#please. im begging. get a different hobby
cute-chamomile · 6 months
May i never become so invested in my kids' hobbies that i try to become part of the hobby organization's boards and commitees, making myself an inextricable part of this activity and making the employees' lives a living hell in the process just because i couldnt get my own, separate hobby, amen.
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cowgirlcasanova · 3 months
I made the mistake of clicking on a link to a reddit thread about abigail marston.
the way the men on there talk about her makes me physically feel sick. the names they call her, the way they describe her and john’s relationship, the way they constantly bring up her past in a negative way.
They seem to lack any and all artistic thinking skills. to me, one of the main points of media and art is how you’re supposed to analyze and discover the things they aren’t outright said. You have to dig a little deeper, you have to actually think. The people on that godforsaken website seem to just not have/be able to do that!
abigail was a prostitute. yes, we all know this men of reddit and it’s okay! please shut up about it!!!!
she was also an orphan, even worse for the time, an orphaned girl. she had little to no opportunities in the world she was born into. EVEN JOHN KNOWS THIS. “she’s a woman in a man’s world” and they act personally offended on johns behalf. john was an orphan too, i can promise you he understands how hard it is to survive and he doesn’t look down on her! Not that it even begins to matter if john or anyone else “understands” her reasoning for her choice of survival. It doesn’t. it simply matters that abigail was incredibly strong throughout that time of her life and rest. she survived and did whatever she could to and that is to be appreciated.
These men seem to have this one single idea that “abigail was prostitute so john thought baby not his cause so many men 🤓” SHUT. UP. no actually that was so much more actually john not ready to be a father and being afraid of himself!!!! honestly speaking, the entirety of that situation has very little to do with abigail herself. but no they’ll never understand that because it was written out in black and white and you may have to think a little to get to that conclusion. not to mention, they could never accept it because then john marston wouldn’t be as “alpha” BE QUIET IM BEGGING YOU.
the way they discuss abigail and uncle made my skin crawl. there is nothing else said about that relationship, there is no one specific cannon explanation as to how or why they knew each other. but the men i saw discussing it said such disgusting and vulgar things about how uncle “reallyyy knew abigail”. truly horrifying. There’s so many different ways they could’ve crossed paths. she was a prostitute but that’s not all she was. she was still a woman, a person. i can assure you she had other hobbies and activities that she did, that she enjoyed doing.
not to mention how it seems to be such an odd and disgusting fantasy for them that “everyone in the gang had abigail” i hate to break it to you but no they didn’t! Now this is up for debate for a lot of people and i actually want to make an entire post just dedicated to this. When looking at both instances where that was said, it was purposely said to hurt john and throw him off. not to mention, abigail was never around when it was said. There wasn’t an instance of anyone saying it in camp or even throwing an insult to john about it in rdr2. hmmm i wonder why that is????? Bill said it to make him stumble and dutch said it because he knows john and he knows how to hit him where it hurts. But, i don’t think any of it is true. of course no internet bro is going to actually think into enough to even be curious so!
abigail marston is someone to be admired. someone who persevered as much as any man in that gang but she doesn’t get the same appreciation. she probably had to work just as hard if not harder than some of the men just to stay alive in her youth. Abigail marston is not a nag, she’s not annoying, she’s not “mean” to john. take a step back and look at what she’s responding to and give her the same grace you give arthur and john. “oh well arthur just had a hard time showing emotions because of the way he was raised” “oh john couldn’t deal with everything so he ran away for a little bit it’s okay.” let abigail have that same grace.
so sorry this was not meant to be this long. clearly it has been nagging at me. if you read this love you and love abigail marston!
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i will not accept shane spouse room slander anymore im sick of it
I'm so mad at everyone who is mad at Shane's spouse room and i cant keep silent about it anymore
let me start by saying yes Shane was my first ever spouse in SDV and no i was not thinking i could fix him i was just impressed by his progress and self improvement so i had my character marry him
then i went online to see what are people saying about him and i was SHOCKED everyone was so mean to him and were absolutely wronggggggggggg about him
this man does improve himself he absolutely is better after marriage and everyone that's mischaracterizing that because of his spouse room is a coward sorry i don't make the rules
facts: Shane goes to therapy and starts getting his alcoholism under control by eliminating the source of his pain which is wasting his life away at joja and doing something he loves which is raise blue chickens THAT HE MADE MIGHT I ADD HE INVENTED A NEW BREED OF CHICKENS BTW. that last point alone pisses me of so hard because people so often over look it! he is just as smart as Maru just as creative as Eliot and just as ambitious as Sam, let me repeat myself HE INVENTED A NEW BREED OF CHICKEN WHILE HE WAS DEPRESSED AND SUFFERING OF ALCOHOLISM.... recognize his brilliance please
so that means people saying he falls back into his old habits because he has a six pack in his room is wrong, imo he stops being an alcoholic and goes back to having drinking be a hobby he does while gaming or hanging out with friends at the bar THAT'S THE POINT UR SUPPOSED TO GET FROM HIS HEART EVENTS
yes his room has mud tracks but consider this this man's WHOLE JOB is to RAISE CHICKENS IN A COOP !!!!! chickens who again he literally invented their breed who track mud shit and drop feed on the floor of the coop he is in all day!!! OF FUCKING COURSE HES GONNA HAVE MUD ON HIS SHOES!!
he works all day for his blue chickens and then just wants to come in and relax playing a video game and drinking a beer if he was a horrible dirty alcoholic like people claim he is he would track mud ALL OVER THE HOUSE AND DIRTY UP ALL THE HOUSE but no its just his tiny hobby room
you as a farmer also work all day on chores and after you are done you also just wanna do something fun to relax and guess what YOU HAVE THE ENTIRE HOUSE EVERY ROOM IN THE HOUSE TO MAKE INTO YOUR HOBBY ROOM some of you fill the house with kegs because you are making it your thing hell one of my farmers who was a witch had an entire room that's just crystals potions and a fucking cauldron , in my Shane save i had a room LINED with fish tanks that was my farmers Hobby, do you think Shane gets mad that i had 4 to 6 fish tanks running all day with puffer fishes and some legendary fishes stinking up the house?? NO because he gets his hobby room and the farmer gets their hobby room everyone keeps to their space period.
i think everyone needs to understand that having a messy hobby room is not a bad thing and that Shane and the other spouses have a right to their own room to look however they want and it doesn't have to match the house
everyone also needs to look at Shane in a better light please I'm begging you to let characters have small flaws and not be squeaky clean perfect
Shane sought help he is helping himself and trying to be better but that doesn't mean he doesn't get to indulge in some guilty pleasures he is human and is aloud to be one even while still in recovery! the difference now is that he HAS CONTROL OVER ALCOHOL AND GAMING CONSUMPTION AND IS NOT SPIRALING OUT OF CONTROL LIKE BEFORE he has job he loves a family he takes care of and he makes sure he doesn't dirty up his entire house but gives himself a break in his ONE room and doesn't stop himself form having fun doing the things he enjoys without over indulging or falling into bad habits.
