#portrait of a young princess (face tag)
castoffyourcrown · 1 year
((Modern verse Liza has read the entire Dollanganger series. When people ask, she says it's because it makes her family feel normal.))
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countrymusiclover · 3 months
6 - Here's to Aerys Targaryen
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Part 7
The Lion Knight and Dragon Princess
Tags- just send an ask to be added @cdragons @kmc1989 @starkleila @noirrose21-blog @lover-of-books-and-tea
Hearing the chamber door open behind me where I turned my head around seeing a young girl who looked to be the right age of 15 or 16 with auburn hair tied up in a bun and gray Stark eyes staring directly at me with confusion written on her face. “Who are you? This is my chamber, not yours.” 
“I'm your new lady in waiting, my lady.  My name is Clarrise Arther.” I curtsied before her with a weak smile hoping she would find me alright. 
She clasped her hands together in front of her stomach. “How long have you been a lady in waiting?” 
“I actually just started today. But I am a quick learner.” I said with confidence in my voice. 
The Stark girl paused walking towards me. “Who hired you?’ 
“Tyrion Lannister, Lady Stark.” 
Sansa clicked her tongue sitting down in the chair by her vanity. “Alright. Could you brush my hair?” 
“Of course.” I replied doing as she asked and I found myself thinking about Amber when doing so.  I wish my father hadn't sent her off to another area of the castle to work rather than be able to hang out with me. 
Hours later it was daytime when I began to stroll the hallways on my own. I could make note of how much everything had changed inside my former home.  The family portraits and Targaryen flags had been torn down and burned leaving no existence of my family's rule.  Somehow with the swaying of my dress I could see the bits of fire ash on the stone floor on the now clean floor before me.  This wasn’t anything like my home growing up was. 
“You monster. Myrcella is my only daughter. Do you really think I'll let you sell her like a common whore?” I heard the Queen's voice coming from the shut chamber door that I had passed. 
I backed up pressing my ear against the wooden door to listen. “Myrcella's a princess. Some would say she was born for this.” 
“I will not let you ship her off to Dorne like I was shipped off to Robert Baratheon.” Cersei growled in his face. 
Tyrion responded back. “Dorne is the safest place for her.” 
“Are you mad the Marvel's loathe us.” 
He said back. “That’s why we need to seduce them.  We're going to need their support in the war your son started.” 
“She'll be a hostage.” 
He corrected her. “A guest.” 
“You think the piece of paper father gave you keeps you safe.  Ned Stark had a piece of paper too.” She bared her teeth. 
Tyrion replied softly. “It's done, Cersei.” 
His voice moved away from the door. “You cannot stop it.” 
“No!” Cersei must have knocked over things on the table because I heard glass shattering. 
“Just how safe do you think she will be if the city is sacked. Do you want to see raped, butchard like the Targaryen children. Make no mistake they'll mount her pretty little head on a spike right beside yours.” Tyrion warned her and I shook in fear when he mentioned the death of my siblings. 
Cersei shouted at him. “Get out!. Get out!” 
“Vaella.  I didn't expect to see you out here.  What's wrong?” Tyrion bumped into me when he rushed out of the room. 
I responded by rubbing the back of my neck not meaning to spy on the young lion and his sister. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to spy.” 
“Don’t apologize for spying. That is one of the key things you must learn when you play the game.” 
Knitting my brows at him I asked. “The game. What do you mean?” 
“The game that is surviving this world of politics and fending for yourself.” Tyrion responded looking up at me. “Always know as many people as you can.  You have to be one step ahead of everyone you encounter.” 
My father had taught me that lesson the night he died. 
“You wanted to see me, father.” I slowly walked forward with Jaime standing near the bottom stairs, hand resting on his sword handle.  
My father sat on his throne scratching at his bleeding hand that he had cut on the metal chair when he say down. “You will be Wed off to Tywin Lannister.” 
“What! No, I won't.” I sharply snapped back at him. 
My father raised his voice. “You dare defy my orders, child.  I have already claimed your brother Rhaegar a traitor but I never expected you. Guards, seize her!” 
“Your Grace, surely you can spare her. She's your daughter.” Jaime softly spoke to him. 
My father sent him a glare. “Be quiet, Lannister!” 
“Father, please don't do this.” I winced when two guards grabbed my arms and held me tightly in their grips. 
Aerys Targaryen rose from his chair shouting down to me with such furry in his voice. “You have betrayed me, daughter. You are no longer loyal to me and for that I sentence you to die.” 
“My king, she's your daughter.” Jaime attempted a second time doing his best to not let too much emotion cross his facial expression. 
He didn't care not change his mind. “Shut up! Vaella Targaryen I sentence you to die. Burn her like the others.” 
“Your Grace, Robert Baratheon has reached the gates.” Another guard entered the throne room. 
My father sat back down on his throne waving his hand. “Let her go.  We have other traitors to attend to.” 
“How do you plan on doing that?” 
Horrifying words that would haunt me for the rest of my life came from his mouth. “Burn them all - burn them all!” 
“Vaella! You need to get out of here right now.”  Jaime helped me up from the ground and I gripped his forearm for balance. “There’s an escape hole under the tunnels. Go to the tunnel and my brother Tyrion will be there. Look for blonde hair and he's short.” 
“What about you?” I asked feeling my heart trying to beat out of my chest. 
He holds my shoulders in his hands. “I'll make sure he doesn’t send the guards after you. But I just want you to be safe.  You are one of the only people I care about.” Nodding my head I ran up the stairs and around the corner yet I halted in my tracks hearing my father utter those words over and over. 
“Burn them all!” 
Hiding behind the nearest pillar I peaked my head around watching Jaime slowly stalk behind my father who had risen from the throne shouting those three words over and over repeatedly. “Oh my god!” I shrieked, clutching my eyes closed after Jaime’s sword was stabbed into the back of his back and his body collapsed to the steps after he drew his sword out. 
A few other guards and Ned Stark entered the room quickly with Robert Baratheon all stunned at the sight before them. “Crown who you damn well like.” Jaime grumbled sitting on the throne with his half stained in blood sword.  Holding my hands over my mouth I couldn't form words knowing the realm would never be the same. 
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corporalicent · 5 months
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i got inspired by the portrait game @selfproclaimedunicorn tagged me on, so thank you misa! here's a small drabble about septa elinor and criston (and young rhaenyra and young alicent)
The young septa walked quietly around the room, while the young ladies read a chapter of their book. "Princess stay still while you are reading", the young septa said, her voice was echoed around the silent room. "Can you read for me?", she prayed to Elinor.
"You are not longer a child, I can't do it even if I wish it", she replied. After a long second and a suggestive face of 'oh you wish to do it' from Rhaenyra, Elinor continued: "I don't wish it, Rhaenyra. You are a young lady now, you can't ask people those types of questions".
Rhaenyra wanted to "fight" her right for Elinor to read to her, but one look from the septa and she returned to her page in silence.
The silence was short lived as the big door was opened. Rhaenyra and Elinor turned at the same time, but just the young princess yelled the name of the person that entered. "Sir Criston", she loudly called. "Princess", he said as he bowed. "Lady Alicent", he bowed again to the young lady and she did the same.
"Septa Elinor", he softly said. His brown eyes locked on hers for just a second, before any of them bowed to the other. But in their minds, that whole interaction happpened in slow motion. They even could feel the other's raising heartbeat. Which made them nervious to just think other situations the other can have their heartbeat raised. "Sir Criston", she softly replied.
"Princess", he broke their interaction to announced why he was there, "Your father is asking for your presence".
"But they are in the middle of their study", she annoyingly said to him. "King's orders", he said. Elinor looked at Rhaenyra and made a 'you can go' sign with her head. "Yes", the princess thanked excitedly as she stood up. "And what about Alicent, can she come with me?", she asked.
For a second Elinor looked at Criston for help, but he was looking at the floor with a smile on his lips. Not helping at all. "Fine, you can go." The young ladies were happy with the announcement, "But I want the chapter read for the next time we meet, am I make myself clear?", she demanded looking at Rhaenyra. "Yes yes, don't you worry", she replied as she took Alicent's hand and ran to her father's location.
"Septa Elinor", he said her name again as he bowed goodbye. And again, they stood there for a long second just looking at each other. Her gaze went down to his lips, were the smile he had before desapered. But his gaze remained on her big brown eyes, admiring everything they offered in that moment.
"Sir Criston", she replied with bowed breaking the small spell they were in. She could see a small smile forming on his lips, but before she could say something, he left to catch on the princess who was long gone.
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Last Line Tag
Thank you to @lynxindisguise and @kaleidoscopexsighs for the tag!
Here’s a little bit of Joan of Arc for y’all, as promised. This fic has possessed my brain- I’ve learned much more than I ever intended to about the Hundred Years War; also this one is shaping up to be possibly even more sacrilegious than Immaculate Conception Girls Kissing Remix. This is the closest I will ever come to writing rpf, but in my defense, I am in France. 🇫🇷
Anyway enjoy uhhhh whatever this is:
After that brief audience, they all went to church. Remus stood in the front row with her parents on one side of her and the Dauphin and Queen Mother on the other. The chapel was beautiful, the incense heavy in the air, the priest’s robes vivid in color and intricately embroidered. Remus was not moved by the display- she thought it trivial evidence of wealth rather than faith. Until she heard the Princess sing.
She was announced grandly, though she needed no introduction, her face an easy mirror of her mother and brother. At first Remus braced herself to endure the music politely. Royals often thought themselves in possession of many talents, and who was to tell them otherwise? But the Princesses' voice was true.
She stood on the dais with the church choir patiently behind her, and sang three hymns. Though usually Remus would close her eyes to better savor the songs, she found she could not deny herself the sight of the singer. She was young and fair, though still older than the Dauphin, and her long, dark hair was braided with a silk ribbon the same strange silver as her eyes. While her mother and brother possessed the cold beauty of a portrait, the Princess was every laughing muse that moved a great artist's brush to paint.
LOOK I don’t know why they’re in church again. I am not driving this boat.
Also I know I owe y’all a chapter of True Blue- it’s probably gonna be a day late! Blame European timezone fuckery. Love from France! ❤️
Tagging @capacity-for-wonder who owes us at least one Honeymoon Book Report.
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barnesbabee · 3 years
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴇɪɢʜᴛ- ᴡᴏɴᴅᴇʀʟᴀɴᴅ
⇜ ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜꜱ - ᴇɪɢʜᴛ-  ɴᴇxᴛ ⟿
White Rabbit - Choi Jongho Absolem (Blue Catterpilar) - Kang Yeosang Cheshire Cat - Kim Hongjoong Mad Hatter - Choi San Haigha (March Hare) - Jung Wooyoung Tweedle Dee - Song Mingi Tweedle Dum - Jeong Yunho Bloody Red King - Park Seonghwa
ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ: @myunvillage @mirror-juliet @jess-1404 @earth-to-leiki [Send me a DM, an ask or comment to be added to the tag list]
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“The stars sure look beautiful today.”
From that night on you and Seonghwa continuously exchanged shy glances, and even the simplest touch would make you blush, as you both reminisced what had happened that night. You anxiously waited for the day you would finally belong to each other, and as the night approached, the both of you started feeling butterflies all over your body.
You had decided the wedding would be small. Not because you weren't extravagant, but because none of you had friends, so it wouldn't make sense to throw a big party. Although the King, without your knowledge, had ordered the most beautiful wedding dress, and he couldn't wait for you to see it.
One day, you decided to take a peek at the ballroom, where the wedding would be taking place. You could see he tried to minimize the red and black, but it was stronger than him. It did look beautiful though... The gold chandelier lit up the sparkly room, decorated with rose petals cut in the shape of a heart, and several portraits of you and the King beside each other. You wondered when those had been painted, but you were honoured. Your heart was clenching in adoration as you noticed the contrast between the portraits all around the castle compared to those. Every painting of the King you had seen so far was of him with a stone-cold expression, but in all of these you were both smiling, laughing, or looking at each other lovingly. The King make sure to capture his favourite moments in all of these paintings, from the day you met, to the picnic in the garden.
"Thank you, Miss."
You were startled to hear a voice behind you while you peeked through the barely opened door. You jumped slightly and turned around, but calmed down once you saw it was one of the maids. She was looking at you with her big, sparkly frog eyes. At some point, it freaked you out, but after seeing them every day you got used to the frog people.
"You're welcome ma'am, but what might you be thanking me for?" You asked, quite confused.
"You've made our lives infinitely better with your presence. Our King has really changed... He said 'thank you' the other day. I have worked for him for a decade and not once had I heard those words from him. He treats us like people, not like servants. You are a blessing, Miss."
You smiled at the maid, a sad yet sympathetic smile.
"I know it's a lot to ask, but I beg of you, give him another chance. Seonghwa is but a neglected, traumatized child in an adult man's body, and I'm trying to help him become a better person."
"I cannot promise anything Miss, but if he truly shows the people mercy and compensates them for all we've been through, the people might give him another chance."
You gave her a slight nod, and thanked the maid for her honesty.
"Hey!" A voice called from up the stairs.
The maid excused herself, and you looked at the staircase, to find a distressed Seonghwa running down towards you.
"Did you see the room?" He asked arms crossed over his chest.
You stayed quiet for a second and looked away from the man who stood apprehensively in front of you.
"No?" You lied.
"Aw come on! I wanted it to be a surprise! I knew I should've covered that paintings."
The image of a sulking Seonghwa was the most adorable thing you had ever seen. You wrapped your arms around his waist and laid your head on his chest.
"I'm sorry, but I was too curious..." You paused and looked up at the man "If it serves any consolation, I was very surprised, and I loved it."
"Really?" He happily asked, flashing you his pearly whites.
You hummed in agreement, earning a small kiss from the man.
"Well, the surprises aren't over. There's a couple more, starting with tonight's dinner."
Before you could ask what he meant, Seonghwa grabbed your hand and dragged you towards a small room in the attic. It took a while to go up all of the marble stairs, and you were out of breath once you reached the room, but it was worth it.
The King gripped the golden handle of the red, wooden door, while looking at you with a big grin. Once he pushed it open, the most beautiful sight was prepared for you. The roof of the small room had a beautiful glass skylight, and the stars looked down at you as you stepped inside. There were white rose petals scattered all over the dark wooden floor, and a small table with two chairs sat in the middle. On the wall right in front of you was a lit fireplace, and the table was set for two, with the most beautiful cutlery you had ever seen. You noticed a letter sitting on one of the dishes, that you assumed was directed at you.
"I, uh... I learned to like white roses." Seonghwa said, embarrassed.
You remember the first time you met when he freaked out over the white roses in the garden. He moved to stand behind one of the chairs, and pulled it back.
"Come, sit down."
You obliged and sat down on the chair he held out of you The male sat in front of you and motioned towards the letter.
"Tomorrow we get married, and there are many things I want to tell you, but I can't. So I wrote it down."
You grabbed the letter and opened it. The King's calligraphy was beautiful and easy to read, but it didn't surprise you: everything about him was very neat.
'Dearest Y/N,
I'm sorry you have to read this, instead of hearing me say it, but I know that if I were to tell you how I feel, half of my sentiments would be left unsaid. I have lived a short life that felt very, very long. These years have dragged on relentlessly, but ever since you arrived, time flies. I hate going to sleep and I can't wait to wake up, to be with you, to look at you, to kiss you... I have had many experiences that I thought were love, but the second I laid eyes on you, I knew all of those previous times were wrong, I finally knew what love was. And recently I've come to find that love isn't only one thing, because somehow my love for you grows in many ways every day I spend with you. You may call me crazy, but there's nothing I wouldn't do for you, and I will keep my promise of changing to be a better King. Even if you stop loving me, even if you leave me, I will hold up my promise as proof of my everlasting love for you. But I must confess, I've imagined us growing old together, and one day, when I pass the crown onto my future child, I hope it is your child as well.
Forever yours,
Tears streamed down your cheeks like two rivers and your bottom lip trembled as you read the letter.
"Ah, those are happy tears! Correct?"
You set down the letter and wiped away said tears with your wrists.
"Yes, yes they are. This was beautiful, Seonghwa, thank you."
"I'm afraid that's as far as the surprises go today, because when it comes to dinner," Seonghwa paused, revealing two sandwiches that would be your meal "I'm afraid it's mediocre. I tried my best but everything I made came out raw or burned, I'm afraid this is as far as my cooking abilities go."
You were surprised and very touched that he had done it all by himself, even if it were just some lousy sandwiches.
"You made dinner by yourself? Well, my good Sir, they must be delicious." You joked as you took one of them.
They weren't good, but they weren't bad either, and you appreciated the effort that had gotten into them. You imagined what kind of King Seonghwa would have been if the previous King had chosen to raise Seonghwa instead of his sister... Surely a kind, caring King that everyone looked up to, one every eligible young woman (and man) would bad their eyelashes at. It was truly a shame... But it wasn't too late for a change, you were hopeful.
You spent that night together, cuddling and telling stories while looking at the starry sky, and you eventually fell asleep on the many pillows Seonghwa had sprawled on the floor.
The next day, you woke up with a smile, remembering that your wedding was in a few hours.
You laid on top of Seonghwa and kissed him.
"Wake up sleepy head."
Seonghwa smiled, wrapped his arms around you and flipped the two of you, so you'd be under him.
"Good morning princess."
You help his face in your hands and smiled.
"After today I'll be a Queen."
"My Queen."
Your sappy moment was interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Sir, Miss, I'm afraid we must commence dressing you for the wedding."
The King peeled himself off of you with a groan (but not before kissing you). He helped you get up, and the two of you followed the maid that took you both to your assigned fitting rooms. Seonghwa had picked his own suit, but you had no idea what he had in store for you. The second you opened the door, you were met with the most beautiful dress you had ever even imagined. It was white, with a tight corset that expanded into a glamorous princess-like puffy tulle. The tulle had many layers, and its bottom was decorated with pearls. The corset, while sleeveless and heart-shaped, had lace appliques that covered your chest and arms, and the torso was decorated with many sparky stones. The veil was equally decorated with pearls and had a tiara attached to it.
