighs still attached.
Gordon felt his legs begin to shake and tremble as he cowered at the stature of the large man, with each wide step Titan took Gordon took two steps back of his own. He was hunkered down, ears flat, and expression absolutely terrified as he feared for his life cornered by the shrubbery and fence of the station. Titan got down on one knee and stared into Gordon’s soul with the fear akin to being hit by a frozen bullet, the stallions attention all on him. “If you ever pull a stunt like that again I will show you what it’s like in the darkest side of hell… are we clear?” Titan whispered into Gordon’s ear. The horrified stallion could only whimper as tears threatened to spill over his watery eyes.
Satisfied with the answer, Titan got up and left. When the mountain before Gordon was gone he could now see past him that Thomas and Harper had been watching the whole thing, both looking pretty worried. Gordon scrambled up onto his legs and bolted over to Harper to give him a full force tackle hug, he will never take for granted his jockey’s scolding ever again.
Harper hugged his comrade back to calm him down as they still had a train to pull, he petted his back carefully and guided him back to the hitch, taking one last glare at Titan before setting off again.
After Titan and Thomas made it back to the yard, Thomas got in a lot of trouble after the station master filled Titan in on the full story. The young alicorn was confined to the yard by himself while Titan watched him from afar, he shunted trucks and coaches all the while grumbling. “It’s not fair, I get my first ever taste at flying and I get in trouble for it. All the other stallions can at least run without galloping funny, and James can use his magic.” At the mention of magic, Thomas remembered Henry’s words about how magic works and how he’d been interoperating his own.
The colt backed away from the trucks he was pushing and decided to give a levitation spell a try. He concentrated on his breathing, calming down and relaxing his mind and muscles, not putting any strain into his horn and just letting his thoughts handle it. Thomas staired at the coupling between the train he was shunting, the small chain glowed with a light blue aura around it and lifted slowly, it was held in the air a little to Thomas’s amazement before it moved over to the hook on the other truck and looped on. Once it was there, he dropped his magic and the coupling staid where it was.
Thomas stamped his front hooves in excitement and fluttered his wings and wagged his tail, he had done it! He used magic successfully for the first time! The young colt kept going, the truck after that, and the truck after that. He pushed the train together and got a rhythm going of coupling them up, chaining them along one link at a time in smooth succession.
Next Thomas tried moving the whole truck. He couldn’t wrap his magic around the whole rail box, so he tried moving it by getting a grip on its buffers with his magic, which worked! He was shunting the trucks with his magic! He then moved onto trying to pull the train, he grabbed a hold of the coupling on the lead truck and pulled it along, he felt his horn strain as a row of trucks was heavier than one, but he managed, he pulled it to the other end of the yard and then added a brake van. Thomas was very proud of himself, he just marshalled a train together with only his magic!
But unfortunately his pride was short lived as James came grinding into the yard with his trucks. “Tah-dah! You can take my trucks away now Thomas, I’m ready for my coaches!” Thomas heard as Annie and Clarabel groaned from next to him. He couldn’t say he blamed them. He then smelt a familiar chemical smell, that one that Titan said was the smell of cut gemstone. “Are your hooves broken again James?” Thomas asked. “What?! No! They’ve never been broken! Hmph!” James huffed as he uncoupled himself and used his magic to pull Annie and Clarabel up to him. Thomas sighed and used his own magic to take the trucks away.
Almost in an instant, James and Thomas’s horn’s zapped each other! “Ow!” Both unicorn creatures yelped and instantly buckled down from a splitting headache. “Ahhh! Thomas! What was that for?!” “I didn’t mean to!” James and Thomas whined. “Are you two alright?” Annie asked as she watched the whole ordeal. “No! I just got static magiced!” James snapped. “How did that even happen? I was just trying to take the trucks away.” Thomas said confused. “That can sometimes happen when unicorns use magic at the same time, they need awhile to adjust to each other’s auras otherwise they give each other a static shock like just now. But Oooof Thomas, you pack a punch.” James explained as he steadied himself back up. “What would you expect James? He is an alicorn.” Clarabel said when the face of her coach disappeared and a lady in a ball gown floated over to Thomas to help him stand up.
Thomas was confused, he didn’t know she could do that. “Woah, you now look like Zorran!” Thomas said surprised. “That’s because I’m a ghost silly, most ghosts will be transparent.” Clarabel said. “I think he’s more confused we can even look human and not just a mouth on a coach.” Annie said doing the same thing as her sister, instead coming over to help James. “They just unpossessed the coaches Thomas, if Zorran were to possess something he could make it look like a face to. Annie and Clarabel just like to be more hidden.” James explained.
“Why?” Thomas asked the sister spirits. The two looked at each other then seemed to look sheepish or embarrassed. “It’s a little personal Thomas, we don’t like to talk about it.” Annie said. “Oh, okay then. Well thank you for helping us.” Thomas said as he shook himself off. “Not a problem,” Clarabel said before beckoning to her sister that they return to the coaches. “How about Thomas sets us on the line James, and then you take us away and leave the trucks for Thomas?” Annie questioned. “Works for me.” Thomas sighed. James smiled and did just that after Annie and Clarabel possessed the coaches again.
Once James was out of range and running down the branch line Thomas got back to work, taking the time to practice with his magic. He pulled and pushed with his magic the rest of the day and would even try to get off the ground and glide to the other side of the yard if some trucks he needed were far, he also managed to figure out how to make a massive jump using his wings to give him a boost. Thomas felt incredible! He was making more progress than he had with anyone trying to teach him in 10 years! He figured out how to fly on his own, and he was figuring out magic on his own as well! Well… sort of on his own anyway.
When the end of the day approached, Titan came down from the station roof and guided the young alicorn back to the stables. Thomas looked up to Titan with a happy expecting expression, after all he figured out how to do magic in the yard while Titan was watching over him. But when the fallen angel looked back at him with a less than amused frown Thomas’s enthusiasm dropped. Maybe what he did wasn’t good enough, it was only a levitation spell and gliding after all. Thomas promised himself that he would do better tomorrow, maybe figure out how to teleport and actually take off.
Thomas pondered this the walk home, but his thoughts were interrupted when Edward came trotting alongside him. “Hello Thomas, I saw that you flew behind Gordon’s train today, that must have been incredible!” The old stallion cheered for the young colt. But Thomas didn’t feel like it was that incredible anymore with Titan’s frowning expression. “It was an experience, but I doubt I’ll be doing that again…” Edward picked up on Thomas’s sad tone and noticed Titan’s frown. “Did you get into trouble for it? I can imagen being pulled behind a train isn’t exactly something to be praised over.” “Yeah… I did.” Thomas’s ears drooped. “But you managed to get a taste for flying! You should be able to apply that knowledge to next time right?” Edward asked with an encouraging enthusiasm. “I…” Thomas wanted to tell Edward that he had been all afternoon once he got back to the yard and even figured out how to use magic, but he was worried Titan might scold him again. “Hopefully…” Thomas muttered.
Edward gestured to Zorran for him to intervene, the old ghost could pick up what Edward was putting down and got Titan’s attention. “Ay TC, mind if we chat? I’ve been trying to get a more complicated ghost thing happening with Zak for a while but we may need some divine intervention.” Zorran guided Titan away over to Zak leaving the centaurs to talk.
Once they were gone Edward spoke to Thomas. “So, tell me everything that happened today.” “First was the thing with Gordon’s train, then when we got to the yard again Titan found out the full story and I got into trouble. He put me in the yard by myself as a punishment while he watched from the roof of the station. But while I was there I actually managed to do some magic thanks to Henry’s advice! I managed to push and pull the trucks and even couple them together! I even figured out how to glide and jump super high! But… I don’t think Titan was impressed… I know he must have seen me, there was no way he couldn’t have from his view point.”
Edward felt a pang of sympathy for Thomas, he wrapped his arm around the alicorns shoulder and gave him a small squeeze hug. “Well, even if Titan is upset with you, I think you should be proud of yourself, you managed so much in one day! You’re improving quicker than you think Thomas, have you even noticed your wobbling less as you walk?” Thomas then took notice of his trotting, he was indeed managing to keep on balance! And in the yard earlier he had to have been galloping around to try and get a running start for his gliding. “Oh wow! I am! I didn’t even realise,” Thomas smiled, his enthusiasm returning with a big ol’ smile. Edward chuckled as he amped up his trotting a little into a light gallop, bumping Thomas’s side in a teasing fashion. “Let’s see if you can keep up with this old colt then ay? Race you!” Edward then zoomed off! Thomas giving chase, “Your on Edward!”
Titan watched as the two centaurs raced off down the line, he hoped Edward would be careful with Thomas, he’d already been injured enough today and he didn’t want his little buddy to take another trip.
Zorran and Zak were talking between each other as they walked at their own pace, Titan knowing he was the third wheel and that Zorran had just wanted to give Edward and Thomas some room to chat. The tall standing divine mythic looked down to the pair and cut their conversation short. “Do you two think I might have been a little too harsh on him?” Titan asked. Zorran and Zak looked up to their former rival with a look of confusion, but Zorran was the one to address it. “He did seem pretty out of it when he was chatting with ol’ Ed, and he asks me to get involved very rarely. So when he does motion me to I can tell it’s important.” “What is the full story behind Thomas’s little spill? I’ve only heard it in passing today.” Zak asked wanting more context.
“Apparently Thomas and Gordon were in a bit of a grumpy mood, antagonising each other. So before Top Hat got back to the carriage Gordon took off early with Thomas still coupled behind him. Thomas was grinded along the rails for a bit before he figured out how to open his wings and fly. And he didn’t land safely ether, he face planted into the back coach when the train stopped, going at 90 kilometres per hour, I imagen that couldn’t have felt nice. So I ringed into Gordon and that was before I got back to the station. I just thought Gordon was being an ass until I was told Thomas enabled it. It made me feel like an idiot for defending Thomas afterwards because I worry he now thinks it’s okay to do dumb stuff like that because I’ll always be there for him, and it’s not unfounded now. He was practicing how to glide and even figured out how to use his magic! He could have had another knock back, crashed into a train, or even tripped again the whole time. This kid is so far behind, and with his strength now over powered compared to his experience I’m afraid he might accidently overdo it and hurt himself.” “That’s where Thomas got that from?”
The jockey’s looked to Henry who had been walking a little ahead of them but was apparently ease dropping. “Thomas got that from you?” “Got what exactly from me?” Titan asked the forest king, a little confused. “That mind set, we talked about his power beforehand and that his mindset was the thing holding him back. He thinks he’s too powerful for his own good, and if he thinks that then his magic will act on it, I had the same issue when I was younger.” Henry explained and it then clicked to Zak what his son was referring to.
“Oh! Thomas is having the same thought process you did back then? Okay that actually makes a lot more sense. Ty, like Henry said Thomas thinks he’s too over powered because you told him so, and with that mindset it probably makes him to scared to actually try magic, and whenever he does do magic his psyche will take over his control and make his magic have a powerful knock back.” Zak explained.
Titan looked at the witch doctor with a dreadful expression. “I… I did this?... I did this to Thomas?” he questioned worryingly as he checked his head back up to the way his son and Edward had ran. “If you’ve been the only one around him most of his life then it’s very likely, otherwise who else is he going to pick that up from?” Zak said. “I think your sheltering Thomas a little too much, if he figured out how to use magic and get to gliding by himself in the span of a few hours then I’d say he’s doing pretty well, I know I’d be proud if I were his age.” Henry said. “And call me for a fool, but you sort of sound like how Zeb treated Zip in his early years. Not letting him get to far ahead and monitoring his every move, what spells Zero tried to teach him and a few other things, and we all know how that ended up for him in his teens.” Zorran said.
Titan had his old memories of Bigg City port come rushing back to him. It was true, Zebedee absolutely watched Zip like a hawk when he was growing up, the naga was apparently really protective of his adoptive pixy son. And as such when Zip came into his teens he wasn’t preforming as well as the others had expected of him, he was rather depended on the others as a result and rather incapable. It wasn’t until Zip actually started to get a little upset with Zeb and put some space between them did he have enough room to learn on his own and eventually improve, by the time Titan had left, Zip was one of the most valuable members of the Zero fleet. And it looked like through Henry’s own past trauma his young mindset did the same to him, and now he was seeing it again in his own child because of him.
