#pll mbti
karouvas · 1 year
tagged by @sergeantpixie tysm 💕 name: S is what I generally go by here although I’ll slip and say my first name on occasion and it’s not a big deal but I’m still most comfortable primarily going by this here teehee. My pinterest is under my first name, my goodreads which is irl friendly in theory is under my full name + my real face, if we’re moots who talk at all I’m comfortable giving out profile info in private message and also you probably know my first name anyway
pronouns: she/her
where do you call home: depends on the time of year during school it’s NY otherwise it’s either my Aunt’s home in Pakistan or my Dad’s home in Chicago
favorite animal: in concept I have the softest spot for cats I really want one of my own at some point, but my cousin has labradors and I adore them
cereal of choice: my actual favorite is frosted mini wheats but I tend to get plain Cheerios, which I also like.
visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner: a mixture of visual and tactile or kinesthetic I’d say. Actually I best learn things by physically writing them down a bunch, when I’m taking notes in class it is to some degree for reference but it’s more important for internalizing what we’re talking about.
first pet: a goldfish I won in a state fair in 1st grade (I got lucky in ring toss) I named him firecracker. I kept him alive for 2 years actually which isn’t bad.
favorite scent: my usual perfume is poison girl by dior which was a gift from my Aunt for my 19th birthday so I’ve had it for a while and it is getting closer to being finished… but in general my favorite scents tend to be fruity or citrusy (my current body wash is pomegranate and my current shampoo bar is lemongrass-y and I love both) also partial to lavender and rose scents.
do you believe in astrology: I think it’s fun and there could be some truth to it and I like it but I wouldn’t go to bat for it as factual by any means, that being said I am a taurus sun sag moon cap rising and I do think that fits pretty well, whether it’s adaptive or not xd. I mostly just enjoy personality tests I’m more into Mbti than zodiac though
how many playlists do you have on your music service of choice: I have a lot of fandom related playlists public on my Spotify account for different chars and dynamics mostly, I have a few more randomized personal playlists that are private
sharpies or highlighters: colored gell pens xd I use them for literally everything when I’m writing and not typing. between the two I prefer highlighters
song that makes you cry: I feel like with a lot of songs that depends on the mood I’m in but Smother by Daughter never fails to devastate me completely
song that makes you happy: again it depends but one that comes to mind is Paper Doll by Frankie.
and finally, do you write/draw/create: yes writing is one of my concentrations in school xd so yeah I write mostly short stories, some poetry, have come up with ideas/outlines for bigger projects but never followed them through as of yet. I’ve also written some fic I wrote a bunch over quarantine for a few fandoms but then orphaned them, and then I briefly returned to it Summer before last to write this Pll fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40940655
I have other fic writing ideas for Pll and other fandoms but again don’t know that I will follow through with them ever or I could who knows truly
tagging: @lovemeafteryou @pinkhysteria @drusilllas @retiredficwriter @louisminyard @myhouseofivyandstone anyone else who wants to do it and also if you don’t want to do it totally cool <3
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kendrixtermina · 2 years
But what do we MEAN by Feeling, Thinking, etc.
I hadn’t put these on tumblr & it occurred to me that I probably should  
I think a great amount of the confusion regarding enneagram / mbti combos is that they use the rather vague colloquial terms „thinking“ and „feeling“ to mean different things.
„Thinking“ in the mbti is task-oriented reasoning, „feeling“ is reasoning in terms of intentional actors. Indeed a dichotomy between explaining things through either causes or intentions, living or nonliving systems, seems somewhat inbuilt in the human mind, I think there are experiments that show even babies make this distinction.
Obviously, if you are looking at intentional actors (be it yourself or others), it’s natural for emotions to be a part of that reasoning. Intentional actors usually have feelings; Sticks & tools do not.
You might see that people don’t always make a clean split – a surgeon may treat removing an appendix as a task in which the patient is understood object with parts so he can keep a cool head, a poet might say that the leaves are „dancing“ in the wind to evoke feelings in the reader or express how his perception is colored his own.
„Thinking“ in the enneagram centers of intelligence sense is rather explicit, effortful, ‚system 2‘ thought. (regardless of what kind it is: logic, planning, imagining etc.)
General humans avoid doing that cause it burns alot of sugar and less costly processes work just as well, but some avoid it less than others. Or maybe us head types are just touchy little fuckers that have a more exaggerated response to less stimulus.
The upside of this is that it’s flexible & adaptable to tasks that we never encountered in the savannah, and that it can override our intuitions. Also, if you used explict reasoning you can give a reason for why you arrived at the conclusion, change parameters and „rerun the simulation“.
