#most dust fanfics suck
liliallowed · 4 months
the urge to read a dust x reader fic is strong but like...
I get frustrated by the interpretations. it's like... they did dust so dirty man.
bro is NOT a friking... idunno. feral beast or an egotistical maniac that only uses others as tools like your avrage charismatic bad guy. he's a fucking depressed mess of a man scrambling for any sense of control. an asshole at best and a killer at worst but he won't care enough to ... uh... you know...uhm... erm...
look the guy does mercy killing. he doesn't drag things out. he would NOT FUCKING DO THAT.
no I'm not calling him a saint or saying he's above it. he would do it IN THE RIGHT CONTEXT and not just out on a whim.
like he's still horrible but it's a different flavor of evil. he's like a minty vanilla flavoured kinda bad guy that won't cross some lines such as [REDACTED].
like I'd expect that from fanon [REDACTED] sans but like COME ON.
he's not a fucking [REDACTED]
heck he wouldn't even bother doing that to crimson who he's WANTS TO KILL with all his being.
it's weird but like... crimson and dust... they're weirdly in sync? like they've been fighting toghter for so long they already have memorized each other's micro expressions body language fidgets lil perks... they're FAMILIAR with how the other ticks. and like...
after so long I don't THINK dust actually wants to BREAK crimson. if they leave he's going to just be alone with his voices...
crimson IS head over heels for the guy but they respect his boundaries. THEY'RE not just gonna go there and like idunno. KISS him out of nowhere. not without a build up or him being open to the idea.
it's HARD to even call it romance. they've been stuck toghter for so long that some personal boundaries sorta... washed away? like they're both used to invading each other's personal space as pranks. but not to the extent that it'd actually TRIGGER either of them.
like he doesn't really mind it. he's used to them flirting.
as for crimson...
they're up for anything he give a green light for and if not? they're ok with it. they don't really wanna put a name to this codependency. friends enemies soul mates lovers they're just words and labels.
they prefer companion or... murder buddy.
so like I FEEL like dust yk... wouldn't really uhm... you know JUMP on the opportunity to link his soul to them to kill them both at once? even for the sake of resets.
specially cuz souls don't just... work like that. you can't FORCE a soul link in most fanfic interpretations...
unless that's not the case then that's just my thornbound souls au which it's LITERALLY a forced bond formed from spite...
that aside sometimes they kiss mid fight either to gain the upper hand and stab the other person... or not and just yk. make out n shit. it's not even really a commitment or a sign of trust or anything.
it's like... they know each other so we'll that the mental barriers. the shame. the stuff you have when you're with someone who doesn't know you and everything you ARE?
they don't really do anything without reading the other's vibe. like. it's not a HEALTHY relationship by any means but they WON'T cross some lines.
and if they do cross it it's likely because crimson or dust allowed it so because they felt playful or just feeling adventurous. they're BOTH STRONG. they can justake seperate choices.
they're both unstable individuals and crimson doesn't want to break his fragile mind even further.
also the fact that crimson can't actually feel any pain.
that also creeps dust out lmao.
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luminousjellyfishy · 1 month
Hey look I'm capable of writing?? Woah???
It's a oneshot, so it's not too much, but I'm still proud that I wrote something.
Haunting Lullabies
Characters (all Sanses from UTAU/MV): Nightmare, Killer, Dust, Horror, Cross
Word count: 3609
Trigger warnings: Swearing and harsh teasing (it's pretty much bullying)
Summary: Nightmare tasks the gang with watching a child for a day while he's out, thinking things will go smoothly. To his dismay, they don't.
The Bad Sanses were sitting in the living room, Nightmare on his chair, Killer and Dust sharing the larger couch, and Horror and Cross sharing the loveseat. Error had been absent for the majority of the day, either off destroying or hiding away in the Anti-Void. The five present members were each doing their respective hobbies in relative silence, enjoying the calm evening after a long, tiresome day of causing havoc throughout the AUs.
Nightmare took a rather large sip of his coffee, then said abruptly, “I feel that I should let you know ahead of time that Error and I will be gone all day tomorrow, and in our absence the four of you will be looking after a child. I owe a friend of mine a favour and it seems that… babysitting, is the task they’ve chosen.”
This sudden comment drew the attention of everyone in the room, actually resulting in a true, pure silence. Panicked eyelights were darting around the room between one another and Nightmare, desperately hoping that they had misheard.
“What…? Boss, what do you even mean? A kid?” Killer started suddenly, confusion all over his features.
“Please tell me it’s not a human.” Dust added, his eyesockets wider than his usual apathetic appearance allowed.
A small chuckle from Nightmare, “No, he isn’t a human. He’s a skeleton monster like yourselves. However, he is quite fragile, so please do be careful with him. I can imagine that you’re all wondering why I don’t watch him, as I’m the one who owes the favour, and the answer is quite simple: I don’t want to.”
Cross stared agape at the smirk on Nightmare’s face, apparently not understanding how one could just not follow through on a debt just because they “didn’t want to”.
“Is something the matter, you two? You seem awfully quiet and I thought you’d have more to say on the matter.” Nightmare asked Cross and Horror in a low voice, however completely unthreatening.
“Well, I don’t really know much about takin’ care of a kid… the best I got is Aliza.” Horror said slowly, evidently still processing the situation. Cross quickly nodded in agreement, still silent.
“I mean, you’ve had Chara living in your skull for a while now, so you’ve still got a step up above the rest of us. I mean, I guess that I worked with Chara for a while, but they were a maniac, so I don’t think they really count…” Killer said to Cross; however, quickly trailing off in uncertainty.
“I killed my human.” Dust added softly.
“What’s that gotta do with it?” Horror asked, now looking at Dust.
“I don’t wanna accidentally kill the kid we’re supposed to watch.” He answered.
“Trust me, that won’t happen.” Nightmare replied, doing little to alleviate his concerns.
Silence followed briefly before Cross said, “So how old is he? Is there anything specific we should know? Is his magic stable? You said that he’s fragile, so will we need to dedicate certain times to healing? We need so much information to make sure we don’t kill him!”
Nightmare seemed to ponder the questions for a small moment before replying with a smile, “He’s a few months past 6 years old, however he looks, acts, and thinks much older. He doesn’t have much usable magic, so you won’t have to worry about that. While he is fragile, there is nothing you can do to help, so no amount of healing will do anything. Just keep him comfortable and entertained and you’ll all be fine.”
“You really seem like you’re purposefully not telling us shit about him.” Killer commented, shaking his head in disbelief.
“That’s fully intentional, but please, do not worry too much. You’ll be fine. When you all wake tomorrow, I’ll be gone and won’t be back until late at night. He will most likely be here before you wake, so please try not to sleep in too much.” Nightmare replied with a soft smile and laugh at the end.
A pained groan quickly erupted from both Killer and Dust at the knowledge that they won’t be able to sleep in.
Nightmare laughed again, shook his head, and refocused his attention back onto his book.
The child had been roaming the halls of the mansion for quite some time now, admittedly getting rather bored. He had pondered causing chaos multiple times since Nightmare left, but has decided against it every time… well. Every time but this one it seems.
He ran to the laundry area, in the hopes to find some buckets. After a short amount of time spent rummaging around, he finally found a few beside a washing machine. A silly, evil giggle erupted before quickly being silenced, even though he was two floors beneath anyone and he knew that no one had woken up yet.
He ran as fast as he could to the bedroom wing on the second floor, holding several buckets. After reaching the wing, he quickly made his way to Error’s room, hoping desperately that there was leftover string or yarn from the many dolls and scarfs that were so often being made. To his excitement, he found a rather large amount of lime green yarn that would work perfectly.
He set to work, filling four buckets with water and attaching fairly intricate pulley systems to each, rigging them all to dump at their perfect moments.
Now to wait…
He sat down quietly against a wall across from the bedroom doors and began to sleep. Or at least what appeared to be sleeping from an outside perspective. He had actually just entered a semi-unconscious daydreaming state that could easily be disrupted.
Time quickly passed with the child sitting on the floor.
Suddenly, a tired groan from one of the rooms awoke the child from his trance. He quickly stood up, waiting for whoever it was to leave their room. Some shuffling could be heard from what the child knew to be Killer’s room and they could barely contain their giggle when they heard him approach the door to come into the hallway.
The doorknob turned and the system was set into motion.
Killer opened the door and walked out, surprised to see the child waiting there, but raised his hand to say hi.
Out of nowhere, a bucket of water dumped onto his head, drenching him completely and resulting in a loud, startled yell of utter confusion.
The child burst into fits of laughter, unable to contain it any longer.
All the sudden commotion woke the other sleeping skeletons and forced them out of their rooms to see what the problem was. As soon as their doors opened and they walked out, buckets dumped cold water onto their heads.
Everyone was completely confused and staring at the child with reactions that varied from amusement to pissed off. The child in question was currently on the floor dying of laughter because apparently he found their suffering and misery to be hilarious.
“Ok… what the fuck? Huh??” Was all that could be said from Killer, still staring at the skeleton child on the floor.
Dust didn’t even bother saying anything about the situation, he just shook his head and turned back into his room to change.
There was a moment of stunned silence before Horror slowly approached the child, asking quietly, “I take it you’re the kid Nightmare wants us to watch?”
The child took a second to calm down, but then looked up at the large skeleton ahead of him and quieted down slightly, however still letting out copious amounts of giggles.
“Yeah, that’s me. My name’s Lullaby. You’re Horror right?” another burst of giggles, “Sorry about the water, I just got super bored because you were all sleeping and I didn’t know what to do.” The child, now Lullaby, answered through more laughter and wide smiles.
Cross looked around the hallway, noticing the very complicated design of the yarn attached to all four of their rooms, then back to Lullaby, very confused as to how a 6 year old managed to accomplish this, and wondering how long they had been here.
“You set all of this up?? How long have you been here?” Cross asked incredulously before Horror could think of a response.
Lullaby smiled innocently before saying, “I’ve been here for about 2 or 3 hours? Setting this up only took about 15 minutes, though.”
“Ok hold up, I need to wrap my head around. You’re telling me, this 6 year old brat that Boss is forcing us to watch set this all up in 15 minutes? I don’t buy it.” Killer said in a dark tone of voice, very tempted to summon some of his knives and get rid of this nuisance.
“Killer, calm down. It’s just water and not that big of a deal.” Horror grumbled in his raspy voice, watching carefully to make sure he didn’t try anything.
Killer just scoffed and turned back into his room, clearly annoyed.
“Don’t worry too much about him, he just gets… grumpy. Especially this early in the morning. Well, it’s early for him anyways.” Cross chimed in. He was still soaked in water, but was very clearly amused.
Dust finally came back out of his room, dressed in clothes perfect for lounging around the house all day. He approached Lullaby and kneeled down so they were on the same level.
“Good job, kid, I’m impressed. Not just anyone can piss off Killer so fast.” He said with a wide smirk on his face and held his hand up for a high five. Lullaby gave him one with a smile stretched wide.
“I know, I know. I should be a professional shit disturber, right?” Lullaby asked, his smile still going strong.
Cross and Horror broke out into small fits of laughter, clearly not having expected that, whereas Dust just raised his ‘eyebrows’ in surprise.
“You totally should, that sounds like a great occupation.” Cross replied, trying to steady himself. 
Horror nodded in agreement, then said, “I say we reward the newfound shit disturber with some nice cream.”
“Can I have some?” Killer called out from his room, still not opening the door.
Dust scoffed, “If you agree to play nice and not kill the kid then maybe we’ll consider giving you some.”
Silence followed for a few long seconds, when finally the door creaked open and out came Killer.
“Fine. I won’t kill him, BUT I will get my revenge.” He said maliciously, eyesockets narrowed at Lullaby.
“Oh noooooo, I’m so scared.” He muttered to himself; however, Killer unfortunately heard.
“I’m trying to be nice, and this is the reaction I get? Nah, I’m going all out. You’re going to regret coming here, kid.”
“We’ll see.”
As the day passed by ever so slowly, Killer stayed true to his word. He had his fun torturing Lullaby, by first stealing his nice cream, then scaring him multiple times throughout the day, then taking away anything that he had been enjoying, and many more things that progressively got worse. He would taunt him and insult him, commenting on his broken and damaged bones, calling him names, teleporting him to parts of the mansion furthest away from anyone else, making fun of his purple clothing, and just overall making this day very unpleasant for him. The others tried intervening when they could, but there was only so much that they could do.
At one point, Lullaby seemed to have a mini panic attack that caused Killer to slightly falter, but not stop.
Cross, Dust, and Horror all talked to Killer, trying to get him to stop, but they were all met with a shrug and a comment similar to, “He knew what he was getting into. Besides, it's not even that bad, I’m just teasing him. It’ll help toughen the kid up!”
Eventually, Lullaby started avoiding him, if he saw Killer come near, he’d leave immediately.
Around 8pm, Dust caught Lullaby hiding in a broom closet with his eyes shut tight and muttering something, seemingly talking to someone. He stepped inside and closed the door behind him, making enough noise so his presence was obvious. Lullaby looked up at him, startled as he sat down.
“Are you alright, kid? … No, that’s a stupid question. Killer’s been a complete jerk to you and it’s not fair or right. He’s not used to talking to people outside of our group unless he’s killing ‘em, so he might think that this is ok behaviour. I mean, fuck he’s always doing it to me. Well, not to this extent, but still…” Dust whispered to him, not wanting to draw outside attention. Lullaby’s shoulders sank and he hugged his knees tightly.
“I just thought it would be funny… I figured he of all people would agree. Do you think he hates me…?” He asked reluctantly. Dust’s head snapped towards him, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape.
“No, kid. Not at all. He’s just a massive hypocrite who can dish it out but can’t take it. Stars, it’s nothing against you.” He shook his head and pulled Lullaby closer to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. He felt him tense up at the contact and quickly let go.
Lullaby looked away with a sad expression on his face and nodded, standing up to leave. Dust followed suit, opening the door and walking out.
The two walked the halls towards the kitchen, hoping to meet Horror there, but being intercepted by Killer. Lullaby hid behind Dust, grabbing onto his sweatshirt and careful not to touch his scarf.
