#poor man had no idea how loaded that question was
nerfpuncher · 7 months
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lovelyverosika · 7 months
You didn’t know but with a twist
Hazbin Hotel! Adam x Fem!Reader
Warning: swearing
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A/N: Hey<3 My name is Verosika and I’ll write fanfictions whenever I have the time to :) This is my first time writing one, so it’s based on the song "You didn’t know" to make it easier for me. Just to let you know english isn’t my first language..so be prepared for some grammar mistakes :,D
We all sat in the courtroom, waiting for the trail to begin. Next to me was my husband Adam and Lute. I wasn’t supposed to be here but Adam wanted me to hear the "childish" and unrealistic ideas of the princess of hell.
After everyone was here Sera spoke "We're gathered here today to determine whether or not a soul in Hell, can be redeemed into heavenly realm by means of this 'Hazbin hotel', Princess Morningstar?",Sera said wanting Charlie to speak up.
I looked down to Charlie,my head resting on Adam’s shoulder. "Webster's dictionary defines redemption as-" before Charlie could speak Adam interrupts her: "Objection, lame and unoriginal". I sighed at his immature behaviour and gave him a slight bump with my head.
Charlie was flipping through her cards making Adam roll his eyes. "If you have actually evidence, then show it already." He said,glaring at Charlie. "We have two patrons already they’re making incredible progress" Charlie defended and I smiled, "Who?", I asked. "Angel Dust" Charlie spoke. "Oh yeah, the pornstar demon" Adam snickered as he added. "He's totally worth being redeemed".
Suddenly Monika,another demon stood up. "Well then, if you know so much…what do you think it takes to get into heaven?",she spoke. It was quiet until I asked if Adam was okay. He scoffed as he pulled out a golden paper from his pockets and a pen, "Give me a fucking moment, okay?",he then started writing and gave me the paper as I read it out, "Act selfless, don't steal, stick it to the man?", I chuckled looking at him with an raised eyebrow. He shrugged "Uh, yeah? Sure got me here...didn't it?",he said seemingly questioning himself. Sera sighed before saying: "He was the first human soul in heaven."
In the following hours Charlie showed us the improvement of this demon called Angel dust and how he did everything what Adam wrote on his list but nothing happened. Sera only sighed as she wanted to declare the trail as failed and that we will see what brings someone to heaven when the first soul arrives. I sat there with my head hanging. I felt bad for keeping my secret,especially when I looked over to Emily,who held the paper that Adam had written earlier.
Emily: But she was right, Sera. She showed us a soul can improve. He saw the light, Sera. Checked all the boxes that you said would prove a person deserves a second chance. Now we turn our backs, no second glance?
Sera: It's not as simple as you think. Not everything is spelled in ink.
Charlie: It's not fair, Sera!
Vaggie: Careful, Charlie, keep a cool head.
Charlie: No! Don't you care, Sera? That just because someone is dead, it doesn't mean they can't resolve to change their ways turn the page, escape infernal blaze.
Y/N: I'm sure you wish it could be so. But there's a lot that you don't know.
Lute: What are we even talkin' about? Some crack-whore who fucked up already? He blew his shot, like the cocks in his mouth. This discussion is senseless and petty.
Lute & Adam: There's no question to be posed!He's unholy, case closed. Did you forget that Hell is forever?
Adam: A man only lives once, we'll see you in one month. Gotta say, I can't wait to…
Y/N: Adam…
Adam: Come down and exterminate you.
Emily: Wait!
Adam: Shit…
Emily: What are you saying? Let me get this straight…You go down there and kill those poor souls?
Charlie & Y/N: You didn’t know?
Adam: Whoops
Lute: Guess the cat’s out of the bag.
Adam: What’s the big deal?
Emily: Sera, tell me that you didn't know…
Sera: I thought, since I'm older it's my load to shoulder
Emily: No!
Sera: You have to listen, it was such a hard decision. I wanted to save you, the anguish it takes to do what was required.
Emily: To think that I admired you, well I don't need your condescension. I'm not a child to protect! Was talk of virtue just pretension? Was I too naive to expect you to heed the morals you're purveying?
Charlie: That's what the fuck I've been saying!
Emily,Charlie & Monika: If Hell is forever, then Heaven must be a lie! If angels can do whatever, and remain in the sky. The rules are shades of gray, when you don't do as you say. When you make the wretched suffer just to kill them again.
Monika: Don't you act all high and mighty!Adam did you ever think your "sweet" wife might be a liar?
Y/N: Huh? Wait no…please!
Monika: Don’t be such a crybaby! Why hide the fact that you were a demon just like us?
Part 2
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littleandless · 2 months
spoilers ahead
Daemon being tormented by visions of his past is so juicy. I hope we see a similar sequence once Aemond takes over Harrenhal.
POOR RHAENYS! She and Corlys seemed very much in love, so the knowledge of an affair that was so lengthy it produced not just one but TWO children has got to hurt like an absolute bitch.
Leaving Jace and Baela to take the heat while both of their parents are off doing gods know what was pure evil omg. At least Grammy Rhaenys always has their back.
And the sass? Lmao everyone is on some different shit this episode. Aemond, Alicent, Baela, Jace, Rhaenyra, etc etc. I LOVE IT.
Do you think Cole is brave and ruthless or just begging for death lowkey? I think these traits go hand in hand at times.
Gwayne is the only one scared enough to admit how crazy all that shit seems.
Watching Aegon realize his own uselessness is sad, I must admit. After everyone impressed upon him the importance of his inheritance and how much has been sacrificed in order to give it to him, I reckon he must have thought that he was important as an individual as well. Why else go to such lengths? It’s just as I imagine Alicent felt when she realized all of her years of suffering were pointless. He doesn’t realize he was basically meant to be a puppet, like his father was before him. Otto and Alicent were the real rulers. But now Otto is gone and no one listens to Alicent, and people have grown tired of pretending that Aegon isn’t mostly irrelevant.
Good for Aemond though. Like yeah you can laugh at me if you want, but everyone that matters knows you’re the biggest joke of all.
Yay abortion ♥️
No but seriously, how do we think Larys will use the moon tea against Alicent? I think he knew the deal before he even showed up at her chambers but he likes to watch people squirm. I’m scared lol.
Also poor Maester Orwyle having to answer such a loaded question. Girl NO ONE is going to make you feel better about this 😭
Alys being a wonderful witchy wench as usual like yeeessss torment that man!
Potions so potent that Daemon had a Joe Biden moment.
I do feel a bit sad when Alicent unleashes her pent-up feelings at Aegon. Their relationship is so fraught it drives me insane.
Is she wrong though? Lol. I just wish she would apply her sass to more than just her eldest son.
Some tension in the relationship between Jace and Rhaenyra. He desperately wants to be of use and Rhaenyra is much more reserved with her heirs these days, understandably so. I’m glad she told him about the song of ice and fire though.
Rhaenys volunteering to go made me sad. I knew it was coming, but still.
The whole dragon sequence was fucking insane. Vhagar blending in with the forest floor was cool as hell. Aegon stumbling into a life-or-death situation when he CLEARLY has no idea what is going on after a fight with his mother is peak teen behavior. Aemond silently cursing his stupidity and then lowkey taking advantage of it. And he could always play it off as a mistake as well, since nobody but the three dragonriders really knows what went down and well…the other two are incapacitated 🤭 PRINCE REGENT ERA LET’S GO
Rhaenys had the opportunity to flee after leaving Aegon badly injured but she went back anyway. Much like Cole, one can question if it’s brave or suicidal or both. Heroes often possess a mix of these.
Also I have no idea what is going on in most battle scenes so I didn’t realize until the end that Cole was being a strategist. Good for him I guess.
That dead guy falling into ash was cool and scary.
Gwayne takes care of business while Cole and Aemond take a peek at Aegon. I know he’s burned pretty badly and doesn’t die, so I’m not too agonized over the (probably very graphic) reveal next episode.
Aemond taking Dark Sister (edit: prophecy dagger thingy) was kind of a bitch move though.
Wait do you think he’ll learn about the song of ice and fire at Harrenhal? Maybe Alys and other magical influences will reveal it to him, or he’ll decide to stick the blade in the fire on a whim idk.
BUT WOW WHAT AN EPISODE! my asshole was clenched like 60% of the time so you know it was good.
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diazsdimples · 9 months
Fuck It Friday!!
Tagged by @theotherbuckley @wikiangela (go check out her new Christmas fic!!!) and @steadfastsaturnsrings please go read all their wips right now!