The downside is that it is slow and costs a lotta juice, also, it doesn’t always have an answer if there is not enough data, whereas intuition & association can almost always supply some usable guess.
„explicit thought“ is needed to apply a method that is counter to our intuitions, to consider multiple factors at once, and to doubt (since doubting requires holding two contradictory ideas in your mind) – its probably no coincidence that type 6, the „pure“ thinking type, is also the most doubting.
„feeling“ here means the middle or mammalian brain, the „associative machine“ or „affect heuristic“.
Enthusiasts of cats or dogs more or less know that they have what we would recognize as a „heart“ – the capacity to bond, social emotions shown through complex body language (and unique personality differences related how how they’re expressed), and also, reinforced learning, which is quite relevant when we consider, say, type 3. Feelingsland is the home of motivation.
Another ability of the associative mind is to intuitive translate things to different scales.
If you’re asked to donate money to protect birds from oilspills, most ppl don’t whip out their financial planners, but decide based on how much emotion they feel about those poor, poor seabirds, and then associatively transfer it from hurt feelings to dollars.
This is why most of us can answer questions like „If dave was as tall as he is intelligent how tall would he be“ or why we can understand each other through poetic expressions like „that hurtful statement felt like being stabbed with a knife“ even if none of us have been in a knife fight. Both emotional pain &physical pain are scales.
Likewise when buying a product, most pll don’t go comparing the specs & the evidence for which is best (well… the 6s among us do.) but we go by what feelings & memories we connect with the product & how it fits our idea of ourselves, & may refuse to touch it if it doesn’t.
However, frequent errors in dog training have to do with how dogs can’t „think“, at least not very well – they have rather good associative memories, but they can’t generalize easily. This is why a dog might have to learn to perform a trick in multiple rooms before it gets that the cue always means the same thing, and why its encouraged to use positive reinforcement over punishment cause the dogs may be unable to deduce why they’re being punished, and just associate „you“ with „pain“. Similar caveats apply with small children whose thinking skills arent fully online yet.
That said, I wouldn’t say humans are the only ones capable of „thinking“ – You could make a good case for Crows, Great Apes, Dolphins, Parrots & Elephants, and maybe even Octopi or Bees. Future planning, symbol use, complex problemsolving…
notably, there’s a third category (thought the two systems approach lumps them together), which is intuitive impressions.
The distinguisher here is that it’s somewhat automatic.
If you decided by thinking you can give reasons, if you decided by feeling you can point out your associations, but in the case of a „gut feeling“ decision, you just „see“ it, or „recognize“ or „guess“.
Just as you „see“ the world around you as distinct objects or, unless you’re a grade schooler, can „see“ what a word means without having to go through each individual letter.
That doesn’t mean it’s not sophisticated: Take for instance the example of a doctor who, after a lot of doctoring experience, can recognize some conditions on sight from skin lesions or a characteristic constellation of systems, or an expert chess player who just „sees“ a strong move or that the game will end in three turns.
This also generates impulses, like recoiling when something suddenly comes at you.
So, in terms of functionality, this includes basic survival machinery like spotting snakes or attractive mates, learning by copying or recognizing from experience, and, crucially, spotting what is normal or expected. The intuitive brain has a sort of „autocomplete“ function where it’s always guessing what’s likely to happen next based on everything it’s seen so far in similar places & situations, & is always on the lookout for stuff that is not right or suspicious.
For example, consider a case where a fireman got the sense that something was „off“, ordered his colleagues out of the room, and then minutes later the floor collapsed. He could not say at first what he had noticed, but he trusted it & acted on it straightaway. Only later could he puzzle together that the noise level was wrong & his ears hotter than normal. He didn’t sherlock holmes style logically deduce that the fire had actually started in the basement, but he knew something wasn’t normal.
If this happens again, though, he is likely to recognize it.
Imagine you’re picking clothes.
If you just grab one, that’s going by impression/impulse. (maybe it seemed comfortable, pretty, „looked right“ according to simple criteria, or was simply your first impulse. )
If you pick one that matches your mood, the impression you want to evoke where you’re going, or the feelings, experiences & memories thar you connect with it, that’s association.
If you briefly stand there thinking about which one’s right for the weather, making a political statement, or fitting some theme, that’s explicit thought.
Consider an ISTJ 1, to pick an uncontroversial combo that won’t derail the example into an argument. That would be someone who does a whole lot of „thinking“ in the mbti sense but not so much „thinking“ in the enneagram sense.