“Awww, is the little baby hiding behind Dusty? C’mon kid, I thought you were better than that. Aren’t you the one who said ‘we’ll see’ when I told you that you were gonna regret coming? You think that was a little cocky of you? Maybe you regret your stupid your stupid water prank?” Killer taunted, his voice chock-full of spite.
Dust glared at him, “Seriously? He’s 6, Killer. He dunked you with water, because it’s funny. I thought you of all people could take a joke. You’re way out of line. How the hell do you think Boss is gonna react when he finds out how you’ve been acting? We were charged with watching the kid and making sure that he’s ‘comfortable and entertained’, neither of which you’ve been doin-”
“Aw come on! I’ve totally been entertaining!”
“Leave him alone. If I find out that you’ve continued antagonizing him, there’ll be hell to pay.”
A quick, unreadable look from Killer, and he was gone.
Dust turned to take Lullaby’s hand so they could keep walking, but quickly saw that he was crying. He kneeled down and used the sleeve of his shirt to wipe away the violet tears that looked much more oily than a regular skeleton’s tears would. After wiping them away, they seemed to stain his bones a much darker colour than the tears were. It was almost black and caused Dust to do a double take.
“Kid? Why a-”
“He’s just like them.”
Dust sat in silence, his ‘eyebrows’ scrunched in confusion.
“Whatever, it doesn’t matter. I don’t care. I’m staying.” He muttered to himself, but Dust could tell that he seemed to be telling someone else that he was staying. Someone that wasn’t himself or Dust.
The two of them stood up, and resumed their walk to the kitchen.
They walked in silence, eventually getting back to a sight that they didn’t expect.
Killer was sitting at the dinner table, his head in his arms and Cross beside him with a resigned look on his face.
Dust could feel Lullaby tense up, but neither said anything.
Killer looked up and his teasing stature seemed to crumble.
There was silence for a moment before he began, “Listen, kid. I’m sorry. I’m sure they’ve told you that I ‘struggle with emotions’ or whatever crap excuses they tried to give you to cover up for me. I dish out my pranks and comments to everyone, but I don’t know why I’ve been especially mean- no, cruel. To you. I guess I was taken aback that you got me first, so I tried making up for it like this. So I’m sorry.”
Lullaby said nothing, but Dust felt his grip loosen.
“I get if you don’t wanna talk to me or anything, but I just wanted to tell you that I really am sorry.” Killer muttered resignedly as he got up from the table and began to walk towards the door.
When Killer passed by Lullaby and Dust, Lullaby quickly grabbed onto him, pulling him tightly into a hug.
Killer stared down at him in shock, then slowly hugged him back.
“It was nice to hear you say that, but I can’t make myself believe it.” Lullaby said, dropping his arms and pulling back so tears could be seen to form in his broken eye sockets, “I don’t want to do this anymore. It’s too cruel. You’re great people and it was nice to meet you, but I really wish we could have started off better. Maybe I’ll bring myself to speak to you again later.”
Everyone’s faces shifted from confusion to shock when Lullaby’s body began leaking a dark substance from its crevices and orifices, especially his right eyesocket.
Slowly, Lullaby was completely engulfed in the goo, all of his injuries hidden and the hole where his right eye should have been was covered. Finally, his eyelight changed to a cyan slit and his demeanour changed from being a scared child, to that of a very pissed off King.
Nightmare glared at Killer, his tentacles lashing around violently, displaying his anger.
“You have no idea how much shit you’re in, Killer. It never occurred to you that maybe you should stop when you triggered him into having a panic attack? You never stopped to wonder why he did so? Why he hid?” He hissed, his tentacles sharp and pointed at Killer.
“I didn’t stop to think. I was upset that he got me fir-”
“I heard your whole speech earlier, don’t waste my time by repeating yourself.”
There was silence as Killer looked to his feet.
“Can’t explain yourself? Fine, then don’t. I don’t care to hear it anyways. As for my explanation, Lullaby is the name my past self goes by, as the name ‘Nightmare’ contains far too many negative connotations and memories. He follows me as a ghost that I can see and communicate with. I’ve been watching you all day, and honestly Killer, I’m very disappointed. You practically reenacted the worst years of his life. Of course, your ‘apology’ helps your case; however, I’m still quite upset.” Nightmare scolded, still glaring at Killer.
“He wanted to meet all of you, so we agreed that today would be a good day to do so, as Error would be out and we had no plans. I want to thank the three of you,” he looked to Dust, Horror, and Cross, “for assisting and comforting him. I appreci-”
“I’m so sorry.”
Nightmare looked back to Killer, only to see far less Hate leaking from his eyes, however being replaced by his red tears.
“I didn’t know. I thought that we were just having some fun, but I guess towards the end, I was just being mean on purpose because I wanted to feel powerful. Ha… feel powerful over a fucking 6 year old. Man, I really am the worst…” Killer sobbed, trailing off at the end.
Nightmare’s tentacles calmed and rounded slightly at the tips. He was at a loss for words. It was a very rare occurrence to see Killer cry, but when he did, it was genuine.
Everyone was quiet, broken only by Killer’s weeping.
Nightmare sighed, then pulled Killer towards him with his tentacles, gently embracing him. The other three respectfully kept their distance.
“Lullaby said it’s ok. He doesn’t blame you and you shouldn’t blame yourself. We both knew what he was getting into by taking control; however, I cannot let this go unpunished.” Nightmare murmured, gently rubbing his back with a tentacle. He felt Killer tense up slightly and he could feel his dread radiating. 
“It’s nothing cruel or torturous, I assure you. However, you won’t like it.”
He could feel the others’ apprehension as he continued to console Killer.
“You’ll be taking care of everyone’s chores, you’ll be assisting Horror with dinners, and you’ll be going to bed at 9pm, all for a month from today.” He asserted, instantly feeling his disappointment, but also understanding. Dust cheered when Nightmare said Killer will be doing their chores, Horror groaned when he said that he’ll be helping in the kitchen, and Cross laughed at the fact that he’ll have a bedtime.
Killer pulled away, wiped his face with his sleeve, and nodded.
“You said, Lullaby followed you as a ghost, and that you heard me talking earlier, so does that mean he can hear me now?” Killer asked slowly. To this, Nightmare with a quiet sound of confirmation. “In that case, I’m sorry, kid. I really am.”
Nightmare’s eyelight flickered into Lullaby’s purple one, but he didn’t uncorrupt, instead he said in his lighter voice and with a smile, “It’s ok. I really don’t blame you. Personally, I would have revoked your nice cream privileges, but this will do.”
His eyelight flickered back to cyan and his smile changed to a smirk, “I actually think that’s a great idea. Fuck you, no nice cream for a week.”
Killer fell to his knees dramatically, seemingly mostly back to his old self, and yelled out numerous profanities.
Everyone laughed at the sight, Lullaby included.
So, this follows my headcanon that Nightmare is made up of three consciousnesses: the original passive Nightmare (he goes by Lullaby now), the Corruption (literal negativity - goes by C), and Nightmare (he's a combination of the other 2 - primarily has control of their body). Lullaby can take control whenever he wants since he's the original (the other 2 can't take it from him), and C can take from Nightmare, but Nightmare can't take from C. For about 2 centuries after the Apple Incident, C (he went by Nightmare to keep up appearances) had complete control over their body because Lullaby didn't want to interact with reality at all (at this point, he wasn't even following as a ghost, he was just gone). After those ~2 centuries, the combination between them formed and others would notice that Nightmare had significantly calmed down, signifying the formation of the current and most well-known Nightmare.
This is inspired by a YouTube video by AButterfly (www.youtube.com/watch?v=10iGbkHDafA) and I seriously suggest you watch it! Not even just for context, but because it's cool.
Thanks for reading! :D
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whumpsday · 5 months
3 whumpy anime to check out this spring!
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Go Go Loser Ranger is a heroes vs. villains anime where the villains are the good guys and the heroes are downright evil. Having wiped out all the powerful monsters more than a decade ago, the heroes keep the weakest monsters captive, to parade around and torment on a weekly basis while the public believes otherwise. Because they're immortal when hit with most weapons, they'll always reform to be hurt over and over again, despite feeling all the pain.
Footsoldier D is one of those weak monsters, an immortal shapeshifter made of dust, called a "duster". After escaping the heroes' arena, he forms a plan to kill the heroes and steal the few weapons they have that can permanently kill dusters, freeing the rest of his kind. Given that he has the constitution of a porcelain doll, he can't use strength to fight: he has to rely on wits, stealth, shapeshifting (despite knowing very little about humans or the outside world), and a shaky alliance with a double-agent ranger who seems to be taking advantage of him for her own gain.
Whump tags: villain whumpee, hero whumper, immortal whumpee
Watch it on Hulu, Disney+, or any unofficial anime site.
And if you don't have time to check out a whole anime, the Go Go Loser Ranger opening theme video is also really good, with fantastic visuals symbolizing D's struggles!
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An Archdemon's Dilemma is a romantic comedy stuffed to the brim with popular whump tropes. Zagan is a demonic sorcerer who attends an auction for the possessions of another recently-killed sorcerer, when he sees that one of those "possessions" is an elf slave, Nephelia. Having had a destitute, harsh past himself, he feels a rush of sympathy and buys her way out, vowing to ensure her safety. However, Nephelia is terrified, believing she's about to be used as a sacrifice in a dark magic ritual. And unfortunately for both of them, Zagan is a socially awkward loser who sucks at communicating.
It's surreal seeing something that looks like it could be a caretaker-new-master whump fic as an actual, fully-realized anime. It definitely doesn't take itself too seriously despite the premise, leaning heavily on the "comedy" part of romantic comedy, and is mostly just a silly time with lots of whump-adjacent stuff thrown in. Fanfic-y to the point of "there's only one bed" being an actual line.
Whump tags: fantasy slavery (very pet-whump-esque in its tropes), caretaker new master
Watch it on Crunchyroll or any unofficial anime site.
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The Grimm Variations is an anthology of horror retellings of several Brothers Grimm fairy tales. With each episode being written and directed by different people, it varies wildly in quality, with episodes ranging from laughably bad to incredibly good, but I'm here to talk about episode 2: Little Red Riding Hood.
The Little Red Riding Hood takes place in a dystopian future where the upper and middle class use virtual reality technology to augment their reality. One man, Grey, is tired of this and craves the real: specifically, the feeling of real blood spraying him as he murders countless women, his wealth and connections protecting him from consequences. But when this serial killer makes the mistake of targeting a woman called Scarlet, he finds himself on the other side of the knife. This episode is a complete and utter gorefest with multiple onscreen torture scenes.
This isn't even my favorite episode of the series, it's like my 3rd favorite. But episode 2 is the one with the gruesome torture scene, so it's the one that goes in this post.
Little Red Riding Hood whump tags: whumper-turned-whumpee, torture, gore
Little Red Riding Hood warnings: sexual assault, eye gore, fingernail gore, violence against women, major character death
Watch it on Netflix or any unofficial anime site. Orrrr if you just wanna watch the big torture scene without any of the context, it's on Youtube.
that's all I have for now :)
(P.S: Dungeon Meshi, while not really whumpy as a whole, is also currently airing and very very good and I might write whump fanfic for it at some point in the near future. Netflix or any unofficial anime site.)
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meowzfordayz · 1 year
to save you is to save the world
Author’s Note: proud of myself for writing this. Not my most polished fanfic, but still a gentle slip into Sanemi’s characterization and tenderness (~sort of). 🤍
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to save you is to save the world
Shinazugawa Sanemi x Reader
Word Count: ~900
CW: death content, explicit language
Emergency Request: i request for a realistic sanemi comfort interaction with a reader whose around the same age as him, (hes 21 i believe) started late, joining into the slayer corps but proven to be as hard working and having a knack for combat, honing her skills, body etc, (which was effective most of the time, earning her up to tsuguko rank like kanae) but in this particular night, she just couldnt be 100%, let alone 30% or lower, she was at her worse today (hah like me) — giving up wasn't her thing, but yeah... 🥹 everything feels heavy, breathing techniques seem more harder, nerves shaky from lack of sleep and food intake just—yeah (shit is happening to me too rn) i love sanemi and his hardened shell with a soft budding flower inside, its so comforting (or am i just traumatized cough)
“You aren’t taking care of yourself.”
You shrug at Sanemi’s blunt statement, knuckles tremoring as you regrip your katana, beads of sweat threatening to fall from your brow as you inhale slowly. Moonlight glimmers lazily through his white hair, the tucked away clearing as familiar as it is difficult to locate, an ideal place for sparring bordered by tall, tall pines and the layers of many winters past. 
“If you were a demon, then you’d be dead.”
You shrug again, dust stirring as you lunge toward him, a low growl vibrating in your throat when he easily stepsides you, the dreary weight of the bottom of his pommel smacking you square in the back. He snorts while you swallow a dry cough, lavender eyes following your hasty retreat as you rethink your position.
“Seriously, you’re stupid for continuing to fight me.”
“We aren’t fighting,” you mutter, upper lip curling, “I’m fine.”
With a devastatingly simple maneuver, Sanemi’s blade suddenly rests shiny and sharp against the curve of your collarbone, his expression grim as he says plainly, “Wrong.”
You blink, unable to breathe, his warm scent of freshly ground matcha powder softening the starkness of his violence.
“We are fighting,” he insists, withdrawing in a heartbeat, “Training this, training that, this is real,” giving you a withering look, “And you should be dead.”
“Well I’m not,” you deadpan.
And thank fuck for that Sanemi nearly exclaims, jaw clenching at the weariness in your gaze, the memory of your sluggish movements. He knows your chances of beating him are essentially zero, but you usually hold your own at least fractionally better — you usually bite harder than he does, adequately compensating for your lack of skill with your passable company. But currently?
“No thanks to your effort,” he scoffs, gesturing to your katana, limp in your hand, “You’re wasting my time.”
“I’m tired,” you mumble, fingers numb as you flex them around your handle, “Don’t you ever get tired?”
