#plus i can tell you're quite talented
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I read a really hot little fic of Gortash fantasizing about what default Durge is packing, prime dragon fucker material
And now I can't get it out of my head, ideas about Durge surprising him with Bhaalspawn cocks that are practically barbed and knot
My ideas are rougher than the original fic, or what I normally write, so I'm a bit nervous about writing it 😅
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laughing-with-god · 8 months
Unsaid Vow I
(This is the first 1.7k of the 10k chapter that is available right now on my Patreon. Please join for early access plus beta content!)
Synopsis: You always knew when you weren't wanted. And the way things are going in your marriage with Jungkook, a divorce is looking more and more likely. While he's getting closer to a woman at work that you're certain he's having an affair with, you're planning your escape with your four-year-old son. However, five years of marriage did not expose you to a certain side of your husband. A side of Jungkook that only gets triggered when you try to leave and break apart your perfect 'family'.
Warnings: Yandere behavior, graphic language, violence/murder, women bashing on other women, heavily implied infidelity, bad parenting, absent father, broken family vibes, very slow buildup bc Jungkook doesn't really snap until you leave him so just give him a min lol, inexperienced author writing for a five-year-old.
Also looking for new fic art for this if anyone's interested!!
Read first: Prologue
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“I’m a grown man.”
These were the words that greeted you and effectively pulled you out of your weary slumber.  
You drowsily rubbed your eyes and rolled over, yawning as you took in the sight of your son staring at you bemusedly from beside your bed.  
If you weren’t used to this behavior from Hugo already, you perhaps would've screamed at the sudden creepy sight of a child with a solemn expression saying odd things to you before the sun has even risen.  Yet, you have grown accustomed to the old man your toddler was.  
“Good morning to you too, bud.”  You groaned tiredly, already searching your thick bedding for your phone in order to check the time.  Your alarm hadn’t even gone off yet, which told you it was earlier than you had originally planned to wake up.  But what was the point of having plans when you had a child?  They had a talent for ruining them.  
“I’m five today.”  Hugo ignored your greeting, getting right into the point with furrowed brows as he held up all five fingers, each one representing a year of his life.  
“Yup, I know dumpling.”  You chuckled, finally pulling out your phone and opening it to see  ‘6:03 am” staring back at you.  “Believe it or not, the day you were born was quite memorable for me too.”  
You cringed as you thought of the 20 hour labor that preceded Hugo’s birth.   How could you ever forget that hellish day?  
“Mom, it’s my birthday.”  Hugo told you, tone serious as a heart attack.  
“Yes, happy birthday love.”  You smiled at your son, trying not to let him see the exhaustion you secretly felt.  “I suppose there’s no way I can talk you into going back to bed for another hour or so?”  
“No. You always say ‘the day starts when I first open my eyes in the morning”.  Your son parroted the saying back to you with a proud grin.  
Hugo once went through a phase where he wouldn’t want to leave the bed after waking up, simply wanting to stay in pj’s all day long and watch cartoons amongst his stuffies. 
It took a while to get your little homebody to actually stop this habit and begin getting up to ready himself for the day whenever he woke up.  You used to tell him that the day starts whenever he opens his eyes in the morning, however on days like these where he wakes up super early, he now does not see the point in lying in.  
“Right, that is a good point.”  You softly relented, mentally scolding yourself for yet another parenting tactic backfired.  “How does some breakfast sound?”
“Mom, I have a prop-pre-preposaa-”  
“Proposal?”  You offered, swinging your legs off the side of your bed.  
“Yeah, that.”  Hugo nodded to himself, most likely taking note of the proper pronunciation of the word so he can use it again in conversation.  “I think it’s time we talk about coffee.”
“You and daddy are always saying that coffee is for grownups.  Today I’m five, which means I’m older, which means I should be able to have coffee.”  Hugo reasoned this to you while twiddling his thumbs, a nervous habit he does when he wants you to say yes to something he knows is unrealistic.  
“Mmm...”  You hummed, pretending to think hard about the offer.  “What if I gave you a very light coffee?  A beginner version to get you ready for the real thing when you’re older?”  
Hugo looked conflicted, but after reading your face and correctly assuming that’s the best he was going to get, he nodded solemnly in reluctant agreement.  
With one final huff you shoved yourself off the king sized bed, standing to your full height and throwing your arms up in a stretch.  “Why don’t you wait in the living room for me bud?  I’ll be right out.”  
The freshly turned five year old happily nodded up at you before exiting your bedroom, leaving you alone once again.  
You turned your attention back to the bed in which you just rose out of.  More particularly, you stared at the other side of the bed, the side in which your husband was supposed to sleep on. 
It was a direct opposite of your messy side, crisp and neatly made; the fluffy pillows, pressed sheets and silk duvet being perfectly in place.  Yet, this wasn’t an ode to Jungkook’s neatness and attention to detail.  
Jungkook hasn’t been sleeping in the same bed as you for a while now.  
Your husband always preferred to rise early, given he was a man who liked to follow a strict morning regime which could easily be thrown off if he slept in even a minute later.  Up at 5:30. teeth brushed and face shaved by 5:40.  Breakfast, coffee and newspaper consumed by 6:00.  
Then right before taking his leave, Jungkook would pack himself a bag of work clothes and make a quick protein shake, given he would then head to the gym where he would get his morning workout and shower from.  Then from the gym, he would head straight to work.  
A few months ago, he suggested sleeping in the guest room.
You had asked why, bewildered at the request.  
Sure, you two didn’t really cuddle anymore. Sex was also rare. But you figured that the least you could do as husband and wife was sleep in the same bed amicably. Had you started kicking him in your sleep or something?
“I’d notice you begin to kinda stir when I first get up and go about my routine.  I don’t want to wake you up or be a bother.”  He had said.  
That didn’t really make sense to you.  
You have always been a deep sleeper. And even if you did wake up for a second, you’d clearly see your husband getting ready for the day, roll over and go back to sleep.  
It was such a lame excuse, you just shrugged and bitterly told him that he hogged the blankets anyway.  
It wasn’t true, but Jungkook didn’t comment.  
You trudged over to the ensuite bathroom and quickly did your morning routine.  
When you came out of your room and into the living space, you saw Hugo glued to the giant flat screen in a trance-like state as he watched his usual morning cartoons.  The sight tugged a small smile out of you, although the mother in you didn’t like how close he was.
“Hugo, back up from the screen! Bluey isn’t going anywhere. Your eyes will go bad.”  Your son wordlessly obliged and scooted back, not breaking eye contact with his favorite family of puppies.  “What would you like for breakfast ‘Mr. grown man’?”  
“Blueberry pancakes…and don’t forget my coffee!”  
“You got it, birthday boy.” 
The kitchen, dining and living room were open concept, so you multi-tasked watching Hugo while whipping up his breakfast.  You never were much of a cook and you still aren’t even after motherhood, but you did commit to learning your son’s favorite dishes.
The process was over quickly, you having made this recipe countless times and knowing it like the back of your hand.  
You set a plate on the island table, calling Hugo over while you secretly mixed some instant hot chocolate in a mug.  
The five year old jumped up and grinned at the meal, saying a quick “thank you” before digging in with all the grace a five year old could possibly have.  
“And of course, your coffee.”  You tried not to smile as you handed him the cup.
“Thanks mama.”  
The mini-Jungkook took a gulp, then stared seriously at the contents of the mug, swishing it around in some faux detective work.  
“Something wrong, dumpling?”
“It tastes…fa-fam-”
“Yes. Is coffee always this sweet?”  
You laughed, now moving to the real coffee maker to make your own cup.  “No, this is the kid version.  It might taste like chocolate because chocolate has caffeine in it too.”  
Your little old man huffed to himself but nodded in agreement, simply not knowing enough to dispute your logic.  
Your old coffeemaker grumbled awake, croaking and hissing as you pressed the worn-out buttons for your usual morning brew.  Jungkook always made fun of you for the ancient machine, but even after he had bought a much more expensive and up-to-date one, you stubbornly remained loyal to yours.  
“So buddy, what do you want to do today?  We can go get new books, hit up the toy store, maybe even visit the aquarium?”  
“I wanna help set up for my party, mommy.” 
Well, “party” wasn’t quite the right word for it.  
Hugo had no friends.  It was tough for a kid like him to make any.  At this age and as a boy, most of his peers would meet and form relationships in little league or rough housing at the local park. 
Your son was different.  He preferred reading to sports, hated the outdoors and was generally a shy kid who tended to tear up when anyone other than his family tried speaking to him.  
So this year, his birthday party was an intimate circle of family and family friends.  You hoped that by next year you could host an actual kid birthday party, as Hugo would be in school and have classmates by then. 
“That’s very sweet of you, but there’s time to do both.”  The boy looked at you skeptically.  “We can go to the bookstore across the street after breakfast and I’ll let you pick out some new bedtime stories.  Then we can go to the aquarium and have lunch there. And on our way home I’ll stop by the store to get some stuff for the party, and you can get a toy.  Sounds good?”  
Hugo frowned, then peeled back his pajama sleeve to look at his submarine-themed watch.  The act seemed a little pretentious to you, given he didn’t yet know how to read clocks.  
“Fine mommy, but we should be quick.  Also you need to ask our guests if they have any food aler-alergeez-”
“Allergies?  Yes bud, I’ll be sure to send them a text.”  You rolled your eyes.
With that, Hugo quietly finished his breakfast as you sipped your coffee.  
When you two were done, you both got dressed and ready for the day’s activities. 
Before leaving the apartment, you were sure to send a text to your husband.  
‘Be home by 6 please.  Hugo’s birthday party starts at 6:30 and he needs you there.’
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ktaerssoi · 2 months
same team, different goal
(pt.1) (pt.2) (pt.3)
summary: the three weeks leading up to the draft, or the three times you realize caitlin isnt all that bad.
week one
march was coming to an end, and Iowa had made it to the elite eight. tomorrow you would play against LSU, and you were a little nervous. your nerves didn't ease up when you were practicing the night before on an empty court.
it was almost ten, but you hadn't eaten or even thought about anything but the game tomorrow until you heard someone enter the gym, and then you weren't alone.
looking up from the ground, you shot the basketball towards the net, your arm stretching out and your feet coming off of the floor for a moment, but to no avail, it hit the backboard and bounced back to you.
"you should ease up your arm, you're too tense to be playing to your full ability." you turn to see caitlin standing by the court's edge, a calculated look on her face. "clark, I really don't need your help, I just need to practice. you're not exactly helping with that by the way."
she put her hands up in defense, "Actually that was exactly what I was doing. Plus, this isn't your gym, I can come in and practice too if I want." and that's what she did. every time she threw the ball you heard a faint swish and turned to see her lazily going to retrieve the basketball. she's some freak of nature really.
"wanna run some defense real quick?" she throws the ball to you, which you catch with an annoyed look. "sure," the tone of your voice would be enough to turn anyone away normally, but caitlin was one to never quit.
you guys had been trying to block the other on and off for about an hour, caitlin having more success than not. "seriously caitlin, I don't get how you just walk in here and play so easy." you guys were over by the benches, getting some water and checking your phones.
she looks up at you, shrugging. "no I mean seriously, if I told you to stand anywhere on the court you could make it. you practice infinite hours and yet your grades almost never falter." you hadn't really realized that you were going on a rant, but you were nothing but amazed by her talent. well maybe a little jealous too.
"wow l/n, I didn't know you were that big of a fan, do you want me to sign a shirt or something?" you would usually be annoyed by a snarky statement like this, but something about the exhaustion of practicing and the smile on her face made you smile a little too.
you woke up the next morning feeling less nervous about the game. practicing with caitlin was helpful, even if you swear for the rest of your life that it wasn't. She had told you about herself, in between breaks you guys would talk about what it was like playing basketball growing up.
she was easy to talk to.
you had been warming up for a little, talking to kate and trying to relax, like caitlin said. by half, both teams were tied at 45, and you were trying not to stress. you knew that you had a good team, and you knew that even if we were to fail it wouldn't be the end of the world.
you had a short water break at half, and caitlin came up to you, leaning down and whispering in your ear. "hey just relax, we got this, just get out of your head." you nodded, looking up and her. kate had given you guys an odd look, along with the rest of the team.
once the third quarter started, you were trying to guard angel resse. she was a difficult player to block, but you had managed to stop a few points and by the end of the third quarter Iowa was up by 11.
you could tell caitlin wasn't happy that we were so close to the end of the game and we barely had a lead. "c, just play like you did last night, don't think just play. you're not the best at thinking anyway." she rolled her eyes at your comment but smiled nonetheless.
"That's not what you said last night," she said as the whistle for the fourth quarter blew. your cheeks had turned a light shade of pink, one that you hoped you could play off as a tough game. you hadn't been put in for the fourth quarter coach opting to put someone else in and give you a break.
"since when have you and caitlin been friends?" you turn to see jada, confusion written on her face. "um, we've always been friends, just, not like good friends." you say, taking a sip of your water. "not "good friends?" you guys fight like there's no tomorrow. something happened and I and kate will find out." you shake your head, a smile on your face as you picture her and kate in old-timey investigater outfits.
"you have fun with that."
the game ends quickly after that, Iowa winning by 7 points. you smiled as you saw the team celebrate on the court, still holding good sportsmanship to LSU (for the most part..), you walked by the other team, high-fiving and telling resse that she's a tough player to block. you guys chat for a little before you say goodbye and walk into the locker room.
"what were you talking to resse about?" you hear caitlin before you see her, but when you do see her she's in the middle of changing out of her jersey into some random shirt. "nothing really, I was just telling her that she played well." you shrugged, walking over to your bag to get changed as well, trying not to stare at anyone.
"yeah, she played well I guess, we still won though." caitlin grabbed her bag in a huff, seeming to be a tad annoyed. "if I didn't know any better I would say you're mad I talked to her," you mumbled, but caitlin still heard.
"I'm not mad I just don't get why you don't treat our team like that, I mean you didn't congratulate any of us and we were the ones who won." caitlin's voice was raised now, you weren't sure where this was coming from but it ticked you off nonetheless.
