#polyamorous dinosaurs
aroaessidhe · 12 days
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2024 reads / storygraph
Road To Ruin
start of a postapocalyptic fantasy series set in an Asian-inspired desert world plagued by dangerous storms
follows a courier who transports romantic letters between a prince and princess, who helps the princess escape across the wastes towards the prince’s safe haven
but they’re pursued by bounty hunters, and accidentally uncover some ancient secrets. and also she’s in love with both of them
dinosaurs, magical motorbikes,
bi MC, start of polyam triad
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thechillsquid · 23 hours
Pride Dinos 2024
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Gay gay homosexual
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fruitypiestims · 13 days
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Polyam dino <3
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ladynoblesong · 2 years
why must movies make sense. isn't it enough that to cast beautiful people and cgi a couple dinosaurs. 🦕
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succubusfuccubus · 1 month
Feel like I’m the only vampire chronicles fan who loves the new iwtv series
“Book Louis was white!!!”
He was a slave owner and while Anne Rice contextualizes it real well—she doesn’t try to soften the subject matter, she doesn’t try the “he was nice to his slaves” book Louis is like “yeah I was a slave owner, it was fucked up” —still I feel no attachment to white Louis. It was not the most interesting thing about him.
Anne Rice was weird about any POC in her books. It’s still a white centric narrative, the main cast of vampires is white. Boring. Black Louis is much more interesting. A Black vampire navigating his immortality among a society hostile to his kin is so much more captivating.
Many of the main vampires in her series get a book dedicated to them where they explain their origins, their experience with immortality and their philosophies. Except...the vampires that get their own narrative are white. I would love to see an Ancient Black vampire that was kicking before any racism as it is now was invented. I wanna know their perspective, I wanna see them philosophize.
“Vampires can’t have sex!!”
Later in the books they invent vampire viagra—also cry harder im glad they’re fucking and sucking
“Book Claudia was supposed to be turned at 5 Years old. Book Claudia would kill to be a teenager even!! This Claudia almost looks like an adult!”
Teenagers definitely aren’t adults. Imagine being on the Cusp of adulthood and then you are paused mid puberty unable to develop any further. That would be maddening She looks like a young girl trying very hard to dress older than she is. Also it would be rough getting an actual 5 year old to act her part. Also there's some weird pedophile shit in the books, I'm glad we're writing that part out.
“Anne rice would be rolling in her grave”
Let her roll. Anne rice hated any adaptation—she was a control freak. Look up “interrogating the text from the wrong perspective” it’s her melt down in response to bad Amazon reviews on her vampire chronicles’ “Blood Canticle”
She didn’t even respect her own canon. She retcons it multiple times. In the end she retcons the origin of vampires (which had been established in books 2 and 3) and made it the product of an alien parasite. All bcuz some took a sudden interest in science fiction, she just had to turn it into science fiction
This series is not a masterpiece, it becomes pulp fiction by book 4, almost every book opens up like a personal vlog, Lestat is her Mary sue and also self insert. There is gay ghost sex that turns out to be incest. Actually there is so much incest, ntm the pedophilia it becomes almost unreadable.
God and the Devil are ex bfs that are in a millennia long theological and philosophical debate, also the Devil tries to recruit Lestat as the prince of hell and he drinks Jesus's blood. But several books later, just kidding, that wasn't the Devil that was just a spirit fucking around with Lestat.
The second to last book is called Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis--there are bird-reptile aliens pissed off about the asteroid that destroyed the dinosaurs and want to eradicate mammals bcuz in every other universe reptiles are the dominant-sentient species.
There is nothing sacred about the original, this is not Beowolf or the Epic of Gilgamesh--this is Anne rice and her self-insert blorbo getting into scrapes. When adapting a piece of fiction the most important thing is preserving the Themes--which the show is doing superbly. What truly matters is that every character in Anne Rice's show is bisexual and polyamorous and a disaster.
If you're that upset about Louis being Black and Armand being Muslim you're just racist and either in denial or you know full well.
