#please understand the last bit was sarcasm
strawberrymochin · 2 months
Crown prince!gojo who has met you on his little sneak trip out of the imperial palace. He saw you lone scrubbing on a piece of silk, as slow tears trailed down your chin.
“does washing a single piece of silk cause you such great sadness?” his tone startled you, lacing with a hint of sarcasm.
You take a look on his stunning majestic brocade, and shiny silk robes, his hair tied up with a silver hair piece in which delicate blue crystals sparkled the evening sun. His attire suggested audience, unable to conceal his blood rank.
“i expect nothing from you to understand who hasn't even worked himself for a single day.” you made a snarky comment, frustrated from the overflowing tasks given by your mistress. You cared any less for pleasing or showing any respect for an notable rank.
Crown prince!gojo who had never been spoken so harshly with a taunt in air, had spiked his interests. After your abrupt leave, he got his attendants to search for you. And the next thing you know, is that you are summoned in the imperial palace to serve his highness who has requested you from the household you work in.
You who had never met any royals, and no idea who the mighty crown prince, taking over the kingdom after his father looked like, had your colour drained from your face after a single look at him.
He looked cunning with his azure eyes as his white hair, was now tied up in a knot, white robes with blue brocade and a belt of silk wrapped around his waist, which shone in the reflecting lights from the courtyard where you were summoned in.
“your highness" you bowed, your brow touching the grounds, mentally cursing your tongue to have provoked him the last day. God knows what he might ask you to do. Worse even your life being snatched away.
Crown prince!gojo who tells you to rise your head up, dismissing his attendants, now his smile looking more of mischievous. “you shifted your personality with such measures I'm impressed,” his lips creak a bit, but as of incredulity.
Crown prince!gojo who grinned even more when you unable to keep your composure snap at him. He wants you to be his companion, learning by his side before he assumes his court duties.
Crown prince!gojo who confesses to you the night you beat him in sword fight after almost 2 years spending day and night with you. Falling even more every single day.
Crown prince!gojo who clasps your hand to his chest while kissing you, under the solicitude of moonlight.
Crown prince!gojo who tells you he wanted to kiss you for so long, that his heart burned with agony.
Crown prince!gojo whose eyes darkens everytime he sees you taking with captain!geto from afar during your war practice sessions.
Crown prince!gojo who gifts you a tassal woven by him with tear drops of jades dangling from it, which is enchanted and protects you from all harms.
Crown prince!gojo whose dull eyes avoids yours during the entire crowning ceremony, face looking pale at the moment the emperor announces his betrothal to a princess of another strong kingdom.
It stabbed your heart, smeared it into Shards of glass and if you were tranced by an enchantment, you also joined the crowd praising the holy couple soon to be married.
Your throat felt dry as your heart burnt with rage. That's when finally his eyes meet yours—knowing very well this is the last time you see it.
Crown prince!gojo who cries himself to sleep as you left to join the army, never returning back to the imperial palace, as his companion anymore.
Crown prince!gojo whose heart thunders in his chest as whenever he learns you were about on a mission to fight with dangerous monsters.
Crown prince!gojo who sneaks in your room to heal your injuries with his magic, before any healer appears.
Crown prince!gojo who gets annoyed at the appearance of captain!geto, who came to check up on you.
Gojo's gaze steady upon geto as he entered the room nonchalantly, obvious to the tension in the air. He knows it rages the prince whenever he talks to you. And you know what? your captain loves to feast upon what others can't have. Especially in this case the we are talking about his highness Prince. How could he not lace his finger with you only to see prince gojo's fists rolling into balls as veins popped out on his jaw.
Crown prince!gojo who takes his leave, dismal as he exchanges cold glances with captain!geto.
This is terrible. You thought.
A/n- and it's fun for me. Lol. Shall I continue this with captain!geto?
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babybluewoso · 1 month
Second chances in extra time (alessia russo x williamson!reader)
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(note: for the sake of this story please just pretend Alessia didn't signed up with man u)
The chill of the autumn morning lingered in the air as Y/N Williamson stepped onto the training pitch at London Colney. The familiar sights and sounds of the Arsenal Women’s training ground greeted her like an old friend, but today, there was an unfamiliar tension hanging over her.
It had been years since Y/N had last seen Alessia Russo, but the memories of their time together were still as vivid as ever. They had grown up together, two football-loving kids in a small town, inseparable in every way. Y/N had been taller, stronger even then, but Alessia had always been the fierce, determined one. They balanced each other out perfectly. And somewhere along the line, between endless matches in the park and stolen moments under the stars, they had fallen in love.
But then Alessia had been offered a scholarship to play football in the United States, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that neither of them could ignore. They had tried to make it work, promising each other that distance wouldn’t change anything, but reality had other plans. The calls became less frequent, the texts shorter, and eventually, they had drifted apart. The breakup had been mutual, but the pain was anything but.
Y/N had stayed in England, following in her sister Leah’s footsteps to play for Arsenal. She had grown stronger, taller, and more skilled, but with each passing year, she had also become more reserved. The bubbly, carefree girl she had once been was now a quiet, introspective woman. She had learned to keep her emotions close, sharing her deepest thoughts only with her sister.
Leah had been her rock through everything, always there to support her, even when it meant holding her hand through the pain of losing Alessia. And now, after all these years, Alessia Russo was back, having signed with Arsenal. Y/N couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and dread at the thought of seeing her again.
But when the day finally came, and Y/N saw Alessia for the first time on the pitch, it wasn’t the reunion she had imagined. Alessia was still as beautiful as ever, with her piercing blue eyes and golden hair, but there was a hardness to her now, a coldness in her gaze that hadn’t been there before.
“Look who it is,” Alessia said as she approached Y/N, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “The famous Williamson sister. I see you’ve bulked up a bit.”
Y/N’s heart sank at the harsh tone. She had expected awkwardness, maybe even a little tension, but not outright hostility. She forced a smile, hoping to defuse the situation. “It’s good to see you again, Less.”
Alessia’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t call me that,” she snapped. “You don’t get to call me that anymore.”
The words hit Y/N like a punch to the gut, but she didn’t let it show. She had always been good at hiding her emotions, at pretending that nothing could hurt her. “I’m sorry,” she said softly, looking down at the ground. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“Whatever,” Alessia muttered, brushing past her without another word.
Y/N watched her walk away, her chest tight with a mix of sadness and confusion. She didn’t understand why Alessia was acting this way. She had hoped that time would have healed the wounds between them, that they could at least be civil, but it seemed that Alessia was still holding onto the pain of their past.
As the weeks went by, Alessia’s attitude toward Y/N didn’t improve. In fact, it seemed to get worse with each passing day. Every time Y/N tried to talk to her, Alessia would respond with a snide comment or a dismissive remark. She would criticize Y/N’s performance on the pitch, belittle her efforts, and make cutting remarks about her appearance. It was like Alessia was determined to push Y/N away, to make her feel as worthless as possible.
And it was working. Y/N, who was usually so strong, found herself retreating further and further into her shell. She stopped trying to engage with Alessia, opting instead to stay quiet and avoid her whenever possible. She focused on her training, throwing herself into every drill, every exercise, hoping to drown out the pain with physical exertion.
But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t shake the feeling of loss that gnawed at her heart. She missed the Alessia she had once known—the girl who had loved her fiercely and unapologetically. The girl who had made her feel like she was enough, just as she was. But that Alessia was gone, replaced by someone who seemed to hate her.
Leah noticed the change in her sister almost immediately. She had always been protective of Y/N, and seeing her so withdrawn, so defeated, broke her heart. Leah knew that something needed to be done, but she wasn’t sure how to fix the situation. She couldn’t force Alessia to be kind, and she couldn’t make Y/N stand up for herself if she didn’t want to.
But Leah wasn’t one to give up easily. She had always been a leader, on and off the pitch, and she was determined to find a way to help her sister. She started talking to the other players, those who had been around long enough to see the change in Y/N, and together, they came up with a plan.
One evening after training, Leah gathered a small group of players in the locker room—Beth Mead, Kim Little, Vivianne Miedema, and Katie McCabe. They were the core of the team, the ones who had seen Y/N grow into the player she was today, and they all cared deeply for her.
“Alright, we need to talk,” Leah began, her voice serious. “It’s about Y/N and Alessia.”
Beth nodded, leaning back against the bench. “Yeah, I’ve noticed the tension between them. It’s like walking on eggshells whenever they’re in the same room.”
“Exactly,” Leah agreed. “And Y/N isn’t handling it well. She’s pulling away, and that’s not like her. She’s always been so open, so loving, but now… I don’t know. She’s just not herself.”
“She’s hurting,” Kim said softly. “And it’s clear that Alessia is the cause of it. But why? What happened between them?”
Leah sighed, running a hand through her hair. “They were together, a long time ago, before Alessia went to the States. They were childhood sweethearts, but the distance… it tore them apart. And now, I think Alessia is still in love with Y/N, but she’s angry. Angry that she still cares, angry that Y/N is here, and maybe even angry that Y/N has moved on—or at least, she thinks she has.”
“So what do we do?” Vivianne asked, crossing her arms. “We can’t just sit back and watch this happen. Y/N deserves better.”
Leah smiled, her eyes glinting with determination. “We’re going to bring them back together. We’re going to remind Alessia why she fell in love with Y/N in the first place, and show Y/N that Alessia’s anger isn’t really about her—it’s about the love she’s trying to deny.”
The others nodded in agreement, their minds already working on the details of the plan. It wouldn’t be easy, but they were determined to help Y/N and Alessia find their way back to each other. They had both suffered enough, and it was time for them to heal.
The first step of the plan was simple: get Y/N and Alessia alone together, away from the pitch, away from the team, and in an environment where they couldn’t avoid talking to each other. Leah suggested a team bonding night at the pub, something they hadn’t done in a while. It was the perfect excuse to get everyone together, and with a little nudging, she convinced Y/N and Alessia to come along.
The pub was cozy, with low lighting and warm wooden furnishings. The team gathered around a large table, drinks in hand, and for a while, the atmosphere was light and cheerful. Y/N sat at one end of the table, nursing her drink and trying her best to stay engaged in the conversation, but her eyes kept drifting toward Alessia, who was sitting at the other end, looking just as uncomfortable.
Leah watched them both carefully, waiting for the right moment. When the conversation lulled, she leaned forward, catching Alessia’s eye. “Hey, Less, why don’t you and Y/N go grab another round for us? I think we’re running low.”
Alessia’s eyes widened slightly, but she quickly masked her surprise with a cool nod. “Sure,” she said, standing up and glancing at Y/N. “You coming?”
Y/N hesitated for a moment, her heart pounding in her chest, but she nodded and stood up as well. “Yeah, okay.”
They walked to the bar together in silence, the tension between them almost palpable. Y/N could feel Alessia’s eyes on her, but she kept her gaze fixed on the floor, unsure of what to say. She hated this—hated the awkwardness, the distance, the way Alessia made her feel like she was walking on eggshells.
As they reached the bar, Y/N cleared her throat, finally gathering the courage to speak. “Alessia, I’m sorry if I’ve done something to upset you. I never wanted things to be like this between us.”
Alessia didn’t respond right away. She stared at the bartender as he poured their drinks, her jaw clenched tightly. When she finally spoke, her voice was low and laced with bitterness. “You didn’t do anything, Y/N. That’s the problem.”
Y/N blinked, taken aback by the harshness of her words. “What do you mean?”
Alessia let out a sharp laugh, shaking her head. “You didn’t fight for me. When I left, you just… let me go. Like I didn’t matter.”
Y/N’s heart clenched at the accusation, and she swallowed hard, trying to find the right words. Y/N’s throat tightened, a lump of guilt rising as Alessia’s words settled in. “I… I didn’t know what to do, Less. You had this amazing opportunity, and I thought—” She struggled to find her voice, every word feeling like a fragile confession. “I thought letting you go was the right thing.”
Alessia’s eyes flashed with anger as she spun to face Y/N. “The right thing? Do you have any idea how hard it was for me? Leaving everything behind, leaving you behind? You didn’t even try to stop me. You just stood there, like I didn’t mean anything to you.”
Y/N’s stomach dropped at the accusation, and for the first time, she felt the sting of tears at the corners of her eyes. She blinked them away quickly, refusing to let Alessia see her cry. “That’s not true, Alessia. You meant everything to me. You still do. I thought… I thought I was being selfless by not holding you back.”
Alessia’s gaze softened, just for a moment, but the anger quickly returned, a shield against the pain. “You should’ve fought for me,” she repeated, her voice breaking just enough to reveal the hurt underneath. “But you didn’t.”
Y/N stood there, frozen, feeling the weight of her past decisions crushing down on her. She had always been strong, always held herself together, but Alessia’s words cut deeper than anything she’d ever felt on the pitch. She had failed her—not by letting her go, but by not realizing how much Alessia had needed her to fight.
“I didn’t know how to,” Y/N admitted, her voice barely a whisper. “I was scared of losing you… scared of making the wrong choice. I thought you wanted to be free, and I didn’t want to be the reason you couldn’t follow your dreams.”
Alessia’s eyes softened again, but this time, she didn’t pull back. Instead, she looked at Y/N for a long moment, the anger slowly draining from her expression. “I wanted you to come with me, Y/N. I would’ve given up everything to stay with you if you had asked. But you never did.”
Y/N’s heart shattered at the revelation, and she felt a tear slip down her cheek before she could stop it. “I didn’t know, Less. I didn’t know you felt that way. I was stupid, and I was scared, and I thought you were better off without me.”
Alessia sighed, the frustration finally ebbing away, leaving only exhaustion in its wake. “I wasn’t better off without you. I’ve spent years trying to forget about you, but I couldn’t. No matter how hard I tried.”
Y/N looked down at her hands, her chest aching with regret. “I never stopped thinking about you either. Not once.”
The silence between them was heavy, but this time, it wasn’t filled with anger or resentment. It was filled with the weight of everything they hadn’t said, of all the time they had lost. Y/N wanted to reach out, to take Alessia’s hand, but she didn’t know if she had the right anymore.
But Alessia was the one who made the first move. She sighed and, for the first time since they’d been reunited, the edge in her voice softened. “Y/N… it’s not all your fault. We both made mistakes.”
Y/N looked up, her heart pounding. “Does that mean…?”
Alessia glanced at her, something unspoken hanging in the air between them. “I don’t know what it means. But maybe… we don’t have to keep hurting each other.”
Y/N’s breath caught. This was the first glimmer of hope she’d felt in weeks. “I don’t want to hurt you, Less. I never did.”
Alessia gave her a small, tired smile. “I know.”
The bartender slid their drinks across the counter, and Alessia picked them up. As she handed one to Y/N, her fingers brushed against Y/N’s, sending a jolt of electricity through her. For a moment, their eyes met, and Y/N saw something there that she hadn’t seen in a long time: the flicker of the girl she used to know, the one who had loved her.
They returned to the table in silence, but this time, the tension between them was different. It wasn’t the suffocating weight of anger and regret—it was something softer, something that felt like the first step toward healing.
Over the next few days, Y/N and Alessia didn’t talk much, but the harsh comments and cold stares stopped. Alessia seemed to be struggling with her own emotions, and Y/N gave her the space she needed. But Leah, ever the protective sister, wasn’t content to let things linger in awkward silence.
“We’re making progress,” Leah said, gathering the core group again in the locker room after practice. “But we need to do more. They’re clearly not going to talk unless we push them together.”
Katie McCabe grinned, leaning back in her seat. “Well, we’re a team. We can get creative. Maybe they need a little… forced bonding time.”
Beth raised an eyebrow. “Are you suggesting we lock them in a room together until they sort things out?”
Katie shrugged. “Not a bad idea, is it?”
Leah laughed. “Let’s not go that far. But I do think we need to create a situation where they can’t just avoid each other.”
“Like what?” Vivianne asked.
“Like a team dinner, maybe,” Leah suggested. “Somewhere casual, low pressure. We can make sure they’re sitting next to each other. And if that doesn’t work, we’ll come up with something more drastic.”
The group nodded in agreement, their eyes twinkling with mischief. It wasn’t often that they got to play matchmaker, and they were determined to see it through.
That weekend, the team gathered at a cozy Italian restaurant in central London, the kind of place with candlelit tables and soft music in the background. Leah had made the seating arrangements, ensuring that Y/N and Alessia were placed right next to each other.
Y/N felt her heart rate spike as she took her seat beside Alessia, but Alessia didn’t seem as tense as before. In fact, she even managed a small smile when their eyes met. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to give Y/N a flicker of hope.
As the evening wore on, the conversation flowed easily around the table. The team laughed, joked, and shared stories, and slowly, Y/N felt the tension between her and Alessia begin to melt away. At one point, Alessia leaned over and whispered something about one of the other players, and Y/N couldn’t help but laugh, the sound surprising even herself.
For the first time in a long time, it felt easy. Natural. Like maybe, just maybe, they could find their way back to each other.
After dinner, as the team spilled out onto the street, Leah nudged Y/N gently. “Walk Alessia home,” she whispered.
Y/N hesitated, but Leah gave her a reassuring smile. “Go on. It’s time.”
Y/N swallowed her nerves and turned to Alessia. “Hey, do you want some company on the way home?”
Alessia looked surprised for a moment, but then she nodded. “Sure. I’d like that.”
They walked in comfortable silence through the quiet London streets, the cool night air brushing against their skin. Y/N’s heart raced with every step, but she didn’t know what to say. It wasn’t until they reached Alessia’s building that she finally spoke.
“I’ve missed you,” Y/N blurted out before she could stop herself.
Alessia paused, her keys in hand, and looked up at Y/N. Her expression softened, and for a moment, Y/N saw the girl she had fallen in love with all those years ago.
“I’ve missed you too,” Alessia admitted quietly.
The words hung in the air between them, heavy with meaning. Y/N took a step closer, her heart pounding in her chest. “Do you think… we could try again?”
Alessia’s eyes searched Y/N’s face for a long moment, as if weighing her options. Then, slowly, she nodded. “Yeah. I think we can.”
And with that, the distance between them melted away. Y/N stepped forward, wrapping her arms around Alessia, pulling her close. It felt like coming home.
From that moment on, things between Y/N and Alessia began to heal. The bitterness and anger faded, replaced by the love that had always been there, buried beneath the hurt. They took things slow, rebuilding the trust they had lost, but it wasn’t long before they were back to where they had once been—laughing, teasing, and loving each other with the same intensity as before.
And this time, Y/N wasn’t going to let Alessia go. Not again.
The rest of the team watched their relationship blossom with a sense of satisfaction, knowing that they had played a small part in bringing them back together. Leah, in particular, was overjoyed to see her sister happy again, and she made sure to remind Y/N every chance she got that family—and love—was worth fighting for.
And so, as the seasons changed and the matches came and went, Y/N and Alessia faced every challenge together. They were stronger, not just as teammates, but as partners, and they knew that whatever the future held, they would face it together.
Because this time, they weren’t letting go.
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82mitsu · 3 months
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Previously translated pair names that had been posted to Twitter. However corrections had to be made (misinterpretations & an instance of mistranslation), so this is version 2.
Note: This is the only translated thing I will be posting, I am not off hiatus. I had been meaning to archive this before my hiatus, but I also had to fix some things, which is why there was a delay.
Please consult to this post only regarding pair name translations done by me (82mitsu), any other posts or reposts you might see of this chart is the older version. (Previous version has been deleted, but I'm unaware how far the information had spread.)
If any other corrections need to be made, feel free to contact me and I'll make them as soon as possible.
Below follows an extreme lengthy TL note breaking down some pair names, it's a lot of text, so be warned once you unfold the read more.
A lot of research went into these due to 18TRIPs tendency to mix up words, use Gen-Z slang that hasn’t been picked up by everyone yet (or limited to TikTok) and make up their own words (“Omotenashisto” -> “Hospitalister”). I used dictionaries, searched forum results, looked up how people use these words on social media, went TikTok digging, etc.