Edit: i know in the end the drinks are non alcoholic as confirmed by him and i mentioned beer and drinks cause i know there is non alcoholic Versions of them som.. but as i said im adressing the MISSCHARACTERIZATION of shane by the shane haters who didn't go through his heart events hence me saying "you are supposed to learn all this from his heart events" cause they dont go through them :D
in conclusion SHANE IS GOOD SPOUSE, a good man and an inventor in his own right. yall just need to be gentle to him in your judgment cause man is he trying his earnest and that needs to be recognized. i mean look at him look at this healthy man <3
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thevampirekeke · 2 months
Adrian Chase/Vigilante x goth/spooky reader
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Y’all I have no idea what I’m doing and I cannot write but I still hope you enjoy this. I tried including common hobbies I see in the goth community. Im still fairly new to the community myself so please don’t beat me up.
•Adrian has no idea how to be cool around you when he first meets you. Your all black attire and dark makeup has his brain scrambling to find something witty to say to you. He makes it his entire goal to impress you and convince you that he is cool.
•listens to goth music to try and impress you with his diverse music taste. Even goes as far as referencing and humming songs around you. He can’t help but adore the excited gasp you let out everytime.
•when he asks you out he is stood there in his nicest outfit holding a bouquet of black roses with a face skull in the middle “please go out with me” he blurts out obviously nervous a dark blush covering his face. Oh you were going to eat this man up.
•he brings you on a date to a year round haunted house knowing how much you would love it even with it being a bit of a strange first date. He can’t help but heat up every time you jump and cling to him letting out soft giggles at the jump scares.
•when you both start dating Adrian has no clue how he does it. Somehow someway you had fallen for him and he couldn’t be more grateful to whatever found him worthy of this gift.
•the others are just as confused as Adrian, both understanding how someone like him could pull someone like you. But they still are supportive and happy to see the both of you so happy.
•talk about black cat x golden retriever energy, you two are the definition of opposites attract.
•loves the way you leave a black kissy mark whenever you kiss his cheeks or lips. Jokes about you turning him goth everytime you leave black lipstick on his lips.
•is more than happy to sit there and watch horror movies with you all night even though he hates the idea of ghosts. Humans and aliens he can handle but ghosts he draws the line at. But he will deal with the jump scares in order to sit there with you clinging to his side.
•a little skeptical when you admit to him you collect haunted dolls. He doesn’t 100% believe they are haunted but definitely hates the way they all stare at him whenever he is at your house nonetheless.
•doesn’t even hesitate to ask to join when you tell him you are going for a walk in the local cemetery to cool off after a long mission.
•is a bit worried he will stick out like a sore thumb the first time you invite him to the goth club with you. Once he gets there however he throughly enjoys his time, especially as he gets to watch you so effortlessly dance on the dance floor.
•lets you do his makeup one time and finds he doesn’t actually mind it, infact he think he looks badass. He wouldn’t wear it again the several layers of white foundation and black eye makeup being a sensory overload but he did find it enjoyable in that moment.
•lets you dress him up when the two of you go out. Even lets you dress him up when you two meet the other 11th street kids drawing a “what the hell happened to you?” From Chris.
•is kinda terrified of the monster you become when Halloween rolls around. He has never been in and out of stores and spent more money on Halloween decorations in his life.
•when you start slowly moving into his place he watches as his house becomes covered in different spooky and gothic trinkets and decor. Including those damn spooky dolls.
•takes you on dates to different spooky and odd events and places because he knows how much you love going to those type of things
•constantly compares the two of you to different gothic couples. Even begged you to change eachothers contact photos to Morticia and Gomez.
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esoteriamaya · 2 years
5th house placements yall aren’t meant to have regular degular jobs. Y’all should be out there hosting, entertaining, sharing your heart, and going to places that will allow the artist in you to show. When you trust this you’ll feel more fulfillment.
Mercury 5th house are the writers, the poets, the comedians, the speakers. We love your words and we like listening to you.
Neptune in the 5th - the actors, the greats in theater, you guys have a GIFT with this please go and use it im begging. Drama is for you guys. Something about singing and dancing you guys do eloquently but very differently. You guys “feel” the music and you go with it you don’t go against it. You merge with the song it doesn’t merge with you. You become it. Giving it the soul it needs and being the messenger in what ever the music is trying to convey.
Pluto in the 5th - POWERHOUSES!!!! You guys can make anyone cry !! Like your gift here is so intense you make everyone feel these deep emotions as if you were the character really going through it in real life. This connection you have to your art it’s as if your psychic prowess can turn it into a unique experiment to heal yourself and in turn you heal the world.
Sun in the 5th - beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful. You guys are artist who neeeeed to allow this to grow or you will suffer burn out. You guys are meant to live an artistic life where you express your passion in everything that you do. You MUST get into hosting, comedy, acting or whatever it is you choose. Allow yourself to move into this direction for more fulfillment.
Venus in the 5th - my babies !! You guys are meant to party & hosting something really cool is definitely for you. I could see you being into burlesque or somethjng seductive that shows off your sensuality. Doesn’t matter who you are. Your energy is very healing and it draws everyone to you wanting more.
Moon in the 5th - majestic energy, you need to act out your emotions in some way and I know dancing is something that can heal the sacral chakra for you guys. Sacral connects to our emotions so the more you focus on healing your emotions with something artsy (doesn’t matter what it is) it’ll have good results here and manifesting will be a lot easier for you. Needs a calm life where doing what they want is the main source of income.
Saturn in the 5th - enjoy enjoy enjoy. That’s the secret. Don’t let things bottle up inside you and bring you down. Keep working on those talents it’ll all pay off. You can be a teacher to those in some way who need to know that it is possible to be who they want to be. Take a chance in focusing on your art with no distractions, let go and let your heart sing . <3
Jupiter in the 5th - you have an abundance of magic in your gifts talents and skills. You may can do more than one thing and this can create a lot of income for you. Big personalities and I notice comedians can have this placement attracting a larger audience. When you dance or sing, it attracts a lot of people to you because your energy is powerful and potent here.