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cishetlessfashion · 3 months
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Androgynous scenecore dinosaur/cambrian era themed polyamorous nonbinary trans man fashion for anon Rainbow mosasaurus skeleton enamel pin Customizable dino tail Dinosaur bone leggings Customizable pride flag stegosaurus earrings Rainbow anomalocaris keychain Love you in dinosaur shirt Wrong generation shirt Polyam flag shark sticker Nonbinary flag kandi cuff Fuck around find out patch
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man. jurassic park. movie of all time. jeff goldblum is literally just there to be hot and wounded. does nothing all movie except flirt with laura dern and roast the rich guy. i applaud that. sam neill is a mother hen who looks like a cowboy. laura dern is an action hero. there's definitely an interesting polyamorous semi-queerplatonic thing going on between those three. intersex lady dinosaurs eat capitalists and greedy fucks. what's not to love.
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avidxmn · 2 years
Only Shane Madej would be able to come up with a very detailed, intricate and dramatic plot for puppet history that includes genies, satan, time travel, and polyamorous dinosaurs
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nellasbookplanet · 8 months
Book recs: many worlds, alternate timelines edition
I've previously written a rec post on the portal fantasy genre, so let's now take a look at a very similar trope: that of parallel universes and alternate timelines!
Unlike portal fantasies, these books are usually scifi, relying on the theory of the multiverse, however there are exceptions (a common one being that of a 'sliding scale', where worlds move from scifi to fantasy the further you go).
Also, surprisingly many of these books have queer themes and characters!
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Previous book rec posts:
Really cool fantasy worldbuilding, really cool sci-fi worldbuilding, dark sapphic romances, mermaid books, vampire books, portal fantasies, robots and artificial intelligences, post- and transhumanism
For more details on the books, continue under the readmore. Titles marked with an * are my personal favorites. And as always, feel free to share your own recs in the notes!
Sci-fi in the multiverse
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Fractured Infinity by Nathan Tavares
Hayes Figueiredo is a struggling film-maker who wants to finish his documentary, who's life gets turned upside down when he meets the handsome physicist Yusuf Hassan enters his life, claiming an alternate version of him is a great inventor who's sent a mysterious device to their universe. As Hayes gets drawn deeper into the conspiracy - and his feelings for Yusuf intensify - he has to decide just how far he's prepared to go to win the life and the love he wants. Featuring a very gay and very morally dubious lead, this is a creative and strange read.
The Space Between Worlds (The Space Between Worlds series) by Micaiah Johnson
Multiverse travel is finally possible, but there’s just one catch: No one can visit a world where their counterpart is still alive. Enter Cara, whose parallel selves happen to be exceptionally good at dying. As such she has a very special job in traveling to these worlds, hoping to keep her position long enough to gain citizenship in the walled off Wiley City, away from the wastes where she grew up. But her job is dangerous, especially when she gets on the tracks of a secret that threatens the entire multiverse. Really cool worldbuilding and characters, also featuring a sapphic lead!
Ascension by Jacqueline Koyanagi
More of a space opera than a typical multiverse story, Ascension follows Alana Quick, an expert Sky Surgeon who stows away on a spaceship in hopes of landing herself a job. But the ship and its crew are in deeper waters than she expected, facing threats emerging from a whole other universe, all of them searching for the same person: Alana's spiritually enlightened sister. Undeniably a bit of an odd read, Ascension is also very creative and features polyamorous lesbian relationship.
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Finna (LitenVerse series) by Nino Cipri
Novella. Working as a minimum wage employee at a big box furniture store already sucks, but it gets exponentially worse for Ava when a customer gets sucked into a wormhole and she gets sent to retrieve her from the mazes of the multiverse. To make matters worse? She has to work with her ex. A fun, quick and creative read as well as a scathing critique of capitalism, also featuring a major nonbinary character in Ava's ex and colleague.
The Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi
In an example of extremely differing timelines, The Kajiu Preservation Society features an alternate Earth that's home to giant kajius who feed on radiation. During the height of the pandemic, Jamie is suddenly in the need of a new job. Rescue comes in the form of an old acquaintance who works for a secretive animal rights organisation and invites Jamie along. This one is lighthearted and a bit gimmicky, but also a fun and quick read.
The Doors of Eden by Adrian Tchaikovsky*
In yet another example of very different timelines, The Doors of Eden is something of an experiment in speculative biology, featuring versions of Earth in which various different species were the one to rise to sentience, from dinosaurs to neanderthals. Now, something is threatening the existence of all timelines, dragging multiple different people into the struggle, among those a pair of cryptid hunting girlfriends and a transgender scientist.
