#please just bear with it I promise I will actually connect chapters between there and here
Lay You in the Ground Crazyposting Part Deux.
I promise this is only an interruption in the angst-and-traumafest. Your honor, they deserve love, but what they've got is me to write them.
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He helps her to shaky legs. Kitty’s vision is pleasantly blurred at the edges as Blaine’s hands work in alarmingly expert reverse, redressing her as she sways on her bare feet—underthings, shoes, the heavy fall of her dress slipping back down her body. Endorphin-drunk, she reaches back and ruffles his hair as he stands behind her, untwisting a shoulder strap that has tangled in the process.
“I thought you were only good at undressing women,” she says, raking her nails lightly across his scalp.
Blaine makes a sound low in his throat that is half gasp and half growl. “I’m a man of many talents. Keep doing that, and you’ll get a demonstration of several more of them.”
And then, he’s gone from her personal bubble, reaching for her hand, tugging her toward the bar.
“Coat?” he asks, reaching behind the bar for her purse and handing it over.
Kitty purses her lips. “I didn’t bring one.”
“Of course you didn’t.” He grins. “That’s a thing with you, for some reason. You probably don’t remember the first night you walked into The Post, but you weren’t wearing a coat then, either.” He steps close, pushes her hair back from her face. She’s sure she looks a mess—makeup smeared, clothes rumpled. But Blaine’s looking at her as though she’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.
And she remembers everything about the first night she walked into The Post. Scared, alone, running from the dark.
“I travel light,” she explains, shrugging. “And this is weird pillow talk.”
God, she loves the way he smiles. When things take him off-guard, amuse him, the flash of teeth and the light that reaches his eyes changes him into someone else. Someone lighter.
Kitty’s eyes flick upward. So much is better in the light.
“It’s part of my charm. No, I—it just stuck with me. The coat thing. It was one of the things that made me want to help you.” He reaches for her hand, pulls her into him. She goes without resistance; his arms around her waist, her arms around his neck.
“One of?” she teases.
“Oh, yeah, well, you’re also ridiculously attractive and seemed to be some kind of fugitive from law enforcement, so that really did it for me.”
“See? You can be wrong, sometimes.”
Blaine kisses the tip of her nose. “Splitting hairs, but I’ll concede. It wasn’t law enforcement. Now, I’ll go get my coat…” Blaine steps back, and Kitty feels a flutter of anxiousness rise in her throat.
What now?
She’d never navigated the after with anyone she…didn’t despise.
“And you will wear it. And we are going back to my place to do that”—Blaine points back over his shoulder at the piano as he reaches the mouth of the hallway that leads to the back office—“again.”
And then, he disappears down the hall. And under the bright, blazing lights of the chandeliers above, Kitty suddenly struggles to recall what it ever felt like to be in the dark without him.
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beetoo · 2 years
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Hormones + Howls ☾ :: the moon
[2485 Words] | WATTPAD | AO3 | [next chapter]
❝ Good mourning, Enid. ❞
After the attack on Nevermore, everyone was in shambles. The principal was gone, Thornhill plotted to kill everyone, and Enid almost lost a 'friend'. Bianca and the other Nightshades ordered everyone to go back to their dorms and rest for the night so they could situate what exactly is going on in the morning.
The girls, Wednesday and Enid find themselves in their room, calling their parents about everything, but tonight's misfortunes haven't ended.
"You know if you actually cared about my well-being, your first question should have been 'Are you okay?' and not 'Have you wolfed out yet?'" Enid huffs at her laptop. This felt like it was Wednesday's cue to move her meeting with her parents to the outside terrace. She didn't want to get stuck in between Enid and her mom's scuffle, knowing how it always ends. She wanted to get her affairs in order before being Enid's therapist for the night, unpacking all that trauma. Not that Wednesday was any good with feelings and words, but ever since Parents’ Day, Wednesday had no choice but  to be Enid’s teddy bear and tissues any time her mother came in contact with her.
And Wednesday isn't all that great with feelings but she does love hearing about people's suffering. Thing would say this is Wednesday's way of comforting the other girl but Wednesday would promise to kill, stab, and murder any of these notions–were they to come up.
Stepping out into the brash, March winter winds, Wednesday sat against the window and propped the crystal ball on her lap. She rang her parents a couple of times until they picked up, Gomez screaming in the background. "My daughter! My little wreaking havoc! How was it? Are you okay? We heard from Thing what happened—" Morticia cuts him off. "My wretched daughter, please. How are things there?"
The girl in black spoke in detail about everything she had gone through leading up to this moment. Sparing every detail on the mysteries encountered, mistakes made, and even a fellow friend’s death. Morticia procured too much interest in that topic, noting for another time to reveal that Larissa Weem’s body was never found.
The girl pursed her lips, reminiscing on the principal's care. Had that woman believed me in the first place, things would have been much easier for both of us. Perhaps that was Wednesday's way of desensitizing any woes she spared over that woman's life. "But Principal Weems is no longer around to put the school in order so the Nightshades took over."
Morticia's face darkened, sitting beside her husband who comforted her with a warm hand and a loving gaze. Gomez speaks up, "Wednesday, your mom and I are worried about you. Do you want us to come to get you? Do you need anything? More knives? A couple of bottles of cyanide? You know how I feel about showing up to a sword fight with no weapons." Morticia spared a tiny chuckle, reminiscing on their youthful memories.
"Father, the trouble has been well taken care of. I would however appreciate a new pair of boots. These… Are dirty." Wednesday muttered, looking at her bloodied shoes with chunks of the unknown matter still stuck, smiling to herself in pride over solving this ridiculous case. But there was a part of Wednesday that didn't feel at peace with the outcome. I feel like there is more to it. This ended way too easily. Things just... Don't connect.
"We'll bring lots when we come to pick you up for spring break! As a gift for my beautiful oleander and bringing pride to the Addams family. You give me so much joy in mourning." Gomez says, as he looks to his wife, asking for approval to leave their beloved daughter at Nevermore for just one more week. With Morticia's nod, the woman utters her own farewell, and the crystal ball clicks off, leaving Wednesday alone with the full moon.
In crude timing, Wednesday's peace and quiet was disrupted by a dreadful cry, for some reason it felt more abhorrent knowing whose voice it sourced from.
"Fuck off! Don't bother picking me up if all you care about is that!" Enid screeched, as she slammed her laptop shut—followed by another curse word, realizing her newly awakened strength might have broken her laptop.
As Wednesday was climbing back into their room through her window, Enid plops herself into bed, screaming nonsense into her pillow. Wednesday looms over her with an amused but impatient face. If only I could smother her now. Some peace and quiet for a change would be nice.
"Enid, we must rest so your body can recuperate from turning tonight," Wednesday says monotonously, folding her arms. "If you keep crying like that you'll develop more wrinkles than an expiring dead body."
Enid throws an innocent pillow at Wednesday, which the tired girl in black dodges.
"Enid, please. We've both had a long day, you need to rest."
"I preferred if you just told me to shut up, Wednesday."
"Well, I've been told my bluntness can be quite hurtful."
"Since when did you care about people's feelings?"
Wednesday was taken aback by the other girl's hostility. Usually, it's the other way around. "I only care about yours." Wednesday quietly says, truthfully.
Enid sits up, looking at Wednesday with shock in her eyes but tears rolling down her cheek. "Don't say that right now Addams I'm too hormonal and sad for this shit." She yells, while burring herself back into her sheets and crying even more.
With a discourteous grunt, Wednesday gave in with a more emotional tactic to get the werewolf to stay quiet for the rest of the night. She wasn't up for staying up all night listening to sad dog whimpers when tomorrow was sure to be a busier day.
Wednesday sits onto Enid's colorful bed, right beside the other girl's torso. She pulls her hand and rests it on Enid's shoulder, gently urging, "Do you want to talk about it?" Wednesday felt the other girl tense beneath her touch.
For the first time this semester, Wednesday Addams is initiating skin-to-skin contact with Enid Sinclair—and she hated it. This felt unfamiliar to her, having someone ask for her thoughts on things. It was always 'do this' or 'be more like...' and spending your whole life as if you never belonged to your own pack made this moment even more horrifying—let alone it's Wednesday Addams being concerned. Of all people.
This moment would have been romantic had there not been hormones and howls plaguing the air between Enid and Wednesday. Enid’s ear twitches, feeling the bodily urge to join her people to do the same.
And Enid didn't take into consideration the key changes that occur after turning for the first time; which honestly made 'Wolfing-Out' a nightmare to female werewolves. The werewolf groans. I don't know how I feel about this. She felt a familiar itch covering every inch of her skin as her heartbeat raced to match that of a werewolf’s. The first turn should always be endured alone. If not, whoever gets to witness a female werewolf’s howl will be eaten up along with every memory of it.
In human anatomy, people with a uterus usually experience a menstrual cycle due to their bodily need to ‘reproduce’. If the body isn’t holding a child, the walls of the uterus shed, causing bleeding, cramping, and horrific pain for 3-7 days. But for werewolves, depending on their bloodline whether it be alpha, beta, or omega, their first turn prepares them for their innate need. In the werewolf caste system, alphas are the hunters and leaders of the pack. Their first wolf-outs tend to be the most violent due to their inherent nature as alphas.
Enid’s bloodline is of alphas, which is why wolfing-out is such a big deal to her infuriating mother.
"I need to go." Enid shoots up from bed meeting Wednesday eye to eye, first looking at Wednesday's lackluster eyes which were uncharacteristically not as dead as they usually look, then down to her full lips. Enid panics even more. "Crap. I really need to go."
What makes it even worse is that if she’s around someone she really likes… It makes the hormones worse.
The girl in the pink coat scurries out through the window with her heart right in her throat, not listening to Wednesday's pleads of curiosity about the situation. Without looking back Enid did what she was always taught to do when this time finally came. Ironically by her obsessed mother—which Enid couldn't help but resent for finally having to use the information that's been drilled into her mind since her status as a 'late bloomer' became apparent.
Past the Nevermore property was the woods. Enid sped through the timber and with a pass by another big oak, Enid found herself in werewolf form. She kept running, past the bee keeper's hut, past the docks, until she reached the end of Nevermore's estate—determined by a wrought iron fence, garnished with white stone bases.
Enid laid on the cold, leaf-ridden forest floor and howled into the night sky, then blacking out and letting her inner wolf rise to her consciousness.
Wednesday who had followed her down, rolled her eyes, thinking how the dope was so stupid for doing that. Way to tell me where you're located, you fool.
The girl in black found herself running after Enid, following the howls between the wolf and the moon. Like a cry for help. Music to my ears. Wednesday pushed deeper into the woods, stopping her sprint once she saw the campus edge. Coming to a halt, she waited for another howl.
Standing in the middle of the woods, Wednesday was armed to take on any animal or danger that seemingly hates their own lives enough to even think about harming Wednesday Addams. But one thing she was not prepared for was a werewolf's first heat.
The winds blew into the trees as they whispered a warning into Wednesday's ears. For someone so high maintenance, she sure picked the worst spot to get away from me. Another howl mingled with the wind's songs, leading Wednesday straight to Enid. The girl ripped out of her clothes from turning—besides her pink coat, once. She was shivering, but asleep. 
And surrounded by dead carcasses of nearby small animals, as if she drew a safety line in their blood.
Wednesday scoffs away a blush, trying to respectfully work her way around the genocide before her to cover Enid’s exposed body.  Taking her coat off and setting it on Enid, she right beside her and leaned against the wall. Wednesday rests her head on Enid's shoulder, resting for a bit. Between her own recovering heaves and the sound of the forest sweeping the leaves about, nothing came close to how loud Wednesday's mind was.
Why did I run after her? It's not like I care—Naturally, she would be safe. I mean, it's in her very nature to do this during her first turn. Why did I feel the need to come here in the first place?
Wednesday found herself inching closer to Enid and shuffling her body for a more comfortable position.
It's your fault. I don't understand why you were so mad when I brought you with me to check out the Gates' house or why you were so adamant about making me your friend when I've warned you so many times that I do not fancy company. Yet you foolishly risked your life for me. I don't get you, or your dull-witted life choices.
Wednesday realizes her thoughts were contradictory and hummed a pleasant sigh. Your stupid rubbed off on me since I'm out here against my own better judgment. God, you're insufferable, Enid.
"You're so much more tolerable when you're not speaking and making loud noises." Wednesday huffs. "But yet, you make me hate the silence."
Picking up the other girl's hand and intertwining their fingers together, she continued. "Why would you risk your life for me? Why do people let me hurt them..."
Wednesday looks up into the night sky, reminiscing on the events leading up to this morning. "Today I realized that I was a terrible friend. It's just, I have warned the path I'd chosen would be a lonesome one. I was prepared for that. I just wasn't prepared to deal with how much that choice would hurt the people around me."
"Then again, I don't really care for people around me much anyways." Wednesday hums, turning to Enid to examine her. "Yet you are different." She whispers while tucking Enid's loose hair behind her ear. "So different from me..." She trails off, taking a deep inhale of the forest's musk mixed with Enid's perfume.
"My hands are never warm, yet yours are. Very much. And your touch makes me nervous, in the same way, my heart drops when I'm about to die. I look forward to it. I would never admit to it but your hugs are comforting the way coffins and dark spaces are for me." Wednesday was starting to feel ridiculous admitting this all out loud, but she felt so confident her conversation was simply between the moon and her. "And how your presence is the loudest thing in the room even if you're sleeping, I've come to prefer it over the grating sounds of people screaming in horror or the crackles of incinerators burning bodies."
Wednesday cringes. God this probably sounds like a confession. "It's crazy how you've managed to change small things about me in due time. I've been more content with myself—yet you somehow manage to make me feel guilty for being a ruthless, unfeeling bastard."
"I thought I would find peace knowing you'd be safe for the night and I could sleep finally in peace," Wednesday continues, "but why does my heart feel so heavy about leaving you? Why do I feel so many things when it's about you? I hate it."
Enid was resting her eyes when Wednesday sat beside her. She was plotting a plan to figure out a way to flee from Wednesday's grasp until Wednesday started talking. Relaxing her body she let the girl speak her mind, not knowing Wednesday would say the things she said. Enid waited until the girl finished, and sleepily curled closer into Wednesday to keep the warmth.
Wednesday realizes Enid might not have been sleeping and feels embarrassed for the first time in her life. I would not at all mind if she turned into a werewolf and mauled me in my sleep. This is beyond shameful.
The girl in black didn't know what to do. Enid managed a way to get on Wednesday's lap, snaking her arms around Wednesday's waist and laying her head onto Wednesday's chest. Wednesday was frozen into position, panicked by a large amount of skin-to-skin contact escalating in a matter of seconds--Realizing the only thing between their skin were Wednesday's clothes. Swallowing her heart back into place, Wednesday grabs Enid's coat to lay over her bare back.
The two slept in each other's arms, enveloped by the forest musk, Enid’s fruity perfume, and the welcoming scent of fresh blood. To Wednesday, though she would never admit to it, this was pure bliss. That is, until some uninvited visitors finally answered Enid's confusing midnight texts.
Coupled with the sound of a familiar voice and snickers trailing it, Wednesday awoke to the sound of cameras flickering and the words, "Yoko, you better take a picture for blackmail."
[next chapter]
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Hi everyone! Sorry for the long wait! Art block (Or writing block?) is the worst and I’ve been busy. I’m also trying to make this a gender neutral story and I’m not too experienced on this so hopefully I’m doing ok so far! Now with that out of the way, on to chapter 2!
“Falling (in love) So Fast That I Can’t Even Think!”
Chapter 2
You take a second to realize that he was holding you a bit tight around the waist, and the silence of the tension began to build every second that neither of you moved.
“Hi?” You ask him. You mentally smacked yourself in the head for that comment. At this point of view, you can see that the, now real and very handsome doctor, eyes were a shade of blue that could take your breath away and-
“Oh, um,” Eggman studdered out a bit softer and less confident the what you have seen him in the show. “Hi.” He finally decided to look around at his predicament and examined your room.
“Where am I?” Eggman finally pulled you back onto the bed, creaking slightly from the unexpected new weight. Your mind finally snaps back into reality as the warmth from his hands fades from your hips, already missing the connection he had. You need to relax, and not freak out the poor man sitting on your bed.
“You’re in my room.” You finally managed to push the words out of your lips. His face turns to confusion and worries at all of the merchandise of not just his universe, but the main Sonic series as well. His mind mostly likely wandered into a ‘crazy fan’ mode and tried to back up. You perk up and lean back slightly, making sure to not fall off the bed this time, but also give him some space to relax. Ivo’s movements began to quicken as he still backs up, almost falling off the other side of the bed. He catches himself and looks at you with a face of slight panic and worry.
“What’s all this? Who are you and what-” You cut him off with a hand slightly raised, signaling to calm down and to relax. “Breath, please. I won’t hurt you.” You promised him as you instruct him through a breathing exercise. After a small bit of confusion between the two of you, you lead the poor man into your living room, hesitantly on his part, and led him down on your couch. Just walking into your kitchen to grab two white ceramic mugs, you hear him clear his throat.
“So, what’s going on?” You can feel his gaze on you as the first mug is filled with hot liquid, the steam coming from the filling mug as your brain thinks of what you should do. You switch mugs, taking out his mug for yours. You take a breath.
You’re in my house, and not in your multiverse.” Finally giving him some type of answer as his, at this point, huge bear paw-like hands, envelope the mug and took a small sip. You went to grab your mug as he commented on the choice of beverage you had given him.
“Hot Cocoa?” The question you as you at on the opposite side of the couch, holding what you liked to think, that at this moment was your liquid courage. You take a small sip and taste the liquid pooling into your body. You almost blush as you remembered the ‘CowBot’ episode where Eggman offered Sonic and Tails hot coco and messed with them, waiting for his machine to arrive.
“I thought you might like it.” You confess as he stairs back into his cup, pondering on his whole situation. He takes a breath and looks at you.
“Can you explain to me how I may have gotten here?” All you could do is nod as you start the long trek into the explanation of who is and on all of your knowledge on how he may have gotten here.
The next few hours were, as you expected, emotional. You had to start with who you were, where he was, and leading him into the conversation that may or may not have caused way too much emotion for the both of you.
“So the main series follows Sonic and his friends, but mostly Sonic, throughout his adventures fighting his version of the doctor. There in the form of games.” He takes a sec and has a look that tells you to keep going. You explain all the story of how the franchise came to be from the nineties till the game you were kinda worried about. Sonic Adventure 2. You tell him the basic plot points and slowly explain how the Main Univers Doc’s Grandfather died along with his grandchild, Maira. He winces when you explain this and see that he’s shaking whenever the two popped up. When you explained that Shadow was made by his Grandfather, his mood perked up and he getting giddy and you have to admit, his cute squeal of figuring out that somewhere he could be related to one of the most powerful people on his island. You smile and after his cute reaction, keeps the conversation going with more information about the franchise. By the time you had reached the current point of the history of the franchise, the man had a lot of questions.
“So let me get this straight,” Eggman’s posture was lax as he was leaned back into the couch, making himself more at home for the time being. “You’re telling me that the main version of me has released a water monster god, a prototype of Shadow, that is a giant lizard, a god within the earth that’s made of darkness, and tried to play with time and space like it was a toy?” He questioned as he took another sip of his now lukewarm cup of cocoa, stroking his mustache pensively, looking at you for a reasonable answer on why he would do so. “Well the BioLizard thing wasn’t truly his fault, but the rest were planed. And I’m saying ‘planned’ with quotes because I don’t think for a second that he thought a few of those through.” You chuckle at the main Doc’s decisions. While you did think his plans were really good, sometimes you think he may have never really thought things through before going to start his plans. Doc downs the rest of his drink as you realized that your cup is still half full. He sets it on the counter in front of the two of you and leans back into your couch. You smile at the thought that he’s finally warming up to you. In all reality, he could take you down with a swing of his fist and run anytime, but having him trust you this much to serve him a drink and have a nice conversation did bring up some fuzzy feelings you have been trying to push down withing the last few hours.
“So I’m still confused, how did I get here?” Doc asks as he cracks his spin a bit to relax better. You take another sip of your dink and set your cup down. You look him in the eye with a bit of confusion. “I’m not sure. I just watch the DVD and you were the one to start seeing me, after the ending of your battle with Sonic and Tails, that white light appeared and you grabbed me before I fell off my bed.” You look towards him and blush a bit, your face now warm from the memory of the save. “Thank you for catching me, I don’t think a concussion would have helped the situation now, would it?” You try and make the small joke appealing to make it less awkward. He blushes and nods, a small ‘no problem’ slips from his lips as you can see he’s trying to not make eye contact and his cheeks, just slightly visible under his mustache, a small bit of warmth wraps around his cheeks. Your brain gets hit with a moment of clarity and you jump up from the couch and take a second to grab your DVD player from your room, bringing it back to him to study. “I’m not sure if this would help you get back home,” You start, “ But it’s a start.” You also hand him the note that came with the box along with the Sonic figure. He takes the figure first and rolls it over a bit, looking at the detail.
“So this figure and the note came along in the box with the DVDs?” He asked as he set the figure down as he grabbed the note. You blush and remember that wasn’t the only thing in the box. You almost had forgotten the figure of the living breathing man in front of you. You ask him to give you a second and hurry back to your room. Searching the room, you almost give up on finding the figure, until you spot it halfway under the bed. You bend over and grab the figure and examine it. It’s still the same figure, but less detailed now. It actually looks like how one of the box set figures is. Cheaply made and having a missing paint splotch here and there. It still was a good-looking figure though, just not as best made. You start your very slow pace back to the living room, taking a small bit of time to think about something. The Sonic figure was still the same as it was before the doctor arrived, why did the doctor change-. You stop mid-way in your hallway to finally piece a big puzzle together. The figure of the doctor was some type of catalyst for his arrival. Like a gateway to get here. ‘And now that the figure is back to normal, does that mean that the Sonic one-’ You didn’t finish that thought as you hurry back to the living room, the doctor just putting the not back onto the counter. He looks up as grabs the DVD player and sets it onto his lap. He smiles as you enter the room.
“ Hey, you ok?” He asks you as you sit back down next to him, gently grab the Sonic figure, cradling it with some care.
“I’m ok,” You answer with some melancholy in your voice. “It’s just that I’ve been thinking of something that just came to me.” You look over to him, Doc staring back, patiently waiting for you to continue. You take a breath and look him in the eyes. “The box set also came with a figure of you as well.” You explain as you gave him the small toy, his face going into a slight pout over the quality as he looks it over.
“I’m much more handsome than this.” He sulks over the craftsmanship of his figure compared to the one in your hand. You pat him on the back with your free hand, feeling him tense for a sec and then relax. You giggle at the line, remembering it from the 30th-anniversary comic. Your mood lightening up a bit at his reaction. “It was actually just as well made before you appeared in my room.” You explained as you rub your thumber gingerly over Sonic’s quills. Your mood dampens a bit. “I’m really thinking that the figure was the way-”
And a giant flash of white engulfed both of your eyesight. You scream as you feel a sense of weightlessness as you clutch the figure closer to you. Opening your eyes after that flashbang of light, as see that you’re in. You blink and take a look around. You try and gain a scene of where you were as you feel like you were falling down. You see Eggman trying his best not to scream as he is also in the same predicament as you. You look at this ‘tube’ as you decided to call it and take a look a the warping walls. They move with colors that remind you of the goop In Super Mario Sunshine. The colors of yellow, magenta, and white mixing together and making the whole experience feel like a trippy dip around a pipe. The tube had some slight aura to it as it was some type of fuzzy feeling in the back of your spine, not good but not unpleasant either. You look down past your now slightly screaming partner in crime to see a large warp ring that looked something right of the Sonic movie, looking to land right over some type of woods. You realized from the rate your accelerating from and the height from the ring to the ground would lead to more than a few broken bones.
Holding your breath and snaping your eyes closed as you wait for the pain to hit, the now cool air of the new land you arrived on pools into your skin as you want to feel at least a bit of joy knowing that right at the end, you feel cool. You never did feel the ground but instead a pair of arms holding you and the sensation of rocketing back up. Opening your eyes, you see Doc holding you again, having been lifted from the ground by two sleek black jetpack type of wings protruding from the back of his jacket. He looks down at you with a smirk and chuckles a bit.
“We have got to stop doing this.” He’s sarcastic, and the potential way of flirting, way of teasing sends you a bit more than tomato red in the face as you wonder if it’s the altitude of the comment that making it hard to think right at the moment. You almost didn’t hear him as he starts to talk.
“It looks like we’re flying over Seaside Island Jungle.” He starts to explain. “I’m going to fly us back to my lair and we can figure out from there what’s going on.” You look over his shoulder for a brief second to see the portal closing and finally dusting away with a puff of gold sparks. Looking back and see a breathtaking view, seeing the full grand scale of the island from up in the clouds. You can even start making out at sever locations from both seasons. You only think of what’s going to happen next when you see golden sparks emulate from your closed hands and feel a heavyweight in your arms and Doc quickly getting down to the ground, getting to be just at the end of ‘Nameless village’ as your reflexes grab on tightly to what you were holding onto. You both look down and see a very unconscious Sonic the Hedgehog in our arms. You look him over and inspect the teenager and see that he’s breathing, and in an ok shape. You look back at Doc and even he’s surprised by this addition to the group.
“Is he ok?”You question him as he gives Sonic a once over. You getting used to finally landing on the ground, stretching your legs after that small adventure.
‘He’ll be fine after some rest, but he looks exhausted.” Eggman questions as you scoop Sonic back up into your arms, being careful of his quills, making sure you don’t end up looking like a human banana peel. You look over at Doc and he looks like he’s, and you have to look a bit more closely at his expression because he looks, jealous? You ponder on that thought that the man might be jealous of the unconscious blue blur as the both of you set off into town, wondering where to go from here.
“Hey!” You hear a cry from in front of the, three? of you. You look up and see four multi-colored anthropomorphic animals. “What did the two of you do to Sonic?” Cried the two-tailed Kitsune. You see all three, with the exception of Amy, who at this point is trying to stop the trio, of Sonic’s friends close in around you. You give a panicked look to Doc as it dawned on you that Doc and yourself were about to be attacked by Tails, Knuckles, and Sticks.
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The way Seungho gently tilts Nakyum's chin and kisses him with aching tenderness imploringly! Because the kiss is both Seungho's question and plea, with that kiss he communicates who he says with his words: “Don't hate me, please, and don't push me away.” While he's kissing Nakyum, Seungho's face is absent any cynicism. His expression is so soft that it almost appears as if he were the one full of hope, shyness and innocence and Nakyum the colder and more cynical. Seungho really lays himself bare in front of Nakyum in every way. 
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Actually, at first, it looks like Nakyum is the only one blushing but Seungho does too - his ears are blushing, just like Nakyum's.
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Seungho sheds the facade, his armor, he shows to the whole world and reveals to Nakyum his real self - the man buried under the mask of nobleman: his smile, his vulnerability, his love for Nakyum,.. SH decides to be brave and entrust Nakyum with his heart and trust.
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Seungho communicates his needs, desires and feelings to Nakyum sincerely without excuses or threats. And this time he is lucid, not crazy with fever. For the first time ever, he doesn't demand but ASKS and PROMISES (a noble actually making a vow to a lowborn!)
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Seungho doesn't want to be feared by Nakyum, he wants to be loved genuinely by him, he always has, but never knew how to win his heart. Seungho's promise means he decides to make Nakyum fall in love with him and woo him, basically promising to Nakyum he'll treasure him from now on.
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Seungho is not trying to seduce Nakyum with his touches. He's touching him because he can't bear not to touch him, desiring to have him close and spend time with him. All the touches are reverent, playful, almost shy and gentle with no force behind them. Seungho treats and touches Nakyum as if he were a skittish and hurt doe, ready to bolt and run away at any sign of danger. He approaches him slowly as not to frighten him, testing the waters, learning to be gentle, foreshadowing how he'll woo him in the future. Seungho's saying “I promise not to frighten you any longer,” but he also means by it “I'll be good. For you. Only for you.” The main visual means Byeonduck uses to portray the change in Seungho is his eyes. They used to be hard, cold, sharp, unforgiving with wrinkles and dark circles under them. Not anymore. Now, they are soft, warm, full of emotions and almost childlike.
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Gone are the times when Seungho would rather have Nakyum hate him because that was all he thought he could ever have. He stops lying to himself and hiding his heart from Nakyum. In his own way, he asks Nakyum to give him a second change at deserving his love.
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All the things and gentleness Seungho only dared to reveal in the darkness when Nakyum was asleep, he shows to his lover now. It feelks like an apology and worship all at once.
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In the past, Seungho's reaction to rejection used to be violence and retribution, projecting his pain and coping with it by hiding it that way. Now, the hurt is still there, but plain to see, but makes good on his promise not to scare Nakyum anymore.
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There is so much that Seungho is able to communicate to Nakyum with words compared to the past, but the things he can't voice just yet he expresses with his touches, eyes and body.
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Even more than the thought of Nakyum leaving him was the possibility of him dying, of losing him forever and living in a world without Nakyum , that pushed Seungho to take such drastic measures. It doesn't make it better but it explains it, revealing the power of his attachment to Nakyum .
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It used to be Nakyum and Seungho who denied any possibility of emotional connection between each other, fighting against what they felt, but as they slowly come to terms with it and decide to pursue this seemingly hopeless love, it's others who invalidate their love and try to stop them.
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Finally, let's face it, if chapter 70 Seungho were the one who met Nakyum in chapter 1, Painter of the Night would have ended 30 chapters ago because there is no way Nakyum would have been able to resist him and he would be like "Inhun who?" But of course it was Nakyum who made chapter 1 Seungho into the man hes’ become.