I tried my best to localize in a way that should make sense even without added context. I only explained the ones that I thought might needed some more back-up in a cultural sense or because it was a specific JPN thing. Thus, not everything has been explained. However, I hope things are clearer compared to the first version that was posted. For Renga & Yukikaze: For ぽゆぽゆ (poyupoyu) there is no definition or anything for this word, but from context clues and digging through how people used it, I deduced that it means something soft and squishy like a plushie or cheeks, so to say. For Renga & Liguang: かりそめの宿縁 (karisome no shukuen) is a Japanese saying about a fated connection of bond that only lasts for a brief moment, but leaves a deep impact on your life. For Renga & Raito: Party is mispelled in the katakana as “paachii” and not the usual “paatii”. Renga has a tendecy to say English words wrong. While “friends” is spelled the correct way, both words have been “mispelled” to drive the point home. For Renga & Kinari: なぁぜなぁぜ (naaze, naaze) is JPN Gen-Z slang from Tiktok. It’s a statement made as an act for complaining, with a bit of sarcasm and irony thrown in at times. Like, “I said I wanna diet but I ate a big meal anyway! なぁぜなぁぜ” or “I’m an idol but I get more anxious doing improv than performances! なぁぜなぁぜ”. Best way I can describe the usage in this context is Renga is throwing a bit of a self-aware tantrum as to why Kinari would correct him. (As mentioned earlier, he isn’t good at English). I guessed a close equivalent would be “nuh-uh”, since that is a dismissal of someone else’s opinion without actual good reason, even if the other person has a point. For Renga & Netaro: まんまん (manman) means “a lot” but I also believe it’s a reference to meatbuns (nikuman). For Kafka & Yodaka: Hanbei is Takenaka Shigeharu, a Japanese samurai from the Sengoku era. He was known for being Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s strategist. For Liguang & Yodaka: 闘牌伝 (touhaiden) is related to Mahjong stuff. 闘牌伝 seems to be an old timey Mahjong video game with RPG elements. Rekka is a fighting game term, and I will quote the website The Fighting Game Glossary by Infil on this: “A type of special move that has multiple stages, as long as you input more commands to continue the sequence. Not all multi-part specials can be called rekkas though; a rekka tends to have exactly three distinct parts and will move your character forward along the ground with each new input.”  For Akuta & Nanaki: They went to the same kindergarten and were grouped together in the “Oden Class”. Japanese kindergartens, from my understanding from researching, tend to have a name for their class, rather than a number. To give an idea what such names could be, in 2019 the website hyenasclubs hosted a poll of most commonly used names for classes, and the top 3 were “baby chick” (hiyoko), “peach” (momo) and “dandelion” (tanpopo). For Akuta & Muneuji: My take on はっけよい輝矢部屋 (hakkeyoi kaguya heya) is a bit of an elaborate bit joking with Princess Kaguya of the Moon (from Tale of the Bamboo Cutter) because I was wondering why they suddenly opted for Muneuji’s last name instead of first. (I might’ve also just overestimated Kaguya Heya being some joke on Kaguya Hime). Hakkeyoi is what a referee shouts at the start of a sumo wrestling match. For Akuta & Ushio: I think ポジティブに腕押し (positive ni ude oshi) is a take on 暖簾に腕押し (noren ni ude oshi) that means something has no effect or is pointless. Lit. it means “pushing a curtain with one's arm”.    For Akuta & Tao: Akuta Nine is a joke on the baseball movie Gyakkyo Nine which is an adaptation of the manga of the same series, I believe. The movie is referred to as GK9, hence I made it AKT9.  For Akuta & Ryui: The original is OYAxKOBU which comes from 親分子分 (oyabunkobun) meaning “boss and his underlings”. Akuta also calls Ryui by “Oyabun”.
For Kiroku & Nanaki: Weebs who watch highschool anime should be familiar with this, but emergency staircase refers to the hallway stairs in a JPN highschool that are sometimes used as chilling out spots by students. For Kiroku & Chihiro: TuRyStA is the clothing brand they wear. 18TRIP has a various selection of clothing brands, which each character having a preference for one or another. For Kiroku & Yodaka: Zhao Yun, as quoted by Wikipedia, “was a military general who lived during the late Eastern Han dynasty and early Three Kingdoms period of China.” For Ushio & Raito: Some heavy freedom was taken with バスボムしゅわリスト (basubamu shuwaristo). After considering how to approach it in the most sensical way, I decided to translate it as “bubblist” due the other options being “hand sign list” or “bubble list”. I thought リスト might function as in -ist, like dentist, artist, guitarist. しゅわ comes from しゅわしゅわ which means bubbly. Although bubblist isn’t not that common, it is sometimes referred to entertainers that do bubble performances (in English). And I think it made more sense than “hand sign list” or “bubble list” to say the least. This was also taking in consideration how 18TRIP, as explained in the intro, gets very creative with its language usage. For Raito & Nagi: Mandarin ducks symbolize “soulmates” of some kind in China. In other words, Mandarin Duck Touring is more along the lines of “Motorcycle touring soulmates”. However, I find the mandarin duck reference and interesting pull compared to just “soulmates”, so it was kept as is. For Kinari & Ryui: “Super Darling Gap Inspection” is more along the original lines. “Gap” in Japanese is usually used in the context of when someone acts one way, but unexpectedly, can act a different way. Ex. A very shy person shows they can be super vulgar, that can be considered a “gap” of some kind. In English, people are more familiar with “gap moe”, thus gap moe was used. For Tao & Nagi: Might be a reference to Yokohama’s Zo-no-hana (Elephant Nose) Park. For Toi & Yodaka: The original is more along the lines of, in the most literal sense, “going around raisins circle (of friends).” Toi likes raisins, but Yodaka doesn’t, so Yodaka passes them onto Toi. I’ve turned into on a play on “sharing is caring” since that’s a common concept in English.
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orikiys · 10 months
✿ ✿ 〞 comparing you to their ex
✰ pairings: ot8 skz x fem!reader
✰ genre: romance, lots of angst
✰ warnings: cussing, skz mentioning reader’s insecurities, skz being red flags, slight mentions of manipulative behaviour, hints at cheating but no cheating, mentions of breaking up ( ikk it’s a lot because i just can’t fathom the fact that it’s been nearly 3 months since i last wrote angst )
✰ word count: 2.6k+ words i will better myself
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౨₊ৎ chan
“i don’t get you these days,” you scoff over the call as you remind yourself of the main reason why you even bothered in the first place to get him a tub of ice cream in hopes that when he arrives back home he can rest and dig in.
“there’s nothing to understand babe. i told you that i can’t come home today,” the words slip out of his mouth without hesitation and the tone so casual that it makes you stare at his caller id in disbelief.
“i thought you were in the car on your way home?” you mutter nervously.
“i lied. i didn’t want to worry you plus there’s too much work baby. can you please try and understand that, hmm?”
“this won’t work on me. you lied chan! why would you lie? you could’ve just told me and i wouldn’t have wasted my time setting the couch and deciding on movies and buying you ice creams!” you sigh deeply.
“see? this is why i lied. because i knew you would scream at me when it isn’t even my fault,” you remain silent after hearing his words and there’s still evident clicking of keyboard from the other side.
“why are you trying to put the blame on me? chan it’s fucking 2 am and this is not the first time i had to stay up waiting for you to get back just for you to not come home!”
“who told you to wait? sleep for all i care! at least my ex didn’t bother me like this,” he mumbles but it’s hard not to hear him when your ears are just waiting for any sort of apology, instead they are welcomed with this.
“wow, thank you for telling me your true feelings. make sure you go back to her,” there is sarcasm in your words, but it’s only meant to hide the real fact of how bad it hurt you and maybe he knows it or maybe he doesn’t.
“baby i–” you end the call and before you know it, the tears start to flow down your cheeks.
just when did things go so wrong?
౨₊ৎ minho
he knew how easy it was for you to be overwhelmed. it was unfortunately not that easy to comfort you since nothing would make you feel better. but minho was there. always. he would sit beside you for hours and talk endlessly until a word that escaped his mouth would lift the corner of your lips.
it always felt so much better when you had someone helping you deal with your problems. it reassured you that someone truly did have your back. you couldn’t be any more thankful for having met lee minho.
it had been a few hours since you had locked yourself in your room, call it childish but being alone helped you gather your thoughts. while you sat on the floor with your head in your hands, minho kept banging on the door impatiently.
“open the door! stop being so immature and just open the door!” he yells as he starts to bang harder making you flinch at the action. with a defeated sigh, you get up and unlock the door before coming face-to-face with a flush faced sweaty minho. he stares at you angrily and grabs your wrist a bit too tightly before doing a quick scan of your body for any signs of injuries.
“do you even know how worried i was? gosh how can you even be so careless? i don’t think that i’ve ever seen my ex act that way,” the last part of the sentence is quieter as he trails off when the realisation strikes him.
“say that again,” you say, as if daring him to repeat his words. he looks away before muttering.
“i’ve heated up food for you, go eat it.”
“stop trying to change the topic! i heard you mention her loud and clear,” he groans at your words and looks back at you.
“so what if you heard me? i didn’t mean it and you know it,” he mutters and tries to grab a hold of your hand but you slap his hand before it can touch yours.
“i don’t think so i know it anymore minho. where is the guy i fell in love with? he would think at least a thousand times before saying something as hurtful as this,” you chuckle bitterly and walk past him.
maybe eternally was just a word meant for the world of fiction.
౨₊ৎ changbin
as soon as changbin’s feet crossed the line of the entrance to the apartment, his brows furrowed upon witnessing the messiest house. the smell of stale vegetables made him scrunch his nose in disgust and he covered his mouth with his hand before trying to search for you.
there you were, scrubbing the glass table vigorously and he sighed, “seriously?”
“what?” you look up at him in confusion making him look away.
taking a deep breath he looks back at you, “can i not expect the house to be in safe hands for even a day?”
“binnie it’s not like that i just—“
“i don’t want to hear your excuses anymore! we divided the chores equally then why don’t you do your part properly? i wish my ex had been here,” he spats and before you know it he bumps his shoulder against yours before walking away. not one ounce of regret.
all you wish was to turn back the time.
౨₊ৎ hyunjin
“you’re being dramatic hyunjin. i’ll be fine, besides i have my friends with me,” you try to reassure him but he wouldn’t budge even an inch from his firm decision.
“ the one who flirts with you? that friend?” he scoffs as if you just said something ridiculous.
this wasn’t the first time where hyunjin acted as if his words were meant to be obeyed. but he did very much mind the fact that you trusted some guy over him. no matter how hard you explain, he just finds one or the other way to insult your friend.
“don’t say that! you don’t know him that’s why you say it.”
“ i don’t care! i have no interest in knowing anything about him. don’t you think you’re being a little too carefree around him? i know guys like him pretty well,” he mutters while glancing up at you.
“stop behaving like you know everything!” you yell and glare at him. the remaining patience left in you had all reached the saturation point.
“stop being so damn adamant! that guy is no good! he’s trying to steer us away, if my ex was here she’d choose me over him,” he confesses and you can feel your heart drop and that feeling of suffocation begins to engulf you.
“right now i’d choose him rather than choosing you,” you spat and look away without letting him speak any other word.
perhaps even love marriage no longer reminded you of the good choices.
౨₊ৎ han
“do you think any girlfriend would trust their boyfriend around his ex?” you spoke as you followed him around the apartment as he picked up his things and placed them in his backpack.
“i think yes,” he mutters and glances at you for a second before looking away.
“well i don’t! she’s a manipulator jisung, listen to me! stop believing her lies!” you plead trying to remind him how bad she was.
“babe, you’re clearly exaggerating the situation! she’s just my client and i have to attend to her for today,” he sighs exasperated and rubs his temples in frustration.
“jisung… look i know it’s for your work but tell me how and when did she become your client? because for as long as i know your ex used to be a hairstylist,” you try to convince him to believe you but he does not even give you a glance.
he just sits on the couch with his legs crossed and his left arm rubbing his temples, his eyes are shut and his face is lowered, so you can’t predict what he’s thinking right now.
“babe, she’s my client, that's all i know and all i care. if she wasn’t my ex i’m sure she wouldn’t be that insecure in this situation,” he snapped, annoyance written bold on his forehead as he stared at you. all you could do was bite your lower lip and try not to give in to your mind telling you to cry. you couldn’t be any weaker, could you? you shouldn’t cry on these small things, you try to convince yourself but the way his expression does not falter makes your heart ache a little more.
“wow jisung, you’re so cool for using my weaknesses against me,” you mumble and stare at him blankly. your sentence was formed as if it were a joke, but there wasn’t any smile on your face. he looked up at you expectantly, that you were finally going to let him go.
so you did.
you let him go for good.
౨₊ৎ felix
“why are you doing this?” you sigh as you watch him browse through his wardrobe.
“you’re guilty and you have no right to say that,” he scoffs and continues to search for something particular in his wardrobe.
“where’s my brown hoodie?” he questions, turning around to look at you expectantly. his eyebrows are raised and there’s not the familiar expression of playfulness in his eyes anymore.
you gulp and lean against the wall, trying not to portray that the situation was that serious, “i don’t know,” you shrug and look down at your nails.
“you don’t… know? are you being for real right now?” he snaps and your gaze switches to him.
“stop yelling, i’m standing right in front of you,” you warn him with a defiant look in your eyes.
“fine, sorry. will you please tell me where all my hoodies are?”
“they’re in my wardrobe,” you mumble and watch as his gaze hardens back again, which makes you internally groan. just why were the two of you fighting over this stupid matter?
“babe please! i’ve told you a hundred times that the brown one was my favourite and i don’t like anyone wearing it. if my ex was here she wouldn’t have done this,” he ran a hand through his hair growing frustrated that you both didn’t understand each other.
“look it’s just that i don’t like it when someone does what i clearly told them not to,” he sighs and presses his face in his hands and lets out a muffled groan.
a minute of silence was all that was heard before you took your cue to speak, “it’s just a hoodie lixie, you didn’t have to take it this far,’’ the tears came as quickly as they fell. you had grabbed your coat and bag, heading for the door. you didn't think anything else could hurt you. but you were wrong.
he just stared down at the floor unmoving, he had no clue what to do anymore. all the time he spent courting you, all the flowers he brought you, were they nothing?
౨₊ৎ seungmin
“um, miss? the restaurant will be closing soon, we’re so sorry. would you like us to book you a cab?” you glance up at the waiter and shook your head with a tight smile on your face before heading out.
the night was surely chilly, but you didn’t care. at least not when you dolled up just for kim seungmin to not show up. it was supposed to be a dinner date with just the two of you as it was your third anniversary. three years of the two of you dating. three beautiful years… coming to an end?
you were tired. tired of constantly checking on seungmin just for him to hand up on you. tired of constantly worrying when he’ll come home just for him to say sorry everyday. tired of being played by his lies and broken promises. you were extremely tired and torn apart.
“babe-!” seungmin panted as he jogged up to you, the sight breaking your heart even more. it would’ve been better if he didn’t come looking for you. maybe then your heart wouldn’t hurt to say no to him next time.
“i’m sorry! i came here as soon as i got done,” he huffed and you threw him a quick glance. judging from the way he is breathing heavily he really did.
“clearly,” you mumble and look away, not giving in to him this time.
“baby, my boss held me back. you know how he acts during the end of the month, right?”
“no i don’t. and seungmin stop making excuses. if you wanted to, you could’ve told him or at least informed me? i was sitting in the restaurant for 3 hours looking like a total joke! do you enjoy this? enjoy making me suffer?” you yell and shrug his hand that was on your shoulder.
“don’t be like that, come on. i said i’m sorry. forgive me please?” he mutters and smiles a bit, in hopes you would say yes.
“i’m done with this,” you retort and begin to walk away but halt upon hearing him.
“dammit! i’m a grown ass man and i have a job that pays me! the same job that lets us eat! it’s just one date we can reschedule it next month as well! why do you have to be so stubborn all times? my ex would have more understanding in this situation,” he scoffs and you turn your head to stare at him with bloodshot red eyes.
“why did you have to make me fall in love with you?”
౨₊ৎ jeongin
there’s a soft smile plastered on your face as you knock on the door to jeongin’s dorm along with his members. the two of you had been dating for just over a year now and things were going pretty smoothly.
the door opens and you’re welcomed by felix’s wide grin as he pulls you in, “hey! you’re here!” you nod and give into his enthusiasm before looking around.
“jeongin’s inside,” felix chuckles when he notices you glance around the house, “what are you waiting for? you can go,” you smile sheepishly at his words and glance at the small bag food that you held in your hands before knocking on his door.
jeongin opens the door and you smile up at him but your smile falters when there’s no signs of happiness in his eyes. he just looks tired.
“why are you here?” he questions with eyebrows furrowed as he glances at the box in your hand and then back to you.
“i thought since you didn’t have lunch maybe we can have it together,” you mutter and lift the bag and show it to him but all he does is look at it blankly before scoffing.
“i told you i wanted to be alone!” he whisper yells and glances around the house. with a reluctant sigh he pulls you in the room and closes the door.
“jeongin… i wanted to be there for you baby,” you mumble and still try to muster a smile.
“well i didn’t want that! do you ever listen to anyone except you? i see you everyday! every single day! what else do you want from me? can’t i spend a day without you clinging around? i wish i never broke up with my ex,” he glares accusingly at you and you clutch the bag in your hands tighter as if it would decrease the pain.
“thanks for telling me i guess. at least i’ll know now whether you were faking it or not,” you head for the door before he can say anything.
“i’m sorry–” his words are cut when you leave the room and fling the door close in anger.
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angelstate · 9 months
FWB!Ghost x InloveFemReader.
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FWB!Ghost who hates commitment, he doesn’t care about being in a relationship or romantic shit in the slightest, so you don’t even try to come asking for anything else than meaningless sex because he won’t give it to you, he doesn’t have the stomach to do so, neither the heart capable of feeling that sort of things.
FWB!Ghost only knows how to fuck you rough and hard, to make you feel more pain than pleasure, and fill your skin with bite marks and bruises. he doesn’t know gentleness nor care to learn, aftercare is fucking nonexistent with him, if you feel shitty after fucking then you better dress quickly and figure it out in your own house because he is too tired to care.
FWB!Ghost pretends like nothing happens between the two of you when there are people around, he won’t fuck you in the bathroom of a random bar or a dark alleyway, he wants no part in being associated with you in a romantic way. sex is just sex with him, nothing else so don’t get ideas on your mind, he won’t entertain them.
FWB!Ghost is as loving as a rock, with no emotions other than sarcasm and anger coming from him. He doesn’t understand why to stick around but doesn’t care enough to ask, one day you’ll leave him, it is only a matter of time, so he keeps himself clueless on how you see him so as not to strain the “friendship” you have in any way. (he doesn’t consider you a friend)
FWB!Ghost tried to pay you after the first time you had sex because he didn’t want you to think he took advantage of you or that he loved you in any way, it was just an exchange, a way for him to take out his frustration and for you…he isn’t sure what you get but it must be good because you keep coming back to him.
FWB!Ghost who definitely fucks other women, you aren’t the first or the last on the long list of people he has put his dick inside of, but you are the only one that stuck around and the only one he allows to stick around, no matter how much he tries to deny it, he feels like he owes it to you, maybe because he tried to pay you the first time he fucked you, maybe because you were a friend of Soap first that got introduced to a disgusting man like himself or maybe he just feels a bit guilty of how he treats you constantly (he doesn’t change though, at least not for a very long time.)
FWB!Ghost isn’t all bad at times, if you’re telling him something he listens to you till you finish, he sometimes buys you things you want, all sex-related of course, and he isn’t going to pretend he cares about your interest (he does care) he has been more times at a sex store and victoria secret than at a grocery store in the last 3 months.
FWB!Ghost secretly does enjoy spending time with you, don’t get him wrong, he values solitude and having space for himself, but you are good company, you please him in more ways than you just in the bedroom, you cook his favorite foods, watch horror movies even though he knows you hate them, you listen to the little information he gives you about his missions like his words are manuscripts from the bible.
FWB!Ghost loves little things in life, and he would never open his heart for anything or anyone that can hurt him, he doesn’t allow it out of self-preservation, having learned from his past experiences, he loved his family and they were dead because of him, he doesn’t want more blood on his hands, not of the people he loves. (but he doesn’t love you, right?)
FWB!Ghost is comfortable in silence, but with you being oh-so-quiet when you often talk till you have nothing more to say is definitely a strange sight, one that takes his breath away and makes him want to throw up. because he knows silence from you means something is eating you alive so much so you can’t speak.
so he watches you with careful yet empty eyes, nothing is ever really quiet with you, you’re a stubborn woman and he knows that, he knows you like the back of his hand, so when you stare at him, doe eyes full of something he can read it brings a set of emotions he thought he had buried a long time ago. and when you open your mouth to speak but stay silent it becomes his breaking point. “spit it out, will you?” he speaks, his tone rude even though he doesn’t mean to sound that way.
he sees your eyes become wider for a second, bringing your knees to your chest and looking away from him. He hates when when you shut him out of the sight that is your face, always so expressive he doesn’t even have to hear you to know what you think. “I can't do this anymore, I don’t want to do this anymore” you finally speak and time freezes for a second.
Stranger!Ghost doesn’t regret a lot of things in life, nothing burdens his heart to the point of continuous regret, to undying guilt…except you. He knows he wasn’t a kind man, he didn’t know kindness then and doesn’t know it now, but looking back he knows he should’ve learned for you, he should’ve allowed himself to love and accept that letting someone into his life and heart wouldn’t be a death sentence for that person.
Stranger!Ghost isn’t an honest man at all, but when he’s alone and his feeling catch up to him he can’t help to accept he indeed loves you, that he cared about you more than himself, and that he wished to be your lover, to be your husband to…to have a fucking family and a dog and all that corny shit he swore he hated for years.
He had an unknown hope for you to not give up on him back then, to always stick around no matter what because that’s exactly what you did for a long time, you were there and wore the bruises he gave you with honor and love he never understood, he did now.
He saw something shift in you the night you told him you couldn’t keep him around anymore, he remembers your words, they are engraved in his mind so strongly that they keep him up at night sometimes, and when he is drunk he thinks of calling, to confirm you don’t want him anymore.
Stranger!Ghost who can’t help but get drunk and let a few tears fall when he finds out through Soap that you had gotten married to your first love and were now pregnant, waiting to welcome a little girl into the world, and that your husband had gifted you a puppy as to complete the family.
Stranger!Ghost heart aches at the fact he isn’t the man who made you a mother and that he isn’t the father of your child, but he knows not to come into your life again, you deserve peace and build a family without ever facing him again, he wasn’t going to be cruel to you again, he was going to stay away out of love for you, love you will never know about.
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HI COULD I GET HCS FOR SOL WITH SHY CRYBABY (gn) S/O on my hands and knees thank you Geo loves you ok
Come Comfort Me (Sol x Shy! Sensitive! MC/Reader)
Anon, I hope you know that being emotional isn't a horrible thing and I do hope you like this. <3
TW: Like one mention of sex.