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The Long Earth (The Long Earth series) by Terry Pratchett & Stephen Baxter
When a device consisting simply of some wiring, a three-way switch and a potato makes it possible for anyone who wants to travel the multiverse, humanity is changed forever. But despite their great similarities, these worlds also have great differences from our Earth - such as a strange lack of humans. Joshua, one of few people able to cross the multiverse without the help of the potato-device, sets out to explore these seemingly endless worlds.
Hominids (Neanderthal Parallax trilogy) by Robert J. Sawyer
On a parallel Earth, neanderthals have developed a radically different society from ours. Ponter, one of these neanderthals and a physicist, gets accidentally transported to a research facility in our world, where he's faced with the great cultural differences between human and neanderthal society. Meanwhile, back in his home world, his housemate Adikor is charged with his murder.
Meet Me in Another Life by Catriona Silvey*
Thora and Santi are strangers, brought together by a coincidence and torn apart just as abruptly when tragedy strikes. But this is neither the first nor the last time they meet - again and again they encounter each other, as friends, lovers, enemies, family, every time recognizing in each other a familiarity no one else carries. But with every new life, a mysterious danger grows ever closer, forcing them to find out the truth of their connection. Calling this a multiverse story isn't entirely correct, but it also isn't entirely incorrect, and saying more would be an immediate spoiler. It's a puzzle-box of a story that goes some entirely unexpected places in a very wild ride, featuring a bisexual co-lead.
Magic in the multiverse
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The Invisible Library (The Invisible Library series) by Genevieve Cogman
Irene works as a spy for the mysterious Library, which collects fiction from different realities. She's sent to an alternate London rife with magic and chaos to retrieve a dangerous book, but by the time she arrives it has already been stolen. Alongside her assistant Kai, she races to find the book before it's too late.
Jane, Unlimited by Kristin Cashore*
Young Adult. Jane is invited by an old acquaintance to an extravagant gala in an island mansion, stranding her among the rich and glamorous. But being surrounded by rich people is the least of Jane's problems: the mansion is housing secrets, some of them tied to Jane's own family. The mansion offers her five choices, all of them leading her down different paths and different answers. Jane, Unlimited is a choose-your-own adventure story of sorts, featuring five different endings in five different genres, each more off the wall bonkers than the next. It also features a bisexual main character!
A Darker Shade of Magic (Shades of Magic trilogy) by V.E. Schwab
Kell is an antari - one of the only people able to travel between parallel Londons; Red, Grey, White, and, once upon a time, Black. Kell's London is a place of magic, where he works as an ambassador traveling between the worlds. He's also a smuggler, secretly and illegally bringing objects between the worlds. His hobby brings him into hot water when an exchange goes wrong, and lands him face to face with the cut-purse Delilah, who's prepared to do just about anything to step from her Grey London to one of magic and adventure.
Fucked up parent-child relationships in the multiverse
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The Possibilities by Yael Goldstein-Love
Ever since her son Jack nearly died at birth eight months ago, Hannah has had the niggling feeling that something is wrong. When Jack is mysteriously snatched away, Hannah's fears are proven true; now she must employ a strange and newly awakened ability to cross between parallel worlds to save him. On the lighter end of the scifi spectrum, The Possibilities explores the fears and anxieties of motherhood through the spectrum of the multiverse.
Midnight Robber by Nalo Hopkinson*
Utterly unique in worldbuilding, story, and prose, Midnight Robber follows young Tan-Tan and her father, inhabitants of the Carribean-colonized planet of Toussaint. When her father commits a terrible crime, he's exiled to a parallel version of the same planet, home to strange aliens and other human exiles. Tan-Tan, not wanting to lose her father, follows with him. Trapped on this new planet, he becomes her worst nightmare. Enter this book with caution, as it contains graphic child sexual abuse.
Bridge by Lauren Beukes
When she was little, Bridge and her mother Jo used to play a game - one where they traveled to other worlds, inhabiting the bodies of their other selves. Now Jo is dead, and as Bridge is cleaning out her apartment she finds a strange device: a dreamworm, the very thing that supposedly makes inter-dimensional travel possible. Suddenly faced with the possibility that multiverse travel is real, Bridge is struck by a different question: could her mother still be alive? Scifi spiced with a healthy dose of body horror and some absolutely wild twists, Bridge also features a bisexual lead (however this is a blink and you'll miss it moment) and a nonbinary co-narrator.