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stopbeingrude · 3 years
Hi guys , how are you doing ? I hope you had at least a decent day. I was really surprised by how many people were interested in my story. (blush) Im so glad As promised, here's chapter 2 ,, I like the rain, it always seemed like the only thing that was like me…" Chapter 2. ,,Thank you for being here" Juvia looked at the object in her hands that she found while packing for their trip to Tempeville. A tiny umbrella , white with smiling suns printed on it .She remembered vividly the exact moment Jerry had handed it to her. - "Here, this is for you, I couldn't bear to hear you whining anymore,"- said the golden-haired man, handing the little girl his gift. -'' I've told you many times, that in time you would be able to control the rain around you. It's normal for water to behave strangely around water mages, and I had a problem with it too….- said Jerry. The man thought for a moment, then added. -..I'm pretty sure I told you how I nearly drowned my ex girlfriend….I told you, right?.. "- little girl nodded-"...Of course I did…haha..If only you could see that bitc...yh...lady's face….Where was I at again?............Oh right!... If only you were just a bit more patient, little froggy.." -"I told you not to call me that, you dummy! "- shouted the seemingly angry Juvia. It was obvious that she wasn't angry, but if those were supposed to be birthday wishes , then that this old slacker could have tried a little harder. -''Oi! Brat....I'm trying my best to wish you a happy birthday and you act like this? -" What kind of birthday wishes are these supposed to be!?- the girl exclaimed. -..Unbelievable! Young people these days are so ungrateful….Ugh .."- he complained, but eventually gave up. -" Heh... Alright….Im sorry... Happy Birthday Juju…- he said with a grin. He couldn't stay angry with his baby for too long. - "...I wish you happiness, health,...I hope you'll grow up to be a decent and intelligent woman ... because remember this..., it's not how you look that counts, it's what's in your head…. - the man poked her forehead lightly, causing the girl to giggle. Despite the tough character of her ..guardian ...? I guess you could call him that… despite his difficult sense of humour and his biting remarks, she knew that she was important to him, just as he was important to her. He just had a strange way of showing affection... Juvia laughed lightly despite a few tears that flowed from her sapphire eyes. It was for moments like this , she's been able to endure the bullying of other children , she knew that every sad experience ended with a visit from Jerry. Every visit ended with one of his strange ideas that always put a smile back on her face, like that one time he took her out for hot dogs at 10pm. Juvia was never able to forget the look on the orphanage ladies' faces when Jerry walked her back at 1 am. Lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice when her fiancé appeared in their bedroom. -" I've never seen this one…"- he pointed at the umbrella- ''.. I'm guessing it's a special one then" -he stated, handing her tea. - "Thank you... "- she took a sip-"...Yes you're right... actually it was a present for my birthday. HE gave it to me…" After packing the last things, they both sat down on the bed. Neither of them was quite sure how to start a conversation. Gray didn't like the strange atmosphere that had prevailed in their apartment since yesterday. But most of all he did not like how distant Juvia seemed to be. That wasn't his Juvia. Devil Slayer rested his head on her shoulder. When Blue-haired woman began to gently stroke his hair, he immediately relaxed . He missed that... After what for him felt like ages , she decided to speak. -"Juvia is sorry that she didn't tell you anything...Juv….. I was just trying to forget about it... it's not like I don't trust you....Please don't be angry…"-she said in an uncertain voice. -"I'm not angry at you….I'm just a little disappointed...I thought you felt comfortable enough with me to tell me everything…"- he admitted. It was silly to admit , but he didn't
like the fact that Juvia wouldn't tell him something. He knew that everyone had the right to have their own secrets, but his desire to find out what was in her head was much stronger. After a while he decided to ask her more - "Is there anything else you haven't told me about yourself?" He needed to know. -" No. Everything else is true…About my childhood, about Phantom Lord...and mostly about my parents..." …………………………. -".........What happened to your parents...?"- he asked quietly. He contemplated for a moment whether he should ask her this question. After all, he didn't know what kind of reaction this would cause.. -" My mother died when I was about 2 years old.... I don't know who my father was... Jerry said he never met him…about my mother.."- Juvia looked as if she was thinking very hard about something, and after a moment she added-"..Jerry once told me that even she couldn't remember who he exactly was….not that she cared about it or about being pregnant …"- said Juvia weirdly. Wait , what? -"..L-let me get this straight…...you're trying to tell me….that she didn't really care that she got pregnant...and that she wasn't even trying to look for your father? ' Wait, what !?' -….ymm... that's....." - the man persistently tried to choose the right words. He did not want to offend his fiancée's mother by any means (If not for her , Juvia wouldn't be there in the first place, so she obviously deserved to be at least respected)....But everything Juvia had mentioned sounded...How to put it?...Concerning? -" It's not normal... I know... you don't have to hold back Darling- she said with a slight smile- "Her name was Eliana and apparently she was always like...that..., she was...well DIFFERENT.."- that's how Jerry would always describe her-"....She didn't really care about anything, she didn't talk too much, she rarely showed any kind of emotion....She was one big secret, even for him. Juvia never fully got it. Why would she be like that with the person she supposedly was…… ..ymm…..Close.?"- he didn't miss the way she said the last word, but he kept quiet about it. After all ,the relationship between two strangers wasn't his business. Gray decided to change the subject a bit. -"You know..., I think it's really great of him to take care of both of you.…"-despite the fact that the night before Gray had felt a lot of anger towards the aforementioned man, right now he was grateful that he had taken both ladies under his care.- "He must have been an amazing person. It really sounds like you are telling me about some hero or saint"- ice mage smiled - "He was "- said blunette with a smile - "I will always be grateful to him...But Saint ? No, no ,no...That's probably too much of an exaggeration." - she added with a giggle. Gray was glad that she was laughing again, he couldn't help but laugh a little too. They are slowly returning to normalcy... - "He was the laziest, most stubborn man you could find on this planet….He was untactful , brutally honest and worst of all, sometimes he could be so awfully mean and grumpy , especially when it was Tuesday...Juvia never got that...why Tuesday?….Dear God , he could be so unbearable...."- Juvia stopped for a moment, then smiled playfully.- "Honestly you two are pretty similar in that case" - "Ekhem....So.. you're suggesting that I'm mean and grumpy ? Oh ..Alright... I'll remember that when you want something from me..."- Gray said, pretending to be offended and trying hard not to smile. Juvia laughed loudly, then wrapped her arms around his neck and placed a sweet kiss on his lips. After Jerry disappeared, she was sure she would never get attached to anyone again. She didn't want to suffer more. But as we all know, life likes to surprise us, and "never" is not eternal. First she met Gajeel , with whom, by some strange coincidence, she found a connection. Funny, considering how different they were. Even then a quiet voice in her head, similar to Jerry's, whispered to her to not get too attached….that it didn't make sense. On that day, for the first time in her
life, she decided to ignore it, and thanks to that, she gained a wonderful friend. The same situation happened again after she met Gray and Fairy tail. The insistent voice kept reminding her of the past. 'Just because you've miraculously found a friend who hasn't left you, doesn't mean that it will happen again...' 'So what if he stopped your rain, one day you'd be able to deal with it by yourself…..Besides, don't you remember what happened the last time you felt something for a guy? It's just stupid, meaningless crush, just get over it....' But as time passed and she became more and more attached to the guild mates, more and more in love with Gray..... The voice in her head gradually faded and after a while the only sound she heard was the laughter of her loved ones. Despite the suffering of the past, Juvia no longer regretted anything. She would go through it even 100 more times, just to be happy with her new family. -"Oi ! - she felt Gray lightly tap her nose- Juvs don't fall asleep, we have a train in about two hours….. Remember? "- he asked amused - "You're right! Juvia's sorry, she got lost in her thoughts…" ****************************************** - "Are you going on a mission ?" asked Mira Jane cheerfully, as the couple informed her of their departure. Gray didn't necessarily want to share with her the reason for their trip. After all, it was a rather sensitive topic. - "Yyyy it's more like..... a..vacation...?...Right Juvia?"- he turned to his fiancée - "Oh!....Yes, yes..."- nodded the woman. The barmaid looked at them with a huge smile. She still couldn't quite believe that these two were finally together.… - "In that case I wish you a wonderful time, lovebirds" - she giggled as she saw them both turning red. - "Ooh vacation? That's awesome, wish you a great time guys." -they heard Lucy's voice behind them. - "They are such a beautiful couple."- added Erza proudly-" I can't believe that our Gray has grown so much..I hope you'll have an amazing vacation." - '"I also wish you an amazing time'' -said Wendy happily. -Ohhh..young love…- sang Happy, flying over their heads. - " And where are you two going anyway?"- asked Natsu curiously while finishing his lunch. - "We decided to visit my hometown,"- said Juvia. Her friends didn't need to know more... - "Oh cool..Where is it?" -continued Natsu. He never really thought much about where his guild-mate came from.. -" I don't think that's your business Flame-brain. Besides you probably wouldn't know where it is anyway." -said Gray, slightly annoyed. He was slowly starting to get on his nerves. Why does Natsu always have to meddle in things that are not his own? - "I asked Juvia ,not you Icy-pants" said Natsu teasingly. Jeez what's wrong with Droopy eyes today , he just asked a simple question. - "Calm down both of you "- said Lucy. She didn't like where this conversation was going. -'' Lucy is right, there is no point in arguing....Natsu if you really want to know, Juvia was born in the town of Tempeville, in the south - said Juvia, trying to calm down quickly. - "Oh, I've never heard of that place," Natsu said, surprised. Looks like there's a lot of towns he didn't know about. - "See, I told you so,"- said Gray. "Now if you'll excuse us, we have a train to catch. So let's get going… - "Hey Lucy, Happy, let's go with them...I'd like to see what that place is like "- said Natsu suddenly, dragging the blonde with him. His girlfriend looked at him in horror. 'Natsu, what are you thinking? Are you trying to ruin their trip?' - "The hell?! "- shouted Gray. And then he thought that everything was going well…'Please no….' - "Natsu, that's their private vacation! "- exclaimed Lucy, knowing very well that they should leave the couple alone- "Besides, they said they have a train coming soon!" -"Then let's go , we have to get ready quickly…...!" "LEAVE US ALONE !!' - desperate Gray shouted as loud as he could, unintentionally focusing the attention of practically the entire guild. They all looked at him, disapproval clearly written on
their faces. - "Gee..Buddy..you don't have to be so rude," - said Max. - "My God… what's with you?- whispered Lisanna - "Exactly Gray, what kind of behavior is that? "- Erza asked in a stern tone- "If you don't want Natsu to come with you, just tell him politely. The Devil Slayer wanted to disappear... It wasn't supposed to be like this. He turned his gaze towards his fiancée, silently asking for any kind of rescue. However, he was met with the same horrified gaze. After a moment, the girl bowed her head slightly and said to the rest of the guild. -"Everyone , please forgive us, especially Gray. I don't know what's going on with him lately...." - ' Huh ?'- Gray must have heard that wrong….There is no way... -"....He's been very tired and stressed lately, probably because of work, that's why we decided to go on vacation…..Juvia didn't know what to do...." said Juvia, brilliantly pretending to be distraught. 'Stop making me out to be some kind of aggressive freak,' Gray shouted in his mind 'Juvia is sorry but this is kinda your fault'- thought blunette , while taking a look at her lover. - "Relax Juvia, you don't have to apologize to us... To be honest Natsu tried to force his way into your trip" - said Lucy, looking at her partner with an annoyance. - Sorry Juvia….-said the pink haired boy meekly-"...but the ice princess can kiss my ass. I won't apologize to him.." -he added quietly. - "It honestly sounds like an excuse to leave you alone so you can shag in peace" -said Cana under her breath. She wanted to add something else but then she felt a murderous gaze of the black-haired man and decided to shut up. -"True!"- added Gajeel, receiving a look full of indignation from his best friend. -"That's so MANLY" - "How could you blame them though….." -laughed Macao. -"GOODBYE !" - shouted Fullbuster blushing furiously ,as he headed straight to the door, dragging his equally embarrassed lover with him. As they walked towards the train station, dragging their suitcases behind them, blunette suddenly asked… - "Did you really do this...to be all alone with me....?" asked Juvia innocently. Oh how she loved teasing him like that... -"JUVIA ?! "- At this point Gray was close to having a heart attack. A very amused girl could not stop laughing for a while , until they got on the train and they sat down in one of the wagons. Their journey has just begun. ****************************************** Very random/ unnecessary bonus . Remember this, Lovelies! Never doodle under the influence of alcohol, you will get wierd ideas lol. ,, Do you see this sh*t Juvia? People are fighting over fictional characters… Humanity really is getting dumber and dumber...."
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anerdinallherglory · 3 years
Approaching Sun (30)
Author’s Note: Happy late Valentine’s Day! Fun note: I actually started A.S. on this very same holiday a couple years back. And I did not expect the length or plot this story has taken at allll. Again, I am sorry this is so late. I am hoping to update a LOT more this summer (only one summer class this time!) Unless I get the new job that I am hoping for (fingers crossed). But if I get this job, my free time to write will really open up for me. So it’s a win-win for this story either way.
Also, I want to especially thank these readers: adarkunicorn, softshelldefence, seafoamsands, hatakeliz, harza4925, peachop, cheese-and-biscuits, epitomeofprocrastination, tamnobela, and andreeastroe. These readers really encouraged me to keep writing this story after I was ready trash and take it off all of its publishing sites. You can thank them this story continues.
To all my reviewers, I seriously love you ALL. I am hoping I will get to a point where I can take a break from student emails and respond to each and every one of your reviews in the future. That will be my new year’s resolution this year! I am going to be better. You are all amazing and bring me so much joy and encouragement.
Pairing: SasuSaku
Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29
Chapter 30: A Very Dangerous Game
Sasuke hated Kaguya’s sand dimension even more than he disliked the desert that covered the vast majority of the Land of Wind. This dimension was forever hot despite that the dimension’s otherworldly moon hung low in the dark horizon, a massive orb of blinding white that mirrored the Earth’s moon in exact replica. Sasuke had always felt like the illusion was a reminder of the Otsusuki people, and that Kaguya had designed this dimension to display something that reminded her of home. To Sasuke, the dimension moons eerily reminded him of Kaguya’s pupil-less irises, always watching the spaces that existed between nothing.
Glaring at it in paranoid response, Sasuke, deprived of chakra now, walked toward it slowly and determinedly as a challenge. He would show her exactly how her dimensions were now his domains. The Uchiha decided he would walk freely here because he couldn’t do as he pleased his own world. He wanted to scream curses at that eye-like globe, demanding the Otsusuki show up and take him on now in his weakened state.
“Come on!” he screamed. “All of you! What are you waiting for? Let’s get this over with! I will find you all eventually!” He wanted it done. He wanted this over. He wanted to have a life despite his promise to be the worlds’ sacrifice for peace.
As if to taunt him, Sasuke’s shuffling feet snagged over something in the sand, and he glanced down at his feet in surprise. A ninja’s vest, half-burnt away from acid, displayed itself like a green bearing flag left behind by those who had explored a barren planet. Even though Sasuke had been the only human to ever walk here, Sakura’s old vest that Sasuke had used as a teleport connection between dimensions back when he had been trapped here, always served as a call to his more current jumps. In other words, every time Sasuke had come here over the past couple of years, no matter where he opened the portal, he would always land within a few feet of it.
In the past, he had thought of removing it because it was a painful reminder in many ways. But as he returned consistently to the same spot, Sasuke began to theorize that it had something to do with his ability to travel here. At first, Sasuke believed it was because during teleportation, his path crisscrossed into a connection that had already been created and used before—this was the most likely explanation; his chakra simply wasn’t strong enough to rip a new tear in the fabric of space and time. But as he looked at it now, Sasuke wondered if there was more to it than that. Did emotions tie him to this piece of fabric? And because Sasuke’s friends always existed somewhere in the back of his mind, did his chakra seek it out as something familiar to secure itself to before flinging him through the vacuum of nothingness?
Sasuke glared back at the moon in hatred, wondering too, if it could be just a sick part of Kaguya’s illusions, knowing that the vest had in the past and always, always would continue to stop the Uchiha in his tracks. A temptation reminding him of a different life, one that would cause him to ignore the Otsusuki. Kaguya would want that.
He sat down beside it despite how much he wanted to turn and walk away from it as he always had. This time, he let it be his beacon out of the void, drawing some sort of strength from it in his chakra-deprived state. The whole point of being this exhausted was to avoid thinking of her, but the tattered shinobi vest always pricked him with guilt, especially now when he had left her alone in Sunagakure despite his promises of partnership. It was as if the green material had a voice of its own, saying “See how far she would go for you?” And Sasuke, keeping his thoughts private from the ever-watching rock above, would think to himself “I am doing this for her, too. She will understand eventually. She will accept just how far I am willing to go for this peace we both envision. We have the same goal.”
As Sasuke thought these thoughts again, Sasuke accepted that if they couldn’t be united in love, then at the very least, they would be united in the same goal, the same vision of happiness. It comforted him ever so slightly.
He sighed as he fingered the chakra pills at his waist, guilt invading his chest and suffocating him. How could he tell her his true feelings and make her accept what he was willing to accept? How could he satisfy the both of them and do the least damage?
Sasuke exhaled and leaned back in the sand once more to sleep, sweat beading across his brow in the high temperature. He turned on his side and faced the vest in exhaustion, pretending it was her—pretending to be satisfied with this small piece of the woman he loved and would ever allow himself to dream this close to.
. . . . . . . . . . .
The blackness pervaded all of Sakura’s senses as soon as her feet hit the ground opposite the giant hole she had just created in the sand. She blinked hard, hearing the cursing and alarmed proclamations of those she had attacked. The darkness was like a leaden mist before her eyes and Sakura instinctively created the sign of “release” for genjutsu. And whether it was from her lack of chakra, or because this was a ninjutsu, Sakura’s attempts yielded zero results. The blackness remained and blinded her past several inches in front of her face. When she heard Isao’s shout for her, she had no choice but to dart forward blindly, determined to reach him before someone else did.
“Let go of me!” the child screamed, his pursuer unfortunately catching up with him. Sakura navigated through the pillars of sand-dripping earth that now projected themselves in the air around her. With hands outstretched, she cursed herself. The blow had meant to disorient her opponents and it had, but this damn thickening darkness made it difficult to move forward through the landscape of her own destruction. Thankfully, the waterfalling crumble of sand masked her rushed footfalls.
The kunoichi drew upon her chakra once more, but it came as slowly as before, the medicine still lingering in her system with its toxic chakra clotting effects. Sakura moved hurriedly ahead, hoping that she wasn’t the only one choked with darkness.
Isao’s curses came and Sakura finally rounded a huge boulder to find herself facing the back of the thug’s head. He had his massive hands around the child’s throat, weapon tossed aside in favor of a crueler death to the victim that had caused him so much trouble. Despite his struggle for his life, Isao made eye contact with her the moment they were close enough to see each other. His attacker saw recognition register in the boy’s eyes and spun to face her. But it was too late. Sakura’s kunai was slicing the gray flesh of his throat before he even had time to see her, a final blow that had been delayed from earlier, but determined by fate to be his cause of death. The brutish ninja dropped to the ground instantly and Sakura justified the blood that pooled freely at her feet by remembering his cruel actions to the child that struggled to catch his breath before her.
Sakura picked up the abandoned weapon, the weight unfamiliar in her hands. The sound of the man’s death had betrayed her position, and the footsteps of his companions crunched closer to her location. Terrified, Sakura clutched the child, pushing him behind the jagged column of rock behind her.
“Isao,” she pleaded in a whisper. “You have to make a run for it.”
“I won’t leave you,” he declared, determined to fight to his death for her.
“The only thing you can do for me now is to go get help,” she said honestly. It was a half-truth. There were only a few realities before them, and Isao making it back to the village and bringing help was not likely due to how much time it would take. But Sakura was desperate to remove the brave child from the scenario. She cared too much to let him sacrifice himself for her.
“Miss—” he protested, but Sakura propelled him forward in the blinding darkness, an enemy’s footsteps rounding the earth that cloaked him. It was too late to argue, and Sakura turned to face the phantom-man who stepped toward her in visibility, shadows curling around him as he cleared a path through the inky mist.
Sakura faced him squarely, taking a defensive stance and raising the wicked katana with her sharper green eyes, sending a stare to him along the metal’s surface. The shadow-wielding ninja smirked and the rest of his crew appeared beside him.
“Go!” she screamed in final command at the child whose feet took off into the black at her back.
Sakura brandished the sword in confident threat at her attackers, herself serving as the shield between herself and Isao; they wouldn’t move an inch in pursuit of his direction if she had anything to do with it. Sakura had never wielded a sword before, but in the absence of chakra, she would become a master at it in this moment. Sakura was a kunoichi, a medic, a chakra control master, the pupil of a legendary Sanin, a rising legend herself, and today, she would add something else to her list. Scratch that. She would two things tonight: she would eradicate this new movement of anti-peace revolutionaries, and she would do it at disadvantage with the weapon of her enemy.
. . . . . . . .
As Isao ran, he clutched his side in pain, a sharp stab in his waist. The man who Sakura had killed moments before must have broken one of his ribs as he crushed Isao to the ground. At first, the young ninja pitched forward in blackness, half-debating to turn back to help the pink-haired ninja. But Isao knew the truth. He had been foolish to pursue her and her kidnappers alone and he cursed himself for his rash decisions in his fear of losing sight of them; he should have told someone else even if he lost their trail. Any of them, anyone at allwould have been better help to Miss Haruno than he had been.
Isao’s bravery amounted to nothing and it was evident in every piercing word from the medic kunoichi: The only thing you can do for me now is to go get help … Isao let the command fuel him forward despite the pain, until the night faded into morning hours later and the mighty walls of the Sand Village came into view.
He didn’t know how much time had passed and he didn’t wait to scream for help. The Kazekage was not in the village—he had overheard that much. Neither was the teammate that traveled with Miss Haruno. He yelled the only name he could think of, the name his heart still cried out to despite how much he hated him. The roaring sand shrouded his cries, and the prison walls would buffer it completely, but Isao begged to the air, shouting over and over, “FATHER! HELP ME!”
. . . . . . . .
The taste of the chakra pill was bitter, smoky and acrid. The Uchiha almost gagged trying to swallow it down, and he silently confirmed that Sai had been right—although Sasuke hated to agree with anything his entitled replacement said. What had he called them? Mudballs? Despite the accurate term, Sasuke feared his kunoichi companion more than he hated the taste, so he would keep the complaint to himself.
The pill pooled in his stomach and Sasuke took a breath, focusing on the ignition starting in his core. The rush of power was exhilarating as it topped off his chakra supply, overflowing visibly in a blue-purple halo around him. It sizzled along his skin and Sasuke grinned wickedly as a spiraling vortex appeared before him, much larger than any he had been able to create on his own before.
This was it! It was working! He pushed beyond the core dimension easily, his ready supply of chakra speedily fueling the tunnel between the void, but it ate and ate away at his energy and the color disappeared from his skin. Running off his own meager supply now, Sasuke exhaled and grinded his teeth in concentration. Finally, the connection was made and Sasuke threw himself through it.
He landed roughly, skidding to a halt, and he was ironically thankful for once for the Land of Wind’s high volume of sand. Sasuke found himself smirking up at the lightening sky as he recovered, because this was his first victory in a long struggle of jumping dimensions. To the Uchiha, it was proof that he was doing exactly what he was meant to do: beat Kaguya and the Otsusuki clan at their own game in their own territory. Giddy in his success, Sasuke used the last of his dwindling energy to rise to his feet, his thoughts immediately turning to the woman who had helped make this all possible—he hadn’t achieved this on his own; Sakura deserved the credit. And it was the first time that Sasuke could admit that he needed someone else’s help in his goal.
The dark walls of Sunagakure cut the bright morning horizon in half and Sasuke’s gut twisted in a combination of emptiness and guilt at the thought of returning to Sunagakure to face his friend after their… kiss. Sasuke was torn between finding her immediately to tell her that their plan had worked, pretending the kiss never happened in typical Uchiha fashion. But the time he had stolen away from her “to think” brought him to only one conclusion: he needed to apologize—again—and at least explain why. He had made her a promise to be a partner that depended on each other, and here Sakura was continuing to keep that promise, while Sasuke stole moments of happiness and bailed when he had to face the consequences. Suddenly remembering their sunset conversation the last time he had returned after leaving, Sasuke felt a fresh stab to his consciousness as he recalled her statement: “a part of partnership is communication.”
Sasuke slowly made his way toward the village gates. When he passed through the canyon-like entrance, people greeted him with “good mornings” while others stared openly at him. Their gazes were a little different, warmer, and Sasuke wondered if his teammate’s influence in the hospital had something to do with his newreception in Sunagakure now.
Feeling even more ashamed, Sasuke resolved himself for his female companion’s wrath and made a straight line for the hospital.
When he entered the hospital’s double doors, Sasuke came upon a scene that made his stomach drop into his feet. Kankuro, who was haggard from exhaustion, and had apparently returned sometime in the night, was fisting the collar of a hospital staff member.
“What do you mean they’re not here?” he bristled. “If she’s not in her rooms, then she should be here. Where’s Mako? Where’s the kid?”
“I don’t know sir,” came the panicked response from the employee, terrified to be facing the Kazekage’s right-hand man. “I’m sure they’re in the village somewhere.”
Hearing those words had Sasuke acting before thinking and the Uchiha rushed forward to fist the shirt of the same medic. “Are you talking about Sakura?” His eyes darted between the both of them and Kankuro’s grip released from the startled staff’s shirt in the same moment he shoved Sasuke’s own hand away.
“Where the hell have you been?” Kankuro accused icily, and a fire Sasuke didn’t even know he had left in him, surged from his throat in anger.
“What the hell is happening?” he demanded, taking another step toward the puppet wielder.
Kankuro pinched his nose in frustration, then beheld him in shock. “You mean Sakura isn’t with you?”
Sasuke eyes widened in immediate response, an answer refusing to form on his lips. Instead, he shouted, “You don’t know where she is?!”
Kankuro frowned deeper at his sudden animosity. “She hasn’t been seen since yesterday morning,” he explained quickly. “The innkeeper said she never came back to the inn. Mako, another medic, and Sakura’s young patient are missing too.”
Sasuke didn’t wait for any further explanation before he began sprinting up the stairs to the second floor of the hospital, the filter for his behavior now completely removed. Let everyone think what they want! That bastard! When Sasuke got ahold of Mako, he wasn’t sure what he would do. Sasuke’s feet were unusually heavy and his breath labored as he continued climbing to the third floor toward the medicine preparation room they had occupied together only recently.
“Sakura?!” He kicked open the door and furiously searched the vacant room with his eyes. After seeing no one, Sasuke stared at the empty couch where they had sat so close to one another the night before last. As if his memory of her there could recall her, Sasuke gazed openly at it, breathing hard.
Having followed the Uchiha, Kankuro appeared in the door behind him. “We’ve already checked the hospital. She isn’t here. We need to check the rest of the village, quickly!”
She couldn’t be missing. Was she really with that assistant of hers or that child?  Were they off somewhere else doing something medical, or were they truly missing? Shit. Shit. Shit.
He turned on Kankuro in his unnerved rage. Sasuke wanted to demand where they had been, he and the Kazekage, but Sasuke remembered that Sakura had told him that they were investigating trouble near the border. He cursed himself again for being selfish and leaving her here alone.
As if reading his thoughts, Kankuro explained, “I was sent back by the Kazekage in the night. He is handling a situation regarding the ninja Sakura said ambushed you both in Tanigakure. The incidents were apparently related.”
“What do you mean?” Sasuke suddenly asked, a deep and cutting sensation coming over Sasuke that he hadn’t felt in a very, very long time: fear.
Kankuro looked down and away from him, debating on how much to reveal. “With some unmentionable methods, we were finally able to find out who their target was,” he finally informed with a sigh. His eyes rose to meet Sasuke’s and the Uchiha saw the same raw fear mirrored in Kankuro’s eyes. “It’s Sakura.”
At the very moment that Sasuke’s knees felt like collapsing beneath his weight, the same staff member that the two ninja had threatened seconds before, came running into the room, panting heavily from having hiked the floors.
“Come quickly,” he urged between breaths, turning immediately to run back down the steps. “Isao has returned.”  
Kankuro made eye contact with the Uchiha before they both bolted back down the stairs, taking two and three steps at time. Sasuke cursed his lack of chakra that kept him from just teleporting downstairs.
Sitting in a chair, the child clutched his side. Sasuke noticed that he kept trying to rise, but the staff held him down as they tried to bandage a wound on his arm. Deep purple finger marks circled around the child’s neck like a collar.
“Not me! Her! Go find her, please!” he shouted as he struggled against them.
“Calm down boy,” a woman medic urged. “We have to staunch the flow of blood from your arm.” The child looked at his wound as if he didn’t even know it had been there.
When Isao caught sight of Sasuke and Kankuro, he started to cry. “HELP! Please help!” he shouted, and they quickly moved to hover over the child. Kankuro suddenly kneeled before him, taking the gauze from the medic and wrapped the child’s arm himself as he questioned.
“Speak kid,” Kankuro urged, “What is going on?”
“Miss Haruno,” he choked between tears. “She’s still out there! Please, we have to go!”
Before Kankuro could ask the child why, Sasuke did something appalling, an act that Sakura would be disappointed in him for. His sharingan flashed bright, soaking up the last of his chakra like a sponge, and he caught the panicked child’s stare in his own crimson and purple one.
Just as he had to Isao’s father, Sasuke stepped into the child’s memories. Isao’s recollections were almost too overwhelming for Sasuke to handle at the moment, each image dripping with the fear in which young ones saw the ninja world. There was also bravery in them and familial concern for the pink-haired kunoichi. Sasuke skipped through the memories like speeding up a film, an act that made his head throb in pain. He didn’t care about his own state at the moment though, seeking the green-eyed face of the woman he had come to love.
There. Isao’s most recent memory Sakura was of her telling him “to go get help.” Sasuke didn’t have time to go back further and he let the memories play out from that point, mapping the child’s nighttime desert sprint, hours long, from the empty desert back to the gates of the village.
Not needing to explore the child’s mind further, he released Isao and they both gasped. Sasuke clutched his eye, ignoring the angry glare on Kankuro’s face. He didn’t care about Kankuro’s morals or even the child’s shocked state at that moment. There was only one thing he cared about. He would let the child explain the details to Kankuro; Sasuke didn’t have the time to explain things to Kankuro. Instead, the Uchiha did the unthinkable, playing the very dangerous game of popping another chakra pill into his mouth as he sprinted out the hospital doors.
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fallenrepublick · 3 years
We're Okay
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Well... not exactly. This is more like a self-indulgent bonus chapter as a break from the plot... It's just smut. Literally. If you're not into this, don't worry at all, because it has no bearing on anything, and the actual plot will pick up right from chapter two.
Warnings: General NSFW (obviously), but nothing harsh or overly kinky, pretty vanilla..., one single blood mention
Word Count: 2040
The room was already dark. True, it was quite like him to stay out for longer periods of time, standing on the balcony and looking to the sky, as if things might change if he dreamed about it long enough. And if you were so inclined, you’d join him, sliding your hand to his shoulder from behind, guiding his mind back to you the way you had done his body. His hold in return promises your success.
Yet today you find yourself pacing, stepping back and forth through the small space alone, Themis finally asleep in the room across, and you bite your lip, hating the uncertainty. The way they looked at him. Yes, you knew there would be hostility. You knew it from the moment you left Csilla. But… all of them?
Their eyes… their hands at their hips, prepared to draw a blaster at even the slightest infraction, hesitation and a softening of their features only present upon seeing you. But their attention did not shift, reason did not overtake them. It was only with their leader’s words that they stood down, albeit reluctantly.
Escaping one scrutiny, only to dive headfirst into another. If life hadn’t already been so cruel, you might have asked why. By now, though, you know better.
The door slides, shaking you from your thoughts, pulling your head back on instinct. Your arms drop from encasing your chest protectively, and you reach for your husband, who almost instantly reaches back, taking your hands in his and pressing them to his lips, as if relieved to see you after so long apart.
“What was it?” you ask him, scanning him slightly for any new injuries, despite your previous trust in the woman that led you there. “They didn’t…”
“No…” he says softly nothing but reassurance in his voice. And yet you sensed guilt. “We can stay, but… things have changed. Thrawn… has changed. I have to move against him.”
“You don’t,” you urge, taking his face in your hands gently, asking silently for his eyes to meet yours. The slight glow is a comfort, just as it always had been, and yet you can’t help but feel as if they’re dimmer, as if the lights have grown tired of shining the way they had so long ago. “You don’t have to do this. We can find somewhere else. We can leave again.”
Your fingers brush at the scar on his cheek, protective, promises of no more harm coming to him as long as you can help it. Not being able to help it might as well be your worst fear. “It won’t make any difference.” He watches as your eyes narrow, unable to release your worry for him, one that hadn’t quite gone away since the day he was back in your arms. Now, it seems, he’s only continued to put himself in harm’s way. “This is… everywhere. The galaxy itself is under this single control. There’s no escaping it unless we try to go back.” Home. Once upon a time, he would have said, “go back home.”
“I have to do this,” he continues, more sure, more certain of his future. “These people… they hunt those with the Third Sight. It’s… It’s not about them. It’s about her.”
You raise yourself up as best you can, him in turn meeting you in the middle, placing a soft kiss on his lips. “I don’t want something else happening to you,” you whisper, more afraid than you had realised. “Not after everything.”
“I swear,” he says prematurely, unable to break the habit of making promises you both know he can’t always keep. The words soothe you regardless. “We will be okay.”
How often you said that to him. We will be okay. The day you found him. Every day after. Even as he struggled, as he bled through bandages, as his chest heaved and he tried to make you leave him behind for your own sake, you still whispered into weak hands that you held tightly as if it were his very life, “We will be okay.”
And so, hands loosening, you prepare to release him, accepting it as an answer, at least for now. A soft smile on your face, a step back. It’s not a fearful silence, not like he was prepared for, but rather, one setting the unease to rest, one promising a coming of tomorrow, when perhaps you will discuss once more. But for now, “I’ll be washing up,” you say, beginning to break away, suddenly lonely at the thought of being away again, even if it were only a room over. He seemed to think the same.
His hand doesn’t quite release, leaving you standing across from him, your arms connected in a line between you, oriented as if caught in the middle of a waltz. There’s a tilt in his head when you turn back, almost a smile at the corners of his mouth, but not quite.
“Or…” you say, trying not to laugh at his ridiculousness. “You could join me?”
How you missed the laugh he gives, despite the pressure, despite this place being not entirely what you wanted, a weight is gone, expectations all but meaningless. Already, your heart skips the way it did when you met him.
“Well, if you insist,” he smiles crookedly, happily following as you all but drag him out to the smaller room, less extravagant than you were used to, though he wouldn’t have it any different.
Impatient as ever, his lips are already at your neck, slow presses and warm breath sending chills through you, his hands working at the layers you wear. You tug at his clothes just the same, allowing this sudden, unrelenting need for him control your actions, the feeling of going so long without him all but blocking out any other reason.
