#poor bab is so insecure
kibblbread · 5 months
This is completely aimless and scattered, like more than usual but whatever. Either way it’s just relationship dynamic stuff~ btw pls read the fucking pizza gorl fic —>>> 🍕✨
Random thought but i think exposure therapy might be the best option in aiding Jason to recovery, well, that and gentle coaxing! Jason is very responsive to praise because he’s definitely a people pleaser. I know it might be hard to tell looking at him from a glance; but let’s not be shallow, he gives chance after chance to his loved ones no matter how much they screw him over. He’s simply a lover boy. So I conclude that Jason is a huge people pleaser, and he’s privy to it but ignores himself. He hates digging into his psyche.. it just hurts, poor guy has too many painful memories.
But it’s necessary for healing unfortunately 😔
AK!Jason is extremely.. emotionally.. wrecked. He doesn’t act outside his redhood persona often unless it’s completely necessary— like getting food and supplies, or even to possibly get intel.
At least for a while.
Meeting PG turns his entire world on its head! He’s pretty out of his element as it is while trying to define his persona, the redhood. But PG! Hoo boy— he did not anticipate a partner in crime. A sidekick if you will lol. So essentially his healing process is expedited(just a tad bit); since Jason interacts with his family at a much faster pace than otherwise on his own terms. Dick is very eager to give his younger brother the much needed affection and support that JT deserves but doesn’t want to scare Jason away. So early in the rekindling process, Dick takes a backseat and lets Barbara lead— she’s the voice for not only herself, but Dick & Tim even Alfred for a bit too. Babs knows just what to say and how to say it more often than not! Jason is more relaxed around her than any of his family for a time.
JT’s attitude is still pretty rotten though, he’s suffering so there’s still so much happening within him that slows them down in regaining his trust.
He’ll still snap & even become aggressive toward Barbara if she isn’t cautious and calculated in her approach, which she is, but she’s not a mind reader and can trigger the worst in Jason. However, on the other side of the spectrum, we have pizza. PG seems to never catch any lip, and if she does it doesn’t seem intentional most times— genuine underestimation is the biggest culprit. PG can be reckless, it’s the largest pain point in the fic between these two imo! But you’re not from gotham, you’re truly ignorant, you’re like a second chance to him almost. You don’t know of his sins, not really anyway… A slate as clean as yourself, he’s gotta prove to you he’s not a useless, unworthy, sorry excuse for a person right? He’s gotta prove it to you.
To his family.
To gotham.
No, he doesn’t. But if we are gonna play this game he proved it when he put on his life on the line once as robin, and a second time the moment he decided to become redhood. He’s no less worthy than anyone in reality. Hopefully he’ll see it in this lifetime, but even if he doesn’t, it doesn’t change how you see him and continue to see him. It most definitely doesn’t change how you make him feel either. 🥰 PG is a protective person at heart. She’ll do what she can to help just about any decent human being but especially her loved ones.
Jason sees it. He can feel it too, subconsciously he wants what she wants for him. So he’ll allow her to poke and prod him where he needs to be directed. JT allows a lot from PG actually, from her quick gentle touches to her quips and questioning. He doesn’t take it the same from any of the other bats, when it’s from family it’s nothing short of condescending. Humiliation and anger rises bubbles from his gut straight into his heart. But from you? It’s not something he can quite name.. sometimes it’s annoying, yes, but with you he doesn’t mind feeling insecure as much. You don’t know what insecurity looks like on him just yet so naturally he allows you to suggest things he wouldn’t otherwise acknowledge. The dialogue between you two is allowed to flow freely. To not know Jason’s trigger’s is to not know his anger; which is arguably both a pro and a con.
The closer PG gets to JT the more she sees what he’s capable of.. and how. The why is what she’ll inevitably get to, but how she gets to his truth is much more important. I think PG not being afraid of how Jason will react is her biggest advantage in being so close to him. On the reverse side of things, Jason is more calm because to him, she not antagonistic in his mind. She doesn’t know his past or the extent of JT’s capabilities so why would she, and even if she did, could she? Again I feel JT genuinely underestimates PG as she is a civilian and not held to his impossible self imposed standards. It’s not malicious, he just wants to protect her, his guard is lower than usual which isn’t saying a lot because it’s still extremely high. JT is still distrustful don’t get me wrong, but it’s not personal like it is with his family.
When you tell J he did good, that he’s accomplished something, he’s on the moon. PG’s acknowledgment goes such a long way in the never ending void that is his insecurity and self loathing!
On a less abstract level, when it comes to doing, Jason unintentionally gives PG the go ahead to start pushing his buttons when he inevitably begins clinging to her presence for comfort. For better or for worse, you push many buttons. lol.
“Stay here a bit longer?” Fine, what’s a bit longer?
“Call for back up! We need help!” Im good enough for the job, but maybe some help would be better than none in this instance…
*looks around Jason’s safe house* “Damn bitch you live like this??? Sleepover at my place😝” *complies but serves the most bombastic of side eyes*
The batfam get to see parts of him they haven’t seen before, or at least in a very long time when you two interact in front of them. Jason is still largely argumentative, but thats how it stays surprisingly, he doesn’t boil over and actually backs down or bites his tongue. Which is.. shocking to say the least. Dick & Babs take note of the more true extent of his patience and how willingly he’ll hear your suggestions. They’ll take note of how freely you grab his hand and drag him along. They even notice him suspiciously looking in your direction for prolonged periods while your back is turned. Hmmm very note worthy indeed. Jason is all too aware but doesn’t know what he can do about without you noticing his clear change in demeanor. But quite a few of his new habits fly under his own radar when it comes to being around PG!
He’s less jumpy for one.
Jason isn’t at all more confident in his abilities since he’s still crippled with anxiety and a lot of self doubt but, he’s really focusing on monitoring and guiding you. JT is teaching you to work smarter, teaching you how the streets of gotham work. And above all else making sure PG can keep herself safe! He’s firm and direct, sometimes even sounding like the commander of a militia 🤭 I like to think sometimes he reverts accidentally. Jason also tends to stay close to PG. Most times it’s unintentional but others he’s just watching out for you. You give him a lot of good vibes and reassurance and JT just naturally finds himself hovering over to where you are. Like him and D are side by side on a rooftop, then all the sudden he’s breathing down your neck because you decided sitting on the ledge of a building was cool like a dumbass. But the most notable of all these habits is how much he allows your touch; JT doesn’t squirm away from you either, he stays put. PG will touch his shoulder in gentle support or give his hand a quick tap to pull his attention.
Barbara finds this behavior interesting, Dick thinks it’s adorable but is lowkey in his feelings about it.
I think thats it for now…
thank u for reading my post bestie 🍕🤪
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baby-zakarii · 3 months
askahsjd im too shy to post from my main cuz its not agere related but im a huge jjba part 2 enjoyer n hc p much all of the pillarmen as regressors but am too shy to post content abt it bleh :P so im jus gonna share some hcs cuz why not !!
kars regresses to around 4-6 yrs old, usually is non verbal cuz he’s insecure abt his deeper voice when lil. mostly communicates thru signing, or word cards. he’s mostly a trauma regressor due to not having a dad / difficult childhood w his mom. esidisi is his cg (n husband hehehehej), n is a very soft, caring cg who is very silly n playful hehe :3
wamuu either is a very younger regressor, 1-3 yrs or a bit older at around 6-8. feels nervous abt regressing in front of esi n kars cuz,,thats his dads but eventually he warms up to esi a lil bit. mostly regresses around santana, they like to play fight and do silly things together like climb trees or snuggle n watch movies
santana is a permaregressor! he’s just a lil guy, 1-4 yr age range, very attached to his big brother wamuu, follows him around lots and always wants to play. can be a bit fussy/emotional sometimes and a bit bratty but he’s a good boi most of the time.
esidisi doesn’t rly regress that much, he just is a child at heart n likes to be silly, is a lil overemotional. when he is regressed tho he’s either 3-4 or 7-8, n kars loves to dot on him and give him lots of love since it’s so rare to see him b lil.
okay bye bye I shall be back again w more pillar bab headcanons hehehe
Okay I love this so much i'm gonna elaborate
- Kars being insecure about his voice is SO REAL. Poor baby :( I think he'd love getting his hair done!