The young deity mythic looked really hurt, but what parent wouldn’t after they just realised they’ve been unintentionally hurting their kid. Titan steeled himself up and voiced his next course of action. “I’m going to chat with Thomas once we get back, I need to apologise to him…” To Zorran and Zak it was weird seeing Titan look so defeated and worried, fears were something just not normally in the fierce angels vocabulary. Zak petted Ty’s thigh in a comfort before walking up to Henry and giving his own reassuring pets, he knew Henry’s past was not one the deer centaurian liked to bring up. Zorran looked up the line and began to float ahead. “I’m gonna go check on them.” He then zoomed off to catch up to Edward and Thomas. Titan noticed Harper and Gordon coming up so he decided to join them the rest of the walk, much to Gordon’s dismay.
When everyone was back at the stables and beginning to take off their equipment Titan assisted Thomas in getting his off, he was gentle and wore a not so angry expression this time, making Thomas wonder what he and Zorran could have possibly talked about to change his mood. He didn’t have to wonder long however.
“Thomas? I wanted to take the time to tell you I’m sorry, how upset I got with you wasn’t okay once we got back to the station.” Thomas was surprised but it slowly warped into astonishment the more he just registered what Titan said to him. “I also owe you a humongous apology… for the most of your life… Henry brought it to my attention that you two apparently had a talk about magic beforehand, and he explained it to me your mindset towards your power. Thomas, I am so sorry I taught you that. I am so sorry I taught you that your power was something to be contained, I never wanted to make you feel like you were beneath your power, I am so sorry for giving you that misconception. And I’m proud of you, you managed to learn how to levitate something and practice how to glide in the span of a day! This is absolutely incredible progress for you! And your running, you’ve made so much progress in so little time… it really makes me regret not letting you see other mythic sooner, but I’ve come to realise that I was just being a really over protective parent, I was trying to protect you but in the end it was hurting you… I am so sorry, for what I’ve put you through.”
The second he finished that sentence Thomas jumped on Titan in a rough hug, his fears of the previous night suddenly washed away, Titan did care about him, he cared about him so much. “I love you dad…” Thomas whispered. Titan hugged him back tightly, petting his hair down gently. “I love you to son…” He gave Thomas a peck on the head before putting him back down to finish the rest of the alicorns harness. Thomas smiled and wagged his tail the rest of the night until it was dinner.
Thomas helped set the table, cutlery where the cushions ran parallel, even fluffing the cushions with his new levitating magic. Once that was done the food was still a long way away so Zak told Thomas to go play a little. The problem with that was that the stables weren’t very large, and he wasn’t allowed to go outside because it was dark out now. So Thomas tried to practice some things he’d seen pegasus centaurs do, he stretched out his wings and started to run his hands through his feathers, lining them up and evening them out, but he had some trouble the further away from his body his wings got.
Eventually Gordon came out dressed in some more casual clothes and spotted Thomas trying to preen his wings, and honestly doing a fumbling job. He had gotten the first half of his wings done as far as his arms could reach but the rest was a disaster. The big blue stallion checked to see if Titan was around before approaching the young colt, when he was standing in front of Thomas with his shadow looming over him did the young colt take notice of his presence.
“Oooh… um, h-hey Gordon. I-I’m sorry Titan went off on you, it really didn’t hurt as much as he made it out to be, he was just being over protective.” Thomas apologised for his guardian. “Don’t be sorry for him Thomas, he’s a grown mythic in his own ways, if he’s sorry he can tell me it himself. But I’m more intrigued by what you are doing, are you trying to preen?” Gordon asked. “Preen?” Thomas asked confused. “Preening is what birds do to groom and straighten out their feathers, pegasi and other feathered wing mythic do the same. However,” Gordon sat down beside Thomas’s wing and began gently running his hands through his feathers to straighten them out.
“These type of mythic are often in herds or flocks, as you can probably tell your arms don’t reach far enough to straighten them all out, so they rely on team members to finish the rest.” Gordon cupped his hands over his mouth and breathed into them as if he was warming them up, but he quickly ran his hands through Thomas’s feathers again, this time the feathers turned stiff and shiny and strong like he just put in hair jell over them. “Whoa! What did you do? They look so glossy now,” Thomas asked amazed. Gordon suddenly fell into shock and fluster, looking like he was embarrassed or terrified and looking to quickly scrape an excuse together. “Uhhhh, g-glands! Yes that’s it! Glands that I h-have! Before I came to Sodor I worked looking after my cousins and relatives who had feathers and such, when they were young I would preen them! Y-You should have some to Thomas.”
Thomas didn’t seem to by Gordon’s lie completely but he could tell there was some truth behind it when his voice got calmer, so he decided to take Gordon’s word for it. “Okay… So where are these glands and how do I use them?” The alicorn asked. “They replace your tonsils in your neck,” Gordon gently pressed under Thomas’s chin where they were. “When you breath out a long breath you can squeeze those glands and what will feel like spit will shoot onto your hands, that spit is actually a natural oil that when smoothed over your feathers straightens them out, you try, I’ll press on those glands while you open your mouth.”
Thomas and Gordon did just that, Thomas spat the oils into his cupped hands when Gordon pressed on Thomas’s throat. The young colt found it uncomfortable and rolled his neck when it was done. “Ugh, bleh.” “You should be able to get the hang of it with a little practice, just make sure not to do that aimed at anyone, it’s seen as very disrespectful.” Gordon warned. “Got it.” Thomas then went back to preening the feathers he could reach and Gordon got to work on the feathers that were further away.
As the two worked this large task of fixing Thomas’s wings up, Gordon decided to strike up a bit more conversation so he could try to bond with the alicorn colt if he’d be working with him, and trying to teach him how to fly. “So… have you been growing a mane?” Thomas was confused. “What’s a mane?” “A mane is a plume of feathers or fur that grows around your chest or second chest.” “I don’t think so. Why? Am I supposed to be growing one?” “It could just be my biased because I’ve seen many of my relatives grow manes, but when I see mythic having big fluffy manes I can’t help but feel like their very regal and elegant, and that’s a look I think would fit an alicorn. So I was just asking.” Thomas gave it a little thought, if growing a mane out would make him look regal he kind of wanted to know a little more about them. “When do pegasi normally grow a mane?” “They’re sort of born with one normally, but it’s just downy fluff until they grow older. When they hit their late teens is when their full adult bodies really starts to grow in, so if you do have a mane it should be showing up in full swing by the time your seventeen or eighteen.” “Nice,” Thomas said with a little smile, he would need to ask Titan if he was born with a mane because he honestly couldn’t remember.
Gordon then took a peek down at Thomas’s back hooves and he noticed a bud growing on each leg above from the hoof. “Ah, I see you’ve been growing your dewclaws.” “Dewclaws?” Thomas looked at his hands to see if he had been growing claws and he hadn’t noticed. Gordon stifled a laugh, “Heh-heh, no, no Thomas, on your back legs.” Gordon pointed. Thomas lifted his leg and his eyes lit up with understanding. “Oh! Is that what these bumps are?” “Yes, those will grow into dewclaws.” “What are dewclaws?” “Dewclaws are talon-like single claws that pegasi have, they’re used to grip into vertical surfaces or to pick things up from a swoop, like how hawks snatch up prey.” “Are pegasi carnivores?” “No they’re omnivores, but some pegasi in the past used to take on characteristics of specific birds, some took on after eagles, some after ducks, and their hooves would reflect that.” “So duck pegasi exist?” Thomas asked with a little amusement. “Oh there used to be, but they were breed out when the horse carriage industry came into full swing. Now you’ll see duck pegasi characteristics in hippocamps and kelpies.” “What are hippocampus and kelpies?” “They’re both types of water horse mythic, you’ll mainly find them around beaches if you’re lucky. Okay, that’s you’re wing done, want to move on to the other one?”
Thomas however had an idea he wanted to try out. “I actually wanna see if I can groom my other wing by using my magic.” He explained. “Alright… but be careful not to pull any feathers out.” Thomas stood up for this and spread his opposite wing, he gleeked his oil glands into his hands and tried to pick up the little liquid that was there. It was challenging to pick up water Thomas had to admit, but after 20 or so tries he finally managed and began to glide it through his feathers. He found this so much easier and faster than doing it by hand, using his magic to reach further than he could and getting it done in half the time. “Huh, I guess that would make sense that alicorns can preen themselves if unicorns can groom themselves with their magic.” Gordon commented, secretly surprised and impressed that Thomas was taking up on magic so quick, he could only hope he would take that quick to flying.
Just then Titan walked up to them. “Alicorn’s rarely actually stayed in herds, they were often solitary mythic when living on earth.” He commented. Thomas grew a little concerned. “Does that mean I should be keeping away from you guys?” “Oh no, no Thomas, I said rarely, that’s not to say they hate socialising, they just kept to themselves which was odd considering most other horse mythic stayed in herds.” The alicorns guardian explained. “Why is that? From what I’ve heard most centaurian’s followed alicorns like leaders in the past.” Gordon quizzed. “That’s actually a lot later in history than you think, before my brother Jesus was born, centaurs and all other kinds of mythic followed alicorns as leaders because when an alicorn was released onto earth it meant that their time was coming up. Essentially, letting an alicorn go was a mark of retirement. So by then they were wise and powerful, which made them great leaders. After my brother came to heaven though that practice stopped and alicorns could then only be found on earth. Alicorns were then hunted along with the other mythic during the witch hunts, and like so many with them they went extinct as a result.”
Thomas felt meek at that revelation, that he was the only alicorn left in existence. “So I’m a one of a kind?” “In all honesty we don’t know, we don’t know if alicorn’s used their powerful magic to hide or if they are just gone. A lot of angel’s believe that their just hiding and I want to believe that to, but so far it’s only been divine intervention that’s made one be revealed so far.” “Me…” “Yes.” Titan confirmed his son’s thought.
Gordon petted Thomas’s hair, he knew the feeling of being one of a kind in a world where you would be an exception. Thomas leaned into Gordon’s touch when James interrupted the moment.
“Thomas!” Everyone half jumped at the stone unicorns sudden yell, “I wanted to get you started on some magic training, if you’re going to be shunting in the yard and using your magic to do it, then I’d figure we’d better start getting used to each other’s auras so we don’t shock each other again.” James handed an old book to Thomas that read in runes and English ‘Magic Study’.
“This was the book I used to get going on basic magic, It should help. I’ve already gone through it with a fine tooth comb so you’ll find a few lines underlined in pencil and a few notes and drawings here and there.” James said as Thomas opened the book and began skimming the pages to find that James had scribbled on many of the pages with various notes and doodles “If you need to be taking notes Thomas I have some spare work books you can use to write in.” Gordon said walking into his own stall and coming back out with books and a few pencils. Thomas took them off Gordon’s hands and instantly began to read through the book at the kitchen table, writing down anything he found interesting or something he wanted to follow up on.
Titan looked to Gordon with a quizzed look. “How come you have work books? James I get why he has a book on magic but I don’t recall a reason why norms would have writing books.” “They’ve become more popular as of late for norms because we’ve been slowly getting an education in the past few generations, kind of hard to read station signs where you’re meant to stop if you can’t read them. I was born into a high prestige family so an education was mandatory fortunately. Edward however is actually literacy and numerically challenged, he’s been attending a church on his branch line on his free time to try and get some lessons in though.” This surprised Titan, Edward of all people was without an education?
“Edward? That’s a surprise, he always seems so collected, I wouldn’t have ever guessed he was illiterate.” James then cut in. “I was surprised to, I asked one of the Sir Topham Hatt’s for a cook book one year to give Edward as a Christmas present because he was the one always experimenting with food at dinner, I was surprised to see him look worried at it like it just spat fire at him. That’s when he told me he couldn’t read.” “I had a similar experience. When I first came to the island Edward asked how old I was, when I answered him I was twelve years old he asked if that was higher than four, I thought he was pulling my leg trying to be funny so I just scoffed and changed the subject. Looking back on it I can now realise he was being very serious.” Gordon stated.
Speaking of the devil, Edward had overheard them and decided to step in. “If all of you are so fixated on my education, then I will be happy to inform you as to why I’m illiterate. I was born in the late 18th century, so wild centaurs could still be found around then. I was born in Glasgow and captured along with the rest of my herd, we were brought to Barrow-in-Furness where we were then put to work. My herd didn’t have a literacy system in place and we didn’t even know how to write in Scottish, we just spoke it. So along with learning a new language we also had to figure out what a literacy and numeracy system was. I didn’t get to far with writing, I only drew the station signs in a book with a map layout so I knew what signs to lookout for to stop at.” Edward explained. “And you’re only now beginning to take classes at a church along your line?” Titan asked.
