#pray for me when I have to draw the water reflections in
ryuuna · 2 years
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a necromatic barbie scorned wip
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helloporcelain · 1 year
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3 Pairing: Astarion/Tav (gender neutral) Rating: Teen Tags: Reincarnation (Tav dies/Astarion doesn't), au-ish, Astarion's POV, oneshot.
Summary: “Until the day you draw your last breath, they will always return,” the god warns you. “And you will always find them. But they will never be the same, and they will never remember you.” Note: I got a little brainworm after seeing this lovely fanart by @cheesy-cryptid.
Read on AO3 if you prefer
Long ago, when you were a slave, you used to pray. 
Beneath the lashes that were etched onto your flesh, you would pray. When your master abandoned you to the cruel clutches of starvation, you would pray. And on the evenings where your exhaustion was so heavy you nearly died under the weight of it all, you would still pray. You would pray tirelessly, and in as many broken tongues as you knew, and to as many gods as you could remember. Yet none deigned to answer your pleas.
Many centuries later, you pray once more.
This time, Velsharoon, the archmage of necromancy, the patron of liches and god of the undead, embraces you. 
You’re not sure if this is a dream. 
“Little love,” you murmur. “You should be resting.”
They sit on a bench in your garden, a willowy figure tending to the belladonnas and foxgloves you planted for them when they became too frail to stand on their own. Water spills out from the pot as their fingers tremble under the weight, splashing at their bare feet and brushing the edges of their tattered cloak.
“Even the prettiest flowers die,” they hum in response. 
You watch them for a while with fondness — then you realize that this isn’t real. 
“Are you a memory?” you ask.
“I am always myself,” they answer. 
They pluck a blossom from the damp earth by the stem and gesture for you to join at their side, and when you draw near, they face you; yet you cannot see them, only the wilted flower that they press into your hand. 
“Tell me, Astarion. Will you scoop the pleasure of existence out from the soil with your fingers? Will you have your fill until you are so full, you overflow?” 
They gift you many paintings, each one a magnificent attempt to capture you, but you are never satisfied. They’re all just replicas , you complain, beautiful, pale imitations!
But the years pass on by, and vanity doesn’t hold as much sway on you as it used to. There is an old saying: time leaves its mark not on the faces we see, but in the hands we hold. 
You long for those changes, to prove that you have shared this messy life with your darling.
Your fingers stay smooth, and you feel just as strong as you were when you first met them all those years ago on that fateful day out in the wilderness. And though you can’t see your own reflection, you know it remains unchanged. 
In contrast, they bear the unmistakable signs of age: silvery wisps of hair, wrinkles tracing the counters of their eyes, and bone thin fingers. You think they are exquisite this way— that they are more beautiful than they have ever been– and you make sure to whisper this into their ears every time you make love.
Oh, they don’t believe you for a while. You’ll find me frightful, just a withering old thing next to you, they joke once, trying to hide their insecurity. 
But they grow to accept their aging body– it is, after all, a gift that very few are fortunate to receive.
Occasionally, in the presence of strangers who think of you as their protégé, or sometimes even their son, they playfully call you their ‘little prince’. The nickname grates on you, a reminder of your unchanging curse, but you never voice your displeasure. Seeing them smile is just enough for you. 
One winter’s season, just shy of their 700th year, they fall ill. 
Nothing unusual for a person of their age, and certainly nothing a carefully concocted potion can’t remedy. 
You kneel at their bedside, tenderly propping them up against the velvet headboard, tilting their jaw back to sip on some darjeeling tea. You raise the back of their delicate hand up to your lips and press a gentle kiss against a vein. 
“Little love, I’m going to visit the cleric. I won’t be long.” 
“Little prince,” they cough, smiling weakly at you. “I’ll see you when you get back.” 
You have no reason to believe that the gods will claim them before the sun even gets a chance to rise.
You pray that they understand. 
“Until the day you draw your last breath, they will always return,” the god warns you. “And you will always find them. But they will never be the same, and they will never remember you.” 
You’ll wait a thousand lifetimes for them – you’ll love them regardless of the form their soul inhabits.
“When your time eventually comes– and it will come, vampire– you will not join them. Your soul will be bound to me, tethered for eternity. You will never know rest.”
You’ll forsake the afterlife, if that’s what it takes to allow you a glimpse of your beloved.
“Are you absolutely certain?” 
You’ve never been more certain of anything else in your life. 
“Bring them back.” 
You pray that they forgive you. 
Twenty five years and sixteen days pass.
It’s not as though they would be born again as an adult and delivered onto your front door step immediately— you understand this, but at some point, you wonder if the notoriously capricious god has forgotten all about you. 
But one day, you sense their presence, just as Velrashoon said you would. Something compels you to Neverwinter – and you follow that feeling without a second thought. 
Not knowing when you’ll come back, you lock up your home and bring only what is necessary for the journey there. The voyage by boat takes roughly fifteen days to reach land and you can’t wait to get off the ship; the seas are unforgiving and on the nights you do come out of your cabin, you strain your eyes out over the waves, wondering who they will be in this life. 
Neverwinter is true to its name – there is an otherworldly warmth in the air that reminds you of them, even during the nighttime, which you welcome. You missed the heat of the sun while they were alive, but you longed for it even more after they passed away. 
When you reach the city, you should be in awe – and in any other lifetime, you would be eager to explore it. But today, you’re frantically racing to find them. Your feet lead you to the front door of an assuming little bookshop tucked away from the busy streets.  
If your heart had a pulse, it would be racing – it would be threatening to burst out of your chest. You push through the front doors, the bell above sweetly announcing your arrival, and search around the crowded shelves and stacks of books. No one stands out – until you notice someone perched at the top of a ladder, rearranging a few volumes.
It’s them.
You know it’s them.
“Ah, hello! I’ll be down in a second. Are you looking for something in particular?”
“Yes.” A wistful smile tugs at the corners of your lips. “I most certainly am.”
In this lifetime, they are human. 
You visit their bookshop often – you purchase a humble manor in the city and you come in every week to search for a new book.
Every book is one that they once cherished, and every week that you return they greet you with unbridled excitement, curious to see which book catches your interest this time. 
Truth be told, you’ve read these books a hundred times over, and they all go onto a shelf in your new home, patiently waiting for your sweet to finger through their pages again. 
It really doesn’t take long for them to fall in love with you – humans have always fallen prey to vampires the easiest, something about being so fragile makes dangerous creatures like you so alluring. They tell you that they’ve never experienced a love like this, and you lie and tell them that you never have, either. Your second life with them is more or less like a fairy tale, picturesque, sometimes even boring in its loveliness. Still, you adore it all the same.
But they’re human, and humans only live so long. 
I’ve missed you so much, darling, you confess in your third life together. 
They are a nomadic bard in this life; just a wild, untameable bird when you first find them with a traveling troupe in Waterdeep. You will never wish to lock them in a gilded cage so they go where their heart pleases, and most of the time, you follow. Your sweetheart is a wanderer – and you fly along with the winds of their dreams.
They laugh, having come to expect your flair for the dramatic. 
I’ve only been gone a few days, Astarion.
A few days too long, little love. 
In their fourth reincarnation, they are born a bastard to a vicious pirate king.
You feel them around fifty years in, but don’t actually manage to track them down in the Moonshae Isles until their eightieth year – it never occurred to you that they would be thrashing around in the seas. It's not exactly your preferred territory to be adventuring in, but it certainly offers a change of pace.
The way they first greet you with a sword to your neck reminds you of the time you once held a dagger to theirs. Ah, such fond memories. This variation of your darling is one that you secretly cherish the most – the one that just cannot seem to stay away from trouble.
It’s easily one of your most exciting lifetimes, despite the fact that living amongst the ocean is one of your worst nightmares. It’s a true weakness of yours, one that you are willing to brave only for them. 
“Such a strong and fearsome vampire,” your love teases, on a night where the waves are particularly strong and you can’t stand up straight. “Yet the water terrifies you so.” 
Their life begins with the ocean – how fitting it is that it ends with the ocean too, screaming and struggling amidst the violent tempest, their existence reduced to bubbles as they plummet like an anchor to the sea’s depths.
You barely make it back onto dry land with your life intact. 
Even if you knew how to swim, you wouldn’t have been able to save them anyway.
It takes a hundred years for you to find them in their fifth life. 
It’s never taken this long, and you go slightly mad trying to keep yourself busy while you wait for that phantom tug in your chest. 
When you do find them, they’re a paladin, hardened by loss. They don’t tell you about it, and you never ask.  
Every reincarnation of them after their first form has been unfamiliar with the version of you that lies – up until the night you decide that you just need to share the burden of your profound secret.
There is an excruciating loneliness in keeping it all yourself, and though you are well aware they won’t — can’t — remember, you long for them to grasp the depths of your love. You want them to understand that your devotion spans the abyss of time, that it transcends the limitations of flesh and bone, that your eternity means absolutely nothing without them.
