#please write this. please. im not guilt tripping you we hate that
dear future me, Please remember to write the metamorphosis fic and title it ~✨the yassification of howdy pillar✨~
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dixons-sunshine · 5 months
i requested for scud but you never replied so im gonna req gf finding out scud works for a blade again
Apologies, Baby | Scud Frohmeyer x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Long ago, back when you were only ten years old, vampires murdered your parents and left you an orphan, forcing you into foster care. You hated the species with a passion, and wanted nothing to do with them. So when your boyfriend revealed that he was working for a half-breed, you didn't know how to feel.
Genre: Angst, some fluff towards the end.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of death and blood.
Word count: 1.3k
A/n: For some reason your first request never popped up in my inbox, so I'm sorry I didn't see it back then. I hope this is somewhat decent enough to make up for it (I don't really like this). Also, I feel like Scud is a little ooc in this, but I wanted to write a tender moment for our favourite stoner.
“Baby, could you please just listen to me? It's not like you think, okay?”
You shook your head and let out a bitter laugh, clutching your side tightly as you limped away from your boyfriend. Bruises littered your skin, the recent vampire attack you had found yourself in taking its painful toll on you.
Everything was a blur. One minute, you were walking back to your apartment after a long shift at work. The next, some creep in a mask—later revealed to be a bloodsucking monster—grabbed you and forced you into his car. And a few hours, maybe even days, later, a mysterious man with freakish abilities came to your rescue. Thankfully, the vampire hadn't bit you, but he did take great pleasure in hearing your screams, so he tortured you. Hence the injured side you were currently clutching to.
You had always known of vampires' existence. They were the reason you became an orphan at the mere age of ten years old. And to top it off, nobody believed you when you told them the real story. They were the reason why you were sent to a facility to treat your "absurd beliefs".
You hated vampires and anything to do with them. So it came as a great shock to you that when the mysterious man, who had introduced himself as Blade, took you back to his workshop to tend to your wounds and you found your boyfriend there. The same boyfriend who told you that he was too sick to hang out after your shift. The same boyfriend who lied to you about his job. The same boyfriend who revealed that he was working for a guy who was half vampire.
To say you were pissed would be an understatement.
Scud hurried to you, gently but firmly grabbing your wrist in his hand. He spun you around, forcing you to look at him. His blue eyes gazed down at you, begging, pleading for understanding. For you to listen to him.
“Babe, please. Just... let me clean you up while I explain everything. You deserve that much,” Scud begged, frowning deeply as guilt swarmed around in his beautiful blue eyes.
You shook your head. “Josh, I—”
“Please,” he pleaded. “Just... Please.”
You sighed, giving him a reluctant nod. “Alright,” you agreed, pulling your hand from his grip. “You have until I'm bandaged up.”
In no time at all, you were seated on top of what you assumed was Scud's workbench while your boyfriend carefully helped you out of your shirt, leaving you clad in only your bra. The wound on your side was deep, but it luckily didn't look like it needed stitches.
“You probably want that explanation now, huh?” he asked, breaking the silence well he brought a washcloth with lukewarm water closer to clean your wound.
You hissed in pain when the cloth made contact with your side. “Yeah,” you said through gritted teeth. “I was promised an explanation.”
A few beats of silence passed. Scud sighed and shut his eyes momentarily, as if gathering his thoughts. “You remember that week before we got together, when I came home from my hiking trip and I was all messed up?” When you nodded, he continued. “I was attacked by two bloodsuckers. They tore into me and wanted to drain me of my blood. The only reason I came out of that situation alive was because B saved me. He brought me back here and patched me back together. I owe him a debt because of that.”
You frowned and brought a hand to rest on Scud's cheek. He instantly nuzzled against your hand, sighing in content at the warm feeling. You didn't know this, but when Blade had relayed your full name to him over the radio, he was out of his mind with worry. He nearly abandoned everything just to go after Blade and make sure that he brought you back in one piece. You were important to him. You were the only girl who would put up with him and his habits with a smile on your face. You were the only girl that actually ever meant anything to him.
“B saw what I could do, what gadgets I could make, and he decided that I would make a great addition to his team, so to speak,” Scud continued, withdrawing from your touch and switching over to clean the wounds on your hands. “It was a great opportunity for me. This gig meant that I could make things, and not just those shitty fucking mini flamethrowers I made back in college. I mean actually make things. I felt wanted, needed, like I could actually be a part of something bigger for once. That I wouldn't be such a big fucking letdown. I wanted to tell you, especially since I know how you feel about vampires, but B swore me to secrecy. He said that working for him came with risks, and if the bloodsuckers were to find out about you, they would use you to get to me. I couldn't let that happen. I wouldn't.”
“So you had to lie to me to keep me safe,” you concluded, realisation dawning on you.
“Please believe me when I say that I didn't want to,” he said hurriedly, halting his movements with the bandage and looking deeply into your eyes. “I never wanted to lie to you. Hurting you was something I didn't want to do, ever. I love you so much.”
A minute of silence passed between you. Scud was anxious, his hands nervously fidgeting with the bandage that was now wrapped securely around your hand. The last thing he wanted was for you to hate him. He wouldn't be able to live with himself.
“So this Blade guy... He hunts vampires?” you finally asked, taking him by surprise.
“Yeah,” Scud confirmed, nodding his head.
“Why? Isn't he like them?”
“Yes, in a sense. He has all of their abilities, but only the good ones. The only bad thing of his is that he inherited their thirst. Thankfully we have a serum that helps him with that. B's cool, I swear.”
You pondered over his words for a moment before letting out a small sigh. “I don't like it,” you began, wrapping your arms around his neck to bring him closer, much to Scud's suprise and great delight. “You know how I feel about vampires, but that Blade guy did save my life, so I guess he's okay.”
Scud gave you a smile. “He is, I promise you.”
“So as long as you promise me that you'll stay safe, and promise to keep me in the loop with what happens around here, I guess I can learn to live with it. You look like you're enjoying yourself.”
Scud smiled brightly and brought you into a hug, pressing a kiss to the side of your head. “I love you.”
“I love you too. You're my little stoner baby. Nothing's gonna change that.”
©dixons-sunshine 2024. I do not give permission for my works to be copied, modified, adapted or translated to any other site or platform without evidence of my given consent.
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franciskirkland · 1 year
so i have finally had it this time. not posting for attention but screaming into the void bc its all i can do. please don't click read more unless you're willing to hear some deeply gnarly/personal stuff. and please don't unfollow just bc you didn't heed my warning. this is a personal blog and there's a real live human woman behind the deranged hetaliaposting.
i now know for sure that i intend on ending my marriage. i can't leave yet, but i need to start planning for it. im done. its not worth it.
our first wedding anniversary is in a few days. i have always had thoughts in the back of my mind about us not lasting, but i didnt think it'd end like this, so soon. im embarrassed frankly.
we have had our share of problems both major and minor. but the final straw is that my husband has more or less assaulted me.
so there are more details below but i've been pretty sex repulsed (by irl sex) for the past... 10 months or so? we are not completely sexless but it's usually coercive, with my husband guilt tripping and pestering me for sex. usually i manage to get out of it, even if i do wake up to him rubbing up against me - that doesn't bother me too much.
but yesterday he was being particularly forceful and threatening me if i didn't start having sex with him again whenever he wanted. so he initiated the act. i kept saying no. no i cant. please stop. i dont want this. im gay. and he said no you're not. and he forced me to give him head while also grabbing my breasts and making me undress. i hate being naked. i nearly vomited. i feel disgusting and violated.
the thing is, that part about me being gay wasn't a joke or an excuse/defense. that was me refusing him. i have told him that i am attracted to women so many times and he doesnt even believe that's possible. like, that bisexuality is real. yeah. that hardly scratches the surface of his terrible beliefs and opinions. but i digress.
i don't know if i'm only sex-repulsed due to him getting me pregnant and the subsequent loss, (ruptured ectopic, almost died) which affected me permanently in a physical way and im undeniably also psychologically but i have yet to process that in its entirity.
i am definitely at least bisexual, if not gay. and possibly asexual/gray-ace or whatever. the only men i really feel attraction towards are fictional/purely ideas. seriously. i'm deeply affected by comphet. growing up i knew i was queer but i was also abused by many men as a teen so i guess i internalized it. somewhere down the road i also became really attracted to the idea of settling down and having a family. (i still am, but my priorities have changed the more i see older moms. im only 24, my friend didn't have her first until 34.)