Attached to the dress there was a letter.
'They say white symbolizes faith. I have faith in you and in our marriage. Much love, Seonghwa.'
The maids helped you dress, very carefully and with care. They truly seemed to like you. One of them even fixed your hair in a pretty bun and attached the veil to it.
They had spent around an hour fixing everything, and when you were almost done, the door opened.
"The King is waiting for Miss Y/N."
And that was your queue to leave the room. You carefully walked down the stairs and made your way to the big ballroom, once the doors opened, with the announcement of your name, your eyes fell on Seonghwa, who was staring at you happily, in his new look. His hair was slicked back, no longer covering his eye, displaying it proudly, no longer ashamed of his past. His suit matched your dress: it was white and fit him neatly, and it only served as proof that Seonghwa looked good in any colour.
You noticed the crowd in the room, but you weren't too surprised. Although you had decided to hold a small wedding and not invite anyone, you two knew the people would want to see who was brave enough to marry their King, so the man opened the castle doors for anyone who wanted to witness the wedding.
To say the people were surprised to see the King smile was an understatement, but the fact was that he was smiling, and the smile grew wider for every step you took towards him.
The ceremony went beautifully. There were tears in your eyes and in Seonghwa's eyes, and as you celebrated and sealed the marriage, everyone clapped (to you and Seonghwa's surprise).
Everything went perfectly, until the toast. Seonghwa suggested a toast in your behalf after the maids handed every citizen a glass, and when you took a sip, your body felt weird, and you started shrinking, and shrinking, and shrinking until you looked like Thumbelina.
"Y-Y/N!?" Seonghwa asked frantically, as he looked at tiny you standing on the table.
"Tweedles, now!" Someone roared from the crowd.
The Tweedles grabbed you and tossed you over to the Hatter, who had been concealed in the crowd this whole time. After hearing about the wedding, the Hatter decided he would use the certain crowd and commotion to blend in and enter the castle. Without anyone noticing, Cheshire sprinkled some of Absolem's shrinking cake into your drink.
The Hatter grabbed you gently and Bayard came running in. He placed you on the dog and reached for his pocket to retrieve some cake as well.
The King, noticing what was happening before his very eyes, panicked. Tears streamed down his eyes and his bottom lip quivered.
"No! Please don't steal her away! Please!" He begged, running towards the group with one hand stretched out, hoping he could get to the dog before they left but to no avail.
The Hatter just laughed and shrunk himself, giving Bayard the signal to leave. The card knights tried to follow the dog but he was too fast, and there was no time to get the horses before losing sight of the dog. You were gone.
The King fell to his knees, and cried, as he stopped seeing you from the distance.
"Please, don't take her away from me..."
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sweetboybucky · 4 years
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 1300
Warnings: This is what you get when Rae takes a Gender and Women’s Studies class. Fuck gender roles. Fuck the patriarchy. 
Summary: Bucky tries something new.
A/N: I’ve got the writing bug right now, guys, can you tell? Or I was abducted by aliens and they have replaced me with an alien that likes to write about giant men with metal arms who like glitter. 
I wrote this because I wanted to. That’s about it. It may be the most self-indulgent thing I have ever written, but I like it, and I hope you guys like it too.
Thanks for all the love, I can’t even begin to tell you how much all of you mean to me. (And a shoutout to a secret friend of mine who read this for me and gave me her feedback - you know who you are, and I hope you know I love you to the moon and back.)
“What are you watching?”
He looks up at you, watching your face carefully. And when he sees nothing but a smile, your expression swathed in the golden light of the evening, he grins back. Tucks himself further into the blanket he stole from the bed, reaches out to grip your fingers. Tug you down next to him onto the couch, and press himself to your side.
Your eyes study the screen for a moment before you look back at him. Tucking some hair behind his ear, you ask, nothing but honest curiosity, “Is that a makeup tutorial?” 
It makes his chest tighten a little anyway, something unpleasant and cold curling under his skin. He tips his eyes back toward the video playing on his phone, ducks his head a little. “Uh, yeah.”
“That’s fun,” you say, kissing at the side of his face. And a little weight comes off of his shoulders. “Who are you watching?”
“Nyma Tang,” he tells you. “The rest are horribly problematic.”
Laughter spills from your mouth, and the sound feels like more sunlight filling the room, settling in his heart. His lips tip into a wide smile, his arm curling around your back, pulling you closer. 
“I’m so glad you found a beauty guru you can trust, honey.” 
“Me, too.” His eyes flick back to the screen, where the video is almost over, and the most beautiful shade of emerald green is settled over her eyes. “She’s pretty. And she’s real good at makeup.”
“You think you would ever want to try?”
Bucky startles a little bit - pushes back to look at you, a little confusion pulling at his chest. “Try?”
“Yeah,” you murmur, “you know, get your own stuff, try doing makeup on yourself?”
And he. Well, he’s not sure what to say. Because it’s been in the back of his mind since he discovered these videos - on a late night with little sleep and dreams of cold metal and even colder voices - and the brightness, the colors, brought him back home. Made him think of those brushes Steve had used to paint, how much joy it brought him to make something beautiful.
But he remembers. He remembers how different things were. How those men’s lips were stained red, but not with lipstick. 
He hopes things aren’t still like that now. 
“Uh. I’ve never thought of it.” The words burn at the back of his throat. 
“Well,” you start, pushing your head into his shoulder, settling an arm over his stomach, fingers curling at his side, “I think it would look good on you, if you ever did want to try.”
Steel eyes stay fixed on the screen in front of him, but he lets himself press a kiss to your hair. Squeeze the arm around you a little tighter, holding you close and warm. 
Bucky comes to bed late that night - he can just see the clock over the curve of your body reading far too close to 3 am. But he slips in carefully behind you anyway, tucking his arm around you and pressing close. Feels you stir a little before your body settles heavy into the mattress again. 
“Hey, darling,” he whispers. “Sorry, did I wake you?”
You hum, just enough for him to hear it. Push your back closer to his chest. Feel around for his hand, and pull it up to your face, press his palm to your skin. “I can hear you thinking.”
“I can hear you thinking,” you repeat, voice tired and low. He sighs, kisses at your ear. “What’s on your mind, Buck?”
He goes quiet and still. The silence rings through the room, and he can feel his heart racing. But he tucks his nose into your neck anyway, voice muffled into your skin, “Did you mean it?”
“Mean what?”
“When you. When - uh. When you said I could try. Try makeup. If I wanted?”
“Bucky,” you start. 
“I know it’s not. I know men don’t usually wear it.” He’s a little frantic now, eyes shut tight as you turn to face him. “I just think it looks pretty and I - I’ve never done something like that before and I know -”
“Bucky,” you say, fingers tracing his jaw. He keeps his eyes closed, only feels you push closer before your mouth presses to his cheek. “You don’t need my permission. Of course you can try it, if you want.”
He sucks in a sharp breath, ducks his head into the pillows. “Yeah?”
“Yeah, honey,” you tell him, kissing him again - this time soft and sweet on the mouth. When you pull back, he can just make out the smile on your face, how fond your eyes are as you look at him in the dark. “Anyone can do it. We can pick out some things you might like tomorrow.” 
There is lightness in his chest now, something too tender for words. He loves you. He loves you like he’s never loved anything in his life. So he tells you as much, pressing your body underneath his, swallowing your breath and feeling you all around him. And there is nothing like feeling you whisper the sentiment back, gentle warmth breathed into his skin. 
“How’s it going over there, honey?”
Steel eyes shift away from the mirror to where you sit, back to him. He draws in a long breath, the tiniest smile curling at his lips as he looks back to the products on the table, all placed neatly. Flesh fingers reach out, feeling the cool plastic. 
“Okay, I think,” he tells the back of your head. “There’s a lot of stuff here.”
“Well, you’re the one who needed eight different highlighters, Buck.”
“You need to have options, baby,” he huffs at you. And the sound of your laughter makes him grin from ear to ear. Take a few last looks in the mirror, sweep a little more color over his cheeks. 
He settles back in his chair. Breathes in, then out. Careful and slow, watching his reflection. His voice is a little weak when he says, “Okay, I think I’m done.”
Footsteps pad over his way, but he doesn’t turn. Only waits until he can feel your arms around him, lips at the shell of his ear. Face shining in the glass next to his. Your eyes are wide, and there is something so fond in your expression. 
“Buck,” you say, squeezing him a little, “it looks great.”
He turns back toward you, his nose brushing against your cheek. “Really?”
“Really,” you tell him. “Can’t believe that’s the first time you’ve ever done makeup. It looks so good on you.”
Bucky lets himself take another look. Lets his gaze trace over the way gold shines over his eyes, how his lashes fan out, dark and full. The shimmer on each of his cheekbones is catching the light, shining the most beautiful light rose. 
He has seen himself through ice and storm and frost. Young and bright and then so much older, weary down to his bones. But he has never seen himself like this - so brilliant and soft. Glowing beyond the scars over his skin and soul. 
There is a picture on the mantle, a beaming portrait of himself from years long since past. That doesn’t hold a candle to this. Doesn’t come near the way he feels as he looks at himself now. Beautiful. All himself, but somehow made new. 
Your lips press sweet to the blush on his cheeks just before you sit down on his lap, holding him tight. And he holds you back, pushing his face into your neck, and smiling wide against your skin as he hears you say, reverent and gentle, “You’re so beautiful.”
Faint buzzing reaches his ears hours later, as he lays still and quiet with you on the couch. Metal fingers reach for the phone on the armrest, pulling the screen close enough to see. 
Eyes just make out the new alert, a text from an all too familiar name.
I always knew gold was your color. 
Another, quick as the first. 
You look good, Buck. 
Bucky lets his eyes close, and tips his head against your shoulder. Feels your grin against his hair. Takes your hand between his, raises it to his heart - holding in every ounce of warmth curling under his skin. 
@solarbarnes II @akamaiden II @my-meant-to-find-blog II @marvelous-avengers II @jack4xx II @buckyforbreakfast II @theglowstickofdestiny II @bucky-at-bedtime II @notimetoblog II @deceivedeer II @teawithbucky II @veronicaleite-blog II @part-time-patronus II @thunderous-flower II @thelostverse II @delicatecapnerd II @pizzarollpatrol II @laurfangirl424 II @stevieboyharrington II @yknott81 II @bucky-smiles II @buckysb-tch II @a-watson-in-search-of-a-sherlock II @heartssick II @spxder-bxck II @bottled-starr II @buckybarneshairpullingkink II @yenneffersstuff II @fangirlfictionmain II @creideamhgradochas II @queenofstarliqht II @dessinemoiunehistoire II @ellaxiv II @mercurie-evans II @princess-evans-addict II @desibarnes II @miss-nxvxcaine II @youclickedthislink II @fcntasia || @youclickedthislink
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castoffyourcrown · 1 year
((Tag dump~))
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omgrachwrites · 4 years
The Princess and The Duke - Chapter Three
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Summary: As the Princess of  Spain, you were always supposed to marry King James of England to make an alliance between Spain and England. When he marries a woman at his court for love, you are married off to his best friend, Sirius Black the Duke of Bedford to keep the alliance. However, the court is riddled  with secrets and a rebel in the North starts to rise against the Throne. Royal AU.
Warnings: fluff, angst, mentions of death
Words: 2496
Disclaimer: This gif doesn’t belong to me!
A/N: Hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas! Hope you guys enjoy this part and please let me know what you think and let me know if you would like to be tagged, I love you all! xxx
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Chapter Three - She is a Diamond
Nerves swarmed and came to a rising bubble in your stomach on the afternoon of the meeting between your future husband and his friends. The meeting was to determine the unknown problems and strife that England was now facing. You were worried for a multitude of reasons, England was meant to be your new home and you wanted to be safe, you didn’t want to be led like a lamb to slaughter. If it was rebels rising in the North then you knew of one sure way – the only way – to prove that England was strong and it was something that you were not ready for.
You had decided to dress in a rather conservative dress today – it felt like it was crushing your internal organs – instead of your usual pretty ethereal dresses. You wanted Sirius’ friends to take you seriously, you had a voice and they needed to hear it.
Sofia caught your eye in the mirror as she was intricately braiding your hair and she smiled at you as she squeezed your shoulders gently, “I’m nervous Sofia,” you admitted and Sofia nodded in understanding.
“Making peace is frightening, Your Highness but Sirius is incredibly lucky to have you, as is England.”
You frowned at her as she stepped away from the golden gilded mirror, “what do you mean?”
Sofia bit her lip as she fiddled with her fingers and you could tell that she was trying to be diplomatic with what she said next, “forgive me if you think that I speak out of turn but Queen Lily probably has no experience of diplomacy because she was never supposed to be Queen. But, you, you were raised to be a Queen; your father took you into his council meetings. You know what you’re doing and I know that the Duke will listen to you.”
You knew that Sofia was right, the Queen seemed nice but she had only been a minor Lady before King James took her to wife so she wouldn’t have been taught the art of diplomacy, “she’s the Queen, and we shouldn’t talk about her like that. When we’re her ladies we need to help her,” Sofia smiled and nodded at your kind words, “I should get going, what are you going to do while I’m gone?”
Sofia shrugged as she played with the ends of her hair, “I might take a walk around the gardens,” she flushed and you smirked, knowing exactly what she was thinking.
“And daydream about the Duke of Warwick?”
Sofia’s blush only deepened at your words, “maybe.”
You giggled and kissed both of her cheeks before you left your chambers and set off for the council chambers. It was a dreary day that was full of much rain but like usual, you kept the window cracked open a little bit. When it rained it carried the smell of strawberries growing on the wind and it filled the hallways with the sweetest scent. It managed to cheer everyone up, even on the greyest day.
You gently knocked on the ajar door before entering the room and the three men got to their feet at once, “Your Highness,” they chorused, inclining their heads.
Sirius smiled at you, he looked gloriously handsome in robes of periwinkle that brought out the soft stormy colour of his eyes. He kept eye contact with you as he took your hand and lifted it to his lips to press a soft kiss upon it. The look in his eyes made your cheeks flush and your heart flutter as pleasant warmth spread through your bones.
You cleared your throat as the air felt thick and heavy, “my Lords,” your voice sounded breathy and you could have sworn that Sirius’ eyes darkened slightly. Sirius gestured for you to sit down and the three Lords followed suit, “so, what have we got here? What’s the trouble?” you asked.
A muscle fluttered in Sirius’ jaw as he threw the letter down in the middle of the table, “there’s trouble brewing in Cumbria, small villages have been raided and pillaged and bandits have been attacking travellers on the Kings Road. It could be peasants but it could be rebels rising up against the King. Unrest is already stirring in London, people are starting to lose faith due to the Queen’s inability to get pregnant,” his voice was gentle but his words were harsh.
You saw a flash of red before your eyes, “that’s not her fault!” your voice was sharp and you saw Sirius flinch slightly, you sighed and placed your hand on his knee, “who’s lands are they?” you asked, maybe the Duke of Cumbria would be able to shed some light.
“Well, that’s the problem,” Remus started, “they’re the King’s lands, he’s yet to appoint a Duke, there have always been rebels in the North so he’s hesitant to let his rule go,” you raised an eyebrow in slight confusion, “there was a Duke and a Duchess once, Tom Riddle and his wife who were both executed for practicing witchcraft. Riddle claimed that his wife had given him love potion and he was executed by association. The Riddles used to rule the country before they were overthrown by James’ grandfather.”
You were silent, who would dare commit such crimes on lands owned by the King? “was there no heir?” you whispered and Remus’ face grew solemn.
“He was executed in the tower of London, James’ father was a witness, he used to tell us the story when we were children.”
Bile fought its way up your throat as tears stung your eyes and you thought about the horror of a poor child being killed for his parent’s sins, “that’s awful,” you whispered and you felt Sirius’ hand squeeze yours gently.
Remus hummed in response with a worried expression on his face as he looked over at his best friend, “we need to do something about this, whether it’s a group of peasant or a group of rebels, we need to make England safe, like it was in times of old. Can you send any of your men to investigate and deal justice if needs be?”
Sirius shook his head as his long fingers pressed into his temples and your heart melted for him, “I’ve got no men to spare, they’re holding Calais in case our enemies rise up, it truly feels as though we have no allies,” he hesitated as he lifted his head and you could almost hear the cogs turning in his head, “we need to send a spy – if it is rebels – somebody that they won’t expect.”
Peter, who had been silent for most of the meeting – he had no art for diplomacy – made a small scared noise and you bit your lip. Peter wasn’t the bravest of men, that much was true but he would be the most inconspicuous spy, no one would ever suspect him. However, something gnawed at your conscience and it was his face. Peter was trembling, his small eyes were watery and he seemed to know what everyone else did, he looked scared. He looked just like a little boy and you remembered just how young he was, how young you all were.
Whatever happened you couldn’t let Peter go, not when he looked scared to death, your heart wouldn’t allow it. Instead, you sacrificed yourself and the handsome man sitting at your side, “the common people – and all people – need to believe in you again, in King James, in England, in all of us. We need to give the appearance that we’re strong and Sirius is right,” you gestured over to him to find that he was listening intently with his eyebrows drawn together, “we have no allies but there is one way, the only way to ensure that we get them. We need to give the people a spectacle and a reason to celebrate. We need Spain, we need a wedding,” you looked up at Sirius from beneath your eyelashes.
Realisation dawned on his face as clear as day, “Y/N, no” he trailed off, saying nothing more.
“It’s not what I want,” you sniffed, feeling tears sting at your eyes, “but we need allies, we need Spain,” you hadn’t wanted to marry him so quickly, you were becoming fond of him but that wasn’t enough.
Remus and Peter stayed silent as they glanced at Sirius, awaiting his response, “we can’t,” he whispered, his eyes were soft and gentle.