Today I have a bit of Buck and Eddie's first meeting for the Single Dad's AU!! This bit is a work in progress and will probably be tweaked a bit so would appreciate some feedback (please be nice lol, it's been a long week)
Snippet under the cut (it's a bit long but what's new!)
Buck’s standing outside Carrie’s classroom when he notices the new guy.
It’s not weird, okay, but Buck knows all the parents of kids in both his daughters’ classes and he’s positive he hasn’t seen this guy before. He wouldn’t forget someone so perfectly handsome quite so easily.
The man looks a little apprehensive as if this is the first time he’s done pick up before (and maybe it is, Buck doesn’t know the guy and he’s not about to judge), and Buck instantly remembers what it was like for him when he picked Carrie up from her first day of school. All the moms had flocked him like hungry chickens and grilled him about why he was there, who was his kid, where was his wife, questions that he got all too often as a single dad, but it didn’t make them any easier to answer.
He figures, if this guy is going through half of what Buck went through on his first day of pick up, he’s gonna need a friend.
Buck takes a breath before making his way over to where the guy is standing. He’s hot, that much is blatantly obvious. He’s not overly muscular but the muscles he does have are beautifully toned as though carved painstakingly out of marble. He’s got a light dusting of stubble on his jaw and his hair is fluffy and is styled into what Buck reckons the guy hopes looks like a casual quiff. His hair and eyes are both dark, like melted chocolate, which is unfortunate because that is exactly Buck’s type. In summary: he’s a fucking god.
Buck can definitely be normal about this.
He clears his throat nervously before taking another step closer.
“First time at pick up?”
The guy’s head flicks up so fast Buck swears he can hear it click. “What was that?”
“Is this your first time at pick up? I just – I haven’t seen you here before, not that I’m keeping track but I know most of the parents here, so I was just curious when I saw you and –“ Buck swallows. He’s rambling, like an idiot, and the guy is looking at him with an expression that looks to be a mixture of confusion and amusement, as if he can’t quite figure out if Buck’s a threat or just some dumbass that won’t shut up.
“Sorry, I swear I’m not weird, I’m just –“ Buck holds out his hand. “I’m Buck. Well, Evan, but everyone calls me Buck.”
A wide grin spreads across the guy’s face and Buck heaves a sigh of relief as he takes Buck’s hand, shaking it firmly. His hands are warm and calloused, a sure sign of a man who’s good with his hands. Buck tries very very hard not to think how good he might be with his hands.
“Eddie,” the guy replies, his teeth flashing as he smiles, “Eddie Diaz. Yeah, first time at pick up. Yesterday was actually my kid’s first day here but my Abuela got him.”
Buck leans against a pillar and him and Eddie quickly strike up a conversation. It’s clear the poor guy’s frazzled as hell, Buck learns quickly about how Eddie’s new to town (to be fair, Eddie doesn’t provide all this unprompted, Buck’s asking him a load of questions and Eddie indulges him with answers), how he’s been struggling to find somewhere for his son, Christopher, and how he’s trying to navigate life as a single dad. Buck can certainly sympathise.
“Yeah, I get you, when Carrie and Lily’s Mom died, I had no idea what I was going to do, but we worked it out. They’re such great kids -”
A flash of recognition passes over Eddie’s face. “Wait, you’re Carrie’s dad?”
Buck pauses, mid-sentence. “Uhhh, yeah?”
Before he has a second to breathe, Buck’s being pulled into a bone-crushing hug, and it knock the air out of him. He makes a surprised “mmfff” into Eddie’s shoulder and he pats his back, a little bemused, until Eddie releases him.
“Sorry,” he says gruffly and Buck swears he sees the slightest hint of a tear behind Eddie’s eyelids. “It’s just – Christopher told me how she stood up for him in class yesterday and he was so happy, he’s never had a friend like that before. You’ve done an amazing job with her, man.”
Buck can’t help but swell a little from the praise. “Yeah, she’s a great kid, I’m so lucky she’s mine you know. And she told me all about Christopher yesterday, she’s so excited to have him in her class. Apparently, he’s her new best friend.”
Eddie laughs loudly at that, the noise warming Buck’s chest and spreading through his fingers. “Yeah, well, that’s seven year olds for you.”
(No pressure) tagging @daffi-990 @hippolotamus @rainbow-nerdss @loserdiaz @malewifediaz @thewolvesof1998 @jesuisici33 @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @housewifebuck @disasterbuckdiaz @callmenewbie @cal-daisies-and-briars @wildlife4life @spotsandsocks @smilingbuckley @fortheloveofbuddie @nmcggg @fruitandbubbles @watchyourbuck @fionaswhvre @evanbegins @buckbuckgoose @bucksbackwardcap @aspecbuddie
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byeoltoyuki · 1 year
love me
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↳ Pairing: Seungmin x Reader
❧ Genre : Fluff / friends to lovers
❧ Warnings: none
❧ Words : +2k
❧ Summary : A stupid dare leads to something else.
prompt: “You’re not my favorite person today.” “I’m not your favorite person on any day"
Seungmin pushed the door to your room, looking pissed as hell.
Oh oh. Someone was in trouble. That someone was definitely you.
You should have known that giving Seungmin the spare key to your place was a terrible idea and that there would be a day you would come to regret it. Back then, it seemed like a bright idea. After all, he was your best friend and you were a lonely, young woman, who on top of that lived alone. What if you got murdered in your sleep? There would be nobody to find your body. What if you broke a leg or worse and wouldn’t be able to open the door? Obviously, you had been dramatic when you made the decision to give him the key, but who cared.
Well, unsurprisingly, that day had come.
It wasn’t in your intentions to give him a reason to use it. Not really, at least. But maybe disappearing on him for one whole week was another bad decision of yours. Another poor decision to be added to the very long list of bad decisions. You couldn’t really blame him for using it, in the middle of the night while you were busy watching a drama, trying to distract yourself from overthinking.
“The hell you’re doing here?” You screamed and almost threw your laptop from your bed, too shocked seeing him in the middle of the night.
Seungmin’s frown only deepened. He couldn’t believe that he was worried for your well-being while you were enjoying yourself. Instead of answering your question, he approached your bed in silence, studying you with dark eyes. You were truly in trouble and wished you could hide from him.
“Let me ask you a better question.” He said, “What’s wrong with you?”
Now that was a loaded question. Just like you had a long list of your bad decisions, there was also a list of what was wrong with you. On top of the first list was definitely the fact that you were dared to kiss your best friend. On top of the second list was probably the fact that you had been incredibly confused about your relationship with Seungmin ever since.
“Why are we playing this dumb game again?” Seungmin asked for the second time. He looked at you, half bored half annoyed. You should have known that playing truth or dare would only put him in even sourer mood – he didn’t want to be here in the first place. While you enjoyed improvised parties with your friends, Seungmin hated it. The only reason he came, was because you begged him to come with you.
“It’s only dumb because you have things to hide.” Jisung smirked and gave him a knowing look.
Jisung was definitely feeling brave tonight, you thought to yourself. It was a well-known fact that Seungmin could be a tad violent with his words, but apparently tonight it didn’t matter. Not to Jisung at least.
“But don’t worry, you’re not the only one.” Jisung blew him a kiss, unbothered with the death glare he received from Seungmin.
You, on the other hand, was curious. You didn’t think you had anything to hide which made you wonder who in this room had secrets. You studied Jisung - nope, couldn’t be him, the boy didn’t know how to keep things for himself even if he tried. Your gaze slid to Minho. Now that could be a possibility, the man was a tomb, you believed that even under torture he would never spill his secrets.
“My dear, Y/N,” Jisung interrupted your trail of thoughts, his smirk growing so wide it truly troubled you. Whatever he was about to do or say, you would regret it. “Truth or dare?”
When you first started playing this game, you felt pretty confident. Now? Not so much. Maybe it was because of Jisung’s smirk, maybe it was because of Minho’s and Jiah’s attention on you.
“I don’t think I’m ready to spill my secrets.” You started thinking out loud.
“Because you have secrets?” Seungmin snorted beside you which earned him a strong nudge from you.
“I’ll go with the dare.”
Jisung clapped his hands in happiness and yet the glint in his eyes was pure evil. Damn, was he hoping you would choose the dare?
“I dare you to kiss Seungmin.”
“What.” There was no way he asked something so dumb. Something you had never considered doing even for a joke. Apparently, Seungmin didn’t think it was a funny dare either; his body tensed beside you and he clenched his fist.
“Or you can drink this.” Minho pushed the disgusting mix of alcohols towards you. It was death disguised in a drink.