- Wamuu is totally a baby regressor, he needs cuddles from his dadas and bubby! He'd probably try to stay in bigger headspace when regressing but eventually slip to a toddler stage
- Sweet lil Santana... following his bubby like a duckling❤️ He gets carried a lot by Esidisi due to how wobbly he is on his tiny feets
- Esidisi's rare regression moments are likely full of tears since he's so sensitive, love how he and Kars take care of eachother when small :>
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ninja-go-to-therapy · 4 years
Febuwhump 6: Insomnia
Alternate Prompt: Truth Serum
This one was co-written with the incredibly amazing @reesiereads!
Summary: While cleaning out the attic of an old mansion, Louie finds a golden amulet. It’s just his luck that it turns out to be cursed.
Trigger Warnings: violence, burning, self hatred, and brief suicidal ideation
1925 words
Looking around the dirty mansion, Louie found himself disappointed. There was nothing of worth around anywhere, not even the creepy, old attic. 
“The Manor is better then this place,” he grumbled as the family picked through the boxes in the attic, “and that’s full of deadly artifacts!” 
“What did you expect?” Huey asked him, glancing up from an old book he was flipping through, “no one’s lived here in centuries, and they probably took all of the valuable stuff with them when they fled the local wildfires.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” he mumbled, “but not even a penny?” 
Then he saw it: a golden chain hanging loosely out of one of the many boxes around them. He could tell it was real too, with the way it shined as light filtered in through the small window at the front of the attic. 
Huey trailed his eyesight, before frowning, “Louie I don’t think you should—” 
“It’s gold, Huey! I’m not about to just pass that up.” 
Walking over to the box, he carefully pulled on the chain. It revealed an amulet, made of real gold with a giant ruby at the bottom. “Oh my god,” Louie said, “do you know how much this is worth? Why would somebody leave this behind?” 
Huey came to stand next to him, looking annoyed as he watched Louie slip the necklace over his head. “Probably for a good reason. Seriously, you shouldn’t mess with it.” 
But it was too late; as soon as Louie placed it over his head the ruby began to glow a bright, blood red. He tried to tug it off, but the golden chain burned his hands, sticking to his body like glue. He met Huey’s eye, and while the duckling looked concerned, he also seemed smug, like he was proud to have been right. 
Not being able to stop himself, Louie felt his mouth open and force out words he had never wanted to say out loud. 
“I don’t think you care about me.”
Louie clamped his beak shut. 
Why had he said that? Why had he said that? 
He almost missed Huey’s quiet “...what?”, but it was there all the same. 
“I don’t — I didn’t...” why had he said that? “I don’t think I’m worth anything.” 
Realizing it must have been the necklace (oh god, it was cursed, wasn’t it), he clutched at it desperately, ignoring the searing pain. He had to get it off. He had to shut up. 
“What’s going on?” Dewey asked, having noticed the commotion. The rest of the family followed him over.
Panic gripped him, tight and suffocating. Don’t say anything else, he begged himself. Just stay quiet. 
To his horror, he found himself looking directly at Della. “I don’t think you love me.”
He watched in horror as her face fell, eyes squeezing shut as if she were forcing herself not to cry. Great, now he had hurt his brother and his mom. What was next? Would the necklace force him to hurt each family member one by one? Louie didn’t know, and he was terrified to find out. 
“I-I think it’s the necklace,” Huey stuttered, hands clutching the book in his hands tightly, “it must be cursed somehow.” 
“Then get it off!” Dewey yelped, looking at Della with large eyes of concern. 
Before he could stop himself, Louie looked directly at his second oldest brother. “I think you love Mom more than me.”
He felt sick. “Stop,” he whispered, as if he could make the curse go away by will alone. As if his own vocal cords would listen to him. “Stop, god please stop—” he cried out as the burn only seemed to increase.
“Let go of the blasted thing, lad!” Scrooge all but demanded. 
Reluctantly, he did as he was told, whimpering as it only seemed to bury itself deeper against his feathers. 
“I think you see me as a nuisance,” Louie blurted out.
He could feel tears gathering in his eyes, hands clenched around his hood. He didn’t pull it up though, it wouldn’t change anything. Nothing could make him feel better until he got the stupid necklace off. 
His hands hurt, feathers all burnt away to reveal a chain pattern against his skin. The pain at least gave him something to focus on, an escape from his own mouth and thoughts. 
He knew he was hurting his family, that his words were cutting new wounds. That was why he had never said anything, all too aware at how awful his thoughts could hurt. 
Huey stood off to the side, the book he had been clutching earlier now on the floor. He must have dropped it at some point. 
Della stood to his right, a silent Dewey clutching her shirt. She was crying now, hot tears rolling down her cheeks. 
Scrooge stared at the amulet, his brow furrowed. Louie wasn’t sure what he was thinking, but he doubted it was good. 
His Uncle Donald just looked heartbroken. 
“I think all I do is hurt people” he mumbled, tongue and beak moving of their own accord.
The truth was supposed to set you free. That's what all the wise old people said, at least. Them and the children’s cartoons that had to teach the kids good life lessons.
But as Louie kept going, words forming in his throat against his will, he’d never felt a greater weight over him. 
His family looked so upset. Of course they did. Him and his stupid thoughts, things they were never supposed to hear, could only serve to cause other people pain.
And the words wouldn’t stop coming. 
The amulet still wouldn’t budge, and he was beginning to be scared that it never would.
“I — uh—” Louie could feel another confession trying to force its way up his throat, and while he had no idea what it was, he would do anything to stop it from coming out. He grit his teeth, feeling his eyes start to sting from unshed tears. 
It wasn’t fair, why was it always him? No one else (besides his Uncle Donald) were constantly getting hurt or screwed over by evil magical artifacts. No one else had ever been forced to reveal their darkest secrets and insecurities in front of their whole family. No one else had to deal with hurting their whole family against their will. 
He could feel a sob rising in the back of his throat, threatening to spill out from his mouth just like his awful secrets. Louie hated that he cried so much, that he was so sensitive. The rest of his family was strong and capable, but all Louie ever managed to do was mess things up.
It went on for what must have been forever. Secret after secret forcing its way out, each one worse than the last.
Nobody was ever supposed to know any of this, but now there was no way to stop it. The amulet wouldn’t let him stop until every fear and insecurity had been spoken. 
Huey had been right. Huey was almost always right. And Louie, true to his stupid, selfish nature, hadn’t listened.
Huey was so… ugh. He was so much smarter than Louie was. 
Another confession spilled out, followed by a sob that he’d done everything to repress.
His family looked torn between standing there and actually trying to do something. He wouldn’t blame them for just standing there, though. After all he’d said, what he was still saying, he’d hurt them too deeply.
He didn’t deserve their help. 
“I’m s-sorry,” he choked out, hiccuping as another sob wracked his body. I can’t s-stop I—”
I can’t stop hurting you.
His hands were still sensitive from the burns, and they stung painfully as he wiped tears away. The pain gave him a focus though, an escape from his thoughts and the awful situation. 
He could hear someone crying, but it was hard to tell who with his vision swimming. It was getting hard to breathe between his sobs, his chest burning with the need for more air.
It hurt, everything hurt.
It hurt so much that he barely even registered it when it stopped.
A final confession — “Sometimes I think I’d be better off dead.” — and that was it. The glow of the ruby dimmed, the chain suddenly feeling much looser around his neck.
Louie, hands shaking, all but ripped the amulet off, sinking to the floor in defeat. It was off. But his family knew everything.
He didn’t look up. He couldn’t bear to see their hurt or disappointed looks, so he just kept his eyes squeezed shut as he sobbed.
For a long time, it was the only thing he could hear. His cries — and they sounded pathetic, just like him — filled the room; he’d long since given up on trying to muffle them.
Then there were arms wrapped around his torso.
He flinched, opening his eyes slightly to look behind him. His vision was still blurred by tears, but he could make out the shape of Huey hugging him from behind. The older duckling was shaking slightly, but his grip was tight, as if he could hug all the awful thoughts out of Louie’s head.
“I—” Huey floundered for the words, seemingly unable to find the right thing to say. Louie wasn’t sure what he could say.
Gripping onto his brother’s arms tightly, Louie ignored the sharp sting of his burns. He felt like an imposter, getting a hug and having someone so worried about him. It felt great, but it was also wrong.
He didn’t deserve this.
Della was the first to find her voice. She kneeled in front of Louie, even as Huey continued to cling onto him. “I am so, so sorry,” she said, cupping his face gently.
Louie sniffled, but didn’t pull away.
“I had no idea you felt like that — I don’t think any of us did — and I’m so sorry I didn’t notice.”
“No, mom—” he said, looking at her through his tear-blurred vision, gasping for breath as he tried to calm himself down. 