"fine, you need some praise? good fucking job caitlin, our very own lord and savior." you rolled your eyes, grabbing your bag, and walking out to the bus to head back to campus. sitting down in the seat next to kate you were silent, not wanting to talk to anyone.
one thing though was that you most definitely hated caitlin clark.
you had gotten to Cleveland earlier that day, you had talked to the UConn team, since you used to play for them it was fun to chat with old teammates and meet the new players. you knew that caitlin and paige were friends, they used to play together and were a great duo. That's why you weren't surprised when she came over and started making her presence known, shutting down the conversation you were having with paige.
"yeah and then she had the audacity-" you were cut off by caitlin, smiling as she walked over and hugged paige. "hey bueckers, you better be ready to lose tomorrow." you glared at her not so subtly, sighing. "clark I was kind of in the middle of talking." she looked down at you, rolling her eyes. "yeah because you always have to talk to the opponents?"
paige had turned away at that point, talking to ice because she knew it was bound to be awkward if she continued standing there. "what is your problem? just because I didn't feed your ego one time im a problem? you need to get a grip." her jaw tightened at your words, you hadn't spoken loud, not wanting to draw too much attention to you guys.
"me? I'm not the one with the issues, you just seem to hate me for no reason at all. seriously, ever since you transferred to Iowa I've been trying to be your friend but you've taken everything I've done as an attack on you. me getting you dinner was not meant to send you into an allergic reaction and get you out of a game!" she hadn't taken into consideration that other people were around and she was talking at a voice level far too loud for the small area you were in.
you had dragged her to a corner, deciding it would be the easiest way to defuse the situation. "okay I'm sorry, you're just good at everything, and it's kind of hard to be friends with someone like that. it makes me feel like I have to prove I'm better which usually doesn't go over well. also, it wasn't even about the allergic reaction I just don't know why you got me dinner. I was fine by myself." caitlin rolls her eyes at your words but nods regardless.
you guys had won the game against UConn the next day, and you and caitlin finally working well together and not arguing throughout the game. there was a sort of understanding between the two of you guys now.
week two
you guys had ulitamtily lost the game against NC state, it was close and you guys had played hard. caitlin was anything but happy by the end of it, and not even kate or gabbie could fix it.
"clark, like you said, its not the end of the world. there will always be another game." you had said it to not only help her, but yourself. you weren't exactly pleased with the outcome of the game, none of team had been.
for caitlin it was different, she was going to the draft next week and losimg her lat college game wasn't something she could live with. but she would have to.
even though you hadn't really meant to, you had cheered caitlin up. even if it was only a little bit, her mood had improved and she was able to talk to the team with out an undertone of anger. the ride home wasn't the best trip of your life but you guys had managed to make the best of it for everyone sake.
seeing caitlin sit quietly on the bus made you start thinking about what it wold be like on the team with out her next year. with out her it would be so different, not to mention you were losing a bunch of other great players. but with out caitlin who would you compete with? she wasn't just a teammate, she was a friend, whether you guys were fighting or not you would miss her. plus she was nice to look at.
half way through the trip back to campus you guys had stopped to stretch your legs. when you got back on, you sat next to caitlin before she could put her feet up and block the seat.
"hey c," you smiled at her, and though she didn't show it you could tell that she was okay with you being there. you had looked over at what she was doing on her phone and you saw she was looking at her possible outfits for the draft.
"i like that one." you had pointed to your favorite of the options, a sparkly cropped top with a white button down and a skirt. it would look good on her.
she nodded, and quickly sent a text to her stylist that that was the one she wanted to wear. you had just picked out caitlin clarks wnba draft night outfit.
"i don't know what im going to do next year. i mean, the wnba is going to be great but seriously this team is to good to not miss." caitlin was picking at her fingernails, a bad habit of hers. "even though im on it?" you laughed a little, you knew she hadn't always liked you.
"no i think especially because you're on it. you've really been my number one compeition and with you gone i don't know who's going to keep my ego in check." she smiles at you, and you shake your head. "trust me clark, someone is going to get fed up and humble you."
something about the way she smiled the rest of the way home made you feel good. you really were going to miss her.
week three
it was draft night, and you had been invited along with some other team members to attend for caitlin. she and everyone looked so good, and the outfit you had chosen definitely distracted some people. (you included)
the draft was about to start and caitlin had been standing with you, kate, gabbie, and jada for a while before she finally had to leave. your leg was bouncing with anticipation when the commissioner came on stage with the first pick, but instantly cheers erupted from your group and many others in the room.
you were surprised when caitlin didn't instantly get up and head to the commissioner, instead, she hugged her family, stepped down off the stage to hug you first, and then, kate, jada, and gabbie, and then finally went to the commissioner. that's going to be in an edit.
the night went smoothly after that, you were getting texts from her often, and one of the commentators had pointed out that you both both on your phones. when the cameras panned over to her and you, the crowd cheered and you both waved. you felt your phone buzz a few seconds later with a text from caitlin, "they're watching us 😉" the cameras were still on you, so you flipped your phone showing the camera her message.
later that night, at the after party you were talking with Nika when caitlin had excused you both and you walked over to some corner. "hey, you know I was tal-" you were cut off by caitlin's lips on yours. it took you a moment but you kissed back.
what the fuck was happening. 
she pulled away after a second and you looked at her stunned, confusion evident on your face. "um, so like why did you do that?"
her face guys pink, and she looks confused as well. "I, um, i don't know why i did that. i just really wanted to kiss you." you nodded at her admittion, yet still confused.
"i think i've liked you since you transferred. i mean, i just like, i think that's why I've always competed with you, i just wanted to show off. It's why i got mad the other day, sorry about that by the way-" she was the one to get cut off this time as you kissed her again.
pulling away after a few seconds you smiled up at her, taking in your high difference for what seemed like the first time. "you're not all too bad either clark." you gave her one more peck and your smile widened even more if possible. "congrats on getting drafted by the way. I'll have to get you to sign a jersey for me."
CHAT I HATE THIS SO MUCH SOME ONE END ME. no like all jokes aside this is actual dookie. but i finally finished this little side blurb thing so yay!! making brownies rn i will update you on them! thats all chat, once again sos. - kate
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jinnie-ret · 8 months
If ur taking rq still can I rq a skz x 15 year old girl in training (like that protection gic you wrote ) and how they react to her being good at producing, singing, rapping and dancing but they didnt know she could do all that until they keep running into her or maybe look for her because they ordered fkkd for her too eat with them and they see her in her rehearsals and in her dance practice room learning like idk an itzy choreo or sum by herself and they see shes improved since they last saw her do everything? Ig like a little Ace if u would like to put It that way!
It's ok if u don't want to or can't do this tho! Love ur writing💕
ace of hearts
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stray kids x reader (platonic)
genre: fluff
content warnings: none
word count: 1.1k
summary: stray kids have nothing but good things to say about the upcoming ace of jyp.
I hope you enjoy! There's a small excerpt of a song Y/N has written herself which I actually wrote (it's a hobby of mine hehe) so if you want me to post the whole thing I'll do so, maybe as a poem haha
My asks are currently shut but if you want to be added to my taglist, do let me know! And if you liked it, please reblog and like! :)
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Shoulder shimmying had never been so hard, but Y/N seemed to have finally gotten down the choreo to ITZY's 'Wannabe', the members of Stray Kids seeming to think so too. They had just been looking around for a room to practice in when they came across their young trainee friend, who they hadn't seen for a while due to their busy schedule.
A small applause sounded from behind Y/N, making her jump as she saw the door open and Stray Kids clapping for her.
"Ah! Hello sunbaenims!" Y/N blushed and bowed politely. She wasn't expecting to see them there, so absorbed into practising for her next showcase.
"Hi there!"
They all let out greetings as they walked over excitedly to Y/N.
"How has everything been? It's been a while since we saw you," Jeongin smiled widely at Y/N, trying to ease the obvious nerves he saw from her.
"Have you been practicing regularly? Your dancing has improved a lot," Changbin nodded his head in approval.
"Ah, you really think I've improved?! Yeah I've been practising a lot these days..." Y/N bashfully admitted, rubbing her sweaty palms on her leggings. Was it from exercising or from nerves? She wasn't quite so sure herself.
"We can see that. You're better at dancing and freestyling than us now," Lee Know laughed, praising the younger girl jokingly, but there was still a hint of seriousness to it that showed Y/N he was proud of her, and that helped her relax more.
"Maybe one day even Jisung will be jealous of your dancing skills," Felix laughed, causing the quokka like man to look over at him with a mock appalled face.
"Haha maybe I'll take his place as the ace," Y/N smirked, feeling comfortable enough to joke around with them. It wasn't a regular occurrence that she saw the boys but everytime she did, she was soon able to fall back into a relaxed state where it felt like she had known them forever.
"No way! You will never be as talented as me!" Jisung smirked back, yet he couldn't help but goofily smile back at her as he ruffled her hair.
"Well, we're glad you're practicing so hard. Would you like to have some fried chicken with us?" Seungmin piped up, his eagle eyes noticing that she only seemed to have some water in the room with her. Plus, he remembered what it was like being a trainee, and an offer of fried chicken would not be one to be turned down.
"Oh sure! If there's enough to go around!" Y/N clasped her hands together excitedly.
"Of course there's enough food! We're so proud of all your progress by the way, we can tell how hard you've been working, Y/Nnie," Chan praised her, as they all sat down together on the floor.
"Here, eat up," Hyunjin passed over a box of fried chicken to Y/N from the bags of fast food they had.
"Just remember to take a lot of rest too," Jisung commented genuinely, yet anyone could tell he, as well as the other members were very much so enthralled with the heaven sent food in front of them.
"Don't worry I do!" Y/N rushed out, before taking a bite of the fried chicken and wiggling slightly as she did a happy dance.
"You're so cute when you're excited!" Felix giggled as he saw her.
"That's exactly what Channie hyung does," Seungmin laughed along.
There was a moment of peaceful eating before Chan kept up the conversation.
"Oh yeah, we wanted to ask you something! Are you good at rapping?" Chan wondered, wiping his hands on a napkin.
"Well, I don't want to brag but I think I'm pretty good," Y/N shrugged, she had practiced enough and knew she was at JYP for a reason, and her talents certainly didn't go to waste when it came to rapping.
"Oh yeah? You actually rap too? I had no idea. Have you tried writing your own lyrics before?" Changbin got excited at the prospect of hearing Y/N rap.
"I'm not as confident in writing rap lyrics as I am in singing them if that makes sense?" Y/N explained, hoping it was understandable.
"I get what you mean. You must be very talented though since you can sing so well," Lee Know wondered.
"Do you happen to write your own songs too or do you learn songs from other artists?" Chan asked, interested in what her identity as a future artist would be.
"Oh I like to write my own songs too!" Y/N beamed. Now that, was an area she was proud of herself for.
"Really? Can you play one of your original songs for us?" Hyunjin said in a shocked tone, head tilting slightly in disbelief but wanting to hear her sing nonetheless.
The boys all stared at her in anticipation.
"Oh, sure... If you really want me to," Y/N became nervous again, because this was Stray Kids! Yes they felt like her friends but to sing her own personal works in front of them was still nerve wracking.
"Yes, we really want you to!" Jeongin encouraged her, offering that same reassuring smile as he did earlier.
All of the members were now eagerly waiting for her.
"Ok, here's a chorus I wrote recently," Y/N finally nodded, making the boys even more excited as she began to sing.
"Oh it's in my bones.
Hereditarily alone.
Surrounded by people,
But that gives no meaning.
It's in my bones."
The boys stared in in wonder, thinking the words were so beautiful and they loved the emotion she put into it even for such a small snippet of the song.
"Her voice is amazing..." Hyunjin was in awe.
"Yeah, you have a really good vocal tone!" Jisung clapped.
"And you wrote that yourself?" Chan smiled like a proud dad.
"Can we hear more?" Changbin said hopefully, nudging Y/N playfully.
"Well, I think I should now that I've sang a teaser for you," Y/N beamed, and for the next couple of minutes she sang the rest of the song to the boys. She even played a small backing track which consisted of an acoustic guitar, simple but sweet, building up towards the end of the song.
"I can't wait to see you debut!" Felix clapped with the other boys.
"You really will steal everyone's hearts, Y/N, you'll go far," Chan said, a big smile adorning his face as everyone offered their comments and praises to Y/N.
"Just don't let it get to your head," Lee Know joked, causing his members to whack him playfully and tell Y/N to not listen to him anymore.
"Thank you guys, it really means a lot."
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @backintomykpopphaseagain @sakufilms @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @hanjiquokkaaa
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redclercs · 1 year
vii. all of my enemies started out friends
— the one where you get the sense you've been betrayed.
warnings: death threats, foul language, a panic attack. 2.7k words. (+written articles) not proofread whoops.
masterlist ✢ next
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By Alana Blake
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WELL, all of our doubts have been cleared, here is the reason as to why our ex favorite couple called it quits months ago. Thank you to our anonymous source for spilling the tea!
First things first, let's not lie to ourselves, we all thought it had been Aidan Kim who had finally dumped y/n's ass for good. But as it turns out, he wanted to keep her forever? Aidan, boy...
Anyway, one night in February (ehem Valentine's Day, so cliché) he dropped down on one knee, popped the question with a beautiful Tiffany's ring and... Y/N SAID NO! Insert gasps here.
Without a good enough reason to justify her denial, y/n immediately ran to the opposite coast, where she currently resides with best friend, beauty guru and influencer Victoria Presley.
RELATED: Victoria Presley inaugurates first 'Presley Beauty' store in Beverly Hills.
Our source also confirmed y/n's blooming romance with Formula 1 pilot, Charles Leclerc.
"They are seeing each other, yes," the source said, "y/n doesn't want to call it a 'thing' since she's probably going to get bored of the poor guy.''
Well, there you have it. It looks like y/n's only talent is being a maneater. Somebody warn Charles Leclerc he's just piece of meat in the eyes of y/n!
→ Victoria Presley attends the Monaco Grand Prix.
→ y/n y/ln reportedly auditioned for 'The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes'
→ Aidan Kim is currently recording his first solo album.
You're seeing the top comments.