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer
Comfort: the easing or alleviation of a person's feelings of grief or distress.
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Solivan Brugmansia is a fairly socially awkward guy, so when he finds/figures out that you’re shier and much more timid than him, he’s pretty pleased.
It means he can be seen as a source of confidence next to you, someone who can be relied on, someone who you feel won’t — and can’t — judge you.
He originally wanted you to approach him, so he could play his role as a saviour, as a pillar of support;  but after continuously observing you for a bit, he realises he’s gonna have to make the first move.
When he finally approaches you, he instantly notices you turn your eyes away, how you start fiddling with the hem of your shirt and how you quietly answer his queries with short, sharp answers.
He knows you’re going to take a while to warm up to him, and he’s completely fine with that; he himself understands, after all. He’s only got Hyugo for company.
Sol will 110% use the art project as a way to get closer to you, slowly inching more and more into your heart as a source of nonchalant camaraderie. His hope is that he’ll rub off on you (no not literally that’s for the nighttime you horny fucks), and you’ll allow yourself to steadily trust him. You already feel an odd sense of security around him, why not try?
As he gets to know you, both from circumstance and your friendship, Sol notices that you’re…more emotionally sensitive than the average individual.
When he was still observing you, he picked up on the fact that a harsh tone, or crude sarcasm, or even a monotone, blank face led you to become horribly insecure; often to the extent you’d flee the scene and find a bathroom stall to cry in.
One time he found you sniffling on the school’s out-of-bounds balcony, on the verge of tears, mostly due to a snide comment on your appearance, left by one of the bitchier girls of the school.
You felt stupid with how easily you cried, with how weak you were, how anything could break you and make your tears flow so freely;  but Sol, ever your chivalrous gentleman, didn’t pay any mind to it.
If anything it means that when he inevitably gets to be with you, your tears will be smeared across your pleasure-drunk face…but that’s for the (not too distant) future.
He’s going to be as comforting as someone like him can be, he’ll offer you snacks or coffee or even hugs to try and make you feel better (*insert Hyugo’s bombastic ahh side-eye*).
He’s got no limits when it comes to trying to make you feel better about yourself.
After you and Sol both grow extremely close (in more ways than one >:]), and commence the wonderful dating process, he will start being more physical in his affections; ranging from neck and collarbone kisses (and hickeys of course) from behind.
Will make you look into a mirror each day and tell him one thing you love about yourself, and he’ll always state 3-5 (minimum, he wants to do more but won’t want to overdo it, the last thing he wants is for you to deem this as a joke).
If you’re just extremely delicate when it comes to feelings, he won’t mind. It simply means he’ll just have to cradle you and your heart more often. <3
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mrspasser · 4 months
I saw you on the train - Sterek Fanfic
Sterek fanfiction, shamelessly based on this Tumblr post by @tsaiko. (OP, please let me know if I overstepped!) This is also on A03.
I saw you on the train
Derek gets on the subway after work, mentally bracing himself for having to deal with people because he didn’t charge his phone last night. Or he did, but his pup chewed through his charger cable and he frankly didn’t notice the nearly empty battery until he was already at the office. Any other day he loves his old brick of a phone, but today it was a bit of a bother that nobody had a charger that he could borrow. Ergo, he has no music to drone out the conversations of the other passengers.
He makes his way a little down the train car and sits down in an open seat. Across the aisle and one seat down are two men, mid to late twenties. They’re having one of those whisper-shout conversations with each other, where the words at the end of each sentence get louder with their anger, before they remind themselves that they are in public and go back to furious whispering. Derek can tell they are trying to be quiet, but emotions are high. Things are tense between them, it’s obvious within a few minutes of involuntary eavesdropping.
He knows he should try to ignore them, but it’s pretty hard to do. They’re in Derek’s direct line of sight and one of them has the most mesmerising whiskey coloured eyes he has ever seen. Right now, the lines around the young man’s eyes are hard and stressed, yet Derek can imagine the twinkle that would be there when he’s in better spirits. It fits the slight uptick of his nose. Somehow he just knows the guy can be a nuisance in all the best ways. He has an expressive face, which makes him far more interesting to Derek than his more generically handsome partner, who has neatly styled brown hair and blue eyes.
It’s an easy guess that the two of them are in a relationship, even though the expected easy chemistry is missing. But there aren’t many people that would be fighting in public, except when they’re in a close, intimate relationship. It’s a bit odd that they chose to have a discussion about the future of their relationship on the subway during rush hour, but whatever, they probably had a head of steam up on this topic. 
It's a relationship drama that doesn’t involve Derek, yet he’s kind of forced to listen to it as one of the few people without headphones in the direct vicinity. There’s an older woman that glances curiously in the direction of the two men every now and then, but she’s reading a travel guide in a language that Derek can’t place, so chances are her English isn’t good enough to know what the two are talking about. 
The gist of their discussion is that the one with the blue eyes wants to move forward with their relationship, maybe move in together, while Whiskey Eyes wants to slow down. Suddenly, Mr. Generic breaks in with a story about how his mom hates the city, but she moved to New York to stay with his dad and has lived there for twenty years now. And then he actually says the words: “Because relationships are about sacrifices.”
Whiskey Eyes looks like he wants to argue that point - which Derek can understand - yet he decides to follow his boyfriend’s reasoning. “And what have you sacrificed for our relationship?”
The barely hidden sarcasm in the question is apparently lost on Mr. Generic, because he has the audacity to come up with something or other he missed out on because he went with his boyfriend to a wedding. “We flew all the way back to California for your step brother’s wedding. I even had to sleep on the floor of your childhood bedroom!”
Like Derek, Whiskey Eyes is totally unimpressed with that answer and even rolls his eyes. Of course, his boyfriend doesn’t like that and their whispered argument continues. Derek can’t exactly hear what they’re saying, though it’s apparent that things aren’t getting better. Then, in a voice clear as day, Whiskey Eyes asks: “Name one thing I’m interested in.”
Mr. Generic freezes. He does a pretty decent impression of a store mannequin, with the vacant expression and the empty eyes. Derek can almost hear the dial tone coming from his brain. It’s clear that he can’t come up with a single thing that his boyfriend likes. On top of that, he looks confused as to why he’s even asked that question.
Things are quiet after that. The boyfriend tries to talk to Whiskey Eyes a couple of times, but he ignores him and just stares straight ahead. There’s a grim expression on his face, his jaws clenched. Still, the boyfriend doesn’t seem to understand the trouble he got himself in. 
The train pulls up at the station, Derek’s stop, and Whiskey Eyes gets up. “Baby?” Mr. Generic frowns at his partner. “This isn’t our stop.”
Whiskey Eyes gives him a cold glance. “It’s my stop now.” The doors open and he walks out. Just fucking walks off and leaves him on the train. 
Derek almost forgets to get off himself, he gets out just before the doors close. The boyfriend comes to his senses too and he jostles roughly past Derek in his hurry to go after his partner. Or ex-partner, probably. Because Derek sincerely doubts he can recover from that. He almost feels bad for the idiot. Or not, since the contents of Derek’s messenger bag go sprawling across the platform because of his rude shoulder check. 
The platform of the small station empties out quickly, leaving Derek to pick up the notes that spilled from their folder. When he looks up, still on one knee and with his papers in hand, he sees the couple from the train. They’re standing halfway between Derek and the exit and he’s just in time to see Whiskey Eyes pull his arm loose from Mr. Generic’s grip. Their voices echo in the empty station.
“We are through, Matt. I should’ve realised before that it wouldn’t work out, this thing between us.” Whiskey Eyes gestures angrily between them. “If there ever was a thing, because I’m starting to think I was the only one who was really invested.” 
Mr. Generic - Matt - scoffs. “You’re overreacting. And for what? Just because I couldn’t remember the name of your favourite movie from the top of my head? It’s Star Track, or something.”
“Star Trek,” Whiskey Eyes corrects, emphasising the last word. “And my favourite is Star Wars, not Star Trek.” He looks like he’s completely done with his ex-boyfriend’s bullshit. “Good bye, Matt. I’ll ask Lydia to pick up my stuff from your place later. Don’t follow me please.” He turns on his heel and walks to the stairs. 
“Baby…” The now definitely ex-boyfriend tries to keep up with him, but he’s quickly shot down.
“Don’t follow me.” The words are cold and clipped, making the ex-boyfriend stop in his tracks and just watch Whiskey Eyes disappear up the stairs.
Derek briefly makes eye contact with the asshole ex-boyfriend as he too makes his way to the exit. The man ignores him, mumbling something about ‘stupid nerd shit’ as he fumbles his phone from his pocket and simultaneously checks the board for the next train.
Yeah, Derek doesn’t feel sorry for him.
He does feel sorry for the whiskey eyed young man he finds standing forlornly just outside the exit of the train station. The guy just looks so lost that Derek can’t help but go up to him. “Are you okay?” he asks, startling the other.
“What? Oh, yeah, yeah, I’m okay,” Whiskey Eyes hurries to say. Then he looks around him and huffs a small, sad laugh. “Actually, I’m not. I don’t have a clue where I am and I just realised that I left my keys at home and my roommate won’t be home until late tonight.” 
“Shitty day, huh?” Derek remarks, showing him a sympathetic smile. 
“You can say that again,” is the blunt answer. It sounds almost rude, though it’s followed by a rueful smile. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t… I mean, I didn’t want to…” Derek isn’t really sure what he’s apologising for and neither seems he. “Sorry. Again. You caught me at a bad time. I just broke up with my… Well, my ex-boyfriend now.”
“I know,” Derek answers and he winces, because it’s clear he was listening in to things that were none of his business. “I mean,” he tries to course correct, “I couldn’t help but overhear. I was on the train too.” 
“You were?” Whiskey Eyes blushes a delicious shade of red. “Fuck. That’s embarrassing.” 
“Nah.” Derek shrugs. “If anything, he’s the one who should be ashamed. Like, who doesn’t know Star Trek apart from Star Wars?”
“I know, right?” He’s still blushing, but it goes well with his smile. 
Derek usually isn’t this forward with strangers, but right now he feels like taking a chance. He could be mistaken, but he doesn’t think he is, not with the shy way Whiskey Eyes is rubbing the back of his neck. So he asks: “Would you like to get something to eat? I’m on my way home and I was planning to get some take out, but if you want, we can go grab a bite together?” 
“Uh, sure!” Whiskey Eyes is only a bit taken aback by his question and seems eager to distract himself from the situation from earlier. “Yeah, why not? I have to wait until my roommate gets home anyway.” Then he holds out his hand. “I’m Stiles, by the way.” 
“Derek.” He takes his hand and is pleased to find it warm and firm. “How do you feel about Thai food?” 
They settle down in the window seat of the small Thai place a block or so from Derek’s home. Stiles declares it the best Tom Kha Kai he has ever had and they discover that they’re born in the same county in California. Derek’s family moved out when he was about twelve years old, yet Stiles’ father still lives there. And so does his recently married step brother.
Conversation flows easily and Derek is happy to discover that Stiles indeed has a very appealing sparkle in his eyes when he’s amused. 
Four months later, they kiss for the first time. Another four months later he finds himself lying on a thin camping mattress on the floor of Stiles’ childhood bedroom. There’s a large Star Wars poster above the bed, with the letters of the opening crawl. Glow in the dark stars that have long lost their shine dot the ceiling. 
A little above him, Stiles rolls so he can look down over the edge of the bed. “I’m sorry my bed is so tiny,” he whispers. “Are you sure you’re okay down there? We can switch!”
Derek catches the hand Stiles extends to him and presses his lips to the knuckles. “I’m fine, sweetheart. It’s just for a couple of nights anyway.”
Stiles smiles fondly at him. “Okay, if you’re sure.” 
“I’m sure,” Derek nods. He presses another kiss to the back of Stiles’ hand. “Now go to sleep, you’ve got a big day tomorrow.”
Stiles yawns and nods. As only son and best man he’s invested in making his father’s wedding day a success. “You really don’t think he’d let me walk him down the aisle?” 
Derek chuckles quietly. They’ve been over this before. “Just leave that part to Scott and his mom. Don’t steal their thunder.” 
“Right.” Stiles caresses the side of Derek’s face one last time and then tucks his arm back underneath his blanket. “Good night, Der. Love you.” 
“I love you too. Good night.”
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badasgirl · 1 year
head over heels
bada lee x fem!reader
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a late night studio session turns into something more when bada finally decides it’s time to end whatever tension you both shared.
genre: friends (?) to kinda lovers, smut, slight angst if you kinda like squint, slight fluff
warnings: this specific work is 18+, so ageless blogs/underaged blogs who interact will be blocked, built up tension, reader is shorter than bada, no caps on purpose (booo ik terrible grammar).
word count: ~3.3k
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smut warnings: slight dom!bada x sub!reader, making out, hickies, fingering, scissoring (?), messy lesbian sex, slightttt choking but barely
author’s note: this was not proofread and it’s my first smut in years so be easy on me plz. but yayy another req done, thank you to anon for this request!! reqs are still open, but please be patient 🎀.
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you and bada both dance and teach at the same dance studio, justjerk. you’ve known each other for a couple years now and since the day you’ve met her, there’s been an undeniable tension. you both would throw glances at each other when you passed each other throughout the studio, every time you talked there were flirtatious remarks hinting to both of you wanting the other, there were even lasting touches between the two of you when you did a collab class. this had gone on for so long it became natural for you both to teeter on the line of excessive flirting to more, so who was going to cross it first?
tonight you decided that you wanted to get some extra practice in before your class the following day, especially because it was your first time teaching a heels dance class. you were experienced in dancing in heels, but you had never taught it before. you just wanted everything to be perfect for the first time. however, you were not the only one getting in a late night practice session.
bada was finishing up her usual weekly late night practice and was about to leave the building, when she saw you. she saw you dancing through the studio door and god did you look so alluring. the way you danced had bada in a deep trance. she knew that you danced in heels, but she’s actually never seen it herself. after seeing how you moved plus all the years of built up tension, she knew exactly what she had to do.
you were finishing up one of your best runs of the section you were teaching when you heard the door open. you spot the tall girl you were infatuated with staring at you with her pretty eyes. you knew the effect you had on her, so you could understand how she would just burst into your practice with no good reason if all she did was just you dancing.
“bada, i forgot you were here tonight.” you started off as you began to take off your heels. “what could possibly bring you here?” you finished feigning innocence, your voice dripping with sarcasm.
bada scoffed at your question, you knew exactly why she came into that godforsaken studio. you, you were the reason. you knew that with one simple word bada would do anything you asked and well vice versa.
bada began walking towards you before cornering you against the mirrors. she easily towered over you and she used that to her advantage. she took one of her hands and placed it under your chin gently, lifting your head slightly to directly look her in the eyes.
“y/n, you know exactly why i’m here. i’m tired of these games and finally seeing the way you danced in heels tonight…it’s time we both be honest.” bada says lowly, not breaking eye contact with you.
you could tell her voice was filled with lust, that plus the fact her aura was so strong made you immediately so needy.
“honest about what bada?” you said looking up at her with doe eyes. as bada said, you knew exactly what she was talking about, yet you still wanted to keep the teasing going a bit longer.
“y/n don’t fucking play with me. i want you so bad and you know it. so tell me princess, do you want me?” the taller girl asked as she moved her hand from your chin to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
once you heard the nickname she gave you, you knew it was over. you whined, finally giving into bada. it didn’t take much for you to go weak over the girl. “yes bada i want you, i want you so fucking bad. please i-“ bada cut you off by kissing you softly. it was your first kiss together so she wanted to just taste your lips before going crazy.
“princess you don’t know how long i’ve waited for you to say that so i could kiss you” bada admitted with a smile plastered across her face. you were still recovering from the kiss as she began to place kisses along your jawline and neck, teasing you with her actions like you teased her with your words. between kisses, she whispered her confession to you.
“you know, it’s the way you move, that’s what gets me y/n” she started. “i’ve wanted you since the first week we started whatever stupid game we had going on.”
between your soft sounds you let out, you attempted to respond to bada without sounding too desperate. “me too…i wish we admitted it sooner” you said before pushing bada away from you softly. she was confused and a bit concerned at first, but before she could think too much, you pushed her to sit on the nearby cushioned bench. once she was sat down, you firstly went to lock the door to prevent any possible incidents. then, you straddled her bringing your bodies chest to chest. you wrapped your arms around her neck as she wrapped hers around your waist tightly, as if you were going to magically disappear.
you giggled as you watched bada blush slightly at you sitting on her lap, but that didn’t last for long because immediately you looked at her with lust filled eyes and said “now kiss me like you’ve wanted me for these past couple years baby”.
bada didn’t need to hear anything else as she smashed her lips into yours. her lips moved in sync with yours, she began to bite on your lips letting you know she wanted full access. you immediately complied and opened your mouth for her. bada didn’t even have to put up a fight for dominance with her tongue, you automatically let her win. as you were making out with her, she moved her hands up to be under your shirt, wanting to feel you. the girl then started to move them up and down your waist.
eventually you got very impatient and took your shirt off, then pulling on bada’s hoodie to let her know you wanted her to do the same. the urge to deny your request was so strong, but bada had wanted this for years. so for her own sanity, she listened to you, taking her hoodie off and tossing it with your shirt on the floor. now both of you were left in your sports bras and joggers. still sitting in her lap, you admired how beautiful bada was. her long hair flowing down her back and shoulders, her already plump lips looking raw from all of your kissing, the smirk that rested on her face, and not to mention you almost drowned in her pretty eyes. as you were admiring her, bada lifted you both off the bench and placed you with your back down on the floor. immediately after, she was hovering over you looking as if she was a hungry cheetah waiting to eat her prey.
“can i mark you princess? have to let everyone know who you belong to.” bada begged you breathlessly as she was so worked up, almost as much as you were. you nodded your head so quickly as you whined and reached up to place your hands on her back. you then wrapped your legs around her, trapping her body between yours.
bada giggled at your neediness while shaking her head “needy baby, i’ll give you want you want.” the tall girl then moved herself to have her lips gently graze your skin before immediately kissing and sucking at the skin on your neck, leaving marks. she thought you looked so pretty all marked up for her. bada loved listening to the whimpers you let out as she continued her attack on your neck.
eventually she stopped and smiled down at you, admiring her work. bada couldn’t hold herself back any longer. she reached for the waistband of your pants and looked at you to confirm everything was okay. you immediately nodded you head, helping her get you out of your joggers and panties in one single pull. you whined looking at bada because you felt so exposed while she still had her pants and shows on.
you pointed at her shoes and pants before saying “off, take them off.” bada instantly complied because she was so excited. she now was just in her sports bra like you. she was starstruck if you will, she saw how gorgeous you were everywhere, including your pussy. she adjusted herself to be in-front of you as she pushed your legs apart. she took one hand and pressed it down on your waist to prevent your hips from moving too much with what she was about to do to you. with her dominant hand, she started slowly dragging her fingers through your folds. you were glistening and it was all for her, she couldn’t be more proud.
“all this for me princess? how cute…” bada trailed off as she kept playing with your pussy, not putting her fingers all the way in, just slightly dipping into your hole with the tips and then pulling out.
you whined at her “stop teasing please, i need you baby so so bad”. you were on the verge of tearing up at this point because of how sensitive and needy bada made you. once again, only because of her own impatience, bada complied and was able to slip two fingers into your pulsating heat. she loved how warm you felt, how well you took her long fingers. you moaned out her name as she began fucking you at a steady pace with her fingers. she went from simple pumping in and out to scissoring her fingers to rubbing your clit while curling her fingers up to hit that spongy part of your pussy that made you see stars.
“that’s it y/n take my fingers” bada said between your moans and whimpers. “you’re doing so well for me yeah?” however, you could barely do anything but her cry out her name let alone keep your legs open.
bada immediately slowed her pace as you closed your legs. she took her free hand and pried your thighs open, pushing one down with it to prevent you from closing them again. she simply shook her head as you whined at the pace change.
“be my good girl and keep those legs open” the dominant girl demanded. you nodded your head quickly as you reached for her hand that was still slowly moving inside you to tell her to pick the pace back up.
“bada-ah please i’ll be good please don’t stop please” you begged for your life while staring into the girl’s eyes hoping she will see your sincerity.
“hmmm…” bada fake pondered to mess with you before immediately speeding back up and fucking her fingers back into you at an inhumane speed. you let out a loud moan that you prayed to god no one else would hear. all that was floating in your mind was “bada bada bada” on repeat. at the point bada had fucked you dumb with just her fingers.
you were getting close to your orgasm and bada could tell, but before that happened you screamed at her to stop. bada’s eyes immediately filled with worry as she thought she may have hurt you. you quickly sat yourself up slightly on your elbows before admitting something to her.
“i kinda always wanted you to ride me…” you trailed off breathlessly, voice hoarse from all the moaning. “i wanna feel your pussy on mine, wanna help you come too…” you said looking at her with puppy dog eyes. bada smirked at you before leaning over you to peck your lips. she just thought you were the cutest ever.
“if that’s what you want baby, let’s do it.” bada said excitedly as she got on-top of you, slotting your legs between each other’s. once your pussies both touched, you both let out soft whimpers. it surprised you to hear the cute noises that could leave the tall girl’s mouth, you loved it so much. you became even more infatuated with the beautiful girl who was on top of you.
once bada gripped onto your knees for stability and began moving, it was game over. not a single thought was occurring in your head, you were a babbling mess as bada rode you at a quick pace. she was so desperate to make you come for her as well as her own release. she moaned out your name as you moaned hers back. due to her fast pace and you already being so close to the edge because of her previous actions, you both were about to hit your highs. all you could hear in the studio were the sounds of wetness shared between the two of you and the heavenly sounds you both made.
