#please let me know if you have questions
radioactive-killjoy · 8 months
I’m watching the Final Fifteen and at 40:49 I realize that you CAN actually see Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death through the window (which I’m sure others have pointed out but my understanding of the layout of that street isn’t very good), and then a few seconds later Aziraphale DOES look over at the window. So he knows that’s where the Metatron went and can even possibly see Muriel and the Metatron. In fact, Aziraphale looks to his left (Metatron) six times, plus an additional two when the POV is from behind him.
Then I watched the speech again. Now, I know that Crowley has always been more in tune with Aziraphale than vice versa (“I know what you smell like,” talking about Aziraphale calling for three reasons) but Crowley was not being subtle. He said he wanted to go first AND he says “Really?” when Aziraphale interrupts him. So Aziraphale is choosing to carry on anyway.
I’ve always hated when Aziraphale calls Crowley “the bad guys” because both seasons made it clear that Aziraphale doesn’t really see Crowley as being part of Hell. I thought it was out of character and needlessly cruel. But when Aziraphale says “We can be together…angels” it made me realize that he’s trying to get Crowley to read between the lines. Saying “I need you” was his last resort. Through the rest of his speech, he’s expecting Crowley to pick up on the things he’s not explicitly saying.
Whenever Aziraphale and Crowley have secret codes, Crowley always comes up with them. I’m thinking of “to the world” which is about more than the world. Crowley isn’t picking up on Aziraphale’s pleading because Aziraphale tends to be straightforward with him. Why wouldn’t he take this at face value when Aziraphale is telling him angel or bust?
Aziraphale and Crowley are exposed in the bookshop. This is not a private moment for them. He can’t be honest with Crowley for so many reasons, and this is BEFORE he knows about the real danger. When Crowley doesn’t pick up on what Aziraphale isn’t saying, the only thing Aziraphale can do is push him away. There is no other response he could have given to the kiss if he was under ANY impression that the Metatron was watching.
I don’t know if the Metatron really knows the extent of their relationship, but the moment he brings up Crowley as a sort of ally to Aziraphale, Aziraphale freezes. If Aziraphale showed that he valued Demon!Crowley more than Angel!Crowley, then that would raise suspicions. So he has to play it off like that’s what he would want. He has to say, multiple times, that he wants Crowley back as an angel. Anyone watching the show should know that it’s just not true. It’s Demon!Crowley for him, every time.
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gotchibam · 6 months
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March has been a very challenging month for me — from the first 2 weeks where my mom was admitted to the hospital while me & my brother stayed by her side; to my mom passing away later on due to kidney failure. During those times I asked for help & received a lot of doodle commissions. Since the past weeks have been pretty busy and difficult for me & my brother, I've been trying to pace myself so that I could go through them slowly.
I don't have any other source of income and since I can't take new commissions at the moment, I've put up 3 PDF doodle compilations in my ko-fi shop to help fund me & my brother's budget for our needs & expenses.
If you'd like to help out & support, you can get the pdfs individually from my ko-fi shop for a minimum of $5 each:
Gotchibam Doodle Compilation #1 (PDF)
Gotchibam Doodle Compilation #2 (PDF)
Gotchibam Doodle Compilation #3 (PDF)
Or get all 3 pdfs above for a minimum of $12 instead: Gotchibam Doodle Compilation #1, #2, & #3 (3 PDF Pack)
Each and every support counts & means a lot to me 🙏 Honestly I wouldn't have been able to get this far without you guys so I just really want to say thank you, thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart 🙏🙏🙏
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Style swap- Invader Zim and Psychonauts
Cause I thought it would be fun and practice
(Please do not use or repost my works anywhere without explicit permission from me first thank you <3)
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onemillionfurries · 1 month
For anyone worried about the FurAffinity hack: Y'all don't need to panic and delete your FA's or anything. The only thing that was compromised was the domain name system (DNS). That in no way affects the actual stored server information.
