#plus other stuff that exists and is going on in that universe
neodarkdark · 11 months
mfw I realise I spoke the word out my mouth "mainverse svern is in a worse situation than fandomless svern bc he has a determined bad end whereas fandomless svern isn't past the point of no return yet" but simultaneously made the implications of how the fandomless shadow works significantly worse than the normal pokemon one
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Apparently I can meet my goal of roughly 400,000 words in 6 months if I just somehow write at least 2,200 words a day ghbjh... Almost 2,500 today... huzzah...
#Definitely not going to be able to stick with it just due to like... being realistic about my energy levels and etc. ESPECIALLY as we#enter the Evil Summer and it becomes hot all the time. But... one can attempt.. at least...#I'm also a very slow writer since I tend to re-read and edit while I write. and only move onto the next section once what I'm writing#seems okay. Which is easy for visual novel type stuff. since ''sections'' of a conversation are more clearly marked (like if you#have a menu option with 5 different dialogue choices. finish the character's response for choice 1 before moving onto 2. etc.)#Especially since when I'm done with a whole quest I always follow it up by playing through it and picking every option and making sure it#actually all works okay and etc. So I am already going to see it all a second time. Then I can go back and reorder a few words or remove#certain sentences that don't sound natural when I read them out loud (I always read it all outloud to myself since it is... just peple#talking.. it should sound like natural dialogue in their voice. etc). But my ''first draft'' is kind of not as first drafty since I pause t#edit a lot as I go along. So it also takes longer probably than it would take other people who I think treat a first draft as more#of a loose guideline or something. AANYWAY...#80F in my bedroom right now again... huzzah... I did end up finishing and recording that sims build video before the heat wave (or is#it really a heat wave if it's just summer..?? lol) came in.. but now... augh.. the editing... plus the costume photos and all else... Much#to do as always.. Often such a long todo list.. a giant scroll hung upon the walls of the evil hermit wizard tower..#Anyhow.. I hope I can finish getting ready for bed early in time to reward myself with a game of tripeaks solitaire whilst I snack on#cheddar cheese and some of those preserved artichokes in a jar. hrgm... I actually have nasturtiums (ultimate best flower) on the#deck again this year but I had to move them all into a corner today because the leaves were getting burnt by the sun lol.. Also am now more#cautiously weaving through social media to ignore all dragon age news. NOT bc of spoilers (I actually love spoilers/literally never play#any game until there's full guides on it I can read to plan my entire playthrough based on knowing exactly what I want to happen lol + mods#and etc.) but just because I'm so busy with my ownprojects I simply do not have the brainspace to dedicate... Yes I love to think#about elves and fictional universe lore. but no.. I pretend I do not see it. Does not exist to me actually. ghgj.. OHH also took som#cool pictures of flowers in the garden section of a store and I wanted to do like.. character designs based on the colors of the flowers o#something. but that might just be another unnecessary project to add to the pile.. I want to commit to the daunting task of dyeing my#hair again some time.. hrm.. this is all of the updates I can think of. As if a bunch of random tags make up for never posting anything for#weeks on end lol.. alas.. too warm to think properly I suppose.. .. I neeeeeed a long lost relative to leave me some million dollar#estate in their will so I can have the resources to move to a colder climate or something ..augh#.. but for now.. I shall toil away in my little wizard tower trying to write 2000 something words a day whilst sweating and such ghbj
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crystalkitty1220 · 8 months
Welcome back to tumblr! Hope you enjoyed your break
It was very stressful. Ended up failing the marking period for English, but not by as much as I was failing before. Could still pull up the overall grade by the end of the semester.
#started writing a fic a few days ago. been a while since ive done that.#so far felix is very out of character but he's only gonna be the focus for the first chapter. plus i might go back and rewrite him.#maybe i should wait until the new chapter comes out tho so it's relevant to updated canon#anyway echos started brainrotting about chris in a /pos way so yeah a lot of my break has been rethinking old analysis#started to notice that he's a lot more fun if i get in the mindset that he's not poorly written he's just literally isaac's antagonist#also my siblings have been hyperfixating on DC so i watched a batman series. i think they're very disappointed in me for choosing batwheels.#snowy best vehicle#. what else#oh ive been doodling a nightmare design#been liking the idea of him and dream not being skeletons but dont wanna draw/write them as their canon human designs#because (if i'm correct) they get those designs at some point later in the story. and i don't want to confuse the timeline like that.#so ive been working on concept sketches for a less human design for them. ive also noticed that them being humans in canon actually#makes a lot of sense because the other guardians don't really have any connection between their species and it can be assumed that#whatever they are exists in the universes/multiverse they're from. so it makes sense for the twins to be humans because the utmv has humans.#. but i also like how they couldn't be given the human forms at first because of the lack of holes.#so the design im working on has gill/stripe-looking vents for the energy to come out of.#also gonna try to add little fire wisps into the design because i love their true forms so much#anyway i dont think there's been more that ive done. other than schoolwork. and watching qsmp.#oh i started working on an animatic. but i do that all the time. it'll be a bigger occasion if i finish one lol.#think im gonna still keep interaction on tumblr to a smaller scale because i wanna keep getting stuff done
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flickering-nightfall · 3 months
could you tell us more about the gift? :D
Oh, sure! I can stick some of my Gift drawing backlog in here while I'm at it~
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The Gift is an unruly creature whose presence begets chewed wires and headaches wherever it goes. It's spunky and mischievous with a penchant for violence, and it revels in its job: to kill as much rot as it can without getting eaten by it first.
It exists only in an alternate universe where Pebbles is stopped before Moon collapses. Moon is damaged but alive - and after many long talks, Pebbles begrudgingly allows the other iterators to assist him with his rot.
The Gift's campaign uses the points system with an emphasis on rot kills. The gross cyan mixture on its spears is - via interacting with their stomach, in true slugcat fashion - weird altered barf. On contact with targets, "immunospears" explode like a spore puff and damage everything Five Pebbles related within their radius. This means you can kill even Mother Long Legs with good aim and enough food pips. Unfortunately, this does also kill neurons and inspectors, so the Gift has to be a little bit careful on its path of carnage.
Notably, Gift's goal isn't to eradicate the rot, just to help control it. If there's a way to cure the rot, this one silly creature can't do it for a whole superstructure.
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It's been specially made (with love and care) by the other iterators so that Pebbles' inspectors don't target it. This is also why Pebbles won't murder it unless it shows direct violence towards him. His local group worked hard on this wretched being and they'll be very upset with him if he kills it. Plus it is actually good at its intended purpose. He just has to count the days until it keels over on its own.
Gift probably has some scavenger in there somewhere too, and maybe a bit of lizard. They're strong, but outside of fighting, I wouldn't say they're the smartest slugcat...
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I've also played with the possibility of Arti and Spearmaster existing in this timeline. It ends as well as you'd expect. (I thought it would be funny if you could team up with Spearmaster and piggyback them around as your living spear generator though.)
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There's some other stuff to the idea, such as a repeatable campaign where your strength and food requirement goes up every time you replay it, and a random pool of pearls you spawn with addressed to either Moon or Pebbles. I might go ahead and post that old campaign writeup still, so there'll be more in that!
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justficsiguess · 7 months
thinking about... yandere!batfam...
Imagine you're living your normal life and *boom*, one day suddenly a portal opens right in front of you, you fall through it, it closes right behind you. You can only make out a few vague shapes making their way towards you before you pass out.
When you wake up you're... in a bed. Surrounded by a bunch of people who introduce themselves as the Wayne family. You're in Gotham. There was some kind of portal accident with a villain and you fell here from a different dimension and you're stuck until they can figure out how to fix the portal machine, because it was broken during the fight.
Villain? Portals? Gotham? And what was this family doing there during a fight?? They explain that they're vigilantes, Batman, Nightwing, Red Hood, etc etc. They decided to tell you this because you'll have to work with them to figure out your home dimension and they didn't trust anyone else to take you in, plus this is just more efficient [and more comfortable than living in the batcave]. I haven't decided yet if you're from a dimension where they exist in comics or don't exist at all, but either way, you're really confused bc this is just not something that happens in your universe.
Anyways. You live with them now, get closer to all of them, work with them sometimes (even though you can't do much, mostly you just watch them work but they insist it's important you're there), decorate your temporary room in the manor a bit, learn some stuff about this dimension (some people have superpowers?? cool!!). You can't go outside though, they say that would be dangerous, as you're not from this dimension and not supposed to be here at all. You want to go back home, but the repairing of the portal machine seems to be very complicated, everyone keeps telling you they just can't figure it out...
One day, during a rare (very rare) moment alone, you decide to look around the manor. You still haven't seen everything in here, it's so big! After some exploration, you stumble across an interesting room that's kind of hidden away. It looks almost exactly like your new room in the manor, but dusty, with some items you remember the Batfamily proudly showing you as you were decorating your room, and becoming unreasonably disappointed when you didn't like them. But the most concerning thing is that there are pictures of you. Not new ones they took since you've been here, but older ones, where you're younger. But, no, it doesn't seem like they're pictures of you exactly, there are photos of a pre-teen you on Bruce's shoulders, that can't be you, you just met them! There are also pictures of a vigilante you've never seen before, which you figure must be this other-you as well. What happened to them? And why would everyone hide this from you?
Turns out you didn't come here from an accident with a villain at all. The Batfamily lost the other version of you somehow and decided they wanted you back. But not a strong, smart vigilante like the version of you from this universe. No, they could get hurt again, or figure out what's going on sooner and escape. They chose you, hoping they could slowly get you accustomed to the idea of staying and then one day lie to you and say they can't fix the portal machine, they can't send you back. It still hurts them to know you're not exactly like the you they lost, you were raised in a completely different way, of course you're not the same, but they'd never let you go, either. They love you.
They were hoping you wouldn't find everything out so soon... but, well, they can fight over whose fault it is that you were able to find this room later, first they need to find a way to calm you down and stop you from leaving them.
If you find yourself drugged and/or tied to your bed, don't be mad at them! You gave them no time to explain before you started panicking and trying to get away, they couldn't just let that happen!
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tarjapearce · 10 months
Hi hi! Thank you for letting me go ahead and send it through! I didn’t want to overwhelm you, that’s absolutely fine still take your time and keep taking those breaks mamas!
I’ve seen a lot of single dilf Miguel x reader but I don’t think I’ve ever read where reader was a single parent. So I was thinking reader is new to spider society and on the day she’s told to join she has to bring her baby because she didn’t have a babysitter. Well Miguel sees her and it’s like he’s instantly drawn to her like sunflowers are to the sun, sunflowers move where the sun goes and when the sun doesn’t shine they face each other (She’s kinda like his day and night if that makes sense) but instead of acting on it he dismisses her but kinda admires her and her baby from a distance.