“Do you know of any other way Sirius? My father won’t send the Spanish men we need without our wedding. Our wedding is the only way we can rely on this alliance and I won’t allow anyone to be sent over as a spy, not yet,” you glanced over at Peter who gave you a shaky thankful smile.
Sirius stayed silent, a troubled look on his face, “that’s settled then,” you sniffed as you stood up, feeling your heart beating wildly, “excuse me my Lords. Good day,” you excused yourself without looking at Sirius or waiting for a reply.
Once you were in the hallway, you steadied yourself with a hand on the cold stone wall, you felt faint and your breathing got shallow. You were going to be a wife soon, you had had no choice.
Sirius sighed through the cold air as he dragged a hand through his hair, he had been searching for the Princess for ages now, and he had cut the meeting short to search through his huge chateau. He couldn’t find her anywhere, she wasn’t in the library or in the portrait room, and they were the two places where she loved to sit for hours. It had stopped raining now so he decided to look for her in the gardens, the trouble was there was so many of them, and it could be dark before he found her.
He slipped on the rain soaked grass as he made his way across the wet lawn, a million questions running through his head at once. Why would she sacrifice herself? Sirius had never wanted it to be like this, it felt like it was a forced marriage. Sirius had wanted to wait until they got to know each other better and when she felt comfortable but that was all over now. As soon as the people got wind of a wedding that involved a Princess they would want to see results immediately.
Sirius finally found her sitting on the bench of the water fountain in the rose garden; Sofia was sitting with her arm around Y/N’s shoulders. Y/N’s eyes looked red and bloodshot, it looked like she had been crying but she was still beautiful. How was she still so beautiful? Y/N looked up as she heard Sirius approached and she wiped her nose and got to her feet.
“Y/N,” Sirius sighed as he reached out and cupped her cold cheek with his warm hand, Y/N let out a breath as she leaned in to his warm touch, placing her hand over his, “why? Why would you do this? I thought we had an agreement, we would get married when you were ready and not a second earlier.”
Y/N bit her lip and looked away from him as she watched the water trickling into the fountain with a sad look in her eyes, “you’re sweet Sirius,” she started in a shaky voice,  “and I’ll always be grateful for that but the rest of the world won’t wait for us. People who want to attack England and overthrow King James won’t wait for us; they’ll see a moment of weakness and strike like a viper. We can’t afford to lose this war Sirius; too many lives are at stake, yours included.”
“I understand that Y/N,” Sirius whispered gently, almost like he was whispering to a lover in the dead of night, “but you have no duty to the people of England, you have no duty to try and save them.”
Y/N looked back at him and smiled weakly, the light in her eyes was back and a flush started to rise up from her neck before it settled in a light dusting on her cheeks, “no, you’re right, I don’t have a duty to the people of England, and it’s not them I’m trying to save. I’m trying to save you, and your friends who have always been so kind to me. I’m trying to protect you and our marriage is the only way that I can do that, so I’ll make the choice willingly.”
Sirius felt hot tears sting at his eyes, he had never felt so protected by anyone, not his King and certainly not his mother, at that moment he wanted nothing more than to kiss her but he felt that that wouldn’t be appropriate. Instead he pulled her into a tight hug, he heard her laugh as she wrapped her arms around him and Sirius buried his nose in her sweet smelling hair, “thank you,” he whispered against her hair.
Y/N pulled back and smiled up at him, “you’re welcome and I know that we may not love each other but I want us to be in this together,” she smiled when Sirius nodded with a grin, he wanted that too, “so,” she started as she took his arm and started to take a stroll around the gardens, “know any good places to get married?” she laughed.
“Well, there is my family chapel but it’s sad and dark, its where my mother got married, it’s not fit for such a young and beautiful princess,” he grinned over at Y/N who flushed and she tightened her hold on Sirius’ arm, “there is a place in the woods where a little chapel dwells, right in the thicket of trees. In times of old it was said that Englishmen found fairies in the trees and mermaids in the babbling brooks.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow as she looked up at him entirely unconvinced, “are you serious? Fairies and mermaids?” she snickered, “who came up with that rubbish?”
Sirius smiled, “I found in a book of local legends,” he shrugged, “and I’ve been to visit it and it really is beautiful, if those creatures did exist then it would be a perfect habitat for them, it feels like it’s steeped in magic. There’s a cluster of cherry blossom trees that hides the chapel and its grounds from the world. It’s one of the most amazing places,” he smiled wistfully.
Y/N gazed up at him, her eyes sparkling and her lips were parted slightly, she had a beautiful expression on her face but it was an expression that Sirius couldn’t decipher, “that sounds wonderful,” her voice got all breathy again and she leaned her head against Sirius’ shoulder, a nice warm weight, “looks like we have a wedding to plan.”
“Yes, it seems that way Your Highness,” Sirius grinned, feeling his cheeks dimple as he lifted up her hand to his lips and kissed it gently.
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whaleiumsharkspeare · 4 years
I’ve been thinking a lot about Varian’s role in season 3, beyond just that as the resident kid who invents whatever is needed to save the day’s issue or stopping the red rocks or even being a kidnapped victim who unwittingly gives Cassandra the third incantation but also gives Rapunzel the one she needs to defeat her. More so, I’ve been thinking about Varian’s unspoken role as a source of hope for Rapunzel. Because Rapunzel had just been betrayed by a friend again, and even with all her positivity she probably still felt really down on herself for the whole situation and may have, in her darkest late night moments, wondered if there was any chance that she could still reach Cassandra. Who better to help Rapunzel keep her faith in Cassandra than Varian? Even after Varian betrayed her, he still managed to find his way back to the light. He still had good in his heart and he did everything in his power to prove it. Even if it was never said onscreen, I really feel like Varian played a big role in giving Rapunzel hope for Cassandra’s salvation, because he proved that it can be done. When Rapunzel wondered if Cassandra would ever be her friend again, there’s Varian, just tagging along with Rapunzel’s errand of the day with a smile on his face and a friendly attitude.
So, because I was feeling inspired by this concept, I wrote a little fic about Rapunzel and Varian’s friendship, and the hope that he gives her, even if he doesn’t realize it. I hope you enjoy! Maybe one of these days I’ll surprise you with some angst but for now I’ll keep on being the Queen of Fluff (thanks Lissa for that nickname lol)
Hope is a Second Chance
Rapunzel was in her room, working on a massive painting that took up a lot of the ceiling and high walls. It basically told the story of her life, from being reunited with her parents, to the defeat of the Saporians, and everything in between. It was a beautiful and detailed painting, but Rapunzel was having a bit of trouble with a part of it. She held her paintbrush and sighed.
“What’s the matter, Sunshine?” called Eugene from down below. “It looks great to me.”
“Oh, I’m just...I’m struggling with this part of the painting. I don’t know, it doesn’t feel right.”
Eugene looked up and frowned at the part she was working on. It was a portrait of Cassandra, posing with her loyal owl on her arm. In the painting, Cassandra was smiling, but Rapunzel simply frowned as she looked at it.
“It just seems wrong to paint her like this. It’s like, giving me false hope.”
“False hope?” Eugene repeated.
“That she can be saved,” she sighed. “I love Cass, and I want her to be my friend again. But this...this just isn’t who she is anymore. It feels like I’m lying to myself.”
“You’re not giving up, are you?” Eugene asked, surprised. “That doesn’t sound like you.”
“No, Eugene. I’m not giving up. Not yet. But, it’s just hard. I want her to be saved, but sometimes it just feels impossible. She’s so lost.”
“Whoa, whoa. I didn’t even think that ‘impossible’ was in your vocabulary,” said Eugene. He sighed and softened his voice. “Look, Rapunzel. I understand. Sometimes I feel like that too. She betrayed you and she hurt the kingdom with the red rocks. She broke your heart. That’s not something I can easily forgive her for. But if there’s anything I’ve learned after being with you all this time, it’s that you never give up on your friends.”
“I’m not giving up yet,” said Rapunzel. She looked at the painting of Cassandra, feeling tears well up in her eyes. “But having this here is too painful for me right now.” Rapunzel quickly dipped her paintbrush into a pot of pale green paint and swiftly started to paint over the image of Cass until she could no longer see her smiling face. When it was done, there was just a blank spot on the wall where her friend used to be. Rapunzel stared at the nothingness and dropped her paintbrush back into the pot, wiping her teary eyes with her sleeve. She took a handful of her hair and jumped down from the rafters, landing on the floor.
“Um, I think I’m gonna go for a walk,” she said, starting to head for the door.
“Do you want me to come with you?” Eugene asked.
“No. No thank you, Eugene. I think I just need to be alone for a bit and clear my head.”
“Okay,” Eugene said softly. Rapunzel quietly left the room while Eugene stared sadly up at the blank part of the wall and sighed. Out in the castle, Rapunzel wandered aimlessly through the halls, her head full of thoughts.
“Am I just kidding myself?” she wondered. “What if Cassandra never comes back? What if she can’t be helped anymore? What if she’s too lost? I’m so terrified of losing her, but maybe it’s just something I have to accept. Maybe she doesn’t want to be my friend anymore. I don’t want to give up on her, but sometimes I feel so lost. I feel like there’s no hope. She could be plotting something terrible for all I know, or maybe I’ll just never see her again. How can I have faith when I don’t even know what she’ll do next and I can’t reach out to her? Where is the hope?”
She continued walking through the castle, feeling more and more lost. She was in such a funk that even the castle servants that passed by took notice of her melancholy attitude and fell silent and crestfallen themselves. The bubbly young princess’ personality was contagious, and so was her sorrow, it seemed. After a while of walking by herself with nothing but the occasional sad squeak of Pascal in her ear and not feeling any better, Rapunzel looked up and saw that she was standing outside the palace kitchens.
“Maybe I could use something sweet to cheer me up,” she thought out loud. She looked at Pascal on her shoulder. “What do you say, buddy? Maybe there’s some of those cupcakes with the pink icing.” Pascal squeaked a reply and Rapunzel pushed open the door of the kitchen and went inside. The air smelled sweet and warm when she went in, and she closed her eyes and tilted her nose up slightly to breathe in the good scents. She could hear a bit of clatter, and opened her eyes to see the source of the noise and saw a familiar face standing over the stove.
“Uh, Varian?”
“Hey, Princess!” came the young, cheerful voice. Varian looked up from the stove where he had something cooking in a pot and pushed his goggles back up into his hair.
“What are you doing here?” she asked. She sniffed the air again. “Smells good.”
“I came to the castle today to do some research in the royal library. Thanks for giving me access, by the way,” Varian explained. “I was in there for a while, and I thought ‘nothing goes better with learning how to translate ancient languages on a scroll than hot chocolate’ so I came here to the kitchen to make some.”
Rapunzel managed to crack a tiny half smile in amusement. Varian rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.
“I know, I know. It’s a bit silly. But I just really love hot chocolate.”
“Hey, no judgement here,” Rapunzel replied, holding up her hands. “I love chocolate. I think it’s probably the best invention in the world. No offense.”
Varian laughed slightly.
“I think I’d be inclined to agree.”
After a moment of slightly awkward silence, Varian spoke up again.
“So, uh, what are you doing here?”
Rapunzel sighed.
“Oh, I was just wandering around. Lost in thought, I guess. I thought I’d come see if there was anything good to eat in here.” She trailed off, looking around the room. Varian frowned. He could tell that something was on Rapunzel’s mind and it was bothering her. He hated seeing Rapunzel look so down. Thinking fast, he looked at the pot of hot chocolate on the stove and quickly poured two mugs of it.
“Hey, uh, you know what? I-I made too much. There’s no way I can drink all this by myself. You want some?” he offered. Rapunzel gave him a small smile and took the warm mug from him, and he gave her a smile in response. He picked up his own mug.
“Well, I’m heading back to the library to do some more research. You can come if you like.”
Rapunzel looked at Pascal as if for approval. He made a “go on” motion with his foot. She looked back up at Varian.
“Okay. Let’s go. You can show me what you’ve been working on.”
Varian beamed at her and led the way. They pushed open the doors of the library and went inside, where Rapunzel saw books and papers scattered all over the place, mostly stacked up on a desk in the corner. Rapunzel stared at all the notes everywhere.
“Wow, you’ve really been busy,” she observed.
“Well, it’s not everyday you get access to the best, most exclusive books in the kingdom. Sure the little library in Old Corona and the one here on the island have good information, but the royal library has the stuff I really need if I want to crack this scroll. I want to make the most of it.”
“You know you can come use it anytime. You don’t have to squeeze all your research into one day.”
“I know that, I’ve just been really busy today,” Varian admitted. “I’ve been learning a lot. I’ve found tons of great information.” His voice got a lot quicker as he started to get more excited. “This library has books on all the languages spoken in the Seven Kingdoms, even ancient ones! It’s really helpful for trying to figure out the text on the scroll. Of course, I’m not there yet. I still have more work to do. But I’ve been in the process of creating a translation key. I think with just a couple more weeks I’ll be able to crack it.”
“That’s great, Varian! You’ve really been working hard! Thank you.”
“I’m just happy to help,” Varian said, sorting through his books.
“So, what else have you been up to?”
“Well,” Varian started, his eyes brightening. “I’ve been reading about the history of Lord Demanitus. That machine in the base of the mountains was just the tip of the iceberg of his genius. He dabbled a lot in alchemy too. Course, a lot of his alchemy practices are outdated by today’s standards, but isn’t that neat? Me, an alchemist setting up shop in the very same chamber he used for his machine to change the direction of the wind. He’s just like me, and learning about him kind of makes me feel like we’re connected, you know?”
Rapunzel watched Varian become increasingly giddy the more he talked about Demanitus. She smiled at the light in his eyes and the excitement in his voice. The rest of the afternoon was spent in the library with Varian. The room was filled with the sounds of their voices talking and laughing as the day wore on. Varian showed Rapunzel all the research he was doing and she helped him by supplying her own knowledge, and even by using her hair to swing up to the top shelves and grabbing the books that Varian couldn’t reach. It was cozy and warm in the library with books and soft lighting and hot chocolate and friendship. Varian’s excitement about learning and being helpful was almost as contagious as her usual optimism, and over time she found herself starting to perk up again. How could she go on focusing on her own troubles when looking at that infectious smile with his big teeth and the light in his pale blue eyes? Varian was totally in his element, talking about the things he was passionate about and answering Rapunzel’s questions readily. She knew she had certainly picked the right person for the job of translating the scroll.
He was more than happy to do it. Happy to be studying his idol, happy to be giving himself a challenge, and happy to just be useful. It meant a lot to be working with the princess after everything that had happened. Sitting there in the library with Rapunzel was a sign of the newfound trust he’d managed to rebuild, and it felt great to be trusted and to be needed. Rapunzel could feel it too, the wonderful warm sensation of trust and friendship that she knew was unwavering between the two. Watching Varian work and feeling the calm and warmth of two friends just spending an afternoon together, Rapunzel suddenly had a realization.
Of course she still had hope for Cassandra. Her friend was far from gone. There was still a chance to save her. Where was the hope? Well, there was the hope. Hope was right in front of her. Right there in the boy who had once been so lost, but was now right there with her. Right there in the blue eyes that once looked icy, filled with anger and sadness, but now were sparkling with life. Right there in the smile that she’d once missed and now come to be so familiar with. Right there in the laughter that was genuine and warm, no longer malicious. Hope existed in every breath of the young boy who stood before her now. And he was all the hope she needed to know that it wasn’t over, and that Cass was going to be okay.
Because Varian had once been lost too, Rapunzel reminded herself. He’d once allowed anger to cloud his heart and set him on a path that had led to darkness. And for a time, she really thought she had lost her friend. But then he found the light again. He didn’t let his heart be completely shrouded in anger. He didn’t let himself be consumed by the despair and rage he’d felt. He came back to the side of goodness. He never truly lost himself. He let his genuinely good heart shine through, and he came back. Rapunzel saw the goodness in him, and she gave him a chance, and she never regretted it. Varian never gave her a reason to. The joy and relief he’d felt when Rapunzel had allowed herself to trust him again was probably the best sensation he’d ever felt in his life, right after how he’d felt when his father came back to him. A second chance. That’s all he needed. And Varian was the proof that second chances were worth it. Varian could be saved, why not Cassandra? As long as Rapunzel had Varian’s smile and his kind heart, she knew she still had hope. She felt happy and warm, and it wasn’t just because of the hot chocolate. Now feeling much happier than before, Rapunzel suddenly got up and threw her arms around Varian in a grateful hug. Surprised by the sudden gesture, Varian stood very still and shocked, tensing up just a little.
“Uh, Rapunzel, what was that for?”
“You’re just...a really good friend, Varian. And I appreciate what all you’ve done for me. Thank you.”
Varian’s shocked and somewhat confused expression morphed into a smile and he hugged Rapunzel back.
“You’re a really good friend too, Rapunzel. Probably the closest one I have, besides Ruddiger of course. And I’m glad to help you.”
After a moment, Rapunzel pulled away and let out a relieved and contented sigh, feeling her troubled emotions from before starting to melt away, replacing the heaviness in her heart with a much lighter feeling.
“Well,” she said after a beat, “I should probably let you get back to work, and I have things to do too. Thanks for the hot chocolate and the nice afternoon.”
“You’re welcome. Thanks for the company,” he replied. She nodded a reply and turned to leave. Varian smiled after her, feeling happy that he’d managed to cheer her up. He wasn’t sure what he’d done other than giving her a sweet drink and talking her ear off all afternoon, but he was glad he’d done his part to get her smiling again. As Rapunzel walked back through the castle, her contagious spirit was positive once again, and the people she passed by couldn’t help but wear smiles of their own. Up in her bedroom, Rapunzel stared up at her work in progress painting with newfound inspiration. She climbed up to the rafters with her hair, grabbing her paintbrush and swinging along to a new spot that could use her artistic touch. The blank spot on the wall where Cass had once been stayed vacant. She wasn’t quite ready to fill it in yet. That would have to wait until she could paint Cassandra being genuinely happy. But she wasn’t giving up hope that she would get to paint that spot someday. For now though, Rapunzel focused on a different section of the wall, and used her paintbrush to bring a different friendly face to life. A face dotted with freckles that highlighted his genuine kind smile, and goggles stuck up in the dark hair that had a funny blue streak in it. It was another portrait on the wall, just like all the other pictures of her friends and family that she’d painted into her life story. But for Rapunzel, it was more than just another smiling face. It was a symbol of hope, and a reminder that no one was ever truly lost without a way back. Varian’s heart had softened again, and he’d managed to find his way back, and she knew that Cassandra could too. One day that blank spot on the wall would be filled in. She wasn’t going to give up. And if she ever started to feel discouraged again, Rapunzel knew all she had to do was look up and see hope smiling down on her.