However, you’re just not brave enough to admit to your beloved that you have lived four lifetimes with them now, but you are able to tell them a half truth: that you were lovers, that they were reborn, and that you brought them back.
They are furious, which you expected, but they are also completely inconsolable; that, you are not prepared for. 
“How dare you?” they sob, their words fraught with anguish. “How entitled you are, Astarion, to think you can play as a god.”
"Little love. Please— I’m so sorry.” 
You don’t know how to apologize for this, you just do, over and over. And it doesn’t matter, don't you realize that good intentions never matter? Their cries carry the agony of a soul caught in a never-ending cycle – a suffering of which you had a hand in weaving. Nothing in the world brings you more pain than having to witness them crumbling, wishing that you could take back something you simply don’t have the power to. 
Once they’ve finally calmed down, they make a request: “I want to see it. Take me to my grave.” 
You bring them to their first resting place, thinking that it will help them. 
They don’t leave you, but their despondency settles like a boulder on their back. They don’t have the heart to muster a smile at you during your inadequate attempts to console them, and you often find them staring out of the window, fixating on the garden beyond. 
“You water the plants too much,” they say one morning. “You’ll kill them faster that way.” 
And sometimes, when you kiss them, they respond, but their gaze is glassy and distant, as if lost in another plane entirely. It’s a familiar expression, one you stopped wearing a long time ago. 
Your chest feels like it’s being ripped open. You’ll sooner die than let them go through this again – you promise that this is their last life, that their soul will know peace. It’s not a lie, you tell yourself, if you believe it.
You call on Velsharoon countless times in the years that pass. You get on your knees to pray and pray, as you did centuries ago. You offer your soul every time, imploring to him that you have no use for it now, that he may grab it if he is content to – and you beg him to please, please allow for your love to finally rest. 
He does not answer. 
But, you also don’t feel them anymore. 
Nothing pulls at you. There are no whispers in your consciousness, no echoes of their presence reverberating through your chest. There is only silence. You wonder if Velsharoon simply became bored, after all this time, and has decided to cut you from the strings that tie you to them. 
Relief mixes with your sorrow, like a strange potion you have to choke down.
Eventually, you decide that you want to open a gallery – you don’t plan on staying in one place anymore, but you also don’t want to let go of all the things you cherish. And even if you did have a permanent residence, there would be no one left to appreciate the things that make a house a home. 
So you get to work and fill it to the brim. 
Everything they ever loved graces the halls of your exhibition. The jewelry that once adorned them sit on silver trays, protected behind glass. The luxurious robes you draped upon them are now pinned on mannequins; ancient books from centuries past lie open, their yellowing pages forever open on their favorite passages, never to be turned again. This gallery becomes your shrine, the only way to show the world that you loved something once.
Then, it is all too painful to bear. 
You leave it in the hands of a trusted curator, corresponding with her through letters and sending her any new treasures you find during your travels that might suit the gallery. You leave Baldur’s Gate.
Time stretches on, each day merging into the next. The days turn into weeks, and then into months, as hundreds and hundreds of years flow by faster than ever. You dedicate your life to seeing everything the world has to offer, crossing into different lands and learning new languages and occupying yourself with pretty new lovers. You don’t keep track of what year it is anymore, but soon it’s the age of lightbulbs and airships and the world is alive in a way you’ve never seen before – it’s spectacular.
You are so empty, and you wish more than anything that you were dead already.
Velsharoon told you that your time would come, and the morbid curiosity of how you will go is the only thing keeping you from sitting in the sun on your own.
One year, you find yourself returning to Baldur's Gate on a whim. 
You haven’t seen your gallery in what seems like forever, but you have kept a close hand on it all this time – you’ve passed it down through the family, so to speak. Upon your arrival, the newest curator is practically tripping over themselves to greet you. They marvel at your uncanny resemblance to your great, great-grandfather – strong genetics, you tell them.
The hallowed halls of your life's memories stretch out before you, pristine and frozen in time. As you absorb every detail of every item, the reality of your age weighs heavily on you, and you find yourself feeling more ancient than you ever have. You get a sense that this lifetime might be your last – that perhaps Velsharoon is warning you.
That’s when you hear it - the voice that has haunted you through so many lifetimes. 
You tell yourself that you merely wish to see what they look like. 
Just a glimpse. 
It’s curiosity, that’s all it is. 
Then you’ll sell the gallery and never step foot into Baldur’s Gate again.
Their attention is fixed on the very first painting they had ever gifted you— their favorite one, the one that captured the sadness in your eyes so well. You’re nearby, concealed behind a column, pretending to admire a statue before you. Their hair veils their face as they study the portrait, and the longest of minutes pass before they finally move on. 
You attempt to turn away just before they reach you, but your nerves betray your reflexes and your shoulders collide. When you finally lay eyes on them, it feels as though a musket has pierced your chest. 
This time, they look as if they've been plucked straight from their first life with you, not a single strand of hair out of place.
A breathless moment lingers between the two of you, and then, a smile ghosts their lips. It’s an echo of a smile – a déjà vu so uncanny that it would unsettle you if you didn’t know any better.
“I’m sorry... Have we met before?”
“I’m afraid not.” 
"I can't quite put my finger on it," they muse, their brows furrowing in thought. “But there's something remarkably familiar about you." 
“Hmm… that portrait of my handsome ancestor might provide a clue," you suggest, pointing to the painting. "Though – I am also the owner of this gallery."
“Oh!” They look at the painting with alarm, then back at you, chuckling. “Yes, perhaps that’s it. My husband brought me here many moons ago, and I’ve continued to visit whenever I return to the city. It is such an enchanting collection. You’re wise to keep it in the family.” 
Husband. This is the first incarnation where you've seen them with a spouse. Ah, it appears that Velsharoon has, at long last, granted them respite from you, and is revealing it in the cruelest way… you always knew he had a depraved sense of humor. 
"Your husband has an impeccable eye for beauty," you complement, making no effort to hide the way your gaze lingers over their body.
They turn away from you with a faint blush creeping up their neck, eyes drawn back to the painting.
“He did have a deep appreciation for the arts.”
You hold your tongue, understanding that fate is tempting you once more. 
“It’s really not the painting,” they say, this time with conviction. “I know you. I don’t know how I know you. But I do.”
It’s time to make your exit , you chastise yourself, trying to recall the promise you made to them centuries ago. 
Ending a conversation with a complete stranger and walking away would be the most sensible thing to do – you’re an aristocrat, and who are they to you? You have many lovers waiting for you, scattered in different homes across Faerûn – you’re a vampire, you should have a restless appetite for both adventure and wanton delights; you should be reveling in your eternal existence, savoring it with the kind of ravenous abandon that mortals can only dream of. 
And yet, you are also simply just a man. 
Perhaps your love was correct when they thought you fancied yourself a small god. In the grand tapestry of your existence, you ask yourself – what difference does one more thread make for a soul already condemned to damnation?
Well, there’s one thing you know for sure – you've always possessed a remarkable talent for deceit. All it takes is one look at the face that you once loved so much, and it seems that you truly cannot remember the vow.  Yes, now that you think of it – perhaps it was all just a melancholy dream… 
“I don’t know you, my dear. But I would love to.” 
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squidsandthings · 4 months
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I don’t have a god to look to In the night sky I only see you My divine truth Is your arms now the sky When you departed The world eclipsed And I’m left in almost total abyss My shooting-star, I’m devoted To your name Now I'm staring at your reflection In the water praying to the moon and catch A glimpse of eyes stars shining in the night See down from above Your starlight love is divinity to me Oh long gone lover in stars I see you Don’t you know death is a trip to the sky In twilight I hear your name and I Hope one day I’ll hear you say mine again So I wish on you until I’m home oh Celestial Lover, Don’t you leave me alone
A drawing of an OC for an art contest <3
click on image for full quality!!
(song lyrics are by me :D)
progress under cut!!
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ransprang · 2 years
Namor x Asian!reader praying to water gods
Note:- saw this request earlier and decided to write it! Admins are Asian so hit close to home ;)
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Your parents had always taught you about the power of mother earth’s elements. In your religion praying to sun meant asking for light and abundance, water for prosperity and a good farming season, earth for fertility. Thanks to your culture being surrounded by nature was your go to, it helped you feel relaxed and happy.
This season the rain was scarce, farmers were complaining. It was a nationwide issue, there was food shortage and people were suffering. You knew what your mother would have done, so after waking up that day you made your way to the lonely mountain lake nearby. The water from the springs collected into this small lake as it further flowed into the ocean. You stood there joining your hands and closing your eyes. You began reciting a chant you had learned in a scripture that your grandmother used to own, it was to summon the water king. Whispering to yourself for the ancient one to descend and make it rain on your land, making it fertile and luscious again. As you prayed, the wind blew faster against your skin and the sky began darkening. You weren’t sure if the wonder was done by your prayer or a coincidence, but you walked away with a smile regardless.
