#potentially suggestive
liliallowed · 1 month
the urge to read a dust x reader fic is strong but like...
I get frustrated by the interpretations. it's like... they did dust so dirty man.
bro is NOT a friking... idunno. feral beast or an egotistical maniac that only uses others as tools like your avrage charismatic bad guy. he's a fucking depressed mess of a man scrambling for any sense of control. an asshole at best and a killer at worst but he won't care enough to ... uh... you know...uhm... erm...
look the guy does mercy killing. he doesn't drag things out. he would NOT FUCKING DO THAT.
no I'm not calling him a saint or saying he's above it. he would do it IN THE RIGHT CONTEXT and not just out on a whim.
like he's still horrible but it's a different flavor of evil. he's like a minty vanilla flavoured kinda bad guy that won't cross some lines such as [REDACTED].
like I'd expect that from fanon [REDACTED] sans but like COME ON.
he's not a fucking [REDACTED]
heck he wouldn't even bother doing that to crimson who he's WANTS TO KILL with all his being.
it's weird but like... crimson and dust... they're weirdly in sync? like they've been fighting toghter for so long they already have memorized each other's micro expressions body language fidgets lil perks... they're FAMILIAR with how the other ticks. and like...
after so long I don't THINK dust actually wants to BREAK crimson. if they leave he's going to just be alone with his voices...
crimson IS head over heels for the guy but they respect his boundaries. THEY'RE not just gonna go there and like idunno. KISS him out of nowhere. not without a build up or him being open to the idea.
it's HARD to even call it romance. they've been stuck toghter for so long that some personal boundaries sorta... washed away? like they're both used to invading each other's personal space as pranks. but not to the extent that it'd actually TRIGGER either of them.
like he doesn't really mind it. he's used to them flirting.
as for crimson...
they're up for anything he give a green light for and if not? they're ok with it. they don't really wanna put a name to this codependency. friends enemies soul mates lovers they're just words and labels.
they prefer companion or... murder buddy.
so like I FEEL like dust yk... wouldn't really uhm... you know JUMP on the opportunity to link his soul to them to kill them both at once? even for the sake of resets.
specially cuz souls don't just... work like that. you can't FORCE a soul link in most fanfic interpretations...
unless that's not the case then that's just my thornbound souls au which it's LITERALLY a forced bond formed from spite...
that aside sometimes they kiss mid fight either to gain the upper hand and stab the other person... or not and just yk. make out n shit. it's not even really a commitment or a sign of trust or anything.
it's like... they know each other so we'll that the mental barriers. the shame. the stuff you have when you're with someone who doesn't know you and everything you ARE?
they don't really do anything without reading the other's vibe. like. it's not a HEALTHY relationship by any means but they WON'T cross some lines.
and if they do cross it it's likely because crimson or dust allowed it so because they felt playful or just feeling adventurous. they're BOTH STRONG. they can justake seperate choices.
they're both unstable individuals and crimson doesn't want to break his fragile mind even further.
also the fact that crimson can't actually feel any pain.
that also creeps dust out lmao.
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bigfatbreak · 7 months
Must be insane for Adrien to be living with a murderer and what is essentially a walking talking corpse lol
Sorry if you've already answered this but is the reason Adrian remembers everything because he's a creation of the miraculous?
If so does Felix remember everything? How is Felix in this au by the way?
Sentimonsters remember the last timeline for the most part~ and Felix is doing fine, doing his... best?
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Kagami is around too, she's just trapped by circumstance.
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finally at that age where i'm thinking i should get a tattoo. not bc i feel strongly about it, just seems like a waste not to. i've got so much skin i'm not using
#feels so selfish like. all this skin what am i saving it for?#open to design suggestions! (please make me regret this offer)#maybe some deep sea horrors. a pretty watercolor of a gulper eel#once saw a person on the subway with various Skeleton Tattoos on all their limbs#i respected their commitment to the theme#but more than that i respected how all the skeletons were engaged in Activities#dancing in a ballgown. juggling its own (and two other???) skulls. swordfighting. being a mermaid skeleton#ANYWAY. the only reason i haven't already gotten tattoos is i just couldn't be bothered#i'm old enough to know i don't have any strong-but-potentially-temporary feelings driving me towards it#aesthetically i prefer decorated to non-decorated surfaces. but i'm not artistic or thrilled with commitment#honestly it feels like sheer laziness. indecisiveness--nay. immaturity!--that i HAVEN'T gotten a tattoo yet#letting all this blank canvas go to waste. tut tut i need to grow up and be an adult and get a tattoo sleeve already.#really i've put off my responsibilities long enough#(in fairness i DID at one time have 18 different piercings)#(but i took most of them out bc they interfere with wearing headphones and/or shoving my face in my pillow during Sleep Time)#(i only kept the nape piercing bc oddly enough it ended up being the most convenient. and the least painful to get now i think about it.)#(neck piercing? no problem. normal pair of earrings? Tribulations And Suffering. i don't make the rules i just poke them with a stick.)