He’s evaluating everything by criteria, task oriented criteria, but probably doesn’t often sit there stressing over what the best criteria are, like his hypothetical 6 cousin might. He has some sensory impression of how whatever it is he works with „should“ look & compares against that – is it right, yes or no? If its not, it jumps out at him right away (Si + intuitive spotting of deviations from norm) he puts it right according some some procedure he has previously learned by copying his teacher or gotten from a rule book (though he prolly reads journals related to his job to have the most up to date procedure & constatly improve to fit his high standards), but which, in day to day life, he now mostly just applies meticulously & dilligently with attention to fine physical detail.
If he notices his method doesnt work, he may stop & explicitly think it through, and maybe come up with a better procedure, but mostly what he has active is his intuitive „seeing“ - & where “explicit thinking” is done it may serve as a “water carrier” to his intuitions, to retroactively rationalize his impressions.
If you had some ISFJ 1 instead much of her evaluation would concern the correctness of their social behavior. (intentional actors) – „oh, lisa’s face looked a tic less enthusiastic than how i remember it last time. Did I do a bad job?“
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zwischenbiosundamare · 2 months
✧・゚: ✧・゚:  𝕌𝕊𝔼ℝ'𝕊 ℙℝ𝕆𝔽𝕀𝕃𝔼  :・゚✧:・゚✧
⋆。°✩ 𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒄 𝒊𝒏𝒇𝒐 ✩°。⋆
┊◈ username ➳ zwischenbiosundamare
┊◈ names ➳ kali, ali, alison
┊◈ age ➳ 18
┊◈ birthday ➳ 04/19
┊◈ zodiac ➳ aries
┊◈ chinese zodiac ➳ dog
┊◈ occupation ➳ student, (future biologist)
┊◈ languages ➳ german, english
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✧・゚: ✧・゚:  ✿  :・゚✧:・゚✧
⋆。°✩ 𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒚 ✩°。⋆
┊◈ pronouns ➳ she/her
┊◈ gender ➳ transwoman
┊◈ orientations ➳ bisexual
┊◈ ethnicity ➳ polish
┊◈ nationality ➳ german
┊◈ cultural background ➳ east-german, communist
┊◈ religion/spirituality ➳ hindu, wiccan
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✧・゚: ✧・゚:  ❀  :・゚✧:・゚✧
⋆。°✩ 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒅 & 𝒔𝒐𝒖𝒍 ✩°。⋆
┊◈ mbti ➳ entp
┊◈ enneagram ➳ 8w9
┊◈ kintypes ➳ bear, raccoon
┊◈ neurodivergencies ➳ autism, adhd, bpd
┊◈ disabilities ➳ deaf
┊◈ mental health ➳ bpd
┊◈ personality traits ➳ open-minded, inqisitive, understanding
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✧・゚: ✧・゚:  ✿  :・゚✧:・゚✧
⋆。°✩ 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍 ✩°。⋆
┊◈ likes ➳ biology, psychology, history, art, politics, languages, fitness, health,
┊◈ dislikes ➳ men, injustice, stubbornness, alexithymia
┊◈ hobbies ➳ reading, writing, music, gaming, photography
┊◈ favorite music genres ➳ metal, Lana Del Rey, Taylor Swift
┊◈ favorite movies/shows ➳ The Walking Dead, Pretty Little Liars, Orange Is The New Black, Girl Interrupted
┊◈ favorite books ➳ Frankenstein, Metaphorsis, Das Perfum
┊◈ favorite authors ➳ Neville Goddard, Franz Kafka
┊◈ favorite games ➳ Life is Strange, Minecraft, Dark Souls, The Legend Of Zelda
┊◈ favorite foods ➳ vegan, sushi, anything with potato, pasta
┊◈ relationship status ➳ idk
┊◈ love languages ➳ physical touch, quality time
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✧・゚: ✧・゚:  ❀  :・゚✧:・゚✧
⋆。°✩ 𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔 ✩°。⋆
┊◈ aesthetics ➳ vintage, y2k, bohemian, goth
┊◈ fandoms ➳ lis, twdu, pll, ts, ldr, tloz,
┊◈ political views ➳ communist, leftconservative
┊◈ beliefs/values ➳ hope, universe, manifestation
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✧・゚: ✧・゚:  𝔼ℕ𝔻 𝕆𝔽 ℙℝ𝕆𝔽𝕀𝕃𝔼  :・゚✧:・゚✧
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Pretty Little Liars MBTI
Emily Fields (INFJ)
(Committed, Determined, Idealistic, Creative, Empathetic, Anxious, Caring, Stubborn, Trusting, Critical)
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mkagemtr · 3 years
Favorite ISTP Characters
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Katniss Everdeen [The Hunger Games]
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Derek Hale [Teen Wolf]
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Robin Buckley [Stranger Things]
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Caleb Rivers [Pretty Little Liars]
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Natsha Romanoff/Black Widow [Marvel]
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Clint Barton/Hawkeye [Marvel]
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Jamie Taylor [The Haunting of Bly Manor]
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Diego Hargreeves [The Umbrella Academy]
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Jane Kano [Charlie's Angels]
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Jack Skellington [The Nightmare Before Christmas]
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thyheidi · 4 years
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lemonandlavender · 7 years
Pretty Little Liars MBTI
Main Ladies Aria- INFP Emily- ISFJ Hannah- ESFP Spencer- ENTJ
Main SO’s Ezra- ISFJ Mya- ISFP Paige- ISTJ Caleb- INTP Toby- ISFP
Main A’s Alison- ENFJ Mona- INTJ CeCe- ENFP Jenna- ISFJ Noel- ESTP
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mirandasmbtivibe · 6 years
Pretty Little Liars: Alison DiLaurentis-Fields [ENFJ]
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Dominant function: Fe Auxiliary function: Ni Tertiary function: Se Inferior function: Ti
Fe (Extroverted Feeling)- She uses her toxic Fe to manipulate her friends by appealing to their insecurities. She can read how others are feeling and use this to her advantage. She can charm anyone to do anything she wants them to. This is how she got the title of Rosewood’s Queen B.
