#pls dont let this flop uwu
psycho-mocha · 3 years
Ariana Gandhi
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Title track : positions
Lyrics : I'll be switching the positions for you yoga in the ashram and I'm freedom fighting too <3
B-side tracks :
Break up with the british I'm bored
I've got no dandis left to march
7 movements
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entity-of-the-opera · 3 years
The Feminization and Fetishization of John Laurens in the Hamilton Musical and its Fandom
In this I will be talking about a few things:
The whole “turtle boi” thing
His role in the musical
The feminization of him in the fandom
The fetishization of him (and his relationship with Hamilton)
The shredded bits of personality he has in the musical
His historical personality being taken from him and instead added to Hamilton’s character
I will not be putting any art of him in here to respect the artists’ privacy, but if you’ve been in the Hamilton fandom or at least heard of the issues I’m talking about, you’ll probably know what drawings I mean. Also, no hate to anyone or any artists who I may indirectly mention, or to anyone in the Hamilton Musical fandom. I understand that not everyone in the fandom is like this, but I will just be using the broad term “the fandom” for simplicity. 
[cw: mentions of alcohol and alcoholism]
“UwU Turtle Boi John Laurens”
This image of him likely stemmed from the one drawing he did of a softshell turtle. But how the fandom took that and blew it up into him being obsessed with turtles and other sea creatures is beyond my knowledge. A lot of art depicts him with turtle stuffed animals or riding turtles or just general turtle-lover stuff. Not only are these wrong, but they’re also pretty weird. They often tie into the strange feminization of him, which I will discuss later.
His Role in the Musical
Laurens in the musical acts like Hamilton’s sidekick. He follows him around most of the scenes where they are together. He is almost always at Hamilton’s side, and when he is not or he is at the side of another character, he ends back up at Hamilton’s side fairly quickly. This seems like it makes sense, right? Hamilton is the main character, of course, everyone else is going to be behind him or beside him in some way. But it feels very forced, like Lin-Manuel Miranda purposefully made it so Hamilton was above everyone, no matter the cost. Laurens’ character suffered from this, and any kind of standing or power he held just from his personality alone was gone. What he is to Hamilton is like what Patroclus was to Achilles; a sidekick, overshadowed by the other’s glory and popularity. 
An example of this is the Laurens-Lee duel scene. Historically, Laurens was the “trigger happy” one. When the first shot was fired between himself and Lee, he wanted to go again. Hamilton was not very happy that the duel was happening. When both sides (Hamilton and Laurens, Lee and his second Evan Edwards) arrived, he and Edwards tried to get Laurens and Lee to just apologize and be on their way. Laurens refused. When Laurens wanted to shoot again, Hamilton prevented him from doing so. In the show, however, the roles seem reversed.
The Feminization of Him in the Fandom
In almost every Hamilton musical fanfic or story I have read (and I have read quite a bit from my time in this fandom) Laurens is so feminine-- especially in lams fics. He acts feminine, he dresses feminine, he is described in the fics as feminine, he carries around his cute uwu turtle stuffie wearing his cute feminine uwu turtle pyjamas. It’s sickening. John Laurens was a brave soldier and a talented artist and this is how the fandom sees him? As some freckled gay baby twink?
Not only is this disrespectful to John Laurens, it is also disrespectful to Anthony Ramos, who played him in the OBC. 
The Fetishization of Him and His Relationship with Hamilton
This, the feminization of him and the “UwU Turtle Boi” character are all very similar. You could argue that this and the “UwU Turtle Boi” character are the same, or that this and the feminization of him are the same. You wouldn’t be wrong; they are all very similar and overlap a lot. Because I covered the “UwU Turtle Boi” character already and have no more to say here about it, I will talk about how the fandom treats his relationship with Hamilton.
There are two very opposite sides of the “was lams real” spectrum: “it was not real, shipping founding fathers is gross,” and, “they were gay!!! Laurens was gay for Hammy!!! Read the letters!!!!” Both sides’ beliefs are valid; you are allowed to think what you want about this topic. It is a somewhat controversial topic that has no clear answer, and therefore is always being discussed. However, just because your belief is valid, doesn’t mean that the way you chose to phrase it is necessarily okay. I get that most of the people who say the second opinion tend to be young girls who may not know better, but the way that something is phrased is very important.