“A friend of mine who keeps a vicarage’s grounds helped me, most of the clergy were surprised a mythic would even enter a house of god.” Edward informed making Titan rather upset. “My dad helped create a lot of mythic we know today, he wouldn’t mind at all if any came to church, he’d welcome them just like all the others.” “Maybe you should tell them that.” James commented with a chuckle, knowing what would probably happen if Titan showed up to a church. “I wish, but fallen angels like demons were taught to be feared for a good reason. The people in mass are my type of people but I wouldn’t want to scare them.” “Fair.” Edward said to the formerly divine mythic before heading into the kitchen to start dinner but Titan decided to join him.
“If you have more time on your hands Edward I wouldn’t mind teaching you, I home schooled Thomas after all.” The large man offered. Edward thought about it, “Can you also teach me what the deal is with this worship of a book? And whatever else happens in a church?” “You want to become religious?” “No, I don’t think so at least. The humans at a church just seem to be a lot more kind than most of the other people I’ve meet in my life, I honestly want to keep seeing them but it’s not like I can follow them to a café once the day is over.” “So you want to understand and make friends.” “Yes, as much as I like talking with the others, meeting some new people would be a welcomed change.” “I get it, and who knows, maybe you’ll set in motion a more constructive view of mythic.” “You honestly think a small old centaur like me could change people’s views on mythic they’ve had for generations?” “I don’t think, I hope. It’s obviously not a guarantee but I believe your already heading in the right direction if you’ve been getting friendly with the people there.” Edward paused for a while, setting up a cook pot and lighting the stove. “…I’m not exactly to confident in teaching them how mythic really work, but I would like to take your offer up on being taught after hours.” Titan could work with that, after all, the future wasn’t set in stone.
The night went on as per a new norm the mythic would come to find. Thomas would be at his new book studying up with James checking in on him every so often, then for a few hours Gordon would lecture him on flight theory. The jockeys would chat and laugh about the old days and share old tales of a world with an oceans distance between them. Edward and Henry would work on food together, discussing recipes and new ideas. Then once everyone ate it was their usual bed routines.
Thomas would sleep on a large mat, Titan would hang in a large hammock. Edward would lay down in a pile of pillows and curl up to get comfortable, Zorran would float around the construction ever keen and on the lookout. Henry would cuddle up to Zak, his body half on a mattress and half on a rug with a blanket over the pair. Gordon would wrap himself in a blanket and Harper would transform into a bat and sleep somewhere in the room, whether on Gordon or hanging upside down from a ledge. James slept on a large flat of stone, his floating limbs losing their magic as they fell to the ground in all different messes as the unicorn snored.
The next morning, Henry was aching all over and sounded like he was hacking up a lung all throughout breakfast. Thomas was concerned and a little confused as to why Henry couldn’t just heal himself better. “Henry healed my aches a few days ago, why can’t he just heal himself?” “Henry’s healing powers are connected to his own health in a way, that’s why he can heal minor injuries, but full bodily chronic pains and a chest bug are out of the question.” Zak explained. Thomas understood, but was then curious as to who would take Henry’s train. “What should I do about Henry’s train then? All the others have their own work to do by now.” “Go ahead and get the train ready, we’ll see if this doesn’t improve after some medicine.” “Will do Zak, let’s get going Thomas.” Titan said before running with Thomas out to Knapford.
While they were running, Thomas got a thought into his head. If no other centaurs were available, then maybe he could pull the train. The idea suddenly made the young alicorn very giddy as he began to run with a skip in his hooves. Titan saw this and could guess why, he rolled his eyes with a smirk and began to mentally prepare for his sons impatience.
When they got to the yard Thomas used his magic to shunt and pull the cars again, and when Edward trotted by with his own train behind him he was surprised to see Thomas looking so spry. “Did Thomas make another milestone Ty?” Zorran asked from the carriage. “No, Henry’s still sick back at the stables, so Thomas thinks he could maybe pull the train if Henry doesn’t show up.” Titan answered making Thomas nod in excitement. “It’s not as easy as you think Thomas, it’s a lot of hard work.” Edward commented as he passed by. “If there’s no strain then there’s no hard work!” Zorran shouted out as they went.
Once Thomas was at the platform he waited to see if Henry would arrive, as the time turned closer for the trains departure and people were climbing into the coaches the fat controllers were standing on the platform waiting for Henry to show up. When it was calling it to close for comfort Sir Bertrum walked up to Thomas and Titan. “Thomas, Titan, I want you to quickly find a carriage car and attach it at the front of the train, you’ll have to take the train.” “Yes sir!” Thomas cheered as he skipped off to find a carriage.
Once the pair found a carriage they put it at the front of the train, Thomas coupled it up to the coaches while Titan got a carriage harness and reins ready for the alicorn. Thomas was then hitched up and Titan sat on the carriage holding the reins. The young colt danced on his hooves with eagerness but the eldest Hatt was quick to intervene, having seen this happen a few times already in his life. “Thomas, remember, there are poachers out there, and there have been a few instances along the route your taking where some tried to shoot at Henry. If you value your safety you need to keep a clear eye out in the shadows for anything shiny like a silver gun barrel. This is a privilege, yes, but it’s one that comes with bigger risks than shunting in a yard.” That instantly dropped Thomas’s excitement when he was reminded yet again of his position. He gulped and nodded to the senior most controller. “Yes sir, I’ll keep my guard up.” “There’s a good colt. Now, Edward will go first, then you, so this next whistle isn’t yours.” Just as Sir Bertrum finished that sentence the whistle for Edward’s platform went, and when the train cleared the signals Thomas’s platform whistle went.
Thomas gave a mighty enchanting neigh before trying to pull the train forward, it was a struggle but he managed to get going. As they travelled along the country side, Thomas couldn’t help but feel free pulling the coaches, he was happily running with the wind through his hair when a glint from a shade in the bushes caught his eye. He then felt his hackles raise, he kicked his magic in full gear to hopefully be strong enough to stop a speeding bullet should one be aimed at him. To the young alicorn’s relief no shots were made, but he was still on high alert as he could feel his father’s aura being rather intense as well, Titan only dropped his threatening aura when they came up to the platforms and started it right back up again when they got the clear to keep going.
This continued throughout the whole journey, Thomas still kept his wits about him though until they got back to the safety of the yard by the end of the day. He was surprised to see Henry in the yard using his antlers to push the trucks and coaches around, he trotted up to the large mythic and gave a friendly bray to let Henry know he was there as he came in. The deer centaur instantly turned his head up and was happy to see Thomas pulling in, he quickly cantered over to greet him as the alicorn came to a stop.
“Thomas! I see you did well with the train?” Henry asked. “I did, though maybe there were a few scares along the way.” “Scares? What do you mean?” Henry asked sounding concerned. “I think I saw a few flashes of silver from the bushes, I couldn’t have been too sure though if they were gun barrels.” Thomas answered. “Oh no, did Sir Bertrum tell you about poachers?” Zak asked as he walked up to them, a grin on his face. “He did, and I don’t know if I should be worried going down that way now…” Thomas answered, not hearing much of the amusement in Zak’s voice. “I can answer that for you Thomas, no. No you shouldn’t be worried. Poachers are a thing but they’re in more country nowhere stretches of line nowadays, Sir Bertrum probably just said that to keep your excitement down and your focus up.”
Thomas was surprised to hear Zak’s words, and was now a little confused. “But, Sir Bertrum said that Henry had been shot at before down that line.” “He did, when he was still new to the railway. Back when this railway used to be just one line with one or two branch lines, it was considered to be country land, so, poachers would be here and try to get at the mythic that worked on the rails. Edward would be able to tell you more, but thankfully those days are considered gone.” “Not quite old friend,” Titan answered Zak as he hopped off from the carriage. “I did sense something out there, Thomas had every right to have his guard up. I don’t think there’s a threat to any of the others, but some people may be gunning for an alicorn score.” “Right…” Zak hissed out awkwardly. “I completely forgot about that if I’m being honest…” “Wouldn’t the Sir Topham’s just give Thomas a guard charm?” Henry asked lifting a gold coin on a string out from around his neck. “Oh so that’s what I’ve been sensing.” Titan commented while looking at the coin.
“What does that do?” Thomas asked. “It’s basically a powerful guard spell that keeps you safe from intent to harm, so if a bullet was coming your way the charm would cancel it and the bullet would vanish before it reached you.” Henry explained then tucking his charm away. “The Sir Topham’s should’ve given you one at some point, Titan can’t always be around to protect you.” Zak said. “Huh… okay. Well, I’d better get this train away, we’ll see you two at the stables latter.” Thomas said before pulling his coaches away to shunt them into a siding.
Once everyone started to retire to the shed they gave they’re praises for Thomas managing to take his first train successfully, they were also empathetic to Thomas’s concerns of poachers. They were giving their own advice on how to deal with poachers when a knock came from the door, and to their surprise it was the fat controllers.
“Hello everyone, I apologize but we couldn’t help but ease drop as we came up to the door. Has something been happening to a few of you on your trains as of late?” Sir Charles asked. “It’s just me sirs, on my first run today I thought I saw something in the shadows, and since I’m an alicorn I’ve sort of become a little concerned.” Thomas answered. “We’ve figured that might of happened sooner or later, news such as an alicorn being on Sodor would spread fast unfortunately.” Sir Charles said. “Which is why I recommended giving Thomas this,” Sir Stephen said as he walked up and gave Thomas a gold coin clasp for his bolo tie with a number 1 etched into it. “This is for your tie Thomas, clip it on and it’ll be your protection charm, you’ll need it for a goods train tomorrow.”
“A goods?” Titan asked looking curiously at his boss. “Yes! We were very impressed by how Thomas managed his train today, so we figured we would give him a longer running train.” Sir Bertrum said. “As for you jockey’s, you’ve been requested to have a meeting with someone, so for tomorrow you won’t be with steeds. Edward, the train Thomas will be taking was your goods, so we want you back in the yard again tomorrow.” Sir Charles said making all the workers very confused. “Hold on sir, this is Thomas’s second ever train, and I’m also his jockey for good reason, what on earth could be so important that I and the rest of the jockey’s would be taken away for?” Titan asked sounding concerned. “You had to leave Thomas behind for a day when he first arrived, he’ll be fine, it’s just from Knapford to Maron. And the person who wants to speak with you all made a very compelling argument, he said something about… a crescent star?” Sir Bertrum said.
The jockey’s grew surprised in unison then looked back up to Titan who looked just as shocked. “Well… guess I can’t keep the man waiting, we’ll be there to meet him sirs.” Titan said tipping his hat with a smile. “Excellent! We’ll see you tomorrow afternoon. As for the rest of you, we’ll leave you to it, have a nice night!” Sir Bertrum said as he and his descendants began to leave. “Goodnight sirs!” everyone chorused.
Once they were gone James jokingly prodded Thomas in the arm to tease him. “Looks like someone is shaping up!” the red stallion cheered. “Hey!” Thomas laughed as he tried to push James’s hands away. “Congratulations Thomas, looks like the Hatt’s are exceptionally proud of you if they want you to take that train.” Zorran commented catching the young colts attention. “What’s with that train that makes it so special?” Thomas asked. “The trucks that make up that train are haunted, and the spirits that possess them are known to be rather mischievous.” Harper said. “So they often like to try and derail the trains.” Zak said. “What? Then why is Thomas pulling them if they have a reputation like that?” Titan asked now filled back with worry. “My best guess is it’s actually a thing for Thomas to do while we have a long overdue talk with you know who.” Zorran chuckled as he floated around above their heads.
“Is he that intrigued?” Titan asked his fellow jockeys. “Oh you bet, he’s been wondering about you ever since you left. And besides, if you’re going to meet him it’s very likely you’ll see the others to.” Harper said with a smile. Titan couldn’t help but smile as well. “It would be nice to see them again, I really do miss Sunshine…” “He’ll be over the moon when he sees you, I just know it.” Zak said chuckling a little. “Well I guess it’ll be a party tomorrow then, I can’t wait to see their shocked faces…” Titan grinned mischievously.
The next morning the jockey’s set their steeds up so they could be working by themselves for the day. Zorran gave Edward a firm handshake and wish good luck, Zak gave Henry a blue bird plush and a hug, Harper listed off instructions to Gordon as the stallion writ them down in a note book, and finally Titan made sure Thomas’s protection charm was firmly on and everything else was secure. Once they were all done they watched as the centaurs all trotted off, leaving their guardians to pack for themselves.