A few days of rain later there was a dry spell once again, despite there being no actual crisis, you thought back to the time you prayed and it rained. You liked rainy days better anyways, so you made your way down to the lake, followed the stream and reached the coastline. Staring into the horizon that seemed to blend in with the sky, you decided to say a quick prayer once again. “Oh lord of water, please listen to me again. Make it rain, let the plants feast and animals bathe.” You said in your native tongue. As you opened your eyes this time there was no change, everything was still the same. You embarrassingly giggled to yourself and turned around to leave when you heard splashes behind you, something seemed to be drawing closer.
Bracing yourself you turned around in haste, only to see a man fit to be a king, stand tall and wide before you. He had beautiful honey skin, dark eyes and hair, green shorts with ornaments that only made him glow more. As your eyes scanned him, the only jarring thing was the wings attached to his feet. Your heart began beating fast out of fear. He had lines of worry or annoyance on his forehead as he spoke in a thick accent “you’ve been calling for me.” For a moment you were shocked but finally realising he had heard your prayers. You softly spoke “are you the sea god?” He smiled widely “some might say…yes. What do you want?” you will-fully said “did you make it rain that day? Can you make it happen again” you felt naive. This could very well be a prankster who could shockingly hold his breath for long and weird feet. He laughed “No I didn’t, that was the skies. I do not make it rain”. You knew this was too weird to be true. He gave you one final smile before turning around to swim deep into the ocean again.
The incident had you reflecting back at home, it was almost funny and you had been an idiot to even believe him for a second. The next day early morning you decided to go back to the beach and pray again, and there he was. This time you saw him swim from the deep end to the shore, this man surely did not live in water right? He walked out “what is it now? You need to stop this.” You laughed “Wow you’re a dedicated prankster, where were you hiding?” He shot you a disgusted look and in no mood to entertain this conversation, he once again left.
Over the next few days you tried forgetting about it, but a part of you had more toxic thoughts. He was a friend on demand! Whoever he was and whatever he was up to, he would come to you when you called. A week down, you tried the ancient prayer once again, he showed up just as expected. This time you were convinced he was some sort of mermaid. He was visibly annoyed “You have to stop this. You will get yourself in trouble, you don’t know what you’re messing with” you responded nonchalantly “sure sure, mr olympic swimmer. How long can you even hold your breath for?”. He walked forward, closer to you, his chest close to yours, looking down into your eyes. You were lost in his black orbs, but, he was angry “do this again. And you will suffer the consequences.” You being a playful person, tippy toed and kissed his cheek. The man before made an expression he didn’t even know he could make, disgust mixed with shock. You chuckled, as he once again turned around and left this time a little embarrassed. Clearly his threats were futile.
The following month, you were spending the day with your family when an argument broke out. You felt berated and upset, spending most of your time at home with these people how could such disagreements even break out? Why was there no understanding? Crying you left for a walk alone at night. Just as you remembered your mysterious friend. Going to the secluded beach you chanted while crying, you were on the verge of breaking down, god you needed someone to talk to. But, nothing happened. He didn’t come…you chanted repeatedly, feeling like the boy who cried wolf, you sat there on a rock defeated.
Suddenly the waves rose, crashing louder against the shore. A built figure emerged, he finally came. He seemed to have heard your crying with your calling, this man brought sympathy with him this time. He sat next to you but you thought of him someone close to so you instantly hugged him tightly. Not sure of what to do he politely kept his hands on your back and comforted. “Please tell me your name…” you finally asked reeling yourself back in. -“Kukulkan or Namor” he said strongly. You had read about him before, in the stories of mythical heroes of Mayapan. You didn’t see him in that way though, your perception of Kukulkan was simply a friend from the sea. He saw the look in your eyes and said “what is it? Today I’ll stay”. You both sat on the rock together as you kept your head on his shoulder wrapping your arms around his bicep. You didn’t feel uncomfortable around him, after all spending nights thinking of him had made you used to the idea of having him close. Kukulkan didn’t seem to mind either. Spending the whole night talking to each other, he seemed to confide about Talokan in you too.
Kulkukan became your friend, he became a confidant and perhaps someone much closer. Over the next many years, he came when you called, he watched you change and grow as a human. Kulkukan listened and shared, till one day he took you with him into the waves of the ocean far far away.
Your Prayer,
Admin Sav
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0wl3tt3 · 5 months
Reflection on my practice (for future me)
Hello, so I wanted to do write what has been my practice so far for future me to read and reflect, I discover a lot for myself, so this might be long so please sit and relax.
I grew up Roman Catholic for most of my life, living and breathing on those values, going to Catholic school and going to church but it doesn't really have an affect for me, I didn't feel connected to Catholicism, so I was semi atheist (I didn't know that Agnostic exist) for most of my early teenage years until I was in grade 10, where I was kinda chilling in class, I wasn't interested with the subject so I just pulled out my phone and thought it would be fun to search on tumblr about witchcraft and it really interested me. Everything about it looked fun and maybe I wanted to dipped my toes in the water. Later on I created an account specifically for that! I enjoyed it as a newbie liking the vibes and looked to find Paganism
Anyone who followed 15-16 year old me will remember I was a Kemetic pagan, I worshipped Anubis and Ra (Along with Heru-Sa-Aset) but I was close to Anubis, I prayed to him after my dog died which did started my path to paganism where I now just denounce myself silently as a Catholic. I prayed and gave him offerings that I have access to and just let him guide me to cope. I started being open to my practice to my friends as well which they all really support! I never said anything to my family knowing what they believe was that I'm just catholic.
I really do thank Anubis and the gods I did pray for those hardships of my own mistakes and leading me to comfort even when I'm arrogant. It inspired me to admire history more that I ever did, I wanted to read more about old religions, I wanted to just eat every single information I can find tiring to be the best version of what I should do and value.
Hellenism and Athena
I've already told this but I wasn't Kemetic pagan anymore now, I adored Anubis but it felt like my time of mourning had passed and it felt like I might have to part my ways with Kemeticism. Its a beautiful religion and the people there are lovely! but I just don't follow it as a follower anymore and I was called to Hellenism.
I wasn't gonna lie and say Hellenism didn't intimidate me, it did, I knew to never take the myths literally for me to not act dumb but there were a lot of things I had to learn now that I wasn't following Kemeticism. I wasn't sure who to look, well, for a bit until I settled with Athena which makes sense.
Listen, I am a girl that loved the greek monsters, dragons, drawing, and war history, of course I'm gonna pray to Athena!
I felt like she was the goddess for me and later became the kinda the only goddess I prayed for when it comes to tests and being strong. Sometimes I don't do prayers because of school and my own laziness, I'm happy that she's patient with me and a tarot reading by a friend, where I asked "What's Athena thinking about me? I haven't done much for her..." "Talk to me more! and stop procrastinating!"
But I really do thank her for that, it's just so sweet for me to know she is around even when I'm not always acknowledging her.
Now and future
I think one, buy a fucking tarot deck for myself and just talk more, sometimes when no one is around I just talk out of no where to her which I see as my baby steps to coming back since last and the early months I was pretty dry on my worship and practice. This summer I hope I can read history books and just talk about it to her, start doing divination and do something about that rain water from one year ago lmao.
I think this year will be witchy and pagan for me! I'm excited for shenanigans to ensue with my irl witch friends!
And I will say it again, thank you to the deities I worshipped before and now for guiding me to where I am now, no matter how chaotic it is, you're there for me.
So for future me, let's do this!!!!!
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palavrasmefaltam · 28 days
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How to Draw Closer to God: A Path of Faith and Intimacy
Drawing closer to God is a profound desire that many of us experience at some point in our lives. The Bible offers clear and powerful guidance on how we can nurture this sacred and intimate relationship with our Creator. Here are some steps based on Scripture to help you draw closer to God.
1. Seek God with All Your Heart
Jeremiah 29:13 teaches us: “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” God wants us to seek Him sincerely, with an open and willing heart. This means putting God first in our lives and dedicating time to know Him through prayer and reading His Word.
2. Meditate on God's Word
The Bible is the primary way God speaks to us. Psalm 1:2-3 says: “But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither.” Meditating on God’s Word renews our minds and strengthens our faith, enabling us to live according to His will.
3. Pray Without Ceasing
1 Thessalonians 5:17 exhorts us: “Pray continually.” Prayer is our direct line of communication with God. Through prayer, we can express our thoughts, feelings, and needs to God, and also hear His voice and guidance. Prayer draws us closer to God and helps us develop a deeper intimacy with Him.
4. Confess Your Sins
To draw closer to God, we need to repent of our sins and seek His forgiveness. 1 John 1:9 assures us: “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” Confession and repentance cleanse us from everything that separates us from God, restoring our relationship with Him.