And your hands find his hair, sliding out the tie at the end of his braid, brushing through the new waves that no doubt would be washed away moments after hitting the water. It matters little, he knows, strands falling over his shoulders, smiling into the kiss he plants on your own lips. You quite like it that way.
Clothes litter the floor haphazardly, his touch becoming more urgent, more desperate, refusing to stop even as he leads you backwards beneath the running water. The warmth hits all at once, sliding over your skin, his touch even smoother, obscured by the steam raising around your bodies. He holds at your waist, doing everything he can to press himself to you, not a breadth of space between you.
“I know… I know it’s only been a few days…” he sighs, more so to himself as he tries and fails to reason out his desperation, having moved himself much further down to reach your chest. He melts for a moment in the soft whimpers you give as he lightly sucks at your skin. “But gods I’ve needed you… I’ll always need you.”
It’s as if he’s trying to catch you off-guard, quickly slipping his hand down between your legs, the reward to your anticipation sending you further backwards, finally against the icy wall, unsure if the shaking in your legs is from the stone, Thrass, or a little bit of both. Yet he isn’t one to keep you waiting, his free hand dragging paths across your skin knowing by heart the exact places that make you sigh and gasp for him, the last instrument in the universe he can still play.
And you hold to his neck, desperate for something to ground you as he rubs and plays with your clit, low hums of laughter following every sudden sound you make when he changes his style. Fingers run over his pale scars, the lines almost reminiscent of lightning spread over the contours of his body, many of them coming to meet at his waist, a harsh reminder of what might have been. You touch them anyways, kisses following the tracks, as goddesses bestow blessings to those who’ve given so much, and he holds each as their own reward, remembering that each one is a bit of your heart made to fill the gaps that still keep him from being whole. One day, perhaps, you might bring him all together.
Pulling his hand slowly away, ignoring your breath of displeasure at being left so, he instead guides your legs further apart, holding to the bottom of your thigh as it follows his lead around his waist. His voice is at your neck again, hot breath enough to rival the warmth of the water still gracing your bodies.
“I’ll be gentle,” he assures, barely in a whisper, if even there at all. He enters you slowly, a gradual movement promising that you feel every bit of it as he goes, sliding into you easily, his very existence designed solely to be yours in every moment now, as well as after. Each second he takes is a new wave of pleasure, another moan, another cry of his name, one after the other becoming louder, echoing in the otherwise empty chamber.
He’s done so little, yet you find yourself begging already, “Please, please don’t stop,” as if you were in any danger of being left unsatisfied. But no, it isn’t in his nature to do such things, and he begins the moment you say it, his hips rolling painfully slowly into you, deliberate and intoxicated by how tight you are around him. His own soft moans are like a song in your ear, interrupted every so often by a whimper of your name and muffled by more kisses onto your jawline.
Soon enough, the need only becomes worse, every inch of your body growing tense, pulling him closer to you, wanting more than what you have.
“Gods, you’re so beautiful,” he still says, breath short and strained, “I need you, I need you, my love,” is all he manages to say, likely, all he knows. He obliges a request you didn’t need to make, moving to the rhythm he knows you love, your heart racing faster than you can measure, beats he can feel against him as he holds you. You shake and tremble as you reach your edge, your legs curling so tightly around him that there’s barely enough opportunity for him to continue, and yet he does, pushing you through your climax, cursing under his breath as you cum together, your cries surely loud enough to be heard from at least the hallway. All evidence of your time washes away with the flow of the water, yet he still holds to you, remaining connected these last few moments, unable to let go just yet.
The heaving of his chest slows, practically willing your own to follow suit, a confident embrace protecting you the way he always hoped, only loosening later on, allowing your feet to touch the floor lightly. Your hands cradle the sides of his face, watching relief form so clearly as he continues to gaze at you. It’s so odd, he surely still thinks, that you love him so. That he can still do such things for you, that over all the scars, all the pain you see in him, you love him above such things, and he in turn can still touch you, can still love you the way he always had. The kiss you give is small, only barely there, and yet placed as if to seal away a letter sent to a lover far off, and he knows, running a warm towel over your hair, across your damp skin, that you haven’t left.
Your hands intertwine, now mostly dry, your forehead pressed to his for the moment just before you dress. And he smiles, every bit of contact a gift he’s learned to hold to as if it were the last. A touch on the small of your back, and a quiet sigh. If anyone had seen, they might have said it was a conversation all its own. You know you have to part, rest for the day to come, but there’s so much to think, so much to feel. In the silence of it all, you whisper to him, to only him,
“We’re okay.”
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sisterspooky1013 · 3 years
Damsels, by SisterSpooky1013
Chapter Two: Assignment
Read chapter one here / Rated E
Tagging @today-in-fic
Tense. Awkward. Ambiguous. There are many words she might use to describe her relationship with Mulder at the moment, none of them particularly pleasant. As things between them become more intense, it’s getting harder to ignore the fact that their feelings for one another are beyond those of friendship, partnership, or even family. The problem is, neither of them seems willing to risk an overture bigger than a New Years kiss, an offer of wine and cheese, a night of baseball, or even a request for a sperm donor. The little gestures that say they want more pepper their interactions, but the grand gesture is yet to be seen. They’re in a standoff; guns drawn, but no one is willing to fire the first shot. Stalemate. Conundrum. Catch 22. Stuck.
An idle Tuesday afternoon spent completing case reports is both a treasure and a torture. The smell of his cologne when he leans over her desk to point out a typo makes her dizzy with desire. His boyish smile at his own cheesy jokes begs her to kiss his pouty lips. Just the shadow of his presence, his tall frame looming over her like a safe harbor, makes her ache. She wants to be near him, but being near him is a test of every shred of self control she possesses. How she has not yet climbed into his lap on his flimsy office chair is a minor miracle.
For this reason, being called into A.D. Skinner’s office for an impromptu meeting is a welcome reprieve. Mulder is perplexed as to why they only requested her but she shrugs him off, promising to fill him in on the details when she gets back if he finishes the case report he’s been toiling away at for the better part of the day. He gives her a coy smile that makes her belly do flips as she pulls the door closed behind her. Each step she takes away from the basement releases her from the pull of his nearness and she’s able to breathe easier, but knows she’ll start to miss him within the hour.
When she arrives in Skinner’s office, she’s surprised to find that A.D. Kersh is also present. A most unpleasant surprise, given their history.
“Agent Scully, please take a seat,” Skinner directs her, and she sits in the empty chair beside Kersh. This is normally a situation in which Mulder would be by her side, which adds to her discomfort.
“Agent Scully,” Skinner begins, “you’ve been requested to assist in a special investigation being handled by Kersh’s team. It’s an undercover operation.”
Scully’s eyebrows lift in surprise and confusion. “Is Agent Mulder also being requested, sir?” she asks, wondering if this would be a repeat of Arcadia. Though if they went undercover as a married couple now, things may play out a bit differently than last time.
“No,” Skinner continues, “you, and you alone, have been specifically requested. Agent Mulder will not be needed for this investigation.”
“Can I ask why?” she queries, characteristically being respectful of the authority of the men in the room, while also skeptical of Kersh’s motives.
Skinner looks to Kersh, silently signaling him to take up the explanation.
“Agent Scully, this case requires an undercover operation in search of a missing young woman,” Kersh explains in his deadpan, unfriendly demeanor. “Mila Chamberlain went missing from her New York apartment four months ago. Her parents have connections with the bureau by way of a scholarship they fund. They believe that Mila is being held against her will in Philadelphia by a man named Ricky Dean. Our investigation so far has been stalled by the fact that Mr. Dean has a very tight circle and no one is willing to talk. At this point we believe an undercover agent is our best opportunity to locate Mila and extricate her from the situation she’s in.”
Scully listens quietly with her hands folded in her lap. When Kersh finishes, she looks to Skinner to gauge his response, then back to Kersh. She has a feeling there’s something they aren’t telling her.
“What’s the assignment, sir? What is it that I can provide or do that the agents in your division can’t?”
Kersh looks at Skinner and waits.
“Agent Scully, Ricky Dean is the owner and operator of a large and very successful gentlemen’s club in Philly,” Skinner explains, forcing eye contact that clearly makes him uncomfortable.
Scully juts out her chin and looks at him expectantly. It would appear that she has to pull teeth to get the details of this case. “What is the assignment, sir?” she asks again, clear irritation in her voice.
Kersh pipes in. “We need an agent to go undercover as a dancer, Agent Scully, to get close to Ricky and the other girls who work there. To locate Mila and extract her from the club.”
Scully’s mouth falls open slightly. She has to be missing something. “A dancer? Forgive my candor, sir, but am I to understand that you’re asking me to go undercover as a stripper?” She works very hard to keep the edge out of her voice.
“That’s correct, Agent Scully,” Skinner replies. “If you recall, when you signed on as a Special Agent with the FBI you agreed to investigate and solve cases by whatever means necessary.” It seems that Skinner has rehearsed this well. He’s ready for her objections and has prepared rebuttals, though the flush on his neck gives away just how uncomfortable this conversation is for him.
“I do understand that, sir, however I can’t help but wonder why I specifically am being selected for this assignment. I’m assigned to the X Files. This is not an X File. Surely an agent in A.D. Kersh’s division can assist with this.”
Skinner shifts uncomfortably in his seat and avoids her eyes. She looks at Kersh, openly frustrated. “Sir?” she asks.
Skinner speaks, looking at his desk. “We require an agent with a certain…look. Age demographic, physical…features. They have to be able to get a job at the club without the opportunity for a plant. They have to walk in off the street with the certainty that they’ll be hired,” he raises his gaze to look at her. “There is no one on Kersh’s team who fits that description.”
Now it’s Scully who blushes. They’re assigning her to this case because they think that she, of all people, can get a job at a strip club. She swallows hard.
“Sir, with all due respect, I’m very uncomfortable with this assignment.” She looks back and forth between the two A.D.s, directing her plea to whichever she might be able to sway.
“And with all due respect, Agent Scully,” Skinner replies, pulling rank, “we are asking you as a courtesy. Need I remind you that you are not at liberty to pick and choose which assignments you take?”
That’s it. There’s no option to back out or say no. All she has hope for is to try to negotiate some of the parameters. She looks at her hands, which she hadn’t realized she was wringing in her lap. Her skin is now mottled and red.
“I understand, sir. If I may, this sounds like a very…sensitive situation. One in which other agents being aware of the assignment could compromise the case.” This is her very professional way of saying that if the guys in the bullpen get wind that Agent Scully is on assignment as a stripper, they will surely pay a recreational visit to the club. She’s been through a lot and there are many challenges she knows she can overcome, however her coworkers seeing her in such a degrading situation is not something she is capable of surviving.
“Of course, we’ve considered that as well. No one other than myself, A.D. Kersh and the lead investigator on the case, Special Agent Wiley, will be aware of your assignment. We have and will continue to go to great lengths to protect your privacy on this, Agent Scully.” Skinner has softened just a bit now that he got past showing Kersh that he can compel his agents to toe the line as well as any A.D., even unruly ones like Mulder and Scully.
“What about Agent Mulder?” she asks, lifting her gaze. “I don’t mean to be dramatic, sir, but if he finds out about this, he’ll…I’m honestly not sure what he’ll do but I don’t imagine it will be pleasant.” She pictures Mulder storming the strip club, throwing her over his shoulder and hauling her out of there like she’s a wayward teenager. That’s the only scenario even worse than the assignment itself.
Skinner nods solemnly. “Yes, I’ve considered that as well. You’ll tell Agent Mulder that I assigned you to assist with a case at Quantico and that you’ll be away for a few weeks. Tomorrow morning you’ll be transported to your temporary residence in Philly and you will cut all contact with him, and I do mean ALL contact, Agent Scully. I’ll deal with him after you’re gone.”
“Thank you, sir. Is there anything else I need to know right now?” She feels nausea creeping up her spine.
“That’s it for now, Agent Scully. Report to my office at 0400 hours tomorrow. You’re to bring nothing. Not your wallet or your service weapon, and definitely not your cell phone. Everything you need will be supplied to you.”
“Yes, sir. Thank you.”
She stands and leaves his office, a lump forming in her throat as she blinks furiously against the tears that threaten to break loose. Once in the hall, she makes a beeline for the ladies room and spends the better part of 20 minutes calming herself down. This is a living nightmare. She can’t even begin to think about what she’ll be asked to do. What absolute depravity she’ll need to bear witness to, much less participate in. Only two people other than her doctors have seen her in anything less than a bathing suit in the last 7 years; Ed and Mulder. The idea of taking her clothes off in front of anyone, much less men there for the express purpose of ogling her, makes her physically ill. There’s a strong possibility that she’ll deliver a right hook to the first guy who lays a hand on her and get herself fired, which might actually be the best case scenario.
And Mulder. She has to lie to Mulder. Even if she gets through the initial lie, she’ll have to come clean eventually. What will he think of her? This might seal her fate with whatever is going on between them. Knowing that she has done this, that she has degraded herself so completely and defied her own morals in such a profound way, could change how he sees her irreparably. After talking herself down from quitting on the spot several times, she leaves the bathroom and heads to the basement.
Mulder has his feet propped up on his desk, the completed case file stacked neatly in the corner as he flips through a stack of photographs. When she pushes the door open, he smiles broadly and she feels a clench in her chest.
“Hey, you’re back. That was a seriously long meeting. The case file is all done, so what’s up?” he asks, bringing his feet to the floor and propping his elbows on the desk.
“Oh, nothing exciting.” She’s already unsure if she can fool him. “They need some help at Quantico, a big case with a heavy autopsy load, and Skinner is going to reassign me for a few weeks.”
He looks at her quizzically and she feels her pulse quicken. “Really? What case is that? I don’t think I’ve heard anything about it.”
“Uh, I’m honestly not sure, he didn’t give me much information, just said that I needed to report there tomorrow.” She busies herself with organizing the papers on her desk, taking mental note of the fact that she won’t be returning for quite some time.
“Scully, you were gone for like an hour, he didn’t give you any details?”
Her brain scrambles for an excuse. “Oh, yeah, I was only in Skinner’s office for about ten minutes. I ran into Agent Vincent in the hallway and chatted with him for a bit.”
Mulder narrows his eyes while she does absolutely everything other than look at him. “Agent Vincent? I thought you hated that guy. You called him, and I quote, ‘dumber than a bag of hair.’”
Her fight or flight response kicks in and she whirls to face him, irritation bubbling to the surface. “I said I talked to the guy, Mulder, not went on a date with him. He asked for some help with a case he’s working on. Am I not supposed to speak to anyone but you?”
He puts up his hands in defense. “No, I didn’t say that. Sorry. Forget about it.”
“I’m gonna head out early, I don’t feel all that well. Can you make sure these reports get submitted with yours?” she asks, setting her four completed reports on top of the one he’d finished in the same timeframe.
“Uh, yeah, of course. Are you getting sick?” Concern clouds his features; he’s always so worried for her health.
“I’m fine, Mulder, I’ll see you tomorrow.” She collects her briefcase and coat and makes for the door.
“No you won’t,” he says as her fingers grasp the handle.
She freezes, thinking she’s been caught. She turns to look at him, but his expression is neutral.
“You’ll be at Quantico, right?” he offers.
She exhales deeply. “Right. Yes, I’ll be at Quantico.”
“Maybe we can get lunch. Email me when you know what time you can sneak away,” he says, leaning back in his chair and picking up a baseball from the surface of his desk.
“Okay, I will. Goodbye, Mulder.” She takes a long look at him, not sure when she’ll see him again.
“Later, Gator,” he replies nonchalantly, tossing the ball in the air and catching it as she pulls the door closed behind her.
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sirenprincess15 · 3 years
Please Don't Leave Me Chapter 17
Title: Please Don’t Leave Me
Author: SirenPrincess
Description: What if Aleksander hadn’t answered the door when Ivan interrupted the war room kissing? What if Aleksander and Alina had a bit more time to get to know each other before Baghra told her his true identity? Alina is the only one who can comfort Aleksander through his nightmares. Will she leave once she knows who he is?
This story is based on the show version and features a soft on the inside, hard on the outside Aleksander with an emphasis on emotional hurt/comfort and angst. If you are looking for lots of hurt!Aleksander thoughts, then this story is for you. Mal exists but pretty much solely to cause Aleksander some angst. Don’t worry. It will be a Darklina ending.
Chapter 1 is a missing scene at the end of Ep 4, and Chapter 2 takes place alongside Ep 5 and then diverges from canon there.
Pairings: Aleksander Morozova/Alina Starkov, bits of Ivan/Fedyor
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Grisha are oppressed in this universe, and I don’t shy away from showing the horrors of that. There may eventually be mentions of canon-typical torture (Fjerdan pyres), death of family members, and cruelty to Grisha children. It’s not the focus, but that backdrop is definitely there and comes up as characters discuss their past.
In this chapter: After their night off from trying to figure everything out, Aleksander shares a secret with Alina.
Chapter 17
Aleksander was conscious, but he refused to wake up. Alina was flooding him with her light so he could sleep, and he did not want to give it up. They had agreed to a night of heaven without worry of figuring everything out, but where did that leave them today?
He was somewhat reassured by her confession last night that she needed him as he needed her. If she felt the pull between them as well, then surely they could find a path forward. That didn’t change the fact that there was so much that he needed to tell her. It didn’t make it any easier to explain any of it. He could run through all the scenarios in his head again, but that would result in the same crippling agony he ended up with night after night. Perhaps he should just send her on her own to talk with David. Could she possibly believe he didn’t want her as a slave after that? The image of her screaming her hatred at him wouldn’t leave his head until he actually thought of something worse. What if what she learned made her run with the tracker? Alina had shared that the tracker already had a plan. The truth could prompt her to follow through with it. What if Zlatan found them? Now it was her head rolling from her body that he saw again.
“Aleksander,” she said his name so sweetly as she wrapped her arms tighter around his chest. “I can feel that. Stop.” She sent her reassurance through their bond.
“Please don’t leave me.” The words were barely a whisper, but he could not hold them in. His heart reached out to hers and begged for her to stay. They could solve anything else together if she would just stay.
“Please don’t hurt me,” was her response, a fair request revealing her deepest fears.
Aleksander met her gaze and nodded. The seriousness of that commitment made his heart ache. He let her feel through the bond how much he meant it. He feared hurting her too, but he would give all of him to prevent that. “I never want to hurt you. I would take any pain on myself, any, if it meant I didn’t hurt you.”
They stayed that way a long time, just staring into each other’s eyes, emotions flowing back and forth between them. She seemed to accept his determination not to hurt her, even if bits of self doubt and fear crept back in occasionally. He tried to reassure himself of her love, but his worry about how to try to explain everything to her still kept creeping in. It was impossible to prevent the panic he felt at the idea of losing her. Her emotions could calm him, but then he would stress again on finding the right words to make her understand everything, and the ache in his heart would reignite again.
“Aleksander? Talk to me. I know it’s hard for you to trust and open up. You have been through so much. I understand that now, but you cannot go on with this pain inside you. Please try to tell me what’s causing it. The more you actually open up, the more I feel I can trust you.”
“It’s just that I don’t know how to be the man you want, the man you deserve, and I fear I will lose you anyway because I can never possibly share all of the dreadful secrets. Alina, I can’t lose you, but I’ve been thinking of way after way to deal with this, and I can’t … I can’t.” His jaw trembled with the effort of controlling his emotions. Damn it, he did not want to cry in front of her this morning. He was terrified, though, that Alina would leave him for any of the litany of good reasons she had.
“If it helps, I can feel how sincere you are about wanting to give me the honesty I request. I can tell, Aleksander. Are any of the secrets about important things?”
His lip quivering as he tried to control himself, he nodded.
“All right. So we just start with one. Tell me the biggest one. And then once we work through that, the others won’t seem all so bad.”
Which one even was the biggest one? He couldn’t decide. Maybe he should tell her about Marie. He could just blurt that out without a lengthy explanation, but the guilt of that death would destroy her. How could he? How could he possibly do that to her?
“Aleksander!” she gasped. “It’s tearing you apart. Guilt, pain, fear--you ache deeper than anything I have ever felt before. Please just tell me. Let’s work through it together. However awful it is, it cannot be worth this amount of pain.”
“If I tell you, then you will hurt, and I cannot do that to you. If I don’t tell you and you find out, then you will leave me for the lie, and I cannot find the strength to bear that pain, Alina.”
She took slow, deep breaths and sent reassurance and love through their connection. She waited several moments like that, just breathing and feeling, taking his pain and meeting it with love. “I want you to tell me. We can face the pain stronger together. I promise I will forgive you if you can manage to tell me now. You do not wish to hurt me, but I am strong, and we are together. Tell me.”
“Marie is dead.” It was barely a whisper, but the look of shock on her face made it clear that she had heard.
“Marie?! How? What happened?” She was processing the grief when she gasped with realization. “The winter fete! The attempt to assasination me … but you said ...Saints, Marie!”
He nodded as he experienced the sorrow anew with her. “She died to protect you. She was a good friend and a beautiful Grisha, strong, brave. The assassin slit her throat.”
“That’s why you’ve been having nightmares of my death? Oh, Aleksander, why didn’t you tell me?”
“Luda died for me. I know what it is to have someone you care about killed when they were just trying to protect you. She isn’t the only one. The guilt of that loss is something I never wanted you to know.”
She cuddled into his chest as the emotions of that hit her, and he hugged her tight as he gave her a moment to process her friend’s death. How many times had he dealt with those emotions over the centuries? And, yet, he could not think of a single word to say that would actually make that pain any better.
“My sweet, caring, Aleksander,” she whispered. “Some moments I’m so afraid of your dark side, but then you say something like that. You kept all the pain inside yourself so I wouldn’t feel any. That’s not what I want you to do at all, but I can feel you did it out of love. You’ve been dealing with the trauma of Marie’s death, her death disguised as me, on your own this whole time. I don’t even think you realize how severely it’s been affecting you. You lost one love to the king’s army, and now another young Grisha, who looked like me at the time, has been slaughtered by another army general. And you just wanted to keep all of that inside you? You ask too much of yourself. I’ve been feeling all your pain, but I didn’t know why or how to help. You should have told me.” Her voice was so soft. It felt less like a reprimand and more a plea for the closeness of sharing. “We could have processed this pain together. You could have helped me. Aleksander, you are not alone. Together, we deal with this loss together.”
Tears came to his eyes, and this time he did not bother to blink them away. Marie deserved his tears. Every Grisha who died for the cause did. He told himself the tears had nothing to do with dealing with the abject loneliness he’d felt for over half a millennium. “Her grave is in the Little Palace cemetery. I had a nice headstone made for her. We could go visit it together if you’d like.”
She nodded. “Could we invite Nadia? Can I tell Nadia? Does she know? She should know too.”
Aleksander squeezed her hand. “I will let you decide what it’s best for your friend to know.”
“Does it feel better to have that secret out of your chest now? No wonder it was tearing you up to keep that inside.”
“I …” He wasn’t quite sure. He still did not like that his words had caused Alina pain, but it was nice to not have to hide that from her anymore or continue to work through how to tell her. “At least I can better explain the nightmares now. You know why I have been so protective … and scared.” He admitted the emotion he had not even truly let himself acknowledge inside himself. Fear had been making him do a lot of things lately.
She interlaced her fingers in his. “Are the other secrets like this? Things that are just going to make me want to hug you all the more?”
“I suppose some might be.” Many things in his past were filled with so much pain. He had done some truly awful things over the years, but maybe she could see his pain through those decisions. “The really big one I fear might make you want to run off with the tracker after all.”
“I won’t,” she reassured him. “I know I can’t take that path. Even if I get really angry with you, like I did when Baghra told me you lied about your identity, I’m not picking to run and hide. Suppressing my true self made me sick. I refuse to be weak and ill to hide again.”
“I would understand if you pick to cut off my head after all, then.”
“That bad?”
He nodded as he tried to contain the emotion that stirred within him as he thought of what her reaction might be. He could not take it if she hated him. His heart could not take any more rejection. “It … I guess it depends. Will you judge me for what’s possible that I haven’t done? Will you even believe me? Can you possibly trust me? It will certainly reignite your doubts of me, and I don’t want … I don’t want to go back there.” After opening himself to her so thoroughly last night and into the morning, he found that words just came tumbling out on their own without his careful control.
“So … there’s something truly awful that’s possible that’s going to make me want to cut off your head but you haven’t done it, and you’re going to trust me enough to tell me about it? But you’re afraid to? Should we just rip the bandage off this wound now?” she asked. “It’s causing you immense pain the longer we let it fester. I will worry until I see how bad it truly is. Let’s just cauterize it and start fresh?”
He nodded. She was right. His heart would not stop aching until she knew. She could not love and accept him until she knew what he could do. He just wished he wasn’t terrified it would make her forever fear and hate him. “Perhaps you will believe David.” It was his only hope.
“David?” Her voice rose in surprise. “The fabrikator? What does he have to do with this?”
He took a deep breath. “Let’s go visit him. You’ll see.”
She kissed him gently before rising to dress. Making no effort to hide his stare, he let himself memorize her curves while she seemed to still appreciate his gaze upon her body. He wasn’t sure it would last, but he would take in every moment with her while he had them. He gasped when he saw her kefta. “Black? You would …”
“I would.” Half-dressed, she walked over and kissed him more passionately this time. “I told you that I only feel whole when I’m with you. I need you as much as you need me. I thought maybe that was fake and you were deceiving me, but the more I get to know you, I really don’t think so, Aleksander. You need me. I don’t think either one of us is particularly good about letting ourselves need someone else, but I’m done fighting against myself. It’s something I’ve been pondering as you slept. Maybe it’s okay to need each other. We are stronger together. Whatever this is that you’re about to tell me, we face it together. ”
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simsadventures · 4 years
Not Me: Chapter 6: Little Too Late
CEO!Bucky x Wife!Reader
Summary: For the first time in a long time, you and Bucky actually sit down and talk. And you cannot believe your own ears.
Warnings: angst (I mean, what’s new), talk of the past, tiniest bit of fluff
Word Count: 2443
A/N: Bucky’s got some explaining to do, doesn’t he? Let’s hope you all will listen to him :) Let me know what you thought about the chapter, my lovely people! xx
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Series Masterlist __ Masterlist
< Previous Chapter
Nervous as hell, you get out of your car in front of what you called home for the year and something of your marriage. More like hell, you think as you step on the gravel on the road in front of the stairs leading to the front door.
It took you some time to actually reply to James’ message, trying to figure out what game he was playing. You did everything you thought he wanted, and that you needed. You left the house, you promised to go to a divorce lawyer and send him the papers without him having to do anything. 
You knew in your mind that you wouldn’t want anything from his, just peace and quiet and for him to leave you the fuck alone.
But the text he sent you made you confused. He was begging you? He understood something? That was so unlike the James you got to know in your marriage that you couldn’t wrap your head around it. Not that it wasn’t nice, feeling like you were in control for once. Sure. But you weren’t sure how long the power would stay in your hands.
You didn’t understand what he wanted and tried to figure out why in the hell he would actually want to speak to you.
You asked him where thought you should meet, he texted you that any place was good, only not the company. He told you he had a good reason for this, and that he would tell you everything once he saw you. You had two options then: his house or your apartment. And because you wanted to have a free way out, you opted for the first option. Also, you wanted to keep as much distance between the two of you, and you didn’t want James to know where you lived. Nobody knew, and you planned on keeping it that way. Nobody but your brothers, of course.
You slowly walked towards the door, and before you could reach them, James was already standing there, opening the door for you.
He gave you a shy smile and scratched the back of his neck as you walked around him, and you frowned at the action. Why did he suddenly seem like a schoolboy, nervous to even look at you? You thought it was another sick way to maybe make you fall in love with him once again and then hurt you even more than before. But you wouldn’t fall for his fake facade. Not again.
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Bucky watched you pull out in front of the house, and his heart started beating a little faster. He was actually surprised you even agreed on meeting him, let alone so quickly. He thought it was probably so that you’d have it behind you as soon as possible and you could start a new life, preferably without him in it.
He understood you completely. He looked for more evidence that it wasn’t you playing him, but, indeed, somebody quite different who Bucky trusted all this time blindly. He was seething just thinking about the prospect of it all, but he tamed his emotions. He needed to have a clear head when talking to you so that he could explain everything as best as he could, trying to beg for your forgiveness, even though he was aware of just how slim chances of that happening were.
All he needed was to lay all the information he had on the table, so that you knew what was going on in his head, and that he wasn’t the asshole he tried to make you believe during that year. Touch, he knew, but Bucky wanted to believe that he had enough evidence to persuade you.
When you got out of the car, he saw you, what felt like the first time. You looked so much healthier than when you lived with him, and his heart clenched in his chest. He knew you still had some pounds to gain to be on your normal weight, but at least colour came back to your cheeks, and your hair looked much healthier as well.
Bucky didn’t even realise he was smiling and watching you until you were standing right in front of him, and he diverted his gaze, feeling a like a teenager who has just been caught watching his crush. He scratched the back of his neck nervously and saw the line on your forehead increasing due to your frown. Your face obviously hardened, and Bucky sighed inwardly. So, not to a good start, he thought as he closed the door behind you and followed you to the living room.
When you came in, Bucky expected you to sit down immediately, but you stood, unsure of what to do.
“Let’s sit, Y/N. This is your house as well, you don’t have to stand around,” Bucky smiled warmly at you, but all you gave him was a confused face and a sarcastic scoff that followed.
“This has never been my house. I simply slept and worked here, nothing homely for me here, trust me,” you said with a mock smile as you sat down on the sofa. It used to be your favourite sofa when you lived there, but without the fluffy pillows which were your purchase, it looked a little sad. Just like the rest of the house, but you didn’t want to look around too much.
“Let’s cut to the chase, shall we? I don’t want to be here longer than absolutely necessary,” you said coldly as you looked straight at Bucky.
He looked different. You didn’t know if it was because you haven’t seen him for so long, which definitely wasn’t something you were used to, or because of the large blue sacks under his eyes. For a split second, you thought he looked at miserably as you did when you had to live with him. And despite him being the sole reason for your misery, you felt sorry for him, your kind heart having a hard time seeing anyone in distress.
Bucky coughed a little and pulled out a briefcase, giving you a curt nod.
“Right, sorry. This will be a word that I’ll say a lot today, so just bear with me, please,” he said with a sad smile, and pulled some papers out of the briefcase, putting them on the conference table in front of you.
You could see it was a contract of some sort, but because you haven’t seen one in a long time, you couldn’t be sure what it was concerning. It was obviously some kind of a copy, because Bucky, or somebody, highlighted the critical parts with a yellow highlighter. He pushed it to your hands, signalling that you should have a look at the yellow part.
You nodded and skimmed through it.
In case Barnes and Clark’s families connect through marriage, the company cannot be sold to anybody else, nor can any third party take over the company as such. In this case, the founding members of the company stay in leadership positions, able to veto the CEO’s decisions. Further explanation of this clause to be found in section 17, clause 198.
You frowned at it, your eyes looking at Bucky briefly before you tried to find the clause stated in the previous paragraph. But, just like Bucky, you couldn’t find it. It was obviously supposed to be on the next page, but the page simply wasn’t there. The question was why.
“Where is section 17, clause 198, James? And what the fucking hell is this shit?” You said, still not believing your own eyes.
“This is the contract that I signed when I took over the company. I thought I had the original because there wasn’t the usual talk about original and copies and how they should be exactly the same, but I didn’t even think to look for it, to be honest with you. My dad gave me this contract to sign, my fucking dad, Y/N. I mean, I went through it, but I didn’t read it properly, obviously. And I’ve looked through the whole fucking office, and the original isn’t there either, so it must be with either my or your dad,” Bucky finished and looked back at you only to found you staring at him with your mouth hanging open.
You shook your head, trying to get your brain to work.
“Cool, this is horrific, and I would also like to see what the original fucking deal states, but you obviously found out about this only now, so, I’m not really sure how it fits the whole picture,” you said, bidding Bucky continue.
He then told you all about Rebecca and the photos and the videos, how his father made him believe that it was all your doing, and how Bucky never questioned him. You listened to him intently, standing up in the middle of his speech, pacing around the room, your heart beating fast in your chest.
“Why in the hell would you think I would ever do something like this? Don’t you know me at all? James, I would never-“
“Bucky, please, call me Bucky,” he jumped in, and you lost it.
“You fucking made me call you James for the whole marriage because you thought it was more appropriate, I’m not going back to Bucky. You fucking asked for this. You never thought of coming to me with all of that, demanding information?” You were yelling, breathing heavily.