This is basically the equivalent to that cartoon gag where someone sees an arrow sign pointing to a pile of treasure, and flips it to point instead to a rubbish dump. Or if someone were to replace the number for your local pizza place in the phone book with a butcher shop. People looking to call the pizza place would accidentally call the butcher shop, and people looking for treasure would accidentally be lead to a rubbish dump.
Both the treasure and rubbish dump are completely unaffected. Same with the pizza place and butcher shop. You are just being lead to the wrong server when you try to go to furaffinity.net.
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fizzytoo · 11 months
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fizzytoo’s cowfolk roundup !
hi hi!!! i'm looking for sims— lovers, enemies, friends, etc. !!
this isn't a bachelor challenge, more like stardew valley?? where there's townies that populate chestnut ridge and have the potential to form relationships with amaya and karlee!
rules under the cut! :D
please be aware that i will change some skin details to match my style (mainly default skin and eyes. i also use 2D lashes).
cc is allowed; maxis-mix/match (no alpha hair), 1 outfit per category.
i use the 5 traits mod so you're welcome to choose 5 traits.
your submissions can be a family, single parent, or just one sim. they could have pets/horses. they could have likes/dislikes, and jobs too! (or made up ones for storytelling purposes).
no occults please
if you're submitting a sim as a prospective partner, i'd prefer if they were young adults.
amaya (she/they) is nonbinary and pansexual, karlee (she/her) is demisexual.
private or public download, whichever you prefer :D tag me if you decide to submit a sim
as of right now, there is no deadline for this or limit to the number of sims i'll take, but this could change.
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cauterizedpod · 7 days
The casting call for Cauterized is live! The survival/horror audiodrama features a doomed sub and misfit team tasked with making the transition to the surface possible. It's a task that might be stacked against them after every other attempt has failed.
There are four very different roles up for grab! Butch eldest sister, cool older woman who loves plants, bastard snake secretary, and the big man in command (who's not really a great guy, to no one's surprise)
You can find all the information on the project, roles, guidelines, and submission details here
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
Sanuso Soulmate AU in which everyone has a bracelet painted around their wrist like some sort of tattoo but it's the color of their soul, and inside there's a circle with their soulmate's color. So, you know, if you both have the same colors but the other way around, then you know you're soulmates, yadda yadda yadda.
The Vinsmoke siblings don't have those because Judge made them that way, except Sanji. Sanji has a blue bracelet painted around his wrist and decorated with a yellow circle. Which would be great if it wasn't because he hates that color. It's always the color Judge chooses for him and it always reminds him that he can never escape that damn thing. But, well, when he escapes and meets Zeff and stays with him, the thought of having a soulmate starts being more and more appealing. He's sure she's the prettiest girl in the world! Cheerful and fun and bright like her color. He checks every girl's wrist in case he sees yellow and blue together, and sometimes he does, but it's never the same tone, and by the way the girls act around him he knows they're not his soulmates. But he doesn't lose hope. He'll find his girl someday.
Usopp doesn't really care much about it. He has a yellow bracelet and a blue circle and meh, he thought Kaya was his soulmate but turns out she isn't and that's just about it. He doesn't think much about it and he thinks that, if they're destined to be together, they'll find each other at some point. Tbh, he thinks it's stupid to be forced to be with somebody just because the universe tells you to. Even if he meets his soulmate, he'll probably choose for himself instead of jumping into a relationship like an idiot. Who does that? Forcing a relationship just because some colors tell you to?