Read these two different phrasings of the same opinion, and think to yourself, “Which one sounds more fetishize-y?” 
“I believe that Hamilton and Laurens were in a relationship based on evidence from the letters they sent each other.”
“Hammy and Laurens were gay! Read the letters! He says ‘I love you!’ They were super gay!”
Too many fangirls have called Laurens things like “gay boi” or “smol gay cinnamon roll.” I’ve also seen a very concerning amount of people call him their husband or hubby or dead boyfriend. I don’t think I need to explain how disgusting that is.
His Terrible Personality and Character
His entire character can be boiled down to “tyranny bad, alcohol good.” He’s loud and rowdy and a very boisterous person, shouting and running around and causing a ruckus. It is unlikely that the real Laurens was like this. Seeing as he came from a family of wealth and standing, he would have likely been taught to behave properly and be polite. He was rash at times, especially during battle, but other than that he seemed very professional. His rowdiness makes sense in some scenes when he’s in the war, but other than that part of the show, it doesn’t fit him.
Alcohol is a very big part of his personality for some reason. In his first (real) scene in Aaron Burr, sir, he’s talking about alcohol and drinking and even bragging about how much he drinks. At the very beginning of Satisfied, he’s offering drinks to other people and is very clearly drunk. As far as we know, the real Laurens was not a heavy drinker.
His lack of character can be explained, though. While writing the personalities of the characters, whoever was doing it took Laurens’ historical personality and gave it to Hamilton instead, leaving Laurens with almost nothing.
His Historical Personality Being Added to Hamilton’s Character
I’ve already talked about the Laurens-Lee duel, but I have yet to bring up what happened after it. In the show, Hamilton is brought into Washington’s office and Washington gets into an argument with him, which ends in Washington sending Hamilton home. Besides the fact that the timeline of these events is incredibly off, this is not at all what happened. After the duel, Hamilton wrote up a report on what happened to be given to Washington either the day of or after the duel. When Washington found out what happened, he was furious. Not at Hamilton, but at Laurens. Lin-Manuel Miranda took this from Laurens and changed the story so that it was Hamilton who got chewed out because Hamilton is the main character, not Laurens.
Lin-Manuel Miranda just tore up Laurens’ personality, leaving him as a rowdy alcoholic who eye-fucks Hamilton for the entirety of Act I. The fandom then took this empty shell of a character, combined it with random historical facts about him, and created a turtle-loving twink. Disgusting. Everything about this is so gross.
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kamwashere · 3 years
hello lgbt community i caved in and made a uquiz. 
which iconic stucky moment are you?
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julesnull · 3 years
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She's h e r e My oc named Bep :3 I think I'll be making a ref of her soon if she's included in the ref series I was gonna do with @thewightnight
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kermitbread · 4 years
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AAAAAAAA it's done I can rest :") I got lazy in the very end soooo yeah it kinda sucks
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ayeateez · 5 years
ATEEZ pet names
What pet names I think ATEEZ would call their s/o
Baby, I just think he’s the type of person to baby you and call you his baby, especially when it’s late at night and your sitting in his lap in the studio and he just calls you baby oh my god-
Sugar, just because you’re always so sweet to him, taking care of him and making sure he eats, drinks, and sleeps enough and you’re always his #1 fan and you’re always supporting him and you’re there for him
Baby, kinda of like Hongjoong, he likes to baby you, especially if you choose to sit in his lap, and it’s just an all around thing, like, that's his favorite name to call you
Honey, because. you’re sweet, but sticky not in that way and you keep him glued and grounded 
Baby literally majority of them have baby but because you’re probably shorter than him and he just calls you his little baby because you look so tiny all cuddled up to him and it’s just uwu 
Sweetie, because you’re I think short and sweet, but he mostly uses it when he’s teasing you or being a smartass
Sweetheart. You’re his sweetheart, what more is there to say?