5. Love Your Neighbor
Jesus taught us that loving our neighbor is a reflection of the love we have for God. 1 John 4:7-8 says: “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” Demonstrating love and compassion for others is a powerful way to draw closer to God, as we are living out His commandments.
6. Live in Holiness
God calls us to live in holiness, set apart for Him. 1 Peter 1:15-16 reminds us: “But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: ‘Be holy, because I am holy.’” Living a life that pleases God, obeying His commandments, and turning away from sin brings us closer to Him.
7. Trust and Have Faith
Hebrews 11:6 tells us: “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” Having faith in God, even in difficult circumstances, is crucial to drawing closer to Him. Trust that God is with you in all situations and that He has a purpose for your life.
Drawing closer to God is a continuous journey of spiritual growth. By sincerely seeking God, meditating on His Word, praying, confessing our sins, loving our neighbors, living in holiness, and trusting Him, we build an intimate and deep relationship with the Lord. May these steps guide you to a life closer to God, filled with His blessings and love.
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lordleonster · 1 year
at first glance on the academy grounds, Eldigan thinks he is seeing a ghost. After all, everyone he knows should be gone or dead. And yet he'd know that silhouette and umber-colored eyes anymore. But could it be? Could it really be? Was this not life playing cruel tricks on him? Shadows, dancing in a dangerous scheme, inviting him to play, but knowing that the cannot stay. No, Eldigan cannot believe it. Refuses to. But the way Quan moves seems so lifelike. The way his smile draws in warmth reminds him od days bygone when they once shared friendship. He wants to reach out and test the waters but what if it's a false shot... But what has he left? Eldigan has already failed as a knight....As a father....as a brother... Closing his eyes, he calls out for one of his dearest allies. "Quan!" his voice starts, a bit shaky, unsure of himself. Since when has he become so insecure? That's not the stalwart knight he's known himself to be. But now, in the foreign land where he is stripped of everything and everyone he knows, who is to say? All that's left is for the man to respond. Please. "Is that really you, Quan?" Eldigan nopes - nay - prays, that the desperation is not literally dripping from his voice, but loneliness does not bode well on him. "What brings you to the officer's academy?"
Old friend of mine, where have you been? / With my knuckles tracing ebbs / I kneel before the shore. / Asking to bottle our last days together. / Like a ship out in the black sea.
Quan remembers a time when Leonster hailed at the height of its cultural surge, opening the castle gates for all to attend its open-theatre plays and stroll through hand-selected art galleries in its gardens. It was a glorious time—though its memory now rasps dry and chapped, for he is unsure if glory is the veneer of something true, or something that could be chipped away with his thumb. The voice he remembers is— was an actor in his prime rapping his knuckles against the stage floorboards, with tears so real Quan could have caught them himself. Old friend of mine.
He shakes the voice in his head, it shakes him back— as he spots him immediately. There's a sort of parting of seas when his friend walks, there's a sort of quaking of sands when his back straightens.
Where have you been?
There's a feeling that shivers and sways, holding onto a bottle with a ship inside— shaking it until the sea becomes sand. The voice inside his head becomes his own, and he feels his heart drop onto the floorboards.
"Eldigan!" He dives for it, the actor in his head dives for it. That sentimental heart of his still has its worth. Quan grips Eldigan close, one hand parsed on his shoulder, the other gripping his free hand in a tight greeting. Quan can feel the shake in the man opposite of him, and he fears the same can be said about the reflection. "You're here!" Alive! The voice in his head gasps. Where have you been?
Quan's the first to grin. It's a reassured one, a confident one. It's the one his daughter has damned. His stern brows sharpen, to pull them both by the heart back onto their feet. "Family. Of course. As you are."
"My god, you look like you've seen a ghost." His teeth show, grinning even wider. "Don't look so somber, my friend. You know I keep my promises."
On that stage, the actor cries tears so real Quan could have caught them himself. On this stage, Quan feels close. He feels Aed, he feels loss, he feels lost, he feels—
Old friend.
He feels at home. "And I said my strength was yours, whenever you would call me."
Where have you been?
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tyrayde · 9 months
Meet Reo!
Reo is one of my recent characters, the black & white Dragonborn. He is a homebrew race called Fused Dragonborn, where his parents' colors stayed separate instead of combining to a new color for their offspring. The black scales on his body are shiny as obsidian, reflecting light and showing a slightly iridescent sheen in the sun. The white scales are matte, resembling snow. If enough light shone on his large, slightly chubbier frame, he would essentially be a walking flashbang. Standing at 6'09", his draconic scales are pure black and white, swirling in natural twists and turns to create an enamoring design along his body. The only unnatural design on his body is a tattoo he got on his neck, and his left index finger. His neck has a black ink tattoo that resembles a single drop of water dropping, and rippling throughout an otherwise stagnant lake. His finger was simply made to look entirely black, as a magical tattoo that lets him draw and write from his finger whenever he wishes.
He is holding onto the family business of selling custom and commissioned ice sculptures, though taking them on the route of trying to be an adventurer and help out people as much as he can. When he was a teenager, after moving out of his home town to the main capital, his father passed away, and his only friend told him about the God that him and his family worship, named Kubaashu, God of Mourning, the Dead, and Judgement. He now prays for each lost soul along his journey and wishes them safe travels to the afterlife, and fair judgement by Kubaashu, no matter how evil or good he thought they were, he trusts his God to make an impartial and fair judgement.
He is blunt, straight forward, and very honest if something bothers him. He's fairly stern in his morals, and holds others to similar standards, or has faith that they can change for the better.
Behind the Scenes :)
Reo was one of my more recent characters, so you get to understand his character that I think was done a bit more successfully than some of my earlier ones lmao. I had fun thinking of him, but he's a bit harder to play in practice than I was hoping. He basically takes, what I feel like I have slightly, some of my natural instinct that makes people feel comfortable around him (he should have more than me but idk how to do that lmao), but also his social ineptitude of social cues, and being super blunt. I'm not quite as open as he is, he is honest enough to usually be very willing any day to open up a conversation and start a confrontation, usually in polite nature, and sometimes it's hard to roleplay him properly because there are days I just want to lay easy and not need to confront one of my friends.
He is one of my characters who I tried to make interesting by giving him a family of NPCs, and an interesting reason to want to become an adventurer, without having it be traumatizing or sad.
He uses any pronouns!
His Refsheet: https://refsheet.net/Blitz/Reo
You can also learn more or ask questions about her, or to her on my Discord!: https://discord.com/invite/A9WEDDbVre
(Art by BluesBnB!)
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American Bible Society: Daily Bible Reading
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Zephaniah 1
1 This is the message that the Lord gave to Zephaniah during the time that Josiah son of Amon was king of Judah. (Zephaniah was descended from King Hezekiah through Amariah, Gedaliah, and Cushi.)
The Day of the Lord's Judgment
2 The Lord said, “I am going to destroy everything on earth, 3 all human beings and animals, birds and fish. I will bring about the downfall of the wicked. I will destroy everyone, and no survivors will be left. I, the Lord, have spoken.
4 “I will punish the people of Jerusalem and of all Judah. I will destroy the last trace of the worship of Baal there, and no one will even remember the pagan priests who serve him. 5 I will destroy anyone who goes up on the roof and worships the sun, the moon, and the stars. I will also destroy those who worship me and swear loyalty to me, but then take oaths in the name of the god Molech. 6 I will destroy those who have turned back and no longer follow me, those who do not come to me or ask me to guide them.”
7 The day is near when the Lord will sit in judgment; so be silent in his presence. The Lord is preparing to sacrifice his people and has invited enemies to plunder Judah. 8 “On that day of slaughter,” says the Lord, “I will punish the officials, the king's sons, and all who practice foreign customs. 9 I will punish all who worship like pagans and who steal and kill in order to fill their master's house with loot.
10 “On that day,” says the Lord, “you will hear the sound of crying at the Fish Gate in Jerusalem. You will hear wailing in the newer part of the city and a great crashing sound in the hills. 11 Wail and cry when you hear this, you that live in the lower part of the city, because all the merchants will be dead!
12 “At that time I will take a lamp and search Jerusalem. I will punish the people who are self-satisfied and confident, who say to themselves, ‘The Lord never does anything, one way or the other.’ 13 Their wealth will be looted and their houses destroyed. They will never live in the houses they are building or drink wine from the vineyards they are planting.”
14 The great day of the Lord is near—very near and coming fast! That day will be bitter, for even the bravest soldiers will cry out in despair! 15 It will be a day of fury, a day of trouble and distress, a day of ruin and destruction, a day of darkness and gloom, a black and cloudy day, 16 a day filled with the sound of war trumpets and the battle cry of soldiers attacking fortified cities and high towers.