He learns, soon enough after some years, that there's an idiot who does that and his name is Sanji. When they meet at the Baratie, Nami points out their soulmate marks (hers being orange and blue. A wonder who that tone of blue might be) Sanji is, uh, very dramatic. He starts panicking, of course, because he never thought his soulmate would be a man. And Usopp is pretty and all but- And he makes his heart go insanely fast, especially now that he knows he's definitely his soulmate. But it can't be. Really. He can't be. Usopp tells him that it's okay and that they don't even have to be soulmates. Perhaps the colors are just really similar. And if they're soulmates (thing Usopp was not expecting either) they don't really have to be if they don't want to. One thing leads to another and Luffy tells him to come with him and be his cook, and Sanji has to admit that even if it takes a lot of convincing, he goes with them. Both for Luffy and for the All Blue. And... For Usopp. He really, really wants to know more. He knows he doesn't have to listen to the universe and do whatever it wants with him, the way he doesn't have to be a Vinsmoke if he doesn't want to. But the soulmate mark- Love. It's. It's kind of a sign of not being a Vinsmoke. So he really, really wants to know about this guy before he starts panicking because it's, uh, a guy.
He's a bit too clingy with Usopp, he has to admit. He doesn't treat him like one of the girls but he definitely cares about him way more than he cares about other men. He protects him more. Keeps an eye on him. Decides to spend more time by his side. Usopp lets him know that nothing will happen between them if he doesn't want to and that he won't date Sanji just because a soulmate mark says so. Sanji accepts it gladly, but he never stops being this way. He just wants the opportunity to love somebody, Usopp doesn't have to feel the same.
So they grow closer. Become best friends, even. Inseparable. Usopp has to admit that, after all, he enjoys Sanji's company the most. And when he's not forcing the soulmate thing between them, he's a sweetheart.
Then Skypiea happens, and Usopp knows that Sanji is more than what he looks like. Water 7 comes next, and Usopp misses Sanji the most. He won't stop staring at the stupid colors. And he thinks that if he's going to leave for good, he wishes he could take Sanji with him. He guesses Sanji would say yes. But he can't do that to him, or the crew. When he joins them again, he thinks about asking Sanji out on a date or something. Or- Or at least saying that he can feel it too. But it would be like following the universe orders and he wants to be more than what the universe tells him to be. He knows soulmates aren't a bad thing (hell, Zoro and Luffy are happy and Nami and Vivi are insane about each other too) but still... Usopp thinks that they need more time. Sanji waits patiently, too, perhaps he has forgotten about it already. The thought of Sanji moving on from him bothers him in the worst of ways, and Usopp feels extremely selfish for even thinking that. So, he'll confess. At some point. Something. He doesn't know exactly what. Is he in love with Sanji? He- He isn't sure. He needs just more time.
Oh. And the universe gives them time. Two fucking years of time to think on his own. Fucking perfect. And that's when Usopp instantly regrets not saying anything, because the first night alone after so long he dreams about blue seas and blue eyes and blue skies and blue blue blue. He decides, then, that he'll grow into somebody Sanji deserves to be with. And he'll fight against the universe for keeping them apart when they were meant to be together. Sanji, during his two years in Momoiro Island, learns that liking boys perhaps isn't that weird. That it could also be a way of showing he is not a Vinsmoke, because Judge would never make somebody who has a soulmate and whose soulmate also happens to be of the same gender. Well- Talking about gender, he's- He's not so sure about that one either, but he doesn't think about it too much.
When they meet again after two years being apart, it's like they know what the other is going to say. There's a confession. It's emotional. Usopp is the one crying, surprisingly enough. But they're together, and that's what matters, right?
Except that the world sort of happens to hate Usopp, and from the moment they step in Dressrosa they don't see each other for a long time. And suddenly Sanji is getting married to some random girl? He- He just really, really, thinks the universe is against him. But there's a force of power way stronger than the universe. Way stronger that the gods. So when Luffy promises him to bring back Sanji for him, Usopp trusts him with his whole soul.