She hushed him, wiping his tears. “It’s okay,” she promised, “You don’t have to say anything.”
He nodded as best he could while she continued to hold him like that. 
“I do care about you,” Huey finally said, arms still wrapped around him tightly. “I care about you so much, don’t you ever think that — that I don’t.”
Louie cried harder at that, leaning into his brother’s embrace, Della taking a step back so they could have a moment.
“Are you su—sure?” he choked out. Ordinarily he never would have let himself look so absolutely stupid and vulnerable and insecure, but the amulet had done most of the work for him.
“Yeah,” Huey said, “Never surer of anything. I love you so much. You’re my brother, Lou, how could I not?”
Slowly, the rest of the family packed in for a group hug. Even Uncle Scrooge, who really wasn’t that big on physical affection like this. But he was a part of it anyway, and Louie tried to take some comfort in that.
“We’re gonna be okay,” Uncle Donald said quietly. “I love you, Louie. We all do. And we are going to be okay.”
Weakly, Louie nodded. As little as he believed it, maybe they would be. Maybe he could apologize for all the awful secrets he’d been forced to spill. Maybe they’d forgive him.
But for now, all he could do was sit in his family’s embrace and cry.
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birdflash and the batfamily
did bruce ever suspect when he set up a playdate meeting for robin and kid flash he was going to gain a future son-in-law? No.
dick and wally Officially get together in their teens
when dick runs off hes gone for like a year and bruce is like. lowkey super concerned dick is going to try and elope with wally
when jason first shows up he Does Not have the highest opinion of dick so he thinks wally is like. dicks bum boyfriend lmao. when he actually gets introduced to wally hes like hmm wally is okay i guess. also wally actually goes to college so jason always asks him questions about it
tim thinks wally is Super cool but is also jealous sometimes because wally takes up SO MUCH of dicks time. tim gets the Most time with wally because tim is also friends with bart so they just all hang out a lot.
all of dicks siblings HATE pda. they have a whole list of rules for what is acceptable when a sibling is within 100 feet. dick disregards it lol he WILL hold wallys hand and kiss his boyfriend while his brothers and sister groan in the background
cass is very happy because wally makes dick happy! wally is one of the few outside of the batfam who can actually hold a conversation with cass and doesnt act All Fucking Weird because she doesn't speak english well
when duke gets adopted dick and wally are already engaged so like three months after hes adopted he gets to go to their wedding and dick puts him in the wedding party duke is like :') the wedding is fun all their super friends are there and bruce is very obviously Trying Not to Cry
when damian shows up dick and wally decided to live separately while dick Deals With the Situation so now damian has "i have fucked up my primary caretakers years long relationship" insecurity THIS POOR KID LMAO. damian gets to be the Ringbearer at the wedding!! It is a Great Honor. also the west-allens arent the worst family to be related to they are very formidable allies (damians list of the flash fam from most threatening to least threatening: iris, joan, wally, bart, jay, the twins, barry).
so. many. wedding photos.
it takes ages for dick and wally to get married because uh. gay marriage was kind of illegal for a while there. even before its legal they have that talk of well i love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you
once it IS legal they put it off because they are always dealing with SO much shit but duke getting adopted was kind of the catalyst for dick to be like holy shit all our family is here and safe LETS GET MARRIED and wally is like what right now im washing dishes
bruce panics and buys them a coffeemaker for their wedding lmaooooo
ONE FUCKING TIME. oh my god. obvs bruce calls his kids by the wrong names all the time but one time he was OUT IN THE FIELD AS BATMAN and he calls up tim on the comms and hes like "Kid Flash, did you read the toxicology report I sent you yesterday." and theres a second of silence before everyone LOSES THEIR SHIT. KID FLASH. BRUCE WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT.
steph and wally get along like a house on fire. a house that is crashing and burning but by god you cant look away
wally is. a little intimidated and jealous of babs because he KNOWS dick had a maybe-crush on babs back when they were kids and wally still hasnt gotten over it a decade later like WALLY DICKS MARRYING YOU I THINK YOURE GOOD LMAO.
kate tries to be a Gay Mentor to dick and wally because when they first came out she was their ONLY GAY RELATIVE who was semi competent (bruce is bi but hes a bad gay mentor lol. barry is bi but kind of struggles with it sometimes)
side note that hal has been around the whole time wally knew him ever since wally was a kid and hes like wow i love that uncle barry and uncle hal are such good friends and then they have to break the news that iris and barry have an open relationship shebnrcnene.
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thychesters · 4 years
There aren't enough fics of Dick getting jealous over someone flirting with Babs! I feel like a lot of people forget that Dick has insecurities. I love your fics btw! They make my day <3
OH BUDDY LISTEN, i’m not the biggest fan of jealousy, HOWEVER, i do think it’s also a very human emotion and dick’s insecurities are glossed over quite often. so i hope you don’t mind me taking this and running with it in the opposite direction and then turning around to run past you again screaming at the top of my lungs. we have dick. and babs. dickbabs. and jim. and jason bard.
Dick Grayson is not the jealous type, not really. To him, jealousy is a pointless, meaningless little thing wherein someone makes something out of nothing, and then it snowballs into the crushing weight of anxiety and the inevitable row that leads to all parties involved sulking back to their respective corners to go lick their wounds. Jealous is, for all its worth… stupid.
So yeah, Dick’s jealous.
Also, he hates galas. If he had to make a list of things he would rather be doing instead of putting on a monkey suit and doing a song and dance to entertain the masses, getting his ACL torn is up there. It doesn’t help that instead of getting to at least hint at the notion of having a dance with his girlfriend, her ex-fiancé spotted them from across the room, and rather than dropping by to say hello and offer a polite but brief conversation, he asked to sit with them.
Whatever, Jason.
Jason Bard isn’t a bad guy, and Dick knows this—clearly, he was decent enough for Barbara to, at one point in time, consider spending her future with him. He’s not bitter about that. He can’t really be, either, since he too was once engaged to someone else, and they’d both had demons of their own getting in the way of nuptials. For a moment he wonders how Barbara feels about that, or if she would ever admit to it, but then he’s come across her and Kory laughing with one another on the comms. before, so he’d like to think they get along well enough and there’s no ill will among any of them.
(Jason had once said during a sparring session that it was only a matter of time before Babs left him for Kory, and then he’d begun laughing so hard he almost missed Cass’ roundhouse kick aimed at his head. Dick sometimes wishes he hadn’t blocked it in time, but his yelp had made him feel a little better.)
Dick passes Jim a glance from the other side of the table. Judging from the way he’d pursed his lips and then his face had quickly morphed into a look he calls tired, yet pleasant dad, so Dick figures he, too, likes Jason enough. Jim looks his way and he tries not to think of the box that’s been burning a hole in his pocket for the better part of the past two weeks.
He’s been carrying it about in case the right moment strikes, but, somehow, proposing to Babs in front of her ex and her dad feels like poor taste.
Barbara laughs at something Jason says and yeah, he’s definitely considering it.
“That’s not what happened and you know it,” Barbara says, shaking her head and still smiling. Jason offers a good-natured shrug. He and Dick make eye contact; Jason looks away first.
“So Jim,” Jason starts in a way that says he’s been comfortable calling the Commissioner by his first since day one, even though that’s definitely not the case. Dick still calls him ‘sir’ to his face. It would be like Alfred calling him Dick. It wouldn’t feel right and the world would spin off its axis and the JLA would have a meltdown. “How’s retirement treating you?”
“Hilarious,” Jim mutters, leveling him with a look. There’s some mirth in his eyes, so at least he’s entertained. He never gives Dick that look. Or at least, not often. Or maybe when Dick’s not looking.
What’s with everyone and liking Jason Bard? So he’s good-looking and has some natural charisma. Dick was the one who fixed Barbara’s front door after the earthquake—okay, so not really a huge highlight, but point to Dick Grayson. Sure, Jason might have worked with Dinah at one point and been temporarily blinded in his self-sacrifice effort to keep her safe, and there was the time Dick got stuck in the old simulation room so Barbara could go see Jason and Tim could meet Blue Beetle, but. (Oh, and apparently Babs had a thing with Ted Kord too? Maybe?)
Dick Grayson’s been to space. Has Jason Bard been to space?
“The day you willingly retire is the day hell freezes over,” Jason says with a grin that’s all teeth.
Dick also knows John Constantine, and he could probably do that. Or he could call Zatanna. Stupid Jason with his stupid grin and stupid humor and stupid history with the Gordon family. (As if Dick has none.)