So that’s it! Hopefully you enjoyed. I really love their friendship. It just makes me so happy. They’ve both come so far and I love the way they were able to grow stronger and rebuild their trust. I think it’s meaningful
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sandsofoneiros · 3 years
To Capture a Heart.
Chapter Two: Cianna Calling
Disclaimer: Had this ready Friday evening but since I was going to be gone all weekend, I decided to queue it up for you all! I hope you enjoy this chapter and I’m sorry if the first month seems a little boring. I wrote it last and it was a bit rushed. I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend and I can’t wait to be back on Monday! Also! Kylo’s betrothed is actually @thembohux oc!
Warning: Mentions of death, some anxious moments, slight cursing and two brats not knowing how to talk. Sparring match (i can’t write fight scenes. my bad)
Word count:  11139
Tagging: @thembohux and @booksmusicteaandanimals. 
The First Month. Age: 15
     Cianna was genuinely a beautiful kingdom. Hidden away by thick forest and magnificent trees. There were two ways to enter the kingdom, take a small boat down the river, or hike through the woodland. Normally, Poe would have preferred the trek through the forest, but this time the boats looked to be more relaxing. Another summer was upon him, and he desperately wished to turn the little boat around to go home. Things had changed this year, and he wasn’t handling them so well. The biggest change was Ben or Kylo. It was just a name change to help him come more into his role as future King of Naboo. He preferred a stronger name. Kylo had grown more, and it wasn��t only physically. He was constantly telling Poe about what he would change about Naboo to make it better. How he and Lita were going to improve so many things. Poe tried to follow along when his friend talked, but he grew bored after a few minutes. He was fifteen and his head wasn’t in the mindset to run a kingdom. It was always elsewhere. Daydreaming about daring sword fights, on a ship that was sailing through perilous waters, and so many other things.
  The tips of his fingers skimmed across the top of the water as they made their way through the river. It was cool to the touch, and he followed the ripples travel through the water. He speculated about how this summer was going to go and how Ro would be. He wondered if she had received another braid. That had been one of things that he had found himself curious about each year. Her hair. It was something that he looked at each time they got to see each other. Poe recalled her having seven braids last summer. She had shared the tales about each of the new ones that she had gotten. However, this summer and from this point on, was going to be different. They had chaperones this time. Their parents had insisted on it because of their age. It was a dumb rule in Poe’s opinion, and he had argued that they didn’t do that in Naboo. That had been the moment that Kylo wanted to punch his friend.
    “Not too much longer, Poe.” Kes called back to him. Kes had given Poe his own boat. They hadn’t been on the best of terms throughout the year. Much more arguing and Kes trying his hardest to push Poe on the right path. The young prince had taken to going down into the city and meeting with not so wholesome people. He would hang onto every word of their tales and would often try to sneak away with them. One guard who was patrolling the city would grab Poe before he got too far. Kes and Poe had fallen into a routine from all of it. They would fight, Poe would sneak out, and Kes would punish him. It was always the same story. Allowing Poe to go to Naboo for a few weeks had helped some, but when Poe returned, they instantly put him in a sour mood. He would avoid his father and would go spar. Trying to get some of his anger out. There had been nights where Kes had found Poe curled up under the portrait of Shara. Those had been the nights that Kes prayed for answers and got met with none. 
    Silence remained between them before they reached the dock. It was at the base of the mountain that was surrounded by a few waterfalls. Mist blanketing the kingdom of Cianna. They had built the castle into the mountain while the town was below it. The walk was going to be the longest part, but the view was always remarkable. He enjoyed hearing the rushing water as they crossed over the bridge. It was unusual to only see Thalia and Queen Eirlys. Usually, the entire family was there to meet them. 
    Thalia was already rushing to embrace him, and he hugged her tightly. Their friendship had surprised everyone and occasionally they pulled little pranks with the help of Ro being their look out. He saw her as a little sister, and he knew it made Ro happy to include her in their games. They hugged for a little longer before he pulled back from the hug. Eirlys and Kes were catching up with each other.
    “Where’s Ro? She’s usually here to greet us.” Poe looked around for the older Citlali daughter and frowned when he couldn’t find her. King Jaqen was also absent as well.
    “Her and dad are having a sparring lesson. Would you like to watch?” 
    He had only seen Ro spar a few times over the last years, and her form was always different. She had told him that both of her parents had taught the girls their styles of fighting. Jaqen and Eirlys seemed like opposites, and it made sense for their styles to be the same as well. Eagerly Poe nodded and grabbed Kylo’s arm to drag him along to the castle. He was a little excited to see Ro again but he wasn’t going to let anyone know that.
    “Again, Aurora.” 
    Jaqen’s tone was calm as he circled the room, examining his daughter and sparring partner. Both of them were slightly panting as they got back into the fighting stances. The taller male had more braids than the princess, but she didn’t let that stop her. It didn’t trouble her. Without breaking eye contact, Ro dropped to the floor and swept her leg out to hook around her partner’s. It seemed to work better this time, and her opponent fell onto his back before he could recover. She had him pinned. A practice dagger held to his throat. Her chest heaving as she grinned down at the boy. A cheer erupted in the quiet room, followed by multiple hand claps from her little sister and her company. The company that Ro had actually forgotten about. 
    She whispered excitedly before tossing the dagger to the side and moving off her opponent, turning her back to him. That had been a mistake, given that Ignis had returned the favor to trip her. It wasn’t long before Ro fell on to her hands to break her fall and scowled back at him and then to her father. 
    “Never turn your back on your opponent, Ro. Too easy. Lesson is over for the day. Prince Poe, Prince Kylo. It’s good to see you.” Jaqen bowed his head to the young princes as he helped Ro to her feet. Checking her over for any injuries before fixing a piece of her hair that had loosened during the match. However, Poe was curious about sparring next. He hadn’t gotten the chance before. 
    Ro batted at her father’s hands before looking for Poe. The prince was looking at the practice weapons. His fingers curling around the spear before he took it off the rack and spun around. Ignis rolled his eyes at the prince while he dusted himself off. He wasn’t overly excited about Poe and Kylo being here. Recently Ro hadn’t stopped talking about the Yavin prince. It drove him mad, given that the other didn’t even give her the time of day.
    “Could I spar next, your highness?” 
    “I don’t see why not? Choose an opponent. Not Thalia considering she hasn’t been at her lessons.” Jaqen responded without even looking back at his younger daughter, who had been avoiding her sparring lessons for the week. Thalia merely stuck her tongue out.
    “Could I pick Ro?” 
    The question caught them all off guard, but Jaqen nodded his head. Kylo and Thalia were quietly taking bets on who would win. Poe was one of Yavin’s finest fighters and he took pride knowing that. Plus, not everybody has the chance to have a sparring match with their future spouse. 
    “Of course. Ignis, please move to the side.” Jaqen spoke as Ignis went to stand beside the king. Ro reached for the other spear and smirked at her opponent. She had only gotten to watch Poe fight against others and this was her chance to show off. The spear wasn’t her favorite to use, but she was competent with it. Poe was much like a serpent when he fought. His strike never missed its target, usually. They circled around each other. Each step planned. 
    “I won’t go easy on you, little princess.” Poe teased before performing spin that forced him a step closer. 
    “I wouldn’t assume so, prince perfect.” Ro attempted a strike to his middle, that he stopped quickly before sliding back a little. That little spark seemed to set everything in motion. They flowed like dancers even though their dances were different. Strike for strike. Determination shining brilliantly in their eyes. The others observed them in fascination. Both of them were well matched. Poe’s skills impressed Ignis. He kept Ro on her toes. It wasn’t often that she got challenged. The sound of the wood hitting together was filling the chamber, along with their grunts. Their knuckles paling as they tightened their clutches on the weapons. It wasn’t until Poe lost his footing that Ro seized her opportunity and swept his leg out from under him. Kicking his spear out of reach, she put the point of hers at his collar. 
    “Wow.” He peered up at her, not daring to move. His eyes roaming up her form and feeling his face burned. That had to be from the sparring match. However, he couldn’t stop noticing how strong she looked. How fierce. That fire that flickered in her eyes that made him gulp. He hadn’t seen her like this before, and it required him to do a double take when she reached her hand out to him. 
    “That was a brilliant match.” She grinned before helping him up. Their hands stayed conjoined for a moment before he gently drew his back. Jaqen clasped his daughter on the shoulder. While Thalia handed over a few coins to a smirking Kylo. It slightly hurt Poe that his best friend had wager against him but he figured they would share those coins later. Ignis had wrapped his arm around Ro’s shoulder, not caring about Poe’s existence at all. 
    “We’ve taught her well, your grace.” Ignis spoke as he ruffled Ro’s hair. Poe’s eyes narrowed at the gesture. Why was he touching her in such a friendly manner? Why did Poe care? Either way, he often wondered where he stood with Ignis recently. He never wanted to hang out with Kylo and Poe anymore. He preferred to be with Ro. It had been strange, and Kylo had implied that maybe he liked Ro, but Poe didn’t think that. Last summer they had butted heads more than he and Ro ever had. It was odd. 
    “I think the king trained her better than you, Iggy. She had you on the ground in less than a minute.” Poe teased before setting the practice spears back on the rack. Ignis growled at the nickname that the prince had given him upon their initial meeting. It had certainly lost its charm over the years, and Poe used it to annoy the guard in training. He had been training to be a part of the Royal Guard since Poe could remember. Ignis was taller than him, with long blond hair that followed the Cianna tradition of braids. He received his guard training. Despite Ignis receiving more braids than Ro, Poe thought hers were beautiful. She and Jaqen shared the same burgundy locks, and it was no mystery that Jaqen did all of his family’s hair. None of their braids were ever the same. Ro kept hers half up and down. He enjoyed the styles she wore her hair. 
    “Gentlemen, let’s not start that. However, I am having a scouting trip later this month. I was thinking Kylo, your father, and yourself might like to accompany us. It’s just to check the perimeter of our borders. What do you say? Of course, Ignis and a few other guards will join us.” Jaqen spoke. The scouting trip was mostly the men going out into the woodlands for a few nights just to camp and drink around the campfire. The older men would exchange stories, while some of the young lads would get their first sip of alcohol. 
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    “Gonna miss me while I’m away, Sweet Aurora?” Poe teased as he peered over the book that Ro was attempting to read. Her emerald hues peering up at him for a minute while her brow lifted. The princess was looking forward to getting some peace and quiet around the castle. Ever since Poe had arrived, Ro had been wrestling with new feelings that had arrived when he had. She wasn’t sure what was happening with her, and she wished it would stop. However, she couldn’t stop the blush when he called her some nickname, even if it was ridiculous. Ro had planned to speak with Thalia about this, once the men were all gone for the scouting trip.
    “I fear I have missed the silence more than I could ever miss you, Dameron.” She turned a page in her book before leaning back in her seat as Poe crossed his arms over his chest. They were waiting for her father to give the word that it was time to go. The horses were all ready, and everyone packed. Ro figured her parents were sharing a private goodbye. Not that she didn’t enjoy the extra time with Poe. 
    Sitting in the seat in front of hers, Poe lay one leg over the arm of the seat while the other stretched out a little in front of him. A hand running through his curls as he yawned. Poe had been wearing his robes differently. Some men in Yavin had gone without their undershirt. The robe revealing their chest to all. Poe had taken up that look for the summer. Ro thanked the maker that he couldn’t see her cheeks at the moment. Her eyes trailing up and down his body before she heard Ignis clear his throat and take her book from her. Fingers struggling to grasp it and pull it back to shield the rosy shade of red her face has turned into. 
    “Not going to say goodbye?” 
    “Don’t waste your breath, Iggy. She wants her peace.” 
    Ignis rolled his eyes before the sight of her dad coming down the stairs made her sit up and go to him. It was finally time for all the men to leave and enjoy their trip. The goodbyes didn’t take too long and they watched the men leave on horseback shortly after. 
    Later that night, Thalia sat on Aurora’s bed, running a comb through her sister’s hair. Ro had been struggling to find a way to bring up her feelings for Poe. It was certainly harder than she imagined. She chewed on the inside of her cheek and picked at a loose string on her nightgown. It was now or never. 
    “Thalia, I need to tell you something. Something that I’m a little surprised that I’m admitting.” 
  Thalia hummed as she placed the comb on the nightstand and waited for her sister to speak. Watching as Ro turned around to face her, the younger Citlali reached for her sister’s trembling hands to steady her. Taking a deep breath, she rounded up all of her courage and spoke so rapidly that Thalia didn’t understand a word that she spoke. 
    “Ro, slow down. I didn’t hear any of that.” 
    “I realize I have feelings for Poe. I see him so differently now. He’s still a conceited prince but I’m seeing so much more?” 
    Thalia smirked at her sister’s confession before squeezing her hands. Thalia was the first to discover how her sister looked at Poe differently. It had been small at first, but as the month passed, Thalia finally had caught on, and now it seemed her sister had as well. Now, the youngest, Citlali wondered about the prince’s feelings.
    That was going to be Thalia’s mission for the rest of the summer. Figure out if Poe felt the same for her sister. Poe was harder to read than her sister, and that gave her a fun challenge.
    They spent the rest of the night with Ro, telling Thalia all the little details about Poe that she had recently noticed and what she liked about him. Both of the girls were unaware of their mother listening outside the door. A smile on her face about her oldest daughter’s discovery. She would have much to tell their father when he returned from his trip, and she hoped he had news for her. 
The second month. 
    “I wish she wouldn’t spend so much time with him. He���s constantly flirting with her.” Poe spoke before placing a card on the table. His gaze never leaving the sight of Ro and Ignis. Ignis had been a constant since he had come to Cianna and they had gotten along when they were younger, but now that they were older, it was very different. Ignis was training to be one of the royal family’s personal guards. He had already claimed that he was Ro’s personal guard. Something that caused Poe to clench his jaw. He could protect her. Poe was one of the most skilled soldiers in all of Yavin. It was going to be his duty to protect her one day. She wouldn’t require Ignis. Kylo raised an eyebrow as he watched Poe’s gaze and shook his head. Poe was jealous.
    “I think you really sort of like her, fess up.” Kylo snorted before lying down his hand of cards, indicating to Poe that he had won once again. Tossing his cards to the middle to be shuffled again, he saw Ro turned to leave with Ignis. Not again. Ignis had been dragging her away from them all morning. 
    “I like her better if she would stop wasting time with him. Hey, Ro! Kylo and I are having a rousing card game, want us to deal you in?” Poe called out to her with a grin. He missed the way her eyes lit up at the question. Instead, he was scowling at Ignis, who was frowning right back.
    “The princess and I are going down to the lake.” Ignis smirked. He was a year older than them. He even had more braids than Ro. Although, Ro always wore her braids in such beautiful ways. No one else could rival that. However, he had one singular braid that was resting over his shoulder. His arms crossed as he just stared at the prince. The friendship that Poe once thought he had with Ignis was gone. He should have acknowledged the decline over the years, but this summer had been the worst. The Yavin prince didn’t like that he had answered for her. Ro wasn’t one to let someone speak for her. He had picked up on that over the years, and it turned into a trait that he liked about her.
    “Poe, you and Kylo could accompany us, if you wish. It’s a nice day to get out of the castle.” Ro gnawed at her cheek as she worked to include them all. She preferred to spend more time with Poe and was stunned when he offered for her to play cards with them. Normally, they spend some together before going their own ways. However, this summer and the previous summer, Ro and Poe had chaperones. They hadn't been allowed to be truly alone, and anyone could guess why. Kylo was often Poe’s chaperone, while Ignis or Thalia were Ro’s. It had become annoying rather quickly.
    “What do you say, Kylo? Wanna enjoy some sunshine?” Poe gave Kylo a look. A look that told him he had no say in the matter. Groaning, he ran a hand down his face before putting on a smile. A smile that Poe knew meant that he wasn’t delighted about this. 
    “Sure, why not?” Kylo shrugged before pushing away from the table and stretching his arms above his head. Kylo didn’t care for Ignis, but he was taking notice of the teenager’s shifty way. He had caught him lurking around Ro’s room and her parents’ room once, insisting it was on his rounds as a guard in training. That never rested well with Kylo, and he hadn’t mentioned it to Poe yet. He didn’t see any reason to yet, but it wasn’t something that he was just going to forget. 
    “Wonderful.” Ignis rolled his eyes before he went to offer his arm to Aurora, but paused when Poe had already seized the chance. Poe murmured something in her ear that made her to laugh and lightly pinched his arm. It was no mystery Poe Dameron did not impress Ignis. He had attempted to be friends with the prince when he first showed up all those years ago, but he never thoroughly wanted a friendship. It wasn’t any secret how Ignis felt for the princess. Anyone with eyes could see that he cared deeply for her, and within the last two years it had turned to more. Poe didn’t deserve Ro. He had observed the prince teasing her and watched as he tried to avoid the poor girl for so many years. It was until the last two summers that something had changed. Poe was actually trying more. That wasn’t what bother Ignis. No, what irritated him was noticing how Ro was acting around the prince. She would smile more, her cheeks would turn pink at something he might say to her, and she wanted to invite him to everything.