Bucky stood up as well, facing you with a sad face.
“He told me that if I ever confronted you, you would post all those photos online, that you would make Becca’s life miserable, even more than it already is, with all that’s going on with her and the drugs. I didn’t want to take the risk. I was stupid, ok? I was fucking scared and stupid and made your life miserable. I don’t have anything for my defence. I’m the biggest asshole in this whole goddamn world,” he sighed and slumped back onto the armchair.
You were watching him, calming yourself a little. You tried to look at things from his perspective. If it was your brother who was in some shit, and you could save him by something like that… You honestly didn’t know what you would do.
You sat down as well.
“I can’t find an excuse for your behaviour, at least not all of it, James. Even if I could myself in your shoes and understood the turmoil inside you for not being able to talk to me, I certainly don’t understand why you treated me the way you did. The little things, like not letting me work, or sleeping with whom I considered one of my best friends-“
“I never slept with Natasha. I’m not gonna lie, I did sleep with a few women over the year, but it wasn’t as many as I made you believe. I wanted to hurt you, and I thought I would do so by making you believe I slept with somebody else. I know, I’m a pitiful excuse for a man, I know. But I never slept with Natasha, I swear!” He exclaimed, begging you with his eyes.
“What are you talking about? I saw you coming out of the room together, both of you looked like you fucked!”
“We didn’t. Natasha asked me if she could talk to me in private, so I showed her inside the room, and then she was all over me, unbuttoning my shirt, ruffling my hair, kissing my shirt. I tried to pull her away from me, but she was persistent. When I finally succeeded her marks were on me, and her hair also looked a little out of place. I told her that I wouldn’t do that, and we left the room, and that’s when you saw us. I wanted to tell you how it was, but then I realised that I hated you, and so I let you believe that it actually happened,” he whispered the last part, evidently ashamed of himself.
You watched him, trying to find a trace of him lying, but you couldn’t find anything. All you saw was a broken man, trying to prove he wasn’t as big of a piece of shit as you thought. Not that it was helping that much, but there was a part of him, a tiny part, that understood him.
You sighed heavily and dropped your head between your shoulders, thinking. A few minutes passed by as you just sat there in silence, both of you lost in your thoughts.
“Is there a chance of you ever forgiving me, Y/N?” Bucky asked, sounding like a wounded animal.
“Honestly? I don’t know, James. There were times when I thought I was in love with you, and I was so happy when we spent time together again and then you proposed. But then everything changed, and I don’t even know you anymore. I understand that you tried to protect your family, but I thought I was your family as well. I guess I was wrong. So, I don’t know. I’m not gonna give you a hard no because one never knows, but I’m not sure how to go about it all. And if, if I ever forgive you, it will take a lot of time. I’m not sure you have patience enough or if it’s worth it,” you mentioned, giving James the closest to a smile you could muster.
“Fair enough, I don’t even deserve your forgiveness, I know I don’t. But I want to ask something different. Do you want to take revenge on those putting us through this all?”
Your look darkened at the prospect of hurting both your and Bucky’s father. You never had any personal issue with Mr Barnes, but he obviously had one with you. However, your father was something different altogether. He deserved to be dragged through the mud for all he’s ever done to you.
Smirking at James, you nodded your head, already imagining the different ways of going about the whole revenge business.
Bucky nodded back.
“Alright, good. They have no idea that I know this, of that I’m sure. They just think I’m pissed at them for vetoing my vote in the board meeting. Did you tell your father that you moved out?”
You shook your head negative, and Bucky smirked at you. You might not have known him anymore, but you remembered this face. He had a plan on his mind, and there was no way of stopping him. You just hoped that the plan of his wouldn’t drag you through something worse than you have already encountered.
/ Next Chapter >
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Not Me:
@jennmurawski13​ @lovely-geek​ @vogueworthy-barnes​ @veronawrites​ @loser-alert​ @trumpettay​ @thesoldierrogers​ @girlbehindthecameraposts​ @little-smurf​ @jesseswartzwelder​ @fuckwhateverfuck​ @learisa​ @karla-silva​ @blowing-mikey​ @afterlaughter27​ @93generation​ @ungratefultroll​ @maybeisthemoon​ @greenprisca​ @geeksareunique​ @champagnesugamama​ @hailqueenconquer​ @grincheveryday​ @mc225g​ @thatweirdwalangpake​ @neerness​ @ntlmundy​ @captainchrisstan​ @sspider-parker​ @cap-just-said-language​ @nd1998sc​ @cltex84​ @eliza5616​ @clearlysaltybeard​ @joannie95​  @hailmary-yramliah​ @rohaintahquil​ @ilovemysupersoldiers​ @xbuckxnastyx​ @jemimah-b99​ @imcreepininyourheartbabe​ @welovecaptainamericaass​ @void-imaginations​ @what-is-your-plan-today​ @nikishadow​ @ariesmadness97​ @sarcastic-and-cool​ @asiaaisa77​ @supermassiveblackhope​ @fifiyau105​ @littlemissporter​ @yanderedarkfics​ @onl-you​ @inquisitor-selvala​ @fallenoutofrose​ @nostalthicc​ @mrsfox79​ @sergeantbuchanans​ @barnestann​ @coke-zerooooo @losers-club6​ @boogiewoogiebutt​ @lovecatystuff​ @everythingisoverrated​ @peterpandco​ @idkatee​ @belovedcherry​ @fifiyau105​ @lexshead​ @moonie-flower101​ @mrsdeanwinchester19​ @calwitch​
Bucky Taglist
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Marvel Taglist
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Forever Tag:
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Angsty Taglist
If your name is crossed out, tumblr won’t let me tag you for some reason, I’m sorry.
If you’d like to be tagged comment/message/send an ask. If you like the story, please reblog :) any comments are appreciated, even the critical ones. Always a space to get better, so let me know what you guys think.
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redhawtriot · 4 years
Caught in the Act (Bakugou x Reader)
Tip Jar ☕- Not expected but always appreciated💞
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So… this is technically like half of the request but I had way too many ideas for this (and its already long as hell. oops). I’m only doing one Bakugou cheating scenario on this page so go big or go home, right?
I also saw that this blog  that I made like two weeks ago has like 100 of you guys following it wtf?! So to celebrate, I’m making my first actual series an interactive one! The following chapters will be very short (besides this one, she thicc), but each will have a question at the end that will determine the events of the next chapter! I made an account on OpinionStage where you guys can vote on through Tumblr, so hopefully at least one of you is excited.
Part two (the other half of this request) is where this fun will begin, so stay whelmed.
Fuck this site for making me repost this :)
Love you guys
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Warning: Don’t read this to your fucking kids
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Essentially, your girls night for the week had been, in lack of better words, a shit show.
The brisk, fall air pierced your skin, but you couldn’t even bring yourself to wrap your arms around yourself for warmth. You didn’t even want to touch your sticky filth.
You just wanted to run home to your Bakugou– he was all the warmth that you needed and more. More than anything, you wanted to forget about the foul man that had assaulted you at your now ex-favorite club.
A frown momentarily sneaked its way onto your face to corrupt the brave expression you had held in front of your girlfriends,
“Hey” you had raised your hands to halt your friend, “Don’t do something ridiculous! I promise I’m alright, Jirou!” You had begged her when she had prepared to fight the man as he grabbed your arms. You had already politely asked him to back away from you after he tried to grind himself against you. He called it dancing—you called it sexual harassment.
The nightclub security had already been watching this man and immediately closed in on him to escort him out of the club as soon as he moved in towards you. But it must not have been fast enough.
Everything happened so rapidly that you could barely blink in time before you were drenched in a sticky liquid. Still, you kept a calm expression on your face. Your friends’ careers as heroes depended on how calmly you acted,
“No, it’s okay! I needed to head home anyway!” you had argued with your girls after the man had thrown his drink at you. You tried to bring a smile onto your face as the slight sting of the alcohol penetrated your eyes, “Bakugou will pick me up,” you blinked heavily.
Of course he wouldn’t pick you up in front of the club.
No, that would just be a disaster waiting to happen.
He would more than likely blow the entire place up once he found out what had transpired.
However, after the fourth failed attempt at calling Bakugou, you had given up. It was honestly a stretch anyway. He barely made it past nine o’ clock most nights, and it was well on its way to midnight. You could see your breath as you gave off a heavy sigh, but you never faltered in your steps.
You just wanted to go home to your man, clean your pathetic ass in a hot shower, and forget other men existed in this world.
You groaned to yourself as you remembered how late your guys’ roommate, Kirishima, would stay up in the front living room playing video games—the same front living room you would have to sneak past to make your way to the sanctuary of your shower.  
You opened the front door as quietly as you could and prodded your, matted, liquor-contaminated head into the threshold of your home. You probably looked like a wild animal as you scrunched your eyebrows and stared at the dark living room for a while before finally building up the courage to tiptoe towards your bathroom.
You didn’t even want to go to your room in fear of interrogation from a very sleepy, very pissed off Bakugou.
Better not poke the bear. Better just wash the stink and sins away and keep it moving like nothing had happened.
Kirishima not being awake on his Xbox for once was a blessing on a normal day, but today it was truly god sent. Hell, even Bakugou not being able to pick you up might have been a blessing in disguise—or so you thought.
As soon as you turned your shower off you heard it– a steady, creaking noise.
“What the fuck?” you whispered to yourself as your face crinkled upwards in disgust. Kirishima hardly ever brought girls home, and when he did, he was as quiet as a mouse with them. In fact, you hardly even knew the women were there until the next morning when they awkwardly wobbled out of the apartment with their heads tucked down.
The pace of the creaking sped up and the smack of the headboard joined in a repetitive thudding, causing you to freeze in place.  Breathless feminine moans joined the little musical number in increasing volume for short while before they became more ‘shrieky’ in nature.
A grimace fell upon your expression, “What the fuck?” you once again mouthed. You quickly snatched your towel and wrapped it around you with haste as you tried to run from the unholy concerto that was being orchestrated in your room.
Your room?
Your room was the room that was connected to the bathroom walls—not Kiri’s.
It was in that moment of realization that you heard the moans return, this time a gruff male voice joined the duet,
“Shit!” The moan was drawn out until it faded into a heavy, guttural groan.
You paused again as your heart dropped deeply into your chest. You stretched your hearing and waited for his voice to appear again over her constant whines, “Just like that, baby,” his voice reemerged as he groaned deeply. Your heart harshly reminded you of its existence as it lurched suddenly.
That sounded like Bakugou.
But it had to be a mistake. You rehearsed this thought repeatedly as you sped to your room as quietly as you could—your mind racing even faster than your legs. Your Bakugou was sound asleep in his bed like he was this time of night every night. He was sound asleep and stretched out on his side of the bed with the lights off and with a sock thrown over the flashing light of his work desk computer—he hated that light at night.
You faltered as your hand stuttered uncontrollably toward your door handle. Bakugou’s never even looked at another woman before. It took him years to throw even you, his current fiancé, a second glance. He would never in a million years be on the other side of this door with another woman making those ungodly sounds.
Sounds you hadn’t heard in months.
It had to be Kirishima you tried to convince yourself as you gently twisted the door handle, ‘Please god, he just went into the wrong room,’ you prayed as you threw the door open.
Every single muscle in your body froze as you ingested the sight in front of you—your heart included.
You caught the tail end of their act, and you could only watch in complete disgust as the muscles of your beloved’s back violently contracted in sweat glistened pulses.
The woman made horrified eye contact with you as she was being pinned against your grandmother’s dresser, yet she couldn’t fight the last moan that ripped itself from her, her legs spasming as Bakugou’s flesh smacked into hers for a final time.
He desperately pressed himself into her like he was trying to become her, “Fuck,” he groaned into her neck. You noticed his nails dig deeply into her raised wrists as his hips rashly stuttered to a stop, “Don’t clench around me like that, babe. Relax.” His shaky breath demanded.
The woman looked far from relaxed, “H-Hey!” she anxiously tapped his shoulder, trying to warn him of their impending doom. Her wide eyes were still fixated on your ever-growing livid ones.
“BAKUGOU!” You screeched. The relaxed emotion that you had so desperately tried to keep plastered onto your face that night completely shattered as you angrily marched up to him and snatched the back of his hair, “You bastard!!”
As you yanked downward, he surprisingly fell to the ground, disconnecting with the other slut on trial as they both flew to the ground.
“WHAT THE FUCK?!” he yelled as his body heavily thudded into the ground.
“That’s my line, you fucking jackass!” you felt your voice crack. Everything hurt. There was pressure in the back of your eyes, the front of your chest, your legs, your throat, your toes, your everything. Everything in your body felt weak under your boiling blood as if you were about to explode.
“Y-Y/N…?” you saw his trademark pissed off expression drop to an unfamiliar one as his eyes finally adjust to you in the darkness of the room. It must have resided in an area between fear and sadness.
You fought the unruly emotions that threatened to take control over your body as you clenched your fist.
Fuck him. He doesn’t get to be sad.
“What?? Were you expecting someone else!?” you spat as you roughly kicked one of his nearby feet, “You probably were expecting more company, you whore,”
No response.
You dug your nails deep into the palm of your hands as if it would somehow release the excruciating pressure that you were feeling.
The woman’s meek voice suddenly broke the extreme silence you all shared, “I-I’m gonna g—”
“GO!” you angrily whipped yourself around to her before grabbing the nearest item that you could, “You dumb bitch! You’re lucky I don’t fuck you up too!” You threw the item as you cursed, not even bothering to know what it was.
It barely missed the naked girl and loudly shattered against one of your walls as she scurried towards the door. You went to reach for another object from your grandmothers’ dresser, promising that you wouldn’t miss this time, but you froze as you found yourself in the mirror connected to the dresser.
You hadn’t realized in your rage that you were crying until you saw your tear-soaked face in the dark reflection. You tried so hard to keep yourself together. You prided yourself on being level-headed in stressful situations, but you were far from level-headed. You were conceited to ever even try to take on that persona.
As you looked at yourself in the mirror, you could only lament about how pathetic you looked—how pathetic you were.
“I…I’m such an idiot!” you painfully gripped at your hair as you fell into your knees in front of the man you loved. Heavy sobs tore themselves free of your burning throat. You heaved yourself forward into your lap in a failed attempted to catch them, but it was too late.
“I don’t… know what to say.” Bakugou finally spoke up, his face completely flipped upside down from its usual tenseness.
Of course.
Out of all of the times you wanted this loud-mouthed jerk to shut up, now is when he is at a loss for words.
You couldn’t help the small laugh that fell from your lips.
“I don’t see what’s so fucking funny?” he angrily retorted, as he stumbled to make his way up. You were suddenly met with his member being swung at your eye level as you stayed crouched onto the ground. That’s when you noticed–
He didn’t even have a condom on.
He made you get tested for STDs and pregnancy before he even had sex with you with a condom.
“I don’t know where that thing has been,” He had said then. It wouldn’t be until months later when you had started birth control when he had finally decided to risk sex without latex protection. The memory jolted an unexpected emotion from you as your chest bobbed from an oncoming laugh.
“G-get out.” You laughed again, tears still steadily falling from your face. You probably looked absolutely psychotic right now, but it was like all of the emotions that you had been stifling all these years had resurfaced with a vengeance. You struggled to drag yourself to stand so that you wouldn’t have to look at his still wet dick.
You continued to laugh and cry as Bakugou stared at you, his expression becoming disgruntled from the disturbing sight,
“What the fuck is wrong wi—”
“Get. OUT!!” you angrily interrupted him as you roared into his face. He blinked spastically in response as the shock of the altercation finally began to sink into his decelerated mind.
His heart sank, ‘What did I just do?’ He racked his brain as he tried to remember all of the events that had taken place to lead him to this moment, but the world seemed to be spinning ferociously, shaking up and mixing the timeline of the night.
He was plucked from his thoughts as he caught a glimpse of your face in the darkness of the room.
Why were you looking at him like you hated his existence—like if you could disintegrate his body with your eyes, you would. For the first time in years, Bakugou felt hot tears tingle against the back of his eyes, “Y/N, I…” his voice became stuck in his chest as his heart gave sudden jolt, “I’m so s–”
His chest became tight as you whipped away from him and silently threw a pointed finger towards the door.
He stumbled back a few feet as if you had just thrown a physical attack his way.
After a few moments of watching you hold the same position, he noticed you had started to cry again as your rocking shoulders lurched forward.
His face fell even further into the expression of despair before he froze. He could fix this if you would just let him, dammit!
He growled in annoyance at your ignoring him before he finally thawed his body, “FINE!” he yelled at you before smacking your pointed hand out to the way so that he could stagger out of the room. He loudly slammed the door shut, leaving you alone with your deafening thoughts.
You immediately dropped back to the ground before you curled yourself up into a ball and released painful sobs.
You had absolutely no fear that he would catch you in this state. His pride would never allow him to come back after storming out like that.
However on the other side of the door, Bakugou had already turned back around. Instant guilt had created a cacophony of loud feelings in his mind. How could he have hurt you like that?
The thought caused his heart to thrum and his hands to flinch away from the door handle; however, he strengthened his resolve and firmly grasped the handle once more until suddenly–
“BAKU-BROOOOO!” Kirishima’s booming voice could be heard moments before the front door was slammed open and bounced against your living room wall, “Ya made it back alive, man! We were all worried about you after you disappeared…” he slurred as he fumbled over to his best friend like a toddler taking his first steps.
Bakugou couldn’t find it in himself to reply to the redhead as the latter threw himself at him with a hearty laugh. The laugh, however, came to an abrupt end as Kirishima stared blankly at Bakugous face, “Hey… wha’s wrong, best buddy? Holy hell, w-why are you crying?!” he loudly whispered. A loud rumble could be heard before Kirishima violently gagged, releasing the contents of his stomach.
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The Forgotten One (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC)- CHAPTER 3
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a/n: first, i wanna wish everyone a happy thanksgiving from my family to yours! please take the time to thank everyone you are so grateful to have in your life, especially god, for letting us live and for all the blessings he gives us. do not take anyone for granted.
next, so sorry for the holdup!! finally, chapter 3 is here! we’ll see what abby feels about the attack, her and ethan conversing, and a surprise ending. read, like, and let me know your reviews! forgive me if there are any spelling mistakes or grammar errors. let me know if you wanna be added to my taglist and as always, enjoy (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥
summary:  Louise Ramsey, the mother of the famous, brilliant diagnostician Ethan Ramsey, is back into his life. However, Louise holds many secrets, dangerous secrets, that could harm him, Dr. Abigail ‘Abby’ Chacko (my MC), and the very few lives he actually cares about. It is up to Ethan, Abby, and their friends to save each other from what is about to come.
pairing(s): dr. ethan ramsey x f!mc (dr. abigail ‘abby’ chacko) || dr. sebastian chacko x dolores hudson (YES YOU READ THAT RIGHT)
warning(s): angst, and then it’s pure fluff, and then a surprise ending (you’re gonna die die dieeee :)))
word count: 4289
catch up here :)
Abby’s POV
When she wakes up it is with a headache, a throat ache and side pain. When she looks more closely at her nose, she sees an oxygen tube through them. When she looks more closely at her surroundings, she realizes she is in a hospital bed.
Lying down. Wearing a sky blue hospital gown. With an IV through her accessory cephalic vein. 
Jumping Jehoshaphat, what happened this time?
Abby spent many times in the hospital during her childhood. Most of them were due to the number of cuts and bruises she got from her father, in which some of them were very serious injuries. One time she was admitted to the hospital because...
No, Abby. Don’t relive through that phase. It’ll wound you more.
There are many types of pain. Many of her pains were physical, but some of her pains were emotional. By far, she can tell the emotional pain is the hardest to get over with.
Sure, she has been cut with a knife, raped by many of her father’s friends, and whipped with a belt. To her it was normal, and she had gotten used to it. To others, the pain is insufferable. 
Heartbreak hurts. Too much. It can rip people from the inside out, and change them. For better or worse.
Her father caused her many heartbreaks. In return, she studies, skipped five grades, graduated from high school when she was 13, and graduated from Hopkins when she was 21. Some might say she took it too far, but she knows it was just what she needed.
What she needed to prove to her father that pain doesn’t break her. 
What she needed to prove to her horrid patients that she is not dumb.
What she needed to prove to the whole world that she is not as young and innocent as everyone thinks she is.
Death, betrayal, and pain were her three companions, with some delectation in between. She cherished those jocund moments.
And she thanked God. Seb. Jazmin. Ethan. Herself. For all the hard work. 
But what happened right now? Why is she in this bed? 
It feels as if she has fallen into a cactus, her heart being punctured by tiny pins and needles. It’s starting at the bottom of her stomach, and it’s slowly growing. 
The anxiety.
The depression.
It feels like some kind of vaccination, where the shot doesn’t really hurt but the aftermath feels disastrous, cataclysmic. It’s leaving her breathless, as if she is running away from a ghost from her past. It is leaving a certain kind of exhaustion on her.
It’s heartbreak. But why? Why does she feel heartbreak? What could have possibly gone wrong-
Everything. Everything is going wrong. Bingo. She knows what is happening. But she can’t even speak the name out loud. It’s petrifying her. Really well.
 Louise Ramsey. 
Ethan’s mother who claimed to come for him and Alan.
Louise Ramsey.
The one who tricked them, including her.
Louise Ramsey. 
The one who stabbed her. The one who she trusted. 
The one who she believed had a change of heart didn’t have a change of heart at all.
She fooled everyone. She’s a liar. She is manipulative. She is every dark sin written across this universe. She is the next generation of Sat-
Wait. Wait a long moment.
Oh no. Oh no no no no no.
How is Abby supposed to tell this to Ethan of all people? How is she supposed to let him know his own mother tried to harm her? 
But she had to.
Moisture is falling from the tip of her index finger, even if the bed sheets feel cool. Sweat is dripping from her forehead, even if the hospital room is air conditioned. An imaginary shock travels through her body. The sharpness of the pain is unequivocal and indisputable that it sends shockwaves through her bloodstream. If it wasn’t for the bed, she would have crumpled to the floor.
She is currently holding the bed frame with a white-knuckled grip.
The young doctor scratched her arm nervously, mindful of the IV, as she let that horrifying memory fly through her.
Louise stabs her in the side, blood spilling to Abby’s legs and on the floor. She couldn’t say anything, words failing to come our of her mouth, every second making it harder to breather. She starts to lose consciousness, hearing the sounds of the patients in the room screaming for security.
Louise whispers into her ear, “The game has begun.” 
The last thing she sees is Louise running towards the exit and nurses coming towards Abby, before her world evades into darkness. 
That’s what happened. That’s why she’s in the hospital bed, feeling like crap.
That’s why she feels heartbreak, of all the emotions she can feel. She has heard of brother cheating on brother and father cheating on his wife. But a mother disowning her own husband and son, but then comes back only for her to clown them? 
That goes all the way back to Rebekah and Jacob in the Old Testament of the Bible, if you ask me.
She is back to the question on how she is supposed to tell Ethan. 
Does he know? If he knows, how does he feel? Does he feel depressed?
She sure hopes not.
When something happens to Abby, he always blamed on himself. Whether it was his fault or not. She reminisces on when Ethan apologized and was filled guilt when he found out about the trial.
Or when he came back from the Amazon. He didn’t really apologize for that, but the regret and remorse lurking beneath his eyes was the only thing she needed to know. To know that he was feeling guilt. Dismay. Lamentation.
Or when he opened up his bottled-up feelings concerning his mother. He said that he wasn’t planning on ‘dragging’ her into his mess. 
Or when she was in that decontamination room. She remembers his words clearly, words that were etched into her heart.
I wished I hadn’t asked you to stay away.
Or now.
If he knows. 
She knows what will happen if Ethan blames himself for this. He will be a different person. He will start becoming cold-hearted to people he cares about. He will push her away. Again.
Because he tends to believe that it is all his fault that accidents happen to the people he cherishes the most. He thinks that he is a curse. A malediction. An imprecation. She remembers the night when they connected for the first time. What he said.
This is The Ethan Ramsey. The man who can save anyone except the people he gives a damn about. Not Dolores. Not Naveen. And not you.
She was torn by what he said. Not because he said he couldn’t save her, but because he couldn’t love himself. 
The young doctor hopes he already knows what happened. Who stabbed her. She couldn’t even bear the thought of seeing his face crumble. The man who was stoic. The man who every one recognized as an imbecile. The man who every single doctor is head-over-heels in love with.
Ethan told her to tell him everything. Everything that makes her angry. Everything that makes her sad. Everything that makes her happy. 
If he doesn’t know what happened, she will tell him. She promised him that.
It's normal for Abby to have a panic attack. Keeping her inhaler with her was vital for her to go through the day. Especially this week.
It’s been one week after the incident. That incident. That incident that took two innocent lives. Danny and Bobby. It’s all her fault. 
If Danny was alive, him and Sienna would’ve been a couple, loving each other. Now, she sees a Sienna whose eyes are haunted. Grave. Not filled with any giddy or joy. She doesn’t see her smile anymore, the once blushed cheeks with her beautiful grin that shows off her dimples, gone. Lost. Thrown away.
If Bobby was alive, he could’ve bought his daughter the new car. It was what he always wanted to do. Instead of enjoying his time with his daughter in her brand new car, he’s under the cold earth. 
Rafael is now going under therapy, but he also feels less confident from Rafael the paramedic. She misses the way he smiles. He does smile now, but there is no joy beneath his eyes.
And for Abby, she is not okay. She wishes she died. But she knows she couldn’t. There are people rooting for her. Her brother. Her mother. Her friends. Ethan. Ethan.
When she was informed that the gas in her body was maitotoxin and there was no cure, she accepted her fate and was ready to die. She glanced at Ethan, and his expression wasn’t betraying anything. But the eyes held more feelings than ever. They were pleading. They said, “Please don’t give up.”
She then realized that if they can find a cure within one day, she’ll try and survive. If not for me, then for Ethan and all the people I love, she thought.
Abby starts passing through that hallway. That one hallway. That one hallway that changed her life. No, that one room. And then, she passes through that room.
It’s clean, all the seals, the beds inside with new blankets and pillows. But she can’t see any of that. She can only see her, Rafael, Danny, and Bobby in that room. She sees Bobby dying. She sees Danny being taken away. She sees Rafael and herself being unable to breathe. 
Suddenly she runs away. She can’t take it anymore. You stupid, why would you even come back to the hospital when you’re not ready yet? she scolds herself. Because of Farley. Damn it.
Abby is flooded by her own thoughts when she accidentally runs into someone. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry, I-”
Only to know that someone is the one. 
She hears his baritone voice calling out to her, finding comfort and solace in it. 
“Abby? What’s wrong? Are you alright?” Ethan wipes something off her cheeks, and she realized that she was crying the whole time. She was so lost in her emotions that she didn’t a single drop falling down to her right cheek. 
“I-” The young doctor tries to speak but couldn’t. She can’t breathe.
“Rookie!” Ethan quickly drags her to the nearest supply closet. He asks her where her inhaler is. 
“Left... pocket...”
He hastily grabs and places it into her mouth. 
“Deep breaths, rookie. Deep breaths.”
She does as she is asked and takes deep breaths. After a few long moments, her breathing level starts to go normal. 
“Rookie, you weren’t ready for your first day back, were you?”
Abby starts to argue. “Of course I am! Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Because you panic attack right now seems to prove otherwise.”
She sighs. He’s right. She wasn’t even ready to set foot into the hospital. The only reason she did was because of Farley’s rash, and she thought it was life threatening.
Ethan sighs, breaking her from her thoughts.
“Go home, Abby, you’ve had a long day.”
Abby is about to snipe back when he stops her by raising his hand.
“On second thought, I’ll take you to my house. We’re gonna take a day off.”
“But Ethan, we both have patients-”
“Who will be taken care of by the other doctors in this hospital. If you think I’ll be leaving you anytime soon, you’re wrong.”
Hearing his words makes Abby feel lighthearted. She is stubborn just like him, but he’ll always be there for her.
After getting a confirmation and a wink from Naveen, they are in the car. It’s 1:00 P.M., and Abby sees couples sitting on the chairs in the outside booths of a restaurant, smiling, one couple holding hands. She dreams of these moments with Ethan, but their relationship is still uncertain.
The car stops at a red light, and she turns around to look at Ethan, who is lost in thought.
“Ethan, are you alright?” she asks him, concerned.
The mature doctor cracks a dry smile towards her. “I should be asking you that.”
“Abby... are you having suicidal thoughts?”
Abby was astounded by his question.
“Ethan! Why would you think that?”
“I’m just asking. If you ever feel that, come talk to me immediately. I can’t...”
It hit her on what Ethan was thinking about. He doesn’t want her to leave. As much as the question made her a little frustrated, she couldn’t help but think about what he was feeling throughout the whole ordeal n the decontamination room.
Abby takes a deep breath. “Ethan, I’m not suicidal. I never have been. I was just uncomfortable, that’s all.”
Ethan looks at her deeply into her eyes. She can literally feel him searching for any lies at her statement, his body relaxing when he didn’t find any. 
When he stops the car, she realizes that they’re here. Before Abby can take off her seatbelt, Ethan’s hand on hers stops her from doing anything. She looks up with a questioning expression.
Ethan speaks in a very stern but concerned way. “If you ever have anything irritating or frustrating you-” he kisses her on the forehead.
“Anything that brings you pain-” He kisses her on the nose, making her scrunch it.
“Anything at all, that makes you want to cry out-” He kisses her on both cheeks. 
“You come and tell me. Promise me” He finally kisses her on the lips.
As the final words come out from Ethan’s lips, she wonders about how she is so lucky to have him. Tears were burning in the back of her eyes, but this time, they were tears of gratefulness. To Ethan. For being her best friend. She cracks a smile.
“I promise.”
*Back to present*
“Hello? Ma’am? Doctor?” she is interrupted from her thoughts by a male nurse. When she checks his tag, his name is Caspian Chapman, and he has a light British accent. She hasn’t seen him before. Abby suddenly feels embarrassed. Who knows how many times, he called her like that.
“Hi, I am so sorry,” she says shyly. “I was lost in thought. Were you speaking to me this whole time?”
Caspian gives her a wide smile. “Nope! I just came in! My name is Caspian, and I will be your nurse! I am new here so...” he trails off.
The young resident laughs, despite the pain on her left side. “Haha, don’t worry! I’m not one of those Karens! Now tell me, how long will I be staying here?”
“From the stab wound you received, you will probably be admitted here for a week.”
Abby inwardly groans, wanting to just go home. Of course this would happen. Even if she’s disappointed by the news, she knows that it is vital for her to recover.
“So, did the stab wound affect my liver or...” she winces at her left side.
Caspian sighs. “You are correct. They brought you to surgery quickly, or who knows what would have happened.”
“Wait, how did you know I’m a doctor?” 
Caspian smiles again. “Are you kidding me? You are Dr. Ethan Ramsey’s protege and in the diagnostics team! Not only that, you helped him save Dr. Naveen Banerji! You are also popular on Instagram. Anyone would kill to be in a spot and reputation like you.”
Her cheeks grow red. 
“I suppose so...” she trails off. 
The new male nurse speaks. “Anyways, I should let Dr. Ramsey, Dr. Banerji, and your family know that you are awake! They will be at relief.”
Wait, what? Ethan is here? Naveen is here? My family is here? They must’ve found out the harsh truth. 
As Caspian turns to leave, Abby stops him. The nurse turns around.
“Yes? Is something the matter?”
“I just wanted to know if they knew who stabbed me.”
Caspian grimaces. “Yes, they are well aware. Do you not wish to speak to them?”
Oh no. Ethan knows. What will she do? Should she call in her family first? No Abby, he'll think that I’m mad at him! She inwardly slaps herself.
Okay, Abby, deep breaths.  She took a deep breath, held it for three seconds, and exhaled. 
“Can you do me a favor and call in Eth- Dr. Ramsey first?”
“I will,” he replies back.
Ethan’s POV
He is terrified. Terrified to go and see her. Terrified to talk to her. But he has to. He has to let her know he loves her. He has to let her know that he can’t live without her. He feels a hand on his shoulder. Seb.
“Ethan, buddy, remember what I said. Tell her you love her. Make yourself happy. Make her happy. And she will never blame you for anything that happened. She’s a very reasonable girl.”
He looks into Seb’s eyes, and sees that there is something he didn’t tell him. Some kind of sadness, but there is happiness mixed in. He will find out later.
The older doctor turns around and sees the support written in their faces. Seb. Jazmin. Naveen. They are smiling broadly.