Uranus in the 5th - eccentric skills and can be used to shock people . The way you express your art is something no one else can do, so this is how you attract others to you making you a star. Never change the way you express yourself because it works for you and you alone. Gifted in multiple artistic hobbies, but the way you do them makes everyone want to ‘steal’ your blueprint. Be careful cause a lot of watchers are trying to figure you out , but it doesn’t work how they think it will.
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bloodyinkandquill · 17 days
Darkheart x Reader NSFW
first nsfw let’s goooo, also i bake as a hobby, like once a week at least, and i always put three aside for my three friends and one of my sisters ate one of their brownies and now im pissed off >:/ they were the only three left too so i can’t even grab another one to bring to said friend
- D/V/S: Dom, mix of teasing and hard dom, he doesn’t mind if you wanna dom but he’s definitely not a sub
- T/S/B: Majorly a top, can bottom but prefers to top, and again if he is bottoming he’s not a sub about it
- More common kinks: He’d definitely be into degradation, as the degrader not the degradee, probably prefers being rougher, but he can be more gentle if you ask, speaking of asking he’s definitely into begging, hearing you be very loud and clear about what you want, even when you don’t wanna be, is such a turn on for him, he loves seeing you in his clothes, if you wear something of his during sex it makes him so horny
- Medium kinks: Bondage, loves tying you up, always makes sure it’s not too tight however, he wants you to be comfortable since he already enjoys being rough, really into the size difference of you and him, being a 7 foot god there’s a pretty good chance he’s at least a foot taller than you, and with that whenever he’s top seeing you take him is so hot to him, especially if your on top, it’s such a turn on for him, and if you can’t even take all of him that is so fucking hot to him, just seeing how big the size difference between you two is makes him crazy
- I’m not sure which category to put these in kinks: With the being rough he’s also a light sadist, biting you and drawing blood, holding you so tightly you bruise, all that stuff is such a turn on for him, worship, he’s a deity that gets worshipped on the daily, but you under him worshiping him goes straight to his dick, if you have bigger thighs please suffocate him between them, one of the only times he prefers you to be more dom is being between your thighs (totally not projecting here because i have big thighs), another time is face sitting, he can still dom but he loves having you sit on his face, and his tongue is pretty long and makes you insane with how good it feels, he would die happy if it was between your thighs or because your sitting on his face
- Aftercare: He takes aftercare very seriously, he’s a god he can bounce back in a few minutes, you need more than that, especially since he enjoys being rough and leaving marks on you, he runs a hot bath while he disinfects any bite marks, then after the bath he dresses any bigger wounds and lets you fall asleep on him, all while telling you how good you did and how much he loves you, especially since he enjoys degradation he always reminds you that he loves you so much and it’s just a kink, he adores you
hope that was good! first time writing nsfw head canons like that, i’m also a virgin, a kinky asexual virgin, but a virgin nonetheless so hopefully it was accurate, had fun writing it!
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gloria123idk · 1 month
Female TWST
I am a huge women lover. Like its obvious at this point I love women. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. IM. ON. MY. KNEES.
Thats why I shall type main Twisted Wonderland cast as female, because y e s. Btw they personality wont change much, I am just changing the looks
Im already huge simp for Disney Queen of Hearts so yeah... Its gonna be worse. I think F!Riddle would be either a short haired or VERY LONG HAIRED. No inbetween, probably long haired so her mom would do this weird smartass haircuts (Like the bun she has herself.). Also girlie is still short, Im so sorry girl you aint getting high shelves soon (I love short girls)
OMG. GIRL IN GLASSES. YES. Also, Trey can cook and is basically, like a parent to anyone, so his female version would be taken by STRAIGHT MAN. NOOOOOOOO. That not good. Also, I like to think F!Trey would have a very average hair, that never go below shoulders
I once saw Gyaru Cater art, I inhaled this into my soul. Cater would be either, this Gyaru like girlie on her phone 24/7 (Like Yandere Simulator bullies), OR an average TikTok girl, that uses slang a lil too much (I am more into Gyaru version myself, BUT WHATEVER.)
The first thing that came to my mind is that F!Ace has very VERY long hair, that she ties into a braid (Like Raiden Shogun kind of length), just so when she turns around fast, she would hit anyone behind her with that massive ass braid. Like, that sounds like very Ace thing to do tbh??? 😭
Here I cant decide if Deuce would delinquent era as a girl would still be a delinquent, OR a mean bully girl. Because, those two are kinda the same breed 😭. But if delinquent: A fucking one side shaved (lesbian ahh haircut) and now Deuce is trying to grow that shit out. If a mean girl: ... Do you guys know Heathers? :3
I shall inhale BUFF WOMAN, WITH MY WHOLE SOUL. Like, F!Leona would have that 6 pack, my friend said she would have big booba, but GENUINELY, I cant imagine that, like FLAT QUEEN. Also, the same as Deuce, one side shaved, with a fucking tattoo, also the hair side has a little silly braid
A chin length hair, with a shmol ponytail behind, like... Shmol shmol. Also I imagine F!Ruggie to dress as a man sometimes, because: DID YOU KNOW THAT FEMALE HYENAS HAVE PSEUDO-PENIS—
F!Jack the buff tall woman with a wolf cut. Please. MAKE THIS A THING. I BEG YOU ALL. I BEG ON MY KNEES. Also maybe F!Jack would be a lil bit shorter? Because she-wolves (or whatever you call it in English) are shorter than males? Idk, I was sleeping through biology classes
OFFICE. SIREN. F!AZUL. Thats all I have to say, hair in a bun, glasses, and cunt mixed with formal look. Azul is somewhere between spectrum of F!Floyd and F!Jade, because as F!Floyd is more cunty, F!Jade is more formal, so perfect balance
As I said, Office Siren F!Floyd, but... MORE CUNT. And by this I mean like... Bayonetta level of the cunt. Also, a quite long hair, that are either in ponytail, or nothing at all
Idk if I can call her an Office Siren if she's the most formal out of the 3, but sure, whatever, lets make whole Octavinelle serve cunt in industry. F!Jade has shorter hair than F!Floyd, and they're always somehow tied up
Do you know those silly girls, that go to parties every time, do tiktok trends, do many different hair styles daily, shares her things with everyone, and may or may not be into things that may be considered cringe? Like hobby horseing? DO I NEED TO SAY MORE.
Mental support girlie. "Girl's girl" girlie. Yes— Like, yes. F!Jamil would have this kind of karen mom sense of fashion, if you get what I mean, also cardigan at ALL TIMES, if she wont do the "grandma cardigan" move ITS NOT F!JAMIL!
