#please tell me I’m not alone in This
byebyebbyblu · 6 months
Baby butch me doing everything in my power not to tell my friends their boyfriends suck and I could treat them better
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sapphicsnzs · 6 months
the battle of being so turned on by sneezes but also wanting to make sure that they’re ok and take care of them is my chronic internal struggle
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jaybirdscoffee · 1 month
devastating: broke transmasc finds jeans that actually fit. they are $50.
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eminemily05 · 1 year
Immortal Soul
Poly x reader obey my fic
Words: 2,062
Warnings: mention of mortality and reincarnation. OOC brothers
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmo, Beel, Belphie, Lilith, and you (of course)
Summary: A quick Drabble I wrote to comfort my own feelings of mortality. I tried to make it as gender neutral as possible, but I’m female identifying so I can’t promise it’s perfect.
This story includes my own beliefs of what happens after death, such as reincarnation. So a fair warning for that. The brothers are a bit OOC, but I could care less. I think they were sweet and perfect for this.
The living room was dim, with the exception of low lighting from a documentary on the tv. A documentary was playing on low volume as you sat and watched, pillow in your lap. Your phone, which you had only recently abandoned, lay atop it.
Tiredly, you tried to stay focused on the show as the narrator continued to explain the late stages of adulthood in frogs. You were the only one still awake in the house, as all the others had turned to their rooms for the night. But, your thoughts were bothering you too much to allow you such peace.
As the documentary began the topic of death in frogs, your mind began to fill with thoughts.
‘They live such short lives compared to how far a human’s can reach’ you thought, mind instantly thinking of the demon brothers. ‘And humans live barely long enough to actually make an impression in a demon’s or angel’s memory.’
Instantly, the thought hit you harder.
‘My mortality compared to…theirs…is so minuscule.’
You didn’t like to dwell on the topic of death too long, as more often than not it sent you into a spiral of dark, dark thoughts. But, with no one to keep you busy, your mind took hold and you suddenly couldn’t think of anything else. It was painfully annoying.
‘I’m only a human compared to them…they could simply blink and I’ll have lived my whole life.’ It hurt to think about, leaving them behind like that. But it was true. They were basically immortal, even Solomon (who was once an average human as well), and you were simply…you.
You couldn’t imagine living without them, but one day you’d have to. Your body would cease to support your soul and you’d have to move on. To the Celestial Realm? Back to the Devildom? Hell, to be reincarnated and have to do this shit all over again.
Could you really survive that? Without the support of the brothers? Of the angels? The royals? Solomon? Could your survive not being able to wake up to see any of their faces ever again?
You were so engrossed in your rabbit hole of misery, you hadn’t even noticed the living room doors slowly creaking open. A name softly called out to you. But, you blankly continued to stare at the tv. It had changed to a different show, but you were too tangled in your internal conflict to notice that either.
A hand gently grabbed your shoulder and you jumped, letting out a yelp in surprise. You whipped your head around to find-
“Y/N? What are you still doing up? Lucifer is going to kill you if he sees you’re still awake..” The voice of Wrath’s avatar was hushed but concerned as he spoke.
You looked up at the worried, green eyes like a deer in headlights.
‘When did he get in here?’ You thought as you tried to respond to him.
He shakes his head, “I didn’t mean to startle you, but I did call out your name. When you didn’t answer, I thought I’d come over.”
You look down, slightly ashamed.
“Sorry…I guess I was just so focused on the docume-“ You finally looked at the tv and realized, “Oh, I guess it ended…I didn’t even notice..”
You had mumbled the last bit under your breath, but the blonde heard it clearly.
“Are you alright? I’ve never seen you space out this far.” Satan walks around the couch to sit next to you.
You smile and try to hide it, “Nah, I’m alright. It’s probably just my energy finally running out. Today was a pretty stressful day.” You hadn’t really been lying. All day you’d been scrambling around RAD, working on your semester tests and studying for upcoming ones in the process.
Even knowing that was true, Satan could tell something else was tiring you out. He could see it in the way your eyes seemed duller, your dimples barely showing, and your smile causing less crinkling around your face when you tried to assure him.
He’d had the same draining moments before, long before you ever came and actually made him and his brothers get along. He could tell you were someplace completely different on a mental level. Satan gently cupped your hand.
“That’s not the only thing tiring you out though, is it?” He asked softly. “I can tell something heavy is weighing on your mind.”
You looked at him and nod slightly, not feeling strong enough to try and hide it from him.
“Satan…do you ever think about mortality..?” You hesitantly looked into his eyes, suddenly feeling stupid for asking him such a thing.
He was a demon. He had no reason to ever consider-
“Truthfully? I have.”
Your eyes widened and shock took over your features before you could think. He looked at you in understanding.