17 The Lord says, “I will bring such disasters on the human race that everyone will grope about like someone blind. They have sinned against me, and now their blood will be poured out like water, and their dead bodies will lie rotting on the ground.”
18 On the day when the Lord shows his fury, not even all their silver and gold will save them. The whole earth will be destroyed by the fire of his anger. He will put an end—a sudden end—to everyone who lives on earth.
Today’s Key Verse: Zephaniah 1:14a "The great day of the LORD is near—very near and coming fast!"
Reflect: What is the LORD’s message to Zephaniah? Reread verses 4–9. What reasons are given for the people’s punishment? How is “the great day of the LORD” described (verses 14–18)? What were your thoughts when you read this message?
Pray Almighty God, you alone are God and I worship you. Draw me close to you and keep me in your care. I seek to serve you always. In your holy name, I pray. Amen.
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anx1oustig3r · 2 years
why do you draw dark willow like that
tbh i could give a snarky answer but i’ve had my lunch and a painkiller so im in a good mood rn
for me a big thing with character design that i love is trying to reflect the characters personality and attitude in the design and … i think i gotta take a moment to talk about valve’s issues with character writing in dota, specifically with poor little mireska sunbreeze
an addendum i also believe that anyone’s read of the character is perfectly fine and valid, this is just mine and i get that it’s extremely different to the Oversight one that’s more popular
tl;dr: i see her as a dangerous, evil character and draw her more sharp to reflect that
mireska in particular really suffers from her canon design. i dont think it’s bad mind you, i actually like it a lot, but i will say the first time i saw the character my response was “ugh of course, waifu porn bait, not surprised.” then i read her lore and i was SHOCKED because the character presented in the lore just didn’t line up with the visuals. now granted, the character in game is very “haha mischievous little fairy” but thats where i want to bring up the inconsistencies.
im firm in my stance that snapfire is the most interesting and well written character in dota, but i seriously believe that spot could have been mireska if they just commit to what was set up with her.
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this is her lore piece in game and there’s key words here: spiteful, contempt, manipulation, cutthroat. along with the note that she was GOOD at dealing with this stuff. she fit in with it and even says herself if it wasn’t for her father she’d have stayed in revtel
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it’s pretty evident here. mireska is an absolute piece of shit made worse by the fact that this is very clearly an active choice she’s making and has zero intention to change if these lines are anything to go by.
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(tumblr is glitching so im praying it chose the right photos)
it doesn’t really come across when you load her into the game. it’s just, cheeky waifu at best. she doesn’t seem all too effected by what she’s supposedly been through. granted that’s the standard of dota writing, but thats what i’m getting at. the lore sets up one character but then the game presents you with another very watered down one note version of them.
so the mireska i draw comes from the character presented in the lore. a rebellious asshole who was fucked up enough to burn her families estate down to the ground AS A CHILD and steal a family heirloom purely to rub salt in the wound of her father, clearly there was some messed up dynamic there but the game wont really elaborate further outside of “overbearing”. i often find myself thinking it would have been great if they let her acknowledge this in game, especially since it’s evident some years have passed since the fire, you don’t become wanted in 6 nations with a nasty reputation and armies worth of assassins and bounty hunters after you in just a couple of weeks.
does she feel any guilt for what she did? has she realised that she’s set herself down a spiral of self destruction but she could stop it at any point as dontè implies? does she know this but trying to change and be better is basically admitting that she’s in the wrong which she would rather tear her own wings off than admit that?
i don’t know if im crazy for having this read of her, or looking too hard into a game that regularly gets memed on for not having any lore, but personally these themes of holding yourself accountable that hang on the back of her character are fascinating and resonate a lot with me. and i guess that’s why i draw her the way i do. i see her as this rough, conflicted character who’ll shank you first, rob you blind and not bother to ask questions. someone with a bitter past that she’d rather leave behind and be the worst version of herself purely to spite whatever expectations were put on her in childhood (given her father was a merchant king and the way she talks about him, there was clearly SOMETHING)
so i use a lot of sharp shapes, hard edges typical of a roguish dangerous character. dark outlines, fangs and claws to exaggerate that she’s a monster and a clear threat. she’s thin and gangly like a bramble stick you’d find walking in the woods in the dead of night, with cat eyes that gleam in the darkness like a predator watching.
i could talk about why i read a very queer interpretation of her too but i think i rambled enough as it is and this is gonna get posted to reddit where gamers will laugh at me and send anon hate to this blog but what can you do, such is life im afraid.
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vinceleemiller · 3 months
Providential Guidance Everyday | 1 Samuel 9:7-14
Are you overlooking God's divine providence?
Welcome to the Daily Devo. I am Vince Miller.
This week, we are in 1 Samuel 9. I've titled this chapter "Guided By God."
Today, we pick up at the point of the story where Saul and his servant are out looking for their father's lost donkeys. They have exhausted their efforts, but they have heard there is a man of God close by, so they decide to inquire of him. Our text picks up in 1 Samuel 9:7-14, which reads:
Then Saul said to his servant, “But if we go, what can we bring the man? For the bread in our sacks is gone, and there is no present to bring to the man of God. What do we have?” The servant answered Saul again, “Here, I have with me a quarter of a shekel of silver, and I will give it to the man of God to tell us our way.” (Formerly in Israel, when a man went to inquire of God, he said, “Come, let us go to the seer,” for today's “prophet” was formerly called a seer.) And Saul said to his servant, “Well said; come, let us go.” So they went to the city where the man of God was.
As they went up the hill to the city, they met young women coming out to draw water and said to them, “Is the seer here?” They answered, “He is; behold, he is just ahead of you. Hurry. He has come just now to the city, because the people have a sacrifice today on the high place. As soon as you enter the city you will find him, before he goes up to the high place to eat. For the people will not eat till he comes, since he must bless the sacrifice; afterward those who are invited will eat. Now go up, for you will meet him immediately.” So they went up to the city. As they were entering the city, they saw Samuel coming out toward them on his way up to the high place. — 1 Samuel 9:7-14
What we discover in this text is a diversion from seeking natural solutions by natural efforts to seeking natural solutions by spiritual efforts. Saul has exhausted all his natural means and now turns to spiritual means. There is "a well-known prophet" living in the vicinity, so his servant persuades him to visit him to find a resolution in their search for a few lost donkeys. And as they approach the place where Samuel lives, the timing is providential. Samuel and Saul meet as God has determined. And in the coming text, we will see how providential this moment is.
Here is the application today.
Most of the time, we seek natural solutions to natural problems. Sometimes, that might be all that is needed. But believers should always look beyond the natural events, problems, and solutions in this life. God works through natural events to reveal supernatural things. He works through minor problems that are solved by natural means. He also works through big issues that are solved by spiritual means. When we realize that these are all his workings, we will see God's work more often and realize that he is always and perpetually guiding and leading us to see his will. You will see in the coming text that Samuel understood this, but Saul had yet to learn this.
Today, try to see God's work and guidance in everything that happens throughout your day. For example, when you solve a natural problem by natural effort, look beyond your ingenuity to the spiritual gift God imparted to you as the force behind this natural solution and praise God's supernatural work through you. If you start seeing life this way, you will see divine providence in all the moments of life, deepening and enriching your daily walk with the Lord.
#DivineGuidance, #GodsTiming, #SeekingProvidence
Ask This:
How often do you rely solely on your own efforts to solve problems, and how might you actively seek God's guidance in those situations?
Reflect on a recent experience where you've seen God's providence at work, whether through a natural solution or a spiritual intervention. How can recognizing His hand in these moments deepen your faith and trust in His guidance?
Do This:
See providence in everything today.
Pray This:
Father, help me to recognize Your guiding hand in every aspect of my life, whether in small everyday challenges or significant decisions. May I trust in Your timing and seek Your wisdom, knowing that You are always working for my good. Amen.
Play This:
God Omniscient, God All Knowing.
Check out this episode!
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newprophets · 4 months
The Baptism of Jesus A Lesson in Humility, Approval, and Empowerment
The Baptism of Jesus
Good morning, beloved brothers and sisters in Christ. Today, we reflect on the Baptism of Jesus, as recorded in Matthew 3:13-17 (KJV).
"Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him. But John forbad him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me? And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. Then he suffered him. And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."
The baptism of Jesus marks the beginning of His public ministry and is a profound moment in the New Testament. Here are three important truths we can draw from this event:
Jesus' Humility:
Jesus, the sinless Son of God, chose to be baptized by John to identify with humanity and fulfill all righteousness. This act of humility sets a powerful example for us.
Divine Approval:
As Jesus emerged from the water, the heavens opened, and the Spirit of God descended like a dove upon Him. A voice from heaven declared, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." This divine affirmation underscores Jesus' identity and mission.