He takes a sip of his water and for a moment considers drowning himself with it. He could take one of the too fancy, too expensive cloth napkins and throw it over his face and dump water on it, but he’s pretty sure that’s waterboarding and he’s pretty sure that’s a war crime that violates the Geneva Convention.
“Hey, don’t tempt me.”
Below the table, Barbara’s hand lands on his knee. She gives a small squeeze and his leg twitches.
Jason’s a PI because of course he is. Detective and amateur sleuth wasn’t good enough for him. Dick does the same thing by night (not that anyone’s aware) and by day he’s volunteering at the rec. center teaching gymnastics to kids after school and squeezing in EMT classes to an already packed schedule. Jason Bard helps a lady track down her cat or some missing family heirlooms and he's a hero… or something. Dick Grayson exists in Buzzfeed quizzes about Which Wayne Kid is Your Soulmate? and he hates each and every one of them.
Jason also makes Babs laugh and Dick absolutely hates the color green.
But that’s just it. Dick Grayson is handsome and charismatic, but part of him always wants to scream that no shit he’s supposed to be, because he grew up in the public eye, so there wasn’t really much of a choice. It’s the customer service voice versus the regular voice, isn’t it. He grew up as a performer and then as the ward of a billionaire. It was either walk the walk and talk the talk, or talk the talk and walk the walk. He’s not oblivious to way they’ve talked about him in various media—he’s a fine looking young man, but did you hear he dropped out of college? He’s a sweet boy but his employment history leaves a lot to be desired. He’s nice, but…
He knows the rumors.
Barbara’s thumb smooths over his knee and he tries not to think about how he’s spent the past twenty years waiting for the other shoe to drop. He spent the first three months at Bruce’s living out of a suitcase, and he let them think it was because he wasn’t ready to fully acclimate yet, not that he was terrified of them potentially sending him back to juvie at his first slip up. He’s gotten well-versed in traversing around eggshells in almost every aspect of his life.
He watches the easy exchange between Jason and Jim. This isn’t the first time he’s sat at a gala and waited for the floor to open beneath him and swallow him whole. There’s a huge difference between hoping he’s good enough and thinking he is.
It’s unsettling. His stomach hurts, dropping in the way it does before he throws himself into the sky and somersaults through the air.
Barbara’s hand moves from his knee to pluck his hand out of his lap. She intertwines their fingers and plants them both on the table in full view. Her hand is warm in his, comforting, and much more subtle than a grandstanding, showboating of machismo that would have done more harm than good. She leans over, hand brushing along his shoulder and then her bare one.
“Relax,” she murmurs, voice soft enough only he can catch it. “You look like your head is about to explode.”
“Is it that obvious?” he mutters in kind.
Barbara hums, resting her cheek against his shoulder, and he lists just so to accommodate her. Jason glances their way, but his expression is kind, almost… happy. There’s a hint of fondness, but he can’t tell if it’s for something that once was or not, and frankly he doesn’t want to ask. He glances away, and Dick turns his head to press a kiss to her crown.
She tilts her head, pulling away just enough to look up at him. “Do you want to dance?”
There’s still tension, still some envy hooking its claws into his shoulders, and Dick almost laughs, letting a small chuckle slip out. He does not let go of her hand.
“I thought you’d never ask."
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steelycunt · 2 years
jumping in to say i also love love love how u portray the prank b/c s was wrong for it like that was a whole macro aggression and dude needs to be made to sweat a little honestly. i think sometimes the severity of it can be underplayed in fandom (among marauders ppl at least) b/c it just was not really dealt with in canon at all and that is imo a shame b/c it feels like such a pivotal moment for both r and s. obv r will go back to s like he adores him (and is for sure a little pathetic) but it wasn’t like s just…made an oops sort of mistake like yes it was a mistake but it was one that was quite fucking severe actually!! and imo as portrayed in canon unintentionally realistic in the sense that sometimes ppl grow up surrounded by bigotry and wholeheartedly disagree w/ all of it but still internalize some of that shit and don’t quite understand certain consequences cos theyre privileged! and they learn and grow from that or should anyway! like not everything needs to be cut and dry morally obv but the implication he did nothing wrong…nah. does not sit right with me. anyway lots of love adore what ur doing adore ur work and thank u for the fics xx
ahh hi hello babs!! absolutely agree with all of this. i dont like it when the prank is underplayed, not least because as u say i think its a pretty crucial moment in r/s' relationship (romantic or not) n even after remus forgives him it's going to have a longlasting effect on the way he sees sirius and his relationship with him. my memory of canon is poor but im pretty sure in poa sirius still isnt particularly remorseful abt it? which i guess is where my (and lots of peoples) interpretation of the prank is gna deviate lol because...he's gna be a lot more guilty in the wip. because i mean!! knowing the consequences remus could face, his insecurities surrounding his condition n the effect that has on his relationships, and knowing how tenuous his secret/position at school is...its a pretty cruel, ignorant thing to exploit him n his condition for. so its a shame for both their characters when its swept under the rug!! its a point where sirius has to reevaluate himself and how he's distanced (or failed to distance) himself from the bigotry he grew up around, and i agree...it should be a point where he's made to fucking sweat a little, lol
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helenahxnts · 3 years
bang, bang. | (vic&) helena
When: March 31st, evening. Where: The Mousehole; Helena’s room. Not Quite With: @noansweratall Warnings: Angst. Poor communication. Childhood trauma and insecurity that’s manifested into a crippling fear of commitment.  Plot: Sinatra sang on, low and mournful, and she felt—heartsick. Actually sick, her stomach roiling violently that she'd even considered being so callous. So cruel. So willing to crush that delicate spun-glass heart Vic had handed her, trusted her with, because she was scared of emotions that her own damn students could handle with more grace and maturity than her. 
Helena was being cruel. She knew it. 
It wasn't a word she had ever associated with herself. Not really. She might have been many awful things—impetuous, violent, even vicious—but she'd never been intentionally cruel. She'd never imagined that she would be, when she finally found a good man to love. Truly, Franco Bertinelli's daughter.
(Was it intentional, if she wasn't trying to hurt Vic? If she just couldn't help herself? And if she couldn't help herself, well. That was a whole different problem, wasn't it?) 
The night was heavy and Helena was alone, but he was still inescapable. The closed door of her room mocked her; the pillow that forever smelled of smoke and the herbal note of his aftershave was maddening. Her laptop was crooning Sinatra at her, and all she could hear was the curve of Vic's sweet-bruised smile. He was even where he wasn't, in the untouched winter-pale skin she spied when her eyes trailed to the mirror above her vanity, and—
And Helena missed him. She was halfheartedly trying to shut him out, but he was still there and she missed him. And she had no one to blame but herself, for... What, exactly? 
Helena closed her eyes, dipping her head against the book she'd been failing to translate, the busy work her mind didn't want. Frankie sang on. 
No one to blame but herself for shutting Vic out, little by little, hurting the both of them. For letting him in, in the first place. Into her bed and into her heart, she wanted to say, but that wasn't true, was it? It had been the other way around, before she'd even noticed. She'd been so frustrated after Gotham, so damn lonely, and he'd been so kind. It'd sparked something warm and needy inside her. She'd wanted that kindness for herself, had flashed her smile and batted her eyes to get it, had just about climbed Vic to force his attention where she wanted it, and now—
Now she had it, just like she'd wanted. Had him. 
Had all that passion and honesty and, yes, kindness laser-focused on her. Had asked him for it, had eased him into it. With whispered pillow-talk and lunchtime visits and smeared lipstick and the roll of her hips. Asked and eased, cajoled and soothed, until he gave more and more of himself to her. Until she had so much more than just what she'd coveted. Until she also had his secrets and his scars, had his soft spots and his insecurities. 
Had his love. 
(Yes, his love. Helena wasn't stupid. She knew what a man in love looked like; had to, since she avoided them like the plague.) 
What did it say, Helena wondered, that she'd basically strong-armed Vic into this relationship, knowingly plied a lonely man with all of her attention and affection to keep his focus... and that the moment things got difficult, she was ready to up and leave? 
Jesus Christ. Helena tossed her book away, reached up a hand to rake through her hair. 
Or: she was rewriting the narrative. Because she felt guilty. And it was easier to frame herself as the calculating seductress who'd gotten bored of her prey than to admit the truth of it. The truth she'd told Babs the other night before she'd gone back home to Vic, still-barely-warm crepes in hand from the late-night street vendor they'd discovered on their last patrol. 