Your eyes darted back and forth between the drink and your friends, weighting whenever drinking this was worth it. No, you thought, you were too young to die because of a stupid game, Seungmin was right. You slowly turned your head to look at your best friend, studying him for a moment. He told you he didn’t want to come. He told you he didn’t want to play and yet you stubbornly fought him until he said yes. Now you regretted it and wished you had listened.
“Shit.” You thought to yourself, slowly panicking. What were you supposed to do? You didn’t want to do something he would disapprove.
Seungmin was the one to put you out of your misery. He sighed, resigned. There was no escape. “Get on with it.”
“Are you serious?” You whispered completely stunned.
Instead of replying he gave you a long look that meant only one thing: stop testing his patience. You hesitated; it should be just a game and yet you couldn’t find the courage to kiss him. It was silly, really, you knew it. Seungmin, however, chose to end your misery, he too, didn’t want you to drink the lethal cocktail. He gently took your hand and give it a tug.
“Come on, Y/N.” He whispered, fully ignoring your friends who were clearly enjoying your misery.
Seungmin didn’t let go of your hand as your leaned closer to him, your eyes darting back and forth between his eyes and his lips. It was just a dare, you told yourself. A stupid dare and nothing more. And yet, the moment your lips brushed his, your whole body came alive, tingles spreading through your body. Feeling braver, you pushed your body against his, making it easier to deepen the kiss, to feel more of him. It was disconcerting how nice his lips felt against yours, how this kiss made you feel alive, how nice it was. You were kissing your best friend and instead of not feeling anything, you were feeling it all.
Back to present
“Nothing. I’m doing perfectly fine and you’re interrupting my peaceful night.” You ended up saying, trying to sound as convincing as you could but you were doing a rather poor job.
Seungmin wasn’t convinced. You expected as much but still hoped he would let it go. Instead, he studied you, a deep frown on his face. “So you’ve been avoiding me just to piss me off?”
“I wasn’t avoiding you! Why would I?” You protested
“Okay, you weren’t. Then, mind to explain why you had left all my messages on read? Why you declined all invitations to go out? Worse, you refused to go to our weekly library tour. I had to go alone, like a loser.”
“I-“ You opened your mouth, wanting so badly to defend yourself, but he was right. You had absolutely nothing to say in your defense.
“You?” Seungmin knew there was something bothering you and yet you refused to talk about it which frustrated him. There were no secrets between you two; the two of you had always been awfully blunt, not minding hurting each other’s feelings and yet here you were, holding back.
“Y/N.” It was your last chance to come out clean, you felt it with the way he said your name. A warning. But did it work on you? Definitely not.
“Stop it, Seungmin.” You pleaded, “There’s nothing wrong with me.”
“You’re a horrible liar.” He snapped and grabbed your ankles. He yanked you with so much strength, you shrieked. Seungmin settled between your legs, trapping you between his body and the bed, giving you no choice but look him in the eyes, looking like a deer caught in the headlights. There was no escaping anymore – you were doomed.
“You’re not my favorite person today.” You pouted
Was it you or it was getting too hot in your room? It had to be you, and definitely not because his presence was affecting you. It was definitely not because your own body was reacting to his closeness. You were too aware of him.
Seungmin was not impressed. He huffed and flicked your nose playfully which made you only whine and wriggle under him in an attempt to set yourself free. Without success.
“I’m not your favorite person on any day.” He observed you for a moment, weighing his options. He wasn’t stupid, he had a pretty clear idea of what was bothering you, but he wanted to hear you say it. “Fine. Want me to guess?”
You shook your head. No, you did not want him to guess; Seungmin was very perceptive, too perceptive for your liking.
“No? I’ll do it anyway.”
You groaned and nudged him with your knee. Seungmin, instead, leaned closer, face dangerously close to yours, eyes sharp, watching you. Whether it was because of his proximity or because of the way he was looking at you – you gulped.
“I think you’ve been avoiding me since the party and because of the stupid game.”
Shit. He knew. Of course, he did.
“I think,” And he dared to smile, a very wicked and playful smile, “you’ve been avoiding me because of the kiss. Did you like it, Y/N?”
You did. Too much. You found yourself staring at him, at his pretty nose, at his pretty kissable lips. You could joke all you wanted about him looking like a puppy, but right now he looked like a predator observing its prey and he was definitely having fun.
“Come on, Y/N.” He grabbed your chin, his grip gentle but firm. “You’re usually so good with words.” His gaze slid to your lips, leaning even closer, his warm breath on your lips. He was slowly driving you crazy and he didn’t know it. “Say it.”
Saying yes would be so simple and yet you couldn’t muster the courage to say it. Such tiny word, yet so powerful. What if your admission would change your relationship? You refused risking your friendship just because you, terribly, wanted to kiss him.
Seungmin tsked, getting frustrated with your lack of reaction, but he wasn’t one to give up so easily. “Did you finally stop seeing me just as a friend?”
He ignored your question, but at least his smile was back as you finally reacted to his words. “Because if you did, I’ll be finally able to show you how much I love you. I’ll show you every day just how much I care for you. If you let me.”
Seungmin had the gift of leaving you speechless. This time was no exception. His confession echoed in your head, in your heart. Seungmin, your best friend, was actually in love with you.
“You like me?” You finally asked, so stunned, you had to make sure your mind wasn’t playing some tricks.
Seungmin laughed at that and straightened up. He knew, he had all of your attention, now. “I do. I’ve been in love with your sorry ass for two years now. I think Jisung was done with watching us, that’s why he made you do the dare.”
And here you thought, you were good at figuring people out. Apparently, you were not. How did you miss the signs? But more importantly, what were you supposed to do? Clearly, the kiss made you think more about Seungmin, about your own feelings. Did you love him? Did you want a relationship with him?
“You’re overthinking right now.” Once more, he saw right through you. “It’s okay if you don’t know how you feel about me. I can wait.”
You knew he would. Seungmin was the patient one between the two of you, but he was also a fighter – given the chance, he would fight for his love.
Slowly, you reached out for him. You pulled at his arms, making him fall back on top of you, giving you a chance to wrap your arms around his neck. “Can you kiss me?” You asked instead. “Just to be sure.”
“Thought you’d never ask.” Seungmin chuckled and didn’t hesitate. Not even for a second as he claimed your mouth hungrily, passionately. He had been dying to do it again – now that he had a taste, it was the only thing he could think about.
And you? You realized with his lips devouring yours,  it wouldn’t be hard to fully give yourself to him. Body, heart and mind.
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༉‧₊˚. 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐤 || 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐥 𝐝𝐢𝐱𝐨𝐧
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― pairings: daryl dixon x plus size bimbo!reader
― era: early season 9
― summary: you needed more clothes, and daryl was more than willing to spoil you.
― warnings: literally nothing! it's just fluff and the reader being very dense :`]
― wc: 1773
⋆ a/n: i loved writing this more than i love air, so i hope you guys enjoy this because i know i do.
masterlist | AO3
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In any other lifetime, Daryl would’ve ignored girls like you; the ones that weren't as bright, that always had a question, that never knew what was going on, practically having a head filled with air. How you were still alive when Daryl had first met you was beyond him, because you were definitely the type that wouldn't be able to survive the apocalypse. He should've left you to die, but he quickly learned that your presence had easily brought joy to the group.
At first, he stayed away from you, but it was as if you flocked to him, following him around like a lost puppy. Anyone else would have been annoyed with the way you stuck to him— even though he'll never admit it— he liked that you always needed his help, that he was the first person you sought out. He quickly became your protector; you almost ran into a door? He's placing a hand on your shoulder to lead you the right way. You can't figure out why your gun is out bullets? Your gun that had miraculously disappeared is now back and the chamber’s loaded. Out of your favorite pink lip gloss? There's a new tube waiting for you on your desk. He always hovered, he always knew what you needed, and he made damn sure he could provide for you.
It wasn't hard to figure out that he was in love with you, and many people found it amusing— especially the leaders of the kingdom, and Alexandria. You were total opposites, and maybe that's just what Daryl needed.
Now here you were, practically fuming because of your lack of clothing. With Rick honoring Carl, and Daryl being his right-hand man, you weren't able to go out shopping. It's not that Daryl didn't trust the others to take you out, you were the one that actually preferred him there— mostly because you felt a lot safer with him— but also because you needed his opinion on what clothes you should get. Even if you liked it, you wanted him to like it too, because he was your boyfriend, and he would have to see you wear them everyday.
You must admit that Daryl had ended up dictating most of your wardrobe; from your perfume to certain shirts, and pants, and sometimes down to your bra and underwear. It wasn't like he had insisted on it like some control freak, but he knew it was something that would make you happy, so he obliged.