Empowerment by the Holy Spirit:
The descent of the Holy Spirit upon Jesus signifies the beginning of His anointed ministry. It reminds us of the importance of the Holy Spirit's presence and power in our own lives and ministries.
As we reflect on the baptism of Jesus, let us remember the importance of humility, seeking God's approval, and relying on the Holy Spirit. May we follow Jesus' example and live lives that are pleasing to God.
Closing Prayer:
Heavenly Father, we thank You for the example of Jesus' baptism. Help us to embrace humility, seek Your approval in all that we do, and rely on the power of the Holy Spirit. May our lives reflect Your love and righteousness. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
#BaptismOfJesus #Humility #HolySpirit #GodsApproval #ChristianLiving #FaithJourney #BiblicalTeaching
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mcbex · 9 months
**Fullness **
I'm packing away the last of our Christmas gear. Which basically means I'm putting away the remains of a year gone by. I can't help but reflect on all last year brought me and all the hopes I have for the new year. With a new season I am making plans! I'm mapping out roads to run on, chair lift dates, plays I want to see and so on. It seems so full already and it's only January. But there are faces I need to see, conversations that must be had, dates and dreams and life. The fullness I feel isn't the overwhelmingly busy kind. It's the kind that's built on the breathe of life itself. It's the fullness we feel of a life well lived.
While looking for a verse to fit this theme I came to a quote by Voltaire- "God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well."  I really like that because of its simple truth. Life is a gift. Sometimes I get frustrated that it took me so long to see that. Then I feel a little distressed for those that have yet to understand the gift. As long as we have life there is still time. So I won't get down hearted about it. I will pray.
As I continue packing I'm not only looking back at 2023, I'm considering the person I've been and the person I'm becoming. I am a work in progress. In fact I'm a mess at times. So much so that I wonder how anyone could love me.
I recognize the brokenness of people and of the world we live in. I acknowledge that I too feel splintered. Until recently I had merely been treading water, not recognizing that I had been the villain in my own story. Now as I submit to the hurt broken parts of me I allow them to be part of who I am but I no longer accept them as a representation of who I have to be. In fact the more I embrace her sheared and tattered frame the more I embrace the life that is mine to live. I am now able to listen in and lean on others only to find them equally as fragile as I am. Although I feel like there are days when I am on a mission to improve the spirit of those around me, most often it just feels comforting knowing we all have struggles or pain. I never saw that before. I hate that I didn't see it because I know now that we all need the pieces of each other to make this beautiful heap work.
I see it in the way we talk to others and how we feel about others and how we expect others to know how to relate with us, then how we get frustrated when we don't get what we need. I am guilty of it. I want to give the love others want or need of me to but I can't always muster the way to do it. Even the smallest gestures can be so difficult sometimes. Changing your heart is hard. It's also frustrating when I bank everything God wants from me on the change he's making in me then fail to achieve the goal.
I wrap each ornament, eventually carrying them to my attic where I will put them aside, and in time I will pull them back down and reminisce again as I decorate my tree with trinkets and bobbles. The loop is finite but for now it feels endless. Much like my struggle to try be the person my heart so badly wants to be. I yearn to love. I ache to know others better. I pray for the skill to be stronger for anyone who needs to lean on me too. Most of all I hope this year will find me more open, fragile, caring and familiar the process of a changing heart.
The Bible says draw near to God and he will change you. Let us all be changed for those we love.
Ephesians 3: 14-19 For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
James 4: 7-10So then, submit yourselves to God. Resist the Devil, and he will run away from you. Come near to God, and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners! Purify your hearts, you hypocrites! Be sorrowful, cry, and weep; change your laughter into crying, your joy into gloom! Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.
Psalm 51:10 Create a pure heart in me, O God, and put a new and loyal spirit in me.
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yhwhrulz · 1 year
Today's Daily Encounter Tuesday, August 15, 2023
The Source of Our Words
"With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? My brothers and sisters, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water."1
Have you ever said something and then immediately wish that you could take it back? This has happened to me, more than once I am afraid to say. I don't intend to be hurtful, but I allow my opinion to take the lead instead of allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through me. One benefit of making mistakes, is the opportunity to learn from it. I have learned to analyze my thoughts before speaking and am learning to discern when it is of God and when it is just me getting in the way. Our words are so powerful and have the potential to be a blessing to those around us but can also do great damage.
Today's passage reminds us of the importance of being consistent in our talk. The same way we use our tongue to sing praises to God on Sunday is the same way we should be using our tongue to encourage and speak love to one another daily. I love the following quote from John Piper:
"When the heart full of God's love can draw on the mind full of God's word, timely blessings flow from the mouth."
We are human and will on occasion react to situations negatively or unwisely. We are works in progress and, thankfully, God continues molding us into who he wants us to be. But even on our bad days, it is possible to continue speaking love to those around us. How? By consistently being in God's word and allowing Him to live and speak through us. The more we know God and spend time with him, the more our words will reflect him to those around us.
Suggested prayer: Dear God, I ask that you would be the source of my words and actions at all times. May I continually reflect you to those I encounter. I ask that you give me wisdom and that you would guard my tongue from anything that is not from you. Allow me to know you more so that my life will be guided by your Word and love. Let others see and hear you in me I pray. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. In Jesus' name. Amen."
James 3:8-12 (NIV).
Today's Encounter was written by: Crystal B.
NOTE: If you would like to accept God's forgiveness for all your sins and His invitation for a full pardon Click on: http://www.actsweb.org/invitation.php. Or if you would like to re-commit your life to Jesus Christ, please click on http://www.actsweb.org/decision.php to note this.
Daily Encounter is published at no charge by ACTS International, a non-profit organization, and made possible through the donations of interested friends. Donations can be sent at: http://www.actscom.com
ACTS International P.O. Box 73545 San Clemente, California 92673-0119 U.S.A.
Phone: 949-940-9050 http://www.actsweb.org
Copyright (c) 2016 by ACTS International.
When copying or forwarding include the following: "Daily Encounter by Richard (Dick) Innes (c) 2005-2023 ACTS International
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libidomechanica · 1 year
A thou art nothing mourning, glad power
A rispetto sequence
Walked I may not why I’m floor’d by the dark webs, her precede there was— at length, beneath to me, whose love passed severend beside you for
guest; dissected for a hill-flowers, rush’d sigh spear; strip a kindly believed in excelled wife. A thou art nothing mourning, glad power.
Heart know is bloom of too much glee? She might—they once more! Here all: where was no more Minerva’s footsteps back. Truth I have you and pleasuring
whereof to thee,—cresse’ in loue to west. Glad sight lame; I must of life is not do! Around it were are attack again so call ours?
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be done, who rolling and best, puzzled by us, that cats close of care. Unless she did not true, by the crowds and damn thy body.
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She way that more impervious, she was personal facility mord. Or the monstraight not now a young Bacchus, like a falcon-
eye? And the idle; hither courtesy; and wish’d faith on Lethe’s mine; and me lying wroth God in the greedy which nourish a hill.
Julia, I betimes sure, fie! —I have cause of a mile. No Caspian stupider’s bred to nurse, more the dewy grain: and as all
the Victories Young statues grew so— on than on the flying mournful was intenance gave; or his sent, too your hand is face touch of ten.
Whose now translated Hercules Furens’ into you, excelled, a kitchen the every sage this. And beside thirty mock my bosom
of all be younger lane, and all me thunderstand—be dumb as again for would it bleed.—And thought to some pretty like that Endymion!
Tis none hurt thy body keeper,— all gaze aloft, his character, or they embrace bride. The one of dunces whirl’d. Meant knight, grave Lord Coke
see Billing then the soft face young Phoebe, his death the anguish’d, or else entirely goddess, and strives too brides history is the dew!
Grace, and morning this neighborhood in my find, ill not than well nights be shocks of female kings as seldom flies. Went lays might and the other
by reflections will not be; and chessman, so God had no women, and in this there of sine quarrel untorn by night which growing!
At this swell’d as much zest unknowing was, a precious shadow, and blest when this where should way I dead. Of elves those where thee more—and Lucca,
Atheists were lose thy heart it is wonted on her, saying the might eyes are an eye—while to be seen Joanna falcon-eye?
To sees, down to me! Through even leaves claims, He surrender other reasons, And oh, her was played with eye and a Hoard steps within brief
bright down heat could realms of grief be schools, and cease on the tender aspect actor of vermeil cheek growing thus to be let it spear-grass!
Would not rest the days: and weeping pass-and-repass ere you heart, who craze, beheld, days of friend, being quite eternal bereft and the
death the imperfection, and I am, or hoary, had carried with as told. And whisper when hour: besidential; and on the gout?
And thought that kiss and active, a mother’d at my pride; heaven to draw a pure created very illuminine determinable
to pray, sweet rose, the toss look at this is times to him came from the same! Pall Mall, or our own parish. No bad corrupt by phantasms.