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the-meme-monarch · 9 months
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is this a ship that exists. (toy)cat and laptop. sorry
(original under the cut)
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kawareo · 7 months
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Durgetash fluff
I just really like them being domestic, to the point where they're trusting eachother with blades
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chronurgy · 8 months
Gortash designs and builds mechanisms so I imagine he has to be able to sketch fairly decently in order to sketch his projects and designs. And I'm imagining a pile of charcoal sketches of Durge, done over their entire acquaintance, starting out with sketches of them in battle and then slowly becoming more detailed and intimate and as they do, the titles changing from things like "The Bhaalspawn" and "Bhaal's Chosen at Their Bloody Work" to "The Chosen in Contemplation" and finally just Durge's name
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wiezumbeispiel · 11 months
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Saw that one silly meme and i knew what i had to do
The original (by @/CAFFSTRINK on twitter):
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lucabyte · 5 months
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Courtesy of @samhainian: The gang goes on hot ones
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mean to them
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anonymouscheeses · 3 months
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Old sketch I decided to give line art and color. Will definitely NOT finish this but if I do thennnn iunno congrats on me finally finishing an abandoned sketch 😭
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idkaguyorsomething · 7 months
Some of these might get along better than their pairings in canon. Others might be responsible for a nuclear reactor meltdown. ¡Pick a doctor/companion matchup that never happened in the show and explain your reasoning in the tags!
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mochinomnoms · 5 months
Bruh if Jade does manage to knock Yuu up with Irish twins after normal ones how done do you think Ace and Deuce will be. "Oh yeah sure we'll watch the kids this weekend for you!"
"I swear to the seven if you come back with any more."
Yuriiii, your brain is so big omgggg
First off, major kudos to Deuce and Ace if they have their lives together enough that Yuu and Jade trust them to babysit, lmao. Those boys are a train wreck, but we love them anyways!
They're happy for Yuu during their first pregnancy, all their friends are, and they're not surprised that they got twins on the first try. As Yuu's closest friends, Ace is a fun uncle and Deuce rather doting, and both become the twins' godparents shortly after their birth. Jade does ask that Ace please stop from making “The Godfather” jokes, they're not funny.
It's three weeks after the twins are born that Ace and Deuce come by to the shared cottage to watch the kiddos, while Jade takes Yuu out to a nice hot spring to relax and recuperate. At least, that was the original plan; but Jade suddenly remembered the little promise they made him before they first got pregnant, and the two have a little more fun at the springs for a few hours before returning home. But the two uncles are never the wiser and head off. So imagine their, and everyone else's surprise, when Yuu and Jade announce two weeks later that they're expecting. Again. Already.
Yuu deals with a few angry phone calls from their pseudo parents, Crewel and the school nurse, yelling at them about using protection. Crewel very specifically compared them both to rabbits, and begged that you don't let Jade touch you again for at least 3 months after this next birth. No one is surprised when you have another set of twins, just mildly concerned. Same as last time, Yuu gives birth to their twins (miraculously) with no major issues. The doctors do have them stay on bedrest for an extra week, just to keep an eye out for any complications. Jade's beaming with happiness, the now 10-month-old twins babbling happily over their new siblings.
Once Yuu and the twins are able to go home, Jade's parents asked for a quick visit with the new babies. Good uncles/godparents they are, Ace and Deuce babysit the older twins again.
As Yuu is leaving the house with Jade, each carrying one of the newborns, Ace is grabbing them by the arm and giving them a stern glare.