You huffed sadly, looking at your black-to-pink clothing ratio— which was unmistakably Daryl's. You had no idea when he would come home, and you were starting to get fidgety. Back before the world fell, you loved to shop, it was your favorite past time, practically robbing the poor stores blind with your friends. You stood there in your hot pink tank top, your underwear having the word ‘Baby’ bedazzled across your ass— Daryl had begrudgingly allowed you to take it home when he heard the excited squeal you let out when you saw the pair, which was one out of the many in the pack.
Your bedroom door opened, causing excitement to course through your veins as you turned around to look at your favorite archer, the man setting his trusty crossbow against the wall. You could see the crown sticker you had put on the handle of it, Daryl always threatening to rip the “stupid” thing off— even though you both knew that he ended up gluing it on there.
“Baby!” You squealed, practically throwing yourself on him. He pulled you flush against his body as you showered his face in never ending kisses, smearing your lip gloss all over his forehead, cheeks, and lips. “You're home! Oh, I've missed you so much!” He chuckled fondly at your enthusiasm, hands falling to the exposed skin of your waist, which was a product of your squirming.
“I missed ya too, sunshine.” You pulled your face away from his so that your arms were looped around his neck, peering up at him through those pretty eyelashes of yours. “So, I was thinking that my closet was looking like it needed more clothes.” He raised an eyebrow, his lips tugged up in the corners in amusement. “Is that so?” You nodded with a big smile on your face. “Yep! And I need you to come with me.” He looked conflicted as his left hand reached up to caress the side of your face.
“I dunno.” You gave him the best puppy dog eyes that you could muster, pouting your now barely glossed lips. “C'mon, D. It's been so long since I've been on a real shopping trip, and wouldn't it be a good time to go on a date?” He let out a defeated groan. He couldn't say no to you, he hated that he couldn't, and he also hated how you knew and took advantage of it.
“Alrigh’, we'll go tomorrow.” You let out a happy noise as you showered him in affection once more. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” You all but cried. “You're the best, bear.” You were the only one that was allowed to call him ‘’Bear.” You had claimed that it sounded familiar to Dar, which was another nickname you had gracefully given him. “Don’ go shoutin’ that.” You giggled, placing a peck on his nose. “No promises, Bear.” You teased.
As the next day came, you were up early, your body thrumming in enthusiasm as you thought of finally getting out of the walls for a while. You wiggled out of Daryl's unconscious embrace, the older man rolling over onto his back where you took full advantage of straddling his waist. You dragged your hands down his bulky chest, running your fingers through the patch of hair on his chest, down over his peck to trace around the tattoo that laid inked there. You bent down, your still shirt covered chest pressing against his, placing kisses from his lips to his neck, nibbling softly on the skin.
“Bear…” You whined softly, “You've gotta get up. You promised.” He groaned, large calloused palms resting on your full thighs. “Well good mornin’ to ya too.” You joined your lips together softly, Daryl closing his eyes so he could be surrounded with everything that was you. As you broke off the kiss, your peered into his eyes, Daryl looking into yours with admiration of his own.
“Alrigh’,” He sighed, “’M gettin’ up.” You cheered, landing one last kiss on his pursed mouth, bouncing off of him to find something to wear.
The ride to the store was nice, your arms wrapped tightly around his waist. As he assisted you getting off of the bike, you couldn't help but ask, “Bear, does my makeup look okay?” Even when it was the apocalypse, you still liked to do your makeup. His thumb came up to gently wipe off some pink eyeshadow that had fallen onto your cheek. “Ya look beautiful.” You smiled at him, your body flushing. “Ya ready?” He asked, holding out his hand for you to take. “Mhm.”
He had made sure every square inch of the store was cleared before allowing you to even step foot inside, insisting that you wait outside of it. When his sweep was done, he had reappeared to come and get you, tugging you inside and into the clothing section.
“Dar, look at all of these dresses!” You announced in awe. You gently touched the material, twisting the fabric between your fingers before letting go.
The next hour consisted if you throwing things in Daryl's awaiting arms, the man hauling around the items until you had reached the dressing rooms. You took all of the clothes out of his arms, Daryl collapsing in a chair with a disgruntled, but yet relieved grunt.
“’M too old fer this shit.” He all but complained.
As he watched you disappear behind the old curtain, he couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of normality. He knew for a fact that if the world still functioned the way it did, he would have never carried around clothes, or allowed someone to call him bear, or even touch his prized crossbow. He couldn't help but think that maybe— just maybe —you would be doing this with him if the dead had stayed dead. If Merle could see him now he'd call him pussy whipped for a skirt. He could almost hear him say it, a chuckle exiting his body at the thought of his older brother’s crude teasing.
The air got lodged in his throat as he watched you model a pair of low-rise denim shorts. He could see the tattoo above your ass on your lower back clear as day, three stars sat above either cheek.
“I figured these would be good for when it warms up.” You have him one last twirl before awaiting his approval. “Yea, it looks good. 'Real airy.” You giggled in satisfaction. “I know right?!” You disappeared back into the small room before popping back out in a light pink no strap tube top, even lighter pink feathers lining the top band above your breasts.
“What do you think?” You asked, a glimmer in your eye in your eyes that clearly states that you loved the thing. “Can that thing even be considered a shirt?” He snorted, but it was all just teasing to ruffle your feathers— no pun intended. “Ya look like a flamingo.” You whined at his faux insults, throwing him a weak glare. “Dar, don't be mean! I like it.” He blew out an overdramatic raspberry before focusing back on you.
“I like it. 'Would look good with that skirt I saw ya throw at me.” Your head perked up as if you were the one that had the idea yourself. “You're so right!” You rushed to squeeze to the skirt on, not even bothering to shut the curtain as you bent over.
Today, your panties read, ‘Sweetheart.’
It went on like that for what seemed like hours before you had finally left the store, the clothes that you wanted being shoved into old bags that Daryl had found— which he inevitably ended up carrying as well.
“Thank you so much for today, Bear.” You said tiredly. You fell face first onto his firm chest, breathing in his earthy scent. “Ain’ no problem, darlin’.” He wrapped his arms around you, his hands still clasped with the baggage.
You leaned up, pressing a sweet, glossed kiss to his cheek, smearing the product on his scruff, a feeling that Daryl will always welcome.
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foggymartin · 1 year
It's always awful to see pretentious twats on the news, but especially when they talk about things they've had no experience in. Seeing upper class, Christian men go on and on about how we should make Britian a "Christian" place again is out of this world. Seeing upper class (and let's be real, probably Christian) men talk about how people in poverty should just *work in these shitty jobs provided by our fucked government and earn minimum wage* because what are they going to do? They basically don't have a choice. Seeing *upper class christian men* talk about women's rights, gay peoples rights, people of colours rights, like it's some kind of epic tale in a book. They have no fucking idea what they're talking about, for any of it.
Christianity is a fucked religion (controversial, I know) with again, pretentious twats speaking the "words of God" which are a load of shit. Most of the time it's used as an excuse to be a homophobe or a sexist. Okay, David, why don't we follow every single rule ever put into that musty book? Why don't we tell left handed people they're going to hell? Or tell people who are mean that they're going down there? Why is it gay people? Correct me if I'm wrong, the Bible stated "man must not sleep with *boy*" and not "man must not sleep with man." You know, because pedophila feels like more of a crime then *gay people.* just a hunch. Commenting "Jesus loves you" or "find god" on any post that is someone different. An alternative person. It's so stupid. Why do you care? Follow your little religion and fucking leave us alone.
Poverty is a huge problem across the ENTIRE world, and I'm sure that speaks in volumes about how fucked up of a world we are. The fact that these people who are fighting to survive every day are being told to "just work" by people who never had to work a day in their life for shit is infuriating. Upper class people in general irritate me. I think it's the arrogance that they have. They're a bit.. Snobbish, you know? Even from just teenage girls being naive and laughing at poorer kids for not having an iPhone, to rich adults looking down on these people with such disgust. Seriously viewing these human beings as less then their pretty little £1000 poodle. What the fuck. The government taxes people - taxes the poor people who literally can't afford it if they want to eat. And just the normal people. Why not tax the rich more? People say "oh, we do tax them." Not as much? Do they need all that money? Do they really? Why can't they lend some of that "well earned" (passed down from generations) money to people who need it. I'm sure they'll live.