Darling. He likes to hold you in his arms while rocking back and forth while mumbling lil sweet things in your ear, but he likes to call you daring, like if you’re in separate rooms and he needs you for something he’ll yell like “Darling, could you come here for a minute?” or just to get your attention 
Baby girl/boy, I mean come on, you’re his baby girl/boy, and he loves it when you sit in his lap in front of the other members and he gets to call you by this pet name and watch them gag, he does it simply for pure amusement but at night when you’re on the verge of sleep, all cuddled up to his chest he whispers something like “I love you, baby girl/baby boy” and he just smiles
Sweetheart, he loves calling you his sweetheart, mostly when you’re in public and he’ll yell out “Sweetheart!” and you hit him in embarrassment as you see the looks you get from other couples, lots of people asking their s/o why they don’t call them sweet names
Baby, I mean come on, you’re his baby, what else is he supposed to call you by, your name? You’re just so tiny he wants to put you in the palm of his hand and put you in his pocket and carry you around like a well, baby
Honey, because you’re just as sweet as honey, not just to him but to every one and even though he gets jealous, he still adores you for being a kind person
Baby girl/baby boy, he just loves babying you and calling you his baby girl/boy and having you in his lap and it just makes his heart explode whenever you blush and hide your face in his chest
Your name. The only other thing he calls you besides baby girl/baby boy is well, your name. He loves your name and usually prefers it over pet names
Baby, he loves calling you his baby and he feels he always has the need to protect you and hide you from all dangers in the world
Your name. Sometimes he calls you baby y/n, but that's usually when he’s just teasing you but he doesn’t really have anything else to call you besides your name and baby 
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bixiaoshi · 5 years
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i got in the mood to post some mirror selfies
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chainsawing · 5 years
hi!! i wanna mess around w doing an art series on lgbt pride/acceptance so if u wanna have a pic of u drawn (for free! i just need the permission to use the pic) please dm me + tell me what flag(s) you want incorporated!!! & pls ask any questions u want either thru dm or ask
for reference, id probably do full on color portraits like ive done here
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softyn · 5 years
Send me a 🦋 + your ultimate bias name and I'll give you a song based on the initial of his/her name!🧡
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bfkook-remade-blog · 6 years
reblog this and i’ll send you a pic of jungkook
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tender-rosiey · 3 years
Uwu, uwu, and MORE UWU! CONGRATULATIONS ON 200 FOLLOWERS, UR SO WHOLESOME AND SO IS UR BLOG, you wanna spread smiles? Welp ur doin it right ❤ I always visit ur blog when I wanna get some of that fluffy wholesome jazz❤
I literally sprinted when I saw reqs were open lol, If ur okay with it, can I request headcanons for Fyodor with an affectionate and thoughtful s/o? (preferably writer, but if it's too specific it's okay not to add it I don't mind <3) just wanna see how adorable god-complex ratman will react to that lol.
Have a noice day!
❥ Fyodor with an affectionate s/o
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ᴀ/ɴ: I am honestly speechless, THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU ARE SO SWEET PLS I DONT DESERVE THIS 🥺 I hope you like this one also I have something similar to it here but I wanted to make something longer than it so 💃🏻 I hope you like it luv and again thank you for kind words 🥺💘
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He likes receiving affection from you but doesn’t really show it
Maybe smol smiles
He finds your hugs really comforting and stress-relieving
If he is ever in a bad mood he will just flop on to top of you
Relaxes to the MAX when you play with his hair
Probably lets you style it too but not too freaky cause he has a reputation and image to uphold
But he is a simp for you so
Probably a yandere too
Expect pinky holding when he is working on a plan or talking to another little shit
Point it out and you will get a silent glare tho
Likes seeing his clothes on you
And when you tell him that you are wearing it because you miss him
Man could just die in peace right then and there
But he is a smug little bitch so he won’t give you the chance to be all high and might about him being absolutely whipped for you
“Apparently you are too small for my clothes; how unfortunate by now, one thought you would’be grown at least a couple more inches. My absolute and genuine sympathy for you dear.”
He adores your caring and thoughtful attitude
Like you get him tea or snacks at night cause you are afraid he didn’t eat enough for the day??
He will hug you and thank you
“Thanks dear.”