She was in love with him. She'd been in love with him. And it scared the hell out of her. Because—and this was the part Helena hadn't told Babs, because it was just too pathetic—she was afraid of how it was going to end. 
It was easy to ignore that when they were curled up in her room or his, when he crept his way into the kitchen to stand at her back and rest his hands on her hips while she cooked. To live in the moment and enjoy it. But his bloodied eyes and the sick trauma-tremble of his limbs had reminded her, after the masquerade. The moments they were enjoying were nothing more than stolen snapshots, and—there was so much she couldn't protect him from. So much about him that she couldn't begin to understand. If he didn't leave her first (which was a distinct possibility, because, well, who wouldn't?) then she was going to lose him anyway. 
—Enough. Helena shoved herself off the bed, rubbed an angry hand under her nose to try to chase his aftershave away. God, she missed him. She'd been having these conversations with herself for days. Wasn't it enough? Hadn't she tortured the both of them enough with her incapability to be a normal goddamn person? She was sick of avoiding him because she couldn't seem to stop breaking her own heart, and even sicker of hurting Vic. He knew how brittle things were getting between them, with the way he watched her with those hangdog blue eyes and how his hands had grown hesitant when he touched her, and she—
She hated that he was probably right to think she was going to leave him. 
Helena swallowed. Exhaled. And walked to the door. 
The handle was cool under her palm. She wanted to open the door and cross the hall, drape her arms over Vic's shoulders and whisper for him to come to bed. She wanted to go back in time to December and never cross the hall in the first place. She wanted—and God, she hated herself for even thinking it, but it was such a seductive thought—to lock the door.
(Imagined the way Vic would freeze when the handle didn't turn in his grip. Imagined the way he'd reel, for a moment. Then turn around and go back to his own room. Didn't let herself imagine his face.)
She knew, in her heart, that if she locked the door Vic would never ask why. He'd never come by again. He'd tuck himself away, because he was kind, and because he'd seen it coming, and he would never make Helena feel guilty for breaking his heart. His love-marks would fade from her collar and his smell would wash out of her sheets, and it would be like they'd never been at all. And eventually, it'd stop hurting. It would be kinder than letting the feeling go on longer, letting it bloom between them until the roots were so deep in them both that their inevitable split would destroy them. 
 ... She didn't even say goodbye, she didn't take the time to lie...
Helena's hand jerked away from the door. She turned her stare on her laptop, blinking back into reality. Sinatra sang on, low and mournful, and she felt—heartsick. Actually sick, her stomach roiling violently that she'd even considered being so callous. So cruel. So willing to crush that delicate spun-glass heart Vic had handed her, trusted her with, because she was scared of emotions that her own damn students could handle with more grace and maturity than her. 
Helena swallowed past the lump in her throat, pressing her palms to her eyes. And breathed. (One. Two.) 
When the stars faded, Helena felt calmer. Not better, but calmer. Just enough. She walked back to bed and laid herself down on the sheets, breathing in deep. Let Vic's smoke and her perfume twine together in her chest. Tucked her hands under her chin and curled her legs up to herself, watching the hallway's light creeping in under her door. Settled in. And waited for her lover to come join her. 
When he did, she would wrap herself around him like a vine, same as she did every night. (That hadn't changed.) Tilt her face up for a kiss, press her ear to his heartbeat. It wasn't enough to get them through much longer, but it would be enough for another night. Just until she could unstick the words from her throat. And tell him.
One way or another. 
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vivithefolle · 4 years
Valid reasons to dislike/hate about Ron= He was an ass at the Yule Ball. He was so insecure,jealous & self-loathing with fallible vulnerability. He gave Hermione the cold shoulder & reacted badly towards learning Ginny, Hermione & Harry's first kisses. He should have told his family honestly about his insecurities. He should have patched things with Harry quick in GoF. He was sometimes quite lazy and clueless at times. He can be a cold indifferent, insensitive prat at times. Ron stans agree.
Non valid reasons to hate/dislike/bash Ron= He was abusive,manipulative & disloyal. He made fun of Draco. He always wanted to fight Harry. He is a abusive meanie who cheats/beats/rapes/kills everyone & is a money grabber. He is poor,stupid ugly dumb useless comic relief who makes funny faces and eats chicken so much. Rupert is ugly. Emma deserves way better like Dan or Tom. He called Hermione a know it all. He emotionally abused Hermione for Lavender. He is unworthy of love. Ron stans DISAGREE.
Honestly I think taking the one Yule Ball (yeah judge a person by the one worst thing they did when they were a teenager!! Totally unbiased way of proceeding!!) and the “ insecure,jealous & self-loathing “ reasons are already pushing it, but not everyone can like self-loathing characters like I do, so I kinda get it. It’s like a friend of mine who genuinely likes Draco Malfoy but, careful, not the ‘poor widdle woobie baby who had no choice :’(((” aka Fanon Draco, but rather the “oh my god this guy is a fucking asshole” Canon Draco. And they like him, I don’t understand why, but they don’t try to excuse his assholeness so it’s fine by me.
reacted badly towards learning Ginny, Hermione & Harry's first kisses 
Minor gripe, he didn’t react badly to Harry’s first kiss, only laughed and acted really excited over it. Immature, but not bad.
He should have told his family honestly about his insecurities. 
The fact that he is in an environment where he doesn’t feel confident enough to open up about his insecurities kind of turns this into a moot point though. Ron feels like he has to live up to his brothers and family, and make his parents proud. Admitting to being insecure and vulnerable, in his mind, “fails” the family. Doesn’t help that Fred and George reinforce the idea that “showing you’re upset means you’re weak / too emotional / Percy”, and Molly has the bad habit to compare her children and actually weaponizing this - “why can’t you be more like Percy (who doesn’t drive me up the wall)”.
He should have patched things with Harry quick in GoF. 
Both were being stupid and their own pride stopped them from apologizing. Harry somewhat didn’t trust Ron and Ron felt that Harry was betraying him by not speaking honestly to him. The whole dispute is on both their shoulders.
I guess, honestly to me none of the flaws you’ve mentioned really warrants the sheer virulent hatred Ron elicits from the fandom... especially when said fandom has also decided to elect Draco Malfoy as their resident “UwU presh woobie so misunderstood bab uWu”.
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sasskarian · 4 years
Romance Ask: 1, 6, 15, 25, 29 for Ryder/Jaal and Ryder/Evfra
Ryder/Jaal + Ryder/Evfra
1. What drew your character to their LI and vice versa?
So, I think the main thing that drew Ryder to Jaal was a sense of kindred spirits. At least at first. Both of them are from relatively high status families— Ryder has her dad, who was a big deal before the whole AI thing, and her mom, who literally helped pioneer biotic research. Jaal talks about his family and how he doesn’t feel like he fits in well. And that’s something Ryder really gets. Later, Jaal’s dual nature as both a lethal warrior and a gentle scholar is a grounding experience for Ryder, who starts (like most of my protags, let’s be real) experiencing some Title-Based depersonalization. There’s Pathfinder Ryder, who isn’t allowed to be anything but the best of humanity, and then there’s Sara E Ryder, chronic fuck up trying her best. 
Ryder approaching Evfra was actually Jaal’s idea for the most part, although she starts softening towards him in chapter five. (In an AU I’m considering making canon?) Jaal knows that Ryder and Evfra are more alike than either of them likes to admit: they’re both prideful, stubborn as hell, and a little egotistic. But Ryder is less jaded than Evfra, and while Evfra may not be a ‘friend’ of Jaal’s, he does respect the hell out of him, and carries an affection that could easily turn into friendship if Evfra allowed it to. He knows Evfra is hurting, and that he doesn’t feel like he can show it to the Resistance, but Ryder is good at drawing people in and letting them just… be. 
(Also, I’m poly as hell, so. I tend to write poly stuff.)
“Bringing my men treats again, Pathfinder?” Evfra growled, hands planted on his desk and menace coiled in a shroud around his body. He didn’t bother to look up, tabbing through two different datapads and thundering against her senses like a storm-head. “We aren’t pets for you to tame.” The ice in his voice slid down Sara’s spine and sent goosebumps rippling down her arms.
“I’m not trying to tame you,” she replied softly, “and I mean no insult with my gifts. You know that.”
Evfra did drag his gaze up at that, all narrowed eyes and slitted pupils. If she only looked with her eyes, danger shrouded him, like a bull about to charge, ready to bellow with rage. But there was a tremble in the current he gave off, bouncing wasp-like and angry against her ribcage, and the muscles around his eyes and mouth had a tight, bloodless look she knew stemmed from too little sleep and no real rest.