“baby i’m so close, are you?” she questioned you between her whimpers and cries of your name. you couldn’t even form sentences anymore because of how stimulated you were. all you could do in response is nod your head and scream her name as tears fell down your face. bada was riding you so good that you began to cry out of pleasure.
as bada kept grinding, she took one hand and placed it on your neck, barely adding any pressure. but the simple action of having her hand on your neck immediately made you come. you cried out her name and let out the most beautiful moans she’s ever heard as you hit your peak. almost immediately after, bada’s orgasm hit and all she could do was let out soft whimpers and say your name.
after you both came down from your highs, you made eye contact and giggled. both of you were in a state of blissfulness neither of you ever wanted to leave. unfortunately though, the building was closing in half an hour. so, bada got up and got you both towels and wipes from her bag. once she was all cleaned up, she helped you get cleaned up as well.
once you both eventually got dressed after procrastinating, bada took your hand in hers and offered you a ride home since she drove and she knew you took the bus. she didn’t want you taking the bus this late at night to begin with. therefore, she made a mental note to herself to tell you later that she will from now on take you home if it’s late. you smiled as you agreed to let her give you a ride.
you both gathered your things, made sure the studio was clean, and then headed to bada’s car. once you got to her car, she put both of your bags in her trunk before opening the passenger door for your. you always loved how kind and considerate bada was, it was one of her most admirable traits. bada asked for your address and once she put it in her gps, you were off.
the ride was comfortable, her soft r&b playlist playing on the radio as you both just enjoyed each other’s presence. this honestly felt a little too natural, which scared both of you slightly. neither of you wanted to mess things up, but both of you also wondered if there could be more than just the past tension and now hook up. hell, both of you definitely wanted more. however, neither of you spoke about it and just chose to enjoy the moment at the very least just in case everything goes south after this.
eventually, you had reached your humble home. bada unlocked the door and popped the trunk from inside the car. she unbuckled herself to stretch over to the passenger seat to place a soft peck on your cheek before tucking a piece of hair behind your ear and admiring your beauty.
“i’ll stay here until you get inside to make sure you get in safe, text me y/n” bada says sweetly as you both couldn’t help but to smile at each other. you nodded your head in response before unbuckling yourself and getting out the car. you got your stuff from the trunk and headed towards your front door. you unlocked it and before you stepped in, you waved bye to bada while smiling the biggest you possibly could. bada couldn’t help but blush and giggle as she waved back. she felt like she was head over heels for you.
three weeks later and it was the start of the filming for the first episode of street woman fighter season 2. you were asked by 1million to join their crew as you used to take a lot of classes from lia kim and she knew you were always a great dancer and a much needed assest to their team. you of course immediately agreed to join.
however you didn’t know you’d see bada lee herself pop up on the screen when you were asked your thoughts on each crew. you knew she lead the crew bebe, but quite honestly you didn’t pay attention to who else had been invited to the show until now. you and bada exchanged short texts since the night you spent together, but nothing that ever detailed you both would do that again or what you even were. to be honest, frustrated both of you, but both of you were so afraid of what the other would say.
when the crews all came down and sat together, you both couldn’t help but steal glances at each other. you both could tell the other wanted to say something. once it was time for battles, the first pair to go was redy vs. bada. of course you cheered for redy as she was your team member, but you couldn’t help but to also cheer for bada. though, you easily got jealous when she towered over redy like she towered over you three weeks ago and unfortunately for you it showed on your face. bada was able to see your jealousy as the battle continued and she smirked to herself, this made her even more cocky and eager to win. once it was revealed bada had a clean win, she smirked at you before turning to her team as they cheered and clapped for her. you noticed her little smirk before your team went to comfort redy and tell her she did well regardless of the result.
once all of the first round of battles were filmed, everyone had a 20 minute break. you went to go to your group’s personal room. but before you could get there, someone took you by your wrist and pulled you to the side into a more isolated area of the building. you quickly realized it was bada and a smile was plastered across your face.
“what do you need bada?” you asked looking up at her with that smile she loved to see. she couldn’t help but smile back before laughing. you were confused as to why she started laughing, but then she took your face in her hands and placed a soft peck on your lips.
bada kept your face in her hands as she said “i saw how jealous you got earlier princess, how are you jealous when technically we aren’t together?”
you pouted at her before rolling your eyes dramatically and saying “i know but, you’re still mine. you’re still my baby…” you trailed off with a blush adorning your face. bada couldn’t help but to shake her head and smile. she placed her hands on your waist and brought you close to her, she placed a soft kiss atop your head. bada looked into your eyes as she said what she had waited so long to say, she no longer could hold back her feelings.
“then let’s be together, let’s only look at each other. i’ll take you out after filming to really let everyone know who’s girl you are.”
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jeannineee · 1 year
Hello, I am in love with your fics 😍😍 Can I please request Az x best friend reader, where they are flirty and have feelings for each other, but they never crossed the line… One day Y/N goes to visit him in the dungeons, they are talking and she notices the shackles behind him and few very dirty ideas crosses her mind, she keeps her poker face, but Az is the best spymaster and can see right through her. He confines her into the shackles for fun at first, but it quickly turns into something more heated 😈
Azriel x Reader
a/n: sometimes I look at the smut I write and it makes me wonder what is fundamentally wrong w me as a human. But y’all validate me LMFAOO. My requests are still open!! PART TWO TO THIS FIC
nsfw under the cut (18+ please)
“So this is where you work? It’s so bright and cheery,” you told Azriel, voice dripping with sarcasm.
Azriel grinned. “I actually redecorated recently. Livened up the place, a bit.”
You laughed in response, taking another look around the room.
The dungeons were much…cleaner than you were expecting, but given your best friend’s meticulous habits, it wasn’t too shocking.
What you did find mildly shocking, though, were the leather shackles hanging on the far wall of the room. You knew what his job consisted of, but the sight of them was worth giving him shit over.
“Kinky, Az,” you teased, folding your arms over your chest.
You silently thanked the Mother that the room was dim enough that he couldn’t see the flush of your cheeks.
He could probably hear your heartbeat, though.
The spymaster only smiled at first, tilting his head as he watched you. “Curious, y/n?”
You bit the inside of your cheek. “Curious? Maybe a little. Just making an observation, is all.”
Azriel leaned back against the wall to the right, still smiling. “Hm. Do your cheeks normally get this red when you’re making observations?”
You swallowed thickly, nervousness flooding your stomach. “I—uh—I was just saying…”
“Relax,” Azriel replied, taking a step towards you. “I’m only teasing you.”
He paused, his smile widening into a grin. “Wanna try them?”
Mother, spare you.
“W-What?” you sputtered, gaze flitting between your best friend and the restraints.
Azriel, somehow, remained calm as ever as he began undoing the straps of the shackles. “You said you were curious, right? Might as well try them out.”
You took a breath to calm the anticipation building within you, before replying, “If you wanted me in your bed, all you had to do was say so, Az.”
The chains on the shackles rustled against the cobblestone wall as Azriel continued his work. “This isn’t a bedroom, last time I checked. Though I’ll keep that in mind for next time.”
Next time?
Azriel held the shackles in both of his hands, looking down at you. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to—“
“I’ll try them,” you declared, holding your wrists out for him.
Something like surprise flickered across Azriel’s expression, but it quickly disappeared. “So obedient,” he said in a teasing manner, but it was still enough to have heat pooling between your legs.
As he began securing the restraints around your wrists, Azriel’s touch was gentle. “If they’re too tight, or if they hurt, tell me.”
You nodded in understanding.
“I need words,” he said, in a voice that made your knees weak.
“I’ll—I’ll let you know,” you answered, pulling against the restraints a bit to test them. They kept your arms out at your sides, not allowing much mobility.
Azriel smiled, giving you a once-over, as if admiring his handiwork. “What do you think?”
“Not too tight.”
Azriel took a step closer. “Do you enjoy being in restraints, y/n?”
You couldn’t formulate a thought at first, between how close he was standing, and the fact that you were virtually helpless before him.
“Words, sweet girl,” he murmured, tracing his thumb across your jaw, your lower lip.
Your heart thrummed in your chest as you replied, “Yes. I enjoy it.”
“Do you want me to stop?” he questioned, moving his hand to your hip, running circles over it through your dress.
“No,” you answered quickly, keeping your eyes glued to his.
Azriel hummed, as if pleased with your response. “If you want me to stop at any point, say ‘red.’ Do you understand?”
“Good girl,” he praised, trailing his fingers to the slit in your dress. A low growl left his lips as he made contact with your soaking cunt.
“Is this all for me?” Azriel asked, his finger teasing your entrance.
You moaned at the sensation, hips bucking against his hand.
He roughly grasped your jaw in his other hand, forcing you to meet his eyes. “I’ve told you twice now to use your words. I won’t tell you a third time.”
“S-Sorry,” you muttered, before continuing. “Y-Yes. It’s all for you. Please, Az.”
“Please, what?” Azriel demanded, still tightly holding your jaw.
“Please touch me.”
“I’m already touching you,” he replied, running his finger through your folds.
You whimpered at his touch, your voice pleading as you continued. “I meant touch me more. I need more. Please, Az.”
Azriel tutted, releasing your jaw. His finger now grazed over your clit, but he didn’t apply any pressure. “Needy little thing, aren’t you?”
You opened your mouth to speak, but choked on a moan as he suddenly thrust his fingers into your cunt.
“I’m gonna have to teach you patience, y/n,” he whispered against your ear, slowly curling his fingers against your walls. “You can’t come until I say so.”
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woniefull · 5 months
Are We Still Friends?
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synopsis: Heeseung and you were close friends. Closer than most. Slowly you both realize that maybe being friends has become too difficult. Heeseung struggles to understand his feelings, and you're not sure how long you can wait.
warning/heads up: fluff, angst, flirting, protective+jealous Heeseung, jealousy, and more to come up as I continue writing...
wc: 552 in the preview + tbd for final draft
Heeseung and you were on your way home after a day out on the beach with some friends.
It was a quiet ride for the most part. 
“ARE WE STILL FRIENDS?” by Tyler, The Creator currently playing
“Have fun?”
Heeseung asked, shifting his eyes off the road for a second to glance over at you.
“Lots. We should do this again sometime.”
Heeseung and you had become friends in your freshman year of high school. Your twin brother was the one to introduce the both of you. The two of you had first bonded over your love for music and since then you guys have become inseparable. It’s now your senior year.
“Definitely. Did you see Lola checking me out? She for sure wants me.”
You let out a laugh.
“Yeah, she was totally not laughing at your horrible volleyball skills.”
You say with a hint of sarcasm.
Heeseung pinches your thigh.
“Watch it. I’ll tell your brother you’re being mean to me.”
You flinch and instinctively slap his hand away. 
“I’ll tell him that you keep on harassing me.”
Heeseung clutches his heart.
“Oh no. I’m so scared.”
This time you both burst out laughing.
“Okay, I think I’m going to take a nap. We still have a pretty long way to get home and I’m burnt out.”
You start to recline your seat and shift to face the window.
“I’m going to think you don’t like me y/n if you turn away from me like that.”
Rolling your eyes you change your position to look at him.
“I know you think I’m pretty and all but your obsession with being able to see my face at all times is concerning.”
Did I mention Heeseung and you liked to playfully flirt?
“This is why I can’t get a girlfriend, you’re over here acting like mine.”
You reach for his hand that’s resting on the stick.
“But Heeseung I thought I was your girlfriend?”
You say looking at him with your best puppy eyes.
“Please stop I’m going to start believing you’re in love with me or something.” 
He says swatting your hand away and giving you a playful smile.
Instead of leaving him alone, you decided to tease him a bit more–just like all best friends do, right?
You stretch out your hand and slowly start tracing your finger along his arm.
“How did you know? Oh, Heeseung I am so totally in love with you.”
As you continue tracing your finger along his arm, you feel him tense up at what you just said to him.
“Oh my, you must be so happy to hear me confess my love to you! Aren’t you? It’s okay Heeseung many boys li-”
Before you have the opportunity to keep rambling he grabs your hand and places it on the stick, he then puts his hand on top of yours.
You’re in shock and look up at his face.
He’s still smiling.
“Had to make you stop one way or another. Go to sleep miss, and stop flirting with me just to get my attention.”
And with that, you don’t speak anymore. Not because you don’t want to, but you just don’t know what to say. Your eyes slowly close and Heeseung is the last thing you see before you drift off to sleep. 
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queenshelby · 4 months
Our Little Secret (Part 51)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Infidelity, Age-Gap, Triggers, Smut
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With the wedding coming up, Cillian and you made even more of an effort to remain on good terms than you ever did before. While he was away, filming the Peaky Blinders Movie, you video called him so that Mara could see her daddy every day.
Every day, before she went to bed, you allowed Cillian to read her a story over the webcam, whenever he was able to.
It was a small gesture that meant a lot to Mara, and it helped her and Cillian to maintain a connection despite the distance.
Your therapist welcomed the positive communication and reminded you that you were doing an implacable job by keeping him involved even despite his busy schedule. 
During that time, you also noticed a slight change in Cillian's behavior. He seemed more relaxed, more at ease with himself, and with you. 
"So, what's the plan for Mara's birthday next week?" he asked one evening when he skyped in from London.
"I was thinking a party actually. She has been at daycare twice a week and made some friends. I was going to invite them and their parents. My mum, Siobhan and Emma are coming too, and I think even your mum is driving down from Cork. I also invited two friends from my mother's group," you said, filled with enthusiasm for Mara's big day.
Cillian chuckled, his eyes filled with warmth. "Sounds like you got everything planned out," he said, sounding genuinely pleased. 
"You know it would be nice for Mara if you could come,"  you added, hoping that he might be able to make the trip.
"I would love to," he said, "but you know I can't leave the set, Y/N. I have a busy schedule filming and I'm just hoping that things will ease up a bit in the next couple of weeks," Cillian said with sadness in his voice. 
You couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment, but you knew that filming was important for Cillian's career.
"I know, but what I am saying is that you are more than welcome to come if you wanted to," you repeated, looking him straight in the eyes through the camera.
"And I appreciate that, really," he nodded, taking a deep breath. "But I still need to wrap up this movie." 
"I understand," you said softly, biting your bottom lip. "And, you know, you can always celebrate with her when you come back by taking her to the zoo or something. She probably won't remember the party anyway, but she will also remember the zoo," you chuckled, seeing how it was Mara's favorite place to go these days. 
"You are probably right you know," Cillian conceded, his expression softening even further. "Now, did you call the carpenter to fix up the shelving in the living room? I told him that you would call and to invoice for it. You might need that done before the party," he continued, seeing how one of the built in shelves had collapsed after you tried to carry out some DYI work on it. 
"No, he can't do it until the week after next, but Sean offered to fix it for me before the party which is nice,"  you informed him, noticing how Cillian's expression changed for a second.
"Sean, huh?" Cillian chuckled; his expression unreadable but you could hear a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
"Don't start, Cillian! Don't fucking start!" you shot back with irk, already feeling the familiar burn in the pit of your stomach.
"I didn't even say anything," Cillian smirked, his eyes glimmering as he studied your reaction.
"Then why are you acting the way you are when I bring up his name?" you asked, rolling your shoulders back, trying to release some tension in your body.
"I'm not. It's none of my business who you spend your time with so long as you keep Mara out of it," Cillian growled, scratching the back of his neck impatiently.
"You know what, I was actually thinking about inviting him to the party, as a friend of course and only if you would allow it. Because he has been a big help those last few days, running errands for me for her party while I was sitting my exams and he asked me whether he could come," you told Cillian nonchalantly, secretly enjoying his reaction.
"Oh, did he now?" Cillian said with a sigh as he adjusted the display setting. "So, you two are getting more serious then?" he enquired  without looking at you.
You could tell he was slightly irritated, he clearly didn't want to give you the satisfaction of seeing it on his face.
"Well, we are still taking things slow and we not being too serious about it. We agreed on no labels, but I still only consider him as a friend, with benefits,"  you replied, being brutally honest while watching Cillian's reactions closely.
"So poor Sean is still in the friend zone then, eh?"  Cillian quipped, the corner of his mouth curling into a slight smirk before he quickly hid it.
You noticed it, and it stung a little, but you tried not to let it get to you.
"Yes," you confirmed, doing your best to maintain a neutral expression. "He has been very supportive and helpful lately and I like having him around, but there is no pressure between us. We are both free to see other people. That's the way it is for now."
Cillian nodded, turning his gaze back to the camera. "Fair enough and thank you for clarifying your relationship status for me. I just hope he knows that too, because I am not the one who needs convincing Y/N," Cillian said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
"Whatever Cillian. Can you just give me an answer?"  you asked, your patience wearing thin.
Cillian's smirk faded, to be replaced by a look of annoyance. "What do you want me to say, Y/N? I don't want Sean around my daughter," he said firmly.
You let out a frustrated sigh. "Why not? He is a decent person and Mara won't even know who he is. There are other people there who are no more than friends either and there most certainly won't be any public display of affection," you argued , trying to reason with him.
Cillian sighed deeply, knowing that he couldn't win this argument. "Fine. He can come, but only if you make sure that nothing happens between the two of you that Mara might see, at least not until you are serious about him which, it clearly seems, will never happen," he relented , eliminating any obvious doubts in your mind.
Your mind began working overtime to decide a strategic approach to the situation. On one hand, you were glad that Cillian was allowing Sean to attend the party, but on the other hand, the caveat gave you a sense of unease. 
You explained the situation to Sean on your next date when your mother was looking after Mara and, much to your surprise, he was very understanding about it.
"My parents separated when I was twelve Y/N. I get it, so don't worry, okay? I don't even have to come. I can help you set up and then leave before Mara and your mum arrive," Sean suggested, trying to make things as easy as possible for both of you.
"I really appreciate that Sean, but I don't want you to feel like you have to leave on my account, especially since you have been helping me so much those last few days," you  told him sincerely.
"And I like helping you Y/N, because I know that being a single mum can be hard. Your ex hasn't really been making an effort to be here for Mara lately, so if I can do anything to help, I will," Sean replied with conviction.
"Cillian is away filming. That's his job Sean," you explained wearily, wondering if he had brought this up to upset you or validate his actions. 
"I know, but he should really make an effort to be there for his daughter's first birthday, don't you think?"  Sean queried, a hint of frustration coloring his voice.
"Maybe, but it's not my place to say or judge what he does, because he is still looking after us both," you responded, attempting to defuse the tension that had suddenly risen between you. "So, lets change the topic shall we?" you suggested, trying to keep the mood light and pleasant. 
"I am sorry Y/N. You are right," Sean sighed, taking a deep breath before giving you a gentle kiss.
Later that day, after you picked up Mara and Sean went his separate way to catch up with some of his friends, he couldn't help but feel slightly let down by the conversation he had with you about the upcoming birthday party and confided in a friend about it.
"Dude, you're acting like you are in some kind of relationship with this chick," his friend Mark joked, taking a swig of his beer. "You told me that you two agreed to be friends with benefits. You don't owe her anything other than your time while you are hooking up and she doesn't owe you anything either! So why do you even want to go to that kid's birthday party?"
Sean sighed, shaking his head as he stared out the bar window at the busy cobblestone street outside.
"Because I want to make an effort for her daughter and make her see that I could actually be right for her, you know?" Sean replied, finally giving voice to his true feelings. "It's just that she is so damn stubborn most of the time, and I know that she still has feelings for her ex, which I can't really compete with."
Mark chuckled, slapping Sean on the back. "Well, he is Thomas Fucking Shelby, man," he laughed, burying the rest of his beer in one swift gulp. 
"You are not helping Mark!" Sean rolled his eyes at his friend's remark. "I am trying here, you know?"  Sean said, sighing again, exasperated.
"I know, and Y/N is a lucky woman to have you," Mark smiled, clinking his empty bottle against Sean's before signaling for another round. "But dude, you need to just relax and stop worrying about her ex. If she wants to be with you, she will. It's that simple."
"She said she just wants to be friends and I don't even want her to meet you guys because I am worried that I will look like a fool when she decides to go back to  her ex," Sean sighed, sitting down on the couch in his apartment, feeling frustrated. "I mean, how am I seriously going to compete with someone like him, a famous fucking Hollywood actor?" Sean mumbled to himself as he paced around his apartment. 
"You may not be able to, but she may also just play hard to get, which is what a lot of women seem to do these days," Mark reminded him thoughtfully as he watched Sean struggle with his thoughts. "Maybe you should focus on being the best version of yourself for your sake and not for hers, and then she will soon see if you are right for her or not," Mark added with a raised eyebrow. "Or you could find something that makes her ex look really bad. He is famous enough, so surely, with the right help, you can dig up some dirt," Mark suggested with a sly grin and Sean's brow furrowed as he contemplated Mark's words, his mind racing with ideas of how he could ruin Cillian for you, once and for all. 
"Maybe I should try, yeah, but I don't want to fight dirty. Despite, I don't even know him or anyone who hangs out with him other than Y/N herself," he said, his morals preventing him from considering such a devious course of action.
"Well, let me help you then," Mark offered, pulling out his phone and conducting a quick online search. "I work for the Irish Times after all," his friend smirked,  focusing on the task at hand. 