Funfact: When I imagined F!Vil I basically imagined MY FUCKING BULLY FROM MIDDLE SCHOOL 💀. WOW. F!Vil got that style, got that fashion, got that tits (Im sorry, I needed to type that. That was stronger than me). Curly long hair, many different hairstyles, bro is basically now nicer Velvette from Hazbin Hotel (How many references and comparing I already done. Holy moly)
I recently realised that, if Rook had a little longer hair, he would be basically Yumeko from Kakegurui, so lets go with that, because Im ain't fucking with his ugly ass hair cut. Rook would also be taken by straight males and called YANDERE 😭 Another nightmare to my collection...
Tomboy. T o m b o y. Tom-boy. TOMBOY. tomboy. T O M B O Y. Need I say more? F!Epel would AND WILL look like a man the same way Epel looks like a woman. I am not taking this back. Let that shit sink in.
Discord kitten or this one girl you hear at 3 am in Valorant that rages over shitty players and just cuses everyone out in the most diabolic way possible. No inbetween. F!Idia would look like Sucy from Little Witch Academia, with longer hair tho
Robo-girl? Yes. For F!Ortho I think she would be the same as normal Ortho, with just more shaped hips, and that's basically it? Nothing crazy, I mean you can play a little with his design, like make his ,,shoes" look more like heels, but other than that?
Starting with hairstyle, do you know Raiden Mei from Honkai Impact 3rd? Like... Herrscher of Thunder? That's basically this kind of hair cut, no one can tell me otherwise. Also F!Malleus this kind of girl to fight and beat your ass in heels 😭
He already looks like a girl. So F!Lilia would be a little bit more... Manly? But in like... Female way? I dunno, Lilia is complicated person. In her general era she would have a very short hair, buzz cut even, but in current era, she grew some balls and now she can even tie it into ponytail (Also another girl to beat your ass up in heels)
F!Sebek fits in both long hair and short hair. For short hair I would go for like basic shoulder length that is always tied up (you know, for fight), for long hair I would go with same concept, but more for tying similiar to the one that has Charlie from Hazbin Hotel (the new design)
... Hair that looks short, but are actually long due to nearly invisible ponytail in the back, that's basically like rat tail hairstyle. No. I wont elaborate. (Ngl, that shit is lowkey good for fighting) (Probably Lilia fucked up her hair)
(holy shit what did I created)
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
What if Kaveh's child became a talented sculptor/painter like in their teens? Say like 15 or so? Idk. That second part got me thinking so much abt them just tugging Kaveh by the arm to their next project like "OMG YOURE GONNA LOVE THIS ONE IM SO PROUD OF IT SPGUEJGEJLVWLHELHEJ"
artistic inclination.
summary. what if kaveh's child was artistically inclined?
trigger & content warnings. none applicable.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. fluff. adoptive dad!kaveh & reader. 0.5k words. they/them pronouns used for reader. this post is an expansion of what if kaveh adopted a child? author's thoughts. GOD YOURE SO RIGHT ANON I LOVE THIS IDEA ITS SO CUTE..... guys. i BEG of you. please send me asks like this. i adore when this happens. getting asks about any of my ongoing series is an absolute delight. requests are always always always welcome, but this kind of ask? this kind of ask is my favorite type fr <3
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kaveh's kid does absolutely end up being good with their hands, whether that's because of the time they spent with the forest rangers or simply because they lean in favor of artistic hobbies, and kaveh himself? he is overjoyed. the fact that [name], his [name], seems to have some inherent inclination towards the arts... archons. he loves that about them. it's like they were always meant to be his child.
he loves that his kid's first instinct is to run to him when they have a sort of creative breakthrough. he loves that their first instinct is to tug him by the arm and show him what they've made, even if there's still wet paint or clay on their hands because really, it's just a shirt. it can be washed. stains are just stains. he honestly understands on a very personal level; he gets paint all over himself, too. things happen.
it's worth it in the end, because he just loves them so dearly. their joy is his joy. their sorrow is his sorrow. their feelings are his. he resonates so deeply with the emotions of everyone around him, so you had better believe that his empathy increases tenfold for his own kid. he feels their feelings as if they were his own.
he understands their joy beyond the influence of his empathy, though. as an artist himself... he's so unbelievably honored that their first instinct is to share their work with him.
art is like a little window inside the artist's mind. the things they create give their father a deeper understanding of who they are, how they think, how they feel, why they think and feel that way. an artist sharing their work is an earnest display of vulnerability.
kaveh is so enamored with the way they are so willing, so eager to be vulnerable with him in such a sensitive way, especially in their teen years. he's heard a lot of things about raising teens; teens are supposed to be... difficult, aren't they? however, [name] just isn't difficult in the slightest.
well, children tend to be a reflection of the parent(s) they are raised by. [name] can be sassy and sarcastic, courtesy of tighnari and alhaitham's influence, but... they aren't difficult. they are kind and emotionally aware and warm and gentle.
overall, kaveh and his little co-parenting friend group did very well raising [name].
"baba, come look! i finished that project i was telling you about. it took me a while, but i finally did it!"
this happens multiple times on many different occasions, but kaveh's reaction never becomes any less enthusiastic. it doesn't matter what may be occupying his mind at that moment. he treasures their openness and could never so much as imagine disregarding their joy in moments like that. he always replies with a smile, wiping away a little bit of semi-wet paint that somehow ended up on their cheek.
kaveh only ends up smearing it more, but the gesture is sweet and appreciated nonetheless.
"ah, really?! i'm so proud of you. i know it can be hard sometimes. let me see what you've made this time."
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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itsjeongris · 1 year
To all the boys I’ve Loved before ; ZB1
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Synopsis: ZB1 as your ex-crushes/boyfriends, (All of the headcanons take place in different universes) Genre: Angst? Type: Headcanon Pairings: OT9 x Reader Authors note: @sanastulip helped me with this so please check her works out too!! (also not all of these fit the zb1 members im sorry 😭) Warnings: Mentions of getting drunk in Ricky’s part, nothing else I think Pronouns used: None Word Count: 0.6k
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Was the neighbor who moved in next door when you were a middle schooler
Had a crush on him even though he was 5 years older than you
Always admired him whenever he went out
Tried sneaking to one of his parties and ended up getting grounded
It didn’t last long since he moved out after 3 months
He was the son of your mom’s friend
You always hung out with him before until you moved away :( 
Was a sweetheart to you and was nice to everyone
He was the perfect guy but you tried to keep contact with him but you slowly drifted apart
It lasted for quite a long time, even after you moved away you missed him (you still do)
Campus crush.
He was your crush in Uni and you rarely talked to him
You talked only abt school and that’s it
You would see him around the campus and just admire him from afar
He never knew you had a crush on him until one of your friends told him then you tried to make yourself hate him to try to hide it :(
Matthew as your best friend!