People on the news talk about women and gay people like they're a shit stain on a wall, but I'm sure the stain would get better rights. It's debates about women's rights to give birth, women's rights to wear what they please, women's rights to turn down a man. Literally fucking anything a woman does is shit on by society. Gay people are debated - should being trans be allowed? Is being gay a sin? Hmm, such tricky questions... Why not just let them live? People point out "oh, that school shooter was trans" or "that rapist was gay" not to say that school shootings or rape cases are bad, no no, just to shit on the LGBTQ community. Nobody points out that a school shooter was a white man. Why don't we just say "that school shooter was a horrible person who deserves to die" and not focus on the community they were a part of? Maybe mourn the lives lost instead of rejoice in the fact that you've got new things to hate the LGBTQ community for.
What a pleasant world we live in, huh? I could go on more, but I wont. I'll probably spiral into a ton of stuff about capitalism and why it should be torn to the ground.
Jesus Christ, I wrote more than intended. Happy reading
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hopeforkitten · 9 months
I spent a crazy evening thinking about Raphael and brought one small and one bigger idea to you
Raphael who loves, so I guess it's a fluff
I want Raphael to cry into his pillow because he has fallen in love with Tav, who is already serving one of the archdevils. So that he would scurry through the forests and halls watching him from afar, accidentally found himself at every event where they would be.
and so that in a few more thousand years, when he has the crown and he marches through hell victoriously, Raphael will take his soul out of the deepest pit and appoint a perplexed poor man to delight his gaze
Or ooh
Raphael, who conquers avernus and can already butt heads with other archdukes, orders some Tav and his contract to be stolen from another hell..... (I want him to grow up in hell, at the court of Mammon, because he was taken away as the most valuable fruit, and later he became a warlock)(well, because stealing a sorcerer from the personification of greed is FUN)
so that this surprisingly calm creature is thrown in front of his throne.
Tav looks around, everything in the throne room is too big for her, but it's familiar feeling
"Khem, it is an honor for me to appear before the new Archduke Averno, but.... What can I do for you?"
Raphael does not deign to pay attention to her, as well as a dozen guards stationed in the hall. He reads her contract carefully, the girl understands this and confusion is visible in her eyes.
"Introduce yourself"
The girl was enlivened by Raphael's words and she straightened up to answer
"My name is Tav, I am the warlock of Mammon"
"What kind of work do you do?" Raphael spoke without emotion, without looking up from the contract in his hands
"I can kill someone, negotiate, be an ambassador, whatever the master wants"
The girl tries to keep up with dignity, but the atmosphere of uncertainty presses on her. She digs her hands harder into the strap of the bag that hangs on it.
"What's in your bag?"
seemed like exactly the wrong question to ask her. The girl was lost, but between mortals it would have been a common question.
"Um, potions scrolls and documentation"
"What kind of documentation?"
"As a punishment, I am engaged in economic documentation of the yard"
"And do you consider this a punishment?"
Raphael finally squinted his gaze towards the guest
"For small flaws, mostly from the master's bad mood, but no, it was not a burden to me dealing with paperwork"
"How fortunate, and do you know much about the internal affairs of Mammon's court?"
The obvious reason for staying here cautiously reached the girl.
"I know a lot, but the contract forbids me..."
Tav did not have time to finish and the sound of parchment tearing was heard in the hall. Raphael calmly tore the contract into two parts, Tav watched in some fright as the paper sank to the floor and turned into ashes
"Oh, it doesn't forbid it now."
Now the fright was much clearer in her, she hunched over a little and hid her eyes on the floor. the girl swallowed nervously. Is she going to be interrogated and killed now? It's probably like true
"Now we can discuss more"
and ooooh, they really can discuss a lot.
firstly, Raphael can instruct her to deal with the documentation of the yard, change the load, make it bigger and smaller, everything will always be perfect. Tav never complained, and yet when he made the load absurdly heavy, she once fell asleep on him during a planned walk. they didn't talk about this moment and he didn't overdo it anymore.
and secondly.
their conversations, first she will be interrogated, then Raphael will schedule regular meetings with them, allegedly because of the politician. In fact, the bored Archduke will take his nightingale everywhere and lead her to talk about everything: books, magic, food, the history of hell.
Tav really knows everything he expects. And the Archduke likes to listen to her voice. He had been looking at her from afar for too long, and now his nightingale was next to him, belonged to him.
The devil knows that now, no matter what awaits him, even the war with the other eight hells, in his kingdom, in his golden cage, there is a little bird that is always waiting, always looking at him fearfully and ready to discuss the book they talked about last time. No matter how frightening the archdevil was, his crown-like horns, cloak, and shoulder pads made him deceptively large. It doesn't matter, he's too well ingrained in the little thing's trust.
These regular meetings of the archdevil and the little man, in the throne room, on the terrace, in the library, it seems they used all the places available in the flying fortress.
Tav doesn't understand the purpose of these meetings, but is there any reason for discontent?
The Archduke is extremely kind to her. He's even... Is he handsome? It's probably not strange because the girl grew up in hell. His face is so big, cherry-colored, noble cheekbones, signs of advanced age, his hooked nose.
She likes the way his eyes sparkle in the dark corners of the citadel, of which there are plenty, the two brightest eclipses for her. The devil's gaze is harsh for everyone, but looking at her, he softens. His lace collar? Perhaps this is too delicate a detail for the archdevil's clothes.
He usually talks to the servants insinuatingly, often just doesn't listen and tells them to get out with his hand. His hands... In his new rank, Raphael abused jewelry more. For sure, his smallest ring will be dangling on her thumb. The devils' hands are made to tear apart, but these only rest on the armrests, gesticulate moderately into the sunset and even put their arm around her shoulder as they pass through the crowd of fiends. As if they would really dare to hurt her, as if they didn't make way enough when their master appeared.
If the duke is angry, it always spreads quickly around the court. In this case, he comes to meetings and is silent. Tav needs to take the initiative herself, at some stage of her story he will join the conversation as if nothing had happened. The Archduke's great privilege is his voice, as if he is much bigger and speaks directly into the back of your head, the sound embraces your head from all sides.
It's scary when he takes the initiative, and it's like he's digging it up, moving from questions about the book to her personal ones.
"What do you like? And how do you feel? What would you like?" Questions that demolish the load-bearing walls in the protection of the Tav and she has to sort out the rubble and rebuild them. Anything you say will be used against you, she has long understood this rule, but now it has stopped working and it was confusing.
She plays along with him, but the girl herself is tormented by questions, what is this performance for? The devil obviously knows all this better than she does. First, she would try to ask his closest servants such a question, and then he himself.... but what he will answer, think for yourself
(For sure, Raphael has a specially prepared servant for this, who at this moment should call him on urgent business. So that he could tell her
"Think about it at your leisure, little bird", kiss her on the forehead (for the first time!) and leave, leaving the girl blushing and wondering alone. and then also cancel several meetings with her so that she would suffer in thought)
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pocketramblr · 10 months
Not sure if you've done this before but what about an AU where Manual gets OFA?
Keep putting this poor normal man in Situations
1- Masaki is putting out fires in the wreckage AfO and All Might cause in their first flight when he finds All Might's heavily damaged body, and does what he can to keep his blood in his body. All Might, barely conscious, passes on OfA but does not explain. By the time he awakes in the hospital, he has forgotten that he did it at all, and attributes the weakening levels of OfA to his injury.
2- Masaki, of course, also has no idea. And since he doesn't have any reason at all ever to use super strength, he never tries and never breaks any bones activating OfA. Instead the quirk simmers in his body, slowly strengthening his original quirk. It gets stronger a little at a time as Masaki adds drops to the stockpile.
3- Years later, this means his ranking and power are higher, though he's still no top ten. When the Sky Egg Party is attacked, Tensei gives him a different job- use his quirk to keep the building balanced by moving the water in the plumbing around until reinforcement can arrive, and lighten Captain Celebrity's load. So, he's in a different place when the bomber proto nomu attack, and more under heavier fire. So when he acts on instinct and kicks a proto nomu back, OfA activates and sends the bomber to the ground, breaking Masaki's leg in the process. He would have fallen had Tsukauchi not called for All Might to catch the building and everyone else.
4- speaking of Tsukauchi, he's one of the only three people who saw what happened- also Masaki himself, and Eraser. However, Tsukauchi and Eraser were a bit distracted, and so it takes a minute to put it together. Eraser picks up Masaki to help him to an EMT while Tsukauchi goes to hide Toshinori, who's out of time. But Masaki looks over and is like "uh I think that guy needs your help more than me". When Tsukauchi gives Toshinori a jacket to cover up, Masaki sees the injury, and puts the pieces together. Eraser is doing some of that too, realizing that no hysterical strength is going to take down one of those monsters, and worried that the villain factory made some sort of contagious strength that Masaki caught. So he brings him over to Tsukauchi for a statement. Masaki doesn't want to impose, so he tells Tsukauchi not to worry about him, he'll be fine, he needs to take care of that civilian he found." Tsukauchi realizes that last part is a lie- but that means Masaki knows AM's identity, plus the quirk weirdness, very sus. He takes both Masaki and Toshi, and sends Eraser away.