Yup I see him as the type to use the classical dear or honey
He spoils you in return tho
Despite being a broke ass and don’t ask me I have no idea how he does so
“Hey dear, I got you this wonderful necklace.”
“Fyodor, how did you get that?”
Cue the TV showing the news with the headline with the picture of the necklace in Fyodor’s hand on top:
‘Breaking News: One of the most expensive necklaces in Japan has been stolen and the culprit is nowhere to be found’
“Fyodor Dostoyevsky.”
“Y/N L/N.”
Wipe off that smug smirk of his I beg of you
Okay but like sometimes when you give him a little kiss on the cheek
He gets so confused
Other times he is expecting the kiss so he turns to make it land on his lips instead
And then he pulls back with a mischevious smirk plastered on his face
Following that is him acting like nothing happened but enjoying your flustered face
So that writer part, I understood from it that you want your occupation to be a writer, right?
He loves when you get inspired from something he does
He takes so much pride in that
Is and will binge read all your works
Probably helps you with ideas
And supports quietly
You are staying up late because of an idea?
He is there
But overdo it and he won’t hesitate to pick you up like a sack of potatoes and back to your shared bedroom will you be thrown
“That’s enough for today, you don’t want to get more wrinkles that you already have now do you?”
I am not letting you forget that he would sometimes be a rat and tease you for god knows what he will find about you <3
Has suggested you write about his so amazing goal of making the world a better place
But he truly is interested in how you view the outcome or making of his desire would be
If you accidentally make a grammar mistake or spelling mistake
He will hold it to you until you die 🥰
Brings it up when he needs comeback when you guys argue about wits or intelligence
“How funny, did you forget how you forgot to spell gorgeous that one time?”
Like lay off dude 🙄
Being a writer is hard especially when you get millions of scenarios and ideas bursting in your head
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copyright © 2020 tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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mooncorefriends · 5 years
i want mooncore to be a thing
we could be called like moon children or stars or smth
always sleepy
loves space
sunkissed? more like moonkissed
i want to hug the moon n o w
night person
stargazing dates>>
probably ghostcore too
rocks/marbles/round things that look like the moon(moonlets???) are my life
moon reflecting on water is pwetty uwu
sitting in ur bedroom looking out at the moon at midnight is the best feeling
artemis? more like the one true god
messy buns
long t shirts as pjs
dancing by urself lit bit moonlight and maybe a small lamp
youre also prob feminine but not required we love our masc siblings
buzzfeed unsolved
dark rooms
greek mythology
if u were in band u prob played a stereotypically “pretty” instrument
idk how to do this i just love the moon and space and want mooncore to be a thing so pls dont let it flop??
add on pls :)
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sukirichi · 3 years
1) was not expecting to see you reply to my response cause most of the time my responses get eaten up by tumblr 💔
2) AND YES EVERYTHING ABOUT DUTIFULLY YOURS WAS SO GOOD??? please please PLEASE don’t let haters deter you from writing it cause chances are those “haters” are probably a couple of ppl just constantly spamming to make you feel bad and overwhelmed
3) ive been following you for a while and have ALWAYS been in love with your work so to see that people are preventing you from being able to enjoy yourself and showing your true potential as a writer breaks my heart but i totally understand what it’s like to be in your place !!!
4) i really hope this won’t be another case of reckless bc that fic was also amazing as well!!! believe it or not there’s definitely a portion of your followers who aspire to write as good as you (i’m in that portion LOL)
5) you as a fanfic writer your work is definitely in my top 5 in my list of favorite writers on tumblr, you and four other accounts are the only blogs i have notifications on and constantly read the things you post even if it’s related to a fandom or character i’m not as fully invested in bc im truly addicted to reading your work LMAO
6) i’m not sure if it’s too early to ask but do you have a taglist for dutifully yours or plan to have a taglist for it? it would be amazing to be able to follow along your journey of dutifully yours! if you don’t plan on having a taglist for this fic that’s completely okay bc i still have notifications on for you so it won’t be a big deal!