anyway, regardless of my sexuality or lack thereof, aside from our numerous other problems (incompatible personalities, different ambitions, lack of common interests, him being an abusive controlling manbaby, overbearing MIL, living situation, etc.) i am repulsed by him and i cant be around him anymore. i hate him.
the mistakes i have made for/because of this relationship are of a devastating magnitude. i've burned a lotttt of bridges (not my mom, thank god) but with other family, friends and previous employers.
i'm a dummy. yeah. i'm not going to lie. i have invested almost 3 years and over $10k of hard-earned wages into moving to australia for a man who doesn't respect me. i have no income, no privacy, little irl support, because he's isolated me to the point where i'm not me anymore. the most i can hope for is to get a full time job, and/or write some more original stories and possibly get a book deal or self publish. it'll all go into a divorce fund. it'll likely take over a year before the prospect of leaving is financially viable. but i'm not even sure where to go from there. the economy is a disaster in america too.
i would really appreciate some company, i don't necessarily want to discuss what happened but it'd be nice to have someone to talk to as i navigate this. i love you all my friends and followers and readers <3
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cielospeaks · 11 months
short review of g f
so sevil part 2 event!!!!! hoo boy this one was actually really surprising (in a good way). like honestly
so im just kinda gonna list things
-the new friend (galanthalus i think?) gosh he gave me the biggest turnaround. like his story started out with ??? narrator who is uneasily calm in a heckscape with gratuitous ultraviolence and 99.9 percent of the time in this game that means that ??? is going to be the stereotypical "ow the edge unhinged uncaring murderous nonhuman something from another world" (ie the imposter girl from the ninetales events, morgan, etc. you know the cringe gratuitous violence scenerey chewing and not in a good way villans that this game keeps having to try and stop ppl from liking them more than the protagonists but it never works). but then the turnaround reveal that it was just a kid who was trapped in the sword for being not human and had been tortured and overlooked by everyone for centuries just bc he suited their needs? the biggest turnaround. and that the ??? who was talking to him/answering his questions wasnt a condescending big bad but keral who stayed to keep him company out of kindness????? and that both her and krel kinda let him be their child they never had and want to let him go back and live in the world?????? bro......
anyways tldr galan was a very pleasant surprise writing wise and i support him. also he lowkey reminds me of idunn and i dig that so much
-the arc of the main trio! ofc it was very depressing but im glad they didnt go for an ending where "everyone survives everything is fine uwu!" bc i feel like that sort of thing, tho it could happen bc of how op the main cast is, it would make all their suffering and pain feel trivialized and thrown out, and itd make me hate the main cast more (they already made themselves dislikable enough imo, with them guilting sevil to stay towards the middle just bc they didnt want him to leave, with no thoughts abt how hed feel. and that being said i love that the reason he stayed was to help galan, not bc he was guilt tripped into it). like it is really sad what happened, esp to krel at the very end, but it did feel conclusive which was nice (please no sequel. this was a good ending. we dont need a sequel to ruin it, i am looking directly at the knights and perfetto events. and maybe a sideye at the robomi ones for the unnecessary prophecy stuff)
-the side character development! like despite the angst, it all felt very organic (with sevil's story already having that old timey gin tama-ey feel it all seemed to make sense in the setting and not come across as cringe or insensitive angst). esp bc we didnt know a lot abt the characters in the first event, as they werent playable and didnt appear that much (they didnt even get journal entries either smh). so hearing more abt their backstories made them feel a lot more fleshed out. it was sweet seeing them stay to help w galan also, i do wish they were playable tho but it does make sense theyd be npcs
-have not seen gacha sevils story but im hoping its good! itd easily put him with caro and main gacha sturm of characters id really want (not to mention limited studra too ofc)
-and ofc. from kisumiverse side, i feel like kisumi is trying to resist the urge to punch danchou and co. in the face the whole time, while trying to be supportive of sev. who, to be utterly fair, is so wrapped up in his problems he doesnt necessarily notice kisu until towards the end. kisu doesnt want him to apologise as she sees that it isnt his fault, just asks him to take care of himself, and he realizes that he has a genuine alive friend in kisumi. its just a fun "friends dealing with grief and loss and the cycle of grief together" story.
-and then theres also the ending trope which is actually like tooth rottingly cute. "my sister and brother in law died and left behind a child that i am raising alongside my best friend" for some like slice-of-life hallmark movie angst-with-a-happy-ending. like literally. i feel like the sevil + galan + kisumi (w the father daughter too bc theyre cool) could be the casts in some heartwarming family movie or something
anyways this event, easy 9/10. maybe even 10/10. like i dont think g f could have a better event. zodicas was eh (playable ragazzo was easily the best part), knights was really meh, dont talk to me abt the perfetto one, i honestly dont mind no robomi bc the last one had elements i dont care for, everything else was just really bad except the really middle of the road collab and the slightly not so bad but also not impactful one w the grimmir squad. but yea this event is easily the best that theyve had in the last few years
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x0l0tl99 · 11 months
My friend is OK after what you did, they didn't kill or cut themselves again. I hope you don't do it again. That's all I fucking ask. My bestfriend did not deserve to have their trauma be made fun of and dismissed and bullied by others over an AU. They almost hurt themselves over what you did/say to them, with the Glimmer PFP and Amethyst anon spreading rumors how they "harrassed" you. But they are fine. I just fucking wish you know better now and remember that like you, some other folks have things rough. Especially those who had abusers in their life. I'm still so disgusted over the damage you and your friends still did. But I'm glad my bestie is safe and recovering and learning to never tell another fucker like you and your friends of their trauma and if your stupid AUs are sending a bad message unknowingly. Good riddance you little fucking asshole.
i am very sorry for my reaction at first. i have developed a stubborn and dismissive attitude when people i dont really know come and talk to me due to certain events i wish not to dive into here. its my fault for acting dismissive at first. that however, doesn't excuse the behavior that came after why I apologized and learned. that doesn't excuse death threats. the guilt tripping. the dog piling. it doesn't excuse the fact accusations were made that had no truth behind them. it doesn't excuse any of that. people still think i drew art for the au though i haven't drawn a viv character in my whole life. people still think i hate deceptions of female abusers, while one look at my personal writing can prove otherwise. people STILL think i dont fucking care for abuse victims. so many assumptions were made, and i know nobody will listen when i say it isnt true because they think im covering my ass. it hurts. it hurts to hear someone say you dont care about abusive victims when your trying to stop your friend from spiraling because their mom chose their abusive step dad over them. it hurts to know the horrors my parents went through and how much their trying to be better. it hurts that all these awesome people deserve so much better. i am glad your friend has a person here to support them. please keep them safe. they deserve all the love and care. thank you for your time
also when did people think we were friends. they. they litterally were just people i followed before this all went down.
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godofvillains-aa · 2 years
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name: Ti / Ghosti
pronouns: I'm genderfluid. But my primary is they / them.
preference of communication: Discord.. Not a fan of Tumblr IMs. I can handle them better than I used to, but I still prefer Discord. I'll give it to anyone who asks.
name of muse: Shigaraki Tomura (main muse)
rp experience / how long: Jfc.. I've been RPing for a LONG time. Ever since like.. 10th grade. I'm now reaching to be 30 years old. I TECHNICALLY RPed when I was like 12... but I didn't know what RPing was. Nor was I good at it. And I got involved in shit I don't want to talk about.
best experience: Meeting my FP @the-reddish-muse <3 I love her characters and I love our story. I love her art and I just love talking to her everyday. Honestly the days when we don't get to talk? Makes my day seem incomplete. Basically changed my life for the better. But other best experiences is just meeting people on here. I've made friends I have been friends with for over 5 years. Known some people for three years that I met in the BNHA fandom. I meet amazing people. And I love and cherish them all. <3
rp pet peeves / dealbreakers: Jealousness. I've had to block a few people cuz they guilt trip people cuz they're not getting enough attention or they're no one's fav. I also hate when people try to shame me for having favorites. It's literally human nature to have favorites of things. Favorite color, character, food, drink, etc. I cannot stand it when I get anons that are like 'hurr durr you might as well be a interact with Red blog only.' I also highly dislike when someone pins me and tries to force me to choose between them and another person...
fluff, angst, or smut: Mmmm.. Depends on my mood? Usually angst or fluff. When I am feeling pretty good I lean more towards angst. But if I am feeling blue, I'd really love some fluff. Also for angst, I don't like angst for the sake of angst.
plots or memes: Memes, I don't plot all that much.
long or short replies: . Long replies, please. I really enjoy them a lot more than short replies. If we're just doing simple stuff, then short is fine. One liners are now a no go for me unless it's purely crack.
best time to write: I do better during the night or morning. Just when there's less distractions.
are you like your muse:  To Shigs? No... Only thing we share is hatred for the world and that's about it. I'd say I am more like my other muse on here, Eri. Because I am kind and want to help everyone. I am also shy and very quiet. I also tend to cling to people.