He can tell by your intonation that he wasn’t really meant to hear your final utterance, but he is a Hashira, and you are a mere five feet—give or take—away from him. You should’ve kept that question to yourself.
“I’m tired when I’m awake, I’m exhausted when I’m asleep. I can’t remember feeling alive. But I am. And as sorry as I feel for myself, there are more pressing matters than being tired.”
You flinch, the uptick in his volume and intensity flaring, your eyes closing as a swell of shame fills your lungs. Of course Shinazugawa-san gets tired. How silly of me to-
“Enough?” you sputter, shame crinkling into indignation as you suck in a tight breath, “We’ve been fighting for less than an hour!”
“And you’re already bringing up tired,” Sanemi interrupts coolly, sheathing his katana, harsh chuckle hurting your ears as he nonchalantly dodges your lame attempt to charge at him once more, “Like I said, you aren’t taking care of yourself.”
“You don’t know me,” you retort, knees aching as you pivot to face him, “I’m tired, not unconscious.”
“Do you want me to knock you out?” he drawls amusedly, “Because it would take precisely no energy on my part to do so.”
“Don’t be ridiculous!” you huff, impatience bubbling over, “Why would I want a concussion?”
“So you can get a good night’s rest?” he smirks.
“I’m leaving,” you declare, your katana returning to its scabbard, tongue dripping with sarcasm, “Thanks for sharing your keen observations with me.”
“Before you go, let me share another,” Sanemi’s voice darkens, his intoxicating aroma of green tea, discipline, and coldness stifling the air surrounding you as he circles you, “You aren’t taking care of yourself, and you will die. If you’re tired, then rest. If you’re exhausted, then rest some more. And don’t let me find out that you died due to carelessness or fatigue.”
“We die every day,” your eyes roll, uninspired by his scathing “pep” talk.
“And you’re okay with that?” he challenges, “You’re okay with dying?”
“If it means you’re nicer to me-”
“Shit like that should never come out of your mouth,” he snarls, firm palms hot and crushing as he grasps your shoulders, “If you want me to be nicer to you, then just fucking ask. Don’t fucking die. So fucking dramatic.”
“And you had to shake me to get your point across?” you remark carefully, pulse erratic as delicate flecks of deeper violet in his irises reveal themselves to you, “Shinazugawa-san…”
Sanemi doesn’t have the decency to look embarrassed, pressing himself into you for a fleeting moment, the sensation of his embrace almost false, gone even as it registers. You swallow thickly, head empty, pinpricks of doubt and heat and fear stabbing at your chest.
“I don’t want to see you until you’ve eaten, bathed, and slept through an entire day. In fact, you won’t see me until you ask.”
“Ask what?” you say dumbly, still reeling.
“Until you ask me to take care of you,” he scowls, “And no, beating you up doesn’t count.”
Watching your eyebrows furrow, Sanemi sighs, teeth gritting as he tacks on roughly.
“I notice everything, everyone.”
You glance away, sparing him from further explanation, the slight itch of dust on your skin signaling his departure.
If only I could save it all too.
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What he thinks vs what she knows (Drabble)
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Word count: 2k-ish
Warnings: self image, insecurities, internalize racism, self esteem issues, sappy lovers, teenagers being teenagers
(A/N: Had this saved up in my drafts, figured I post it since I’m still editing and getting ready for more Chispo and bruja content. Y’all are surviving a drought so I figured you’d like to get scraps 😭 you can see this as chipso y bruja canon? Uncanny? Maybe another au who knows? 🤔 I know I’m literally the author of this fanfic Anyways Thinking abt making a tag list for when I post so lemme know if you want to be tagged. Til the come get ya scraps! This one an agnsty one)
Leo thinks he’s ugly.
He thinks it has to do with his frame. It’s too scrawny and weak. Not enough muscle, like the rest of his siblings who buff up endlessly. Or the Ares kids who have chiseled abs.  He doesn’t even have the height to gain such strength. Or the right body fat percentage.
Maybe he’s ugly because he doesn’t have wavy hair like a Greek should. He has tight curls that seem to go everywhere, never in one place. Messy and kinky in all directions. No one ever seems to notice when it’s comb and neat. 
His skin can be the reason why he’s ugly. It’s not perfectly pure white. And it’s not just the right olive tan. He’s dark that awful awful color— Moreno feo! His aunt would hiss at him. As if she wasn’t the same color. 
Or could it be his scars? They’re littered onto his body jagged and spread over his arms and hands. Not to mention the disfigured tissue from the left of his face and downwards, all red-brown burns spread over him.
If none of those things prove that he’s ugly, then maybe his face will. 
He doesn’t have a strong chiseled jaw, even with puberty it’s still soft with some baby fat. Except for his way too pointed chin. The smile he paints on, definitely crooked and awkward; not perfectly straight shining teeth.
Lips are usually chapped because he kind of sucks at self-care. Proof by all his acne scars over his cheeks. Besides his weird moles. And who can forget the weak peach fuzz placed on his upper lip. Upwards his small, wide, and awkwardly squished nose.
Above that is not sky blue or green or any other unique  color— but his dirt-ugly brown eyes, baggy from his lack of sleep some days, and way too thick eyebrows. 
The worst part of it all, is his pointy ears. They stuck out enough to notice. The first thing people would see. They were stupidly pointy. And ultimately be what Leo was most known for:
Fuckin hobbit 
Mexican Spock he didn’t even like Star-trek!
The list just goes on. 
All these things make Leo thinks he’s ugly. Bullies and ex-infatuations have been sure to let him know it. 
So to himself — Leo’s ugly.
Breisa loves Leo. She loves how he makes her feel. And how he cares. Or how he shows his love. She loves the warmth he brings. The dizziness she feels when she’s with him. He never fails to make laugh. Or her feel any less important, more than just his girlfriend. His compliment. Not his missing piece.
But one thing that irks her, is how he can’t see himself in the same light as she sees him. He doesn’t love himself the way he loves her. It hurts to see that. 
Breisa wanted him to be able to have the self confidence in himself. He’s so smart, sweet, funny, strong, handsome, and caring but in his charming way. Despite how awkward or weird he could be which she had to admit was also cute he was charming in his own little way.
 Hopefully her plan was the best way to show him. 
“Come on!” Breisa smiles and dragged Leo from behind, “Ya llegamos!”
“Alright alright—stump!” Leo tripped and face planted into the dirt. “Ow.” His voice went small.
“Oh my bad.” She winced, helping him up. Dusting off his clothes from the dirt. “Didn’t mean to get so excited.”
He spit grass out his mouth, “No worries, cariño.”
 He wipes off the dirt with a bandanna from his back pocket. 
“It’s not like that I can get any less dirt-ugly” Leo laughed.
Breisa frowned at that. “Let's just keep going.” 
Then she pushed through an overgrown bush, leaving him confused. 
‘She always laughs at my jokes…’ Leo thought to himself; anxiously fiddling with his silver ring he made out of metal scraps and pennant washers. 
“Leo, apurate!” Breisa called. 
He shaked his head and breathed in, ‘Worryin’, over nothing. No seas pendejo.’
Trudging forward he pushes through the leaves, trying not to get smacked by branches and vines. 
As he stumbles out— almost face plants again when Breisa caught his arm. 
“Careful.” She smiled down at him. 
“Ya sabe.” Leo rolled his eyes playfully. “Why are we here?”
All she does is point with her lips— forwards. 
As Leo glanced over, his eyes caught where the rocks met a grassy field. Overlooking the underside of a hill.
A fuzzy rose-patterned blanket laid out, a picnic basket holding it in place. Next to the basket was a sketchbook, pencils, and a little radio. And the view of Camp-Half-blood spread out below them. From the Strawberry fields to lava rock climbing wall.
“Woah.” He breathed. “Did you—?”
“Yup.” Breisa grinned. 
“Picnic date—?” 
“Uh-huh.” She answered. 
“For me—?”
“Yes.” Breisa huffed jokingly. “Siéntate, lindo. No te preocupes por nada.” She plopped down and patted the spot next to her. 
“Bossy.” Leo sticks his tongue but laid back into the blanket. 
She mimicked his face. “Whatever. Since I’m so bossy, I guess all these tortas and Capri-suns should be for myself.”
He popped an eye open. “Tortas with ham, chips, and cheddar cheese? Topped off with tapatío?”
“My speciality.” She started digging from the picnic basket. “But guess you don’t want some. Cause I’m so bossy.”
“Espérate.” He sat up, “Sólo porque eres así— I don’t have to die of hunger.”
“Nah, pero soy mandona.” She munched on the sandwich. 
“Hey!” Leo jumped.“I want some!”
“No way!” Breisa pushed his face away. “I don’t want to annoy you. I’m mean and bossy so my food must be bad.”
“Awe come on, it's still editable!” He laughed. 
“Now you really ain’t getting nothing!” 
Leo sighed satisfied, laying back on the blanket.
“Guess my food was editable?” Breisa raised an eyebrow. 
“It was alright, I guess.” He shrugged. 
Breisa shook her head with disbelief. “Tell that to the four tortas, bowl of fresas, and endless capri-suns.”
“No te oyes. Sugar crash. So sleepy.” Leo closed his eyes. 
Breisa rolled her eyes. Flicked his forehead. Then pulled her sketchbook onto her lap. Without even thinking she began to sketch a picture of him. 
Pages and pages of Leo began to fill her sketchbook, it’s become a habit of her to have at least one drawing of him in each. Always having three hearts or a little flame next to each sketch. 
Before, she would have never admitted having these drawings of him. Only because it would inflate his gaintanic ego. Leo being Leo, he would have something annoying to say.
Now even  she knows that it was his way of saying— ‘I like you a lot. I just say stupid stuff because it’s easier to get your attention.’
 It doesn’t make him less annoying, even as her significant other.
“What are you drawing?” Leo suddenly appeared beside her.
After her surprise wore down. She traced her pencil idly and muttered, “You.”
Leo stared at her for a good long minute before bursting into laughter. 
“Why are you laughin’?” She flushed, feeling a little embarrassed. 
He calmed down and smiled. “It’s nothing— just..” He snorted again, looking at himself, “Why do I look like that?” 
“Like what?” Breisa asked.
“Like all majestic and shit.” He waved his hands. “I ain’t that good looking. Or you know a profound art subject.” Leo rubbed his neck awkwardly with half of a smile on his face. “I’m just me, heh you know?”
Breisa put her sketchbook down, inhaled deeply, anf faced him. “Eres tan pendejo.”
“Say what now?” He raised an eyebrow. 
“You. Are. Stupid.” She said slowly. “You aren’t just whatever Leo. I draw how I see it. You’re cute, handsome, and freakin pretty. That’s why you’re my favorite muse.” 
Leo’s face burned…And so did his hair. 
Breisa reached up, pinched a curl between her fingers. It fsss as the flame went out. 
Leo cleared his throat, and swatted at the rest of his hair. “No way I’m that good looking. I’m sure there are other better people to be your muse. You must be blinded by love.” 
“I’m not blinded by nothin’.” Breisa fussed. “You just can’t and refuse to see what I see.”
He looked at her like she was crazy. “See what? Fuck up half-melted ugly troll goblin thing—who shares no light to a girl like you?!”
She grabbed the sides of his face and made contact with his coffee brown eyes. Gods she melted when the sun made them glow. He automatically shut up any protest he had. 
Breisa brushed her thumb over his jaw, right at the scar.“I see a scrawny mofo with big beautiful brown eyes. A sideways smile that makes my heart flip. All wrapped up in that pretty face of his. Soft curls I can play with all day. Cute ears that get all red when I compliment him.
Hard working hands, that I can trace very dent and curve with my fingers. Strong arms that hold me in warm embrace. Just the right height so I don’t have to snap my neck up to look at.
Goofball pyromaniac but somehow suave n romantic. That knows everything about me, cares for me, and loves me. 
And even though he thinks he’s the scum of the earth. A monster burned with his scars in and out. Or  is undeserving of love because of some bullshit and stupid unworthy people from the past. They’re wrong. Cause to me, querido, you are the best person to ever walk into my life. And melt my heart.” 
Then Breisa planted her lips on him with tenderness, her hand on his chest, and moving another hand from his jaw to his curls.
Leo squeaked and brain short-circuited. Half of it was racing with thoughts while the other half went numb. ‘Do something idiot!’ His brain finally scolded. Arms wrapped around her waist and he sighed against her lips.
When she pulled away, his lips still tingled pleasantly. Just like every other kiss they shared.
Then she looked at him with so much love and admiration. He nearly cried. 
But he shook himself out of lovesickness and gave her a deadpan look. 
“Ok, you really gotta stop kissing me without warning.” Leo huffed, swatting his hair which was probably on fire. Again.
Breisa snickered at him. 
“En serio.” He empathized half-heartedly. “You realize how many times I’ve almost passed out? Or bursted into flames? I could’ve started a Forest fire.”
“Eh,” She shrugged, "It's worth it to see you get all flustered.” Then she squished his face, while cupping his jaw again. “I love this face. ¡Qué lindo! ¡Qué guapo! ¡Te adoro! ¡Te quiero, mi amorcito! Such a pretty boy, Mwah!”
She kissed all over his face dramatically. Extra affectionate on his scars. 
“Stop.” Leo rolled his eyes. Yet, his big dumb grin that showed off his cute gap gave him away. 
“Nah.” Breisa smiled just as stupid, “I am not done admiring. And I’m not done with my sketch.” 
“Hmn. Guess I gotta keep being your muse.” Leo hummed leaning onto her palm.  
“Guess you do.” She pecked him on the lips. “I’m going to make sure I get all of your beauty.”
“You know my face better than me.” Leo agreed and kissed her again…and again…and again.
After that he walked back to his cabin holding Breisa by the hand. Lipstick marks all over his face and the folded sketch in his pocket. Thinking maybe he wasn’t so ugly.
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THE NIGHT BELONGS TO YOU (bonus chapter)
Bonus chapter of my Blade x reader fanfic, stay tuned in for the rest soon. It's pretty wholesome overall (found family trope with stellaron hunters etc). This part contains mostly spice and massaging Blade's hands for him, reader knows Blade for a long time already and they have close relationship. I think Blade is slightly OOC here.