Anonymous – 4 hr ago
If I ever see y/n on the street i will literally kill her
sk12z8io – 3 hr ago
mickeyyy – 40 min ago
she fucking cheated you cannot convince me otherwise
chiqin– 10 min ago
oh she's vile, rejecting a marriage proposal and getting together with another dude two months later? TRASH.
Anonymous – 10 min ago
I want to know who the source is and why are they speaking until now
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WHO would have thought? y/n y/ln the "Queen of RomComs" where cheating is basically a Deadly Sin, is in fact, a cheater!
The news about y/n rejecting Aidan Kim's marriage proposal came out only a few hours ago via Inside Out, and while they claim y/n didn't have a good enough reason not to get engaged to Kim, we believe quite the opposite.
Having a side-piece is a perfectly good reason, actually. Sources, who wished to remain anonymous, confirmed that at the time of the proposal, y/n was already seeing Monegasque pilot Charles Leclerc, but they had been able to keep it a secret until Elix contract made y/n start showing up at Grand Prix.
Although the information spreading around is still unclear, we can be sure of two things: Aidan Kim dodged a bullet and y/n is probably the worst person on Earth.
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June 3rd Barcelona, Spain.
You're sitting with Charles and Carlos when you get the first ping on your phone. You don't give it much thought, Mildred told you she'd send you two script excerpts she wanted you to practice for an audition video, plus your phone doesn't even really stop ringing.
Spain has been fun so far, you have been around both Carlos and Charles around a lot lately. Carlos is always keen on dropping facts about his country and you got, just like with Charles, his special edition Ferrari merch. This time you wear it, because fuck fashion podcasts.
Charles doesn't let this slip, feigning annoyance that you prefer to wear a Spain cap than a Monaco one, and telling you he will in fact take it personally. But he doesn't, of course, he's thrilled you're more comfortable around both of them. Enough to join them for dinner yesterday and today.
The Ferrari boys are talking about FP3 and how Qualifying might go later. They've done pretty well this weekend, and you're hoping Carlos will end the Grand Prix on the podium like Charles did last week.
"Is that your phone?" Carlos asks, he's tried his best for the last few minutes to ignore the never-ending flow of notifications, even after you've silenced it, the vibration still makes him lose focus on the conversation.
"Sorry," you wince, knowing how annoying it is. "It's probably Vic."
"Everything okay?" Charles frowns, following your hands as you take your phone out of your pocket again to activate the Do Not Disturb.
"Yeah, I don't—"
Your sentence hangs in the air unfinished as you read the screen, the last notification comes from Matilde an 'are you okay? call me' text. And then your eyes slide to the BREAKING NEWS from People Magazine, whose notifs you forgot to deactivate. You don't even know why you have the app anymore.
The preview shows your picture, a red x on your face and the words 'Cheater Alert' capitalized and bold.
"y/n?" you see the motion of Carlos' hand from the corner of your eye, but by now, you're obsessively scrolling down the 150+ notifications on your phone. Texts, calls, e-mails, tweets, comments.
You stop in the INSIDE OUT EXCLUSIVE the moment your eyes catch the word 'ring'.
They know.
And if they know, everyone knows.
Charles pushes his chair back, making the half empty styrofoam cup of coffee you were drinking spill all over the table. "What's wrong?"
Aidan has told them. Aidan fucking Kim, petty and vengeful Aidan Kim has told them about the ring. Because he wants to bury you so far down, you'll never be able to claw your way out of the hole.
Who else could have been? You told no one. Not a soul. How can a person not even tell their parents that she got a marriage offer and said no immediately, right before hopping on a plane to the other side of the country?
But cheating? Where the fuck did that come from? He's even lying now. Because he hates you, of course he hates you. Aidan Kim is not used to humilliation and that's what you did when you rejected him. And although it was an unspoken accord that you wouldn't tell anyone about it, he has done so, because what is better for his upcoming album than being the heartbroken artist with the bitch for an ex.
People are going to write 'It's your loss y/n!' with their proof of streaming for a retweet from Aidan's account, managed by a 34-year-old guy who can't stand Aidan's fans on a normal basis.
"I– I have to–" your mouth is dry, tongue thick and heavy, and you feel the cold shower of anxiety from your nape to your tailbone. This can't be happening.
And you don't know what you have to do. Call Mildred and Walter? Ask them what the fuck is going on over there and start an actual damage control PR thing? It's too late for that.
"What can we do?" Carlos questions this time, worry flows in his voice at the change in your semblance. "What can we do for you?"
You're scared, because people have talked shit endlessly for weeks thinking it had been Aidan who dumped you, changing the narrative, twisting it time and time again.
They have suspected you broke up with Aidan, they have dragged you through the mud, called you heartless for getting over him so quickly. Paired you up with Charles and called you both problematic for breathing around each other and being friends.
And they might have forgiven you eventually, but not if you actually broke Aidan Kim's heart and burned down his dream of a house, a marriage and a happy family. And by cheating.
He's lying, but who would believe you?
Your already agonizing career is never coming out of this. And at this point, maybe acting seems irrelevant compared to the way people are going to treat you from now on. No one forgets a woman who humiliates a man so publicly. She doesn't deserve to be forgiven, not when she's such a bitch.
"I can't breathe," you wheeze, clutching your hand against the fabric of your shirt. Your hands are prickling, and your brain is fogged, foreign. "I can't breathe."
Neither man touches you as you lean down, hands on your knees, shutting your eyes so hard you think your eyeballs might explode.
You feel one of the boys move, but you don't open your eyes to see who left. Your priority is getting air into your lungs, and you can't seem to do even just that.
"y/n," Charles is the one who stayed, and despite speaking slowly, you recognize the underlying panic there. "I'm going to touch you, okay?"
Your only response is a strangled noise as you breathe through your mouth.
Charles runs his hand down your back, you can feel his rings and the heat of his palm. “Try to breathe through your nose, y/n.”
He feels stupid for saying it, but it’s the only advice he sees fit. Carlos left to look for the medical staff that Ferrari takes with them everywhere.
You squeeze your thighs with your hands and again take a gasp of air. “I can’t. Help me, I can’t.”
Charles makes you straighten up by grabbing your shoulders gently. “Please try. You’re speaking you can breathe.”
You breathe through your nose, but it isn’t enough to relieve the pressure on your chest.
Carlos comes back just when you feel like you will pass out. And you let the medical staff lead you away, leaving both your friends behind, worried sick and wondering what could have possibly triggered you like that.
You're still lying in the gurney after Qualifying is done. The medical team doesn't let you watch it, you should not be subjected to strong emotions right now. The thing is, the strong emotions haven't even started. You need to talk to your team, and you want to talk to Aidan. You've only heard from him twice since your breakup in February, the last time three days ago when he texted you 'out of SoHo'.
In all honesty, you're not certain you'll be able to hold a conversation with him without telling him to go fuck himself or having another panic attack. But you must know the reasoning behind his actions, no matter how stupid it is. How angrier it will make you. You want to understand why the person that once loved you is stabbing you in the back like this.
You're free to go an hour later, and it's some kind of miracle that you're relieved of your Elix duties. Maybe it has to do with the disaster that Ferrari's Quali was, in contrast to the Free Practices. No one wants to make things worse, or have pictures to remember it.
By the time you're back in your hotel room, Aidan's campaign has been transported to Youtube. And it's only 10 am in Los Angeles.
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You are looking at the top comments.
star5dan he had to find out he got cheated on thanks to People? fuck
flowerbedkim I'm not even joking, i will end y/n
dropbeats1 it takes a lot of courage to propose, y/n is def a bitch
stardomyn you knew y/n for years and you can't defend her? she is obviously not a cheater.
aidanyn this keeps getting worse i can't pick a side😭
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You read the articles sitting in your bed. Legs crossed and back curved, with your shoulders slumping forward. It's like you have the whole weight of the world back in them, and you're not even sure you're strong enough to carry it anymore.
Did you really not have a good enough reason to say no? Not having a good reason to say yes should be enough, at least that's the way you think about it.
But you had many, many reasons. Some you'd denied yourself to even think about before he pulled the ring out of his pocket.
Every relationship has its ups and downs, you knew that. You know that. But how long can you stay in an all time low?
Maybe you lied to yourself saying Aidan had never hinted marriage was in his plans. He mentioned it in interviews, and in casual conversations with other people. He would tell you that “in the future” you’d have to reconsider being an actress. That you should really think about the roles you wanted to take on so they didn’t haunt you (and you hypothetical children) in the future.
Aidan would drop comments about how you should stick to the easy parts of acting, making the same movies, for example. How you should behave a certain way and shut your mouth in specific occasions.
How you had to change yourself to fit into what he wanted.
And you did. Because at first, it wasn’t that he wanted you to change for him. He made you think he wanted you to change for your own good.
And that night in February, you realized you were scared. The thought of spending the rest of your life like that terrified you. So you ran, and that was really the bravest thing you could have done.
And the bravest thing you can do now is stand up to him. Because he cannot keep on stepping on you and destroying what you built for yourself.
You're shocked he actually picks up your call but you can't back down now.
"What the fuck, Aidan?" you try not to raise your voice, you do your best to help the strain that comes from not crying. You're furious, not sad, but you know Aidan won't recognize the difference. "What the fuck is this whole circus you're putting up now?"
The way he chuckles makes you want to throw your phone across the room.
"Do you really think that was me?" he asks, changing his voice to a lower tone. "Do you think I willingly say the girl I invested three years of my life on said she didn't want to marry me?"
"Well who else could have been? Do you think I'm stupid?"
"It was not me, y/n! Jesus Christ I don't know how many people—"
"So it was your sister, that bitch?"
"Don't you call me sister a bitch ever again."
Well Mia Kim is a bitch. And she was for the whole three years you dated Aidan.
Starting with telling anyone who would listen that you were after Aidan for clout, even after you hooked her up with your acting instructor and helped her get a minor role in Outer Banks. Comments on your appearance, on your acting, and the way you Aidan and you got along. And the worst part was that every time you two saw each other she acted like she adored you.
"She is a bitch, Aidan, and this is something she would do out of spite! Also, cheating? Are you fucking kidding me?"
"I don't put anything past you, y/n." Aidan chuckles again, it's sarcastic and bothersome.
"Fuck you, Aidan. We knew each other for years, and suddenly I'm the worst person on Earth?"
"Yeah, maybe you always were and whoever is letting people know is doing the world a huge favor."
Your skin isn't thick enough yet, and his words hit the way he intended.
"I'm glad people are eating you alive, y/n," he continues as your silence prolongs, you can't swallow the tears now. "It's what you deserve."
He hangs up before you can respond, and it doesn't matter anymore. There's nothing you can say to make him admit to his crimes, and he's happy. He's happy you're being torn down in such a vile way.
The phone inside your hotel room rings and you pick it up before being able to pull yourself together. The 'what?' that lashes out catches the woman downstairs off guard, and this is another thing you add to the list of things that make you the worst person on planet Earth.
"Someone is here for you, Miss y/ln," she says in an apologetic tone, "Mr. Leclerc?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to speak to you like that," you take a deep breath, and then process her words. "Leclerc?"
"Hmhmm," she hums, "Should I send him upstairs?"
The alarm clock next to the phone shows 19:57 in red and you remember you agreed to meet him and Carlos for dinner at seven thirty. You didn't even shower or changed.
"Uh– yeah, please do."
You splash cold water on your face and brush your teeth in the two minutes it takes him to get to your room.
Charles knows there's something wrong the moment you open the door, and it doesn't take a genius, really. But you wish he was oblivious to the way you look and the off-putting energy you give off.
"I'm sorry I'm late," you say making space for him to enter the mess of a room you have. "Is Carlos waiting downstairs?"
"He's at the restaurant already," Charles shrugs, it doesn't matter that you've made them both wait over twenty minutes. "Are you okay?"
You sit on your bed, letting him stand in the middle of the room, like a mannequin out of place. You have two options, lying to him, pushing everything under the rug and lookin for your purse to meet Carlos downstairs. Or tell the truth and burst out crying in front of him.
You don't like either.
So you stay silent, looking at patterns in the rug and trying to get your racing brain to come to a stop, if only to have a decent meal with the two guys that saw you panic hours ago.
Charles sits down next to you, the mattress gives to his side, sinking. "Do you want to talk about it?"
You eye his hand as he places it on top of the washed out knee of his jeans. The prominent veins and the three rings on his fingers. You remember the way it felt when he ran his hand down your back.
"I don't." you reply, taking your eyes back to his face. You wonder if he knows, just doesn't want to mortify you about it. That he's 'just a piece of meat' and a 'homewrecker'. You wonder if Carlos knows too.
"Do you still want to come downstairs?" Charles tilts his head, giving you a smile that lifts one corner of his mouth.
"Sure, let's do that," you get up from the bed smoothing your jeans down although there's nothing wrong with them, and regaining that self-consciousness that you didn't even change your clothes for dinner while Charles is looking like that in a clean white shirt. "Sorry for being late."
Charles lets you roam around the room looking for your purse for two minutes, still sitting on the edge of your bed, before speaking again. "We really like you, y/n. I really like you."
You snap out of your self-induced trance, pretending like you were checking you had everything you needed in your purse. "What?"
"Carlos and I really like you, and so does Matilde, and that friend of yours Victoria. You're not alone, I hope you know that."
He's seeing right through you again.
And the effort that took you to pull yourself together and the self-deprecating words that ran through your head to force yourself not to cry in front of him are all left behind, as you burst out crying.
You let Charles hold you, his right hand on the nape of your neck while the other soothes you the way it did earlier. He doesn't complain about the way your tears stain his shirt, and doesn't even make a sound as you sob.
And you stay like that for as long as you need to, although you haven't cried nearly enough. It has to suffice for now. Because you have to go back to L.A. and fix the mess Aidan created.