Tagged by @snipcutsnip​
Tagging :: YOU. Just tag me. <3
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adhdanalogbrain · 4 years
Hi there! I don't have adhd myself, but all three of my roommates do. It makes it almost impossible for them to notice when chores need done, or to even motivate to do chores when reminded (whether by me or the chore apps we've tried). I don't want to resent my friends but I'm getting close, since I'm the only person in the house who does household chores. Do you have any tips on how I can help them, and how they can help themselves?
Ok so I've been chewing on this response for a while. Because there's no one technique or life hack that can solve this situation easily -- BUT i do believe you and your roommates have the power to solve it, with understanding and a helluva lot of communication. First Im going to explain how the adhd brain can react to chores, them I'm going to share how you can outwit the adhd brain through the power of friendship (e.g., communication, teamwork, and the benefit of the doubt).
So, for a lot of people with executive dysfunction problems, chores are THE WORST.
1. Some of them happen regularly, and others are intermittent. Since it's already hard for us to notice the existence of time, this fact hits us coming and going.
2. Some of them are suuuuuuuuuuuuper boring, which is absolute agony and makes 10 minutes feel like 2 hours of torture.
3. Some require multiple steps, so we cant figure out how to get started, so we get overwhelmed and freak out.
4. Starting a new thing -- overcoming the inertia of I'm Already Doing Something Else -- is really hard.
5. If there is any kind of obstacle to getting started on the chore, our motivation to do the thing can fizzle out.
6. Many of us associate chores with punishment / bad feelings, because we grew up in households that didn't acknowledge our difficulties, or blamed us, or guilt tripped us, or used chores as a punishment.
But!!! All is not lost!! This is where the power of Friendship comes in, because it sounds like there are at least 4 people in your house, which means there's 4 people to help each other outsmart their brains and get stuff done.
The first thing to do is sit down with your roommates and have an honest conversation about the chores. This is NOT a, "Chris you didnt do the dishes the last 3 weeks" conversation! The theme of this conversation is: "The chores gotta get done. Let's brainstorm together how to get that done."
Here are some things that you all, as a group, gotta figure out together:
1. What are the communal chores that need doing, and how regularly do they need to get done?
-Write this all down! Right there at the table! ADHD brains can sometimes need things pinned down in letters on a page before we can grok them. And some things that seem Really Big out loud can turn out to look a lot less intimidating on paper.
-Sometimes people have different expectations for what a specific chore requires. My spouse balked at vacuuming for a long time before I realized that for him, vacuuming meant moving all the furniture to get every single speck of carpet in the house. Me saying "God no please just vacuum the carpet you can easily reach" solved that issue.
2. What chores do people hate? Why?
- The "Why?" is important. If someone hates doing dishes because it makes their hands wet and they have to touch Gross Things, that doesn't mean they never have to do dishes -- it means they should try wearing rubber dish gloves to see if that helps.
3. What chores do people not mind doing?
-My spouse haaaates folding laundry, and I dont mind it, so voila, that is now my task.
4. What sorts of things stand in the way of getting chores done?
Examples might include:
- I wanted to put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher, but the clean dishes were still in there, and my brain was so set on dirties -> dishwasher I couldn't brain how to switch over to putting the clean stuff away first. (Solution: "Dishes" might be broken up into more discrete tasks)
-I was supposed to sweep but there were Things on the floor (Solution: "It's ok to sweep around things on the floor.")
-I know I'm supposed to take the trash out every Sunday but I didn't realize it was Sunday until Monday started (Solution: "Take the trash out on Monday and let it sit there till the following Sunday" OR "Put the trash bags right in front of the door so you cant miss them when you leave the house")
- The pile of dishes was so big i got overwhelmed and left the room (Solution: "You don't have to do ALL the dishes, just a sinkful" OR "Step 1 of doing dishes is restacking them more neatly on the counter")
5. What are some workarounds we can figure out around the above obstacles to help each other get everything done?
- In my house, we don't have a dishwasher. I will wake up in the morning and start a load in the sink, and wash enough dishes to fill the dish rack. When my spouse wakes up an hour later, he puts the clean dishes away. Over the course of a day, by tagging in and out, we get all the dishes done (mostly).
-We talk ALL THE TIME about what we need to get done and what is stopping us, and how we can help each other overcome the mental obstacle.
Example: "I know i need to do some dishes but the size of the stack is killing me." "Would it help if I washed the two big saucepans so that the stack is smaller?" "OH GOD YES."
-We ask each other for help when we need it! "Hey I can do all the laundry if you could just carry the basket downstairs for me."
I know you are getting irritated by the current chore situation. You also dont want to "nag" people or be, like, some sort of parental figure dispensing chore assignments to your grumbling roommates. And you don't want to be left doing all the chores all the time, slowly seething.
None of that needs to happen.
Talk with your roomates. Have an honest conversation focused on problem solving. No blame. No pointing fingers. Y'all are the Avengers, or the Justice League, or your Found-Family-Trope Of Choice. The only rules are:
2. Work together
3. Communicate some more. Ongoing communication. Regular check-ins. Task-swapping. Teamwork.
4. Give each other the benefit of the doubt. No one is skipping chores to be mean, or to punish anyone else. If something gets missed, talk and brainstorm and help each other.
You're a really great friend, to reach out for help about this! You can do it!
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transfemlogan · 2 years
hey hey. what do you think would be the worst possible plot thing Thomas could do with the series. like what would make you unironically stop watching it would be so stupid. I love hate <3
Dude what hes doing RN is making me wanna stop NSHDKFNFN
I have so many fucking things ... he has this weird thing w/ logan having alcoholism but its supposed 2 b "funny" or whatever. I think if he were 2 treat that Seriously & like have an episode where he talked abt alcoholism id stop watching. Bcuz thats fucking weird & i do not trust him 2 do it correctly.
Also maybe if he dealt w/ logans arc bad. Like.. it has a lot 2 do w/ how 2 healthily deal w/ ur anger & boundaries & not being listened 2 & etc but theres so many ways it could go so wrong. Bcuz its wrong 2 assume that logan is completely in the right w/ his actions, bcuz he isnt. He gets angry & guilt trips the other sides & yells at them hes an asshole.
BUT its also wrong 2 assume that logan is WRONG w/ his actions. Bcuz the sides treat logan like shit & constantly ignore him or talk over him & like... he HAS tried 2 b upfront abt his feelings & express himself & every single time they shut him down. So of COURSE logans angry & yelling & guilt trippy bcuz he cannot just "talk it out". PLUS they r not humans so i feel like... applying human morals & ethics 2 them is the wrong move.
Maybe adding another side after the next 1 bcuz we dont need anymore. Please stop adding characters. Or making the orange side & logan siblings. We dont need another set of siblings. OR MAKING LOGAN THE ORANGE SIDE IF THAT HAPPENS IM KILLING THOMAS SANDERS (/j /nsrs)
I would say adding unneccessary conflicts bcuz he doesn't know how 2 resolve them, but thomas is already doing that & I havent stopped watching so...
If he gave virgil valid rzns 2 dislike thr "dark" sides bcuz i feel like that 100% pushes the "all the dark sides r evil" concept that the entire series is supposed 2 b pushing AWAY from. There's still ppl that think janus & remus r the "antagonists" of the story when i would argue there isnt one because its a story abt a Single person & his Personal struggles. Its a story abt learning 2 accept ur flaws & 2 learn new things abt urself. Why would there be an antagonist.
OH IF HE INCLUDED THE ORANGE SIDE IN LOGAN'S ARC. Im just worried 4 logans arc im so scared that hes either going 2 do it b4 romans or do it completely WRONG
If he gave virgil anymore arcs please he doesnt NEED ANYMORE. The entire story is already so virgil centric when hes THE LEAST INTERESTING CHARACTER IN THE STORY can we have ANYONE ELSE . PLEASE!
ON THE FENCE ABT THIS 1 but maybe if he gave nico & c!thomas a healthy relationship? Like on one hand i hope they have a healthy relationship but on the other hand RN c!thomas is not in the right mindset 2 have a relationship PLUS. ITS ANOTHER STUPID PLOT LINE WHEN HE HASNT EVEN FINISHED ANY OF THE OTHER ONES. He has a million plot lines that will never get resolved bcuz he doesnt know How To Do That. & they all tangle in with each other & its SO BAD. Nico just shouldnt have been in the series i dont know why he's even here. What does he add 2 the series. ??
