#poor thing needs a hug
saturdaycitrus · 7 months
everybody point and laugh
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visarray · 6 months
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The wasted years, the wasted youth
The pretty lies the ugly truth
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nell0-0 · 6 months
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Mask will let the captain have this. Just this once. It wasn't just once.
Poor Mask kept falling to the ground. Luckily for him, either the captain or Tune are there to catch him
A continuation of THIS
Fun fact I didn't know until I started researching for this: apparently when someone looses an eye, it's possible that the other eye adapts. This is not good in the beginning as the remaining eye stops working for a while (???!). While long term it's not as noticeable (just less field of vision and some problems with depth perception sometimes) it's, uh... interesting :,D
Correct me if I'm wrong about this tho. I did my research, but sometimes there's misinformation out there so don't trust it 100% without checking it first.
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sodamnbored · 6 months
Catching Up
Thalia: So what happened after Juno took you? Where did you go? Were you safe, happy?
Jason, uncomfortably brushing her off: Well, it’s a long story and kind of a bummer haha. You don’t wanna hear that right now.
Thalia, softly: Jason, I’ve waited thirteen years to hear your sad stories.
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lennadanvers · 8 months
Eddie had faced a lot of things in his short life. Never had he thought he was so close to dying as he was now.
"...excuse me?"
He was bright red. Something was happening inside of him- a knot that he didn't remember was there had just snapped, and everything within his chest had gone loose. The knot had been made of barbed wire. The bundle had started to tighten when he was a kid: cold, lost and alone. It had tightened the first time someone called him freak. When he heard the first laugh behind his back. It tightened when everybody but him had gotten an invitation for the first big high school party of his generation, and every school dance he hadn't attended. When all his classmates had graduated and he had stayed behind. When he had been called murderer.
Somewhere along the way, he developed the ability to ignore the scratching of the barbed wire against his insides. But now you had taken away the metal, the sharp bits, the tension, and all that was left was relief and open wounds.
There you were, beaming at him, small but infinitely bigger than he felt, all soft and kind, like you hadn't just left a mark deeper than any scar he had.
"Good boy, Eddie. You did amazing."
Good boy.
No one had ever told Eddie he was a good boy. No one had ever said he was good, period.
And now he had you in his bed; your hand caressing his unworthy curls, your taste in his tainted mouth, your... You. He had you.
Eddie was lucky he was already laying, because his knees weakened instantly. His brain- that already had a hard time when your eyes were on him- had stopped working altogether. On the other hand, his heart was going at full speed.
All he could do was let out a strangled whiny noise. The lightnings in his belly grew when he raised on shaky arms and felt his crotch rub against the bed. The fact that he had cum in his pants after hearing that sparked in the back of his mind, less than an afterthought. He moved on top of you and fell in the crook of your neck, body limp, chest shaking.
"Good boy?"
There was this white, warm, big thing inside of him that he didn't know what to do with. Eddie wasn't sure if he felt pain, happiness or tears in his throat.
"The goodest boy."
Eddie made a little noise again and put his arms around your waist, as tight as he could.
"Say it again. Please."
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chyarui · 4 months
What happens when padawan quin miraculously comes back from a shadow mission gone wrong…
More quinobi, now with a side of angst!!
And look, I adore quinlans locks, but sometimes sacrifices must be made for the plot (I will not ask for forgiveness)
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although most of his beautiful hair clasps are gone, at least obi was able to hold onto one for him (what he thought was likely the last piece of quin he had left) 💔
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infectioustomfoolery · 11 months
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who up holding they caulfield?
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abb-mai · 7 months
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you know these kids are traumatized after that summer
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“HAHAHA! look at his audial finals! Theyre taller than his fraggin' head!"
“Forget the finals length, look at his legs! He’s got SKYSCRAPERS for stabilizing servos!”
The young bots continued to hurl childish insults at Orion, who could do nothing but sit and watch as the loud voices of his peers rang through the hallway, bringing even more attention to the spat. The students had begun to gather around, some of them starting to snicker at the faces Orion made.
It was one of the few days where Orion was outside of the achives; a school day. It was the end of his second week at [REDACTED]. Like many new sparklings, Orion was having a bit of a hard time adjusting to his new environment and schedule: But he had a very different cause for it. Orion was, in human terms, around seven or eight, but he was only now being put into school for the first time. He knew practically nothing compared to other other bitlets his age. This, Again, was common for many sparklings, especially those of the lower castes; But this again brings up many other problems. Orion had spent half of his life tucked away from civilization in the cybertronian wilds, where food was scarce and life was scarcer. Being taken into Iacon city so suddenly had jolted his senses to an overwhelming point, and randomly being taught to talk and how and have manners was almost a breaking point for the young mech.
Now, Orion was facing a new and very real threat; socialization. Alpha Trion had hoped seeing bots his age would relax Orion some; possibly make his feel more at ease; but the opposite had happened. And, unfortunately. this as just the first of many, MANY rough encounters that Orion would have
“Haha…ew, EW! Look at his denta! They’re so sharp! What’s wrong with him?"