Naveen claps him on his back. “Now go get your woman, Ethan.”
Ethan smiles back. “Thank you, guys.”
He took a deep breath and opened the doors.
There she is. Abby. At once, she turned her head around, and at once,  dusky brown met ocean blue. She looks tired, her body a little weak, but she still gives him a wide smile that sends his heart swooping forward. Oh, he has it bad. 
“Ethan. Hey.” Abby welcomes him and pats at a seat on her bed. He, however, was hesitant to do so.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to hurt you...”
She rolls her eyes. “Ethan, I was stabbed, not hit by a truck. Now, be a good boy and sit on the bed.”
He does as he is asked, sitting on the edge, eyes never leaving hers. “How do you feel?”
“My side’s kinda sore, but I’ll survive... How are you?” she asks hesitantly.
“W-What do you mean?” he stutters. Ethan Ramsey never stutters.
“...I know who the perpetrator is, Ethan.” So she does know.
Before Ethan can say anything, Abby replies. “I know you are blaming yourself for what your mother did. But I will say it again and again until it gets through that smart head of yours. It’s not your fault, do you hear me?”
His eyes are shining with tears, his heart all the way up to his throat.
“Abby... I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He blinks, and a droplet fails to stay in his eyes, escaping from the confinement.
The young resident suddenly sits up, wincing a little at the abrupt movement. Her eyes are full of alarm.  “Ethan, c'mere.”
And he does. He hugs her tight, mindful of her side, his nose nuzzling his neck. Abby wraps her arms around him and strokes his hair. The motion gives him a sense of peace. His eyes drop a few more tears. I will tell her.
“Abby, I love you.” She tenses. Before she says anything, he cuts her off. 
“No, Abby, please listen to me. I’ve loved you since the first day you’ve stepped foot into this hospital. I love how you’re always a colossal pain in my ass. I love how your eyes sparkle every time you hear good news. I love how your dimples pop up when you smile. I love how you bite your lip when you think about something. I love everything about you. Your courage. Your admiration. Your passion. I love you body. I love you face. And i now know, that I never want to let you go again.”
When Ethan pulls back and cups her face, he can see the tears glistening, failing to hold still and dropping down onto her cheeks. She half-sobs and half-laughs.
“Ethan, I love you, too.” And that is all he needs to hear.
He kisses her cold lips gently and pulls back, finding his sense of relief. She, in return, kisses his forehead. He promises to himself one thing: he’ll never let her go again.
Seb’s POV
Seeing them crying of happiness makes him smile, his heart feeling elevated with joy. They deserve this joy. They both’ve been through a lot lately, and confessing their love for each other was their first step towards recovery.
“Psst! Seb!” Amma. Behind her is Naveen.
“How is it going there?”
The surgeon smiles triumphantly. “Our plan worked.”
Quiet cheers came out of their mouths. 
“Finally!” Naveen sighs. “I’ve been waiting for this moment for months. Ethan’s too damn stubborn for his own good.”
Seb laughs quietly. “That he is.”
Amma scratches his wool sweater. He just realized the feeling of itch on his skin because of the wool. And he can’t wait to take it off. But they won’t be leaving Abby’s room for the next two days. Not him, at least.
“Will it be alright if we go in and interrupt them?” Amma asks hesitantly. “I have an urge to hug my daughter after the incident.’
“I am sure that will be alright.”
Amma knocks the door. After hearing an acknowledgment, all three of them walked in. 
“Hi Ethan, is it alright if I hug my daughter? I do not mean to waste any of your-”
Ethan looks at her incredulously. “Why would you ask me if you want to hug your own daughter? I don’t mind at all.”
The famous doctor looks at Seb with a questioning look, who shrugs.
Mother rushes forward and hugs Abby carefully, sobbing as she kisses al of her face. The resident sighs.
“Amma, look at me.” Abby forces Jazmin’s face to her. “I. Am. Fine.”
“Sorry, Ladoo, your mother was just very worried when we got the call. I won’t try to cry, alright?”
The Chacko smiles easily. “now that’s what I wanted to hear from you. My Amma is strong.”
Abby sighs and looks at Seb and Naveen, smiling cheerily. “Who’s next in line for cuddles?”
Seb comes forward, finally at ease when he kisses her forehead gently. He hugs her as tight as he can, the injury preventing him for hugging her more. 
“Please, for the love of Pete, please never scare us like that again.”
She laughs lightly and cuddles closer to him. “I’ll try not to.”
Seb looks up and sees Ethan with a light smile on his face. He finally feels light, free.
He then hears Jazmin’s stomach grumble lightly. Abby laughs hearing this. “Why did you guys not eat? All of you need to get food. Now.”
“I’m not gonna leave you this time around,” he replies. 
Seb’s sister groans. “I knew you would say that.”
The surgeon has an idea. “How about I get all of us some burgers from a nearby restaurant? Since I doubt Ethan’s gonna like what he gets from the cafeteria.”
The famous attending shrugs and then grins easily. “You know me so well.”
“Only for you.”
Abby is on a strict water diet for two days, so he considers buying a cup of chocolate pudding for her. As he leaves the room, he sees Naveen hugging Abby, which brought some emotions to the Chacko. Naveen is like the father he never had before.
Seb is really joyous and filled with triumph at the love confessions between Abby and Ethan. He only wishes it could happen to him.
But it can’t. Because he lost the love of his life last year. Due to a seizure. While she was giving birth. All of their promises. All of their hopes and dreams. Gone. Forever 
I miss her... I miss her a lot.
Suddenly, he hears a whistle. A familiar whistle. It sounds like her. 
When she was alive, they used to whistle a lot. it was a form of their communication. The whistle that heard now was a way of saying, “Turn around.”
No, Seb, he thinks. You’re just letting yourself get too emotional. Stop hallucinating.
But then he hears it again. And it’s behind him. A little far away from him. 
He’s afraid to turn around. He can’t move. 
He forces himself to turn around, like the whistle had told him to.
And then he sees her. He sees her. He actually sees her.
No way, it can’t be... Suddenly, Seb speaks.
“...Dolores? Is that really you?”
She smiles. That smile. He missed that damn smile. Her face and hands are covered with small bruises.
And she talks. “Yeah, Seb. It’s me. Dolores Hudson. I’m alive. I really am.”
Mystery Man’s POV
I give Louise some cash that she was looking forward to. 
“Great, thanks!” she says with a smile.
“Anything for my wife,” I reply, with an emphasis on the word ‘wife’.
She rolls her eyes. “Ugh, don’t call me that. I married you to destroy them, not to love you. Now where’s that manicure you promised?”
Louise is annoying as hell. Sometimes I wonder how her former husband Alan dealt with her. What a man, I think. 
She gives me a mischievous grin. “Now give me a kiss.”
I groan, and I quickly give her a kiss, not wanting it to last for long.
Then, I feel a vibration in my pocket. It’s my phone. I pick it up.
It’s one of my guards. And I can’t believe what I’m hearing. I bark him an order. Blood rushes through my veins, and for the first time in a long time, I feel fear.
I hang up the phone and look at Louise, whose eyes held confusion. I decide to answer her questioning glance.
“Missing captive alert. Dolores Hudson has escaped.”
a/n 2: hope you liked that ending!
a/n 3: i know dolores died of a seizure while under an emergency c-section, but in this au, i refuse to believe so :)
tags:@missmiimiie​ @aylamwrites @starrystarrytrouble​ @udishaman​ @caseyvalentineramsey​ @queencarb​ @choicesstan1​ @newcolonies​ @arcticrivers​ @angela8756 @takemyopenheart​ @rookie-ramsey​ @ohchoices​ @ohvamsey @ohramsey @natureblooms24​ @drariellevalentine​ @maurine07​ @lucy-268 @thanialis
57 notes · View notes
buckstaposition · 4 years
I cling to your lips like gloss (3)
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a Javier Peña x OFC story
also on AO3
author: @youhavereachedtheendofpie  👋
tags&warnings: spoilers for season 3, wonky timelines & odd pacing, drinking, swearing, mentions of sex work, mentions of canon-typical violence, Miss Salome is back!, some mild domesticity, partial nudity, a lil’ bit of sexual & romantic tension, soft&protective!Javi today tomorrow and forever
words: 8906 🙃🤡🙃🤡
summary: “The United States government is buying you a dress because you being at that party is of strategic importance to this investigation.”
Author’s note: Thank you SO SO much everyone who read, reblogged, and commented! It means so much to me and I want you to know that I read those comments and reviews at least every other day 
Also this chapter was originally going to feature more as I was planning to move into the actual plot of the season, but then it just got longer and longer and I wanted to keep it under 10k words so that has all been moved to the beginning of ch4 instead. Anyway, remember it’s okay to take breaks in between, stay hydrated, and enjoy!
Tag list: @keeper0fthestars @opheliaelysia @dindjarindiaries @fromthedeskoftheraven @shikin83​ @cinewhore​ @maddoggrahaml​
(message me if you want to be added to the list)
beautiful moodboard made by @huliabitch​ 
Prologue • Chapter 1 - The Informant • Chapter 2 - A Wedding and Four Funerals
Chapter 3 - Swallow Pride and Anger
He made a habit of checking in with Miss Rivas regularly, usually on Wednesday evenings. It was late enough in the week for her to have gathered something to tell him, and for him to need interactions beyond dealing with pissy bureaucrats and the chorus of 'yes boss'es from his agents. That and he made the conscious choice to never bother her on Thursdays, seeing as how often she'd come back from a work day in the double digits, only to rise again with the sun on Friday mornings for her frequent trips back to Medellín. 
On this Wednesday, his self-imposed cigarette embargo inside his office combined with a slow and frustrating day had led him to go back to his apartment at an uncharacteristically early hour. He threw his jacket, wallet and keys down on the table, then loosened his tie and grabbed a beer from his fridge. He took a slow pull from the bottle, allowing himself to slump a bit against the kitchen counter. This apartment, while never what he would call a home, was still a sanctuary of sorts, even if most days he only came here to sleep and change clothes. He finished about half the bottle before clicking the bent cap back on haphazardly and placing it back in the fridge. He checked his watch and decided that a shower would, if not make him feel better, at least wash off the stale dryness of the embassy complex's aircon. 
His hair still damp, he exited the bathroom about half an hour later. He padded across the floor barefoot, shuffling around the few rooms a bit, pulling on a clean t-shirt and preparing a small meal in the kitchen. He didn't have much except for the usual staples, chosen by how easy they were to prepare and by how effectively they would fill his stomach, rather than for any considerations of taste. The only thing he allowed himself to indulge in was the selection of fresh fruit he picked up at the street market down the road. By the time he'd gotten something in his stomach it was nearing seven. Javier reckoned she would be home by now and would have had enough time to settle in. He grabbed his fruit plate and trudged over to his wall-mounted landline phone. After placing the plate on the low side table, he dialled the satphone's number and waited for the line to connect. 
"Agent Peña, good evening!" The sound quality was much better than with those tinny phone cells. It allowed him to hear how pleased she sounded as she greeted him, and how slightly out of breath. 
"I hope I'm not disturbing you, Miss Rivas. I can call back later?" It occurred to him that she might be in the process of making dinner herself. 
"Oh no, it's alright!" He heard the shuffling of steps and the hum of music in the background. "Hang on, let me finish on the landline, then I'm all yours." She must have set the satphone down right next to her stereo system. He could hear music more clearly now, still distant like not all of it survived the transmission, but distinct enough to make out a string section paired with electric guitar and words in an unfamiliar language. 
"Interesting music selection." He mused as she came back on the line.
"Huh? Oh yes, Angelika let me borrow some of her tapes. Newly historical contraband from behind the Iron Curtain." She laughed quietly, and Javier thought of how for some of his former CIA colleagues, that might have been reason enough to drag her in for an interrogation. He sneered at the notion, glad it was no longer relevant. "Not that I understand anything, but that's why music is called the universal language, I suppose."
"Your German friend." Javier hummed thoughtfully. He'd had to look up what that Stasi remark meant, embarassingly enough. Despite the added information included, he'd been made to change it to 'Calí KBG' in his preliminary report on the matter. 
"Yes. I'm sorry I couldn't convince her to help more. It's half the way she was brought up and half fear. I guess the thought of going up against a powerful drug cartel and helping the American government at the same time is just a bit too much. And with her and Julio now trying for a baby she just really doesn't want to risk it, you know?" 
"It's okay." Javier said reflexively, allowing himself to sit on the floor by his phone, his back against the wall. Angelika Florez-something-long-and-German-with-lots-of-umlauts that he wasn't even going to attempt to pronounce worked at the Calí phone company and would have been an invaluable asset, but then again she'd already placed herself in danger by allowing Diana to relay what she knew. Javier wasn't going to force anyone to become an informant. "Anything new on your end?" 
"New corner office." 
"Oh, very."  He heard more soft rustling over the line, as if she was moving around, and then some light clicking noises that might have been a large window or door being opened. "Miguel Rodríguez did stop by yesterday. Unannounced, of course. Cut into my lunch break." 
Javier straightened, the hand with a piece of orange sinking back down from his lips. "Oh? What did he want?" Unfortunately it was nothing he could be nailed down for. The Rodríguez brothers did own that bank and had every right to be there, every once in a while. 
"Wanted to talk about the tax evasion scheme I devised. I swear, there's nothing rich people hate more than paying their taxes!" Her huff made him laugh softly, despite everything. "Nothing of substance to report, sadly."
"We'll get them." Javier promised. "With your help, they'll go down like a bag of rocks in water."
She hummed, tapping her nails against the phone casing absently. He could hear the light click of it over the line. Javier let himself enjoy the reprieve this unassuming silence offered.
"I've been wondering," she started again after a moment, pensive, "how you met Gabriela. Was it when she was still at the brothel or after?" 
Actually screw reprieve. Javier felt like all his blood was now rushing to his ears and neck. "Umm..." he said, eloquently. "W-why d'you want to know?" And hadn't the other woman told her that detail, since they apparently shared everything? He had made it until now in forcibly not dwelling on what exactly this 'everything' would entail. 
"Sorry no, that came out wrong. I was just wondering if she'd ever been in any way involved in your... work. I'm sorry, this isn't... I just- I worry."  
Javier exhaled slowly, thinking back on the night he'd chanced upon the stunning redhead at a bar. He hadn't planned on it becoming a regular thing, and then before he knew it, the sporadic nights he spent with her were the only thing removed from the stress of his job. "No, never." 
That was... not what he'd expected. He frowned a moment before it dawned on him. 
"You're worried that by involving her when Maritza asked you for help you put her in danger."
"...Yes." She sounded glum now, not pleased and at ease enough to attempt to joke with him like before. He hated it. 
"Hey, it's alright. Nothing happened to her." At least to her. At least one person had come out of that nightmare mostly unscathed. It was something to be grateful for. "They're gone now. Escobar and his men are gone. She's safe." 
"Thank you, Agent Peña. I just-" Her voice sounded so small, suddenly. He frowned, plate of fruit long forgotten. "I couldn't bear it if I lost her, too. And while I didn't live in Medellín for all of it I ...you hear things." 
Unbidden, his mind flashed to the brothel on 23rd street in Envigado, all the women executed, La Quica putting bullets through their brains because one of them had been brave enough to call the Search Bloc and DEA on him. He thought of Helena. He thought of the dozens more who had the violence in their lives compounded tenfold because they'd dared to defy the narcos' terror. And often enough, through him. Sometimes the guilt ate Javier alive. 
"Hang on a moment." He said, already heaving himself up and striding over to the kitchen, grabbing his unfinished beer from the fridge, then doubling back over to the bar and grabbing a glass and a bottle of whiskey. Mixing the two was probably not a good idea. As much as drinking in general. He didn't care right now. Javier tried to be a better man than he had been, but there were times when he slipped. 
He poured himself a glass of the liquor as he sat back down and snatched the phone receiver back up from where it swung against the wall. 
"I'm back." He announced simply and took a swig. 
"I shouldn't have brought it up." She sighed long and drawn. "I'm sorry for... I suppose I just wanted to make myself feel better. That if something had happened to Gabi it wouldn't have been my fault, too. I didn't think- I cannot begin to imagine, Agent Peña-" 
"It's alright." Javier said, reflexively. The beer bottle was just one generous sip away from being empty now. His fingers played with the rim of it absently as he stretched his legs out in front of him, the tumbler of whiskey at his side. 
"It's not alright." Miss Rivas insisted, sounding even more distraught. He hated that, too. 
"Maybe. Maybe not. It is what it is." He scrubbed a palm over his face, rubbing at his burning eyes. The alcohol was beginning to swirl through his bloodstream. It helped, he supposed, that there was a sort of artificial distance through the telephone line. Otherwise the next words would likely never have left his lips. 
"Can I tell you something?" Javier Peña wasn't a religious man, but there were times when he saw the sense of a confessional. 
"Of course." Her voice was just the slightest bit shaky. "Should I get myself a drink, too?"
"If you want." He threw back the last bit of beer, following it up immediately with a gulp of whiskey, then pressed the still cold bottle against his flushed neck. He hesitated a moment, listening intently to the shuffling and rustling on the other end of the line. He felt his shoulders tighten and draw up, let his head fall back against the wall with a soft 'thud', his fingertips tracing the rim of the glass until he heard her soft affirmative. 
This was not a time to let shame hinder him. Hell, the fact that he paid women for sex was the first thing she ever knew about him. 
"You should know that I have a kind of... reputation." Javier began slowly. Like she didn't know that already. Like she couldn't guess. Like maybe this illusion where he could make this a confession instead of a confirmation was somehow more dignified. 
He'd gotten the idea a few months into coming down here. Or rather the idea had found him in the shape of a lovely, doe-eyed brunette who'd introduced herself as 'Aurélia'. And Javier had been hungry and lonely, his shame at his ruined wedding fresh and the frustration of running after leads into empty corners even fresher. And he doesn't even remember how he ended up inside her room, and while under no illusion that what was about to transpire was merely a business deal, a service rendered and compensated for, he'd found himself talking. Javier wasn't a talker, but she'd been so sweet in the way she carded her slender fingers through his hair and let him ramble on, probably wasting her time. 
"That's who you're here for?" Javier remembered still, with such distinct clarity, how her fingers had stuttered against his scalp. Javier had lifted his far-too-heavy head from her comfortable bosom and peered up at her, wondering whether disclosing all this had been a mistake. What kind of idiot walks into a brothel in Medellín half drunk and says he's a cop looking to take down Pablo fucking Escobar plus associates? 
"They come here sometimes. Those sicarios I mean." Aurélia had said, resuming her caresses. Sweet girl. Sweet, sad girl who kissed so softly. 
"Oh yeah?" Just his luck. "Not tonight though, hopefully." Suddenly he wasn't quite as drunk or tired anymore. 
"Not tonight, no. At least not that I know of. Anyway, it's not- I shouldn't tell you this." She'd tilted his head up and pressed a lingering kiss to his lips. That girl could kiss like she was in love with you. 
That was that. Four days later he'd come back, with a proposal wrung from his superiors. Any information that could lead to the capture of one of the Cartel's sicarios for a generous chunk of solid American cash. 
"Aurélia?" Miss Rivas asked in a voice as if she was running calculations. "With curls or with a birthmark?"
"Umm, birthmark." A mole on her left cheek, just under the eye, like a rococo lady in every period piece about the French, except real. 
"Oh! Catalina Vasquez!" 
"You know her?" Of course she knew her. Apparently Medellín was actually a damn village and not a city of millions. 
"Yeah, the family lived just down the street growing up. I used to babysit them sometimes, her and her younger sisters." 
Javier hummed, unsure of how to reply. He pinned the receiver between his head and shoulder and shoved the freed hand up under the collar of his shirt to rub at the tension in the back of his neck. 
"Sorry for interrupting, do go on." 
It had taken some convincing. A whole lot of planning, too. But by the end of it he had one of Gacha's sicarios in custody. A large, brutish man who'd nicknamed himself 'Cobra'. Low-level and not especially bright, as it turned out, but not completely worthless. Javier had gone back to the brothel that night to give Aurélia her reward, and then he'd come back again the night after, when the high of success had worn off and he'd craved being kissed again like it meant something. Only, she'd been gone. Left without a trace, her erstwhile colleagues unwilling to divulge the whats and wheres and whys. Frustrated and anxious and in no small part betrayed, he'd drowned himself in a willing bottle blonde who could do extremely interesting things with her mouth. And that was that, the start of a career and a reputation. Not that he ever expected to be 'serviced' when he was there in a professional capacity. But when they offered, he found himself too weak to refuse. And they almost always offered. For whatever reason. 
Professional pride perhaps.  
"What happened to her?" It had been years but he had to ask, just on the off chance. 
"She took your money and cut loose, moved to the coast and got a job at a baker's. Last thing I heard she was married and had another baby on the way." 
"Good. That's ...good." He'd wondered, all these years... "Thank you."
"I didn't do anything." 
"For listening. For letting me ...unload." For lifting a bit of guilt and uncertainty off of me. "Just... you don't have  to do that. So thank you."
A short rustling, the squeak and groan of a chair, then: "I will listen to whatever you want to tell me, Agent Peña." 
Javier released a sigh, deep and weary, and set aside his glass and the bottle that was significantly lighter than it had been. His mind was somewhere in that soupy stage now, floating aimlessly on some sort of thick fog. It dulled the creeping pain in his back that told him he was too old to be sitting on the floor now. He mumbled something indistinct, rubbed his eyes and shook his head in an attempt to clear the haze. 
"Well, in any case, now you know." He'd only need to tell her about Lorraine, Helena, and Carillo, and he'd have shared all of his major sins. Huh.
"What are you asking for?" 
Absolution. "A verdict?" 
"I have no intention of judging you, Agent Peña. Not for this. You acquainted yourself with all the working girls in Bogotá and Medellín, and I married a man I did not love and stayed with him for years." 
"That's hardly the same." 
"Isn't it?" Her voice was soft and rueful, brimming with words not ready to be spoken quite yet. He sensed it, and agreed, and therefore decided that it was time to cut this heart-to-heart off here for both their sakes. 
"Hell, I don't know. Maybe, in a way." He was way too drunk for this. He shouldn't have drunk this much. Where had his threshold gone? It's like he'd spent years tempering his liver for nothing. 
"Well then, I'll let you know whether or not it'll be worth for you to come down to Medellín next weekend. Sleep well. And drink some water before then." 
Javier glanced at the clock mounted on the oppsite wall. When the hell had it gotten this late? No wonder his ass was numb and his back was killing him. There was a moment when the strangest words were just hanging on to the tip of his tongue, ready to plummet off. That it would always be worth it to see her. Even just to take a turn about a park with her and the kid. Javier swallowed thickly. Gathered his professionalism and detachment. 
"Until then, Miss Rivas. Good night." --- --- --- The phone rings insistently in a way that tells him it's been at it a while. Javier sighed while sliding the glass door of his office shut behind him. He hadn't planned on being all but ambushed by one of Stechner's CIA stooges under the guise of 'inter-agency liasing', and that was after getting caught up with a lenghty presentation one of his newly transferred agents had prepared for him. Feistl, he'd said his name was. The presentation was full of good ideas, too, just too involved. Javier had told the guy as much. If you can get your point across with ten words there's no point using fifty. 
Javier picked up the receiver, one hand rubbing at the dull throbbing that was just starting to build in his temple. 
"You're still at your office? It's past eight, you should go home." He smiles despite himself, and the chiding tone. 
"Got delayed." He offered by way of an explanation. She harrumphed softly. 
"Not that I'm not delighted to hear from you, but what's the occasion?" She rarely called him, he usually called her. She certainly didn't call on Thursday nights because when she wasn't preparing to drive up to Medellín she was usually exhausted enough at this point in the week to turn in early. 
"I hope you're sitting down." 
Javier perched himself on the edge of his desk where it wasn't piled high with reports and mind-numbing paperwork awaiting his signature. "I am." 
"They're having a party and I've been invited. Friday next week. They'll all be there; Santacruz is apparently coming down from New York for it. The chief accountant, the money launderer, everyone. And their wives, or other-" 
Javier's foot slipped a bit where he'd foolishly leaned a significant percentage of his weight on it. He caught himself as the desk gave a loud groan, slipping a bit on the linoleum floor. He righted himself quickly, sitting more firmly on the edge of the desk. 
"What do you know?" 
"Apparently there's going to be some sort of important announcement, but no one knows what it is, not even Miguel. Gilberto called it. All I know is that all four of them will be there, as well as everyone important in the organization. And then some. Likely every politician and law enforcement official in their pocket. Other cartels, too, but I don't know who exactly-"
"Miss Rivas, stop." Javier said firmly. Her voice had gotten that rambling, frantic quality that wore thin its natural pleasant rasp. "That's plenty. This is..." he twisted around and fished for his desk calendar, grabbing the nearest pen to circle the day, "This is huge. It could even be just the break we need."
She was silent for a moment, only her long, deliberate breaths crackling over the line. "You think so?"
"I think regardless of what it is, if it's important enough for a gathering this big, then yes."
"I don't suppose you could raid the party and arrest them all just like that?" She mused. 
"Only in my dreams, Miss Rivas." He allowed himself a second to picture it: surroundig what was no doubt a very large and fancy property, riding in like the cavalry, the dumbstruck faces as the Gentlemen of Calí and their associates realized their luck had run out, clapping the handcuffs on them - he'd want to do it himself, hear the gratifying click of metal on metal that would wipe the self-satisfied smirks off their faces. 
The warrants for the Calí godfathers existed, that wasn't the problem. The problems started with finding the location, circumventing their no doubt expert security, getting the lot of them without anyone escaping... Then there was the trouble of getting a search warrant for the property, even if they did know the address, and it was going to be a whole lot more complicated if the guy who signed those warrants was at that party himself. Then there was the fact that for all the valuable intel Miss Rivas had provided already, it wasn't nearly enough to nail the godfathers beyond what their army of slippery attorneys could weasel them right back out of. What they really needed was for someone to talk. Someone who had been there for longer and knew the operations of the cartel more intimately than Miss Rivas ever could (or than he would want her to, if Javier was being honest). The mysterious money launderer perhaps, or the chief accountant. Either would be good, both would be better - then again, the immunity deals that usually came with these kinds of cooperations didn't sit too well with Javier. 
"Hell, I don't even have a plus one. Do I really have to go? I could pretend to be sick." She sighed and scoffed, and muttered something about not having anything to wear. 
"I think you know." And if these people didn't know his face (and would put a bullet through it on sight) he'd gladly offer to be her plus one, if only to keep her safe. He hated knowing she'd be all alone there, among the wolves. It didn't make what he still had to ask of her any easier.  
"Yes, I know. Miguel called me the 'third corner of their finance trifecta'." A bitter laugh, not that Javier needed that cue to know. He could tell from her voice alone how much she despised it. "In any case, now you know, so you can make whatever arrangements you need. I'll see you tomorrow?" Ah yes, about that. 
"I'm afraid I can't make lunch. Urgent meeting called by the ambassador." Urgent and useless, but when the new president and minister of justice wanted a briefing he had to oblige. "Sorry."
"That's alright. Dinner then? My aunt will be in the hospital overnight." 
"I'll see what I can do." There was just one more thing. "Miss Rivas?"
"Would you be willing to wear a wire? To the party?" 
"Well, I was thinking a cocktail dress would be more appropriate-" 
Javier scoffed. "You know what I mean." He could picture her grin on the other end of the line, pleased at her little joke. 
"Yeah, yeah, I know. I suppose I might as well, seeing as I'm not getting out of this-" 
"Thank you."
"Best bring the necessary ...equipment with you. I need to go dress shopping this weekend." 
He promised that he would. He promised to call as soon as he knew when he'd be in Medellín. And he promised to go home for the day as soon as they said their good-byes.
He intended to do just that; he only needed to file away some things first. 
"Boss?" Another one of the new transfers poked his head in after knocking. Why was he still here at this hour? Javier struggled to recall his name. 
"Yeah, what is it, uh..." He did feel bad about it, too. A little bit at least. 
"Van Ness, sir." 
"What is it, Van Ness?" 
"Duffy just faxed this over." Van Ness leaned further into Javier's office, holding himself steady on the doorframe, and handed him the flimsy sheet of paper. "They've gotten a lead through Cornerstone." 
--- --- ---
Dinner instead turned into an apologetic phonecall during a meeting break and then a red eye flight out to Medellín. Then there's another meeting at the Search Bloc home base with Colombian National Police representatives and the only high point of it is that he briefly sees Hugo Jr who looks well. So by the time Javier finally starts out to Envigado it's lunchtime again. He makes it there just slightly after. 
He walked up to the small house, past the flowerbeds on the windowsills, and knocked on the door. That side of the house was south-facing and it was a hot, cloudless day that has him sweating in his suit in no time. He's just about to knock again, thinking perhaps the first time he'd been too soft to be heard so as not to disturb the aunt who must be resting after her overnight stay at the hospital, but then he hears the quick tap of feet and the door is yanked open by an out-of-breath Diana. "Hey." 
She was wearing a wide smile and cut-off denim shorts with a simple blue cotton blouse and her hair was loose and much longer than when they'd first met. It seemed like no time at all had passed since then when in reality it had been close to a year now. 
"Hi," Javier breathed, "Sorry for the delay." 
She waved it off. "Come on in, I saved you a plate." She turned and walked back the short and narrow hallway. Stop gawking at her legs.
"That's not necessary." He tried to deflect, toeing off his shoes near the door and loosening his tie and shirt collar, just the top button. 
"Nonsense, unless you've eaten?" She looked over her shoulder before turning into the small kitchen. 
"I haven't, no." Javier conceded, following behind. It wasn't exactly spacious, a round table squished to one wall with just enough space for three chairs. Little Salome sat at one, drawing with an array of colorful crayons. She acknowledged him silently before going back to her drawing and Javier sat down. 
"Coffee?" Diana asked over the hum of the microwave, already pulling two mugs from a cupboard. 
"Please." Javier stretched his legs out as far as he could without becoming a tripping hazard. "How's your aunt?" 
"Resting now. She's been better recently, but overall she's been declining so I don't know-" She gave a helpless shrug, then brought over the mugs, shortly followed by the steaming plate which she set in front of him. He'd learned a while ago that even the most minute resistance was futile anyway. Besides, he actually was really rather hungry. Catering wasn't a priority for the CNP. 
He waited until she sat down in the chair opposite to start eating. They talked quietly, not exactly smalltalk, but nothing too heavy either. It was strange sort of almost-domesticity if one looked over the fact that he was being snuck in like a teenage delinquent boyfriend whenever the aunt was out or asleep (which was fine by him as he had no desire to meet the woman whose only daughter he'd gotten killed). 
"So how does that whole wire situation work in real life?" Diana asked after she'd cleared away the dishes (and physically slapping his hand away when he moved to help). 
"Well it's... there's a literal wire, a microphone on one end, and a recording device on the other. And a battery." Javier began haltingly. 
"And it needs to be concealed under the clothes, obviously." 
"Hmm, I see. How big?" She sat back down again, brushing a hand through Salome's hair affectionately. "And how do I secure it under the dress? I need to know these things so I can pick out one that'll cover it all, you see." 
Javier nodded. "Did you want to leave soon? Because I was thinking it's probably easiest if I just came along." 
At this, she seemed surprised, but recovered quickly. "You sure?"
He sipped the last of his now tepid coffee and nodded again. "Yeah, let's go buy you a dress."
"There's no need to buy me a dress, Agent Peña." He recognized that tone by now, how testy she got at any allusion of charity. It was an ingrained reflex that he knew better than to be irked by. 
"The United States government is buying you a dress because you being at that party is of strategic importance to this investigation." He stood to put the empty mug in the sink before she could beat him to it, then returned to the table, standing behind the seat he'd previously occupied and gripping the back of it. "Besides, more of American taxpayer money is spent on worse things." Like Stechner's salary, he thought. She gave him a look that said they'd have more words on this, probably when they reached the checkout, then stood, saying she'd go say goodbye to her aunt. 
Javier nodded, watching her leave. A little noise caught his attention. Salome still didn't speak much, but she knew how to make herself known nonetheless. "What is it, Miss Salome?" Javier stooped to get closer to eye level with the kid. She looked up at him with her big brown eyes and held up a scrap of the paper she'd been drawing on. 
