#post-surgery recovery
labsportstherapy · 3 days
Sports Rehabilitation and Wellness Services St Paul
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If persistent pain is affecting your daily/recreational life, LAB Sports Therapy is here for you. Our skilled Physical Therapists specialize in injury and pain management. Through a thorough assessment, we’ll identify the specifics of your pain and develop a customized plan to support your recovery. Count on our expertise for personalized care aimed at facilitating a prompt and effective rehabilitation process.
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siorasurgicals2 · 22 days
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A Comprehensive Guide to External Fixator System
An external fixator system is a medical device used to stabilize and align fractured or broken bones. Unlike traditional casts or plates that are placed inside the body, an external fixator is applied externally, meaning it sits outside the skin.
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taniateschke · 2 months
Seven Habits for Optimal Post-Surgery Healing
Life hacks for Optimmizing Healing during Post-Surgery Recovery: Treatment Wellness Health Grounding Meditation Sleep Nutrition Light Bone Density Diet Menopause Peri-Menopause Health Habits Osteoporosis Liver Bone Marrow
Fashion Photo Shoot with my Surgical Boot Looking for the seven habits for highly effective post-surgery recovery? Looking to ease symptoms of menopause in yourself or a loved one? Read on, you might find a few tweaks that you haven’t heard of anywhere else. This is how I am approaching my recovery from foot surgery. Here I open the kimono to show you my personalized take on what I see as truly…
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Orthopedic surgery, while often necessary for improving mobility and reducing pain, requires a dedicated recovery period. Many individuals find solace in the comforts of home during this crucial phase, and home care in Pennsylvania can be significant in facilitating a smooth and supportive post-surgery recovery process.
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Recovery within the home setting is increasingly recognized for its effectiveness and comfort. Home care in Duluth, Georgia provides a unique opportunity for individuals in need of care to receive tailored services in the familiar environment of a home. The following factors highlight the crucial role of home care in recovery.
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victoryhomecare · 4 months
How Post-Surgery Home Care Eases the Recovery Journey?
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Undergoing surgery is a significant medical event often requiring a dedicated recovery period. While the surgery addresses specific health concerns, the post-operative phase is critical to ensure a smooth and successful recovery. In this regard, home care in Bethesda emerges as a valuable and supportive solution that contributes to individuals’ overall well-being and healing.
Read more:https://www.victoryhomehealthcare.org/how-post-surgery-home-care-eases-the-recovery-journey
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mosleybeth01 · 4 months
Finding the right protein shakes for bariatric patients can be a challenge. Don't fret! they've curated a list of the best 5 shakes in the market, helping you maintain your protein intake while enjoying delicious Flavors. Let them guide your journey towards optimal post-surgery nutrition, with their top picks of shakes that pack a punch of flavour and protein. Read now.
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Skilled nursing is a specialized facet of healthcare that proves invaluable in various scenarios, particularly within care services like our home health care in Kokomo Indiana. Understanding when this expertise is needed is essential for informed and empathetic care.
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suvidhahospital · 8 months
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Home healthcare services are designed to provide medical, therapeutic, and personal care assistance right at one’s doorstep. In light of this, it is imperative to enhance people’s understanding of when to avail of such services so they can reap their benefits. That’s where we at Premier Care and Staffing Services, Inc., a tried-and-true home care agency in Pennsylvania, can lend a hand!
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toxungen · 6 months
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guard dog
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Graham cracker
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Six weeks after a second major surgery to help me walk - FOUR MILES on the trail today around a mountain. Rated “easy” with less than a 500’ elevation gain, I’ve got no shame in this game.
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transmascissues · 7 months
i totally understand why some people have read my posts about my recovery experience and been a bit freaked out by it if they haven't gotten top surgery themselves yet, and i also totally understand other people who have had top surgery wanting to reassure those people so they don't get scared out of having top surgery.
what i don't love is when, in an attempt to be reassuring, other people who have had top surgery say "well, my experience was much easier than this and yours might be too. don't be scared of having this kind of recovery, because you might not!"
if you had a super smooth top surgery recovery, i'm so happy for you and i'll be the first to admit that i envy you. i'm genuinely glad you got lucky! but i also know that, when i was preparing for top surgery, i wanted to know how to prepare for if i did have a rougher time and need more support, because being pleasantly surprised by a better time than you expected is much easier than being unpleasantly surprised by difficulties no one prepared you for. trying to find out how to prepare and being met with varying degrees of "don't worry, that didn't happen to me" was infuriating. the chorus of "that didn't happen to me" didn't do anything for me when one day post-op it took three people to figure out how to lift me into a sitting position without hurting me, and i never want anyone to find themselves in a situation like that totally unprepared. i worked really hard to get ready because i'm disabled and knew my body never has a chill reaction to anything, and i want other people to be able to prepare themselves too, whether they have a specific reason to or not.
not to mention, nothing in my experiences so far has been some worst case scenario that you should pray never happens to you. none of the things i've described in my posts have been complications; it's all just natural parts of recovering. every single time my surgeon has seen me, she's assured my that i'm healing perfectly so far. so yeah, things have been rough, but this isn't a horror story that i'm telling. it's not a warning or a cautionary tale. it's all totally normal and expected, even if it is more intense than some people's experiences. it just doesn't feel great to have my experience treated as something awful when it's all just part of the process.