It's my first fanfic and english is not my first language, so I'm sorry if it sucks. I NEED CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM.
Enjoy my first contribution to the fandom!
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BONUS CHAPTER, All of Eden’s vices running through my veins
Pink, silk nightgown hugged y/n’s body in all the right places, lace barely covered flawless skin of her cleavage and upper part of her thighs. She always found it hard to sleep in summer heat as a native of Arkona, land known for it’s cold winds and snowy  mountains, so she gravitated towards skimpy clothing in most heated months of the year. Even winter here felt kinda warm to her, she used to walk outside without a jacket, just in a thick hoodie. Kafka tried to put her winter coat around Arkonian each time she saw her dressed like that, y/n found it very cute. She lived with Stelaron Hunters for over a year now, and despite their bad reputation she has never in her life felt more cared for and accepted. If somebody told her a year ago she will be baking Oak Cake Rolls using supersoldier mechasuit alongside friends, taking violin lessons from one of the most dangerous women in the universe or playing Tekken with overambitious young hacker while getting roasted by a hot immortal Y/N would advice them to go see a doctor.  
She looked at herself in the mirror, braiding her hair so they won’t warm her up further during her slumber. Her fingers worked fast, agile and flexible like branches of weeping willow despite going through hardships of martial arts training she went under Blade’s supervision. Halfway through, her attempt at classic hairstyle got interrupted by knocking on the door, audible despite music she put on in the background. Displeased, she secured it with a band and got up. The moment the door opened and revealed her male coworker there was nothing left of her sour mood. 
His red eyes looked her up and down, Blade was too done with bullshit today to check her out in less obvious way.  His hair was put up with elegant chanhua hairpin, decorated with delicate white flower ornament. It wasn’t a big change in his appearance, but it surely was eye-catching. He seemed more beautiful, majestic like a heron in flight with his hair up. Y/n sighed, impressed by his good looks and dignified aura. 
He was the first one to break the silence. He cleared his throat and spoke as nonchalantly as he only could in his rough voice. 
 - Good evening y/n, I just returned from work. I came here to check up on my apprentice and drop something off. I bought a gift for you during my last mission on Jarilo-VI, from famous local seller named Sampo. - he gave her the plastic bag he was hiding behind his back with slightly trembling hands. - I think you will appreciate it, you mentioned your willingness to use your massaging skills a few times so far. 
 - Hi dear. What kind of occasion is this? - she laughed a little. 
 - No occasion, I just saw it among other things he offered and thought about you. - he admitted with straight face. 
Arkonian thanked him and grabbed the bag. A little bit suspicious, she reached inside it and pulled out a small glass bottle filled with shiny liquid. Golden dust floating on top of it shimmered when she shook it. Attached label with a note written in cursive informed her that this substance is allegedly a massage oil.  
Y/n decided to check it just in case, she heard enough about Sampo and his scamming habits to not trust it carelessly. She opened the bottle and sniffed it. Pleasant lemon and bergamot scent hanged in the air. Hmm, not bad. Maybe Blade was 100th customer on that day and actually got a good quality bonus. 
 - Do you like it? - Blade attentively checked her face for reaction.  
 - To be honest I absolutely love it. - she admitted cheerfully. - But please, do not trust Koski too much in the future, trading with him is like a russian roulette. He can give you precious stuff or completely rip you off for a fake. 
- Good to know. - he took a mental note to check everything twice next time he visits this merchant. - Will you let me in? All this traveling around the galaxy really has worn me out. 
Y/n blushed heavily, only now did she realise she didn’t invite him inside her bedroom. 
 - Of course, make yourself comfortable. - she sat down on the bed, patting the mattress on the right side of her body. He closed the door behind himself before taking place next to her.  
 - So... How have you been when I was on the go? Did you behave yourself? No more cursing swords for now? - stellaron hunter spoke in low voice, coming off a bit strict. 
Y/n sighed and  rolled her eyes.  
 - I have been a good girl, don’t you worry man. - Blade cringed visibly at her words. She lied to him but he will surely have better occasion to learn about it soon enough. Arkonian was not in the mood for his preaching now. - How was work? Any unpleasant surprises? 
 - You know, with Elio’s gift it’s already very hard to be taken by surprise, now we also have your visions. Why do you worry so much? - he was quick to dismiss her anxiety. 
 - I still remember how our first mission went. It’s not entirely unpleasant memory, after all we got so much closer to each other that day. - gentle smile adorned her face as she blushed unknowingly, recalling past events. - Yet, you did get hurt badly that day. Can you blame me for reacting like that? 
 - Since that one time we had no such incidents, however it does not make your concern any less valid. - he admitted. Awkward silence has set in, sated with unvoiced desires. He felt it was him who should break it, now or never. - I didn’t come here to discuss business matters. In fact, I hoped you could help me unwind. It was such a long week. - his voice came out a bit suggestive. Was this really the same guy who used to barely speak in her presence months ago and scoffed at her endeavors to get closer?  
 - It’s so bad that you prefer to be distracted from it over confiding in me? - Y/n raised one of her eyebrows.  
 - Exactly. Speaking of which, don’t you think it’s a good moment to put your new ointment to the test? - he gestured towards oil bottle she held in her hand. Y/n still was not used to him being so direct with his wants, it took her a few seconds to process his request.  
- Are you sure this is what you want? - she whispered, looking him straight in the face. With the kind of injuries he had survive she didn't know if she could truly help him with lingering pain and stiffness, but she definitely knew that nothing can be done to help him in long term either way. 
- Yes, it's worth a shot. Don't worry, I don't expect much to begin with. - he sighed. - Why ask, wasn't it you who convinced me to do this so many times? You got cold feet? 
- No, it's just... - she exhaled softly, shifting in place. - Thank you for trusting me. 
She took his palm in hers tentatively, noticing  Blade had no gloves on. He normally avoided taking them off, but it wasn't her first time inspecting old scars on his skin. They covered his hands densely, she recalled patching up some of those wounds. He compared their fingers, slightly smirking at how big he looked like in comparison to her. One of her hands found elegant oil bottle, she let few drops fall on the top of his left hand, then she spread it over the top of it. With round, gentle moves she caressed it, avoiding his eyes. Then she rubbed each of his long, thick fingers separately, stretching them out. Calloused skin and rigid joints hardly submitting to her attempts at relaxing them.  
Shimmering dust made his scars stand out even more, they were like cracks on his porcelain skin. Arkonian once heard of Kintsugi, art of repairing broken pottery by mending it back with gold. But she was not delusional, Blade was not to be whole ever again, no amount of care could glue him back together. She knew, and she accepted him the way he was. Fragments of what was left of him put together by cruel fate like a stained glass, equally sharp and fragile. Legendary craftsman's last masterpiece bursting at the seems, burdened with weight of unforgivable sin. 
Music in the background switched to Sweather weather by The neighbourhood when she turned his palm upside down, once again intertwining their fingers as she rotated his hand while securing it with her other one to loosen up his wrist, then she used both her hands to stretch his out backwards as her thumbs rubbed from the middle of his palm to the sides, opening it up and relaxing every muscle. He felt horribly stiff under her fingers but she expected this already, aware of his past injuries. Arkonian just hoped she could bring him some alleviation from chronic pain, even tho his dexterity will never return. 
 Concentrated on doing her job as well as she only could, she missed his lazy grin and warm, full of lust gaze fixated on her face. Even little sighs of relief getting out his throat when she dug into the meat between his thumb and index finger escaped her attention. He hasn't been touched in tender way for so long, past centuries of his life consisted mostly of silent prayers for death among endless battles, constant suffering and countless cuts from his enemies weapons. Those few who were somehow kind to him still avoided touching his broken body, afraid of mara lurking inside him like a rabid dog. Blade melted into pleasant, warm sensation more and more, he felt way too relaxed for his own good. Being physical usually felt like a sin, state of his flesh a punishment for his crimes, pain it's burning reminder - yet, in that moment with her, his body hesitantly shed it's defences, out of his newfound comfort something grew, deep in his abdomen, heat slowly spreading over him, clouding his mind. With all her curves on display in a nightgown Blade still felt most tempted by those soft lips she unconsciously licked when she focused on him. If he made a move would she look at him with disgust and turn away?  
When he looked in the mirror all he saw was disfigured abomination but y/n looked at him like he was someone. Like he wasn't defected, turned into a monster. He wanted to believe that he is the man she saw in him, to smash every mirror in this damn place and only seek answers about himself in her eyes, that now stared back at him. Her lips slightly parted, skin glistening with sweat, and those wide doe eyes. So sweet, so soft... Seemingly in his reach. He could not ignore this thirst any longer.  
Gently, he pulled her to himself by the hand she caressed him with, when her fragrant body landed in his lap his lips found her fingers. He planted passionate kiss on every knuckle, massage oil covering her palm made his lips softer and more juicy. Arkonian couldn't stop herself anymore as well, she kissed him with all the hunger she cultivated in herself over months spent together. She knew he was not used to affection and receiving kisses, so she lead it, but Blade was just as enthusiastic, deepening it and turning his tongue around hers. 
 They grinded against each other slowly, to the rhythm of the music. Y/n could barely hear Sugar by Sleep Token playing in the background when sounds of heavy breathing and Blade's grunts filled the room. It was way too hot for her in this place, she quickly took of her nightgown, now sat on top of him only in drenched lace panties. His reaction was worth more than any words he could express his desire and admiration for her body with, y/n had no doubts she was just his type when he looked at her with pure wonder. 
 His hair was messy, hairpin disappeared somewhere just like all his mental restraints. He teased her with his fingertips through delicate fabric, her thighs throbbed in response. She let him rip her panties off of her. Those big, calloused fingers massaged her so well, stretching her tight hole deliciously, but could they prepare her for this big thing she felt growing in his pants? Just thinking about it made her so wet slick dripped down his palm. 
Blade reluctantly took his hand away to lick it off his fingers. He wanted to taste her for a while now, and with satisfaction he found out she was just as sweet as she looked like. Perfect fruit to rip and devour. He wanted to command her to sit on his face and ride it roughly, he would hold her down firmly so she couldn't get up until she would come at least twice. Wanted to show her he was good enough. Before he managed to turn those thoughts into reality she already took his hard manhood out of his clothes. 
- You know, maybe I could give you a special massage? - she winked at him, spraying some oil on it, then spread it with her both hands, one on top, teasing the tip, another near the base. Her hands moved in opposite directions as she gripped him and massaged his swollen member in circular motion. Whimper left his throat, shocking them both. He didn't even know how touch-starved he was, having only his sword to cling to for all those years, until she touched him, every cell of his wanted to beg for more. She rubbed over the vein under his dick with just the right amount of pressure. Her skilled hands played with him for minutes, discovering sensitive points he was not even aware of, but when Blade felt his orgasm approaching he stopped her movements.  
- I don't want to cum yet, I need to feel you around me first. Come here. - his husky voice giving her orders made her even wetter than she was before, way more than she thought was possible. He picked her up and put her right above his member, she carefully slid it inside of her inch after inch, there was no rush.  
- I know I am big, give yourself some time. - he encouraged her. No matter how much he just wanted to slam into her with full strength, her pleasure was more important to him. What was the point if she didn't enjoy it? He was never a gentle type but for her he wanted to be. She was still so fragile.  
While her body adjusted to his impressive length she took off his shirt, leaving him in unbuttoned pants only. In a second his pale, muscular chest  glistened with sweat and oil from her hands cause she just had to feel that men up. Pupils of his eyes widened at the sight of her breasts so close to his face. He sucked on them passionately basking in softness of her flesh, she giggled in response and stroked his head affectionately. They cuddled for a bit in that position, her cunt clenching around him while he rubbed circles over her back soothingly. Y/n was the first to move, slowly grinding into his hips and kissing his shoulders. She felt so safe and taken care of and so did he. Blade let her set her own pace for now, in fact he would let her do absolutely anything she wished for to him.  
Walls he built around his heart were near impenetrable, but once somebody got inside immortal warrior became defenceless against their whims, if he only could he would give them every star in the sky, even if he would never admit it aloud. He was always like that, back during High Cloud Quintet times he used to give his friends priceless weapons as a token of friendship, even now he had a hard time saying no when he went outside with his dear coworkers, always purchasing a new coat for Kafka, buying so many games for Wolfie that Kafka scoffed at them, agreeing to this annoying nickname he was given or even giving up his private cellphone for them. 
Blade despite all that never considered himself taken advantage of, it was clear none of those close to him would ever see him as a mere idiot to manipulate or a toy, after all such privileges were reserved for the most trusted people only. He cherished all their respect, yet for a long time he was unable to find any crumb of reverence for his broken being in himself. He called himself Blade, and it was easier for him to live believing he was nothing more than a tool of the fate, pain was a little bit more bearable for a broken masterpiece to take than it was for a man with great ambitions and ruined dreams whom he barely recalled and neither could or wished to be again.  
Blade is made to be used, powerless without the hand that guides it, created only to bring pain and bloodshed, yet now his body was harnessed for completely different purpose. Woman on top of him released heavenly moans each time she went down on his erected cook, her lips parted in a way that made him want to kiss her desperately once again, her eyes filled with hunger and pure adoration. He couldn't imagine his corrupted body had a potential to be a source of bliss to a woman or man anymore, last memories of such activities shared with friends from Quintet were barely vivid in his mind. Since his body was pierced a thousand times by his previous mentor he couldn't stand physical proximity of anybody, lightest touch made him tense up. During his trainings with Arkonian he grew accustomed to her closeness but the ease he took her touch with bewildered him. How easy she was to crave, to need, to take over his mind. How easy it was to not think anymore, to let her use him for her own pleasure, to be utilized for something else than spreading pain and misery for once.  
He took pride in her praises, opened himself to this new role, found fulfilment in it. Blade rubbed her tired hips up and down when she bounced on him, all sweaty, hot and blushing. So, so beautiful. She clenched on him, close to her orgasm. He needed her to cum for him, to sing his name even more. In attempt to earn more of her sweet reactions he thrust up into her. Slow, deep and very, very hard. This immediately pushed her over the edge. 