    “Couldn’t let the princess go somewhere without her charming prince.” Poe grinned before tucking a strand of Ro’s hair behind her ear. This was entirely to annoy Ignis. However, he wouldn’t lie if asked him about how much he liked Ro’s hair. He always took whatever chance he could to touch it. Ever since he was younger, it had fascinated him. How she styled it each morning, how many braids she earned, the care she put into it. Today’s style was much simpler than what he was used to seeing. Four strands of her hair had been braided back to join together and went into a single braid down her back. It was strange to think that one day he would see her without her braids in the privacy of their own chambers. That there would come a time when he would undo each braid and have his fingers run through her hair. Heat spread to his cheeks and up his neck at the mere thought of it. He hadn’t expected such a reaction at the thought of her hair down. That was unusual. 
    “Poe? Are you alright?” Ro squeezed his arm to get his attention. Her face revealed concern, and when he glanced around, he noted the others were waiting on him. He had practically forgotten about going to the lake with them. Nodding, he placed his hand over hers and led them out of the castle.
    The path to the lake wasn’t very long, and the shade from the trees protected them from the sun’s rays. There was a silence between them that no one will break. Poe wasn’t certain he needed to hear Ignis say anything. He often preferred the other to be silent as long as possible. The clearing for the lake was approaching, and Poe realized that this might not have been the best idea. He didn’t think swimming would be fun after they walked back to the palace in soggy garments. There was another option, but Aurora was here, and he knew that went against their rules. Suddenly a thought struck him, and he practically growled. Had Ignis wished to bring her for some other purpose? It wasn’t sitting well with him. It didn’t matter that Ro was his betrothed.
    “Are we going swimming?” Poe asked, watching as Ro sat down and untied her boots. Praying to the maker that she wouldn’t go any further than that. He would have to leave, and he wasn’t certain if he could leave her with Ignis. 
    “No, I don’t want to ruin my boots. We’re searching for stones, mostly.” She grinned before rolling up her trousers. Kylo looked over at Poe after hearing why Ignis and Ro were coming to the lake. “You’re welcome to go back. I don’t want to trouble you.”
   “No. I want to spend time with you.” 
    All went silent when the words escaped Poe’s lips. His own remarks took him by surprise. There wasn’t anything wrong with spending time with her. However, he had always put up a fight any other time. He told himself that this was to keep Ignis from doing anything bad.  
    “How many years have you had to spend time with her, Dameron?” Ignis snorted while he followed Ro into the water that stopped at their ankles. He settled his hand on her lower back to steady her as they wandered through the water. “Careful Poe, there are tales of a water dragon that devours bratty children. I’m positive it would devastate your father if something happened.”
    Poe’s fingers were in a tight fist as he stared at the two. No one had ever called him spoiled, at least not to his face. He had been the sole child of the King and Queen of Yavin. His mother had passed before they could continue their family. He had missed her more and more in recent months, but hadn’t shared that with anybody. His father and he had argued more. Kes had grown distant, like before, when Poe asked about the adventures that his parents went on together. Poe was also desperate to leave Yavin. To see more than their kingdom and the ones that he visited.
    Kylo had taken notice of Poe’s expression before he stepped in. Poe was doing his best not to lose his temper, but he was cracking. “Ignis, watch yourself. The dragon might confuse you for a prince because of how mighty you speak.” 
    Poe chuckled before stretching out his fingers from the tight fists that they had been in. His arms crossed over his chest as he puffed it out. Two could play it this way, and he just so had the Prince of Naboo on his side.
    “All three of you should be quieter, otherwise the dragon is going to devour all three of you.” All eyes glanced at the princess who was carrying a few rocks in her tunic. She had created a pouch to carry the stones as she continued on gathering them. “After the dragon has had its lunches, I would recognize it as a hero for saving me from three boys who are constantly squabbling.” 
    The smirk she wore made Poe smile. He was used to her remarks, and after sliding his own boots off, he moved to accompany her. His own hands scouting through the murky water to find some stones. They scoured the water together and would periodically steal glances at each other before their hands bumped together in the water. They had both reached for the same stone, and it caused them to giggle softly at each other. Gently, Poe threaded their fingers and settled the stone in the middle of their hands.
    “We can share this one.” 
    “I love that idea.” 
    They hadn’t looked at the stone, but they happily nestled it in their palms. Ro’s didn’t care about the rest of the rocks that were in her makeshift pouch. They hadn’t usually held hands like this, and it caused her to blush slightly. Poe could be affectionate, but she feared it was just for show. There was any reason to believe it was more than that. Appearance kept their parents and everybody around them pleased. That’s what they had accomplished over the years. Make everybody else happy.
    Ro wasn’t certain when her feelings changed for the prince. She had noticed how individuals were just drawn to him; he was pleasant to talk with. His laugh was contagious. It caused her heart to flutter when he would wink at her or hold her hand first. The small actions had led to her falling more each time. However, she realized Poe didn’t return those feelings. They would be married in law, but never by love. The love would be one sided, and Ro dreaded it. She was falling for him, but he was falling for adventure and freedom. He yearned for it. It had never been a secret, and it grew each year. It never passed, and she couldn’t drown the flames. She would never wish to. Ro simply longed to be a part of his world.
    “Aurora, you’re certainly quiet over there. Something wrong?” The squeeze to her hand drew her from her worries. It caught her off guard when he spoke her full name. It always grounded her. Brought her back from whatever had tried to take her away. 
    “Mhm. I’m just curious about the stone we found.” 
    It was a lie, but what else could she say? Was she supposed to confess her feelings for him while they scouted for stones? He wouldn’t believe her, even if she did. The result didn’t seem to be worth it. The lie was easier.
    “I wager it’s the loveliest stone.” 
    There was his radiant smile again. It could practically rival the sun with its warmth and brilliance. A good deal of people called her lucky and undeserving of such an arrangement, but they didn’t see the truth. 
    “Lovely like you, curls.”
    “One of us has to be the lovely one.” 
    “Hey, it’s time to leave lovebirds! Supper is going to be served shortly.” 
    Both of their heads popped up before they glanced down at their hands. Ro being the first to pull her away and pushing the stone into his palm as she started towards the shore. She would not bother about wearing her boot back through the woods. She didn’t mind her feet becoming dirty. Poe followed as she stepped through the water and exhaled. Finally, he looked down at the smooth stone in his hand. It was strange that there was a hole in the rock and he had never seen something like that before. The design gave him an idea.
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    Later that night, Kylo had roamed the halls once more. Sleep had fled him, and he didn’t need to disturb Poe either, given how the prince and Ignis had seized every chance to provoke the other. He needed some peace for the rest of the night. Although Kylo had another reason for choosing to be out later than usual. He could stumble upon something like before, and he might not. He would be prepared this time. As time passed, Kylo heard faint murmurs coming from the end of the hall. One sounded as if it was pleading, and the other seemed more peeved than anything else. Quietly he approached the owners of the muffled murmurs, hiding behind one of the pillars, Kylo peeked around. It was Ignis and King Jaqen. 
    “Your highness, please. I am urging you. Let me be Aurora’s betrothed! The Prince of Yavin doesn’t want her! It is an awful match!” Ignis pleaded, and his tone was growing with each word. 
    “Keep your voice down. I understand you have concerns for my daughter, but Poe is her intended. He is a young man who yearns for more like some men do. I thought the same before I wed the Queen. Time will help.” Jaqen kept his voice steady, despite how frustrated he really was.
    “Time? He is fifteen and acts like a spoiled prince! He can never make her happy! She will be alone if she marries him!” 
    “Ignis Malka! You dare raise your voice to your king? You dare tell me about my daughter’s happiness? I am her father. Do not tell me what makes her happy. I have watched her grow and learn. Taught her all that I know.”
    The discussion was getting heating, and Kylo was becoming more anxious by the second. Ignis wanted to marry Ro, and he was struggling to get Jaqen on his side. He wanted Jaqen to call off their arrangement. He had to tell Poe. He kept himself pressed to the pillar to listen more.
    “Your highness, he will only hurt her. He does each day and you are confining your daughter to a wretched life where she is alone and will die young. Let me take care of her and give her the life she deserves. I ask you.” 
    “Enough! I will not hear such comments about my daughter’s betrothed and her future. Back to your post Ignis. Do not let me hear you speaking like this again. We will change your guard assignment in the morning.”
    Ignis said nothing else as Jaqen spun around to leave. Kylo didn’t dare move from his spot until he heard Ignis depart. The only thought that he had was to go to Poe’s room. This couldn’t wait until the morning. This knowledge could lead to trouble, and Poe had a right to know. The sound of diminishing footsteps gave Kylo the chance to start towards his destination. The halls seemed longer and never ending, despite the brisk pace that Kylo had. He skidded to a stop upon seeing Poe’s door and didn’t bother to knock as he burst into the room. The yell that Poe let out made Kylo slam the door close before he spoke.
    “Stars, Kylo! Knock first!” He had shoved something under the blankets, hoping that Kylo wouldn’t notice. He had already noted it.
    “As if you’re busy! We need to talk. This is serious.” Kylo crossed the room and closed the window, just in case. He wasn’t depending on anything at this point. Poe had shuffled up to brace up against the engraved headboard and waited for Kylo to speak.
    “I heard Ignis talking to Jaqen. This is truly wrong, Poe,” Kylo was reluctant to tell him. The taller prince was concerned that Poe would use this to get out of the merger. Kylo felt that deep down Poe cared for Ro. “Ignis wants Jaqen to end the arrangement between you and Ro. He demands to wed her instead. Poe, he thinks you’re going to make her miserable and she’ll die of heartache. Jaqen wasn’t happy by any of it but this bothers me.”
    Poe observed his friend while he told him what he found out in the halls just minutes earlier. Something deep inside him was boiling and traveling through him. He might not be ready to wed Ro, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t his friend. He would not say that he might never fall in love with her. It could happen. The idea of Ignis thinking all these cruel ideas about him made his belly twist into tense knots. The lies he whispered about Poe. He was doing his best! He was still young and trying to understand himself. This wasn’t helping.
    “What if he tries something, Poe? You didn’t hear the bitterness in his voice. The king kept having to tell him to calm down.” 
    “He wouldn’t hurt Ro. He’s not that stupid, Kylo. He’ll just make some sarcastic remark about me at every chance that he gets.” Poe sat with his legs crossed under him and ran a hand through his curls. This wasn’t something that he had thought would happen. Ignis had normally been silent with his dislike of the arrangement. However, part of him feared Ignis had shared those words with Ro. What if Ro thought the same as Ignis but was too scared to say anything? “I need to tell Ro. I can’t keep this from her.”
    “Will she believe you? Ignis is her best friend, and this isn’t easy to hear.” 
    “It’s not, but she needs to know. What if he’s already told her and convinced her it’s true?” 
    That worry was picking away at him. He didn’t want Ro to think he would ever do that to her. It hurt to think that maybe she believed it. So many concerns were flowing through his mind, and all of them involved her. This was a chance for him to look at out of this, to explain to their parents that Ro deserved to be with Ignis. A joyful union and he would be free. He could leave Yavin and experience the world. This was the perfect chance. Yet the image of Ro being with Ignis upset him slightly. Ignis being the one to see her with her hair down and undone, his fingers working through, and so much more. That thought made his blood boil. He wasn’t sure why he didn’t like that thought. 
    “Kylo, I need to ask you a favor. This is important.” 
    “Well, you get one favor a year so make it good.” 
    “I need to speak with Ro alone about this. Is there any way you can keep him distracted?” 
    “It’s never easy with you, Poe. I’ll see what I can do but you need to make sure that if something goes wrong that she’s not in sight.” 
    “Of course. Thank you for all of this, my friend.” 
    Kylo rolled his eyes before grinning just a little. He would do his best to support Poe. He didn’t wish to waste the day with Ignis while Poe met with Ro, but Ignis had overstepped a boundary. Kylo wasn’t certain what would take place when the two discussed the events, but it was better than Ignis planning something much worse. His gut told him that this was simply the beginning, but he wished he was mistaken. Even if Poe was struggling with accepting the merger, he had been doing better with it all. He treated Ro like a friend now and hardly got upset with her. They had both come a long way since all those years ago. 
    “Kylo? Do you think she might be happier with Ignis? What if this is a chance for her and I to live the lives we want?”
    Kylo glared at his friend’s comments. He knew Poe would consider it a chance to escape, and he just shook his head. 
    “Either way, you need to talk to her. Choose together, not just deciding for her. She deserves to speak as well. She has a voice, and it’s pretty annoying that you and Ignis want to keep speaking for her.” 
    “I just -”
    “You’re looking for your way out. You’re being selfish.” 
    “You don’t understand!” 
    “I understand that you’re more concerned about your own feelings than hers. I’ll make sure Ignis is busy tomorrow but I swear Poe if you waste this chance then don’t count on me for anything else.”
    With that, Kylo left the room. Poe’s head slumped back against the headboard as he exhaled. His hands reached out to grasp what he had been covering from Kylo. His thumb stroked the flat stone, and he thought of how he had planned on giving it to Ro. A gift for her. He had used cords of leather to make it into a necklace. The stone had a perfect hole for him to knot the cord, and he made sure it wouldn’t come loose when Ro wore it. That was if she even liked it or wanted it after they talked. Poe wasn’t sure what he wanted anymore. He felt torn between continuing in this routine with Ro or having his own life. It was all so confusing. His fingers continued to stroke the stone, wishing that it would give him an answer. Nothing ever came.
    The next morning came and a half asleep Ro sat at her mirror as her father arranged her hair for the day. Her eyes opened when he tightened a section of the braid. She was used to her father braiding her hair for the day, but she detested the early morning. A yawn left her lips as she heard her father chuckle quietly. 
    “You have never been one for mornings, sunbeam.” 
    “Shouldn’t we decide what time we wake up? We are the noble family.” 
    “You had an extra five minutes this morning. Was that not enough?” 
    She shook her head as she rubbed the remains of sleep out of her eyes. Her hair fell in burgundy waves as her father pulled the rest up. Those braids starting at the sides of her head and moving back to coil around in a bun at the crown of her head. Some strands were left down to frame her face. Her fingers fumbled with ends of her hair. A habit she had gotten when she got nervous. The king lifted a brow as he watched her before adding the finishing touches to her hair. 
    “Something on your mind? Quit fumbling with your hair. . .” 
    “I just want to make sure it looks good.” 
    Jaqen lifted an eyebrow. He never doubted his techniques or skill with fixing their hair. It wasn’t like Ro to care how her hair was prepared for the day. She normally was happy with whatever her father did. He had even set out her clothes for the day as well, despite her preferring to do it herself. It made him wonder if she was doing all this to catch the prince’s eye. The exchange with Ignis from the previous night hovering in the back of his mind. 
    “Little star, if you’re worried about not catching the young prince’s eye, I assure you his eyes follow you.” 
    Ro couldn’t help but grin before she shifted around to hug her father tight. Her father wasn’t always one to talk about the arrangement, provided he was protective of his girls. It always troubled him they could do something that would fail later in life. His marriage was arranged, but Eirlys had been ready to put him in his place. They had learned and grew together. He cherishes his wife and their daughters. He simply wished the same would happen for Ro, but he was having doubts. Poe was still clinging to the dream of adventure, and he recalled that feeling. He still observed how the prince watched over Ro. The boy was conflicted more each day.
    The sudden knock on Ro’s door caused both of them to jump. Jaqen had crossed the room in long strides and opened the door to speak with the visitor. It was the guards, and neither of them looked pleased. They were a little out of breath from their trip to the princess’s room, but this couldn’t wait. 
    “Your highness! We require you immediately! The Prince of Naboo and Ignis are fighting in the courtyard.” 
    “Fighting? Pull them apart. Have you gotten King Kes to collect young Kylo?” 
    They shook their heads before he sighed. How difficult could it be to divide the two? He figured they didn’t wish to upset Kes when it came to Kylo. 
    “Go get Kes, and meet me at the courtyard. Aurora, stay here until this is all fixed.” 
    “Aurora, no. Let me deal with this.” 
    Ro watched as her father left her room before she finished getting ready. Slipping a silk dress over her trousers before she sat down on her bed. This wasn’t fair! She wasn’t even near the courtyard, and she doubted that Ignis and Kylo would even care if she were there. She still couldn’t fathom why the two would fight? Where was Poe? If Ignis was going to hit anyone, then she figured it would be Poe. The summer breeze filled the room before she heard what sounded like an injured creature. Heading to her balcony, she placed her hands on the rail and studied the ground below. A pair of hands reached out to shake her shoulders as she looked for the creature. The sudden touch caused her to scream before they swung her around. Glaring at the laughing face of none other than Poe Dameron. 
    “Poe! What the hell? You’re not supposed to be here!” She hissed softly before she shoved him into her room. Looking over their shoulders to make sure that no one had seen or heard them. This was extremely risky. 
    “I know, I know! I needed to talk to you. This is important.” 
    They sat on the end of the bed as Poe explained what Kylo had told him. Ro couldn’t believe what she was hearing, and part of her realized it was all true. Everyone had told her how Ignis looked at her and how he never cared for the advances of the other girls. Her fingers fidgeted, and she chewed the inside of her cheek. How long had her father been hearing Ignis say such things? Did her mother know about this? Why had no one came to her and told her? Ignis was constantly around her until now, when her father had finally changed his post. She hadn’t even known that until Poe told her. 
    “This could be our chance, Ro.” 
    Their chance? What did Poe mean? What did Ignis admit his feelings have to do with them? 
    “Our chance? Poe, I don’t see Ignis like that. I don’t want to marry him.” Frowning, she crossed her arms, waiting for the Yavin prince to explain himself. 
    “I just thought this could be a chance for us to get out of the marriage. We could lead our own lives!” 
    The smile he wore made her heart break. Poe didn’t want to marry her. He wanted to get out of it after all their years together. She struggled to hold back tears. Ro had always hoped that someday he would like her. That they would become more than friends. Yet any time growth created, something happened to where it was all crushed. 
    “What? Ro? We need to talk about this.” 