"Sweet Solus Prime! His servos are so sharp! Those things could rip a scraplet apart!”
“EEK! He’s looking at me! Get those creepy eyes off me you freak!”
Orion backed up even further as the crowd got closer and closer to him. Hearing himself clang into the corner of the hallway, Orion reached around the wall for something to grab onto. When he found nothing, he clutched his clawed servos to his chest and tried to make himself as small as possible, letting out an animalistic whimper.
The crowd roared with laughter at the strange sound he made, and only continuer to point out the things that were "wrong" with him: His long arms, his thin stature, his lack of armor; on and on the bitlets went, no sympathy running though their systems.
Just as Orion felt the farmiliar prick of tears in his optics, the bell rang, telling the botlings that they could now leave for the day. As the other botlings ran out the door, Orion blinked and lubricant steamed down his face. He stood there thinking of everything his peers had said about him, feeling something twist inside him as he gingerly grabbed his denta. Alpha Trion has always told him that wrongs could be righted… could he right this? This… none of this made sense…
“Hey! Get out of here you little rust stain! Schools out!”
Orion jumped at the obnoxious sound of his teachers voice. He scurried out of the hallway, head spinning, his metaphorical tail between his legs.
Alpha trions heels clicked as he walked through the hall of records, looking for Orion. He noticed that Orion had been running off with increasing frequency since he bagan school half a cycle ago. Alpha Trion had begun to grow worried; Orion only talked about the things he learned at school and not about his peers or teachers. Not to mention, when he talked about the things that he learned he sounded… somewhat passionless about it. He always came home looking tired and defeated, and Alpha Trion was becoming more and more worried.
He quickly stopped and adjusted his audio receptors. Listening as well as he could, he faintly heard a sound resembling sudden puffs of air. Following the sound, it led him to an old storage room in the back of the archives. Everything back here was dark and musty, probably rusty and broken too, he thought to himself as he stared at an old toolbox left lying open in the middle of the hallway. Hearing the sound he was following again, he listened closely. It sounded almost like… Alpha Trion immediately perked up, running to a storage room a few rooms down and swiftly opening the door.
Alpha Trions spark sank as he stared at the scene before him. Orion was sitting in front of a dusty, broken mirror with a pair of rusty pliers in his servo; they were clamped onto one of his sharpest teeth, and were being tugged at viciously. Poor Orion was sobbing uncontrollably as he continued to make himself bleed. Alpha Trion rushed over, putting his servo over Orions, making him stop in his tracks. Orion glanced at him with a face full of sadness. Nothing was said as Orion dropped the rusty pliers and fell into Alpha Trions open arms. Alpha Trion sighed; he had a sneaking suspicion as to why Orion was so vague about his life outside of the Archives… And he had a horrible feeling about it…
Heheh terrible oneshot(s) go brrrr
No but seriously I had this idea late yesterday and I wanted to post it today but I ended up having stuff to do so I posted it tonight instead. This is less of feral Orion, but more post-feral Orion and the some of the struggles he faces in his everyday life (As well as giving some hints as to why Optimus ended up the way he is now). This ended up being a bit more serious than I intended it to be in all actuality, but you can’t really tell why from this part of the story alone. I’ll probably post that tommorow.
Also just for the record this thing was written on the fly, wasnt proof read, or just generally didn’t get any of that nice professional stuff, so that’s probably why is 1. Sucks 2. Has some gramatical or punctuation errors.
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robertfettuccine · 2 months
Hm. Padawan Torbin.
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eidolons-stuff · 1 year
Thing: *signs* "Enid, are you sure? Because I'll kick Xavier out"
Enid: "I'm sure. Xavier, take good care of Wednesday"
Xavier: "Of course"
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chaos-enchanted · 1 year
This could've been us, but Larian doesn't want to let me romance Zevlor D':
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sporeclan · 6 months
DAWNPELT MINKLAKE EMOTIONAL REGULATION ISSUES FTW... I understand them. Like!! God, imagine how stressful and terrifying that has to be, seeing how badly hurt your (very first!) apprentice has gotten, knowing its probably at least partially your fault, knowing it could've been *worse,* especially on the tail of Cinnamonpaw's disappearance (being the sister of his mentor, even) and Especially Mushroompaw's death... (ESPECIALLY WITH THOSE TWO BEING FINCH'S LITTERMATES... MAN.)
Like there is reason for a talking-to about it, absolutely, and Finchpaw *has* to be feeling awful, stars - I don't know if their mentor-apprentice relationship will come back from this. There IS emotional complexity there, however... It is understandable!! And it makes the ache in reading it worse, and all the better
THIS ALL TO SAY. Greatly enjoy the story so far, and DELIGHT in your art and characters - hope you are well!
YES THANK YOU!!! This was the exact angle I was trying to go with!