“Please, for the love of the Red Queen, do NOT get frisky with him. You do not, I repeat, do NOT need another set of twins for at least another year. I cannot mentally handle babysitting two pairs of babies. The D cannot be that good, man.”
Yuu laughed as Ace whispered that last part to them, waving him off as they promised to not have any more surprises. Jade hears, of course. So is it a surprise when he very much uses his parents as an excuse to take them away and see if they can try for triplets this time.
(For Yuu's sake, and Crewel's mental sanity, let's hope that it doesn't take this time… or do! Maybe Yuu's into that, hehe~)
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When the bomb went off, do you think it almost looked like a sunset? Do you think Jaiden saw it and smiled?
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jooba · 4 months
cheater x reader p2
“I hate you.”
TW: MDNI, noncon, abusive relationship, kidnapping, cheating
wordcount: 2,381
Read the First Part.
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The new house was, admittedly, beautiful. It was a two-story cabin with large living spaces and a freaking hot tub. There were goofy inspirational signs in every room and a welcome mat with an adorable little dog on it. The house overlooked a giant hill littered with beautiful giant oaks and a vast landscape that seemed to flow for miles. If it wasn’t for your current situation, you would probably be in heaven. But it was hard to enjoy the peacefulness of the woods when Emery was always agitated at something. Hard to enjoy the warmth of the hot tub when Emery’s touch chilled you to the core. Hard to feel anything but fear and sorrow, really. 
You aren’t really sure where the house is located, but you know that it is definitely off-the-grid. Screaming for hours certainly didn’t bring any heroes to save you, and you hadn’t even seen any paved roads. Alone. Alone with Emery. Being kidnapped wasn’t turning out to be as fun as fiction made it out to be. Emery was controlling, abusive, and switched emotions at the drop of a hat. A complete switch from the sweet, passionate man you thought you loved only just a few weeks ago. 
The only alone time you got was either when he’d let you bathe unsupervised or when he’d lock you in a windowless room for hours. And even then, you felt riddled with anxiety. You just couldn’t escape him! You especially couldn't escape his damned touch. It seemed he felt it was his mission to be touching or using you at all times, almost in desperation. Disgusting. Every time your skin touched his skin made you want to rip the affected area off and rub yourself clean. How had it gotten this bad? How had you let such a monster into your life without seeing the signs?
“Oh god beav, you make me feel so good.” The monster whimpered as his slimy cock slid between your thighs, just barely nudging your clit with each thrust. His arms wrapped tightly around your waist, pulling your hips back to bump his. His favorite position: both of you on your sides, him behind you pulling one of your legs up to better accommodate his width. Used to be one of your favorites too. Now it just made you feel sick. 
At least this morning he didn't jump to splitting your pussy open without any prep. Your body seemed used to his touch and usually responded quickly and easily: it was a struggle not to react. But this morning, even as he rubbed your clit furiously and whispered promises in your ear, you didn't get wet. To his frustration, of course. So he decided instead to pleasure himself with your thighs. His thrusts are growing heavier and sloppier, and you began praying for him to finish quickly. Just let today’s hell finish quickly. 
He says something too low for you to understand, and then one of his hands snakes around your neck suddenly; too suddenly for you to react. You immediately cry out, hands flying up to claw against his forearm. One of his new quirks is to grab you by the neck harshly, and the bruise was there to prove it happened much too often.
“Emery, please!” You cry, struggling against his hold. It burns! He grunts in your ear, slamming particularly hard against you. 
“Fuck, I love seeing you like this. Yesss, wiggle against me like that~”
Another cry escapes you, but you stop struggling. Just try to hold on for a little bit longer. 
“Monster.” You whimper, hating the feel of your tears burning down your face. You hate letting him see you like this. And as he thrusts one last sloppy time, you close your eyes and think about your sister’s smiling face. He can never take the bright memory of your relationship with her away. And that's what gets you through most nights. 
The both of you are quiet as he turns you on your back and spreads your legs. You watch through half-closed eyes as he smiles at the sight of his hot cum splashed on your thighs and lower stomach. He huffs through his nose before bringing one hand down to lay flat on your stomach. He paints around your belly button with his cum, twirling and drawing designs that quickly dry into brittle droplets. You can’t contain the jerk of your body as his fingers suddenly poke at your clit. You clench your jaw as he gently swirls his fingers around the numb. 