He was your best friend in high school and you had a BIG crush on him
He always hung out with you and spent time with you, you were convinced he felt something too
Your hopes and dreams were crushed as soon as he introduced his partner to you
Felt really hurt abt it and stopped talking to him then you guys drifted apart
You had a crush on Taerae ever since he performed at your school
Had to beg a friend of yours for his number
Your friend eventually gave up and introduced him to you and you guys clicked instantly
You had similar hobbies and you were similar in terms of personality too!
You guys started dating for a while but you both got too busy to see each other so you broke up :(
Ricky as the cute guy at a party
You saw him at a party and was in awe by his looks
When you got drunk you ended up making out w him
Started freaking out about it when your friends told you
You were too scared to talk to him after that but was paired up in a group project.
Ended up being best friends after a year and he never knew you liked him at one point.
Bestfriend's brother.
You were friends with his sister and one time you came over, you saw Gyuvin
He was drop dead gorgeous and sometimes you only came over to see him
You secretly exchanged numbers with him because your best friend kept gatekeeping him
Stopped liking him because your friend found out and made you stop going over to their house
Class president.
He was the Class president and you were the vice president
You had a rivalry of some sort with him and were always competing over everything
Secretly had a crush on him but you had to hide it
You slowly fell out of it since you guys weren't classmates afterwards
Confessed to you but by then you alr lost feelings
Brother’s best friend.
He came over to your house to play with your brother and you found him annoying initially.
When he had a sleepover with your brother, however, you started to talk to him out of boredom because you found him cute
While your brother was asleep you guys ended up playing games all night.
This went on for a while until one time your brother woke up to drink water and saw you playing with him then got into an argument so you never talked to yujin since then.
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packsvlog · 3 months
may i have a matchmake perhaps :3
so i’m 5’2 not that that’s important but i think it’s silly. i’m pretty high energy and get excited pretty easily. i love love love naps, like im taking at LEAST one a day. i make jewelry and draw in my free time, kinda hard headed icl, but i try to see ppls povs no matter the situation. ummm i went to cosmetology school for hair :3 IDK WHAT ELSE TO SAY HSSHFKGLP
hi, angel! you seem adorable, i hope you like this, but if there is anything (even the pair) you want to change, please send an ask again, I won’t mind!
✶ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: yuuji and geto.
ps: this are different relationships, not a throuple.
For starters, Itadori Yuuji would be a good match to your whole self, I fully believe (let’s discard his taste for tall women, tho.) he would be mesmerized and able to match your freak energy spikes.
Like let’s say you decide to wake up at three am to bake some pancakes, wether your know or not how to, you feel the strong need and capability to do so. Yuuji wakes up the moment he feel your warm missing from the bed, he groggily goes behind, not noticing the scent of cinnamon and fried or burned pancakes, and he just sits down on the dining table and keeps you company with random talk, slowly his sleep goes away and he follows your lead — you soon learn he can be a terrible baker. But, oh well, now you have dozens of pancakes and a huge hungry boyfriend to help eating them, burned or not.
You love your naps, Yuuji loves movies. Any other person would be annoyed that you use every spare moment to sleep, but the boy loves that he can see anything with his little angel company using him as a pillow — is his badge of honor. In daily situations, any spare moment you have you go to sleep, even if Yuuji is over, your boyfriend keeps doing his own things, at first…Because, once, he admired how cute and comfortable you were sleeping with dozens of pillows and a fluffy blanket, the sky was pouring and suddenly, Yuuji yawned. He scooped you over in his arms and started to cuddle you only to fall asleep later. So now, if he feels like it or he catches you drooling during a movie, chances are he is going to rest his head on yours and sleep as well.
Itadori would never impose his hobbies and mannerisms on you, but he is a chameleon boyfriend, your hobbies are also his hobbies. So when he noticed your very unique jewelry, and you mentioning that you are the one that does them, he was wonderstruck by your talent and begged for you to make him some or teach him! Whatever you gift for Itadori, which consists mostly of bracelets and a special necklace, he wears happily. Waving them in front of anyone, just for them to ask about it and he proudly says his partner made.
Some date nights consist of you two just hanging out in your bedroom, making matching jewelry.
When you first told Yuuji that you went to cosmetology school, his first reaction was to say “That’s awesome! Like Frenchie, from Grease, right?”, his second reaction was to ask to become your lab rat. This man trusts you with anything, that’s a fact, and it does not hurt him that his partner can take care of him so well.
So yeah, I’m sorry sweetie, but this boy is begging for skin care treatment every saturday, colorful masks on your faces while you both watch movies and sip beverages from cute straws with matching pajamas.
Although, I think his favorite thing is the hair care part — Yuuji is very know for his pink hair, you love it lots and lots, and so does he, but my god isn’t change the most amazing thing ever? At first, you refused to do anything to his hair, until he begged you for a buzz cut and weeks later to dye the black parts pink and more two weeks, draw some strawberries on the top. Since then, sometimes, when you two are bored and his hair has been growing for some time, Yuuji and you come up with a new art for him, always at the palete of pink — but Yuuji secretly hopes one day you’ll let him dye it white or blue.
In summary, your relationship can be categorized as: your loving boyfriend who adorably thinks you are the most talented person in this world. For Yuuji, there is no one like you, and he is tremendously proud to call you his.
────〃✿ FUN FACTS.
◛ ₊· Sukuna is not mentioned because Yuuji does not let him come out when you are near, he gets more willpower if you are in proximity, but if he has to swallow any finger, he does not do with you on the school grounds.
◛ ₊· When Yuuji first met you, he revalued his whole tall girl taste, is not that he started to like short people, he just liked you.
◛ ₊· Yuuji is a nickname person, yours are princess/prince, angel and when he wants to do his hair, frenchie. But he doesn’t mind any nickname for him, call him baby or Yuujiiii, he melts right away.
◛ ₊· Yuuji special necklace made by you is a locket that contains a photo of the two of you on your first date as an official couple. He plans on showing and giving to your kids one day.
──── ✿ ──── ✿ ──── ✿ ────
Your second match is Geto Suguru, also know as energetic people trainer — you and Gojo his most prominent works.
With you, though, he obviously has a soft spot. Basically, is a little secret of his, but if Geto gets a chance to make you become bouncy and happy and talk his ear off about anything, he will do. Suguru wants to be your go to person to be yourself with those spikes of energy, cute right?
So let’s say you have been into a new book, you’re only reading the first one of the incomplete series and you are hooked already. Every chance you have, there you are, talking about it with Geto even if he has no idea what’s going on, he listens because it’s you — Suguru loves your voice. You explain the plot and the theories you have read on tumblr, you even give him spoilers (he doesn’t mind).