"Oh, what's this?" She shook the paper insistently in her tiny fist, an adorable frown creasing between her brows, as if miffed that he was being slow. And it's... he's gotten more relaxed around the little girl by now, but it still always lingers that he's part of the reason she's an orphan, and traumatised into a selective mutism that apparently even the average counselor or child psychiatrist doesn't quite know how to deal with to boot, that leaves him with a lingering apprehension that manifests in the kind of awkward hesitation that now has her scrambling off the chair and patting his leg as she holds the paper up for him to take. 
"Want me to take a look?" He bends and takes it gently. Is answered by a sort of long-suffering sigh. The scrap is barely the size of his palm, covered in colorful blobs of red and orange and yellow and blue, pink and green and purple swirls in between. 
"Very pretty." He decrees and attempts to hand it back just as Miss Rivas is poking her head back the room. 
"Can you please grab the car seat?" 
"Huh?" It's not very eloquent, but then again he's engaged in a game of impromptu reverse tug-of-war with a toddler. "She's coming with?" She's also pushing the paper back at him again, pouting. 
"Yes of course she is. The car seat? It's on the shelf behind you." There is no argument to be had with the women in this family, so he doesn't even attempt it, just straightens and looks for the car seat which is indeed in the described spot. "And that drawing is for you so just take it." 
"For me?" It's still clutched in his hand, and Salome is heaving a huff as if to say 'Duh. Idiot.' His throat feels tight all of a sudden. "Well, thank you very much." He makes a show of tucking it very carefully into the pocket of his suit jacket, then turns to retrieve the car seat. Together they make their way out. It takes a moment to set up the car seat in the back, another to wrestle the stroller into the trunk, but eventually they're on their way downtown.
--- --- ---
They have entered a world of ruffles. And sequins. For a moment Javier thinks he's having flashbacks to Lorraine's endless sessions discussing bridesmaid's dresses all those years ago. He exchanges a look with Miss Rivas, her expression stony and tense. 
"Alright, quick in and out. If at all possible, I want to be out of here again before Salome wakes up." Javier nodded, tightening his grip on the stroller handles. Salome had dozed off in the car on the drive over and was now out cold, not even stirring throughout the transferral from car seat to stroller. Javier eyed the sea of satins and gulped, then turned to the woman at his side. "What's your plan?" 
"I'm going to find a shop assistant." She narrowed her eyes, gaze flitting over the masses of racks. 
"Good plan." Javier mumbled. He had an inkling that they'd be here forever if they attempted to brave this ocean of dresses alone. 
"Right, you can..." she trailed off as her eyes fixed on a woman some feet away, her head just bobbing up from between two racks where she was rearranging some very bright red and very small garments, "...um, wait by the changing rooms?"
"It's fine." Javier replied, starting to push the stroller in that direction. If nothing else he figured he could function as a temporary clothing rack or something. On instinct, he scans the perimeter while Miss Rivas elucidates to the shop assistant what she is looking for and the younger woman, perhaps in her mid- to late twenties, snaps her fingers in triumph before announcing that she has 'just what you're looking for' and starts marching away. They follow her like ducklings from rack to rack, and a good ten minutes later they have an armful of cocktail dresses of varying lengths, cuts, and colors. It's the kind of brutal efficiency that even Search Bloc could only dream of, all in the petite shape of this eager retail employee with a side pony.
"Let me know if you need help." She chirps as she deftly deposits them in the changing room area before returning to her other tasks. 
It's an almost enclosed space, five curtained cabins in an open half-circle arrangement with a long-ish bench in the middle and some tall mirrors on the spaces between. He wheels the stroller beside the bench and sits a moment later, so that the both of them are facing the changing room where the shop assistant had hung up the dress selection. Shrugs off his suit jacket, then drapes it carefully over the sleeping child to block out the light and muffle the noise of shoppers. Miss Rivas looked at him expectantly, one hand on the curtain that was half drawn. 
"You're gonna have to show me how to put on the wire thingy." She jerked her head towards the changing room. Javier gulped, the implication dawning on him. Looked at the stroller helplessly. There was nothing but an effectively timed baby snore and a twitch of one little ladybug-socked foot. 
"Come on, the sooner we get this over with the sooner we can leave." As previously stated, there is no arguing with the women of this family, especially when they're right, so he resigns himself, dives for the case that holds the machinery, and stands. Miss Rivas stepped aside, drawing up the curtain after a furtive glance around. "We're both adults." 
"Yeah." Javier agreed, his throat tight. At least these cabins were decently sized or they'd be squished in there like sardines in a can. 
Javier turned away to give her some privacy, fiddling with the wire instead, pretending it had gotten more tangled than it was. At her soft confirmation that she's ready he turns around, making a conscious effort not to look... anywhere really. At least she'd only chucked her top; the shorts are still on. 
"Agent Peña, I would assume that you have seen women in their underwear before." She sounded amused, and clearly more relaxed about this than he could ever pretend to be. He gives a terse nod, making his eyeline give a wide berth until his gaze lands squarely on her face where a bemused smirk just barely masks something more uncertain. 
"Sorry, there is a real dearth of female agents or this would be much less awkward." Javier stepped closer, holding the wire in his hands like the world's flimsiest shield. She's right of course, the sight of a woman's brassiere hasn't been new to him since he was a teenager sneakily perusing clothing catalogues in his bedroom after dark. Hers isn't even... it's... functional, off-white, unwired and unembellished, and reveals just the edge of a tan line, something he quickly drags his gaze away from. The problem is of course, that the path his eyes take is further down her body, suddenly snagging on a raised line down at the very edge of her ribcage on the left side. 
"What's this?" His thumb drags across the raised skin instinctually. It's a thin, straight line of scar tissue, around half the length of his index finger and sitting right on the lowest rib. Diana gasped softly and he snatched his hand away like he'd touched one of the electric fences back on the ranch. "Sorry." 
"It's fine, it's just a scar." She took a steadying breath and retraced the path his finger had just taken on her skin with her own, pensive. "I got caught in a shootout on my way home when I was home for summer from university once. It's just a graze." Just a graze that would have been more than that if it had hit just a few inches to the side. Javier felt faint at the thought. 
"Do you have any?"
"Huh?" His brain is lagging on something, hence the eloquent reply. 
"You said you get shot at a lot in this job. Ever been hit?" She ducks her head a little, looking up at him through her lashes from where she's leaning back against the wall. "Come on, I showed you mine, you show me yours." It's clearly a joke, and one she obviously regrets as soon as the words are out, judging by the pained expression that comes right after the statement. 
"Just one." Javier said, tapping his leg about a handwidth above the knee. "Went right through. Apparently missed the main artery by less than half an inch." 
"Hmm, " she hummed, "Looks like we're both lucky then." 
"Yeah," Javier agreed, his voice soft and low, "lucky." 
The changing rooms really were not cramped, but with two fully grown adults inside, they were just about spacious enough. They stood barely an arm's length apart, mirror to one side and thick faux-velvet curtain to the other. Javier felt heat prickle from the base of his neck downwards, and he wasn't even the one with half his chest out. He'd only rolled up his shirtsleeves to his elbows, leaving his forearms bare. 
Her hand brushed over one gently, curling around his wrist and startling him out of whatever feverish reverie he'd zoned out into. 
"So," she trailed her fingertips further down, over his knuckles and the wire slung around them, before tapping against the small black cylinder that housed the recording device and battery, "does this thing get hot?" 
Pull yourself together and be fucking professional! "It shouldn't." 
"Right, well let's get it on then." 
He handed her the microphone end first. Explained ideal placement, the closer to the face the better. This was a modified necktie bug, small and discreet, secured against the skin with tape if necessary. She took it, pinned the mic to the strap of her bra, high up on the shoulder. The wire itself was long enough to wind around her torso once with some slack. The slim casing that held the battery and recording device she tucked into her bra for now. Listened intently as he explained how to turn the device on and off. 
"I'll keep this on for the rest of the day, just to get used to the feeling." Her smile was a bit wobbly as she spoke. 
"Yeah, that's ...uh, a good idea." Javier fidgeted a moment, not sure what to do with his hands. "Right, I'll leave you to your-" 
She gripped his hands just as he was about to turn and leave. Alarmed, he stilled. Watched he lip wobble and the rims of her eyes redden under furrowed brows. "Hey, what is it?, What's wrong?"
She heaved a deep and shaky breath that ended in an even shakier laugh. "I'm sorry I'm just... I'm scared."
"You don't have to do this if you don't feel safe." Javier was quick to offer. "You've helped us so much already."
She swallowed hard. "No, I do want to! Do this, help you. I want to bring them down! Besides, I'm going to be there anyway, so it would be a waste not to-" 
She was trembling now, unaware of her own body's reaction until it was brought into sharp relief by his large warm hands on her shoulders. 
"Hey," he said, thumbs rubbing gently at her collarbones, "It's going to be alright. I won't let anything happen to you, okay?" 
She knew, realistically, that there was only so far he could carry a promise like that, but her nerves calmed nonetheless. It was silly, really. This relationship was just a professional alliance, no matter how many deep secrets they'd shared with one another. Officially of course they couldn't ever be associated, at least as long as any of the 'Gentlemen' of Calí still roamed free. And yet, she trusted him.  
"I know. I'm sorry." She babbled, nerves imploring her to externalize her anxiety through words. "I came to you; I wanted this... want this. I'm in. I'll try to be brave."
He squeezed her shoulders gently. "You're one of the bravest people I know." And that was the crux of it, wasn't it? Because deep down he didn't want her to be brave. Helena had been brave too, and what did it get her? 
"I'm just… I'm tired of being afraid." She steadied herself on him, hands gripping his biceps now. 
"Sometimes being afraid is what keeps us alive." He murmured, bringing one hand up to tilt her face to meet his gaze. "Listen to me. I will do whatever it takes to make sure you're safe, okay? Whatever I can, I promise. I can't have you on my conscience as well." The last part was whispered so softly that she barely caught it, but she nodded, pulling herself together and schooling her breathing.  
"Thank you." She squeezed her hands once and let go. Javier searched her face for a moment longer, thumb brushing over her cheekbone absently, before he remembered himself and drew back.
"You gonna be okay?"
"Yeah," she nodded, "yeah I'll be fine." 
"Okay." Javier breathed, straightening, hand going for the curtain. "I'll wait outside."
Her answering smile was still shaky, but not quite as much so.
When Javier ducked out of the changing room his first glance is towards the stroller, where Salome is still napping peacefully. His second glance is directed towards the shop assistant sorting through the returns rack, directed there by the woman's disapproving huff. It's not the same one who helped them pick out dresses, but a slightly older woman, one who carries the gravitas of authority derived by experience with her. 
"Did your wife need help?" She quips while untangling garments from hangers. Out of all that's happened over the past quarter of an hour or so, this is what really makes Javier's ears burn. 
"Yes, with the um... zipper." He stutters, wishing for the first time that day since leaving the base that he could have a smoke. 
"Hmm," the shop assistant resumed her folding, "You would not believe the kinds of things people get up to in there." Her disapproving stare moved to the stroller where Salome was still blissfully asleep under his blazer. He snatches the garment away guiltily, but Salome doesn't even stir, just slumbers on cutely. At last, the woman's eyes soften. 
"Yes, well... call me or any of my colleagues if you need further... assistance." 
"Thanks." He clears his throat and sits as she sails off with an armful of clothes. Miss Rivas poked her head out not a second later. 
"I'm sorry, your what?" 
At least she was laughing again, even if her eyes were still slightly red-rimmed and watery. 
"Sorry, next time I'll be sure to clarify that you are my confidential informant and we're taking down the world's biggest drug cartel together." He retorts, and she breaks out into a wide grin accompanied by a snorty burst of laughter. 
"Well, if you put it like that it sounds almost romantic." Now it's his turn to snort. "I do actually need help with this zipper, though." 
She stepped half out of the little alcove, clad in a floor-length, wine-red halter gown with intricate beading all over, and a slit so high it makes his brain short-circuit. Which causes him to just stare at her dumbly for a long moment, even after she's already turned to present the high back of it. 
"Agent Peña?" She throws over her shoulder, somewhere between amused and slightly concerned. He jumps and strides over, fingers fidgeting with the zipper tab until he gets a decent grip and starts to pull it up the rest of the way. 
"Uh, no I meant down." Her voice is as strained as he feels. He pulls the tab down, desperately trying not to focus on the skin being revealed as he does. She releases a relieved breath when he's done and turns, stepping back inside the changing room. 
"This one good?" He asks with a non-committal shrug, nodding towards the dress without really looking at it. 
"No, I think I do need to be able to breathe. And also I'd like to be able to walk without flashing everyone. I do work with these people, after all." She smiled, one hand on the curtain ready to draw it back shut. "I'll be quick with the rest, but you can take Salome for a turn if you want, maybe have a smoke outside? We can meet back here or by the registers." 
They both look at the little girl's sleeping form simultaneously, watch her eyes move rapidly under her lids as she is lost in dreams. 
"Thanks, but it's alright. I can stay in case you need further...help."
It really isn't long after that. She hurries, but they also make light conversation while she tries on another five or six dresses. She doesn't come out with most of them but narrates all their flaws very entertainingly. Javier once again enjoys how forward she is, not censoring herself in the least as she complains about everything from odd sizing to itchy material to unfortunate placement of embellishments. 
"Okay, last one." She announces and then draws back the curtain with a flourish and Javier... just gapes. The dress is midnight blue, so dark it looks almost black until light hits the silky fabric and reflects off of it. The color compliments the deep bronze tan of her skin like it had been chosen specifically for her. It's slim-cut, body-hugging and high-collared with thin spaghetti straps and subtle beading on the bodice. A tasteful slit goes to just above the knee and the hem brushes just over the tops of her feet. 
"I think this will work." 
'Oh it definitely works.' Luckily Javier's mouth is currently too dry for these words to slip out, so he just nods, clearing his throat awkwardly. 
"Great! Let me change back real quick and let's get out of here." 
He's just adjusting his suit jacket to lie over the still blissfully sleeping toddler like a blanket when Diana steps back out, back on her shorts and top. 
"Looks like the American taxpayers are in luck. It's discounted." She said as she read the tag, then draped the blue dress over the top of the stroller. "Twenty percent. Not bad." 
Javier snorted. Took the other dresses and hung them up on the returns rack. Grabbed the stroller handles and gently set the vehicle in motion. Salome stirred a moment, then bunched a chubby hand in the fabric sheltering her from the chilly air-conditioning and settled back down. Diana's gaze is soft upon her niece, and soft still when she raises her eyes to meet Javier's. 
They make their way down to the registers, walking from the top floor of the department store downwards, weaving around racks and shelves and other shoppers. Javier is pushing the stroller, Miss Rivas at his side where possible, her hand loosely hooked into the crook of his elbow again as she likes to do. It's two floors down, as they traverse the men's section, that she suddenly sidetracks, half disentangling herself, half pulling him over to a wall display. Neckties. He raises a questioning eyebrow. 
"Since we're here already." She shrugs, like that explains everything. It doesn't. The eyebrw remains up and quizzical. 
There's a dangerous glint in her eye as she lets her fingertips glide over the assorted fabrics. 
"Gabi said you only have ugly ties." Has she now.
"She's only seen two!" Javier protests without heat. She eyes him critically, eyes the tie he put on this morning at the asscrack of dawn for his damn meetings. He has half a mind to argue that he didn't feel like dressing up all pretty for some pissy general at half past four in the morning. 
"Was this one of them?" Though truth be told perhaps his tie selection is a bit... outdated. This one is several brownish tones in a very 70s pattern, if he's being honest. 
"No?" But this one was also one of the old ones that had been gifts from Lorraine he'd never gotten rid of. 
"Then you have three ugly ties." There is no arguing with this woman. So, he submits. "You'll have to make announcements on national television sooner or later; you'll need to look decent." 
"I'm not arguing, am I?" He figures what's the point. What's the worst that could happen. And she knows she's won, too. Gleefully starts peering through the selection before them. 
"Is this revenge? For this?" He motioned to the dress still draped over the stroller, his meaning clear between them. Is this for making you go to a party with the world's most powerful drug bosses with a wire up your boobs.
"No." She lied, picking up a solid charcoal tie and holding it up to his collar. "Of course not." 
She picks out four, two solid and two patterned.
By the time he parks the car back on a side street in Envigado Salome is awake and very grumpy. A snack of peach slices and crackers mollifies her somewhat, but just enough to get her in the house and distracted by her toys before throwing a fit. Javier carried in the car seat and then the stroller, after Diana's signal that the coast was clear, and lastly he grabs her shopping bag and stuffs the last item on his itinerary for this visit inside, before he forgets again. 
"Another coffee?" He wants to, he really does, but if he ingests any caffeine now he knows he won't sleep until well after midnight. So he shakes his head, apologetic. He's tired, sure, but he'll power through until he reaches his hotel (and then promptly collapse on the bed there.)
"I have one last... I brought you something, just in case." He hands her the bag, and she looks at him quizzically. Until she looks inside, that is. 
"What's this?" She holds the garment up in question, turns it in her hands a a few times. Javier clears his throat.
"Bulletproof vest." 
She gulps. Pales imperceptibly, eyes flitting between him and the vest. 
"You really think this is neces-"
"Just in case." He insists. It probably wouldn't- it's a newer model, thinner and more discreet than the tac vests they use out in the field, but likely still too bulky to be hidden under her normal work clothes, even though she favors looser cuts. He takes it from her gently, motions for her to put her arms up so he can lower the vest over her head and do it up at the sides. Explains how it needs to be secured tight to the body so it doesn't shift. 
"It won't work under my normal work clothes." Miss Rivas frowns, hands smoothing down over the front of it, calculating. Probably going through her wardrobe mentally. Doing an admirable job of not letting fear grip her again like that earlier hiccup. "It's too bulky."
"No, you're right." Javier conceded, hands still at her sides where his fingers are hooked into the clasps of the vest. "You should still take it. Who knows when it'll come in handy."
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Author’s note cont’d: this is the song Javi is hearing over the phone in the first scene btw
learn about bugs and wires here (though I do admit that I am playing a bit fast and loose with this here ;)
this is what I based the first dress on:
Tumblr media
and here’s the final dress: 
Tumblr media
and yes, I hate about 90% of the ties they have him wear in the show and that is how that bit came about. Sorry to throw Lorraine under the bus a bit there but I’m sure they were fashionable at the time :/
Next Chapter
111 notes · View notes
twomoonstwosuns · 4 years
back to you [series masterlist]
previous part · next part
pairing: professor!poe dameron x reader
warnings: mentions of alcohol, swearing, sweet fluff for the entire thing, age gap (reader over 18)
word count: 4.0k
a/n: feeling kinda meh about this chapter, i apologize if it’s not my best. enjoy the fluff, because we’re about to dive into some drama.
*updated masterlist with info about the number of remaining chapters! (but give me like 10 minutes so I can find the post and link things)
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“Is the Wi-Fi working for you?”
Poe looked up from his computer when you didn’t answer. Your head was propped up against your hand as you stared at the screen. “Y/N?”
You hummed, tearing your eyes away from the screen. “Sorry, what?”
He gave you a humorous smile. “Are you connected to the Wi-Fi?”
You glanced down at the bars at the top of your screen. “Um…oh, I guess not.”
Poe got up from the table to reset the router. You leaned back in your chair, head hanging over the back so your hair cascaded down the back of it, and groaned quietly. It was a late Sunday afternoon and you were sitting at Poe’s kitchen table doing homework. He had his computer open too, though you weren’t entirely sure what he was doing. A comfortable silence accompanied by soft music fell over you, interrupted only by the clacking of the keyboard. Beebs was off being Beebs. He had been bouncing between you and Poe, demanding attention until you finally caved. After a game of fetch with the purple dragon you bought for him that allowed you to procrastinate for all of two minutes, Beebs trotted off towards Poe’s bedroom to chew on his new favorite toy. Then you were stuck working again. You were quickly losing the will to concentrate, your head throbbing with exhaustion.
“What’s eatin’ you?” You lifted your head to see Poe back in his spot, arms crossed over his chest and an observant look on his face.
“This business marketing paper. The boring part of marketing,” you said, shutting your computer and pushing it away from you. “I need a break. What’re you working on?”
Poe just sighed heavily. You walked over to him, putting a hand on his shoulder and peering at his laptop. There were multiple documents and webpages up.
“What’s eating you?”
Poe looked stressed. He grabbed your hand, bringing you around to perch on his lap. Your arm rested around his neck as his went around your waist to secure you in place.
“I’m…looking at Snoke’s dissertations, his research, the department head job…anything to give me an advantage.”
“Any word on when the interview is?”
“Not yet, but I got the names of some of the people interviewing for the position.”
“Anyone I know?”
“Armitage Hux?”
You narrowed your eyes as you thought. The name sounded familiar so you figured he was someone who taught at the university, but you didn’t know him personally. “I think I’ve heard the name before. If he’s a professor here, I haven’t had him.”
“Consider yourself lucky. He’s a pretentious jackass who thinks he’s above everyone else. Takes after Snoke.”
“Tell me how you really feel about him,” Poe snickered and gave your waist a squeeze. “Well, you’re the complete opposite of him, so I’d say that’s an advantage already. If there’s anything I can do to help you, let me know.”
Poe rubbed his eyes with his free hand. Resting your head against his, you ran your hand through his hair, lightly massaging his scalp.
“Sweetheart, you’re going to make me fall asleep,” he said, leaning into your touch. You smiled at the pet name, a warm feeling settling in your chest.
“Do you want me to stop?”
Poe rested his head on your shoulder, his nose nuzzling your collarbone. You continued running your fingers through his hair, a content groan coming from him as he completely relaxed. Moments like these were few and far between and greatly cherished, when you could just relax in each other’s embrace. There was no sneaking around, no pretending like you weren’t a couple in a room full of people. You could just be together.
Beebs suddenly barked loudly from Poe’s bedroom, startling the both of you out of your peaceful state. You looked towards the noise. “What’s gotten into him?”
Poe reluctantly unwound his arms from your waist, looking towards the room as Beebs’ barks turned to huffs.
“Maybe he found a mouse,” Poe said, smirking when you glared at him.
“That’s not funny!” You yelled after him.
A loud knock on the door startled you again. You could hear Poe talking to Beebs, which meant he hadn’t heard the door. You tiptoed over to the door to peak through the peephole when you heard a loud, booming voice.
“Poe Dameron, I know you’re alive in there!”
Yanking the door open, you immediately recognized the man and woman on the other side, but their faces showed confusion as they looked at you.
“You are not Poe,” the man said with a joking tone to his voice. You laughed.
“No, but I know you,” you pointed between the two visitors. “You’re Finn, and you’re Rey.” You recognized them from the pictures Poe had around his apartment and on his office desk.
“Is Poe here?” Rey asked kindly, and you snapped out of your thoughts.
“Oh my god, yeah, I’m sorry.” You stood aside, letting them in. “Poe!”
Poe came out of his room with Beebs hot on his heels and you saw his face light up when he saw Finn.
“Buddy!” He engulfed Finn in a giant hug, patting him on the back. It had been far too long since they’d seen each other, and the reunion of two best friends made you smile. “What’re you doing here?!”
“I’m on leave for two weeks, had to come say hi. And I managed to steal Peanut from Florida for a few days.”
Poe found Rey from over Finn’s shoulder and grabbed her in a bear hug, lifting her from the ground. They both leaned down to say hi to Beebs, the happy dog hungry for their affection, as he laid on the ground with his belly open for scratches.
“Guys,” Poe beckoned you over to him. “This is Y/N. Y/N, this is—“
“Finn and Rey, I know,” you smiled, shaking both of his friends’ hands. “It’s so great to meet you, I’ve heard so many good things about the both of you.”
“Oh god, now I have to know what he said.” Finn joked. “Are you sticking around a bit longer?”
You grabbed the phone out of your pocket and grimaced at the time. “Another time, I actually have to head out.”
Beebs grabbed Finn and Rey’s attention once again, showing off a toy in hopes they’d play with him.
“You know you can stay, right?” Poe questioned quietly as you packed up your belongings.
“I know, but Karé’s expecting me home to help her study and if I’m not there soon, she will kill me,” you explained, really wishing you hadn’t made the promise to your friend so you could stay. “Besides, it’s not everyday you get a surprise visit from your best friends. You haven’t seen them in months; you need to catch up with them. I’ll see you later.”
Poe smiled appreciatively and pressed a lingering kiss to your lips. You whispered a goodbye to him before politely waving to Finn and Rey.
“So that’s your girl, huh?” Rey asked as the front door clicked shut, elbowing Poe in the ribs and wiggling her eyebrows. Poe looked from the door to his friends and back, a small smile on his face.
“Yeah, that’s her.”
》 》 》
The nerves were back in your belly.
Finn and Rey still wanted to get to know you, so they suggested drinks. This felt as big as meeting the parents. Finn and Rey were important and if they didn’t like you…you didn’t want to think about it.
You drove over to Poe’s apartment and he intercepted you before you could head inside, instead getting into his waiting car. Your phone rang and you pressed a finger to your lips as Poe opened his mouth to say hi.
“Hi, mom.”
“You will never guess who’s back in town.”
“I know Ben is, but who else?”
“Ben told you, good! Well his father’s back, too. They want to know if we want to have dinner with them and his mother, and they want you and Tallie to come too. Are you available Wednesday night?”
“You’re going to make me drive an hour home just for that?”
“Please, honey? They really want to see you. If it’ll get you here, I’ll pay for your gas.”
You threw your head back against the seat of the car, groaning inaudibly in discontent.
“If it’ll make you happy, fine. But you’re paying me back for gas.”
“Thank you, honey. I’ll let them know and I’ll text you when we settle on a time and place.”
“Sounds good, unfortunately I gotta go, I’m actually a little busy right now.”
Bidding your mother goodbye, you hung up and tossed your phone into your bag. Poe raised his eyebrows. “Everything ok?”
“Yeah, apparently I get to drive all the way home to go out to dinner with some family friends who just got back to town,” you said, still confused as to why it was so imperative that you attend. “So…we’re not going inside?”
“Finn found a place an hour away. He figured we might like that since we’re always at my apartment.”
“Wow,” you said softly, awed at the sweetness of the gesture of someone who was still practically a stranger. “That’s so nice of him.”
“He likes you.”
“He doesn’t know me.”
“I’ve told him enough.”
“Oh yeah? What have you told him about me?”
“All the good stuff. Like how you snore.”
“I do not!” You swatted his arm. Poe grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers with his and kissing your knuckles. He didn’t let go for the entire hour-long drive.
When you got to the bar, Poe grabbed your hand outside of the car and kissed you in the parking lot. Because there was no one around who could tell on you.  
Finn and Rey had already arrived, commandeering a booth in the corner that wasn’t hiding from the action in the bar but a little out of the way to ensure some privacy. You sat down nervously as Finn joined Poe at the bar to get drinks.
“Can I just clarify something before Poe comes back?” You blurted as soon as Rey opened her mouth to speak. She nodded. “I’m not using Poe to get a good grade or whatever.”
“Relax,” Rey laughed. You blushed, muttering an apology and wondering where Poe was with drinks. “We never thought you were. Poe’s told us enough where we never even considered it.”
You felt your shoulders relax. “Ok, now I have to know what he said.”
Rey eyed the guys coming back to the table and gave you a look that said you’d talk about it later. You took a long swig of your beer, bursting into giggles with Rey at the reason why. Poe shook his head.
“Do I want to know?” He asked as he put his arm around the back of the booth and you shook your head as you patted his knee.
“Nope. Our secret.” You clinked your bottle against Rey’s and Poe felt excitement in his veins that you and Rey were already getting along.
“All right Y/N, there’s a few things Poe didn’t tell us about you,” Finn said. “What’s your major?”
“Marketing, which will let me do pretty much anything.”
“Do you know what you’re doing after school?”
“Not even in the slightest. I probably should start setting up job interviews though.”
“Mom, older sister, brother-in-law.”
“Is this twenty questions? Because if it is, it’s totally one-sided.” Poe interrupted.
“We’re doing a crash course on Y/N. Pun intended.” Finn said, making Poe roll his eyes.
“Ok fine, but let me sneak in a question or two.” You said. “Family?”
Poe’s eyes flickered between his two friends as he tensed beside you. You froze, realizing you might’ve struck a nerve but not knowing how. Your nerves were back in full force, a warm uncomfortable feeling settling in your chest.
“We were foster kids,” Finn said. “I never knew my birth parents.”
“And my parents died when I was five.” Rey added. They sounded so nonchalant about it, like they’ve said it a million times. A sorrowful look crossed your face.
“Don’t be sorry.” Rey shook her head, placing her hand on yours. “We got lucky with loving families and it made us who we are.”
“And we’re awesome, so…”
You admired their perspective. You weren’t very familiar with the foster system, knowing only what you know through word-of-mouth and poor TV portrayal, but you knew enough to know that kids sometimes ended up in bad situations when they all deserved good situations. And you were grateful that Finn and Rey ended up with good families.
“My dad walked out on my family six months ago to be with his mistress and we didn’t hear from him for two weeks,” you admitted, breaking the tense silence. Poe squeezed your hand. “Since we’re swapping family stories.”
Finn and Rey were silent before bursting out laughing, which caused you to laugh, and then Poe laughed. Uncomfortable family situations you had no control over whatsoever wouldn’t ruin a good time.
You learned that Rey was incredibly gifted and the youngest engineer at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida, working between engine maintenance on planes and shuttles to computer data processing. She had two rescue cats named Ochi and Deo and hated the humidity of Florida but loved the ocean and the lush green of the Everglades.
Finn was a Staff Sergeant in the Air Force based in California, quickly rising through the ranks with his skill and natural leadership abilities. He had just been assigned to the base in California and he was still getting used to all the sun. He and Poe met in high school first and made a plan to join the Air Force together until Poe’s father got sick. The band had been Finn’s idea, having spent three weeks holding auditions until he found his bandmates.
“Your friends are cooler than mine,” you said quietly to Poe before turning back to Finn and Rey. “So NASA engineer and Air Force pilot/sergeant. Definitely cooler than a famous musician.”
“Poe told you about that?” Finn asked. “Did he tell you about Skywalker Records?”
“Only that they were interested in you.”
“Well, we actually sat down with the founder Luke and Poe was so nervous that he tripped over his own feet and broke one of his Grammy’s.”
You wanted to feel bad for your boyfriend, but instead you busted out laughing. Poe groaned in embarrassment and you leaned into him, patting his stomach. You and Poe were probably a little touchy feely given that you with his friends, but if they had a problem with it they didn’t seem to care. You never got to act like a couple in public and you were taking full advantage of it.
“So, are you excited to graduate?” Rey asked. You nodded, but deep in the back of your mind you didn’t want to think about graduating, entering the real world and leaving the comfort of a daily school routine. And, ultimately, the possibility of leaving Poe.
“It’s been a long ride and sometimes I think I’ll forget everything I learned,” you vented. “And sometimes I feel like all college has done for me is teach me how to function on very little sleep and how to get really good at Mario Kart, like those skills are going to take me far.”
“Depending on what you end up doing, working on no sleep can help you.” Rey answered. Poe shot her a look.
“Don’t encourage it, it’s not healthy.”
“But it’s true.”
“You any good?” Finn interrupted, looking directly at you.
“At not sleeping? Very.”
“No, at Mario Kart.”
“Yeah, I’m good.” Finn huffed and you furrowed your brow. “Why?”
“Nothing,” Finn said, giving you a challenging look. “I just so happen to be the King of Mario Kart.”
You arched your eyebrow. Poe and Rey were looking at the both of you humorously.
“How good?”
And that’s how you found yourself back in Poe’s apartment, moving the coffee table out of the way while Poe hooked up the gaming system.
“How do you want to do this? No matter how good you think you are, your thumb is going to cramp after a couple of races. We’re going to need a break.”
“You don’t think you’re playing alone, do you?” Poe asked, looking between you and Finn. “You’re my girlfriend and all, Y/N, but I’m going to kick your ass.”
A smirk grew on your face. “Is that a challenge?”
“If you want it to be.” Poe stalked towards you, leaning down to your ear. “Just remember that I always win.”
Undoubtedly a little turned on, you had never been more determined to beat someone for. And Poe knew it.
“Fine. Finn and Poe against me and Y/N,” Rey said. “I hope you’re both prepared to get your ass kicked by a couple of girls.”
“Yeah, we’ll see,” Finn said, handing over a controller. Poe came back into the living room with a piece of paper and a pen.
“We’ll keep track of the points from each set of races. Whoever tallies the most at the end wins.”