Ni (Introverted Intuition)- Her Ni supports her Fe in that she can easily figure out the reasons behind her friends’ actions. None of them can pull one over her.
Se (Extroverted Sensing)- She can be bold, enjoy the moment, and make impulsive decisions (Se). She enjoyed sneaking into college parties and having secret rendezvous with older guys. She, too, loves experimenting with fashion and make up. She reinvented Spencer, Hanna, Aria, and Emily’s looks when they became part of her posse. 
Ti (Introverted Thinking)- Her inferior Ti shows in her believing that faking her death is the only option to keep herself safe. You can run but you can’t hide. She of all people should know this.
Note: Ali is obviously an unhealthy ENFJ. She’s the type of ENFJ that could form and run a cult. Luckily, she became a more healthy person towards the end of the series.
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fr4gileb0nes · 2 years
tagged by @aspiring2beskinny
currently reading: garden of shadows.
favourite book: flowers in the attic.
last song: void - the nbhd.
favourite current song: white mustang - lana del rey.
last movie: closer.
favourite movie: the virgin suicides, gia & christiane f.
currently watching: baby.
favourite series: baby, skins, pll, gossip girl & the end of the fxxing world.
last thing you ate: a piece of candy 4 days ago.
favourite safe food: chicken.
mbti: infp.
@radias-broken-brain @lethalflawsss @butterflyannsworld @1th1n1 @holesintheoccipital @junebug222111
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random-esfp · 3 years
Hi! I love your account and how you use your information to debunk stereotypes of the mbti types. I wanted to ask do you know any popular (or least popular) esfp x istp relationships? I love these two together when it's healthy and happy.
YES I love this ship [ESFP x ISTP] especialle ESFP female ISTP male so here you go some pairings like this (because I already did a thread on Twitter but If I think of any couple esfp male istp female I'll add it as well)
Anna x Kristoff - Frozen
Hanna x Caleb - PLL
Cheshire x Roy Harper - Dc comics
Hyuna x Edawn
Barbara Palvin x Dylan Sprouse
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mbtizone · 7 years
Aria Montgomery (Pretty Little Liars): ISFP
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Dominant Introverted Feeling [Fi]: Aria’s emotions are private and intense. She keeps a journal, which she writes in to get out all of her feelings. Her value system is internal – she does what she has to do to protect herself and the people closest to her. She can be very hard on people who violate her morals or wrong her. When Aria kills Shana to protect her friends, she struggles to live with the guilt and wants to turn herself in for the murder. She primary deals with her feelings following the incident in solitude. She repeatedly watches the video of Shana’s memorial alone and cries silently. Aria has trouble with forgiving herself for what she did and tries to make a donation towards the cost of the funeral, until she is interrupted and stopped by Ezra. Aria needs to “find a way to live with what she did in New York.” She attempts to alleviate her guilt by going over to Jenna’s to be “sorry for her loss” and offers to listen to her talk about Shana in order to help her heal. Aria doesn’t care what other people think of her relationship with Ezra. It feels right to her, so other people’s opinions don’t matter. She can sometimes see through people and call them out on their behavior. When Sean tries to give her flowers to say “thanks”, Aria flatly states that his real motive was to hurt Hanna. When Aria is feeling something, she doesn’t hold back for the sake of group harmony. She is in a bad mood and withdrawn on her double date with Noel, Hanna, and Sean because she’s upset about Ezra and can’t pull herself out of her funk. After she finds out the truth about Hanna giving Ella the museum tickets, she is snarky and isolates herself from the rest of the group in Emily’s bedroom. She doesn’t address what’s bothering her, but makes rude comments and eventually gets up and leaves. Aria begins working for A.D. in order to protect Ezra from the police report she filled out accusing him of statutory rape after A.D. threatens to make it public, but feels so guilty about what she’s done that she wants to turn herself in. She can’t stand that she betrayed her friends to keep Ezra out of trouble. Aria has a hard time doing something if it contradicts the way she’s feeling. For example, she refuses to go to her mother’s for dinner after she moves into her own apartment because, to Aria, doing so would be like saying she’s okay with them being separated when she isn’t.