On another day, Sara might have been tempted to give him something to fight face to face, something to purge himself on. There were days like that for her, when the pain and loss became salt in a dozen open wounds: Scott, her father, Raeka. All the people waiting on her to find them a home and suffering more each day she failed. The prejudices that were supposed to have been left behind and instead were flourishing. The false, failed promise of the Initiative, the proverbial brochure that said Come, find a home. Come and start anew.
She knew that dark anger, struggled to keep it buried so that the poison wouldn’t splash out onto everyone else— those were the days that she sparred with Drack or Cora, or sought out impossible-looking Asari biotic exercises. Those were the days she pushed her body until she dropped, chasing mindless exhaustion and trying to purge the anger, the sorrow, the resentment. And for the first time, Sara looked at Evfra and saw a reflection of her buried self that no one knew.
The weight on Evfra’s shoulders was at least as heavy as hers, probably more so— and with that realization, whatever impulse she had to smart off at him, or indulge another childish pissing contest, died. For good.
She swallowed hard and stepped closer, setting the last piece of paripo on the corner of the desk. A moment passed between them, his eyes staring into hers. Part of her wanted to reach out with a gentle biotic touch, a proverbial hand on his shoulder. Something to say, I understand. And I’m sorry. How can I help? But she knew it was the wrong moment for that; trying to dismantle their cold war had to wait until Evfra didn’t need that icy distance to keep the losses from becoming overwhelming.
Still, even though she kept all of her empathy to herself, something in Evfra… not precisely softened, but resettled in a slightly-less-hostile fashion. The cords in his neck slowly smoothed out, some of the tension in his face loosening, and— almost as good a sign of some sort of victory, like the tipping of a king in a chess match— the scarred corner of his mouth gave the tiniest of quirks. It wasn’t quite a smile: the day was too solemn for that. But it was something she could build on later.
“As you will, then,” he rumbled, turning his eyes back to what Sara recognized as scrolling casualty reports. The words should have sounded like a sneer, and an hour ago? They might have. But Sara knew something about Evfra now, a new layer to the boogeyman-like persona he projected through the Resistance— and the statement just sounded tired. Leadership became a heavy burden, deciding who lived and who died and wondering what to do if their family asks why? And that, they had in common. He fought against the eradication of his species, and she fought the slow death of the entire Initiative.
Who knew? She thought, stepping back and taking Jaal’s hand. Maybe common ground isn’t so hard to find after all.
6. Who is the big spoon?
Jaal is absolutely the big spoon. Those shoulders are so good for hugs. 
15. Does their view of themselves differ from their partner’s view?
Jaal has stars in his eyes for Ryder. Ryder thinks Jaal walks on air. Neither of them sees themselves as the other does, and yeah, they have some insecurities from it, but they’re trying.
25. Share any headcanons about their relationship. 
Jaal likes animals, aside from that damn pyjack. When the Initiative settles down and pets start being bred, Ryder comes home with the tiniest ball of fluffy kitten she’s ever seen. At first, she was worried that Jaal or Evfra might scare the poor bab, given that they’re large boys. But the kitten, named Sam for maximum hilarity and joking with SAM, warms right up to both of them. (The first time the kitten stands on wobbly little legs and rubs Evfra’s hesitant hand and makes his face fill with wonder is something Ryder will never forget).
29. What are your favorite moments that happen between them? 
KISSES. ALL THE KISSES. I headcanon that biotics and angaran bioelectricity are at least semi-compatible, given that it’s hinted that Ryder and Jaal can feel each other’s presence. So I made memory-kisses a thing, where bioelectricity ignites neurons and can allow for memory/sensation sharing.
Romance Asks!
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llovvii · 4 years
aiyla aiyla aiyla aiyla
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Full name: Aiyla Iravani
Height: 5″9
Sexual orientation: bicurious
Where are they from: She was born in a small town in Pennsylvania and lived there her whole life until she moved to NYC when she was 17
Occupation: International Super Model
Bad habits:   She picks at her skin when she’s super anxious, gets like 4 hours of sleep when she could easily get more now that Nova sleeps through the night, and sleeps in her makeup more than she should. i know there more but brain no think rn
Insecurities: her blue eye, her looks (thank aiden for that), her book smart isn’t good enough
What makes them proud of themselves: currently nothing poor babie. we’ve only seen her twice but shit is not good rn with her mental health and she’s trying to not let it show bc she was raised being told those who are mentally ill are weak
How would they describe themselves: her twitter bio is literally dumb thot and tbh... is that wrong?
Hobbies: house plants, makeup, reading, sewing when she can, and shopping
Dream vacation: camping lmao. our little NYC fashion model wants to experience camping at least once but would be terrified of being in the mountains alone or alone with Aiden. Which leaves Matteo in her mind which as much as she loves her baby boy, she does not trust that they wouldn’t end up dead, although Matteo does have some experience with that shit he would have no idea what to do since it was someone else who took care of everything and he just sat around and drank
Favourite animal: Tigers. she grew up wanting to be Jasmin from Aladin bc she’s the only disney princess that looked like Aiyla, which of course includes a badass tiger (bonus: she had an imaginary tiger that she’d imagine would protect her from her father’s ahahah not emo bout that nope)
Favourite music: Bitch loves Lana Del Rey with that sad girl loving a bab doy shit
Guilty pleasure: binging Keeping up with the Kardashians and the bachelor/ette she knows how cringy it seems to bc but loves it anyway lmao
Pet peeve: being mom-shamed by random people on the internet drives her crazy tbh
Favourite subject at school: bitch loved language arts and science
Anything strange about them: her blue eye has noticeably worse vision than her brown eye even tho she was born with it and it wasn’t caused by injury and she has no family history of bad eyesight, also one of her arms in longer than the other and it’s more noticeable than most peoples arm lengths
Best friend: Matteo
Partner: Aiden
One trait they like in others: kindness
How would you describe their aesthetic: run by hozier on vinyl playing in a room filled with an assortment of plants with sheer orange curtains blowing from the draft from an open window. The golden rays of the evening sun light the room. she and the person she loves like no other are whispering sweet nothings to each other while wrapped in each other’s embrace this is worded terribly but it’s what I imagine when I think of her so shhhh
Random fact: she wanted to name Nova Nahid but Aiden wouldn’t let her and she very much holds a grudge against him for that even more so that he really didn’t have a big interest in Nova’s life from the moment they learned they were having a girl
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furysreign · 4 years
🖊 + zak 🥺❤️
ahhh my poor bab! zak is honestly one of my fave characters to write and plan for because his personality fluctuates so massively based on where he is mentally and who he’s surrounding himself with. book one zak wants to die, but he wants to die in a way that he perceives as meaningful. he has this incredibly flawed logic, born of both trauma and guilt, that has told him that the only way he can ever earn forgiveness for being the only survivor of his home’s destruction (through hiding and his own belief of ‘cowardice’) is to die at the same hands of the one that caused it, meaning kiran vonoris (or so he thinks). essentially, zak knows that his fool’s quest of revenge is a fruitless cause. he’s one relatively sheltered young man with no combat training crossing two continents to try and kill a king, knowing full well that the king in question is a military general with an army and a guard at his disposal. it’s not the act of killing that spurs him on, it’s the dying in the attempt of it. a sacrifice like that, he believes, would be enough to atone for his sins and he’d be able to find peace. this mindset leads zak astray for a while, to where he actively shuns any opportunity for growth and recovery and actually makes some pretty bad choices that result in people getting hurt or worse, but at his heart he remains a very insecure, afraid, and lost boy, and it takes a while for him to become confident in who he is as a person and to find his true role in the story 🥺 (and let’s be honest there’s only more suffering from there)
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lockedloki · 6 years
Maedhros Domestic Headcanons
requested by: @meepisthebeep (hope you enjoy! :D)
This tol BOI has such a low self-esteem
He doesn't believe he deserves you
He has so much guilt over everything he has ever done
That, and Mr “Oh look at me I've got three shiny rocks!”
Please be patient, he's trying his best
Aha, when Celegorm and Curufin came for a visit to discuss politics, he knew, he just knew, you were the one for him when he saw you gently holding and cooing at little baby Celebrimbor
That evening he called a disheveled Curufin to his study where he was pacing a rut into the floor
“Ah, brother, have a seat. I want to commission a ring from you.”
“A ring? That's all? You woke me up from my nap for a ring?”