Well one day she’s having a small part for the main group and she invited Miguel because she always felt the feelings but also dismissed them. Then after the party he stays to help and the end up getting closer and yeah. It can be nsfw I don’t mind, I also hope this makes sense it’s been in my mind for a while and you’d be so good for this!
The rest is all up to you if you decide to write it pretty girl. Just remember to take your time and all the breaks you need. Mental, physical, and emotional health is important don’t overwork yourself 💕
Im so sorry this taken me soo long. Hope this make it justice 😊❤️. Thanks for requesting dear.
If it wasn't for the webs that stopped Rhino as he was about to deliver the last blow to you, you'd be certainly gravely injured or worse.
Another Spiderwoman, clad in a red, yellow and black suit had helped you through. Both of your minds in sync, that soon earned you the win over a now unconscious Rhino.
She introduced herself as Jessica Drew. Another Spiderwoman from another universe. At first her explanation of what the Arachnohumanoid-Polymultiverse was, had your head spinning and confused, but after quite a while of visiting you on duty, and clearing up as much questions you needed, you had been officially 'invited' to join, by Miguel’s orders.
You've never met the man, but the way people talked about him, made you not only curious but excited to meet him. Everyone described him as a good yet scary boss.
"Let's go"
"Hope you don't mind?" Your nervous smile reached Jess as you packed in your child's stuff in the baby sling. A couple of diapers, extra clothes and bottles.
"Look at this beautiful boy" Jessica held him as you finished packing up stuff, "Didn't know you had one"
"Oh, well. You never asked. Plus we always met on duty. The babysitter I get for him called in sick and I have none as a back up. Hope Miguel doesn't mind."
"What about his dad?"
Your head shook softly and sighed.
"He decided to not be part of our lives."
Jessica just nodded, lips pursing.
"His loss, really. Anyways, ready to go?"
Not even in your wildest dreams you'd imagine something as The Babylon Tower or HQ as most Spiders called it, could exist. Different sort of Spiders paraded around and greeted Jess upon her arrival.
Some even greeted your toddler that cooed and giggled upon the many heroes that came his way.
"Let's get you to Miguel." Jess walked ahead and you followed, you baby's eyes wandered, marveling at the different colors and people. You'd sometimes make hamocs and web playgrounds for him to be more active. Your babysitter was the only person you could actually trust your identity, she had even helped you sometimes by calling the cops, or even fixing your suit.
Another man in a pink bathrobe approached and gasped at your baby
"Please tell me we're getting a Spider Parents exclusive division now."
You chuckled and Jess just rolled her eyes
"Sweetie, this is Peter."
"As in Peter Parker?"
"Nah. As in Peter Benjamin 'B' Parker."
"Oh... And whose that cutie over there?" Your eyes trailed to Mayday as she beamed at you.
"Mayday. A lil spider in growth"
"She has spider powers?! Oh my goodness!"
"It's chaos, I know. What about yours?"
"Normal baby so far. Should I be concerned?"
"Not really, it comes in the least unexpected moment and them BAM! Spider baby. "
You giggled as you made your way through the halls to a much more secluded and dark area.
Your baby couldn't help but babble as a hulking figure approached from the furthest corner.
"He's so dramatic" Peter whispered and again, you giggled under your mouth.
Jess introduced you both and explained your progress to him. Apparently they had been observing you for quite the time.
" I apologize for bringing my child. My babysitter called in sick."
"No problem."
Even though his voice was calm, the coldness in it made you recoil to yourself. His scrutinizing gaze fixed on you and your baby. By instinct you held him close.
Red eyes settled on yours, but the subtle stare contest was interrupted by the anomaly alarm.
As your time in the Spider Society advanced, your interactions with Miguel improved significantly, and by that it'd mean longer conversations, a joke here and there and of course moments so subtle between you both that you had to be quite analytical to know that he gave glances your way or lean to you slightly whenever speaking to him.
Not that you were inmune to his looks, but his patience stood proudly among his other virtues. And to your surprise he seemed to handle Mayday well enough. What actually made you to be drawn to him is that in one of your many occasions that you couldn't leave your baby boy alone, and brought him into HQ with you, he'd be instantly looking for Miguel.
Your cheeks would flush impossibly red as your baby clung to his leg and erupted in a bubbly laughter.
"God, I'm so so sorry, he just... seem to like the blue alot."
An airy chuckle was everything that escaped his lips. Of course there was so many questions he'd want to do out of curiosity. He had noticed you didn't wear a ring, neither talked about the baby's father. It was something he never seemed to coax out of you. No matter how subtle he was about it.
Pa pa
You both froze as your baby mumbled and grabbed a few strands of his hair.
"I'm so sorry..." You pried the baby away from him and fled the place as soon as you could. He just watched you leave, the inner turmoil in his heart was surely playing dirty. The way the baby had clung to him, and climbed ontop of his chest made his heart to leap after a long long while.
You had been avoiding him, for sure. Ever since your little incident with the baby mumbling his first words, you had taken your distance with him. Of course you weren't ready for your baby's actions, but the fear of going through all that again, had surely dismissed all possible blooming feelings you had for your boss. Besides he seemed way too busy and aloof to try and pursue anything with anyone.
Not that you blamed him, the multiverse depended basically on him. It was for the best.
The moment you were falling asleep, your Spider senses tingled so hard you had a little headache coming your way.
Dread settled on your brain as your baby boy screamed and wailed.
No No No!
You were already darting towards his room, and pulled him with one of your webs towards you, holding onto him for dear life as the creature shredded his crib to bits with its elongated talons.
Your eyes went wide at the sudden action, your baby kept wailing in fear, earning the humanoid like creature to snap it's attention to you. You were fast, but the creature was faster and sliced through your flesh in one of your sides. You fell on your back protecting your son from the impact with a groan.
You needed to get out, or at least put your baby out of danger.
Survival mode kicked in as you dodged and took as much damage as you could from the creature that seemed way too keen into hurting your child.
You fought but exhaustion was taking over, the blows of the creature only seemed harder and powerful, but no matter what your priority was to keep your child safe, even if it costed your life.
The creature pounced on you, but the final blow never came. There was a commotion as you tried to get up, all you could hear was inhuman shrieks, growlings and finally the engine of a too familiar motorcycle revving up.
Your baby was pried away from your hands and you whimpered
"N-No!" even in your injured state, your mother instinct kicked in.
Your name was called, several times until you were held against a sturdy yet warm body with such care and tenderness that stilled your thrashing body. Vision blurred, but the last thing you saw the led lights of a blue and red suit, red eyes staring at you with concern.
You woke up in HQ's medical bay. Pain surging through your body as you tried to sit down, Miguel's hand stopped you. Face with his ever permanent frown and something else. Worry.
"Where's... Where's my baby?"
"He's fine. Out of danger." His hands reached for a new set of bandages, he took your arm gently and began replacing the bandages himself, some were stained in a fresh layer of blood.
The silence fell upon you both until he decided to break it.
"You... were brave. We still don't know what that creature was, yet you didn't hesitate to fight back."
"It was going for my son... If I would've got there a second too late..." Voice broke and eyes filled up with tears.
The knot only tightened around his throat upon remembering the anomaly alarm in your world and saw you fighting for your son's life. He didn't think twice before jumping into action.
"The anomaly was terminated."
Terminated, not contained.
"I see"
"Your safety is all that matters to... this organization"
To me
You nodded
He had learned that you were a single parent thanks to Jessica. Something he had trouble understanding sometimes. How could a man abandon his own family? He'd give everything to have one more chance and at least make things right, he wouldn't interfere with Gabriella, no matter how much he'd like to, just to keep her safe and alive.
But seeing you fighting for your son, made that side of him he thought buried forever to claw back full force on him. You were a great mother that wouldn't hesitate to attack and lash out at everything that menaced your son. It was the last straw for him.
A couple of months had gone by since your incident, and as a retribution you had decided to do a small gathering. Not only to say thanks to them, but to also celebrate your son's birthday.
Wounds were properly healed thanks to Miguel's attention and cares. Music echoed through your apartment. You weren't sure he'd show up, but the invitation was delivered to him.
Your son was having the time of his life as Peter and Jess played with him. Mayday was such a great play date and everyone seemed to have a great time. A portal was open to your kitchen and Miguel stepped out. Suit underneath civilian clothes. It was weird to see him out of the blue and red suit you were always used to see.
"Hey" You smiled and he placed a little present in your hands.
"Hope he likes it."
"I'm sure he will, thanks."
Your smile turned bashful as he leaned on the kitchen counter. Your place seemed normal, cozy even. Full with your son and you pictures. One was cut out and the only trace of a man existing in your life was the forgotten hand you were oblivious in cutting out. And even so, he seemed unsure since his fingers were barely touching you or your son.
"Here." You offered a plate full of food, which he took and scarfed down.
"When was the last time you actually ate?"
His eyes locked on yours, wide by the sudden question.
"There is more if you want to."
"I don't want to overstep-"
"The rest already had their portion. And I frankly went a bit overboard with it. So it's fine."
Your baby's laughter roared from the other side, earning you a chuckle.
"I'm... sorry though"
"Him, calling you that. I know what happened and I'm sure it's not nice to just-"
"Couldn't blame a baby. Is it... ok for me to ask what happened to the father?"
"He just decided that we weren't enough for him. So he went for a new one. Away from us."
His eyebrows knit deeper and a light scowl drew in his face.
"But, it's fine. It's less of a burden knowing that you don't have to raise another man child."
He chuckled and nodded
"You're a great mother." You served him another plate but stopped when the corner of his mouth was doused in sauce. Giggling you reached for napkin and got in your tip toes.
"Excuse me" You wiped his mouth and smiled, "Sorry, can't help it"
His hand went to the back of your nape and leaned down for a kiss.
"Lo siento..." (Im sorry)
It was something that felt out of his character, he knew much, but it couldn't be helped. You had come like a little storm that turned into a hurricane in his heart. And that harrowing night where he saw you fighting with everything you had, only grounded him into allowing himself to feel and experience for once.
You got in your tip toes again and pulled him down for a kiss. There was no words needed, just a look of mutual understanding and complicity between the both. A kiss in the palm of your hand sealed up the implicit deal.
You were his now.
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swordlux · 11 days
Xiao's Lust | Xiao x Female Reader 18+
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Xiao's had about enough. He wants you. Now.