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─── team principal radio: ❝i feel like i'm doing rowoon super dirty by having him as aidan kim, tbh. anyway, i hope you enjoyed this chapter! reblogs and comments/asks are highly appreacited, i'd love to know your thoughts!♡❞
✰ paddock club members: @sassyheroneckgiant @flowerchild-96 @fangirlika @shegotboreddsoo @roseamongthorns13 @cissyp @chimchimjiminie16 @saturnsrinqs @roni-midnights @gayyvodka6 @studioreader @its-ash-not-grey @lu-morningstar-2 @ferraribabe @reidsworld @feelslikestrawberries @celestialams @kosmosgalore @heeseung-baby @missenclod @buendiabebeta @mycenterfold @aces-tattooartist @burningrred @you-bleed-just-toknowyouarealive @rainybabe25 @ru-kru @lazybot @teenagedreams-cl @cool-ultra-nerd @kuskumu @formulakay3 @bisexual-desi @somanyfandomsbruh @icarus-nex @haziefairy @xjval @xoxoloverb @sainzleclercs @headinthecloudssblog @incoherenciass @bookophiliac @torrie421 @nooshytushie @azxulaa
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maggstar · 5 months
hi! can you write smth for hee who finds reader attractive but just wants to be fwb so he starts to court (?) her. but as he gets to know her he falls in love and asks her to be his gf instead :>
lmao i bet this happened to him many times
Heeseung is the type to have flings quite often as emotions aren't a necessity to have sex (according to him ofc). Plus, he's attractive and talented, cocky and, perhaps too confident at times, but hey, he's still getting some action, isn't he?
So what was it about her that made him tick differently? She was like the others, maybe a bit smarter, but that didn't matter. At the end of the day, he wanted to sleep with her when they both felt pent up. To relieve their needs using each other. Wasn't that what all of this was about anyway?
Despite telling himself all of this, Heeseung couldn't stop thinking about her during the day, constantly looking at her contact in his phone and the private pics of her in his gallery. It wasn't like him, and he was irritated by it.
Not only did he tell her no serious emotions in this relationship, but he basically cock-blocked himself from having more with her. All because of his pride and ego. Ńow, he could only wish for more every time they fucked, every time she came over with that beautiful smile, every time he kissed her luscious lips, every time she moaned his name in his ear.
He had her right where he wanted, and yet, he couldn't be satisfied. It wasn't enough. Her body wasn't what he was seeking. His dick getting wet every week didn't seem to matter anymore. He couldn't help but feel something growing inside him whenever their eyes met. whenever he held her hands, whenever he kissed her body, whenever he murmured "i love you" into her neck.
"You always say that to girls when you're going to cum?"
No. That's the whole point. He never does.
So why the hell did he start saying that?
Why was he trying so hard to help her with the most basic things? Why did he start spending more time getting ready before meeting her? Why did he want to stay longer after fucking? Why did he want to cuddle her naked body in his?
What was wrong with him?
"I didn't take you for the clingy type," she laughed as he didn't stop holding her hand, even after he came.
Him neither. But something about her made him want to keep her close. Not let her go and keep her in his arms. forever
She accepted his offer at the beginning for her own needs, but was she ready to accept his feelings that he wasn't even aware of?
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fxrmuladaydreams · 7 months
Hi! I'm in quite an angsty mood at the minute, so my blurb request us for something a little sad with Lando. Could I request an angst with two prompts (9 + 131). I'm thinking like Lando gets in a crash and reader is scared of losing him, so she stays by his side, and happy ending - Lando is okay? Tysm! Hope you're doing well lovely 😘
send me thoughts/blurb requests (sfw & nsfw) for lando weekend
notes: this one is angsty guys, but there’s a happy ending. also please forgive me if i do horribly at describing the crash and the hospital setting, i am not a mechanic nor am i a doctor
warnings: car crash, hospitalization
A silence fell over the track as the papaya colored car rammed into the wall. He was doing well, second only behind Max. He was driving through a chicane, weaving back and forth, until he started sliding around. The car had spun out off the track, then collided with the wall.
A red flag was called immediately, the other drivers all making their way back to the pit lane. You stared up at the screens in the garage. The front of the car was crumpled, the black number four now bent up. You could hear Lando’s engineer talking, asking for Lando to respond, to say he was okay.
Smoke started to rise from the car into the air.
You felt your heart drop and pound in your chest simultaneously.
The safety car is quick to get to his car, pulling his unmoving body out of the crumpled car. They put him in the safety car, and drive off towards the medical car.
You want to go to him, to see him, to see that he’s still alive, that he’s okay. You feel a hand on your shoulder and turn to see Oscar standing next to you.
“I’m sure he’s okay. The damage was mostly to the front of the car. Plus the halo took most of the hit to the wall.” He tells you softly.
You know Oscar has a talent for being passive, but you can tell he’s struggling to hold his emotions together. Oscar joins you at the hospital they’re keeping Lando at once the race has finished. He sits with you while you sit next to your boyfriend, holding his hand.
He’s got wires connected to him, and a heart monitor attached, the steady beeping giving you a bit of hope. The doctors say he’s alright, he just needs to wake up. He had fainted due to the crash, and his body had shut down. He’s recuperating, they said. He just needs to wake up on his own.
Oscar leaves once visiting hours are over, heading back to the hotel to rest. You opt to stay with Lando, just in case anything happens, in case he wakes up.
You spend the night sleeping in an uncomfortable chair, leaning against his hospital bed. When you wake up, Lando is still unconscious, his breathing still steady.
You didn’t think it would take this long for Lando to wake up. Was there something more that the doctors didn’t tell you? Should he be awake by now?
You feel a few tears start to trail down your cheeks as you look at your boyfriend. His face is slightly pale, it’s odd seeing as he likes to keep up with his tan. His hair is matted down, less fluffy than usual. His chest slowly rises and falls with every breath he takes.
“Wake up Lando, please. I’ve gotten used to seeing your stupid face everyday, you can’t take that away from me.” You attempt to joke. “You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.” You say sincerely.
You lean your head down on his arm, crying into the fabric of his hospital gown.
“Why are you crying love?” His voice is rough, almost scratchy, but you recognize it immediately.
Your head shoots up at see Lando giving you a tired smile. You throw your arms around him, pulling him into a bone crushing hug, only pulling away when you hear him groan.
“Sorry, I’m sorry.” You wipe at your eyes frantically. “I should get the nurse.” You stand up and start to step away when Lando tugs on your hand.
He doesn’t really have any strength, but you turn back to him.
“Stay? Just for a minute?” He shifts a little, creating a space next to him on the bed for you to lay.
You nod and lay down next to him.
He tells you about the crash, about the fear coursing through him as he spun waiting for the impact. He tells you that the last thing he remembers was thinking about you, about how he wished you weren’t watching the screens so you wouldn’t have to see it.
“I won’t leave you. Not like this. I’ll spend a thousand lifetimes coming back to you. It doesn’t matter how much I crash, I’ll always come back to you.”
You spend a little while with him before a nurse comes in to check on him, surprised that he’s awake. She’s quick to shoo you out of the bed, but you keep yourself planted at his side. You’re not leaving him anytime soon.
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rootsofdread · 1 year
Autism be damned my brain can hyperfixate anyway wowowo requests >:D
Could i get reader who (before they were taken by the entity) was a professional tag player and can hide on the cellings and parkour really well? With Leon, Ghostface, Trickster romantic and platonic Legion (Any/All how you prefer)
ALSO look up professional tag on yt cuz MY LORD THEY'RE FAST AND GOOD
did actually watch a little bit and i was amazed, honestly love parkour sm and am sad it fell out of style. anyone who says parkour isn't cool is LYING
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Leon S. Kennedy:
Leon feels confident having you by his side. Sure, he’s known for his cockiness, but he feels it’s warranted this time — a professional tagger could run a killer around for hours while he and the others work on generators. It’s perfect! And besides, if you end up getting caught, he always has a surplus of flashbangs ready to run and save you because you’ve bought him so much time to make them.
He gets a kick out of watching your loops from a distance, seeing you almost instantly lose a killer thanks to your prior experience. Seeing them confusedly look around for you until they decide to leave always makes his day, honestly. 
Until you decide to loop him, too, when the two of you are just running around. He laughs harder than you’ve ever heard him laugh when he realizes you’re now on top of something, or up in the ceiling.
You make trials much more tolerable for him by making him laugh with your antics, plus he appreciates your almost supernatural ability to buy him (and the other survivors) time. You aggravate the living hell out of the killers and he loves that, there's no one else he'd be more proud to call his.
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Danny Johnson / The Ghostface:
Danny is endlessly amused by your shenanigans. He usually hates variables and unpredictability, but he's always been charmed by your variation and unpredictability. It makes things more exciting, more fun.
You always manage to run him around for a few generators, where he's usually aware enough to know when to leave someone alone. He just gets so caught up trying to catch you and having fun doing it, he almost forgets there's more survivors to go after. 
He tries to match your skills during chases, he's not too bad at parkouring himself. He can nearly keep up with you most of the time, narrowly missing you with his knife. It just motivates him more.
After he realizes a few generators have been completed, he then realizes he should leave you alone so he can get some work done. He'll stop and get your attention, leaving you with a cute little wave and his signature 'call me' gesture.
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Ji-Woon Hak / The Trickster:
Ji-Woon is exhilarated having someone fun to chase around. Someone who he sees as a performer like himself — someone who takes pride in their talents. He loves that about you, your confidence and your talent.
You're wonderful target practice for him the way you bob and weave and jump and duck, you're nearly impossible to hit. But he tries, he's always trying to nail you and get better. When he manages to hit you, you'll hear his maniacal little giggle. You know he’s having fun.
Like Danny, Ji-Woon is pretty good at matching your movements, he’s quite acrobatic himself (probably even more so than Danny). He enjoys leaping and running around with you, chasing you all over trialgrounds, all while trying to land some knives in you.
He doesn't even particularly care if he loses matches to you, if it meant you were both having fun and honing your abilities. Practice makes perfect, after all, for him and for you, and he wouldn't want anything less than perfection.
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Frank Morrison / The Legion:
Frank mostly finds it comical. He especially loves hearing you tell him about other killers you ran around and tricked into losing you, he’ll usually bring it up to them later to poke fun at them. You’re his best friend and even if you’re more modest about your talents, he’ll boast about them for you. Well, maybe boast isn’t quite the right word…Brag, more like.
He’s often astonished by your ability to completely lose him. He’ll spend a few seconds looking around for you, ducking around walls he was sure he last saw you between. Then he hears you laughing above him…High up on the dilapidated wall, curled over the edge like a cat. He cracks up.
You’re one of the few people who can outrun or simply outlast his Frenzy, and that amazes him. It’s a feat he feels he has to congratulate you on at least a few times when it happens, during a trial he’ll just give you a quick nod to acknowledge your accomplishment. But afterwards, he’ll give you a slap on the back and tell you that was great. He really has fun with you.
He loves seeing the reactions from other survivors when they witness your professional skills being put to use in the realm. Meg is the most athletic of any of them, but they’ve never seen her pull stunts like you do. Sometimes he’ll quietly watch their amazement, then when they finally realize he’s standing there, give kind of a nod in your direction, signifying he knows you and he’s proud of you.
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Susie Lavoie / The Legion:
Susie finds it the most fun out of everyone, really getting a giggle (more than just one, actually) out of your antics. She loves seeing you dart and jump around like crazy to outrun her, you can hear her maniacally giggling the entire time she’s chasing you. At some points, she’s laughing too much and has to take a break. But she knows you’re hiding nearby, just out of her sight, waiting for her to kick back into gear.
Sometimes she’ll get you in a chase just to see what crazy tricks you have up your sleeve. She’ll even steer you to specific areas of realms to see what you’ll do there, how you’ll use the environment to your advantage. It’s amazing to her how you can use just about anything to dodge the swings of her knife.
She absolutely asks you to teach her some moves outside of trials. She wants to use them to impress and distract other survivors during chases, and use them to cut chase time and get to them faster. She knows you’ll be a great teacher for her, and she gets so excited to try doing some stunts of her own during trials.
If you hide up in the ceiling or on top of something tall when you’re getting chased by her, she’ll actually stop and offer you help down. She knows you can do it yourself, but you’re her friend. She holds her hand out to you and stands on her tiptoes so you can actually grab it and she can pull you down.
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felixsramen · 9 months
Yours Truly
This is part 26 to my Skz poly fic. I've been so busy with work but I'm so excited that they gave me time off today.
Previous<<<< Next>>>>
"The park?" Jisung says to Hyunjin. Hyunjin nods as you guys get out the car.
"What are we doing in the park?" You ask Hyunjin. Hyunjin heads to the trunk of the car and opens it. Inside is 3 easels, 3 canvases, and paint along with paint brushes.
"I thought painting in the park would be nice." Hyunjin says quietly now unsure if it's a good idea. Jisung notices and quickly takes his hand.
"It is Jinnie." Jisung says and you smile at Hyunjin nodding. Hyunjin smiles back and starts grabbing the easels. Jisung grabs the rest even when you tell him you could carry something and him saying something about him being chivalrous. You ignore him and grab the paint brushes when he almost drops it.
"Stop being so hard headed Ji." You say as Hyunjin finally stops in a spot. "I'm not being hard headed. This date is about you. You shouldn't have to worry about doing anything." Jisung says putting the paint down.
"It's a bag of brushes Ji. Not bricks. Even then I'd still help. Plus you carried 3 bags full of paint." You say and Jisung looks to Hyunjin.
"Hold up. Why do we need 3 bags of paint? We're not painting the Mona Lisa." Jisung says as Hyunjin sets up the easels. "Wait we aren't right?" Jisung says slightly panicking.
Hyunjin looks at him. "No Ji. We are not painting the Mona Lisa." Hyunjin says and Jisung sighs relieved.
"Great because I can barely paint a flower." Jisung says and you laugh at his words. Hyunjin looks at you and smiles.
Jisung looks at you in awe. "Why are you guys looking at me like that?" You say and Jisung shakes his head and smiles.
"No reason." Hyunjin says with a hint of a blush as he picks up the canvases placing them. You look at the boys in confusion as they finish setting it up.
Hyunjin hands you a paint brush and directs you to a easel. "Draw whatever you like. Whatever comes to mind." Hyunjin says from behind you.
Jisung sighs as Hyunjin comes beside him. "Whatever you want love." Hyunjin says and Jisung nods. Hyunjin kisses his cheek before going to his own.
You watch as Hyunjin immediately picks up paint and gets to work. You knew already about Hyunjins secret talent. More than one of the boys mentioning it to you.