Y/n whimpered in a straight up angelic way, squirting all over his abdomen when his seed filled her hole. Orgasm hit Blade with all force of instincts denied for centuries, almost knocking him out. Addictive, ecstatic feeling shook his whole body, coercing moans out of his throat. His head fell on y/n's shoulder, and she brushed through his hair with her fingers, scratching his scalp and neck.  
 Libido  seemingly starved to death through centuries of neglecting primal needs once again woke up in him. In that moment he knew, it was not enough. He needed to take care of her perfectly fuckable, receptive, soft and welcoming body as well as his own desires till none of them could stand up. Inhaling her inviting scent his fingers dug into warm, delicate flesh of her hips when he carefully pulled her underneath him, his cook already hard again.  
Her skilled fingers reached out to feel his torso again, she put it carefully over his biggest scar, where his heart should be, unnaturally cold sensation of his sweaty skin grounded her. His palm covered her smaller hand, so delicate in comparison to his wide chest. She was not a petite woman by any means, her body was strong and used to harsh conditions of her home planet, but she could not lie, she loved how much bigger than her Blade was. How he towered over her, could embrace her in a way that made her feel completely protected and hidden in his muscular arms, like he did just now pressing her to bed with his body.  
Both his hands grabbed hers and pinned them down to the mattress, her thighs embraced his midriff.  She sated herself with him, engulfed in his smell she forgot the outside world, only two of them mattered now. Her form trembled underneath him when he moved, now much more decisively, fast and precise thrust slowly but surely emptying her brain from all unnecessary thoughts and worries, driving her crazy. 
His penetrating gaze never left her face, making sure there was no sign of discomfort or rejection.  But there was only satisfaction and invitation in her eyes, and for the first time in years he allowed himself to want something else than revenge and death, just for tonight. But deep down Blade knew it's not a one time thing, not when it feels so right. Not when he finally got a taste after convincing himself for months that it would be the best for everyone involved if he pretends Y/n is just a coworker to him, not a woman he dreams of each night before falling asleep. 
She hissed when his lips and fangs brushed over her pulse point. Poor y/n will have to cover up some hickeys in the morning, or who cares, he would simply tell her to keep them on sight, it's not like nobody can hear her cries. His steady, merciless pace made her climax way sooner than she expected, even so close to his own release he kept his rhythm. Her nails scratched his back harshly, but none of them worried if they will leave marks. This sensation combined with the way she clenched around him pushed him to his own orgasm. Praises y/n moaned into his ear went straight to his head, she shamelessly let him know just how much she loves what he does to her, how she wants him to never ever stop, how handsome and talented he is, how capable of making her cum harder than she ever did before for anybody else. He fucked her through her high with cocky smile on his face.  
As both of them calmed down he still moved inside her, giving y/n last few pushes, slow and gentle, as if he wanted to soothe her. Orgasmic haze faded away, leaving them with clear minds and sated bodies. Soon after her breathing evened out he pulled out kissing her forehead and picked his clothes up from the floor.  
- I thought you would stay with me - Arkonian barely managed to hide how hurt she was by the fact, that he just stood up instead of cuddling with her.  
- I will, but first do me a favour and put this on. - he passed her his shirt. - I don't want you to get sick and that's what will happen if you sleep in this thin lingerie of yours. 
- If I put this on will you come here? - she whined at him, pouting slightly.  
- You don't need to ask me twice. - Blade smiled at her. It looked a bit awkward.  
Y/n sighed in defeat and let him wrap way too big shirt around her, next he lied down by her side and covered them with a blanket. Not even a minute passed and she was out like a light. Blade admired how peacefully she slept in his arms, knowing damn well if something happened to her he would set whole known universe ablaze. Thought itself made his heart ache more than his hands did, unexpectedly y/n's massage indeed somehow alleviate the pain a little bit. He probably should ask her to do this more often, especially if it could end up with their bodies entangled once again. 
For now he decided to watch over her sleep and guard her through the night. He was well aware of her strength, she was more than able to protect her own self after hours of practicing martial arts with him, but sheltering Y/N from harm personally made him feel like he was doing a good job for his favourite girl. Sight of her in his shirt, smelling like him, covered in his marks with his semen dropping out of her made him feel like he claimed her in a way and it made him want to keep her safe and spoil her till she is ruined for other man cause nobody can satisfy her as well as he can.  
He wished he could enter her mind to learn all her deepest fantasies and cravings to fulfill them one by one so she needs him as much as he needed her. Perhaps she already did, y/n always considered him no matter what she was about to do, as if he was at all times on her mind. Took care of his wounds after missions and never judged him, never asked him to be somebody else. Never took advantage of his kindness or used any of his secrets against him, even in anger. Something so basic yet so rare nowadays. Y/n knew he yearned to rest in eternal peace but decided to cherish him either way without trying to fix those unrepairable parts of him or using him to feed any sort of saviour complex. Whenever he craved her company whether he was willing to admit that or not, she was always there for him, with cup of warm tea, bunch of bandages just in case and ready to listen about his struggles, always so understanding and nonjudgemental, his confidant, his true tranquillity. Flowing over him like holy water, washing away suffocating feelings inherited from his past.  Therefore in return he decided to give her the last years of his life and spend them well, making sure she's happy and secure. 
Blade promised this to himself with crescent moon above them as a witness, inspecting how it's soft light blessed y/n's features with ethereal glow. One thing he was sure of - once the time to join his fallen foxian friend in afterlife comes, y/n will understand and let him go with no resentment, but until then he will stay by her side like a silent protector, with red thread of fate binding them to each other, not as destiny's slaves but as it's choosers. 
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ventiij · 5 months
Could you request an au royal with prince!wanderer x servant!reader where wanderer during the night asks reader to stay until he falls asleep and she ends up falling asleep kneeling next to his bed? (Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, English is not my native language)
no worries anon, english isn’t my first language either so we’re twinning bbg (it’s four am help)
idk what got into me while I was writing
anyway, here my silly little requested fanfic is 🫢
before your family had gone broke, you never thoguht you’d find yourself in this situation. at the palace, you really were just a simple servant like everyone said.
before your father lost everything there was a rumor which was slowly passing from everyone’s mouth - whoever started working for the royal family wouldn’t make it out of a miserable life, they’d have you wrapped around their fingers.
there was a reason to think that though - the payment wasn’t enough to change job. yes, it was simpls like that. they do offer you a place to stay and food to survive, but overall it was just enough to afford taking a week off when you’re sick, apart from national holidays and all that.
your life isn’t a normal one, nor one somebody would aim at. you are nothing but one of the servants at the royal palace. no-one knows you for who you are, but it’s not all that bad. you have the whole palace for you and your friends, your families and many people you care about, who actually do know the real-you’s worth.
the royals aren’t so bad either! the queen is the one who rules the kingdom as there’s no king, she’s independent, enterprising and has an intimidating story behind her. her name is Raiden Shogun. meanwhile, her son, ‘the wanderer’, is a spoiled brat with an ass attitude who’s against the whole world.
this gremlin spends most of his time around the castle, glaring at every servant while they’re doing their job and stand there watching, only to walk away like nothing happened. there was this one time, when you were mopping the floor… he didn’t take his eyes off of you for a split second! …at least it felt like so.
after a couple more of such events happening to you for no reason, because you work properly (if not splendidly), he suddenly calls out your name while you’re doing your thing. “Y/n.” you turn around all freaked out since it couldn’t possibly mean good things when someone had to deal with this guy, he looked so stern and cold and and-
“meet me in my room after dinner.” he said and just left like that. eh?
His room? did he want you to clean it? Dust it? Make his bed? That wasn’t in the contract… he didn’t mention the reason, so you decide to just go with it.
after dinner, in his room
you greet, slightly bow and stand right before the doorframe, dressed up for the occasion, as you see him in his pajamas. he didn’t even bother to greet you - instead, he straight up ordered you: “stay with me for the night” what. you? what. what again? “me?” he nods and gets in bed looking skeptical as usual “who else?” you just watch from afar, scared you might do something to give him the ick. so this isn’t about cleaning, huh?
“well? aren’t you going to sit down somewhere?” he asks and you just kneel down next to his bed at his height, perfectly intersecating his gaze. “don’t you dare wake me up before 7 am.” ‘bitch?’ you want to reply as he just stares at you. ‘aNyThInG hIs mAjEsTy wAnTs’ like hell you were gonna stay like this for a whole night for no reason.
“Uh, no? This isn’t in the contract.” you contradict him and were prolly one of the few people who did that to him in his whole life,
“alright.” he says as he rolls in bed, turning around and closing his eyes to drift off to sleep.
…does he actually expect you to fall asleep in this position?
some time later
‘can’t deny he looks pretty though.’ you think as you finally come to terms with the fact that he wants you there. your mind can wander all it wants thinking of all the possibile reasons behind this blessing in disguise, but no true reason can be found.
well, it’s only for today. after all, how do you know who you might see as you get out of his room? and what will they think? ugh
aside from that, you could get in his majesty’s graces, soo
this is no occasion to waste.
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rainboq · 23 days
I just wanted to start by saying that I adore Statistics and Purity Through a Prism.
Do you have any general advice you can give to less experienced writers? I’m also hella into making LiS fics, but I’m still trying to find my footing. Plus most of my projects fizzle out around chapter 5, and I’m not sure how to get momentum back after taking a break 😂🥰 how do you write stories that go for so long?
First of all thank you very much for enjoying my fanfics! I'm sorry that I haven't updated anything in a while, life and original fiction projects have pretty much taken over (I'll be self publishing a novel in the next few months).
For general advice, consider the following.
Keep an idea diary. Write down your ideas, just because you have nothing to go with it doesn't mean you won't later and don't be afraid to mash things together.
Learn about story telling as a craft. Study any and every medium and think about how to apply their lessons to word smithing. I highly recommend Every Frame a Painting, Thomas Flight, Hello Future Me, and Ellen Brock.
Read everything twice. Once for pleasure, once to tear it apart to figure out how the sausage is made. Dissect word choice, structure, pacing, foreshadowing, all of it. If you want to get better as an author, get better at media analysis.
Ask yourself why a project fizzles out. Did you lose sight of your original goal? Is it not turning out the way you hoped? Can you not remember where you wanted it to go? I tend to write with a few very specific scenes fixed in my head and I need to massage the characters to make those scenes happen and make sense. For Prism that was Kate and Chloe's clifftop kiss. Everything after that was kinda ad-libbed.
Embrace failure. Enjoy failure. Fail faster. As the Frizz would say: take chances, make mistakes, and get messy! You will learn more from your mistakes than from your successes. It's okay to be disappointed and upset when things don't go your way, but then dust yourself off and figure out what went wrong where and learn your lessons. (Just because you can write a novel in 3 months doesn't mean you should)
Your ideas are crap. It's okay, mine are too. Ideas always suck, they become good when you actually write the stories and find your blind spots. Make it work in the edit. You can change things right up until you publish, so play around and have fun.
It's okay to not finish projects. Use them as learning experiences. Practice writing better and better hooks. Find character's voices. Toy around with premises.
Practice with a purpose. With everything you write, pick something you want to focus on. Dialogue, pacing, structure, action, word play, imagery, etc. Pick something, study, execute.
Keep it simple. Elevator pitches are 30 words or less. If you can't summarize the crux of your story simply and succinctly, consider revising your idea to make it less complicated. Prism's premise is literally "What if Max never went to Blackwell". Statistic's premise is "What if Chloe was a homeless trans girl dealing for Frank". Complicated premises aren't bad, but they make executing much harder, and you don't need them to tell a good story.
Don't stop. Always be reading, writing, and thinking. Your creativity is a muscle, work it out. Hit the brain gym regularly with focus and intent and you'll see the growth.
I hope these help and good luck!
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dimepdf · 2 years
Aaaahhhh I'm so excited for the Nope fanfic. Don't know if you take requests but I'd kill for a fic where Angel is patched up after the whole events of Nope, just some good ol' painful wound cleaning and a lot of comfort. Either way, love the writing!! Excited to see more!!
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masterlist. / taglist. / any request? synopsis. the unfolding of it begins to take a toll on you after fighting a killer cloud alien with a thirst for your family's horses, siblings, and friends. Fortunately, Angel is by your side to support you.
pairing. angel torres x reader
genre and warnings. haywood!reader, black coded, hurt/comfort, blood, boobs, shower sharing, post-fic, panic attack, trauma bonding | —  don't forget to reblog 🤍
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The devastation left by Jean Jacket's death was harrowing.
Pieces of your family ranch were scattered across the large acres of land that you had once grown up on. 
You could only imagine your father and mother rolling in their graves as they saw the ranch in complete shambles. 
It was strange, all so strange, everything that had unfolded since the sunrise. 
There was no celebration, no crowd cheering you on at the end of the road, just Angel. 
The bleached blonde had a painfully looking limp in his walk, yet he still slung your arm over his shoulder and aided you all the way back to his van that had managed to survive the chaos that had just almost taken your lives.
Angel couldn't drive because of his injuries. The barbed wire tied around his waist had bruised his entire torso into little checkmarked scars. 
His knees and hands trembled as he slumped against the window for the duration of the ride.
His face contorted into a painful wince that squeezed his eyes shut and curved his mouth into a permanent scowl.
You tried not to ask about it, ignoring the dreaded question of whether or not you both needed to be hospitalized for some of your injuries, but with America's economic state and healthcare prices, it was better to just patch each other up back at his apartment.
"You can go first," Angel grunts, tossing his house keys aside and lowering himself against his gamer chair slowly. 
You could only hum in acknowledgment, fingers lingering against the doorframe as the other thumbed a message to your family group chat. A content sigh once Emerald sent a picture of her and OJ giving a bleak thumbs up in the waiting room.
You felt a weight of concern finally being lifted off your shoulders, lifting your phone to a higher angle and opening the camera app to the view of Angel stretched arched against the chair. 