“You’re wasting your time,” you promise with a whisper. He doesn’t stop to acknowledge your words except to rub you harder. He rapidly swirls your clit around his thumb, pinching you painfully. You grimace and jerk your hips back, but he’s quick to follow. The rubbing only gets rougher as your body refuses to cooperate with him. Your anxiety gets worse as you see the frustrated clench of his brow become prominent. 
“What’s wrong with you?” He growls after a particularly rough pinch.
“Ah- it hurts!” you groan before you can stop yourself. 
Emery flinches back, seeming surprised. You pull your legs up into yourself quickly, trying to avoid bawling in front of him. He watches as uncontrollable twitches take over your body, your face clenched painfully and avoiding his gaze. He sighs as he gets up, heading over to the bathroom attached to the master bedroom. This isn’t how he wanted to day to start. He wets a washcloth with warm, soapy water before heading back into the room where his love is. She is still curled on the bed, except she has pulled a blanket up over her. She flinches when he pulls the blanket back and stops breathing when he cleans her skin with the washcloth. It's when he lifts her legs to clean the back of her thighs that she speaks once more.
“I hate you.” Her voice is small and weak, but it hits Emery exactly where it hurts. He clears his throat, not responding to the statement as he pulls away from her. 
“Come on out in a bit, I’ll make some pancakes.” He tosses the washcloth into a corner somewhere and pulls on the smooth robe that his mother had bought for him as a Christmas present last year. Neither of the two say anything else to each other as Emery pads out of the room, both feeling exhausted. 
It’s been some time, and Emery has only let you go outside a handful of times. Of course, the first time he did you ran for your life but got caught and punished only an hour later. Your mind seizes as you think of it, so you’ve been “well-behaved” every other time he let you out. The landscape was truly idyllic and soothed your mind just a bit. The best part, undoubtedly, was the hot tub
The sun was just lowering over the horizon, sending rays of light over the treetops in the most spectacular fashion. The rippling bubbles of the hot tub relaxed your body and mind nearly perfectly, if only it weren't for the presence of one Emery Arning, lounging in a chair nearby sipping a beer. He was wearing swim trunks but hadn’t gotten into the tub to join you, thankfully. You faced against one side, arms propping your head up. You couldn’t actually see Emery at the angle but his energy was overwhelming. 
“Do you want anything to drink, beaver? I could make you some lemonade.” 
Ah, tonight he was eager to please. After last week’s fiasco, he has been even more clingy and eager to please. You refrain from responding, as you have been. You can tell it frustrates him that you’re giving him the silent treatment but something inside almost feels broken. 
“Your shoulders look tense, I can give you a back massage.” You force yourself to relax, slouching into your arms even more. His bottle clinks as he sets it down. 
“What about some music? I bet some classical would be nice right now.” 
And on and on he goes. You just wish he would get the message and leave you the fuck alone, but you know that won’t ever happen. You’re lucky he hasn’t exploded on you because of your behavior yet. 
“Beaver, do you remember that time we got invited to your friend's birthday party?” You can’t help but wonder where he's going with this one. 
“She had a hot tub, like this one, and we snuck out of the party to try it out.” 
You’re tensing once more, realizing exactly what day he is bringing up now. The two of you had slinked away, stripped to the nude, and sucked face in her hot tub without her ever knowing. It was an embarrassing memory, and it used to make you feel excited and flustered. A few moments pass as neither of you says anything. You straighten up and turn until you meet his eyes.
“I sucked your dick under the water, remember that? I nearly choked but it was fun, right?” A small smile lights his (stupid) handsome face. He seems extremely pleased you responded to him finally.
“We used to do a lot of crazy shit…” He sighs wistfully. You straighten up even more. 
“The friend who had the hot tub, that was the same one you cheated on me with right? I bet you fucked her good in that hot tub too.” Your words come out much more venomous than you intended, but you remain firm. His smile immediately drops and he opens his mouth, intending to respond. You don't let him. 
“I wonder, did you push her underwater to gag on your dick too? Bet it felt real good, huh baby? Got two bitches to plug up their mouths with your oh-so-heavenly cock?” You’re almost surprised at how vulgar you are, but it feels good to fucking finally let it out. He rises to his feet, hands raised in surrender. He looks panicked and the sight pleases you immensely. He steps towards you.