You look at your canvas. You decide to paint what you've felt recently. Multiple flowers each one a different emotion.
Eventually you finish and step back to look at the painting. Jisung comes behind you and leans his head on your shoulder.
"Field of flowers? They're beautiful." Jisung says and you smile at his compliment.
"Each ones a different emotion I've felt. The red ones anger. Sadness is blue. Yellow is anxious. Red is love." You say softly and Jisung wraps his hands around your waist burying his face in your neck.
You realized now there was quite a bit of blue and yellow flowers in the field. "We fucked up so bad." Jisung says clear enough for you to hear.
"We're going to try everything to make it up to you." Hyunjin says now also behind you leaning his head on your shoulder.
"It's truly beautiful though." Hyunjin says and you smile.
"Thank you." You reply back as Jisung moves his head away from being buried in your neck.
Jisung sighs softly. "You're amazing." Jisung says kissing your shoulder.
"We're still in a public park Ji." Hyunjin reminds him and Jisung smiles shrugging.
"I don't care. I'm not making out with her in public now am I?" Jisung replies back and Hyunjin rolls his eyes. You let out a laugh.
Jisung moves from behind you taking your hand leading you to his. Jisung drew a very detailed picture of a sunset and you can't help but stare in awe. "I know it's not the best. Hyunjin is the artist. I'm not. He's taught me a few things though." Jisung says shyly admitting.
"I think it's beautiful Ji. It's really good. You're sure art isn't a secret talent of yours?" You ask in amazement. Jisung shyly smiles at your praise as you continue to look at each details.
"It really is beautiful. It's very detailed." Hyunjin replies smiling. "I don't think I could've even done this as well as you have." Hyunjin says continuing to praise him.
"You guys are just saying that." Jisung says not believing your comments.
You look at him smiling. You take his hand in yours. "We're not just saying that." You reply back. Hyunjin kisses his cheek.
"Don't underestimate yourself. It's very beautiful." Hyunjin says and Jisung smiles at you both.
Jisung gets excited though as he pulls you both towards Hyunjins painting. "He always paints so beautifully. I can't wait to see what it is this time." Hyunjin chuckles at his boyfriends excitement.
Jisung stops pulling you both once he sees the painting. Jisung looks at the painting his jaw dropped.
"Holy shit." Jisung says and you look over at the painting.
You look on in amazement. It's a portrait of you. "You did this in the hour we worked on this?" Hyunjin nods and you want to touch it but you know it's still drying.
"Does it look okay? It's not done just yet though." Hyunjin asks you both.
"Hyunjin. Love of my life. The light of my life. This could be in a museum. You sure music is the right career for you? I mean of course you have a beautiful voice but in another life you could've been the next fucking Picasso." Jisung says and you nod still looking at the painting of you in amazement.
Hyunjin smiles at you both. "I hope you know I'm hanging this in my room." Jisung says and you laugh at his words.
"I'm serious. It was not only painted by my gorgeous boyfriend. It's also a picture of the most beautiful girl I've ever met." Jisung says eyes going back to the painting.
"If it's okay with Y/N you can hang it in the living room when I'm finished." Hyunjin says with a smile. Jisung looks at you pleadingly and you laugh. You nod at him and he smiles at you kissing your cheek.
"Thank you. You're amazing. This painting of you is amazing and now when I miss you I can look at this beautiful painting of you." Jisung says and you laugh.
Hyunjin looks at his watch. "Shit. If we don't get home before 1 Minho will have our asses."
"What time is it?" You ask softly.
"12:30." Hyunjin says as he starts packing up the art stuff in a hurry.
You grab his hand as he throws the brushes back into the bag even though they have paint on them. You pull his hands away and smile at him. "Don't worry too much." You say and kiss his cheek.
"You don't know the Minho we know. He's so time oriented. One time I was getting changed for our date and came out a minute late and he left me there." Jisung says and you laugh.
"He'll be fine. It only took 15 minutes to get here." You say softly separating the brushes with paint from the brushes without.
"Didn't he end up coming back for you?" Hyunjin says and Jisung nods.
"After I called him and promised him that I'd do dishes for a week." Jisung says crossing his arms.
You laugh as you finish separating the brushes. "Can you carry the canvases? I'll grab the brushes. I just don't trust Jisung to not trip and break them."
"That was one time Jinnie." Jisung says pouting and you nod with a laugh.
You carefully pick up the canvases to not mess them up. You carry them to the car sitting them in the trunk carefully.
Hyunjin and Jisung place the rest in the back of the car. You smile as Jisung opens the door to get in the back. He grabs you and wraps his hands around your waist before getting in.
You softly kiss his cheek. "Thank you for sitting in the back." You say to him and he smiles.
"If this my reward I'll do it anytime." Jisung says and you laugh as he smiles.
"We can flirt later. I refuse to do dishes if we're late getting home." Hyunjin says and Jisung smiles rolling his eyes.
"Yeah yeah." Jisung says letting go of you. You get into the front as Hyunjin starts the car.
Taglist: @queenmea604 @lolareadsimagines @tinyworld18 @liv302 @jinniespuppy @stephy-nicole13 @freyaniobe @chansbabygirlsstuff @chansbabygirlsstuff @hyuneyeon @sirenthalia @nagadiluc @tenshimara @leeknowleeknow @boi-bi-ahaha @shltsnglggles @tinystarsthing @armystay89 @baby-fairy-yas @haileybugulug @freckleboilix @im-sinking-in-mud @thatoneperson1911 @lmaouwu @greysweaters-blog @katrodriguez99 @3rachasninja @amararosesblog @1alesakura @m4gg13-g @vampcharxter @noellllslut @berryberrytan @junebug032 @jeonginwvr @jeongchaos @emyferra08 @stvrfir3 @feybin @mauvemelon @worcesheshestershiresauce @realrintaro @katsukis1wife @foliea @krishastumblernow @pretty-blkgirl @mrsseochangbin @cyberpunksunwoo @nobody3210 @skzenthusiastt
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deep-fried-egg · 9 months
I need you for the oxytocin
This fic includes: g!p, a/b/o, alpha! Billie, Omega! R, r was a little hesitant at first, cockwarming, rut/heat cycles
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Sometimes being the assistant of a big musician has it's perks! for one you get to meet a famous person and two... you might be able to help them through a very poorly timed rut.
That's actually what happened tonight. I'm pretty nervous since I'll be helping out the most beautiful woman I have ever met. she's got light blue eyes with a darker shade of blue around the edges of her irises. also she recently dyed the roots of her hair bright red! it looks amazing on her.
I can't stop thinking about her either. She is so beautiful and so talented. I'm so lucky to be allowed to be her assistant!
I had to stop her from going out on stage though. I mean she was going to go into rut SOON. I could smell it on her. and she had an extremely long set! I didn't want her to go into rut on stage and embarrass herself. plus I'm sure there is tons of omegas in the crowd that would go crazy if they smelled her going into rut. I just couldn't let her go out there.
I couldn't betray her like that! not after all of there years working together . It was too late for me to turn back. I had already made the decision to go up to her and tell her to stop.
"Hey Billie I- what are you doing?" I had definitely come into her dressing room at the worst time possible. she was grinding up against the handheld mic.
I guess she hadn't realized that I had walked in yet, so I waited for her to smell my presence. then when I noticed she did, I took a small step back. hoping to hide behind the door to give her some space to finish.
As soon as I took a step back she spoke up.
"I can feel you staring. quit it and help me out. aren't you supposed to be my assistant?" The alpha's voice had gotten deeper, more seductive, more... sexual.
She eventually decided to ignore me and started to grind down again, But now she was making a lot more noise than before.
I think the audience wanted to hear her, they must've been really excited. but it didn't seem to matter to her anymore.
"Billie!" I yelled, "What do you think you're doing!?" I grabbed her by the shoulder and tried to move her away from the mic. she shrugged me off.
"Do you not want to help me? do you want me to ask someone else to do it?"
"Fuck it." I replied. I wasn't going to lose this opportunity to touch THE Billie Eilish. So I moved closer to her and grabbed the handheld microphone she was holding and set it on the counter the alpha was sitting on right in front of the big mirror Billie had in her dressing room.
I took my other hand and cupped Billie's cheek. the alpha's face lit up even more. her skin was soft and warm. it felt amazing to be touching her like this.
she put one hand on my hip and brought the other down to her black and white shorts and pulled them down and off without hesitation. she then started to touch her hard cock through her boxers, looking away from me so she can pay attention to her throbbing dick.
I watched as she rubbed her hand over her shaft and slowly started to stroke it.
after a few seconds she paused so she could slip her boxers off too. then she turned back to me with those ocean eyes of hers. she still had one of her hands gripping my hip tightly, she needed something to ground her to reality while she was in this rut. or perhaps it was just another form of control. I couldn't tell. all I could tell was that the scent of her arousal was overpowering me, filling every cell of my body. it was like the air was thick with lust, sex, and raw animal instincts. it was intoxicating.
"Y'know what? I want you to cockwarm me. let me sit down in my chair." Billie said and pushed herself off the table towards her chair where she sat. I immediately followed suit. she looked up at me through her eyelashes, trying to read the look on my face. I just stared right back at her with my mouth agape. it was like I couldn't take my eyes off her.
I quickly regained my composure and undressed so I could slip her twitching dick inside of me. she groaned and ran her hands over my now bare hips making me flinch from how cold her rings felt against my skin.
I placed one hand on the back of her head and I wrapped my other arm around her waist pulling her into me and burying my nose in the crook of her neck. I gripped the back of her
Chicago Bulls jersey and inhaled deeply. She had to go on stage in about 30 minutes so things had to speed up. I knew that she would just take her suppressants after this so I need to enjoy this while it lasts.
"Could you do my hair for me? I don't know what style to do." Billie asked, pulling my head from her neck, "I always end up doing something weird."
"Sure." I answered, reaching around her to grab the elastics she had on the desk behind her. It'll be hard to focus with the way her dick is throbbing inside of me. she leaned back on the chair as I began to put her hair into two messy little buns on each side of her head.
Billie sat patiently as I tied them off. it took me a bit longer than usual, mainly because Billies huge dick inside of me was distracting me from the task at hand.
Billie softly trusted her hips up, pushing her dick deeper into me. I stopped tying the buns and slid my hands over her thighs, gently rubbing
she moaned "Oh, oh, I'm getting close baby. you feel good." she purred.
It seems like shes trying to mess me up at this point. does she want her hair to look bad? or is she just enjoying her current predicament?
Billie continued to buck her hips up, trying to make my job even harder for me. she's clearly trying to distract me. Its working.
Suddenly I felt billies knot slide out, pressing right against my pussy as she tried to shove it inside of me. we didn't have enough time to wait for her knot to go down though! I mean we only have 25 minutes until she needs to go onstage and perform. I didn't have enough time to tell her that though. as soon as I opened my mouth to ask her to not knot me she did the one thing I didn't want her to do. she fucking knotted me.
I felt all of her cum filling me up, going straight into my womb.
Is it too late to tell her that I'm not on birth control...?
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shinestarhwaa · 10 months
Sorry I made these a little more specified some may have wanted to, but otherwise it'd be hard to write 8 different ones lol, so I made lil scenarios x
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''You have a boyfriend?'' Hongjoong asked with wide eyes. He stared at his son in disbelief. He was quite the typical 'straight' man, he hadn't ever noticed any signs before, but now that his son told him he was gay everything seemed to fall into place.
''I do, dad, I... I am gay. Like really, really gay,'' the son stammered. Hongjoong smiled and placed his hand on his son's. ''I cannot wait to meet him, kid.''
Seonghwa teared up as he looked at his son, sitting before him. ''Dad, are you disappointed in me now that I've told you I'm gay?'' His son looked down and hid his tears. Seonghwa gasped and immediately shook his head.
''No, no I could never be, I'm just sorry you've had to struggle with this on your own for so long. No, I'll always love you, no matter who you love, I am here.''
''Bisexual, huh? So you play for both teams?'' His casual comment startled his daughter, who was fidgeting with her jewelry nervously. ''Y-Yeah well, I guess so.''
''Cool, do you have a girl you like then? Is that why you joined the football team?'' All night long he asked so many questions out of love and interest, making sure she felt loved and understood.
''Wow, I had never... expected you to be a lesbian, sweetheart... This definitely surprises me a little,'' Yeosang said as he took in what his daughter just told him. ''I-I'm sorry daddy-''
''No, no, I am not mad... It's just unexpected,'' he said as a smile formed on his lips. ''Thank you for trusting me and telling me about it, love,'' he says as he kisses her forehead.
His son was in tears as he told him he was gay. ''Can you still love me?'' he had asked, body trembling because of the anxiety. San sighed and patted his head.
''Son, you know I'll love you no matter what. It's important that you are happy, and I don't care if that's with a man or a woman. Plus, I totally saw you kissing your friend on the porch so it's not that big of a surprise,'' he smiles as he pulls him in for a hug.
''So...Pansexual? What does that mean?'' Mingi asked, curious after his daughter just came out. ''I am basically just... attracted to any... person, any gender, I don't care at all,'' his daughter said with a smile, happy her father took interest in it.
''Okay. That's cool, that's quite romantic actually,'' he grinned. He didn't make a big deal about it or anything and just let everyone get on with their day peacefully.
''Sweetie, why are you crying? You know you don't have to be afraid to tell me anything... I understand it's scary to come out but you know I love you regardless of your sexuality... You're my one and only angel,'' he spoke with his sweetest voice.
For the coming weeks he'd never leave her side, making her feel loved and treating her like a real princess. ''So when are you going to let me meet your girlfriend, sweetie? I'll make sure to cook a delicious dinner.''
''Son, listen to me,'' Jongho said as his son just confessed his bisexuality, shuddering in fear of his reaction. ''No one could ever take my love away from you, you are my son, I love you and I live for you, that's a given. Nothing is ever going to stop that.''
''I promise I'm still the same person, dad,'' he said as he cried in Jongho's arms. ''I know you are, you are my favourite boy, you're smart, sweet and talented and whoever you love does not matter to me, okay?''