“So,” Geto asks when you stop rambling. “when are you reading the next one?”
You answer right away that the second book is taking a long time to be released, you reached the author via email at two in the morning once, asking about it, and he was rude.
Your boyfriend did not liked that, so he did his boyfriends duties — a week later, the trembling author appears on their social media giving the date of the book release, but you don’t have to worry about that, your boyfriend already got you one, with a beautiful designed cover for you and his dedication of love on the first page.
As a way to forever thank him, you spoil your boyfriend with a large amount of earrings and one ring. If Geto could, he would wear all of them at once but since he has only two piercings, he asks you to pierce some more. Whenever he has his hair up, his ears are shinning with intricate jewelry. In his hand, though, is the most detailed ring matching one of your own. He loves it, is a secret plan he has with himself to one day change it for a engagement one, but he would still wear this made by you everyday.
When you first met Geto, his hair was down and dried, like he washed it with dish soap. When the two of you started going out, not yet a couple, you grabbed his hand and brought him to your bathroom, using your expensive’s hair care product, bringing shine and silk texture to his long locks.
It was a pretty good looking mistake, honey. The man learned that day how much he loves his hair, and since he is not bothered enough to go buy his own shampoo and conditioner, yours is going to end a lot quicker. You get upset, and mad, and he laughs sweetly before presenting you with a large basket with many other products, some even better than the ones you have.
It’s not for only you, unfortunately, Geto loves the feeling of your hands on his scalp.
Geto also loves your hands on his when you randomly get energy to paint his nails. You don’t notice how automatic it is for you to caress his knuckles and hold him so dearly, it makes him feel so loved, this little care you have for him. He is adamant that his nails is always black, but if you pout long enough, and it’s the weekend, you can choose any color you want. By sunday he will be removing and asking for his black back.
Suguru and yours relationship is the one where he does anything for you, he enable your tastes, folds backwards if you ask. This man has no one else he loves more dearly. Sure, he can be a lot from time to time, but you wouldn’t have any other way, and neither does he.
────〃✿ FUN FACTS.
◛ ₊· When Geto asked you out, you told him you thought he was already in a relationship. He assumed you meant with Shoko, and while he was explaining it to you, you told him you thought it was with Gojo — he was disgusted.
◛ ₊· Gojo and you are good friends, he also shares your energetic nature, and that’s a nightmare for your boyfriend. He can handle you, he loves you! But Gojo and you together deciding to do a run for every store in tokyo to shopping from 8am till 8pm? Nah, he can’t handle it.
◛ ₊· It is a pretty common sight to have Geto grabbing your jacket or shirt to move you away from Gojo when it becomes too much.
◛ ₊· Once, he forgot to remove his pink nail polish with intricate girly drawings you made — principal Yaga was the one to notice.
◛ ₊· You are the only person allowed to touch his hair. Once you were obsessed with Hunger Games, and both of you watched all the movies with matching braids.
◛ ₊· As any other guy that loves to annoy their partners, Suguru uses your head as an arm rest, he loves it. If Gojo does the same, he beats his friend.
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struwberrii · 3 months
Hi I’m wondering if I could please get a match up.
I would like it to be a romantic matchup.
My pronouns are she/they, and I would prefer to be paired with a male.
There isn’t any characters that I wouldn’t be okay with being paired up with.
Traits that I would look for in a partner would be compassionate, kind, and a good sense of humour (I can be very serious so someone who can bring out my silly side).
I would describe my personality as someone who is pretty shy and reserved who takes a while to warm up with people. I have been described as kind and caring. I have a dry sense of humour as well. I love to help people with whatever I can.
My hobbies would include cooking/baking, reading, and art (drawing/painting mostly).
My giving love language would be acts of service and physical touch
My receiving love language would be words of affirmation and physical touch.
My dream date would probably be a dinner date at home then watch a movie.
I am 5’1 on the chubbier side with long dark blonde curly hair that I usually wear in a ponytail.
I am an ISFJ.
Thank you so much for your time, I hope that you have a wonderful day!!!!!
match up: ushiwaka ‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.
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hear me out whitlaw-
ushijima may not be a funny guy, or a smart guy, but he is good at volleyball! hooray!
but seriously, ushijima is unintentionally silly and i can totally see him bringing out your funny side with his overall himbo nature. all im thinking about is that scene where tendou is asking for his manga back from ushijima and hes just like "wait im still on the part about keeping your hair silky smooth" and tendous just like boy read the manga not the ads, that is so silly to me like can we talk about it pls.
but also ushijima is very caring about those around him, like on his team. twoards the end he made sure goshiki knew he saw him since he knew how much ushijimas approval meant to him, he is also friends with tendou despite their very obvious differences. he is also very open about what he is thinking.
i also think ushijima needs a partner who can cook for him because this man CANNOT be trusted behind the stove. he would probably be the biggest fan of your baking and foods and can never go to a match without your baked treats in his bag as a snack, would probably also share with the team now everyone is begging you to bake for them lol
i can see ushijima being the type of guy to just outright tell you how hes feeling and what he wants, also how he thinks which means he would constantly be showering you in compliments and praises about how much he care about you.
you are his world pls
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hitomisuzuya · 2 years
Hi suzu!!!! ok so I’ve been stalking your profile lately, I just like your writing sm😭 can i request nsfw modern au where dom scaramouche and reader are in the pool in their house and then they make out and it turns into sex (Im sorry for my language btw)
Dom! Scaramouche x fem!reader. Smut. Pool sex. Modern AU.
a/n: Hello hello☺️ I welcome this kind of stalking. I am both humbly pleased and flattered. Thank you so much. Here is the pitch. And I hope you enjoy.
You always loved the smell of chlorine. You spent as much time in your pool as possible because of it. You could even go swimming in the winter because it was an indoor pool.
And of course, Scaramouche would swim with you and indulge this...hobby you had. If swimming and smelling chlorine made you happy then so be it. And it was a bonus that he got to see you in two piece bathing suites so he wasn't going to complain.
He even played silly pool games with you.
Which is what he was doing with you now. Calling out Polo to you everytime you said Marco. He thought you looked stupid groping around for him with your eyes closed, following the sound of his voice.
You suddenly wanted to feel water sweep over your shoulders, so plugged your nose, keeping your eyes closed, you dove down onto the water until you almost touched the bottom of the pool
When he didn't respond right away to continue the game, you didn't realize what happened yet. "What's the matter? Are you afraid you are going to lose?"
"No, I'm not. Open your eyes and look down. I'm done with this game, anyways. It's so juvenile," he said, swimming closer to you. He'd already won in a way. So sue him for wanting to get a better eyeful.