Warnings: smut, explicit content, please be 18+ to read.
He kissed you. His grip on your thigh told you how much he’d been wanting you, how much he’d been holding himself back. Up until now every kiss of yours had brought him pain. Every kiss of yours unveiled a layer of desire so deep, his centuries of existence felt infinitesimal in comparison. All these sides of himself he’d ignored for so long. You made him remember them all. You made him realize a love within himself that was larger than the universe...
*** Xiao's Longing
Xiao was feeling… restless.
He’d told himself time and time again, that he wasn’t into that human stuff. Emotions like desire, and lust didn’t plague him.
But he had this crazy urge to pin you to the floor and devour you like the sweet treat you were.
Ugh. Such thoughts of you lying underneath him were harassing his day. The more they hounded him, the more he wanted to take it out on you for making him have these thoughts. The next time he saw you, he wasn’t sure what he would do. Plus, you were such a tease. It was almost like you didn’t realize he was still a man underneath all that Yaksha. Sure, he did a good job of putting up a front, but still…
There you were again.
He had gone out for a walk to clear his head and happened to run into you, the very reason he needed to clear his head in the first place. He supposed it was his fault for choosing the streets of Liyue Harbor to settle his thoughts, but he had the feeling he would’ve run into you no matter where he went. You were looking so good, and so oblivious too, which made it worse. Why was he the only one standing here burning up like a forest fire, while you looked so happy-go-lucky as usual? He wanted to rip you away from this crowd and take you right—
Xiao’s gloved hand clenched upon his arm.
“Did you hear what I said, Xiao?”
Oh, it seemed you were talking to him.
“Why do you make me feel this way?” he said, doing his best to speak through gritted teeth. “It’s so—frustrating.”
“Never mind,” he said, relaxing to the moment at last. “What is it?”
“Oh, uhm.. Childe and Zhongli invited us to their place for dinner tonight. Did you want to go..?” A blush had come to your cheeks. It was starting to dawn on you the hidden implications behind Xiao’s random outburst.
Xiao decided to take advantage of the moment and the way he was feeling. “Again? There’s always something. It’s like these people never run out of invitations. When will I get some alone time with you?”
Right. That’s all Xiao really wanted. The reason behind his frustration. Ever since you’d proclaimed your feelings for each other—no—ever since you’ve known each other practically, you’ve always been caught up in something. Always helping someone out or going to the next event. He loved that about you, your social nature (though he didn’t understand it himself) was something he’d come to appreciate. But it was dawning on him now, never had he had any real, honest alone time with you.
No wonder he was going crazy.
“I want you. Tonight. Let me take you out, properly. I mean… I am your man, I should have priority.” He grabbed onto your arm as he said it. The little action was the most he could do to restrain all these feelings he was holding back.
“Oh, of course…” you were surprised by Xiao’s sudden show of dominance. Little to say it thrilled you. Despite his restraint, you could feel his frustration in his grip.
You never had anything against spending alone time with Xiao, of course, it’s just he’d never shown any interest. But this, this was new…
“Good,” he said. “Be ready. I’ll pick you up at 7. Dress nice. Or however you do.”
You loved the vigilant Yakhsa. That much was sure. And he loved you. The connection you experienced was unlike any other. It went deeper than the roots of Teyvat. It transcended all dimensions, all layers of time, all experiences. Your love was a truth that would stand, even if everything around you shattered into illusion.
But there was one thing you were always not so sure about…
“Yakshas. I mean, he’s basically like a god, right? Do they..? Do they have the same pleasures that humans do? I’m not sure. It feels like..”
You were talking with your friend Beidou.The pirate had docked for lunch and you called her over for an emergency meeting before your date with Xiao. As you played over the situation in your head your cheeks flushed, and you rambled on.
The reliable pirate put her steady hands on your shoulders. “Slow down,” she said. “What you’re telling me is that you haven’t done the deed yet? And how long have you been dating now?”
You explained the situation, including how Xiao was acting today.
Beidou let out a boisterous laugh. “Haha! Sounds like he has the hots for sure. So? Are you ready for it?”
“I don’t know… I thought I was, but facing the reality of it... I’m terrified! I feel like a schoolgirl about to lose her virginity!”
She laughed again. “Well let me know how it goes. Even I’m curious to know what’s up with those adepti. That would be an interesting tale to tell at sea for sure.”
Ignoring that, you said goodbye to your friend and proceeded to head back to your lodgings to get ready, your confusion still rumbling in your head. If it were anyone else, any other man, you’d know for sure his words came with the usual implications. But this was Xiao, did he even…
I want you. Tonight.
Did that mean…? Did he mean..?”
No. You couldn’t imagine it. You had, of course, on many occasions, but you couldn’t actually picture the vigilant Yaksha giving into his desires. I mean, he was so… vigilant. You could totally picture him coldly saying, “We don’t need to do that,” not realizing how he would actually hurt you in the process. That was why you’d never made the first move yourself. That type of rejection from Xiao would rip you in two.
Xiao was never intentionally mean or cold, as you learned the more you got to know him, that was just his way of putting up boundaries that no one could cross, so he wouldn’t face the guilt of having something he didn’t believe he deserved. It was different with you. Slowly but surely he was letting you in. But still, there were still some topics you were afraid to touch.
But then… why did he sound so serious when he said it? And why did he look so… frustrated? As if he was holding himself back from doing some very dangerous things. You’d have to find out when the Yaksha came to pick you up for your very overdue alone time.
It was getting worse. With the confirmed date, Xiao was about ready to explode.
Why did he settle on a time? He wanted you this instant. He should’ve just pulled you aside and—
Enough. He had to get serious about this. He wanted to take you out properly like you deserved. But what could he plan at such a last minute? He was never good at this sort of stuff. You were always the one surprising him. Not to mention, he would have to pick someplace where the two of you wouldn’t be bothered. If you went to any of the nice, expected places, you were sure to run into someone who would want to have something to do with you. It’d be best to go to a place with no people. But was there such a place that matched your brilliance?
He finally settled on an idea. It wasn’t spectacular enough, as he realized nothing would when compared to the brightness you’d brought into his life. But at least it would be something. A first step. And then tonight, he could… he could...
His cheeks flushed. His heart drummed against his chest. The vigilant Yaksha was about to do something he hadn’t done in a long time.
You got ready, dressing in a little bit fancier version of your usual traveling clothes, then waited for Xiao at the outskirts of Liyue Harbor, at the rock where you watched fireworks together the year the vigilant Yaksha entered your life. He never specified a location to pick you up, but Xiao had this special way of finding you.
“You’re here.”
Despite your confirmed relationship status, Xiao had this way of sounding surprised every time you followed up on a promise with him.
You turned to the warm sound of his voice, and as usual, your heart surprised you with the amount that it could feel.
Xiao stood there, with an innocent, vulnerable glow in his beautiful amber eyes. The evening all of a sudden felt very warm, the air around you picked up the scent of roses.
Xiao held out his hand. “And you look wonderful. As always.”
You took his hand gladly. “Where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
Xiao whisked you away. His efficient Yaksha ways of transport always caught you off guard, and you found yourself dizzy upon landing.
Once your head caught around you found yourself on the top of Mount Aocang.
In the middle of the sunset-lit setting was a table, romantically decorated and set up with the finest display of cuisines.
“I wanted to take you somewhere I was certain we wouldn’t be disturbed. Cloud retainer is looking out for us. She promised not to intrude. I had chef Yanxiao prepare all your favourite meals for you, as well as a few surprises I thought you’d like.”
“It’s… it’s perfect. Thank you, Xiao.” You turned to thank him.
His cheeks flushed. He avoided your direct gaze. “Afterwards, I thought… we could go back to my room at Wangshu. I’m afraid even this isn’t enough alone time for me.” He bravely met your eyes.
Your heart accelerated when you saw the meaning in them.
“S-sure,” you said.
Eating was difficult. You wanted to relax and enjoy the meal but ever since Xiao brought up his room, your heart was pounding like a deranged moth trapped inside a batting cage.
You kept looking at Xiao for more hints of what he planned for the evening, but his usual stoic face was displaying no signs of his earlier frustration.
You decided you were overthinking things and were beginning to relax when Xiao’s gloved hand found your thigh.
“I hope this is enough,” he said with a warm squeeze. “I apologize for the rush. It’s just… I want you to know how I feel about you. More than anything. That’s why tonight is important.” You could see all the loving in his eyes as he gazed at you. You were certain, were it not for that amber gaze holding you in place, you would’ve fallen right off the edge of Mount Aocang.
“Xiao..” you wanted to lean forward and kiss him.
He looked down at your plate, then smirked and sat back. “Eat up. I will exercise my patience while you finish your meal. But after that, I’m afraid I won’t be able to hold myself back anymore.”
There was only one thing he could mean by that.
Your hand trembled as you attempted to finish off the rest of your meal.
When did the Yaksha get so bold?
When you finally got to the inn Xiao stepped inside his room for a moment to set things up.
Outside, the cool of the night was getting inside the sleeves of your blouse, tickling up goosebumps on your skin. You looked out at the hills of Tevyat, breathing in the sweet smell of Silk flowers in the distance. Would tonight mark a significant turning point in your existence?
Xiao opened the door.
You jumped. You were already feeling hot with thoughts of him.
“Sorry about that, I had to fix up a few things. You can come in now.”
Nervous, your heart pounding as fast as a getaway train, you stepped inside.
The room was gorgeous.
Xiao had lit candles all along the lengths of the walls, something you were sure would’ve been a fire hazard, but in the yaksha’s care was nothing to be worried about. There were qingxin petals on the floor, lifting the room with a light sweet scent. But the most intoxicating thing was the smell of Xiao that radiated warmly over everything.
This was where the Yaksha spent his time when he wasn’t slaying demons. It felt so intimate. If you could bet, he’d probably never let anyone in here before.
In the middle of it all was his bed. King-sized, with white sheets that seemed to glow angelically in the muted candle-lit space.
“I meant what I said earlier, about not being able to hold back…” Xiao approached you. Touching you very delicately at first, he found your waist, his other hand tucking a strand of loose hair behind your ear. “I have a bath prepared for you if it gets too much.”
Your knees squeezed together at his touch. Xiao still hadn’t outright expressed it, but there was no denying what he meant now.
He gazed upon you like a painting in a museum, his eyes not holding back their desire as they trailed up and down your body.
Xiao wanted you.
A smirk came to his lips. He exhaled a breath that you felt on your skin.