5- a very confusing conversation ensues, with everyone realizing what happened. Toshi almost cries at the fact that he had a successor all along and no one knew. Instead, he laughs softly and imagines Sir's reaction. He calls in a favor to get Masaki's leg healed quickly by RG. Masaki offers to return OfA, but Toshi thinks it might kill his body to take it all back now. He invites Masaki to train at Might Tower, if he wants, but he doesn't need to- AfO is dead, after all, he can live a normal life as he wants. Masaki squints, and asks a couple questions about the Villain Factory. "And... You think all that doesn't have anything to do with the AfO guy?" When Toshinori tells him how sure he is that AfO died in that fight, Masaki just frowns and tells him: "All Might, when I got down there, there wasn't another body."
A heavy silence falls over them. Masaki accepts the invitation to train, and is there often- though, to Toshinori's surprise, he seems to care about Yagi as much as he does All Might, if not more.
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foibles-fables · 1 year
okay…I have to know what you think of Seyka? Any other thoughts?
Man, nonny, I...really hope I like her! I'm curious to see how they are going to differentiate her from Aloy's other (both in general and...One Very Specifically, lol) allies.
I was chatting it out with some folks--and I think it could be really compelling if she's a fierce and confident fighter, but quick to frustration, prone to overcompensation, maybe downright pessimistic at times? She looks pretty petulant at times in the trailer. Maybe this is her flaw and her room for growth throughout the plot of the DLC.
@finrays and I were tossing around the idea of her being a lower-level but ambitious grunt in the Quen marines, always passed over for rank promotions due to nepotism, etc. Has a chip on her shoulder because of it. This would set up some interesting initial friction with Aloy, who is...from a frustrated outsider's POV, especially an outsider who is versed in the Ancestors, the very definition of nepotism, lmao. "How could you know how this feels? You've always been important."
This could also set up an interesting potential for betrayal?? If either the or a big baddie is a higher-level Quen military person, they could ask Seyka to quit Aloy's meddling and she'll be rewarded with what she's always wanted--to rank up, to be Important. And hey, maybe she does betray Aloy. Maybe she betrays Aloy only to realize her mistake and then sacrifice herself to keep her alive. Maybe she says "screw you" to the baddie and sticks with Aloy.
In any case, definitely could be a cool dynamic. Aloy has never really been betrayed before in earnest, IMO. Tilda's scheme doesn't really count, and Sylens...sure, maybe with the lance, but I don't think Aloy has ever trusted him like she might trust Seyka eventually. That would be a nifty little twist.
Ooh, and yeah, maybe she takes that Focus from a Diviner friend (dead or alive).
And then there's the big question that everyone's been riled up about: Seyka as a love interest. I have--admittedly and predictably--many, many thoughts about this, most of them incoherent, I'll try to get some of them out. There are inclinations to suggest that maybe the DLC will lean in that direction? But they're all very, very vague. IMO--and I say this as a proponent of including romance in the series--I think it would be quite a....Very Choice, to enter Aloy into a deal-sealed canon romantic relationship with a character introduced in a console-specific DLC before the third game of the planned trilogy. What would work better, though, IMO? A couple options.
What we've always had. Meaningful glances/loaded gestures/everything we've seen for other fan favorites so far in ZD and FW. It'll seem more powerful in BS because the main-character base will be limited. But in comparison, it'll be similar to what we've been used to analyzing for years.
Aloy does develop an explicit crush on Seyka, but Seyka (probably very kindly!) rejects her? Which, like, POOR ALOY, but also an interesting character moment for her, I think.
Same as above, but the aforementioned betrayal/death deal gets in the way.
So like, am I calling her a stepping stone?? Maybe!! Who knows! Like I said, having a defined and sealed-deal thing moving into the final(?) would definitely be a storytelling risk, IMO. I feel like something so huge, character-wise, should be mainline story material.
I hope this was an at least half-coherent answer! My thoughts are very scattered as drop day approaches.
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yandere--stuck · 2 years
Yandere!Snow Miser x Reader Headcanons
💙 You really do have to feel bad for poor Snow Miser. It gets so lonely up in the snowy mountains where he stays in his ice fortress, his loneliness only broken up by musical numbers with his guards, fights with his brothers, and the occasional visit by Mrs. Claus and her hubby. Was it really so unreasonable for Snow Miser to grow lonely and desperate for companionship? Perhaps he had spotted you overlooking his territory, enjoying the winter weather and looking forward to the holiday season. Or maybe you were someone very much averse to the cold, and Snow Miser couldn't help but find adorable how you shivered against the cold and burrowed under blankets and layers of jackets for warmth. Or maybe you were someone in his brother's territory? Ah, forbidden love! How romantic…
❄️ For whatever reason, Snowy found himself absolutely fascinated with you. Everything you did, every word you said. Through his viewing mirror within his castle, Snow Miser kept his eye on you all throughout the day and night. In fact, there was hardly a time when he wasn't looking in on you. So much so, in fact, that he may have begun to shirk his duty as an elemental - ah, but, if it kept his brother at bay and wasn't to the point where Mother grew angry at him, well, no harm done, right? And as much as he loved spreading wintery chill throughout his territory, he deserved a break, didn't he? If ol' Saint Nick could take a load off once every hundred years, so could he, right?
💙 Most of Snow Miser's time was now spent staring dreamily at your visage through his mirror like a lovesick puppy, commanding his mini-misers to list everything you mentioned about yourself or what he came to find you enjoyed - your hobbies, interests, likes and dislikes, and most importantly, what you most enjoyed about the winter season. He hummed your favorite songs as he carved ice sculptures in your images. He decorated his castle to include things you enjoyed, including your most favorite colors to go with the icy walls of his castle. And as much fun as it was to talk to the ice sculptures that surrounded his throne as if they were really you… Well, they weren't! It wasn't the real thing, not even close! It was getting far too much for the poor Miser brother to bare - to not be with his beloved mortal as he should be. Snow Miser pouted as he sprawled out on his throne, watching you through his mirror. He dragged a shoe listlessly across the floor, his thoughts of you becoming all consuming. Normally, he wouldn’t have minded, but his loneliness had finally reached a freezing pitch. He needed you! He just wanted you here with him, finally, in his arms and-! Snow Miser blinked. A smile graced his lips, eyes narrowing with glee and guile. What a splendid idea…
❄️ In the grand scheme of things, you were only one mortal. At least, that's how Snow Miser reasoned it to himself. Of course, to him, you were the most wonderful, special, most important mortal in all of creation, but the rest of the fools that lived amongst you didn't know that, did he? No, no, they were all blind! Snowy, however, knew full well the depths of your brilliance and wonder. He was the only one deserving of you and would take you away from this awful world and the fools who didn't revere you as you deserved. Oh, and it was so easy! Snowy really did love his magic tricks, watching with giddy delights as a chilly wind picked up blowing against you fiercely and snowflakes cascading through the air surrounding you in a mini tornado around you spinning you about as you shouted for help and in the next instant, you disappeared from view - only to appear right on Snow Miser's lap, dazed as the elemental cheered and hugged you tight.
💙 Despite your many questions and pleas to be let go, they seem to go unheard by the man. He talks to you as if he'd known you forever, brushing off any confusion or fear or anger like it was nothing. And what was worse was how handsy he was. Always hugging you, holding your hands, kissing you, snuggling you, insisting you sit by him in the throne he'd made for you. You are his spouse, after all! It is only right that you rule beside him. You would have hoped he'd been put off by your body heat, but oddly, Snow Miser didn't mind. Usually, he hated any shred of heat or warmth, but your warmth never threatened to melt him. Your warmth was… Different. Comforting. Another testament to how perfect you were, and as such, he wanted to feel it at all times. Oh, but Snow Miser wasn't a sadist! In fact, he loved winter clothing! So feel free to wear as many layers as you liked as he cuddled up with you.