    Poe went to grab her hands, and she drew them back before wiping at her eyes. 
    “I said leave! I will call for the guards.” 
    Her voice was small and Poe could only frown before he bit back his own feelings. They hadn’t even discussed everything, but he had made it clear what he wanted. Had that made her upset? He didn’t want to fight with her, and quietly made his way to the balcony. However, the sight of her sitting on the edge of her bed wiping at her eyes made him feel guilty. Everything told him that needed to fix this, but she was telling him to go. 
    “Your braids look beautiful today.” 
    The minute his back turned and made his escape, Ro let out a sob. Another drawback, and she felt more hopeless than ever. What would it take for this to work?
The third month. 
    The kingdom of Cianna was bustling as they arranged for the approaching Moonlight Festival. It was one of the grandest parties that the Citlali household had. The castle was open for all to come and celebrate with them, and it took place outdoors. The night sky would dance across the waterfalls and the tops of the mountains on this night. The stars didn’t look so far away, and they went across the sky towards the end of the celebration. It was a brilliant night for all. Ro had ventured to the village below the castle and was helping set up. Making sure that all the lanterns and lamps were ready. Blue and silver decorated the entire kingdom and allowed her a sense of tranquility. 
    The argument between her and Poe still brewed at the back of her mind at odd times. She had wanted this summer to be the one where something would blossom, but it hadn’t. Part of her knew that she should have known better, but the other held onto some hope. Against her better judgement, she hadn’t spoken to Ignis about any of it or her parents. She had gone two weeks before she had even said something to Poe. She had apologized to him at breakfast one morning and that was it. No one around them knew what she was apologizing for. She would have given them some story instead of the truth if they had asked. She just preferred to forget all of it and move on. They had spent little time together after that, either. They would go on walks with their chaperones or play a game of cards, but once again that was simply for show. Poe and Kylo had taken to training with the Citlali Royal Guards, while Ro worked with her mother on some sparring lessons. It had shifted into something more awkward.
    “Beautiful Aurora, you almost dropped the lantern.” Thalia snickered at her sister before she took it out of Ro’s hands. Her thoughts had taken over again, and she practically broke something. Not that it would have been the first time. 
    “Apologies, I was elsewhere.” She laughed before choosing to hang up another banner. That seemed to be safer than trying to work with the delicate lamps and lanterns. This festival that she had been looking forward to all summer, but now it seemed bittersweet. Poe and she would share their traditional dance, but she realized that his heart wouldn’t be in it. She would feel guilty with each step that they took. Ignis would try to steal a dance from her, she would deny as much as she could. It would not be the night that she had dreamt of. 
    “Poe said he would be down to help soon. I told him I would stay to be the chaperone if he showed up. I’m certain Kylo and Ignis don’t want to be social.” She smirked. Thalia would occasionally let the two of them have moments alone, and it was something that both of them enjoyed. Thalia hated to babysit, especially when she was younger than her sister. She trusted both of them not to do anything wrong. This had been a little secret between them, and not even their parents had picked up about it. Yet. Ro couldn’t help the slight flutter of excitement that she felt at the thought of Poe coming. She still got nervous around him, despite all of it. He still made her smile when she didn’t want to.
    “That’s perfect. I know he really enjoys this and you’ll actually have a helper.”
    Both the girls giggled before a pair of arms draped around their shoulders, revealing the prince. His laughter chiming in as they jumped from him and wiggled out of his reach. All laughing together as the bystanders gave them all knowing smiles.
    “You can’t keep startling us like that, Poe! The next time, I might have a weapon on me!” Ro whispered as she held her palm to her heart, simply for Poe to take the other hand and pressed a small kiss to her knuckles.
    “I am your weapon, my princess.”
    She blushed as she glanced around to see the people of Cianna observing them. Her fingers threaded through his as she sighed. It was merely for show. She should have recognized. He wouldn’t ordinarily do such things unless there was someone watching. Her heart sank as she fell back into giving the people a show. Appearances were everything, and right now this was just another performance. These moments always lasted longer than she wanted and left her exhausted. Ro fell for Poe’s performance more and preferred to keep it going despite it all. She wished she could combine both sides of Poe and have one. That was nothing but a childish dream. A dream that she couldn’t have. It tormented her. 
    “I love this festival, Ro. The lights, dancing, and getting to watch the stars pass across the night sky. It’s just so fascinating.”
    Poe grinned as he helped the girls with the last minute decorations. Ro nodded her head as she worked in silence. She didn’t trust herself to speak, but smiled instead. Thalia and Poe chatted away cheerfully with each other. If Thalia wasn’t the mirror image of their mother, many would assume that Poe and Thalia were siblings. They simply clicked when Poe came to visit Cianna. 
    “Thalia, do you mind if I stroll around with Ro for a moment? Not too long.” 
    “You have ten minutes before I notice that you’re both gone.” 
    They shared a sly grin before the prince took her hand and turned down the alley. Ro eagerly followed behind him and felt a small rush at the thought of them being alone. Her hand squeezed his before they came to a stop, both of them smiling. It was just a slight moment that they were going to have to themselves, and she wondered what it was going to be about. She pressed her back against the stone wall and waited for him to speak. 
    “Everything alright?” She asked, before messing with the ends of her hair. 
    “I wanted to give you something? A gift for the festival. Something to wear to it?” He sounded uncertain of himself and he continued glancing down the alley to make sure that no one came searching for them. Poe retrieved something out of the pocket of his trousers. He held out something wrapped in a dark piece of cloth and he placed it in her hand so quickly that she almost dropped it. Carefully, Ro removed the cloth and smiled seeing the necklace. It was certainly beautiful and unlike any necklace that she had ever seen. The stone was smooth and grey. 
    “Is this the stone from the lake?” 
    “Mhm! I used some cords of leather to make it into a necklace for you. Do - Do you like it?” He asked as he shifted on his feet. He waited as she ran her fingers over the stone. What if she didn’t like it?
    “Will you put it on me?” 
    Poe nodded enthusiastically as he reached for the necklace and stood as she turned around. She lifted her hair up and waited patiently as he knotted the necklace for her. He secured it before she turned back around. Her hands immediately touched the stone again before wrapping her arms around him tightly. She couldn’t believe the gift that he had given her and it was the most beautiful stone that she had ever seen. It was the stone that they found together. Drawing back from their embrace, Ro pressed a tender kiss to his cheek before Thalia cleared her throat to draw their attention. Time was cut short, and they had to get back to getting everything ready for the festival. 
    However, Poe couldn’t stop grinning from the kiss that he got. It wasn’t like Ro at all to do that. They held hands and hugged, but kissing never happened. It wasn’t a proper kiss, but it was more than he had gotten before. His heart pounding in his chest, and couldn’t believe how soft her lips were on his cheek. Nothing could make his mood drop after that. She had accepted his gift, too! Poe was soaring, and he didn’t want to come down. This left him wondering how the festival might go. What if they actually kissed that night? It would be the perfect chance for them. The internal conflict seemed to be subdued for once, and Poe felt more excited to be with Ro.
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
    Music wandered throughout the kingdom of Cianna as people eagerly flowed under the moonlight. Everyone wore garments of blue, silver, and white. They had fixed their hair with gleaming stones, pieces of jewelry that created the illusion of sparkling starlight. Their outfits and jewelry made him believe they had found some way to use stones from the moon and light from the stars. It was breath-taking. Poe was impatiently waiting for the Ro to appear with her family. They had a tradition of devoting a part of the festival to visiting the catacombs of their family. They would light candles for them and leave little gifts in their memory. This was only for the Citlali family. The music had quieted down as some ate and drank. Poe’s eyes continued to search around the garden, but she wasn’t there yet. His leg bounced impatiently as he waited. Plenty of other girls continued asking him to dance, and he declined. 
    “Impatient?” Kes asked before taking a seat beside the young prince. Kes had been noting how impatient Poe was growing with each fleeting second, but it also warmed his heart to see Poe excited to just see Ro. He had noted that Poe was becoming a little closer to the princess and was finally warming up to the girl. Ro was a wonderful young lady, and it honored Kes that she would be a part of his family one day.
    “That obvious?” Poe laughed before bumping his shoulder with his father’s while rubbing his hands together. It hadn’t gone unseen by Poe that Ignis was looking for the princess just as much as him. Suddenly, everyone had paused and shifted their attention to the stairs that ran from the balcony. Thalia was the first one down the stairs in her silver dress that was made of silk. The King and Queen followed behind, both wearing white outfits that matched perfectly. Then came Ro, and the sight of her made Poe gasp. The top of her dress was a dark blue and as it went down, shifted into a lighter blue. Parts of it glittered like starlight. But when he saw the bottom of the dress, he couldn’t help but chuckle at discovering her bare feet. However, it looked as if she had little gems on the tops of her feet. 
Oh. Wow. 
    That was all Poe could think as she descended the stairs. They had woven silver through her burgundy braids, and Poe was speechless. He stayed frozen in place as she reached him, and Kylo nudged him forward after a moment. His hand out, waiting for her. The world around Poe no longer existed as he brought her to the center to dance. They hadn’t stopped looking at each other as they waltzed to the music.
    “You look beautiful. . .” 
    “You don’t look so bad yourself.” 
    The music had shifted into a more upbeat piece, and they hadn’t even considered taking a break. Poe continued to lead her around the floor while their laughs carried through the air. Twirling around, bumping into so many that merely laughed before waving them off. The sight wasn’t going unnoticed at all. Their parents observed from the top table. 
    “Look at them. I’ve never seen them this happy.” Eirlys smiled as Jaqen gave a brief smile. 
    “Her and Poe are quite the couple. He’s becoming a good man, Kes.” Jaqen admitted before taking a sip of his wine. 
    “Your daughter seems to bring out the best in him.” Kes watched as the teenagers continued to dance. It had been too long since he had seen that smile, and he wanted to thank Ro for that. To all around them, they were perfect for one another. That even in this garden full of people, they only saw each other. However, there was one pair of eyes that never left them. Those eyes darkened with envy. 
    Those eyes had watched the prince and princess disappear without a word. However, it wasn’t Poe that led them away. But Ro. The King and Queen were leading a dance and King Kes had even asked the Queen’s sister for a dance. Everyone seemed to be distracted. However, his biggest challenge was getting past the Prince of Naboo. Kylo. Ignis knew Kylo would make this impossible. 
    Ro led the way up the dirt path to the top of the waterfalls. This was her favorite spot in all of Cianna and she’s wanted to share it with Poe. As Poe followed her up the path, he did his best not to step on her dress and would occasionally make sure that it didn’t get caught on something. Both of their hearts were pounding in their chests at the little adventure. No one had stopped them, and this would be the perfect spot to see the stars move across the sky. It was perfect. They gripped each other’s hands before Ro brought them to a flat stone to sit upon. Her feet dipping into the cool water made her shiver slightly, but Poe took that as a chance to wrap an arm around her shoulders and bring her closer. He waited for her to push him away. Instead, she shuffled closer. 
    “I don’t want you to marry Ignis. . .” 
    “I don’t want to marry him either.” 
    Poe sighed as he struggled to gather his words. He didn’t know how to express his feelings without getting everything mixed up. There was so much that he wished to say, but he wasn’t sure if he could say it all. How could he tell her that the sheer thought of someone else seeing her with her hair down made his blood boil? How could he say that he wasn’t ready to settle down but wanted to settle down with her in due time? Why was all of this so hard on him? Her head had shifted to rest on his shoulder, and he held her closer. His heart raced once more. She wasn't a horrible pick for a betrothed. She could be fun, bold, and witty. Little by little, he had warmed up to her. Aurora had turned into a cherished friend, but he wasn’t sure if they could live their lives as mere friends. She didn’t deserve that. She deserved to be loved, cherished. He just didn’t want to make her wait for him.
    “I really am trying, and I know it doesn’t look like it. I just -”
    “You wish to go on daring adventures, experience the world, follow in your mother’s footsteps. I hear you when you think I’m not listening. I’ve known this since we were eight. I try not to push you. I try to let you come around.” 
    Her words took Poe back. He wasn’t expecting Ro to know the extent of his passions, but once more she had surprised him. Thankfully, the night was hiding his blushing cheeks from her gaze. Maybe he had been more than vocal about everything, and more than once. He closed his eyes for a moment and tried to think of what to say next, but Ro had moved to turn towards him. Taking his arm from her shoulder and lacing both of their hands together. Her thumbs sliding over the tops of his hands. 
    “I would wait years for you. I would wait until my hair was streaked with gray if it meant that you would be my husband. We don’t have to be married right away and we have time. Poe, I would never refuse you anything. If you honestly wish to be out of this, then I will tell my parents. If you want your freedom, just say the word.” 
    Her emerald hues held more emotion than he could ever imagine and searched them for some type of deception, but found nothing. She will give this all up, if it meant that he was happy. She had once more put him before herself. Anyone would be lucky to have her as a partner. She was going to make her name known no matter what path she walked, and Poe wanted to be near her for whichever she picked. His eyes flicker from hers to her lips, his tongue swiping over his bottom lip. Everything for a split moment seemed so clear to him. Everything was right in front of him. They had missed the start of the stars shooting across the sky. Poe had gathered every ounce of courage in his body to move his face closer to hers. Their lips were mere inches apart, and he slowly leaned in. 
    “Aurora Citlali!”
    “Poe Dameron!” 
    The angry tones of their parents caused them to jump back. Their eyes were enormous, and they struggled to get off the rock and not look so suspicious in front of them. Kylo and Thalia pointed to Ignis, who was standing behind the King. Jaqen didn’t look too pleased by the sight that he had stumbled upon. This was more than embarrassing. Poe was bracing to take the blame, and waited. 
    “I am absolutely disappointed to see such behavior from you both. You both know the rules.” Eirlys spoke as Jaqen frowned. More upset that Ignis had been right. 
    “Poe, did you drag Ro into this?” Kes asked as he studied the teenagers. His arms crossed over his chest. 
    “I did. Poe can’t navigate the forest as well as I can. I led him up here. I wanted to show him the stars from here.” She admitted before Poe even said anything. All three of the adults looked startled at the confession. Ro was the good one between them. It was the truth that Ro could maneuver through the woods better than him and half of Cianna. 
    “Aurora, you aren’t supposed to be alone. I guess we can enjoy the rest of the view from here as well.” 
    Jaqen would not be too hard on his daughter, despite the glare he received from his wife. Poe wasn’t surprised that she had gotten off with only a few words from her father. Ignis scoffed at the lack of punishment and he wished that Poe had gotten blame. The guard had turned to leave and join his own family down at the gardens. The Citlali and Dameron family stood together, observing the stars. Poe had taken Ro’s hand once more and squeezed it as they looked at each other. Something had evolved between them tonight. Something that neither of them could place or name just yet, but it was there. It was warm. They knew come later or tomorrow, both Thalia and Kylo would question them continually about what had taken place before they were interrupted, but that would be their secret. They might not have experienced a proper kiss, but they had experienced something much more.
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justakpopfic · 4 years
On the Final New Moon- Chapter 2
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Summary: After failing to prevent the prophecy from coming true, you decide not to give up.
Genre: demon!au
That was what you felt. Warmth encasing you. You slowly opened your eyes, and saw that you were in your room, tucked in your bed.
You sat up, looking around your room, searching for anything that was different.
It was all the same. Nothing had changed.
Last night, you thought, your mind running through the past events. I was trying to stop the demon king from killing my parents. But he stopped me, and sent me to sleep.
You wondered for a second why the demon didn’t kill you as well, but you pushed it away as you got out of bed. You were still wearing the exact same nightgown from last night.
You walked up to the window, and drew back both of your curtains, allowing you to get a full view of your kingdom. What would it look like now that the demon king had taken over? Will the sky be red? Would fires start in the villages square, destroying everything it touches?
As you draw back the curtains, you see your kingdom slowly waking up. The sky was orange, but that was because the sun was rising. Soon, it would be a cool blue. Nothing seemed to be on fire, or be destroyed. Absolutely nothing changed.
But the prophecy! You started, but then remembered. All of the other prophecies were false. And that was the last one you have fact checked. It’s not too far fetched to believe that the final prophecy was also false.
But my encounter with that demon... It was still fresh in your mind. His strong grip on you. His haunting red eyes. His deep soothing voice. You shuddered. Was that all real?
“Maybe it was all a dream,” you said softly to yourself. A rush of hope ran through your chest. Maybe it was all a dream!
You slipped into your slippers and ran out of your room, making a mad dash to your parents room. If they were still there, if they were awake, or still soundly asleep, then that meant that your dream was nothing but a nightmare.
The hallways looked the exact same. Except for the lack of guards. The demon mentioned that in his dream. But you pushed it out of your head. That was a dream. Mom and dad are okay.
You reached your parents bedroom door, out of breath. Why was the king and queen’s bedroom so far away from the princess’s? You took a deep breath, grabbing the doorknob with shaking hands.
Please, you prayed to whoever would hear it. Please let them be okay.
You turned the doorknob, and slowly opened the door. You opened it wide enough to get a full view of the room.
The demon was the first thing you saw.
You brought your hand up to your mouth, stifling the gasp that almost came out. He was standing at the window, his back turned on you. He doesn’t seem to have noticed you yet.
You scanned the entire room, looking for any sign of your parents. You looked at the bed. Empty. The desks where they worked at. Empty. The entire room, empty.
Your eyes became watery with tears, but you refused to cry. Not while he was here.
You wiped the tears away, and stood up straight. You put on your best stern face.
“Where are they?” You said, hiding any emotions that you were feeling.
The demon turned around. He seemed surprised to see you there, but not overly upset.
“You’re awake,” he said simply. “How did you sleep?”
What is this demon playing at?
The demon had a smile quirking at his mouth. You balled your hands into fists.
“Where are they?” You asked again. “What did you do to them?”
“You mean your parents?” The demon asked.
The demon was silent, for only a moment. Then he said, “They’re gone. I gave them what they deserved.”