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pray4saint · 1 year
how it was on your honeymoon with the dream team
masterlist & descrip. rated r. 16+. gn!reader, fem!reader & afab!reader. dreamwastaken, sapnap, and georgenotfound. smut. established relationships.
a/n. the sfw version can be found here
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dream - gn!reader, praise, fluffy smut, dream being obsessed with knowing you're married
”ugh, i forgot how hot it is here and how often my ears pop on the drive up from the airport.” you groaned, falling back on the bed in your b&b. clay chuckled, leaning over you. for awhile he didn't say anything, just watching you like he was completely out of it. you sit up, pushing on his chest so you don't bonk heads. ”you alright clay?” you stare at him, putting your hands on his stomach. you boyfriend– no, your husband smiled down at you, pushing a strand of hair from your face. ”m'just admiring my spouse.” his tone, and his smile, and his eyes, it made your stomach flip. sometimes it amazed you how even after all this time, he still gave you butterflies.
you returned a smile back to him before standing up and stretching out your arms. clay's arms linked around your middle and he pressed a small kiss to your collarbone. the feeling of his lips on your collarbone makes you laugh a little bit. ”you seem extra clingy today baby. did the flight tire you out?” your hands land on his shoulders and clay shakes his head no. ”is it so wrong to want to want to be close to and appreciate my forever person?” there's clear sarcasm and playfulness in his voice but there's something else in the way he finishes the question that you can't quite identify. ”i suppose not.” in response to your words, his hands wander down to the back of your thighs, gentle pinches pulled at them before you understand and jump up, letting him lift you from your thighs. with your legs wrapped around clay's middle, it really gives him the choice of where he wants to go with you. since the two of you had already eaten and really, there wasn't much else to do, except oh right, it's your first night as a married couple.
walking with you clutched onto him, at first he heads to the back porch, watching the sun begin to set to which you turn to watch it with him. the moment was sweet but it didn't last long simply because on kona the sun sets fast. ”well now what?” you ask, starting to feel a little like your husband should put you down. it's almost as if he can sense it, because he's quick to spin on his heels and walk back inside, letting you slide the door shut. ”well, my love, i've got a few ideas of what we could do.” he grins and it's quite obvious what he means, and yet still you take a second to register it in your mind, but once you do clay has already laid you back on the bed.
- ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ -
you'd had had sex with clay plenty of times but still, this was different, it was how he kissed at your shoulders and ear lobes while he pressed himself into you, how vocal he was in letting you know how good he felt with you wrapped around him, how his pupils almost appeared to you as hearts. it all made you realise just how in love the two of you were, and how in sync you two were; physically and emotionally.
”i love you so much baby,” he huffed out, and you moaned at the mix of his words and actions, your fingers digging into his shoulders. you'd gotten so close to drawing blood from his skin it made him moan out your name, whispering praises against your shoulder. ”you're so perfect m'love.” the words sent shocks to your lower area, pushing you closer to the edge. ”clay please-” your husband cuts you off with a sharp snap of his hips, ”you don't need to ask tonight baby,” he pauses to let out some more of those pretty groans you so love to hear, ”don't gotta ask your husband t'night.” you could feel how even his own mention of being your husband turned him on, his cock twitching inside you. ”i- fuck i love you babe.” you muttered out, feeling the small drop of blood from his shoulders around the pads of your fingers.
this slight pain only seemed to encourage him to rut into you faster, making you cross your legs over his middle, drawing him closer and binding your arms around his neck tight. he loved knowing the affect he had on you, your hole clenching around his cock, signalling how close you were.
clay was either really loud or really close to your ear, because all you heard was his breathing, his grunting n' groaning, his gorgeous moans. ”clay i'm gettin' so close.”
”you gonna cum for me hon'?” you nodded rapidly, pulling ever him closer to you as you came. he didn't miss a beat in telling you between ragged breaths, ”right behind you honey, m'gonna cum.”
sapnap - fem!reader, unprotected sex (wrap it b4 you tap it), mentioned creampie/cumming inside, breeding kink if you squint, reader absolutely jumping his bones
the first two weeks of being married, you and your husband didn't have sex. mainly this was because you spent the first two weeks around his family, in their home, and waiting so long to fuck your husband was starting to take its full effect. you'd touch yourself in the shower, or subconsciously hold sapnap's hand closer to your crotch while you were holding hands under the dinner table, and he noticed but he didn't do anything. it wasn't until you left his family in texas and off for three weeks in greece that you'd get any type of real relief.
your husband closed the door to the hotel room, letting out a heavy sigh before doing a quick head count of your bags. it took everything in you not to jump his bones right then and there, but you knew he was tired and hungry and probably wanted to shower, so you waited.
see, waiting wasn't so bad when you knew you'd get what you wanted once you got back to the hotel room.
”you know we can skip dinner darl'?” your husband offered the question and you shook your head no immediately, you needed him to have his energy or you were sure you wouldn't survive another day. ”no we can't, you need to eat.” still, your voice was sweet as ever, looking out for him like you always did.
- ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ -
”y/n i'm sorry we hav-” as soon as the door was shut you interrupted him, pressing a passion-filled kiss to sapnap's lips. you'd barely had time to close the door before you were jumping his bones, closing your arms and legs around him, hand tangled in his hair as your lips moved in sync. quickly, his hands reached around to the backs of your thighs, squeezing and he walked backwards to the bed.
sapnap gripped harder on your legs, spinning around to lie you back on the bed, crawling over you to cage you in. your husband pulled his lips from yours, pressing sweet, gentle along your neck. ”fuck sap– baby i need you. need you so bad.” you whine, hands falling from his head to his shoulders. ”i know princess i know. i'm sorry.” he remained slow with his kisses. ”sap, my love?” he looked up at you, eyes wide with interest. ”i love you and i appreciate your gentle touch but what i really need is for you to fuck me.” your words were clear and concise, your cheeks were pink and your eyes screamed at him to have his way with you. ”please sap, fuck me. please.” and he understood.
in a matter of what felt like two seconds, your husband had discarded both his clothes and yours, and after a minute of debating whether or not a condom was needed, pressed into your cunt, making you squeal at the intrusion. ”oh sweetheart... shit, y'so tight.” your legs tugged his middle closer to you and his head dipped down to your ear, groaning against your skin.
his pace started brutal, quick, hard, and his moans only turned you on further. ”shit, sap.” you struggled to get the words out between the beat of his skin pressing against yours. ”y'so perfect baby. y'know that?” his question was met with strewn out, broken moans, your arms squeezing his neck impossibly closer to you, and your pussy clenching down on his cock.
sapnap's hands laid on either side of your head as he fucked into you, grunting and groaning only getting louder.
”gettin' s-soo close baby, can i cum inside?..” you moaned against his neck at his sentence, the sudden question sparking the pool in your stomach to grow. you hummed against his skin, pulling at the skin of his shoulders. ”fuck– i love you so much..” he whispered the words, they were only for you, his wife. of course if you'd asked it of him, he'd scream it for you.
george - really short blurb, afab!reader, gentle riding, praise, slight dom!reader if you squint, domestic laughing during sex, cumming inside, self overstim (bc george wants so badly to make you cum)
the flights were long and had both you and george tired out. and when i say tired, i mean exhausted. neither of you wanted to go out and eat, shower, unpack, anything. then your phone went off, you turned it over to see notifications from your best friend.
ur bsf: how was ur flight?? ur bsf: respond whore ur bsf: mf are you guys are already banging holy shit
you laugh and turn your phone over to george and he smiles, a glint of recognition in his eyes. ”what?” you laugh almost nervously, you're both tired but you're not that tired.
”c'mere lovey.”
- ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ -
your hips ground against your husband's, his thumb flicking over clit while his other hand keeps a firm grip on your hip, provoking emphatic moans out of both of you.
your hands rest against his chest, his hand guiding you along his cock. ”you look so good my love,” he lets out a particularly loud groan as you press back down on him. ”so good on my cock like this.” the praise makes your cunt hug against his cock, his fingers digging into the flesh of your hip.
”god georgie.. you look, so fucking pretty under me..” your words pull him closer to his release. he begins to vault his hips up into you and you gasp, although the sound dies as he bucks up again, over and over. ”shit,” you both half-laugh at how you both mumble the word out in unison. you let yourself fall forward, hands grasping at his hair while his thumb moves faster over your clit. as much as he tries to catch his breath, he just can't. he can't stop how his hips move against you or how the grip his hand has on your waist will definitely leave marks or the speed at which he circles your clit. ”if i didn't know any better,” you start and he huffs, breaking your sentence with another piston up from his body, making you mewl his name, ”i'd say you were getting,” you sigh out quick, your breath fanning hot against his neck and his ear. ”gettin' close, huh georgie?” he responds with a simple hum, 'mhm', before he continues his pace fucking up into your cunt.
”m'cummin'..” it's the one warning you get before george's hips stop and both of his hands pull you down, his seed flushing out of his cock and into your pussy. the feeling of being so full induces loud noises from your mouth and your pussy pulsates around him as he rides out his high.
of course, you assume you're done and lie down on his chest, but all of a sudden it seems as if george has the stamina and energy of an animal because he moves his hands up to your waist and turns over to put you under him. ”huh?”
george's accent is thick with his next sentences. ”what? you didn't think i was gonna leave you unfinished did you?” as you open your mouth to speak he starts his pushing himself against your walls again, lewd noises pulled from both your mouth and your desperate cunt.
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pray4saint© do not copy, translate or repost my work without my express permission.
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nahoney22 · 1 year
Beyond the Fall***
Tech X F!Reader
word count: 6.8k
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*gif is mine so please credit if used.*
warnings: Spoilers for TBB Episode 9. Enemies to Lovers NSFW. Explicit Sexual Content, sex pollen, dub-con in both parties but also somewhat pretty aware, solo masturbation (reader), begging, swearing, slight mention of breeding kink, several positions, p in v, rough sex, creampie but reader mentions that she is protected. accidental confessions of true feelings I suppose. comfort at the end. Arguing at the start. Not proofread ngl.
When you take a tumble down a deep hole, you did not think for a second that Tech would dive in straight after you. With tensions on the high anyway, what fares when you both experience a certain aphrodisiac within the water.
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“Tell me, how exactly did you and Wrecker miss our ship being compromised?”
You watched in shocked awe as the Marauder, your home for going on the last eight months flying away without a crew member on board. Luckily, Wrecker answered Tech’s irritating question for you.
“Maybe if you hadn’t docked it out of view, we would have seen someone approaching.”
“Well, there was no other suitable landing zone, Wrecker.” Tech scolds.
“Yes there was,” you snapped at the goggled clone, eyes fuming with anger, “I suggested landing just on the ledge above and you said no.”
“The terrain was not suitable so I suggest you do not tell me where to dock my ship.”
You laughed mockingly at him, scoffing. “Your ship? How about next time you be the lookout then!”
“Perhaps I will.” He retorted, posture tense, “Although, the likelihood of getting the ship back is very slim.” His brown eyes are frowning at you from behind his helmet. His eyes always had that judging look when he looked your way which was enough to make your blood boil. 
But when you looked at Omega, your heart sank. The others may not have noticed but you didn’t miss the glistening of unshed tears in her eyes as the bunch of you argue. 
“Don’t worry Omega, it will be fine.” You reassure her softly, placing a hand to her shoulder.
Ever since Echo departed with Rex, the atmosphere had been tense. There was something about the man that had managed to keep the squad together, and with his departure, the cracks were starting to show. Nonetheless, this did not have a significant effect on your relationship with Tech, which had always been a bit unsteady.
“Other than the fact we have barely any food, shelter and mode of transportation, sure.” Tech interjects shortly before strutting off. You shot him an annoyed look before rolling your eyes. 
“Ignore him.” You tell her before the lot of you venture off to find any signs of life.
“What is your issue?”
With the Ipsium now gone, a rare and expensive mineral that you all came to this damned planet for, you find yourself trapped inside one of the vaults after the mineral exploded. So clearly, the mishap of the ship going missing was the start of the downfall.
His words were somewhat callous and lacked sympathy as he spoke down to Omega who was very frustrated and emotional, her young self looking to each and every one of you. Unfortunately, it was Tech who had to open his mouth.
You watched Omega leave, Hunter trying to get her to stay but after she insisted she wanted to be alone. As the team turned to Tech, you could sense their agitation and annoyance with his lack of empathy. You couldn't help but add your own thoughts to the mix, clapping slowly with a hint of sarcasm in your voice.
"Good job, Tech," you said, trying to make him understand the gravity of his words.
Tech, who had taken a seat on a boulder, was confused and looked over at you, frowning. "What did I say wrong?"
"You were stating the obvious," you voice with a grunt, grabbing your water canister and taking a gulp before saying, "but maybe you could've been a bit more empathetic."
“Would you rather me lie to her?” He counters, raising his brow as if to challenge you.
"It's not about lying, Tech. It's about understanding, especially in times like these." 
"I was simply using logic," Tech defended himself. "Telling her the truth is the best way to handle the situation."
You took a deep breath, trying to control your rising frustration. "It's not about just telling her the truth, Tech. It's about how you say it.” 
Although you did not particularly like Tech, nor did he seem to like you it seems, you felt a little bad that you had to discuss with him his lack of social skills and emotional response to certain situations. He had always been this way, down to his genetic programming but for someone so smart, he can’t see the bigger picture sometimes. “Can’t you see she is upset?”
“I am aware that Omega is frustrated at the present moment but that has nothing to do with me. Omega needs to be aware that these situations happen and one of us has to be the voice of reason and therefore, logical conversation is the best approach.” He holds his finger in the air, “I understand if this goes over your head.”
You gritted your teeth, trying to contain your anger but to no avail. "Will you stop being an arse to me? We're all in the same boat here, and I will not have you speak to me like that!" Your raised voice strained as you spoke. Never had you been so bitter towards someone in your life as of right now. Not only has he made matters worse with an already sensitive Omega, he blamed you for not seeing the ship being taken, he basically called you stupid to your face… you’re surprised steam was not coming out of your ears at this point.
You storm off for a few minutes to collect yourself and in the meantime, Hunter folds his arms and glares across at his brother. “Well that’s one way of telling her you like her.” 
Tech went to speak but no words came out, a little aghast at Hunter's insinuation. “I do not know what you’re talking about.” He mumbled a tad.
“Sure you don’t.” He unfolds his arms and begins to push away at some of the rocks. “Get back to work.”
Tech spots you from the corner of his eyes, your hands running over your face in presumed stress and just for a mere second, he is conflicting with his emotions.
The second you heard that Tech was off to find Omega, you don’t really know why Hunter and Wrecker suggested you go with him. Albeit, something in your gut was telling you to go along anyway, so you did.
Your heart was thumping with every step you took alongside him, the eeriness of the mine only adding to the palpable tension.
“Question, why do you think they wanted you to come with me?”
You’re surprised he’s making conversation but that wasn’t exactly unlikely of him. 
“I don’t know.” You grunt, not interested in talking to him at all at the moment. You also had a feeling it was so he didn’t upset Omega even more and to smooth things out but Hunter could sense how irate you got around Tech so this little mission together will be enlightening. 
When you nudged Tech and pointed towards Omega’s gear on the floor, you’re a little precarious to see her extracting the mineral that got them in this mess in the first place.
“Hey love, you doing alright?” You ask softly, peering through the small hole she had made to crawl through. When your heart landed on the large gaping hole beside her feet however you grew hot under your collar. 
“Fine.” She muttered, extracting the last bit from the section she was at. “What are you two doing here?”
"We came to see where you were, of course," you say softly, hoping to bring some comfort to her. That is until Tech decides to interject.
"And to find some Ipsium," he blurts out, causing you to shoot him a disapproving look. He quickly gets the message and coughs, trying to rectify the situation. "Which you are already cleverly extracting for us. Great job."
“No,” Omega mutters, pulling the drill away and finally looking up at you both, “why are you two here? Together? You hate one another.”
The pair of you froze. Even though it was clear that there was some kind of tension between the two of you, always bickering, hate was certainly a strong word. In fact, you knew what it was like to hate someone and you never felt it with Tech. You felt something, though you could not pinpoint what it was exactly.
Tech looks at you, gauging your reaction but he did not understand the look on your face. 
“Hate is not the word I would use.” You finally speak up, voice a little timid as Tech stood next to you. You didn’t want to add fuel to the already blazing fire between the pair of you, nor did you want to upset Omega any further. “We just have different thoughts about things.”
She blinks at you both before subtly rolling her eyes. “Whatever you say.”
You sighed, head slumped before moving out of the way to let Tech speak with her. 
Thankfully, Tech quickly changes the topic. “How much have you extracted?”
“Just this vial. Figured we could use it to blow ourselves out of here.” She holds it up to him, a little irritated that he didn’t take it from her grasp.
You stood back and watched the exchange and you can tell he is definitely trying to make it up to her. Although he is not apologising upfront nor discussing it, you figured his best approach is to forget it and move on.
When they both come up with an agreement, the tension slowly fading away between them, there’s one vial left but the extraction point looks just a little bit out of Omega’s reach.
“I’ll get that one if you want?” You suggest, not liking the way she was almost creeping over the edge of a large black hole.
Omega wants to finish the job herself but knows that you were probably better suited as you were taller. “Okay, I’m going to go back to the others then.” She wipes some sweat off her brow before swapping places with you.
Tech peers through the hole you just crawled in, tapping away at his datapad. “Are you aware of how this procedure goes?” He asks once Omega vacates the area. 
You reach down and grab the drill, looking to the final piece that was in a very precarious place. “Yep.” You reply shortly, trying not to get distracted.
“Do we really need this last one?” You mutter more to yourself but Tech had a keen ear.
“If we are to have extra, then not only can we escape this place but we will also be compensated for it.” He pushes his goggles up his nose. “So yes.”
It was no easy feat and several times you had to alter your position, crouching, leaning and every other position to make sure you’re safe but it didn't help at all when you had someone breathing down your neck.
“Are you nearly done?” You jump a little, turning around to see Tech staring at you with a bored expression. 
“I’m trying my best, Tech.” You sneer, turning back to the task at hand.
“You need to lean closer.” 
You groan in frustration and enthusiastically point to the gaping abyss. “Do you need your goggles cleaned or can you not see this hole? I’ll be done, when I’m done!” 
In a moment of weakness, you had reached across as prodded by Tech but just a tad overstepped, sending you over the edge.
“Tech!” You squeak, clawing onto the jagged rocks to hold yourself up, panic shooting through you as your feet scrambled to cling onto anything.
His eyes widen in horror and in a blink he is by your side, reaching across to you. “Take my hand.”
You take a breath and let go with one hand, reaching for him. But as your fingers brush against his, you’re not strong enough to hold on and fall into the abyss.
He screams your name, standing up and with no second thought, he jumps down after you. 
The water was tumultuous as you struggled to keep your head above the water. Your arms and legs are kicking, the energy you had slowly fading as you struggle against the current.
Then you heard your name.
“Tech!” You called out with a sob as the water thrashed over your face and partially down your throat.
He swam towards you as fast as he could, shouting your name as you cried out for help while your body crashed against the jagged rocks, your lungs filling with water.
But Tech soon caught up to you, wrapping his arms around you tightly as you both rode the current into the unknown. When you were suddenly confronted by a waterfall, you both cascaded over it, splashing into a peaceful pool.
You emerged from the water, gasping for air but began to panic when you didn't see your savior; Tech.
“Tech! Where are you?” You gasp, searching the water to see if he had been swept under 
but relief washes through you as he quickly emerged from the water moments later, gasping for breath and searching for you.
You both lock eyes, panting heavily before you start to swim for an embankment, crawling onto land. You’re coughing violently, some water pumping out of you as Tech collapsed onto his back, pulling his goggles back to wipe away the water droplets.
You lay staring at the rocky yet blue illuminated ceiling, catching back your breath as your wet clothes hung to your body. You sit up eventually, looking at the bright pool of blue you and Tech just got submerged in before glancing around. 
“It appears we have entered an underground aqueduct surrounded by plenty of Ipsium.” Tech acknowledges, sitting up and looking around too. “Not the best place for you to lure us into but not the worst.”
You processed his words and even now, he had the nerve to put the blame on you. “Are you saying this is my fault?” 
“Partly, yes.” He replies nonchalantly.
You scoff, standing up and moving away from him. “I can’t believe you. Are you really doing this? Now?”
He watches you move and stands too but remains where he was. “Simply stating facts.”
You look at him in disbelief, running a hand through your sopping wet hair. “Did I ask you to jump down with me?”
He shifts, suddenly feeling a little warm under the collar. “Well no but-.”
“And was I the one to initially upset Omega?”
“It can be argued we all had a part in that-.”
“Was it you who allowed me to get the last bit of Ipsium?” You bombard him with questions, all of it leading up to now. “Was it you who told me to lean in closer?”
His jaw clenched, fists tightening. “If you and Wrecker had not let our ship get stolen, we wouldn’t be here at all.”
“I told you to dock it somewhere else! In view!” You shout, voice booming around the small hidden cave. 
“And why would I rely on anything you have to say to me? You have not an ounce of my intelligence nor knowledge of planets. You do not know how to drive a ship, let alone instruct the pilot where it should land.” He rants, eyes trained on you, both of your breathing hard and heavy, tension so thick it felt like nothing could cut it. “Know your place in this squad.” 
His words hurt. A lot. No matter how much you bickered he had never said anything so belittling to you. Stress is evident on both of your faces given the situation but to hear how he supposedly felt about you was difficult to swallow. “I… you’re impossible.” You whisper but he still hears it. 