Ahaha, Curufin's face was priceless when he realised by Maedhros's fidgeting that it was more than just a ring to wear in court, it was a betrothal ring!
(He might have done a little victory dance when he returned to his chambers… I mean, his oldest brother was finally getting married! His wife told him to calm down, you haven't said yes. Yet.)
It was a beautiful silver ring with a single diamond fitted in a  little silver rose with petals holding it in place
(Curufin was very proud…)
Celegorm, knowing that although his big bro is an excellent military strategist, he would procrastinate asking for your hand until the Dagor Dagorath rolled around!
So, he made a deal with Huan (which included a very, very large piece of steak), and set his plan in action.
The Lord of Himring, blissfully unaware, was taking a stroll with you through the gardens, seeing what spring had to offer that year, when fluffed up Huan trotted up to you two with a red bow tied around his neck and the most beautiful ring you have ever seen dangling from a delicate silver chain on his neck.
Maedhros thought he felt his fëa leave his body when it registered that it was his ring dangling from Huan's neck
Cue the side takes you took between this humongous hound panting like a puppy and Maedhros's blushing face and his uncharacteristical floundering for words
A slow smile spread on your face and that was the only warning Tol Ginger Murder Son had before you leaped into his arms shouting “Yes! Yes! A million times yes!”
He looked so happy and carefree and-
My he ar t
(That steak was but a small price to pay for his brother's happiness mused Celegorm from his perch in the oak a few feet away)
The wedding was amazing
It was small, with only the closest friends and family invited.
Cue a drunk Finrod being carried away from the feast before he tries to make another toast...
I headcanon his three main love languages as Acts of Service, Words of Affirmation and Gifts
Which means you can expect little trinkets and knick-knacks he leaves for you, such as a small bouquet of flowers from the garden, a short love letter detailing everything he loves about you (it's really short, because it  literally just says “everything”), or a pretty and smooth rock from from a nearby riverbed
He's not that big on PDA, but will not shy away from you holding his arm and a quick peck on the cheek every now and then
He looks so proud when you walk together. My bab
Please praise him and tell him how much you love him. Please.
It's really really subtle, but he'll light up and have a soft little smile on his face for the rest of the day
(my poor ginger son)
He's really insecure about his scars, please reassure him that you would love him even if he looked like a half-dead turtle with jaundice.
He cannot dance for shit
But he loves slow dancing with you after a long day in your shared chambers
He loves fruit, and has a terrible sweet tooth! (Not that he'll ever admit it...)
You surprise him sometimes with a plate of warm cookies or some candy as a reminder that he has to slow down
(Really Mae, that quill looks as if it's going to combust with the speed your writing at)
He'd be a wonderful, if a bit overprotective, parent; but he's terrified of harming children in any way so if would take a fair bit of coaxing to get him to agree to expanding your family
He is really really ticklish on his feet and his stomach, but the reward of hearing great peals of laughter from him is so definitely worth the risk of getting a kick  in the face
He really deserves better (Jirt, meet me in the pit I just wanna talk)
Which is why I reject canon!
You two lived Happily Ever After in a little cottage near the Misty Mountains
The End :)
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sidras-tak · 5 years
I'm so happy you're at it again :3c Barbara is such an underappreciated character, I'm glad you give her the attention she deserves~ And poor Delia! Just imagining how she felt having to break the bad news to Barb! Arg! Also that part in Good Clean Fun with Barb and Beej on the roof? So good! Insecure Beej? Communication?? That's the good shit!
!! thank you! barbara is a personal favorite of mine and while i try really hard to write from the POV of adam, babs, and beej, i usually default to barbara. also, delia is super fun to write as? she has some complexity in her, that’s for sure, and i just wanted to explore how she would react to barb getting cheated on. and i’m a whole sucker for insecurities solved through communication and cuddles. bonus points if it’s on a roof.
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sebeth · 6 years
Young Justice: Torch Song
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Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
 The return of Young Justice begins with the release of the first two issues of the prequel comic.
Let’s begin…
My boy Conner is on the cover.  Along with Miss Martian.  Can we please end this unhealthy relationship?  Both Conner and Megan need to expand their circle of friends and, more importantly, romantic partners. Preferably in a non-obsessive capacity.
The issues are titled “Torch Songs”. That doesn’t sound promising for the duo’s continued relationship.
The Watchtower, Team Year 6: August 8.
Miss Martian, Beast Boy, and a non-paralyzed Batgirl are at the Watchtower.
Superboy arrives. Megan appears excited until Superboy states “Huh. Didn’t know you’d be on this mission.”
Yeah, I’d say the reunion from last season’s finale didn’t last long.
Batgirl begins the mission briefing: Psimon has returned to the United States. Batgirl, Superboy, Miss Martian, and Beast Boy are team Alpha.
Megan confidently states she can handle Psimon.
Conner questions: “How?! By putting him in another coma?!”
“No! I wouldn’t do that!”
“Meaning you wouldn’t do that again.”
“No…you’re right…I won’t do that…again.”
While the duo bicker, Babs ask Gar: “What’s up with them? I know things were bad after their breakup, but I thought they were friends again.”
“They were. They got along great on Mars. I even thought they were heading towards couplehood again.”
“Well, something’s changed because they don’t look like a couple now.”
If I had to guess, I would say once the adrenaline wore down, Conner realized he still couldn’t trust Megan.  Not only was Megan destroying the minds of villains she attempted to alter Conner’s free will and memories.  That doesn’t even include Megan’s season 1 molding and manipulation of Conner to fit into her fantasy life.
Very unhealthy relationship.
Shouldn’t Babs have a stronger reaction to the “you wouldn’t do that again” line?  Megan escaped any consequences of her mind-destroying spree.
Were the Justice League even aware of Megan’s actions?  I can’t believe they were or Batman would have evicted her from the team. DC has established Batman’s feelings on tampering with a person’s mind.  It would also cause great concern for J’onn J’onzz. Megan’s actions would not only violate J’onn’s personal and cultural ethics on the use of telepathy but it would also reinforce the initial misgivings he had of bringing a White Martian to Earth.
What about the Young Justice members – even the founders? Megan was warned about the misuse of her telepathic abilities in an early season one episode.  Even if the team overlooked Megan’s excessive use of her telepathic powers on villains, an assault on her fellow teammate would surely provoke a response.
Poor Arsenal suffered a PTSD flashback and Dick kicked him off the team.  How does Megan keep escaping from the consequences of her actions?
The Alpha team arrives in Hollywood at a classic film festival.  Megan has shape-changed into a human appearance, Babs is in civilian clothes, and Conner, true to form, is having nothing to do with subterfuge and is rocking the “Superboy” shirt. Gar has turned into a mouse and is hiding in one of Megan’s pockets.
Megan and Gar sneak into a panel that showcases an actress that appeared on the “Hello, Megan” show.
Conner has snuck into the auditorium and encourages Megan to ask a question: “M’gann, you’re the bravest woman I know. Are you really afraid to ask a question?”
Please, Greg Weisman, do not continue this relationship. It’s all I ask.
Megan asks about Marie Logan.  Gar admits Marie was his mother.
Megan thanks Conner for the encouragement: “Happy to help. I mean, ‘cuz…we’re still teammates. Just teammates.”
Babs, the only one actually working on the case, encounters Psimon. The other three Young Justice members are chatting with the actress when Psimon attacks.
Psimon projects the team – minus Babs – into the “Hello, Megan” show.  Starring Miss Martian as Megan.
Gar freaks out: “Oh my god! We’re trapped inside Hello, Megan!”
Conner disagrees: “No. We’re trapped inside M’Gann’s mind.”
Conner and Gar struggle while trapped inside Megan’s mind.
Babs doesn’t believe Psimon has the ability to trap Megan.
Psimon gloats: “All I did was guide her to a pocket of emotional safety hidden deep within her psyche. Now, Little Miss Powerful’s own insecurities keep her trapped there.”
Psimon then attacks Babs.
Gar realizes Megan needs Conner’s forgiveness to break free from the “Hello Megan” fantasy life.
Conner confides to Gar: “She tried to psychically mess with my memories…”
“Oh my god, Conner, that’s horrible!”
“Don’t overreact, when I caught her, she backed off immediately. She had the power to force things. She didn’t.”
“That doesn’t make it okay.”
Yeah, Conner, do no try to justify abuse!  I’ve known too many abused men and women and heard way too many variations of this type of justification.
Conner continues: “I know. That’s why we broke up. But c’mon, that was months ago. We’ve been through a whole alien invasion since then. She took full responsibility and apologized.”