For Sanji, it's a bit weird. Whole Cake is an experience. His brothers tell him he doesn't have the right to have a soulmate so he can't complain about getting married to somebody else. Besides, as if he had any right to do so. Pudding is a gorgeous, precious girl. How can he complain? Sanji starts thinking the things his brothers tell him, somehow. How could he reject somebody like that? Besides, Usopp deserves better. And he has never been too into the soulmate thing, anyway. He'll find someone else and Sanji will get married to a pretty girl that, even if she breaks his heart, will at least keep the crew safe with the marriage. Then Luffy waits for him. And starves for him. And then his captain says something about Usopp too that Sanji does not want to hear but shatters his heart into pieces anyway. He really, really wants go back home.
And he does, after a wild ride. And he has never been happier, even if he knows this is going to hunt him for his whole life and he'll never forget what happened.
He sees Usopp when they get to Wano, and he looks happy without him. He looks like he is, yet he clearly isn't, when his eyes meet Sanji's. Usopp hugs him and kisses him and hits him and insults him and cries and tells him that he's the dumbest guy in the history of men and that he should've thought about his soulmate before pulling this self-sacrificing shit on him. And Usopp keeps yelling and he's extremely angry but Sanji kisses him anyway. And- And they're fine.
They will be fine, the universe likes it or not.
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okay i know this is a Foul Legacy blog but listen. if anyone wants to ask me questions about Arlecchino and my OC Marine i will be so happy to answer (they are MARRIED and i WILL answer in character if wanted because i'm that obsessed)
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chimera-dolls · 23 days
My morning routine is now literally: get up, open Tumblr, open specific doll tags, report anything that is not doll related. Kind of cathartic actually.
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taviokapudding · 1 month
So, genuine question science, adult content, and Gravity Falls fandom sides of tumblr.
Ford obviously falls into the bi/pansexual monster fucker category- I feel seen - but wtf do you call his attraction specifically when it's a different dimensional being?
Spectrophilia/Phasmophilia is not exactly it, but kinda close, if we consider the fact Bill didn't have a 3D form until weirdmageddon, appears in mediation/sleep, and can be summoned like a demon or ghost. There's also the elements of Somnophilia and unintentional reverse incubi/succubi dynamics if you consider Bill's one sided attraction. And then there's Bill doing dangerous and questionable shit when he possess Ford and when they interact face to face that could fall under BDSM.
It's clearly a level 5 monster fucker situationship but is there a term for having attraction to a being from another dimension? And if not, can we call it alterum-dimensiophilia or alterum-universumphilia? Because that type of category needs to exist- Billford dynamic (stripping away the monster and yaoi/bl elements) is not the first but it's becoming more common in post 2010 media and I am struggling to explain the appeal without a proper definition or word that covers it.
Please answer or let me know if I gave a good phrase to use because yeah Bill isn't technically only a dream demon. And if a word exists, sos so I can add it to my vocabulary.
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xxlea-nardoxx · 7 months
12!Donnie in the Universes AU
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I talk about the Au Kids a lot, but the canon turtles are just as important to the AU as the kids. So today we are taking a look at Donnie, since he's my fave.
I kept most of his information the same as it is in canon, only adding in some scars to his body. He's got a crack, plus some slightly missing part of his back shell and a few scars on the back of his head from the explosion in "broken foot". The brace helps keeps his hurting elbow in check, a memory from "Slash and Destroy" with his elbow never fully healing from the injury. The old brace was already a bit broken and didn't help much anymore, so Don got him a new one.
The new gear (belt, gloves, feet, knee and arm wraps) is a gift from the au kids in general, since the old one was already pretty worn out. It adds a touch of Donnies favorite color, which is purple of course!