Staring at his face, you knew he wasn’t lying. So it wasn’t a dream after all. The demon king had murdered your parents, and he has taken over your kingdom.
You dashed from his room, eyes pooling with tears. You didn’t know where you were running to. You had to run away. But where? And how could you leave your people when a demon was now their king?
You were so distracted by your thoughts that you didn’t hear a man call for you. And you barely registered the hands that grabbed your arms.
You looked up, and saw the demon, holding you in place, preventing you from running away.
“Let go of me!” You screamed, thrashing in his arms.
“If you insist,” the demon said, and he let you go. You fell to the ground. As you were getting up he said, “But where will you go?”
You stood up, about to run away from him, but you couldn’t, and it wasn’t because the demon was holding you back.
You turned your head around. “What do you mean?”
The demon shrugged, way too casually for your liking. “I mean, that there’s nowhere for you go. Sure, you could go into the town, and try and warn them about what happened, but who would believe you? Nobody believed Yunho.”
“Who’s Yunho?” You asked.
“The prophet who made all of those prophecies. He was so close to being right to all of them. But when I found out that he was trying to warn the kingdom about my arrival, I tried to stop him.” The demon smirked. “I didn’t really need to do that. They didn’t believe him without my help.”
The demon started to walk away, but you grabbed his arm, stopping him.
“Wait,” you said.
The demon raised an eyebrow, looking down at you suspiciously.
“When did this happen?” You asked.
“Years and years ago,” said the demon. “He died of natural causes, don’t look so scared.” He smiled. You didn’t realize that you looked scared.
“I’m not scared of you, demon,” you said, letting go of his arm to cross your own.
“My name is Seonghwa, princess,” Seonghwa said with that calm smile.
“My name is y/n,” you said quietly.
Seonghwa simply smiled at you. It was creepy, how calm he was. He turned around, and began to walk away.
You watched him turn a corner and escape your view. You stood alone, in the hallway, unsure of what to do.
Escape would be the first thought, but Seonghwa was right. Nobody would believe you. Would they even recognize you? It’s been years since you’ve shown your face to the kingdom, and your portrait has never been painted and shown to the world.
As far as you were concerned, the kingdom has no idea what you looked like. They had no idea that your parents were dead, and they had no idea that a demon had took the throne.
It’s not too late, you thought. I can still stop him. He’s letting me stay in this castle right? If he wanted me dead, he would’ve killed me last night. Right?
You walked down the hallway, following the path that Seonghwa took, hoping to find him.
Sure enough, down the hall, there was Seonghwa, walking as if he knew the place by hand. You ran down to catch up to him.
Seonghwa turned around, hearing your footsteps. You stood a foot away from him, catching your breath.
“What are you going to do to me?” You asked.
“Nothing,” Seonghwa said.
“Nothing?” You scoffed. “I don’t buy that.”
“Well you should. It was my destiny to take over your kingdom by killing your parents, but the prophecy didn’t say anything about killing you. If anything, Yunho probably didn’t even see you in his visions. Maybe you weren’t even meant to exist.”
Seonghwa clasped his hands together. “Even with me as now king,” he said. “You’re still the princess of this land. However, you’re too young to become queen, so I’m not very worried about you.”
You glared at Seonghwa, but he didn’t seem to notice. “You’ll still have your title, and your room. I’ll make sure you receive the upmost service deserving for a princess, and I’ll never hurt you.”
“Never hurt me?” You asked, surprised.
“I won’t physically torture you or anything like that.” Seonghwa did something unexpected. He knelt down, and placed one hand over his heart, if demons actually have hearts, and looked up at you. “I understand that you hate me, but if there’s one thing I promise, it’s that I’ll never lay a hand on you with the intention of harm. Believe me, princess. I will never ever harm you.”
You were sure this was a lie, and act, all part of some greater plan that Seonghwa was planning. But staring into those bright red eyes, they became much less haunting and more...genuine. They were wide, and he stared straight into your soul.
“Okay,” you said softly. “I believe you.”
Seonghwa smiled, and not the smirk kind of smile or the toothless kind either. This was real. He showed his teeth, revealing his fangs. His smile seemed strained, as if it didn’t reach his eyes to the fullest, but it still felt real.
“Thank you,” Seonghwa said softly. He stood up. “I must go now. But please, make yourself comfortable. It’s still your home after all.”
Without another word, Seonghwa walked away.
You turned around and walked away without another word as well. Although your head was churning out ideas for a plan. You still had the chance to kill him, take the throne, and do everything in your power to rule over your kingdom like your parents did before.
All you had to do was let his guard down, and attack.
A/N: Hello! I decided to continue the storyline for this fic, since I love it as much as you guys! For the Boss by Night fans, I’m in a little story block atm, but hopefully the next chapter will be out next week. Thank you so much for reading!
Tag list (tell me if you want to be added!): @moonchild-saturn
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phoenix-manga · 4 years
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[DCA Event] - Six Queens Event Part 4
[Seymour - Heart of Stone]
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It was Briar’s turn, the ghost makes the feeling of grief and heartbreak wash over her as her grey eyes started to glow. This part of the act was difficult for Briar, she was tested and nearly possessed because she relates so much to the third queen.
She might have stayed in the village for a good portion of the years but she always came back when told to, not because she was obedient but because deep down she still was the child who yearned for her father’s love. What she would give to at least see him smile at her. Not to be left alone.
Her expression morphs into sadness that even left the audience tearing up. Crowley was bawling and blowing into a handkerchief, Rook was dabbing the corner of his eyes with a tissue while Vil is trying so damn hard NOT to tear up and ruin his mascara. Heck, even Divus was tearing up a bit.
Kalim is sobbing into Jamil’s shoulder. But the ones who got hit the hardest? The Diasomnia guys, Lilia is silently crying it was almost like the soul of the queen was there singing about her regrets. Malleus was grasping Lilia’s hand has he was keeping his head down to not let anyone see his tears. Sebek’s stoic face would have been convincing if not for the waterfall of tears. Silver, there was a flashback to his childhood days wondering who his parents were. It was very emotional for the entire room, alright?
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But the other five were slightly panicking on the inside, Briar was losing herself and they had to do something before anything goes wrong. Evonie signals the others to surround her and back her up when she was reaching the climax.
Evonie places a hand on her shoulder to make Briar look at her, to the crowd it was as if she was acting but to the six? This was an act to keep Briar from fading. 
Briar gently smiled as she realizes that she has friends who can fill the emptiness in her heart, she can feel the possession fading but not entirely. Briar’s act has ended.
[Haus of Holbein]
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The mood started to lighten up when Vidya took the stage. The smoke machine activated as she explains on how the king went further west to find his next queen.
The smoke engulfed the stage where you can barely see the actresses.
The crowd was shook as the smoked cleared and the queens were wearing luminescent ruffs and glasses as the light flashed different colors and the rave music blared through out the stage.
Vidya: He enlisted the help of a legendary painter, Hans! ...
Six: H O L B E I N
Welcome to the Haus! To the Haus of Holbein! *Cue rave music and air horns*
But they started to cheer as the queens danced as if they were on crack. Kalim and Lilia started to head bang and wave their arms everytime the rave music comes up. Floyd was digging the dance and music, cause he probably dances like that, moves to the music with no care.
Those who were weirded out were Riddle, Vil, Jack, and Azul. This was a crazy song out of nowhere.
Divus was laughing... LAUGHING at how ridiculous those ruffs were and it tied the scene in a perfectly comedic way. Crowley blanked out since he’s never seen Divus laugh that loud.
Lilia can remember the times he’s worn a ruff before and it was uncomfortable. But he is thinking that he might wear it to a rave just to see the reactions.
When the song ended, the props were off and it was finally time for Vidya’s real act to start.
[Cleves - Get Down]
Vidya starts the act as the ghost makes the feeling of the need to brag wash over her as her eyes glowed red. She was the least concerned about getting taken over since she has a very strong will. 
Her sarcastic delivery made the people chuckle and snort. Jamil snorts but manages to cover it up before Kalim could notice. Jack liked this character, she didn’t let her divorce get to her, mad respect.
Vidya:  Well, I guess you already know what happened next. How I came to England, hopeful, summoned after the king saw my portrait. 
And how I, with my meager looks the way they are, didn’t live up to his expectations. I mean, It’s the usual story, isn’t it? The savvy educated young princess deemed repulsive by the wheezing, wrinkled, ulcer-riddled man twenty-four years her senior! 
Vidya: Rejection, rejection from a king! How can anyone overcome the fate as devastating than being forced to move into a resplendent palace in Richmond with more money that I could ever spend in a lifetime?! 
Let’s just say Jamil might have a bit of bitter feeling when it comes to Kalim and his riches but seeing Vidya act like this? He’s kind of glad that she was just playing a character, he didn’t think he could hang out with her if she was actually like this. But he has to admit that she was killing the role and it was something she would say. He’s been there to witness her sharp wit and words damage prides.
Vidya: And not a single man around to tell me what to do with it. I mean seriously, just… tragic.
When the lights turn red and the bass hits the crowd cheers as she saunters to a metal throne and sits leisurely on it. When she starts the chorus, “get down” and starts to dance hip hop that made the crowd cheer louder. Who knew Vidya could move like that? Kalim had his mouth agape while Jamil was baffled, those dance moves were almost the same as his.
He remembered that time when she was watching him dance for the past few weeks. So that was why she was there! It all suddenly made sense. Not bad for someone who didn’t even do street dance, get it right for the first time.
When she sang the part where the queens tug at her jacket and shorts to reveal a one piece costume covered in rubies and gold chains, it was a rich kid’s rave outfit. 
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Vidya: Pull up outside of my carriage, don’t got no marriage so I have a little flirt with the foot man as he takes me fur-
The room was filled with whistles and cheers as her outfit sparkled under the stage lights. It got intense when she started to dance with confidence as if she was the top dog of the dance floor.
Kalim and Jamil: *When Vidya’s rave outfit was revealed*
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Kalim was red because he has never seen her in that getup, he doesn’t know what to feel about it. Jamil on the other hand was contemplating if she could probably tag along with him when he goes to a street dance. Girl, that outfit’s a waste if you’re not gonna show it off!
Divus did the slow clap when the outfit was revealed, it was made to fit the person. He’s thinking on how Ella was making this outfit to impress him, the red and black outfit is his signature fave! “Well played!” he thinks to himself, he expects nothing less from a Glaciel.
Vidya was damn good at getting the crowd to feel so energetic the cheering was so loud when she sang, “No one tells me I need a rich man, DOING MY THING IN MY PALACE IN RICHMOND!”. There were people yelling, “Yas!” and “Queen!”
When the song ended, the crowd was cheering so loud and everyone was thinking on this character was going to become a crowd favorite.
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Evonie: That doesn’t sound so hard at all...
Vidya: Oh yeah, I guess you’re right... I probably won’t win then... Oh well, back to the palace! *Drum and guitar sounds* hehe!
Lilia claps in amusement, this was his favorite queen! She didn’t take the divorce too hard and just went and wiped her tears with expensive silks. He thinks back on the time that he visited the Richmond palace and how luxurious it was at the time. Maybe he’ll visit it again to see how things are.
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pumpkincentaur · 3 years
Find the Word Tag Games
I actually got tagged by two separate people over the last couple days, so now that I’m actually looking at my notifications (tumblr introduced its best ever feature in separating your types of notifs on desktop and I proceeded to completely forget about that) I’m just gonna do both!~ Thank you to @sleepyowlwrites and @shellyscribbles for the tags!
Up first is sleepyowl’s words. This will be coming from the completed second draft of UHT, since... the outline isn’t really too good for any of this on account of spoilers and not being prose.
Despite the shame of it all, Odelai’s seat is still close to the head of the table. That’s what you get when two of the Princesses Imperial are your cousins, and one of the Imperial Consorts is your uncle. They’re all here, of course. Everyone is here, save for two seats opposite Odelai that sit empty. Who might those be for?
Malusiel speaks the truth. Valianaris was not the center of Godly power—the Imperial Institute was. What we assumed to be a palace is in fact, a massive city—a city that extends deep beneath the earth, a city of the Gods themselves.
“Your mother and I hated one another as children, you know. I grew to love her anyway. I still miss her every day.”
“I…” what is Sionri supposed to say to that? “I did not know that.”
“No. But I suppose I do not speak of your mother much.” Madraig sighs, then reaches for Sionri’s shoulder and pulls him into a tight embrace. “Be safe, son. Write often. I will be thinking of you with each passing day.”
“Of course, Father.”
Odelai doesn’t quite remember, but he’s sure it was early on, before the Book begins to map out the endless passageways of the Bloodied Halls. “I don’t quite recall. It was close to the beginning, though. Didn’t it say something like ‘without wanting, without desire, naught can be brought to fruition?’ At least… that’s how I remember it. I’m probably wrong.”
It does not come from wisdom,” Sionri replies. “It comes from experience. I am the third son of a second son, and yet I am the man who shall someday be king. That does not usually happen unless there was a concerted effort to make it so.”
And now onto shellyscribbles’s words!
The rain patters against the thick sheet glass windows of the airship’s viewing deck. The mist makes it nearly impossible to see much beyond the tops of the pine trees and the rising rock faces of the valley’s edges, but there are other clues to where the airship is. Through the walls, Setsirig can hear the hum of the engine slowing down and deepening in pitch. The ship must be decelerating—and, if the ship is decelerating, it must be nearing its destination. Fun fact: the above is actually the opening paragraph. This will not carry over to the third draft, as we’ll be starting somewhere slightly different.
“There were other things he left behind,” Odelai says. “Another ribbon, the one that matches this. A comb. Some flowers I think he pressed in the pages of his books to give to her. And this.”
Odelai reaches into his pocket and pulls something out. It’s a locket, made of fine gold. Odelai then opens it to reveal what looks like a portrait of a young woman—but her face is covered with what looks like dried blood, so her identity is impossible to determine.
Hadriel is, for what must be the first time in days, asleep. He’s close to being dead to the world, in fact, snoring softly under the silken blankets on his luxurious bed. 
Odelai, however, is not asleep. He’s been trying for hours, it feels like, but he remains wide awake, staring out at Hadriel’s room, shrouded though it is in darkness. Something in him just won’t settle down enough for him to submit to his dreams. It’s not even that he’s afraid of having more nightmares—at this point he’s probably too tired for nightmares. But, whatever it is, it sits ill in his chest, making him feel like something will come to consume him the very moment he closes his eyes for more than a blink’s worth of time.
“I don’t think we’re in the Institute anymore.”
Hadriel looks up towards the ceiling, like Odelai is, but there is no ceiling. The two of them appear to be at one end of a long hallway, but as the walls grow higher, they fade into translucence, then disappear altogether. Instead of a ceiling, there is only a reddish-black sky, pinpricked with the light of ominous, darkened stars. Ghostly chandeliers hang from phantom chains, bobbing and swaying as if in time to a song Hadriel and Odelai cannot hear.
“No,” Hadriel says, “I’d say we most certainly are not.”
“Hello, Iphne.”
Iphne’s heart flutters in her chest. “Sionri. Er, Prince Sionri. Hello. It’s—it’s a pleasure to have you—”
“For tea?”
“Yes, for tea. Come… come in, if you please.”
I’ll tag anyone who sees this and wants to do it, since I have SUCH bad anxiety about actually tagging people in tag games LOL
Words would be: Catch, Ride, Falter, Sway, and Iridescent.
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demivampirew · 4 years
Keep Calm and Go to London chapter 29
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Previous Chapters in the masterlist
Triggers: Panic attack; anxiety; crying.
Tag list:  Here’s the incredible people who   showed me support (thank  you    so  much for that) and people who  asked  me to tag them too  ☺️   (I   think  I will write a few chapters  of  this story, if you want me to tag     you, tell me ☺️   ) @cavillanche @mary-ann84 @henry-owns-these-tatas @yespolkadotkitty @dancingwendigo   constip8merm8       penwieldingdreamer iloveyouyen  littlefreya  wondersofdreaming      alyxkbrl solariumss  sweetybuzz25 @thethirstyarchive @agniavateira   @honeyloverogers @hell1129-blog   @lunedelorient​  @michelle-1185​  @madbaddic7ed​     @summersong69​ @kaatelyyynn​
The sweet melody force Henry to wake up. The combination of an angelic voice and piano wasn't something he wanted to miss. As he approached the living room, he saw you playing the keyboards while singing some beautiful lyrics. He leaned against the wall to listen to the delightful tune without distracting you.
You're all I need my one belief the winds of time will carry me to live without dubiety don't let this ever end
We've flow afar beyond the sea to find each other finally we've waited long and patiently to build a bridge between dualities.
Shivers ran through his body, the combination of your voice, the soft instrumental and the lovely lyrics gave him chills. You were writing the final lyrics of your new song when you finally noticed him.
- Sorry, babe, did I wake you up? - you apologized. - Yep, but it doesn't matter. That's the greatest way of waking up.-he replied, grinning. His lips felt dry as he gave you a tender good morning kiss. - I have to give you a lip balm.- you said playfully and he laughed.
As you made kissing sounds and called his name, Kal appeared from the kitchen, where he was bitting  a bone- and went straight to Henry. As you did for his birthday, you put a little surprise for Henry in the doggy's collar. He kneeled on the floor and then took the tiny gift bag and inside of it, there was a silver locket that contained two photos: one was Kal and the other was a picture of you. The gift also included a little card: "Happy Father's day, daddy! Love, Kal." A huge smile appeared on his face.
- I love it, Kal, thank you!- he exclaimed while petting his furry son. Then, he lifted his head and looked at you with those gorgeous blue eyes of his, "Thanks, baby" he added. - It was Kal's idea. He's even so egocentric that he put himself as well.- you joked referring to the fact that your picture was there with the Akita. Seeing and heard him laugh was among you're favourite things on the entire world. If he was happy, you could feel the sunshine hit you no matter the time of the day, the season or the weather. As Taylor's song says " I see sparks fly whenever you smile".