Bonus AKA I haven't read these yet but they seem really cool
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Infinity Gate by M.R. Carey
An AI threatens millions of alternate versions of Earth, and a political and trading alliance binding them all together is prepared to stop it no matter the cost to human life.
Ida by Alison Evans
Young Adult. Ida struggles more than most young girls with finding her path, as she has the ability to shift between parallel worlds, allowing her to see many different possibilities
The Art of Saving the World by Corinne Duyvis
Young Adult. A dimensional rift has opened in Hazel's backyard, and is strangely tied to her presence, growing volatile if she travels too far away and forcing her to stay in her home town. That is, until not one but three other Hazels falls through the rift into her world.
Honorary mentions AKA these didn't really work for me but maybe you guys will like them: Dark Matter by Blake Crouch, A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray, Interworld by Neil Gaiman & Michael Reaves, The Midnight Library by Matt Haig
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phantom31516 · 9 months
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my dinosaur tf characters :333
1. Epoch, Eoraptor, Beast Wars oc. It says he’s paired with Dinobot which is true but they’re also in a polyamorous relationship with Optimus Primal as well. All 3 of them kiss.
2. Palladia, Allosaurus, Earthspark oc. She looks up to Grimlock and thinks he’s the coolest and that the other dinobots are super inspiring. She’s about the age of a 19 year old (since she’s a Terran, they’re younger than the other boys, but they aren’t as young as the Maltos)
3. Cerana, Ceratosaurus, IDW oc. Hes paired with my friends characters, Enigma( @s0und-sys )and Shortcircuit( @hampterzz ). They’re very feisty and aggressive in battle, but the sweetest when it comes to his lovers.
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cosmichealingg · 4 months
pinned .ᐟ
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Hai !! Welcome 2 my page !
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My name is Keith and I’m a non-community aligned adult age regressor! I regress to the ages 0-5 and frequently consider myself 2-3.
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I regress due to childhood trauma and pretty severe c-ptsd. I am also autistic and I use age regression to give myself a childhood that I was denied. My regression is a huge, and important, part of my life and I regress/dream near daily. I don’t consider myself a forever kid as I am not always in headspace, though.
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I am a cisgender male, though sometimes I feel a little genderflux. I am also MLM and I have two amazing boyfriends. Both are my caregivers and are respectively referred to as “daddy” and “bubba”. We are polyamorous and love each other very much 🫶
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My special interests include space, dinosaurs, horror, and health/medicine. I have a lot of hyperfixations and some include Blues Clues, Scooby Doo, Sesame Street, My Little Pony, American Girl Dolls, etc.
I’m sensitive to things like bright lights and loud sounds, and I get overwhelmed by too many things going on or people talking to me at the same time.
Some of my positive triggers are my special interests and hyperfixations, huskies, toy shopping, spending time with friends, baking, and spending time with my boys.
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My regression is mostly positive but sometimes it’s impure or involuntary. For me this can look all different ways.
I like to play with toys like little people and food, and I like to color. I like watching cartoons and movies too!
When I’m sad sometimes I like to watch comfort shows and movies. I also like to just cuddle with my cg’s or vent.
When regressed I have issues with bladder control and cues like hunger. This is due to interoception issues caused by my autism. Because of this I use pull ups and diapers and will sometimes post about it. This is a comfort and medical need for me and is never sexual.
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My DNI includes:
Ableist in any way
System fake claimers
LGBTQ+ phobic
Anyone under 13
My boundaries are:
Don’t ask to be my caregiver.
Don’t ask super invasive questions.
Don’t baby talk in my dms if we’re not close.
Don’t ask “can we be friends” if we’ve never talked before.
Don’t sexualize my regression or question my intentions.
Don’t ask for face photos or other kinds of invasive content.
I am not anti ab/dl or cgl. I prefer nonsexual interactions because this is meant to be a safe space but at the same time it is my safe space.
I do not cater to everyone and if you are uncomfortable with who I follow or who follows me, you are more than welcome to unfollow and there are no hard feelings.