“You should know, this is not in my usual repertoire of things. But, well… you’ve awakened some things in me.”
“I don’t know how it will be. For us Adeptus, engaging in these things can get sort of intense. Our power transmutes to the sexual realm of course. If I’m not able to stop myself…”
“Please Xiao, you should know by now. I can handle anything.”
His hand squeezed on your arm. “Can you?” he said, a tease edging into his sincere voice.
He pulled you in close to him. Then he kissed you. Delicately. Gently. Seductively. It was a kiss that promised more. So much more.
You melted into it.
“Ah, I’ve been wanting this for so long…” He gripped the back of your head and kissed you deeper.
You gasped into his lips. Your knees were driving into each other. It was all you could do not to explode with the tension.
His arm slipped behind your waist, locking you against his hard body. His fingers dug into your hip bone, causing you to yelp with the sensation.
When you pulled away your cheeks were flushed. A trail of saliva dripped between you.
It was just one kiss, but it had sent your body on a whirlwind trip through the mountains. You were heating up fast. You both wanted each other so bad.
Xiao saw the look in your eyes and practically dragged you toward the bed.
He threw you onto the covers, his kisses getting more intense, his tongue digging deep into your mouth.
You tangled your tongue with his, gasping as his fingers tickled your neck.
His free hand traveled down your body and pinned your hips to the bed. You gasped again. His lips traveled to your neck and decorated it with deep kisses.
You groaned, your legs clenching, you desired all of him this instant.
“Did I say it?” he said. “How I want to show you how I feel?” His voice was like honey butter. You were so in love with it. It just made you want him even more.
You surrendered into the bed and allowed yourself to be kissed by him.
You couldn’t take it anymore. You reached up and bit his lips.
He hissed, his grip clenching on your hip. You could feel him shaking, an earthquake of desire above you.
“You—you’ll pay for that.” He tore at your clothes.
The fabric ripped easily in his ravenous grip.
Xiao tossed your ripped garments to the side and looked down at you.
A feral noise came from his throat that even he couldn’t control. He took to your neck again, then began traveling down your bare body.
“Ah—god M/C, you’re so beautiful… I could enjoy you all day.” He sucked on your nipple, turning it hard in his mouth, then made his way down to your belly button, leaving wet, sparkling kisses along the way.
He felt outside the fabric of your panties. “You know, I always wondered what you felt like,” he said.
You arched your back as Xiao slipped his fingers inside, feeling your wetness.
He played around with the inside of you, then slipped his fingers up to your clit, where he rubbed a slow, wet circle.
Xiao smirked. “I thought about picking up some lube, but it seems you’re wet enough on your own.”
“Xiao..” you grab at him, fingers clawing into his shoulders, dragging him up. “Do me. Do what you’ve been wanting to do with me.”
“Ah.. are you ready?”
You nodded impatiently and reached down to his crotch.
He was hard against the soft loose fabric of his pants. You tugged at them. With his help, you relieved his body of its entrapments.
You felt the wetness between your legs growing as his naked body leaned above you.
His naked body was like a sculpture. You’d been teased in the past by the way his tight clothing hung to his abs. You’d thought you’d had an idea of how sexy he was, but seeing him up close like this was a whole other level.
You felt down the hard surface of his body, then reached for his exposed fuck device.
His dick was smooth, you ran your fingers up his base, then played with the sensitive surface of his tip. He was already dripping precum. You brought your finger to your mouth and tasted it.
“M/C—” he gasped, losing all control at your touch. Despite how tough he played it, you knew, it had been years, maybe even decades since anyone had touched him down there.
You had him. Even the strongest Yaksha wouldn’t be able to resist the pleasure.
You felt his girth in the palm of your hand.
With a quick intake of breath, Xiao grabbed your hand and pulled it away, pinning it to the bed.
“If you want it—that badly—” He adjusted himself on top of you, then desperately guided his dick toward your entrance. He shifted around, feeling for your opening. “—then I’ll have to show you—how I feel…”
He entered you.
Fireworks flashed before your eyes. You felt your stomach in your throat as his length filled you.
You opened your legs wider for him.
The moans that escaped his mouth were so raw—so natural.
He shifted his hips, entering you deeper, letting out a grunt.
You felt your energies merging, you felt all of him—his depth, his intensity, his karma—his passion that went so deep it threatened to drown you.
You tried to moan his name but the sound came out choked. You were overloaded with the fullness of him.
His hand clenched the bedsheets beside your head, the cords in his arm pulsing. “Is it—okay?” he asked.
“Mm—” you bit your lip, he was flooding you with a fire. You could see him holding back for your sake, you wanted him to know you could handle it. “Yes,” you gasped. Your eyes telling him, you would.
He started slowly. Thrusting into you with a melodic rhythm.
“Oh god…” he moaned. The crease between his brow was trembling, his eyes squeezed in pleasure. “M/C, I…”
He collapsed forward, thrusting into you faster. He rasped into your chest until a rhythm took hold he could no longer control.
He fucked you harder. Deeper. Each thrust sent a hurricane through your body.
You moaned and writhed under him.
“M/C,” his voice was raw, he was on the verge of tears. “You feel so good, it’s not even fair.”
You squeezed him with your legs.
He kissed you. His grip on your thigh told you how much he’d been wanting you, how much he’d been holding himself back. Up until now every kiss of yours had brought him pain. Every kiss of yours unveiled a layer of desire so deep, his centuries of existence felt infinitesimal in comparison. All these sides of himself he’d ignored for so long. You made him remember them all. You made him realize a love within himself that was larger than the universe. If his love for you was this real, this deep, he shouldn’t be allowed to have it. Yet here he was, fucking you—feeling the warm wetness of you around his dick, finding himself wanting more and more of you, finding the back of his head tingling as he indulged the pleasure, wanting to dive even further into his love. If you were really all his and there was nothing he could do about it, he would make damn sure to surpass your expectations.
He devoured every inch of your being as he fucked you even harder. Then with a surge of confidence, he spread your legs apart and hiked your hips off the bed, holding you up with his pure strength. He drove into you, this new angle allowing him to access deeper parts of you.
You moaned. It was so pleasurable for him to hear.
Sweat drenched his body, but he didn’t care. He would show you what it meant to be one of the world’s strongest Yakshas. You said you could handle it, after all.
He pushed himself past his limits of stamina. He flipped you and fucked you from all different angles. Your wild gasps and moans were like signs on a highway he was speeding down. He didn’t care how good you felt, he would make you feel better.
All the while his dick was alive with sensations. Each thrust sent a wave of pleasure through his shaft that was unlike anything he’d experienced. He gripped your thighs tighter. He wanted to throw his head back and cry out.
You felt so fucking good. He didn’t know something so simple, so human could feel this amazing.
You were so warm, so wet, so...
God, he couldn’t fuck you hard enough.
He’d felt his orgasm the minute he entered you but had been holding it off this whole time. Now it pulsed and raged against his dick, begging to be let out.
Fuck… he wanted to…
He gripped your head.
“Xiao—deeper,” you moaned.
Oh, gods that almost made him come. His whole body was trembling as he fought off the orgasm.
S-so… good…
“More—?” he panted. His voice was raw, his throat hoarse.
You whimpered. Giving your answer in the lacerations you clawed into his back.
He bit his tongue and fucked you past his limits.
“Oh god M/C, I’m going to—” He couldn’t hold it any longer.
The milky-sweet orgasm surged up and out of his dick.
He pulled out of you just in time and ejaculated all over your body.
His cum was wet and sticky.
He remained above you for a few moments as the orgasm still took hold of his body.
His brain tingled.
You stroked his softening dick gently. Even that felt good.
“M/C…” he panted. “I’ll clean up. Wait there.”
He went to fetch a towel, and when he came back you were lying there on the bed, cheeks pink and hot, looking at him with red love in your eyes. You were so beautiful. Gosh he was so grateful to have you.
His heart clenched as he cleaned you up.
You reached out and stroked his arm. “Xiao,” you said, “I love you.”
“M/C… I love you too. More than you could ever know.” He leaned forward and kissed you. Then the two of you fell back onto the bed, your cooling bodies quickly finding each other.
As Xiao lay there, he realized the truth of the sentence. There was no way you could know. Nothing on the physical plane of existence would allow him to transmute all these feelings he felt toward you. There would be many more nights of him showing you how he felt before you would begin to grasp the depths of his love for you.
That was alright. He smiled to himself. This was a challenge he was more than willing to take on. Even if it was impossible, he would never stop showing you how much he loved you. Even if it took all of eternity for you to finally understand.
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balioc · 4 months
Oh, boy! It's Education Theory o'Clock again!
...I have a lot of thoughts on this topic. At some point, when I'm less busy and tired, I should probably try to write them up. Natively, I'm one of the school-is-a-nightmare-prison people, like so many others in this little discourse-sphere -- but I'm married to a middle school teacher, so I regularly encounter both the good arguments from the other side and the facts on the ground, and those things have altered my perspective somewhat.
But I am, in fact, busy and tired. So for now I'll just content myself with saying:
School is an institution that serves many, many, many purposes at the same time. A lot of those purposes are load-bearingly important. (A couple of years ago, I wrote this about college, and...it's double-plus true for primary and secondary schools.) If you don't try to account for all of that stuff in your theory of What School Is and How School Works, you will generate incoherent garbage thoughts. If you have a New Concept for school entailing top-down design that is optimized for a single function (like "increasing test scores" or "causing kids to love learning" or whatever), you'd better have a plan for how you're going to do all the other important things that schools do. And even if you think that some of those things aren't actually important or necessary, you'd better have a plan for dealing with all the people who disagree. Because...
...school, as it exists today, is an inherently political institution. Both in the "soft" sense that everyone has strong opinions about what it's supposed to do and how it's supposed to work, and in the "hard" sense that it is actually controlled by democratically-accountable governments. (This is double-plus true in the US, where it is controlled by local governments, and therefore doesn't even have the protective insulation of a massive bureaucracy.) Everything about the way schools work is a compromise brokered amongst ideologues and self-dealers. Everything about the way schools work involves a lot of decision-makers trying not to get yelled at by the yelliest people around. If you're looking for elegant purpose-driven top-down design, you won't find it. You could probably make a case that any elegant purpose-driven top-down design would be better than the thing we actually have, but getting there would require finding a way to remove the political element.
Most importantly: public schools are (1) compulsory, (2) universal, and (3) for children. [People who are legally children, anyway, whether or not they are actual children in whatever sense matters to you.]
This means that they cannot let students leave, and they have to keep control of all the students that they aren't allowing to leave.
