#preying rn
yourlowkeyidiot3 · 2 months
>>Trying to find an aroace character in a media that isn't a side character / a character that only showed up once in an episode and never again
>> after years I actually manage to find one that is one of the main characters
>> the fandom ships them with everyone and sexualises the hell out of them
>> they use the "but aroace can still date and fuck!" excuse, which is valid as fuck but
>>the character is implied to not want/do that. Because while yes some aroace do have/want relationships, others don't.
>>they still use some kind of excuse to continue it
>>When I, an aroace person with no interest in a relationship, decide to speak up about the discomfort that causes me I get sushed and told that I get too mad over a fictional character
>>yea I do acknowledge they're a fictional character, yea I do acknowledge that I can't just magical make them stop shipping and sexualising them. Cuz they're not real after all. What bothers me is that it's a common and popular thing in the fandom. I wouldn't had minded it if there wasn't so much of it, especially cause they're so many other characters they can sexualise and ship. And that while they're a fictional character, their sexuality isn't. Aroace people exist. Aroace people that don't want relationships or sex exist. By taking this one character with the little rep we have, and sexualising the hell out of them even tho they don't want this kind of stuff. It really gives me a good look that you don't actually think we're real. That everyone has to want sex, that everyone wants to be in a relationship.
>>it gets even worse cause they get pissed when the lesbian character is shipped with a man. Valid as fuck. I do too. But when it's the aroace character... it's suddenly okay?
>>they don't care so why do I even bother
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soosoosoup · 3 months
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A full naps rest
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l3viat8an · 9 months
Nsfw ❤︎………..thinkin’ about how much Diavolo would love hunter / prey play- cw: afab reader, roleplay ‘dubcon’, you two are fuckin’ in the wood btw + I think that’s it! tho it’s 1am so this is just me typing thots-
It feels so natural for Diavolo, such a powerful demon enjoying the chase, tracking down and overpowering his helpless little human pet.
He loves being rougher, more aggressive during it.
Pinning you against a tree, tearing your clothes off biting ‘n letting his nails leave little scratches on your skin. All while whispering the filthiest things in your ear, asking if you wanted to get caught? and ofc you did-
He’ll fuck you hard, one of his big hands on your hip and the other around you neck. Keeping you pinned in place while he ruts into you.
Diavolo’s voice a low growl when he talks right by your ear, “You like this don’t you, little one? Tsk I know you do, you keep sucking me back in. Your body is begging for more.”
Feeling your body tremble against his, watching your expressions change, the way you attempt to fight back to keep ‘the hunt’ as real as possible, it all fascinates him.
He’ll play along too- saying he caught you, now, it’s only right he mark you as his….inside and out as he cums inside.
After he’s so gentle with you, mumbling sweet praise as he carries you back to the castle. Promises of a hot bath and tea waiting for you <3
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peachdues · 2 months
I’m horny so I’m making it everyone’s problem BUT
sincerely thinking about Werewolf!Sanemi’s first time experiencing Netherwood!Reader’s ovulation week and losing his damn mind
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redularium · 2 days
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oughh Hollis my beloved EVER . i LOVE HER SOOOO MUCH guys
Uhh more luctopus YAY but on PAPER . i was gonna digitize these but i didnt because i uhh do not have object permanence or whatever . ive MOVED ON its already been done did 💥💥
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Hollis is ummmm i dunno . she’s MIND CONTROLLED???? HOLLIS NOOOO☹️
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imminent-danger-came · 2 months
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*cheers in chess master Ezran*
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sealdeer · 3 months
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What tf do they put into scientist characters that make them so easy to put into Vore scenarios???
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seqviz · 2 years
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prey 2017 is pretty neat actually
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bk-179 · 4 months
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(this is in-universe too, let my man discover Ms paint and happiness. Strawberry has a fursona too and they do art trades with eachother)
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fat-rolls-frictions · 11 months
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something low effort for my @northern-passage 's hunter, Sabel Tang. figured i deserve some fun personal art without worrying too much about presentation 🫶
find my tip jar in pinned <3
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senseearly · 22 days
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"Look. All your friends have left."
Or it was the demon who told Msrn that his friends 'disappeared' in the dungeons.
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I'm in the process of proofreading my Comte 7th bday event translation. However. I had to say it because reading the english version of the Impossible Choices event KILLED ME WHERE I SAT:
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Also because it was hot as hell:
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I think Comte deserves to be a little violent. As a treat (for me)
I will also never get over Vlad going AND MAKE IT STRAWBERRY at pretty much everything and Comte just "Can you be an adult. About anything. For like 3 minutes." Meanwhile I'm with MC where I just find it lowkey hilarious. Realizing now as I write about it that Comte, Vlad, and MC just feel like Comte and MC are the dad and mom humoring an overzealous child, and something about that is freaking uproarious to me. I was sitting there like "where have I heard/seen that tone in Comte before" and then it hit me like a ton of bricks (as if he doesn't run a whole house, don't look at me I'm a 🤡)
I find it all kinds of adorable that Comte's playful and silly only when he's alone with MC, makes it feel special in a way--like he's comfortable sharing because it's her. I also think it's cute because he often manages to find a way to spin it into something that ends up being fun/sweet/thoughtful towards MC, which is just delightful. I feel like when Vlad comes in he gets a lil grumpy and jealous and retreats into himself a bit, like his private time with MC was stolen 😚
I still chortle about the Honeymoon event where Vlad gave MC a bouquet of flowers to celebrate their wedding day, and the way it felt like Comte wanted to trash them 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 it was so unbelievably funny. Like it was so clear he didn't want to ruin MC's gift, you know, be mature and let her have this. But also. REEEEEEEE M Y MC 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Deleted footage of Comte the second Vlad offered her flowers:
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Also, spoilers for the Epilogue that left me clutching my pearls MC GIANT MOOD, I LOVE HIM:
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peachdues · 2 months
predator/prey!AU but while the predator has his knot locked inside you, you get to cuddling and talking and genuinely enjoying each other’s company
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sillygaydeer · 4 months
You can keep me on a muzzle and leash and spiked collar but never forget I’m still a hungry predator and the second you let your guard down you’ll feel my maw around that pathetic prey neck of yours
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bubblybloob · 2 months
Hello there! The name's Windy. I wanted to let you know that I really appreciate you being here on this app. I just recently got all achievements for Slay The Princess. I'd known about StP for a bit but wasn't planning on actually getting it until I saw your posts. If it wasn't for you and a few other creators I wouldn't have played such a phenomenal game. Thank you for introducing me to one of my favorites.
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Lil’ ol me?
You have no idea how unbelievably happy this makes me feel, how stuff like this makes me feel. I’m just a random stp artist, I would have never thought my silly little posts would have made people buy the game, let alone affect them in any way! Like way back when with that other ask about the Skeptic Opportunist comic!
You’re welcome for introducing you to the game, and thank YOU for making my day.
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