My account is for me and my healing.
I do not, and will not (most of the time) promote kink accounts or share kink content. I may share posts from 18+ or ab/dl affiliated shops but that does not mean that the items are inherently sexual to me.
I am an adult and while I don’t personally participate in these kinks, I do know people/friends who do. I believe that everyone has a right to heal or express themselves in their own ways. I don’t believe that it is right to judge how people cope.
This being said, my account will always be a nonsexual space.
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I’m most active on my Instagram, @cosmic.healingg
My dada has an tumblr account too! @neptunedada
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Thnk u 4 reading!!
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Divider credits:
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❤️⭐️Get To Know Me⭐️💙
a brief introduction to your friendly neighborhood Parker Kinnie
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more below the cut!
⭐️ General To Know Jazz ⭐️
Names/Nicknames: Parker, Heebles
Age: 21
Pronouns: He/They/It
Primary Hobbies/Interests: Art, Gaming, Movie Watching, Food
⭐️ Interests, Info & Hobbies Elaborated! ⭐️
My Parker Kinnie Sources: Raimi Spiderman, TASM Movies, Insomniac Spiderman, Some Spiderverse Movie stuff (i just generally pull a lot of kinnieism from a lot of parker’s core narrative themes/struggles lol)
Special Interests: Pokemon, Animals
Current Interests +: HTML Coding, Pixel Art, Art RPGs, Pokemon, Dinosaurs, “Bugs”, Hazbin/Helluva (im critical as fuck of these), Character Design, Mood boards/stimboards, 4*Town, Diorama creation, food/cooking
Current Disinterests: talking abt politics here??, im actually not sure what to put here rn ngl 🫡
Hobbies +: Watching Movies (Horror Especially), Playing Games, Watchin Video Essays & Restoration or Tiny Cooking Videos
Games I Enjoy RN: Planet Zoo, Subnautica, Pokemon, Lioden, Slime Rancher 1 & 2, webbed
Cool Queer Labels I’ve Collected: Aro/Ace Spec, Pansexual, Polyamorous, Nonbinary, Transgender, Xenogender
⭐️ Trivia :]!
- favorite color is purple
- my main fursona is a wild boar monster!
- im a big parksborn shipper but im also a huge multishipper 🍕🫶
- i actually dont eat pepperoni, my pizza order is a medium pan w/ extra sauce n light cheese 🍕🍕 but thats ok!
- im a southern parker kinnie 🫡 image pete w/ a slight texan twang ig
- im hella into red heads Harry Osbo :3
⭐️ Interaction Notes ⭐️
I block liberally to protect my peace & curate my experience online. If you interact in a way im not cool with or post about my personal icks, i may block you! And thats okay :]! What i do doesn’t determine you, please don’t block evade
Note 2 Minors: This acc is sfw so i dont mind you interacting w/ my personal posts or chatting back n forth via reblogs, but know that im not interested in interacting a ton personally in DMs or anything 👍
DNI/Fast Blocks: proship, racists/queerphobes, TERFs, anti-xenogender girlies, generally assholeish ppl lol
God Please Interact: Parksborn Shippers, Queer/Autistic Artists, Furry Artists/Furries, Other Spiderman fans :]! (Especially insomniac), pokemon fans
Inbox/Requests: See Bio for up to date status but normally they’re very open! Im good w/ random questions, rambling, info dumping etc. And im normally cool w/ art requests :]!
⭐️ Account Tags 2 Note ⭐️
#Parkers Pizza = Anything 2 do w/ my weird food aesthetic interest
#Poppin Parker = My Autistic Rants/Rambling
#Parker Playtime = My Game Rambling/Screenshots
#Parky Parker = My AUs
#Paintin Parker = My Art Posted Here
#Herping Parker = Posts w/ Bugs & Other Small Critters
#Planty Parker = Posts w/ Mushrooms/Fungi & Plant-central posts
#Paleo Parker = Posts w/ Dinos/Prehistoric Life
#Parker Blinkies = Blinkie reblogs 4 me to look back on/harvest from
More are sure 2 come
⭐️ Relevant Links 2 Me ⭐️
Nothin Rn 🍕 There will probably be an art masterlist or AU masterlist one day
Definitely gonna be a blinkie masterlist lol
Fun Blinkies!