—For he who pass’d halfway upon me, the clock light presence had, alas! Burn, damsels! Then sobb’d methought he count thou wert a serious
elms he less change of grief be done; why wings be, and the vine-wreath my heart.—But tis a brother, last every sorrow the tends to be gods!
That very virtue high better they came family, sometimes across the silent away to that fed with greater counsel may gold. Nauseous
task of loved through my Bed, miser mind, appear; and cannot still be the porches exposed to try cross’d away it’s true stronomer.
At nigh and I shall be arcades, the unhappy stable with every word the sorrow, kiss, so let this still see the mistaken it
was there my foot conversal a sweet befell deserved stayed; knelt thy voice. To kill, for herself, not of pervious, surveys the Past dim gulf!
Oh, light. And now all on the arms, the thee with arrows too except the first, shame to bride: but you star hast thoughts abide with dangers cannot
guest, stella, thing consumed. This in that went, onwardly; for much pleased together panted striction of the hillock fount to consumed.
Drifting of the ocean,—thine in motionless. Their flame, is the strew on they passions many a wolf whom four-footed in that so waiting
splendour. May not to be kinds, not say where none and newly scorn of flesh airy first wilt the sun and white, ladies for every climb.
At than recall more brothers balance the circumstanceses? But if she was Nature? Let no damsel’s babes to last he saw I on
the few or mass. There to servile, and peace, in deepes, the mouth, from selfe despising flower, where to piercely shepherds was away?
And loathing vintage down, and mount. Serenely idleness, to shining world’s eleventy years bungle day, desire it grandame
hand: take him by conciled the high did it was a play, a heave with back.—’Tis though our of the pastry, not all be herbes or him.
But ere did not due to see the use ever godly, pious handsome a loud girl between and tasting stranger I wish on their hart
descends, and brother. At which my only this belong love: question, but one gentle Eulalie but, for this what pass’d the humanity.
I meantime never to myself shut our avenging. Thoughts.—Pronounce the tale however, now true, both fair face and the horrington and
floor, and here, the skill obey, and loyal scorch wish in open blood? And with all to play upon earth; great kindly break of Hazeldean.
If on a shade: but and loaths are life, I seems to the summer, wholly by our British drapery eyes had not, and disturbed thoughts love
of my sad? It was quiver’d, as rose, and of dark eyes flower for ought the lost influence came to speak from harm from ourses; but ah!
’ Utmost oft my ioy, faint you were green’d spirit reason stared and on the children and dame, and I expense. But laissez aller’—knight: so
ever: and silks, we seen—they call’d Paradise! Made me from duty, own’d beyond this gourmand possession ever: as it mattery?
Grim rear to mourney, where are all the true, by the gout—taste, hate, if not I, my deem’d to pleased: he slow did sinking palely, an old
Rhadamant, would your like sleep my verse. The sound. All like in wet or fact, to Sorrow, Julia, I behold fall approach, all tell your fright.
Juan yet the upheld of cruelties. And by them, and the side be very one would not find sinks, and old sacred piece with me, choice; I
was kill, yet in insider as he as wax and my earth I have needs a genials, and cut of tearest the mountained let me wheels.
So starv’d a cousin tuneful glee? Or soul! Scorn the suffering from his heaven, they were presence against us as much by bigots for
a memory, there I did not was placing tower, till of quince, she surface you was it man, oh Jack! Or free, but heart. Or the night.
To his no light. That before peopled on this your great ruby while I say, to win an idleness, no doubt extremes over breath—one
gentle have thy hours’ time I ne would be revolving immortal eyes light, the queen: my life: His her, Lady Blanche: twas Bacchus talk of.
And as the Apostles’ cure, fie! Next, that herse, they mouthed then were not let they twain self-love wit. Or, on so thou believe thy proceed the
years having glance liberty is beauty I dead let the knew, and placed myself and forth fresh Amaryllis, she is, your through the hill.
—I love or garden appeared. Tender blesse not now hast worth do grow more of the songs to endued, behold! And we do for last: I must
pine after; and cripples, but remotest pretty babe was the courage hotly pleased without a bridegroom to reuert, the wide pinion crown!
The grace to gained: but she meadow’d as who save time is Dido, dead pastry, not that the married—who, while Psyche, so conceal thinking
in the brough all-suffices from my arbour manage and hither prancing with me? To more, at leads of things he said it not skill. Blessed.
Midas, thought in proper glory, the your deed but she thing girl’s mocking in a manger reasons on earthly come and being summer
help Thou sharpness moan and I should saw her gentle heaven of Gold! Which he walks as the night was they thus danger culls unfaded grave.
Of heauie her gave heart. You shall dust attune swift frae ’boon taste, I heart have been. I don’t hint, reckon’d witch’d far like to Do. I knew not to
as truer of mercurial skimm’d—and dogs lie still wilt come, when she’s malicious she endeavour, when we maun part, so God, or there.
Sparkling dry. Her pious, but clear pig, arose fault, that famine eyes have been thunder so much store there in his streets at it is head
to my heart is no more and on the airiesthood moan; half sight; like a Frisbee, love, whether lane she girls and thinks less the Grenvilles?
He fountains married, affronting be? For the basking up alive arms so pleasure, but one heart and takes my Muses, at last of friendless
eyes flattered, or chearful blushes forsaken up a lie: thou, and a duteous, best. Remember’s face&see a good mien, not the tears.
They came a man’s footsteps of what I could. Not find, and love I’d rather come and places are very one to make his part from him
sitting evil was the tree; if being, lulled the day he truth, I should affairs is gold the days of the seen Joanna falcon-eye?
I would run fast flatter’d; but ill between more. That word? Its tender’d from thee—ponder still thy dance followed men riverse of ladies, and
then with an image in the view’d a skyey manifold, no bad, the world’s father individe tonightly votes all my eyes, that, rolls tight?
That since thy posting its bottom of thy those politician, was who bound stumbling Fame did children, grown minerals, married boy was care.
And so happy herself from woe now my stabs, while than a waves on them freeborn nature. A kerchief required some grounded sole again.
In what what other self-love harpy. It is iron-pointing melodies will beginning of my business and on the fire, hast as
if my face, not forth that wings costly for a vent to thing and sat by mead a sound me, but on glass; where is well remain forego it.
They trod, on spared at man, comes and well: that the paradise, ’ which souls are, he dreams, goodnight. So deep enchas’d within Oneself—To Do, not
once to this like Anthology of summon day; and speak not grief is done of hotel because forgiven meteors; then the spheres.
Or tiny both dead, my friends to set some lives’ my father, he scawled still entirely he white, empty hoary hawks may breast flourish
beginning is more them. No, no, t is upper too though too later. Silence gins blue and was draughters are their name to dive it.
With crown, shuddered his right most she altar beams, good could never digg’d the grace by to-morrow where me, on her, bring from the summer ere
benumb that cross they evermore dear the rose much pique he spoken it is whole night virtue clock to the ground in bough. But if a mind.
But she younger matrons converse. -Forgive rule noon—when show John but taught the springs are at once me, he many mean—I have to be
scorn drew morning the sunflowers; and the souls wound, melody! On you may half my hearts to marriage- bed. Also observice of Tom.
Heroes golden; in a flower than compelled maimed, by his wear it. And learnt him of which is not living on its virtue’s in that’s new
Napoleon front of a young prudent, refuse the heard the four name; the kingly sweetest I have seen trees and still; she whole more she love!
And those turn out of breath, thought have deeds and bignes above has mine, far upward her life shall shall well rest. That water’s wed you the appeared,
a dozen the woman sidewalk, he wintry dwell, all in the little talk without brain shade, our source of Bow Strength of love, whose lips?
Know, With a creative lands, no Muse showers of the grand Napoleon of rustice you smiles entertain wheretofore the sonnets,
for a spiration; since he child, as Eldon one, whether and went. Since it safe shall riddle’s shall begins blushings; and happier St.
Wall and thereas in slumber the day would see numbering from the sand ye with is flash and gazed Westminstrelsy! Yet a girlond Oliue
but swell as not her fallen birth I wanton maid, I love to piddle with falls the day was approachinery and the tombs of tears.
Remember dead: he inquired it giveness, a little talk of mine, that more: their little rivers of sober from too swell as
sweetness, and knotted then this way, o’erchange these rudimentary to be conscious fear with side, which passion. Bird skulls in brief be so?
And me with me, lesson by the sense he who lovely Davies. Both upon me, she spirit floureth in her emption for the fairy
flight, which, or charity. To make a symphony&in a strange is a sprouting necessor her speechless born I loathsome milderness.
Of the ride my best; and wins the knots of the secret of the tiding in the ocean-stream had Horace, for one worths sure was to the
dead, and had and day of the beauty throne, arising word I have a-year. Poor lofty cedars are few the for too high Jove’s sea?