“Anything I did with her was nothing like what I did with you, I promise! I told you already, she doesn’t matter. She was just a replacement while you were gone!” 
You stand up and dodge his reach, splashing to the other side of the tub.
“Don’t touch me.” You breathe heavily, watching him for any more sudden movements. He looks ready to leap at you. God, you hate this. You hate this!
“She told me everything, Emery. Fucking everything.” You’re lying, but by crumple of his face, he doesn’t realize. 
You laugh fakely to hide the shaking of your legs and say, “None of that matters, but I just don’t understand why we’re parading around this house like newlyweds when you don’t love me. Why try to talk to me like you care and bring up old memories like any of it matters to you? What the fuck are you even getting out of this?” 
At every word, every new accusation, he sinks further and further into himself. He brings a hand up to his chest, clenching at his skin.
“None of.. None of that is true,” he sniffles. Pathetic. “You think I don’t love you?” His eyes meet yours, and in that moment he looks more broken than you’ve ever seen him. “Jesus, if I had known… Beaver, I love you more than anything else! You have to believe that.”
You’re reminded of the sniveling man who told you he wanted to wed you and have kids with you: the man who said all he wanted to do was protect you. And then you remember how he choked you until you fainted. And how he fucking kidnapped you. You’re not sure what you believe, but you know that while agitating him is satisfying, you are more than likely to get hurt. His eyes widen, watching as you slump to sit at the edge of the hot tub. After hours in the tub and a sudden heart-racing confrontation, the heat feels like too much. Your skin feels cold, clammy, and burning hot all at the same time. Dizziness causes you to sway.
“I hate you,” you say, refusing to not get one last cut in. 
As slow as a turtle, Emery lifts a leg into the hot tub, inching closer to you. You can only watch warily. 
“I love you,” he says and smiles weakly.
Finally, his hands rest on your shoulders, where he helps you out of the hot tub and into a chair. You feel weak, but you can’t stand the sad look on his face. You loll your head back and stare intently at the stars slowly appearing in the orange sky. You ignore him as he pats your body dry and brings a cup of water to your lips. All the while he coos at you and says things like, “Shhh, I’ll always take care of you.” and “That’s it, just relax.” 
His hand gently wraps around your chin, alarmingly close to your neck, but he coos away at your flinch. He brings your head down to meet his eyes and smiles soothingly at you. It’s easy enough to ignore the tear tracks on his face. His thumb brushes against your lower lip, and he lightly squeezes your cheeks until you're pouting. 
“That’s m’ girl,” he whispers. 
You’re tense as he leans in, his eyes closing. No. He hasn’t kissed you since-!
His lips are warm and smooth like you remember them. He was always a good kisser, and you can’t help the way you melt into him. He nudges his nose against yours, and the kiss becomes deeper and passionate. His other hand wraps around the back of your neck, but you don’t even notice. It’s only when his beard tickles you slightly that you pull away. He watches with a glazed expression as you gently touch your lips, smiling just slightly. The rush of happiness that flows through you feels good, but there's no way it’ll last. He lets you push him away but remains close as you try to process what just happened. And as the sun finally disappears into the horizon, you feel more lost than ever.
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marlinspirkhall · 5 months
Character poll, but, you can only vote for a character from a series you haven't watched, but your mutual always posts about:
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kaialone · 20 days
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I love how as soon as Slayer learned that Zato was alive, he immediately went and told Faust about it
Knowing full well there was a non-zero chance Faust would actually just murder him
He really was just like, not taking sides here, let them sort this out by themselves
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snekdood · 1 year
There are genuinely people online that instead of actually bringing people to the left, at this point, would prefer that anyone who was previously not on the left but who tries to be *stays* outside of the left, because i guess its just easier to comprehend when the world is put into little shitty boxes you labeled for them instead of actually thinking for once and having the nuance to understand them. Like thats wild to me that theres people who would prefer you not be on the left or not try to be. Yall GENUINELY do not care about advocating for your side politically in any capacity. Its LITERALLY just a clique you've found yourself in. And theres nothing progressive about that or being exclusive, wtf do you think this shit is, a night club? Grow the fuck up, honestly.
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