As you picked your characters, Mario and Luigi respectively, Rey pulled you aside. “I think they’re strategizing,” she whispered, looking at Finn and Poe, who were huddled up together. Beebs just lay in the middle of the floor with his tail wagging, just wanting to be included.
“What is there to strategize on? You just race,” you said.
“I have an idea. Go for the speeder.” Rey said. “Finn will most likely go with something flashy that has better acceleration but the speeder is easier to control, which will give you the advantage when you get to the harder courses.”
You pointed at her with a smirk. “Good thinking.”
It was back and forth, round after round. You’d win a couple. Finn would win a couple. Then Rey, then Poe. Both teams took to over-the-top celebrations. The guys danced, you and Rey chest bumped. Celebratory shots after each round made their way into the game.
You were having the time of your life.
Entering the final race, the score was incredibly close, the guys leading you by six points. You needed to finish at least fifth in order to beat them. It was you and Finn, battling it out over who’d be crowned the best at Mario Kart. You had just gained the lead when you felt Poe’s hands on your hips. You tried to shake them off, but he wouldn’t budge. You ignored him, but he suddenly wrapped one arm around your waist and started pulling backwards away from the TV.
“Oh hell no! Poe!” you laughed, fighting against the pull, but it was useless. “Rey!”
You grabbed your partner’s attention and tossed her the remote as Poe pulled you back by the couch. You cheered victoriously when Rey got back on course and managed to pull back just behind Finn. You stopped fighting against Poe and rested your arms on top of his, hip-checking him as he buried his face in your neck and wrapped his other arm around you.
“You are such a cheater!” You were giggling uncontrollably as Poe placed kisses wherever he could. He kissed up your neck to your cheek.
“I’m sorry you didn’t think of it,” Poe said against your cheek, with humor in his voice. His lips moved all over your cheek. You turned your face and caught his lips, which he kissed multiple times as you laughed. The joyful crinkles by your eyes matched his.
Finn and Rey glanced at each other with knowing smirks. Their best friend was completely smitten.
Poe rested his chin on your shoulder as you both watched your partners finish the race. He subconsciously tightened his grip around you as Finn and Rey became neck and neck, you cheering as Rey crossed the finish line. She didn’t finish first, but she did beat Finn. Poe released you as you went to high-five Rey, picking up the pad of paper and writing down the scores. You waited anxiously as they tallied up the results.
“We win!”
You and Rey protested, grabbing the paper to double check the math. They had indeed won, and you knew Poe wasn’t going to let you live it down.
“A worthy competitor,” you stuck your hand out to Finn, who shook it. Poe stuck out his hand and you shook your head. “Not happening.”
He gently grabbed your wrist and pulled you into him. “That’s not very friendly.”
“You and me: rematch.”
“It’s a date.”
He pecked your lips and grabbed the bottles of alcohol to put away. “It’s late, do you guys just want to crash here? I’ve got the guest room and the couch.”
“Yeah, if you don’t mind.” Rey said, looking at Finn who nodded. “Go take Beebs out, we know where your extra blankets and pillows are.”
While Poe took Beebs out, you helped Finn and Rey get the couch set up, turned off lights, and shut things down for the night. You met them in the middle of the living room, not quite ready to say good night.
“You know, I really admire how strong you’ve kept your friendship after all these years while being thousands of miles apart,” you commented. “I’m terrified of what’s going to happen with my friends here and my friends from high school.”
“Sometimes you just find people in your life who are worth the effort. Rey and Poe are that for me. And you seem to be that way for Poe.”
“So, does that mean I’ve got your approval?”
Finn and Rey glanced at each other before looking back at you. You gave them a knowing look in return.
“Damn, she’s observant,” Finn whispered loudly.
“Not that we should have any say over who Poe chooses to date,” Rey stated. “But yes.”
You gave them a small smile, whispering your thanks that was interrupted with a loud yawn from Finn.
“Sorry, it’s exhausting kicking ass,” Finn said. Both you and Rey rolled your eyes.
“I’ll get better by beating Poe and the next time you come up, we’ll play.”
It was your turn to yawn, the sleepy ambiance of the apartment practically pushing you towards bed.
“Go to bed, we’ll talk in the morning.” Rey said, hugging you. You were surprised by the action, but hugged her back nonetheless. Finn tapped you on the shoulder as you pulled away from Rey.
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do with friends in the next room over.” Finn warned, pulling you into a hug. You chuckled.
“Poe’s gonna gloat all night, so don’t worry. It’s not happening.”
You caught Poe’s eye as he came in the door and seeing you hugging his friend. You expected him to give you a look for talking about him while he was gone, but instead you saw him carefully watching you with a smile on his face as he took off his coat. After just a couple of hours, you were getting along with two of the most important people in his life.
He couldn’t help but be happy.
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kittyanonymity · 5 years
A Ladybug in Gotham #1
 Marinette knows no peace 
Ok fuck it, we’re doing it!!! Hang on to your pants guys! <3 Also, just wanna say, I have loved every single Daminette fic I’ve read in this tag. You guys are a bunch of talented folks; I hope you guys like this! Also feel free to send me asks, and ask questions! There are some things that happen in the six months before the trip that I just,,,,,, REALLY did not feel like writing lmao >.> There is an allusion to some heavy stuff, but we won’t be getting into that yet.
Ages are 17-18, and Lila has been back for 4 years by the time they get to Gotham. 
Damian: 18, 19 in a few months ( like august)
Marinette (& crew): 17, (Mari’s b day is actually the month they’re in Gotham, so like april/may-ish??) Also Chloe is already 18
Tim: 22
Jason: 29 
Dick: 35
Bruce: 48
Part 1 :HERE: Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Enjoy my dears!! <3 <3
Marinette couldn’t stop the smile on her face as she leaned back in her chair, holding the acceptance paper over her head.
“We did it, Tikki! We got the trip!”
Tikki whizzed around, fluttering in front of her.
“Oh, Marinette, I know you could do it! Madame Bustier will be so happy!” Marinette smiled as her kwami nuzzled her cheek, and the girl laughed, cupping the little god close to her face.
“It’ll be just what I need for inspiration, Tikki! Gotham is beautiful in the spring I hear.” With a jolt, she sat up, her chair creaking under the sudden movement, “I have to go tell maman and papa!”
She left Tikki giggling as she raced downstairs to tell her parents.
It was one of the most exciting days of the last four years, truly.
With the fundraising done ahead of time, all she’d needed to do was write an essay on why her school deserved the trip. Despite how she personally had been treated by her class these last few years, the school still had them actively involved in the community; and while she may not like most of her classmates anymore thanks to Lila, they still took their responsibilities seriously. They had rightfully earned this chance, she thought. As the year rep, she had worked tirelessly with the other classes and their reps to arrange preparations in the event they got it, and Mme. Bustier had publicly assigned her the role of the essay; Lila had not been thrilled about that.
But she’d done it!
They were going to Gotham!
Telling Master Fu abou the possibility went well; her master trusted her judgement, and he understood her desire to go on this trip. To be safe though, he decided to send Kaalki along with her, in the event of an akuma; that way a speedy return was always possible no matter what.
She was excited; but it didn’t change the fact that the trip was still a good six months away, a good end of the year trip before graduation.
‘Just a little longer,’ Marinette thought, a rueful smile on her lips, ‘A little longer, and I’ll finally have a break.’
The four years since Lila’s return had not been kind, or even all that fun. She did her best not to dwell on her emotions, what with a madman running around praying on any and all negative feelings; but she couldn’t deny the apathy she felt at times in regards to her classmates.
Lila had made good on her promise, truly. None of her old friends cared about her anymore, bar Alix and - surprisingly - Chloe. Alya had even hit her before summer break, claiming that Lila had told her Marinette shoved her down the stairs again.
And Marinette had stared right at Adrien, her boyfriend, and he had done nothing.
And she felt nothing when she broke up with him later that same week.
Finding out he was Chat Noir over the summer had been like a slap to the face, and she was just glad he didn’t realize she’d put the pieces together; especially considering how often he visited her balcony as his hero self. He’d always flirt with her as Chat, whether she was Ladybug or Marinette; and at first, she’d almost found it flattering. Then it started to make her uncomfortable.
She’d reject him as Ladybug, only to have him come whine to Marinette while he also made passes at her, showering her in praise, and pushing her to get back with Adrien. She started avoiding her balcony.
It left her stressed and on edge; Adrien only talked to her as Chat now. He wouldn’t risk talking to her at school, and after they broke up, her parents had barred him from the bakery.
But still.
Six months.
Six more months of hell, and she’d be heading to Gotham to destress.
She couldn’t wait.
The flight had been rather dull, despite Chloe being her seatmate for the whole trip; they’d giggled over some awful american movie for the last half, and Madame Bustier had been kind enough to room her with Chloe at their hotel. The Grand Gotham Embassy building was massive, and Marinette couldn’t help but gape in awe.
Chloe snorted as she walked up next to Mari, her own carry on in hand as they stepped off the bus.
“Careful, DC, you’ll catch flies.” Mari snapped her mouth shut, and gave Chloe a flat look; the blonde only laughed, and linked their arms.
“Come on Mari-bear, let’s get our room key so our luggage can be taken up.” Marinette smiled, and nodded.
“Yeah, I wanna get settled in too.” She leaned closer to Chloe as they walked arm in arm into the hotel lobby, heading for Mme. Bustier, “Tikki is starving.” Chloe nodded.
“Pollen is too.” She said just as softly. Marinette saw Alix wave from where she stood talking to Kim and Max, and Mari waved back softly. She averted her eyes the second Max looked at her, and Chloe hurried them away once they had their keys.
Their rooms were breathtaking, honestly. Each of the suites her class was staying in had two rooms, each with their own single bed; there was a shared seating area between the two, and one bathroom, but it still had privacy. They each had a door out onto the connected balcony, and once Marinette sat her carry on bag on her bed, she threw open the balcony door, staring out over the cityscape in wonder. Paris was beautiful, the city of Love; but Gotham was gorgeous this high up.
With a thought of mischief, Marinette scoped out some good swinging spots for later before turning to see the bellhops unloading her bags. She offered them a smile and a sincere thank you as they left. She heard Chloe settling into her room through the door, and smiled as she heard her talking to Pollen. Master Fu had decided to send Pollen along with Chloe in the event that Ladybug had to come to Paris; she could bring another ally with her if needed, without having to search one out. And since Chloé had figured out her identity two years ago, she had been the best bet. Her new hero identity, Hornet, helped.
Tikki flew out of the purse at her side, and smiled.
“We made it, Marinette! We’re finally here! Do you think the Gotham university will be what you want?”
Marinette sighed as she flopped back onto her bed, staring at the ceiling, “I don’t know, Tikki; I hope so. The website was super promising, and the woman I spoke to seemed to think I’d have no problem getting in.”
Tikki hummed as she flew down and dug a cookie from Marinette’s purse, “Well, we’ll be here for a month, so it’s plenty of time to go and see the campus. I think you’ll like it Marinette! And once we defeat Hawkmoth, maybe we can start a new chapter here!” Marinette smiled at Tikki, sitting up.
“I think I like the sound of that. I’m worried about how… Adrien will handle it though.” Her smile fell as soon as it had come, and Tikki frowned as well. She floated over to her chosen and rested her paw on Marinette’s cheek.
“Marinette, his feelings are not your responsibility. You and Adrien broke up, and the fact that he was disrespecting your wishes as his superhero self was a major red flag. I don’t know why you were so upset when the Guardian took his miraculous.”
Marinette groaned, covering her face with her hands, and Tikki wove herself into her long hair, hugging the girl.
“I know he was your partner, Marinette, and you don’t want to replace him; but you have to know, Adrien isn’t the true Black Cat.”
Marinette went still.
“Tikki, what are you talking about?”
Tikki hesitated, before floating in front of Marinette’s face, “Well, for some of the miraculous, there are multiple people who can be Chosen, and some of them are better candidates than others. Adrien was the best option out of the people in Paris, so the Guardian Chose him; but he is not meant to be your Black Cat, he is just A Black Cat.” Marinette stared at her Kwami with wide eyes, slowly processing.
“So… you’re saying he’s not my other half?”Tikki shook her head, “No; and he was never meant to be. His actions have done nothing but prove that. I’m sure once we return to Paris, we’ll be sent to find the real Black Cat.”
And in a moment of clarity, Marinette realized she was out of Paris, far away from Hawkmoth; so when tears rose to her eyes, she let them come. She covered her mouth as she sobbed, and she bent over, resting her elbows on her knees as she breathed.
“Oh, Marinette, don’t cry! Please don’t be sad!” Tikki fluttered around her anxiously as she cried, and after a moment, Marinette laughed; it was a bit raspy, but it was happy. She spared a glance at her, where, in a secret pocket, she had stored Plagg's slumbering miraculous; she looked back at her own kwami.
“Tikki, I’m-I’m not sad, I’m… I’m so relieved.” Her smile was weak, but sincere, “I was terrified that he was an inevitability I’d have to just accept…” Tikki’s frown grew, and she hugged her chosen again, little tears leaking down her face.
“I’m so sorry Marinette, I wish you didn’t have to feel so much negativity all the time.”
A knock at her and Chloe’s shared door cut her off before she could reply, and Marinette looked over in time to see Chloe peek in. The blonde’s eyes grew wide when she saw Mari crying, and she rushed over, sitting on the bed next to her.
“What’s wrong, Mari-bear?”
And Marinette laughed, wrapping her arms around Chloe.
“For once, nothing!” 
Chloe shared a look with Tikki while the kwami spoke with Pollen in hushed tones, but she just hugged her friend closer. They sat in silence for awhile, waiting while Marinette composed herself. With a final sniffle, Marinette leaned back and gave Chloe a grin.
“Since it’s a rest day, do you think they’d let us check out the surrounding boutiques? I wanna see what kind of fashion Gotham has.”
Chloe snorted, but it was in good humor, “Nothing they have here could compare to what you make, Mari-bear, or even what Paris has in general.” With a smile, Chloe reached over and tapped her nose, “But I’m sure Mme. Bustier will allow it as long as you’re with someone as amazing as me.”
Chloe had learned long ago not to pry into Marinette’s business, and since she’d split up with Adrien, Chloe had learned just how true that statement was; learning that the blonde boy was Chat Noir and that he’d been harassing Marinette on her balcony? That had been an accident, though Marinette had been the one to tell her.
Chloe could only watch Marinette flinch away from the Cat hero so much before she’d gotten concerned, and asked for an explanation. And Marinette hadn’t held back; she’d told Chloe everything, from the midnight visits, to how he constantly complained about Ladybug - herself -, and finally to how he flirted with her as Marinette, and kept insinuating that she get back with Adrien.
As the only one who knew, Chloe had doubled down on partnering with Marinette for everything after that; and now that his miraculous had been reclaimed, Chloe wanted to sigh in relief.
If you’d told either girl four years ago that they would be inseparable even at the end of lycée, they would’ve scoffed and told you you were crazy; and yet here they were, Chloe helping Marinette clean up her face before they went to see madame Bustier. It was only around 3 pm in Gotham, and dinner wouldn’t be until 8; and as much as Marinette wanted to enjoy the indoor pool, she would much rather see the city.
Once they were ready, Chloe led them down to the lobby, kwamis secure in their purses, and found Miss Bustier talking with one of the receptionists. Chloe - being, well, Chloe - walked over, and interrupted.
“Mme. Bustier, Mari-bear and I are going to look at the boutiques across the street. Call me if you need us.” And leaving their teacher spluttering and indignant, Chloe led them away, and out the doors. Marinette laughed a bit as they were out of hearing range.
“She’s going to kill you Chloe, you know that?” Chloe smiled while they stood at the crosswalk waiting to cross, and she flipped her blonde bob over her shoulder.
“Please. That woman wishes she could do anything to stop me.” Marinette watched as Chloe’s smile fell, and they walked as the walk sign lit up. “Besides, of course I’m not going to listen to a teacher who has let Lila just do as she pleases. She’s just as complicit in your abuse as the rest of the class is, Mari-bear, and I will not tolerate it. It's utterly ridiculous.”
Marinette felt her heart warm, and her smile softened before she hugged Chloe’s arm closer to her. “Thanks, Chlo. Though you know~” Chloe groaned, knowing where Marinette was going with this, “you also used to torment me pretty relentlessly.”
Chloe levelled her with a flat look as they walked into a store, “Yes, we’ve established that, DC, thank you for reminding me.” Chloe pinched Marinette’s cheek with a grin, “Such a goody goody, you know that?” Marinette laughed, and batted her hand away.
“Come on, let’s see what they’ve got, dork.” She ignored Chloe’s indignant squawk, and laughed as she started looking through the clothes.
Marinette and Chloe talked idly while they browsed, but found nothing of note in the first store other than a cute pair of bulky sneakers that Marinette couldn’t help but buy. Chloe had rolled her eyes and commented on how thin they made her legs look; which of course, made Marinette reveal the inspiration behind the choice. BLACKPINK was a pretty popular K-pop girl group, and Marinette had fallen in love with their style since day one. The baggy pants with big shoes they often used was something Marinette found herself enjoying more than she ever thought she would, but she just hadn’t found the right pair of shoes until now.
The next store was much better, in Chloe’s opinion; Marinette shied away from the Agreste line on display, and followed Chloe over to where her mother’s work was displayed. Audrey was a difficult woman, but neither of them could deny her talent in the industry.
Both girls ended up leaving with something to fit in their wardrobes. Chloe had chosen a deep purple blouse with ruffled sleeves; Marinette had giggled, telling her she reminded her of a witch, but the color was excellent on her. Marinette had gone more simple and fun, opting for a zip up hoodie inspired by one of Gotham’s own heroes, Robin. It may have been spring in Gotham, but being Ladybug, Marinette was very susceptible to the cold; she’d get sluggish and sleepy, and spring in the states was cooler than in France.
By the time they were bored of the shops, it was only five o’ clock. Chloe stifled a yawn, and Marinette looked at her.
“Why don’t you go ahead and head back Chloe? I’m gonna go sit in the park there, and try to design for a bit.” Chloe stared at her for a moment before she looked at the park. It was visible from the front of the hotel, and their hotel was in the better part of the city. Well, all that, and the fact that Marinette was Ladybug...  
Chloe nodded, taking Marinette’s shopping bag for her since the girl had already put on her new hoodie, “That should be ok. But I swear, DC, if something happens, I am not letting you go anywhere alone for the rest of this trip.” Marinette laughed, and waved off her concerns.
“Don’t worry, Chlo, if anything happens, I can handle it.” Feeling playful, Marinette raised her arm, and flexed, “After all, these guns aren’t just for show.”
Listening to Chloe laugh hysterically was always a treat, and it warmed Marinette from her toes to her head every time. In some small way, she was grateful to Lila; if it hadn’t been for her, she and Chloe would’ve probably never become such good friends.
“Ugh, no one likes a show off, Marinette.”
The smile fell from her face instantly, and Chloe’s laughter cut off like someone flipped a switch. Mari turned to see Lila standing behind her with a smug smile, though it had been Alya who spoke, Alya who was glaring at her with disdain. Nino was behind them looking kind of uncomfortable, Adrien next to him, backed up by Rose and Juleka, and even Sabrina. Marinette flinched under the harsh stares, and felt herself shrink as she stepped back, but before she could say anything, Chloe was there, a snarl marring her lips.
“Funny how you say that Cesaire, given who you’re friends with.” She blocked their line of sight to Marinette, though it was only Lila’s and Alya’s, and Marinette could feel Adrien staring at her, “You think what Mari was doing was showing off? Then what do you call Lila bragging about all the fake shit she’s done, huh?” Chloe didn’t even give her time to respond before she scoffed, and rolled her eyes, shutting down Alya's retort, “Oh, wait, nevermind, I forgot. You’re such a terrible reporter you don’t even fact check anymore, my bad.” Chloe smiled at the end, before making a shooing motion with her hand, “Now begone. I don’t appreciate sheep breathing my air.”
Lila turned on the waterworks as Chloe turned away, and gently guided Marinette down the sidewalk to the park they’d been talking about; Alya was shouting after them, but they continued on. Once they were out of sight, Chloe wrapped her friend in a hug, and Marinette cried. It was how it happened every time, for the last three years, since Chloe had decided to stick to the girl’s side. She’d only known about her being Ladybug for two years, but even before then, she’d made efforts to befriend the girl she’d bullied; because Lila was somehow so much worse than even Chloe was, and it was plain for the blonde to see. It had become routine at this point.
Lila and Alya would gang up on Marinette, Chloe would make them back off, and then comfort Marinette. Mari had told her time and time again, she didn’t need to do that, but Chloe knew she did. Chloe had messed up too many times to count, and she knew Marinette still cared about some of their classmates, especially Alix since she was the only other one who would hang out with them.
But Chloe?
Chloe had never cared about sparing people’s feelings until she’d become Marinette’s support. She would tear them down each time they came for her best friend. Alix had told her she was ‘fierce’, and Chloe thought it was an accurate description nowadays. They were nearly adults for crying out loud; you’d think her idiot classmates would’ve caught on to Lila’s lies by now.
“Are you ok?” Chloe asked softly. She rubbed soothing circles into Marinette’s back as the girl calmed down, her cries giving way to sniffles. Marinette nodded, pulling back and wiping her eyes.
“I-I think so. Thanks Chloe. It feels… It actually feels so much better to just let it out, and not have to worry about getting akumatized.” Chloe nodded, brushing some hair out of Marinette’s face.
“Good. Cesaire is lucky I didn’t deck her. Like, seriously, what a hypocrite.” Chloe was fuming, but she softened when Marinette laughed, “Do you still wanna sit in here and try to design?”
Marinette cleared her throat, and nodded, “Yeah, I do. It’ll be nice, I think.” She rubbed at her face some more, wiping the moisture away, but her red eyes remained. “I just want to decompress for a bit, you know?”
Chloe nodded, “Ok, then I’m gonna go ahead and go back to our room.” She gave her friend a severe look, “And I’m serious, Marinette. If anything happens, you call or text me, ok?”
Marinette rolled her eyes, but smiled, “Chloe you’re not my bodyguard, you know that right?”
Chloe scoffed, “Bullshit, I am so. And I am totally the best at it, by the way.”
Marinette hugged Chloe tight, startling the other girl, “Thanks, Chlo. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Chloe’s mind flashed back to a dark night on the Seine from three years ago; of tears, and horrible wishes, and she wraps her arms around Marinette in a tighter embrace.
“Probably get lost, and then kidnapped, honestly. Your sense of direction is awful, Mari-bear.”
It worked, sparking another laugh out of her best friend, and Chloe wanted to sigh in relief.
“Now go and find yourself a nice spot to sit. I’m going to make sure Lie-la and her little goonies are gone.” Marinette nodded as they separated, and Chloe booped her on the nose, “I’ll see you back at the room, DC.”
With that, Chloe waved and walked back towards the entrance of the park. She needed to talk to Alix. Lila always planned something big when Chloe defended Mari, and she was sure this time would be no different. She needed to be ready.
And without the risk of being akumatized?
Chloe couldn’t help but laugh.
Lila wouldn’t know what hit her.
Marinette found a soft patch of grass in the sun behind a wall of bushes, and sighed as she sat her purse on the ground, and flopped down. She could hear the rush of cars on the street over, and sirens in the far distance; there were birds singing in the trees around her, and children laughing over at the playground she’d passed. It was peaceful.
“Marinette? Are you ok?”
She smiled as Tikki nestled into her long hair, offering her comfort.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m ok Tikki. I just wish they’d stop. It’s lessened since Chloe became my friend, but it doesn’t change the fact that it hurts. Hearing Alya say such awful things to me, even now…” Marinette sighed, feeling her eyes tear up; nope, she was done for today, she could cry again tomorrow, “It still feels like a knife in my lungs.”
And she knew what that felt like; Sharpener had been an akuma from two years ago. She was a chef who’d gotten akumatized because her coworker had broken her best knife out of jealousy. Chat Noir had been distracted during the fight, and Ladybug had missed the akuma’s approach, taking the knife right between her ribs. Her Miraculous Cure had healed her, but Marinette still remembered the pain quite vividly.
She’d almost been akumatized after the fight was over, having been sent into a panic attack.
Shaking herself out of it, Marinette reached over into her purse and pulled out her sketchbook. She’d upgraded from her little clasp bag that she’d made to something with a bit more utility. It was a lavender shoulder bag with a cross strap, and it was large enough to hold her sketchpad, and a few other essentials while leaving plenty of room for Tikki and Kaalki, along with the pocket for Plagg's miraculous box.
“Marinette, I know their treatment of you still hurts. I’d be more worried if it didn’t. But remember,” And Marinette looked at Tikki, surprised to see the bright smile on the kwami’s face, “you’re Ladybug, with or without the mask, and if they can’t see how sincere and kind you are, then they never deserved you in the first place.” Tikki flew forward, and hugged Marinette’s cheek, “You’re  the best Ladybug I’ve ever had, and you mean so much to me. I hate seeing people hurt you, and I’m sorry I can’t do more for you, Marinette.”
“Tikki’s right, Marinette.” Mari glanced down to see Kaalki poking her head out of the purse, a smile on her face, “You’re an excellent Ladybug, and you’ll be an excellent Guardian one day, we all know it.”
Mari smiled, reaching down and rubbing Kaalki’s head gently, “Thanks Kaalki, thank you Tikki. I love you guys. You hungry?” Both kwamis said yes, and so Marinette handed Tikki a couple cookies, while Kaalki dove into the small pile of sugar cubes Marinette gave her. Tikki and Kaalki conversed quietly in her purse, and Marinette finally turned her attention to her sketchbook.
Humming to herself, Marinette drifted off as her pencil danced across the paper. It was easy to get lost in the sounds of the park around her, and she was thrilled with what she was coming up with. Already, dresses and casual clothes filled the next few pages of her book as she worked. She was just about to ask Tikki something when an explosion rocked the earth.
Marinette yelped as the ground beneath her rumbled, and Tikki burrowed into her hair in a panic.
“What was that, Marinette?!” Marinette shook her head, getting to her feet, and putting her bag over her shoulder, reaching in, and patting Kaalki in reassurance. She crawled to the edge of the bush where all the commotion had originated from, and peeked out carefully. Most of the people were gone, but she could still hear crying somewhere.
Then the laughter started.
Marinette felt a chill go down her spine. While her and the other reps of the school had been planning this trip, she had researched about every danger Gotham had to offer, looking at pictures, reading articles, and watching as many videos as she could find; she knew that laugh now.
She was just about to hide again, when she saw the source of the crying. A little girl with dark hair sat in the dirt behind a trash can, holding her hands to her eyes while she sobbed. Mind made up, Marinette dashed from the bushes, keeping low until she reached the child. She wrapped her arms around her, and when the girl tensed, she smiled gently.
“Shhh, it’s ok, honey, I’ve got you. Where’s your parents?” The little girl shook her head, tiny hands clutching Marinette’s jacket.
“N-not- h-here! B-babysitter left m-me…!” Another sob wracked the little girl’s frame, and Marinette hugged her tighter at the sound of gunfire. She needed to get out of here, get this girl to safety, but she couldn’t transform. Idly, Marinette toyed with the metal yo-yo in her purse, a gift from Master Fu that could help her fight as a civilian. She could do this.
Focusing back on the girl, Marinette pulled her back until they could look at each other; the girl’s eyes were a vibrant green, almost neon even.
“My name’s Marinette, what’s yours sweetheart?” The girl caught her breath long enough to answer, wiping at her face.
“M-Mar’i Grayson, miss.” Marinette nodded, looking at the girl in reassurance.
“I’m going to get you out of here. Let me check the area, ok? Stay behind me.” Mar’i nodded, clutching the sleeve of Marinette’s hoodie, while she leaned out around the trash can to observe their surroundings; and she promptly cursed her rotten luck.
Joker was strolling through the park with about three henchmen around him; 4 on 1 odds were not in her favor, especially with Mar’i. Marinette glanced at the little girl who was crying silently next to her, trying to not think about how much worse Joker looked in real life. Marinette found she was terrified.
She had to do something. She was Ladybug, with or without her damn mask, and she was going to protect this little girl with her life.
Marinette took a deep breath, and braced herself, “Mar’i.” The little girl looked at her with wide eyes, and Marinette smiled.
“Stay behind me, ok?” She waited until Mar’i nodded, and then they waited; and Marinette listened.
“Can’t seem to find her boss. She must’ve gotten out.”
“Oh hogwash! I saw that babysitter of hers scamper out of here without the brat, so Grayson’s daughter is here somewhere!”
Oh my god.
They were after Mar’i? Why?
‘Doesn’t matter, not gonna get her.’ Marinette thought aggressively. So she calmed herself, and she listened, and she waited until they were in range. And once they were, Marinette moved.
Leaping up out of her crouch, Marinette moved Mar’i behind her right as the group turned to look at them; but Marinette was already grabbing the trash can with both hands, and hurling it at the goons and their boss. It had the desired effect, and the group scattered, but it managed to take down two of Joker’s men, knocking one out from the sheer force while the other lost the grip on his gun, losing it in the bushes. Moving quickly, Marinette swiped Mar’i up with her free hand while she retrieved the carbon fiber yo-yo from her purse with her other.
Whipping it forward, Marinette snagged the gun of the third minion, yanking it away and to her; and then she ran.
“She’s got the brat! Get after her, you idiots!”
Marinette sprinted for the entrance of the park after throwing the gun away, running as fast as her legs could carry her; which admittedly, was quite fast. Years of being bonded with Tikki, plus the extra training she’d picked up in her free time made her formidable even out of her suit; and she was not about to let that clown get his filthy hands on this precious girl.
Marinette yelped as a bullet impacted the dirt next to her feet, and then she was bobbing and weaving, dodging bullets before she ducked behind the bathrooms.
“Get the kid, damnit! God, why are you all so useless!”
Marinette looked down at Mar’i, expecting the girl to still be terrified, but she was staring up at Marinette in awe.
“Wow, Miss Marinette, you’re like a superhero!” She said softly, and Marinette flushed, but gave the girl a small smile.
“You’re very brave Mar’i, but we’re not safe yet.” She could hear footsteps coming closer, light, matching the gait she’d heard from the Joker just moments earlier. With a small huff, she wrapped Mar’i around her again, and readied her yo-yo as she ran the opposite way. She stopped short for a moment as she came face to face with the other henchman, but thinking quickly, Marinette ducked his wide swing, and brought her head upwards into his chin, knocking him back and off balance; following up with a quick swipe at his legs, he hit the ground, and Marinette was running again.
‘Almost there, so close…’ “Merde.” She hadn’t meant to say it out loud, but seeing Joker grinning at her from the entrance did not instill much hope in her. He tapped the barrel of his six shooter against the palm of his hand, watching her. Marinette sat Mar’i down, and pushed her behind her further, grip on her yo-yo tight.
“Now, now, little lady, we don’t have to fight. If you’d just hand that little girl there over, I’ll let you leave. With a smile even!” The grin on his face told her he was lying, even though his laughter was a clue in and of itself.
Marinette’s eyes narrowed, and she lowered her chin, “That’s not happening, clown. Step aside.” Joker’s eyebrows flew up, and he began laughing; Marinette hated that sound.
“She’s got some fight in her then! How interesting! And a foreigner too? So fearless!” Marinette let the yo-yo swing from her hand, swinging next to her leg, as he pointed the gun at her. She felt Mar’i grip her pants tighter with a small gasp. Joker’s grin grew, “But are you so willing to die for her?”
Marinette snarled, “Of course I am!”
The lack of hesitation made the Joker pause long enough for Marinette to make her move.
With a precision that startled even her, Marinette flung her yo-yo out again, managing to grab the Joker’s gun this time, and yanking it from him. It careened away into the brush, and Marinette snapped her yo-yo back with a trained hand; just in time to see a man dressed in black land on him from above.
Holy shit.
That’s Batman.
Shaking herself off, Marinette turned and picked Mar’i up, running the other direction; no child should see a fight like that. She had to get her to safety, to her parents, or the police, someone safe. The bathrooms? No, she’d left that goon over there, and she wasn’t sure if he was down and out or not.
“Think, Marinette, think, come on!” There had to be another exit in this park, away from the chaos of the main path; big parks always had multiple entrances and exits.
“Go that way Miss Marinette!” Marinette looked to where Mar’i pointed, and followed the girls directions. Flashing red and blue lights lit up the street, and Marinette could’ve cried with relief at the sight of the police officers.