“Are you worried about your own mortality as a human?” His gaze softened even more as he locked sights with you. “You’ve gone down that dark path, haven’t you?”
You nod again, feeling too shy to verbally reply. He squeezes your hands in understanding.
“Let’s get my brothers, alright? I have a feeling this conversation will be easier with the others around.” He stands up and gently pulls you to your feet.
You whine softly in protest. “Do we have to..?”
Satan chuckles, “Trust me, I’ve learned having many shoulders to lean on can really help you out. You can walk with me and then we can stay in Lucifer’s room.”
“Why Lucifer’s room?” You asked softly as he gently led you out of the living room. His grin grew into one of mischief.
“Because it’s the biggest one in the house and he’ll have to let us all sleep on it.”
You shake your head but give a small smile at the thought of a fuming Lucifer standing beside his own bed, which was crowded with his brothers. It’s kind of funny to imagine
Lucifer’s bed was incredibly soft. You’ve never really been allowed to sleep in it, but now you feel cheated out of an amazing bed. It was almost amazing enough to make you ignore the little over a dozen worried glances from the brothers around you.
A white nailed hand gently found purchase next to your hand, unsure of touching you and making you uncomfortable. Yet, still wanting you to know it was there.
“Y/n? Darling? Ya alright.?” The hand’s owner spoke gently.
You simply nodded, drawing patterns on the soft, red, velvet blanket draped across the bed.
They all watched. They didn’t want to force you to talk if you didn’t want to.
“…I Don’t want to leave any of you behind..” you broke the silence softly, still drawing patterns. “My life force is centuries, millennia, even eons shorter than you guys…any of you could blink and…I’d be gone..”
The hand slowly inched closer until just the tips of your fingers could be intertwined. Without hesitation, you squeezed the fingers with a gentle reassurance.
“You’re not the only one, dove.” A deep, but soft voice came from your left. Looking over, your eyes met the soft red hues of Lucifer’s. One rarely got to see such an expression on his face. You were glad you got to, though.
“But we assure you, it’s not the first time you’ve met us, nor will it be the last.” He smiles.
You tilted your head, confused.
Asmo answered your unspoken question, “Your soul has lived on for many years. Because of Lilith‘s reincarnation, that soul will continue to live through many more lifetimes.” He giggles softly.
“And truthfully, you’ve probably met us more times than you could ever think.” Lucifer adds.
You look at the others. Surprisingly, even Belphie is completely awake and ready to add in.
“How can you even be so positive?” You asked timidly.
“No soul is as bright as yours is.” Beel chimes in. “You may not think so, but years and years of learning through lives can slowly scrub the soul of…dirt?” He sounded almost unsure, as if he wondered if he was explaining it right.
“Even if you’ve done bad deeds, it was nothing compared to when you were a newly created soul.” Belphie continued with a yawn. “But learning with each new life helps to right those bad choices.”
Satan smiled, “Think of reincarnation as having levels. The lowest is your learning phase, it’s like…going to school. You go over and over until finally, you’ve learned all you possibly can. Then, you move past the phase of reincarnation to become higher. Better.”
You feel your face nervously being cupped. You’re slowly turned to face Levi, who’s nervous to put in his own sense on the matter.
“A-And with Lilith’s soul, you’ll always be able t-to find your way back. You wouldn’t be l-leaving us behind on purpose.” He blushes as he locks eyes with you. “We know you’d never want to leave us like that, b-but it’s just how annoyingly dumb life can be..
You smile at him and offer a thanks before kissing his palm. You lean back against the headboard as he falls back against the bed, flustered.
Mammon is the first to cuddle up to you.
“But…what if I don’t know what’s waiting for me…? What if I never find you guys…? What if I-“ Soft lips cut off your rambling before you could keep digging your own depression hole.
Mammon’s hands held the sides of your face with such a feathery touch, it felt like heaven itself.
“Nothing’s waiting that ya can’t handle, darling.” He assures and rests his head against your shoulder. “And if ya never find us, guess we’ll just have t’ find ya ourselves.”
Your hand instinctively finds its way into his soft hair, scratching his scalp lightly. You smile at the feeling of him melting against you.
“There’s no realm we wouldn’t search for you, our dove.” Lucifer plants a loving kiss against your forehead.
“N-No sea we wouldn’t explore.” Levi blushes and squeezes in on your other side, resting his head against your arm.
You scratch the nape of his neck gently, watching him keen into your warm side.
“We’d find your Beauty anywhere.” Asmo coos, propping himself on a pillow.
“Search for your traces in every book in the universe.”
Satan traces patterns on your calf. That had to be the most surprising motion from him, though no one seemed to mention it.
A loud rumble comes from next to you as Beel fits himself close to your side, where Mammon was cuddled up.