anyway sorry if this is long i’m just really glad my message made you feel better after seeing you already started to receive hate for dutifully yours when you literally JUST posted it
i hope you’re feeling better now! eat well and stay hydrated <3333
OMG HI HELLO THANK YOU FOR THIS 😭💕 and also aaah im so sorry if there were asks i do not receive, my tumblr has been glitching a lot lately and sometimes it wont let me post as well 😭 AHSKWLA yeah naoya has a lot of haters (and i mean, DESERVED 🤨) so thats kind of expected as a naoya stan that a lot wont enjoy my naoya content as well, but there are people who do like me and you so im very thankful for that and its enough for me !! yeah hahahahaa people dont have nice things to say sometimes and the best i can do is walk away from it bcos i dont need that energy in my life, im just trying to have fun here uwu.
yeahhh i mean,,,like i said, people not so nice sometimes but not everyone will like me and i totally understand that !! not saying that i accept n deserve it but like its just human nature we’re bound to ruffle some feathers. in a way, i think the struggles serve a purpose to make me stronger and be more determined to just do what i want tho, so even if its a hard time, i see it as a lesson to be learned and if its a good time, then its an opportunity to grow more. and omg thank you sm im so so happy you love my works aaahh 😭💕 and i sure do hope dutifully yours is not another reckless flop BCOS PLS DY IS MY COMFORT FIC RN but also i probably wont update soon bcos i just wanna take my time on it, let the love for naoya flow, somth like that 🤧
you have notifs turned on for me?? i wanna apologize bcos i often go on answering sprees and probably make phones ping but also im so happy to hear you wanna be updated with me like AAAHHH idk its just so humbling HQKDLW thank you sm for your support and the kind words, they do mean a lot to me 😭 as for the taglist, i wont have one but again, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. just. the sweet words, the support, the time you took in telling me this, it really does mean a lot and make me happy so thank you again 🥺💕 no worries about long messages, i love interactions !! ABDKWKW people just hate naoya and i gotta live with it, life is hard but so is his dick so 🤤 and sorry for the late reply aaaa i was out the whole day but thank you again and eat well and stay hydrated too !! MWAH 💕💕💕
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sugarjaee · 4 years
quarantine playlist tag
i was thinking while were all in quarantine this would be cute to do....
rules: answer with the songs that u think go with each category to make ur quarantine playlist oof feel free to explain why u chose it too uwu. then tag your quarantine pals
1. a song that u like the aesthetic of
love me, sweet by lav
i just like the way this sounds and the bedroom pop aesthetic of it all. its just really raw and sweet and i like it.
2. a song that means a lot to u
white ferrari by frank ocean
i dunno why but i hold such a special place in my hear for this song. i just remember the first time i ever heard it i broke down into tears and started sobbing so yeah....
3. a cover/remix u prefer over the original
we don't talk anymore by jungkook and jimin
need i say more?
4. the song u relate to the most
in my head + everytime + better off by ariana grande
honestly any song bout toxic relationships OOF but i like these da most miss ariana knows what's up
5. a song u like from a genre u don't normally listen to
high horse by kacey mustgraves
only country song i will ever listen to, periodT
6. a song that makes u want to dance
say so by dojo cat + savage by meghan thee stallion
issa a tie. i have nothing to say other than tiktok made me do it
7. a song from an artist u want everyone to know about
i drive me mad by renforshort
her whole discography is amazing PLS LISTEN TO HER !! she's from my city and her music is SO GOOD. im seeing her in may too sooooo. like god her talent and this song it amazing and u can totally catch me jumping around my room to it.
8. a recent favourite
after hours by the weeknd
if im talking about the song or the whole album, you'll never know
9. an old favourite
sun and moon by nct 127
they have yet to top this
10. a song that introduced u to ur favourite artists
4ever by clairo
if i hadn’t come across this song on a soundcloud playlist my life would never be da same. not that clairo being probably my favourite artist now
11. a song u can’t help but sing your heart out to
starships + turn me on by nicki minaj
i lost my voice screaming these songs in the car w my sister to i had to put it here.
12. a song that always makes u cry
i love u by billie eilish
yep, y'all know what's up if u listened to this. it hits too deep and real for me and there was a like six month period of my life whenever i heard this song i would break down.