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Auxiliary Extroverted Sensing [Se]: It can be quite difficult for Aria to think abut the consequences of her actions before doing something. She pursues a relationship with Ezra even though doing so can get him into a lot of trouble. Aria acts on impulse a lot, which is typically driven by her emotions, and when she gets herself worked up about something, she doesn’t really care about the repercussions. She has a history of acting out in violent, destructive ways, such as destroying Ezra’s apartment or trashing her father’s office after she discovers his affair. On occasion, Aria will make the risky move of showing up at Ezra’s apartment without calling ahead. At the dance-a-thon, she’s all ready to march over to Simone and make a scene about Ezra, but Spencer (who always thinks about consequences), intervenes and diffuses the situation before it can start. Aria is unafraid to act in the moment. She uses the rifle to knock Shana off the stage to save her friends. When Hanna and Spencer are arguing about what to do with the file, Aria grabs it and throws it into the water. After she finds out that Ezra got close to her for his book about Ali’s disappearance, she fills out a police report as a spiteful act of revenge, though she never files it. When Aria is suspicious about what’s going on with her parents, she runs straight into the school to get answers. When Ezra is directing a play, Aria asks him to be his stage manager so they can spend more time together, which Ezra immediately thinks is a bad idea, but Aria doesn’t care about the problems that might present. All she cares about is having the opportunity to be in his company. She doesn’t get worked up thinking about the future. “You have no idea what’s gonna happen tomorrow. Nobody does.” Aria signs up for self-defense classes and enjoys feeling empowered and in control of her environment. However, during her first lesson, she impulsively kisses her instructor after getting one of the moves down. She enjoys sensory hobbies and interests, such as music, photography, art, and fashion. She takes advantage of opportunities that arise in her environment. She volunteers at Radley to get information and she goes to Maggie’s classroom, pretending to be an undergraduate interested in teaching in order to satisfy her curiosity about Ezra’s ex. She’s highly aware of her surroundings and often uses them to form conclusions.
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Tertiary Introverted Intuition [Ni]: When Aria has a hunch about something, she commits to the idea until it’s either proven, or proven to be incorrect. She doesn’t usually entertain multiple theories at once, and tends to stick with whatever she feels is most likely until the trail leads her to a dead end. Because Aria can see the deeper meaning in things, she’s convinced that Shana’s underlined passage from her copy of The Scarlet Letter is a reference to the fact that she’s “A”. Sometimes, Aria will convince herself that the worst-case scenario will come to fruition and acts on impulse to prevent it from happening. After the events that occurred in New York, Aria is afraid that “A” will tell the police what really happened. Aria’s first instinct is to go to the cabin in the woods to make it look like Ali had been hiding out there in order to substantiate their story. She believes that it is only a mater of time until they are inevitably caught by the police and can become quite pessimistic when forced to confront the future. Aria enjoys understanding the deeper meanings behind things and is quite analytical when it comes to books and movies. When the girls are putting together Ali’s memorial, she visualizes what people will think or feel when they see it. She says that she and her friends will be forgotten, but people will come there far into the future and, even though they won’t know Ali or what happened to her, she will be immortalized.
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Inferior Extroverted Thinking [Te]: Aria doesn’t typically enact plans of her own. Rather, she tends to play a role in other people’s. Sometimes, when Aria is feeling stressed, she can fall into the grip of her inferior function and feel the need to do something, such as going to the cabin to make it look as though Ali had been living there in order to back up the lie they told. When Aria feels threatened or attacked, or loses control of her temper, she can be blunt, direct, and brutal. She is very cold towards Meredith and has no trouble telling her to stay away from her father. When Mona begins to get close to Aria’s brother, Aria really lets her have it, and Mona even makes a comment about Aria’s maliciousness. She has a tendency to become paranoid and suspicious of others, and can become combative and hostile under stress, often blurting out whatever she thinks or feels in the moment. When Aria kills Shana, she feels the need to do something to make it right. First, she wants to make a donation, and then she decides to go to Jenna in the aftermath to help her through it.