“Just so I’m not caught with my pants down, should I be aware of anything before we arrive?” Titan asked. “We got a few newcomers since you left, we already told you about Oscar.” Zorran said as he packed a bag. “We also had some old faces join, Bluenose believe it or not was discharged from the navy and has been hanging around Magister Star.” Harper commented as he packed some books. “Bluenose?! As in officious naval twit Bluenose?” Titan asked absolutely shocked. “Yep, the one in the same.” Zorran said. “Well sink me, that’s a surprise.” The fallen angel said. “They also managed to get a ocean liner as of recent, she’s a mermaid orca and whale hybrid.” Zorran said with a smirk. “Yeah you and Edward would know,” Zak said in a teasing fashion. “Don’t be rude boys, sharing is caring.” Titan intrigued as he swung his bag over his shoulder. “Yeah, the mermaid is Edward’s long term girlfriend, apparently they’ve know each other ever since before Edward came to Sodor.” Zorran said. “Oh my~” Titan mock covered his mouth with his hand causing the others to laugh.
Once the old sailors were done with their packing they all began to fly over to Arlesbrugh harbor, Zak being carried on Titan’s back. They landed a little away from the town and began to walk in and have a look around, the group ether having never seen this side of the island or not really having the chance to sight see often. But they grew excited when they saw the piers come into view, they began to speed walk to the stairs with Titan in the back, when they got to the level where the building was the former angel hid behind a corner so he could reveal himself in dramatic effect.
Harper, Zak and Zorran turned the corner and cheered a happy ‘Hey!’ that the other mythos in front of the new Star Tug and Marine building copied with a lot more enthusiasm. “Zak! Good to see you again!” A naga said as he slithered up and gave the witch doctor a handshake and then firm hug. “Good to see you as well Zeb! You look great,” Zak commented to his old work colleague. “Zip! Good Christ kid what the hell happened to you?!” Zorran cheered as he saw a tall and large man with big pointy ears in the back and came up to give him a handshake. “Zorran! Good to see you again, and what happened to me? What happened to you?! Is that a goatee I see?” Zip teased back as he and the ghost joked. “Like you have room to say about my facial hair.” Zorran tried to do his best to ruffle Zip’s hair but was proven to be blocked. Zak and Zebedee chuckled at the twos antics, the naga slithering up to separate them and to give Zorran a proper hello. Zak then noticed Zip’s former other half wasn’t at his hip, so he looked around the crowd more and along the building walls were a few benches, one had a merman sitting the closest to Zip. Zak grinned and walked over to sit next to him. “Hey Zug, long time no see.” “Zak, good to see you again, I like how you’ve grown your hair out, and it seems like you’re doing better with your braiding.” The manta ray merman smiled. “Better than what I was doing last time you saw me, that’s for sure.” The former number 3 chuckled.
“Gentlemen, the pleasure is all mine to see you once again!” Harper said as he walked up to his old crew mates. “Nice seeing ya Top ‘at! Oh! You got rid of your monocle!” A merman said from the edge of the pier as his tail swayed over the side. “And I see you got a tattoo Warrior, very fitting and looks splendid!” Top Hat complemented. “Top Hat giving complements? Are we sure this isn’t an imposter?” a burly man with a Scottish accent chuckled. “Can’t even call him Top Hat since he doesn’t wear one anymore,” a shorter man with red hair humoured. “Big Mac! Sunshine! It’s great to see you both again- is that a cane? Mac, since when do you use a cane?” Top Hat asked worryingly when he took notice of the man’s walking stick. “Oh this? I’ve had it for three years now, the lads on the Skarloey railway noticed I’ve been having some aches more often so they made me it, pretty dignifying aye?” Mac asked as he gave the cane a few stamps on the ground. “With the way you ware your pelt now it makes you look very robust in an authoritative way indeed,” Top Hat smiled then turned his attention to Sunshine.
“And Sunshine! You really grew your hair out, don’t you think it deserves a cut by now?” “Nae, I tie it up when I’m on work hours, otherwise it’s kept down.” Sunshine smiled. “I personally like it, it reminds me of the gold falls at the end of Upriver when the sun would hit them just right.” A familiar and deep voice from behind them said as he came from behind. “Hercules!” The former Stars called as they saw the tall man with the sharp blue eyes smile a toothy grin. “Hello m’dears it’s been awhile!” Hercules cheered as he reached to shake Top Hat’s hand. “It’s been far too long, it’s good to hear your voice again.” Top Hat smiled when Warrior caught their attentions. “Oh! Hey Grampus,” Warrior smiled as another more skinnier merman jumped out of the water and sat next to him on the pier. “Hey guys! Long time no swim!” the deep sea merman said as he smiled and waved. “Grampus! How’s the light doing?” Top Hat asked. “Great after we found a vet that actually works with marine mythos, it works better than ever now!” Grampus smiled.
“It would have worked all the same if you hadn’t of gotten it damaged in the first place.” a familiar but irritating voice sounded out as the owner of it stepped off from his boat. “Ah, Bluenose, I didn’t expect you to fancy these sort of meet ups…” Top Hat in a monotone said while Zorran and Zak groaned behind him. “I admit curiosity got the better of me, so I will be here if anyone ‘fancy’s’ my company.” Bluenose said as he walked to a bench and sat down, knowing the answer to that question already. “You’ve got only yourself to blame for that, so don’t ruin the mood with your sulking.” “Kill joy.” Another few familiar voices said as a skeletal man with an eye patch jangled up to the group from his own boat followed by a human Atlantean hybrid. “Sea Rouge! Boomer!” Sunshine cheered as he came up and gave the undead pirates hand a fist bump. “Ay fellas, good to see you again.” Boomer said addressing Top Hat, Zorran and Zak. “Ay Boomer, haven’t seen your mug in a while,” Zak said as he came up to give him a hand shake followed by Zorran.
“So, you’re the one I replaced and heard so much about.” A new more gravelly voice said as its owner watched from the perch of his tugs bow, he jumped off and landed close to the group to walk up to Zak who took a defensive stance. “I can only assume you’re the Oscar I’ve heard about.” Zak said as he and Oscar sized each other up. “Seems we’ve both left a reputation.” Oscar said then offered his hand out for a shake. Zak took it cautiously, but when he saw Oscar give a more confident smile and firmer grip with the shake it spelt respect, Zak smiled back in return. “It’s nice to see you again Zorran, it feels weird not seeing you without your partner in crime.” A voice Zorran knew well spoke from the water and Zorran gave a tip of his hat to the owner of the voice. “It does feel weird seeing you without him here, I’d bet he’d feel jealous. Either way, it’s nice to see you again to miss Orcades.” “You know my preferred name, you can use it.” She insisted. “Alright, Orchid.” Zorran corrected.
“Top Hat, Zak, Zorran, it has been a very long time gentlemen.” A familiar voice said that cut the commotion as a man hobbled out of the door using a staff as a walking stick and a senior merman in a wheelchair following behind him. “Magister Star…” Top Hat smiled as he gave a salute, followed by the other mythos. “It’s good to see you again lads, I see you’ve been doing well.” The old merman said rolling his chair up to them to offer a hug, they each took it in turns before it landed on Top Hat’s turn. “It’s good to see your still around O.J, it’s been a little weird having to be the voices of reason to other mythos.” O.J laughed, “I can only imagen! Haha!” Everyone else gave a chuckle before they heard the heavier footsteps of a large man come up to them, all the mythos minus the jockeys gasped with mouths open when they saw who it was.
“Well now, this is quite the gathering, what are we celebrating?” Titan smiled with a big grin. The whole group didn’t make a sound for a solid minuet before it was Hercules to make the first move, he walked out from behind everyone and approached the now larger mythic. He stood directly in front of Titan’s chest and had to strain his neck to look up into his eyes, what looked back at him were the same blue eyes he had always known, a fierce blue that could always be interpreted as ether a bright hot blue flame, or a fridged unforgiving cold ice, indecisive not unlike humanity.
“Titan…” Hercules whispered as his eyes grew misty with tears, it had been decades since he saw his brother. “Hey Herc.” Titan’s smile broke away into a happy sob, he crushed the man into a tight hug which the other returned in kind. “Gods I missed your hugs, to hell with my height they’re still the same as I remember!” Titan laughed in a hearty jolly boom as he let Hercules go. “To hell with your height indeed, go back to being shorter than me!” Hercules laughed as well as he had to jump to try and ruffle Titan’s hair, knocking his hat off. As the two began to roughhouse a shout came from the crowd as well, “Ten Cents!” Sunshine yelled as he gave a running jump and leaped onto Titan’s back and have a hug around his neck. “Sunshine!” Titan cheered, swinging him around on his neck and sitting him on his shoulders so the shorter man could hug his head. “Man it’s been so long! Don’t you go running off for that long again!” Sunshine shouted as he tried to do his best to noogie the taller mythic. “It’s not like I had a choice, I was a freshly fallen, I had to start working out my options.” Titan chuckled as the others all started to trickle in and approach the former star tug number 1.
As they all started to get reacquainted it was a surprise how much had changed for all of them. “Holy cow, Zip? A controller of a railway?!” Titan gawked as he staired shocked at the man. “Granted it’s nothing like the NWR you’re working on but it’s definitely shaping up, I actually find it more surprising that the fae folk there are letting a pixy be their boss.” Zip said as he pulled a beer bottle out of a cooler he brought. “Huh, if only Magister Zero could see you now, he’d be eating his words.” Titan commented with a chuckle, causing a few of them to look at him with inquisitive looks, mainly Magister Star.
“Have you not seen Zero in hell? I would have thought you would have recognised his aura.” Star asked. “No, no! -Well I mean… okay, I’ve been to hell on some occasions, mainly to serve some errands that Lucifer wanted me to do among the angels on earth or some higher ranking demons, but I’ve never stuck around long enough to sight see, hell! I didn’t even know he was studying in hell until you just told me.” Titan said. “I’d have thought the devil would have mocked you for it.” Mac said grabbing a beer and sandwich as well. “What do you think he is? Ten thousand years old?” Titan asked, making the others nod in a fair point.
“Speaking of age, how old are you now Ty? I thought angels aged very slow.” O.J asked. “Once it was drawing closer to Thomas’s birthday I was allowed to go into heaven for a few errands and excess training, we went into a different area of heaven where time moves much faster, so to me it was another few centuries but on earth it was maybe a month at a time.” “How old are you now then?” Hercules asked. “Fifty million.” “Jesus!” Star said shocked. “No I’m Titan.” the fallen angel joked causing a laugh around the group. “But alright enough about me, what happened after I left?” he asked.
Star started off. “Well, after you left all of us were pretty sad, we all didn’t know if we would ever see you again so we started mourning you as if you were dead. I remember Hercules took the worst to it.” Hercules nodded his head in sad agreement. “And as I’ve told you I was replaced.” Zak said then the magister continued, “After a few months we started to fall into a better routine, we were down one switcher but we managed until I could purchase a new one,” “And that would have been me.” Sea Rouge said raising his hand. “You Rouge?” Titan asked sounding surprised. “Yep, the navy bought the munitions factory and that left me without a job since they didn’t want mythic as staff members, especially undead ones, they thought we were a bad omen.” “But then two years later the navy base was relocated, saying they didn’t want soldiers and military equipment so close to civilians.” Bluenose followed up from Sea Rouge. “And I’m betting they couldn’t take you with them so they sold you,” Titan smirked. “No actually, when we were relocating they did a mass inspection on everyone’s records, including mine. So after an extensive view into mine they found me more suitable for civilian company work instead of the navy, so they discharged me.” Bluenose corrected. “That’s a load of dredge and you know it!” Sunshine remarked rolling his eyes. “He attacked a human officer and he was chased off.” Rouge answered making the others chuckle. “You know what I can’t say I’m surprised.” Titan acknowledged.
“Then a few years later Boomer joined us again.” Sunshine commented. “Yeah, the council decided that maintaining a house boat wasn’t such a good idea, and tenants never appeared to stay long even with me being their personal butler that came with the house.” Boomer said. “They were going to scrap his boat and then run Boomer back through the trade, so I stepped in before they could do that. I paid for his restoration and brought him back, it ended up being a pretty good investment as Boomer worked as a large switcher able to do harbor tug work and switching.” Star commented also giving Boomer a pat on the back.