You soon discovered why.
"Huh? What? Oh..oh no," now you'd caught up. When you'd gone underwater, the water had untied both strings on your swim suit top. It was now floating in pool at your feet. "Hold on, I'll grab it and put it back on.
"You'll do no such thing," Scaramouche said, putting a hand on your shoulder to stop you. He said it like it was an order. You always stirred his dominant side to life, no matter what you did. And today was no different.
Before you knew it, Scaramouche's lips collided with yours as he pushed you against the wall of the pool. Water sloshed around you as he hooked one of your legs over his hip, pushing his tongue in your mouth to explore.
You always melted like candle wax whenever he kissed you.
"Your moans had better echo throughout this pool house," he said pulling away, reaching his hand into the water to push your the bottom of your swim suit aside to rub your clit. "I'll make sure they do."
You shivered when you felt water pool against your pussy. He started fingering you, taking great care to hook his fingers against your sweet spot. Your moan seemed to stretch around the pool house in the octave that Scaramouche demanded.
When you started grinding needily into his fingers, he squeezed your thigh in warning. "Slow down, I want you to cum while my cock is inside you." He occasionally tested your submission to him like this, just to see how you look when you were instantly compliant to his will during intimacy.
It didn't matter if you listened or not. He would always make sure you knew your place when you subbed for him. Which was often.
Scaramouche rubbed your clit again as a reward when you did as you were told. By this point, you need something of his inside you, whether it be his fingers or his cock.
You even begged for him in the octave that he expected. "Please Scara, fuck me. I don't I can..."
Scaramouche decided he heard enough to satisfy him, and it usually took a lot more than that. Your wardrobe malfunction wound him up fast.
"Don't forget what I told you," he firmly reminded you. Hastily pulling the waist band of his trunks down off his cock, he thrust himself inside your eager cunt, bottoming out almost instantly.
Water sloshed around you, making your slick bleed into the pool water as you wrapped your legs around his waist. You writhed against the wall of the pool, your mewls sounding whiny and consistent.
They made him thrust into you rougher. He was determined to hear you be louder than you normally were. He pushed two fingers into your mouth for you to suck on. He thought you always sounded the best you moaned sucking on his fingers or his cock.
Drool pooled down your chin as you sucked happily on his fingers. When your orgasm washed over you, making you squeal, high pitched and giddy, you barely heard any of the noises Scaramouche was making while his cum ribboned inside of you.
While you both panted, coming down for your highs, he liked that you made no move to answer your phone when the notification chimed that you had a new text message.
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oceanwithouthermoon · 10 months
just saw another one of those "stop shipping aroace characters and saying aroace people can date" posts and im literally going bonkers..
please.. the COMMENTS on these posts are SOOO CRAZY.. "you wouldnt ship a lesbian with a man, would you?" ohhh i see. so you didnt get the point at all is what im hearing.
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(random examples from a post i saw)
AROMANTIC MEANS "LITTLE TO NO ROMANTIC ATTRACTION." romance repulsed aro people definitely deserve more representation and it sucks that there isnt much at all, BUT that doesnt mean you should just erase the rest of the community in its entirety ? yall know aro is a spectrum, right? why are you being dense?
why do you insist on putting aroace people in a little box? telling us we can only be one thing and the rest of us arent valid? we dont need your help! we dont want the box! leave us alone!
and even more when allos make/comment on these kinds of posts.. why are you, allo, trying to tell me, aro, how i should act as an aro person? how i should deal with characters i relate to? ur weird. get a hobby.
anyway yeah, my biggest problem with this discourse isnt really the people making their own posts, its when i or another aro person makes our own content of aroace people in romantic relationships or simply EXIST as aroace people in romantic relationships, and people think its okay to tell us that we aren't portraying aroace people correctly.. as if we arent writing our own experience? please just leave us alone im literally begging you. at least do some research on others in the community, why do you only think about yourself and whatever youve seen on tiktok?
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atom-writings · 1 year
How about russia and canada having an s/o that behave just like america :D
(Canada & Russia X Reader) S/O that's just like America!
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~ A/N just so u guys know im a rusame truther lol
Trigger Warning: None, just fluff!
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Listen. Matthew loves you. So much. But please, just give this man a moment of peace. He does not need two different people who he cares about breaking into his house and eating all his food. He is barely skating by a heart attack on the daily as it is.
He probably wouldn’t notice that his S/O is like his brother until someone points it out (because who thinks of that?) and when he realizes… he needs like, a week-long vacation at least. Mainly to contemplate his life choices as well as why exactly breaking up with you didn’t cross his mind for even a second. Maybe he’s self-destructive, he thinks, or maybe he’s just in love. When you tackle him in a hug as soon as he gets back from the airport, and his heart skips a beat, he can’t imagine it’s not the second reason.
Fortunately, because he’s had to deal with Alfred for centuries, he has plenty of practice with being patient. When you clamber all over him, desperately vying for his attention at all hours of the day, he just takes a deep breath and gives in. After all, even when you stress him out with your dangerous antics, he’d still choose you over anyone else. Quiet or not.
He won’t try to tone you down, he’ll just be there with the bandages and antiseptic. He would never call your over-emotionality irrational, or tell you to calm down, or anything like that. He supports you wholeheartedly! Even when he doesn’t understand. And you even get the privilege of being the second person in the world that Matthew has the courage to stand up for.
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Your absurd behaviour is what drew Ivan to you in the first place. People assume he hates Alfred, but not at all! They’re actually quite good friends, for the simple reason that Alfred is one the only people who ever have the confidence to talk to him. So when someone as attractive as you came up to him, shaking his hand with absolutely no fear, he couldn’t help falling head over heels.
He truly doesn’t mind your loud, strange behaviours and hobbies. His entire life has been so quiet and dreary, you’re like the shot in the arm he needed to get out of his depressive funk. Every time he sees you, covered in paint or dirt, he falls hopelessly in love all over again.
Especially when you’re clingy. Anytime you bother him, yelling and begging for his attention, he’s more than happy to come along with anything you want. As much as he’s scared of his bosses, he’ll always escape work to do random things with you. Even if he’s punished, it’s worth it. Seeing you all hyper and happy… it could make up for any amount of pain to him.
Although… the relationship would probably be a little volatile. If you have mood swings, he has even stronger ones. An S/O that doesn’t think a whole lot before they speak would be really stressful for someone as sensitive as Ivan. Hopefully, you have healthier ways to deal with conflict that you can teach him because he has trouble not resorting to just… leaving or yelling.