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So last January i started keeping a notes page for recording tags that made me laugh or smile. I was reading through them and realized it been over a year since i started. So i decided to post them to make you all smile too. The fandoms are in no specific order, but i did post my favorite tags at the top of each section. I used the ";" as a break between tags. Ao3 uses "," but several tags included their own "," and "#" made things harder to read so i swapped it out for ";"
These tags are 95% from ao3 fics (many of them from the same fics). The other 5% consist of tumblr tags, fic titles, and the occasional author note/funny fic quote that i loved so much i wrote it down. I dont remember what each fic each tag was from*, so please dont ask for links, but as they're tags you should be able to search them in the ao3 search engine. However if you want specification to which character a tag was referring to, i do remember that.
*im 99% certain these tags were for that fandom
Not fandom specific/i cant remember which fandom
I will take these crumbs of characterization and bake them into a cake myself so help me god
i don't make the facts people i just gently unearth them from the subtext
author is a trash can not a trash can't
Please keep in mind that Canon Timeline has died tragically in a fire, and I am but the weeping widow with an inheritance
I'm not so much taking liberties with canon at this point as flirting outrageously and never calling back for a second date
shameless wish fulfillment; like this is what i want to see and you can watch i guess
31k notes and counting as of this tag sweet jesus you all need church and the bible and the vatican
I will not explain my rarepairs; they're in love now. that's how it is
Cursed By a Mage; That Mage? Albert Einstein
did i just write a different fix-it for this episode two days ago; Yes. yes i did
unforgivable foreshadowing
The Cain Instinct
Destiny's a Bitch: A Love Story
F@¢k Amatonormativity
the untaggable qpr strikes again
they h#ld h?nds ok
it's about the yearning
Star Wars
The Mandalorian & TBOBF
Destiny is calling and it doesn't care if Din has blocked its number
love is stored in the head bonk
*Slaps roof of random Deathwatch Member* this guy can fit so much love and affection for Din Djarin in him
Din does NOT have the Darksaber; because what does he need?; an ulcer?
Din is low key demi and no one makes a deal about it
Mand'alor the Reluctant
platonic love is what healed his lonely existence
when in doubt: road trip with the besties
Accidental Baby Acquisition (A LEGIT TAG)
Not even death can stop plo koon's dad instincts
General Hothead the Thothead
anakin skywalker eats live bugs
Anakin figures it out first, which is pretty dang embarrassing
2am bathroom break at a dingy rest area in the backwoods of appalachia vibes
Or: How the Ghost Crew got banned from Space Costco
Kanan Jarrus: The Daddening
Movies (Sequel Trilogy)
The Traveling Jacket
MCU/general Marvel
This is why we can't have nice things
in which our heroes meet where they belong; IN THE TRASH
An Attempt Was Made At A Romantic Gesture
Erik is crushing harder than a 12 year old girl (A LEGIT TAG)
BROTP: She's Perfect
i will delete this later; nevermind im not deleting this, im leaving this as proof; that i am sexier and better than the entire mcu writing team
Nick Fury Deserves To Be Swept Off His Feet; And Carol Danvers Is The One To Sweep Him
Tony Stark/Acting Like A Bitch
Fury and Goose are the BROTP to end all BROTPs; watch a hardened spy become a fool for a tiny cat
the Cloak is protective; the Cloak is clingy
Middle Earth (LOTR/TH)
Legolas wants the D (the Dwarf)
Reshirement AU
Thorin Oakenshield: King Under a Massive Pile of Guilt and Self-Loathing
hate at first sight
Gandalf Ships It
Look out Middle Earth; when a elf and a hobbit decide to have an adventure; its best not to get in the way
The Witcher
i cant not write dramatic things. its bc im gay
toss a kudos to your bitcher, o valley of ao-three
Two Distinct Varieties of Commitment Issues
Pre-Relationship; by about eight hours
they should be....soft; so upon writing chapter two that one has a heady mix of angst
Im British and so's my spelling
only a jealous threesome can resolve that kind of mess
ft. the only m/f dynamic that means anything: if she can't have him executed; there's too much equality going on; and he is Into That
Jaskiers main role in this fic is to go: what the fuck
Geralt is completely gone on his common law husband and he's fine with it
the other Witchers care and want Jaskier to be safe; Geralt is amused because Jaskier is a feral bitch
Aggressive herb gathering
Grilled Chicken Sandwiches
The Wind Howls A Lot
Geralt is back on his bullshit yet again; what else is new; geralt is a dumbass first and a witcher second
cause of death: refusing gwent; (its actually being a bandit but for geralt one crime is worse than the other); (and we all know which one)
but jaskier is thirsty and geralt is an entire lake
sometimes a family is two dumbasses and their lion cub
the many shades of Unrequited Love; or is it...Requited??; who knows
Many boats get harmed in the making of this fic; Reckless Sailing
is it a romance if there isn't at least one fart joke
Cutagens | Cute Effects of Mutagens (A LEGIT TAG)
Geologically Improbable Hot Springs
nothing makes me happier than making the big rat man cry
Buckle up bitches
Kaer Morons
This team shares one brain cell and right now it’s in Nora; NORA
James gets bullied by teenagers: the musical
Press f to pay respect for my sanity
Ozpin adopting Oscar: buy one son get one moral compass free
Yang is Summer's daughter; and Raven knows it
Avatar (ATLA)
must a fic have a plot to be good?; is it not enough to have 6K+ words of toph and zuko being bastards together?
Aang was not expecting THAT
Soul Eater
the inherent intimacy of comparing hand sizes
found family at its finest
sir leon the long suffering
Mordred and Merlin are friends; because f@ck you thats why
Star Trek
and Jim settles into his new relationship status of "single but pining immeasurably"
Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015)
This colossal disaster required divine intervention to fix
Intentionally sexually charged sleepover; with Illya dying a thousand deaths in the bathroom
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a-jynx · 3 years
:0 uh more Dream smp stuff?? cause y’all liked the other one??? (Georgenotfound edition & kinda long)
being Dream’s sister was rough already so imagine how tough life gets when you start dating one of his besties???
you met george through dream - obviously - and well.. putting it kindly, you hated each other. I mean, HATED each other! It always became a rivalry between you two, shooting down one another’s video ideas and never compromising until Sap or Dream stepped in.
“why do you hate him?” dream groaned as he watched you dislike ANOTHER Georgenotfound video. you glanced up at your freakishly tall brother before scoffing
“because he’s a spoilt brat and.. and he shouldn’t expect everyone to grovel like you do.” you scoffed, as Dream groaned, scrubbing his hands over his face.
“nope, nuh-uh you green tellatubby i’m not befriending him.”
“you’ve been hanging out with techno and tommy on discord too much.. Anyway, just.. please TRY and get along with him? at least pretend for a little bit - the fans get all protective and will baby him before they defend you..” dream’s voice trailed as he sat next to you, making you huff.
“ofc they’d baby him.. and it’ll be fine - I’ll be fine, Clay! I’m a big kid, some trolls on the internet won’t upset me.” you grinned, wrapping an arm around your little brother’s shoulders. he rolled his eyes before poking his index into your ribs, causing you to yelp.
“okay, but i warned you and i’ll try and help if stuff gets too much, okay? remember you’re my sister.. i still worry about you.”
“okay, don’t get sappy you waking tree! we have a stream to start,”
which lead to now.. A Geoguesser and Jack Box stream with the Dream Team ft. y/nwasnttaken - it started out awesome! The chat was having a blast having their boys stream, the guys were happy to be streaming, and you were having a great time.. until George came after you for guessing the wrong country..
“seriously, y/n?? you were, like, a million miles away!” george snorted as sap and dream joined in the laughter, you sighed before faking a short laugh.
“please, you usually suck at this game and it was one bad guess while you’ve been guessing wrong foe the past five minutes.” you couldn’t hold back the slight venom in your voice as the discord grew an awkward silence as chat began to grumble about the sudden change in atmosphere.
“chill, y/n/n, i don’t think George had an real issue, right Gogy?” sap nervously chuckled, he knew just as well as dream that for some reason you and george were always at one another’s throat.
“yeah, i had to ill intent, it’s called playful banter, y/n lighten up, honey,”
“is this just go after y/n day or what? i don’t mean to be an asshole but you’ve been after me the entire stream! and maybe the fans and you guys don’t care, but it’s hard to act like im not affected by you constantly bashing me and then laughing when dream or sap - or even yourself - get it wrong!” you grew quiet once your piece was out in the air, your heart was pounding against your ribs and you felt like you were going to be sick. “i..”