“Did his jinx come back after I turned?” Titan asked. “No it didn’t surprisingly enough,” Boomer said looking down to the tattoo and scar on his right arm. “To be fair mine didn’t disappear after you turned ether, I remember you and I were discussing it before you left but we never finished that conversation.” Hercules said looking down to his own scared and tattooed right arm. “And I’m afraid a few million years later didn’t give me any answers ether, the angels involved with Lucifer’s fall didn’t have any blessings with humans at the time because so far it was only Adam and Lilith around, so none of them could tell me if their blessings stayed after they got turned.” Titan grumbled. “Well maybe you’re the first, you can probably figure it out still.” O.J encouraged. “I’m not the first by far, the problem is that angels that had given blessings in more recent centuries that turned fallen had their “bless-ies” die from ether war, sickness, or just old age. Apparently angels just haven’t been giving blessings all that much anymore and it only happens in the span of three decades now.” Titan said earning a concerned look from the group.
“So heaven has been retreating from earth for a few generations as of late?” Star asked. “It’s not like hell has been doing much ether, the demons that are here are a lot more like Zero than anything else, not causing trouble and just living among humans.” “So what? Christianity mythos are kind of just flattening out?” Mac asked. “Basically yeah, but I’m sure once another sickness or war comes about they’ll be popping back up again.” Titan said. “Good time to be raising Thomas then without any divine intervention ay?” Zorran commented. “You have no idea, the few demons I have come across have been small potatoes but I wouldn’t want to run into another Johnny.” The others grew frowns and nodded in agreement, a demon like the one that could go toe to toe with Titan was one they didn’t hope to encounter again.
“Getting back on topic, how did you guys get from America to here?” Titan asked. “Well after Boomer joined us we had a few years peace before world war two came, and that’s when Zero wanted to sell his business as he saw it a prime time to move into hell for his more demonic studies. We’d all grown rather familiar with the zeds over the decades and the idea of them being separated and not seeing each other anymore set a lot of us off, so I bought Zero’s business, and then the zeds were stars. Afterwards I thought it would have been a good idea to relocate, so I found Sodor after a while and we moved here.” Star answered. “Then after a few years of working around the docks here a few of us wanted a change, so some of us went our separate ways and went for other carriers.” Top Hat said. “Then that was when a few of us went inland a little more, me and Top Hat found Zak riding on Henry’s back when we went into Knapford and he told us all about a jockeys life, and the rest his history.” Zorran concluded.
“Now enough about us, how did you get from last we saw you to raising my nephew?” Hercules asked sounding very interested in Thomas. “Well after I left I was on the run for a bit from other angels that would have sensed an over powered demon on earth, after I learned how to go to hell I ran straight to my brother Lucifer to see if he could help me since I’ve actually talked to him before.” Titan said. “I remember that, before we joined Magister Star a man in a suit came and talked to you.” Hercules recalled. “Yep, that was him giving me some support should I ever need it. Anyway, I talked to him and he got me started on some more demonic magic that he would teach me if I ran errands for him, I agreed at the time because my angel magic wasn’t working that well anymore and I needed a new method of defence. After I was good enough in some crafts I went back out onto earth to see about getting a meeting with my family, to my surprise almost the same day I was out of hell, who would greet me but some of my most powerful brothers Michael and Amenadiel! …” Titan gave a bit of a pause as he recounted the even with hurt in his eyes.
“They had been sensing me since I first turned but had no idea it was me, so when my demonic signature disappeared and then came back stronger they decided they needed stronger angels. They were, believe me when I tell you, surprised to heaven and back when they saw it was me… both of them instantly grew concerned and wanted to bring me straight back to heaven to get this mess sorted out but then we quickly realised I would burn up before I got close enough. So for a few years I was bouncing back and forth between training on earth and hell to get stronger, once I was deemed fit enough they saddled a lot of magic buffers on me and we began praying that I wouldn’t burn to ash on the way up. So after all that we got to the silver city and surprise, surprise! Dad wasn’t home. So with that hope dashed, we then started to look into how an angel can get their position back in the old scripts, and we found that raising another god-like being could win your favour back… And so I believe you can guess the rest from there.”
“They pointed you in the direction of Thomas from there and I’m betting the rest is history.” Zorran stated and Titan nodded. “I’m surprised that alicorns are even still around, I thought they went extinct ages ago.” Zip commented. “Thomas was a divine intervention, so I’m not sure he counts as a natural. The truth is heaven hasn’t seen another alicorn in centuries, so for all we know is that their ether hiding really well, or they are just gone.” Titan said while rubbing the back of his neck. “So he doesn’t have any potential mentors?” Magister Star asked.
“He does, for the basics at least. After that though I have no clue.” Titan said. “We were actually discussing at one point that maybe you could teach him sir.” Zak said. “I was actually thinking for maybe the more advanced stuff, he’s going to be the demi-god of the night sky so that’s a lot of astrology magic he’s going to be packing.” Titan cleared up since he knew his old magisters art of magic was a lot more advanced than what Thomas was ready for.
Magister Star stamped his staff on the ground and a stack of books appeared in front of him. “Astrology magic is one of those types that you’d better start studying sooner rather than later, the beginner stuff isn’t even all that complicated, it’s firstly reading the stars and finding out the constellations, you can do that with any book.” He said levitating the books over to Titan who caught them in his arms.
“Okay, what’s after that then?” Titan asked. “Next would be water manipulation since the easiest subject of that type of magic is lunar currents, but I imagine learning to read the stars will take up most of his time while also learning the basics.” Star said. “Oof, learning to manipulate water can be pretty difficult. I’d be happy to help once he gets to that level.” Zebedee offered. “I actually already know how to use astronomy slips, I used them when I had to go out at sea back in the day, so maybe I could help in that department.” Hercules said. Titan smiled, “It would also be a good moment to introduce his uncles, I don’t see any reason why not.” “It’d be really good for him I imagen, since he’s only known you for his whole life.” Zak said.
“So, what’s Thomas doing now at least? He starting with the basic’s on trucks? Has he got shunting down? Magic so far?” Zip asked. “He’s running a goods train for the first time today, he’s gotten okay with bucking or shunting, and so far he’s gotten a start on levitation and figured out how to glide.” Titan answered proudly.
On the other side of the island, Thomas was souring above the tracks with his train being levitated behind him as he screamed to get himself under control while going down a hill. “AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!” “ON! ON! ON!” The haunted trucks chanted and laughed maniacally.
“Impressive, sounds like he’s flourishing already.” Magister Star praised. “Oh Zorran? How is Edward doing?” Orchid asked. “He’s alright, he’s been teaching Thomas how to shunt and the beginner steps to pulling trains. It’s honestly rather adorable watching those two work together.” Zorran chuckled. Orchid couldn’t help but share the sentiment, she always found it adorable when her love was with kids, it made her fantasise what could be someday for the two of them if they were careful and played their cards right.
Something then came to Titan’s realisation like a lightning bolt after he heard Orchid, he realised an old acquaintance of theirs from back in Bigg City wasn’t with them, and he was sure that under no circumstances would his brother leave them behind. “Huh… Oi Herc, I just realised, how come Lillie isn’t here with you?” Everyone seemed to grow quiet with a look of distain on their faces as they all looked to Hercules to see what he would do, Zebedee actually held onto the dragon’s arm in an act of trying to comfort him. “Lillie and I had a huge falling out before we left for Sodor Ty, she hit some rather raw nerves and we said some things we shouldn’t have. Since then after arriving here, me and Zebedee had actually grown rather close, now we’ve been dating for two years.” Hercules said with a kind smiled at the end and pulled Zebedee in for a hug and kiss on top of his head.
Titan was surprised, he honestly didn’t know what Hercules’s tastes were but now he could see that he liked them kind but strong. He was now finding some humour in how Hercules and Zebedee didn’t get together in secret sooner. “Daw! Well I’m glad you’ve found it in each other, you two could do brilliant together.” Titan praised. “Wait, really? I thought Christianity didn’t allow same sex relationships.” Harper said sounding confused along with a few others also looking puzzled. “Guys I was in my thirteen-thousands when ancient Greece was coming to an end, I’ve grown up watching humans and mythic doing all sorts of things they probably shouldn’t have done or were testing the waters. So in my opinion, you guys are alright and I support it. My other family members though tend to be divided, some like it, some don’t, but like I’ve said before Christianity mythos aren’t all that present anymore on earth, so there’s nobody really stopping you. Except the law here of course, I imagen Magister Star wouldn’t want a complaint that someone saw you two kissing in public.” Titan chuckled that last part with the others finding it a little funny to. “I’ve already had letters about that actually, and I tell them to ether talk to me in person about it, or to mind their own business. You know those paper balls I’ve been having you burn Hercules?” “Yes?” “Those have been them.” Hercules grinned maliciously at his magisters petty revenge who returned the gesture.
“If we’re on the topic of relationships, I’ve actually been dating a girl since we got here.” Sunshine commented with a smile. “Oh yeah! How’s that been going for ya?” Mac asked while giving the shorter man’s hair a small ruffle. “Heh-heh! Well, we’ve actually been talking about kids lately, I’m okay for it but she want some more security before we bring a new life into the world.” “Oh that’s nice Sunshine, congrats!” Titan cheered for his old bestie. “Anyone else been seeing somebody?” Titan asked.
Zip gently poked Zug’s head to get him to shoosh when he lamented his own woes about his love experience so far. “I’m honestly not too interested at the moment, but it seems girls can never get the hint, even some men have been staring at me. It feels weird, yeck!” Zip shivered that last part out. “Maybe you should go around with a sign on your chest and back saying- ‘Not interested in you or anyone else’.” Harper chuckled a little. “You know what, next valentines day I’m doing that.” Zip said with new confidence making the others chuckle at his enthusiasm. “How do the three fairy-teers find your troubles?” Zug asked.
“Yeah, I wanna know more about you’re little railway.” Titan said having all eyes on Zip. “Well as Zug said, there’s three of them. Rex, Mike, and Bert. Rex is the leader of the trio, although Mike likes to think he’s the leader. Rex is a green hairstreak butterfly with a bit of a wing deformation, his top wing tips are a little too small, so he sometimes has issues stopping or taking off. Mike is sort of a hot head but means well, and oddly enough he prefers goods to passengers any day of the week. He’s a red admiral and I swear when he gets mad, his red glows brighter. Bert is the eldest and a adonis blue, the best way to put him I guess would be shy, he’s a bit of a shy flyer to but I’ve been looking into why that could be.” “You do know one out of three working flyers isn’t a good thing right?” Zorran asked looking sceptical at Zip.
“And three out of five swimmers with one unable to touch water wasn’t ideal for Zero yet he kept you on.” Zip retorted back rendering Zorran’s argue mute and having the others give a laugh. “Haha! He’s got you there Zorran.” Zebedee laughed. “Zip go back to being an idiot.” Zorran teased. “No. Anyhow, I actually want to hear more about the Skarloey from Big Mac, how have the fauns been?” Zip asked causing Big Mac to be put in the light.
“They’ve been alright, Skarloey and Rheneas are the same-old-same-old. But recently we’ve gotten some new commers, their names are Duke, Falcon, Stuart, Duncan, Proteus and Andreas. All of them are rescues from around the area, Duke, Falcon and Stuart were all from the Mid-Sodor Railway near Arlesdale, but that railway obviously closed down to make your railway Zip.” Big Mac said making a sigh breath out of Zip. “Phew, I’m glad. I was wondering what happened to the mythos that used to run the line before us, I’m glad they didn’t leave Sodor.” “Yeah, they’re disappointed that they had to leave their home, but they’re managing to move on okay I think.” Mac said with a sombre tone. “But anyway, Duncan, Proteus and Andreas were all different cases. Andreas was found near the hills close to Cros-ny-Cuirn, he’s a faun ghost who haunts a locomotive that was built in world war 1, he talks odd, speaks about machines with faces that aren’t mythic, ghosts are a fantasy as well as mythos.” “How..?” Sunshine directed to Mac confused.
“We have no idea. But he’s floating around like a new death, and also like if he’s figuring out life for the first time as well. For him it’s like- forget he phases through things when he tries to grab them, it’s like it’s his first time having hands at all. And it’s not like he has amnesia, he told us his name and he even said he knew who Skarloey, Rheneas, Duke, Falcon, Stuart and Duncan were, although all of them claim to have never met him. He also remembers his death, saying he was in a gorge that passed through the hills he was found on, and a landslide of rocks crushed him.” “That’s… really bizarre.” Zak said with his mind rolling over in theory’s to Andreas’s condition. “I was actually hoping you could shed some light on him Zak, maybe give a reading or some therapy?” Mac asked. “I’m not a professional Mac, but I’ll do my best to lend an ear or an explanation, mythic ghosts are already rare enough as is, I’d be excited to get the chance to see one.” Zak nodded smiling.