Later that day, you called your dad to congratulate him on his day. Henry had his own zoom family reunion for Father's Day. It wasn't a lie that you couldn't be there because you were going to phone your old man, but there was also the anxiety of intruding in something private. It didn't matter how in love you were with each other, you felt that 4 months of dating wasn't enough time together to be part of those special moments, especially after his birthday. Due to the pandemic and the fact that his family lived far away from him, you haven't had the chance to meet them yet, at least personally, so you felt that they might felt curious and ask questions and it'd seem that you were stealing their thunder. Today was all about his dad and his brothers. Despite avoiding the Cavill online hang out, you made sure to salute them on father's day. You sent a direct message to Charlie, the only member of your boyfriend's family you had the chance to talk several times when he and Henry video-called and you had a good relationship with. You included him and the rest of them in your Father's Day post on Instagram as well as pleading Henry to deliver your best wishes. Your day couldn't be better, you felt. While you scrolled through Instagram, giving likes to your friend's post delivering sweet thankful words to their dads, partners, etc a notification let you know that Henry posted as well. After going to his account, a bright smile appeared on your face as you saw the photo he posted. It was a photo from his childhood; in it, he was standing next to his brothers and his father. He was leaning against his younger sibling with the rest standing behind them with the Cavill Senior besides his sons. Only one of the children wasn't smiling and had a "bad boy" face, it was Simon. So, except for the young man, all had happy gestures, specially Henry who looked cheerful. The picture seemed to be from a wedding or a similar event giving the fact that they all were wearing suits. Underneath said portrait, your British man dedicated a few words to his family: "In this here photo only one of the Cavill men was a father. Now.... a few years later, only one isn't! Happy Father's Day to you, my incredible father, and to you my awesome brothers! Legends to a man.Also, for those that don't know, this is how we dress in England all the time.#FathersDay" All the joy you were feeling before vanished instantly. Now anxiety had fully taken over your emotions and air couldn't get inside your body. You ran into the kitchen and grabbed a bag to breathe in. You went into the house's main bathroom to hide from Henry so he wouldn't find out that you were having a panic attack. The rolled down your eyes and you felt as if needles were being sticked to your heart. "In this here photo only one of the Cavill men was a father. Now.... a few years later, only one isn't! " "..., only one isn't! " the words kept repeating inside your mind and you could even hear his voice. When Henry told you that whatever was your decision about having kids, he wanted to remain by your side, it made you extremely happy to know that you'll never lose him, but in the same time, you felt even more anxiety than before. One thing was to know that you could lose him in the future for not wanting the same thing, but there was the upside that he'd someday make his dream come true; another thing was for you to take away the possibility of being a dad because he loved you enough to give up his longtime desire of having kids. What if someday he regretted his desition? Would he blamed you for not doing the right thing and set him free? Will breaking up with him be the right decision? There was always a chance that if you felt that couldn't have kids in the near future, that it could happen in a distant future. You could always adopt or freeze your eggs so you could find a surrogate in your body wasn't in conditions to carry a child.
-Baby, you want to watch a movie?- Henry asked you as he knocked on the bathroom's door. You had been there for almost an hour, burning your poor brain with all those existential questions. You took a deep breath as you wiped your tears. - Yeah, babe. I'll be there in a minute.- you replied making an extra effort for him not to noticed that you'd been crying. - Ok, I'll make popcorn in the meantime.- he said and left. You stood up and faced the mirror. After washing your face, you made sure there were no trails of your tears. After sitting on the couch, you tried hard to focus on choosing a movie. You ended selecting a horror movie called "The Ritual". A big bowl of popcorn rested on your boyfriend's lap as you watched the movie. As much as you tried to pay attention to the movie, you barely understood what was going on since your brain would repeat his words and the questions you made to yourself before. You took deep breaths to avoid having another panic attack and break into tears. As the movie was reaching its climax, your man paused the movie. It took you a moment to notice it and to see that he was starring at you. - Are you ok, princess? - he questioned worried. You faced him, smiling and nodding; of course you couldn't speak because otherwise the lump in your throat would give you away. He inspected your face.- Are you sure? You can tell me if something's wrong, do you know that, right?- he pointed out and you nodded again, hoping he'll quit the interrogation and play the movie.
Unfortunately, he did not give up. He knew something was going on and would not continue playing the movie until he knew what was wrong with you. - You're lying.- he reproached you.- You haven't even touched the popcorn and you love it; you haven't stopped moving your thighs from side to side, quickly and that's something you do when you're extremely anxious; you also play with your nails, that's another nervous tic you have and not to mention that you haven't made one single comment during this entire time, I've been waiting for your clever comments and jokes, but no a single sound came out from your mouth. You have been breathing deeply and shallowing saliva which is something you do when you try not to cry.
Damn it! He knew you way too well. What was the point of pretending anymore? He already caught your bullshit. Your burst into tears and after he left the bowl on the tea table, you rested your head on his lap as he caressed your hair and your face, letting you cry as much as you need it. After a while, when you felt eased, you sat again and looked at him, who was expecting an explanation of what was going on. You took as much air as you could and finally spoke:
- I saw your Instagram post. - you pointed out. - Ok.- he said, unsure of how that could have made you upset. - You said that you were the only one who wasn't a father and I know that you truly want that, and people saying in your comments how someday you're going to be a great dad and me thinking what if I can't give you that? You assured me that you wanted to be with me anyway, but I feel that'd be extremely selfish of me to take that opportunity away from you, even if my desition is not only for my best interest or yours, but also for that baby, if there's ever one, I don't want a child to be born in a world in which his mother only had him to make his dad happy. Besides that, I fear that if I don't give you children, someday you'd regret staying with me and may even hate me for not doing that or for not let you go to find someone that can give you that.- you explained while a few tears rolled down your cheeks. Henry removed them with his thumbs and then grabbed your face, forcing you to look him in the eyes. - I might enjoy to play video-games, to read fantasy books among other "childish" things, but be sure I'm a man. I'm mature enough to make my desitions and know the reasons behind them. Am I sure that I want to be with you even if you don't want kids? Absolutely. I already feel happy and complete by your side, and if someday we have kids I'd no longer be on cloud nine, but cloud infinite; especially by knowing that I'd have them with a woman who loved me enough to change her mind and with a person smart enough to know that the kid's feelings and necessities are more important than both ours. Could I be sad if I never become a father? Possibly. Would I regret my desition? No, because I know why I made that decision. Would I blame you for not giving me kids, if that happens? Hell no; I wouldn't be forced to stay, if I stay it'd be because I wanted so, and the only one to blame if I make a bad desition is me and, as I said before, I know why I want to stay with you no matter what, so I'm not even going to blame myself.- he took a short paused and continued- Look, I'd always wanted to play Alexander, the Great, did that happened? No, but I'm ok with that. I desired to play Bond for a long time and that seems like another dream that will not come true, but I'm ok with that too. At least I had the chance to play Sups and Geralt. I know might be a silly comparison, but maybe that way you understand what I'm trying to say. In that scenario, you are Superman and Geralt. You're the amazing thing that happened to me even and my life would be awesome even if I don't get Bond or Alexander.- he chuckled unsure if he was being clear. You smiled, feeling a lot better and then kissed him. His lips tasted so good. The sweetness of the popcorn left trails on them. You sat right next to him, grabbing his arm and putting your head on his shoulder. He kissed your head and was about to play the rest of the movie when you stopped him and questioned if it'd be ok with him if you play the movie from the beginning to really watch it this time. He smirked and agreed, saying that i'd be ok to see it again because there were some parts he didn't pay much attention either. Your jokes and sassy comments about some silly plot points and characters actions were all he needed to know that you felt much better.
Disclaimer: As much as I’d love to write a song, I haven’t done that, so the song reader writes actually exists and belongs to the band Epica (Twin Flames is the name of the song if you want to listen to it - is beautiful  ♥)
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carolmaximoffs · 4 years
Ch. Summary: Having successfully wooed Thea long ago, Sam puts a ring on it. For now, all is well. 
Warnings: cursing, endgame/infinity war spoilers, drinking (in the context of a wedding reception)
Pairings: Sam Wilson x OFC
A/N: short and sweet ending. if you’re not caught up with tgd, you can read the rest of the story here, but otherwise this is it! i love thea so so much and i really enjoyed writing her. i hope this lives up to sam/thea shipper’s standards bc this chapter is all fluff...if people are interested maybe i’ll throw together a blurb or two later, but like i said, for now, this is the end. 
Tagging some people so it isn’t lost in the tl: @star-spangled-beard-burn​ @suz-123​ @curtainlover​ @annathesillyfriend​
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With the unique hell of her past, déja vu is thankfully not something Thea is overly familiar with. However, standing on the compound’s roof staring out into the sunset, a tingling of familiarity creeps up her spine. When she turns, he’s there, and when she blinks, he doesn’t disappear. Sam is real once more, in her arms like he has been for the past year. Thea buries her face into his chest as he runs a hand over her braids.
“Technically, it’s bad luck to see each other before the wedding.” Sam’s voice is soft, joking, but Thea still halfheartedly drives a fist into his gut. 
“Shut up, Wilson,” She grumbles into his shirt. “Not ever letting go of you again if I don’t have to.” 
Sam tucks her head closer to his heart, calloused hands cradling her to him. “I know, honey, I know.”
Wanda gapes as Thea steps out into the hall, Pepper right behind her. 
“Wilson is a lucky, lucky man, Thea,” The Sokovian murmurs as she steps closer, securing one of the flowers twisted into Thea’s hair like a crown. Morgan, beside her, bounces eagerly on her heels, nearly spilling her basket of petals. Pepper quickly snags the basket from the young girl as Thea scoops Morgan into her arms.
“Mama did so good, Auntie Dot!” Morgan exclaims, leaning back precariously in Thea’s arms to tug at a kinky curl. “Just like a princess.” 
Thea plants a kiss on Morgan’s forehead in thanks. As Morgan squeals, swiping at the glittery imprint left on her face, boots pound up the stairs. Bucky peeks around the corner, hair freshly cropped. He runs a hand over it and lets out a low whistle as he gives Thea a once over.
“Damn, Doc. Not too shabby out of them scrubs,” He drawls. Thea turns Morgan’s face away with one hand and flips him off with the other. Bucky only rolls his eyes, making a show of shifting uncomfortably in his suit jacket. “Ladies, you might want to head out. ‘Cept you Miss Morgan.”
“I go first!” Morgan cheers. She squirms, and is back to bouncing as soon as Thea sets her down. Pepper hands Bucky the basket as she and Wanda slip past him. Bucky crouches, handing the basket to Morgan with as much seriousness as he can muster.
“That’s right, bubba, but you gotta stay still so you don’t spill it, okay?” Bucky instructs as he hands the basket to her. Morgan salutes him, and Thea bites her lip as Bucky salutes right back. “Awesome. How about you go wait with Mr. Steve at the end of the aisle, okay?”
Morgan nods eagerly, scampering off towards the stairs. She holds her basket as steady as possible all the way down. Bucky gets up like he hasn’t just interacted with a child in the sweetest way possible, brushing off the knees of his dress pants. He catches the look Thea’s giving him, though, and makes his face as threatening as possible even as his cheeks flush. “Not a word, Doc.” 
“Of course not,” Thea murmurs. Bucky leans around her, grabbing her bouquet off a small table beneath a painted portrait of the Stark’s that makes him quickly avert his gaze. She thanks him softly, smoothing her dress one last time before taking it from him. Thea makes to go around him, but he stops her with a light grip on her shoulders.
“You sure you wanna do this?” He inquires, and Thea knows that he’s only half joking. “I can fly a helicopter. I’m sure Stark’s got one stashed here somewhere. You just say the word...”
Thea laughs, though not unkindly. “That’s sweet, James, but I’m pretty positive this is what I want.”
She stands on her toes to press a kiss to the soldier’s cheek, though she knows it doesn’t nearly express how grateful she is in the way she needs it to. Finally, they join the others outside. Morgan is chatting animatedly with Wanda about their matching dresses; Steve, barely recognizable even after a year, smiles at them as they step off the porch . Pepper’s strawberry blonde head can be picked out of the thin crowd, right up front.
“You look lovely, Thea,” Steve whispers as she steps up beside him. Bucky snorts.
“You would think so, practically eye-level with-” Thea punches him in the arm before he can finish the thought. He snickers as he walks off, linking arms with Wanda. The wedding march starts; both Wanda and Bucky urge Morgan forward. She skips down the aisle, joyfully scattering rose petals, and just past her is the sight that truly cements the moment for Thea. Sam, all decked out in a three-piece suit, a pale orange rose pinned to his label matching the blooms in Thea’s hair. The hand on Steve’s wheel-chair tightens.
“It’s surreal, right?” The man in question breathes, just for Thea’s ears as Bucky and Wanda make their way towards the makeshift alter in Pepper’s backyard. Thea can only nod, because suddenly Steve is wheeling himself forward, and she’s almost in a trance alongside him. Bucky gives her a thumbs up from Sam’s right; Wanda offers a reassuring smile. Steve grips her hand tightly just before she steps away. Sam turns to face her, watery eyes never straying. She bites back the overwhelmed, joyful sob that rises in her throat when he links their fingers between them. 
“Alright, everybody, thanks for being here today. This isn’t a real bible, its just a fancy notebook with all the officiate-y lines in it,” Happy laughs nervously along with the small audience of friends and family they’ve amassed. “No, seriously, I got certified online last week because Pepper...nevermind. Sam, repeat after me... ” 
Thea finally does let it all go when she slides a thick silver band onto Sam’s finger with shaking hands, crying openly as he returns the gesture with a thinner, sapphire-studded ring. When he kisses her, he cradles her face in his hands. It quickly turns into his hands slipping down to her hips. Thea laughs into the kiss as he grips her ass tightly in one hand, her waist in the other, dipping her low over his knee. The crowd whoops and hollers; Sam rights Thea back on her feet, both of them breathless and smiling like idiots. The moment is shattered as there’s a loud cough, and Bucky slings off his bow-tie.
“Can we get to the food already?”
“Can I have everybody’s attention please?” Sam’s standing from his chair, clinking a champagne flute with his knife. Per his request, everyone in Pepper’s dining room-turned-banquet hall turns to face him and conversations cease. “Thanks. I don’t know if the husband usually gives any type of speech but, here goes nothing.
“When I first met my wife,” He pauses to glance at Thea, grin enormous. “When I first met my wife, I didn’t think she’d be my wife. I mean, obviously, I thought she was gorgeous, but I hadn’t seriously thought about dating anyone in...I don’t even know when. Superhero thing kinda takes over your life, you know? Being a vet counselor wasn’t much better. But Thea...Thea was different. She was smart, funny...she could tolerate Tony effin’ Stark. She’s also one of the strongest people I know. I started ‘wooing’ her partially as a joke, cuz, hey, what shot did I have? C’mon. Wiseass vet in his thirties, saves the world in a bird costume. And this woman...this woman not only was a surgeon, she had a damn PhD! And then we find out she can heal people with a freakin’ touch...no way. No shot in hell. But she took it all in stride, and saw something in me - I still don’t know what - and she chose me. She chose me, and I promised already, but baby,”
Sam turns to Thea instead of the guests now, reaching out a hand that she gladly accepts. With her free hand, she swipes at stray tears leaking from her eyes. “Dorothea Triplett-Wilson, I promise I’m gonna choose you every goddamn day of my life. If I’m still saving the world in ten years, it’s only to keep you in it, and make it a better place for our kid.”
“Your WHAT?” This comes from Wanda. Beside her, Bucky has promptly choked on his champagne. Morgan is parting his back with as much force as she can muster. When she finally gathers the courage to peek through her fingers, Thea meets her husband’s embarrassed face. Despite the chaos around them, he gives her his most charming smile.
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star-anise · 5 years
ok but *please* explain the soulmate goose of enforcement, i desperately want to know
@omgcheckplease is a comic about college hockey! One of the college hockey bros is Jack, who is not… the most emotionally ept character, so he takes two years to realize he’s in love with Bitty, the protagonist. But you get HINTS leadng up to this that are about to hit his head like a cast-iron pan.
And one of those is that he takes a photography class the semester before, and his photos are all of stuff around campus: geese, his teammates, the hockey rink, more geese… 
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And there’s a kind of behind-the-scenes post where his photography classmates are like WHY ARE ALL YOUR PICTURES OF THIS ONE SPECIFIC TEAMMATE WHAT DOES HE MEAN TO YOU EMOTIONALLY and he just like… does not get it. He wants to talk about his pictures of geese. “Geese portraits.”
(And to photograph wildlife is to risk their wrath, especially in nesting season, so he’s kind of badass for shoving a camera in geese’s faces. And like ignoring his potential love life when chasing after something difficult to pursue and capture–whether that’s geese or hockey–is kind of A Thing for him, and also he’s Canadian, and Canada Geese are infamous, and well.)
So ALSO there’s this blog called @shitty-check-please-aus with the motto “these are not good but they’re fun“. Like, one suggestion is “jack has a full back tattoo of a poorly drawn moose face, with a small canada goose on his ribs“.
But it became a THING, like, a BEAUTIFUL CHALLENGE to take these ideas and do something actually artistic with them! Like, someone proposed, “Swan Princess AU but Jack is a Goose Prince” and someone made actual fic out of it!
SO. One day shitty-check-please-aus posted, “soulmate au where one person finds a goose who leads them to the other person. the difficulty comes in not being mauled by a goose” and somebody else began their fic (about a different Check Please character) thus:
Growing up, Nursey had always assumed he’d be excited when he finally had his Gooseday.
Young Nursey had, of course, failed to take into account how God damn massive, not to mention murderous, fucking geese are.
When Nursey finally wakes up one morning to find his goose standing beside his bed, he actually feels something more akin to panic than excitement.
(2017-18 Check Please fandom was really happy and lively and fun and lulzy and we got featured on @ao3tagoftheday a LOT.)
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