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toktopus-art · 1 year
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(EDIT: i'm finishing the rest of the commissions so comms are closed for a bit but the waitlist is open! I'm going to focus on Patreon for october but I will start accepting new commissions again soon <3)
hi! i'm opening commissions again, and this time I'm on Artistree! i've been wanting to try out this platform for a while because it seems like a very simple and good way to take and request commissions. you don't need an account to leave a commission request. i can then accept the request and start working on the sketch. I will send the WIP sketch for you to approve before I continue with the commission. artistree does add a small fee on top of the commission price, but with every sale they donate to plant a tree!
this link takes you to my artistree request form
alternatively, if you don't want to use artistree, I still have my google form. works the same way, fill out the form, I will contact you to confirm your slot, and after the payment I'll start working on the sketch.
payment via paypal!
link to the google form
please check out my TOS before commissioning!
you can see commission examples on the artistree request form.
for just sketch commissions, check out my ko-fi! :) and here's also my patreon (which is very close to 100 members!!) i post a lot of art and comics and also wallpaper versions of my art on there.
for commissions, please have some kind of visual reference of the character you want me to draw (unless it's a character I can just search images of). if you commission art of a fanfic scene, please describe the scene and the character(s) in detail.
thank u!
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hdra77 · 5 months
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Woe, fan art be upon ye!
In all seriousness, I made this drawing to say and ask:
Your art is amazing, I aspire to become an artist like you!!!
A few questions... How do you usually shade and light? And what's the best way possible to draw backgrounds effectively? I hope you don't mind these questions!
On another note... I hope you have a good day
AAAAAAAAA THIS LOOKS AMAZING <3333 THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! This means so much to me THANK YOU 😭💕💕💕💕 you'll achieve that dream someday!! so keep up the good work!! and never stop the grinding 💪💪 ! as for how i usually render..i'm not the best when it comes to explaining things but i'll try to! when i do shading i usually just mix and play around with the colors! blending them is super fun to do
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i like to experiment around with the color wheel and not limiting myself with just one color! i tend to use different colors to make them pop out more
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this also adds more depth into my pieces! notice how similar but different the colors looked yet they all appear to compliment well with each other? that also applies to lighting! i mostly just winged them and do whatever that feels right
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i think its already common knowledge about studying the light sources so i don't need to dwell into that! theres plenty of tutorials out there explaining better than i do and as you can see i tend to just..scribble around and call it a day
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this ones one of my best example in lighting! light affects the surroundings so they have these soft little 'glow' on them it's all about the details really now as for the backgrounds: values and composition! darker colors + light colors add some depth!
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you'll notice how the choice of value affects the depth in this one!
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im not exactly sure how to explain the compositions that well but if you study how i draw you'll notice how a composition can change the mood of the environment!
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i hope this explains everything! i'm really bad with explaining how i do art but if you need more references just search more about color theories, values,symmetry and composition!
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lengthy-artery · 1 year
ok im going to swing a bat at a hornest's nest right now. what the fuck is the locked tomb actually about. what is it about and why is everyone on my dash obsessed with it AND YOU CAN'T JUST SAY 'IT'S GOT LESBIAN NECROMANCERS IN SPACE'. I KNOW THAT. I WANT TO KNOW WHAT THE PLOT IS HERE
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kris-mage-fics · 1 month
Thanks for the tag @phenanthreneblue!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? Eight 2. What's your total AO3 word count? 7,656. So far I've only published short little one-shots. 3. What fandoms do you write for? Shepherds of Haven, Scarlet Hollow, and Ebon Light. 4. Top five fics by kudos 1. Had it Been Anyone Else (Ebon Light, it's Haron angst hours lol, spoilers for the end of the game on Ernol's route) 2. A New Room (Ebon Light, Haron fluff, spoilers for the end of the game) 3. Fog (Scarlet Hollow, Tabitha angst, no real spoilers) 4. An Unlikely Engagement (Shepherds of Haven, Kyrahlise/Blade, very, very minor spoiler for Chapter 8) 5. The Best Proof of Love is Trust (Shepherds of Haven, spoilers for Chapter 3 which is in the public demo) It doesn't escape me that they are almost in publication order 5. Do you respond to comments? Always! Though sometimes it takes me a while to do so. I rarely get them so it isn't that hard to respond to them. 6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Absolutely Had it Been Anyone Else! It's literally pure angst. Though when I write for Tabitha it always ends up angsty too, so Fog and The Secret of the Greenhouse aren't exactly sunshine and roses. 7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Some may disagree, but I think The Best Proof of Love is Trust has a very happy ending! 8. Do you get hate on fics? Not so far.