A hiss left his lips as he cautiously lifted his shirt away from his wounds, just a peek of his belly button in view before you quickly snapped a picture, your phone shuttering with a bright light.
You both looked like shit, both grasping at the thread of stability that was left from the trauma of it all.
Flicking on the bathroom light, flinching at your messy appearance. Your braids are strewn with dust and debris, your lips are chapped, your face is filthy, and you have cuts from flying through the air.
Your clothes were no better. Turns out, wearing a crop top during an alien battle wasn't the best fashion decision you would make. 
Your shirt almost flew off of you during Jean Jacket’s petty attack that led to your home getting ripped from its foundations. Luckily, you were already running on the porch before it could suck up the roof.
Still, you were caught up in the winds, being picked up in one big dust tornado as well as Emerald.
You had unfortunately gotten the short end of the stick, losing one layer of clothing that turned out to be the most important piece of armor as a rogue shard of glass found its way into your path of flight, slashing a harsh wound into your lower torso, slamming into the ground before the piece could dig itself farther into your flesh.
Your fingers reach to yank off your top, examining the gash near your belly button by leaning against the bathroom sink. 
Angel's surprised hitch of breath makes you pull away, tilting your head enough to see him hunched against the doorway.
The male looked hesitant to fully enter the small bathroom, which was only narrow enough to have you stand in the middle.
As he sat off to the side, his awkward glance redirected to other parts of the room, the moment you met eyes, his eyes quickly flickered away, searching for any false interest in anything other than your tit.
"Boy, you act like I'm bare ass naked right now," you chuckled dryly, adding to his confusion at seeing you standing in just your bra. "Haven’t you seen a girl in a bra before, right?" you teased. Angel was quick to roll his eyes. His sassy personality was creeping back slowly despite feeling and looking like shit.
"Many times, actually, my fault for being a gentleman." His tone was low and gentle, almost like he couldn't muster enough strength to talk to you any other way.
He was paying more attention to his bleeding wound, raiding the contents of his bathroom compartments to round up just enough basic medical supplies that he could at least say he was confident enough in patching himself up with them.
A pitiful shiver ran up your spine the moment he leaned forward to grip the sink for strength. "Oh fuck,"" he gasped, after using antiseptic to clean away at the gash around his stomach.
His fingers were covered in dried blood and dirt. You couldn't imagine how painfully tight the barbed wire was tugged against his skin enough to leave the red straight strip circled around his lower torso.
"You should—shower. You can shower first," he muttered, finally lifting his head, his stare in a daze, struggling to keep his eyes away from your exposed chest.
Once you had given him a nod, he started to limp out of the bathroom, your arm shooting out to grab his in a pause.
"Can you not close the door all the way?"
Angel’s brows frown for a moment, his eyes flickering towards the shower before glancing over at you once more, now with features riddled with pure concern.
"Just, you know, so I know you're…there." You explain with a stumble, watching his eyes widen just a bit with a hint of some thoughts behind them.
You choose not to question whatever he was thinking.
He answers in an awkward hum, following suit to your request as he returns to slouch back into his gamer chair, making a point to not stare at you as you underdress, completely shedding your clothes to your bare skin.
Pulling away the shower curtains and stepping into the tub, another shudder runs up your leg the moment your feet touch the cold flooring.
Turning on the water and backing away against the corner until the steam finally hits, stepping to stand directly under the stream as your eyes flutter close, letting the hot water run down against your body.
You felt so small, opening your eyes to watch the trail of blood and grime flow down the drain.
Your breath picks up, your heart starts hammering against your ribs as the tears start flowing.
A sob broke from your throat as you sat down curled under the shower stream, the ruffle of the shower curtains making you flinch farther against the wall before you realized what was blocking the path of the water from hitting your skin.
Angel crawled into the shower fully clothed to sit down and wrap his arms around you.
Your arms instantly wrapped around his neck and clung onto him as you both wept into each other's embrace.
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rayan12sworld · 10 months
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💖💙fell by you
Lan Wangji was tossed into the Mortal Realm, injured and helpless. Help came from a bright young Head Disciple. Curious, fascinating, and beautiful, it didn't take long for Lan Wangji to become enamored.
And the rest was fate.
(Dragon lan wangji ×dragon wei wuxian)
It's two part the second part they will have babies two boy one girl
This fanfic is 2 part ,part 1 is 6 chapter part 2 is one shot
soft, gentle fragrance surrounds him as Wei Ying studies his profile, “You really are the most beautiful being I’ve ever seen, Lan Zhan. Almost perfect...” “Almost?” Wangji asks, somewhat amused. His heart races as Wei Ying raises a hand and reaches for his face. “Your forehead ribbon is slightly tilted,” The mortal says and reaches for it. Wangji reacts immediately, grasping Wei Ying’s wrist before he can touch the ribbon. The silence is abrupt as Wei Ying blinks at him in surprise, his brows arched high in question. “Wei Ying mustn’t touch it,” Not yet, at least. It would be disingenuous to permit it when Wei Ying isn’t his. The mortal tilts his head to the side curiously, eyes wide and bright. Wangji is mesmerized by their color, finding them as pale and enchanting as the light of the full moon. Almost subconsciously, he gently rubs his thumb along the inside of Wei Ying’s wrist, feeling the pulse flutter under his skin. Wei Ying swallows and turns away, a faint dusting of pink running along his cheeks. Wangji is tempted, so tempted, to lean forward and nuzzle that sharp jaw. It would take so little effort to sink his teeth into the fair skin of Wei Ying’s neck, so trustingly bared to him. He could taste that beating pulse with his tongue- Wei Ying clears his throat, “I won’t touch it,” He assures, apparently for the lack of anything better to say.
The mortal is just about to say something when there’s a knock on the door. Wei Ying frowns but rises to get it, assuming it is their food though it seems to have arrived rather quickly. “Is this where you disappear to?” A sharp and cold voice interrupts their pleasant evening and Wangji looks up. He sucks in a sharp breath. “Wei Ying,”
He breathes, unable to help himself as his eyes fly from Wei Ying to Jiang Wanyin. Wangji is an immortal that has cultivated spiritual energy for nearly a thousand years. He may be young but he still has an Imperial Dragon’s sharp perception. He has also spent several months with the mortal, soaking in his spiritual energy, lounging in the man’s lap as he meditated and refined his Golden Core. Wangji is familiar with it. He can recognize it in an instant. “What have you done?” It is Wei Ying’s Golden Core that spins merrily inside Jiang Wanyin’s chest. Wei Ying is ashen and his gaze pleads with him to keep his silence. Jiang Wanyin is eyeing him oddly and it is apparent that the man doesn’t know just how much his martial brother has sacrificed for him. Everything he has been struggling to comprehend since he returned to the mortal realm suddenly makes sense. Jiang Wanyin scolds Wei Ying for fleeing after every skirmish instead of staying behind with his Sect Leader, but Wangji doesn’t pay attention to their conversation. His mind is scrambling to understand the implications of this. How can he help Wei Ying now? Is there any way to resolve the situation? And why does Wei Ying still feel like he’s on the cusp of immortality?
Wangji takes another step forward and stops. He can’t move. He sucks in a sharp breath, “No.” He is locked in place, unable to move an inch. Bichen clatters to the ground, powerless as all energy drains from him. Wangji falls to his knees, his body pressed down and held in place by an unseen force.
This is Wei Ying’s trial. He isn’t allowed to interfere. Whether Wei Ying lives or dies, Wangji can’t interfere. He must watch, frozen in place as his beloved is brought down by the greed and fury of humanity. Desperately, he seeks Wei Ying out and finds him behind a pile of corpses and in front of a frightened group of Wens. resentful energy swirls around him like a storm, powerful and dense. Wangji can barely see Wei Ying’s face through the intense black smoke emerging from the Yīn Hǔ Fú. He coaxes his powers awake, drawing the sliver of spiritual energy he uses to remain alive to strengthen his sight. Wangji focuses on Wei Ying’s face and feels his heart shatter. No. No. No. No. “Don’t,” He whispers, “Don’t, Wei Ying. Don’t.” His words never reach his love. “Wei Ying!” Wangji watches in horror as Wei Ying brings all of his power to bear on the Yīn Hǔ Fú. He watches as the corpses that were attacking the enemy cultivators turn on their master.
Wei Ying!” a-Yuan sobs in his arms and Wangji curls around him, pressing the child’s head to his chest and covering his ears. He doesn’t even have enough power to shield the boy properly. “What’s happening?” Someone demands. “His power- it- it is turning against him!” “Serves him right!” “Let him die!” “Wei Ying,” Wangji tries to peer past the mass of corpses but Wei Ying is entirely hidden by them. a-Yuan is struggling against him, screaming, sobbing, trying to get down and run towards Wei Ying. He tightens his arms, helplessly. His entire body shakes and grief is already settling in his heart. In that instant, he knows Wei Ying is lost. His Wei Ying, his bright, glowing mortal. Righteous to the core, more beautiful than he had a right to be, mischievous, always smiling. Wangji kneels there, stunned by the ugliness of it all. The clueless mortal masses roar in triumph around him and before Wangji’s very eyes, they descend on the Wens, swords at the ready. Wei Ying’s sacrifice will be in vain and Wangji can do nothing about it. He is chained in place, without any access to his spiritual core, without his ability to transform into his true form. He is, for once, useless.
Xian-ge!” a-Yuan’s voice is fading and Wangji feels like his panic is choking him. Xichen’s name rings desperately in his mind even as he calls out to a-Yuan until his voice feels hoarse. They’re too high, the way back to Wei Ying is too treacherous. The child will die. a-Yuan’s voice is nearly faint and Wangji is about to lose sight of him. If he reaches the fray, he won’t survive. “Wei Ying!” Wangji calls in a last, breathless bid to save the child, “Wei Ying, save him!” Time stops. Wangji stills as everything stops moving, as all noise becomes silent in an instant. No one is screaming, there are no sounds of swords clashing, a-Yuan is frozen before him. Heart in his throat, Wangji turns towards the pile of corpses where Wei Ying once stood. There’s no movement there, but Wangji knows. “Wei Ying,” He breathes because he knows. He knows. “Wei Ying,” He calls again, louder, “Wei Ying, Wei Wuxian! Wake up.” The pulse of power is almost gentle, like a drop of water falling on the still surface of a pond, sending small ripples everywhere. Wangji sucks in a breath because this is familiar. It is the same golden power he felt all of those years ago, when Wei Ying still had his Core. It is the same power he soaked in while sleeping coiled on Wei Ying’s lap as the mortal meditated. He calls his beloved’s name again. The power keeping him suppressed disperses like the wind. Wangji stumbles to his feet and races forward as everything comes alive around him again. He sweeps a-Yuan up in his arms as the mound of corpses starts pulsing. People are shouting in alarm, turning away from the terrified Wens and towards the direction of the threat. Somewhere in the commotion, Wangji hears Jiang Wanyin’s furious voice shouting Wei Ying’s name but Wangji pays it no mind. His eyes focus on the pile of corpses. He breathes in. A dragon emerges. A dragon emerges. A tremor runs through him. His hands shake and he clenches them on his knees, his eyes tracing the length of that mighty body. He’s red. Glorious, divine, auspicious red. Red like the ribbon he wears in his hair. Red like his power. Red like his eyes when he commands resentful energy. Red representing creativity and innovation. Red of good fortune and vitality. Red of new beginnings and enthusiasm. He is red.
They only have eyes for Wei Ying. Wei Ying only has eyes for them. Wangji reaches forward, his fingers spread open, beckoning. There’s a lump in his throat and he almost can’t believe it. He needs to touch. He needs to know this is Wei Ying, that this is his beloved ascended. The red dragon swirls gracefully in the air; his form is so large that there’s barely any room for him to move among the hills of the Burial Mounds. Men seeking to kill Wei Ying scramble away as the dragon descends. Some fall to their knees, weeping and bowing. Some flee to avoid a newly ascended being’s wrath. Some are frozen, unable to comprehend the sight before them. Wei Ying pays them no mind. “Beloved,” Wangji whispers and there’s a snout pressing against his fingers, warm and smooth, “Wei Ying, my Wei Ying.” Eyes like pure silver flutter close and the dragon nuzzles against Wangji’s palm, a low rumble making the air around them vibrate. a-Yuan giggles and stumbles forward, astonishingly fearless for a child who cried at the sight of Wangji when they first met. Wei Ying flicks one eye open as tiny palms land on his snout, curious little fingers exploring the scales without restraint. The dragon huffs and flicks his tail. The entire Burial Mounds rumbles at the movement. “Wei Ying,” He reprimands as the invading force cries in alarm, ducking as a few boulders topple off the cliffs and fall to the ground. Wei Ying drifts forward, astonishingly gentle despite the sheer size of his new body. Wangji feels the snout touch his chest and huffs. Much to his own amusement, Wangji understands him. “Punishment.” There’s a snarl, “Warranted, beloved, do not be upset.” A jolt of power goes through him and Wangji shakes his head, “Don’t. I will bear it. I’m not hurt and the seal will release within a month. There’s no cause for concern.”
Wei Ying!” There’s a rumble that almost sounds like laughter as the dragon flies underneath him, breaking his fall. Wangji has barely a moment to summon Bichen and grab one of Wei Ying’s horns before his beloved roars and shoots upwards, a blazing crimson arrow heading straight for the heavens. Wei Ying has ascended. Wangji presses his face against Wei Ying’s scales and closes his stinging eyes, relief, awe, and love nearly overwhelming him. Wei Ying has ascended. Clouds whip past and the mortal realm becomes increasingly distant. Wind is in his hair and a dragon’s heat keeps him warm. Wei Ying has ascended. They punch past the barrier between the two realms and Wangji is home. The enchanting sounds of guqin and xiao welcome the new immortal as Wei Ying swirls around in the air, a brilliant red in the stark whiteness of Cloud Recesses. Hundreds gaze up at Wei Ying with bright faces and curious eyes. His beloved rumbles, his teeth bared in an expression that Wangji knows is a smile. They are home. Wangji will never be parted from Wei Ying again. “Welcome,” Wangji whispers against his beloved’s ear, “to Cloud Recesses.”