❄️ You swore you were going to go crazy. You'd long since hoped that this was all just a dream. You were trapped here, high atop some mountain with no chance of surviving an escape attempt with an immortal madman who harnessed the powers of cold. Even if you weren't being suffocated by the elemental, you were being followed around by the miniature versions of him or came face to face with numerous sculptures of you. At the very least, you could be thankful that the Snow Miser was relatively nice, always quick with a compliment or joke or dance number, but that didn't stave off your fear or homesickness for long. And the only time you heard the voice of another person was when the old rotary phone rang, and even then, you were quickly ushered out of the room, Snow Miser clearly annoyed and grumbling something about his brother. Through the thick, icy doors, you could hear what must be the two of them arguing. That gave you an idea…
💙 And one day, you saw your chance. Snow Miser rested his head in your lap, pouting as he complained about his brother, the 'Heat Miser', whinging on how he and his hellfire threatened to encroach on his territory. He hated to do it, but Heat Miser seemed to leave him no choice! They'd have to do battle. You shivered as Snow Miser took your face in his hands, stroking your cheek with a thumb as he asked if you'd be okay if he had to leave you in the castle by yourself. You tried to restrain yourself, not wanting to seem too eager to shove him out the door the moment he suggested it. He took his sweet time getting ready, occasionally pausing to hug you or press a kiss to your cheek, leaving you near stir-crazy and biting your tongue to prevent yourself from shouting at him to just leave! You were practically shaking by the time he finally left, waving to you as he shut the door. And finally... Finally, you were alone. He'd taken his little friends along with him, too. You were all alone. You were near manic with glee as you raced for the phone, hands shaking as you picked up the receiver. Hanging just off the side of the base of the phone was a sticky note. Mother Nature, huh? Oh, you were sure she'd love to hear about this…
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noneatnonedotcom · 2 years
Somewhere on a Train
You are Jaune Miles Arc and you’re on a train surrounded by men far more experienced than you who have fought through both bloody battles in Kansas and Mexico both veterans who know the art of war and have been perfecting it longer than you’ve been alive.
And the fact that they’re all listening to you is weird enough but for the last week or so the only question on your mind has been… why the fuck are you on a train!? THE PLAN CALLED FOR STEELING A BOAT! HOW DID YOU FUCK THIS UP SO BAD?
It started in New Orleans when one of the men got distracted by a … lady of the night, and you had to get him out of trouble before he got the entire rebel army down on your head. While talking your way out of that the very helpful lady explained where all the military hardware was and where you should take yourself and men to join up with the rest of the rebs. While there you saw pretty much everything they had being loaded onto a train that looked like an ironclad and you were about to call off the mission as being too dangerous when the powder at the warehouse touched off and your men took it as you signal to attack.
The next couple of minutes were a desperate dash to the head of the train cutting through men all the way
(a splash of something almost scalding hot was on your face as the desperate eyes of a man looking into your)
And then you were riding away in a train with all the rebel’s supplies.
But it didn’t stop there, word got around to the other forts that you were getting the hell out of the south, their commanders sent riders to you as you were loading up the ordinance of your own fort and Marcus handled setting up the meet-up point while you “supervised the men” managing to catch a rebel who’d been hiding in the back of the train since you left.
Poor guy, you felt bad so you let him go, apparently he was talking you up back in New Orleans because you were now a military genius or something. He did say you were fourteen though so he could go fuck himself.
Your mom would absolutely tan your hide if she found out where you were. Anyways the next couple of days were a series of semi-successful run-and-guns as you sent men with henry Repeaters ahead of the train every morning before you came into a meet-up point. Set up a perimeter and all that.
That turned out to be a good idea because the number of skirmishes that you had been stuck in has now eclipsed your age. Granted that’s not as impressive as it sounds but it’s still a lot for a week.
Each time you met a new officer you tried to give them command, and each time your men cried about your humility and the officer told you to keep leading.
And now here you were in the officer’s cabin, it wasn’t really special it was a dining car that you had put your family sword in after you had it cleaned and fell asleep in, and now everyone but the officers were afraid to enter it.
Of your new … peers? You had come to rely on Pryce to be your translator, the man spoke calmly and with a deep voice. It reminded you a bit of your dad, either way, the Kansas man was used to breaking down military lingo into simple speech and back so he was your lifeline among these veterans.
He was the one who took your idea of just tossing some dynamite off the back of the train to slow down the rebs chasing you and turned it into an actual military operation with skirmishers and ya know, less chance of you blowing yourself up.
And still, the officers looked at you like a genius for it. Though to be fair you’re pretty sure it’s just all the momentum you have behind you at this point, no one wants to be the one to step up and say that you don’t know what you’re doing. That’s gotta be it, they’re afraid they’ll be bowled over if they try and stop you.
Oh well, today you roll into union territory and it’s officially someone else’s problem.
Not like they’re gonna promote a kid to be a general after all. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You are Marcus E. Derringer and you serve under the most brilliant military mind in United states history, perhaps even the world! Who else could have struck such a blow against the rebels? Who else could have made an army out of all these disparate men?
But he was so self-conscious, he didn’t see himself as a genius. Perhaps it was because it was so effortless for him? After all, flying must seem simple to a bird and swimming easy for a fish. For jaune war was simply second nature.
He had this charisma to him, something you didn’t notice until the chips were down, and his ability to read an opponent is second to none, he predicted every rebel attack so far and countered every one masterfully.
All this from some kid who lied about his age to join up.
Yes, you knew about his age, the fact that he couldn’t shave yet was a huge red flag, but you didn’t see how it mattered. The union needed heroes to lead the men and jaune was just what the union needed. When you got to safe territory you were going to mail the petition you had to get the young hero commissioned as a general.
All the men had signed it too, he would be so happy!
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dear lord. TW for mentions of transphobia and related topics.
My mom told me that she wanted to watch a documentary with me, one that she had been hearing a lot about. She said it featured a man who's name she couldn't remember, going all over the country asking people what a woman was. And shockingly, people were so rude to him! He just wanted to know what a woman was. And apparently it was very controversial. for context, I am closeted and genderfluid, though biologically female.
Hearing this, I assumed it would be something interesting; maybe something about how women are perceived, how the idea of a 'real' or 'proper' woman has changed over the centuries/millennia, maybe a dash here and there about societal norms, social constructs, etc.. I expected maybe a bit about trans women as well- nothing negative, just a discussion on womanhood etc., what they as trans women believed alluded to being a woman, since trans women are women, yet they have a different experience with womanhood from cis women.
The documentary turned out to be "What Is A Woman" by Matt Walsh. I quickly realized that oh, this was going to be NOTHING like what I hoped for. Just from watching the trailer and reading the descriptive language in the summary made it clear that this guy wasn't looking for a deconstruction of gender as a whole. The amount of misgendering in this film was appalling, first of all, and I noticed inconsistencies within how he acted on the documentary and how he appeared on things like Dr. Phil.
In this documentary, throughout most of it he seemed to take on the stance of 'guy trying to ask an innocent question sets off liberals and feminists'. He uses humor and the use of a 'calm and collected' attitude to appear like the bigger, correct person. But he seemed especially aggressive in the clip of the Dr. Phil episode he showed, not a man who 'just wants to know the truth', but a man with strong opinions and no respect for the people he was conversing with- a theme I noticed in the interviews as well.
Obviously, I could go over the many poor comparisons he made, such as 'what if I told you I was a black man' etc.. I could also point out that he seemed oh so confused when he was called an asshole at the women's march, even though he was told several times to go away, he visibly made people uncomfortable, and even brought a megaphone to shout at people.
Instead, I raise a counterpoint; what is a man? And, more importantly, why do you give a shit? And yes, again, I could go on about how in this documentary and in conservative media in general, they're extremely fond of describing puberty blockers as 'pumping our kids full of drugs/hormones'. So he could argue that he cares because of the children. But the fact that there's loads and loads of proof that trans kids who don't get proper care will and have committed self harm/suicide? Heck, looking at the bigger picture outside of gender... if it really was all about the children, wouldn't he also be making documentaries about the hundreds of other ways that kids are being harmed by our society?? School shootings, poor healthcare, poor/no access to mental health services, the rise of mental health issues as a whole, etc..
But nope, it's all about the leftists 'carving up' kids.
I will admit, I still have to do some of my own research on a few topics mentioned, like the bit about John Money etc.. But overall, I gotta say that I was not a fan of this documentary. Bonus- I doubt he got consent from the tiktokers featured in the film to actually use/show their tiktoks.
Anyways, trans women are women, and trans men are men. <3 love y'all, sorry this was so long. i have a lot to say on the topic.