“no! no, it’s… im just going to go, you guys have a good stream.” you quickly exited the discord call, closing out of all your tabs and leaving yourself to stare at your shrunk form.. oh shit..
you grabbed your phone and opened Twitter, a mistake honestly, it was already trending.. clips, screenshots, and the #nightmareofasibling in the US. you gawked at the screen - tapping the hashtag, you should’ve listened to Dream..
‘i knew they were lousy but my god it’s a game..’
‘they always act like they’re better when they aren’t, poor gogy 💔😔’
‘i feel bad for dream and sapnap - they have to live with that 😳’
‘@y/nwasnttaken you disgust me and i can’t believe they even tolerate you. rot’
each @, each tweet was one wishing for your demise or saying that the dream team deserves better. maybe they’re right but you had a right to stand up for yourself! sure.. it was a over a geoguesser game but dealing with that for an hour in a half, anyone would be tired of it.
tears were already starting to drip as you hastily wiped at your cheeks, attempting to keep the water works at bay. it got harder when a ping went off from your phone, indicting another tweet was made at you. even with your blurred vision you frowned as @GeorgeNotFound popped up.
‘Regarding the stream, I do not hate y/n. Nor do I want hate sent to them. I will not tolerate any of my fans hating on one of my friends, it was partly my fault for antagonize them.
I care for them deeply and I hope they know how sorry I actually feel and the guilt rushing through me while I write this. I hope you can forgive me, sweets.. @y/nwasnttaken’
you hiccuped a laugh, a small smile breaking across your lips. you liked the tweet before heading to discord to find your messages had been blown up - Niki, Wilbur, and George had sent you multiple messages asking how you were. Selecting George’s messages, you grinned..
‘y/n?? hey come back to the stream’
‘i was kidding, come on, this is how we work..’
‘okay, i’m starting to get freaked out cause you’re not answering and twitter is spamming- shit i need to fix’
the messages had stopped for a few minute before a small video was sent, showing george in his recording room.
“y/n i’m honestly really sorry, it was dumb of me to keep poking at you when you looked and sounded like you didn’t like it - it’s just.. that’s how we’ve always been! i just.. please message me when you can? i know dream’s already pissed at me, and sap won’t stop threatening me to fix this now - even though they laughed too - BESIDES the point… just message me soon?” he sheepishly sent the camera a small smile, his cheeks and nose a slight red. you couldn’t help but roll your eyes before quickly typing him.
‘y’know i have half a mind to be pissed at you, but.. i’m sorry too. i should’ve have blown up at you or the others, especially on stream.. can - can we hop on call and sort this out?’
Gogster is typing… Popped up instantly, making a smile flash across your face. Suddenly a call chimed in, making you jump slightly before clearing your throat and answering the video call.
“Y/N!! Oh my god, you answered- ah, i’m so sorry I just, teasing each other and acting like we hate each other was always our act and I know i pushed it too far on stream,” George continued to ramble as you shook your head.
“George, Gogy you’re rambling..” you mumbled as he looked back at the camera, clearing his throat with a sheep smile on his face.
“uh, sorry.. look, can we just.. try again?” he muttered as you broke into a dazzling smile.
“we can, but I still get to call you Gogster..”
George broke into a loud laugh, you joining in with his contagious giggle. He nodded, clearing his throat again as he sighed gently.
“That’s all i ask, y/n.. but can i tell you something? dream and sap have been nagging me for the last couple of months to mention this..” His voice trailed as you nodded, rolling your shoulders and sinking further into your chair.
“i may not get along with you, British brat.. but you can always talk to me,” you smirk as George coughs out a laugh, shaking his head as you broke into a grin.
“you’re jealous that I have a hot accent, but seriously.. i.. Y/N I’ve liked you for a while and I’d like for us to try,” his voice trailed out as you blinked, staring at the dark brunette before giggling.
“i.. i actually have a trip coming up, to come see Niki and Wilbur.. I wouldn’t mind adding another person.” You trailed, sheepishly glancing at George as a large smile broke across his face, making you giggle as he quickly nods and laughs.
“Wait, really?! But- But we always- We.. Oh my gosh!” safe to say.. George was at a lost for words and you couldn’t help but be excited for these next two weeks to fly by..
and ofc dream and drista and sap made bets - dream bet you guys would date because of drama, drista just bet that you’d go on a date but would want to kill each other, and sapnap bet you guys would want to instantly date - some were more right than others, but in the end,.. Y/nistaken & Georgewasfound became trending and knocked the harmful trends down
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canumoveurseatup-no · 3 years
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I posted 864 times in 2021
469 posts created (54%)
395 posts reblogged (46%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.8 posts.
I added 490 tags in 2021
#bexie replies - 270 posts
#black!reader - 31 posts
#timezone reblog - 26 posts
#timezone rb - 25 posts
#bucky barnes x reader - 25 posts
#bucky barnes x black!reader - 24 posts
#marvel au - 24 posts
#marvel fanfiction - 23 posts
#mcu au - 21 posts
#mcu imagines - 21 posts
Longest Tag: 70 characters
#i hate coffee but if im in some weird mood i most definitely get decaf
My Top Posts in 2021
WHAT IS UP WITH PEOPLE GUILT TRIPPING SAM?! i would like to know! when sharon said that to sam and had him feeling bad about having to be on the run for five years i never wanted to jump through a screen so bad.
ma’am i don’t think a gun was held to your head when you decided to meet up with them to give them the shield and wings back.
that was your choice. just like it was your choice to kiss the very man who you knew was in love with your aunt but i digress.
and here we have bucky again expecting so much out of sam “I need you to stick your neck out on the line for me again”
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349 notes • Posted 2021-04-05 15:13:08 GMT
ooh ohh!! may you please write a blurb about Plum being a complete mommy's girl and Bucky loving Reader and Plum's connection, but also wishing he had that with Plum!! can be slightly angsty but mostly fluff plz 🥺
AWH I ALWAYS IMAGINED PLUM BEING A DADDY’S GIRL 🥺 Plum is aged up a bit in this
“I don’t think she likes me very much,” Bucky sulked silently. He was watching you rock her back and forth in her arms as she slept.
“What would make you say that?” You frown at his words, “You’re her dad. She adores you, Buck,”
“But she doesn’t let me hold her when she cries, she doesn’t want me to help her when she’s sick. Only you, she won’t let me read her her favorite story. What’s wrong with me?”
“Baby,” you move Plum into his arms and she murmurs softly in her sleep, cuddling right into him “There are just some things mama does better. Ever notice notice how she doesn’t let me cut her pancakes? Or let me brush her teeth? She only likes it when you’re the one singing and dancing with her to her favorite kidz bop cd,”
“I don’t know… I just expected her to be a papa’s girl,” Bucky kisses the forehead of his gorgeous daughter, “I just don’t like it when she cries because of me,”
“She’s a mama and papa’s girl, Buck,” you run your hand over his head, “She cries because she’s an emotional character but we both handle it well. She loves you no matter what,”
Bucky wanted to believe your words but he’s seen how Plum is with you and he just feels it’s not like that with him. He’s glad you and her are the way that you two are, he just feels like he’s missing out sometimes.
“I feel like I’m a terrible dad somehow,” he huffed, not wanting tears to come to his eyes. Bucky always wanted to make sure he was the best dad he could be and he wasn’t feeling that, “I’ll be better. I just gotta find out what I’m doing wrong”
He was truly convinced something was wrong with his parenting, when he doesn’t realize your daughter adores him to the ends of the universe and back.
“She’s another you,” Bucky stared down at Plum and adores the way her brown cheeks shine and the way her mouth slightly hangs open as she sleeps, “I want to be the best dad I can for her. M-maybe she doesn’t have a strong connection with me because I-I don’t look like her,”
“Oh please,” you whisper yell and slap his shoulder, “You think she cares about that? She doesn’t know either. She knows you’re her dad! And nothing is gonna change that. I just happened to be the one carrying her for a good nine months so the connection is internal. My body created housed a soul. Connections are always different between parents,”
You miss his cheeks and you can tell your words mean something to him and helps relieve his stress for a minute.
“Doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you. Doesn’t mean she’s not a papa’s girl. She’s our baby Bucky she’s gonna act different for each of us. That’s just the facts,”
“You’re right,” he kissed Plum’s head one more time and looks at you. He’s so blessed to have you two.