9. Do you write smut? No? Yes? I've written some, but haven't published any. Smut is hard for me to write because I visualize everything, and there's a lot to visualize in a smut scene compared to a scene without much action. So it's exhausting to write. Also I suspect it's harder to keep sustained enough interest to write a full scene because I'm on the asexual spectrum. It's not something I'm opposed to, it's just harder than other writing for me. That said, there is a sex scene I really want to write, but it probably won't be very sexy, lol! 10. Craziest crossover? Haven't written any. 11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not as far as I know. 12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope. 13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but it would be foolish to say it'll never happen. ;) 14. All time favourite ship? I could make a tier list, but I don't have a favorite anymore than I have a favorite food or tea or board game, lol! 15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I started a fic that's a newspaper article on Kyrahlise. It's written as a hit piece on the Hero of Haven, trying to imply she's actually a bad person. The reporter interviewed people in Ashtown who know her, but reading between the lines you figure out they didn't dig up anything and are just overly skeptical of a Diminished woman who quickly gained some fame and power. I planned to end it with a little segment from the perspective of someone Kyrah used to know, where they figure out she's now the Hero everyone won't shut up about. I still like the idea, I just doubt I'll ever finish it.
Also I started one where it's written like the reports from one of the people sent to spy on Blade. Thing is the spy knows Blade, so they see him falling for Kyrahlise and are like, "wtf?!? is she enchanting him? is he actually in love? omg he's so bad at this! wow, it looks like she actually likes him too!" Also they think Kyrah is super sus because a lot of the things she does don't make sense and aren't explained. (Full disclosure: this idea was heavily inspired by a conversation other people had on the ShoH patreon.) 16. What are your writing strengths? Dialogue and banter, always knowing where my characters are in a scene and what they are doing (the upside of the visualization thing), sweet/cute moments, and angst when I'm in the right mood. 17. What are your writing weaknesses? Finishing, lol! Editing, it's hard for me to let go of trying to be 'perfect'. I'll get really stuck on a sentence or paragraph and obsessively revise it even though it's fine, just because I think it can be better. I know it's not healthy or sustainable, and I'm working on it. (I can point to a particular sentence in a fic that I literally spent hours on!) Action! It's the same visualization problem I have with writing smut, it's a lot to keep in my head and it quickly wears me out. Getting the right voice for a lot of characters. My writing tends to be introspective and verbose, which doesn't work for everyone. So it's a struggle to find a balance between the character's voice and my natural writing style. 18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I think it's great, for other people to write! I'm pretty terrible at languages, and don't trust myself to get it right without consulting someone who knows that language. Given a lot of what I write for is fantasy with made up languages, that's not going to happen. 19. First fandom you wrote in? Ebon Light, in fact it's the reason I even tried writing in the first place! 20. Favorite fic you've written? I think it's a three way tie between: The Secret of the Greenhouse -- I think I did a good job getting some creepy vibes in such a short piece. It doesn't align with canon at all, but in my opinion it's my best Scarlet Hollow fic. The Best Proof of Love is Trust -- I feel like I succeeded at my goal of showing just how much thought Kyrahlise put into a big choice in Chapter 3, as well as some of her character and past. Had it Been Anyone Else -- I had the sudden need to break Haron's heart. I seem to have accomplished the mission since 100% of the comments mention it being either sad or heartbreaking.
Ngl, I don't know who to tag on this one. Because besides Phen, and one other person, I think most people I know only have one work on ao3, or none. So open tagging it is! If you see this and want to join in, consider yourself tagged, whether you are a mutual or not!
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gooopy · 9 months
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LOOK AT MY SELF INSERT BOY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cringe is dead i can do whatever i want FOREVER and that includes making a character to beat scout tf2 to death with my own two fists
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