“You said Duncan and Proteus were also rescues?” Titan reminded. “Ah! Right, okay so Proteus was cursed when he was young to only see through flames, so he carries a lantern around with him wherever he goes. But as an extra downside, the flame often burns his fat instead of burning the candle or wood it’s on, so he’s also very thin to the point he’s a walking skeleton practically. He’s selectively mute though, and often talks in sign or uses his hair or tail to spell out letters or make little puppet shows.” “Ooh, poor guy. Best to not let me near him anytime soon.” Sunshine said rubbing his arm.
“And Duncan?” Hercules asked. “Duncan came from a horrible railway in Scotland, it had a reputation for being a garbage working environment for the humans but it was outright cruelty for the fauns that worked there. Instead of maintaining their hooves or horns, they would have them removed and have their fur and hair shaved down to the skin, then have the area burned so it wouldn’t grow back. They didn’t get given clothes even if they were girls, and the most common cause of death there was being overworked until they dropped. Duncan was very lucky in a sense because he only got a branding scar and his hooves removed, otherwise he’s in great physical condition, but his head is definitely not in the right place. He’s rude, aggressive in some cases, stubborn, and complains a lot.” “To be fair, I’d be that way if I was from a place like that.” Rouge said. “Yeah, I hope he gets the help he needs.” Zebedee said. “I hope all of them do, fauns aren’t known from coming of the best origins.” Titan said causing everyone to agree, they liked the fauns on this island.
As they all chattered on throughout the day and into the evening, Zorran then noticed the position the sun was in and then noticed the time. “Oh crap, we’d better get going back home soon guys. I imagen a few of our steeds will be missing us.” Titan then noticed the time to and jumped. “Oh yeah, let’s get going. Sorry to cut this here guys, but we’ve got places to be.” “It’s alright m’dears we get it.” Hercules said giving Titan a hug goodbye. “Aye you lads go back to your colleagues and kids.” Mac said giving a smile and waving them off. “Ay make sure you bring Thomas around here sometime Titan, I’m pretty sure we’d all like to meet him soon.” Star said giving his send offs as well. “Done, you’ll get to meet him soon. We’ll being seeing you lot!” Titan said as he got up and started walking off with the other jockeys following him. “Goodnight everyone!” Harper called, “See ya bozos later!” Zak hollered. The other sailors said their own farewells as they watched the jockeys take off into the pink and orang skies on their way back towards Tidmouth stables.
When the four landed back down close to Tidmouth they saw a really bizarre sight. Thomas was actually flying around in the field! He was being chased by Gordon who was running and would try to leap and swat Thomas’s hooves, and James was platforming across pillars of onyx he had erupted from the ground after the alicorn as well. Edward and Henry were resting at the top of the small hill watching this all play out until they spotted the jockeys return and Edward waved them hello and to beckon them over.
Once they had gotten to the two they had some questions. “What’s going on here?” Harper asked as he was confused by Gordon’s odd behaviour. “Don’t get they’re attentions yet, you’ll ruin their fun.” Edward chuckled as he watched the three. “Are you saying their actually playing?” Zorran asked surprised as he knew his partners choice of words quite well. “Yes they are, Thomas made another huge milestone today and when he got back to the station he was flying in loops around the support beams of the canopy. It apparently caught Gordon’s attention so the two have been playing all the way back here with James joining in at some point after a little teasing.”
Titan was excited by Edward’s words. “Really? What did he do?” “Apparently when he was taking his first train the haunted troublesome trucks started to get away from him and made him become a runaway down Gordon’s hill, but in a panic he got back the control by levitating the whole train off the rails and then flying ahead of it like what pegasi do on the mainland. He was so proud of himself and managed to do it again on purpose with his next trains, and by the time he was finished he was so excited he hasn’t touched the ground again since.” Edward gleamed as he watched Thomas soar around.
Titan was horrified that Thomas had become a runaway but then felt his chest swell up with pride when he heard of his boys accomplishment, he beamed a broad sharp teethed grin then made a small skip off the hill with his own wings suddenly revealing out from behind his back and flying towards his son.
He swerved around the alicorn laughing with absolute glee, “Thomas! I just heard! I am so proud of you! Well done!” Titan cheered as he circled his child. Thomas smiled big and wide as well with his tail wagging behind him as he then began to give chase to his old man.
The rest of the afternoon was of the flyers playing a game of air tag with some of the runners trying to catch them from the ground, it wasn’t until the fat controllers came did the fun stop and the professionalism return as everyone landed and stood at attention.
“Well done Thomas! The station master’s along your route told us about your save and then progress for the remainder of your trains, great job!” Sir Bertrum said with the other Hatt’s having smiles of their own. “Thank you sir,” Thomas smiled with his tail and ears flicking with excitement. “Unfortunately though Thomas, we want to give you another job but tomorrows trains are already taken. You and Edward will have to shunt in the yard since there’s been a bit of a backlog.” Sir Charles said. Thomas then frowned, he didn’t like this news but didn’t have much of a choice. “Okay sirs, I’ll be in the yard tomorrow with Edward.” “It won’t be all that bad Tommy, on the plus side, Edward can teach you all there is to know on haunted trucks so they don’t cause you trouble again.” Zorran pointed out causing Titan to smile and give his nod to Thomas who gave it some thought then shrugged with a smile.
Once the fat controllers were satisfied that everyone understood their jobs they left for the night causing the others to also retire to the stables. Gordon immediately pulled Thomas to the side and began to preen his wings while the young colt stripped to get into his pyjamas, but he found it difficult to do so since anytime he pulled away Gordon pulled right back to finish the job properly. Eventually Thomas gave in and let Gordon preen him until he was done. Dinner was another Edward special with Titan at the cook pot as well to help read out the cookbook James had gotten Edward, by the end everyone was ready for bed say for Henry who was growing a headache and kept gripping his antlers, whimpering most of the night in pain.
The next morning everyone had gotten up bright and early, Thomas had a piece of toast still in his mouth as he was about to run out the door to meet the others in the yard but was quickly greeted to a slap in the face of rain and cold. “Gah!” Thomas jumped and skidded back indoors, the toast now soggy. “Um… it’s raining.” The others chuckled at the colt. “Hnn….” Henry groaned, doing his best to hide under the table while looking terrified up at the ceiling. “Come on Hen, you’ve gotta train to pull today.” Zak soothed. But the lighting strike did little encouragement for the deer centaur.
“Why is Henry so afraid of the rain anyway?” Thomas asked as Titan gave him a raincoat to fit his body. “A storm happened after Henry escaped his old home, he apparently got very lost in the rain. So most rainy days bring back those bad memories.” Zak explained. Thomas hummed, he wanted to help Henry, but didn’t know how… he looked down at his wings and started drying them off when he felt the underside of his wing, it was still dry, the water hadn’t gone through his wings and soaked them. That gave Thomas an idea then, he gently wrapped his wing around Henry’s back and held his hand. “It’ll be alright Henry, I’ll walk with you. If you stay under my wings, you won’t get wet.” “It’s not the wetness of it Thomas, it’s-” Henry was cut off by another thunder struck, but before it could even finish Thomas had held his hands up to Henry’s ears and instead of a thunderclap, all Henry heard was a twinkling sound, like small windchimes, but Henry was honestly just reminded of the stars when he heard it.
“What…?” Henry questioned. Thomas went to remove his hands but Henry was quick to grab them and hold them back up to his ears, he heard the same twinkling sound again when he did so, confusing him. “Can anybody else hear that?” Henry asked. “Hear what?” Gordon asked. “Thomas’s hands sound like stars.” Henry stated earning a few confused looks from the others. “Oh that? It’s just something Thomas is able to do, he himself can’t hear it but others can. If you were to let his wing wrap around your head you’d hear something akin to a night sky ambiance, and depending on the season you’ll hear more wintery night sounds.” Titan cleared up. “Really?” James questioned and sat down beside Thomas to have his wing wrap around him, and sure enough when James listened he could hear crickets chirping and winds blowing like he was near a beachside at night. “Oooh! That’s neat!” James grinned.
Zak then smiled. “Think you could do this until the station Thomas?” “Sure! You ready Henry?” Thomas asked removing one hand. “Umm… we can definitely try.” Henry hushed out, not having much faith in this plan. “Let’s rattle and roll then!” Thomas chirped, helping Henry get his large body out from under the table.
With wings over their bodies, and hands over Henry’s hunched down head, Thomas walked with the giant forest spirit to the big station, the others trotting in tow. Every time a thunder strike would sound off, all Henry heard was a shooting star pass by. And Henry wouldn’t be able to promise, but he could swear that when looking through Thomas’s wings, he’d see the night sky instead of cloudy grey day.
Eventually they made it to the station canopy where Henry was left to his own devices, the rain had started to let up and the thunder became a distant drum in the back of the band. He even became brave enough to stick his hand out into the lasting drops and let them fall on his antlers, flowers growing in places where the water landed. Thomas was pleased and left to go to the yard for the days shunting, watching Edward join him with Gordon and James heading to wait at their platforms for their trains.
After the two smaller blue steeds had gotten the trains ready and to their respective haulers, Edward shook his body to rid it of the water, with oddly enough a little steam seeming to flow off of him. Thomas used his magic to get the water off himself, finding he’d just drench Titan and Edward again if he shook it off. “Well, that was refreshing.” Titan mentioned as he steamed the water off his body. “I could have done without…” Zorran said as his normally translucent body was looking a little more transparent than usual. “Zak’s waterproofing seemed to have worked on you though.” Titan commented. “Yeah he perfected that not long before he left, and thank god to, being a ghost working on the water is not a smart thing, let alone in a county where 70% of its weather is rain!” Zorran shouted getting his opacity back to normal.
“Do ghosts not do well with water?” Thomas asked. “No they don’t, for most types of ghosts water is basically like acid to us, we can’t touch it.” Zorran stated while he played with his transparency a bit. “Which is weird since you say you remember being brought back in a sailors outfit.” Titan commented with a smirk. Zorran however groaned, “I don’t know! Maybe I just liked playing pretend in a past life, or maybe I died coming home from sailing! Grr!” “Easy, Zak says he’s working every day to help with your amnesia, something like that has just gotta take time.” Edward did his best to soothe. “Thanks for telling me how my own treatment works Eddie.” Zorran snipped making Edward raise his hands and back away.
“Amnesia?” Thomas asked. “It’s when you lose your memories, so basically you forget who you are or who your family are. In Zorran’s case he was human at some point then passed away, he doesn’t remember how that happened, or who he was in his past life. To him he just woke up on a beach in the middle of the night one day, no clue of who he was or how he got there.” Titan explained. “No clue what I even was ether, so admittedly I screamed when I saw a human for the first time, thinking they were wrong somehow instead of the other way around, hehe… that was a funny time.” Zorran chuckled. “Oh… and the sailor outfit?” Thomas asked.
“Depending on how humans die can be the way how their brought back as a spirit, for example if a sailor drowned out at sea they would have an immunity to water as a ghost. Or if they died to hypothermia they’d make a room cold if they walked into it. Y’know, thematic stuff. So the others find it weird that if I was potentially a sailor I would’ve drowned out at sea, and have an immunity to water, but as you can see that is not the case.” Zorran explained. “So at least you can rule out a watery grave, maybe you could’ve died to a heart attack or something?” Thomas suggested. “That’s not an option, humans dying to a “natural death” doesn’t give them a pass to become a ghost. So if a human dies of old age they won’t be brought back, same with other things like cancer.” Zorran clears up. “Maybe you were murdered then? Poisoning? Gun shot?” Thomas asked. “I’d have a strong sense of smell or “vision” to poisons then, and if it was a gunshot I’d more than likely be a vengeful spirit instead of a wandering one like what Zak classified me as.” Zorran cleared, looking disinterested from the conversation as he’d heard all the theory’s a thousand times. “What would magic do?”
That threw Zorran’s head for a loop. “Huh?” “Magic, like if a strike of magic lightning hit you, what would that do?” Thomas asked. “I…. don’t know, you’d have to ask Zak about that, he’s more knowledgeable in the dead than I am.” Zorran said. “Not something you’ve taken into consideration is it Zorran?” Titan asked. “No… I honestly didn’t even think of if I previously dealt with mythos in my past, maybe I was cruel towards them and an uprising happened.” Zorran pondered in thought. “Weird to think that for you… you’re rough around the edges but hurting other mythos is not really something I would pin you with.” Edward commented. “Thanks Eddie.” “AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!”