“But watch, I’m gonna win her heart fully and she’s gonna be team dad!,”
“One thing you need to realize is you already won her heart, baby”
358 notes • Posted 2021-09-22 01:22:38 GMT
(Messy part 2)
summary: you keep dodging their calls and all they can leave is messages in hopes you’ll call back.
word count: 14.1k 
pairings: bucky x black!reader x steve x wanda ; black!reader x natasha ; black!reader x tony
warnings: this is dialogue heavy, therapy appointments, mentions and descriptions of nightmares, drunk sex, angst, pregnancy scare, mentions of abuse, ANGST
a/n: please do not repost my work, translate it or take credit for it. thank you.
a/n: A LOT of you asked to be tagged in this so PLEASE show support! thank you!! <3
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And at certain point breathing got harder and nothing made sense.
It was all a mess and neither of them were okay.
Steve held the envelope in his hands with its contents inside just wanting to toss it.
“What is it?” Bucky was the first to ask. He felt sick, he felt like the walls were closing in on him, he was barely able to get enough air in to complete a full deep breath, “Steve, what is it!”
Steve slowly opened it to find a paper, a card with a pencil and your ring.
You were done.
Wanda stepped up to look inside it and felt her head beginning to pound. Looking up at Steve her chin began to tremble, “No,”
A smile and a chuckle left her body. Thinking it was some sort of prank that was being played on them.
“No! No, sh-she’s not!”
Bucky had enough of the mystery and snatched the envelope from Steve’s hands in a rush of emotion before dumping the contents on the bed.
He saw the glimmer of your ring and he about vomited from the wave of hurt he was feeling. He saw your letter to them and he couldn’t even look at it. There was no way you just left this here with no goodbye, without telling them!
His fingers wrapped around the card and pencil to pick it up. Sobs wracked his body as he noticed it was something you had planned out in your scrapbook.
Pencil Us In!!
Steve Rogers, James Buchanan Barnes and Wanda Maximoff as we request your presence when we join in Holy Matrimony. We invite you to share our joy and love on the Twentieth of December, Two-Thousand and Twenty one, 2pm at 569 Leaman Place Brooklyn Heights.
The words weigh heavy on Bucky’s shoulders. Where is your name? You even went as far as picking out the date and picking him and Steve’s empty apartment building as the venue to get married as it was something that they held dearly to their hearts. It was vacant but could be done up to hold a beautiful ceremony.
“You did this,” He growled. Turning to Steve and seeing no hint of emotion angered him, “You hear me?! You did this!!”
He waved the invitation around in Steve and Wanda’s face.
“She’s gone! She left her ring, she packed her shit, broke up with us through a letter and she’s gone!”
Bucky could not contain his sadness and anger. Why did it have to be like this?
“We did this!,” Wanda corrected. There was no way she was going to stand by and let him blame just them for this result, “We all made her feel unloved at one point or another,”
See the full post
437 notes • Posted 2021-11-18 23:30:46 GMT
bucky guilt tripping sam by saying “maybe he was wrong about you. if he was wrong about you then he was wrong about me” is not as cute as y’all think it is. but imma be quiet 🥴🤐
452 notes • Posted 2021-03-26 14:59:01 GMT
summary: relationships were never easy, especially when there’s 4 of you. work calls upon your attendance frequently and things within your relationship get messy when you start to feel left out but the others don’t understand.
word count: 20.8k
pairing: black!reader x wanda x bucky x steve ; black!reader x tony platonic ; black!reader x sam x nat x clint
warnings: slow burn, communication problems trope, feelings of inadequacy, feeling unloved, fighting, screaming, suspicions of infidelity, mentions of blood usage of marijuanaaaa
A/N: y’all are probably like “why this bitch always writing angst”- it’s a result of my maladaptive daydreaming disorder, leave me alone lol.
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You wanted to believe that all of this was just a figment of your imagination. You didn’t want to believe that any of this was happening, that is, until you finally saw it with your own eyes and there was no denying that it was happening.
You saw the pictures on social media, the glasses of champagne, the careless smiles and middle fingers in the air. You didn’t want to believe it but, you were being left out of your own relationship. 
As a trusted employee of Stark Industries, you’re away quite a bit and you’re afraid that it’s costing you your relationship. 
“Hey babe, so I have tonight off, I was wondering if you wanted to have a date night, I know the guys are doing their own thing,” You walked in and saw Wanda in a robe, sitting at her vanity applying blush. Something told you in your gut that you would be shot down.
“Actually, Bucky is taking me out tonight, Steve is doing some late night training with Sam though if you wanna head to the compound, baby,”
You do your best not to let your smile drop as you remove your blazer and let your hair tie go to let your afro bloom. 
“No uhm, nevermind. Maybe it’s just best I stay in tonight. I’m actually a little tired,”
“Okay,” is all she says as she sends you a sweet smile through the mirror, “I don’t know what time we will be back but don’t wait up, I know you have work in the morning,” you didn’t miss the frown on her face as she mentioned work. 
They love Tony but they mentioned their worries before that they feel he’s putting all of his trust in you which is taking you away from them. You’ve listened to their concerns and would take a few days off here and there but it never lasted long. 
Before you can reply Bucky walks in and doesn’t even acknowledge you, almost as if you’re invisible. 
“Hey, hun, you almost ready?” his eyes shine bright at Wanda and you can’t remember when he last looked at you like that. 
You wonder when the spark left his eyes.
“Yeah just let me get my dress on, I told Y/N not to wait up,”
Bucky looked up and he wore a look of surprise, “Oh, you’re home earlier than usual,”
“Well, you don’t seem very happy about that,” You gave a nervous laugh and he just shook his head.
“N-no th-that’s not it, it’s just... we’re not used to seeing you much,” he sounds like he’s let down.
“Well, I made sure to leave on time to get home to you guys but, looks like everyone has plans so-,”
“You can come if you’d like, baby,” Wanda offered, “We can wait a little longer,”
You were about to accept but then you realize that had you not come home early, you wouldn’t have even known that they were going out.
“No, it’s okay. This was a thing between you two first. I’m just gonna shower and go to bed,” You walk over to Wanda to kiss her soft lips and over to Bucky to kiss his, “You two be safe tonight, all right?,” 
You don’t give them time to answer before you start walking away, yet you feel Bucky’s hand lightly grab your arm
“We love you,” For some reason, his words didn’t sound very convincing, you wanted to believe it but something inside of you just told you this was dying and you didn’t want it to.
See the full post
688 notes • Posted 2021-08-31 00:17:51 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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yourtokentrophywife · 2 years
may you please post a snippet from conspiracy ? im really loving Colin/Isaac
i suppose snippet 1 & snippet 2 wasn't enough, aye??? here ya go, this is the last cohesive writing i've done for this story <3
Just then, Isaac came in through the door and everyone hurried to scatter, not wanting their captain to pick up on their conspiracy. Though when Dani got an actual look at his captain’s face, Isaac looked… happy?
He was smiling, his usual pre-match scowl nowhere in sight.
Dani looked towards Colin because surely he would know what was going on, and found that he was nowhere to be found in the changing room.
Hmm. Sospechoso.
“Alright team,” he called out, getting everyone’s attention. “Let’s fucking win this today. We’ve got them new plays from Lasso and we can win this, yeah?” He set his hands on his hips and looked each of them in the eye, one by one. “You’re all great. We’ll show Newcastle who’s the shit!”
Dani, just like the rest of the team, waited for the customary threats the team usually received in the event that they lost—but there was no guilt trip or threats. There was no reminder that this was their first match back in the Premier League. There were no words about how badly Isaac wanted to beat Newcastle, especially because he hated any club that wasn’t from London. No, Isaac just grabbed his captain’s armband, slid it on and waved for everyone to follow him with a strange smile on his face.
“Is he sick or something?” Dani heard Moe whisper to Thierry.
Thierry and Richard shared a stony look. “Oui,” they told him gravely, in perfect unison too, and Sam nodded seriously in agreement.
“It’s the curse of love,” Sam added, grimacing.
“We gotta help him then, right?” Moe asked and Dani felt like he should add to the conversation, so he put his arm around Moe’s middle and Richard’s shoulder, pulling them closer to him.
“Si, mi amigos,” Dani said gravely. “El amor is a dangerous curse.”