But no matter how much you two fight, he would never ask you to change. He loves you just the way you are, and nothing could change that.
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dem1verse · 1 year
﹏ ❛ laced with love, intensive grooving.⠀⠀⠀cardinal copia/papa iv
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˖⁺ ⊹୨ ★ the one where you finally get to paint his face.
content disclaimers ╱╱ gn!reader. post!anointment. pure fluff. lovesick!copia. making out. wc: 476.
YOU HAVE (1) MESSAGE UNREAD !⠀⠀—⠀⠀“my first ever flufftober post and i decided to make it about one of my comfort characters. i'll try to release smth every weekend at least. i haven't written in like 5 months so hopefully this makes up for it 👉🏾👈🏾”
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀"COCO, PLEASE STAY STILL," You demanded as you straddled Copia's hips, cradling his face as you tried to pull off his iconic skeletal makeup. "I don't wanna poke your eye." Copia looked at you, smiling as he chuckled at your intense state of focus. You asked him for an opportunity to do his facepaint, wondering how it would look were you given a chance to do his facepaint. He declined at first but slowly gave in after endless begging on your part. "Are you done yet?" The anti-pope whined out, a somewhat thick Italian accent overshadowing his words. His lips pouted as you told him once again to stop fidgeting. "No, now stop moving around."
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀You tried your hardest to keep a straight face, but seeing your scary-looking partner looking at you with such attentivity threatened to break you. "You should ask your makeup assistant to start doing graphic liner." you suggested, outlining his eyes. "It'd make your eyes stand out." The cardinal blushed at the sudden compliment, his dichromatic eyes widening.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀The experience ended after nearly an hour, smirking at yourself as you mentally pat yourself on the back. "Done!" you declared with glee, gesturing for him to look in the mirror. "It might not look all that great, to be honest, but I tried." you sheepishly admitted, his amazement going unnoticed. "I love it." He whispered, his mouth ajar in awe.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀"Y-you do?" you stammered. He nodded. No matter how many praises he had, it wouldn't do your skills any justice. The end product wasn't all that bad. It looked a lot better than he expected. The white face paint sat perfectly on his face, the black jester-like eyeliner bringing his eyes out. The makeup sat perfectly on his face. "I do. You did very well." He complimented. Now, it was your turn to get flustered.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀"O-Of course, I am!" you coughed out, still processing his praise. "Does this mean I can start doing your makeup now?" you hopefully asked, eyes twinkling. The poor man couldn't help but smile at you, overjoyed that his significant other was passionate about their hobbies.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀"I-I guess so." he stuttered, startled by your squeals of joy. You jumped around like a child, rambling on and on about different things you wanted to try on his face. Slightly off put by your ranting, he grabbed your face and pressed a searing kiss to your lips, pulling away after a few seconds. "You talk too much, my love." He said, the huskiness of his voice making you feel hot. You soon returned the favour, pressing multiple kisses to his face, ignoring his complaints of annoyance at how you were dirtying your face.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Man, did the both of you have a good excuse for why Copia's face was smeared. The ghouls were never gonna let you hear the end of it otherwise.
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DEMI'S POST-IT⠀❞⠀i wrote this like 2-3 days ago while listening to faerie soiree hence the name lmao. this is prob rlly rough on the edges (i haven't written JACK in like nearly half a year work w me here) but im kinda proud of it so happy october ig?
template by @tinytowns! taglist: @ue-projectz
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chiyoso · 11 months
seeing other writers/mutuals who are so skilled at what they do talk about not getting support in their sfw, fluff and angst fics just piss me the fuck off, i'm genuinely so heated at the amount of old and new writers struggling because of new tumblr users
ik a lot of you readers like to read our smut fics/porn fics, but those writers, also talking abt only getting likes, instead of reblogs n interactions from those types of works as well is just so depressing that im starting to have this growing idea of what some to most readers are in tumblr
ill be the voice that other writers are hesitant and afraid to express:
LIKES are like a quick glance for us writers.
LIKES are like people who pass by us when we walk anywhere and everywhere.
LIKING is like telling us writers who take our time to write FREE shit for you; “we see it, we like it, but we will not do anything about it”
LIKES will NOT get us writers anywhere in this app.
LIKES is like deafening SILENCE for us writers, crickets, ghosts, an eerie dark night.
LIKES arent similar to instagram, tiktok and other platforms. it is DIFFERENT in this platform. they dont mean jack shit.
LIKES are like a hit and dip shit scenario. one night stand, loveless sex, meaningless encounters.
i've seen so much amazing fics, nsfw or sfw have over almost 9k interactions, then i look to the reblogs count and see only a whopping 500 or so like THE FUCK? SCUSE ME? WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT RATIO?
if you're apart of the "ooh! i genuinely like this!" then only press like—thank you, truly. we're glad you like our work, to gain your interest and your silent support, but i want to inform you simply liking doesn't help us in a technical sense, it doesn't help our blog, our reach, it doesn't help our blog grow.
and if you're one of the blogs who only likes, i genuinely don't know what's so trifling and difficult about reblogging and adding the pre-made tags for you to spam and get it over with. i do it and its so, so fucking easy.
i genuinely, genuinely don't understand the analogy as to why you can't just... press that helpful ass button beside the heart. please, someone, enlighten me behind the reasoning.
if you're a bot, fuck you.
will at least (without tags/comments) be seen by your following and increase our significance only slightly.
REBLOGS with # tags INCREASE our chances of being discovered by a fuck ton.
REBLOGS with tags MIXED with your comments HEAVILY motivate us, your thoughts about our WORK motivates us.
REBLOGS are so, so fucking relieving for us, and that relief has been addictive to those starved from support, especially to writers who are struggling OUTSIDE of their work/hobby/blog.
REBLOGS in a literal sense, mean so much more to us than likes. especially with your damn thoughts. the mere thought of taking your time into writing something FOR US and OUR CREATION is so fucking motivating, every positive input from you will be CHERISHED no matter what.
and the fact we have to beg for it, to speak out about it as of late...
god, i remember in full detail the day where i wrote my first story, it had only 200 interactions max, and most of them were only likes and a few reblogs, but my inbox was full of positivity, mixed in with a few shitty ones, but i pressed on because of SAID INTERACTIONS AND MY LOVE FOR WRITING.
to my mutuals and other writers; i fucking love you and your stories so much, sfw or not, the writing community has done so much for me mentally, and lots of fics have been healing me. god its my first time releasing such emotions into this blog, but yea, ive just had it from the amount of turmoil ppl have been causing into all of you, outside tumblr or not.
hhh fuck im so pissed ill stop it right here, stay safe and may your favorite characters kiss you goodnight
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