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(You’ll see a lot of these on my acc) Credit
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c0ffeecr0w · 8 months
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Just gonna share some of my headcanons, mainly for the 16 - 22 year old highschool/college versions of the main 4/5 but also for their canon age version as well. I took some of @rottrottencorpse's SP HCs cuz I thought they fit so well
Here's what I have so far:
Stan is bisexual, Kyle is biro-asexual (gay pref), Cartman is gay (closeted), Kenny is panro-hetero and Butters is bicurious
Stan, Kenny and Butters have blue eyes with Butters' being sky blue, Kyle has green, Cartman has heterochromatic (brown and blue)
Kenny and Cartman are Genderfluid, both having masculine and feminine identities. Kenny goes by He/She/They pronouns but normally goes by He/Him, while Cartman goes by He/She, mainly He/Him as well unless in feminine clothing (and Transginger)
Stan has Spanish/Iberian roots, given from Randy. He sometimes gets called greaseball by Cartman but mostly as a joke (his hair isn't greasy anyway)
Cartman and Stan hang out together on weekends when Kyle isn't around or have nothing else to do. They get along well together
Stan's dog Sparky is a Staffordshire Terrier and American Bulldog mix. He still has him, though he likes to hang out with Big Gay Al usually. He still likes Stan though
Cartman is the shortest out of the gang (5'5) while Kyle is the tallest (6'2) while Stan (5'9) and Kenny (5'11) are somewhere in between
Cartman and Butters both love Disney films
Eric has a soft spot for cats and dinosaurs
Kenny does Karen's hair while she paints his nails for him (Butters taught her)
He also loves Fast and breakfast foods, pancakes especially
Kenny smokes the most out of the gang, from nicotine to marijuana, Stan and Eric occasionally, Kyle doesn't, Butters would be easily peer pressured to do it though
He doesn't do substances around Karen
Stan listens to Alt Rock, Emo, Grunge and Metal (most subgenres), hates Dubstep. Kyle listens to Classical and The Cure. Eric has his Spotify playlist filled with Pop music. Kenny is a Grunger and Nu Metalhead, loves Nirvana and Limp Bizkit, though he likes plenty of different music. Butters probably likes Pop and Eurodance, the happy, cheesy kind. Stuff you'd here on DDR basically
Kenny plays with Karen when she wants to, sometimes Butters plays dolls with her too
Stan binge eats when depressed/stressed. He's gained a bit of chub because of it aside from his sluggishness when high or tired. It isn't noticeable in his usual jacket or in baggy clothes
Kenny has a job that he works at in the summer. He spends a bit of his money on either for his home or for Karen. 60% of his money is given by Butters
Stan has a slight crush on Kyle, though they both see each other as mostly best friends
Butters and Kenny both love each other platonically and romantically.
Butters is a pro at DDR. Kenny sucks at it but plays it with Butters anyway when at the arcade
Stan is still with Wendy, both have gone over their on and off relationship and managed to become better. He's in a poly relationship with her and Kyle since Wendy is polyamorous
Kyle is from Irish-Polish descent. Irish from Sheila's side, Polish from Gerald's side
Stan and Kenny are smoke and music buddies. They both nearly have the same music taste
Eric, Kenny and Butters still have their superhero characters, though all of them LARP as their superhero and fantasy characters
Stan is an alcoholic and stoner. He doesn't go to the point where he abuses it but he usually drinks a can/bottle or 2 a day
Stan is an animal lover but mostly loves big dogs
He also plays the guitar, mainly because of playing Guitar Hero that inspired him
Kyle is germophobic. He hates pee (canonically), anybody sneezing/coughing on him or even a drop of spit getting on him while one is talking
Cartman is most likely the one who'd blast music in the car at full volume
Kyle is more outdoorsy than Stan and would go have walk in the woods
Kenny is a skater boy
Has piercings on his nose and ears, dragon tattoos on arm and back
Also loves Horror and action movies
Stan sucks at iceskating or skating in general, though Wendy is sweet enough to help him out
Butters works at a diner, which Kenny meets him at often. Butters would give him either a hot dog, pancakes or anything he'd like
Kenny has a crush on Butters, which Butters is aware of. Both are real sweethearts to each other