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willowedwisteria · 2 years
oh lord im so fecking sorry for my friend that pulled an essay on you- i didnt know they would add some stuff about the past events until i found out today.
but ig its time ill tell the truth, and its a stupid one honestly. im currently under the weather and starving so i might write a bit shorter than usual.
so, uh. the reason why i was avoiding yall back then, was because- uh-
i felt like i was the last resort, you know, the third, fourth, fifth wheeler in a friend group. this wasnt the first i’ve experienced it. i know i speak a lot and tend to interrupt (truly sorry for that), and sometimes i was told to talk less or just be quiet.
i was also told that i always interrupt every conversation when a common interest was mentioned irl.
i already mentioned it in my blog but im going to say it again, i honestly felt like i have to please everyone on the discord server, that i have to play my cards right to please the many interests of everyone there.
dont get me wrong, i love feeding all of you fics about your fav(maybe slander them in the process too), but over time it felt like i was working hard just for recognition that “hey, im here. i still exist.”
again, this wasnt the first time i’ve experienced this. heck, i wrote like 2-3 fics just for gaile (one of them is diluc), like i was tryna impress for whatever reason. and honestly? i regret feeding gaile now. i dont hate gaile, i just regret writing fics for them.
and yes, im sensitive, i tend to get jealous of petty things, ill admit that. but i try to reason myself that “your moots have lives outside of tumblr, Hana. Of course they won’t notice your work/message/etc.”
honestly sound like im guilt tripping but im genuinely not.
i hated that i have to please people even on the internet, as if i was born to make everyone around me happy, forever making me an afterthought.
like that time where i send out a message that it was also my birthday but was met with silence, so i quickly deleted it out of embarrassment. (gunter and i shared the same birthday, surprisingly.)
and yes, i regret send that ask to you. i really do. sagau villain au has gotten way too stale here, another major reason why i regretted that. and yes it was supposed to be what my friend previously said, but i didnt expect it to blow up and it to become your au.
i often get attacked whenever i mentioned that i was the reason it blew up, but thats selfish of me, i shouldve kept my mouth shut. ahh yes, the good times where my tumblr blogs were too dangerous for me and my former followers. hah
ah flip, i got sidetracked haha. im not seeking for forgiveness, nor am i asking to interact with my former moots again. i came here to tell the truth.
a petty, childish truth.
but we all have flaws no matter how well we hide it.
im under the weather, family and childhood has messed me up, and honestly i feel like ending it all sometimes one way or another.
however, if you do want to interact with me again, feel free to tag me, even if i dont respond much. i wont respond at all if its in pms, im too awkward for that. you can decide whether you want to publish this ask or not, i dont mind.
I have no right to say that I can truly understand how you feel since I didn't go through what you had to painfully experience, but I can say that I relate to it.
But, let's not talk about me right now.
You don't have to apologize, it was partially my fault. Your friend must have brought it up to me because I needed to at least know.
If avoiding us was your last resort, then I and I hope the rest of your old mutuals respect your decision. Tumblr may not have a place for you, but you definitely will always have a special seat in my blog.
You've been so strong after facing so much unnecessary hate. If you've experienced such hurtful comments about you supposedly interrupting someone else, unintentionally or not, I can kind of see why this was your last resort.
Recognition, fame, to not be forgotten. I don't know how to console or help you, but I'm glad you decided to take the time off of Tumblr. This is an unhealthy mindset.
If you look back into my blog, I also felt jealous of things such as notes and stuff. I felt insecure because my fics weren't doing well and I thought my writing had become terrible. I was insecure. I think you went through something similar.
You don't have to call yourself sensitive because many people also surprisingly feel this way as well. It's a valid and plausible thing, but it's also very unhealthy. Tumblr was just supposed to be this place to interact and have fun, and take a break from life.
I really wish I got to know more about you and bond with you. You seem like a wonderful person. However, for now, I don't think you'd need that.
Again, I'm so sorry for the trouble. That one mistake of mine escalated so much. We might not know each other that well, and nor do your old mutuals, but I'm sure many did miss you.
Thank you for your time here and for being here.
Thank you for the truth, Hana.
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starberry-skies · 3 years
bestie what it is community please tell me about it
GASP someone to infodump to okok so. basic knowledge community is ur classic sitcom but!! the twist is that its constantly making fun of sitcom tropes (and itself) its really meta at some points but ill get into that laterrr. it all takes place in a community college and ill just go over the main characters for now bc i work in the morningjsjdjdn
jeff- hes an ex-lawyer w daddy issues and a huge ego. his character is okayyy but def not my fave.
britta- described in the show as an "anarchist cat owner". her heart is always in the right place, but shes just... bad at executing some of her ideas (side note: my favorite quote of hers is "you cant blame him, thats like me blaming owls for how much i suck at analogies")
abed- where to begin. hes the best character (who lowkey started my gender crisis) but he's introduced as "quirky weird kid who makes movie references and movies of his friends". important note is abed is v much hinted to be on the spectrum but they never say it outright,, oh also community was made in like. 2010 so keep that in mind. anyway i could be projecting (i am) but abed just knows everyone and himself really well so he just acts a certain way to make everyone and himself happy. he makes movies thru out the series and it gives a fantastic insight om how he sees the world. he takes movies and tv very seriously and i love him for it <33333
troy- my beloved. hes like... himbo at its finest. he starts off as a dumb self-centered jock but eventually evolves into kind and forgiving air-conditioning repair Man. hes bffs w abed but lets be honest theyre in love. like. ill get into that later djdjdsskejdifjfj
pierce- hes an old man bigot and i hate him. thats all you need to know
shirley- christian single mother who's super passive agressive and guilt-trip-y. i like her character but theres not much else to say abt her?
annie- if youve seen brooklyn 99 then imagine like... a younger amy whos also a (headcanon) lesbian. annie JUST got out of highschool (and a pill addiction) and shes just looking for someone to love. shes really organized and she plans her whole life years in advance and she kinda hates herself for it. she was gonna be in a relationship w jeff but the fans were like,,, no??? theres like a two decade age gap???? so they kinda stopped that.
which brings me to my next point::: Troy And Abed Had A Better Relationship Arc Than Any Of The Straight People And They Weren't Even In A Relationship.
ok im SUPER biased here but stay with me. they have a SONG. they share a favorite SHOW. they DRESS UP LIKE THE BEST FRIENDS FROM THAT SHOW CASUALLY. your honor they are soulmates even platonically. at one point in abeds films, annie looks at the camera and he goes "annie dont 'jim' the camera". but im all of abed's films, troy 'jims' the camera... and abed lets him. this doesn't sound like a lot but TRUST ME theres more (also its now 3am so brain is kinda fuzzy lmao).
ok so we got the cast: plot wise? theres a lot going on. the show suffered a lot of growing pains and was notorious for goin over budget. also the creator/head writer (dan harmon) literally always procrastinated till the last possible second to write scripts (also he sxually hrassed someone but he apologized pretty well apparently). but he was a GENIUS. so much so that when they fired him, the show dropped in quality so drastically that they had to bringing him back. abed was basically his self insert btw and thats why when he did leave abed's character went out the window. dan left for season four, which everone calls the gasleak year, bc al the characters were so fucking out of character. i personally dont think season 4 was that bad but. i can see where ppl are coming from.
whoops i didnt say the plot. ok so the whole thing is jeff, remember hes an EX lawer, apperantly faked his law degree so he has to go to community college to get one. on the way he bonds w a ragtag group of misfits he slowly learns to love. they start as a spanish study group, but by the end theyre a community to save the school.
britta and jeff honestly shouldve been the endgame but they fucked it up when they tried to pair jeff w annie. troy and abed are so fun to watch, everyone else is kinda just there.
i heard one person (i think it was @/peachy-pear is there url??) describe community as "the first four seasons are about troy and abed, and season 5 and 6 are about the lack of troy and abed" which like. yeah exactly.
community gets super meta at some points, taking jabs at itself (someone saying "i was under utilized as a character") or jabs at other shows (abed has a whole rant abt how autism is treated like a "super power" which is really good).
ok im really fucking tired and for dome reason i keep thinking about clips from super mario odyssey so i should proooobably sleep lmao
sorry ab the long post i just. like this show so muchhhhhhh
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aliensunflower-fics · 4 years
In Defense of Salt AND Sugar: Aka ML Fandom pls chill out.
So I don’t talk much as those who follow me will say I tend to just stick to myself and my own things. HOWEVER, Ive gotten a lot of asks about why I write both Salt and Sugar for Miraculous Ladybug.
The short answer: Both salt and sugar are valid, fun, intriguing things to read and write and the point of writing is to entertain and be entertained.
The long answer: Salt isn’t inherently someone hating on your fav show and sugar isn't someone necessarily giving it a free pass either. Ya’ll are just dramatic as hell.
The LONGER answer:
I write salt because I LIKE Miraculous Ladybug, BUT the show has not lived up to its potential AT ALL. The show could be so much better and the characters are so flawed or full of holes that occasionally I feel FRUSTRATED and mad!