The second he heard you sniffle, he wanted to instantly narrow it down that you instantly got a cold from the water but as you aggressively wiped away a tear and stormed off, he knew he took it too far. Does he chase after you? No. He figured you wanted to be left alone just like he learnt with Omega. So in the meantime, he tried to contact the others.
You sat on the other side of the cave, your knees hugged to your chest as you just sat and hoped that Tech could summon a message to the others. In the meantime as you sat, you tried to ignore the odd pulse circulating under the skin of your palms. But, it started getting progressive and a wave of scorching heat flushed your body.
A whimper parts your lips and you begin to quickly strip the gear from your body and throw it around you carelessly. “Why’s it so fucking hot in here?” You gasp to yourself, tugging on the high collar of your body glove.
“I too am suddenly feeling quite feverish.” Tech’s voice sounded next to you making you jolt. As you look up at him, your eyes drank in his tall, slender figure. You swallow the saliva that started to pool in your throat, pushing the clouded thoughts to the back of your mind. 
“Did you get contact with the others?” You rasp, moving yourself onto your knees, staring down at the water as you try and steady your breathing that suddenly becomes ragged and scratched at your throat. 
Tech shakes his head and quietly sits beside you, unconsciously tugging at his now soaked clothes as he feels as though he’s been dipped in lava. “No, I can’t get a clear signal.” He says steadily, blinking quickly as sweat starts to seep into his goggles and blur his vision. 
You could almost moan in despair but the only whimper that parted through your lips was one of searing pleasure.
“T-Tech, do you feel… different?” You whisper, looking up at him through hooded eyes.
Tech looks back down at you, pulling his goggles up onto his head to swipe the dripping of sweat from his eyes and he almost gasps at the sight of you. 
Your lips looked full, parted and wanting. Your skin glowed with a distinctive hue that he couldn’t quite put his finger on but as he stands above you, seeing you on your knees a wave of pleasure shoots straight to his cock. He closes his eyes, tight. Mentally trying to snap him out of this precarious situation and then an idea popped into his head. 
His hands, now shaking and pulsing under his gloves reach to one of his many sections of his utility belt before pulling out a single vial, and swiping up the water the pair of you plummeted in. 
You chew on the inside of your cheek. Hard. So hard you think you think you could have drawn blood but it’s nothing compared to the bite at the center of your core as your heart races with nothing but desire. You needed to touch yourself. 
“Oh dear,” he finally says.
“What is it?”
Tech slumps against one of the boulders that surrounded the cave, a mixture of different emotions flushing through him. Confusion, worry and a whole lot of desire. “The water… it appears to be polluted which is why we are reacting to it.”
“You want to narrow that down?” You groan, falling onto your back as your fingers deep into the rough texture of sand beneath your body to refrain yourself from reaching down and begin to relieve this brewing sensation. 
Tech's eyes that were trying so hard to stare at the datapad in his hand only start to move to longing gaze at you, watching you physically writhe on the floor as a mixture of whines and moans erupt from your mouth. “It’s polluted with,” he gulps, trying to now ignore how physically aching it was to feel his length pressed against his pants, “aphrodisiacs.”
The word itself made you mewl and although you should feel panicked and alarmed, the burning feeling between your legs followed by the throbbing pulse all over your body was taking over instead. “W-what do we do?” 
Not knowing what he was doing, his hand lowers to his crotch and stars to slowly palm himself at the sight of you tugging and tearing at your bodysuit to rip it from your body. The moment of weakness stops and he quickly snaps out of what he’s doing and diverts his gaze and body away from you. “To erase the side effects you will need to masturbate in order to form the release. An o-orgasm,” he grunts, gripping onto the boulder as the word makes his cock twitch, “is the only way to stimulate. I will leave you alone to engage in this process.” 
The second Tech moves away to the other side of the cave to take care of himself, you have pulled yourself out of your body glove and began the impulse of pleasuring yourself.
Your hand flushed down your thigh and then to your bare sex, pressing two fingers harshly down against your clit that had you wailing out in ecstasy. “Oh f-f-fuck!” Your whole body arches in response to the touch to your bud, circling motions rapidly as you beg for the quick release that is brewing. 
Your moans and swears echo around the cave, deafening out the noise of the waterfall that poured down. But it’s not enough.
Frantically, your fingers move to your sopping  wet entrance, curling inside of you and rubbing back and forth as your opposite hand now rubs furiously at your clit. Although your body spasms, the burning that felt like your body was aflame with sexual desire would not fade. Moans become erratic, it isn’t long until you’re begging for your own release as you writhe pathetically on the ground. 
Then, you said his name. The one person who you knew could push you over the edge. “Teeeeeech,” you call his name. Wanting. Needing.
Within the space of maybe ten seconds, a shadow looms over your sweating and spasming body and as your eyes open, you melt to see Tech in the nude, pumping his cock that was glistening in precum.
“You look so wonderful like that,” he purrs, licking his lips as he stands over you and strokes his cock in frantic motions. “I knew it wouldn’t be long until you would be begging for me.”
“P-please Tech,” you grit, fingers going completely numb with the constant strumming against your clit, “it’s too much, I need you.”
The second your back arches, Tech falls to his knees beside you and slings an arm around your back. He’s swift in his movements and he’s uttering the most indiscreet filth he could before diving his fingers straight into your core without a second thought.
His fingers hook inside you, pulsing all the while expertly have his thumb rubbing at your bud. 
“Oh my stars! Tech, please don’t stop, please make this burning go away.” You beg him, writhing under his touch as his hand rocks against you, sending you into a flurry of loud groans. 
“That’s it darling, take my fingers. Maker, you’re sublime and a little begging mess for me. Glorious.” Tech grunts as his hand starts to spasm, his pace relentless and despite wanting you to cum all over his fingers so he could taste you, he didn’t expect for a second for your hand to come down and grab at his cock and balls.
Your hands look small in comparison to his length, his skin hot to the touch that felt like silk. With your touch alone, it has him bucking his hips as you both mutually pleasure one another. “You’ve got such a pretty cock, Tech,” you whimper, looking down at his member that twitched in your hands both somewhat aware and non aware of the lewd words that pour from your lips. 
“And you’ve got the most perfect little pussy that needs pleasuring. And am I doing that?” Tech locks eyes with you, dark and filled with an unspoken need. “Am I pleasuring you enough?”
“Yes! Fuck yes, you are. I think I’m going to cum soon.” You tremble and in your heart, you didn’t want him to stop the incessant rampage of his fingers against your cunt. 
As you pump along his throbbing cock, Tech feels himself start to edge closer and close to his release. He’s whimpering, a sound you never thought you’d be blessed of hearing but there’s something about him that makes you tingle. His eyes trail down from your face to your breast, mouth salivating at the thought of ramming his cock between the perfect mounds.
“Kiss them, please.” You had caught his leering and without a second thought he bends down and latches his lips to your stiff peaks, tongue licking aggressively against the sensitive skin. 
Your legs begin to shake, the touch of his hands agaisnt you, the feeling of his tongue licking feverishly against you followed by the gesture of you wanking caused your body to shoot, making you wail as you hit your climax. 
Tech follows soon after, his hot ribbon seeping over your fist as he his hips stutter.
You let out a longing gasp, elbows shaking as you prop yourself up to see Tech’s glistening fingers pull out of your body lewdly. 
The silence was ringing and for a moment, you didn’t dare look to Tech. Your heart race is the realisation of what just took place began to hit but not as quick as another jolt of pulsations straight to your clit once again.
“Tech,” you rasp out and consciously grip onto his wrist, shaking, “I’m sorry but-.”
“I’m aware.” Tech whispers and as you finally meet his gaze, you look down and see that his cock was already hard and twitching for your touch. 
“I didn’t mean for any of this to happen,” you manage out before the aphrodisiac overpowers you once again.
Tech nods quickly in understanding and in the faintest of touches, he cups your cheek, “I know.” 
Quicker than before, the wave of desire washed over you both and simultaneously you both lean in, lips slanting over one another as his tongue plunged straight into your mouth. Both of you fought against each other, thick muscles that spent so much time bickering at another now dancing in a fiery passion. 
He’s crawling on top of you now, his cock sliding against your thigh and stomach as you maintain this intense make out session but it was going on for too long. You just couldn’t bear another second without his cock inside of you.
 “Fuck me,” you plead, “I need you to fuck me so hard I can’t walk for a week. I want you to ram your cock so deep inside me, please.” You moan against his lips, words of filth that were almost unholy to hear that made Tech let out a guttural snarl as he pulled away from your lips and quickly positioned himself between your now spread legs.
His tip presses to his entrance but he’s not shy in letting his hands roam your body, tweaking your nipples before resting them on your hips. “Maker, you do look breedable.”
In one quick motion, he’s breached your entrance in a swift motion, buried inside you.
“STARS! TECH!” Your cries in delight boom around the cave, your body beautifully glowing from the pool of water beside you both as he almost bottoms out ontop of you. 
“K-Kriff,” he stutters, feeling your walls clench around him like a vice, the burning through his veins temporarily subsiding before absolutely rocking his cock in and out of you like a man desperate for air.
His hands clasp at your waist, fingers biting down into your flesh as your body shoves down against the ground with every resounding thrust he gives you. “Could fuck this little pussy all night if I have to,” he grunts through gritted teeth, eyes dark.
If you weren’t intoxicated by this sensation you would be in complete shock at his words, but instead you let his words carve into your mind as his hips rock back and forth all the while your gazes are locked on another. 
In a moment of weakness, his hand moved from your hip and over your breast, caressing the soft mound with his fingers as a devilish smirk plasters his face. “I’ve always imagined your breasts to be divine to touch. So wonderful to know I was correct.” He sings, admiring you from above.
“They’re all yours Tech,” you submit to him, eyes heavy, “you can have me whenever, wherever. Just please don’t stop.”
A noise emits from him and you gasp as he manages to flip you so you're now on your front, forced to your hands and knees before he starts to take you from behind, spanking your cheeks with his thighs with every hard thrust. “You shouldn’t have said that mesh’la, can you not understand that I have wanted to fuck you for so, so long? Having to, ugh fuck-.” He pauses his unfiltered words, in awe of how pretty you looked arched downwards as he seethes his aching cock into you, “having to watch you all day everyday and never being able to express my desires.”
Again, your mind is too boggled to completely comprehend the seriousness of his words. Your cries of pleasure strain in your throat and your eyes burn with desire as Tech’s hands grip to your lower back, pushing you down to the ground as he hits you with wanting thrusts. 
“You’re fucking me so good Tech. Why haven’t we done this sooner?” 
Tech’s low chuckle does something to you as your words did to him, “Next time instead of fighting, we should just fuck. Or maybe, if you want me to submit,” Tech breathes through each thrust, seeing himself pull his cock out that’s now glistening with your juices, “be a whore and suck my cock. You obviously like it, don’t you?”
“Y-yes! Yes I love your cock! It feels so good in my pussy. Bet it’s even better between my lips.” You entice, looking over your shoulder at him which sparked something wild in him.
He pulls out despite being spurred on, leaving you almost begging for him. But this time you’re being pulled into his lap, tongues already dancing against each other the moment your lips meet as you seethe onto his thick length. 
“You may think my cock would be better between your lips, but I have never felt anything better than it being inside you.” He whispers to your lips, almost a glimmer of reality snapping back to you both as his words weren’t exactly driven by the intoxins - rather something else.
You’re smirking against his mouth and that’s when the desperation of needing to be fucked hard again, boils. As you begin to move your hips, frantically back and forth and rocking against his cock, his eyes shoot wide open and he’s whimpering tirelessly in front of you.
“That’s it, that’s my girl! What an edacious creature you are. Riding my cock like a good slut. Can’t get enough, can you?” He is holding onto your waist, fingers biting against the flesh once more as you tilt your head back, rhythm changing from back and forth to up and down. Your tits are bouncing in his face that he wasted no time in burying his face into the mounds, kissing and sucking against your skin.
 He had lost his sense of self completely now and was driving in pure instinct alone that when his tongue slid over one of your nipples, you gasped in approval. With your hands coming up and wrapping around his neck, your breathing is ragged and exacerbated whilst he uses you.
“You like it when I ride your cock, Tech? Huh? You love my pussy don’t you? Maker, could sit on your cock all day and never get enough.” Words of filth ooze out your mouth ease, making Tech react to your words with wanton moans.
Tech’s lips glaze over your beasts, leaving marks of today's antics as a reminder all the while claiming you. “Don’t stop darling, don’t you dare stop until you have milked every last drop of my seed until it seeps out of your little hole.”
You’re wet, warm, and velvet soft around Tech’s cock, taking him to the base with greed. He picks up a rhythm, matching yours as rocking his hips up and into you steadily as the blue shine of the cave reflects on your naked and sweating bodies. 
Minutes that felt like both hours and seconds passed, Tech pounding you at such a rapid pace that you were confident your pussy was getting warmer. Skin prickling with tingles, you knew you were about to cum. 
“Tech! Oh fuck, Tech I think I’m close to cumming! Make me cum! Please make me yours with your cum.” As you finished your thoughts, you cried out with joy, your entire body feeling like it was lighter than air while simultaneously being filled with every possible positive sensation it could possibly handle. Your mind lost all semblance of where you were, what had happened to you and what had gotten you to this point, instead focusing solely on Tech beneath you, still diligently pounding himself into you like he was sex starved. 
As your mind slowly returns to reality and your breathing catches up with your body's senses, you’re aware of what was happening. Especially as you felt him still pounding into you. Tech was whining, grunting and groaning as he maintained smashing into you rapidly, and you could tell by the way he breathed and his determination that he must be close to climax. 
Suddenly, he groans out your name. Shouting it so loud that it wouldn’t surprise you if the others had heard his cries from above. You could feel him driving himself as deep as he could go. A gasp emits from your lips as the burning that once was scorching your body from the water was replaced with the warm feeling of him filling you up with more cum than before.
Your lips part, words strangled in your throat as you felt his warm cum stuffing you while you guiltily enjoy the sensation. In fact, you could have sworn he was filling you to the point that you thought you may have had a second, smaller orgasm as he began his. Tech grunts with exertion as he finally finishes, his head flopping forward to rest against your shoulder, tiredly.
“Tech,” you whisper after what seemed like forever, hand gently resting on his shoulder to bring his head back to meet his gaze.
As the pair of you locked eyes, it clicked instantly what just happened. How one second you were arguing and then the next… Similar to you, his lips parts but this time he is speechless. 
A wave of new emotions flooded over him, none of which he understood or could process. Though the more you looked into his eyes, the more you understood that jittering feeling in your stomach. But now was probably not the time to look into it.
Eventually, Tech carefully removed you from his lap and you had to hold your breath about how lewd it was feeling his now softening length pulling out of you. 
He is silent when he collects his gear, slipping the damp clothing back on his body meanwhile you do the same. 
He glances over his shoulder at you and a wave of worry hits him when he notices grazing over your back. 
“Did I hurt you?”
Pausing, you quietly turn to look at him and see him gesture to your back. Awkwardly you glance down and audibly wince at the markings. But, from what you were aware, he wasn’t the cause of it. “No. It would’ve been from when I fell.”
“I see. When we head back to the ship I will gather supplies to help you clean it up.” He is fumbling around with his belongings, trying everything in his power to ignore what just happened but a pressing matter infiltrated his mind. “Speaking of supplies, we will need to head into the nearest village to locate any means of contraceptive-.”
“I’m on the pill, Tech.” You sigh, running a hand through your damp hair as you finish getting dressed before plopping yourself back on the sand, pulling your knees to your chest. 
Tech looks down from over his datapad at you, unsure how to approach this. But after taking a deep breath, he silently sits beside you, both of you gazing into the water that did unspeakable things to you both.
“I am unsure what to say to set your mind at ease.” He starts, trepidation on his words. “Though I can imagine it is hard for you to also summarize how you’re feeling about his moment.”
You close your eyes, hoping that burning behind your eyes would subside because although he had seen you, all of you, you weren’t ready to let him see your tears. “You don’t have to say anything,”
Tech looks in your direction, eyes drinking in your features. “I… I am sorry.”
“What for? You did what you had to to help me.” 
“I’m aware, but I am not apologising for that.” Your eyes open and a flurry of confusion crosses your face. 
You turn your head to look at him, shocked a little to see him already looking back. “Then, what are you sorry for?”
A sigh parts his lips. “I am sorry for all the times I have been hard on you. I am also apologising for what I said previously about you having to know ‘your place in this squad’.” Your mind is reeling and all you can do is let him continue. “It has come to my attention, for a long time now, that you are a valuable asset. My behavior towards you is unwarranted.”
“But,” you lick your lower lip idly, not quite processing what he was saying, “I thought you hated me?”
“Hate is a strong word. And as we discussed with Omega before, I do not hate you. Differing ideologies is all.” He breathes out shakily, feeling a minimal weight leave his shoulders. 
“So why are you hard on me?”
He rubs the back of his neck, a little unsure on how to answer. So often he had been judged for his blunt responses and now, he was finding it difficult to be honest. But, if the two of you were to never make it out of here - he may as well lay it all on the line.
“There is no denying that I struggle with emotions and how I reciprocate certain feelings from others. Truthfully, there is something about you that I find both irritating yet fascinating.”
He sneaks a glance at you as he speaks and he expected you to appear annoyed but instead, you appeared quite intrigued. Subtly, you nod your head to continue. “What I am trying to say is that I have a rooted attraction to you and feel as though pushing you away would help. But, it does not seem to be working.”
As you try to let his words sink in, you couldn’t help the feeling of your heart seeming to somewhat flutter at his admittance. All this time… he liked you? Truthfully your mind was still a little hazy to take it all in but there was now a burning question in the back of your mind. “Did you mean anything you said?”
“Indicating to what?” Tech asked gently though he had an inkling as to what you were referring to.
“You know…” you say shyly, cheeks emitting a certain heat.
He chews on the inside of his cheek, fully aware of what filth had poured from his lips only minutes ago. “From what I gather from aphrodisiacs is that it sends even the most sane people wild. All in all, a lot of truths are or have been told when under the influence.”
With a shaken breath, you close your eyes. “So it’s true that you’ve always wanted to fuck me? That’s what you said.”
“Yes. Yes, that is true.” 
Oddly enough, you’re okay with this information. Although you can’t say you have felt the same but in the back of your mind, you still remember the sight of him above you and remembered word for word everything he said. 
“I hope you do not think I have taken advantage of you - that would never, ever be the case. If I could have thought of a different solution then of course, I would have. There could be many anecdotes but-.”
“Tech.” You cut him off softly, clearly your silence was playing on his mind. You tilt your head to hom and offer him the softest smile he had ever been blessed to receive from you. “Thank you for saving me.” 
A gasp echoes through the cave as you gently lace your fingers through his, a gentle squeeze that speaks a thousand words. 
You weren’t too sure what was going to happen from now on. Would the others ever find you? What was to become of yours and Tech’s relationship? All you know is that if you were to fall into a cave filled with water with dangerous toxins with anybody - you’re somewhat glad it was Tech. 
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Tags and those who wanted to be tagged will be tagged in a sep post because tag limit and shite: @nunanuggets @andyoufollowyourheart t @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @cwarssimp @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka @oohyesplease @megafrost4 @theroguesully @equalityforcats @mustluvecho @misogirl828 @ladykatakuri @jambolska-grozdova @chxpsi @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @rain-on-kamino @either-madness-or-brilliance @whore4rex @imperialclaw801 @staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @autumnleaves1991-blog @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @tinyreadersmur @rintheemolion @seriowan @agenteliix @kaminocasey @the-good-shittt @photogirl894 @imalovernotahater @swiftiexstarwarssimp
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🦋I love you and I like you🦋
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Pairing: Lando Norris X Cherrie!
Word count : 9k
Summary: in which she’s a bitch, he’s a lover.
A/N. Also hi. I’ve never written for Lando before sooo this is like a little experiment I suppose. I’m thinking of writing one for Lance next? What do U guys think? Would you read a Lance one?? Lemme know xoxo
Charles was looking behind his teammate with a slight grimace taking over his designers as he let out a subtle sigh before glancing back over to Cherrie , who was sitting opposite him on the table while they are some lunch together like they often did before a race.
Pursing his lips to himself as he sent a silent pray to the bright blue sky above him that his friend would , for once in her life, at least try to play nice to the beaming man that was jogging their way with his eyes glued onto his target , the woman opposite him completely oblivious to how her peace was about to be disturbed.
"Cherrie. Please be nice." Charles blurted out to his teammate quickly and quietly , making her slowly lift her head from her container of food to give him a confused look at his sudden pleading.
Her eyebrows furrowing as she looked at a wide eyed Charles in mild concern , wondering why he looked so worried already . The last time she checked she had not done anything out of the ordinary that would lead to her needing to be told to be nice  again.
Had she somehow said something to Charles that now had him pleading for her to be nice all of a sudden? Was it that joke that she muttered about him being such a princess when he refused to eat a Apple If it wasn't cut into slices?
Her frown deepened , judgment clouding her face quickly. "Seriously Charles? I only called you a princess and you're now whining about it- get over yourself-" she started to scold him , not amused in the slightest.
It was no secret that Cherrie wasn't the most...open of people.
She liked her close knit group of friends that understood her blunt and slightly mean sense of humour. Who didn't her offended by her constant sarcasm and creative insults. Who laughed loudly when she called them bitches and motherfuckers, who weren't really fucking intimidated by her like everyone else seemed to be.