Kyle enjoys writing stories and poetry. He sometimes shares some to Stan, Kenny and Wendy
Kenny is more of a foodie than the rest of the gang. He even eats more than Cartman does (Jk, not pokin fun at his weight)
Kyle hates his hair but Stan would hate it if he would cut it off
Kenny is still Mysterion. No one knows it's him except for his friends. Due to him being up at night, he sleeps a lot in class. Total night owl
Kyle is a A+ student, who Kenny leans onto due to him failing math. He's nice enough to help him out
Stan would be the one who'd sneak in a hip flask at school just in case he gets depressed, though it'd affect his focus if he drinks too much. Despite that, he's a B+ student. Great at art and History
Cartman is a B- student, he sometimes slacks off, texting or watching YouTube videos on his phone. Great in Spanish and English
He and Kenny would be ones who'd pack plenty of snacks. Kenny would be sweet enough to share a bag of chips or 2 while Cartman just hoards it all, especially for Kyle. Though exceptions are for Stan, Kenny and Butters, maybe Clyde too
Kenny is a C grade student. He sucks at math and History but nails science and art
Stan has had moments where he'd get drunk at prom night or in class
Even though he struggles with depression and alcohol, he's such a sweetheart teddy bear
Kenny hides his playboys and cig packs under his mattress in case Karen finds them in his room
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fruitypiestims · 5 days
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Polyam dino #2
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Was there a time in the evil verse where Mickey's relationship with Thompson and Black was at least somewhat healthy? Or has Mickey always been a dick?
-dinosaur anon 🦕 (who's deffo not obsessed with the polycule hehe)
kinda? There was a time when their relationship was not outright abusive, but it's always been messy and uneven. They aren't even really a polycule in this au. Evilverse mickey isnt polyamorous, he's just a shitty guy who harasses his factotum because he knows they cant speak back to an overseer
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germtimes · 9 months
Welcome To Headquarters!!!
This is my main blog, below the "read more" is a list of all the blogs I manage and maintain with appropriate warnings 💜
My name is Noah, or Germ 🦠
I am 25 years old, polyamorous (dating 2), genderqueer, and autistic! I usually post my special interests.
mentally ill, traumatized, disabled, in ed recovery (ed blogs please dni)
#her 🩷 : things that remind me of her
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Special Interests: Littlest Pet Shop, Webkinz, Markiplier, cute stationery, Hatsune Miku, isopods, The Backrooms, Stardew Valley, liminal spaces, suburban architecture/eco-design, xenogenders/alter identities, mental health, food, glass animals (the object)
Likes: dinosaurs, The Amazing Digital Circus, ENA, webcore/old web, shojō anime & manga, Ouran High School Host Club, daily weather in my local area (no I'm not kidding), flowers, The Sims, autumn, Halloween, intersectional feminism, water (lakes, oceans, rain, ponds, puddles, etc.), bugs, the colour green, spicy food, chocolate sweets, bread, cheese, word searches
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
This blog DOES NOT SUPPORT radfems, TERFS, zionists, racists, islamophobes, antisemites, sysmeds, transmeds, fatphobes, ableists, anti-self dx, 2QLGBTIA+phobes, anti-xenogender/neopronouns, diet/workout culture, anti-vent, misogynists, and other obvious things.
💚 - no trigger warning
🧡 - mild trigger warning
❤️ - trigger warning
@daffodilmornings : cottagecore blog
@hall0weenc0re : halloween blog
@holly-holidays : holiday/winter blog
@foodtime : food blog
@rainbowstalgia : rainbow nostalgic blog
@x-emokid-x : scene/emo blog
@prideboard-zone-archive : moodboard blog
@allthestims : stim blog
@mogai-germ : mogai/liom blog
@sfw-regression : age/pet regression blog
@mintavenue : green aesthetic blog
@myneetbedroom : neet rooms/collections
@fashiongerms : fashion sideblog
@summerstalgia : summer nostalgia blog
@kindkin : kin blog
@dereality : liminal weirdcore blog
@pinkcutestuff : pink blog
@internetyume : anime webcore neet blog
@pink-yandere : yandere bpd vent blog
@smalltowndoll : venting "girlblog"
@boytraumatized : trauma vent blog
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