13. a song u forgot about but love
fancy by twice
it came on shuffle while i was making this and damn i love that fucking song and i never listen to it. literally the reason this question is on here lol
14. ur most played song of 2020
rules by doja cat
yup yup yup ! thank u. miss doja’s whole album is my top listened songs of the year but this bitch hit too damn hard. it had to be done
yeet this the first tag ive ever made. pls dont let this flop
im tagging: @jjong-dae77 @letslovemp4 @h2yeri @kpop-uni @loser-dot-com @yeolsangeleyes @ellrouxx x​ @def-initely-soul @seodojaezz z​ @missus-suh @kierafalgout @eun-binnies @ghoularaki @icedcappujaeno @catdaddydef @fictionxo 
also while im here i just wanna say how much i miss all these beautiful people and im sorry ive been gone so long but i hope we can talk more soon ^_^ and sorry for bugging u w a tag u don't have to do it
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huangfilms · 6 years
Aged Up!Jaemin
summary: so my boss has been trying to set me up with her son for a while and i’ve never even met him and she doesn’t show pictures, but once i do meet him i find out that her son was my crush from high school many many years ago,,,, h elp || aged up au
(A/N) OKAY QUEENS! the results for the recent poll was jaemin! i swear i will get to All Of The Members soon i just need some time! also!!! please leave me feedback ! thank you kids and i hope you enjoy! (ps, once i write more and more, ill make a masterlist so u can see all of my works easily!) warning: this isnt edited cause ya girl TIRED
so... it was morning time
your alarm was blaring in your ear and you Did Not Want To Get up.
you absolutely loved your job (whatever that job may be, it is up 2 u)! but why did it have to start so early,, ya know? 
also,,, it’s your boss,,,,,recently she’s been sweet talking you and it’s really uncomfortable since you two aren’t really close
and she always mentions her son
she goes on and on about how sweet he is, or how much of a gentleman he is. not to mention how handsome her son is
did i mention she’s always saying, ‘you’d be perfect for my son.’
and you’re just like??? oh 
but today when you got to work, a sister SNAPPED
if you heard about your boss’ son one more time then-- well you’d get fired but anywho
so you got annoyed and told your boss, ‘if i say yes to going on one date with your son with you be quiet?’
and she went quiet and then had This Look on her face
next thing u know, she has the BIGGEST grin and then side-hugs you
you feel Awkward but whatever,,,, so anyway she 
she tells u that u should b ready at ur home at like 4:30 or something since u two are going on a ‘date’
and then ur like??? wtf TODAY and she says uh,, yes.
and so u see her pull out her phone and then u Just Know that she’s texting her mystery son and then you get Anxious
well shit my dudes
life is crazy like that,,,,, so then she says that he is going to pick u up from ur home and ur like,,, he knows where i live now
okay!!! it’s ok kids,,,oof!!!
so time skip to 3:00 when your shift at work is d o n e and then u go home to flop on ur bed
Then You’re Anxious cause oh shit,,, ur going on a date with a person that u don’t even know. sike u thought
and so u change out of ur work clothes and throw on like a sweater or something and jeans or whatever
u have like 10 minutes to spare before that guy comes here and you’re kinda nervous,,,,,,,
but he is here EARLY OH MY LORD 
so u have like a peep hole on ur door and u take a peak thru it and oh 
oh my
you wha t
this boy behind the door is none other than the kid you used to crush on in high schoo l,, na jaemin
he never liked u back bc he never noticed u but,,, u ,,, got over it,,,,,,,,,
you could not believe that ur boss’ son was THIS DUDE,,, 
you start to pace back and forth because what if he recognizes you,,, oh My Gosh
okay well anyway
you suck it up and then open the door because he’s been waiting for a while ksdjhfalksjhf
u notice that he’s looking down and he starts to speak when he looks up but then he stops
‘hey--’ and he just Stares At You and u start to wonder if he Does Remember You
and then he says ur name Which Means He DOES oh jeez and u were so close to slamming the door in his face because you Cannot Handle but it’s okay, everything is okay..... 