She really don't understand why people were so scared of her. Maybe it was the resting bitch face? Or maybe it was the way she always looked like she wanted to knock someone's teeth out if they got too close to her.
Or maybe it was the way that she refused to beat around the bush with people, preferring to be bluntly honest instead.
That was the way that she had been brought up.
You didn't get very far in life if you faked being a happy go lucky , smiley and 'best friends with everybody' person. She didn't have the time or the energy to play nice with people that she had absolutely no interest in. Why should she? That would be making a liar out of herself.
She was a bitch and she was proud of it. She took great pride in being able to scare away grown men that were twice her size with just one glare. It was a talent really , one that she utilised daily.
People wouldn't leave her alone if she was nice. But when she acted like a bit of a cunt, she got all the peace and quite that she craved in life.
It was amazing really. And she was proud of the way that she had mastered the way of telling someone to get fucked without even having to open her mouth.
Maybe it was kimi's fault. He had been her mentor and close family friend for years. And he had taught her to not give a single fuck about what anybody else thought of her . And taught her to do and say whatever the hell she wanted to.
So she did just that. And usually it worked well enough to keep people away from her. Most guys kept their little infatuations and crushes on her to themselves  , never getting too close and just admiring her from afar instead.
Well, Most of them. Except for one little, annoying , loud mouth driver who wasn't scared of her in the slightest. One that would not leave her alone , no matter how mean she tried to be to him. He was locked in and refused to give up on his endless pursuit for her affection.
He would have liked a kiss from her but so far all he could get from Cherrie was two middle fingers and a death glare. But it was a start. He wasn't giving up just yet.
Charles sighed "no! No! Not that." He lowered his voice as he leaned forward on the table to whisper to her . "He's coming over now. Play nice please." He warned her.
Cherrie scowled at him , chewing on her pasta boredly. "Who is?" She echoed in confusion.
Her teammate gave her a look "take a guess Cherrie. Which guy here is hopelessly in love with you and is also the only guy that isn't scared of you in the slightest?" He rose a brow at her pointedly.
Cherries face dropped in realisation just as a bright coloured, orange blur cane flying towards their table with a happy shout, dumping himself into the seated bench beside her with a grin.
Lando looked at her , saw her scowl and annoyed glare and laughed loudly . "Hey guys! How are you?" He greeted them happily , reaching for a tomato from cherries dinner without any hesitation.
Cherrie slapped his hand away with a low scoff , narrowing her eyes at the man beside her in Annoyance. "I was enjoying peacefully eating my dinner before you arrived." She muttered unhappily , refusing to look at him any longer and instead focusing back on her food again.
Fighting back a long sigh as she felt lando's eyes on the side of her face, unashamedly admiring her in the morning sunlight. His smile never dimming even when she was giving him the cold shoulder , as usual.
It was no secret to anybody that Lando was head over wheels in love with her. He had been since the very first moment he had met her over two years ago now when she got her contract with Ferrari. He was the first one to congratulate her and tell her that he couldn't wait to see her on the track.
Having been crushing on her long before she came to F1. He had followed her Instagram for years and liked every single picture she posted , always commenting a orange heart. Even on a picture of her tabby cat or a simple picture of her ocean view from her apartment, he engaged with every single post she made.
Cherrie had not been impressed by his schoolboy ways. She had came to race and win, not make friends . So she wasn't very interested in the way that he constantly flung himself at her without any shame , time and time again.
It was ridiculous and Cherrie didn't know why he was so taken by her, she had been nothing but a bitch to him from day one.
She tried insulting him. She tried ignoring him. She even told him bluntly that she didn't like him and that if he wanted to keep both of his legs then he needed to leave her alone and stop annoying her so much. But he just wouldn't give in.
Lando just smiled at her and tried another tactic. "You look really pretty today Cherrie. Have you done something different with your hair?" He complimented her sweetly .
Chin resting on his hand as he gazed at her with shiny eyes, ignoring the disgusted look that Charles was giving him as he tried to flirt with his teammate despite knowing fully well how she would react.
She side eyed him , unamused. "I just brushed it." She simply muttered before shoving a mouthful of pasta into her mouth so she didn't have to speak again.
Lando nodded his head along to her words "well, it looks amazing. I like the red. But I think you would look better in orange." He cheekily winked at her , laughing when she let out a loud sigh and finally faced him properly again.
She pursed her lips , face blank as she uttered. "I hate orange. It's not my colour."
Charles snorted behind the palm of his hand as he tried not to laugh as he watched her give Lando a hard time again. Feeling pity for the mclaren driver , but also not at all because Lando knew exactly what she was like, yet he still pursued her anyways.
Lando paused for a moment , trying to come up with a clever way to reply to that snarky answer and coming up short.
Instead he just chuckled and smiled at her in amusement "every colour is your colour Cherrie." Then he abruptly changed the subject , crossing his fingers for luck as he asked her hopefully "did you dump that footballer yet?"
Referring to the Spanish footballer that Cherrie had been seen hanging out with over the summer. The yacht pictures of the two of them practically jumping each other on the deck of the boat had crushed his heart a little.
But four weeks was long enough for his confidence and stubborn determination to come back to him in full swing , reminding himself that these flings that she constantly had with footballers and stars alike were always temporary.
Lando had never once seen her with the same man for longer than a month. She liked to keep her options open and never were they ever any feelings involved.
She just loved sex , that was all. And If all the other drivers could hookup with whoever they wanted and not get shamed for it then why couldn't she?
She wasn't ashamed of her little slut era that faded in and out depending where she was in the world. Spain, Italy and france had the most beautiful guys that she had ever seen in her life . And well, she was usually only there for a weekend so why not make the most of it and relax with a nice long marathon of sex with these Greek god type looking men?
She had no shame and enjoyed the way that the fans and press would go crazy whenever another picture of her with someone would make its way around the internet . She laughed at the comments calling her a whore who slept her way through each city , she laughed when they wondered if she was trying to shag every greatest  footballer there was.
Because well, they weren't wrong. She loved footballers . They had the best stamina's and really nice yachts. She was allowed her fun. And to her fun was delicious food, long naps in the sun and sex, sex and even more sex.
She was pretty, she was young and she intended to enjoy every minute of her life doing whatever the hell she wanted to do. She didn't want or need a man to tie her down. They were fun in the sheets, as long as they weren't her sheets in her own home.
Never once had she brought any of her famous flings home with her. Not one of them had met her family and never once had she ever told a man that she loved them. Because she didn't and she wasn't a liar who was going to throw words like that around just to soothe a mans ego.
No way. And maybe that was also why she was so determined to push Lando away. She was certain that it was just a phase that she was going through. He liked her because he couldn't have her and as soon as he did have her, she was certain that he would grow bored of her and move on.
She didn't want to risk her heart like that. When she did eventually fall in love , she wanted it to be real. She wanted to be a hundred percent sure that that he meant it before she ever gave in and let herself experience true love.
And well, Lando was all smiles and laughter. Silly jokes and ice pops in the sun. He couldn't be that serious about her , could he?
It had to be just a silly little crush that he had on her, it would fade away. It had to.
"Not that its any of your business . But I didn't need to dump him because we weren't even together." She finally answered him . Eyes on her phone as she replied to a few text messages from her friends back home .
Lando raised a brow at her curiously , eyes flickering briefly down to the phone in her hand as he wondered who she was texting . Definitely not him seeing as she refused to give him her number knowing fully well that he would never leave her alone if she did.
"But you were kissing him on that yacht.." he voiced his confusion , turning in his seat so that he was sitting sideways instead. Giving her his full attention.
Cherrie glanced over at him with a slight frown , lips tugging at the corners despite herself as she answered him bluntly. "I was fucking him for a couple of weeks but I got bored and came back home."
Charles snorted a laugh while lando flushed slightly , swallowing at the way she so casually talked about sex like that. Shifting in his seat uncomfortably at the thought of her and another man ... doing it.
Charles couldn't stop giggling as he looked over at his teammate in amusement . "Wow. Heartbreaker ." He teased her.
She just rolled  her eyes at him with a small smirk "no. He knew exactly what he was getting himself into. I made it very clear that it was just sex." She told him matter of factly.
Because despite being such a bitch, she never once led anyone on. She told them fair and square that it was always no strings attached. Just some casual fun when she needed to relax after a tough race.
"Is that deal just for footballers or-" Lando gave her a hopeful fluttering of his eyes , grinning at the way she immediate rolled her own eyes at him.
Something that she seemed to do often in his presence . He just wished that he could make her eyes roll to the back of her head in other ways instead.
She took a sip of her water and just looked at him for a moment , admiring the way his racing suit was tied loosely around his waist. A long sleeved  , white shirt clinging to his chest tightly making her clear her throat and glance away.
"It's for guys over six foot tall." She smirked , playing with the paper straw between her teeth. Watching his face drop from the corner of her eyes, while trying not to laugh.
Lando sighed loudly , frowning at her. "I could wear heels. Does that count?" He offered to her. Enjoying her snark for whatever  reason he did so.
Maybe he needed to see a therapist because why did he get so turned on when Cherrie was mean to him? Surely that couldn't be normal , right?
She snorted , laughing before she could even stop herself as she pictured cute little Lando running after her in heels all day long .
"No. It doesn't. I'm not interested in you at all Lando." She told him , hoping he would get the hint and move on.
He did not.
Instead he laid his head on his elbows that were resting on the table in front of him, eyes never leaving her pretty face as he admired the way her eyes seemed to be so bright under the sunlight. A few shades lighter then they usually appeared.
She was just so fucking beautiful that Lando had to remind himself to breathe properly.
"Why not? I'm amazing. I'd be a great boyfriend. I'd buy you flowers and take you on cute dates. I'd make you happy." He told her confidently . Not arrogant just stating the truth.
Charles chuckled, shaking his head as him in amusement . "So modest Lando. So subtle." He teased him.
Lando just shrugged and exclaimed "it's true!" Before looking back at a flustered Cherrie with a smile . "If you gave me -just one tiny- chance-"
She shook her head at him firmly "no. I don't want a boyfriend. Don't you think that If I wanted  one I would have gotten one by now? I have plenty of options available ." She reminded them .
Charles sighed in amusement , looking between the two of them with amused smirk on his lips. "Both of you are ridiculously cocky. Maybe you are made for each other." He stated.
Lando beamed at him happily "exactly! We could be perfect! We'd be the hottest couple around!"
He then looked back at Cherrie "and maybe- just maybe the reason why you don't keep these guys around is because you want something real.." he motioned towards himself proudly "like me."
Cherrie couldn't have groaned any louder if she tried. Huffing at him in annoyance. "I don't keep them around because I don't like them like that. Just like I don't like you like that either!" She snapped at him.
Lando frowned "but how do you know that if you never give me a chance? Girls think I'm cute as hell!" He exclaimed . Getting frustrated with her stubbornness.
She looked him straight in his eyes and agreed "yes, you're cute Lando." Seeing his hopeful and pleased smile , she quickly crushed his hopes again.
“But I don't date cute. I like sexy men. Not cute!"
He didn't give up at all, merely raising his brow at her and replying .
“Sexy is temporary. Cute is forever." He stated confidently .
Charles giggled as he looked between them, his own free entertainment . "That would be a great slogan for a tshirt." He said.
Lando nodded in agreement, snapping his fingers at him . "You're right! Write that down!" He told him before turning his attention back to the love of his life again.
Cherrie was looking at him in disbelief. Head in hands as she wondered what she had to do or say for him to drop this little crush of his on her.
How much more meaner did she have to be?!
She had a horrible feeling that she could smack him and he’d probably thank her for it.
"You always go 'awww look at that cute old man across the road!'" he mocked her girly voice as he spoke making her gasp , offended. "Never 'wow look at that sexy old man!' If you think I'm cute now just wait a couple more years. I'm going to be this cute forever." He told her with a grin.
Cherrie reached over and smacked his arm, hard. Lando whining as he slapped her arm back without any hesitation. Both of them slapping at each other like little kids .
"I don't sound like that!" She shouted at him. Going for his head now instead.
Getting him into a headlock while Lando just giggled hysterically, his hands coming up to clutch at her arms with a grin.
"Ooo I’m Cherrie and I like to break lando's heart-" he continued on with a high pitched girly voice , mocking her in-between his own laughter.
Meanwhile Charles had his phone in his hand, filling the two of them to send to their group chat for the rest of their friends to see.
They all had bets running on how long it would take for Cherrie to give in. Some of them said never , betting that Lando would never get a real chance with her. Daniel was the only one that betted that the two of them would be together before the end of the season.
As Charles looked at them messing on in front of him, catching glimpse of the smile that Cherrie was trying so hard to hide as Lando wiggled around in her Arms. Almost on her lap as he jokingly licked her arm making her squeal in disgust , yanking her arms away from his neck to hurriedly wipe his Slava away from her skin.
Charles wondered if perhaps Daniel might be right.
"I'm not breaking your heart Lando! Stop being so dramatic!" She scoffed at him with a huff.
Glaring down at him when he laid sideways on the table bench , laying his head on her lap and refusing to move as he grinned up at her mischievously .
"Oh really? Feel my poor heart then." He grabbed hold of her hand and placed it over his racing heart firmly . His eyes never leaving her own.
She just frowned at him "it's just beating fast idiot.
Not broken."
He laughed, hand over her own as he gently caressed her fingers with his own. Sighing happily "yeah. For you. It does that every time you're near me." He sappily told her.
Ignoring Charles fake gagging in the background as he focused all of his love sick attention on her pretty, flustered face above him.
"Gross." She inhaled sharply as he slowly slid her hand down from over his heart and down to his chest and stomach instead.
He was smirking as he pressed her fingers over his abs slowly , tensing them up so that she could feel them even more.
“Could be all yours Cher ." He whispered to her slyly . Grinning at the way her cheeks were slowly  turning as red as the car she drove.
She cleared her throat and quickly yanked her hand away from his, then she gave him a hard shove to his side that sent him flying off her lap and onto the floor below them Instead.
"Ow!" He yelped in shock as he laid flat on his back, looking up at her in betrayal . "Hey!"
Charles was laughing hysterically as he continued to film them. Cherrie just simply shrugging with a smirk as she looked down at him in amusement.
“my last boy toy had a eight pack ." Was all she muttered before getting up and throwing her Empty container in the bin.
Giving her teammate a casual nod "see you at the garage." She told him before walking away without a single look behind her.
Leaving Lando still laid like a starfish on the cold hard ground, the smile never leaving his face as he glanced up at Charles Stubbornly.
"She's the one. I'm telling you." He grinned.
Charles shook his head at him in disbelief "the one to what? Kill you?"
Lando sighed like a lovesick fool "she can kill me with her beauty. God.." he groaned in awe. "I love her."
Charles sent him a link for therapy later that night .
For some reason Cherrie didn't find herself very surprised when that very same weekend, at nearly two o'clock in the morning , there was a bunch of loud and insistent knocks at her hotel room door.
Quickly rolling herself out of her bed and grabbing a silk dressing gown to throw Over her shivering body, she hurried over to the door before they pissed someone off with their loudness.
Swinging open the door, she squinted as the light from the hallway shined into her tired eyes. Frowning slightly as she looked at the swaying, beaming face in front of her.
"Lando? What are you doing here?" She groaned out , exhausted and just wanting to go back to sleep.
But of course that was far too much to ask for and instead she was faced with a stubborn, drunk man child at her door.
Lando giggled as he looked at her bed head and pouty lips , sighing dramatically. "I can't wait for the day that I can wake up with you by my side looking like this." He waved his hand at her face a little too eagerly, almost slapping her .
Cherrie huffed at him as she grabbed ahold of his hand bedore he accidentally hurt her, looking down , unimpressed when he tried to  sneakily intertwine their fingers together. Swinging their now joint hands between them happily.
She glared at him in annoyance "why are you here?" She repeated her question firmly . Too tired for his bullshit. She either had to be drunk of filled up with coffee to handle him, and that was on a good day.
He just smiled at her , playing with her fingers as he swayed in his spot. Cherrie moving a tiny bit closer to him, ready to catch him if he fell. She did not want to be blamed if he accidentally fell over and ended up hurting himself in the process.
"I wanted to see you. I was at the club and this girl wouldn't leave me alone." He slurred to her , squeezing her fingers like a child to her her attention as she glanced up and down the hallway, wondering where his idiot friend was that had to have dropped him off  in this state at her door.
Her stomach turned uncomfortably as he mentioned a girl, pulling a face without even realising at as she looked at him with a frown. Getting more pissed off by the second.
"Okay?" She didn't know what else to say to that. She didn't want to hear about him with some girl. She just didn't.
She didn't know why and she didn't want to know why she felt uneasy at all. She had no right to be jealous. She was the one that had been rejecting Lando over and over again.
He had to move on from her sometime she supposed. So why the hell did it make her feel so sour? She didn't care. She fucked around almost every weekend with someone new. It was no big deal.
Lando, unaware of her little mental crisis , continued on obliviously. Nodding his head over and over again , looking at her with comically wide eyes.
"Yeah! I told her that I was in love with you but she just wasn't listening. So I had security remove her.” He whined to her . Almost falling onto the wall behind him as he lost his balance again.
Cherrie quickly lurched forward and grabbed his arm to stop him from falling onto the floor, sighing to herself as she carefully pulled him into her hotel room and shut the door behind them.
Leading him carefully over to her bed, crossing her arms over her chest once he had flung himself down onto the mattress  like a drunk starfish. Beaming up at her happily as he snuggled into one of her pillows with a content sigh.
"You're not in love with me Lando." She muttered uncomfortably. Stood at the end of the bed and fiddling with her fingers. Not knowing what to do or say at all.
She was usually the one that was drunk and rambling away, she was the one that was babied on after a night out with friends . She had never been the caring  or the responsible one before.
She didn't know how to handle Lando in general, never mind a drunk Lando who was apparently was just as infatuated with her drunk as he was sober.
Lando pouted up at her, eyes glossy and upset. The alcohol making him even more emotional than he usually was.
"Yes I do. Why don't you believe me?" He complained , frowning at her. Offended that she thought he was lying. "You make me happy and you make my heart sing-"
Cherrie cringed . Never one that could cope with feelings and sappiness. She couldn't even watch a romantic movie without leaving the room. All the lovey dovey bullshit gave her second hand embarrassment. She just couldn't take it.
She wasn't brought up to be emotional. Her family don't hug. Didn't talk about their feelings. Didn't tell each other 'I love you.'. The closest thing to love that she had felt from her father was a awkward pat on her back when she had told him that she had a contract with Ferrari. He said a firm 'well done.' Before excusing himself from the room. And that was okay. She knew that he was proud of her , she didn't need to hear him say it. It was fine.
Her friends had told her that she was emotionally constipated and afraid to be affectionate with anybody because she had never experienced it growing up. And well how could you crave something that you had never had before?
She had never even held hands with a man before. Sure , she slept with them and sucked their dick. But she never hugged them. Never held hands or said sweet words. It was only ever physical and she was okay with that.
Which was probably why she felt so clueless and uneasy around Lando . Because he wasn't afraid to be emotional with her . He told her how he felt without any shame. He always hugged her , sneaking up behind her to wrap his arms around her in a embrace before she could even think to threaten him away.
He told her she was beautiful every time he saw her even when she knew that she looked like a mess . He looked to her whenever he said some stupid joke just to see if she would laugh too .
He sent her flowers every time she won a race , and she won regularly . So she had a new boutique nearly every other week.
He asked her about her day, he asked her about her friends and family. He sent his coat to her hotel  room when he had found out that she had forgotten hers at home. He sent her care packages every month when she was on her period.
He wrote her little cheesy notes and printed out pictures and poems that he thought she might like. He bought every single piece of her merchandise that came out and proudly walked around the paddock wearing it. Telling anyone who would listen to buy it .
He did all these things for her and she didn't do anything for him in return. Not nearly as much.
Sure. She scolded his team principal after she had heard that he had upset Lando. He didn't know that she did that. Only the security man who had to drag her away did.
And sure, she sent him packages of strange things in stores that she had found that reminded her of him. She never signed her name. He didn't know it was her that sent them.
And sure . She paid for his birthday party at a fancy club, telling the owner to put everything on her tab even when she didn't attend the party herself. Sending him only a brief 'happy birthday' text that night. He didn't know that either.
And sure , she looked for him in every crowded room but only so that she could know where not to go to avoid him. That was the only reason why she looked for him and wondered where he was and what he was doing.
It was nothing. She felt nothing. She just- she didn't know anymore. She didn't get attached to people , definitely not to men. She didn't do relationships, she didn't do commitment .
She wasn't sweet and she wasn't kind. She didn't smile just because. She didn't coddle people, she didn't lie to make them happy. She didn't laugh at jokes that weren't funny. She wasn't girlfriend material at all.
She was blunt , mean and roughed up around the edges just like her father was. She had made more people cry than she had made them laugh.
People didn't come to her to hang out because they liked her . They didn't come to her for comfort, knowing that they would only get brutal honesty instead. She didn't even know how to comfort someone, other than awkward pats on their backs and a uncomfortable 'stop crying please.' She stayed away from anything emotional , it just wasn't her thing.
So why wasn't she kicking Lando out of her room and calling up one of his many friends to deal with his drunken ass instead?
Another question that she didn't want the answer to either.