Taglist: @anyamaris @a-soft-hornytiny @whatudowhennooneseesyou @star1117-archives @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @pyeonghongrie-main @woosanbby @dreamlesswonder86 @lemonhongjoong @babesindestroyland @changbinslovelylegs
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unexpectedstormy · 4 months
A post in which I talk about how I, a Wild-centric fanfic author, like to characterize Wild /pos
So I've read a TON of Wild fics. Not all of them, but a whole bunch, and let me tell you, I love every version of Wild, every characterization. Brooding and angsty? Cool! Goofy and silly? Heck yeah! Competent experienced knight? Awesome! Feral gremlin? One of my favorites! I like kid!Wild, fox!Wild, wolf!Wild, winged!Wild, and every other variation I've come across.
So when I wanted to start writing Wild fics, I had to decide what way I wanted to portray him as: what felt right to me, what agreed with LU canon, what agreed with the game(s)... It was quite the head scratcher because all of those ways I mentioned earlier are valid and logical conclusions. I thought about it alot and this is what I came up with:
In BotW, Wild’s personality is primarily defined by two factors: his previous training or “programming” as a royal knight which although isn’t remembered, it is still there, serving as the framework guiding his thoughts and actions, and by his lack of memory (and baggage) and childlike lack of knowledge and experience of the world (remember when you started the game and he didn't know what an apple or a stick was?).
I had a breakthrough though when I was watching a BotW Let’s Play: I realized that Wild is basically every BotW Let’s Player ever (actually, every player) because everyone starts Breath of the Wild with their own life experiences guiding their thought processes and actions but they come to the game with no knowledge of how anything works in the game or what the story is.
So, all I had to do is write Wild like how I play him, or how my favorite Let’s Players play him: lighthearted and cheerful, pretty clueless about social interaction, wanting to help others but not knowing how to beyond providing practical help, logical and strategic problem solver but without memories, he ends up doing things in unorthodox ways. He's a talented fighter and can use any weapon, but big picture battle strategy is not his strong suit. He's a sticky-fingered goblin in the towns but he's always very helpful to anyone he meets.
While I do tend to write him as more the silly, goofy, gremlin style, I do recognize and include that he does have a troubled past, and he can be dramatically angsty and he does go wordless sometimes, but I figure there's a threshold for it. He's normally very resilient and bounces back easily from "Oh man, what an intense memory that was" to "ooh shiny carrot! Mine now!"
But there's a point when things get tough and he drops below the "bounce back" level, he can revert to his old knightly ways of silence, emotional suppression, anxiety, self-sacrificial tendencies, plus the troubles of having only 1-2 years-worth of memory/experience (and ADHD) like issues with emotional regulation, conflict resolution, excessive guilt, confusion, flashbacks, etc. I figure it takes a lot to knock him down to that level, but when it does happen, it takes a lot of time and support for him to revert back to his usual happy-go-lucky self.
In summary, to me, Wild is a cheerful goofy teenager, a scrappy and competent fighter, a knight with a troubled past, and a good kid.
What's you favorite way to portray Wild? I'd love to hear it. (But please keep your thoughts to yourself if you're going to be critical, a Wild hater, or if your input starts with "I dislike/hate it when..." I'd like to keep this post as positive as possible.)
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lauriegraham01 · 9 months
violent delights & violent ends
pairings: crowley x angel!reader, gn!reader (aziracrow x reader if you squint)
summary: having stood through the testaments of time, as Heaven and Hell's forces and anger grow closer every day, you and Crowley must both make a choice but what fateful consequences lie in store for star-crossed lovers
cw: hurt/comfort, lotta hurt tho, angst,
wc: 4.5k
a/n: UPDATED ON 9/23!!!! inspo came from a dream, romeo + juliet, and 'romeo' by until the ribbon breaks. working on a masterlist currently and hope to get it up soon. tysm for your support and enjoy :)
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The party was in full swing and you found yourself getting lost within the noise of William Shakespeare's famous parties. You were currently backstage in one of the parlors where you, Crowley, and Aziraphale had joined Shakespeare and his fellow actors and other socialites in celebrating another successful opening night.
"I mean it, William. You are just absolutely brilliant, I mean you're ability to capture human emotion and spirit, well it's just marvelous!" Aziraphale had spent the better half of the night praising the poet as he truly felt starstruck by his talent.
"Yea, yea the blokes alright. You should've seen him when he was just starting out, now the bastard his own theatre." Crowley sneered as they took another sip of the mead they carried in their hand.
"He's more than alright, you can admit that. He's quite the poet." You look at them with an amused smirk as though daring them to disagree.
" 'O, speak again, bright angel! For thou art as glorious to this night', trust me love, I would not be here had you and Aziraphale put up such a fight," the demon recites almost mockingly.
"Now look who's the poet?"
"Enjoying ourselves are we dear?" Aziraphale shakes you from your thoughts as he appears before you and Crowley sort of breathless.
"Seems like you are, Angel," Crowley quips back.
"Oh just marvelous really. The talent that the Almighty has given some of these actors is just beyond words! I've even been invited to the opera to see one actor perform! Oh, I do believe I see "Mercutio" across the room. Excuse me- Mercutio!"
As Aziraphale makes his way back into the crowd of stifled bodies, you turn your head back to peer at Crowley as they take a seat onto a plush red velvet couch. Sinking into the couch, they spreads their legs open wide, almost invitingly.
"The opera? I like the sound of that." Eyebrows raising, creasing their forehead as they peer at you through dark glasses. With a free hand they tap their thigh, inviting you in. You happily take it as you make yourself comfortable upon it, head falling upon their shoulder.
"You know what I like the sound of? Silence. I do believe that I am beginning to overstay my welcome," you sigh tiredly as you study the side of their face. Finding your eyes tracing the tattooed snake just beside their ear.
"Oh come on, what are you talking about? The fun's just barely begun. Plus I've heard rumors of what really goes on in Will's study, if you know what I mean," their hold on you becomes tighter as they wiggles their eyebrows suggestively.
"Crowley, c'mon be serious," you protested.
"I am! You're gonna tell me that doesn't peak even the tiniest bit of your interest?"
"What? No. Crowley, I mean it. I'm heading back home, need to step away for the night."
The demon fully turns their face to look at you for a second and as they look into your tired eyes, they let out a sigh, defeated that only you could make them change their mind and make them bend in ways they never though possible. Defeated that you were their soft spot.
"Alright, let's go love," they sigh as they pull the both of you onto your feet. Taking a hold of your hand, they guide you through the crowd as the two of you make your way outside of the theatre and back onto the streets of London. You knew Aziraphale would be fine on his own, as he had no intention of his ending his night anytime soon, thoroughly enjoying himself in the presence of talented artists. Crowley maintained an arm wrapped around your shoulder as the two of you walked on cobblestone until the bookshop finally came into view.
"Home sweet home," Crowley announces as the two of you make your way inside the dimly lit bookshop. Taking your coat off, you blow out the remaining candles that had been lit prior to your departure and made your way upstairs to your bedroom. You heard Crowley trailing not too far behind, and as you make your way into your bedroom you look behind to see them leaning against the doorframe.
"You can come in Crowley, you know that." You softly smile as you find their sheepish behavior rather odd.
"Nah i'm good, I was thinkin' of taking off. Just wanted to make sure you were alright s'all."
Having known Crowley since the dawn of creation, you knew when they were deceiving you.
"Come inside, dear."
"Well alright, I mean if you insist," the demon blows a puff of air before making their way inside, shutting the door behind them.
They made themself comfortable as you got dressed for bed. You felt Crowley's eyes burning on you with your every move, and the fact alone made heat creep its way up your face. Turning to face them again, you saw them burrowed beneath the multiple blankets that draped your bed. Making your way beneath them, you slide in beside Crowley but still left enough roof to distance the two of you.
"Any particular reason you're so far?" The demon quips as their yellow eyes quizzingly look into yours.
"Didn't know if you wanted me to be that close."
"You know me better than anyone, y/n. You know the distance never made a difference to me, love." With that they pull you closer until you're engulfed in their body heat as you remained pressed against their side.
It wasn't unusual for you and the demon to be close like this, in fact in ways it was one of the reasons your bond with each other was so strong. Crowley, for better or for worse, craved physical touch. Having been deprived of it in their time in Hell, the only time they ever felt the touch of another is when pain and violence would be awaiting on the other side of it. With you it was different, it was their way of demonstrating emotions where words failed him. Most days it would be small things like a hand placed on the small of your back, or their hand laying gently on your knee whenever you sat near, but tonight it was different. By the way they had been handsy all night and with the distant look in their eyes as they stared up at the ceiling, you knew something was up.
"Hmm," they hum back in acknowledgement, eyes still fixed on the ceiling.
"What's on your mind?"
Crowley remains still for a minute, holding in a breath of ancient dread as they pondered over how to encapsulate the overwhelmingly conflicting emotions they were feelings, emotions they've felt since the Fall.
"S'nothing, you just get some sleep," they mutter, hoping to whisk away your concern as a way of sparing them from having to confront their emotions.
"I know when you're lying to me. I can sense that your mind is elsewhere, talk to me."
You pull back from where you laid and propped yourself up on your elbow, in order to fully look at him. Raising your other hand you softly run it through their locks before hooking a hand underneath their chin, turning their face to look at you.
"I'm here," you whisper.
Crowley's eyes search yours and they're met with nothing but adoration. The twinkle of the very stars they've created were nothing but a pale comparison to the light of hope that glimmered in your eyes. The light that no matter how hard they tried to run from, they always found themself running home to.
"It's the torment."
"From the fall. Seems silly to dwell on something so ancient, but those demons, that torture..." their voice wavers as dread aches through their spine, "i guess it never really goes away."
Words die on your lips as your heartaches for the pain Crowley's been through. They never talked about what torture awaited for them in Hell after the Fall, but as an angel you could only imagine the suffering that was Crowley's fate.
You hadn't realized how silent you had been until Crowley shifts to sit upright. Mirroring their actions you move to face them and you see the way they try to hide from you as Crowley buries their face within their hands.
"Crowley, I understand I won't ever know what you feel, but one thing I do know is that you don't deserve to live in that pain. Something so vast as the darkness of the universe before you illuminated it with your creation." You gently wrap your hands around their wrists and pull them away to reveal Crowley's eyes reddened from silent tears.
"Let me walk with you, in that darkness."
"You could get lost in it," they shake their head, sniffling as they feel vulnerable by the transparency of their emotions.
"Then let me be lost in it, as long as I'm lost with you." You brush their hair back before your hands softly caress the side of their face.
"It would be your sin, I would be your sin." Crowley's hands creep their way up to your side as they hold onto you tightly, afraid you would realize the wickedness that lies within them and leave in disgust. The space between you and Crowley had shrunk as your foreheads pressed together. Your eyes never left theirs as the pain behind their serpent eyes sought refuge in you. You could feel their warm breath fanning over your lips, and for just a second you dare to move your gaze to look at his lips. Lips that looked so soft and tempting to draw you in. You didn't miss the way Crowley had also flickered to look at yours as well, so when your eyes meet again you felt a certain clarity wave afront as the feelings for the demon you held in your hands could no longer be buried.
"If sin be from thy lips then thus with a kiss I die."
Your words fall as a whispered prayer onto Crowley's ear as you close the spaces between and capture their lips into a soft kiss. After overcoming initial shock, Crowley's lips moved with yours in something so sweet as a sacrament. Yet that sweetness quickly turned into hunger as they kissed back fiercely, hungry for more and you were willing to be devoured whole. The burning within your lungs became too strong and you pulled away. Resting your forehead against Crowley's, as you both caught your breath you look into their eyes and see the mischievous light that you had sorely missed.
"You're in for it this time, love. A whole new world of sin," Crowley rasped lowly, as a wicked smile grew on their face.
"Very well then, give me my sin again."
It's been 423 years since that fateful night that would change the trajectory of Crowley and yours relationship forever. You loved each other in secret, while finding freedom in your relationship on Earth, both of you still feared the consequences you would face if either of your sides caught wind of the true nature of your relationship. It seemed that your relationship only got better with time, Armageddon was a testament of that. With the help of Aziraphale, the two of you managed to prevent a destructive war between Heaven and Hell, and remained living on Earth amongst the crowds of humans whose lives had been spared by your hands. Yet, despite this somewhat happy ending, Crowley knew that the fight wasn't over just.
"If you would just listen to me for once y/n, you would see that we are in danger."
"You're being irrational, Crowley. There is no war!"
Your voice had gone raw from how long you and Crowley had been screaming at each other. Crowley was trying to convince you that Heaven and Hell were conspiring and would be back for their revenge, and soon. You however were stuck in your stubbornness and were determined that their was no danger in sight.
Even with their shades on, you could feel the intensity of Crowley's glare as they stared back at you wide-eyed in disbelief that you could be this blind. Pacing the kitchen floor of his apartment, they pinched the bridge of their nose, trying to calm themselves down even though it felt it was useless.
"Y/n, listen to me," they say lowly, "you, Aziraphale, and I are in trouble. The longer we spend on Earth the longer we walk around with a target on our backs waiting to be killed."
"Crowley please, enough of this," you wave your arms impatiently as you pleaded with them with desperate eyes.
Crowley walks across the kitchen island and stand in front of you, holding your arms tightly within his grasp.
"Come with me."
"Come with me. We can leave this place while we still have a chance. We can travel amongst the universe and settle down on any other planet. We can have a new start, turn a new page."
"Crowley, we're fine. I promise there is no danger he-"
"No, but you're wrong y/n, because there is!"
You flinch at the boom of their voice as their hands tighten around you. Fear flashing your eyes as you let out a sharp hiss from their tight grip that burned your skin.
"Crowley! Stop, you're scaring me." You manage to free yourself from their grasp. Breathing heavily, you stare at them frozen in fear, unable to recognize Crowley for the first time.
Crowley's faced drop and seeing the fear that they had instilled in you made their body slack and and a weighted dread sink into their stomach. Averting your eyes as you rubbed over the spots where they once held you, they could feel their heart break. The very hands that they swore to use to protect you, had been the same ones to hurt you. As you hesitated to look back up at the demon, when your eyes met and you saw the inner turmoil within their serpent eyes, you imagined the darkness that Crowley's mind was spiring down upon.