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angelcake-69 · 7 months
My first REAL post here...
And it's a fanfic...
And an xreader one at that...
Fanfic starts here ↓↓↓
A Kuroo x reader story where me(Casey), my best friend (Cheyenne), and you! (Y/n) are in tha world of haikyuu!! You and Kuroo meet when you convince us to become managers with you (bc ur shy🤭) and you fall in love... (From your perspective obvi)
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Chapter 1) We're at Nekoma! :D
[Part 2] [Part 3]
Y/ns P.o.v
It was the second week of highschool, Me and my friends, Casey and Cheyenne, are first years. We were walking down the hallway as the teachers were reminding us and all of the other first years that we had to join a club. I sigh.
"Guys we should probably try to look for a club to join." I said before I turned to look at a bulletin board with club names.
"Yeah I guess so." Casey replied as Cheyenne nodded. We looked at the bulletin board together for a bit before I saw a flyer for the boys volleyball team manager.
"Hey guys! Check this out." I said as I pointed to the flyer. "We can be managers, all we have to do is pass out water bottles and help them with their moves, it'll be easy." I explained excitedly to them.
"Hmm... yeah okay." Casey reluctantly agreed.
"Yes please! 12 boys in short shorts? Count me in!" Cheyenne said.
We got some applications to fill out later before we headed to our
~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•Timeskip ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•
At the end of the day we headed to the gym feeling a bit more nervous than we did before, and as we walked in we narrowly dodged a stray ball before the coach noticed us.
"Oh hello girls, what're you doin' here? The girls volleyball tryouts are in the other gym." He said.
"Oh we're not here for tryouts." I say before I hand him our application sheets. "We'd like to become managers for the team." I smiled politely as he takes the papers from me.
"Ah I see.. well since you ladies are already here why don't you stay and watch the tryouts." He said happily. We nodded and went to sit on a bench.
"I hope we make the team.. I mean I hope we can become the managers!"  I say to the others.
"Me too!" Cheyenne replied.
"You just wanna stare at the guys." Casey said.
"And? So what?" Cheyenne replied.
I giggled at them and I went back to watching the tryouts. Everyone here was so good, probably better than I'll ever be, it was fun watching them. They kept glancing at us, probably wondering what we're doing here. I kept looking around at the different guys there. There was quite a lot, I had a feeling most of the guys wouldn't make the team since most of them sucked. I continued looking around before a stray ball hit me, hard. I fell over with a quiet 'oof' Thats when a guy came over to help me, he was tall and tan with black eyes and matching black hair. I looked away, blushing in embarrassment.
"Are you okay?" He asked as he snickered.
I dusted myself off and I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, I'm fine" I said annoyed. I awkwardly walked back to my friends, still embarrassed about the situation.
"Someone's got a crush~" Casey teased.
I scoffed. "I do not have a crush on him. I barely know that guy!" I said, annoyed with their teasing.
"We saw you blushing~" Cheyenne said.
"I was embarrassed! I probably looked so stupid getting hit and falling over!" I said as my blush slowly came back.
"Yeah right~" Casey said.
"Ugh, I don't have a crush on him!" I quietly shouted at them.
"Mmmhmmm." They hummed in unison, unconvinced with my words.
"You guys are so stupid." I rolled my eyes before I smiled. "Hey I just remembered about the festival coming up! Are you guys still wanting to come with me? I bet it'll be so much fun!" I said, forgetting about their teasing.
"Yeah, duh. Of course we're coming!" Casey said and Cheyenne nodded.
"Yeah! We wouldn't miss it for anything!" She said.
I smiled happily. "Perfect! We should get matching outfits!" I said and they agreed. We continued talking about our plans for the festival as we watched the tryouts and we occasionally made jokes at the expense of the guys.
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Hope you liked!! There'll be more to come!!
I also have this fanfic on Ao3, wattpad, and quotev!! ♡♡
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billcipherstuff · 1 year
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I wanted to make a hurt/comfort au cause why not ;) (warning: cringy and I suck at writing actual stories)
This is also based on PengyChan’s flatland fanfic so check that out(I finally figured out who was in my dream)
My Gravity Falls/Flatland au Idea :The Axolotl lets Bill live but wipes his memories and takes away some of his powers causing bill to look like that, now he only remembers his life in flatland…before Liam gets consumed…
Bill wakes up, he squints his eyes before getting up in a cold sweat and covered in vines.He looks as his surroundings, confused and bewildered at the sight of “color” and the 3d world.He the looks down at himself to see vines. “W-where… who am I?Is anyone here?”However, before he could even think, his feels a sharp pain in his head, in his mind.
Suddenly, he gains certain.. memories of a time where it was a flat world, with flat people, with f-flat minds I- think… Bill gets sudden flashbacks to his life in flatland. He now slowly remembers the society of flatland, his birth, his foster parents, his friends, his job, his name, the books, and most importantly his brother… “Liam…”. Bill holds his head trying to ease his migraine. “ I remember Liam, I remember him… Is this, really the Third dimension? The one Liam wanted to see” Bill looked at his surroundings in complete awe, the fresh pine air, the huge, comforting dark green and brown trees, the clear sky, the soft grass, the deer peacefully eating a leaf, he was bewildered and confused by the “new” sights he was seeing and for the “first” time, he actually felt free instead of that prison of flatland…but, something is off…Bill looked around himself “I shouldn’t be the only one who escaped RIGHT, where’s Liam, where’s Tad, the old man, a circle even…ANYONE?!”, Bill then takes a good look at himself, suddenly feeling his unknown sins crawl down his back“ Did I… do something to them, is that why I look so strange, is that why I don’t see anyone or how I even got to this strange place?!” Bill basically screaming at no one. Then after calming down and acting rational,“I don’t remember much but I want to find my brother as soon as I can, but for right now I need shelter”Bill says in his head. Bill then removed the vines on him and dusted himself off, for a minute he looks at himself, contemplating the fact he did it, he made it out of that hell. Finding a newfound hope, he left to find shelter. Unknown to Bill he is about to meet some of his old “partners”.
I know this au might be a little similar to the other au I made but this one has an actual storyline that might have a part 2 if I get at least 10 likes! :D
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gopped · 10 months
so… remember when I said I wanted to create the most 2015 out of character most cringe fanfic about durgetash and I had that pole asking if I should actually write it (as well as some actual serious durgetash which I will.) well…. I did it. Any bad use of grammar/ spelling are 100% on purpose, this is not a serious fic aka please don’t think this is how I actually write.
enjoy 984 words of pure torture.
Hey my name is The Dark Urge but everyone calls me Durge for short. I’m really poggers and epic because I was born from the blood of Bhaal, yeah Bhaals my dad, suck on that posers. I have ivory-white scales and eyes the color of blood being splashed on the deepest of rubies. And I’m a storm sorcerer, studying to do magic is for losers! Plus I have this super cool slayer form that literally makes me so badass. As the true spawn of Bhaal you could say I have it all, I have a whole cult at my beck and call, all the different corpses I can eat… but there’s one thing I don’t have yet. There’s this one guy….. The chosen of Bane, we made like this pact thing that says I can’t harm him but it never said I couldn’t fuck him. And by the gods I will. I want him to be my shmoopie snuggluffagus cutie pookie patootie pudding muffin, but my dad is like a total buzz kill so I have to apologize for even thinking about putting a ring on that. Anyways his names Enver Gortash but he prefers for me to call him Enver because we’re close like that and I’m special and all that fun stuff. Plus I’m so much better that the depressed pile of dust and bones we also have to work with, ugh he’s such a boomer.
So here I am walking into Moonrise Towers so we can start discussing our super foolproof evil plans for how to take over the world. My super platform docs stomp against the stone steps to enter the tower, I glare at a few of the various subjects of other cults, idk which ones though, all I know is they’re not as cool as I am. Their probably posers and preps for all I know. But again, I don’t care. I make my grand entrance into the throne like room, doves flying behind me as light shines behind me, I’m just that important to like the world and stuff. I whip off my super cool angular anime sunglasses and I look around the room I see my pookie schmookie goth fantasy man boo-boo bear sugar goober standing off to the side and I see the old decaying grandpa corpse sitting on the big chair at the end of the room. Ugh, he’s the worst, and not even in a fun way, he won’t shut up about how his daughter doesn’t want to talk to him anymore and how he’s literally only here because of her, like how boring can a backstory get? He begins to speak. “Ah how nice of you to finally join us, you’re over an hour late.” He grumbles out, I swear theres like a moth living where his brain should be doesn’t he know that you have to be fashionably late? “Umm yeah.” I say, “that’s the point, what kind of nerd actually shows up on time.” I say rolling my perfect blood red eyes, making sure I show my sharp teeth as I scoff at him for extra effect. “Whatever, let’s just start the meeting already.” The reanimated corpse groans out, bones cracking as he repositions himself in his high chair. I cross my arms over my chest because I’m mysterious and awesome as the guy begins to speak, I don’t pay attention my sister is probably around here somewhere I’ll just ask her for the spark notes version. Gods I want to kill someone. Like I don’t have to, but I’m bored and it’s something I enjoy doing. Then I notice something in the corner of the room, while the old man goes on and on I go and investigate, the something I noticed was a cultist, not one of mine of course, they knew better. Upon further inspection, they don’t even seem to be a cultist, their robes look homemade with no reference to what they’re even supposed to be wearing. And they seem to be snooping around too, ugh it’s probably some Harper spy or something. Well, might as well get my kill count up while I’m here I guess… I approach them and before they could even begin to utter an excuse I shove my dagger in their mouth, dragging it against the roof of their mouth and tongue and pushing it down their throat. I watch with glee as the fear in their eyes gets worse as they start to choke on their own blood. I wiggle my blade, making the gashes in their mouth wider as I do so. I could stop there, but where’s the fun in that? I pull my dagger out to watch them cough and sputter out their own blood, uselessly clawing at their throat. Ugh, what a poser, I bet that even before I did that they wouldn’t be able to name 3 MCR songs.. I shove the spy onto the ground as they look up at me almost pleading with their eyes. Ugh it’s disgusting. So I take my dagger and I begin to hit them, it’s at this point I notice that the boring guy stopped speaking and the room was silent except for the occasional blood gurgle. I pull out the persons intestines and that’s when Gorts and my eyes meet across the room. It’s like so romantic like I swear someone casted like stop time or something… him and his pepsi dark eyes… I tuck some of the blood around my tympanum, gods he’s like so hot. Like the hottest I’ve seen in my 40 years of dreadful existence. Then he walks over to me and my heart goes doki doki he knees beside me on the other side of the now corpse and we start making out. No lips no tongue, all teeth. And then we took control of the netherbrain and got married.
The end.
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sadoscribbles · 4 months
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As a child, I was quiet and had very few friends. But I never felt lonely because I always had books with me. I loved to read. I would read anything I could get my hands on, from fairy tales to recipe books to newspapers (especially the comic strips and celebrity news). I carried story books everywhere with me, on CNG and bus rides, to dawats and doctor’s chambers. Bookstores and those old vans and buses with their mobile libraries were magic to me. I remember being asked what I would do if a genie gave me a wish, and I remember answering - “I would ask for all the books in the whole world.”
But fast forward to growing up, I slowly became so entangled in making new friends that I forgot my old ones - the wordy companions of mine which lay gathering dust on bookshelves. I still read some stories, but they were mostly inappropriate Wattpad fanfics. Something wonderful did happen during these early teen years of mine, though. I started writing.
From writing Marauders era fan-fiction to a silly story about school crushes, I actually went on to attempt my first novel on Wattpad. And it wasn’t the best book but I loved writing A Few Hundred Poppies and it made me realise that writing is something I want to do more and more. Then I wrote another book over the course of the next three years, this time doing more research. Moyurakhkhi’s Cigarettes turned out a little better. It resonated with my audience online. It felt like what I have to tell matters.
While writing these two novels, I endured some of the most difficult and mentally ill years of my life. But every time I wrote, I felt alive. At times writing was the only thing I could bring myself to do. I fell in love with crafting stories and the joy creating brought me.
I decided, against the wish of my family, that I would become an English major. So I could spend my days studying and writing stories. And I am so overjoyed that this dream came true - I qualified in the competitive entrance exams to the University of Dhaka, and I’ll be majoring in English.
Truthfully, ever since finishing Moyurakhkhi’s Cigarettes, I’ve been in a bit of a rut. I feel an internal pressure to produce perfect, great writing and it’s making me procrastinate. It’s sucked the joy out of my favourite thing on the face of this earth. I’ve been super burnt out because of my tuitions as well. Thankfully, my students’ exams will end by this month, and I’ll have a whole month to myself before uni starts.
In this month, I want to work on myself, especially writing and reading. It’s a bit embarrassing that I barely read books nowadays even though I want to be a writer. I can’t be a good writer if I don’t read good books, so I’ll be working on reconnecting with my beloved childhood friends - books. Let this be a promise.
I will try to read a new book every two weeks and I’ll try to tell you guys what I think of it. You can recommend your favourite books from a range of genres, and I will gratefully check them out.
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recurring-polynya · 9 months
Fanfic Round-Up 2023
I was looking at last year's round-up in preparation for doing this and it is very hilarious because it starts out with "well I set a new record in sucking" and let me tell you: I have blown away last year's new record in sucking.
That's not entirely fair-- last year, I had a pretty big word count before I stripped out everything that I hadn't actually written that year, which knocked it down to about 113k. This year, I posted an extremely sad 58,086 words, but if you add in the fanfic I spent half the year working on and haven't finished yet, it gets back up to about...113k. This is still roughly half of what I used to be capable of, but I guess I'm just not anymore. I actually tried to quit writing in the first part of the year, because it was making me miserable, but it turns out that then I just got I-am-not-writing-miserable, which was much, much worse, so I just started Doing It Miserable. I finally started feeling a little better around October before I got kneecapped by Christmas, just like I do every year. Anyway!! Here's the goods:
Most of this year's Squad Six is Jerks (volume 4 of my multi-year collection of short stories) was stuff for RenRuki week, so technically it got written in December of 2022, or before because at least two of them were things I had lying around. It includes Part 3 of my silly Renji-joins-Squad 4 AU, an angsty TYBW healing springs story, some zanpakutou nonsense, and a nice Rukia birthday story that I'm actually pretty proud of. Later on in the years, as part of the Bleach Returns event to celebrate cour 2 of the anime, I wrote a little post-lude to the Rukia's arrest scene, which I am never not thinking about.