Note: I haven’t been able to bring myself to do a typing for Aria because of my tendency to go back and forth between INFP and ISFP for her. However, it seems that the third time watching the series was the charm, because I finally feel confident in declaring her an ISFP. I stand by what I’ve previously said about her. She’s a terribly written character, which makes typing her a serious pain. If you’re interested in reading my analysis of why typing her was a nearly impossible task, please feel free to read the article I posted here.
Enneagram: 4w3 Sx/Sp
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Aria: I write, too, but so far it’s mostly personal… just for me.
Aria: Kind of lying here despondently right now, Spence. Spencer: Well, can you just sit despondently? I need the bed. Aria: No, lying is more despondent.
Ella: Well, sweetie, I was going to when you came over for dinner, but then you canceled on Monday… and Tuesday, and then on Wednesday. Aria: Yeah, this week’s been intense. Ella: I understand. I just, you know, I would like to see you in the flesh. But you don’t really plan on ever coming over, do you? Aria: I can’t. Look, if I did, it’d be like saying I’m okay with you and dad living apart. Ella: But we are. Aria: I know! Just ’cause you were ready for this doesn’t mean that I am. I gotta get back to the library.
Aria: I just want to lay in my bed and listen to sad music all day.
Aria: Stop talking! There’s nothing you could say that would change the way I feel right now.
Mike: If your relationship is so much trouble, why not just let it go? Aria: Look, when you love someone. It’s worth fighting for, no matter what the odds.
Aria: I know that you don’t want a friend right now, but that doesn’t mean that your friends don’t need you.
Aria: Look, we’re here now… …and it’s just the two of us. And it feels good. So let’s not care together.
Aria: We’re both here now. Can’t we just be happy we have that?
Ezra: Aria, let’s be real. We’re a lot more wrong than we are right. Aria: You wanna be real? Forget about theory. What does it feel like? When we’re together? Ezra: Good. It feels… right.
Spencer: He’s your boyfriend, Aria. He’s not a baby squirrel. Aria: I was just trying to do the right thing. Spencer: Totally wrong. Look, I’ve been there, I’ve done that. Every time you baby squirrel Ezra, you’re taking away his nuts. Aria: You did not just say that.
Aria: That is it! I will kick her back to New York if I have to. Spencer: Wait, Aria, stop. Before you do something you regret. Aria: Spence, let go of me! Spencer: There are teachers here. And parents – your parents. Aria: I don’t care!
Spencer: [to Aria] That was a suicide mission and you know it.
Aria: You’re leaving because it’s easier to walk away than to fight for what you really want.
Aria: I just came here to say that I signed up For the play for all the wrong reasons, So I’m officially done. You’re right, it was a terrible idea. Ezra: Aria- Aria: But you were wrong, too… About the future. You have no idea What’s gonna happen tomorrow. Nobody does. My friend Alison, she didn’t. She didn’t get a future. She didn’t even get to turn 16.
Aria: Look, Hanna, I really hope that you find a hobby. And I hope you have a carefree senior year, Em. But I’ve got to find a way to live with what I did in New York. I can be sorry for her loss. All right? That’s what I can do.
Emily: [to Aria] You’re suppose to stop her from doing stupid things like this, not help.
Aria: You know, years from now, people are gonna see this memorial… …and that’s all they’ll ever know about Ali. She’ll be the girl that they dedicated the bench to. And we’ll all be gone, but Ali will still be remembered.
Sean: Did you get – Aria: The flowers? Yeah. Don’t ever do that again. Sean: I’m sorry, are you – Aria: I’m one of Hanna’s best friends, Sean… The person you should be sending flowers to. Sean: I was just saying thanks for – Aria: No, you were saying ‘Screw you, Hanna.’ Sean: Okay, maybe I was, but can you blame me? She makes a big deal about going together, then bails. Aria: Stop! Hanna loves you, and you know it. She hasn’t talked about any other guy since the seventh grade, and believe me, it’s boring how much she loves you. Why would you want to hurt her?
Hanna: This was Shana’s. Aria: What? Hanna: Let’s just put it back. Aria: No, no, no. Hold on a second. Oh my God, look what she underlined. “It is a curious subject whether hatred and love be not the same thing at bottom. Each leaves the passionate lover, or the no less passionate hater, forlorn and desolate by the withdrawal of his subject.” Hanna: Aria, it’s probably just a school assignment. Aria: No, this is about Ali and Jenna and us. This is about being ‘A.’ Hanna: No, this is about you trying to paw through Shana’s things when you should be trying to forget about her. Aria: Well, there might be something in here. Hanna: Just stop.