I'm so glad people are so engaged with these characters too!!! Thank you so much for the kind words <3
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lunabug2004 · 8 months
I Hate Karen and Ted Wheeler (Mainly Ted)
So... a few days ago I saw someone's post defending Ted Wheeler and it made me kinda mad so I wanted to share this bit of info I learned in class recently: statistically, the absolute worst form of parenting is neglectful parenting. Let me elaborate a bit.
As mentioned in my intro post, I am currently in college studying to become a math teacher, and as part of my degree I have to take a course called Educational Psychology. One of the first things we went over was different forms of parenting and how they can affect a child. The worst style of parenting we discussed, called uninvolved or neglectful parenting, was defined as "Parenting lacks both control and responsiveness. Parents of this style are typically unaware of their child's behavior, friends, difficulties, or achievements." Sound familiar? Ted & Karen (but mainly Ted) Wheeler.
This form of parenting can also often lead to emotional or physical abuse. Now, I'm not saying that Ted or Karen abuse their children, but it should definitely say something that if they were just that little bit worse, it probably would be the case. Ted Wheeler is just the perfect example of an uninvolved/neglectful parent and anyone who can't see that is frankly blind. And yes, you could this was fairly common in older times, but it absolutely does not make it right.
We can also clearly see the results of a neglected child in both Nancy and Mike. They don't know how to talk about their feelings in a healthy, mature way because they were never taught. Because their parents never cared when they had problems, and never tried to reach out to them either. (Cue, Karen saying, "he'll come to us when he's ready" after her son's best friend died or Ted and Karen forcing Mike to get rid of toys in s2 instead of trying to help him when he's obviously acting out.) We don't know for sure what the case is with Holly, but it seems like both Ted and Karen are making more of an effort with her. Why? I don't know. Maybe they finally realized the reason their other kids are holed up in their rooms (or basement) or always out with friends, why they don't talk to them, why dinners always end in fights. Too little too late for their oldest and middle, but maybe they can still change for their youngest. (I doubt it, I believe most of what we see of them in s3 is them putting on a show for others but what do I know?)
Anyways, I'll stop rambling now. I just wanted to put that piece of information out there just in case some still think the Wheelers are good parents :)
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lennadanvers · 8 months
Dustin's Mom kinda adopted Eddie
You know when Eddie is hiding in S4 E2, and Dustin, Robin, Max and Steve go looking for him? I was just watching that. And when Eddie has Steve cornered, they all swear on Dustin's Mom that they want to help.
And Eddie lets Steve go.
When they swear on Dustin's Mom.
All I can think about is that sweet lady, who just worries about Dustin, welcoming his new friend from school. She doesn't see him as dangerous, or a freak, he's just Dustin's new friend who's given him a place at his table at lunch. He makes his son happy. That's all she sees.
When he meets her, Eddie is wary. He always is around parents. But Dustin's Mom just offers him food and worries that he's eating enough, and that he's safe, and is his jacket warm enough? Does he need anything?
Eddie has a soft spot for the lady. Her home is like a little shelter he can escape to. She is like a maternal figure for him, even if he doesn't like to think about her like that -he has feelings about maternal figures. But still. It's like she doesn't see what everyone else in that goddamned town sees. She sees just a boy, like the other boys his son hangs out with. One that gave Dustin a place in highschool. One that he admires. And Eddie is so charming, I bet he bows when he sees her, calls her Queen Henderson or something. She finds it endearing.
So when they all swear on Dustin's Mom, he trusts them.
Dustin swears on his mom, and Eddie remembers her offering them little sandwiches on a yellow plate. Robin and Max swear on Dustin's Mom, and he remembers the first time he crossed the door and she smiled at him, all warm and worried -no one worries about him like that (Wayne loves Eddie, but he doesn't go around asking that many questions, his love is more quiet and calm; she, on the other hand, makes a fuss about him being too skinny or cold. It's kinda nice). If Robin and Max are Dustin's friends, they know her. They know how she is.
If they swear on her, he believes them.
Terrified, traumatized little Eddie puts his safety at risk because of Dustin's Mom. He knows they are telling the truth.
Because the only way Eddie himself would swear on Dustin's Mom is if he was telling the truth.
Idk, just thought it was cute. Even if later on she suspects Eddie, it'd only be more heartbreaking. I'm rewatching, maybe later there is another silly little line that makes this theory crumble. For now, I'll be happy believing this. Thank you for attending my ted talk. You're welcome.
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asherartzx3 · 3 days
guys I have a question?
is sushi soucy’s music supposed to make me cry or am I just a wimp. like. circumstantial wallflower makes me cry every time. so does I deserve to bleed. am I that empathetic and/or sympathetic or am I just deadass not tough enough. like. baby (/p) are you ok? do you need a hug or someone to talk to? it’s making me sadder every day that the coolest guy ever hurts so much. I need someone to give him a hug or something. </3
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