In the most literal not-a-judgment-but-a-fact sense, they are indeed prisons. They are coercively keeping people inside. They have to do that thing, as per their most fundamental mandate within the current system. The alternatives involve letting kids run around unsupervised, and/or failing to give some kids even the most cursory kind of education, and those things are absolute non-starters under present conditions.
All the normal institutions-for-adults operate on the principle of -- If you really don't want to be here, you can leave, and deal with whatever consequences there may be for leaving. This is not an option for schools, and that fact accounts for...everything.
Classroom structure is built around the necessity of keeping the most-hostile, least-engaged student in the class present and supervised, and then trying to prevent him from disrupting things for everyone else. Because the obvious solution that any other institution would use -- "just cut him loose, he doesn't want to be here and we don't want him here" -- isn't available.
(I once talked to my wife about the rationed bathroom access thing, which is one of the most flagrant nightmare-prison aspects of the school experience. Her response was, "If you let kids use the bathroom whenever they want, as much as they want, then you don't have mandatory universal education anymore. Some of them will never return to the classroom, because they don't want to be there." Which is...obviously true.)
So you have something that replicates many of the features of prison, because it has to accomplish the same basic tasks that prison accomplishes. Yay, Foucault.
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astraerystarr · 2 months
Optimus Prime x Megatron fic recs!!
HII AGAIN, I had to delete my old account @numbraerys so I'm reuploading this rec list, sorry about the mess but I'll make the rec a little prettier this time ^^
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Homesick For A Memory by Eisengrave, Maelikki [M, 9k w., Bay Movies]
Even Primes can lose their faith. But sometimes, their failed Protectors make good on their word given long ago.(weird little fixit for AoE because we stan a protective Megatron and an Optimus who is finally tired of his human hamsters. Also, homecoming.)
~ugly crying, screaming on my pillow, rolling around on the floor
The Silver Lining by GeminiWishes [Teen and up, 38k w., Transformers Animated 2007]:
After Optimus was expelled from the Autobot Academy, he had no sense of what to do or where to go. Desperate for purpose, he ends up on a mining crew that travels the galaxy. But when their ship is attacked, Optimus' life will change forever.
Whether or not he'll be able to handle those changes is yet to be determined.
~I ran around my room on all fours reading this
Some Kind Of Forever by auri_mynonys (FAVE) [E, 8625 w., TFP]:
A chance meeting in a bar near the Pits brings Orion Pax and Megatronus together.
~I freaking love this fic, I'm so glad it was one of the first I ever read
Adeste Fideles by Legitconcrusher (FAVE) [Teen and up, TFP, 57,632+ w, ongoing]:
“Oh, indulge me, Optimus. How many times have you answered your desire’s calls to walk among these pitiful creatures…in the flesh?”
In which Optimus shares with his greatest foe, and former friend - Megatron, the one time a year he allows himself to feel amid the throes of their War within a Christmas market.
The angsty slow burn Christmas AU no one asked for.
~absolutely wonderful to read and incredible writing♡♡♡♡
Gaining Perspective by Dragonlingdar [Teen and up, BayVerse, 105,732 w., Ongoing]:
Megatron and Optimus are turned into humans by a prototype weapon Starscream uses against them. In order for Megatron to get his revenge and Optimus to free himself of Megatron, they must reclaim their original bodies. However, will they still be Optimus Prime and Megatron by the time they do?
~I hyperfixated on this fic for a whole month after finishing it
Contact by auri_mynonys (FAVE) [E, 98,747 w., TFP]:
Orion Pax knows there's a word for what Megatronus means to him. He just can't quite put his finger on what it is.
Which is probably how he missed the moment where he asked Megatronus to marry him.
~Slow Burn♡♡♡♡♡
Plus One by auri_mynonys [E, 64,631 w., TFP]:
Megatronus has a party to attend. A high-caste date will lend him status in the eyes of his fellow gladiators, and Orion Pax is all too happy to play the part…
~this fic was infuriating to read, I loved every second of it
Songs Of Metal And Sparks by EbonyAura [Teen and up, 58,741 w., Rock n' Roll AU, TFP]:
Imagine the Transformers Prime universe where war is nonexistent, and instead of the Autobot and Decepticon factions, it's the Autobot and Decepticon rock bands.
Imagine that both bands are nearly world famous, yet have no idea the other exists.
Imagine that Cybertron's festival of music is approaching, and with it, the chance for a lucky upcoming band to go on a world tour.
Imagine that both bands, ecstatic for the chance to finally reach world fame, are going to the festival.
~this cured my teenage heart that didn't get to read nice cute stuff like this
Optimus Prime Is Destined To Die!! by Chuzilllaa (FAVE) [G, 169k+ w, ongoing]:
Orion Pax is your typical archivist from a functionalist free universe and lives a peaceful life, but after dying tragically in a transport incident he’s reincarnated as Optimus Prime of the hit action novel Songs of the Spark, the beautiful but aloof eldest prince of the Prime lineage…who is a pathetic side character doomed to die a tragic death at the hands of the tyrannical Duke Megatron.
Of course his darling little brother Rodimus Prime is the precious hero and puts an end to Megatron’s reign, but Orion has no intention of dying a pathetic death! No! Not again! He wants to live damnit! So begins the attempts of a pax-turned-prime turning over a new leaf in the hope of living another day. Little does he know there’s a bit more to Optimus than a pathetic side character…
~I love this fic so. damn. much.
Lunch Date by Chuzilllaa [Teen and up, 6,000+ w, Earthspark, crack]:
With a new cafe opening at G.H.O.S.T headquarters, Optimus invites Megatron to try something new.
~fluffy and funny♡♡♡
At First Sight by Lyricality (FAVE) [M, 27,000+ w.]:
Optimus is the last of the Primes; Megatron is the greatest of Kaon's gladiatorial warriors. Their shared destiny - Optimus is certain - just needs a push in the correct direction.
~help I got obsessed with this fic and I can't get out
To give (in) by 0 (only_elsewhere) (FAVE) [M, 10,000+ w, Earthspark]:
After the war, Optimus confesses.
Victory Condition by astolat [E, 37,000+ w, TF Gen1]
“Do you want me to tell you a story?” Megatron said mockingly. “You won’t like it, Prime. It’s not a very nice one.”
~cave in fic with poetry and the heart wrenching story of Megatron's origins - my beloved
Cooking Off by zuzeca [E, 2000 w., IDW G1]:
Megatron and Optimus find themselves in an awkward position and learn some extremely personal information about each other.
~ Good reading ;3
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jade-jini · 9 months
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Genre: fluff. Childhood best friends, not exactly romantic yet but there’s something there -
Warning: none bro. Reader is lowkey golden retriever puppy coded, don’t blame me-
Had in mind a spicier thing for Chaewon but first I wanted to do my first one about my girlie<3 but I’m still gonna post wonie’s one later. Might want to turn it into a little series of os in the same universe.
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-You guys are actually childhood friends.
-Used to play together and go into feral mode, very energetic kids.
-Whenever you guys got hurt during one of your adventures, you would always clean each other’s tears and get a bandage with cute designs. That, plus little kiss in the affected zone and you were as good as new!
-eventually tho, when middle school ended and high school began, Yunjin started to become closer too with other kids (the fimmies) who were rather well mannered, so she eventually toned it down a bit until she became such a model student that they all became the student council.
-I mean she looked happy, and you were happy for her fr, and it’s not like you guys stopped talking. You just missed your partner in crime from time to time tbh. You have feelings too Cmon.
-You’re not actually a bad person, as some might think because of the amount of times you’re sent to detention. (Even some of the big intimidating kids like you and told you if you ever have a problem they’ll beat the sht outta people wheidjfod cute).
-And you’re not trying to create problems for yourself nor others, it’s just your excess of energy sometimes makes you be a little impulsive and don’t stop to use some reasoning.
-Like that time that your friend and you got into a heated and serious argument about the best gummy flavor since they kept saying green and you were like ??? Freakin green when blue and red exist???
-One thing lead to another and you ended up causing a food battle.
-Worth it tho ‘cause you
-1. Got supported by majority and red flavor (PAPA-PALGANMAT) won. And
-2. You got sent to the principal’s office who decided your detention would be in the student council’s office.
-Which meant you could spend some time with Jen and also the rest of the girls.
-They do actually like you, specially Eunchae, who was their youngest member.
-She likes how carefree and energetic you are and sees you as one of her role models like the rest of her older friends (even when chaewon tells her not to)
-Chaewon, as the student council president, of course has a liiiittle bit of a love-hate relationship with the cute little menace who can’t seem to get tired of running around school creating chaos nskdndjd. Here here.
-She’s always scolding you.
-And Yunjin too, when she gives in and joins you in your antics.
-She‘s never mean, she does it ‘cause she cares for her best friend’s other best friend and for her school.
-Sometimes tho, she might get a little too intense, and lowkey hurt your feelings without meaning to or realizing.
-But Yunjin and Sakura always remind you is with 0 bad intension, she just gets too much into stucon pres mode.
-Y’all are cool tho.
-now for the actual main topic of this Lmao
-Having a best friend in the student council actually be having its advantages hsjdnckd
-Since you seem unable to stay away from trouble, you often have Yunjin to your rescue.
-whether it is to talk to the professors, or even the principal!
-She always convinces them to not give you heavy punishments that might seriously affect your record.
-And she always gets you out of detention early.
-Except when you stop her from it for two reasons.
-First is ‘cause you’re having fun with the actual bullies in the detention uenrdjfn. Making jokes or talking about stuff you guys like. She just looks at you like “…Are you serious” and everybody just looks at her and shrugs, The Office style.
-And second is when your detention is in the student council office, then you stay there with her.
-Initially she tells you to be quiet and work on your class work ‘cause she has to focus on the papers on her desk.
-But then you start talking to her with the excuse that you need help (bs Ofc)
-Then the classwork questions turn into small talk
-Then that small talk goes into intense talk
-And you guys are just being loud making jokes and just laughing together while throwing paper balls to each other.
-Until Sakura or God forbids Chaewon tells you guys to stop playing around and finish both your work for class/ stucon responsibilities.
-Her mom still adores you. To her, you’re still just that energetic kid who would always bring a big smile into her dear daughter’s face.
-Her dad tho-
-Listen he doesn’t hate you but he doesn’t exactly LIKES you neither anymore bdjdndk
-He’s just protective with his kid and doesn’t want her getting into trouble. He’s never too mean or anything but sometimes (specially when it comes to his ears that you got in trouble again) he might make comments that aren’t exactly nice.