She sighed and looked at him with a frown "don't say shit like that Lando. I don't like it." She muttered walking into the small kitchen to get him a bottle of water in hopes to try and sober him up.
He followed her with his eyes , huffing loudly . "You say you don't but you always smile when you look away!" He called over to her stubbornly.
She scowled at him , slamming the fridge door shut with more force than was necessary.
"It's a pity smile." She snapped as she walked back over to him. Throwing the bottle of water onto the pillow next to him, only just missing his head.
Lando grinned slyly at her , not budging. "No it isn't! Why can't you admit that deep down in your cold ice heart , you like me!" He accused her.
She gasped "I do not! You're not my type!" She denied quickly.
He rolled his eyes at her with a grin . "I think you're scared because I'm not like your usual type. You're usual type don't love you but I do. And you don't know how to deal with the fact that someone can actually love you like that. Love you for more than just casual sex." He rambled on. Picking up the water bottle and taking a big gulp , missing the way she froze up at the end of the bed.
Mouth opening and closing several times in denial , heart racing in her chest as she let his horrifyingly truthfully statement of her sink in. Hating that he knew her so well. Hating that he was right.
She shifted on her feet uncomfortably, glaring down at his smug little face angrily.
"You don't know what you're talking about Lando." She said instead . Looking away from his pretty eyes with a scowl.
She hated pretty boys with their horrible big cow eyes and even prettier smiles . She absolutely , fucking hated them. How dare he be so cute when she was trying to get rid of him?!
He snuggled into her covers with a smile, hazy eyes never leaving her despite the fact that his head was swimming and his vision was making him see double. Two cherries were just as good as one anyways. Twice the beauty. He thought drunkenly.
"I do! I do! And it makes you mad that I'm right!"
He giggled "I think you're amazing Cherrie." He told her sincerely . Slurred speech and all.
Cherrie felt her face soften , hesitantly glancing back over to him with a sigh. Shaking her head at him as she tried not to smile at his cute, arrogant  face.
"I think you're drunk and that you need to sleep this off before you say something you regret." She simply told him. Leaning over to pull off his trainers so that he could get into the bed properly.
He watched her look after him with a soft grin, cheeks flushed with both alcohol and love for the stubborn woman in front of him.
"I could never regret anything with you. I meant it Cherrie . I know you don't believe me but-" he hiccuped as he let her tuck him into the bed properly , pulling the covers up to his neck gently.
"I think your mean sense of humour is really funny. And I-i like your smile and your laugh. It's so pretty." He slurred to her , eyes fluttering tiredly as he tried to stay awake .
“And you're so smart and the best driver in the world. I was so jealous when you became Charles teammate instead of mine. And I'm always jealous of those guys that you kiss-"
Cherrie looked away flustered , swallowing thickly as she listened to him tiredly list of all the things he liked about her. She hadn’t known that there was even anything about herself to like.
"And you make me so nervous- but so happy too!" He grinned at her tiredly . Reaching his hand out for her to hold.
Wiggling his fingers pleadingly at her when she hesitated for too long before she gave in and gently took ahold of his hand, giving him palm a small squeeze. Smiling to herself without even realising it.
"Do you think- do you think that you'll give me a chance someday Cherrie? A real one?" He yawned, eyes already closed as he started to drift off into a alcohol fuelled sleep. His hand loosening in her own as she watched him fall asleep just like that.
As if he hadn’t just completely fucked with her head and make her question everything she had ever told herself.
Leaving her to sigh to herself quietly , conflicted as she let her eyes flutter across his peaceful face. Admiring his sunburned cheeks and long lashes and the poutiness of his lips as he dreamed away.
Maybe he was right, sexy was overrated anyways. He was cute, he always had been and always would be.
She carefully pulled her hand away from his with a small smile tugging at her lips, shaking her head to herself as she got up to sleep on the couch instead.
"Maybe I will ." She mumbled with a defeated frown. Giving him one last look in her bed before turning away and heading to the couch where she knew she wouldn't sleep a wink.
She has too much to think about now. Too much to reconsider as she wondered if perhaps she had made a mistake by brushing him off all these years. Too afraid that he would leave as soon as she gave into him.
But she realised then that he had stayed through it all, even when she denied him over and over again. He never gave up and never gave in.
He was the first to run to her after a race. The first to celebrate when she won. The first to ask her if she was okay. The first one to seek her out.  He was always there, through everything single thing.
He had stayed through her rejection. He had stayed even when she had another man. He had stayed through the arguments. Stayed through the ups and downs of the track.
He had stayed . Even when she tried to push him away. He never left her empty handed. He never passed her without a smile. Never didn't say hello, never left without a goodbye and promise to see her later.
He stayed and maybe it was time for her to start staying for him too.
The next weekend led to a disaster of a race for Lando who's engine gave up on him not even half way through the race .
Cherrie was walking beside Charles side by side as they got ready to head to the media pen now that the race was over , max had won , Lewis p2 and Cherrie p3.
She was feeling pretty  alright with her podium result but she couldn't help but feel bad for Lando as she watched the replay of the race to see how it had all gone downhill so quickly for him.
Watching him head over to where a few tires were piled up and sit down on them with his head in his hands, still not moving from his place even when the race was over. He ignored the marshals , ignored his team and his assiants that were trying to get him to come back.
Instead he waved them off and told them that he needed to be alone for a little while , his helmet still firmly over his head so that nobody could see him cry. Feeling completely defeated and more than upset , once again coming last and gathering no points for his team. It was hard and he was tired, his usual smile no here to be seen.
Cherrie felt Charles nudge her side repeatedly as they both glanced over at Lando, all on his own , with pity. Sighing sadly at the sight of him.
"Go talk to him." Charles advised her quietly once he noticed the worried glances that she kept giving him over her shoulder. Slowing down her walk as though she wasn't sure whether she could walk away from him or not.
Cherrie frowned at her teammate  "I don't think anything that I can say would help charles. I don't know how to make people feel better." She reminded him "I only make them feel worse." And it was true.
Last time she had tried to comfort someone, she had ended up making them cry even harder.
Charles rolled his eyes at how oblivious she was. "You don't even have to say anything. I think that you just being there for him would make him feel better. He always lightens up whenever you're around." He told her seriously .
Cherrie scoffed, not believing him in the slightest. Yet she couldn't help but glance over at Lando again, heart pinching in her chest as he still didn't move from his spot. Ignoring everyone  and everything around him.
"I don't think-" she tried to come up with some other excuse to why she shouldn't go. But Charles saw right through her facade .
He gave her a firm push in his direction "exactly. Don't think . Just go. He loves you Cherrie-" he gave a pointed look when she went to deny it "as much as you like to pretend that he doesn't. He does . And I know that you do too. So go and talk to him please."
She gave in with a defeated sigh. Giving her teammate one last unhappy glare before stomping over to the tires where Lando was sitting all on his own.
She sat down beside him carefully , not even looking at him. Instead she kept her gaze out to the track in front of them, now empty of their cars.
"Lando.." she hesitantly spoke up after a minute of silence between them.
“Please don't cry." She whispered to him pleadingly when she heard him sniffle.
He let out a watery laugh , shaking his helmet covered head. "I lost again. I'm out again. I'm never going to be champion Cherrie. I'm a fucking loser." He sniffled upset.
She did look at him then. Frowning deeply "don't say that! You're not a loser. You've just got a shitty car. It doesn't matter how good of a driver you are if your trying to win a race with a fucking tractor Lando!" She snapped at him.
More than Uncomfortable with him crying and no knowing what to do or say to make it better.
He looked over at her , sniffling loudly. "But-"
She groaned and turned to face him properly , leaning over to unlatch the clip underneath his chin so that she could pull his helmet off . Wanting to look him in the eyes as she spoke instead of a helmet where she couldn't see his reaction to her words.
She carefully pulled his helmet off and set it to the side while Lando hesitantly lifted off his balaclava , his eyes red and tearful. Nose pink and cheeks flushed from the heat and from crying.
"No buts! You're a incredible driver Lando with so much talent and so much potential! And you're only young , just like me! You're going to win one day okay? And it might not be today and it might not be the next race. But you will. I know you will because you're you." she struggled to find the right words to explain what she meant.
Not used to comforting people. She was usually the one doing the upsetting  , not the comforting.
She awkwardly patted his back, lips pursed together as she rapidly tried to think of ways to make him happy again. She couldn't stand the sad look on his face , she wanted him to smile. Not cry.
Lando wiped at his eyes with his sleeve , looking at Cherrie hopefully as he felt his heart lighten at her words. Knowing That she never lied about anything, that was one thing he could guarantee her to do.
"Really? You think so?" He sniffled while leaning into her touch as he shuffled closer to her side , wrapping his arm around her back slowly from behind as he leaned his side against her own  . Silently asking her for a hug.
He was expecting her to pull away but instead she only pulled him closer. Wrapped her arm around his shoulders and pulled him into her side properly as he buried his face into her neck , his other hand falling down to her thigh so he didn't fall . Both of them still balancing on the tires that they were sitting on.
She gently ran her fingers through his hair , scratching at his scalp soothingly as she sighed.
"I do. Because I believe in you and I know that your time will come. And if it doesn't then I'll drag max off that podium myself and carry you up there instead. Alright?" She muttered to him firmly .
Leaning her cheek against the side of his head as he clung to her, feeling him smile against her skin at her words.
"You'll carry me? Like a bride?" He teased pulling his head away from the crook of her neck  so that he could look at her.
His mood all ready lightening up as he watched her roll her eyes at him playfully with a smile. His heart thudding hard in his chest as he gazed at her affectionately.
Heart swelling in his chest as he realised that despite the fact that she hated affection and that comforting people made her feel physically sick. She had come after him to make sure that he was okay.
She was holding him, she was consoling  him. She was smiling at him. Even though she was meant to be at the media pen after her own podium win, she had chosen him instead.
"Sure. I'm the stronger one out of the two of us anyways. So it's only right." She teased him back. Glad to see him smiling again.
Feeling her stomach flutter when he slowly placed his hand at the back of her neck. Cupping it in his hand gently as he looked down at her quietly in amazement.
"Usually when a man puts his hand around my neck. We're not sat on some old tires at the track." She whispered to him. Overwhelmed with the way he was looking at her .
He laughed softly and shook his head fondly at her , biting down on his bottom lip as his eyes were drawn down to her smile.
"God.." he breathed out , blushing. "Don't say that."
She smirked at him , amused by how flustered he was.
“Why not?" She wanted to know.
He looked her straight in the eyes and muttered "because it makes me want to experience what they did with you." Enjoying the way her breath hitched , pupils widening as she looked at him, startled by his confession.
She laughed a little nervously as he moved his face to be closer to her own, their noses brushing gently.
"What? The casual sex experience you mean?"
He shook his head, eyes fluttering closed as he breathed her in. Heart racing in his chest as he felt her cup his jaw in her hand softly , pulling him even closer to her .
"No." He denied with a soft smile.
"I want the boyfriend experience." He simply told her . Opening his eyes to see her reaction.
She just looked at him for a moment before frowning "that'd be a new experience seeing as I haven't done that before Lando." She reminded him. She didn't date. She fucked. End of. They meant nothing.
But as she looked into his shiny eyes and pretty smile , she knew that it was over. She wasn't a liar after all.
Her heart was racing. Her fingers trembling and all she wanted to do was kiss him. Wanted to make him happy .
She was in love wasn't she? For fucks sake. She really couldn’t catch a break!
Lando just laughed and shrugged his shoulders mischievously. "Then it'll be a experience for the both of us. Because I love you and I want you and I like you. So fucking much." He confessed to her without any shame.
His love for her came to him as easy as breathing did. She was it for him. He just knew she was.
And Cherrie. Cherrie just sighed long and hard in defeat. Nodding her head along in agreement as she watched his features light up with pure joy, his breath hitching in his throat as he stared at her with wide eyes, shocked at her casually agreeing.
"Yeah? You want that with me?" He needed to know. Didn't care how desperate he sounded .
He had loved her for a long time. Two summers now but he wanted them all.
She let out a soft laugh and leaned forward to  kiss him instead of answering . Cradling his jaw in the palm of her hand as she pulled him closer , breathing in his love as she finally gave into what was right. To what had been there, right in front of her the whole time just patiently waiting for his turn to shine.
Lando moaned against her mouth breathlessly  as she parted his lips with her tongue , tilting his head to the side as his cradled her cheeks between his fingers firmly. Thumbs stroking her sharp cheekbones , feeling them heat up beneath his touch.
Kissing her like he had dreamed of kissing her for so long now. He kissed her like she was the last person woman that he would ever kiss. And if he had his own way, she would be the first and last woman that he fell in love with.
She was it for him. He just knew it.
"You love me?" He panted against her lips , his fingers desperately clutching at every part of her that he could reach. Swallowing each sigh and each soft moan she gave him with his lips, he never wanted to let her go again.
She breathed out a laugh and whispered onto his tongue "I love you." Before letting out a loud giggle as Lando suddenly moved too quickly in excitement and fell backwards .
His arms flaying in panic as he gasped out her name loudly before his body fell into the hole of the tire that they had been sitting on , his body folding up with only his legs and head poking out for her to see.
She was giggling hysterically, clutching at the tires for support as tears of laughter ran down her face. Belly aching from love and giggles as she looked down at lando's blushing face , stuck in the tire as he gazed up at her with a sheepish grin.
"I'm stuck with this now huh you idiot ?!” Was all she said through her own laughter as she pulled out her phone to take a picture of him instead of helping him out.
Lando sighed loudly and simply nodded his head , flushed bright red as he smiled apologetically up at the love of his life who actually loved him too.
Despite being stuck in a tire, he had never felt more happier than he did then in that moment .
"Yeah. For the rest of your life I'm afraid." He told her with a grin. Unable to take his eyes off her.
She shook her head at him with a affectionate laugh.
Both of them unaware of a nosy Charles hurriedly  messaging the group chat as he announced that Daniel had won the bet. A multitude of disbelief and demands for proof coming through his phone . None of them believing that Lando had actually done it. Unable to believe that Cherrie had given in.
Charles just sent them a picture of lando stuck in a tire, Cherrie kneeling by his side as she leaned over the rubber tires to give him a kiss. Smiles clearly seen on both of their faces.
Pay up suckers. I win! Daniel replied smugly .
Charles just sent him the money through PayPal with a defeated sigh of his own.
Before glancing away from his teammate and Lando who were now full on making out , despite him being stuck in a tire. He quickly turned away before he could see anymore tongue, grimacing to himself at the sight.
Suddenly feeling sick as he wondered what the hell they had done.
If Lando  was obsessed with her before. How affectionate was he going to be in front of all of them with Cherrie now that he had her to himself?
Charles had a feeling that he was going to unwillingly see a lot more of their 'affections' now more than ever.
He crossed his fingers together and hoped that he wouldn't need therapy by the end of this season.
He couldn't believe that Daniel was right. Lando got the girl.
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lovelybunn · 2 years
ㅤㅤㅤ ﹙ 𝖽𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗋𝖾𝖽.﹚
warning(s): smut, swearing
author's note: this is lowkey so fanon it's not even funny but it's fine. and i love red guy so i'll project on him as much as i'd like, f u + ratio + leave if u don't like it idc. /lh
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                      ༚ .  🍬 ◌  ꙳ .  ⊹  🖍  + 。 ๋
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"hm? you say you 'love' me? thank you. i guess i do, too." red flashes his canines at you; a warm, gentle smile welcomed you. it only lasted for a second though, before his focus went completely back on the television in front of him. you rolled your eyes playfully before laying down next to your boyfriend.
his autism makes it a bit hard for him to show his affection/emotions, but he really does try his best.
he may act kind of cold and/or misunderstand certain social cues, but he does it all in good faith.
red loves being generally around you. there doesn't need to be a conversation– or even any touching for that matter, just being in your presence gives him a sense of comfort.
red speaks in a very monotonous voice, not intentionally of course, but it does cause confusion in translation. what makes it even worse is that sarcasm is literally his main sense of humor.
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"hon, i left some chives in the fridge. can you go fetch them for me, please?" your boyfriend hummed. the smell of fresh cut onions frying in olive oil filled your nostrils. red was preparing some kind of dish, but he refused to tell you what it was. you about drooled imagining all the possibilities; no matter what it was, you knew red was bound to make it delicious.
red unironically loves to cook, so his love language is to feed you with his culinary specialities.
he has an over 200 page recipe book that would be illegible and unorganized without the help of duck with a variety of dishes from tiramisu to korean style corn dogs.
the only thing he won't even think about cooking is red meat. it reminds him too much of organs and that makes him physically sick to his stomach.
if you guys are making bread or something, red will press his body close against yours and guide your hands while softly whispering you instructions.
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"why do you keep staring at (name) like that?" yellow bellowed, his head tilted to the side with curiosity. red snapped his focus towards yellow. his tone was mildly harsh as he responded, "what? i'm not staring. i'm just looking at them. am i not allowed to look at my own partner anymore?" duck scoffed, flipping through the newspaper absent-mindedly. "don't get all defensive, he does have a point, it's quite... awkward to watch on the sidelines." before red could come up with a snarky remark, you pranced in, looking as happy as can be. duck smirked while yellow became a giggly mess. you didn't understand what the commotion was about, but red looked like he was about to explode.
even in the long term, red acts like you're simply unreachable like his chances of ever finding his real family.
he absolutely adores viewing you from afar. your like some kind of abstract painting to him: weird, confusing, yet so beautiful in his eyes.
he even has little fantasies and daydreams about you two, but red keeps the thoughts to himself, afraid you may debunk his ideas entirely.
his two mates tease him to hell about you two, but he always keeps his cool no matter much he wants pop their little skulls open.
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he's 1000% a bottom, no question. he needs you to control and use him until he's nothing but a shriveled up disgusting milked dry mess.
forget a horse, all the horsepower you need is right in red's lap!
red is always in the mood for head, no joke it's almost as if that thing is always hard as mount everest.
in contrast to the point above, red's sex drive is really low, but when he is horny, it's like witnessing a dog in heat.
he's a whimper/mewler. he can't help it, you just make him feel so fucking good.
red's ability to speak completely shuts down when having sex. it just become incoherent babbles at that point.
pretty much inexperienced, but once red gets the hang of it, it's on and poppin' partner ;).
no bdsm. absolutely not. abuse? of him or you, especially you? hell no.
exhibitionism is also a no-no. red believes sex should be a private intimate experience, and he's already fully aware of who he belongs to and vice versa.
red's praise kink is down so horrendously that you can simply say "good job" in a casual conversation and he'll get hard.
red prefers to cum inside you, wouldn't mind if you were like "ew that's gross /hj"
speaking of his cum, he got alot of it, and it goes everywhere when you give him head.
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hyperfixatedbean · 5 months
Why I think Eddie Diaz is autistic !
(As an autistic individual)
- Struggle with emotional expression:
He often struggles to express emotions, particularly in his relationship with women, (look at the way he acted with Sharon, Ana and Marisol, never communicating clearly, or doing it VERY straightforwardly (-> “you should go”)
He struggle with articulating his feelings, to name his emotions and process them (seemingly alexithymia) and he close off a lot, even with his therapist !
- Literal Thinking:
He tend to interpret language literally, (interactions with his colleagues and fast problem-solving, keeping a cool head under very stressful situations, the way he react to jokes, the way he doesn’t believe and ‘judge’ the way they fear superstitions, only believing what he can prove)
It seems to me like he experiences challenges with understanding figurative language or sarcasm and only believe what is proven, he’s very closed off about the idea of superstition which can be seen in some autistic people who struggle with theses concept
And he can be really straightforward (see the “you should go home Ana” or the “last time he wore that was at his mom’s funeral”) -> stating facts straightforwardly without processing it first and without realizing how stating it like that can be ‘awkward’ to others
- Meltdowns and Coping Mechanisms:
He experiences moments of intense frustration and resorts to unhealthy coping mechanisms (-> fights and destroying his room, hurting himself and other in the process (as in a lot of autistic meltdown and the way a lot of us turn to violent coping mechanisms to fight against sensory overload and the complexity of understanding our own emotions -> resorting to violence)
He parallels experiences of sensory overload and regulation, also his panic attacks and the way he avoid addressing his trauma and feelings by brushing it off and ignoring his own mental health, struggling to understand his own feelings about what he’s experiencing
- Difficulty with Trauma and Normalcy:
His reluctance to address trauma and persistent efforts to appear "normal."
It reflects challenges faced by autistic ppl in processing traumatic experiences and blending in with neurotypical society (force conformism and such)
There’s something about the way he and his father approach emotions, keeping it hidden and close off, that resonates a lot with my own experiences as someone autistic raised by someone who’s (probably) autistic too ‼️
+ the way he quickly connect with Buck exemplifies the ‘neurodivergent link’ : ADHD and autism solidarity is a reality ! Neurodivergent people tend to feel more secure, comfortable and friendly with other neurodivergent individuals!!
He basically just give such a autistic energy, like- I really connect with his struggle and the way he interact with the world around him, but please tell me what YOU think 🫶‼️
To have a better view of this part of him we would need more of his pov, sadly we rarely get it so I’m basing this of what I remember, what I personally see in him, what I connected with :’D
(Keep in mind that I probably projecting and it’s just an headcanon, not hate please <3 constructive criticism is welcome tho !!)
Credits it to @thisonemaniac that helped me make this post :D !! We talked about it a bit, I highlighted in orange what he remind me off ‼️
(Since you asked me about it you might want to read this :D !! I explained it better I think xD @lesbianphoebespengler )
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