Aria: Shana wasn’t “A.” I killed an innocent person. Ezra: Shana wasn’t innocent, Aria. Aria: Yeah, but the cops aren’t gonna believe that when they find out how long I’ve been covering this up. And it’s only a matter of time before “A” exposes what I did.
Aria: Look, Ezra, what happened the other night… Ezra: Felt right, didn’t it? Aria: It doesn’t mean that things can go back to the way that they were. Ezra: So what does it mean? Aria: Oh, I’m not gonna pretend like I don’t miss it, us, because I do. Ezra: I do, too. Aria: Yeah, but then I remember everything that happened and how we met, all the lies that you told. Ezra: Believe me, I wish I could go back and change things. Aria: But you can’t. And the other night was a mistake.
Simone: Your mom tells me you kept quite an intense journal, while you were away.
Aria: I try not to look back, but if there’s anything that I could change it would be that night.
Aria: Guys, please, enough with Jason for a minute. Mona knows that we were in New York. Don’t you understand? Okay, it’s only a matter of time before she runs out of whistles and start tearing our balloons and say Aria killed Shana. Hanna: Okay, whistles? Emily: Aria, stop. Okay. Mona does not know about Shana. Aria: Then who does? Who? Who is screwing with me? And you keep me telling me that “A” is dead. Hanna: “A” is dead, Aria. Aria: Then why am I hearing a violin in my backyard? Who’s the fiddler on my freaking roof?
[throwing the file into the water] Aria: There! It’s done! Okay? We never saw it. We don’t even know it exists. Can we leave now? Please?
Emily: Aria. Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. Just got your text… I was with Ali. What are you doing? Aria: If we’ve been out here hiding her for a month it sure as hell needs start looking like it. Emily: Seriously, you can’t do this right now. Aria: Yeah, you’re right. We should have been out here last night filling this place with crap after Alison got that text. Oh, and thank you for keeping me in the dark about that. What am I? Your child? Emily: We only did that because you were such a mess when your dad came to the police station. Aria: Yeah and what? What you thought if I got a good night’s sleep, I’d just wake up in candy land? Emily: Okay, Aria calm down. That text wasn’t from “A”. Aria: How do you know that? Emily: Because I was there when Shana-slash-A was killed. Look… Spencer was right. It’s one thing not to contradict Ali’s story and it’s another to add to it. We can’t go down that rabbit hole again. Aria: Yeah, well, I can’t do nothing, all right? Because if “A” knows that I took down Shana.. Emily: Aria… Aria: I’m gonna be the… Emily: Shana had been using us as target practice for months, what you did was purely self-defense. Aria: It doesn’t matter. Someone is dead. All right, and she will never be able to recover or apologize or even graduate from high school because I killed her. I killed her, Emily, and I don’t know how I’m gonna be able to live with that. (breathes heavily) Emily: Aria… in that moment, it was you or her. I went through this after… Nate. You think that no one can understand what this feels like, but I’ve been there.
Aria: Hey. Oh, my God. Guys. She is seriously freaking me out. She knows that we were in New York. She threatened Ali. What if she knows about Shana, too? Spencer: Aria, look, you need to take a psychological selfie right now. You’re letting your paranoia get the better of you. Aria: Really? How do you know that all this isn’t all about Shana? Spencer: Because it’s not. It’s all about Ali. I’ve been fielding questions about her all day.
Aria: Hi. Sorry, it was really stupid of me not to call. Ezra: No, it’s okay. Is everything all right? Sit down, sit down. Aria: I can’t stop thinking about Shana’s family. I mean, every time I close my eyes all I can see is her grandmother and just how destroyed and how empty she looked at her funeral. Ezra: How did you know what she looked like at the funeral? Aria: ‘Cause I watched it online, many times. Ezra: Aria, you’re just going to have to find a way to forgive yourself.
Aria: Oh, I’m just a friend. I wasn’t able to send flowers so I was wondering if I could donate to the cost of the service. Woman: Well, her grandmother’s been a member of our congregation for a long time. I’m certain she would want to thank you for your… Aria; Oh, no, no, I’d really, really rather the donation be anonymous. Is it possible to send cash?