“And you forgave her?”
“More or less. You know what? Fine. I’ll tell her I forgive her right now.”
“Conner, you don’t have to forgive her. But if you do, you have to mean it or…”
“Or she’ll know I’m faking ‘cuz she’s psychic.”
“She doesn’t have to be psychic. You two were together for five years. Long enough for her to know when you’re sincere.”
“So can you really forgive her or not?”
Megan sings a song lamenting her woes over her former relationship.
Conner confronts Megan: “I need to talk to my best friend. I need to tell her that I don’t know where were going or what’s going to happen but that I forgive her for anything and everything. And no matter where we go or what we do or who were with, I will always love her.”
“Really, that is, if she can forgive me.”
“We got so close on Mars, it scared me, and I pulled away. I’m sorry for that.”
The trio is freed from Megan’s fantasy life. Psimon has escaped.
Megan thanks Conner: “We’d have been stuck in that fantasy forever if not for you.”
“Hey, we’re a team, aren’t we?”
The issue ends with “Never the end”.
First, Conner’s apology/confession/forgiveness made me throw up in my mouth.  
If the genders were reversed, and the abuse was physical and not psychic, no one would support this pairing. See Hank Pym, who slapped Jan in the midst of a psychotic breakdown, and has never been forgiven by the fans or the comic book creators.
Megan attempted to forcibly alter Conner’s mind out of pure self-interest, convenience, and cowardness, and’s it just hand-waved away.
“Bravest woman I know”. Please, Megan has consistently shown an avoidance to truth and accountability for her own actions.
Second, the “that I don’t know where were going or what’s going to happen but that I forgive her for anything and everything. And no matter where we go or what we do or who were with” along with the “never the end” tagline.  Please do not give us another season of “will Conner and Megan get back together or not?” Season two was more than sufficient for that storyline.
I can accept this ending if the “forgiveness” allows for a clean break, settles accounts between the two, and allows Conner and Megan operate as functional teammates with no sniping and longing looks between the two.
If the first two issues are setting up a full reconciliation between the duo, I will not be happy. I might be over sensitive to abuse justifications as I’ve sadly known so many victims of abuse but the Conner-Megan sends the wrong message to abuse victims.
Third, Conner – you’re absolute, for real, soulmate is on your team.  And it’s not Megan. His name is Tim Drake – he’s the slender boy in red. Check it out – expand your horizons.  TimKon for life!
The cartoon debuts tomorrow. It will be interesting to see the time gap between the comic and the cartoon. So excited despite my mixed feelings over the prequel comic.
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iizuumi · 6 years
i read a book that could make a really cute au and i wanted to share it! prom lives in niflheim with only one parent who makes dresses. one day he meets someone, lets say ardyn. poor prompto does a silly thing and falls in love, lying to his family about where he is and who hes with. things seem to get better when ardyn opens a coffee shop nearby and hires prom. then he marries someone else. trash man insists he loves prom and it was a business choice. prom believes him. (insecure bab) 1
2 but he finds out that ardyn is seeing another young person on the side. miserable, prom breaks it off and goes to live in insomnia with cindy, planning to send his family money while hes there to make up for his ‘shameful behaviour’. he does odd jobs for a while, putting work above all else, before getting hired as an assistant at a heart clinic. it’s wonderful. the people there are so kind, it like he has a second family. he learns to be more confident and his co-workers and boss love him.3 things get better when a patient mentions his son is a teacher and could help prom learn better lucian. and even though prom told himself love was bad,he can’t really help himself. it’s a good thing noct feels the same. then the trash man shows up again. his shop failed along with his relationships, and he wants prom to work for him again. as a stripper. prom, with his new found confidence, tells him to leave. cindy is so proud of him. for a while thing quiet down.4 noct then invites prom to a party at his parents house. prom is super happy to go, and his new friends help him pick an outfit that he looks really elegant in. unfortunately, one of nocts relatives (mom possiby?) is pretty racist, and sends prom down to work in the kitchen. poor prom is so upset. the actual kitchen staff make sure he gets a ride home. and after a good cry, prom decides to leave insomnia. when noct find out what happened, he. is. pissed. he wanted to have a good time with prom.5 after the party noct argues with the rude relative, and decides to leave home. his father has no idea whats going on. then everyone finds out prom left. it’s chaos, pretty much. he meant alot to all of them. when they find out he’s gone back to niflheim, tho. well, prom gets the shock of his life when noct shows up to apologise. without much convincing he decides to go back with his new boyfriend. and regis, now filled in, decides to sell his big house so he can get them a shared apartment.:)
Trash man deserves to burn in hell for pulling this kinda shit on prom D: But it’s so nice to see prom get out of that again. Him being so confident and standing up for himself after getting a better life ;; Also i want that one of nocts relatives to burn in hell with ardyn because they  deserve it for being a shithead D: And Noct going after him after all that is so sweet ;;  GIVE THEM THE HAPPY END THEY DESERVE
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harvest-honeymoon · 6 years
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Oh man, I’m sorry I’m late on this ask! I don’t have access to my laptop atm bc I’m still on vacation, but I’m happy to answer ur question!
I haven’t been redesigning the bosses exactly, more just drawing them and offering up headcanons/lore for my personal cuphead verse! Hilda is my favorite boss on the Isle (besides Dice) and the Phantom Express has a special place in my heart, so here’s some of my headcanons on them!
Headcanons regarding my darling moon bab:
• Hilda Berg is a sentient blimp toon, who obsessed with outer space ever since she was a little girl.
• She aspired to be an astronaut for much of her life, but didn’t pursue the dream, due to suffering from abuse as a child from her family. It put a major damper on her self confidence when she was young
• Out of options and terrified of the future, she turned to astrology for comfort. Despite this, the abuse gets so bad she sells her soul to gain supernatural knowledge of her family, to make them stop hurting her.
• The three zodiac forms she manifests are her family members’, which she used to confront them. She basically saw through all three and their insecurities in a single conversation, leaving them in tears and begging for forgiveness, then left the house and made herself at home in an observatory abandoned because of the Great Depression.
• Could have other zodiac forms, but would have to teach herself the rest of the spells required, which are like a super art for Cuphead and Mugman. Is herself a Gemini. In my verse, Cuphead is a Taurus, and mugman a Sagittarius, and she uses these three signs since she knows them best, because of her deal.
• Her lunar third form is a DDM, or demonic defensive manifestation.
• Kind of bitchy due to the verbal abuse she encountered and bc she’s also on the autism spectrum, so controlling her tone is hard for her. That, and she hasn’t socialized with folks much outside her family. She likes to speak in rhyme bc it’s fun and it’s a way she stims!!
• She’s fixed up the observatory to function properly and uses the big telescope every night. Astronomy and astrology are her special interests, and she’ll chatter your ear off for hours about the subject if you ask her on it.
And here’s our favorite run away train:
• The entirety of The Phantom Express is full of toons who have cheated the Devil out of their souls, hence the collective contract. The bosses Cuphead and Mugman encounter provide transportation for the undead, which are prejudiced against and actively avoided by most of the toon populace.
• The bosses are permanently bound to the train, having died within it due to a train crash. They died around a similar time Chips did, but their names have been lost to time.
• Blind Specter sold his soul for precognition, which he used to outwit the Devil when he came collecting and is why he remains on the mortal plane, unable to be resurrected/banished via parrying. He was a random passenger aboard the train, when it crashed.
• T-Bone sold his soul for immortality, to support his family in their times of need. He was the only one able to work between his wife and child, and like Hell was he going to let anyone stop them from living their best lives, even though they were poor in life. He lacks the ability to regenerate, so he’s nothing more than bones after the horrific accident. He’s the leader of this group of ragtag people all trying to avoid the devil.
• The Blaze Brothers, who caused the crash by feeding the train too much coal (though T-Bone has no idea this is why the train crashed, he blames himself for it) sold their souls for magic, which was so powerful it corrupted their appearances. They’d been on the run for the Devil prior to the other two members, hence their hasty mistake.
• The Head of the Train, affectionately dubbed Chooch by T-Bone and The Blaze Brothers, was given their soul by their creator, which is highly valued by the Devil and thought to be his property, as the creator of the train wasn’t the best person. This subconsciously reflects in the Head’s behavior, as they are sadistic and delight in terrorizing others.
• The group have an uneasy alliance due to their shared situation of being in debt to the Devil and not wanting to go to Hell, as well as having gotten to know the undead population, in the process of being on the run.
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