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fabien-euskadi · 2 years
11, 14 and 22
11. Something you want to do again next year?
That is a tough question, to be brutally honest. Because 2022, as a year, was a mixed bag, full of frustrating periods, sad events, moments of sheer bad luck (December, I am talking to you!), and two extremely positive highs: the death of my long-lasting depression, and the beginning of my PhD. While many of the bad events can happen again, the same cannot be said about the good things that happened in 2022 - both are strictly one-offs.
So, 2022 was an end-of-the-cycle year. 2023 will be a completely different year for me - for the best or for the worst, it will be nothing like 2022.
So, my choice to answer you will be very simple: in 2022, I want YOU to keep on sending me asks (or any form of interaction you like).
14.Favorite book you read this year?
In 2022, my recreative readings were not exactly stellar. So, my favourite books ended up being academic readings. Please, allow me to choose not one, but three books.
Two of my favourite books were both from a Brazilian author called Ailton Krenak: Ideas to Postpone the End of the World (“Ideias Para Adiar o Fim do Mundo”, in Portuguese) and Life is Not Useful (“A Vida Não é Útil”). Both of them are brilliant perspectives of how ridiculous the Capitalist Society is and how absurd is the existence (life?) of the so-called White Man.
My other choice is a 1958 book from a French philosopher called Gaston Bachelard. The Poetics of Space (“La Poétique de l'Espace”, in French) may be considered an architecture book, but it completely changed my life when it allowed me to understand many of my past decisions - decisions that, until I read this book, I had regrated bitterly. Now, I know what I did and why I did it.
22.Favorite place you visited this year?
I guess the selection of places I visited this year is a tad poor. But there are two places that come to my mind.
One of them is the Castle of Miraflores, in Spain (more specifically, in Extremadura). I had already drove on that road several times, and each time I did it, I always felt the urge to visit that castle on the top of a solitary hill just outside the village of Alconchel. Last August, that finally happened. The castle itself is not spectacular (the restoration works were done with less care than that monument deserved), but the views from the top of the hill certainly are quite something.
My other choice is… well, peculiar. Most people will not understand this one, but you will. I always wanted to visit the exact place in the South Bank of Tagus where the river meets the Atlantic Ocean. And that means I always wanted to visit the Cova do Vapor. And, to be honest, I liked the Cova do Vapor. It's a mix of many things, but it's a very interesting place - and I loved taking photos of the sea hitting the rocks of the pontoon.
Thank you very much for the asks, and sorry for the delay - lately, I am falling asleep much, much, much earlier than I used to. Anyway, may your 2023 be loaded with wonderful things - may the new year be an extremely happy one :)
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the-muse-coven · 2 years
Muse List!!!
This List isn’t concrete as it is on it’s own! Also not a complete list as Muses may be added and/or removed based on motivation and Drive!
This List also will be the muse, with an icon included, and then a few fun facts
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Tags: Lapis Dei | Zhongli & Adeptal Prime | Morax
Fun Facts!
- Still has his Gnosis as he is Canon Divergent
- The Contract with Fatui failed as Liyue was not able to handle the trial of Osial
- As this happened, the contract fell through, and Zhongli kept his Gnosis and continued to rule Liyue as its Archon
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Azul Ashengrotto
Tag: Poor Unfortunate Souls | Azul Ashengrotto
Fun Facts!
- Canon Compliant (mostly)
- Pre & Post Overblot offered depending on thread
- Headcanoned as Autistic
- His Mer Form can show up if he gets too overly emotional
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Claude Faustus
Tags: Spider Butler No Longer | Claude Faustus & Golden Venom | Cimeries Faust
Fun Facts!
- True name is Cimeries Faust
- His Season 2 reason for becoming “obsessed” with Ciel is because he was closer to madness and starvation than Sebastian was at the time.
- Was ordered during contract by Alois to not use any magic during the time that he was with him.
- Sebastian wins the duel because as Alois’ soul still exists, he is contractually obligated through the Seal to not use the total sum of his abilities
- After the duel, Claude resurrects himself by scratching runes for a spell into his own skin as the island collapses around them while he’s at the brink of actual death.
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Hatori Sohma
Tag: Zodiac of The Dragon | Hatori Sohma
Fun Facts!
- This man is very tired
- Busy practically 24/7
- The injury in canon makes it hard for him to use screens for long periods of time
- Yes, he is the family doctor for the Sohma family, yes he also erases people’s memories of the family if they find out about the curse. No, he is not only isolated to practicing in the Sohma family despite them being kind of loaded
- He doesn’t lose the whole able to erase someone’s memory thing following the end events of Fruits Basket
- He usually avoids touching people’s heads bare handed because of this.
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Kureno Sohma
Tag: Freedom From The Curse | Kureno Sohma
- It was really honestly only through Tohru that he figured out why he was the first to break the Zodiac curse. Before then, he had no idea why he was just suddenly free.
- Still very close with Akito, but no longer has to be around 24/7
- Still feels somewhat responsible for how attached Akito became to the idea of the Zodiac Curse binding them all together.
- don’t be fooled this man is just as tired as Hatori
- Does Not Understand Technology
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Malleus Draconia
Tag: King of Briar Valley | Malleus Draconia
- Does not understand how human culture works, but very interested in learning!
- Moreso Dragon than Fae, don’t tell anyone though they’ll have too many questions and he doesn’t want to answer any of them
- He does, in fact, have a Dumbass Mode
- because Catnip exists. Dragon Nip also exists. It is the bane of his entire existence.
- The One Housewarden Who Hasn’t Overblotted (Yet)
- Very Disappointed that people keep “forgetting” to get him actual invitations to events.
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Aether (The Traveler)
Tags: The Savior of Teyvat | Aether Umbral Royalty | Abyss Prince Aether
- He can speak just fine without Paimon, thank you
- Kind of Tired of Solving Teyvats Problems but still Willing To Help
- Can Access All 7 of Teyvats Elements
- Can use 2 simultaneously, though it is draining usually if the elements aren’t compatible
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inmh01 · 2 years
Rewatching A&E’s Hoarders is a bit like rewatching America’s Next Top Model in that with every re-watch you realize just a little more how fucked up this show was.
You have the ridiculously condescending professionals that speak to the hoarder like they’re four, which always bugged me- IDK how you can expect a grown man or woman to take you seriously or trust you if you’re speaking to them like a naughty kindergartner. I can only imagine the number of people on the program that refused aftercare because the initial process soured them on the idea of therapy.
Then there’s the fact that big short-term haul-away cleanups are not recommended for the therapeutic process in hoarding because it tends to traumatize and aggravate the hoarders and spur them to re-hoard. The behaviors and traumas associated with hoarding are not going to get fixed in three days, especially when this is the first time the hoarder is receiving professional help, AND they’re doing this all in front of a camera- but sure, let’s slap them with a poor prognosis because they didn’t take to the process as well as you’d hoped.
But then you also realize the more episodes you watch that whenever a hoarder is doing well, whenever they’re calmly accepting the process and offering minimal resistance, that the therapists/professionals take that as a cue to say “Oh, they’re too calm, they must be repressing their feelings and I need to bring it out of them”. And then they start picking at them and trying to provoke them into talking about their trauma, or engaging in hard conversations with family members while also managing the anxiety that a massive cleanup is giving them.
Or allowing openly hostile or difficult members of the family to be part of the two-three day cleanup process even though anyone with half a brain would understand that it’s only going to make things worse.
Or when the professionals act like this isn’t a television show and are shocked when the hoarder (or their family) does not want to discuss sensitive issues surrounding their trauma or family situations so they can be broadcast for the whole country to see.
“Oh they’re keeping secrets and that’s not healthy” no Robin that’s called not wanting the graphic details about you being raped as a teenager blared out for the whole world to hear. I understand there’s an element of “don’t acknowledge the cameras” at play here, but drawing the conclusion that the person in question is “refusing to acknowledge their trauma” is intellectually dishonest when you KNOW doing so means it will be shown on televisions across the country.
Remember that time they found sex toys/pornography in an adult male hoarder’s bedroom? Perfectly legal things for him to own? Remember how he tried to direct them away from where that stuff was, so they wouldn’t have to see it, and they went off at him for it? Remember how the professionals made sure to draw loads of attention to it, and the show had the doctor talking with the sisters about finding his private sex stuff in the hoard, and encouraged the sisters to confront him about it? As if his private sex stuff was any of their business??
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Very therapeutic, much healing. Nothing will cure your hoarding like being humiliated on national television.
Like goddamn I’m not a hoarder but if I was and I watched this show, I would have a terrible impression of what the therapeutic process is supposed to look like and how I would be treated during that process. The show makes it look like being shamed, provoked, and humiliated is just part of the process and you’re just being stubborn if you don’t want to engage with that.
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