-But Jen’s mom is always there to defend you from her husband tho, and after a short awkward moment, things are ok (for now at least).
-Her uniform always ends up a mess when she lets go of her calmed self and you get a glimpse of her old self.
-It’s still there, and it’s not like she’s pretending to be somebody she’s not. She is who she is.
- “People grow up and change a little, it happens to everybody. Even to you.” She said. And you know it’s true. And you’re ok with it. Getting a little nostalgic about your childhood together is not a bad thing. And again, you guys are still good friends and you love and appreciate each other, even if you grew up to be slightly different (or maybe not) people.
-Seriously if it wasn’t for her who knows where you’d be right now, at juvenile or something. Get yo sht together bro.
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1.) From the beginning, she only existed to be Anakin's love interest and Luke and Leia's mother. Although she's an important political figure in all three prequels, her characterization in being Anakin's crush/maternal figure in Phantom Menace, Anakin's love interest in Attack of the Clones, and Anakin's wife and baby mama in Revenge of the Sith. She literally dies of a broken heart when Anakin turns to the dark side in RotS, right after giving birth to the twins, because her whole purpose in that movie was to motivate Anakin's fall and be the twins' incubator. What's more, she didn't even know she was carrying twins until after Luke was born because George Lucas apparently gave no thought to what prenatal care would have been like in a universe with futuristic technology despite the whole main plot revolving around Anakin thinking Padme was going to die in childbirth. There was also a subplot cut from RotS where Padme helped found the rebellion with Bail and Mon and then goes to Mustafar to kill Anakin after he falls, but it was apparently deemed not important enough to keep.
2.) Her characterization was drastically forgotten about in the prequel films in favor of her husband's (despite her being one of three main characters in the prequel franchise). She went from queen of an entire planet to a senator of a galaxy-wide political body to dying of a broken heart. She does not question the actions of those close to her despite them contradicting her character morals (which her character was built on!!). Plus, she is rarely mentioned outside of the animated series. The show, Kenobi, doesn't even mention her name, only that she was essentially kind and brave. Also, she was not approached for a cameo in any of the largest related media while the men have.
3.) oh boy. she basically dies because apparently George Lucas doesn’t realize that women’s healthcare exists??? like you could argue that she wouldn’t have died if she just had an OBGYN. in 2/3 of the movies she’s basically just used as a tool for the main male character’s development. then there’s this whole plotline in The Clone Wars (aka TCW) series where there’s all this gross stuff with her ex who literally tries to kiss her when she’s actively saying no, then her husband proceeds to lowkey victim blame her??? it’s just so unnecessary. I could go on
BUMBLE (WARRIOR CATS) (CW: Domestic Abuse)
1.) Back with another Warriors submission, I bet you’ll be getting a lot from other people too LMAO. Bumble is a kittypet (housecat) who befriends the male protagonist Gray Wing’s girlfriend, Turtle Tail, and lets her stay in her house. This gets Gray Wing all pissy because he’s controlling of Turtle Tail and shares most of the wild/clan cat’s proclivity for looking down upon kittypets. Turtle Tail gets pregnant by another kittypet, Tom, who tries to control her by hiding the fact that humans take away kittens after they’re born. Eventually Bumble comes clean about it so Turtle Tail returns to the forest. Some time later, Bumble is found in the forest seeking refuge because Tom has been physically abusing her, scratching her where the humans can’t see. So, she’s CANONICALLY ACKNOWLEDGED as a domestic abuse victim (unlike Squirrelflight who meets all the textbook signs but the narrative and authors deny it). How do you think our good guy protagonists, i.e. Gray Wing “The Wise” and Turtle Tail, respond to an abuse victim seeking refuge? They tell Bumble to go home, thinking to themselves that she’s fat and soft and therefore would be useless in their group. Bumble stands up for herself and asks to speak with the leaders of the group. One of them asks if Bumble could just get along with Tom better (bro???) and when Bumble says it’s not within her control, the leader suggests being nicer to the humans instead. Another rival leader butts in and verbally abuses Bumble again by ripping into how fat and lazy and useless she would be. Despite Turtle Tail having been friends with Bumble and Bumble had helped her through her own hard times, to Gray Wing’s approval Turtle Tail chooses not to intervene as Bumble is forcibly escorted back to her abuser. But that’s not all. Later Bumble is found in the forest maimed and dying, and it seems likely that Gray Wing’s brother Clear Sky, a male with a long history of violence, is the culprit. Rather than mourn the dying innocent cat, Gray Wing’s primary concern is how other cats might be mean to Clear Sky if they think he’s a murderer, and reassures himself that refusing to help Bumble in her time of need was still the right decision.
2.) I have no idea how she managed to be written so horrifically from an abuse victim and woman (/she-cat I guess) standpoint but here we are. Okay so my memory is a bit fuzzy but basically Bumble was a character in Dawn of the Clans and a close friend to Turtle Tail, a major character, as well as a character who lived close to Tom, an abusive dickhead of a cat. Bumble was largely depicted as just a really sweet cat. Turtle Tail was very briefly the mate of Turtle Tail, but once she got pregnant, he became super violent towards both her and our gal Bumble. Tom actively hid the fact that, once her kits were old enough, Turtle Tail’s kits would probably be taken from her, and made Bumble keep quiet about this too, but Bumble eventually told Turtle Tail the truth, Turtle Tail left and Tom became extremely violent towards Bumble because of this, and was extremely abusive towards her. Eventually, Bumble ran away from him to where Turtle Tail and co were and begged to stay, since the wilderness as a whole was genuinely more safe than being around Tom was. Naturally, this meant kitty xenophobia from cats who had only arrived in that area recently, because everybody was insistent than, since she was a kittypet/house cat, things wouldn’t work out, and even her friend Turtle Tail denied her on this, insisted she was too soft to live in the wild and only sent her towards a cat Bumble wanted to convince because she was absolutely certain she’d be denied. Also our good old protagonist Gray Wing got to spend this scene being all upset about this soft cat wanting to join them to escape an abuser and was all bitter about the fact that Turtle Tail lived with her for a short period of time, and he also got to have a sweet romantic moment with Turtle Tail after denying an abuse victim an escape from her abuser. Also as much as I like Tall Shadow usually she sucked ass in the following scene because she was essentially telling Bumble to go find a way to make peace with Tom as if she was not the one being abused (Bumble pointed out that Tom was the one who would need to make peace for it to happen, not her) and that she should just make life better by going back to being a housecat and being spoiled despite the fact that she was actively at risk with her owners because of Tom. Then she leaves after being threatened by several cats there and is called soft on the way out. The next time she appears she is literally dying, and her death is just a plot device to create a stupid little mystery which is solved in a very stupid way. Also her abuser does continue to be a shithead and for some reason is fully permitted to kidnap his own children but he also gets a heroic death and the only reason I will not rant more about him is because this is too long already. Long story short Bumble deserves the world and everybody who decided not to let her escape her abuser just because they thought she was soft sucks
3.) Is nice to the group of starving, feral wild cats that left the mountains so their friends and family could have more food to eat and befriends one of them to the point of opening her home to her after she leaves the group because the guy she likes is too dumb to notice she likes him and keeps falling for his brother’s love interests.
Unfortunately, because Bumble is a house cat who lives in a house with people and not a Wild and Free cat, this is a grave and horrible crime (luring a wild cat into the safety and comforts of domesticity) and is villainized for the rest of the arc, including for things wildly out of her control
Her owners taking in an aggressive male cat that bullies and abuses the two female cats already living there
When Bumble’s friend leaves and goes back to the wild cats, Bumble leaves her home (as the abuse as has gotten worse) to see if she could either get help or have her friend return so the abuse isn’t as bad again)
Bumble eventually dies in the wild because the feral cats all hate her for ‘stealing’ their friend and tricking her into becoming a kittypet for awhile and refuse to help Bumble adjust to wild life or even teaching her how to hunt.
They are littl e to no hard feelings at her death beyond 'good riddance’ but the aggressive tomcat that chased her out of her home is later regarded with good feelings and regret at such a 'good, heroic cat’ passing when he dies despite him literally never doing a good or kind thing in his life and actually causing trouble for the wild cats right before dying
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deep-space-netwerk · 10 months
Alright, so, black holes right?
Most people have probably seen this astOUNDING image of the black hole at the center of the M87 galaxy - the first real picture of a black hole.
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It may look like a blurry orange donut, but you gotta understand, this was and still is a hugely impressive achievement. At a black hole's event horizon, the escape velocity (or the speed at which something has to travel to escape the body's gravitational pull) is faster than the speed of light. By definition a black hole cannot be directly observed. Imaging the shadow of M87* required using eight ground-based radio telescopes all over the world, working together as an interferometer - or as though they were one single telescope the size of the entire planet.
So that's fucking cool in its own right, but how did we know that black holes existed before 2019 when we could actually "see" one? How do we detect something that reflects no light when we DON'T have a simulated telescope the size of Earth? The answer is gravity.
We think that most large galaxies have supermassive black holes at their centers, left over from their chaotic infancies when hundreds of thousands of early stars collided and then collapsed, and then kept colliding. To give you an idea of what we mean by "supermassive", the black hole at the center of the Milky Way, Sagittarius A* (pronounced "A-star"), is about 4 million times the mass of our sun. And that's SMALL.
So while black holes aren't the horrible all-consuming reality-guzzling unmakers of creation that science fiction likes to paint them as - we aren't in any danger whatsoever from Sagittarius A*, now or ever - they CAN get big enough to really throw things around. So we looked for objects moving under the influence of . . . nothing.
This gif is a years-long timelapse of stars orbiting something in a seemingly-empty region of space the center of the Milky Way, the approximate location marked with a red plus sign.
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That something is Sag A*. It's an invisible behemoth, made of the extraordinarily dense remains of the birth of our galaxy, juggling entire solar systems the way Jupiter flings asteroids. And for so long, we couldn't even see it.
This shit makes me go fucking crazy. Imagine what else is out there that we don't understand just because we don't have the tools to even know it exists! Not just in space, in any field of scientific study!
It wasn't until the 1990s that we started realizing trees talk to each other, and now we know there's fungal mycelium networks that connect trees across entire continents. Just THIS YEAR we discovered an entirely new ecosystem underneath the hydrothermal vents in the deepest parts of the ocean floor. For most of human history, the existence of planets around other stars was highly debated, and now we've confirmed over 5 thousand of them. We even know what some of their atmospheres are made of!