‘haha hey,, um jaemin’ 
okay well now that u guys Clarified That You Remember Each Other
you became x27439823847398739384709213378468 more nervous because How Will This Go
okay wait,, how did he know ur name LMAO did he,, dare I say,,, remember you????
cause if he did then WOW life really is crazy
so then he starts to talk or whatever about going to the nearest coffee shop cause he feels drained and exhausted, ngl,,, you feel kinda tired too
so you guys are just like walking there and he’s been trying small talk like,,, what have u been up to since high school? 
and u get so Shook because,,,, he noticed you LMAO 
i mean you were always the shy one who got mediocre grades but never really broke the rules and hung out with like,,, one person.
u STILL hang out with that on e person and that dude is ur best friend jeno
but anyway,, you knew about jaemin in hs because of jeno, they were in the same friend group and jeno always invited you to hang out with them but u really weren’t comfortable with that LOL
so yeah u saw jaemin and took a liking to him because he was really sweet from what u heard from jeno,,, that boy would NOT stop talking about him to you because u became interested
i mean moments pass and u dont know how to feel anymore
so anyway,, u two make it to the shop and then u take a REAL good look at him when he goes up to order for the both of u guys
he’s aged really well,,, too well like honestly--- edges: Snatched
he just looks so,,,, good. and you just Know That You Have Lingering Feelings that you never really got over and they seem to be resurfacing
so he comes back with the drinks and he looks at you now while ur staring out the window,, just sippin ur coffee
nd he noticed that YOUVE grown,, u look way more mature and youve lost ur baby face,, oof
u kno he actually did like you back then,,, i mean if either one of u would have just TALKED to each other smh cjsjdjs
but whatever, in the past right? sike
so the date was coming to an end cause he had some stuff to do, so u guys swapped phone numbers
ever since then, u guys have been texting each other non-stop and always hanging out when you can
his mom?? she can tell that something is different with u because u arent grumpy in the mornings anymore HAHAHA
u start to smile more and become distracted on ur phone cause jaemin is always texting you
so she asks u about it like,,, half a year after u guys first met up
and u say smth like, ‘oh haha your son is such a kind soul,,, andimayormaynotlikehim’
its honestly really funny cause she been knew that jaemin had a small crush on u during hs cause he always talked abt u but never knew u were gonna apply for the job u had now and she cant believe that she remebers that WOW
so anyway she just has This Smile on her face all the time cause u make jaemin so happy
and so one day u and jaemin meet up back at that coffee shop
and then u two order or whatever and then he comes back with A Very Serious Look on his face and u get scared™️
but when he comes back he just shyly smiles and says a Long Speech
‘so i know that we’ve established that we remember each other from high school, but i just wanted to clarify that i like you, more than a friend. i really like you and ive liked you since i first saw you in the hallways all those years ago. i mean, when we went our separate ways i shoved those feelings aside but now that youre back in my life, so are those feelings i have for you. everytime i look at you, i just want to kiss you or hold your hand and i just—‘
but youve stopped listening because your whole being is: Shook
he just said that he liked you omg,,,,,
and so you say, ‘jaemin,, i really like you too.’ AND U BOTH JUST GRI N
and so when u nod ur head he just SMILES AND THEN KISSES U
‘will u b my baby’ : )
SO the date is over, he walks u home, and when u get into ur house u dont see that he fist pumped in the air and nearly YELLED
so u go into work the next day and you are just HAPPY
and his momma Knows So She Looks At U With A Huge Smile
and then she lets u be cause U ! MAKE ! HER ! SON ! HAPPY !
so anyway jaemin as ur bf,, a real Dream
he would always drive you home from ur dates, pick you up from ur work,,,,
sometimes he would even sleep over , the dude has his own soace in ur closet and a toothbrush
and its such a Good Ass Time my ass is Suffering omg
but anyway!! jaemin is such a sweetheart u could not believe that u didnt talk to him in hs cause you guys wouldve been together longer🤧🤧
anywho!! end!! i cant believe his momma set u two up 😪
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ayeateez · 5 years
San holds you closely to his chest, him being awake despite it being early. He still treasures you even in your peaceful sleeping state.
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