“Look for your delicious cooking in any kitchen.” You giggled at him, reaching over to scratch his head next. This elicited a loud whine from the second eldest.
Belphie was last and rested his head on your chest, his body laying between your legs.
“You’d always be in our dreams.” He mumbles, looking up at you tiredly. But, a glimmer of authenticity sparkled in his eye.
You smiled at them all and giggled.
“What would I ever do without you guys?” You asked with a soft chuckle.
Lucifer shakes his head and snaps the big light off, until the room is only illuminated by the bedside lamps.
“Let’s not dwell on such a subject. You deserve your rest now. Let those dark thoughts leave you and get the sleep you need.”
His touch is soft as his hand glides through your hair. It’s so soft, you feel yourself yawning. It’s as if the touch was all you needed for your body to finally realize it needed to rest.
Slowly, the heat from the brothers seeped into yours and you could feel your eyelids become weighted down. You had no resolve to fight it either. Instead, you just let yourself fall into a peaceful sleep.
As they all slept, you could only dream of laying in a nice, sunlit field of flowers. But, a figured stood back in the distance. Her white, flowing hair caught the sun rays in a cascade of colors as she smiled.
“You shall always be with them” She spoke, her voice gentle and soft. “And they shall always be with you. The bond transcends time itself. For now…and eternity.”
Then, with a twitch of her beautiful white wings, she was gone.
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inkangeliguess · 3 months
Is anyone else finding these blogs that post crappy ai art of mostly female celebrities, and all the blogs are named “evil (blank)” with a default tumblr profile pic?
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its-simply-just-krys · 4 months
shoutout to all the people who got their GED but who dreamt about graduating high school with their friends back when they were younger, and then saw all those friends graduate together without you.
shit is lowkey heart wrenching.
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mango-ribs · 9 months
me casually realizing almost none of my ocs have a healthy relationship that exists without innate desperation for something the other cannot give
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sad-scarred-sassy · 2 months
I’m not as good at multi shipping as other people I think because I did give each of my barbies 1 (one) specific personality, origin, and love interest for the rest of my life and I’m just now noticing that correlation 😭
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lumiilys · 3 months
I am going to kill that fucking curiosity stream ad. STOP TAKING ME TO SAFARI WHEN I HAVENT EVEN CLICKED ON YOU!
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katlyn1948 · 2 years
Just wanted to let people know…I’m alive. I haven’t given up on this gravy train yet.
Also…anyone interested in some Gendrya updates, because I’ve been feeling creative.
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baby0puke · 2 years
No idea if This was just a me thing- or a common cronic pain thing
(Mostly childhood thing here-)
When I was a kid
Often, if not daily. I wished that I’d get injured so bad I wouldn’t be able to walk, use my arms etc. if not permanent, then long temporary😬
I knew something was wrong, and that using the damn limbs where a pain in the ass (Half pun intended), but Got told it was all good and normal, just growing pains right😂
I now know what is wrong, and that wasn’t a common experince with my fellow kids.
But had my parents just listen to me,, or asked as to why I’m crawling around at 10, or jumping on one leg, or swinging on things instead lf walking—-
But woups- please tell me I ain’t alone in This😂
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whump-in-the-closet · 2 years
why is it so hard to suppress the urge to include whump in my perfectly normal wip
my protagonist will just be having a stand off with the antagonist and then the whump!side of my brain will be like
“it would be even better if your protagonist got wounded and the antagonist stands over them and maybe literally steps on them just to drive the point home”
and then i’ll do it
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eminemily05 · 9 months
Been listening to Creature by half•alive lately and all I can think of is Ink. Does anybody else think the same?
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squidsqwag · 2 years
2012 april is like . so polarizing for my head bc on one hand i hate her and on the other im going YASS GIRLBOSS SLAY i cant help it im a women lover at heart …
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ro-doodles · 2 years
Get ready for a very niche post
I want a Librarians Gravity Falls crossover. I feel like there’s a perfect opportunity, because there is no way Mr. Ford “12 PhDs” Pines would not be called by the library. So hers two options for this au.
Option 1: more based on the movies (of which I’ve only seen the first), where Ford basically takes the place of Flynn. I don’t think he would have a romance with Nicole, mostly because I headcanon him as aroace.
Option 2: more based on the series, Ford can’t go when he’s first called by the library because he’s stuck in the portal, so instead they find him at the beginning of season one when they’re looking for living librarian candidates. This would be post-GF so he’s probably out adventuring with Stan. I’m not sure if he could join the LITs full/time, but he probably does for a few adventures. Stan probably tags along. OR STAN COULD BE A GAURDIAN! I imagine Ford and Flynn but heads a lot, but mostly because they’re so similar, although I think Ford was a bit more science focused and Flynn was more humanities focused.
If anyone else has ideas, please share, but that’s all I got for now.
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