There's a saying that "the more you know, the more you know you'll never know", and I feel like there's never been a time in history when that's been more true. And it's almost comforting, y'know? The universe is so vast, it feels correct that we shouldn't be able to understand all of its intricacies.
Reality is stranger than fiction, and the reality is there's stuff out there that we don't even have the words to begin to describe. Until we do! And our reward is even more questions!
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DP X DC Prompt/Idea
Long time writer for the DC fandom (mostly Batman specifically Tim Drake joins the batfam early AUs and Titans Tower AU) on Archive, Danny Fenton also known as Astroboy2025, decides three days after his ‘Accident’ to create a Jason wakes up a Halfa in his coffin fic. He only does this to help himself process his emotions after well lets be honest his death and revival. And later once the ghost attacks pick up and he picks up the mantle of a hero as a way to covertly get advice/figure out on how to fight ghosts better by transplanting all his ghosts into Gotham for Fic!Jason to fight.
Danny wasn’t expecting much to come from this, he wasn’t expecting the fic to blow up in popularity for ‘creative storylines’ and ‘unique original villains with a ghostly flare to go against the ghostly Robin now named Phantom’ it was just a vent fic with a bit of wishful thinking on his part with Ghost!Jason and Bruce's relationship being so close (He ends up writing Jason getting hugs and affirmations that Bruce still loves despite all the ghost stuff that happening now whenever his Parents go on a tirade about how all ghosts are evil and need to be ripped apart molecule by molecule)
He definitely wasn't expecting his fans to find out about the real Phantom and figure out his identity from there. (Blame Penelope Spectra she had a history unlike the others in his rogues gallery with a bloody trail across America of sharply increase Suicide rates in more isolated smaller cites/large towns that was being tracked by Redditers that had hard stopped in Amity park just a few days before he dropped the chapter of Jason facing her himself)
While the Amity Park tourism to see a IRL Hero in action, and the Anti-Ecto acts Riots, as they would later be called, made by DC fans throwing a fit about the threat to the world’s first superhero were the lesser consequence in the grand scheme of things. Finding his fan Discord was a trip and a half especially since Tucker had to hack into it into the first place because his fans we're extremely protective of his secret ID and reinforced the server a crapton to be stronger then most banks.
While Sam was insisting on this being a horrible Idea and he should try to dissuade his thousands of fans from the truth of his Identy. Danny was just chill with it after the brief panic. And the Fan Discord was super helpful for getting Advce with! while the jokes that he was Batman Adoption bait was annoying the group was amazing for ideas on how to train his powers and advice on how to better fight ghosts. the Discord even make a Power list for him so he wouldn’t forget a power because he wasn’t training it. plus the comfort they gave after Circus Gothica was A+ even with the jokes about how the Batfam curse of clown trauma, despite matching the look as a human batman isn’t real so as much as his fans joke about him being the prefect Bat bait that will not happen.
To bad after a particularly nasty ghost hate rant in front of him in ghost form while being shot at by his parents that before the server would spawn 3 chapters of Family fluff in his fic, was whatched angrily by a fan who in a fit of annoyed rage said these words. “I really wish batman WAS real, then maybe you could be safe in your home for once”
unfortunately Desiree was out and about and heard the wish granted she had no idea who Batman was so went to read the DC comics after that. Good news the DC universe is so messed up as is that Desiree decided no twisting was necessary she’d just to bring everything to life. Bad news all the supervillains now exist along side the now existing superheros and Desiree is now Kaiju sized and now way to powerful for Danny to deal with alone... 
At least the now real Batfam are taking their sudden existence well? and are willing to help Danny stop the Mad Genie dispite the risk that they would pop into nonexistence (with the entire city of Gotham and the other cities, villains, and heroes made real by Desiree’s power) if she’s stopped
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henrysglock · 3 months
High Existence and ZeroSpace: The First Shadow and NINA May Be Massive, Immersive Drug Trips
The blurb in last Friday's video from TFS sounded familiar, but I couldn't place it. I found a lot of sites quoting The Alchemist about the universe conspiring to give you what you truly want (which is similar and it's probably what I was thinking of when this blurb registered as familiar), but I couldn't find this exact quote:
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Well...not at first, anyway. I decided to stick every word I could make out here ^ into my search bar...and I found where the blurb comes from:
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This blog post is quite literally the only source I could find for it, and the whole damn thing is directly lifted.
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Right off the bat, the site fucking jump-scared me:
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And it doesn't end there. Let's dive in, because this rabbit hole is a trip unto itself...no MDMA​ ​required.
1. The Fucking Website...#1 (HighExistence.com)
High Existence is a sort of drug-induced-spiritual-trip centered self-help site.
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It's got blog posts and podcasts and all that jazz. Here are some of the highlights:
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Wow! That was...a lot. A lot of words from the word show, too:
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Wholeness, heroes, ancient aliens, prisons of politeness, and the fucking Shire, too, I guess. Why not?
(An Aside: I've included the VR in here too because of the sheer similarities between Henry's experience with the Shadow in VR, El's experience in NINA, and The First Shadow in general.)
Like fuck it, why not keep going, these posts date back to at least 2017:
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And don't let me start in on that Creel boy and Faust...
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[Jason voice] "[Eddie] made a deal with the devil and now he has his powers!" (Also we get it, one of them is neurotic and the other is psychotic. I've been saying this since like...forever)
Of course, all that insanity aside, the Russian base arc has just...an insane amount of ST4 and TFS stuff packed into it in general:
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(And this isn't even all of it. I know others [cough] Stav Heroesbyler [cough] have covered it even more...but bro it is THERE)
But most importantly for the NINA arc:
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Three things: Dialogue doubling (there's the one I showed, plus a) Robin yelling "Wipeout!" at Steve which has the pipeline -> "Wipeout!" at Rink-O-Mania -> 002-005 bullying El in a very similar manner and b) Steve's "that's amazing" line about the water fountain -> "This is amazing!" not only from Alice irt the Creel house but also from Mike irt Will's painting on their way to save El from NINA. Again, these are just a few of MANY instances), makeup doubling with the bloodshot eyes, and my beloved: set/prop doubling.
I love that beautiful framing on the nearly-identical square clocks. I have so much to say about that clock, but specifically:
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The clocks being set 9 minutes apart, which happens to be the exact length of time from the end of Vecna's voiceover in 4.07 to the start of the fight sequence in 4.07 (aka the length of One's frozen-clock monologue).
Not only that, but the clock isn't even right. It says it's 3:55, but it's definitely not 3:55 AM (see: movie theater scene) but it's also not 3:55 PM:
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(And why do we have a clock in an elevator anyway? That's the real question. That thang only exists to deliver subtext, baby! It exists to connect the two scenes further!)
Anyway, as you all likely noticed, this site mostly deals in psychedelics, stimulants, and empathogens.
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Hell, you could even pull One's bit on the ecosystem into it, since he's describing connections between beings that are being disturbed/destroyed by humanity.
Anyway, the site tends to center specifically on DMT and MDMA...so let's talk about those:
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MDMA & DMT An aside: Interesting to me that psychosis here can be counteracted with sedatives. Makes me wonder if whatever happened in 1979 could have been halted if they'd just tranq'd One. Hm.
First off: Did I read that right? Piggy-backing? Damn, son. 4.09, The Piggyback, is pictured in that paragraph. So is Brenner's candy bit with the children -> "candy flipping" vs LSD use in Brenner's lab.
Second: Ah, how nice. Intravenous/injectable. Just like how El is constantly being shot up with...something...to enter NINA.
Now, nearly all psychedelics can induce psychosis, but especially so if they're combined with other psychoactive substances and/or if the user has a history of psychosis (either themselves or in their family).
However, MDMA specifically has been posited as a treatment for PTSD and retrograde/traumagenic amnesia:
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link Like...wow. Okay, I guess!
tl;dr: One seems to have been tripping fucking balls during the monologue. Literally every fucking version of him. El likely is as well. Funny how that works. Was any of that real? [smash cut to the way blood pours down the walls and the dead children dance around in the VR version of NINA] And either way, Henry in TFS isn't far behind with his hallucinogenic moments.
The connection? Whatever the hell is going on in Hawkins Labs...and symptoms of drug use.
I was not expecting to get this much out of a single rabbit hole. But...that's life with this show, isn't it? And this is only Part 1.
2. The Fucking Website...#2 (Futurism.com)
The guy who made that original post that TFS lifted the blurb from (Jordan Lejuwaan) runs a couple different websites. The most interesting one is Futurism, which is basically an online version of the Weekly Watcher:
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It won't let me filter by date, but it seems to have been founded in 2017, stemming from an infographic subreddit. (Now, it says it's a trustworthy news source, and maybe it is, but... Do your own assessment of that. I'm not your mother, yknow?)
Jordan Lejuwaan was also involved in something far more interesting irt Stranger Things...
3. Zero Space
Jordan co-founded an immersive, interactive theater experience called ZeroSpace back in 2018. As we all know, TFS was just in the beginning phase of its creation around this time.
So...This was like a brick to the skull:
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"Alice in Wonderland" (don't get me started: rabbit fuckery, DRUGS!!!!!, clocks/being later, Alice Creel, Fringe connections (Through The Looking Glass and What Walter Found There being the episode about the pocket universe where 20 years passed in 5 days...and also wherein we find out about him hiding away an Observer child that he will later time travel with to save the world from the Observer takeover...erasing himself from time/the timeline by doing so...there is SO much) not to mention the "one pill makes you larger/smaller" vs teen El and baby El...it's too much to try and fit in this post), "ALIENS AND LASERS", "stretch the perceived reality of the sense", "art, actors and your own mind converge to prompt MORE QUESTIONS THAN ANSWERS" (which was a common complaint about TFS: it leaves people with more questions than answers).
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("See you on the other side" being an in-show line from Henry in the lab to Patty in the void, but this image is ripped directly from the same promo video that the High Existence blurb appears in.)
Here's a little taste of what ZeroSpace is like, but I suggest going to the actual page to see it in action:
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It's heavily heavily reminiscent of TFS, even just in the content warnings...
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Not to mention the actual show content SFX:
However, the goal of TFS isn't to stretch our senses. We're just watching. We are not the volunteer seeing the other side.
For most of the show, that person is Henry (except the first 5 mins, when it's Cptn. Brenner and his crew literally experiencing the other side). Henry is doing the experiencing. He's the one breaking the fourth wall by picking at/breaking the sets, the one running through the audience and leaving out the theater doors (only to end up right back on stage just like El in the Rainbow Room in 4.05).