"Crowley I-"
"Don't." They stumble backwards distancing themself, afraid of what else they might do, afraid of hurting you again.
Crowley never meant to hurt you, and deep down you knew this. You two had your fair share of arguments over the course of millenniums but they never once lost control of their emotions and hurt you in the way they just did. Even as Crowley heard your thoughts, reassuring them that they weren't wicked and a danger, it wasn't enough. You knew the risks of being with a demon, and they were always afraid that one day you'd decide that being with them was a mistake and that you'd walk out of their life forever. And now, seeing you in this light, seeing that he hurt you and could hurt you, that scared them more than anything.
"There are somethings that'll never change."
Crowley swiftly made way for the door, feeling the walls of the apartment closing in on them. The shouts of Crowley's name as you quickly followed them fell on deaf ears. You're meet with the pouring rain as you follow Crowley outside into the driveway, the lightning being the only thing illuminating the night sky. The growing rolls of thunder seemed to match your quickened heartbeat as your anxiety grew with Crowley's distancing stride.
"Crowley, please!" Your voice comes out strained as you desperately cry out to Crowley. Opening the drivers side, Crowley stiffens as though fighting with themself to stay or go. Looking back at you, their red locks clinging to their face as their face scrunched in anguish, heart breaking more as they saw the pained look on your face.
"As long as you're with me, you will always be in danger."
The memory of Crowley driving away and leaving you behind replayed in your mind all throughout the night. Flashing days and sleepless nights passed as Crowley consumed your thoughts, unable to hide from the pain that their absence caused. This being the farthest things escalated in your relationship, you clung onto hope that there was a way to come back from this. That Crowley would come back and you could find a way to move past this together.
As days turned into weeks, you felt the hope that once burned so brightly begin to snuff out into smoke as you faced the probable reality that Crowley would never return and that you were left on your own. Well not completely on your own. After noticing how silent things had been from you and Crowley, Aziraphale decided to check in. Unaware of the mess that he would stumble upon, he felt blindsided from the state of things, heart broken too in the wake of Crowley's absence. Yet, seeing your severely distressed state, the angel put his emotions aside in order to attend to you. He took you within his care, hoping to help bring the light back in your eyes and comfort you until Crowley could come back.
Padding down the wooden hallway floors, you rub the fatigue of another sleepless night from your eyes as Aziraphale's door comes into view. Pressing an ear against the door, you found the silence on the other side of the door rather odd as he was usually up by this hour. Knocking lightly against the wooden door, you await to hear a stir yet when you get no response, you open the door to make your way in. Walking inside, the sleeping frame of Aziraphale's body come into view as he begins to stir from the noise of your intrusion.
"Y/N? Is everything alright, dear?" The angels voice come out raspy, fresh from sleep.
"Yea, i'm okay," you croak out, voice weary.
He looks at you for a moment, curious as to your sudden intrusion, not that he was bothered but that it was out of character for you to come to him so early in the day. With slow movements, Aziraphale slowly rises from bed, tightening the robe around himself as he made his way to the window. With a tug, the suns rays engulf the room as it casts its warm light throughout the space. Aziraphale closes his eyes, as though in silent gratitude prayer, and basks in the suns warmth. Looking at him, you can't help but feel a stillness in his beauty, especially with the way the sunlight illuminates his face and casts a celestial orange glow around him. Making him look even more angelic if that were even possible.
"But soft, what light through yonder window breaks," Aziraphale breaks the silence, opening his eyes and turning to face you.
"It is the east, and Crowley is the sun."
"You would deprive that from the Almighty herself?" Smiling brightly, you don't miss the way Aziraphale teases you for your endearing words. You find small comfort in his childish tease and bright smile, not being able to help the way your lips tug upwards at his remark. Aziraphale relishes in the small happiness that flashes across your face, even if brief. It had hurt him to see his love in pain especially at the hand of someone he too loved. Looking back to the window, he finds himself getting lost gazing into the crowded streets of Soho beneath him. A silence settles over the two of you, and your eyes remained fix on his side profile as the emptiness of the gravity of your situation creeps back into your mind.
"Crowley's not coming back." It was you who broke the silence this time, Aziraphale turning to you taken aback with furrowed eyebrows by how matter-of-factly you spoke.
"What ever do you mean?"
"I mean they're gone," you inhaled sharply, "for good this time."
"Well no, not really. I'm sure they'll come back, you know how Crowley gets." Aziraphale. Ever the optimist until the very end.
"You've always known how dramatic they can be I mean really-"
"Aziraphale-" you call out, his optimism making your wounds bleed even more at the false promises of an angel.
"Look, it's only a matter of time before Crowley walks through that door and everything will be as-"
"Aziraphale!" Your voice angrily booms like a roll of thunder as it bounces off the bedroom walls.
"They're not coming back! Aren't they?!"
Despite your volume, it was your tone that cut like a knife. Even as your voice felt so shaky, you spat those words out like venom that laid bitterly on your tongue. Aziraphale could feel his heart break as he stared into your eyes. Red and puffy from fighting to keep your emotions at bay, but also cold and unwavering as you forced yourself to come to the crossroads of the truth.
"No," he says barely above a whisper, a slight tremble in his voice as he barely shakes his head. "No, i'm afraid not my dear."
You've never seen Aziraphale look so defeated. So hopeless as he stared back into your lifeless eyes. The air around you feels restricted as your throat tightens. Your lips quiver as the painful truth of your beloved angels words echo in your head and settle in your heart. Your vision blurs as tears begin to welt in your eyes before inevitably cascading down your cheeks. Aziraphale then wraps his arms around you, pulling you in a tight embrace as you collapse within his arms. Sobs muffled from where your head laid buried in his chest, the world going silent as an insurmountable wave of grief washes over you, pulling you to drown in a sea of sorrow.
You don't know how long you cried for or even how much time had passed. When you came out of your daze, you realized that you and Aziraphale were on the floor as he pressed soft kisses against your temple, hoping to reel you back into reality.
"Forgive me," you croak, voice spent from lament, "i've been lonely, but it's not like I don't know my way." You try to reassure Aziraphale and yourself as you felt hollowed. Guilt also eating at you for putting the angel in this situation, having to take care of you.
"You have nothing to be forgiven for, my dear" he whispers lowly into your ear. Taking the hands that were wrapped tightly around you, he brings them up to caress your face within them. Your tears have dried by now but that doesn't stop him from peppering tender kisses upon your cheeks. Overwhelmed by his soft touch, you feel your face heat up again as the gentle sentiment causes your emotions to arise again. When he feels a salty tear catch upon his lip, he pulls away to see your glossy eyes staring back into his, searching for some kind of relief.
"But I don't know my way, Aziraphale."
The angel remained at your side for the rest of the day, never leaving you alone for a moment longer than absolutely needed. As he aided to your every need and treated you like a fine china plate- afraid to drop you and shatter into a million pieces. And for a while it helped, it made the pain more bearable, the ache of Crowley's absence less debilitating- but even all of Aziraphale's love wouldn't be enough to ix the hole that Crowley left in your life.
You thought hard about your next move. Calculating everything over in your head a million times but all roads led you back to where you were now. Managing to slip out of the Aziraphale's bedroom in the middle of the night, you made your way back to your original bedroom where you were now packing frantically. You packed as much as you could into your suitcase as you grew restless, wanting nothing more than to run away from this emptiness you fear you would never escape from.
As you left your suitcase by the stairwell, you looked down the hall before quietly making your way back to Aziraphale's room. Once inside, you made sure to leave behind the note that you had written for him on the side where you usually laid. You burn the image of his sleeping frame into your mind, wanting your last memory of the angel to be one where he seemed at peace. Leaning across the bed, you place a soft kiss upon the corner of his mouth, careful not to wake him. He stirred slightly beneath your touch, but still remained in a deep sleep even as you pulled away.
Making way for the bedroom door, you freeze under the entranceway.
"Look back, look back," you thought to yourself, a voice of reason wanting to make itself hear. Despite this, you fought against it and forced one foot in front of the other, because you knew if you looked back you would never leave. The cold air greets you as you make your way out into the streets of Soho, winds blowing harshly as you toss your bag into the backseat of your car. As the engine roars to life and you pull onto the main road, you glance at the rearview mirror where the bookshop fades from view. Silently saying goodbye to the place that had too also become home for you. You don't know exactly where you were headed, but just that you were ready to get there. Ready to go, but never to return.
The next morning, Aziraphale finds himself sitting on the edge of the bed where he gripped the white sheets, frustration and heartache threatening to drown him as he re-read your letter line for line, over and over and over again.
"Dearest Aziraphale,
My love, I'm sorry for the mess I've left for you to clean, it was unfair to you given your own heartbreak. Azira, I cannot thank you enough for what you've done for me now and in the past. But now I must go my own way and figure out what to write in this next chapter for myself. I know things will be difficult for if they weren't... well you see I would've killed Romeo and saved Juliet, but I don't write stories that time won't forget. So please angel, forgive me for grabbing the kerosene and letting it all burn to the ground. I've been looking for meaning, I don't know if I like what I've found. Forgive me for I've been lonely and one day I hope to tell you that I now know my way. I'm sorry. "
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wxnheart · 2 years
Hi hi~ I looove read your work ! Can you make "their ideal type" headcanon but for Ghost and Soap please ?
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note: this is written with the reader in mind as well.
𝐒𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧 '𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭' 𝐑𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐲
Ghost is Babygurl through and through but doesn't think he's Babygurl whatsoever. And believe it or not, he doesn't think he's relationship material.
By that, he doesn't think anyone would be interested in him romantically. Oh, babygurl, you are so, so, SO wrong.
Simon's childhood dealt a heavy blow to his self-esteem and no matter how talented and efficient a soldier he is, no matter how sure he is of his choices in the heat of the moment, outside of that, outside of war, he'll always question himself. He'll always question his worthiness when it comes to you, darling.
There's a recurring theme around having a significant other who can hold the fort down because they'll be gone often and Simon (and Soap) are no different.
Simon's ideal significant other is one who won't pressure him to open up and instead gives him time and space to process stuff.
A romantic relationship with Simon is more of a slow burn than anything else. If you're someone who works on timelines, when you're with him, that's a no-go.
He doesn't date for dating's sake, either. He actually dates to marry. Despite witnessing the relationshit that was his parents' marriage, Simon does want to get married. He wants a family which is why his significant other has to want that, too.
They also have to be as cool as a cucumber and quite reassuring. Despite Ghost's relatively calm exterior, he's actually quite a bundle of nerves on the inside. Hell, he and König might be more alike than what was previously thought.
Ghost isn't the type to tell you he loves you all the time. You'll hear it on occasion, though. He shows his love more through action more than anything. His s/o recognizing and accepting this will endear them to him even further.
Two words: TRUST. HIM. That is all.
I could go on and on but at the end of it all, he just wants his significant other to want him despite all of his flaws. Once you've won Ghost's heart, good luck getting rid of him (but why would you want to?).
Also, don't nag. His parents were nags (his mother out of desperation and his father because he was a giant asshole). Nothing makes Ghost shut down more than a nag.
𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐧𝐲 '𝐒𝐨𝐚𝐩' 𝐌𝐚𝐜𝐓𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐡
Johnny, at his core, is fucking sunshine and soccer games.
A fun-loving guy, really. Doesn't really take much seriously aside from his duties. That isn't to say he's immature. Far from it. Think of it more as compartmentalization. He's actually pretty damn good at that.
That's why his ideal significant other is one who shares his zeal for life.
Soap's a bit of a jokester, too, so a sense of humor is a plus. Also, shit-talking and witty banter. Yeah, that's the stuff that life's made of.
His ideal s/o is also adventurous and able to handle themselves accordingly when he's gone. That's probably the ONLY time you'll really see Soap worry.
He'll also check on you regularly so be prepared for that.
Soap is also a bit of a hothead so he needs a relatively calm and rational partner to balance him out. He also doesn't like to argue with his s/o either. He prefers to talk it out.
Despite being a playful partner, he's actually quite serious about his relationship and relies heavily on his intuition (he thanks the military for this) when it comes to romantic partners. So when he feels you're the one, best believe YOU. ARE. THE ONE.
He needs someone who's willing to go the distance with him despite the shit he goes through being part of 141.
Also, ideal significant other, he's very protective of his lover. Please be prepared. He will wreck shit for you, no questions asked.
He's also very physically affectionate, too, but is considerate of his partner if they're not. He won't make them be anything they don't want to be. He's pretty compromising in relationships.
One last (cracky) thing, he's kinda-sorta-not really-but really adopted Ghost (against his will but who gives a fuck, Lt?) so he'll absolutely be over the moon if his s/o accepts Ghost as part of the family. The family that he wasn't even asking for but got anyway 'cause Soap doesn't give a shit. But it's all good.
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jensensfanfic · 1 year
could you do a protective ellie one shot? like maybe the reader gets hurt and ellie loses her shit on whoever hurt her? thank for considering !
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pairing: student!ellie x fem!reader
word count: 1.8k
warnings: fighting (not much), bullying, mentions of a few minor injuries, reader wears glasses, reader has anxiety
a/n: i'm gonna say you're both around 16/17 in this. school systems confuse me everywhere, so just apply that to whatever year group you'd be in. reader is written as being quite shy and quiet in this one! also, i name the a-hole liam :). hope you like it!
Unsurprisingly, the news that you were the new kid in class had already travelled well, making it through the entire school within a day. The thing that made this bad news was that everyone's eyes were on you. They were probably waiting to see if you were going to be a spitfire, loud mouth who took nobody's crap, or one of the quiet kids: an easy target.
You were the latter. Quiet, introverted, not used to having more than one friend, but very accustomed to eating alone every lunch.
Nobody bothered you much for the first month or so, but then one guy had seen you eating lunch with a teacher, and now you were the subject of nerd jokes.
You had sat with your Maths professor one time to go over some homework. It had taken longer than expected, and you decided to grab a cereal bar from your bag, your tummy begging for it through growls. This tiny choice had deemed you nerd, teacher's pet, and a plethora of other jokes relating to the fact that you wore glasses.