All the mythos suddenly looked to the entrance of the yard to see James coming in hot with a row of haunted trucks behind him, sliding him along the rails, and the sound of breaking gemstone grinding against the ballast and rails. “HELP! THEIR PUSHING ME! THEIR PUSHING ME!” James yelled as he was spat back out of the yard and down one of the branch lines. “James!” Thomas and Edward shouted, bolting after the runaway stallion with their jockey’s quickly running into the station to tell the fat controllers.
As the two gained speed Thomas tried to get a running start to fly and started flapping his wings to get him air born. “Thomas! Be careful!” Edward shouted after the young colt as he watched him get above the ground and fly after James. Thomas flew as hard as he could manage to get to the head of the train, the smell of cutting geo being awful, but that meant that James could be in a lot of pain. “James!” Thomas shouted as he flew overhead of James. “Thomas! You’re flying?!” “Not the time! Use your magic! Try and slow the train down!” “What do you think I’ve been doing?!! Their repelling my magic! My body is breaking apart! If I don’t stop soon I’ll shatter!” “Hold on! I have an idea!”
Thomas’s horn started to brightly glow, layers of magical aura stacking on top of each other as it became obvious Thomas was planning something big. Then, with little warning, Thomas started to levitate the entire train! “GAAAHHHH!!” Thomas screamed as he raised his head like a wand, picking up the runaway! “Woah! Go Thomas!” James cheered. “No! On, on, on!” The troublesome trucks chanted as they realised they were being slowed down, but what nobody realised that with the train being picked up off the ground, James suddenly had not ground to stand on. With a slip of his hooves, James suddenly found himself succumbing to gravity.
“Huh? Oh no! Thomas! AAAAAHHHH!” James shrieked as he plummeted to the earth. Thomas gasped! “James!” He bolted down to hopefully catch the black steed but it was too late, James landed on the ballast with a crash! Onyx chunks flying everywhere! “GAAHHH!” James screamed as he lay broken on the dirt. “James!” Thomas cried as he came in for the rough landing, setting the trucks beside the track so they wouldn’t be going anywhere. “James! Are you okay?” Thomas panicked as he fell to the unicorns side. James groaned, “Ow…” “Oh no, oh no, no-no-no-no, I-I need to find Henry! He should be able to fix you!” “Thomas! James!” Edward shouted from the distance as he came toward the crash site. “James!” Edward gasped as he quickly came to his work colleagues aid. “Come on, we have to get him back to Knapford. Thomas, think you could carry him back and fly at the same time?” Edward asked with urgency. “I’ll give it my dammed best shot.” Thomas assured then took James in his arms, swinging him onto his back then getting another running start to fly.
When Thomas got back to Knapford he could see the jockeys already out in the platform with the Hatt’s, he brayed as hard as he could as he came in for the landing, it was wonky but it was successful none the less. “James shattered!” Thomas cried running up to the adults. “What?!” The fat controllers gasped as Thomas trotted up to show them who was on his back. James’s entire equine body was gone, shattered and broken at his hips, his arms hardly staying together with chunks falling off and crumbling the more he held onto Thomas for dear life, his horn even cleaved away at the base.
“Zorran, go get Henry here, now!” Sir Bertrum ordered. “Yes sir!” Zorran saluted before he was gone with the wind in the direction of the mainline. “Hold on James, you’re going to feel a little odd, just try not to grab as much as you can.” Sir Stephen warned before his eyes started to glow and he rested his hands on James’s chest and shoulder. “Grab…? Gya!” James was taken aback by the sudden flood of magic that rushed through his veins, considering he went from weak and exhausted to suddenly feeling energised in a second. He could see what Sir Stephen suddenly meant by grabbing, the immortal man giving his magic to James willingly so he could recover. But now he was vulnerable, if James so desired he could drain his bosses magic for himself quite easily and get a huge magic boost out of it, the magic was incredibly tempting as well, almost like a drug. But James just sat there on his back, keeping his body together as much as possible until Henry arrived.
Which thankfully wasn’t long. An elk cry could be heard sprinting into the station and skipping across the platforms to get to them. “What happened?” Henry demanded, nudging Stephen out of the way. “The trucks pushed him into becoming a runaway and he started to break.” Thomas explained. “Told him he should’ve gotten that cracking checked.” Titan crossed his arms only to be smacked at the side of the head. “Not the time Ten Cents.” Zorran scolded. “Okay, James do you need anything specifically for you to regenerate?” Henry asked, setting his hands on his friend to begin healing his bleeding wounds. “Minerals… a metal and gemstone, and a safe place.” James croaked out.
Sir Stephen removed his tie to reveal a ring on a necklace, it had a gold band with a ruby center stone and two smaller onyx’s to the side. “Wait Stephen, that’s-” “I’m well aware what it is.” Sir Stephen cut his father off then gave his ring to the broken centaur. James brought it up to his mouth and quickly swallowed it, what happened next made everyone go into shock. Ruby started to form over James’s body like a rash that slowly grew larger and denser, it had quickly encased him in a chrysalis like he was frozen in ice.
Once the growing had stopped Henry double checked to see if James was alive. “Phew… He’s alright, I think he’s just gone into a stasis.” Henry said much to everyone’s relief. “What even is James? Theres no way he’s 100% centaurian.” Zorran said looking down to the Hatt’s hoping they might have an answer. “We don’t know, it just said that he was a unicorn when we saw the advertisement, so we purchased him.” Sir Charles said. “Well ether way, when James does recover from this he’ll have some serious questions to answer. For now though, I’m going to bring him back to Tidmouth for him to rest, at least that way he’ll wake up in a familiar space. …When he wakes up…” Henry said that last part to himself. He hoisted James’s encased body into his arms and began to start trotting towards the sheds, Thomas was about to start walking with him when Sir Bertrum stopped him.
“Hold on now Thomas, I’m confident Henry has it from here. You’re still needed however and now more than ever since we’re down a unicorn. I want you to gather the breakdown train and bring it to recover the troublesome trucks, after that you’ll be taking James’s trains while he’s out of commission.” Thomas wanted to argue but knew better than to make the eldest Hatt cross, so he solemnly nodded and quickly skipped over the tracks to get hitched up to the breakdown cranes. A crew consisting of two twin ghosts floated out of the cranes and over to Thomas, greeting him with a sense of urgency.
“Is there an emergency?” “Has anyone been hurt?” “Are medical assistance on the scene?” They bombed Thomas with questions. “Easy Judy and Jerome, it’s just gonna be a salvage. Don’t hound the young man.” Zorran eased as he floated over to Thomas and sat at the lead of the carriage attached to the hitch, picking up the reins and giving them a flick for Thomas to get moving. “I’m gonna be your jockey for this Thomas, Titan volunteered to take Henry’s train on.” “Oh thank you Zorran. Alright, let’s go!” Thomas pulled out of the siding and down the line to the crash site, arriving to see the various trucks groaning with some of them even unpossessing their hauntings to help the others righting their rolling stock back onto the track. “I hope you trucks learned something from all of this…” Thomas frowned at them, using his own magic to start helping to re-right them with Judy and Jerome summoning chains from themselves and using them to lift up the trucks as well.
Later in the day after Thomas had finished packing away the trucks and taking the cargo to its intended destination, then taking the trucks to the works to be repaired, he flew back to Tidmouth stables very late and exhausted. But to his surprise, there was a small party waiting for him! The steeds and jockeys as well as some workmen were there to welcome him home, clapping and cheering as a small banquet was being prepared.
“Well done Thomas, today you really proved to be the best of us.” Edward congratulated as he set down a few appetizers. “Congrats kiddo, you really pulled a power move today.” Zak applauded. “Incredibly well done young Crescent, you’ve grown so far in such a short amount of time.” Harper smiled. “We couldn’t agree more!” Sir Bertrum said as he walked up with his family in tow along with a few familiar faces to the jockeys.
“Magister? What are you doing here?” Harper asked when he saw Magister Star behind the controllers. “It was the Hatt’s idea, might as well make it a proper party to celebrate such an achievement. And a reward if what I’ve been told is correct,” The wizard chuckled. “Indeed, now everyone gather round, this is big news!” Sir Charles said beckoning all the steeds in. Once everyone was standing at attention Sir Stephen stood up on a small crate to address everyone. “I’d first like to say to everyone thank you for coming, tonight is a splendid night indeed. We are here to congratulate Thomas Crescent’s achievements for today, saving the life of a fellow work colleague, and making milestones in his achievements of learning how to use magic and to fly, this we believe is worthy of celebrations as well as a handsome reward! Thomas, won’t you step out to the front?”
The young colt did so with his head held high at attention. “Thomas, due to your unselfish bravery and heroism, it is my honour to reward you with your very own branch line!” Sir Charles beamed as another wave of applause sounded out. Thomas smiled and bounced from hoof to hoof in happiness, hugging the stout gentlemen for good measure. “Oh thank you sirs! I promise I won’t let you down!” The men all chuckled, and when Thomas let go Sir Stephen presented him with a metal name board. “Ffarquhar?” Thomas questioned when he read it. “That’s a breast board, you wear it as a belt so it lays flat on your second chest, it helps passengers read what service your pulling.” Harper clarified. “And that’s the name of the branch line you’ll be running, from Knapford to Ffarquhar.” Sir Bertrum answered. “Oh!” Using his magic Thomas made the plate float over where it would sit on his body. “How does it look?” “Ya wear it like a pro kiddo.” Zorran smiled ruffling the alicorns hair.
“Alright enough of this, let’s get this party started!” Magister Star smiled forming a spell with his staff before casting it into the air creating a makeshift disco ball. Everyone “Ooh’d” and “Ah’d” at the pretty ball before some music began to play, Harper, Mac and Zak having summoned some instruments and begun an upbeat tune. Once the music was on everyone started to mingle and party, Titan showed up a little late but walked up to his son with some people in tow behind him.
“Thomas, I’d like you to meet some extended family members. This is my brother Hercules, and… sorry Zeb what pronouns do you feel like today?” “He, him.” “And his long term boyfriend Zebedee, their your uncles.” “Uncles?” Thomas questioned giving the pair a look over and wagging his tail in happiness once he looks into their eyes. “Oh wow! It’s so nice to meet you both! C-Can I give you both a hug?” The couple chuckled and opened their arms out. “Of course kiddo, come ‘ere!” Zeb smiled letting Thomas pull him into a tight squeeze with Hercules joining in.
“Oi, what about the rest of us ey?” a voice from behind them said. When they all turned it was Sunshine was standing at the head of the rest of the stars tapping his foot smiling with anticipation. “Heh-heh, of course, of course. Thomas, this is your god father Sunshine and his fiancé Rain. Behind him are the rest of the gathering I was a part of when I was your age, the wizard who made the light in the sky is Magister Star, behind him is uncle Mac, to the right is your grandpa O.J, next to him is uncle Warrior…”
The next day after the party, the Tidmouth team heard a cracking sound coming from James’s stall, they were all very surprised to see James break out of his stone cocoon made entirely of a new gem, bright red ruby with a golden glitter starting to mist from his tail and hooves. He fell to the floor in a heap but Edward and Harper were fast to help pick him back up. “James! You’re alright!” Thomas shouted in glee. “Ugh, yeah, j-just give me a minuet… oof.” James breathed, slowly righting himself up onto his hooves and letting his body assemble together, it still floating disconnected at his joints. But somethings were a little different, his horn was more of a cork screw fashion now than the spiral he had before, and the ruby attached to his flesh was more jagged and less smooth unlike the clean cut the others had seen prior with the onyx.
“Ooh! You look amazing James, we couldn’t really see much after the stone you were in grew rock over it.” Henry smiled admiring the new look. “Yeah that was me, I didn’t exactly want you guys seeing my intestines through the rock.” James managed to walk forward and sit at the kitchen table, still pulling his energy back if the gold flow was anything to judge by. “I like the new horn, very stylish from the norm.” Gordon complimented handing James some water and a small bowl of cereal. “Well I figured its officially out now that I’m not your average unicorn, so I wanted to try something different. The new gold tail and frills should kick in soon I just need to regain some strength.” James said taking a spoon to the cereal.