Aria: Okay, we need to get these boxes out of here right now. Ezra: Okay, let’s just slow down a second here. Aria: Tanner’s probably on her way back here with a search warrant. Ezra: She’s not on her way back here. Aria: How can you say that? I mean she basically said she knows that Shana was the one that shot you. Ezra: Well, then why would she want to search my place? Aria: ‘Cause she knows that you’re hiding something, that’s why. Ezra: Well, she’s gonna need a whole lot more than suspicion to get a search warrant. Aria: If she does come back, she’s gonna find proof that you were lying about how well you knew Shana and that Ali wasn’t kidnapped. Ezra: I guess I could move this stuff into my storage unit. Aria: Wait, no. No, because if it’s registered in your name they’re just gonna search that, too. Hmm, okay, let’s just put everything in my attic until we find a better place. My dad’s in Syracuse until Sunday. Ezra: Okay. That’s a good idea. Oh, what is this? Aria: Oh, my God, I think that’s supposed to be Mrs. DiLaurentis. Ezra: How can you tell? Aria: I mean that’s her house. She was obsessed with her roses. And she definitely wore scarves like that. Ezra: Bethany. Aria: How many Bethanys do you know? Ezra: Just one. And she was buried in Mrs. DiLaurentis’ backyard. Aria: Ezra, who would want you to have this? Ezra: Why? Aria: My money’s on “A”.
Aria Montgomery (Pretty Little Liars): ISFP was originally published on MBTI Zone
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bethanythebold · 7 years
If anyone wants to send me anything or ask me questions I wouldn’t be opposeddddd😉 im bored and crave attention so please indulge me and click the link please anniepaige.sarahah.com
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Pretty Little Liars MBTI
Aria Montgomery (INFP)
(Compassionate, Creative, Original, Empathetic, Quirky, Intense, Intrinsic, Communicative, Critical)
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PLL Survey
Hello everyone!
I’m curious to see if there is any correlation between someone’s favorite PLL character (out of the main 6), their MBTI and their Hogwarts house.
This survey is only 3 questions and I will post my findings next week!
Thank you so much for helping me out!
[ Link to Survey ]
PS. please only answer once! :)
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yeehawyoongles · 5 years
 ~About Me☆
(Because my bio is getting a little too cramped)
Here are some facts about me which may or may not say a lot about my personality, if anyone even cares at this point.
If we have anything in common or if you want to talk to me, please feel free to chat! I’m always happy to talk to new people on here, even though the popuation of this site is drastically declining, let’s see the site burn down together.
My MBTI is INFP, and last time I checked I got 83% on my introverted score lmaoo
I’m a Capricorn sun, Sagittarius moon if you’re into that kinda stuff
My Harry Potter house is Gryffindor
I like my coffee black with no sugar but my tea with milk and a little bit of sugar (depending on the kind of tea)
My BTS biases are Hoseok and Namjoon
My OTP in Yuuri on Ice is Otayuri (Though I still love my babies Victuuri)
My favourite colour is purple (I liked it before it was cool)
After looking up what my dreams mean I found that I subconsciously hate men
My favourite liar in PLL was Emily
In the Pooh Pathology test my highest score was Eeyore (97% YIKES)
I think my highest score on the BDSM test was brat (I remember being VERY surprised by how high my petplay score was?) 
When I was a kid I wanted to be a fashion designer? and then that changed to a psychiatrist and now I’m studying politics grsthtrh
I’m a cat person but I also love dogs I just really really want a cat
I love to write and read but I hardly have the time to do either
My head is a mess like one second I’m singing a BTS song in my head and the next I’m thinking that death is inevitable and ???
but my head is also like:
“Woah second and second are the same word”
I’m really dumb but somehow ended up at a really good university
(This is getting a little deeper as it gets later but let’s go)
I’m super clumsy when I first wake up like I’m guaranteed to stub my toe at least once a week or walk into a doorframe
I have very severe trust issues
and very low self esteem and I hate getting compliments like idk how to accept a compliment??? they make me uncomfortable and sometimes physically sick
I feel weird when people are nice to me
Maybe I’ll leave it here before I go in too deep
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heddagab · 6 years
Yeah I had thought more ESTP but her dollhouse was so innovative I thought there was a small chance she was ENTP. But veryyyyy small.
I honestly don’t remember how many details the show had given us about that. Because yes, it was very innovative but did she really think all of it from scratch without any help? Or did she get the basic blueprint from Mona (whose Se kinda sucks) and she turned it up on its head with all the trapdoors and physical torture devises? (it would be easy for a skillful Se-Ti user to come up with that). I’m just not seeing any evident Ne in her way of expressing herself. I think she blend in for so long because she was a sensor to be honest. I’m not sure she would have gotten away with so many things if she was a NP opperating the way she did.
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