An auburn haired woman was standing at the front of the police line, looking around in a panic, and the second her eyes landed on Marinette carrying Mar’i, she rushed forward.
“Mar’i, oh my god, baby girl, you’re ok!” The woman was crying, and Mar’i smiled, reaching for the woman.
“Auntie Barb!” Knowing Mar’i knew this woman, Marinette allowed the girl to be taken from her arms delicately, but she lingered by them. An older mustached man walked up, and held out his hand to Marinette, startling her.
“Thank you for getting her out of there. What’s your name?” Marinette flushed, reaching out and shaking his hand.
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng, sir. Please don’t thank me. I couldn’t have left her in there. Not with him.”
“I’m Commissioner Gordon. You don’t sound like you’re from around here, Miss Dupain-Cheng.” Marinette shook her head as she stepped back from him.
“No, sir; I’m from Paris. My school is here on a field trip.” The commissioner nodded.
“You’re the school Bruce Wayne sponsored.” Marinette offered him a tired smile.
“Yes, sir.”
“Miss Marinette!”
Marinette turned in time to feel tiny arms wrap around her legs, and she looked down to see Mar’i smiling at her, despite the tears on her face. Marinette crouched down to her level, and blinked when Mar’i wrapped her arms around her neck; she was quick to return the hug, even as she saw ‘Auntie Barb’ walk over.
“Thank you for saving me, Miss Marinette! You were really cool!” Marinette’s smile was small as she squeezed the little girl tight.
“Oh little one, you don’t have to thank me. I would do it again and again if need be.” She hummed contemplatively, “Though I think I’ll talk to your mama or papa about that babysitter; who leaves a little girl alone in this city?”
‘Auntie Barb’ scoffed, “When Dick hears about that, he’s gonna lose it.”
Marinette looked over in time to see the police part like the red sea, and she was treated to seeing nearly the entire Bat pack escort a dishevelled looking dark haired man through the crowd. Mar’i broke away from her to run to the new arrival.
And Marinette smiled as she stood up, watching the two hug. Her father was patting her down, holding her close by the head, obvious relief in his eyes. It was a beautifully heart wrenching thing.
Marinette jumped, looking to the side to see Batman staring down at her. She yelped, flushing.
“Y-yes, sir?”
My god, this man was intimidating! Was he going to lecture her? Bar her from the country??! Oh no, what if-?!
....Why was he holding his hand out?
Marinette blinked stupidly before she took his hand and shook it.
“What you did tonight was very admirable. You put yourself at great personal risk to protect the life of a child you’d never met, and managed to thwart a kidnapping by one of the most dangerous men in the city. You have my respect.”
Marinette’s cheeks grew more red, “Please, I-I’d do it all again, you don’t have to say any of that. It was the right thing to do; anyone would’ve done it.” Batman simply shook his head.
“No, Miss Dupain-Cheng, they wouldn’t. I’d like to get a statement from you, if you’d allow it.”
“Before that...”
Marinette and Batman both looked over, and she was surprised to see Mar’i’s father next to her. He gave her a smile.
“I would like to thank you for rescuing my darling, Miss… Marinette, was it?” Marinette nodded, fiddling with her hands; her anxiety was starting to peak with this many people. “If anything had happened to Mar’i, I… I don’t know what I would’ve done. Thank you. From the absolute depths of my heart, thank you for protecting my little girl.”
Marinette’s face grew impossibly redder, “Y-you’re welcome! It was no problem! She’s a wonderful girl.” She smiled at Mar’i as she sat in her dad’s arms. Shifting the girl to one arm, he held out his free hand.
“My name is Dick Grayson. I hope to see you again, but for now, I need to get Mar’i home before her mother gets any more anxious.” Marinette nodded as they shook hands.
“If I may, mister Grayson?” The man smiled, and despite the situation, it was shockingly cheery.
“Please, call me Dick.”
‘Auntie Barb’ snorted in amusement somewhere next to Marinette, but she tuned it out.
“Please speak to whoever was babysitting Mar’i today; they left her behind.”
Dick stared at her for a moment, maybe processing, before he nodded, a steely look in his eyes.
“Thank you for telling me, Marinette. We’ll take care of it.” Marinette smiled, before she dug around in her purse, and pulled out one of the many cookies she had for Tikki; she handed it over to Mar’i who took it with a smile of her own.
“You be safe, ok?” Mar’i nodded, giving her a bigger smile.
“I will! You’re the best, Miss ‘Nette!” Smiling at the nickname, Marinette waved to the little girl as the police escorted the family away; she realized Batman was still next to her, and snapped her attention back to him.
“S-sorry, sir. I’ll give you that statement now.”
The man seemed less intimidating for some reason, like he was quietly amused.
“You’re surprisingly humble in the face of all this, Marinette.”
‘Calm down, calm down, you’re fine.’ She thought, gripping her bag.
“I didn’t do this for attention, sir. I’m… not exactly comfortable being in the spotlight like this.”
The masked man nodded in understanding, and once he was ready, Marinette began her retelling of what had happened.
Distinctly unaware of the several pairs of ears listening in.
“Holy shit, you’re telling me pixie stick here threw a metal trash can at Joker?! Like a full on throw?!” Red Hood wasn’t buying it. The girl was so tiny, despite the toned muscles of her legs; she looked like she weighed ninety pounds soaking wet!
“That’s what the cameras in the park are showing, Hood.” He heard Red Robin typing away at something, before- “Holy shit.” Hood stood back by the police, flanked by Robin, and he turned his attention back to his comm line.
“What is it, Red?”
“That girl took them down with a fucking yo-yo, Hood. What the hell?”
The comm fell silent again before Jason heard all the air whoosh out of Tim over the line.
“Red? What now?”
“The… The audio. Hood, she was fully prepared to lay down her life for Mar’i. You can hear it in her voice; it’s like she’s a completely different person to who Bats is talking to.”
Damian’s eyes narrowed behind his mask as he frowned; he didn’t like the sound of that. Red Hood noticed the change in his brother’s demeanor, frowning to himself.
“What do you mean, Red?” He asked, and he heard Tim sigh.
“Look, just… wait till you get back, and I’ll show you. That girl’s good though; she’s got guts.”
A shrill call of the girls name had Jason turning, just in time to see a blonde girl tackle Marinette. She was speaking rapidly in French, checking her friend over thoroughly before she turned sharp eyes on Batman. Jason couldn’t help but grin as he watched Bruce’s eyes widen behind the mask, his eyebrows raising a little as the blonde started on a tirade.
Red Hood snickered, “Now this is funny.” He watched his father get berated by the blonde before she started guiding Marinette away; the poor dark haired girl was red all the way to her ears in embarrassment.
“Find something funny, Hood?” Jason looked at Batman as he walked over, and wished his old man could see the shit eating grin on his face.
“Course I did. It’s not everyday I get to watch a teenager yell at you.”  Next to him, Robin snorted. Hood and Robin waited until Bats had given Gordon the girl’s statement before the three of them left as one.
They met on a nearby rooftop, far enough away from the scene to be able to talk freely. Batman turned his comm back on, and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Red, what do you have on her?” There was a sigh over the line.
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng, 17, nearly 18; she’s in her last year of lycée at Francoise Dupont in Paris. She’s the one who put together the essay that won her school the trip to Gotham. Her parents own a bakery, but her mother has a vast history in martial arts it looks like. Her grades are excellent, and I’ve found records of literally so many charities I’m not gonna bother listing them.” Bruce could almost hear Tim shrug, “She’s clean, Bats.”
Damian rolled his eyes, “You said she took them down with a yo-yo, Red. That’s not a standard weapon.”
“There’s records of her enrolling in gymnastics several years back; it’s probably a skill she picked up back then; maybe from the ribbon dancing? I’ll see if I can find anything else.”
“Red, just remember,” Everyone paused at the tone of Bruce’s voice, “This is not a malicious search; she saved Mar’i’s life; I don’t want to make problems for the girl.”
“Got it, Bats.”
Batman turned to Robin, and Damian sighed.
“Let me guess, stake out her hotel, make sure she stays safe?”
Batman nodded, “She managed to stall Joker and his goons long enough for us to get there, and she put her life on the line for Mar’i. The story’s already broke the news, along with her face and name. Harley and Ivy won’t give us any problems with this, but Joker has been working on something with Scarecrow for the last couple of months, and I don’t think he’s going to appreciate the hiccup in their plan.” Damian sighed, while Jason cackled, elbowing him in the ribs.
“Oh wah, Demon spawn, you get to go protect a cute girl for awhile; who knows, maybe you’ll get a date.”
Tim snorted over the comm line before he started laughing, and Damian flushed, his cheeks pinkening a bit.
“Go die, Hood.”
“Already did that, thanks, but no.”
With one last glare sent Jason’s way, Robin walked over to the edge of the building, preparing to make his way back to the hotel they’d seen the girl enter; then Jason just had to speak again.
“Oh yeah, did you see she was wearing your merch?”
Father probably wouldn’t let him kill Jason, right?
It didn’t stop him from trying.
“Oh my god, Mari, you made it onto the news!” Chloe laughed as she lowered the volume on the broadcast. The cameraman had gotten a good shot of when Marinette had sprinted out of the park, and as she was speaking to the various people who had come up to her; though they mostly replayed her shaking Batman’s hand as he spoke to her.
“Tonight, the attempted kidnapping of Bruce Wayne’s granddaughter was thwarted by a passing teenager from Paris by the name of Marinette Dupain-Cheng, who managed to stall the Joker until Batman could arrive, while protecting miss Mar’i Grayson. This is not the first time the Joker has gone after a member of the Wayne family…”
Marinette groaned and flopped on the couch, covering her eyes with her hands.
“God, turn it off please, Chlo. It was mortifying explaining this to Mme. Bustier without having to hear more of it.” Chloe rolled her eyes, but turned it off anyway. They were lounging in the shared space of their suite, curtains thrown wide to provide a good view of the skyline as the sun set. Tikki, Pollen, and Kaalki were all sitting on the coffee table munching on their respective treats. Tikki flew up, hovering over Marinette where she lay on the couch.
“You were amazing Marinette! I was blown away!” Kaalki nodded as she swallowed a sugar cube, and then her face widened into a grin.
“That’s right, Mari! Your civilian side is super strong just like Ladybug is!” Marinette moved her hands, offering both kwami a smile.
“Thanks you two.” Chloe rolled her eyes, and plopped harshly on the couch next to Marinette.
“I’m glad you’re ok, Mari-bear. I wish I could’ve seen you in action.”
Marinette thought back to how she felt when she heard the Joker laugh, when he was pointing that gun at her. Knowing that without her, Mar’i could be killed, or worse yet.
“Chloe, I’m sorry, but I’m… I’m so glad you weren’t there.” She wasn’t going to cry again, damnit, she was nearly eighteen, but she still felt her throat close up at the force of her emotions, “The Joker is nothing like Hawkmoth, Chlo; he’s not even like the akuma we deal with. He’s in a category far removed from us. I got in a lucky shot because he hesitated.”
Chloe raised an eyebrow, and turned herself on the couch so she was facing Marinette, “What do you mean, Mari?”
Mari swallowed as she sat up, turning herself to the side so she was mostly facing Chloe as well.
“He… He asked me if I was so willing to die for her. And I didn’t even hesitate. I think it threw him off, because he just stared at me; it gave me the opening I needed to use my yo-yo.” She was starting to tremble, Chloe noticed, “I… I was so scared, Chloe. He was after that little girl. I couldn’t let him get his hands on her, I’ve heard about the things he’s done, and I couldn’t let that happen to a child.”
Chloe reached over, and gripped Marinette’s hand in hers, a look of concern on her face.
“That’s not all of it though... is it?”
Marinette shook her head, “I… I was so ready, Chloe; to accept that I was going to die. I forgot that I wanted to live until I saw that opening.” Marinette soon found herself buried in the cloth of Chloe’s sleep top, and she felt the hugs of the three kwamis too.
“Take a deep breath, Mari. You’re here. You lived, and so did the little girl. You did amazing, but not even you can be strong all the time. You can be upset while you’re here, Hawkmoth can’t get us.” Chloe tightened her hold on the girl as she finally cried her heart out; she’d been fighting it so much, for so many years. There was just... so much she’d repressed.
And Chloe held her through all of it.
Robin was many things. To his brothers, a nuisance, demon spawn Jason called him; to Gotham, he was the stoic boy wonder, both in costume and out. Damian Wayne was generally a cold young man, uncaring for most of the people outside of his own family for a long time. Yes, he cared about the innocents of Gotham as Robin, but as Damian? That was more difficult.
Yet as he sat concealed on the roof across from this girl’s - Marinette’s - hotel room, he felt an odd kind of weight settle in his gut. He couldn’t really read lips or hear anything from this distance, but he could tell she was crying. For some reason, it discomfited him. It was like a longing he'd never felt before, and it was very unusual for him.
And that wasn’t even mentioning the three strange creatures that were flying about the room.
This girl was… odd. Tim had said she was nearly eighteen, so she wasn’t much younger than him, but she was so… expressive. When she’d been talking to Batman, she’d clearly been anxious, but Damian had noticed her constantly sneaking glances towards Mar’i; like she was taking precautions. The girl obviously knew how to fight, as she’d been able to take down Joker’s thugs without taking a single hit.
That was honestly the weirdest part, he thought.
She’d come out without a scratch on her or Mar’i, both of them completely unscathed.
And then Tim had sent him the video he’d grabbed from the cameras, and Damian still couldn’t get it out of his head.
“She’s got some fight in her then! How interesting! And a foreigner too? So fearless!” Marinette let the yo-yo swing from her hand, swinging next to her leg, as he pointed the gun at her. She felt Mar’i grip her pants tighter with a small gasp. Joker’s grin grew, “But are you so willing to die for her?”
Marinette snarled, “Of course I am!”
When Tim had said it was like she was two different people, he hadn’t been kidding; and though at first, Damian had felt suspicious, now that he was observing her more naturally, it was rather obvious that the young woman had some self esteem issues. He’d seen the confidence in her during the video, but around so many people, it had gone out as easily as a candle. Which honestly, was a true shame.
Damian watched as another girl was let into the room by the blonde; this one had short, cropped pink hair. She looked like she’d get along with Beast Boy pretty well, a thought that made him grimace. The pink one crouched in front of Marinette, and even as far away as he was, he could see the concern on her face as her friends talked her through what he guessed may be a panic attack; but he had noticed that once the new girl had come, the three floating… things had scampered away, and out of sight. So she was keeping secrets then.
He sat there for a couple hours, watching the three girls as they spoke, and finally Marinette calmed down. He was just about to settle in for more observations when he noticed a shadow drop onto Marinette’s side of the balcony; before he could move though, he heard another body land behind him, and Damian came up swinging.
“Whoa there, demon spawn, it’s just us.” Jason dodged his hit gracefully, and Damian snarled.
“Damnit, Hood, don’t sneak up on me. And who’s on her balcony?” Jason sat on the edge of the building Damian had once occupied, and nodded towards the hotel.
“Don’t worry, it’s just Red. He’s setting up a listening device since we knew you wouldn’t be able to hear anything; Grayson is wanting us to take no chances with her safety.” Damian couldn’t fault his older brother’s logic; the girl had saved his daughter. Soon, Red Robin landed beside them, and took up a seat, pulling a speaker from his belt. Damian raised an eyebrow.
“Why the listening device now?” Tim shrugged, accepting the bag of chips Jason handed him.
“Bruce wanted to know if she’d tell anyone how she took the Joker down. We found a couple leads, but we don’t wanna push her too far.” Damian thought back to the three creatures he’d witnessed, but decided that was not his business to share. Besides, if his brothers lingered long enough, they’d see them themselves. So with a sigh, Damian sat back down next to Red Robin, and grabbed a handful of chips.
And they listened.
“I CANNOT BELIEVE that asshole!” Alix shouted as she paced the floor. She whirled back to face Chloe, who had one of her arms around Marinette as the girl leaned into her, “You’re telling me Agreste and you dated for two FUCKING YEARS and he wouldn’t even let anyone know!!? What the FUCK!” Marinette nodded, while Chloe frowned.
“Keep your voice down, Alix, we’re not telling you so you can tell the whole hotel.” Chloe said while she rubbed Mari’s arm in comfort. Marinette sighed, looking up at Alix.
“He… He didn’t want anyone to know because his father had told him to make sure he kept Lila happy in class. Chloe knew, she was the only one I told. He-It-I mean, it was fine for awhile-.” Alix crouched in front of Marinette’s knees, and took hold of her hands, giving her a compassionate, but serious look.
“Marinette, no,” She said, “It’s not fine. For two years, he let Lila hang off of him, kiss him, and generally torture you during school, only to, what? Come and comfort you afterwards?” Hesitantly, Marinette nodded, and Alix swore steam was going to come out of her ears. “Marinette, when someone loves you, they love you all the time, not just when it’s convenient for them.” Alix managed a rueful smile, “It’s too bad you’re straight, or I’d totally take you out and show you how you deserve to be treated.” It worked, and Alix smiled as Marinette laughed, rubbing at her eyes. Chloe scoffed.
“Get in line, Alix; if any woman is taking my Mari-bear out, it’ll be me, thank you.” Alix gave her a grin, winking at the blonde and Chloe laughed.
“You can come too, Chlo. We’ll take our girl out and treat her special.” Alix looked back at Mari who was still laughing, and Alix softened a bit, “I know there are things you still can’t tell me, DC, and that’s ok. I’ve nearly got Kim and Max seeing reason finally. It’s gotten easier now that I just google whatever Lila says, and show it to them.” Her grin was bitter as she shook her smartphone for emphasis, “I’m sorry for how everyone’s been treating you these last few years. It’s like they’re just letting themselves be blinded by that little skank.” Alix wouldn’t lie, she was furious with the rest of their class for just letting these things happen; it was a testament to how exhausted Mari was that she didn’t even reprimand Alix on her words.
Marinette squeezed Alix’s hands, and she looked up at her. Marinette gave her a smile.
“Thank you Alix, but you don’t have to, you know. We’re almost done with school, and then we’ll be off to university. It doesn’t matter that much anymore.” Alix frowned.
“Marinette, you deserve to have the truth known. I don’t really care if they wanted to go their whole lives believing that witch, but it’s hurting you. You were always there for us, hell, you still keep spare clothes for all of them in case they need them! You deserve to have your good name cleared.”
Marinette smiled, but it was sad, and Alix wanted to rage against the world at the sight of it; her friend deserved nothing but the best, and she had been treated so poorly for so long. Alix had learned it didn’t matter if you spoke out, told Lila and Alya what they were doing was wrong; telling Madame Bustier didn’t do anything. Everyone just ignored it, unless they were actively participating.
“Alix, I have you and Chloe, and yeah, it would be nice to be friends with Kim and Max again; but I’m used to this by now. It’s… It’s been 4 years, and while the first one was… rocky, to say the least…” Marinette shared a grimace with Chloe, whose frown deepened at the memory, before she looked back at Alix, “I’ve gotten stronger for it. And if it hadn’t been for Lila, Chloe and I may never have become such good friends, and for that alone, I’m grateful to her.”
Alix grit her teeth as tears welled in her eyes, “But Mari! Alya has hit you! Adrien did nothing! They’ve ruined your sketchbooks, trashed your site, and tried to sabotage your university applications! How could you possibly be ok with any of that?!” Alix was surprised when Marinette’s eyes narrowed.
“I’m not, Alix. It hurt every single time. But what’s done is done, there’s no changing that, and there’s no going back. I can only keep moving forward.” Marinette sighed, giving her a pleased smile, “And I’m not alone, I never am. I have two of the most amazing, trustworthy friends I could ever have at my side, and an invitation to see one of Gotham’s most outstanding universities. Things haven’t been good, or fun, but they won’t stay that way.”
Alix stared at her in shock, and the tears rolled down her face while she hung her head, “We don’t deserve you, Marinette… I’m sorry.” Marinette pulled her up to the couch, and pulled her closer to herself and Chloe.
“Don’t be sorry, Alix. You and Chloe have stuck with me through it all; you’ve spoken out against Lila to defend me countless times. You don’t have anything to apologize for.”
Next to her, Chloe snorted, “Except for that t shirt, oh my god, where did you even find that horrendous thing?” Alix laughed, and gave Chloe the finger, which caused the blonde to huff.
“Rude.” But Chloe was smiling, and Marinette finally felt peace settle in her heart. Soon, she’d be gone from Lila for good, and everything would be nothing more than just a distant memory. She was fine; she was in a much better place than she used to be, even with her small slip up tonight in the park.
They were going to be ok.
“I don’t know french, what are they saying?”
Damian had a scowl on his face as they listened, but Jason had noticed how Tim had frozen; his two brothers were the ones who spoke french, damnit, why weren’t they translating? Finally Tim moved, and he buried his face in his hands.
“We shouldn’t have heard this…” Tim said softly, and now Hood was looking between the hotel, and Red Robin in concern. With a sigh, Tim raised his head, staring at the girls in the hotel room who were laughing now. “From what I can infer based on their conversation, Marinette is being bullied, and ignored by most of her class. Based on what these girls are saying, two girls, Lila and Alya, have been terrorizing her in class for - four years, I think they said? Not even her boyfriend would let anyone know they were dating, and he just stood by when this Alya girl hit her.”
Damian’s scowl deepened, and his hands clenched at his side, but Tim wasn’t done.
“And he’d go and comfort her after school, but the only one who knew is the blonde one there, Chloe. Apparently he’d let this Lila girl hang on him during school, and kiss him and junk. These girls have shredded her sketchbooks, trashed her site - whatever that means-, and tried to sabotage her university applications.”
Jason whistled low, “Damn, that’s harsh.” Hood frowned as he looked at the girls having a good time despite the heavy conversation they’d just had. She didn’t seem like the type of girl who deserved all that animosity. “How are we gonna help then, Red?”
The three of them paused as their comms crackled to life, and Bruce’s voice came over the line.
“I’ll take care of it. Come on home; Nightwing will take watch the rest of the night.” Damian watched as Chloe whacked Alix with one of the couch cushions, and an all out war broke out between the girls.
Next to him, Tim sighed, “Got it, Bats. Coming home.”
Jason turned first, and Tim lingered for a moment longer, but Damian was still staring at the girl. She was laughing as she beat her friend over the head with a pillow, the pink one - Alix - retaliating instantly. She looked… happy.
“Robin? You coming?” Damian nodded, and finally he turned away.
“Yeah, let’s go.”
OH MY GOD GUYS did you see the girl on the news???                                Looks like there could be a new Wayne! #onlyinGotham
#darkhair #blueeyes #mustbeaWayne #gothamites
Holy shit, and that is chapter one y’all! Just a quick rundown on a couple things. Chloe and Alix are gonna be hella gay, and I can’t wait for you guys to find out who their GFs are gonna be >:3 It’s gonna be GREAT. There will be some minor Adrien bashing, but he will ultimately learn from his fuck ups; mostly cause I love my dumb ass boy, but BOI is he dumb sometimes. Alya bashing will hopefully be minimal cause I DO love her to death.
Also, Chloe is totally getting/got the redemption she deserved GDI. Zagg can shove that S3 finale right where the sun don’t shine. Oh, did I mention there will be salt??? Like TONS OF SALT probably. Also, I probably won’t post super often on tumblr; I’m primarily use Ao3, so things may end up going up faster over there. 
Hope you guys liked it! <3
Part 1 :HERE: Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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theshapeshifter100 · 3 years
Wolf and Raven Chapter 1
Been a while since I’ve done anything like this huh? Further explanations will be at the end.
Snow always seemed to dampen noise. Even though there was some wind to be felt within the trees, it could barely be heard. It gently tossed snow and teased the edge of furs belonging to a figure with amber eyes just within the treeline. Watched the shore, waiting, hoping.
A black dot appeared on the horizon, getting larger and larger every second until a raven landed on the shore.
The figure within the tree line shot to their feet and began to walk out, only to pause as the raven changed shape.
Standing in the raven’s place was a woman, dark skin and hair with feathers intertwined with a braid at front and across the scalp. Clad in black clothing with a raven’s outstretched wings etched across her chest, and in one hand held a Staff of Power. Raven’s Staff of Power, but this was not the Raven the figure in the trees knew.
The woman turned slowly, scanning the water and the treeline, pausing only for a moment as her eyes landed on the hider’s position.
Finally, the person in the treeline left, trying to appear at ease as she approached. In contrast to the solid black of the woman on shore, this person had silvery hair tied back in a plait that poked out of her hood, dressed warmly in grey and white furs. She pulled down the fur lined cloak hood, appraising the newcomer with amber eyes, while a curved scar ran across her cheek.
“Did Raven send you?”
The woman clad in black narrowed her eyes a fraction. “I think you will find that I am Raven.”
“I see,” the woman in furs glanced at the Staff of Power in Raven’s hand. It was a bit more ornate than she remembered, perhaps to emulate the new holder. “My apologies Raven. Thank you for answering my call.”
“If it was your call I answered, then you must be Wolf?”
“I am she,” Wolf inclined her head slightly. “Welcome to my home.”
Raven scanned the snowy treeline behind them, nodding ever so slightly, her expression carefully schooled.
“I take it you were not expecting me,” Raven said, unreadable eyes meeting Wolf’s.
“I was not,” Wolf answered honestly. “I knew your predecessor, I was expecting him, if he came at all.”
“I hope to not disappoint.”
“I am sure that you will not,” Wolf smiled. “Are your Warriors on their way?”
“Aye. They will be here within the hour.”
“Excellent,” Wolf turned her gaze towards the water. “Please do not be insulted by them having to complete trials, the Giants wish to make their judgements.”
“I was expecting it,” Raven nodded, followed Wolf’s gaze.
Wolf nodded, folding her arms and shifting her weight slightly. The water was still as glass, reflecting the clear sky perfectly. Yet the wind still whipped by, catching whisps of hair that weren’t caught in the plait.
“Your message was not detailed,” Raven noted. “It merely asked for the help of Raven and the Warriors against a threat. What is happening here?”
Wolf took a deep breath. “I will explain in more detail once the Warriors arrive, but simply, the land is dying, and I believe that, Nevar, is behind it.”
Raven stiffened beside her before nodding. “Nevar is trapped in a desolate realm, but he seems to be able to influence this world from it, and move between at times.”
“I have seen his demons,” Wolf’s face twisted. “Whether Nevar is physically here is irrelevant. I can feel him. Like a rabbit feels the gaze of a hawk.”
Raven glanced up. “I feel it also.”
“It is worse the further you go into the forest,” Wolf shifted her weight again. “I hope that your Warriors are up to the task.”
“They will be.”
Raven’s timekeeping was excellent. An hour later four canoes had been pulled up onto shore and 16 Warriors were assembled. They were split into four groups of four, dressed in red, blue, green and white. They were the Stoats, the Bears, the Lynx and the Hawks, respectively.
Raven stepped towards them.
“Warriors,” she spoke. “Welcome to the Wilds of the North. We have been summoned here to aid in a great peril. Nevar and his forces have reached this place, and we will need your help to remove him,” she turned to look at Wolf. “This is Wolf, the one who summoned us here, she will provide more information.”
Wolf stepped forward, eying the Warriors. They were young, too young in her opinion. However their faces were determined and they held themselves with great confidence.
“I have sensed Nevar’s presence within this land for several weeks, and have heard word on the wind that he and his forces have set up a fortress in the heart of this forest,” Wolf cast her arm back to gesture to the trees behind her. “At the centre of this forest stands a mighty tree, which is the beating heart of these lands. Recently a dark corruption has spread from the heart, poisoning the creatures of this land.
“The rulers of this land, the Giants, also fear. For they are connected to this land as any of the trees, and this corruption is weakening them. They are the ones who asked for me to call for help, and they will be the ones testing you. They cannot risk the impure of heart reaching the Heart Tree.
“More shall be explained as time goes on, but for now we shall proceed to the leadership trials. Follow me.”
Wolf began to walk into the trees and Raven followed, the Warriors in single file behind.
The Leadership trials were simple, one physical and one mental challenge for each team. Above them the trees creaked and groaned and Wolf could feel the Giants watching, judging.
The Leaders were selected and Wolf stepped forward.
“Congratulations Warriors, your leaders have been selected. Heed them well. Leaders, look out for you team, guide them well. The Giant’s Trials will begin tomorrow, so I suggest you get plenty of rest. I shall report back to the Giants, and reconvene with you all in the morrow. Goodnight.”
Wolf stepped away from the group, changing into a grey wolf before loping off into the forest.
Raven watched the Warriors set up camp until she noticed the purple glow coming the Raven’s Eye. With a quick excuse she walked into the trees, away from camp, and summoned Raven of Old.
A man in a black feathered mantle and black cloak, black hair and beard appeared from purple smoke.
“Is everything proceeding as planned?” he asked.
“The Warriors have arrived safely and have selected their leaders. They will be ready for the challenges that await them.”
Raven of Old nodded. “And Wolf?”
“She has been helpful. She is advising the Warriors and acting as liaison for the Giants.”
Raven of Old looked away briefly before looking back at Raven. “I suggest that you be careful around her. Do not trust her.”
“Why? Do you not trust her?”
Raven of Old levelled his gaze at Raven, eyes peering right through her. “She has betrayed me before. Keep your eye on her.”
“I understand,” Raven tilted her head ever so slightly.
Raven of Old nodded in approval before looking around the snow covered trees. “This is a strange land, with many enemies. I will do my best to gather information on Nevar’s forces from the desolate realm. Keep your wits about you young Raven, and may the luck of the Raven’s Eye be with you.”
“Thank you Raven,” Raven nodded, before Raven of Old disappeared in a puff of purple smoke.
For a moment, Raven let the mask slip, uncertainty flitting across her face before squaring her shoulders and walking back to camp.
Wolf meanwhile had run to the outskirts of the forest, where the trees gave way to the grey rock and scrubby grass of the mountain foothills. She sat for a moment, tongue lolling as she caught her breath, before tilting her head back and howling.
By the time the first echo had faded, the rocks in front of her had moved, shifting and twisting until they resembled one, massive, foot.
The sky darkened above her as the mountain moved, and a rocky hand lowered, each finger the width of a canoe. Wolf stepped onto the hand and settled in the palm as it rose up again. She shifted to human as the hand brought her higher, and stood up when the hand juddered to a halt.
A face loomed in the clouds, craggy lips as long as a tree was tall and eyes more than twice the size of Wolf’s head. The skin was the colour of the rock, in fact it was the rock. These weren’t mountains, but the sleeping Giants themselves.
“Reeeepoooort,” the Giant rumbled like thunder.
“The Warriors show promise, they have selected their leaders from the trials, and will be ready for the challenges you bring in the morning.”
“Aaaand the Daaark Oooone?”
“There was no sign of him. Your wards around the trials were effective.”
“Gooood. The Raaaaven whoooo iiiis nooot a raaaaven, hooooow faaaaress sheee?”
“She appears to fare well. She was not who I expected, but I will take what help I can get.”
“Gooood. Reeest liiiittle Woooolf. Theee fooorest groooows daaarkeerrr eeeaach daaaay.”
“I will. I know.”
The hand began to lower her back to the ground, and once down Wolf began to hike back to her own camp.
So, hi. Been a while since I actually posted something here that wasn’t The Watch AU related, huh?
It's not that I haven't been writing, just not anything that's finished, and you all know I don't like to start posting stuff unless the whole thing is finished.So, this is still fanfiction. This is fanfiction for the series Raven, from CBBC. If you've never heard of it, it's a medieval themed gameshow that I grew up with that aired from 2002-2010 with the og Raven (here as Raven of Old), played by James Mackenzie, and returned for 2 series in 2017-2018 with a new Raven played by Aisha Toussaint, with Raven of Old popping in in a similar manner to what was in this chapter.
This is going to be in the style of the story based spin-offs (Raven: The Island, Raven: The Secret Temple, and Raven: The Dragon's Eye), with less focus on the contestants/Warriors and more on the acted characters. I had this idea around 2009 and recently got reminded of it and wanted to make it half decent. Obviously when I first thought of this, James Mackenzie was still playing Raven all the time and there was not even a hint of Aisha Toussaint's Raven, but there you go.
Wolf is my OC in all of this, and the Giants and the Land to the North are my own concept, but Nevar and both Ravens are canon to the Raven universe.
Thank you to @fairyofsomething for reading this over for me!
Giant Speech not elongated
“And the Dark One?”
“Good. The Raven who is not a raven, how fares she?”
“Good. Rest little Wolf. The forest grows darker each day.”
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