I hate that Alya a character who I was so excited about, gets shafted ignored, sidelined, or written like a jerk! She could have been this great detective working alongside her friend to unmask the villain, but instead she often comes across as pushy, obsessed with Ladynoir or Adrinette, and so damn easily tricked. Not to mention how when shes not gushing over her ‘ships’ shes pushed to the side and ignored. [or you know... LILA]
I hate that Marinette’s crush makes her do things that are so cringy and awkward i feel ill I hate that she’s constantly the only one making mistakes and ‘learning lessons’ when the show has all these other great characters that could use the spotlight and be the ones learning lessons. I hate that she’s so jealous and that she cant ever seem to catch a break as if the show is punishing her constantly.
I HATE that Adrien is a mary sue, how the writers say hes perfect and treat him as such, I hate that he gets to guilt Marinette into fixing everything and dealing with bullies, I wanted a funny, Ron Stoppable, naive boy who learns about real friendships and grows into a great partner. Instead he gets to be pushy and downright a jerk as Chat Noir ignoring his responsibilities, guilting Ladybug with his feelings, never taking no as an answer. He’s not a good role model for kids.
I hate that Chloe got built up to have a redemption arc several times only for the writers to decide that Chloe a teenage girl who needs some serious therapy [and actual reasonable punishment for her actions] is worse than Gabriel child abuse Agreste. She could have been a great lesson on compassion and growth and dealing with your own pain without hurting others. Instead the writers wrote her off completely.
And dont get me started on how the show treats Nino, Kagami, Luka and the rest of the cast. They may as well be a backdrop for the forced love square that we NEVER get a break from. Seriously I’m a sucker for romance but does it need to be EVERY damn episode?! Can’t we just get some wholesome friendship between everyone including Adrien and Marinette at this point like COME ON.
And i’m not even touching on the white washing, awful lessons on responsibility and forgiveness, awful lessons on well so much other stuff really, the guilt trips, the teacher, the fact that she show could be used to teach kids how to better handle negative emotions and the importance of open communication and not keeping quiet about injustice and/or your feelings but instead decided that the main priority should be a love square that gets force fed to us EVERY SINGLE EPISODE.
My point is the show has FLAWS. That doesn’t mean its the worse show ever and it doesn’t mean its not fun, and has a great premise and characters, and so when I write Salt I write it because i’m frustrated! Im frustrated with the show, with the characters, with the writing and so I vent that out with salt I write those characters as their worst selves because I cant stand how the show has decided to treat them and Im ANGRY and disappointed.
It feels good to write salt and to read it. It’s nice to see characters get called out for bad behavior, its nice to read about Adrien not getting the girl. Its nice to occasionally indulge in salt because it validates that the show is flawed and lets you get out that frustration.
Miraculous Ladybug is a lovely show. It’s a show that decided to give little girls a FEMALE HERO. And not just as a side kick or background character! No they made her the protagonist! Its so important to me that little girls see good well rounded female characters in media.
And even if the show is clumsy about it they are TRYING to build an expansive lore that tickles the theorist brain. And gets people invested in the world.
The show also made Marinette shy, and awkward, and clumsy something a lot of girls deal with during puberty as growing up can literally make you clumsier as your body adjusts. Having a character who tries to be positive and tries to find solutions who solves things with creativity instead of pure violence. Thats LOVELY for young girls to see.
Growing up I loved and admired Kim Possible, and probably would have loved Marinette, even if the shows not perfect I can admit its trying and I can see why people love it as much as they do! And why they write these fluffy sugary fics its the reason I WRITE fluffy sugary things.
Because even though I am frustrated and angry and disappointed with the show, I still see Alya’s potential and how great she is as representation to little girls who want a black female superhero so I write fluff where Alya’s loyalty, compassion, cleverness and her pursuit of justice are center stage.
I see how Adrien could be better and I want him to be better and I WANT him to be the naive funny comic relief the Ron Stoppable to Marinette’s Kim Possible. I want Adrien to grow and learn and spit in his dad’s face I want him to overcome the abuse and be happy. To show people that neglect and abuse doesn’t mean you will get stuck like that forever, that you can overcome that and be a better kinder person.
I want Nino and Kagami, and Luka and Chloe and the class to grow and get attention and have funny moments I want to laugh and make other people laugh! So I write prompts focused around comedy and shenanigans and where the characters get to be fun and silly and make decisions for themselves!
I write salt AND sugar. I see the value and merit in both sides of the coin, and I respect how other people see the show. I know its easy to get angry with other people in the fandom who see the show differently then you do but please can we put down the weapons and just BREATHE.
Someone who writes salt might LOVE the same show as you, and they might in fact love it so much that they vent their frustrations in angst and salt and cracky fics. Let them vent about how they wish the show was better, leave their tags alone or block them if you cant stand to see it. But dont attack salt writers for ‘hating on your show’ when they might love it just as much as you do but want a way to vent out their feelings.
On the flip someone who writes sugar might NOT be forgiving the show for its flaws, they might see all the same flaws as you but decide to take that frustration and write fluff and fix it fics and sugar because they want to indulge in a version of their favorite show where everything is just... OK. Where everyone is well written and happy and the character development sticks. Stay out of their tags let them have their sugar, they aren't writing it to hurt you just like you don't write salt to hurt them.
So ENOUGH. Enough hunting each other down, enough sending each other hate, enough filling each others tags. Let people write SALT if they feel angry and vengeful and disappointment, let them have their tags, let them explore the dark side of the characters, let them rant and rave and be HURT when the characters they love upset them with their actions. Its not your place to tell them to stop, to tell them their feelings are invalid, to tell them that ‘adrien is sweet sunshine boy how dare you’ or ‘alya would never’ or ‘i hate your marinette leaves dupont au’. Just leave it be, heed the tags, and let it go.
AND ENOUGH. Enough hunting each other down, enough sending each other hate, enough filling each other tags. Let people write SUGAR if they just want something to feel happy about. Let them makes coffee shop au’s, let them make fix it fics where everything is just happy without needing 8 pages of backstory for why everything is just happy. Let them squeal and gush and talk about the ship they like and the fluff they see. Its not your place to argue with them that the show is flawed, its not cool to ruin their fun by accusing them of not understanding the flaws, to tell them ‘umm actual this character shouldn’t get to be happy’ or ‘wow this is so shallow’. Just leave it be, heed the tags, and let it go.
PS: Now with that said and done. I do have one final message for everyone - If you write/enjoy pedophilia, if you sexualize KIDS. Then get the fuck out of fandom spaces, stop fucking following me, and do everyone salt and sugar a favor by LEAVING. Your pedophilia and child sexualization aint wanted, aint ok, and I will fight you.
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Oh my Sweet. 💜💜💜
I can totally understand the situation you're in. I've been there. It's horrible. Can you get out of there?
Please don't think that, I think your writing is amazing. I haven't sent you some kofi yet, bc I'm currently not in a financial situation to do so.
Thank you.
I can't exactly leave. I don't have money, and none of my extended family are willing or able to take me in, not that I really want them to. Out of all of them I lucked out with parents, but jeez, Last Christmas was really rough, and it's getting that way again.
My psychiatrist practically blames me too for it all too. Tells me I'm not doing anything when I've been working my ass off whenever I can to make jelwery/sew/whatever. That being said, I'm in pain, and I'm not getting assistance from anywhere but my family who also support just shit behavior.
My brother called me a bitch yesterday for no reason (which isnt totally bad on it's own for a 16 year old) and keeps telling me to shut up everytime I speak (Which is bad for anyone. It feels so fucking misogynistic to me). Whenever I try to say something, he'll cut me off in that way, and my mom will back him up because "I'm correcting him" (I raised him when we were alone. I was in charge because my parents forced me to be. I got my ass beat protecting him and verbally harassed by adults trying to keep him safe, BUT FUCK ME for carrying on these traits my parents installed in me into adulthood). This is a daily occurrence here, and he doesn't just do small shit. He throws rocks at kids at school. He chased the dog with a handheld vacuum just yesterday. He hits the gunieapigs cages when their sleeping just to scare them. But IM an asshole for getting upset.
I hate it. I hate how to everyone I'm always the bad guy. I hate how last year when things got really bad, I was still the worst. My brother even guilt tripped me for doing what I did because it made HIM upset.
Please don't worry about my ko-fi. I appreciate your kindness more then anything right now.
The only reason I say anything about my writing being worthless is because I know it is. If I could just write more, if I wasn't limited by my distractions, things would be better. But I'm not, and instead all I produce are half baked pieces I'll never be satisfied with.
But thank you,, still, for being so supportive. It means more to me then I can say.
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