With each bit of info I find out adjacent to the play, the more convinced I am that this is some secret third boy's experience in a NINA-like simulation.
a) TFS most likely isn't wholly real, and it seems very likely that it's the same kind of simulation as NINA.
b) El was probably drugged up with some kind of empathogenic psychedelic going into NINA, likely with the goal of setting her up to form emotional connections quickly and deeply only to rip that deep connection away in order to bolster her abilities.
c) NINA is not, then, wholly based in truth. Parts of NINA (staring at the bullying from 002-005) may have been generated from El's memories of the outside world.
d) With NINA and TFS seeming so similar, I wouldn't be shocked if parts of it are just one massive empathogen trip (staring at how quickly Henry and Patty bond, similarly to how quickly Henry and El bond in NINA).
e) Whoever is in NINA with teen El is also tripping balls, most likely, and may have gone off the rails in that regard. However, that's in a simulation...hard to assign guilt or blame for things done in a fictional/unreal world.
f) Whoever was with baby El in 1979 may have been in a similar situation "moving chess pieces"-style instead. Read: drugged in order to put him in a situation where he would bolster El's latent abilities...and it went wrong (see also: Walter Bishop's orchestrated/fake massacre meant to bolster Olivia's latent abilities.)
g) Richard Brenner having been the head of narcotics makes me question which Brenner we're seeing at any given time: Martin, or Richard?
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I NEED! THIS AU!!! (Sk and mob one)
No, seriously, your work is amazing, i am waiting happily for it!
Quick questions!
1. Will Saiki or any other Psychics from SK be integrated on the AU?
2. Does Kokomi meet Ritsu at some point?
3. Will Saiki meet our favorite conman? What would their interactions be like??
Thanks for the attention! I really like your writing btw!!
1. Will Saiki or any other Psychics from SK be integrated on the AU?
Absolutely. They have a much smaller role since the focus is more on Teruhashi being put into the Mob Psycho Universe, but they certainly exist and have met some of the Mob Psycho cast by pure coincidence. (Kokomi is very secretive of what she does for work).
They attempt to be like mentors to the psychics in mp100 but quickly find out that a majority of their advice is bad and also that they're so much weaker than literally all of them.
Also, it's really hard for any of their advice to beat Reigen's. Aiura tries to teach Teruki about the wonders of tax evasion, but he has to break it to her that not only has Reigen given a much better lecture but also gave him a detailed pamphlet on the pros and cons of dodging your taxes.
As for Saiki himself? He plays much less of a physical role, but he's still very much there. After all, who do you think makes sure that none of Teruhashi's stalkers even know that she's ever been to Condiment City? Or purposefully makes Makoto get lost while trying to go to Kokomi's job after hearing about the incident?
Plus, Mob is a very big part of Saiki's character development, though Saiki is a very minor part of Mob's life.
2. Does Kokomi meet Ritsu at some point?
She does! He goes to Spirits and Stuff to pick up Mob for some reason and is immediately dazed by Teruhashi's beauty. Once the initial reaction wears off, his first thought is that Reigen kidnapped a woman to work for him.
She introduces herself and insults Reigen in the same sentence. The two immediately begin bickering leaving Ritsu to weigh the possible theory that this is Reigen secret love child who he had with a woman that was much better than him in every way possible.
He leaves and attempts to gather evidence to prove one of the two theories. He only finds out what her actual relation to him is after the 7th division infiltration arc.
3. Will Saiki meet our favorite conman? What would their interactions be like??
Alright so imagine Ritsu and Reigen's relationship. Except Saiki can't be openly hostile to Reigen because he's too naturally polite and he can't use his powers to fuck with him because it'd fuck with Kokomi by extension and that'd be too bothersome (he really doesn't wanna upset her).
But Saiki doesn't trust this man a fucking bit. Even if he mentally gives our favorite con-man points for punching Makoto, literally anyone with a brain would do that if the opportunity arose.
It isn't until he hears Reigen's famous speech on how psychic powers don't make someone special, that he begins to let himself see parts of Reigen that aren't skewed with distrust.
He still won't let himself fully trust Reigen, but he respects Kokomi's decision to do so. He owes Teruhashi that at least.
EEEEE! THANK YOU FOR THE COMPLIMENTS!! Also thank you for the attention as well, I thrive off people acknowledging me.
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I read Ultimate Spider-Man #1 by Hickman
So I checked this out in isolation of the whole event or events leading up to it.
I'm trying to decide if this is a case of false advertising or if it is actually as disappointing as it seemed.
This series was marketed on the grounds of 'come check out a married Spider-Man with kids'. But that was by no means the focus of the story. The focus was upon a) Uncle Ben's grieving Aunt May and b) peter's choice about whether to be Spider-Man or not.
Let me steelman and say, hey, the marketing was exploitative but that isn’t Hickman’s fault.
Honestly, this premise is still rather broken.
Let’s say, for the sake of argument, this universe is identical to 616 except the Maker has strategically meddled with it to avert the existence of superheroes.
Okay…so he made sure Peter’s parents died when he was 15 instead of like a toddler. And also that he wasn’t bitten by the spider. And also that there was no burglar. Couldn’t he have just gotten rid of the spider? Why all the extra stuff? And if he didn’t do anything other than get rid of the spider…why are all those other things different?
Speaking of which how/when/why does Jameson know the Parker family at all? Uncle Ben was a factory worker, he had NOTHING to do with the newspaper business and why would a working class guy like him know a millionaire/billionaire like Jameson? Why would he ever go into that business? Why would the Maker change that at all? If he didn’t change that how could ANY of the changed he made in the timeline ever have resulted in that?
Similarly, why is PETER working for the Bugle? Peter’s interest in photography was specifically in relation to his career as Spider-Man. Yes, he developed something of an interest in it later in life in his 20s, but that was a fleeting thing after he left college. It was never really his long term career goal. Sure, you could say he is working on the science section of the Bugle. But…why? Why wouldn’t he just, you know….go into a scientific field in general? What does the Maker gain from changing that if he was responsible for changing that at all?*
And this, in fact, is a microcosm of how the premise of this story is borked. In a world where Peter Parker
Is an adult
Was not really raised by Uncle Ben and Aunt May because his parents died when he was 15
Never experienced the death of Uncle Ben or Aunt May in his teens
Was never a superhero
HOW exactly is he the character we know and love? The fun of a What If or AU is contrasting the new version to the character we are familiar with. But by rights he should be MASSIVELY different as a person. He wasn’t raised by people who were almost a generation older than his parents. He didn’t have to bear the burden of being a provider or caregiver for his household as a teenager. He never had to cope with the guilt of Uncle Ben’s death. And would he even know the Great Power/Great Responsibility thing considering it was a combination of being RAISED by his aunt and uncle along with Ben’s death that drilled that into him? In this universe neither of those things are factors so if he DOES live by that life lesson how and why would he?
As an extension of that, how and why did he wind up with Mary Jane considering his upbringing combined with his life as Spider-Man were important factors in them falling in love. Mary Jane was attracted to his sense of responsibility, but that sense of responsibility came about due to his upbringing and that upbringing has changed. Not to mention, given her abusive father, knowing Peter was a man who had incredible power (like her father had over her) but used it responsibility was a HUGE aspect of her attraction to him, plus she got turned on by the danger to some extent.
So…how did they hook up? Unless the Maker for some fucking reason decided to make sure MJ’s Dad was a successful author and never touched the booze. But WHY would he do that????????????
And then you have the big one which is…Peter can magically sense he is in fact supposed to be Spider-Man….um…Okay, so, yes, Peter does have a certain belief in destiny because he talked about it maybe being his destiny to be Spider-Man when he was a teenager and even older. But…that was a belief. He questioned it. He never SENSED that about himself. You could argue being Spider-Man is from his POV something he doesn’t have a choice about, but that’s like saying a parent doesn’t have a choice to look after their kids. They do. It’ just that you do not have a choice about it if you feel compelled to be a good person. It was never a magical bullshit thing.
Hickman in this regard and in his general portrayal of Peter is almost making this weird ass nature over nurture argument. That Peter wouldn’t been broadly the same kind of guy we always knew him to be albeit he could commit to a 9/5, a family and be less tightly strung because he doesn’t have the stress of heroism or guilt shit. And I guess he has less of a sense of humour? (Although so does Uncle ben, though he is grieving…although Jonah is a lot more touchey feeley than he should be as well sooooooo….)
But that’s just…lame.
It’s making a mockery of Peter Parker’s struggles in the 616 and most traditional portrayals. His experiences are integral in forming him into who he is as a person. Hickman is arguing that Richard and Mary’s DNA was actually the most important thing in shaping his personality. Unless are we really saying Richard and Mary would’ve been broadly the same kind of parents May and Ben were? They were goddam CIA agents!?
And on top of that…the story is making this BROKEN argument for Peter being a superhero. He feels like he is drifting through life. He feels unfulfilled. Like something is missing. Uh huh…um…what about your kids bro?
If you become a superhero aren’t you going to be potentially exposing your family to danger? Don’t you risk your kids growing up without a father because you get killed, crippled or are generally occupied a lot by being a hero.
Now, to be clear, that situation is A LOT different to 616 Peter who already had great power before meeting MJ. He also started his career at age 15 vs this Peter who’s literally going to learn how to web-swing and fight at age 35! Shit, most people whobecome soldiers, fire fighters or police officers don’t START their careers (with 0 training btw) at age 35! And there is a massive support network for those roles too.
I’m not saying Peter can’t be a superhero and a family man, but I am saying it is morally wrong for him to CHOOSE to turn himself into a superhero when he already is a family man. This is like saying it is okay for a man in his midlife crisis to blow a chunk of the family savings on a sports car or get himself a 20 year old mistress because it will make him a more engaged husband and father.
Basically, this first issue represents a lose-lose scenario from where I am standing. We don’t know much about how this Peter is different. The ways in which he is don’t make sense. The ways in which he is similar don’t make sense. These questions need to be answered BEFORE we get to the premise of the story (Peter choosing to be Spider-Man at age 35 when he is a family man). And the premise itself is unbelievable unless we want to buy into Peter being a selfish asshole, which therefore makes him unlikable in general and very much NOT like the Spidey we know and love.
Basically, this series might as well NOT be about Peter Parker in the first place, but some other guy living through a mid-life crisis by becoming a superhero.
*Are you noticing how I kee coming back to the Maker as a explanation for these changes? I don’t even know if the stuff leading into this spelt out what he was and wasn’t involved with, but that is a big question that should be addressed. Unfortunately it is the ONLY way to explain these changes beyond ‘its just different because it is’. And either way it is lazy and lame as shit.
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