wandoffire · 10 months
Spell Jar to ward off negative energies. Keep in your room, house, car, bag or somewhere near you.
Rosemary (protection)
Fennel (purification, healing)
Lavender (peace, happiness)
Sage (protection)
Clover (love, loyalty, protection)
Black pepper (cleanse/protection)
Salt (cleanse)
Black wax
Substitute or exclude any materials as you need!
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Like / follow for more like this <3
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weirdplutoprince · 11 months
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Autistic? Me? 10 - Clothes
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svdaily · 1 year
Triple Ps of success:
Proceed: Write down actionable goals for each level of personal development you will improve on. Ask yourself what you need to replace in your routine emotionally, physically, financially and in relationships, then start the change, keeping focused to your goals every day.
Pursue: Be loyal to seeking your path of self-discovery and success. Align your actions with who you want to be. When your goal is emotional peace, you step back from defensiveness and provocation. You understand not every battle is worth the loss of your stability and you do not waver on that boundary.
Persist: Continue despite difficulty. Build yourself up so no amount of background noise can deter you. Even people you love/admire can trigger adverse reactions, but when your goal is to not engage, you will respect your healing journey and remove their access to you.
PPP is a simple abbreviation I'm using to achieve my goals. Remember you cannot attain something you've convinced yourself you do not have the capacity to achieve. Constructive thoughts birth good habits birth successful outcomes. Believe first that you are capable, secure, adequate and deserving, so that even in the face of "failure" you are programmed to proceed, pursue and persist.
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saturnniidae · 1 month
Thinking about the themes of disability in httyd that are present even before Hiccup becomes an amputee; existing in a world that hates and doesn't welcome you but refusing to change yourself for the convenience of others, instead stubbornly making accommodations for yourself where you can
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balgishisyam · 18 days
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azmemedaddy · 18 days
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thinfatfit · 2 years
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ghostinspacee · 2 months
Also, genuine question, does anyone else feel weird when talking about your f/o and your relationship with them? Like idk what it is. Cause my love for him is genuine but I feel weird talking about it.
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alwayspostiveparadise · 6 months
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weirdplutoprince · 10 months
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Autistic? Me? 13 - Interests
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thebloomingsoulss · 1 year
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but your self-respect has to be stronger than your feelings.
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wisteriasymphony · 9 months
Lucky Lucky Ladybug <3
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for legal reasons this is a WIP and may even be part of an animation one day. who knows. that's why it's not fully shaded and why the background is so bland (also I'm too lazy to draw 3 more mountains of dead cats lololol)
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o2studies · 2 months
Firstly, when you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🤍
Hi! Thank you for the ask <3
I liiiiike.. how often I try new hobbies or gaining new skills, 'A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.'
How, especially now, I generally don't compare myself to others. Yeah, there's the odd day when I do it but I know circumstances differ, I don't know the other person's emotions, we're both very different, and it's fine for it to stay that way.
I like how I'm able to listen to my friends. I am much less of a talker than all my friends and I don't think I can console/comfort others especially well, but I'm very happy that I can listen.
That I'm interested in school and learning and education of any form and all these different subjects! (kinda links in to my first one)
And lastly, I like how strong I am. Just half a year ago I couldn't do just one pushup but I'm now able to do 20-25 in one go. I don't lift weights often (nor very heavy ones) but I know I can lift a good amount of heavy stuff (plus I also really enjoy doing it too 😊)
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I truly am grateful for all the love in my life and love I have yet to discover but have faith through time I will uncover. I am so blessed, abundant, & highly favored!💐💗✨
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Something that really helped my personal body image was to pick one part of my body I genuinely liked and one I was more iffy about and being obsessed about both of them until I started seeing them in the best light possible <3
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