“So does that mean you’ll tell us how you were made?” Henry questioned looking hopeful. “No. I’ll tell you later Henry in private about my healing process but that’s about it. So, apart from me, has there been anything I’ve missed?” James asked. “Well you were out for 12 hours…” Edward cited. “Huh, only that long? Not the worst I’ve ever had. Please continue.” James commented gesturing for the others to go on. “Well Thomas is now considered a hero for helping save your life, he was even rewarded the Ffarquhar branch line to call his own.” Titan mentioned nearly making James spit out his food. “What?! Now hold on a damn second, I was in no danger of death, that is a huge stretch. Also, the branch line I’ve been working on since before Thomas arrived? Whatever happened to seniority?!” Well James’s energy 100% seemed to be back now as his tail and frills flared with gold like a stoking flame.
“Well what did you honestly expect when you didn’t tell us anything about your anatomy before? We thought you breaking and shattering your body would have been a death sentence for you!” Harper scolded. “Well, I’m better now! So shouldn’t that hero title be revoked?” James questioned looking at Thomas. “From what we’ve been told James the decision is finale, and regardless of your accident, Thomas has done a very good job over the past week, he deserves a reward for all that he’s managed to do.” Edward contested.
James looked like he was about to blow his lid off, his face was as red as his body and it almost looked like something dark had flickered through his eyes before he quickly shot it down and to the back of the mind as quickly as it happened. The crystal steed huffed out harshly and almost looked to pucker his lips in, was he trying to hide something in his mouth? “Nope! No! I won’t get mad over this, I won’t get mad over this, I won't get mad over this.” James chanted as he turned around and walked back to his stall, slamming the door shut.
The others were confused but they didn’t have much time to think on it when Titan beckoned Thomas over. “C’mon champ, time for your first day!” “Yes! See you guys later tonight!” Thomas waved his friends goodbye before he galloped out the door and headed straight for the carriage shed at Knapford. “See you later Thomas! Have fun!” Edward called out watching the colt run off.
Thomas hitched up to Annie and Clarabell and was excited to be leaving out of the station, Gordon eventually joined him on the opposite platform wishing the young steed well. The guards whistle blew and Thomas cantered happily down the line to crowds of people, human and mythos alike, congratulating him. When he finally got down to Ffarquhar he was surprised to see a mythos with sheep legs and a human body greet him, he had red wool on his thighs and black ram horns atop his head, but most striking to Thomas was the number 1 sown in on a loincloth around his waist.
The mythic was using his horns to cut away shrubbery from a locomotive with a vertical boiler when he heard the crowd and Thomas trotting in. “Oh! you must be the new number 1, welcome to the line!” He said with a thick Welsh accent. “Thank you, I’m Thomas.” the young colt greeted. “My name is Glynn, lovely to meet you Thom- Good heavens!” Glynn suddenly gasped when he noticed Thomas’s wings. “Y-You’re an alicorn!” “I am, and uh… I’m sorry, I don’t know what you are.” Thomas admitted sheepishly. “Oh, I’m a faun, nothing to special compared to you. Wow… I can’t believe they managed to get an alicorn to run this old line, do they have big plans for it? Or is it only practice since I can see your rather young still.” “Nope, I-” Thomas was cut off by the guards whistle. “Oh! Sorry Glynn, maybe we can chat some other time? I got to keep to time on my first day!” Thomas brayed before trotting out of the station, waving a goodbye to Glynn who smiled and waved back watching Thomas go onto the loop.
Thomas happily galloped along the track, watching birds fly overhead and grass go whizzing by! He let out another enchanted mighty bray with his wings opening up to take flight, this being the best day of his life! “Haha!” He cheered into the open blue sky.
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dsimsdecades · 7 months
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After Caroline broke the news of her impending marriage to Don Pedro, Sebastián was inconsolable. Throughout the day, he wandered around the house in a state of dejection, resistant to any words of comfort. Antonio, trying to be understanding, attempted to console him, but Sebastián withdrew further into himself. The sight of her son suffering caused Isabel immense heartache. Antonio tried his best to comfort her. "Don't worry, mi amor, he will be okay. This will pass."
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One night, overwhelmed with despair, Sebastián descended into the cellar, seeking solace in alcohol to drown his sorrows. Despite his efforts, his suffering persisted. He took a walk, hoping to clear his head. He followed his instincts for hours and found himself in Caroline’s yard. Looking up at her window, he shouted, his voice echoing in the night air. “Caroline! Caroline, my love, I’ve come for you.” Silence followed. “CAROLINE!” he shouted with all his might. She came out to the balcony, imploring him to keep quiet. “Please, stop. You are going to wake up my father, please.” Undeterred, he made his way up to her balcony. “Caroline, my precious love,” he whispered, his voice caressing her name.
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“Sebastián, keep it down,” she implored, glancing around nervously. “If my father finds you here, he will kill you. Please, keep your voice down.”
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“Let him kill me. I would rather perish than endure another day without your presence.”
“You do not truly mean that. Consider your family. Your dear mother would be heartbroken.”
“Would you be heartbroken if I were no longer here?”
As she looked at him, her eyes revealed both love and despair. “Yes, I would be brokenhearted. My heart belongs to you, Sebastián. I cannot imagine a reality where you do not exist.” She could no longer ignore the truth she felt in her heart.
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“Oh, my dearest Caroline, I love you so much,” he said passionately, cradling her face and kissing her.
She pulled away and declared, “But that changes nothing. I must wed Don Pedro.”
“Why?” Sebastián let out an exasperated sigh. “I don’t understand.”
“Sebastián, please.”
“NO!” His face was red with rage. “Enlighten me so I can make sense of it. What compels you to marry that man when your heart belongs to another?”
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“Because I must!” Caroline raised her voice, then quickly lowered it, remembering her parent’s bedroom was not far away. Seeing that Sebastián would not back down, she hesitantly revealed the reason she had been forced to marry: her father had gambled away their fortune, and he had arranged her marriage to Don Pedro for his wealth.
“Caroline, you do not have to go through with this. Let’s escape together—we can travel so far away that your father won’t be able to reach us.”
She sighed. “That place doesn’t exist.”
“Caroline, we could go to Spain. I am certain that my sister will help us.”
“Sebastián, please stop. You’re only making this harder. It’s done!”
“So you would sacrifice yourself for a man who would barter you away like…” He quickly stopped himself before he uttered something he would later regret.
“I sacrifice myself for my mother and sister. I will not leave them destitute.” She retorted in an acid tone. “I have no choice. I must push aside my desires and fulfill my obligations.”
He embraced her in his arms and whispered in her ear. “Caroline, there must be a way.”
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“I have accepted my fate, Sebastian; please understand.” She spoke in a gentler tone and looked into his eyes. “I have one request of you. I want you to be my first.” She pressed her lips to his, lingering softly before she kissed him with intense desire.
Caroline had little say in most of her life, but she could choose for herself. If she was going to give up her happiness, she wanted her first time to be special and feel the love of the man who meant the world to her. She would keep this night in her heart forever.
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hazel-of-sodor · 2 years
A Swindon Arrival
Other Stories
I mentioned an Au where Gordon and Henry are sent to Swindon instead of Crewe for their rebuilds. Here is the first story in this Au, Duck’s arrival at Tidmouth
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5741 rolled slowly forward. In the siding beside the station stood a large express engine, longer than even the castles but slimmer, sleeker. The Pacific was dozing lightly as express engines were want to do.
"Excuse me, 5741 asked quietly. The pacific slowly opened an eye, clearly unimpressed with the interruption to its rest.
"Sodor Palace?" 5741 asked nervously.
The pacific's other eye opened slowly, the disdain shifting to lazy interest. "Indeed cousin." He spoke, " but we do not stand on formalities here, cousin, while on the North Western I am known merely as Gordon." His eyes swept over 5741's frame, causing the pannier to do his best to straighten, glad he'd been repainted before arriving.
"What brings you here cousin," the Pacific asked, "You are a long way from the Other Railway, much less the Great Western."
"I've been sold." The words felt like ash in 5741's mouth. "I'm the new station pilot here."
Sodor Palace, no Gordon, gave him a long searching look. "You did not choose to be brought here."
"No." 5741 admitted, slumping in defeat. I was quite happy back home. I was chosen because I was overhauled recently." He was quiet for several moments, "I did not want this assignment, but it is not The Great Western way to shirk our duty."
"No, indeed it is not." The mighty pacific stated gravely. "In my young days, I was less than pleased to be sold to this railway, away from my siblings, away from the mainline. I was young then, and the Great Northern and Later North Eastern were all I had ever known." He paused thoughtfully.
"You must have been upset," 5741 said, then winced at his presumptiveness.
The Palace only chuckled ruefully, "Enraged is more like it. I went from hauling trains such as the Flying Scotsman to a line only eighty miles long. I did not handle it well...but slowly this railway became home. It is not the Great Northern, but I am proud to be part of it. In time you will as be as well Montague."
5471's jaw dropped, causing Gordon to chuckle. "Your number threw me for a moment, but I recognize you from my time at Paddington."
"I thought you had long forgotten me." 
"At one time you would have been right," the pacific admitted, "but Swindon changed me for the better."
  Montague went to speak again but hesitated.
"It is more than your new allocation that bothers you," Gordon guessed.
"When I whistled hello to Tidmouth Hall he ignored me."
"I would take care not to call him that in his hearing," the pacific cautioned, "his name is Henry, and you would do well to only call him by that name. The great express sighed, "A finer engine, nor friend, you could not ask for, but he doesn't care for our ways."
The pacific's crew returned, climbing into his cab. "Fear not Montague, we may not be on the Great Western, and they may not follow our ways, but I believe you will find a home here as well. Goodbye cousin, and good luck."
The mighty Pacific rolled forward toward his waiting coaches. Montague called out a farewell, and head towards the yard and his waiting work. He smiled, at least he wasn't alone on the North Western.
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strandnreyes · 2 years
chapter 3 😭😭 it was so good but it broke my heart. please tell me what happens to them 🫠
for those asking what happens after chapter 3 (not a spoiler for anything after this chapter)
Sometimes I think about Carlos walking up the long dirt road to their home, aching and tired from months on a ship and not one good nights rest, but a rejuvenation in his step at the thought of being reunited with his love. TK wasn’t waiting for him at the docks; Carlos can’t wait to tease him about it. He ignores the itch in the back of his mind that tells him maybe his whispered plea for TK to take care of himself didn’t come to fruition, but then he shakes himself out of it. There are chores at home. Apples to be picked, eggs to collect. He cannot spend all day watching the waves bring ship after ship in. And he finds him out in the yard, a shapeless figure that becomes achingly clearer the faster he starts to walk. He watches the basket of apples fall from TK’s grasp the moment he detects movement on his property, and then he’s running. Carlos’ weary muscles still have enough strength in them for TK to cling to him as he sobs into his neck and Carlos doesn’t bother wiping his own tears, assuring TK that he’s really here and he’s never leaving again.
I imagine them growing old together, planting a few cherry trees and getting a couple of goats. They make milk and cheese and Carlos fixes the broken step on the porch to feel useful in his home again and TK holds him at night when the nightmares become too much and soon enough the memories of an endless sea of blue and harrowing battles begin to fade.
Sometimes I think about Carlos coming home, but having it be anything but simple. I think about him marooned in a foreign land, traveling by horseback or cart or foot. Walking on injuries, through dangerous environments. I think about him begging for a place to stay in the towns he wanders through, curling up at night with TK’s letter, battered and torn, clenched in his fist and a silent apology on his mind for losing the necklace at sea. He thinks TK won’t mind too much as long as he gets Carlos back. I think about how he gets a fever that lays him up for days in some inn that he doesn’t know the name of, not knowing how close or far he is from home but knowing he’ll do anything in his power to get back there. I think about him collapsing on his front porch from exhaustion and hallucinating that TK is there, taking care of him and pleading him not to die when he just got him back. I imagine him batting his eyes open one morning, the soft sunlight streaming through the windows as TK reads beside him in bed. The book falls to the floor when Carlos croaks out TK’s name and though he’s in desperate need of a glass of water, the first thing he feels against his lips is the press of TK’s own.
And sometimes I wonder just how dangerous Carlos’ life on that ship was. I wonder how many days TK rode his horse into town and sat by the docks, watching ships come in that didn’t hold his love and people who weren’t them reunite. And when the sun would sink, he would return home to the dog he got because the silence became too lonely and he would pretend he could still smell Carlos’ scent on the pillow. He would pour out the bottle of whiskey he bought because he promised Carlos he’d take care of himself. I wonder if there came a time when he didn’t dump the bottle. I wonder when he stopped going to the docks, or if it would be sadder if he never did. If he lived in a constant state of denial. I wonder if someone can truly die from a broken heart.
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