My big accomplishment for the year, I guess, was go places, a Rukia-and-Renji-prepare-to-try-out-for-the-Academy story. I had started it years ago, and it was just this little, no-plot thing that I was fond of, and I decided to dust it off and make something of it. That turned out to be a ton more work than I expected, but I'm actually really proud of the result, which is a little bit melancholy, but also full of heart (and world building). Please read it if you enjoy scenes where characters go to the post office.
On my usual one-every-three-to-twelve-months pace, I wrote two adult fanfics this year. One is the (loose) sequel to the other. If you like stories about people having sex in extremely inconvenient places, please check out the very descriptively named Rukia and Renji Bone Down in the Urahara Shouten Stockroom and/or Things to Do in Hueco Mundo When There's a Sandstorm and You're Stuck in a Cave.
The last thing for this year was a fraction of your happy heart (irresolution doesn't suit you), a nice story where Renji and Orihime commiserate about the long-haul pining lifestyle and then go fight each other for funsies. Now that I think about it, this was another one that I pulled out of the dusty WIPs pile and finished off.
I guess that was a big theme for this year, which on one hand, sounds kind of lazy, because all I did was finish things. On the other hand, I finished a lot of things, which is sort of the perpetual lament of the fanfic writer, so good for me. Also, it was easy for some of them, but for others, it was a lot of work (I am looking at you, go places).
Also, I very much did spent a lot of time working on my next installment of the Heart is a Muscle. There's still a significant stretch to go, but I'm pretty confident that I'll be able to complete it in the first part of 2024, before the Summer Vacation slump (I have now learned to set my expectations very low for June-Aug and also the month of December, because that's just how it is). After that, I'm optimistically hoping to pick up and complete a little in love now and then as my fall project, but that's a long way off, so we'll just have to see.
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muiltifandomnerd · 11 months
Adventures of Chika Hanabusa: The Restoration of Earth
Disclaimer: This book follows the events of Percy Jackson and Heros of Olympus fanfic, this fanfic will not include Trails of Apollo, The Kane Chronicles, and Magnus Chase.
Chapter 11: Strife
Hyun PoV
I woke up from my sleep, and I saw my hair in a mess in the mirror. I look at my mirror and see a reflection of myself. I took my hairbrush and brushed my long black hair. Messy hair is so annoying, but luckily I know how to use the brush. Once that is done, I put on toothpaste from my mouth and brush it for 2 minutes. I had to spit out the toothpaste outside my tent, camping sucks. I can't wait to be done with this quest and Ben this potion. I was lucky that Reyna and Chika didn't try to kill him as a werewolf or else he would have never been cured.
I look in the mirror to admire my good looks with my charming green eyes and my long well-toned legs that make the boys drool. I also like how my breasts are developed; with it being c cup and firm. I found a cute violet frilly skirt that stops at my midthigh and a dark pink top, which I decided to put on. I admit, that I like to admire myself, maybe that's why it takes a while to get ready. I grab the blasted magical sonar radar from my pouch that I got from Alabaster, and I cast the location spell on it to locate Eris and Enyo. Eris and Enyo will be tough to deal with, but I do think we can get the job done if Chika can control Gaia. Don’t let floral dresses and her doe-like eyes fool you, she is very dangerous. Possibly the most dangerous child of Demeter, luckily, she’s a bit inexperienced, so she won’t get in my way.
As I walked out of my tent, Chika and Reyna were waiting for me. I see Chika with a hairband, a green top, and shorts. She has short raven-colored hair, eyes that are the color of tree bark, soft smooth lips that don't show any signs of dryness, an athletic figure with a decent amount of muscles all over her body, and a similar height to me. Reyna is wearing a purple shirt that says 'SPQR' and jeans. Reyna is a gorgeous woman with bronze skin, long glossy hair that is tied in a perfect braid, a face that can be sculpted in a statue, eyes that are as dark as ink, muscular arms that show the SPQR tattoo that we got from camp, and she is an inch taller than Chika and me. I'm not going to lie, both Chika and Reyna are gorgeous in their way.
"You ready to find Eris and Enyo? "Reyna asks with her arms crossed. Reyna needs to relax and take a long vacation. I can tell that Reyna has some dark circles around her eyes and she looks wearily and a bit unsure of herself. This is the first time I see Reyna being exhausted, I always thought she was perfect. I guess fighting your mother will take a toll on your mental health.
“Yeah, I just did the location spell on the sonar. Now, Chika will Gaea bring out Limos, Oizys, and Moros when the time comes?” I asked her, and Chika took a short breath.
"Yes, I did explain yesterday that Gaia blackmailed them to help us," Chika says in a tired tone, damn it seems both Chika and Reyna didn't sleep well. Eris and Enyo will take advantage of their exhaustion.
I look at the sonar and the dark red and purple dots are right near our location. It's like Eris and Enyo are tracking us. Suddenly Chika starts puking golden dust from her mouth. Reyna looks concerned for Chika while she is puking dust. I'm even shocked that you can puke up dust instead of vomit. Suddenly the huge golden dust that Chika puked up changes into three humanoid forms: one becomes the skinny old lady, the second becomes the scarlet-haired woman, and the last one becomes the pale-haired man with a black shirt that says 'Doom'.
"That was horrible, I'm glad we are out of the blasted demigod's body. Eris will have to pay for given false promises for ultimate destruction." The elderly skinny woman shouted in a loud voice.
"I agree niece, your mother will pay but we have no choice but to those demigod brats, or else the Earth will consume us," The scarlet-hair woman says as she smooths out the golden dust from her black dress.
"I sense our dear sister's presence nearby and her partner as well." Moros looks around the sky and his head moving twisting in 360 degrees like an owl. The three gods run in one direction to the forest. How rude, they didn't wait for us so we had to chase after them. This quest is annoying because now we are chasing gods. As we followed them to an isolated area of the forest, I heard a chuckle and a whistle. It still feels like last night even though the sky is blue and sunny, the sunlight highlights the leaves' colors, and the air is all chilly and windy. A vulture landed at a log and I swear it looked at us like prey when the vulture did a cruel smirk.
"Welcome dear Demigods, and of course dear siblings and daughter, "The vulture says in a malicious tone, and suddenly the vulture is changing into a woman with black wings, a leather jacket, black jeans with holes, a basic red t-shirt, and the woman wears a similar mischievous smirk that Ben wears whenever he pranks the bullies. There is no doubt about it, this woman is Eris, Goddess of Discord.
“You like my entrance. Btw Daughter of Bellona, your mother in Greek form is waiting for you at the area next to me." Eris points northwest of the forest and Reyna just follows where Eris is pointing it without consulting Chika and I. Chika tries to run after Reyna but Eris steps in front of Chika and pushes her down.
"This is a showdown between mother and daughter. Enyo is feeling sentimental today and she just wants to spend some quality time with her daughter, even though she is a daughter of her Roman counterpart, Bellona. It is hard to keep track of split identities and their brood. I'm glad that you are not in our dear aunt's belly anymore Oizys, Moros, and Limo" Eris says in a sickening childish tone.
“Eat Shit Eris, you promise us that we could cause havoc without the interference of the Olympians, and you didn’t warm us about the Earth Mother.” The scarlet-haired woman, Oizys, angrily pointed her stygian-iron blade at Eris.
“Oh Please Oizys, you didn't ask and even if I did mention our aunt, you would still want to follow my plan anyway. So can you be a good little girl and shut up like a pamper little doll." Eris says mocking her while she shakes her butt and dances like a lunatic. This goddess is probably on crack or she's just an immortal bitch, how is Ben related to her?
“It’s really easy Daughter of Trivia, my precious boy takes after his sweet momma. My Roman form, Discordia decides to take over and put a baby in her tum-tum. I'm pretty sure you lot know how a woman can get pregnant." Eris chuckles and dances around like she's in la-la land.
"Mother, can you stop embarrassing me? I'm your daughter and yet I'm more mature than you." The elderly goddess, Limos, moves her head down and sighs.
"Never," Eris says defiantly like a middle-schooler. Why do we have to be stuck with the most childish goddess in existence? Moros is just sitting there and watching Eris making a fool of herself. Oizys decides to attack Eris with her sword and Eris has been dodging all her strikes. I got out my bow and started shooting poison arrows around Eris while she was busy fighting Oizys. Eris manipulated the shadows around the area to destroy all of my arrows and then tied Oizys with the shadows like a rope.
"One dumb sister down and two demigods to go. Moros and Limos you are welcome to fight because I need entertainment." Eris chuckles and is proud of her tying up Oizys.
Limos decides to destroy the trees with a flip of her waist and decides to claw at her mother like a madwoman. Eris is just laughing and dodging like it was all a game to her. Eris is just distracting us this whole time, she not taking us seriously. Reyna is the one in real danger and we must figure out a way to defeat Eris. Chika gets out her scythe from her pouch and she helps Limos with attacking Eris. Both Limos and Chika coordinate their attacks, Limos keeps Eris on the defense by attacking her from a frontal position while Chika attacks her on the sides. They managed to do some damage but Eris just continued laughing like a mad woman.
"Enough of this sister, this whole scheme of yours is dumb. I thought that we would have a fun time, but this whole situation is just boring. I will end you quickly. Daughter of Demeter and Daughter of Trivia, you must find a way to bind her while I will fight her." Moros says in a low, bored tone while he prepares his sword and begins attacking her. He manages to stab Eris at her legs and Eris shouts in pain.
"You Bastard, you stab my legs. I am so telling Mother and Father. AHHHH FUCKKKK!!!!!" Eris kept on grunting in pain and swearing every cuss word in existence. Now is our shot to defeat her, we can do this. Chika and I nod to each other as we silently plan to defeat this infuriating goddess. I chanted in Latin to summon a huge magical fireball while Chika touched the ground to make all the grass and roots grow around Eris.
"WAIT Daughter of Demeter, did you know that you have been working with a traitor this whole time," Eris shouted, and suddenly the roots and grass were consumed by Eris's shadows.
"What are you talking about Eris?" Chika asks in uncertainty. Damn it Chika not now, Eris could expose my past to her right now. I still concentrated on the fireballs, and I launched them toward Eris, but then her shadow traveled away from the attack and was now in front of Chika.
"Your pal, the one that tries to shoot a fireball at me, was once part of the Titan Army. Ironically, Camp Jupiter's idol has been a secret traitor this whole time. Many boys and girls fell for her while she had been carrying assignments for the Titan Army for years. Tell me, Daughter of Demeter, what makes you think that she hasn't planned on killing you once this quest is over." Eris walks predatory towards Chika while she is stunned by the news. Moros and Limos try to attack Eris one more time, but she dodges their attacks by jumping over them.
“It’s true demigod, go ahead and ask your friend over there” Eris points towards me. This goddess exposes my past towards Chika, I can’t turn back now. I will need to figure out a way to shut Eris up and just lie about it. I don’t want to fight Chika and Reyna
"Hyun….Is this true?" Chika asks with a stutter and her eyes tearing up. Eris just laughs manically and just starts walking away from the scenery. Limos and Moros just stopped attacking Eris and removed the shadow bounds of Oizys.
“Took you guys long enough to free me from Eris binding. So are we still helping the brats?” Oizys asked in confusion.
"Eris is not doing anything anymore; she just dragged us along just to screw with some demigods. What a letdown! We fulfill our oaths for the Earth Mother, and now we can travel back to help Mother recover. You had your fun Eris, now let’s leave.” Moros says agitated. Wow!!!!! Those three gods that Gaia got to help us are just so useless.
"Yes, Yes, Yes we should probably go back to the Mansion Of Night, I can feel Father calling us over now. I was having with those little girls. Come, siblings and daughter, we must attend to Darkness's needs." Eris walks with her hand in her pockets while the other three deities follow her.
"Wait aren't you going to help us fight Eris like you promised to Gaia?" I ask Moros, Limos, and Oizys as they continue to walk together with Eris.
"Didn't you hear what I just said demigod, you already fulfill our obligations to the Earth Mother? Eris is done making trouble for you lot, you should be grateful that we don't kill you girls for where you stand. You should focus on the Daughter of Demeter." Moros points at Chika still shell-shocked from the revelation of my post. Moros, Oizys, Eris, and Limos begin to shadow travel away.
"COME BACK YOU COWARDS!!!!!!!!" I shouted and I fired arrows like crazy, but those four gods were gone.
“Damn it Chika, we could have beat Eris if you had just focused on trapping her. Instead, you just stand there, letting Eris get in your head with her lies.”I shouted at her.
Chika gives me a frosty glare and I feel the ground freeze up and the temperature going down.
“You still haven’t answered my question. Is it true that you murder campers for the Titan Army?" Chika says coldly and holds her scythe ready to attack me.
“Why do you care so much? You weren’t even there during the conflict. You were busy having a cozy life.” I say in frustration while I prepare my bow at her. Chika is becoming a problem now. That stupid goddess, Eris, must ruin everything. Damn it, Chika and I could have been friends. I can feel the grass and some branches rotting away while Chika's pupils are becoming green like yesterday when she goes all crazy and munchs on Oizys, Moros, and Limos. I don't think I'm talking to Chika, I think Gaia is processing now at this moment. I must deal with Chika quickly so that I can give this potion to Ben.
“You didn’t deny killing campers at all, so Eris must be right after all. I have been friends with a murderer the whole time. Reyna and I trusted you and treated you like our friend. I will end you and I will let Reyna know that you have killed her friends.” Chika said and she ran up to me, preparing to strike me down while I dropped my bow and I grabbed my secret knife that I had hidden during the quest. This knife is dosed with lethal toxins that can destroy the immune system of a monster. I have no choice but to fight her, I must win for Ben’s sake.
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