And, why not what it had last kissed. I wandering for thing, lone, peona of though refine, which serve held into this leapfrogs a situation
slew men with sike Phoebe, no arise the tragedie. How them when we shall matter;—a dread; yet knowing guide the who, no—which kill!
By the peals upon and little which, though the tide. Of travel for a years down her should Colt, they say the Lion, posterity and
cannot choose of the Piggy-wig stood the will, then blowing homely tinge of being by no more her blended to fury, or Parrot.
All eyes; and were preference as t’ other warm, that female herse, let soon before Jove’s right touch obey. Such desolation, with a
sweets appear’d spreads mess that thee blesse, and in Derisions the twin open first nine, when Arthur’s bright, but ever with his Plight shame. ’ With men.
Thus Heaven’t gone. Love had in the sigh’d, or as conside these and to free in scantly met. The you art those here, walked with hearts are he not
as thou others; other ways knows melted by the told me for plays of jubilee to writ inward garden to marked scorn to have do?
Of female nearer hero, as she, my wife was was leaves whit, e the plague purbling reigners bower’ in Moore Petrarchs to her day by
the presented on my hear nor wife, I pray, the lawn, or clichés. To light it is thine eyes mine, my Friends with the sex and she have lost.
Of accident—whose our eye for my own generous, but are on every virtue’s shook to necessariest was no mirthful remember
three descent, with you! So string, and o’er, as house of the proportion new-made her Remember, o’er the reverse. Mute admiring sun.
I recline, which peril among the married days: and daunger fellow’d free; if I have seen, half a hardly she uplands so true isle.
But what matter book’s the devote thy Purpose brides bare ours, bright, alone, while it chanced my casual task, the plaine; for tell of my heart.
The sea see Billing Lips open’d him. Nor play, but disting, when once more chaste, and in motion, and obedient surprise your priority
where is colders by the had not only one drew from me, with toying of such a sabbath; only one lay hidden before.
Then he wisest often, when I heart it is thy kiss the had not, which from solitary the groaning, he tripping his hardly quaft
in this spring them the hill. Had Adeline, wither good does me hotly pleased with your Highness a battles bow; oh Thou too, he bed.
Views thinners whelpless, aghast. For on the bless curl of these are in peace, and follow was kill your convey so subject of hope wherefore
threde so beguiles, and then you can do; nobleme. When the summer bed: then felt but we may parts ye. To give me of Heaven’s goal.
His lips falter’d faith a long with me, and her you, all of their own: A conqueror at hour, give tedious black hairs is the stray a
fortune? Her vigour in me in low in beautiful and more him, and devoutly wise with your live, and wears they catch they laid, my Friend.
This marry, but into the past so witles indulgences all, the children—happines, as once against duns! With thinks teares, full
drove and choose: would undisturbed in a batter other west, still then, was they are all happy he weak our door those be watery load.
Or weep a shade of his swimming years, in their case was made; and, a sun-flower. Close of war: a happy worst shall I castling, while yet
you moved buds; but fire too well ourse, maie, the thou contains went, unable question, which is not under— if thou made his pomp and despair!
Thereby beams, golden blood! Left me in open to stand what he canvas up, although I have slays might of mortals each common the
foreshadows of lights be still as no little ridden roar throught trumpet perchance for little sick, and soft cool and haste life’s in Germanent.
Care but in the poor could folly. It had pretty poets and for a pale impossible Love, your my heart names of the higher. And
scatter of sorrow for evening up Pallas she hand in other health go untoward part: and taught by changed; and my marriage; and pale.
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madewithonerib · 1 year
Dealing with Doubt P1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 | Tim Mackie [Psalm 73:1-28]
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Psalm 73:1-28 | Surely GOD Is Good to Israel ¹ A Psalm of Asaph.  Surely GOD is good to Israel —to those who are pure in heart. ² But as for me —my feet had almost stumbled; my steps nearly slipped. ³ For I envied the arrogant—when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
   ⁴ They have no struggle in their death; their    bodies are well-fed. ⁵ They are free of the    burdens others carry; they are not afflicted    like other men.
⁶ Therefore pride is their necklace; a garment of 𝘃𝗶𝗼𝗹𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺. ⁷ From their prosperity 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗲𝗲𝗱𝘀 𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗾𝘂𝗶𝘁𝘆; 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 hearts run wild.
⁸ They mock & speak with malice; with arrogance they threaten oppression. ⁹ They set their mouths against the Heavens, & their tongues strut across the Earth. ¹⁰ So their people return to this place & drink up waters in abundance.
¹¹ The wicked say, “How can GOD know? Does the MOST HIGH have knowledge?”  ¹²  Behold,  these are the wicked—always carefree as they increase their wealth.
    ¹³ Surely in vain I have kept my heart pure;         in innocence I have washed my hands.
¹⁴ For I am afflicted all day long & punished every morning. ¹⁵ If I'd said, “I will speak this way,” then I would have betrayed YOUR children.
    ¹⁶ When I tried to understand all this, it     was troublesome in my sight ¹⁷ until I     entered GOD’s sanctuary; then I discern     -ed their end. ¹⁸ Surely YOU set them on     slick ground; YOU cast them into ruin.
¹⁹ How suddenly they are laid waste, completely swept away by terrors! ²⁰ Like one waking from a dream, so YOU, O LORD awaken and despise their form. ²¹ When my heart grieved and I was pierced within, ²² I was senseless & ignorant; I was a brute beast before YOU.
    ²³ Yet I am always with YOU; YOU hold my     right hand. ²⁴ YOU guide me with YOUR     counsel, and later receive me in glory.
²⁵ Whom have I in Heaven but YOU? And on Earth I desire no one besides YOU. ²⁶ My flesh & heart may fail, but GOD is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
    ²⁷ Those far from YOU will surely perish;     YOU destroy all who are unfaithful to YOU.
²⁸ But as for me, it is good to draw near to GOD. I have made the LORD GOD my refuge, that I may proclaim all YOUR works.
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1.] Praying Through Doubt
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I have made the sovereign LORD my refuge; I will tell all of YOUR deeds!
Hey guys How you doing? Welcome to the door of hope; it's good to have you here, we're continuing in our series called The Language of Prayer.
I couldn't even remember the name of the series we're in right now, Psalms the language of Prayer & for 3 months in fact we've been in the series..
We have been turning week after week using different Psalms that speak to different life circumstances we're in; & kind of the whole basis was for the summer calling the whole Church to prayer—to cultivate the practice & the disciplines.
Not the happiest word, but an accurate word because prayer very much feels like a struggle or a discipline for most of us
And how to do it in different life circumstances are about to be overtaken by your circumstances or just be overtaken by emotion.
How do you learn the practice of praying through your life experiences of reflecting on them and processing them, pouring out the whole mess in front of GOD?
We've also been highlighting week after week: The place the Psalms give to our emotions in our prayer.
And we're focusing tonight on Psalm 73, which is how Assaph, one of the priestly singers and choir singers in Israel's ancient Temple..
This poem is connected with him & he prayed thru in a crisis & not just an emotional crisis but both an emotional & intellectual crisis in his life.
He has extreme crisis of doubt.
     Doubt which I'm sure none of us have ever      been there, so he's here speaking to these      universal human experiences; and what we      have here is so amazing!!
You just heard it read. I want to just draw attention to the fact for all of us that we are reading the Bible
     when we read Psalm 70 somehow people's      words doubting GOD have become GOD's      words to doubting people
And yes I did make that up & I'm quite proud of it, but again, so we just kind of read it: “Oh yeah it is the Bible whatever..”
No dude think about that!
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The Bible contains within itself resources for doubting & processing through your doubts about everything the Bible says.
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Do you understand the significance of that?
This is very profound.
In other words, the Scriptures themselves recognize that this is all actually quite difficult to believe in the first place & so we include the experiences of people struggling to believe the same things GOD's people have been trying to believe through the millennia..
And it's in the first line of this prayer:
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   “Surely GOD is good,” he begins with a statement    of faith & then he goes on to talk about how he's    not sure he can buy it anymore then he talks about    how he prayed through that experience
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And so you know, I'm not sure I need to do a lot of work to convince us this Psalm is relevant because I'm guessing most of us have been here before.
And for different reasons as we're gonna see the sources of his doubt are complex, and usually the sources of our crisis of doubt are complex too.
But this is profound.
   it's a beautiful prayer that has huge huge    resources to offer any of us who are in a    crisis of doubt.
We find ourselves there regularly or have been in one, or you haven't yet—just be patient because it is coming right?
It's coming, that's just part part & parcel of the deal & so let's dive in. What we're gonna do is we are go -ing to see a very profound way about how Asaph unpacks the source of his doubt.
It has a lot to teach us about what our doubts are & where they come from & I think even more import -antly, he explores with us about what to do with it
How to process through them & address our doubts —so we've got ground to cover you guys ready for action? Alright sweet.
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