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Then, one day, it escalated. One of the self entitled 'popular' guys had taken a seat in front of you at lunch. He started blabbing on, tossing around the nerd jokes, clearly looking for some kind of response that you refused to give. Even if you wanted to tell him to piss off, you never would because the thought of doing so made your heart race.
You were caught up in your own thoughts, his voice sounding as though he were underwater, when he suddenly bangs his hands down onto the table. You flinch, glancing around, seeing that the movement had caused your drink to spill.
"Crap." You mutter, picking it up before it could get onto your clothes.
"Oh, so you have a voice." The guy says, mockingly as he looks over to his friends, who are all laughing. "The freak actually talks."
"I—" Before you can speak, you see a shadow move over the dining table. Looking up, you're surprised to see that it's Ellie Williams.
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Ellie wasn't a quiet kid like you, but she also wasn't a nobody either. You'd seen her with a couple of friends, but you'd also seen her alone, smoking on her way to and from school, or sitting in windows with her guitar or a notepad. Ellie was that girl that no one knew too much about, but they were all curious – mostly about her tattoo since she didn't even attempt to hide it on most days.
Ellie was in a few of your classes, one of which she was seated in front of you. You would sometimes find yourself trying to peek over and look at her sketches she doodled during lessons. She was incredibly talented, once or twice you wanted to compliment her, but then your pounding heart would stop you.
She was also really, really hot, but that was a thought you pushed away, for fear that if someone found out, that would be the next thing you'd be singled out for. Plus, it's not like you would ever tell her.
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"Hey, Liam." Now, she was standing next to you, notepad tucked under her arm, one hand pressed against the table. "Back off, okay?"
"Williams? The fuck do you want?"
"I want you to leave the girl alone." She glances at you, and you immediately cast your eyes down. "Go fuck with someone else."
Liam scoffs and then goes back to his friends, flipping Ellie off as he walks away.
"Jesus." Ellie refills his seat, plopping down with a grunt. "Sorry about him. He's a dick. Hard to believe he used to be kinda cool. Anyway... Are you good?"
"Uh..." She waits patiently for your answer, and you gather quickly that she's not planning on leaving until she gets one. "Yeah... thanks."
"Cool." She stands again. "See you around."
You mutter a 'bye', but she is already halfway across the dining hall, shooting a glare at Liam's table as she goes.
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Over the next few weeks, Ellie comes to your defence several more times. She tells you how sick she is getting hearing Liam and his friends torment you.
"I just... don't really care. If I react, it'll just make it worse. I can handle it." You momentarily realise that Ellie has gotten more words out of you than anyone else since you'd transferred here to Jackson Academy.
"Yeah, well, you shouldn't have to deal with it. Tell 'em to fuck off." Ellie sighs then, loudly. "Hey, you wanna get lunch together today?"
"What, so you can sit there like a bodyguard or something?"
"Maybe." Ellie laughs, grabbing her things, along with your own bag. "Come on."
"Uh, okay..."
After you've eaten everything, Ellie pulls out her sketchbook while you tap away at a game on your phone. You watch her squint and twist her head, concentrated on whatever it is she's drawing.
"You know..." You remind yourself that Ellie has called you her friend many times, and she defended you, so she's not going to lash out or anything... you decide to bat the anxiety away for a second. "You're really talented. I've seen a little of what you've drawn here and there and... it's really good."
Ellie's pencil stops, and she looks up at you through her lashes. "Really?" She smiles and then looks up fully. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." You feel the spread of heat on your cheeks and rest your head in your hands in an attempt to hide it. "So, uh, what're you drawing?"
"You." Ellie answers instantly.
You blanch. "What?"
"That's okay?"
"No, it's fine. Just, uh– why me?"
"Your face." Ellie pauses again and drops a pencil into her case, swapping it for a slightly thinner one. "It's interesting."
"Interesting?" You feel a drop in your stomach, you anxiety ridden brain immediately thinking of the worst case scenario - that maybe this was an elaborate plan to mock you and—
"Pretty." Ellie sees the panic and diminishes in a word.
"I meant you have a pretty face, and I wanted to draw it. Okay?" She chuckles softly, pushing her pencil into her hair bun and then reaching over to touch your arm. "Chill."
"Right... uh–"
"What's going on here, ladies?" You are once again met with the sight of Liam's annoying face. He stands inches away, obnoxiously smacking his lips as he chews on some gum. "Aw, you two pals now? Or..." He wiggles his brows, and then you realise that Ellie's hand is still on yours, and he's looking right at them.
Years of pent-up frustration fill your chest, and you stand suddenly, your chair scraping along the floor and creating an ugly sound that makes you cringe. "Liam, for fuck sake, can you just... leave me the hell alone."
"Ooh, the kitten has claws. Did Williams tell you to–"
"Shut up!" You yell, gaining the attention of a few more students as they look on and listen in. "Just fuck off. Go smoke a joint or jack off with you buddies, whatever the fuck. Just get lost."
You tap Ellie on the shoulder, who raises her brows in question. "Wanna go?"
"Uh, yeah." She gathers her pad and pencils and stands with you, looking a little impressed. "Let's go."
Before you can make even a couple of steps, you trip over something and go tumbling to the ground. Unfortunately, your elbow and chin take most of the fall, but you ignore it for a moment to twist and find the source of what happened.
Liam is standing above you, his foot still frozen mid-air, and he actually looks surprised. For a second, you think maybe he regrets tripping you, but then his friends are all cheering. He looks back and forth between them and then echoes their laughter, but it sounds forced - and you should know, he'd laughed around or in front of you a lot by this point.
"Are you okay?" You hadn't even noticed Ellie kneeling at your side.
You look up at her and nod, but upon seeing your face fully, she switches from concerned to pissed off. She abruptly stands, and you follow her movement until she is nearing Liam. You notice her fist is clenched, and before you can scramble up to stop her, it connects with Liam's face.
She shakes her hand after, flexing her fingers and looking down at where he now sits on the floor. "Asshole."
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The next day, you meet Ellie on the bleachers before school. "So, what's the damage? Detention?"
"Yeah, every day for a couple of weeks. But it was worth it."
"Not really. Haven't you had like a perfect record before this."
Ellie nods, and you sigh. "Ellie..."
"What? It's done, I can't take it back."
"Why did you have to hit him?" You gently prod your bruised chin, the dull ache less painful and more annoying.
"Literally, you ask me that question as you flinch and poke around your fat bruise. I fucking hit him because he hurt you."
"Ugh, it's not that bad."
Ellie rolls her eyes. "That's not the point. I don't know if you've noticed, but over the past few weeks, I've gotten kind of attached to you."
"Um..." You frown, not quite believing what you just heard, but something blooms in your stomach, sends a wave of tingles up your arms and legs. "Okay. I... don't know what to say to that."
"It's pretty simple, my oblivious friend. I've had my eye on you since you enrolled in this crappy fuckin' school. Everytime that stupid fuck said something to you I wanted to hit him. And then when you were on the floor and I saw you were hurt... I wanted to rip his face off."
"Jesus, Ellie."
"What can I say? Maybe I have some anger issues. The point is... I finished your drawing."
"What? I-" You're so confused that you laugh. "How does a drawing conclude your point in this conversation?"
"Take a look." Ellie smiles, smug, but with a hint of nervousness. She points to her notebook between you, and you take it. Flipping through the pages, you search for your drawing, and when you find it, you blush right away. "So?"
Your hand glides down the page. Ellie has drawn you with your head resting on your hand during lunch, one hand on your phone. She has even drawn the name of the game you were playing in that moment. Underneath, your name, followed by your name.
'I always thought it was kinda weird to gift someone a drawing of their own face... anyway I like you. Can I buy you dinner sometime? —Ellie :)'
You pluck the pencil from her ear and find a new page. You scribble for a minute or so, and Ellie is impatient, tapping her foot on the metal seats.
When you're done, you turn the sketchbook around. Ellie quickly reads it and then grins.
In big letters you had written, 'YES'.
Then, underneath, in much smaller writing:
'(Also, I think you're really, really hot.)'
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morallyinept · 8 months
Happy Sunday Everyone! 🖤
I've seen some of these weekly round ups floating about and think they are a really great idea, plus I relish any chance to try and stay a little bit organised at the moment. 😵‍💫
So inspiration for this totally comes from these lovelies: @rhoorl @secretelephanttattoo @sin-djarin @trulybetty @boliv-jenta to name but a few, who have been doing this long before I have. I love reading theirs.
And I love that our favourite cowboy, Jack Daniels, is going to be the star of this weekly round up that will drop on a Sunday. Whiskey's deffo one of my favourite Pedro Boys for sure, sugar. 🤠
Okay, let's whip it! Whip it good.
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This week has been a bit busy for me - ugh, adulting - but I've still managed to squeeze in quite a lot... although I'm not sure how! 😅 Thank goodness for queuing posts is all I can say!
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☆ Things I've posted this week:
• The Pit - An Ezra One Shot - This is my first time writing for my beau, Ezra (& admittedly I may have peed my pants a little when I posted it 🫣). Thank you so much to those who have left some really positive feedback after reading it! If you haven't read it yet, I'd really love you to, and would love to know your thoughts about it. 🖤
• Five Days - Chapter 2 has been released today. Woo! Again, thank you for the feedback - I'm so glad you guys are enjoying this Joel mini series of mine. I simply adore writing for him.
• The Red Tie - Dave York GIFLET - Got more GIFLETS to come for more Pedro Boys. It's so fun writing these with a limited number of words.
• This week's session of Self Care With Dieter & Jett focused on how you can overcome negativity that's aimed directly at you. With a special appearance from Joel!
• I've finally created and posted my Writing Masterlist too. I would love for you to check it out.
☆ Things I'm currently working on:
• Next installment of Five Days. (The whole story is completed, but I'm just doing the final edits & making it look pretty.)
• A spooky, smutty Halloween One Shot, featuring 3 of the Pedro Boys, to be released on Oct 31st. 🎃 I'm excited about this one.
• Final edits on a couple of One Shots I've finished for Frankie Morales, Marcus Pike & Max Phillips. I have a couple on the go that I've started drafting for other Pedro Boys too.
• Working on some sexy Christmas treats as well. 🎄
☆ Things I've read this week:
• It's Kinktober, and there are quite a few Kinktober lists I've been following. You can check them out here if you'd like. You are all so talented with this yearly theme, I love it!
• I've updated my Pedro Character Fic Rec List too this weekend, so be sure to check it out for more amazing stories from all the incredible writers featured. If I haven't come across your work yet, please let me know. I'd love to add it to the list.
A couple of fics that really blew me away this week in particular were:
You call & I come running - @chronically-ghosted Taylor has written one of my favourite Dieter stories ever, and this Javi P story is a close contender, let me tell you! I'm still not over this. If you haven't read it yet, you're missing out. (The Dieter fic in question is called I Am Touchin', I Am Grabbin', Everything I Can't Be Havin'.)
Tear You Apart - @ilovepedro This Joel story is just fang-tastic in everyway. (You'll see why I used the pun when you read it!) Joel is just incredible in this, and really shows you that age is just a number. Brilliant read.
Stargazing - @secretelephanttattoo I love everything about El's Frankie in this. It's literally the kind of boyfriend I imagine him to be IRL. 😍 This was a perfect piece of sweet loveliness in every way. I'm still mush for it.
Ouroboros - @wannab-urs Gin has made me primitively feral for Dave York after reading this. This was an incredible read, and one I highly encourage you to read as well.
The Man In Apartment 6A - @spookykoolkat This was just so sexy. I can't even describe how sexy this was. I felt like I lived in reader's apartment reading this, and would give anything for this Joel to be my neighbour. Just delicious.
Tenant Girl Cucking - @gracieispunk Gracie did a number on me this week with this latest instalment of her amazing Maintenance Man Joel series. To the point that I am still bug-eyed about it now. 🥴 I soooo look forward to how this is going to all play out. Gracie, you're a menace for this cliffhanger, but I absolutely fucking loved it!
☝🏻All of these incredible stories are listed on my Pedro Character Fic Rec List also.
Also just want to shout out to lovely @bonezone44 who has created this stunning piece of Ezra art. It's absolutely gorgeous and I am flawed by it. The likeness is incredible! I would happily buy a print of this. For real.
☆ What have I been watching/listening to this week?
I'm a massive rock chick, if I do say so myself. Any kind of rock, be it classic, punk, metalcore, heavy... you name it. 🤘🏻 My inner goth is constantly headbanging.
I recently discovered a great, fun rock song called Plan Z by Boi What. If you're a Spongebob fan, you'll recognise this as Plankton. It's basically Plankton's song with a heavy rock riff, which is fucking amazing! 😀
I finished the latest season of Sex Education last week and I love that show so much! I really loved how inclusive and diverse they were with the cast and characters in this season too.
I'm yet to start watching Ashoka - I'm keen to, but just not had the time to sit down all week and binge something. Here's hoping for some time this coming week. 🤞🏻
And I still haven't seen Strange Way of Life yet either in full 🫣 It's coming out on Mubi soon here in the UK, so I'm totally going to chomp that up when it does! You'd better believe it! I'm pining for Silva already.
☆ What have I been up to this week?
I went on a short hike yesterday - something that I'm quite passionate about. Made the most of the sunshine still clinging on here in the UK.
Before the pandemic I would hike solo very often, but since then I've become quite lazy with it, so I'm getting back into it slowly, with the view to start hiking up some mountains at some point next year. My workplace does sponsored mountain hikes for charity, so I'm keen to take part next year for sure. Lots of training to do to get in shape before then. 💪🏻
I love wandering off the beaten track, discovering something beautiful and clearing the ol' mind out for a while. It's very therapeutic. And an ideal time to think up some new stories to write! 😉
Thank you to everyone who has tagged me in things this week, and to those who have sent Asks and DM's. I'm enjoying getting to know you all and engaging with you. 😘
I think that about covers it all. I hope you're all having a lovely weekend, no matter what you're up to!
Remember, manners maketh man.
Stay kind, stay creamy peeps 🖤
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I created my video banner using a GIF of Agent Whiskey, originally by @javier-pena 🖤
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