the confidence that comes with knowing what could happen and feeling ready to face it is such a powerful thing, and i want people to be able to have that going into their surgery. i want them to be able to trust in their knowledge of what could happen and feel equipped to handle whatever comes their way. i want them to know that it'll be worth it in the end, even if it's hard for a while. i want them to know that top surgery is a wonderful thing and is worth doing, even if it's a rough experience, and that they can have a hard time and still come out the other side thrilled with the outcome. i want them to be able to look that fear in the face and say "yeah, maybe it'll suck for a few weeks, but then i'll be so much happier for the entire rest of my life, so fuck it, let's do it."
if i've learned anything over the past week, it's that top surgery is scary but it's also so worth it. if it would make your life better, go for it. i promise, the fear will be worth it. and honestly? a lot of the scary shit isn't nearly as scary once you've experienced it and learned how to work with it.
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angelic-transsexual · 7 months
Things I learned post top surgery (peri edition) 5 days post-op
Being put to sleep and waking up wasn’t as scary I thought it was gonna be
Huge amounts of tightness and soreness in my chest area
Numb chest
Drains are annoying little bitches
T-Rex arms are real as fuck
I actually had a bit of trouble trying to pee the night I got home, it took my body a bit to get back to being able to pee normally
Neck pillows are both your friend and your enemy
Bad posture due to binder from hell
My back is sore from my bad posture and sleeping elevated
Applesauce is your best friend the first few days post-op
Liquid IV helped my sore throat from the tube they put down my throat
Car rides are a no
Help from others even if it’s just little things is a big yes
I got orange stained skin from something they put on my body during surgery, don’t know exactly what it is
I’m actually very slow at walking
Walking around every few hours is one of the best things you could do
You need assistance to bathe, and I couldn’t take a shower for 48 hrs after surgery
Wipes are your friend
Greasy hair is expected to
Flannels and sweatpants are the best clothing options
My hunger has been up and down, sometimes I’m super hungry and sometimes I’m barely hungry
Painkillers and Tylenol are your absolute best friend
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six-of-cringe · 1 month
autism be damned, my boy can work an improvised diamond drill
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fbfh · 2 months
okay, pretty odd request and i completely understand if you do not feel comfortable writing it; you can totally scrap it! so i just got my wisdom teeth removed and i am pretty miserable about it. i was kind of wondering how our favourite boy leo might react. i feel like, as repair boy, he would be pretty bummed to not be able to just fix it right away, y’know? thank you so much, whether you feel comfortable writing for this prompt or not, i love your work and you are literally my favourite writer for leo💋
awww babes!!!!!!! I got my wisdom teeth out like maybe a year ago???? ish???? while it did suck it wasn't quite as bad as I thought it would be so I TOTALLY understand both how much it sucks and the i feel like shit Leo cravings.
okay okay so first of all Leo would not leave your side for a minute. he is so sweet and attentive and gentle with you while your coming back from anesthesia like a motherfucking walking lime green flag. like this. if he's still in college at MIT or wherever he's collecting diplomas like pokemon he will not HESITATE to ditch all classes that day to take care of you with or without his school's permission. if you cry on anesthesia like I do he will be SO FUCKING TENDER with you. he gets every possible caring for someone hack from his mom and from the internet and every resource possible to make sure you're happy and pain free and comfy. He brings you ice packs for your cheeks with tongs so he doesn't accidentally melt them with his hands (it did happen once. you both laughed so hard.) and he always makes sure you eat enough yogurt so your antibiotics don't mess up your stomach. he stays close to you, helps take care of your hair and skin, watches cartoons and movies with you. if you like having your nails done, he will SO give you mani pedis. even if you normally get acrylics or gel or whatever, seeing the slightly messy, sparkly matching nail polish in your favorite colors Leo tenderly and carefully put on your nails and toes makes you so happy every time you see it. he pets your head and peppers you with kisses and tells you how brave you were in a soft voice. he gets you a "conradulations on letting them steal your teeth" basket full of plushies and juice and intricate little coloring pages and crossword puzzles and stuff to keep you busy. He plays cozy video games with you and builds the most insane shit for you in animal crossing. you post it online and some people speculate that he hacked or modded the game to do that but nope. Leo simply loves you to the point of invention. If your swelling or pain is real bad and you're also a demigod he'll check with Will (aka the entire demisquad's informal PCP) how much ambrosia or nectar to give you to help you heal quickly and take the edge off. He holds your hands while you take little walks around your house or apartment a few times a day, like your recovery instructions say to. he makes you what he affectionatley referres to as "gourmet baby food", aka soups and soft pates and purees that taste better than most solid food. he relays all get well soon messages from your friends, including how percy joked that getting your wisdom teeth out means annabeth has less competition for the title of group brain cell wielder. your kitty Jackjack curls up on your lap as soon as Leo initially brings you back from the dentist and doesn't leave your side for a minute. every selfie you and Leo send the group chat has Jackjack curled up on your chest, purring and drooling contently. You have no idea how Leo makes something like pulling teeth feel like a spa vacation, but he makes everything into such a warm, cozy, happy experience. but you guess that when you love someone as much as you and Leo love each other, it's not too surprising.
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